Pinocchio: Episode 7

There are some harsh growing pains in store for our rookies, and as it always seems to be in life, the most idealistic of the bunch with the loftiest expectations is the one who falls the farthest. Today’s episode is inspired by a proverb about the frog in the well, who refused to look outside his limited home and never got to see how big the ocean was. That’s all good and well for frogs, but in reporterland, frogs get yanked from their comfortable homes and tossed into the big, scary sea, and learn the hard way that their limited viewpoints are for crap in the real world. Time to sink or swim.


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EPISODE 7: “The frog in the well”

Dal-po and Yoo-rae head back to the station in good spirits, after getting the CCTV footage to air in tonight’s broadcast about the woman who died in the gym. They see In-ha returning to rival station MSC across the square, and Yoo-rae notes that In-ha will probably get yelled at by her sunbaes for failing to come up with an exclusive.

Dal-po immediately worries for In-ha and shouts over to her that they managed to get the CCTV footage, but In-ha scoffs that they’re the ones who’re about to make a big mistake. But before she can finish the sentence, her teammate Beom-jo scoops her up and throws her over his shoulder, leaving Dal-po flabbergasted.

Both teams of rookies report to their news chiefs, and with two hours until broadcast, the schedule is adjusted—YGN pulls their exclusive forward and gives it more airtime, and over at MSC they plan to do the same. MSC has a different version of the story, and they’re convinced that beating YGN to the punch will lead them to scrap their story and scramble to back-fill their news.

But Mom (anchorwoman Song Cha-ok) is the lone dissenter, and she tells her team that they should wait and let YGN report their story first… and then come out with the truth that’ll debunk their version. Damn, she plays dirty, but I see why she’s good at her job.

Beom-jo stops In-ha from taking any of Dal-po’s calls before the broadcast, and the higher-ups come by to congratulate them on a job well done. Beom-jo gives the obligatory modest response, while In-ha blurts, “Yes, I think you’re right.” Haha. Beom-jo clamps a hand over her mouth, but she just pries herself free and says matter-of-factly that she can’t do false modesty, and the director laughs.

Over at YGN, the other rookies file in with high-fives for Yoo-rae and Dal-po, and Yoo-rae enjoys retelling their day of adventure. But In-ha’s half-finished sentence and the facts of the case start to niggle at Dal-po, and he can’t shake off the feeling that there’s something else to the story. He decides to check the hospital for the victim’s surviving relatives one last time, despite only having half an hour left.

He makes his way to the funeral rooms and finds that the woman’s daughter has arrived. He hands her his card and says he has questions about her mother, and she says through tears that she already gave an interview with MSC reporters. Ruh-roh.

It’s ten o’clock and the nightly news begins, while Dal-po hears the real story from the daughter: She’s in need of a liver transplant, and her mother was told that she had to lose a significant amount of weight in order to be the donor. Oh crap, their diet-leads-to-death story is really a heartwarming tragedy about a mother’s love?

But it’s too late to stop YGN’s report, and Dal-po turns his head to see the story being aired as soon as he finds out the truth. He runs over to the TV and pleads for it to be turned off before the daughter can see it, but can’t manage to stop her from witnessing her mother’s death on camera, with a false report no less. She cries that that’s not the truth about her mother, and Dal-po is crushed to be the one responsible for dealing such a blow. All he can say is, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

And then YGN gets their asses handed to them by MSC, where Cha-ok reports the full story about the mother who died trying to save her daughter’s life, complete with tearful interview. The chain of blame at YGN starts with Hyun-kyu tearing Yoo-rae a new one, Gyo-dong asking Hyun-kyu why he didn’t check his facts, and Editor Jo asking Gyo-dong what the hell he’s doing.

Notably, each sunbae shoulders the responsibility himself as it moves up the chain. But they aren’t above silent looks of blame down the chain either, and Yoo-rae squirms wondering where Dal-po ran off to at a time like this.

In-ha watches proudly as Mom reports the full story, while Dal-po watches feeling utterly defeated by this woman yet again. She twists the knife further to say that the news is like an onion—the more layers you peel back the more the truth gets revealed—and MSC plans to deliver only reliable, trustworthy news. People watching at a train terminal all nod in agreement, but we see that Hyung is standing in the background seething at the screen.

Dal-po buries his head in his hands in defeat, and trudges back to the station late that night. The office is empty, and he sits down at the conference table directly across from where he sat on the day of their interview debate.

Past Dal-po appears across the table and looks him square in the eye, and launches into his litany of accusations about how dangerous it is for a reporter to speak before knowing all the facts. About how he ought to know that his words have more weight. About how detestable it is to ignore that responsibility. About how this is why Pinocchios shouldn’t become reporters.

Present Dal-po defends himself, but it’s no use—his conscience is literally staring him in the face. He looks up at himself and asks with tears in his eyes the same thing that In-ha asked that day: “Are you talking about me?” Past Dal-po just repeats exactly what he said then and answers, “Yes.” The vision gets up and walks away, and Dal-po sheds a tear, left alone with the cold hard truth. What a great scene.

In-ha shows up to her post at the police station and asks after Dal-po, but Yoo-rae says she hasn’t seen him all night. In-ha tries calling and fumes when she gets his voicemail, thinking that he’s ignoring her calls on purpose.

YGN wins the ratings game, but it’s a bitter victory for them in light of their huge mistake, and they worry that MSC is hot on their heels. Director Lee tells his staff to stop looking at the ratings, because this war with MSC has caused them to lose sight of what’s important—reporting well-researched, factual news. He tells them that it’s back to basics from now on, and they’re going to put on blinders as far as MSC is concerned.

Gyo-dong returns to the city news desk, where all the other news chiefs are ready with their congratulations. Princess sheepishly says he lost the ratings bet, but Gyo-dong knows it’s all an empty victory for YGN and says as much. But when they reset the betting pool for the entire season’s ratings and people start switching their bets over to MSC, he gets up and finally joins in with a defiant post-it in YGN’s corner, leaving Princess a little scared.

Gyo-dong is alarmed when Hyun-kyu calls to report that Dal-po never showed up for work today. He tries calling, but we see that Dal-po has over fifty unanswered calls. He’s currently at home scrubbing Grandpa’s back in the bath, and Grandpa looks down at the dirty bath water in shock, wondering if it’s his or Dal-po’s dirt.

Dal-po says cheerily that it’s his—the pressroom at the police station is a hovel, and he hasn’t washed or changed his underwear in a week. GROSSSS. Grandpa tries to gently ask if they ought to take separate baths, but Dal-po says it’s fine. Grandpa: “I’m sure you’re fine with it!” Hee.

Yoo-rae’s sunbae asks if she’s been chewed out by Hyun-kyu yet, and she says he’s been surprisingly quiet, which frankly scares her more. She jumps to attention when Beom-jo’s chaebol mommy enters the station, and Yoo-rae recognizes her right away as the CEO of Beom-jo Mall. She doesn’t really put it all together until Beom-jo comes running up to hug his mommy right in front of her, and she gasps to realize that he really is a chaebol.

Meanwhile, Mommy is aghast at the state of her son, and refuses to hug him. She gives him a change of clothes in the car, and he tells her to throw those old clothes away, this time opting for a much less fashionable, but much more practical outfit.

He tells her proudly that because of their news broadcast last night, a liver donor came forward for the daughter who needs a transplant, and people are even organizing a donation fund so that she doesn’t have to worry about the cost of surgery. Beom-jo marvels at the power of the news, which saved a life.

Mommy is extra proud and happy for him, and asks about the peculiar requests he had in using his Mommy Chance Card today. He says that In-ha is sick, and so at his request, Mommy has her staff clean the reporter’s hovel in the police station and provide a heated blanket and space heater. In-ha swoons at the sight of warm fluffy blankets, and pretty much dies of happiness to see her favorite snacks included too.

Dal-po eats happily with Grandpa and says that being a reporter is no way to live, and Grandpa readily agrees that he should just quit then. Dal-po uses the adage that you run away from poop because it’s dirty not scary, but Grandpa says he’s got it backwards. That gives Dal-po pause and he admits that he is running away because he’s afraid: “Being a reporter was scary—far scarier than I ever knew.”

Grandpa shocks Dal-po by understanding quite keenly what they’re talking about, and says he’s good then: “A person who doesn’t know to be afraid is a problem; knowing what to be afraid of and fighting is okay.”

I love that Dad interrupts when he comes home to find them eating eel without him, and cries like a whiny little brother about Grandpa playing favorites and hyungnim always getting the tail.

Dal-po mulls over Grandpa’s advice, and remembers declaring to In-ha that they’d become reporters together. He decides to bite the bullet and call his team leader, and says he’ll report for duty.

Hyun-kyu paces in the hallway waiting for Dal-po to show up at work, and Director Lee asks why he’s so worked up. Hyun-kyu says that he’s waiting for the big explosion—the one that every rookie has when they get driven to the edge, quit, and come back.

Ha, we see flashbacks to Editor Jo threatening to jump off the roof in his rookie days, and Hyun-kyu returning to the station with his father and a bucket of snakes in his time as a newbie. Apparently everyone goes through this, which is a relief.

Dal-po walks in and Hyun-kyu keeps looking around nervously for the snakes, but he only apologizes for causing them to worry, and goes resolutely down the hall to see Gyo-dong. This time it’s Dal-po’s turn to be surprised when he apologizes and Gyo-dong just tells him to get back to work then.

Dal-po wonders why he isn’t being punished—he prepared himself for some kind of consequence, and asks why he’s being let off the hook. Gyo-dong agrees that it was a pretty massive mistake, but that everyone gets one free pass, because he made a similar mistake once.

Without looking up, Gyo-dong says that thirteen years ago he falsely reported that a man was a killer, leading to that family’s ruin. Dal-po struggles to contain his emotions, and asks how he recovered from that mistake. Gyo-dong: “I didn’t. I ran away like you.”

He says he quit journalism and became a PD, and five years later, he met a kid on the quiz show he was producing. Dal-po asks why he came back to the newsroom, and Gyo-dong admits, “Because I was embarrassed. It felt like I had been discovered hiding away because I was scared.” Dal-po asks how it felt to get back on the job after that, and if being a reporter was doable. We cut away before he answers.

In-ha’s cold gets worse, and Beom-jo is sweet about taking care of her and wrapping her up in his scarf. But then he has to remind us of his creepy stalker background by noting that she hasn’t been this sick since high school, and she wonders how he knew that. He catches his slip-up and hurriedly says she must’ve mentioned it.

They accost Officer Chan-soo for a scoop, and In-ha hilariously threatens to give him her cold-infested cooties if he doesn’t give them a lead. They see him holding a phone record of some sort, and while Chan-soo plays keep-away, Beom-jo snaps pictures and Dal-po walks up and reads it at his leisure. It’s a list of calls made to and from the chemical plant manager’s phone (the one Hyung trapped in a manhole).

They all ask if Dal-po is back on duty, and Chan-soo says that In-ha was looking everywhere for him. But when Dal-po asks her for a chat, she runs away from him with excuses about chasing down a lead. He catches up to her just as she’s feeling woozy and teetering on her feet, and both he and Beom-jo catch her on opposite sides.

But she pries Dal-po away and lets Beom-jo lead her out, focused on doing their job. Dal-po watches them go with a worried look, and Beom-jo insists on breaking the rules and letting Mommy’s chauffer drive them around tonight.

Yoo-rae sees them leave and sighs that some reporters are lucky enough to get chaebol partners while she’s stuck with the beggar partner, and Dal-po apologizes for being a loser. He asks for a rundown of everything she’s found out so far, and she mentions a throwaway tidbit that she didn’t report because it’s not anything interesting—Chan-soo’s continued investigation into the container fire.

She does note that the prime suspect is someone they know—it’s Moon Deok-soo, the plant manager who gave that interview in the case they debated for their YGN interview. Yoo-rae doesn’t think much of it, but of course Dal-po sees it differently.

Chaebol Mommy takes it upon herself to help In-ha and Beom-jo, and makes the rounds to the other police stations herself, with expensive coffee and snacks in hand. It’s so funny to watch her poke around for a scoop wearing her leopard fur coat and her peacock hat, momming the cops, all, Well WHY don’t you have incidents to report?

She gets something for In-ha to report on her hourly call, and then Beom-jo suggests that she go back and get some sleep while he and Mommy make the rest of the rounds. In-ha protests but she’s too sick to be of much use anyway, and returns to the station.

She finds Dal-po asleep (with Yoo-rae snuggling him) and no place to lie down in the room, so she heads to the restroom where she turns on the toilet seat warmer and hugs it for warmth. Omg, are you going to sleep there?

Dal-po wakes up and finds In-ha sleeping on a toilet, argues that she has to go to the hospital. But she just keeps pushing him away, and finally shouts, “No, this cold is really severe! If you catch it, you’ll suffer!” Awwww, you’ve been avoiding him all this time so he wouldn’t catch your cold? That’s so cute.

He yells at her for being so stupid and stubborn, and carries her out. At the hospital, the doctor says she has shingles and she must’ve been in a lot of pain, but even still all she worries about is whether or not it’s contagious and if Dal-po will get sick too.

As she drifts off to sleep, she clutches the edge of Dal-po’s coat and murmurs that she has lots of stuff to say, and then periodically wakes up to make sure Dal-po is still by her side, each time muttering the same thing—that she has so much to say to him. He just holds her hand the whole night, and promises to listen to whatever she has to say once she gets some rest.

He falls asleep by her side still holding her hand, and In-ha wakes up and yells at her hand like it betrayed her. But when she sees Dal-po sleeping there, she can’t help but indulge her feelings a little, and lies down to watch him sleep. She kisses her own fingers and then reaches out, and unlike Dal-po who pulled away, she gently touches his hair.

Of course that’s the exact moment when Dal-po opens his eyes though, and she panics so hard that she falls off the bed. She’s so mortified that she runs out of there without a jacket or shoes on, and the doctors all look at her like she’s crazy while Dal-po chases after her with her shoes.

Outside, she says she has lots of things to say to him, and finally gets to fire up her prepared I-told-you-so speech, about how he belittled her for being a Pinocchio but she got the story right and he got it wrong. He takes the wind out of her sails by just apologizing and agreeing that he was in the wrong, and she stammers that she had more to say.

She says she remembers every harsh word he said to her in that debate, and turns it around to call him the one not fit to become a reporter. Again, he agrees with her readily and it knocks her off-center. She declares that it made her really satisfied to watch him go down, but then hiccups right away, and he calls her out on the lie.

She deflates as she says that she hates to admit it, but instead of being happy, she was worried about him. He stoops down to dust off her feet and put her shoes on, and she says that she was worried because she couldn’t see him, and knew that he was blaming himself. She calls herself an amateur for being worried about a rival reporter, and turns her back to him and chides herself for not being able to clean up her feelings.

He reaches out to touch her but pulls back again, and she tells him to forget this confession too. She says she’s sorry about always confessing and telling him to pretend he didn’t hear it, thinking he must see her as pathetic.

She decides that she must have lost her mind because it’s so cold out, and he suddenly wraps his arms around her in a backhug. Omo. He says the cold has made him lose his senses too, and she just stands there shocked as he hugs her.

Hyung bravely makes his way to MSC, and stops In-ha’s team leader Il-joo on his way out for a report. He asks about the reporter in the big banner standing next to Cha-ok, and Il-joo tells him that they’re mother and daughter. Oh no. Hyung, don’t do anything bad to In-ha!

After a full recovery, In-ha returns to the precinct in good spirits, and Yoo-rae runs up to jealously sniff her hair: “You got to wash it, didn’t you? With shampoo and everything?!” Lol. In-ha is ready to take on the whole city now that she’s feeling better, but Dal-po’s appearance sends her ducking for cover and sneaking away so she doesn’t have to face him.

Beom-jo takes note and when they’re alone, he asks Dal-po if he’s still fighting with In-ha. He says that the others sometimes ask if Dal-po is really In-ha’s uncle because it seems like he likes her as a woman, and Dal-po doesn’t even flinch as he answers matter-of-factly that he does—so what? Beom-jo stands there slack-jawed.

Dal-po makes his best pouty faces at Chan-soo hoping for some new info on the container fire, and with enough prodding, Chan-soo admits that there are a few things that still bother him about the case, though his boss told him to stop wasting his time. He says there are a few leads he hasn’t followed through on, and Dal-po gets to work writing down all the phone numbers he memorized that time he glanced at the plant manager’s phone log.

Yoo-rae marvels at Dal-po’s memory, and wonders why he’s chasing after this case when they have better stories to keep up with. One of the phone numbers makes him pause, and he says it seems familiar somehow. He taps it into his phone, and finds that it’s Bumper, the truck he paid to have fixed. He tries dialing the number, and this time Hyung picks up.

Dal-po goes to a busy city square to meet Hyung, and calls to report to Hyun-kyu, who lights into him for acting like a detective instead of doing his job as a reporter. At the same time, the plant manager’s phone turns back on in the same location where Hyung is supposed to meet Dal-po, and Chan-soo takes a team of cops to try and track their suspect down.

Hyun-kyu fumes at Dal-po’s blatant disobedience, but Gyo-dong notes it with amusement, saying that a reporter should be investigating cases. He chuckles to himself and mutters that Dal-po is something else, thinking back to their conversation earlier.

We flash back, as Dal-po confirms that he’s asking if he can handle this job. Gyo-dong says it’s a bit early for him to be asking that, because he’ll be listening to and reporting lots of cases in the future—ones much more complex and heavier than the health club death.

Dal-po and Hyung get close enough to get off the phone and wave at each other. But when Dal-po sees Hyung’s face, he stops in his tracks. He unmistakably sees his brother’s face, and doesn’t know how to react as Hyung comes closer and closer.

Hyung comes up with a smile and says he really didn’t need money for the bumper, and then remembers that he didn’t introduce himself. He sticks out his hand for a shake: “I’m Ki Jae-myung.”

Gyo-dong answers Dal-po: “When you can’t dare to make a choice or a judgment. An unimaginable case like that. A frightening case where reporting it means someone lives or dies. When you meet a case like that, ask me again then: ‘Can I handle it?'”

Dal-po comes to his senses and asks again what his name is. Hyung smiles pleasantly and repeats, “Jae-myung. Ki Jae-myung.” His hand is outstretched as he asks for Dal-po’s name, and after a long hesitation, Dal-po reaches up to shake his hand and ekes out, “My name… is Choi Dal-po.”


Aaaaah! He found Hyung! I’m always really happy with a show that exceeds my expectations for pacing, and this writer may have other faults, but she’s always been so great about not saving all her goodies for later. Because I’m just a firm believer in spending the good ideas now and forcing yourself to come up with better ones down the line. We’ve been teased with coincidences and near-misses between Dal-po and his brother from the start, but I didn’t expect that they’d get to see each other so soon, since it’s a reunion you could milk a lot of angst from. This version is of course the worst of all possible scenarios—Dal-po comes to the meeting thinking that the man he meets could be the killer’s accomplice, and we know that it’s worse than he could even imagine, because Hyung isn’t an accomplice, but the sole killer on a vengeful tear.

Gyo-dong was completely right in saying that Dal-po has seen nothing yet, but what a way to follow that up with the real test of his fortitude. If he was going to give up everything over the health club death case, what will he do when he starts digging into Hyung’s case? I know he was being smart and careful not to give his real name, but right now I’m terrified that Hyung isn’t done killing, and knowing that his little brother is alive might be the thing to stop him before any more damage is done. Still, despite the heart-thrashing angst to come, this is a setup that feels rich with payoff for Dal-po, as the son of wrongly accused Firefighter Dad, and the deeply conscientious reporter he’s being groomed to be.

I like the trickle-down effect at YGN where everyone sees themselves in every rookie and takes ownership of their subordinates’ failings as if they were their own, but it feels especially rewarding with Gyo-dong and Dal-po, who happen to share the same turning point that changed them forever. It’s a nice perspective for Dal-po to see that not all reporters are the same, and that one person deeply regrets the pain he caused. I like even more that Gyo-dong doesn’t seem to have all the answers, and that he’s just as unsure as Dal-po is whether people like them can survive in this field.

But what makes Dal-po great is that he’s his own worst critic and doesn’t need Gyo-dong to teach him the obvious lesson. The newsroom Past/Present Dal-po conversation was a highlight, and Dal-po’s words had so much more resonance the second time around when directed at himself. What’s so great about the sequence is that Present Dal-po reacts as if it’s happening in the moment, complete with defensive arguments for how he couldn’t have done any better. But righteous and idealistic Past Dal-po shuts him up with that look of disgust, like he’s staring right at Song Cha-ok and accusing the woman who tore his family apart for being irresponsible as a reporter. In that moment he’s his own worst nightmare and the worst kind of hypocrite, and I love the economy with which all of that is conveyed.

In-ha took a bit of a backseat this hour, but she made up for it with another sweet confession and a moment of vulnerability. I suppose she’s always vulnerable because she’s forced to be honest, but in Dal-po’s case that gives her the advantage—she gets to say what’s on her heart and request that he forget about it, while he can only look at her from afar and repress his feelings. It’s the difference between him just watching her sleep and her reaching out to touch him, but if the sudden backhug was any indication, he might be having a harder time concealing his feelings than he thought. The more he surprises her, the better—that’s when she goes back to calling him Dal-po, which is infinitely better than calling him Uncle. Let’s not pretend that’s not weird. It just happens to be their denial buffer though, so I get why she tries her best to stick to proper titles, and given how great their family is, I can’t exactly root for them to just say to hell with it all. Do you think maybe nutty Chaebol Mommy will adopt Dal-po, and then he and Beom-jo can be brothers? Agh, but then who will scrub Grandpa’s back?? Oh the dilemmas.


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HE FOUND HIS HYUNG horray!!...I usually dont read spoilers but this one feels so good!


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I love how Dal Po comes to regret his own words against In Ha in here. True, a Pinocchio's words hold power, but his does too. He ignored his doubt and went on to relay false information, doing exactly what he himself preached against previously. The way he was taught his lesson- anyone can be fallible, not just Pinocchios - was great, since he had also endured being wrongly presented in the media. This was one of my favorite things about this episode.

The other would, of course, be the OTP moments between our two leads, and Dal Po's jealousy. I cannot wait for more development.

Also, who do you guys think is winning the next network battle? I'm guessing YGN for sure. I just hope In Ha doesn't make a mistake and ruin herself the way Dal Po had said- especially after her confirming in this episode that his statement against Pinocchios isn't necessarily true all the time.


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I'm guessing YGN though I'm not sure it will be a big one. I hope she doesn't make a mistake immediately after his. I hope the realization comes a bit later. I think what's really going to start to show is if YGN does stick to their guns about trying to be quality reporters who aim for the truth....and then they'll be up against a company who claims to be the most truthful (Hello Pinocchio!) but is only focused on power. I think the trainees are going to start seeing the differences soon.


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YGN. It should be a neck-and-neck contest between the two.


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I like how we have our own little betting pool going :D

My money is on YGN!!


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I completely agree that everything is moving much faster than I thought it would - and that's a good thing. I hope some of the things that seem like they'll take the whole length of the show to deal with may actually happen earlier. That way we have new unexpected things as well later on.

I was slightly confused by In-ha's saying that she knew the story was wrong because she hiccupped so she went and delved more into it. It may have just been my subtitles....but that wouldn't make sense. She's not a lie detector, it's just what she personally is lying about. She doesn't know lies from truth in general. I think that's an important point because even if Dal-Po is saying he was wrong for what he said, well, he really isn't. He was wrong to be so forceful and to do it in that venue but his concern that a Pinocchio will be believed much more readily than even an average reporter and therefor can ruin people's lives that much more easily is a very valid point. He clearly learned his lesson which is that he now is a reporter too and needs to put in that much vigilance, but I'm a little worried that she hasn't seen it. Yes, she did work hard and she's doing well but now she really thinks that Dal-Po was completely wrong on his point. I still don't think she fully understand the extra power a 'Pinocchio' has on the minds of people.


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Im guessing that in ha felt that what they were seeing were not the actual truth. She has to see and confirm the facts for her to believe and There were some loopholes in the information they gathered and as a pinocchio she felt something was amiss. I think the way in ha is wired to see truth /lies is based on what she firmly believes and feel; for example on episode 3... She firmly believed that her mom was a good mom but of course we know that was a lie so even though her mom never ever called to check in her... To her the truth was that her mom is a good person of course until she met her.

Also remember the male pinocchio witness... He also firmly believed it was firefighter dad he saw but of course it wasnt. And because he firmly believes it then what he saw becomes his truth. I guess being a pinocchio is like having this intuition like an emotional and internal barometer of right and wrong.


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"felt what they were seeing were not the actual truth" does not mean there's a lie. Having suspicions shouldn't make something a lie. I understand that it's based on her believing something is the truth but it's always been *her truth* that makes her not hiccup. For to hiccup she would have to be lying - even if it's to herself. Her hiccupping because of "intuition" doesn't make sense to me.


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Agree with you on In-ha and the "lie detector." Does she really not understand how syndrome works (that is, how it works according to what we've seen of the show) or does she just mean that she couldn't report it as fact without hiccuping because she already felt unsure? The latter, I think, maybe? Any fluent beanies have clarification?


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I think it's the latter. She wants to report it as a fact, but that means she is disagreeing with her own heart that says there's something wrong with this fact.


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Good catch! I wondered about that myself.
A Pinocchio wouldn't hiccup just cos sthg she hears being said isn't entirely convincing to her. Unless what the writer means is that: Having reported to the higher-ups what she initially found out about the ajumma's death, which "somehow miraculously" didn't ring true to her, she ran back to the hosp to look for relatives of the diseased.
That pt could have been handled better.


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No, I think for that case, she meant she can't report something as fact when she doesn't believe it 100%. If she were to have called her superior and said "I think the lady died because she was exercising so much due to her ex-husband remarrying a skinny girl", she would have hiccupped for sure. Because her intuition tells her there's more to the story, so she doesn't believe what she would be saying.

And I don't think it's too much of a stretch for her to have that nigging intuition, because everyone else (Dalpo and Beomjo) had it too. Something about the case just doesn't add up. But they can choose to ignore it and report it, but she can't.


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I think it's fine for her to have the suspicion, but it's her saying she hiccupped and therefor it was somehow tied to the story not being true that doesn't make sense. She could report what she knew as facts without saying that she thought x,y, or z was the motivation. Saying she died from exercise and also her ex got remarried are just facts. I'm sure the office would have jumped to their own conclusions. I don't know. The hiccups aren't working for me.

Then again she also lied multiple times about being fine (health wise) and didn't hiccup either this episode so that bugged me. I'm sure it would be a pain to make her hiccup all the time but since it's a major plot point I'd expect it to be a bit more consistent.


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I think the big confrontation scene between Dal-po and In-ha ("Pinocchios are not fit to be reporters") during the job application at YNG was to set up that BOTH of them are wrong. Dal-po got a very pointed lecture in this episode why his argument was flawed, but In-ha, so far, still actually holds some clearly wrong beliefs towards what Pinocchio syndrome means (just as Dal-po accused her).

But why would she continue to hiccup on the gym story? That doesn't make much sense unless she really is unconvinced by the story they are going to broadcast. Again, compare that to the "bird/cat" video: She refused to even extrapolate some elements of the report. She clearly isn't able to detect the truth, but she can detect whether she really believes in a story or not.

Problem is, she doesn't seem to be aware of the difference of those two things. Which, again, means that Dal-po's otherwise flawed argument is actually true in her case.


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Yeah the gym story hiccups really don't make sense for me.

I think the setup was not necessarily that they're both wrong, but mostly to show two sides and to then subsequently show that it's not clearly one way or the other. This show points out very clearly that truth comes in many forms and it's not black and white.


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no see re in ha, it was more like beom joo asked her if she could confidently turn it in for the report, and when in ha said yes, she hiccuped THEN. Which was because in fact she had reservations. In fact both she and dal po had them but because she cannot tamp down her concerns since she is a Pinocchio, and it would be obvious from the start if she has doubts, she decided she HAD to go see what the missing piece was and follow up on her doubts.
Whereas dal po just shoved it to the back of his mind and went on with the report. and THIS is where their paths forked and why YGN's report went horribly. so not only was dal po a hypocrite for being irresponsible, his words as to why in ha could never be a reporter cuz of her syndrome was in fact (very ironically) the reason she outmatched him in this one and gave out the better report.

btw i thought that was an AMAZING parallel and smackdown of dal po. i was not expecting the show to go in so hard on him and i loooove that it did. it was so great to see In Ha triumph as well. i hope this show continues to show each of our otp struggling in their own ways for their own reasons re: being a reporter without it being One is Right and the other is Wrong. thats too pat and easy. and also very much unlike how real life works. both of them are learning how morality in the real world is rarely a case of black and white but rather shades of grey. but its up to them as reporters to find the closest thing to truth in all of that complexity. what a great show seriously.


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oh man I loved this episode. I was surprised he met hyung so soon. I am wondering a bit how long this conflict drags out because the whole In Ha relationship, while cute, doesn't have the same emotional weight as the broken family story. I hope the writer has saved some good stuff for the end but am super happy that we are getting some good stuff now


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I love these two boys. It gives me a sick feeling in the stomach to think of what they've install for them. And after everything that they've already gone thru. Life is too cruel then.


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Oh my! Thank you! I honestly thought I'm the only one who do not ........ *what's the nicest way of putting it* CARE about the romance thingy between the two leads *don't get me wrong I'm a fan of Lee jong suk* but it's just a distraction from the main story ?? For once plz let the agony of a plot stems from a realistic theme other than the trivial unrelatable frustration of the two leads.


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I found it adorable and hilarious that In Ha was avoiding Dal Po so as to not give him her cold (awww) but she was fine spending all her time with Beom Jo. Just shows how important Beom Jo is to her lol

I'm still not sure why Dal Po chose to give his adopted name to hyung instead of his birth name. I understand that Dal Po must suspect hyung to be involved in the murders since who else would have a better motive but after being separated for so long, I'd think he'd be more honest. And as girlfriday says, knowing that his younger brother is alive might be the only thing to stop hyung from hurting more people...

I really hope hyung doesn’t do anything stupid towards In Ha. From today’s episode, it looks like hyung is eyeing In Ha as a means to get to her mom. Don’t do it hyung (but if you do, it’ll be great for plot development)!!!


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Oh! It will be epic in so many ways. And you know what the writers are likely to do? The things you don't want to happen the most.


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The other reason Dal Po didn't give his brother his real name is Dal Po thinks his hyung abandoned him and his mom. Dal Po won't admit to his real identity until he knows what his hyung was thinking/doing back then to leave them alone.


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Oh I definitely get the feeling that Hyung gets evil ideas re In Ha when he finds out she's Song's daughter. That means DP has to save her from Hyung down the road. Poor kid.

DP is there to meet sb who might be connected to the guy(s) who accused his father those years ago. Voila! his hyung pops up. It doesn't take a strong 6th sense to smell sthg fishy. Hence he hangs back and lets the scene play out to find out more. If all is well, hyung will always be happy when he reveals himself later. But w/o knowing DP is his brother, hyung will go on his revenge rampage and seek out In Ha next.


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Exactly. The way hyung stared at In Ha on that banner, God, I just kept on screaming in my head, "No, hyung! Don't go there! Doooooonnnnnnn't!"D:


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maybe hyung will try to make the mother and her daughter to experience the same as he'd to, it'll be a big drama at the end and DP will be a big hero with a big loss - his hyung or...


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First to comment. Now, I can't wait until Dal Po faces the dilemma--should he report about his brother or should he help him? Or would he and his brother have a fight over how to do things the way Yoon Sung and Jin Pyo did in City Hunter?


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I stand corrected. I'm the sixth. :-)


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Writer don't preach... I'm learning a lot of values from this series.


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So much angst is in store for the leads. I just wish that after such hardships, Dal Po and his bro can just reunite and be happy.


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And it is so refreshing that for once no one is confused about their feelings. It's clear and straightforward and swoony all the same.


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Haven't finished the ep yet, but Dad/Grandpa is too nice and wise. He's definitely headed for the nice-character wood chipper.


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I love grandpa. I wish to see him in some future Grandpa over flowers when one of the original gramps has a schedule conflict.


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Yes, this grandpa and the grandpa from King of High School. I wish there were more Halbaes over flowers :)


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Nooooooo what a terrible thought! Sigh. You're right, of course.


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Thank you for the fast recap, Girlfriday! Subs were a bit off on the viki video and your summary helped me clue in on the parts I missed :)


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There were some really great scenes in this episode:

1. Present/past Dal-po face off.

2. Dal-po and In-ha at the hospital.

3. In-ha squat-sneak away at the sight of Dal-po.

4. Dal-po and Hyung meeting at the end.

Runner up:

5. Dal-po and Grandpa.

6. Dad and eel's tail.


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I agree with all these and for me I will add

Beom Jo's mother demanding to know why there were no cases (lol)

Yoo Rae sniffing In Ha's hair and getting jealous of her for being clean (forget boys, clean hair >>>>)


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"Yoo Rae sniffing In Ha’s hair…" Yes, that scene was pretty great as well. I really like Lee Yu-bi in this role. It's fun to watch her be so quirky and weird.


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I always love seeing a character who's awkward and embarrassing, but still competent and warm. Yoo Rae became a favorite character as soon as she smashed her face against the window after her audition!


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I've really been enjoying her in this.


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The hair sniffing and then In-ha flips her hair in Yu-rae's face (and keeps flipping her hair). Followed by the crab retreat. Good comedy acting by both actresses.


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In reality it would've been really creepy for me to see a grown up man depends that much on his mom. But in this drama, I totally love it for the comedy sake. I loveee chaebol mom!


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I was just thinking while watching this ep that this show gives us chars to sympathise with right off the bet, in the 2 wronged boys; it gives us swoony moments of young sweet but forbidden love; it gives many interesting side chars; plus multiple little moments that make us smile or warm our hearts. And it worries us big time! What's not to love?


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Yes! And I just love that she told Dal-po off about no one believing in her, yet she was also worried about him.


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Oh this was a good episode too. Hope that they keep getting better.

Im sure the angst is well on its way. Ah, hyung you arent planning something on in ha, are you? Well im sure that is gonna be some good plot development but of course double the heartbreak for dal po.

Why didnt he just told hyung and said out loud that he is ha myung? Why? !

Pinocchio fighting!


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Dal Po is such a genius that he'll likely figure out Hyung is the murderer before the police does. He already knows the prime suspect is the plant manager who lied and killed his father twice, so to say. It's only a matter of time before he puts two and two together of why Hyung called him on the day of his disappearance. I love how he recognized his hyung right away, but I was honestly bracing myself for a fake out when the brothers waved. "Hyung's not waving to someone behind Dal Po, is he?" If Hyung goes after In Ha, it'll pit brother against brother.

Winter is the best excuse for hugs. I assumed he was going to hug her when he went to put on her jacket. Why couldn't she have been behind the door when he confessed to Beom Jo? Her watching him sleep and reaching out to touch him parallels that moment when he tried but couldn't bring himself to do the same so well. Our star-crossed lovers. Last episode, I wanted YGN to win, but this episode, I was rooting against Dal Po. Damn him for being so smart. If he hadn't called out to In Ha, her Pinocchio syndrome wouldn't have given away their lead. Then I had a feeling he would purposely let her win out of love. Mom running MSC's exclusive story last was an A+ move.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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I'll go as far as knowing he's already suspecting Hyung. He's a genius. It's not going to take him long to figure it out.


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I agree he came to meet his hyung thinking that guy would be connected to the plant manager's crime so when he recognizes his brother of course his alarm bells ring because it' obvious that it's very, very suspicious that his brother would have contact with the guy that caused all the misunderstanding regarding their father.


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I loved this episode. Dal Po.... I cannot think too badly of him because he knows he did wrong on that story and judges himself more than anyone else. Loved the moment of In Ha touching his hair too (now where is the people who will come in saying that is "molestation" and "unconsented"? Do you expect people attracted to each other to have signed and notarised forms of consent to do even this?)

I like Beom Jo's mother but I think she is there a little too much, in these past eps. She is funny but it's one note and I don't really feel interested in her son complex.

And of the supporting reporters, I really like Gyu Dong and Yoo Rae. It's very refreshing to see a kdrama where a young man and young woman are really just friends with no romantic or jealous feelings on either side. Like the scene where she was sleeping in the reporter room and In Ha saw her, Dal Po just shoved her off and she hugs the person on the other side instead. And she recognises Beom Jo's mother because "my oppa used to model for her store".....pretty sure she means her ex sasaeng days idol oppa kkkk

I get really afraid for Dal Po and hyung now. If only hyung had called him about the bumper....*cries* if only they met earlier.....poor brothers.


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Hehe I realise I talked about Yoo Rae a lot...but I like the actress and character more than Beom Jo. And I noticed they improved her hairstyle this ep lol, her face is actually very pretty!

I like that Gyu Dong knows about Dal Po's past, in many ways he is also like Dal Po. He also judges himself harshly for mistakes, and values truth. Which is why in the end, I want his team to win over MSC....but Dal Po neededto make his own mistake and learn his lesson from that too. I don't blame him for what he said to In Ha at the YGN iterview because he was right. But it was important to learn that it applied for him too. The scene with past and present Dal Po was so beautifully done that I almost cried.


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"I cannot think too badly of him because he knows he did wrong on that story and judges himself more than anyone else."

Laser-guided karma once again. The writer really likes to take full swings at these moral lessons, and the "dark/light half-flashback" scene was very, very well done.

"(now where is the people who will come in saying that is “molestation” and “unconsented”? Do you expect people attracted to each other to have signed and notarised forms of consent to do even this?)"

People didn't say that, just me, singular.
Her reaction: Springing from her hospital bed and running out into the winter WITHOUT her shoes actually shows that she feels she did something wrong. (One minor difference is that she actually told him that she "has feelings" for him.)

"I like Beom Jo’s mother but I think she is there a little too much, in these past eps. She is funny but it’s one note and I don’t really feel interested in her son complex."

Word. I'm okay with it if they limit this kind of sequence to this one episode.

"It’s very refreshing to see a kdrama where a young man and young woman are really just friends with no romantic or jealous feelings on either side."

Let's hope they can keep this up. I like Yu-rae as a character: Despite her rather "functional" role (as a foil for the other characters and comic relief), she is a somewhat rounded character. I absolutely loved the "lampshade hanging" line of hers: "Ha, it's a small world, isn't it?"


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I know we've kind of written him off as being a stalker/wacko, but I'm really loving Beom-jo's character. I know that the Pinocchio in the title is all In-ha, but I can see it a bit in him too. Not in the can't-tell-a-lie thing, but in the fact that through the course of this show (so far) he seems to be becoming a real boy/man. I know that in childhood I really (REALLY) hated that Disney movie, but the wish, that aching desperation of a puppet, really stuck with me. And every time he (Beom-jo) does something and then surprises himself, I can't help but think of that. That slowly but surly, he's becoming a member of the real world.

Which means I desperately hope he doesn't go the way of second-leads and become detestable. He's not going to get the girl, but I hope he gets to get a real life.


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Yee gads, I meant surely up above. I really hope he doesn't become resentful over his introduction into life. :)


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I'm not too worried. I feel like as long as he has his mother, he'll get through anything. They're shoe-ins to win the Motherboy Competition.


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DP learned his lesson, and I hope In Ha learns hers as well, because she really believes being a pinocchio isn't a problem and she can always see the real truth, but the problem is, she can't and she'll end up reporting something false as truth.

Hyung.... whyyyyy? Just why? I feel so bad for him.


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Has this been raised before. . .I think Beom-jo's a pinocchio too, only he sneezes instead of hiccuping. I need to go back and check for lies, but I don't think there have been any. It could explain his super sheltered life and the closeness with chaebol mommy (since he never would have been able to hide anything from her, her probably was and angel and treated like one). It also shed new light on the In-ha stalker-angle, and why he would be so fixated with her.


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I meant, "*He probably was *an angel."


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i dont think so he only sneezes last time to distract..besides the pinocchio syndrome here is to hiccup not to sneeze or whatsoever


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In a prev. episode, he said something like this to In-Ha "at least you hiccup for your syndrome. That's cute. It could have been something worse, like farting."
So I think they've established that Pinocchios have a 'tell' that shows up when they tell a lie, but it isn't only hiccuping - it's just something their bodies betray when words/heart don't match up. ..


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I didn't take that comment to mean there are multiple ways of displaying the syndrome just that he was say


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(Sorry not sure why that posted early), I took his comment to just mean the syndrome could be worse. Like when you're sick or having a bad day and someone is just like...you know what, it's not that bad, what if instead you had x?


Ugh, why did they have to go and make Hyung a killer? My heart isn't ready (and won't ever be ready) to handle when Dal Po finds out. </3


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Re "nutty chaebol mom":

Why is she nutty?

Of all the chaebol moms I've seen in KDs, this one is the least nutty, compared to those who like to throw water, cash, insults at young girls from common (poor) families. Even with her black chicken feather hat, and non eco-friendly coat, I quite like her. For her willingness to help out her son's sick partner, I like her even more. :)


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yes I like her too..she's so rare in k-dramaland. I just hope she wouldn't turn nasty when In-ha breaks her son's heart :-)


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I like the actress playing chaebol mom, i hope so too that she wont turn nasty, i just love and laugh at the way she fawns over her son :P


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LOL, when mom came in and interrogated those police. Heheheh. I think she would make a great reporter. The police will tell her a lot of scoops so that she will leave them alone quickly heheheh.


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Base on this episode looks like hyung's next target is either In Ha. I hope not please hyung....don't do anything bad to In Ha....please.....please....please..


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thanks for the speedy recap GF. :)

watching grandpa's face contort in horror as dal-po went on and on about how dirty the police station was and how long it's been since he last bathed made my skin crawl! JUMP OUT OF THE TUB GRANDPA! even just reading the recap makes me want to go have a shower. YUCK!


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I can't believe how much I love this show, I never expected THIS from the less than exciting sounding info before it aired

I found my favourite chaebol parent and child pairing...


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hi all
can anyone tell me which is the song in episode 2 that play in background when In-Ha and Dal-Po are going to school riding the bicycle. that song plays again when Dal-po gives piggy back ride to In-Ha..?


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Shitty Hunter at your service.

You can thank me later.


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crap why does it feel like episode 5&6 just came out yesterday? am I not addicted enough? *sigh* gotta catch up on this show now


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Ok, so, I'm a fan of Park Shin Hye (PSH) but I've never truly rooted for any of her characters. Admittedly, I have been critical of some of her past performances. I found them entertaining and enjoyable to watch but ultimately they fell a bit short. (There are a couple of outliers and this is just my perspective.) Full Disclosure: I hated Heirs. Please don't have me tarred, feathered and burned at the stake.

With that said, Choi In Ha is my favorite character and I'm thoroughly enjoying watching PSH in this role. She is really doing something special with this character. This show is a lot of fun and surpassed all my expectations. If we can make it through this drama without one of her infamous "dead-fish" kisses then this will be my favorite of all her dramas.


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can people stop hating on her kiss scenes please? it's getting really tiresome. why is all the blame put on her, anyway? most likely, it's the director's instructions. kisses in dramas usually (not always) are for the sake of symbolizing their mutual love, of having reached that point. a wide range of ages watch them, so they keep that in mind, too, when making scenes like this. don't critique dramas with the mindset that it should be like western tv.


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I think all the blame is put on her because she has been consistently "dead-fish" in all her previous roles, while her co-kissers have shown themselves capable of "live-fish" action, if you will. PSH is an amazing actress, but for me, as a western-viewer, her kissing scenes have been awkward and off-putting. When the kissing in the scene is supposed to be reciprocal, it takes me completely out of the narrative to see her looking so uncomfortable (at least to my super-soaked western mind). I haven't had an issue with other "timid" kisses or kissers. It's always seemed true to character or culturally accurate, but most of PSH's seem like she's being forced to do something unpleasant, which distracts me into feeling bad for the actress, instead of happy for the character.


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I don't understand why YGN and Cap don't use the story of how Mom pushed an entire family to the brinks of death by falsely reporting the factory story. That would surely put a stop to her new "we only tell the truth" stand.
Are they keeping that for later? is it because Cap doesn't want to hurt DalPo?
anyway, thanxs for the speedy recap!!


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Because they all pushed the family. While Dal Po remembers the mom the most because she was the most aggressive, it was all the news channels that hounded the family and spread false rumors. As was shown in the last episode, there's plenty of guilt to spare for that incident.


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Hi there, I'm a lurker and I'm loving this show!
What I came here to post is, does anyone else think that In-ha's mom might also be a Pinocchio? Sorry if someone else has come up with this theory before.

I've seen some clues in Episode 3 and Episode 5 for example. I think her giveaway might be her pen clicking. In-ha's mom clicked her pen during/after she called the restaurant during In-ha's first interview, when she called pretending to want to reserve a room as a smoker. Also, the camera did a close-up during the time when she mentioned the possibility of bringing up In ha as a marketing ploy.

In Ep 3 also, the people at the interview said she was very similar as a rookie to In-ha, with idealistic views. I believe that she really might have been that way, and hardened as a defense thing. She could have kept her Pinocchio syndrome hidden for obvious reasons.

I'm probably crazy haha.


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I remember when someone told a story about how she went out to buy children's shoes and used them pretending they were shoes from an accident she was reporting on. I think if she was a Pinocchio she wouldn't be able to do that.


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Good point D:

I did recall that actually, and I know it is a far fetched theory. But I still feel there's a slight possibility the mom might have Pinocchio syndrome but found a way to work around it. The only real hint to me (which might just be a weird camera focus) is the several times it focused on the mom twirling/clicking her pen, which I think is an unusual thing to focus on.


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I do like the way this story is shaping up - we've got 2 great characters to root for in our otp, and some A++ secondary ones too - both second leads and Gyu-dong especially.

It's a great episode for character development, though not strictly on the plot front - it doesn't feel like a slow hour because it's a lesson Dal-po badly needs, in how to make mistakes and face up to them like an adult. He wasn't wrong for saying what he did to In-ha in the YGN interview, but the interview room flashback was a beautiful way of showing that it applied equally to him.

And I like the camaraderie developing between our reporter gang - Beom-jo still has a creepily not-platonic interest in In-ha even if he is funny, but I did enjoy Yoo-rae yelling at Dal-po, they have a nice dynamic as teammates and I love that neither of them has any interest in the other as a man/woman. Like someone said, Yoo-rae is jealous over clean hair, not male attention - girl has her priorities right! (also, thank goodness the coordis decided to pin back Lee Yubi's fringe/bangs, it's a huge improvement to her look).

I also agree with whoever said we could do with less of Beom-jo's mother. Kim Hye-sook is awesome but the role is kind of one-note and totally superfluous to the
setting and storyline, there is only so much I can watch her fawning over her son before I start thinking her screen time should go to other people instead.


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Pogo, I totally agree with you about Yoo-rae! I didn't think I would like her the first time she came up, but she's likable and cute. It's refreshing that she doesn't see Dal-po as a romantic interest, at least yet. Hopefully it'll stay that way, because I'm liking the change a lot.

Also, Beom-jo's mom is a nice and loving mom but I find myself cringing and skipping over the parts where she comes on. It's just a really weird relationship between mom and son, not exactly icky weird but... Idk.


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I. Am. Addicted.
This show is so... alike and different from I Hear Your Voice. So suprising, the pace is quick, the wonders about professions are so similar and yet... if I didn't know they were linked or if the actor wasn't the same... I would easily forget I Hear Your Voice and only see Pinocchio because that drama is so great by itself in so many ways !
The scene of Dal Po shouting at himself in his own flashback... In fact, I was so moved by it I stopped the episode to breathe a minute, and jumped onto the recap to see what you had to say about it. Feeling you had loved it... I just felt less alone et got back to watching the next events.

So. Definitely. Addicted.


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Great episode! He found his hyung! So. Much. ANGST! I love it!

Thanks for the recap!


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5 stars for this episode


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