Modern Farmer: Episode 14

The villagers prepare for the national singing contest, with more than one surprise poised to turn the results (and some feelings) on their ear. A visitor to Hadurok-ri creates a stir, but a birthday reconciliation has them leaving town happier than when they came. Some more strides are made in the main lovelines, though another new arrival in town could pose a huge threat to romances and friendships alike.


Yoon-hee and Hyuk overhear Min-ki telling Yoo-na that he feels nothing for Yoon-hee other than sympathy and pity, but after a moment Yoon-hee shakes off her shock and asks Hyuk to take her for a walk. Yoon-hee is forced to watch Min-ki fussing over Yoo-na over breakfast the next morning, but even Min-ki notices that she seems down.

Ki-joon gets a call from his mother, and he shushes everyone and pretends to be studying. Apparently tomorrow is his birthday, but he just says he’s too busy studying to celebrate, and cuts the call short. He tells the guys that his parents still think he’s taking the civil service exam, and would kill him if they knew he was in the country farming cabbages. Ha, he makes a huge deal out of telling everyone not to make a huge deal out of his birthday.

Yoo-na decides she wants to help with the cabbages, and goes out with the guys when they set out to crush some more snails. They run into Man-gu and Sang-deuk on the road, and it looks like Man-gu takes after his gossipy mother, because the first thing he does is blurt out that it’s Yoo-na. HAHA, Sang-deuk doesn’t know who she is either, thank goodness.

Soo-yeon wakes up feeling a bit peaked, but she shakes Mi-ja awake to go work on their mural anyway. Sang-deuk calls them for breakfast but to their horror, Grandpa has cooked and everything, even the rice, has almonds in it. Later Han-chul finds them on the road to give Soo-yeon some of their cabbage, and she denies feeling ill, but she only makes it a few steps before collapsing.

Yoon-hee and Bul-ja rehearse their audition dance with Yoo-na, and hey, Bul-ja is getting better! Sadly, Yoon-hee is not, and Min-ki loses his temper with her again. Dejected, Yoon-hee says they should give up on this, and that she’ll handle the audition herself. She leaves with Hyuk following right behind, and with his bright smile on, he offers to help Yoon-hee with her work, but she’s in no mood for him today.

Man-gu’s mom hears a strange sound coming from a storage building, and finds her son making some horrible noise that’s supposed to be singing, while In-ki plays guitar. She goes all sparkly again when she sees In-ki, but Man-gu snaps her out of it.

Later she wonders why she goes blank when she sees In-ki, frustrated that she gets all moony-eyed just by thinking of him playing guitar. She tries to storm off and slips, but she’s caught just in time by the object of her daydreams, and the Gone with the Wind theme plays as In-ki literally twinkles at her.

Sang-deuk decides to take a leak right in front of Mi-young’s house and I swear, now he’s just asking to get caught. Of course he does, and nearly gives Mi-young an unwanted shower when she comes up behind him (okay, this bit is getting old now). Mi-young isn’t happy with Sang-deuk for not talking to his mother, and refuses to speak with him.

Yoon-hee goes online that evening and sees another article about the same musician that startled her before, and slams her laptop closed. Min-ki brings Min-ho home on his shoulders, and asks Yoon-hee what she’s planning to do for her audition. She’s short with him, but refuses to talk about whatever is bothering her.

Min-ho tells his mom at bedtime that he’s friends with his former bully now because of Min-ki, and shows her a drawing he did in school. The theme was family, and he drew himself and his mom riding a horse with Min-ki. He tells his mom that he wants a dad like Min-ki and goes off to spend the night in his room, leaving Yoon-hee to worry that he’s getting too attached.

Han-chul nurses Soo-yeon as she rests, even though Mi-ja assures him the doctor said it was just a cold. He stays up with Soo-yeon all night trying to get her fever down, and Mi-ja even seems a little impressed with his commitment.

Yoon-hee’s aunt presents the family with her newest culinary creation for Ki-joon’s birthday — seaweed chocolate fondue. ~CRINGE~ After a brief struggle, Ki-joon is literally forced to taste it, but he’s surprised when it turns out to be good. Min-ki confirms that it tastes pretty delicious, but Yoon-hee is still in a bad mood and leaves.

Han-chul is still watching over Soo-yeon after keeping vigil all night, and he even cleans up while both girls sleep. He finds Soo-yeon’s map, but he assumes it’s just a map of all the sweet potato fields, and Mi-ja doesn’t correct his misunderstanding.

Han-chul also finds Soo-yeon’s sketchbook, and Mi-ja tells him that Soo-yeon’s dream is to be a designer, but with her lack of education it’s not possible. Han-chul looks thoughtful as he processes the first bit of real information he’s gained about the girl he claims to love.

Sang-deuk corners Mi-young in her cafe, and he declares that he doesn’t need to think anything over — he’s ready to step up and be with her. He swears emphatically to never let go of her hand again, and we get another hilariously familiar background song as Sang-deuk swears his undying devotion… only to freak out and hide under the counter when Man-gu’s mom shows up yet again. HAHAHA.

On his way home, Sang-deuk runs into the Worst Blind Date Ever, Bok-nyun. She obliviously assumes he hasn’t called her because he’s playing hard-to-get, but before he can get away, his mother sees them and invites them to lunch.

Min-ki spends the walk to their cabbage field wondering what’s up with Yoon-hee, and Hyuk says he thinks he knows but stubbornly refuses to tell. Frustrated that everyone is ignoring his birthday, Ki-joon finally blows up, but they run into Man-gu who presents Ki-joon with a birthday gift of… a deer antler? Ha, Ki-joon is oblivious to Man-gu’s hints that it’s “good for men.” Bul-ja comes to ask Ki-joon to talk, and the guys give him the day off as his birthday gift, telling him to go on a date with his “wife.”

Yoon-hee helps In-ki prune the apple trees, and he plays exposition fairy as he reminds her that she needs to do well at the singing audition so their apples will be promoted. She thinks back to Min-ho’s claim that he wants a father like Min-ki, and worries again when Min-ki and Yoo-na wander by looking very cozy together.

Bul-ja takes Ki-joon on a long hike to see a small plant, and tells him it’s a 50-year-old wild ginseng. She gently pulls it up and gives it to him for his birthday, but tells him it’s for his parents to thank them for giving birth to him. Aww, Ki-joon’s smile is adorable.

Suddenly Bul-ja shushes him and throws a rock into the distance. Wow, she actually took down a pheasant with a rock, and Ki-joon gets all squeamish when she tries to give it to him for his birthday. But he can’t help but be impressed, and says to himself that he won’t ever go hungry if he marries her.

Yoon-hee watches Min-ki and her son flying a kite, and she pulls Min-ki aside to ask him not to be so nice to Min-ho. She tells him that Min-ho drew him into a family picture, but she worries what will happen when Min-ki leaves town again.

She tells Min-ki that people misunderstand when you’re too nice, and come to depend on you but then you leave, and I don’t think she’s talking about Min-ho any longer. She tells Min-ki not to be nice to her son anymore, and not to be nice to her, either.

A strange woman comes to town looking for Ki-joon, and she asks Man-gu (was he dancing?) for help finding him. They find nearly everyone in the front yard of Yoon-hee’s house, and Hyuk and Min-ki nearly jump out of their skin when they see Ki-joon’s mom.

Ha, she seems perfectly nice, but she clearly terrifies them. Min-ki looks panicked, and Hyuk has on an expression like he wants to either flee or cry. In the face of Ki-joon’s mom’s questions, Hyuk and Min-ki concoct this elaborate story that they’re all out here studying for the national exam together, while the villagers exchange confused glances behind them.

Ki-joon’s mom lays out a spread of jokbal (pork hocks) from the family restaurant, and explains that she wanted her son to take over the family business but he insisted on taking the national exam. Hyuk tells her that Ki-joon isn’t answering his phone because he’s studying so hard, and she heads out to find him.

Of course he’s with Bul-ja when she does, and Hyuk and Min-ki frantically gesture behind her back as Ki-joon freezes up in panic. They tell Mom that Bul-ja is their Chinese tutor, which seems to put her off the scent. When Mom tells her son to study hard and moves off towards the bus stop, the guys collapse in relief that they got away with it.

Mom stops Man-gu’s mother on the way to the bus stop to ask directions, and tells her the fake story about her son who’s studying at the local boarding house. Man-gu’s mom blurts out, “Oh, Bul-ja’s husband!” and true to her loose-tongued nature, spills the true story.

Now we see why everyone is terrified of Ki-joon’s mom, because she storms into the house like a force of nature, cursing a blue streak, and whacks her errant son upside the head with a pork joint. She drags him outside screaming that she’s taking him back to Seoul to work in the family restaurant.

Ki-joon finds his spine and yells that he doesn’t want the restaurant, or to be a government official. He wails that he’s tired of doing things just because it’s what everyone else does, and tells his mother that what he’s doing may look dumb, but he’s really happy. He tearfully begs his mom to let him do what makes him happy, but she yells at him to do whatever he wants and stomps off to the bus stop.

Ki-joon joins his mom and apologizes, and gives her the 50-year-old ginseng. He thanks her for giving birth to him and bows, and he’s so sweet that she can’t stay mad. Just as the bus arrives, Ki-joon promises her he’ll do well, and sends her home smiling.

Sang-deuk is stuck having lunch with his mother and Bok-nyun, who sucks up all the food as fast as she can. His mom invites Bok-nyun to spend the night over Sang-deuk’s protests, even though he’s not even trying to be nice anymore.

Soo-yeon finally wakes up to find that Han-chul has fallen asleep, and Mi-ja tells her how he stayed up all night taking care of her. Soo-yeon seems touched, but when she tries to wake him to thank him, he falls over, having caught her cold.

Later Han-chul coughs and wheezes in the boys’ attic room, while Hyuk and Min-ki make fun of him for catching a cold for a girl who doesn’t like him. Everyone is shocked when Soo-yeon brings him some porridge, which sends Han-chul right over the moon.

After tucking her son into bed, Yoon-hee contemplates the family picture he drew again. She pulls out the jar of eye cream that Min-ki gave her, but slams it back on the shelf with a determined look in her eye.

It’s the day of the singing contest, and the boys wait in the lobby for Yoon-hee to arrive. They’re all impressed with the ginseng that Bul-ja gave to Ki-joon, and Ki-joon promises Man-gu’s mom that he’ll pay her back one day for telling his mother the truth about him and Bul-ja. Min-ki is distracted, groaning that Yoon-hee won’t do well in the audition since she didn’t even practice.

Sang-deuk arrives with Bok-nyun, who was sent with him by his mother. the poor guy looks miserable, and can’t get her to stop hanging off him. The guys all cringe in sympathy to hear her snorting laugh, and Mi-young breezes by them coolly as Bok-nyun clings to Sang-deuk like a leech.

Everything stops when Yoon-hee shows up, looking gorgeous in a white dress and with her hair and makeup perfectly done. They all gape at her, especially Min-ki, and only Hyuk doesn’t seem surprised at how beautiful she looks.

The larger auditions aren’t much better than the local ones, and most of the contestants make embarrassing spectacles of themselves. Everyone’s surprised when Man-gu takes the stage despite not having been chosen to represent the village, and sings the same song he sang at the local audition. I’m pretty sure he’s worse than before, and even his mom laughs at him. That’s just cold.

Next up is Yoon-hee, who sings her audition piece beautifully. During her song, she thinks of all the times that Min-ki was caring towards her, and out in the audience Min-ki looks simultaneously troubled and mesmerized. But he’s not the only one, as Hyuk watches her just as intensely.

I don’t know whether to be extremely sad that Yoon-hee didn’t pass the audition, or extremely amused that Man-gu did. He’s not even gracious about it and rubs it in everyone’s face, but Yoon-hee is actually glad that she won’t have to go on TV. Yoon-hee and Min-ki are left alone, and she notices that he looks very troubled, but he brushes it off as nothing.

Later the village gathers to watch the broadcast of the television phase of the audition, and as Man-gu is bandaged head to toe, I can’t wait to see what happened. He gripes that they don’t need to watch it again since they all saw it in person, and the whole town looks giggly and amused as they insist that they should, um, support him by watching it again. Hee.

When Man-gu’s turn comes, he and Bul-ja (is she wearing a duck costume?) take the stage in the apple hats, and Bul-ja enthusiastically shakes her groove thang as Man-gu sings. Man-gu’s apple hat gets turned around and as he struggles with it, he takes a dive right off the stage. Bul-ja has to be dragged off camera yelling, “Mom! I love you!” as the whole town erupts in gales of laughter.

Yoon-hee can’t get over how funny the whole thing is, but In-ki points out that because of the accident, they weren’t able to promote the apples on the show. But Yoon-hee has already contacted the government and learned how to promote their apples online, and the orders are pouring in.

Later Yoon-hee invites Yoo-na to have a drink with her soon, girls only, and promises to tell her every embarrassing story she knows about Min-ki as a child. She and Hong-gu take off to do their own work, and Min-ki wonders why Yoon-hee suddenly got so weird. Ki-joon says she’s just happy, but Min-ki insists that no, she’s weird.

Yoon-hee’s smile falters only for a moment, but she’s determined and pulls herself together. She and Hong-gu good-naturedly tease each other, not noticing the car that pulls up near them. A man gets out and calls “Yoon-hee-ah,” and Yoon-hee is stopped in her tracks when she comes face-to-face with the musician from the online article.


I can only assume that this man is Min-ho’s father, based on Yoon-hee’s reaction to just seeing his face online. Assuming he’s Min-ho’s father and knowing that Yoon-hee raised her son alone, I wonder if he even knows he has a son. I can see Yoon-hee letting the man she loves go freely to pursue his dreams, and not holding him back with a family in the country, though that’s a whole new set of assumptions on my part. I can’t help but speculate, because I’m dying of curiosity to finally learn Yoon-hee’s whole back story. The man looked pretty happy to see Yoon-hee, as if he’s spent as much time thinking of her as she’s thought of him, which makes me anxious to find out exactly what happened between them, why they haven’t kept in contact all these years, and why he’s chosen now to show up again.

It’s interesting timing, coming right when Yoon-hee has finally developed feelings for someone else, and has at least one man pursuing her and another rediscovering that his first love is still quite the catch. An old flame coming to town is going to throw a wrench into things, and that could create a blowup big enough to do some permanent damage to some already-tenuous friendships. Min-ki and Hyuk are already on the edge of a major meltdown, which I can see building up especially every time Hyuk looks at Yoo-na, and just that could be enough to ruin everything. But with Yoon-hee between them too, and the catalyst of her old love coming back for goodness knows what, I’m anticipating things going dramatically downhill, and fast.

I’m not thrilled that Min-ki is only confused by Yoon-hee now that he’s seen her all prettied up (I have issues with the whole makeover trope in dramas anyway, not to mention that she’s always been beautiful even in ahjumma pants), because if he’s seen her all along as the hardworking, caring, responsible and strong single mother, and all he feels is pity, then he doesn’t really care for her for who she is. I don’t care for the fact that he only notices her because she’s suddenly 10% prettier than she has been all along. But at least she’s on his radar now, which would create enough problems even if we only had the original love tangle to deal with.

But I say, Show, bring it on. This week is the first time I’ve felt like maybe 20 episodes could be too many, since some of the lovelines are starting to feel artificially drawn-out just to fill air time. So I’m actually glad to see Yoon-hee’s old love show up now, if a bit sooner than I expected him to, if only to shake things up and make something happen. I’m getting a bit weary of dramatic cliffhangers that are brushed aside too easily in the first two minutes of the following episode, and I’m ready to get some solid answers and for some stuff to actually happen. I feel that the show is at its strongest when the whole village is involved in something together, so at least if we’re going to spend so much time on the love connections, let’s really get them rolling.

But let’s not forget the village shenanigans, because those are the show’s heart and soul, and I think I’m not alone in feeling that way. I could watch these people enter contests, compete against neighboring villages, or even do nothing but learn how to farm new crops forever. Bring on the love angst, but don’t forget about the reason we’re all here — the wonderful and heartwarming antics of the most adorable Dramaland village ever.


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Yay it's here! Thanks for the recap, LollyPip! ^_^

Damn, I love Yoonhee. Now that's a female lead character. She's both strong and vulnerable and right now she's just breaking my heart because you just know that she's pulled back and has put distance between herself and Minki, even though outwardly nothing seems to have changed. Even Minki the dense seems to have caught on to this-- he keeps wondering why she seems strange, but can't put his finger on what is strange. In their earlier interactions, it's clear that there's something more than friends between them, well at least on Yoonhee's side, and now she's packed all of that away and is treating him like a noona, the way he said he wanted. And I guess maybe she's laughing too hard at times to cover up the heartache. It's not noble idiocy; she's being mature about the situation and trying to keep her dignity-- because of what he said, she's not going to make a fool out of herself by hanging on to a guy who's just friendzoned her.

I wish I had a translation of the song that Yoonhee sang at the audition-- the subs on the site I watched didn't translate that part. I wanted to know what made the song appropriate for the Yoonhee-Minki montage. Also, she looked like an angel up there on the stage, which might account in part for Minki's reaction. When he first saw her after the makeover, he was just like "Oh yeah she looks like a woman now." No "you're pretty" or anything, just "she looks like a woman." Which for Minki is telling-- he said before that he doesn't think of her in that way, right? But ugh, Minki-ya... really? You needed to see Yoonhee in a dress first before you could say that? Good thing she didn't fish for compliments-- she just acted in true Yoonhee noona fashion by treating him as one of the boys, and ha, now it leaves him wondering. Serves him right, the dunce.

I'm glad Minho's dad is actually, finally, back in Hadurok-ri, even if it spells pain for Yoonhee at first. It'll be like lancing a boil-- at the very least she'll get closure. And Minki (and Hyuk!) will get some serious competition. It'll be good for the two of them as well. Heh. Here's hoping (and believing) that writer-nim won't suddenly turn our beautiful, strong, amazing village head into a whiny crybaby just because her ex is back in town. On the other hand, I'm apprehensive for Minho... he's suddenly going to meet his dad, and I don't know if his expectations will be exceeded or dashed. The one thing the kid has got going for him, though, is that he's strong like his mom.

Dying of lols at Sangdeuk and Miyoung and the Heirs references. Couldn't believe my ears when "I'm Saying" began playing... "Love is the Moment" last episode and now this. Puahaha.

Oy, Kijoonie. Thinking of marriage, are we? And the mom moments were cute. As for Hanchul and Sooyeon... heh, is she finally beginning to warm up to him?

And it's very bad of me, but I was dying of laughter...


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Gah, got cut off at the last sentence...

...And it's very bad of me, but I was dying of laughter when I saw what happened to Mangu, poor man. That apple hat is sheer bad luck-- first Sang-eun and now him! We should be glad Yoonhee didn't put it on, heh.


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I wanted a song translation too!! I was actually bummed that the video montage kept the dialogue in. I've already seen those scenes, so at least let the song take over! And I do think they lyrics would have been really helpful in understanding more of the layers - not absolutely necessary as the scene speaks for itself but it would be a plus.


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Maybe someone here on DB could help translate it for us?
/looks around hopefully for someone


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It is a beautiful song, indeed. Dear Ms. LollyPip, is it possible for you to find the name of the song?. It catched my attention when Youn-Hee, Min-Ki and Hyuk listened to it when going to Seoul a few episodes back. Thanks a million in advance and for the recap!.


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The writers of kdramas do read comments from viewers but they would of course read those in Korea, but let's hope that one of them would stray here in Dramabeans and check the comments,too. Coz it would really be great if our suggestions could be read,too,right?


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The relly funny thing about the heir ost is, fnc and hopefully lee hongki made pretty sweet money out of it...but here poor minki is farming away nd killing snails:):):)


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First off, the sang deuk pee spree has got to stop, NOW! It ain't funny, it never was,just gross really. I don't care about his love life anymore. Same with grandpa's almonds, stop it with that.
Minki and yoon hee- just that there is no chemistry, am not really looking forward to this one and I'd rather that she get back with her son's dad if he doesn't know that he even had a son with her. / hyuk could work it out with yoon hee but for the long haul, he has a lot of internal issues with his life.
Gossip ahjumma is really cute, mischievous but not annoying, even when she bickers like a mother hen, I find it really amusing whereas other ahjummas in other dramas would just irritate me. She fits her role to a T. All the gossip-worthy happenings just falls to her lap, y'know, just being there in the right place at the right time. She missed sang deuk and mi young, twice already but she will get them one time, for sure.
Ki Joon as always, puts a smile on my face. I love the time he spent with Bulja and I think that would be his best birthday ever, no material gift can equal what she had given him. And he was sweet to his mom without having to overdo it, the 50 year old ginseng came in handy and it was really for the parents anyway, and that was so thoughtful of Bulja.
I wish Minki and the guys would sing the ost again sometime and LIVE! Or even just the way they jammed on episode 2 or 3 is fine,too. I love Lee Hong Ki's voice.
Yoona should just quit and open a restaurant since she is good in cooking anyway.
Han chul and the sweet potato girl, whatever, what happened to his "I've only got a few months to live" story?

This is one of the best for 2014, a virtual village full of zany characters! Methinks, Lee Hong Ki works best when he is surrounded by guys his age, like he can just relax and have moments but not necessarily having the pressure of having the spotlight all to himself. This is Jeremy at 24 coz he was 19 when he did "you're beautiful" back in 2009. A bit mature but still a fun loving guy, learning about responsibilities and yes, learning so much about life and love as well. And still blond. Hehe. Looks good on him anyway, hope he won't change his hair color until the end. We'll see.

Am I still within limit? I got inspired from someone who made a comment spree here (aherm)


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Yes, the pee spree has to stop. Just gross.


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?Wild thing, you make my heart sing!?


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I saw this episode thru viki and if im not mistaken the song was translated. I was a goodbye song.


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Did they say what the title was? :D


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Yeah, I caught the Heirs music meta references in this episodes 13 & 14 too. I guess it helped that I was a fan of the Heirs Ost "I'm Saying."

I'm still amused at myself that it didn't dawn on me until this year that the Lee Hong-Ki (F.T. Island) singing the Heirs Ost "I'm Saying" was the same person/actor playing the characters Choi Kang-Joo in Bride of the Century and Jeremy in He's Beautiful.


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"...because if he’s seen her all along as the hardworking, caring, responsible and strong single mother, and all he feels is pity, then he doesn’t really care for her for who she is. " ALL OF THIS (and pretty much every thing you wrote in that paragraph). This was the second makeover that suddenly jump started the guys' heart and that's so frustrating. With Ki-Joon and Bul-Ja they just overall feel younger and more immature and it sort of made sense that he'd need to be hit over the head like that. But Yoon-Hee is a single mom and needs a full grown man as her partner. Thinking she's pretty does not cut it. Too me honest I think Min-Ki has the same issue with Yoo-Na...I think he likes her because of an image he has of her seared in his brain, but I don't think he really knows her at all (for example she's made several references to quitting and he just brushes over it and says no we're going to be at the top together!).


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Mmm. My own take on it is that Minki has pretty well-set ideas about responsibilities and stuff and it's kind of hard for him to accept that he might possibly have feelings for Yoonhee because he thinks he likes Yoona. He said in an earlier episode (end of Ep. 7) something about a man needing to see things through to the end once he has decided on something, and it sounded like he'd decided on Yoona, so he categorized Yoonhee into "noona" and "former love" to explain why he also wanted to look out for her. He just didn't want to lay himself open to the possibility because it would be one heck of a headache, but he's not exactly keeping his distance either. I dunno, it would take a pretty hard knock on the head to make him see otherwise.


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I think Minki should stay single at the end and continue pursuing his dreams. But I really dont want to see an ending like Rockin on Heavens Door


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Oops I hit enter too soon on my post! Other thoughts:

I loved the seaweed fondue! When she brought it out I was thinking it didn't seem all that bad. I've seen a lot of seemingly odd options with chocolate fondue that have been delicious. That's the magic of chocolate! And yay for Ki-Joon getting to start his birthday with a positive surprise! (I was a little bummed that his city buddies didn't do anything for him...I thought they were just pretending and would at least give him something small)

I liked the Ki-Joon storyline overall. I love that Bul-Ja is really helping him become a better person and son. He got to be honest with his mom and realize in the end that she'll love him not matter what...and also that ginseng was super sweet.

I wish Bok-Hyun hadn't returned to this story. I do find her annoying, but I'm also rather bothered by the storyline and how they use her as a certain type of joke. Small part of the story but eh. Oh and enough with the peeing scenes please! They're all the same. You've warn out your joke writers.

I agree though that the best scenes are with all the villagers together. I'm really not invested in any of the couples beyond BJ/KJ but I am invested in the show overall. It genuinely makes me smile and I'm happy every time I get to watch an episode.


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I'm a bit annoyed every time there's a Sangdeuk pee joke too. XD Honestly, the man should learn his lesson.

Guessing Bok-nyun is back because she'll be a catalyst for Sangdeuk and Miyoung-- with her practically acting like a fiancee, Sangdeuk needs to stand up to mom fast if he wants to be with Miyoung.


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Ki-joon x Bul-ja , my favorite couple and characters! They always made me smile, giggling. I love their progression in every eps <3

Ah, and I'm glad this drama editor didn't cut Sang-eun's Gooses Dream sing part. They showed us the girl sang *almost* the full song. Wish Sang-eun's dream to be an idol came true at the end of this drama.

Modern Farmer, Hadurok-ri, love yaaa~


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I just knew that Ki-joon has twitter acc kkkk xD https://twitter.com/kwakdongyeon97

and he posted many things but my fave was him with hwa-ran a.k.a. bul-jaaaa ♥


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I think that Yoon Hee is buckling under the strain of being the one everyone turns to. I don't think she was just talking about Min-Ki when she said people misunderstand when you're too nice. People seem to naturally treat kindness as weakness, come to rely on it, then expect it, and finally get upset when the kindness exhibited can't do it all for them. I think this is what Yoon Hee was getting at. It isn't just Min Ki, but all the villagers.

The exchange between the guys an Ki Joon's mom when she arrived, made me wishing the guys would carry around a shovel, they need one for all the times they have to dig out of situations that they create for themselves.

I'm with Lollypip, some of the stuff like Sang Deuk's public peeing, and Han Chul's poor me attitude are wearing thin. I think Han Chul is headed for a heartbreak when Soo Yeon can't live on that pedestal he has constructed for her. She has told him time and again that she isn't interested, but he doesn't take no for an answer. When it happens, the blame will rest entirely with him.

I'm loving the scenes between Ki Joon and Hwa Ran. It's nice to see Ki Joon not trying to hide how much he likes her. When she took down the pheasant with a rock, I was thinking that Ki Joon better never really make this woman mad, because he won't make it to the front door.

The angles of the love triangle are getting even sharper now and Yoon Hee is smack dab in the middle. Her ex appears to have shown up and neither Hyuk or Min Ki have stepped up to be the kind of man she needs. It's going to be interesting to see who realizes that fact first and which one will actually do it.


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"People seem to naturally treat kindness as weakness, come to rely on it, then expect it, and finally get upset when the kindness exhibited can’t do it all for them."

Wow. I could never find the right words to say exactly that but you summed it so nicely. Do you mind if I quote you? I know it's kinda silly but I am going to print it out so I can use that sentence.


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By all mean Alifiya, please do. :)


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After reading your post, I came across this and I thought it goes well with what you are saying about kindness.



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I love this drama for a whole lot of reasons (its humor, turning tropes on their heads, treating side characters like main characters, Hyuk's smiling face and sad eyes, so on and so on) yet there are two things the show has not done well, or has not done at all. I would love to see some improvement with both of them but I fear the show's time is almost up! They are:
1. The ridiculous love-quadrangle which is really more flimsy than it first appears to be. Min-ki is oblivious to Yoon-hee's feelings about him and more than that, it is confirmed past the halfway mark that he feels pity for her. Not good, not good at all. On the other hand, Hyuk won't step up (and out from behind his fake grins) to doggedly convince Yoon-hee he sincerely likes her. Maybe he doesn't, not in the way that he thinks he does. His feelings stem from her likeness to his mother, and his guilt over what he perceives is a failure to protect his mother from her own sadness. Now, Yoo-na is present solely to create tension; it's obvious that her feelings are ambivalent towards Min-ki. I think she misses him as a friend and confidante because her stardom (and boss) has isolated her. Lastly, in this weird love-square, Yoon-hee is the only one reacting normally with respect to her feelings and their consequences. I do applaud the fact that her maturity and common sense has won out since pining for Min-ki seems like a pointless and painful venture. BUT, given all this, where does it leave us, the viewers? That I don't understand. This conflict of feelings has developed so slowly I fear there isn't time to either a) produce a main couple or b) satisfy us that everyone is going to be left floundering at the end. This isn't a melodrama, after all.
2. Han-chul. This is such wasted potential - both for the actor and the character - that I am actually very irritated by his scenes. What is the point of leaving us in doubt as to whether or not he is headed for death's door in a few months' time if IT ISN'T GOING TO BE FULLY EXPLORED? I had tissues in my hand for the first few episodes in preparation for the angst... but it never came. Han-chul, the character driven by his own personal pain to rescue a sickly puppy from cruel starvation, is now stuck in this mindless does-she-love-does-she-love-not plotline and it just sucks. I want the cynical temp-worker back, not the village idiot he has become. Surely the concept of dying hasn't made him that foolish. After all, if the time he has left is short, how can we blithely watch him waste it? I guess I wanted to see a reveal at some point of why he joined his friends to farm cabbage. In my opinion, regardless of the possibility of him being mis-diagnosed, this character's storyline should have the greatest sense of urgency, one that keeps us biting our nails and wanting his friends to rally around him. Instead, it's been used as a ploy to promote one of the most lackluster pairings in the show!


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All good and valid points.


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Oh Bravo, well written, excellent points.


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Me,at first,is actually frustated with Minki's harsh comments on yoonhee in last episode..but thinking back,he was always like that,we had seen it a lot in the earlier episodes..the only difference is before this yoonhee will response by snapping back at him instead of moping around heartbroken like now.i missed the sassy yoonhee
and about the troubled look minki had after the simging competition,imo,is not because of his sudden interest in prettier yoonhee but i think is because her mood changes warm and cold and warm-noona-like again..idk,Minki is a kinda complicated character XD


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And i'm desperate for Hyuk to spill the beans about this whole secret thingy about yoona..i mean come on,Minki ia not really genius to figure it out by himself,and those mocking and death glare whenever minki around yoona wont help at all Hyuk ah~but if Hyuk still decide to hold onto his promise i hope minki will find out somehow by chance soon..so at least this all 7 years argument will come to an end

the arrival of Minho's father in Hadurokri..i'm not surprised. With all people related to the plotlines already gathered in the village (Snake,Yoona etc) of course it wont be complete without the man in yoonhee's past XD and atm i'm thinking that YH might end up with him
whatever it is,i wish everyone in Hadurokri good luck and happiness in the end,with or without pairing


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The pee jokes aren't funny and rather gross. They've got to stop.

Hyuk also needs to stop his fake grins --or whatever they are. No wonder Yoon-hee can't take his feelings seriously. He looks like a little boy teasing his older sister or mother.

Han-chul , I know you are sick, but come on , wipe your nose before eating!


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The audition scene was so funny! The look on the guys' faces was absolutely precious ^_^

I like most of the show. I wish they'd cut off, completely, the vulgar jokes. This show has had enough of them already.

To be honest, I can see Min ki ending with either one of them, so I'm really curious to see how they'll end it. I tend to think he'll end with Yoona, but who knows?!

One last thing- the x has dimples!
How did they manage to cast so many dimples in one drama?!
Now there are 2 dimpled men pursuing 1 dimpled woman.

Oh- and I'm not totally sure who are the leads in the show! I *think* those are Min Ki and Yoon Hee, right?
Not that it matters- everyone is doing a great job, and all characters are very interesting. Lee Il Hwa (playing the aunt, A.K.A. the inventor of the ramen-cicles), is doing such a great job. I always liked her characters- always interesting and memorable, even when she has tiny parts.


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BTW- the aunt was actually singing nicely! A pretty song :)


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I love Ki Joon :)

Fancy Nancy’s YouTube


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Isn't it about time Han-chul gets some depth and character everyone else has why not him.

Personally I don't find Honey Lee attractive at all, but that's just me.


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Au contraire, there are pretty idols and actresses aplenty in K-ent, but few who are willing to completely submerge herself into a role (much less one of a country bumpkin single mom ajumma wearing loose, ill-fitting clothes) that makes her look 20 lbs heavier and 10 years older. Honey Lee has totally earned my respect as an actress. I love her for putting her craft over her vanity, and for the 1st time see her attractiveness that sets her apart from the sea of actress-wanna-be's. (Without the apostrophe at the end, Auto-correct changed the last word to actress-wanna-bed. Good thing I caught it! Ha.)


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Exactly! Former Miss Korea and Miss Universe third runner up is willing to take on a role like this. She's the perfect Amazonian village leader.


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I didn't say I don't respect her as an actress, I do now, I just don't find her attractive.


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I just can't be onboard this Yoon Hee-Min Ki ship...they're too unmatched. I'd rather root for the other pairings..


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now I get it ! I still remember when Bride of the Century finished, Hongki said he doesn't want to be the lead anymore. so I am kind of.. err, he said he doesn't want to be the lead, but what about this casting over Modern Farmer.. then when I watch this show, I got it. tho the leads are Hongki and Honey Lee, they're actually the leads from Seoul and Hadurok-ri. the show is basically about people in town try to change their fate by come down to the village while Hadurok-ri itself has their own story as Kang Yoonhee is the village head. and then Seoul people and Hadurok-ri's residents are together go through their life day by day. with this mind set, I am going to just enjoying the remaining 6 episodes without thinking hard about our quadralite... err, whatever u guys call the 4-shaped relationship ? haa. I am thankful enough to have Bulja and Kujoon, *omo, please get married !* the setting in the village and their story day by day just made me cherish this show. :)


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Just a small correction, not that it's fatal but it's just irritating that people are still with the wrong impression and repeat that stupidity. It's about HongKi saying that he will not play the lead anymore... that's absolutely not true! It was just the mistranslation of someone who don't know korean but is trying to translate through chinese. If someone is not fluent in the language of the original text he tend to make lots of mistakes. So it was just the wrong understanding of a fan who unconsciously mistranslated it. HongKi never really said he will not play the lead but that he will not stick to the same type of lead roles and that he is more interested to play different kinds of roles and interesting roles not that he is looking only for the lead roles. He said that it's more important to challenge and keep learning to become a better actor not that always and in any case to play the lead. It doesn't mean will not acept lead roles but that he will not decline a good role just because it's not the main lead. That was misunderstood by the translator.


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Thank you for the clarification. Kudos to Hongki for trying to expand his acting and he'd rather take a good role than a cookie cutter dashing lead role.


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U know how it is said that some people have so-so features taken one by one, but they look more attractive than the sum of the parts. This drama is like that for me. I enjoy that a lot, but it seems to have nothing to do w the pairings.
Ki-Joon and Hwa Ran:
She is pretty, she is capable, etc. and she loves Ki J. He on the other hand acts like it is total embarrassment to have fallen for an illegal immigrant. I like her too much to appreciate his attitude. Even in this ep, he said: If I marry her, I'd not starve, would I? And then caught himself to say, What am I thinking? Not exactly a romantic attitude, much less a dedicated one.

Like sb said above, Han Chul is now the village idiot, for not seeing the gold-digger's (literal in this case) despise, or to put it mildly lack of respect, for him. If he has half an oz of sense, does he even need to ask: Does she love me? Does she love me not?

Hyuk's feelings for Yoon Hee might be earnest, but his presentation of them doesn't come across as such. It'd take much more to convince Yoon Hee that he is. Even then, I believe he's just a little bro, a puppy to her.

The divorcee and the guy who pees everywhere as if he were a senior to a puppy: It'd fine for me if he still wants to marry her, but I can't bring myself to like her char. I can't shake off the feeling that she is still using him to escape the hole that she has dug herself into. The show is using them as comic relief, which makes it impossible and unnece to take them seriously.

Min Ki and Yoona:
There is that back-story hanging over their heads, and I've enough faith in Hyuk's friendship for MK that it might be a deal breaker.

Min Ki and Yoon Hee:
If the show pulls a fast one on us near the end, to say that he truly loves her all along, just that he doesn't realise it, I'll find it unconvincing.

Yoon Kee and her ex:
All true artists put their art before their lovers, unless it is Yoo Jin, who learnt not to do that from his father's counter example. What if the guy is now established and feels secure enough to want to incorporate his family into his life? Will YH take him back? Will we want her to?

These and more pairings are there, but I like the show cos it allows me to caring about the individuals, well most of them anyway, such that who will or will not end up with whom isn't much of a concern. Haroudki, fighting!


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My fav chars in this show are:
Hwa Ran, Yoon Hee's son, Sang Eun, and the aunt who's the worst cook in the world!

I also like minor chars who pop up for just a few mins. like Ki J's mom, and MinK's mom.

It says sthg about a show when it gives you so many chars for u to love, many of them minor.


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Hello, thank you so much for your recap. I really enjoyed watching the drama. Finally, Min Ki notices Yoon Hee. I am excited to see the next episode!


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This drama is soo cute!

That being said, I do not think either of the male leads are worthy of our heroine. As someone stated above, she needs a grown man and neither of these boys are ready for this awesome women and her trials. Also, I have not noticed one bit of genuine, mature interest in her by the male leads, so I will have to suspend disbelief if they writers try to make a love line in the last few episodes.

Ki-joon and his girl are so sweet, but he is too young to get married. Okay, the actor is too young to get married, he is only 17!

The peeing must stop and it must stop now! lol

Thank you for the recaps LollyPip


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What's with all these old loves returning? And how do we choose which ones are worthy to take up again? And why do i want Yoon Hee's old love to be a viable option? If not him, then Hyuk.

I was so happy about this writer and how he/she played with tropes. But the "she's suddenly cute now that she looks feminine" isn't cutting it with me either. Hyuk was so sweet about accepting her as she was and getting her a hair clip. But Minki has to see the Seoul makeover???? And i am yet again whining about the way "ugly" women are treated in kdramas. I love this drama but now...aargh...things better end the way I want them...or i'll be kinda furious.

Thanks for the recap.


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Wow Grandpa must have gone thru alot of candy bars to come up with enough almonds for all those breakfast dishes. I felt so sorry for the 2 gals but i LMAO!

I am beginning to think that the 4 boys will NOT make a debut album after all. What started as a means to that end (growing n then selling the cabbage) is slowly becoming a destination goal for them. I sure would like to see the young folks contribute to the prosperity of Hadurok-i and beat out their neighboring village which can only boast of a wily woman to gain favors from thr govt.

Still enjoying this zany show. Although it has many plot lines they are not convoluted. Easy watching!


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Can we talk about how hilarious it is to hear songs from "the Heirs" OST in the background of the SangDeuk/MiYoung romance!! I die laughing every time!!

About the main love-line: I support MinKi/YoonHee ever since episode 6. But I also wasn't thrilled by the fact that MinKi showed some romantic interest in her after that makeover. I'm hoping that if he openly does show that he likes her, there will be some explanation related to that. Something along the lines about him liking her all along.
Using that as an argument against the ship doesn't seem so valid to me tho, in the sense that KiJoon/BulJa had the same thing happening to them and everyone agrees that they're a lovable couple.

Regarding the new arrival: It can only mean that MinKi will wake up from his conviction that he should be with Yoona.


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'I'm Saying' by Lee Hong-Ki was one of the best songs from the Heirs Ost if not the best.




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