Heart to Heart: Episode 4

This show has gone from “slow and a bit dragging” to “hilarious yet heart-tugging” in the space of one short week, and I’m loving every second of it. It’s been a long time since I laughed this hard, and the humor is so offbeat and quirky that I’m constantly taken by surprise. But that’s not all the show gives us, and there are plenty of tears and emotional confessions in store as well. Some pretty big cats get let out of the bag in this episode, and at least one green-eyed monster shows up to throw a wrench into things. Some wrenches aren’t bad though, in fact they can be pretty damn amazing…


Now this is my kind of cold open — Yi-seok and Hong-do lying in bed, looking at each other with a sense of wonder and tentatively reaching out to touch. Then we see a simple montage of still shots, all of them of Yi-seok and Hong-do snuggling in bed. They’re very definitely unclothed, and very definitely happy.

Back where we left off, Yi-seok urges Hong-do to Doo-soo’s door to say good morning, but when she finally sees him and gets up her nerve, what she says instead is, “Detective Jang, I like you.” Smiling, Doo-soo takes a step towards her, but she runs out of there like her hair is on fire, with Yi-seok laughing after her.

Hong-do doesn’t stop until she’s safe at home, and she gets a call from Yi-seok calling her to breakfast so they can dissect what just happened. She does, but calls him from outside the bakery, too shy to go in, and he has to go out and coax her in (and by “coax” I mean “drag by the helmet”).

Hong-do insists on sitting half hidden in a ficus tree, and Yi-seok tells her that he’s determined that her fear is actually created by her blushing, rather than the other way around. He points out that she can talk to men if she wants to badly enough, which he assumes means her original fear was created by a woman.

As he chatters, Hong-do just quietly despairs, then she lashes out at Yi-seok to take responsibility for the fact that she said the wrong thing. He’s shocked but amused that she actually told Doo-soo that she likes him. They relocate to Yi-seok’s office where he instructs Hong-do to say it again to him, so he can see how Doo-soo must have felt.

Hong-do re-enacts what happened and Yi-seok gets a bit twitchy at how it affects him, but he makes her repeat the words, “I like you” over and over. Hee. He claims he feels nothing (sure, keep telling yourself that, sweetie), so Hong-do assumes Doo-soo must have felt nothing.

But he calls her right then, and Yi-seok wrestles the phone from her to tell Doo-soo to pretend this morning never happened. Doo-soo asks why he always answers Hong-do’s phone and how he knows what happened, saying that he feels like they’re messing with him.

Yi-seok tells him to think of it as being included in some experiments, and at that, Hong-do attacks him for her phone. Doo-soo can hear them grappling for the phone, but Yi-seok just chatters that she’s only embarrassed about this morning.

Detective Yang sits with Doo-soo after Yi-seok hangs up on him, noting his bleak expression and assuming he had a fight with his newly-arranged fiancee. They have two different conversations as Doo-soo muses about Hong-do’s strange behavior and Yang talks about the fiancee, until Doo-soo finally barks at him and chases him off.

Shielded from his ear-ringing symptoms by Hong-do’s presence, Yi-seok has a consultation with the little elderly lady, who talks on and on about her son. The problem is, she seems to think he’s right there in the room and only twelve years old, and even feeds a bottle of juice to the empty space next to her, spilling it on the floor.

Yi-seok gently tells her there’s no twelve-year-old boy in the room with them, and the confused look on the woman’s face is heartbreaking. He informs her that she’s got a delusional disorder, and asks if she’s stopped taking her medicine.

Later, Dr. Uhm storms into the office, angry that Yi-seok made the patient cry. He counters that she should have known the woman wasn’t taking her meds, and that it’s irresponsible to let her keep her delusion just because she’s not dangerous. Dr. Uhm says he’s being like this because of his unresolved feelings about his own mother, and he shoots back that she’s the one with mother issues, not having one herself. Ouch.

Yi-seok takes Hong-do to a fancy restaurant, but gripes when she refuses to take off her helmet. He gets a bottle of wine to celebrate her confession, promising he won’t drink any himself. Hong-do, on the other hand, downs her glass in one go and pours another. Yi-seok tells her to pace herself and says he’s NOT driving her home.

Hong-do grumbles over the way he treated the grandmother, saying he has no love in his heart, and Yi-seok snarks that she must be positively overflowing with love the way she so easily confessed to Doo-soo. He asks why she likes him so much, but she just gulps her second glass of wine.

Hong-do insists that she likes absolutely everything about Doo-soo, and that she’s getting treatment because, without him, her life would be meaningless. Yi-seok’s annoyance at her answer reveals his jealousy, though he resists downing his own glass of wine.

Aw, Hong-do is such a cute, happy drunk, as Yi-seok leads her to her scooter after dinner. Her helmet is too heavy and keeps tipping her over, but she insists she can drive herself home. Yi-seok hangs onto her until the designated driver arrives, who complains that he can’t control a scooter and a drunk passenger, but Yi-seok cheerfully turns her over to him and drives away.

Cut to: Yi-seok driving Hong-do home. HAHA. He doesn’t know where she lives, but she’s way too drunk to tell him before she passes out. She keeps slumping over onto him and he keeps shoving her back to her side of the car, whining about what an ugly drunk she is.

Hong-do wakes up the next morning in a strange bed, completely disoriented until she recalls some vague memories of Yi-seok carrying her to his place and dumping her on his bed. Oh no, she even vomited on his white carpet in the process. Horrified, she quickly grabs her stuff and high-tails it out of there.

He calls her as she’s leaving to tell her where to find her scooter, chiding her for her vulgar drunken behavior (though there’s no heat behind his complaints). He’s at his family home and Hong-do hears him talking to Butler Ahn, which reminds her she’s late for work.

Hong-do quickly dresses in her disguise and rushes to work, cursing her hangover headache. She runs into Yi-seok outside the house and quickly hides her face, and overhears him telling Dr. Uhm that he’ll take her to the nursing home later to talk to the elderly woman again.

With a lead on the guy who broke into Yi-seok’s office, Doo-soo and Yang go to his house to talk to him, Doo-soo going around back to head the guy off as he tries to sneak out. The idiot makes a jump for it, hurting himself in the thirty-foot fall.

Doo-soo takes a call from Se-ro, who’s upset that he was cleared of responsibility in her complaint, but they’re interrupted by Yang screaming about getting dog poop on his shoe. Se-ro mishears and thinks Doo-soo called her “dog poop,” but he denies it and apologizes. She’s in no mood to be mollified, and says that she’s filing another complaint against him.

Hong-do gets a dressing-down from the housekeeper for being late and smelling like alcohol, and spends her time with the chairman covering her mouth to hide the odor. He assumes her reluctance to talk is because she’s uninterested in his book, and when she sprays herself with perfume he takes offense, assuming she thinks he smells bad, and he fires her.

Yi-seok finds out that the thief has been caught, but that all but one of his gold heart collection has been sold. He’s upset, but he’s more interested in finding out what Doo-soo thinks of Hong-do’s confession. Doo-soo asks if testing herself that way really helps her, and Yi-seok tells him that it’s mean to let her keep liking him.

Se-ro is on the set of a sageuk drama, where she’s playing a starving beggar. In her scene she receives a bowl of food from a wealthy homeowner, but when she sits to eat it, the mush reminds her of Doo-soo saying “dog poop” and she hesitates. Suddenly she’s imagining his voice repeating,”Dog poop, dog poop, DOG POOOOOP!” She tries to eat but spits the food out, her scene once again ruined by Doo-soo.

On his drive home, Doo-soo calls his fiancee to discuss plans for their honeymoon, though she’s obviously much more excited than he is. He can’t even think of an answer when she asks what he likes about her. He’s disappointed to find that Hong-do hasn’t brought him any snacks today, looking up and down the street for a glimpse of her. Awww.

Hong-do as walks home, disappointed at being fired, when Yi-seok calls. She doesn’t notice Doo-soo walking right behind her, headed to her place but not recognizing her in the grandma disguise. She nearly makes a huge mistake by asking Yi-seok about going to the nursing home, which she overheard while dressed in disguise, but she’s spared having to explain how she knew about that when Doo-soo calls out to her.

He assumes she’s an elderly lady visiting Hong-do, which makes it even funnier when she breaks out into a pretty spritely run to get away from him (and cute, Yi-seok grouches when she hangs up on him because he didn’t want to eat dinner alone). Doo-soo catches Hong-do when her wig flies off, and she cringes when he recognizes her.

Yi-seok takes Yeon-woo to a convenience store to eat, claiming that these kinds of lowbrow dates are part of the breaking-up process. She tells him she’s getting married, but he’s too busy dissecting why she’s marrying someone else to actually feel any disappointment. Yeon-woo gets fed up with his assy behavior and leaves him there.

Hong-do and Doo-soo sit in the park to talk, back-to-back so he can’t see her face. He’s amused and fascinated by her disguise, and asks what its purpose is. It’s wonderful how he compares it to a child playing make-believe, and knows that it’s why she can talk with him right now.

Hong-do tells Doo-soo that her grandmother raised her and was her only friend, and that she lived alone after she passed away. She says she was always alone in that house until she met him, making him smile. Dressing this way was the solution she came up with to go outside and learn more about him, after he caught her robber seven years ago.

Doo-soo is touched that he’s the reason she started going outside, and tells her so. He asks if her confession means she likes him as a man, which she admits. He thanks her but says that he’s afraid she’ll get hurt, because he has something to tell her… She apologizes and tells him not to be burdened by her confession, but he tells her that he’s getting married.

At home later, Hong-do stuffs her face and talks back to a quiz show, but it’s harder now to pretend that everything is all right.

Chairman Go and Yi-seok’s dad have a disagreement about the bicycle company, with Dad wanting to branch out from bicycles and the chairman telling him to do more than just talk, and draw up an actual proposal. He tells Dad to show up to work every day and he’ll listen to his ideas, since he values commitment and consistency in his employees.

Dad agrees to show up at the office but doesn’t seem all that interested in real work, nor is he interested in the fact that his family has been preparing a memorial for Yi-seok’s deceased hyung all day. He actually seems baffled why they would go to such lengths.

Yi-seok brings a huge bouquet of flowers to the house for the memorial, and asks Butler Ahn about the grandmotherly lady he saw at the house the day before. Butler Ahn says she quit, and gives him a heads-up that his father is here.

Inside, Yi-seok is greeted by the sight of his father berating his mother for not being able to let her dead son go. I think I see why she can’t stand him. Mom looks so different now that her manic phase has passed, with subdued clothing and tame hair, that she seems like an entirely different person, and she doesn’t utter a single word.

Se-ro says she’s going to an audition and for them to go to her brother’s memorial without her, griping that Mom thinks of nothing but her dead child and that she’s tired of doing this every year since she never even knew her brother. Yi-seok tells her to hush and just go with them, and turns to Dad to say that he’s one to talk since he never remembers the memorial day.

Dad asks if he’s been bringing sunflowers to his brother’s grave every year, and Yi-seok is shocked to find out that they’re Dad’s favorite flowers, and it was Mom’s way of having him be present in some small way.

Even though Yi-seok champions for his mom, he later slumps into Dr. Uhm’s office to complain about his mother’s fixation on his brother. He’s just as frustrated by his father’s lack of emotion, wondering how those two could have lost a child together and have such different reactions.

Yi-seok cheers up a little to find Hong-do, and asks her to follow him. They visit the elderly lady who’s now refusing to talk, but she’s listening because her lip quivers when Yi-seok asks if she remembers her son’s death. Hong-do notices the woman’s not wearing socks, and she gently covers her feet with a blanket against the cold. This seems to loosen something in the lady, and she starts to talk.

She says that she’s never told anyone, but the day her son died, she’d brought home bags of socks from a factory to sew and make extra money. Her son was hungry but she was distracted, so she sent him out to get himself some food. While out, he was hit by a truck and killed. Despite Yi-seok telling her it’s not her fault, she says that a mother who loses her son is a sinner and that to this day, she doesn’t wear socks because her feet never get cold.

As they leave, Hong-do takes offense to the fact that Yi-seok prescribed the woman more medicine and tells him to cancel it. She argues that the woman is only depressed because she doesn’t hallucinate her son anymore, asking if it’s so terrible to let her think her son is there and be happy.

It’s no wonder she’s so emotional about this, since she explains that she couldn’t go to her grandmother’s funeral or see her grave because of her anxiety. She cries as she says she’s forgetting her grandmother’s face, voice, and smile. She raises her voice, yelling that she would do anything to see her grandmother again, and leaves Yi-seok standing there. But after she leaves, a nurse comes out to ask Yi-seok if he meant to prescribe only simple vitamins to the lady.

Se-ro storms into the police station and dumps an entire bag of dog poop on Doo-soo’s desk. Okay gross, and HAHAHA. She says that she’s repaying him for ruining her shoot, like for like. I kind of love her, and the way she swans out of there like a queen.

Hong-do goes to Doo-soo’s place, and witnesses him and his fiancee after a date, as the girl basically invites herself in. Poor super-literal Doo-soo is baffled, and I see why he’s still single when he doesn’t pick up that her request for ramyun is just an excuse to get inside.

It starts to pour, but Hong-do doesn’t notice. She stands outside Doo-soo’s apartment telling herself it’s just this one last time and she’ll never come back. She says goodbye to all the familiar spots outside his place that she knows so well, and even the driving rain can’t hide the tears coursing down her face.

Yi-seok calls her to tell her to come to his home quickly or he’ll drink, and she’s soaked and pitiful by the time she shows up. She showers, coming out without her helmet, and it’s cute how fascinated he is by how she’s wrapped her hair in a towel and out of her face.

Yi-seok grills some food and teases Hong-do about her confidence around him, and I love that she gives it right back to him. And HA, he’s set out two entire packs of beer, presumably hoping she’ll get drunk again. In his first sincere compliment of their acquaintance, Yi-seok tells Hong-do that she was really good earlier with that elderly patient.

Hong-do says that she’s decided it’s over with Doo-soo, and there’s a definite hopeful glint in Yi-seok’s eyes as he asks if she’s glad he called her over. She asks if he’s ever broken up before, and he says he’s in the process of it right now. He tells her that his first goodbye was with his brother, who died in a fire 14 years ago, at age twelve.

He muses that he knows one person who’s afraid to forget, and another who’s afraid to remember, clearly talking about his parents. He sighs that even with their different reactions, they all have one thing in common: loneliness.

Yi-seok snaps out of his own head and says he needs a beer, but Hong-do tries to take it from him and reminds him that he asked her to help him not drink. Yi-seok stops for a moment, then yanks the beer (and Hong-do) closer. He says almost dreamily that her face is really red, then reaches out to touch her lips.

When Hong-do allows the contact, Yi-seok cups her cheek and lightly kisses her forehead. Again she allows it, and his eyes look into hers for permission before leaning in for a real kiss. And another. He sets the beer aside and stands Hong-do for a longer, deeper kiss, and soon she’s reciprocating enthusiastically as they take each other’s clothes off and tumble into bed.


What an interesting turn of events to say the least, and how refreshing to see adults in a drama, acting like adults. Unfortunately, as great as those kisses (and more!) were, I don’t think that at this point Yi-seok and Hong-do sleeping together has anything to do with love, but with the theme of this episode… loneliness.

Obviously, Hong-do has lived a very lonely life if it’s true that she’s only ever had her grandmother as a friend, and that she was so crippled by anxiety that she’s literally never left the house as an adult without either a disguise or her helmet. It’s amazing that she’s as comfortable with Yi-seok as she is, enough to get in his face and talk back and tell him when he’s wrong. It’s not love, or even emotional awareness yet, for her. She’s tired of being lonely, and tired of feeling judged and rejected — and even though this man makes fun of her and even laughs at her, he does one very special thing: He accepts her as she is.

And in his way, Yi-seok is as lonely, or maybe even more so, than Hong-do. At least her loneliness has an internal reason that she can overcome if she works hard enough. But Yi-seok is lonely within his own family, and it sounds like things have been that way ever since his hyung died. Mom is locked in the past, practically ignoring her surviving children in her grief over the lost one. And Dad is so afraid to feel anything real, he barely even thinks of his firstborn son at all. No wonder everyone in the family is estranged and hostile with each other, except for Yi-seok and his mother, who only seem to have a good relationship when she’s in a bipolar upswing. His family is about as dysfunctional as it gets, which goes to show that just having a family doesn’t mean you aren’t alone in the world.

So I can imagine that meeting someone who simultaneously needs him, yet tells him when he’s being a colossal ass, is quite a new experience for Yi-seok. He’s so used to being in charge that having Hong-do get in his face and tell him when he’s wrong has got to be as frustrating as it is fascinating. Which is what I love about how he looks at her — like she’s this baffling, amusing, amazing creature that so fascinates him, he doesn’t even mind that he doesn’t understand her. She’s so much fun for him to observe and interact with, that he’s now just creating situations in which to see her, and pouting and acting out when he can’t.

So, while I don’t think that either Yi-seok or Hong-do are romantically interested in each other at this point, I do think they feel a subconscious attraction, enough to come together to ease their individual loneliness. I’m worried about Hong-do’s morning-after reaction, because aside from the fact that this was most certainly her first time, I don’t think she even thought of Yi-seok that way until that moment when he pulled her close and looked at her that way. I do think it’s obvious that Yi-seok has been feeling some attraction for a while now, whether or not he actually realized it, because he’s exhibited multiple clear signs of jealousy for her feelings for Doo-soo. Not to mention, he blocks every phone call from Doo-soo and does his best to keep them apart. But, given that this night happened because of loneliness more than anything else, I do think there will be some backpedaling and awkwardness on both sides while they try to reconcile what they’re really feeling. I’m perfectly happy if that takes them quite a while to work out, as long as it involves lots and lots (and lots!) more sexy kisses.


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This is why I like watching cable dramas, kisses and more kisses. Not just a simple kiss but a hot one lol.

Though can't find english sub for ep 3 and 4. But thanks to DB recaps I can understand what happened hehe.

Thanks LollyPip!!!


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Viki has them and if you can't get Viki then Dramabay.com also has them.


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It was hilarious on Viki with the timed comments because as soon as they started kissing it was like everyone had a collective meltdown with the WTFs flying everywhere... i had to pause just then, regain my composure - i was squealing soooo much! - and then keep going! i was just so unexpected and sooo cool. She wasn't dressed up, her hair was in a towel, she's wearing sweatpants and he was still looking at her like that *melts*


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Yes, I watched on Viki too and the timed comment response was awesome! Sometimes timed comments can be annoying, but at their best they really give you a wonderful sense of watching with a community of viewers who are squeeing just as hard as you are, and at the same things.


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absolutely! plus you notice so many more things :) its like commenting on here... you are with a community of awesome people who are into the same things as you... even if we do disagree every once in a while haha


I watch Viki on my Smart TV normally so no timed comments (or account login either) but I will say when we got to that part I was saying things certain things OUT LOUD in shock.


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Lucky for guys. Viki is not available in my country T_T


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Not in mine but I use hola unblocker (extension/app for browser) and it works perfectly. You can try it. And it works in youtube, hulu, etc, too.


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THANK YOU! hope this works for meeee


Hotdrama.net and viki.com usually have at least simple English subs as soon as they post the episodes. I know..i go every where to find subbed episodes first thing! Lol


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Darksmurf is also subbing this. All the lines are there too, not so many blanks.


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I was about ready to write off this show as just an ok drama based on the first few episodes but episodes 3 and 4 really turned me around and now it's my current favorite show. Love it!

Thanks for the recap Lollypipster!


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I stoped after first episode, but based on the tag here I read this review...looks like I need to pick it back up! I haven't seen a drama I loved CJM in since What's Up, Fox? (One of my top ten!!!!), so I'm glad he's finally in an awesome, non-melo drama! :D


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Aww, I love CJM since What's up, fox too, one of my fave drama :DDD


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omg... I loved CJM in What's up fox? Totallly one of my top 10's also! I am totally hooked on Heart to Heart now! Hope it keeps up the good work! =)


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I know alot of people hated this drama. I find the script good and the characters likable and very human.


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For me the first few episodes were like a quirky indy movie and I quickly fell in love with the main characters. It's obvious that there are going to be very dark themes underlying the story like loss, abuse, illness and loneliness. By episode four, the characters seem so real that I cried and laughed through the whole thing. I liked seeing them comfort each other and was glad they had each other to turn too.


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I am enjoying this show so much. I actually watch each episode multiple times, which is something I rarely do. The feel and mood of it is such a joy to watch. And the kisses at the end of this episode were everything.


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I watched that open and closing scene about a billion times. What a great turn, and only 4 eps into the series.


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In that final scene, I think it could be also Hong-do who is the one afraid to forget (her grandmother) and Yi-seok whos is afraid to remember (the past).


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I am really enjoying this drama, the whole ending threw me for a loop but maybe that's what you need in a drama, for them to do something a bit different to get you thinking.


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Thanks for recap LollyPip!

Watched this episode multiple times, first raw and then in various stages of being subbed.

Love the characters - even Se-Ro the annoying sister who i can tell is going to be a big pain in Doo-soo's behind.

Hong-do and Yi-seok are fun to watch!

After that surprising and kyaaa ending kiss and more - not looking forward to the back pedalling that is to come!


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When I first saw that cold opening I thought, "Well, this has to be some sort of fake out. It's probably just a fantasy like the episode 3 cold open." Even when they started kissing I thought, "OK, we're going to see that this is just a daydream one of them is having." I couldn't believe that it was actually happening!

And yes, cable is awesome for giving us such amazing kissing scenes. It was even hot when he just pulled her to her feet!

But I definitely agree there will be backpedaling. I almost think it wouldn't be healthy if there wasn't. Or at the very least, not very realistic. But I'm loving this drama and can't wait to see where it goes!

Sidenote: just a couple nit picky thoughts I had:

1. When YS called HD and asked her to come stop him from drinking, did anyone else thought it was edited rather awkwardly when they cut to her already off the phone and crying?

2. Maybe it's because I watched it on my phone, but when YS said "Your face is really red", her face didn't seem all that red to me. Her cheeks were red, but she didn't (to me) have that full on facial flush she's gotten before.

Nothing major, of course. Just wondering if anyone else noticed these things.


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I was thinking the same thing about the opening - yeaaaah, right! And then they actually went for the consolation sex! I think I watched too many kdramas that I have forgotten that it is possible for drama characters do have sex, haa!


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yeah about the red face. He's done that before. i think he does it as a fake out because she can't see her own face and he wants her to know that someone is still attracted to her even when she is super blushing, or its not a big deal like saying, "oh you're wearing blue" and then getting on with the rest of your to do list...

Honestly from the preview I feel like he is going to say something like "it was for the sake of her treatment" which I do think is a very YS thing to say, but I will still be rolling my eyes massively!


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Guys do that sometimes. It's our way of still acting cool while trying to get intimate contact.


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That's what I think he might do too. And if he does, I shall shake my fist at him in displeasure.


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Well.. my opinion, her face was red at that time but not the whole face red, it was more like only her cheeks were red.

Oh.. I was confused also that part where he called her and then just cut to her answering the phone and crying.


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I'm still liking the show a lot but I think some things could have been better explained. Some facts were confusing for me.

I kind of don't understand YS anymore, does this show remember he tried to kill himself by the end of ep 1? He seemed really troubled in the first eps and now it's like he's just lonely and has the ringing ears, he doesn't deal with his break up, he allows one patient to keep hallucinating, he kisses another without a second glance.

Yes, I understand why they would do it even if I feel it's a big stretch for her to so comfortable around him so soon, she doesn't trust him yet, but not the how. He wasn't drunk. I needed this show to make him crazier to believe he would go this far so fast, I needed their connection to feel stronger, or just make him drunk, plenty of that in dramaland and in real life.

DS's fiance came out of the blue and YS's sister scenes are really boring and artificial for me, Grandpa has become filler too. One of the greatest qualities of Coffee Prince was that it knew it's characters and focused on them completely. Too many silly side characters in boring and unrealistic situations happen in almost every kdrama and I was hoping this show could avoid them.

I don't want the story to be lighter and funnier if doesn't make as much sense as previous episodes.


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Hi Lixie! Always a pleasure to see you in the comments thread of a show we both enjoy. I actually have a different view from you (suprise, I know!) on this episode.

I actually like that neither of them was drunk. I'm kind of tired of alcohol-fuelled first kisses in kdramas. I like that here the driver was that both of them are very lonely people, who were feeling that especially acutely in that moment (Hong Do because of losing hope with Doo Soo; Yi Seok because of his brother's death anniversary and the break-up with his girlfriend) and looking for some kind of human connection. Desperate loneliness, just as much as alcohol, can drive people to do questionable things that they regret later, and I like how this episode acknowledges that. On first viewing, I too thought the whole final scene was a stretch, but upon second watching I really appreciated it much more.

I don't find Yi Seok's "recovery" that unusual. In the first episode he was being considered as a murder suspect, and his business and reputation were ruined. With the burden of the murder accusation lifted, he's been able to pull himself together and make a new start. And from episode 3 we see that he's convinced himself that he's going to be some kind of psychiastrist phoenix rising triumphantly from the ashes; that's his coping mechanism. Plus he does periodically have talk sessions with his mentor which probably help him a bit as well. And I don't think that he really thinks of Hong Do as his patient, but more as his part-time employee/sidekick, so I see the kissing (and more!) in that light.

Totally agreed with you about the little sister though. I just don't care and her scenes feels like totally digressions from the main plot. I gather that maybe she's going to end up with Doo Soo, but really... I don't care about her. Doo Soo's fiancee was hinted at from very early on; it's just that now the show is hammering home that it's really serious and much more advanced that we might initially have thought. I assume that the thing with the grandpa will involve him falling for Grandma Hong Do at some point in time, which could be funny, maybe?


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Yes, yes and yes, Because Of Reasons!! I think my brain might be your brain's twin!!
I'm so glad to see others like this drama, I think it's very refreshing and fun, I can't wait to see what happens next.
The acting is just stellar, as is the writing.
The kissing was extra stellar!! Lol!


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Hello! Nice to meet you again in this drama thread!:) I feel with the Healer craze, which I share by the way, Binnie's arrival and the end of Pinocchio, this show isn't getting as much attention as it deserves but maybe these unexpected events in the story can increase the praise and more people will like it!

I will say, watching a lot of kdramas, it's almost like sex doesn't exist sometimes, they put so much effort into the love connection but sometimes it's something very ethereal and human beings are usually not like that. In this sense, this was another reason why I'm glad they went there so fast. :) Also, they do have good chemistry so I'm not going to complain about decent kissing in dramaland, not ever. :)

I'll watch that part again later, one thing about HtH is that it is a very easy show to replay, maybe the first time neither of them felt as emotionally vulnerable for me as they really were. The lack of proper subtitles for this show isn't helping either. It makes me mad to loose some of the dialogue!

I didn't like that actress who plays his mentor but maybe she'll be better here, I would like very much to have more scenes with his sessions if only to get a better grasp at his level of self awareness. This kind of gives me In Treatment flashbacks, it was a great show.

It will be really interesting if he doesn't see her as his patient, she clearly asked for treatment and they had a deal, the fact that she gets a discount doesn't make her less of patient but I can understand how he would fool himself to avoid dealing with the guilt. I like that idea.


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I agree with you in a lot if ways. His character seems all over the place..and not like it's his character to be like that....more that the writing is not consistent. He's a certain way because the scene needs it but the don't seem to flow well together.

My actual issue with the hook up is more that she went so far. Yes, she's upset and lonely and she's surprisingly comfortable around him. However, based on what we know of her character, I'm not even sure she'd ever been kissed before. Sleeping with him so quickly seems really surprising especially when I think of the added pressures of Korean society. It's just hard to believe for me - a make out session sure, but all the way to sex with the life she's had (and not drunk)? I just don't buy it. But I still love the real ness of the kisses and how tender he can be when he wants.

I can't stand the little sister. Waste of space.


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Yes, that was my first thought too, she was so calm. Later I thought she could be really curious about sex and physical affection in general, maybe she thought that would be a good chance to experience those things with someone that knew about her problems already. Someone she wasn't in love with could seem easier. It would also be one more step to stop obsessing about charming detective. When shows I like a lot take turns I don't believe very much, I try to combine a lot of explanations to make myself go along. :) This time I'll add those to what people above said and just wait for a very good reaction in the next episode.


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Lol, it's ok, I try to explain away things in the shows I love too. And I do really like this one! It just feels a bit more like this what what the writer waned to have them do rather than what feels true to the character.

I think it makes sense that they would find solace with each other but I don't think it would have progressed quite that far quite so quickly considering her condition, background, and cultural setting. But....who knows, you are right, the next episode may change my mind! Although I do think it will mostly be backpeddling and dealing with the consequences rather than explaining the why's.


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Thank you lollypip for the recap!! I was refreshing DB all the time to see the insights on this show. So far what you've said makes a deeper meaning for me to ponder upon. Loved it and yes it's second to my healer mania as well!! The last scene was awesome but after reading your recap I'm also feeling the back pedaling that may happen. Thanks again dramabeans!!!!


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I think the backpedaling would be a given since without it, they can end the show right then and there. I am more looking forward to Doo Soo's realization that he misses Hong Do and become conflicted with his fiance that he doesn't seem to like all that much. Let the push-pull love triangle begin!


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Thanks for the recap. I'm enjoying the show so far.


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I find it, on the contrary, quite coherent that YS is not suicidal anymore. He thought for a short while that he´s gone completely nuts, having blackouts and killing people in the mean time. It seemed a little odd at first that he´d jump to killing himself right away instead of seeking for help (and he must know a thing or two about the "help" part), but it might just be that eating pills and spending time in the asylum isn´t his idea of a time well spent, especially considering, how ridiculously proud he is, he´s just unable to accept being seriously ill (not with a problem or two).
It´s true that there are quite a lot of silly side-characters in this show, but I´m enjoying it so far and I have a feeling, that the silliness might add up to something along the way.


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Ups, sawry!

I ment to post it under Lixie!


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I think it's a reply to my post? :)

I understand he would be afraid to face up or to confess how fast he went suicidal, he doesn't want to talk about it but I have this feeling it's more than that. It's like it never happened for him, he shouldn't be so relaxed and even giddy, he should know he has serious issues right now so I wish he would behave more conflicted.

Your interpretation is that he just chose to forget what happened and that makes sense but if that's true he should still slip up sometime and the story should deal with this in the future very soon. I hope this backpedaling doesn't become just a realization that he slept with someone because he was lonely but more like he slept with a patient and it's just one more insane action in a number of crazy acts from someone who needs to stop and face his fears.


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Oh, I get where you're coming from now. I get the feeling that Yi Seok is aware that he's off-kilter, but he's in denial about it right now. But I'm sure that he knows that he's not okay, and based on these first four episodes, I'm starting to trust the show enough to believe that they will tackle that as things go on. Not sure if the "sleeping with a patient" thing will be addressed as such; I think the show is side-stepping that by making Hong Do a helper, not really a patient. But we'll have to wait and see.


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Yes, denial is strong in that one! :) I was quite surprised he was so open with her about his family history, he has no idea how much he trusts her already. Is it because she saved his life and is pretty much the only one around that he feels comfortable with and even protective about her? Well, anyway, it's really nice to see a relationship this complex right off the start instead of people getting shot by Cupid. :)


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Yes, Lixie, just for you;)!

Hmm, I get that the handling of the situation feels like he has completely erased it from his memory or the show´s doing it for him, because the immediate phone call after his near-death experience was also for laughs, not only to relieve him from his burden. It reduced the whole ordeal into nothing, but with the unresolved mystery with ringing ears and Hong-do-remedy it will probably be back on the table at some point.
As for being "more conflicted"...I don´t know, I don´t see that coming, because he seems to have a lot of (serious) problems, his temper flying off the charts in one moment and then he´s not giving a damn in the next, but he seems to reflect upon his actions only to his limit of intake (which isn´t much), but at the same time, he might readily agree to his faults, when somebody points them out.
As we´ve seen, his moral standards are basically non-existent, so I´m pretty sure that he regards the night they spent together as a special "gift" to her or whatnot. I think I saw in the preview him asking, how did she feel about it (hopefully I´m wrong), so he dosen´t have any problems sleeping with a patient and then justifying it as a part of the procedure. If he really goes there, I´d be disappointed, but then again, I have hard time seeing them in a doctor-patient relationship. He´s a loose cannon, not a doctor.


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I think reading this description of him I get a feeling the show was trying to show him as sadder and more temperamental in the first eps and now because she is in his life, he is already more stable and positive. Well I hope sex throws everything for a spin because really, what better way to make something that was already confusing even more messy? :)


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Yes! Looking forward to the next episode! It´s going to be all sorts of messy and a blast to watch!


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Lollypip ~

Thanks for the recap. Really enjoying the show so far.

On to the subbing>

** Rant **
I haven't watched Ep 4 due to the subs stalling @ 94% at Viki. :(

Wish it were available somewhere else.


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I know. I hate to complain, but I do wonder how this happens.
Especially when a later ep gets subbed before the previous one hits 100. I feel greedy, but I do pay for Viki pass, so there is that.


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jomo ~

I do see that Darksmurf is subbing it too.. @ 91 %

Aigoo! Maybe by the weekend? :)


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Yeah I held off too until last night at 10pm when it finally said 100%!


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well, this was a lovely surprise! I have to say I watched eps 3 and 4 only because I was bored, since the first two didn't leave much of an impression. and I'm so glad I continued to watch this show (mainly thx to your recaps!)!
as lollypip said, so refreshing to see adults being adults in a kdrama. cable rules!
sad to see only 9 comments as of yet, though. hope you continue with the recaps! I will surely continue watching.


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yeah, more than 9 comments by the time I posted, but still low...


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Part of the problem is people can't get subs fast enough.
That is why having these recaps is so wonderful!!


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Agree so much with your comments Lolly. I'm really looking forward to the next episode just to see them squirm:)
Thx for the recap!


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Thanks for the recap. I was wondering why as Hong-do stood in the rain we got shots of corners and walls, thanks for clearing that up for me. Did anyone else notice hoe the set-up for the kiss scene was exactly the same her fantasy in episode 3? First, the acknowledgment that her cheeks were red; then, the cupping of the cheek; next, the forehead kiss; and finally... I just thought that that mirroring showed that the scene in this episode was what she wanted most--acceptance.


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Even though I've rewatched both scenes several times, I did not notice that! Great observation, Meeker.


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YES!!! I also found the end of Ep 4 a direct mirroring to the beinning of Ep 3! It just shows that Hong-do's desire for skinship, with someone who readily accepts her red-face. I wonder if we'll see in Ep 5 in which HD asks YS whether he slept well LOL.


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I´m also curious if she´s going to say that because it´s not like they were drinking and ended up sleeping together, so the usual screaming and what-are-you-doing-in-my-bed should be out of the question....this is going to be interesting, hehehe.


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Wow!! I didn't think about that too! You're so observant ☺️ About the premise of their kiss scene.


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I totally missed that! Thanks for pointing that out.


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BOOM. I did not see that coming... even with that intro... I almost fainted when YS pulled HD closer. Squuuueeee!!! I'm officialy obsessed with Chun Jung-myung. He's really good. Looking for recommendations out there. Is he in any good movies/dramas?


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Check out What's Up, Fox? It's a noona romance from a few years back (2007, 2008 I think?) and Chun Jung Myung is adorable in it.


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What's Up Fox X 500.
I did recaps so you know I LOVED IT to watch it that many times.


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I read your recaps and enjoyed them thoroughly! Always grateful to people who take the time to recap shows.


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Thanks and you're welcome!


Thanks!! Will definitely check out What's Up, Fox? :) Gaaaaah.... Still going cray cray. Can't wait to see Episode 5!


I trust you, Jomo!!!


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he was funny as the deadpan gangster sidekick to Song Kang Ho in the movie Blue Salt/Hindsight


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I watched him in what's up fox.Quite loving him there.


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I wasn't planning on watching this show at all just like I was initially not so into Marriage not dating but then I saw the episode where Jang Mi is frantically beating up Gi Tae and I was truly in. Same with this one, quietly watching and thinking of dropping it and then they are in a bed together. I am so glad for TVN. Too people can get intimate for a variety of reasons, sometimes just to not feel lonely and because a little bit of human contact can heal your heart. For me, both them with all their issues were broken and in desperate need to feel loved at that point even if it had no true deeper meaning. It was to forget the confusion, pain and to not feel alone. YS with all his confidence and all the act of superiority is a child who grew up craving a mothers love. His mother in her desperate attempts to not forget her lost son ended up ignoring the live ones. The father did the opposite but instead of filling the void, he chose to completely run away from it all. He puts up an act of being all sorted out but has deeper issues. Then there's DH who has in my opinion stretched and misunderstood the feeling of being grateful to a kind-heated person as love. Both of them needed to feel connected and that's what led to the whole spending the night together. It was also really well done. It was sweet, sensitive yet really steamy. I love this drama and can not wait for more interaction between the two of them.
PS: I think YS's grandpa is so going to fall for DH-grandma version. So, I have a feeling we are gonna have a love quadrangle with DH/YS/Detective and the grandpa. I can't wait for that to start.


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I meant Hong Do but instead wrote DH, sorry for that!


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I saw him in Queen of the Night, a movie from 2013. He was a bit hapless and nebbishy in it but he was also cute and endearing at times.


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I saw Queen of Nights in 2014 and that was a cute movie.

I have been wanting to watch Glory Jane/Man of honor drama from 2011 with CJM, Lee Jang Woo and Park Min Young for the longest time now but will check it out after this series. I have a bunch of that drama's OSTs that i got from now-defunct kimchidramas site and they were nice songs.


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He is amazing in Cinderella's sister! It's a bit dramatic, but he's so charming and have PERFECT chemistry with Moon Geun Young.


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O.MO.NO!!!!! What is going on here? I couldn't even with the end of this episode I just sat there staring long after it ended, waiting for them to come back and tell me it was some sort of fantasy or something. Where do we even go from here? And why do I have to wait a week to get there?


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I swear to you ... I can literally hear my wife ovulating whenever Dong Doo-Soo is on the screen ...


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Doo-Soo ... that is ...


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I'm pretty sure I'm doing the same. If I have a kid come Sept/Oct, I'm naming it Doo-Soo.


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LOL For your sake i hope the name fits for both boys and girls.


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Doesn't matter.


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LOl! Lee Jae Yoon does that to gals. There were alot of comments from swonning gals for Ep 3 recaps!

Hope u have patience with your wife for the next 16 eps!


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All these thoughtful comments but Imma be shallow. Welp, there goes the ship. I might've been sorrier if it was someone other than Pie though. I don't think I've had SLS this bad in a long while and I'm just reading the recaps. *sobs*Ahem. FYI, I'm maintaining my claim; I might've abused the purpose of calling 911 but I got him! Had to step my game up since someone actually sat through Golden Rainbow for him (I may be generous and share since that's impressive and my devotion did not carry me that far). I think I'm a better consolation prize than little sister haha. Is it time for me to catch up? I think it might be. Danggit show, what about my life?!


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The saddest part for me is that they are obviously setting up a loveline with the little sister and... just, why? If he's gonna get his heart broken, let him have that pretty fiance who at least doesn't throw dog poop at him. Or me, just let him have me.

Doo-Soo, Noona is here for you.


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Yea I'm not thrilled about the little sis love line. I don't mind her in and of herself but together? That be an awkward family dinner wouldn't it? You and your gf who's older brother is dating the woman you used to be in love with/who used to be in love with you. Plus if the grandfather does end up liking granny her...Yeesh somebody's gonna need a drink.


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LOL! 'Somebody's gonna need a drink' - i thought u don't need drink if u got a psychiatrist in the house!


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heh this psychiatrist would be the first to pop a bottle


And nope, he has me. I'm currently adjusting Oppa's taste buds to southern food haha.


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Perfect! I live in Atlanta. Getting him ready for me. Noona is waiting!


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Much as i like Doo-Soo - he is exactly what Yi-seok calls him - uncomplicated 'dim-witted' emotionally kinda of guy (although it is like pot calling kettle black st this point).

Although the young sis Se-Ro is annoying brat now - if the character is written/played right - she can suit Doo-Soo. The current fiancee seems a little more foxy/cunning for him. From the preview of Ep 5 - it appears that she landed in the police station drunk ranting n raving at Doo-Soo - the acting career killer! Looking forward to see how that plays out!


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Yeah, she's kinduv a dick.


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The way they are being forced to meet was just not setup well. It just feels shoe horned into an otherwise well written story.

I had no clue who SoHee was but apparently she is quite popular in SK so maybe she's there to rope in viewers. She practically unnecessary at this point but I hope the writers at least give her a better storyline. It would make more sense for Detective to slowly fall in love with his fiancée but I guess everyone has to be connected to the main lead somehow.

BTW, Is Detective's fiancée is Yi-Seok's Ex? I wasn't sure about that one...


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Well if the fiancee is the lead's ex then that should do right? Since Do-soo such a simple guy, I just feel like if he falls in love with lil sis he'd be on a short leash since she's kind of a bulldozer. Then again if the fiancee's a fox too...Poor boy's like a guppy in a piranha tank.


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Yup - u got that right about DS if he gets paired off with either girls! Short-leash!


I wasn't sure about that either. I didn't get a good look at the fiance but her voice kind of sounds like the ex.


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No, they're not the same person.


I watched Golden Rainbow to the very end as well and not just for the considerable charms of Lee Jae-yoon. I loved it so much that it is one of the few K-dramas I was sorry to see end and ended up being one of my favourites of the year. It could have gone on in its meandering, cliche-ridden, scenery chewing, over-the-top way for another 41 episodes if I had my way.

I first saw him in Cruel City and I think he was sadly miscast as the detective in that. He's kind of like Oh Ji-ho to me, an actor who is just born to play light romantic comedy because he has the same quality of warmth, decency and niceness, which the camera really picks up, as Oh Ji-ho. He's also the much younger lover of Uhm Jung-hwa in Venus Talks which isn't a great film but entertaining none the less.

Also, to get a bit nationalistic here, he is a fellow Canadian from the Toronto area, I believe, and he attended my alma mater, the University of Toronto. He speaks English in My Love By My Side. Canadians always like to see other Canadians succeed and we are pretty nice as well except when we play hockey.


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I just saw Venus Talk a coupleof weeks ago and BOY! Did i see 'alot' of Lee Jae Yoon and Uhm Jung Hwan - they were my fav couple in that movie!

First saw LJY in Golden Rainbow and his charcter there was a nice guy who made some bad decisions. I hope to see him in more rom-coms. Raed in his biography when watching GR that he was Canadian! Will have to go find My LOVE BY MY SIDE.


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Ok Lee Jae-yoon owes me two hours. I'm a little jealous of Uhm Jung-hwa now though, even if it was pretend. They're nice together.


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I totally loved Lee Jae-Yoon's guest starring in one episode of Witch's Romance as Uhm Jung Hwa's blind date who was a world-class grandmama's boy. He was totally hilarious for that short time he was on screen!


haha "except when we play hockey". Hmm tempted to skim through those now. I don't necessarily think he was miscast in Heartless City, least I liked him in it (that's what I know him from which may be why). I mean his character had me eye-rolling at times with the overkill of the bad cop (constantly shooting people's legs and such), but he was decent. Though I'm melting more here so you may be on to something.

Honestly part of why I liked him in HC probably had a lot to do with his build (esp in black tees), which before I knew Baksa could kick ass, I thought would be a better fit for a drug lord. He's just the kind of guy who you could feel assured that if you jumped into his arms he could catch you. Which is something rare in dramaland despite the wealth in chocoabs, I often get vicarious hunger pains they're so skinny.


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I like my leading men to have a bit of heft to them as well. Think So Ji-sub in Cain & Abel and Lee Jun-ki in Time Between Dog and Wolf but both are just too skinny for me now. They used to look like men who could do a hard day's manual labour and then tuck into a good meal. I find the current tendency to extreme thinness among leading men these days very distracting. I keep wanting to feed them instead of imagining myself wrapped in their emaciated, stick-like arms. So Lee Jae-yoon makes for a refreshing change. Mind you, some leading men, like Cha Seung-won, look good on the thin side but for the most part they look like they are one skipped meal away from hospitalization.


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Glad someone said this1^^^^ Like for instance Hyun Bin's back, but skinnier than ever. I wanna welcome him back into my arms, but his brittle bones may crumple to dust if I hug him too hard. What's happening? I saw pics when he was released from the military and he looked to be a healthy weight. They done skimped him down again to put him on tv....why?!


I 100% agree! I don't go for that gaunt look at all. Whenever the guys come back from the military and are so thin, I'm saddened.


Hi Everyone!
I am normally commenting via phone on drama's and rarely respond to other people's comments because I feel like basically anything I am going to bring to the table besides *squee* is going to be a rehashing of what others have already stated.

I agree with everyone else the first two episodes of the drama were definitely darker than I anticipated but the last two were pretty magical.

This drama is definitely going to be my weekend drama, and I am super stoked about how great 2015 has started off for the drama addicted.

Sorry if I am repeating what everyone else has said but what I think is wonderful about Yi Seok and Hong Do is that their relationship's major strength is accountability and honesty which they both haven't had in other relationships. Saranghae isn't in the cards quite yet despite their recent bedroom hijinks but I think that both characters subconsciously have realized they are kindred spirits and have accepted that fact.

Hong Do and Yi Seok have a lot in common, both have had to cope with difficult childhoods and lack of familial support, which has impacted them on emotional level greatly. Hong Do can't hide her emotions and Yi Seok has gotten used to not really thinking about his feelings using bravado and cockiness to mask that he like Hong Do is really a warm and caring person. They are both loners and oddballs, Yi Seok may have more social acquaintances then Hong Do, but he isn't really close to anyone besides maybe his mentor.

Also Yi Seok and Hong Do are both afraid of their mental conditions, Hong Do may have accepted hers but she is desperate to change it and Yi Seok is afraid that his manic behavior and new symptoms may finally be what he has feared, bipolarism. Hong Do is just as blunt with her assessment of Yi Seok's character and they both suffer from not really knowing their true selves which I think they are in the process of showing one another. I think these similarities and the potential for character growth and development under a different trajectory than what we are used to seeing in drama land is what makes this show endearing and watchable.

Yi Seok
I wonder if his unconventional treatment regarding his patients...from the way he interacted with the woman who almost committed suicide, to the streaker with diabetes, the hallucinating grandma, and even with Hong Do is due to the fact he has loved one who has been dealing with a mental illness for most of his life. Overall he is accepting of his patients behaviors even if he is frustrated by many of them seemingly unconcerned with getting treatment as opposed to only voicing their thoughts. He may be overly blunt in his thoughts but I don't think he is caustic he just doesn't skirt around the issues or treat his patients with kid gloves that is why his treatment works so well for Hong Do and many of his other patients. As a character I like that he is unaware of his weaknesses until Hong Do begins to points them out...


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(cont) like the fact that he is in 'the middle of a break up' because he is afraid of the encroaching loneliness even if it never went away girlfriend or not. He is a bit all over the place but I don't think it has anything to do with being 'crazy' I just think he is a very emotional person but has had to push those feelings aside for a while and then they bubble to the surface. So it makes sense to me that he may be all over the place because of that and also the fact he doesn't really notice other people's reaction to his behavior.
Hong Do
I think Choi Kang Hee is doing such a lovely job playing this role. I have always liked her because she sort of seems to march to her own beat which may make things difficult for her project wise. Her portrayal of Hong Do illustrates that the right role spotlights her talents. I also love the chemistry between her and Chung Jung Myung like everyone else. I think her character is extremely brave in seeking help and being committed to taking steps to change her life that basically go against ever fiber of her being. Even the sexy times at the end of Episode Four made me cheer because I love Doo Soo, he is super dreamy but when you fall in love and devote yourself to an idea of a person and have yet to actually experience the reality that is a hard path to walk. I think the naked romp with Yi Seok, may lessen the grip of her fantasy relationship with him by making her realize that though Doo Soo may have been the catalyst for her to seek treatment he isn't the reason why she needs to continue it, she should be doing it for herself.

ooh super long- sorry!!!


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Thanks for sharing. Good read!


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Love your comments about Choi Kang Hee!

When she gets roles that are suited to her, no-one does quirky-feisty-girly with that warm husky voice, quite like CKH!


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Loved that kiss! I thought: Dang! These characters are acting like real people.

Thanks for recapping.


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I don't understand how I feel about this show! He is THE woooooorst excuse for a mental health professional and yet I just love him. Omg, haranguing a patient into doing something(s) that makes her extremely anxious just would not happen. Ok, SHOULD not happen. I have many psychologist friends and they are the most discreet, calm people ... and of course, good listeners. However, I am willing to forego all this to accept that this story IS all about loneliness and how two people can be fated to each bring the other peace. I love them! Just Show, please - don't make it about them being fated to be together since childhood. Please?


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I don`t like that ending of this episode. I would have liked more if it ended with the conversation. I believe that the theme of this episode would stil fit, like they for once have a friend to openly talk with, and are therefore not that lonely anymore. As a person with social anxiety just the fact that I feel comfortable with one person is big deal to me! but jumping that big just does not connect with me. I would like more if the writer had waited whit sex scene to after they had learn more about each other, and fall in love. Like a narrativ point that she finely is ready to have sex with the one she loves, and her anxiety are not there anymore to stop her.


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So glad to see someone else with the same thoughts!!! I don't care how lonely someone with social anxiety is, they wouldn't just jump into bed with someone they hardly know and is pretty much a jerk to them. But that's tvN for ya. They just like to throw sex in there for the heck of it to show they are an 'adult' network. Oh well, at least they got it over and done with early so I can drop it and move on.


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I did feel that the bedroom-hijinks were probably unrealistically portrayed in the sense, that if Hong-do´s having a severe case of social phobia she probably won´t be so quick to take the next step even if she´s comfortable with that person. But there´s a big BUT there for me, because I love the characters in this show so much already and from their point of view, I get it, so real life be damned:)!


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I thought the bed scene was out of place too. Because neither of them were drunk, both sober, although lonely.
So wondering where they will go with this since it came so early on in the drama.


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I agree. I could have seen them maybe making out, but it felt more like....what two other lonely people would do, but not these two. Well, he might. But she wouldn't. It felt very out of character to me.


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I really dislike this ending. A psychiatrist having sex with a (virgin) severely ill person/patient/employee is not only wrong, in the US it would send him to prison, cause him to lose his license and also be subject to civil proceedings. Furthermore, it could cause her to become even more unstable. The only thing I'd like at this point is the detective to cuff him and toss him in jail. Yikes...on what planet was this ending anywhere near ok?


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Lollypip you have saved my life with this recap. I haven't been able find a subbed version of this episode anywhere. But thankfully Dramabeans to the rescue. I was going to give up on this show but a discussion on facebook hinted that they slept together ,well you know i had to see it believe it and there we have it. Im happy she's not really his patient either it makes the romance a lot less icky and ethically sound. Is it weird that i ship the little sister and Dong Soo's partner lolol. I want both males to be solely focused on Hong- Do and their feelings for her. We have no time for a second lead female complicating things further ,they're already a mess as it stands.


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Try Dramabay, the subs are missing in place but overall it works.


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"Well you know I had to see it to believe it" :):):)

Kdrama has me so trained now that it didn't occur to me that seeing them in bed together would be real. I thought, "yeah kdrama, we all know this is a fantasy but thanks anyway!"



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Best episode so far. This drama just warms me up and make my day. Thanks for the recap.


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Hello all :)!

I was wondering if anyone might be able to tell me the name of the song that Hongdo uses as her ringtone.


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that's the link to the song she uses as her ringtone :) i think its called i want to love? but i'm no korean, i can just barely recognise the letters! haha


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Just watched the end of this episode again. PD Lee really has a knack for picking the perfect song for a scene. That was such a good background music to accentuate the kissing scene.


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This episode was so good. It felt real to me and I love that the writer wrote that end scene. Two adults finding solace in one another, perfect. Now just to see how this will start more than just need but want for each other in other and fulfilling ways. Also what a huge gamble to basically kick the second lead out right out of the gate.


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Thank you so much for the recsp. I agree with everything you said. I absolutely love love LOVE this shiw. Can't wait for the next one :)


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How delightful. I so look forward to how it will all unfold :)


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I admit I like the show, but kissing your patient and more? Why did they have to be related like that? Wish she was being treated by a buddy so this ethical piece didn't exist. Sigh.


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agree with you!
it's just grand to once in a while get a drama that deals with love/sex realistically in that it doesn't portray adults merely holding hands for 16 episodes.

and YET I'm disappointed with the patient/doctor relationship; he is clearly taking advantage of her in his role as therapist :( there's the issue of Transference that I hope they deal with in the future…at least if they want to make it realistic for ME as the viewer.
can't wait for the weekend episode and tx for the recap! just grand.


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Maybe that's why the writers kept their relationship pretty much off the books. That way he's not officially her therapist and they are pretty much just trading favors.

It's still icky, though. And he had no problem referring to her as a patient when he was talking to Doo Soo so there's definitely been some lines crossed.


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Wanted to add a little something: Choi Kang-hee:)!

She made me cry soooo bad in this episode with Hong-do´s I-want-to-talk-with-my-grandma outburst. I don´t know what´s with this woman, but whenever her voice breaks so dose my heart. I think I have a girlcrush.


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Love her. Her acting is so genuine to me. (oxymoron?) Anyhow her interaction w/ the doc is so hilarious, how he's so brash with her but she continues to be cute.


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THAT. DARK. RED. SWEATER. I die. Looks great on our resident shrink. I want to see him wear a cerulean blue sweater next time.


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who knoww the song title of hong do's title???? i really want to knoww ?


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When we see the next episode we will find what happened at the end was just one of their daydreams taking place. A "what if" day dream.


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Thank you for the recap!!

I found myself attracted to this drama, well main reason is CJM. He's so cute!! I liked him from Cinderella's Sister.

Anyway, I thought Yi Suk cannot sleep in the same bed with another person, but he sleeps really peacefully with Hong Do. Curious... *Cute bed scene, i love it!*


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We get a new episode today Friday #5!

Back-pedalling here we come!?!


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Out of topic here but does anyone know the name of the song in the kissing scene? I haven't been able to figure it out!


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wow. episode 5 was soooooo good. *faints* can't wait to read the recap.


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Hey does anyone know what the bgm at the end of ep 4 is? I really love the song but can't figure out what the name of it is.


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I really want to know too. Actually all the musics they used, don't know how to search.


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Do you know which song in particular the last song is for ep 4? because im having a hard time finding it in that list


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