Modern Farmer: Episode 18

There’s hope yet for the boys as they determine to make an album no matter what it takes, but the mechanism for getting their dream may carry a price bigger than they’re willing to pay. What are they willing to do for their dream, and what will they be willing to give up? Especially when one of them has already decided that hope is too costly, and is ready to throw everything away to avoid the pain of losing the dream yet again.


Min-ki strides into Hyun-suk’s dressing room and decks him, yelling, “I’m Yoon-hee’s brother and Min-ho’s uncle, you bastard!” when asked who he is. He gets in another good punch before Hyun-suk’s manager gets between them.

Back home in Hadurok-ri, Han-chul accidentally lets slip that Min-ho’s father was in town, fueling questions by Aunt and Uncle that Yoon-hee doesn’t want to answer. She’s saved from further inquiry by a phone call telling her that Min-ki was arrested in Seoul, and she runs out to get him. Hyuk tries to go with her but this time she tells him she needs to go alone.

When she gets to the police station Min-ki isn’t in a mood to talk, though Hyun-suk is there and pulls Yoon-hee aside. She apologizes for Min-ki, and Hyuk says he was going to let it go but his manager called the police.

Hyun-suk has the nerve to ask if Yoon-hee thought about what he offered earlier, and Yoon-hee’s contrite attitude changes to anger as she reminds him that she wants nothing from him. Hurt, she asks if he’s not even curious about his son since he’s never asked about Min-ho. At least the jerk has the grace to look embarrassed.

Yoon-hee rounds on Min-ki outside the station, demanding to know why he took matters into his own hands. He says he overheard their conversation, and he’s angry right back at her for doing nothing after what Hyun-suk said. Yoon-hee reminds him again not to worry about her and Min-ho, and Min-ki yells that he tried but he can’t help himself.

Yoon-hee tells him that she can’t stand his pity and warns him one last time to stop, and starts to walk away. Min-ki grabs her hand and says it’s not sympathy or pity. He admits that he doesn’t understand his feelings either, but he knows that’s not it.

They both feel a little weird on the drive home, and Min-ki finally breaks the silence to ask Yoon-hee to stop for food. Watching him eat, she admits that she does feel better now, since she’d been regretting that she hadn’t slapped Hyun-suk herself. Ha. She reminds him he was still wrong, but the tension is broken.

When they get home, Yoo-na asks Min-ki to speak privately. He starts to apologize for worrying her, but that’s not what she wants to talk about, and she asks him to go back to Seoul with her. Her scandal has quieted, and his farming is done, and she wants to go back.

Min-ki says that he’s not finished with why he came here — he still intends to make an album. He says he’d rather die than live without hopes or dreams, and tells her to go alone if she wants to go.

Yoon-hee gets ready for bed, and she can’t keep Min-ki’s words that he doesn’t know what he’s feeling from her mind. Meanwhile Min-ki lies in bed with Hyuk and Han-chul, and Hyuk starts to talk about something, but stops himself.

Man-gu asks Soon-boon if she’s heard from little sister Yi-ji, and she tells him she hasn’t heard anything. He overreacts when his mom wonders why he wants to know, because he totally doesn’t care how she is, not even a little. Yeah right.

Sang-deuk and Mi-young meet secretly in her car, and she’s shocked to see the state he’s in after hiding a few days from his mother. She tells him again to go home and he refuses, but he hugs her and asks her to hang in there and he’ll convince his mom. He’s startled by a face outside the window — it’s Eun-woo, who’s just seen her mom hugging that weird ajusshi.

Mom and daughter talk back home, and the pint-sized tyrant forbids her mother to marry that guy, saying she hates him. She’s adamant and doesn’t want to listen to reason, kicking her mom out of her room. Sang-deuk tells Mi-young to go on to work and he’ll stay here and bring Eun-woo around. His first attempt gets him a stuffed animal to the face before he steps a single foot into her room, ha.

The guys try again to sell cabbages from the truck, with no more luck than before. Han-chul asks Min-ki why he reacted that way to Min-ho’s dad and asks if he likes Yoon-hee, then laughs like a loon at his own “joke,” oblivious to the fact that Min-ki and Hyuk aren’t laughing with him.

Ki-joon is back home, miserable as he delivers jokbal for his family’s restaurant. His mom orders him to get back to studying for the civil service exam again, because she doesn’t want him working at the restaurant anymore. Ki-joon looks torn — he doesn’t want to be in civil service, but it’s sweet of his mom to want something better for him.

Ki-joon sits outside and looks at the photo of himself and Bul-ja, when suddenly he’s joined by Min-ki, Han-chul, and Hyuk. They engage in the time-honored male apology tradition of thumping him repeatedly, and everything is forgiven. It’s sweet that they respect his decision and don’t ask him to come back (but I want him to come back!).

When the guys get home they’re exhausted, but without much to show for their attempts to sell the cabbage. Han-chul sighs that his life is coming to a pathetic end, but Hyuk and Min-ki just assume he’s being overly-dramatic.

Sang-eun comes screeching into the room with a great idea, inspired by her viral “fish slap” video. She offers to record a music video for the band, and next thing you know they’re dressed like country bumpkins and surrounded by cabbages. HA, the “I hate my life” look on Hyuk’s face just kills me. And aww, they even drew a face on one cabbage as a stand-in for Ki-joon.

They record themselves singing “When Love Comes,” and Sang-eun promises they’ll be stars once this video goes online. She says they should change the band name to match their country concept, and the guys agree just to pacify her. She suggests the name “Farmer” and Hyuk says it’s too old-fashioned, grumbling that they should sound more modern… and “Modern Farmer” is born.

Hee, the way Min-ki pronounces “Modern Farmer” is kind of adorable. The guys aren’t that hopeful but Sang-eun swears they’ll be overnight hits. Han-chul wishes a gold nugget would just fall from the sky and solve all their problems.

That night, a gold nugget falls from the sky. No really.

In the morning a local farmer finds a hole in one of his greenhouses, and a large meteor in the greenhouse itself. The guys see the farmer, holding the meteor and being interviewed by the press. A meteor expert is also interviewed, and he says that a meteor this size can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the finder.

You can practically see the dollar signs in the guys’ eyes to hear that the experts think there may be other fallen meteors in the area. They run home just long enough to gasp out the news about the meteor and their plan to find another one to fund their album, and run back out again.

After they leave, Yoon-hee tells her aunt her idea to make kimchi from the cabbage the boys grew and sell that, determined to help them figure out a way to salvage the cabbage crop and recover their investment. Yoo-na gets a strange look in her eye, and leaves the room to call her sleazy CEO. She tells him that she’ll come back, on one condition, but we don’t get to hear the deal she makes with the devil.

Hadurok-ri is soon overrun with meteor hunters, causing Soo-yeon and Mi-ja to panic that someone might find the money they’ve been searching for. They decide to abandon the mural pretense, and find the money before anyone else can get at it.

At Mi-young’s house Sang-deuk has apparently been trying to cajole Eun-woo for quite some time, and he’s resorted to offering to do all her homework and even agreeing to get plastic surgery since she hates his face. The little sass just scoffs at his offers, even when he swears to give up drinking. She orders him out, reinforcing it with another stuffed animal upside the face.

Man-gu goes to see Yi-ji at the coffee shop and demands to know when she’ll come home. She says she’ll come home when she’s earned enough to buy a coffee shop, and he tells her she’ll never save that much working part time. He throws an envelope down in front of her, and she opens it to find the papers for the coffee shop he’s bought her. Aww, the big softie.

In-ki takes Soon-boon to a temple on their date, getting his flirt on right away and impressing her. When they go to bow, Soon-boon lets out a tiny fart, and she’s horrified to think that In-ki may have heard it. Oh, he heard it, and he hears the second one she lets loose, too. But he’s a gentleman and doesn’t mention it, even managing a little toot of his own to make her feel better. It shouldn’t be, but that’s so cute.

Hyuk tests all the rocks they find with a magnet, since a true meteor will be made of iron and very heavy. Han-chul hauls over a large pitted rock and tests it… and the magnet sticks. They found one!

A photo to an expert pretty much confirms it, and they drive down the road with Min-ki cradling the meteor like a baby. Hyuk points out that they should be careful since this is the point at which something usually goes wrong and the roads are icy today. So of course Han-chul punches the gas, hits some ice, and runs them off the road.

They end up with the nose of the truck hanging half over the icy river, carefully balanced by their weight in the cab and the cabbages in the truck bed. Hyuk has them slowly lean back to stabilize them, and Min-ki calls the police but he doesn’t know where they are.

They’re still too heavy in front, so Hyuk tells everyone to take off a layer of clothes and throw them out the window to reduce weight. The truck shifts again and they frantically take off another layer, but when they’re still too heavy, Hyuk is the first to realize they need to throw out the meteor, as it’s the heaviest thing left in the cab.

Han-chul and Min-ki fight it, but they’re forced to give up the meteor — as much as it’s worth, it’s not worth their life. They all sob as they watch the meteor tumble into the water below, seeing their dream of making an album tumble into the icy river.

Man-gu brings Yi-ji home, feeling better with one less thing to worry about. They spot a couple walking hand-in-hand, and realize with horror that it’s their mother and In-ki. They holler at them, and Soon-boon and In-ki make a run for it.

Mi-young appeals to Sang-deuk’s mother herself, who’s still taken to her bed. She tells her how much she loves him and promises to take good care of him, and Sang-deuk’s mom throws off the covers and sits up with a smile. But she’s still unconvinced, as she grabs her club and goes after Mi-young this time.

The boys are rescued and back home, depressed to think of their meteor in that deep, freezing water. Hyuk remembers the video that Sang-eun was to upload for them, and they brighten to think of all the views they must have. But they’re disappointed to see they only have three views. Oh ouch.

They’re given hope again almost immediately when Yoo-na comes to tell them her CEO has been wanting to manage a band, and has offered them an audition. Oh, so this was the deal she made to go back to Seoul. She assures Min-ki that the CEO has forgotten about the past, though Hyuk looks skeptical.

He follows Yoo-na outside to ask what her intention is for all this, but she plays innocent and says she doesn’t have any intention — the CEO really does just want to manage a band. Hyuk doesn’t believe her (and neither do I) but she coldly cuts him off and goes inside.

Min-ki and Han-chul excitedly tell Yoon-hee about their audition, and she’s genuinely happy for them. Min-ki has even called Ki-joon, but he’s apparently not answering, so he says if it goes well he’ll call him again afterward. Yoon-hee looks at the information she’s been gathering to sell their cabbages as kimchi, but she’s not upset they may have found another way.

The guys go for their audition, and the CEO tells them they’re still good and that he’ll call them soon with his decision. Min-ki and Han-chul can barely contain their excitement, but Hyuk is sullen to the point of being disrespectful. After they leave, the CEO calls Yoo-na and tells her he’ll make them an album as he promised, and orders her back to Seoul.

Exhausted, Soo-yeon and Mi-ja despair that they’ll never find the hidden money with all the meteor hunter around and more coming all the time. But they’re about to have a bigger problem, because the man who told Soo-yeon about the money is back in town for his stolen stash.

He finds the spot in Min-ki’s field where he hid the money, but it’s been covered by a huge stack of cabbages. He runs (literally) into Mi-ja, and Soo-yeon recognizes him. He immediately figures out that she came to find his money while he was unconscious, but she stands up to him and yells that it’s not his money either, because he stole it first. This girl has major cojones, because she even goes so far as to threaten to tell the assemblyman where to find him if he doesn’t tell her where the money is.

That night Min-ki sits outside and looks at the stars, looking rather sad, and Yoon-hee joins him and asks if he spoke to Ki-joon. He has, but Ki-joon doesn’t want to rejoin the band and Min-ki can’t get him to change his mind.

Min-ki says he’s excited to go back to Seoul, but he can’t stop thinking about cabbages, and the villagers. Yoon-hee tells him Min-ho will miss him a lot when he goes, and he asks if she’ll miss him too. She teases that she’ll be relieved when he’s gone, but Min-ki soberly says that he’ll miss her, joking sadly that he’ll have nobody to fight with without her.

Ki-joon goes out with friends from his civil service exam study class, but he spends more time staring at his phone than socializing. He thinks about the call from Min-ki, when he’d been momentarily excited to hear about the album, but had told Min-ki that a dream is just a dream and he doesn’t want to torment himself with hope anymore. That’s so sad.

Ki-joon’s friends drag him to a noraebang, but he can’t stop the thoughts in his head and soon decides to leave. In the hallway he sees a drunk customer manhandling one of the employees but he turns to go — but when she speaks up to protest, he recognizes her voice. Ohmygosh, it’s Bul-ja!

The drunk grabs her again to drag her into the room, and Ki-joon yells at him to let her go and punches him. He leads Bul-ja outside and rounds on her for working in such a skeevy place, but she says she has no choice because of her mother’s hospital bill. Ki-joon is furious, but Bul-ja cries that this is the only job she can get and she hates it too, and it deflates his anger.

The drunk follows them out with a burly friend, and tries to push Bul-ja back into the building. Ki-joon goes after him, but he’s the one who gets punched this time. Bul-ja tries to calm the customer and he pushes her down, which causes Ki-joon to completely lose control.

The police are close and break up the fight, and say they’re taking everyone to the station to find out what happened. Bul-ja gets that hunted look in her eye again, knowing she’ll be deported if they find she’s here illegally. The policeman asks to see her ID and for the third time since they met, Ki-joon distracts the authorities and yells at her to run for it.

Bul-ja runs, but this time she only goes a few steps before she stops and turns back. Ki-joon screams at her to go, but she hesitates, unwilling to leave Ki-joon behind again.


Augh, this is so hard to watch play out yet again, with the stakes higher than they’ve been the last two times this happened. It seems like Ki-joon is always saving Bul-ja, but I can understand why she’s reluctant to go this time. She loses him no matter what she does — either she runs and they may never see each other again, or she stays and gets deported and they may never see each other again. These two are my favorite couple in the show, and I just want them to be bouncy and happy and adorable together again, but I just don’t see how they’re going to get out of it this time. Especially since losing Bul-ja is what caused Ki-joon to lose hope in pursuing his music dream, because it hurts too much to want something and lose it over and over, and I just ache for him. He’s consistently been the one of the group who was always positive and happy, which I realize now I took for granted, so to see him give up hope so completely is that much more heartbreaking because I just assumed he’d always bounce back.

On the other hand, I’m proud of Min-ki for deciding that no matter what happens, he will realize his dream, no matter what it takes. That’s what makes him such a good person and strong leader, that resilience and ability to rally no matter what happens. But I’m worried what will happen when he finds out the offer to make an album isn’t something they earned on their own merit, but a shady deal made between Yoo-na and the CEO. I can understand what Yoo-na was trying to do, but I don’t think it came from a place of wanting to help a friend — she’s doing it to get Min-ki back to Seoul with her and away from Yoon-hee. And I have no doubt that once she’s back herself, the CEO will find a way to screw the guys over on their album now that he has what he wants.

The fallout when Min-ki discovers what Yoo-na’s done is going to be ugly, and I’m not looking forward to seeing him feel that hurt and betrayal. Even though he’s made it clear that Yoo-na is no longer his priority, it’s still going to be painful for him. I’m worried about Hyuk too, thought not on as deep a level as I’ve been in the past. He was very sulky and quiet through this whole episode, being the only one who knows the whole story about what happened in the past with their first failed debut. We’re seeing that darker, selfish side of Yoo-na now, and I’m finding myself more concerned about her part in what happened back then and how it’s going to affect Min-ki when he finds out the truth. He’s going to feel betrayed not just by Yoo-na, but by Hyuk too, when he finds out that Hyuk’s kept a secret from him all these years.

So far I’ve assumed that Yoo-na was mostly innocent in whatever went down, that whatever-it-was happened to her and not because of her, but now I’m not so sure. I’m scared she may have been involved in something shady then too, either by choice or by force, and that Hyuk found out and has been keeping her secret not for her sake (as he obviously despises her) but to save his friend’s feelings. Of course this is all guesswork on my part, because we still haven’t gotten any clues apart from Hyuk’s contempt for Yoo-na, but I bet I’m not too far off. I’m frustrated that the show is apparently going to make us wait until the very end for the answers to all our questions, but I have to tip my hat to the show for giving us some great storytelling, because it’s kept me interested and eager to find out all of the hidden truths. Whatever happened back then, I just hope it’s good and juicy to make up for the long, looong wait!


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Thanks for the recap! This is my first time posting(was always lurking) and I something else too


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*I am something else too*


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And I am the Phantom of the Opera!!! ;) . Welcome.


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Thank you! Phantom :D


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we got a troll making the first comment.

whatever, ... the last scene was something from a melodrama and dang, it brought tears to my eyes, I've seen this kind of scenes before but it never got to me but as to why I'm moved now? maybe coz I love Kijoon and Bulja and action speaks a thousand unspoken words. oh, the feels.

I would truly miss this one. One of this year's best.


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A troll? Are you trying to say I am funny? Please explain(or anyone else) if you come back to check.


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KJ-BJ moment is heartbreaking....
SO, all answer will be in the last 2 episode ya... about yoona-hyuk, money, album, hanchul.... aah... i'm curious.


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I'm frustrated that the dad who just learned he has a son is made out to be the bad guy for wanting his life to continue the way it has... Really it's the people who kept the information from him for 9 years that caused this situation and the poor guy is supposed to just accept it and be dad of the year?

I feel bad for him - he lost those 9 years through no fault of his own - give him some time to process the information and accept it.

I think he's a good guy for offering to financially support a son he never knew about and think he deserves some time without defamation of his character.


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I think he's neither good nor bad, but I agree that I think people's reactions to him seem really extreme to me. Yes, it would be wonderful if he wanted to be a part of his child's life...but she chose not to involve him and kept them apart both as a couple and as a father-dad. Yes, he may have turned out to be an ass if she had let him know at the beginning but then it would have been his choice.

Having him find out at a random point in time (and not even because she meant to tell him) and then being upset that he doesn't immediately jump at having a son and possibly lose his career and fiancée doesn't sit well with me. She didn't want him in her child's life, so he's choosing to continue in the vein that she chose...but offering monetary help. I'm the child of a single mom so I admit that in general my views may be biased but I really don't see that he did anything awful. Besides, he really wasn't given much time to sit with it. He very well ma have chosen in the future to ask questions or try to get to know him. It's not surprising that he's not going to drop everything the minute he finds out (especially with a woman who so clearly didn't want him there for so long).


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Dear 4D, thanks for the insight. Since you have the actual experience, then it must be true or at least a realistic point of view (I am convinced that you have to listen to the people tha has real experience in any issue because the know what is that reality like).

I was glad for Min-Ki to give Min-Ho's father a good punch because he needs to wake up in several levels, not because I hated the character.

Cheers!!! ;) .


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Well it's a point of view, but my experience isn't exactly like the one in the story. I actually would have thought that I'd be more blindly on Yoon Hee's side. I think that actually it's because Yoon Hee is so likeable that everyone is so quick to jump on the father. On the other hand if someone came up to me and told me that they'd kept a child a secret from me for nine years just as I was about to marry.....well, I'd still want to be a part of the child's life but I don't think it would make me a bad person if I didn't. I think I would be in shock and probably extremely hurt by someone who would keep something that big from me.

I just think his reaction is very human and it doesn't make him a bad guy. I also don't think it makes him a particularly good guy....but he could have been justified in being completely angry at Yoon Hee for lying to him and keeping it a secret all these years. Giving that he didn't really take it out on her for something she did over many years, I think it's a bit extreme to think he deserves physical violence when he's made a choice for only a brief moment in time.

There really is no ideal for this situation.


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I dont think the problem lies on the rationality of the dad's reaction. In my opiniob what hurts Yoon Hee most about what Min Ho's father said was the fact that he assumed she is capable of intentionally ruining his successful life by exposing the child, despite them being lovers in the past and her keeping the kid a secret from him for 7-9 years (or so?).
On top of that, in a way, he tried to bribe her so she would keep Min Ho a secret. He didnt even bother to find out wheth34 she actually needs child support. Again he assumed she is living in povery. The independent, strong, capable village head who is financially stable of course would take offense at how shallow he is to have this perspective that she is strugglimg financially without him.
She used to love him but we keep forgetting that at one point he loved her as well. To find out that he thinks Yoon Hee would struggle without his help is the biggest insult of all.


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Min Ki wasn't exactly thrilled when he found out Yoon Hee was village head either. I think to anyone it doesn't exactly come off that a village head lives in a life of luxury. I didn't take as him trying to buy her off although I can see it being that way. I think he wanted to do something but still keep himself out of the situation. He didn't have to come back but he did. Here a guy would be derided if he didn't offer child support (even when the mom's don't want them in the child's life). I think he's offering what he thinks he can give.


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Great recap. Thanks! You nailed my sentiments about Bul-ja and Ki-joon, and I've been increasing impressed by the shift in range in both the characters and acting.


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Time for a little sadness, eh? Never mind. I've often read in this blog "I could watch it for a hundred episodes". I finally understand what they meant. It's fun and funny, but not scriptless. I could watch this for another hundred episodes. I wonder why it's not fifty (or okay forty plus) like the drama that proceeded and the one following.


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Wouldn't it be fun to visit the villagers in a couple years' time to see what new adventures they have? And I meant literally, like a season 2 in 2016, not a time jump in the final episode now. I would love that.


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You said it. I kinda wish this drama didn't have to end. I can go on watching it forever... probably will go back and watch it over and over again after it ends (noooo I don't want it to end, sob).


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yea.. this drama can go 50 episodes and I wouldn't mind.


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I'm feeling like at this point that Han-chul's illness is a plotline never to be realized. It really must have been a misdiagnosis because it doesn't seem to matter at all as far as the writers are concerned.


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Yeah it has to be a misdiagnosis. With the little time he has left he hasn't seemed to have any sort of health decline. Even in the beginning we saw him taking medications but not anymore. It was such an unnecessary catalyst for him


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Yay they sang FT Islands Madly!!!!!!


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Hmm!! I was hoping for an FT Island song all along!! :D


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I didn't know I could squee for so long without stopping until they began playing Madly. It's one of my favorite FT Island songs! :D :D


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Thanks for the recap. I so want Hyuk to be happy.


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I also want Hyuk to be happy!!!! Such a bummer he is not the one for YH! :(


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yes! and i hope he don't turn into bad person


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So I guess the consensus is that the Hyuk/Yoon Hee ship is sinking. Dangit! Where can I find some welders and a fast tow boat?


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There will be so many things to be revealed in the last two episodes..well i hope they just shorten up sangdeuk-miyoung parts so we can have more time for the secrets revealation and other important storylines


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How many bets that the storyline for Bj-KJ will have them getting married quickly, as I assume that is one way to get an instant "Green Card" in South Korea? I love this show so much. The brilliance of the script hasn't let up for one minute and I care about every single one of the characters and how their stories will resolve. Definitely going to leave a hole in my week when it ends!


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I hope so...and that would give an opening for Bul Ja to say she doesn't want to get married for a green card and Ki Joon to say it's because he likes her, cause while they're in joke is funny an actual declaration of feelings has to happen at some point.


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That would carry on their inside joke really well...so cute.

I just figured she could work at the family restaurant?


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That makes alot of sense


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Eh... it's not that simple though. If marriage was the answer to being an illegal immigrant, then wouldn't all illegal immigrants just marry a local to stay there? I mean, not everyone takes marriage to be holy and all things lovable.

Honestly, if BulJa came into South Korea legally but had overstayed her visa, marriage COULD solve the problem.

But if BulJa had entered illegally, then she's in for a whole lot of paperwork and interviews. If she wants to become a legalized immigrant of the country, assuming that she's already married KiJoon, she'd have to explain why her deportation will cause damages on whomever she's leaving behind. She doesn't have children to back up her stand and I don't think the powers-that-be will accept a "because my husband will die of love-sickness without me".

And to me, there's a difference in whether BulJa runs away or gets deported back. If she runs away, KiJoon will never know where she is. If she gets deported, at least he'll know where she will be - if she tells him her address. And if she gets deported, barring any excessive punishments and bars to entry because I'm not very clear with South Korea's immigration law, she may be able to return to Korea, but, legally this time.

I'll leave it to the drama to solve this.


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hahaha! that's what I have in mind. Can't Ki-joon marry her instead to be get citizenship or something?


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I was really really hoping Bul-ja was hiding in Min-ki's burnt-out house with the deer.


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whatever happened with that deer?


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Hope the deer makes an appearance in the final ep.


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At the last episode I thought they were to give us a cop-out... so when the meteorite plotline became a bluff I laughted so hard :) . The Yoo-Na plight was interesting in several levels.


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do u guys realise there are MSC van the broadcast station Choi Inha works on Pinocchio. hahaa. :D


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I suddenly wish there was a PSH Choi Inha or Go Minam cameo, heh. XD Especially since Hongki just recently posted photos of him meeting up with Shinhye for coffee :3


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That will be awesome!! i love them both^^besties


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count me in for KJ and BG ^.^ they are my favorite character than the rest..

Im with you Christina since they are called husband and wife in the village why they not got married soon to save Bul Ga for being illegal resident then.. ^.^ (oMG they so cute!)

or let KJ's mother adopt BG and let her work at their resturant and they are always together (and Im waiting for KJ confess moment that he likes BG) ^.^ :D

with Hyuk and Yoona Im curious what was that "secret" they have :)

last two episode is alot of reveals and can't wait for Sat n Sun..


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This episode felt a bit weird to me.

First, what was this story about a meteor. Did we really need it?

Then what's up with these young boys stuck in the truck? Really, couldn't they have gotten out of it? Couldn't they move the piece of meteor towards the back? Did they really need to get undressed?

Of course , the $$$ is hidden right under the pile of cabbage. I hope it is hidden deep in the soil and not just on the surface.

Then, couldn't KJ look for BJ in the forest or around town? How convenient was it for him to find her at the karaoke place

Yeah, the episose just felt weird...


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Am sorry but since when did Yoona start caring about Min Ki enough to get pissed at him for caring about noona? I don't get it, he showers u with attention and ur response is very passive, he showers someone else with attention and suddenly u care?!! Ugh!


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To me she's really just a plot device. I don't know if it's the writing or the acting but.....eh, she just doesn't work for me as a fleshed out character in any way.


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Yeah, I didn't think that she cared about him in that way until she started getting jealous. I really think it's the acting - I get no emotion from her. Her expression is same all the time. Mostly when she has a scene I just look at what she's wearing - I've liked most of her outfits.


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You know what weighs even more than that meteor? The three idiots too stupid to exit the vehicle.


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Yeah that whole thing was dumb. The could easily exit - and even if they got out in water..so what? And if you're gonig to throw the meteor out the window, could you at least throw it uphill and behind you?


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Yes! The whole time I was telling them to throw it behind them. Or to just have one of them jump out of the car. As long as they did a belly flop, I doubt they would have slid into the water. The scene was funny though.


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Hahaha! Check out the new behind the scene video on SBS website. Hong Ki imitating Han Chul.. hilarious!! Love how the cast is having so much fun filming this series!


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Modern Farmer is still going strong as a non-stop fun-ride.

The coats, winter coats, and outerwear that the various characters are sporting certainly has piqued my interest.


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It seems like every time we see Yoon-hee she has a different coat on! These farmhouses don't have a lot of closet space, maybe there's a spare hayloft or something ...


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Ha! Yes, maybe so. For several episodes now, I've been preoccupied with trying to spot additional closet space (wardrobes, armoires, chifforobes, etc.).

Does it exist or is it nonexistent?


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Thanks for posting the recaps! I'm finally caught up to all the episodes, and I have to say - this show makes me laugh every time. This time it was the meteor of gold falling from the sky and the boys stripping when they were stuck at the edge of the riverbank. Frankly, I was impressed by their ability to layer.


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Dang it. When I saw Hanchul taking off his shirt, I was waiting for Hyuk to take off his xD D:


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