Pinocchio: Episode 5

Now that feelings are getting mixed up with warring agendas, things start to get complicated in a good way, and more is left unsaid than ever before. Sadly for our heroine, even denial leads to hiccups, which means she either has to confess her feelings, or be stuck hiccupping for the rest of her life. Or until she stops finding Dal-po swoony. Yeah, good luck with that.

Note: The recap for Episode 6 will be a little later than usual. ‘Tis a holiday here, and there is much turkey to be eaten.


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EPISODE 5: “The king’s ears are donkey ears”

After finding out about his father’s death in the middle of his job interview, Dal-po heads to the police station to claim the remains. But he’s shocked when the officer tells him that a family member already came to do all that, and Dal-po asks frantically for that person’s contact information: “That’s my hyung!”

The officer is happy to offer the information… if he can show documentation that he’s a member of the deceased’s family too. Naturally he has nothing of the kind (and I’m assuming that even his adoption records wouldn’t show the identity he was trying to leave behind).

Dal-po leaves without any leads, but his eyes well up with tears as he says to himself, “I wasn’t alone.” At the same time, Hyung tearfully adds Dad’s broken trophy and their family picture next to his ashes, and cries, “Now I’m truly alone.” No you’re not! Poor Hyung. Dal-po asks, “Father, answer me. Where should I go, what can I do… to find Hyung?”

As if answering, his phone rings with a text message, alerting him to the fact that he passed the YGN selection process. He lets the news sink in, and narrates that he wanted the job to show “that woman” that he and In-ha could become reporters, but we’ve already seen that plan fall apart in the debate.

He narrates, “I’ve found a new resolution: Father, to whom being alive was hell, I want to tell your unjust story to the world.” He adds that he’s going to find Hyung too, and thinks that maybe the person who led him to becoming a reporter wasn’t In-ha, but his father.

On Monday morning, Dal-po gets dressed sharply for his first day, while In-ha dons her usual sweatshirt-and-jeans uniform for schlepping about. They head out at the same time, and Dad can’t help but get some jabs in, pointing out that Dal-po is headed to his salaried job as a reporter, and In-ha is going to the convenience store to work a part-time job like she’s still in college. Thanks for ratcheting up the awkward, Dad.

Grandpa complains that they’re skipping breakfast when they both skipped dinner, but it’s clear that neither is ready to sit at the same table. Dal-po lies for them that everything is fine, and In-ha trails after him to the elevator while swearing up and down that she’s totally fine with the fact that he passed and she didn’t. She holds no resentment, really.

He points out that she’s hiccupping, which she’s been doing intermittently all morning. But she looks away and says it’s not because of that. She says cheerily that he needn’t feel bad, and that she knows he had to say those things because it was a debate.

But he finally looks over at her and says he honestly believes what he said—that he thinks she shouldn’t become a reporter. That’s a punch to the gut she wasn’t expecting, and she thinks back to Dal-po’s scathing outburst during the debate, about why someone with Pinocchio syndrome can’t become a reporter. She’s stunned and asks again if he really meant it, and he says coldly that her mother was right.

She chases after him angrily with the reminder that it was HIS idea for them to become reporters together. She shouts after him, “Was that all a lie?!”

As he walks away from her, Dal-po thinks, “Don’t become a reporter, In-ha.” He can’t help but be reminded of her mother who tore his family down. Even when she throws her shoe past him and calls him a crazy bastard, Dal-po doesn’t turn around. “If you become a reporter, I’m afraid that seeing you will become too painful.”

In-ha spends the day mindlessly tending the register at the convenience store, until an ajumma starts offering advice on how to get rid of her hiccups. In-ha bursts into tears and whines that they’ll never stop, and then when the ajumma calls her a student, she wails again, “It’s been three years since I graduated and I’m still unemploooooooyed!” Hahaha.

Thus begins her day of confessing her life story to every single customer who comes in, in an endless stream of hiccups, tears, and comical self-pity. “I failed the test for the thirty-sixth tiiiime! You should study hard, or you’ll end up like meeee. That’ll be 3,800 won!”

She’s not even looking up at the customers anymore, and just continues right where she left off with the next customer in line. She says that she might die of hiccups because she knows that in order to stop she has to confess her feelings, but the person she likes…

“Is Choi Dal-po, right?” asks the voice at the counter. Startled, she looks up and finds Beom-jo smiling back at her. He tells her to keep talking, and offers to listen to all of her problems because he’s got nothing but time.

Meanwhile, Dal-po arrives at YGN and finds all the newbies way ahead of him, huddled together sharing all the information they’ve gathered on their superiors. Our saseng-turned-reporter Yoo-rae is the leader of the pack, and shares all the tips she’s dug up.

She corrects Dal-po’s use of jondae with his fellow rookies, and wonders why he doesn’t know that reporters use banmal with their own entry class. She tells the group that she researched all the head reporters in charge of different sections of the city, and the only person to be careful of is JANG HYUN-KYU (Min Sung-wook).

Hyun-kyu is the funny reporter we met briefly while the YGN newbies were auditioning, who only dresses up from the waist-up and likes to be disagreeable for the sake of being contrary. Yoo-rae warns them never to show tears in front of Hyun-kyu, because once you get on his bad side, you’re done for.

Of course Hyun-kyu is standing right behind them as she says all this, and shouts at the rookies to follow him. YGN’s triumvirate of bosses looks on with amusement as Hyun-kyu begins his usual hazing process, and wonder who’ll break first.

Editor Jo begins a play-by-play sports commentary as Hyun-kyu makes Yoo-rae and another guy hold their arms up in punishment for talking behind his back (she tries so hard not to cry but one tear escapes), and then turns to Dal-po to ask if he’s being unfair.

Gyo-dong watches curiously, and tells his colleagues that Dal-po is the rookie who will break first, since he’s the kid who railed at him and said that reporters made him feel sick. They remember him as the upstart who caused a scene during the debate, and watch with anticipation. When Dal-po just does as told and raises his arms in punishment too, the bosses seem a little disappointed that he seems to be tamed.

At home, In-ha is in a foul mood as she listens to Grandpa swoon over Dal-po’s freshly minted YGN press badge, and brushes her teeth with fury remembering his words this morning. She brushes madly, until she gets an evil glint in her eye as she spots Dal-po’s toothbrush. HA, you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?

She snickers at it like an evil genius, and then begins to furiously clean the toilet with Dal-po’s toothbrush. And then she just hangs it right back on the rack where it was. The look of satisfaction on her face afterwards is so funny.

She walks away and watches him go to the bathroom full of anticipation. Yaaaack, he doesn’t seem to notice anything wrong and just picks up his toothbrush to start brushing… and suddenly In-ha storms back into the bathroom without a word, chucks his toothbrush in the trashcan, and storms back out. Heh.

Luckily for Hyung, the place where he ran into the plant manager and his workers is a place they still frequent, and he overhears them sharing their relief at Firefighter Dad’s remains being unearthed. They drink to the fact that now they can sleep at night knowing he won’t show up alive to contradict them. Hyung pretends to be drunk as he walks out past them, and uses the opportunity to swipe the manager’s wallet sitting out on the table.

As Hyun-kyu shows the rookies around the newsroom (and Yoo-rae spends another session with her arms raised above her head for mouthing off), YGN reports the results of a consumer study about news that people can trust, which puts their network at the highest rating.

Over at MSC, they meet to discuss the very same survey, worried that their approval ratings are tanking by the day. They wonder if there’s nothing to be done to improve their image, and In-ha’s mom Cha-ok gets an idea and asks how many rookie reporters dropped out in the current class. Balls, I don’t like where this is going.

At the convenience store, In-ha is still prattling on about her problems to Beom-jo, and he cheerily takes her side and agrees that Dal-po is the weird one for changing his mind about becoming reporters together. She asks why everyone in her family refuses to let her be a reporter, and says her life is messed up all because of these stupid hiccups.

Beom-jo counters that hiccups are cute, and besides, isn’t it better that she hiccups instead of farting whenever she lies? It cracks me up that she takes him seriously and declares that he’s totally right, and it’s a huge relief that she only hiccups. She thanks him for making her feel better, and suddenly Mom’s voice cuts in to note that she sounds better than she expected.

In-ha is surprised that Mom tracked her down, and even more surprised when she asks if In-ha still wants to be a reporter. In-ha wonders what changed, and Mom is as cold and blunt as ever: “It’s for publicity.” She says that MSC’s biggest weakness is their credibility, and she thinks that publicizing the choice to hire a rookie with Pinocchio syndrome will change their image.

In-ha can hardly believe what she’s hearing: “So you want me not as a reporter, but as a doll you want to advertise.” Mom doesn’t even pretend to care as she says that’s right, and explains that it would be a three-month internship after which she could be hired officially. In-ha turns her down, but Mom tells her that she’s not really in a position to worry about her pride.

She tells In-ha that this is what choice is—you have to give something up to gain something else. In-ha just turns the question around on her: “So what is it that you gave up to become a reporter?” Mom: “You.” In-ha asks if she’s never once regretted that choice, and to her shock, Mom actually says she did.

A flicker of emotion passes across her face, but only for an instant. Mom tells her that seeing In-ha like this now makes her regret her regret, and slides her business card over. She tells In-ha that if she’s going to come, she should take care of her current bout of hiccups first.

After Mom leaves, In-ha picks up the card with a long sigh, “I thought she came because it was my birthday.” Beom-jo looks down at the birthday present in his hand and pops it back in his pocket.

Beom-jo tells Chaebol Mommy all about In-ha, and wonders why she’d still want to be a reporter after that kind of treatment from her mother. He gives Mommy a hug and says he thought all moms were like her, like he’s shocked to find out that there are moms who don’t dote on their children, and wonders what’ll happen if In-ha becomes a reporter. Mommy notes that there are a lot of things Beom-jo is curious about lately.

Dal-po stops at the bakery on his way home, and buys a birthday cake against his better judgment. He chides himself for getting it when he can’t even bring himself to give it to In-ha, and ends up giving it to a little boy and his grandma on the bus. Augh, why can’t you just give her the cake, dammit?

In-ha is waiting for him outside their building, and takes him to the rooftop for a chat. She clutches her button necklace and starts by saying that she honestly doesn’t resent him for getting the job, but he points out that she’s still hiccupping.

She says the hiccups aren’t because of that: “They started after I denied the fact that I like you.” That is not the answer he was expecting. She shuts her eyes and says it again, “I like you.”

His eyes widen and he tries to process it, as she says that she’s been hiccupping nonstop for days after trying to deny it. He actually can’t contain his reaction so he turns away and says she must be lying. She walks over to his other side to look him in the eye and show him that she isn’t lying—her hiccups have stopped.

She says she can’t even have a one-sided love like other people. “I know your answer, and I know you’re my uncle and it’s wrong, but because of these hiccups I have to confess. So… pretend you didn’t hear it.” She promises to clean up her feelings as best as she can, and call him Uncle, and meet other people, and do whatever it takes to get over him.

She asks him again to forget what she just confessed, and he lets out a tiny, “Okay.” Relieved, she walks away, and a tear escapes from his eye as soon as her back is turned. He calls out after her, “What if you can’t? What if you put all your effort into it and try anything you can, and your feelings remain the same for a really long time? What happens then? To us?”

The question catches In-ha off-guard, but she says, “That can’t be, because we’re family.” Not knowing that he’s talking about himself, she assures him that he needn’t worry—she’s not that far gone, so she’ll be able to clean up her feelings in no time. He watches her go and says quietly, “It must be nice for you, that you can do that.” Aauuugh, it hurts so good.

In-ha lights up when she comes home to Dad and Grandpa cutting a cake, thinking that they remembered her birthday. It turns out they didn’t, and Dal-po is taken aback to see the exact same cake he gave away sitting on the table. Weird.

Dad explains that he once helped a grandma out and found her an apartment without taking any commission, and she brought him a cake today to thank him. Ha, so it IS his cake! In-ha stuffs her face noting how serendipitous it is that it’s her favorite flavor on her birthday, and Dal-po tries not to let his reaction show. Dad just grumbles again about her being embarrassingly dirty, while she scowls at all of them for forgetting her birthday.

Dal-po sits up staring at their family photo, with In-ha’s words echoing in his head: “It can’t be, because we’re family.” He turns the picture face-down. In-ha hangs upside-down until she comes to a decision about the internship at MSC, and calls Mom with a decision.

The next morning, MSC staff reporters Princess and LEE IL-JOO (MSC’s version of Hyun-kyu) get on the crowded elevator while discussing the two replacement rookies, both parachuted in through connections to Cha-ok and their director. We see the rookies in question—Beom-jo and In-ha—standing in the same elevator in opposite corners.

They spill out of the elevator at the same time, and In-ha is shocked to see Beom-jo there. He officially counts as a stalker now, right? She doesn’t even have a chance to ask him what he’s doing there, before Mom takes her to hair and makeup and hands her a script for the commercial she’s going to shoot.

She looks down at In-ha’s shoes and asks if she doesn’t have anything better, and takes off her own shoes for In-ha to wear. In-ha really is there for publicity before all else, and the first thing she does is shoot the ad spot announcing herself as MSC’s newest reporter, with Pinocchio syndrome.

Dal-po’s week of training continues, and Hyun-kyu leads them through the forensics lab and to the day’s highlight—an autopsy. He’s a little too excited about grossing the rookies out, and today Yoo-rae is determined not to fail. But she looks like she’s on the verge of throwing up through the autopsy, and Hyun-kyu leans in to ask what they should have for lunch.

Dal-po is the only one who doesn’t flinch and answers back, “Let’s have intestine soup.” Yoo-rae promptly passes out and half the group runs out, and Hyun-kyu looks over at Dal-po, a little impressed.

Mom asks In-ha if she’s told her father about the new job yet, and when she gets home that night she tries to work up the nerve to tell them. But Dal-po comes home before she can say it, and suddenly throws up at the sight of the intestine soup sitting on the table. Ha, guess he wasn’t really as cool with the menu suggestion as he made it seem.

After washing up, he finds medicine sitting on his desk with a note from In-ha not to jump to any conclusions. And then soon after, Grandpa comes home with medicine in hand and tells Dal-po to tell him if he’s sick or having a hard time, so that he can help.

A minute later, Dad comes through the door and hands Dal-po medicine too, declaring that there’s no one else who would take care of his hyungnim like he would. Awww, Family, why are you so great?

Dal-po looks at the three packets of the exact same medicine lined up on his desk, and his heart wells up with gratitude as he sets the family picture upright again.

The next morning, a line forms at the bathroom and Dal-po and In-ha still feel awkward around each other. She asks to use the bathroom first because she’s running late, and he decides to put everything aside and act normal, which means yanking her back by the hoodie and staring her down for trying to cut in line.

They’re back to their bickering dynamic in no time, but then Dad comes out and they both shrink back in unison at the smell that wafts out with him. He warns that whoever goes in next will have a hard time, and suddenly they’re now fighting to be last in line. Dal-po has strength on his side and shoves her in there and holds the door closed, declaring himself generous for letting her go first.

At the end of the day, Hyun-kyu greets his rookies with a mound of shredded papers and tells them no one goes home until they find something newsworthy in the pile. As they get to work, talk turns to which district they’ll each be assigned to, and Yoo-rae already knows that she’ll be assigned to Hyun-kyu’s team because he purposely picks the flunkies to drive them crazy.

Hyung’s boss sees that his bumper is still not fixed and tells him to call and get the money because it’s the right thing to do. He seems to be convinced this time, and Dal-po gets the call to meet that night to pay for the bumper. He knows he’s not supposed to go anywhere until the shredded papers are reconstructed, but he agrees to go anyway and runs out of the office. Omo, is he really going to meet Hyung?

Hyung says over the phone that he’s almost there, and Dal-po says he sees the car as he rounds the corner… Aw man, it’s Hyung’s boss who meets him. He’s the one who called Dal-po because he knew Hyung wouldn’t, and Dal-po is happy to pay him for the damages.

Hyung arrives at his meeting… and the plant manager is there waiting for him. Oh. Uh-oh, he’s making me nervous. He’s here to return the wallet he stole, and leads the manager down a narrow lane near a demolished building in the middle of nowhere, insisting that his apartment is just around the corner.

He asks to borrow the man’s cell phone on the way, which seems sketchy, and then as the man walks on ahead, he suddenly steps on a newspaper and falls right through into the manhole beneath it. And then, ack, Hyung grabs the manhole cover and rolls it into place to seal him in. Whoa. Okay, as far as plans go, it wasn’t really the most foolproof, but the effect did surprise me. This is NOT how I thought this night would go.

Dal-po runs back to the station, where Hyun-kyu is seething mad by the time he arrives. He barks at the rest of the team to go home this instant, and tells Dal-po he’ll be finishing the task alone.

The rookies are grateful, not only that they get to go home, but that Dal-po just managed to get himself to the top of the shit list, meaning they get to steer clear of being on Hyun-kyu’s team. Yoo-rae realizes that this means they’ll likely be teammates, and can’t help but smile.

In-ha and Beom-jo walk out of work together, and it amazes me that she only now learns his name. She wonders why it sounds familiar, and he says it’s because there’s a mall named after him. She thinks he’s kidding, though we know he means it.

It also only occurs to her now that they’ve met too many times for it to be a coincidence, and he starts to tell her that it isn’t, but she doesn’t hear him because she’s watching her MSC ad projected on the massive wall in the lobby. Crap, does this mean that the commercial is already on the air before she got to tell the family?

Footage from her interview plays as she says that she wants to become a reporter because she can’t tell a lie, and she signs off, “This is Choi In-ha, for MSC News.” A smile spreads across her face, and Beom-jo says to himself that it doesn’t matter if it’s coincidence or not—what matters is that they met.

Gyo-dong waits till Dal-po is alone and says that if memory serves, Dal-po isn’t one to sit here and patiently take all this flak from Hyun-kyu. He confronts him directly about the things he said eight years ago, and Dal-po tries to play dumb.

Gyo-dong chooses Dal-po’s wording from eight years ago to ask why he’s stepped foot in this disguting place to become the thing he hates most. When Dal-po doesn’t answer, he shuts the door and tells him he can say the truth in here and it won’t affect him. He asks again why Dal-po chose this job—did he suddenly come to like reporters?

Dal-po finally stops pretending and replies honestly that there’s no way that would happen. He says this place suffocates him as much as it always has, but the reason he became a reporter is his name. One day, when he gets his own mic to give a report, he wants to say his real name at the end. Gyo-dong: “What’s your real name?”

The plant manager screams up at Hyung through the manhole cover to ask why he’s doing this, and who he is. Hyung: “I am the son of Firefighter Ki Ho-sang.”

Dal-po: “I am Ki Ha-myung. The son of Firefighter Ki Ho-sang.” Gyo-dong is stunned speechless. Dal-po says that because of reporters, he lost his family and his name, and found out how wrongfully his father died. He has lots of questions and lots of things to get done, and someone he wants to find. He says, “I thought about who could do all those things, and came up with an unbelievable answer…”

The plant manager asks what Hyung is planning to do to him, and Hyung says he wanted to show him how his father died. He starts boarding up the manhole cover with bricks, one by one. “You’re going to die in there. But no one will know you died. They’ll think you’re hiding somewhere. And the world will think of you as a devil who killed your two friends!”

Cut to: a forensics table with two dead bodies, one with burn marks on his hand. OMG, Hyung, did you already kill the other two?? Craaaaaap. The plant manager says he never killed anyone and begs for his life. But Hyung’s eyes fill with rage, as he says even his own family will think of him as a killer, and no one will ever know the truth: “You’ll find out that hell isn’t a place you have to die to get to!”

Hyung screams that even if he’s discovered later, no one will care how wrongfully he died, “Just like my father!!”

Gyo-dong asks Dal-po, “And is that answer: a reporter?” Dal-po says yes. He bows at the waist with determination, and says he’ll learn properly, calling him boss (he calls him “Cap,” which is his title as the head of the city news desk).


Oh man, I really didn’t expect Hyung to become a killer. I knew there was a chance he’d do some shady things to try and orchestrate a revenge plan, but I was anticipating a long-term scheme with plenty of time for Dal-po to find him and save him from himself. This is much, much worse than I expected—though drama-wise it’s much, much better. Now I’m suddenly terrified that Dal-po WILL find Hyung, and have to report the truth about his own brother being a murderer. Aaaaaaah, could there be anything worse? Is he going to be the one to catch his own brother and put him away? It’s too cruel.

I find Hyung a little underdeveloped, since he didn’t seem like a killer at all before this, which was obviously in service of the surprise. I wish his darker side had been given a little more attention, because up until now he’s seemed trusting and kind, and I was so looking forward to their reunion. Plotwise, the twist is great, since it sets Dal-po up for a future moral quandary that he’s never had to consider before. He’s always been on the side of the wronged innocent party, but if Hyung continues down this path, he’ll be at odds with the very reason he wanted to become a reporter. It’s tragic, but I do like the mechanism by which the two brothers end up on opposite sides, because it’s instigated by the same event—they each find out that Dad really died, and through that Dal-po gains hope that he isn’t all alone in the world, while Hyung loses his last ounce of hope and believes he’s truly alone. That’s the point at which the road forks for them, and the contrast is made even starker when we see Dal-po being so loved by his adopted family.

The trio of medicine packets pinched my heart, and what’s so nice about the setup is that the heartwarming family moments now serve double duty, to make us happy and then to also ratchet up the romantic angst. It’s almost worse that they’re so good to Dal-po, because this way he can never act on his feelings, and he has to keep burying them even in the face of In-ha’s confession. She has no idea that her declaration just made his burden to keep his distance a thousand times harder, but that’s the kind of angst that hurts in a good way, and it killed me when he smiled wistfully and said that it must be nice to be able to shake off those feelings so easily.

What I love about their relationship is that the truth can be said on In-ha’s part—and it has to, eventually, given her hiccups—but knowing the truth only adds to the complications. It’s the very opposite of the kind of drama conflict I hate, where the telling of one secret would un-complicate everything (because where’s the creativity in that?). Obviously Dal-po plays everything pretty close to the vest, but we’re not holding back on revealing things between characters because there’s plenty of conflict even with the truth exposed. In-ha confessing her feelings makes it even harder for Dal-po to get over her, and Dal-po telling Gyo-dong who he really is makes him better for the job (He’s passionate about the truth!), and worse (Hello, loose cannon, twelve o’clock!). And now that In-ha is part of MSC and quite literally in the enemy camp, will Dal-po’s fears about seeing her as her mother come true?


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By this episode, I'm completely hooked. What a great show!


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I love your reviews and they help me soo much (thank you!) , but I have to say I disagree with the twist of Hyung killing off the men. I saw this from the first episode. In fact I was shocked he didn't kill in ha's mom with his father's trophy when he found out that his mom and bro were dead. He always had this darkness and we especially see it with his lack of family. Part of me was dissatisfied with the murders bc I suspected them and didn't want them.


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1) GF, you recap so fast. Thank you on behalf of all us Pinocchio fans here!

2) So atm, this is the 3rd greatest kdrama of all time. City Hunter obviously, Liar Game, and then Pinocchio. Once Pinocchio is finished, it might be 2nd... if it's perfect, 1st.

This is by far PSH's best role and the character really suits her. All the people who said they wouldn't watch Pinocchio because of PSH are surely eating their words. Now all she needs if a convincing and passionate kiss scene and then haters will have absolutely no argument left. Can she get a Daesang for her performance here? I can dream right...

2) I'm sad to see Dalpo's brother turn to the dark side, but it adds another layer of complexity to the drama. No more happy reunion between the brothers... perhaps they will been when Dalpo's brother is in jail D:

3) So after finishing watching Liar Game and thinking back to Pinocchio...

What if, In Ha actually saw the whole incident of the manager and the two men talking outside while the firemen went inside the factory in search of them, and then, to her horror, witnessing the explosion and the factory completely destructed and the death of the 9 firemen.

But then, she acts as though she doesn't know of the accident because she's repressed those awful memories.

And then when the truth about the death of the firemen and the guilty party truly is is revealed, In Ha finally remembers it all and breaks down into tears.

That would be the mother of all plot twists hey?


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'3rd greatest kdrama of all time'? either you're biased, or you didnt watch that many dramas.

i do agree that this is PSH's best role so far. she has been an object of love interest in her other roles, and playing a damsel in distress is very boring. i like how diverse this role is for her.

and LJS's role reminds me of his other roles in Doctor Stranger and IHYV. He plays a genius/smart person with a special ability. his acting is quite good too.


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"3rd greatest kdrama of all time’? either you’re biased, or you didnt watch that many dramas."

-Uh, I mean it is their opinion. So I think it's expected that they're biased.


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City Hunter is the best drama hands down. I've seen it four or more times in its entirety--more than any other dramas I've seen. I don't repeat dramas I don't like but if I like it, I repeat dramas I like when I don't have good dramas to watch. The second I do like My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho--that might be my second favorite. The third one is debatable. My third favorite is probably Queen In Hyun's Man. Or is it The Master's Sun? Or Secret Garden? Or The King 2 Hearts? I do like the Hong Sisters' drama and other fantasy drama.

I think Arang and the Magistrate is okay but it doesn't tug at the heart strings. I want that tug for me to say that I like that drama.

It's too early to tell whether Pinocchio would be one of my favorite dramas. I have to finish the story first.


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...and then there's Misaeng.


You haven't watched enough dramas....the drama is good but definitely not in my top 5 of all time, probably not in my top 10 of all time either.

That said, for 2014 only, it would be in my top 5 but not at the top. :-)


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Is it me or s'thing, that the interview between the teen hyung and in ha's mom hasn't been show yet?


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I believe they will use it later.. or In Ha accidentally find it and watch it.. Ahh let's wait how the writer will use it.. This drama is so good.. make me wanting more.. everyday of pinocchio episode please..

and Thanks GF for the recap.. !!


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I was screaming "Nooooo!!" the entire time it was revealed that Hyung killed the two other factory workers. It's rare that a drama can shock me but this turn of events definitely did. Poor Dal Po, his reunion with his brother will be so bittersweet.


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I wasn't screaming Noooooo, I was crying and wailing it, but quietly so that nobody hears me, because they would think I'm in actual pain...

I did not see that coming at all, angst is fine but they're setting the brothers up for (more) actual suffering :(


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I'm with you people. I was shouting "NOOOO!!!" while wailing and crying my heart out for hyung (and I'll keep calling him hyung until the end). I felt so bad that he has resorted to become a murderer. My heart hurts so much if a drama hurts someone's family. I would probably cry more if Dalpo and Hyung finally meet. But then, just deep down in other part of my mind, it says "Let me comfort you, hyung. Why do you still look good while killing a person?" THIS IS SO BAD. Can't wait for the next ep!


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Me too!!! I wished for it not to happen from the prev episodes esp after he found out about that the manager had lied. I was thinking "please don't make him turn into the bad guy" and he did, and it sort of broke my heart.
I put some more thought into it, and I really get as to why he did it though. He thought he was all alone in this world and he must have felt like he was the only one who could avenge his death since he knows the truth. IF ONLY HE KNOWS THAT HIS BROTHER IS STILL ALIVE AND LOOKING FOR HIM, he would have not resort to killing these people. T.T


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*his father's death.

this would break Dal Po's heart into million pieces when he finds out.... and more crying scenes for LJS!!


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This show is going strong, though I am not sure how I feel about Hyung being a murderer...it really doesn't feel true to character because Hyung has thus far been a really good guy (as girlfriday said). It is a bold move on the writer's part, that's for sure. Because the Hyung is smart, I would have anticipated a more elaborate revenge. Now, how can they prove the truth about what happened if the key witnesses are dead...


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Actually, Hyung and Dal-po are both smart. However, Dal-po is the scheming one. Hyung is the one who acts based on emotions but knows how to cover his tracks.


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I'm exactly like the Hyung because I use my emotions more than my brain, I'm sure if I was in his shoes I would have killed every one of those assholes including In Ha's mom whom I would kill the last.


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I think the guy that was in the autopsy Dal-po was watching is one of the plant manager's workers. And so maybe Dal-po will take on the case of how these workers were murdered and find his brother through that. Then that could create all kinds of conflict of whether to report the truth or to protect his brother.

And also, through trying to find out how the workers were murdered, Dal-po can also get the chance to clear his father's name.


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The same conflict that Kim Youngju experienced in City Hunter - to dob in his corrupt father or not?


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Ah, I was so disappointed in hyung - it's going to be one heck of a climax once Dal Po and Hyung meet.

On a side note, it was very refreshing to see such a clear confession and so early on in the series. No beating around the bush. And there is still plenty of conflict and angst between the two that I am relieved the whole love/liking angle is out in the open - at least from In Ha's side.

I felt so bad for In Ha's birthday - Dal Po get's three bottles of medicine for feeling nauseous and In Ha's birthday is forgotten by pretty much all lol. Poor thing has it tough.


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Goddammit. The ending. I had a feeling already though but it was so sad when it was true. I was so frustrated, kept thinking to myself that Dal-po should have tried harder to get in contact with his brother. But nope.

But another scene I like was when Dal-po said he still had a family but his brother in the next scene was saying how he was all alone. Very nice contrast.


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Honestly though. I really think Dal-po's brother (I really need to learn his name) just snapped. I think truly at heart he is a good guy with little to no darkside but he just snapped. He reached his breaking point. And it's so frustrating cuz this probably could have prevented had Dal-po just contacted him.

And on a side note, I'm really looking forward to seeing the interaction between Dal-po and Yoo-rae.


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That's what I thought, too-hyung snapped. If you can notice his actions when he found his dad's body, you can see that he's so angry he could've done anything at that point. He had nothing to lose at this point so he doesn't care what happens to him.


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Well this sucks. I hate that hyung is a killer now >:( Like GF said they definitely went too fast with turning him to the dark side. Now I'm mad at the show for ruining my happy reunion with hyung hopes AND I don't buy his character anymore. If they had had him make a slow descent it would have been much more believable and suspenseful. Grrrr.


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yes, i agree. i buy dal po's motivation to become a reporter now that it's been explained better, and i love him and in ha's bickering dynamic and the family and the rivaling stations setup, etc. etc. but the hyung character is seriously underdeveloped. it was unexpected, sure, but i didn't like how it played out...it would have affected me more if this had happened in a later episode. the pacing is really fast, and i think that's good in terms of where dal po and in ha stand on their relationship (he's aware of both of their feelings), but i think it's working against the drama's favor in terms of the hyung's character and his believability.


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Hm, I was expecting the big brother to become a murderer from day one so I wasn’t surprised, but I agree with everyone that it was very sudden. It works from a storytelling pov and it creates a great contrast to Dal-po, but character wise I would maybe have preferred a little slower descent into madness. I thought his (murder) plotline would run parallel to Dal-po’s journalism one. Both having the same goal (justice for their father) but different methods.

I do think the big brother just snapped (like someone above said), he’s been alone and unloved for such a long time, living with the hope of reuniting with his father.


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And since it's from the creators of I Hear Your Voice, it also shows us how someone can turn into a killer. Remember what they said about the difference between Soo Ha and his father's killer? The difference is that there are people around Soo Ha that had him tethered so that he still have people to lose and care about. Hyung has none of that.


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That is is exactly what I was thinking about!! So truee


Call me crazy, but I replayed him getting dressed more than five times. There is just something so fascinating about Lee Jong Suk putting on a dress shirt and tying a tie. It would have been a waste if he had not gone into modeling.

The best thing about Pinocchio syndrome is the confessions. It is so refreshing to hear a character say exactly how she feels. No harboring one-sided crushes. No denial of her feelings. I love how she unhesitantly walked over to face him when he avoided her. His single tear was perfect. I was frustrated at his passive, indirect confession. In Ha may not be very perceptive, but no one would be able to understand his hidden meaning. When she said, "Don't worry, my feelings aren't that deep yet," well, his are! I hope Dad will be the first to find out In Ha's feelings since he is the only one who knows Dal Po's feelings. Aww, his cake found its way back to its owner.

Nooo, Hyung, don't do this! Or since he already did it (killed the employees), I wish we could turn back time. He did say in a previous episode how he could map out all the manholes in Korea. I wish our brothers had not revealed their identities. If the manager makes it out alive, he can testify against Hyung. As much as I like Gyo Dong, I'd rather Dal Po wait until he is officially a reporter and then drop the bomb live on air.

In Ha was so cute trying to placate Dal Po even though he should have been the one apologizing. On top of that, he was an ass to her. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her bouts of hysterical crying. Love how her conscience wouldn't let him brush with the toilet brush. This is hands down my favorite Park Shin Hye role. I need more of those bathroom scenes where they are back to their old bickering selves. I am so happy Dal Po has a family. It was really touching when every family member gave him medicine one after the other. Haraboji even weathered the cold and told him to speak up if it's hard.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


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Eeeeeeeee! Good stuffs! This setup is bound to break hearts and fill buckets, but it'll be such a good ride.

Speaking of stuffs and stuffing and stuff, enjoy your turkey, jb and gf! I, for one, am thankful for this site and an outlet for drama related musings. Happy Thanskgiving!


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This writer does not disappoint! Sometimes, you get a writer that can produce an absolutely flawless project, but then make a comeback that is terrible. I am so glad that this writer has not done that! This show just keeps getting better and better! The dynamics are incredible, the characters well written and the plot, a little refreshing, honestly. This is the first show in a while that I've actually gotten excited about. I cannot wait for the things to come because I know that this writer can live up to her potential. Pinocchio is truly awesome, and I hope and pray it can stay that way!


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for me it's a given that hyung would take revenge, but not in this early episode ... I really just hope he didn't murder the other two workers.. and I so dreaded to know if he will also take his revenge on his neighbor who a has a Pinocchio (the one who says he saw the firefighter dad) ...
but then, I will anticipate how will hyung and yoo rae become romantically involve ...
so much feels for the ep5... episode7 please approach after, I want to see the bed scene of DalIn couple in the trailer... dad, please don't let it be your another sweet nightmare again, i know you ship them but I want your creative imagination to come true.
and before I forget, i like the scene where the cake return to its right owner/home ... Fate so sweet ..


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I mean episode 6 ... ;)


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I always thought that there would be a possibility that hyung would seek revenge but really i never thought it would start so early... I commend the actor that is portaying jae myung he is really doing a good job...i can see and feel the darkness, the anger, and the anguish that prompted his revenge... Its just sad that he was once a good person probably still has some goodness left in him but the anger, the loneliness and all the tragedy his gone through with no support made him this way.

Now its even more heartbreaking to think that dal po might be the one handling the murders of the plant workers and has to report about hyung... I think this way he will trully see the pros and cons of being a reporter as well...

Hoping for a stronger episode 6!!!!
Pinocchio fighting!


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Thanks so much, Girlfriday, for the lightning fast recap!

I can't tell you how much I appreciate it because I cannot understand much Korean! :)

As for the drama itself, well what can I say?

How AWESOME are the leads?

How FABULOUS are the other characters?

How HEART-RENDING is the 'forbidden' love between them?

How HEART-WARMING is the adoptive family?

How SOUL-CRUSHING is the story-line involving :
the (murderous?) Hyung,
the rock-where-her-heart-should-be Reporter Mother,
the broken-hearted-yet-full-of-heart Grandpa,
the not-wanting-to-care-but-can't-help-but-care-about-his-hyung-who-is-NOT-his-hyung Father, who is in major denial of how impossible it is to stop his beloved daughter and his-not-hyung from falling head over heels over each other...

I can go on...

In short, I'm hooked to this drama so much, and not since City Hunter have I been so hooked!

To quote Girlfriday - It hurts so bad...that it's so gooood!!



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Omg...This show is aweeeesssome...Im getting curious day by day ..this show is grrrreeeat I LUv it...


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I don't normally comment, but I am really, really liking this show (as it is currently). The overall plot and setup are not entirely original, and there are several happenings that rely more on coincidence than clever planning (example: the manhole plan was entirely contingent upon the man's stepping on the one newspaper covering the one manhole in an wide open area). However, the details in this show are so well done that they often force me to suspend my desperate need to critique and replay assorted 30 second interactions an absurd number of times. The scene in which In Ha is LITERALLY asked to step into her mother's shoes has already been re-watched multiple times. These moments are blunt enough that I don't miss the metaphor, but subtle enough that I'm not sick of hearing the metaphor... yet. I also LOVE the running theme (intentional or not) of Pinocchio syndrome's paralleling mental illness. Again the details (employment statistics, prejudice, misconceptions, etc) are so beautiful and occasionally poignant in these parallels that I am distracted from what is actually the focus of the scenes (thus, even more re-watching). If I were asked to describe this show (in spite of its many other strengths) I would literally just go through the plot via strung out details and overarching themes.


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Hyung turning into a murderer is just so tragic. I don't approve but I do understand why he did it. The only question now is if hyung would stop there or will he now go after all the reporters who wronged his family. In for a penny, in for a pound.


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more mooreee moooooore interesting. Lov it! I just cant wait to watch all of the episodes. Haha.


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Hyung is seriously breaking my heart right now.


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I know right, he's been my favorite character seens in the beginning, its so heartbreaking to me too :'( huhu but the actor(Yoon Gyun-Sang) is really doing great. he's kinda look like yoo seung ho. :)


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Well, murder can never be justified and while I was also a little startled that the hyung killed them so fast, I kind of saw it coming. I liked the juxtaposition of how Dalpo plans to avenge his Father, as opposed to his hyung's plans. Dalpo clearly is hopeful that when he finally becomes a reporter, he will make everyone aware of the whole truth and the injustice that their family experienced because of the media's lies, while his hyung just lost all hope (again, I don't blame him. He's all alone and he was desperately clinging onto the possibility that his Dad was still alive, only to find out he's dead) and decided to take matters into his own hands because he was so blinded by rage. I think this is a compelling conflict, and one that illustrates how two people who suffered the same painful fate can end up on two very different paths. I, for one, can't wait to watch more.

I think what's so great about Pinocchio is the established conflicts so far and characters we can get behind. I'm in love with both Dalpo and Inha, and I'm rooting for them. The only character I really still can't wrap my head around is Bum Jo and his borderline creepy relationship with his Mom. Plus, all the stalking. I hope his character gets better though, because I want a compelling second lead!


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It's interesting how this episode emphasized family so much - I mean just look at the stark difference between two brothers. The one who is loved so much by his adopted family (the whole three bottles of medicine etc) vs. the one left all on his own, eventually turns to murder and rage.


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I agree with you, definitely you can see all the differences of their revenge. yeah bum jo are kinda creepy.


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Lee yu bi is so freaking cute! hahaha I love all her scenes!


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So basically the moral lesson from IHYV from kim joong gook will the same here. lol so funny that every inner thoughts lee jong suk gives here reminds me of park soo ha. I see what you did there pd-nim and writer. :) peace \/


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His character is parallel with Park Soo Ha in a way that the only reason why he didn't turn into a killer was that he had people he cared about.


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Goodness, GF. I think what you are predicting is absolutely similar to mine. It's kind of possible that Choi Dal Po / Choi In Ha would be reporting a murder of which the murderer is the brother. That'll be devastating so let's just hope the writer won't be that cruel or at least created something that would cover the damn predicted rudeness.


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"I find Hyung a little underdeveloped, since he didn’t seem like a killer at all before this, which was obviously in service of the surprise."

idk why but i actually thought that hyung was going to kill in ha's mom in the first episode (he was holding the pointy trophy, thought he was gonna use it as a weapon or smth haha) so yeah i actually kinda thought he could turn into a killer at some point lol. i feel sad tho :'((


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Though hyung is nice and kind, i always thought he had a bit of a temper and was more prone to lashing out compared to the more calm dal-po when they were kids. 'cause that one time when the reporters ambushed them, i just remember hyung going batshit crazy and dal-po just standing there in tears, speaking up for his father. I could see that difference as they grow up too. Hyung who chooses to lose himself and dal-po who chooses to clear his family's name.
Added on top the fact that hyung now believes he's all alone, grew up without a family as loving and nurturing as dal-po, i could certainly see why there was no one to keep him grounded. Now that he feels like he has nothing to hold onto, he's really going all the way. Gutsy of the writer, I think. It'll make things even tougher down the road.


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This drama is soooooo good. It leaves me speechless. I have to confess PSH is really kicking some ass here. I used to hate her but now I can't seem to get enough of her. Thanks for the recap.


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I am more afraid of the fact that In Ha will be the one to accuse Dal Po's hyung of murder and Dal Po being in denial.

On another note, I'm really loving this drama, it's great. I want to know what Gyo-dong is going to do. And, I really don't want In-ha to have feelings for the second lead. There are enough problems between them without it... For example, Dal-po's reaction to In-ha's new job.


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Oh goodness, I do not want to know how many episodes of angst there would be if that scenario you mentioned played out. I was just about to say Dal Po would have to end up believing In Ha since she's a Pinocchio, but considering his past luck with Pinocchios and them ruining his life, he probably wouldn't be quick to even consider what she's saying, thinking she's just saying what knows without any background and completely investigated knowledge. So yeah, I repeat, the angst-fest there would be if that happened....


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Loving this drama. Now with hyung killing the three men, I'm wondering if he will move on to the Pinocchio neighbour and In Ha's mom since they are just as guilty of breaking up the family.


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i'm so sad that hyung has taken the bad guy path :(

this development does make for a more interesting story and for far more compelling dilemmas to come... but no matter how it plays out it's going to end BADLY.

at best he'll end up in jail and at worse he'll end up dead somehow... either way dal-po is going to loose his hyung for a second time :(


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Loving this drama so far! But hey, have any of you guys realised that the sasaeng reporter just can't seem to hide her emotions? Maybe she's a different type of Pinocchio?

I mean she couldn't hold back the tears when she was scared, she couldn't help but faint at the autopsy, she couldn't help but laugh at her getting away from Hyun-kyu's line? Or am I over-analysing things?

This also is beginning to remind of some other drama theme-wise because both brothers was abandoned but one was alone and resorted to revenge while the other is loved and... doesn't go into the bad side of things? You know the drama where the criminal that "choked" In Ha in her imagination of being a lawyer came from?

Thank you GirlFriday for the awesome recap btw :)


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Hey! Ikr! You still know the title of that similar theme kind drama? I am trying to remember what was it but I can't.


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I caught myself thinking it would be great if Dal Po could read her mind.
I dont know what is the charm that pulls me in. they are just so cute I guess.


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Each episode is awesome. How fast paced this drama is.. So many things happen in a single episode.

I love Inha. She is just too cute. She is being understanding and logical even though dalpo's giving her the cold shoulder. Man..that confession scene.. Both were just perfect. And her pouring all her sorrows out on the customers turning them into shrinks. Lol. Hilarious. Advising those girls to not be like her,She even asked for that person id while giving soju bottle without even looking up,when clearly he is way above the legal age. She is just a breath of fresh air. Poor girl, her own mom using her for publicity and her grandpa n dad forgot her b'day. The way her face brightens up when seeing herself in that big screen.So much of choi inha awesomeness in one episode.

The whole choi family is love. The way the other three buying the same medicine for dalpo. That bathroom scene is another EPIC one. For a minute, i thought dalpo n his brother might meet and bang!that twist.

TBH, I had the thought that hyung is definitely gonna seek revenge after listening to the convo of those three men abt what exactly happened and also finding out the truth, that his father who was falsely blamed all these yrs was actually dead. I mean, there was so much of pent up anger and sadness in him. I mean, to him, there is nothing more to lose. But i was not expecting it all to happen so early. His character is the most pitiful one. When dalpo on the other hand, now believes even more in being a reporter so that he can tell the true story to the world. Dalpo and PD's scene at the end.. wow. Everything happens at a first pace in this drama. It just pulls you in.

Now whats going to happen next? Is he going to avenge for his father's death? Will he be targeting the pinocchio witness and inha's mom Reporter cha ok? What is going to happen btw the brothers? How they are going to meet? Will he find his brother while working on solving the case of these murders? Will the brother's anger turn up against inha,the daughter of cha ok? Man.. So interesting and unpredictable plot.


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I must add this, I am amazed at how park shin hye does head-stunt effortlessly. So cool. And she is such a beauty.


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you forget that anakin turned to the dark side, because of fear and hatred :)

i believe hyung can become a killer, something was dark inside him, and finding his father's body just triggered his homicidal tendencies. You forget the killer in I Can Hear Your Voice drama, the killer was a loving husband and father, until he lost his whole family.

Which makes me wonder if Hyung will try and kill In Ha since she is her daughter and he would want In Has mom to loose everything like he did.

Which side would Dal po choose?

And chaebol son made me wince such a mommas boy and lazing around yeah we know your rich but ur hogging precious screen time. Whats next window shopping with mom? ;\


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Tbh I am loving Park shin hye and this drama is so so so good no wonder it was sold with the highest price ever it's amazing ??? and park shin hye is hot ???


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The stalker guy and his mother unsettle me so much... there's something creepy in their way to interfere with In Ha's life.
I'm sure they will be a HUGE problem!
Great episode, by the way, so intense! Love confession was nice, and I screamed to Dal Po "Say you like her too!" as a fool. And I liked the dark side of Hyung, I did'nt expect it at all.
Of course, now we have a lot of tangle to untie. Can't wait!


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god this episode was so good and enjoyable!! your recap really just emphasised what i liked about the ep.

as an aside, chan soo appeared again in the preview for the next episode and he looked so much more adorable in it than in previous eps. anybody know his name? i find kim young kwang to be quite okay-looking usually but his styling here just isn't doing it for me. having his hair pushed back just emphasises all his features in a less-than-flattering manner, imo.


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I have one disappointment with this episode......
I've been super excited about Lee Yoo Bi's character. I loved her as Choco and am piqued at the idea of a sasaeng character as one of the "good guys".
I felt the shredded paper scene was the perfect point for her to show off her skills. I see sasaengs as paparazzi in training - piecing shredded paper should be a old hat. I was hoping she'd take the lead here.

With a gold-mine of an idea (sasaeng-turned-reporter) in such a lovable actress, I really hope the show takes the time to develop this character more. Writer-nim, I'm looking at you!


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When I saw the black hat on Hyung, I felt doom. UGH. Please let him be OK. Why are the other two dead already??!! It's like it's too late to make things OK for Hyung. As much I dread this direction, I love the constant surprises. Thank goodness to good writing.


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Quick question about Lee Yubi's character... At the elevator, Lee Yubi's character was laughing/smiling because she was excited at the prospects of working with Dal Po on the Hazer's team? It was NOT schadenfreude? That is much cuter. I didn't totally understand her reaction. I started to think she was one of those annoying over-achievers.


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I also thought she smiled because she realised she'd escaped the last place, hence avoid being on the mean senior's team. Even though, throughout this epi I kinda wonder how cute it would be if Yoo Rae is the female lead. A man hell-bent on avenging his wronged father and kooky sasaeng-turn-reporter cutie pie? That can be a whole other drama by itself.

It goes without saying I LOVE Lee Yoo Bi in this role!


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Way to deconstruct Dal-po's Big Speech about how evil Pinocchios are from last episode, show. "You cannot be a journalist because you are a Pinocchio. And Pinocchios cannot be journalists because I have a totally bigoted hatred for your mom and everything that's connected to her, especially you."


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Of course, they also demonstrate the straw man argument in Dal-po's hate speech by having In-ha playing exactly the kind of jerk victim card that Dal-po accused all Pinocchios of using.


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I'm sooooo loving this show but OMG this writer relies so heavily on coincidences! What are the odds that the corpse Dal Po saw when training was the same guy his hyung murdered because he was responsible for their dad's wrongful death and subsequent posthumous blacklisting?

What are the odds that Dal Po would be adopted by the family of his arch nemesis reporter and of all the people in the world he would fall for her daughter?

And what are the odds that of all the trucks in Soeul it had to be his brother's truck that was dented and his information put on his brother's truck? And the way hyung found out the people responsible for his dad's death - pure coincidence as well.

As much as I am loving this show I can't help but wince over the number of coincidences in the show so far. I am wondering when they will use some plain old fashioned detective moves in this drama, for instance, Dal Po googling up his brother's info in an attempt to find him, or placing an ad in a newspaper or something. The heavy reliance on coincidences is somewhat weak/sloppy writing.


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I don't think it's sloppy or lazy writing. It's WAY beyond that, the writer uses this as an obvious element in the story. I mean, this is a parallel universe story, featuring that Pinocchio syndrome and all, why not change some other parameters of reality while you are at it?

The ones that make randomly given away strawberry cakes to come back and bite you in your bottom, just for fun. The kind of universe where Karma actually exists ...


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Does it make me a bad person to say I like In-ha's mother's character, that emotionless unscrupulous blunt witch, especially compared to that other important character in In-ha's life, that hypocrite Dal-po?


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No your not, Jon G. I like her too :)


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You're not a bad person at all. Especially if you're a writer, you'll like In Ha's mom. You'll have a lot of fun imagining ways that you could use In Ha's her in the plot of the story.


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Actually, I wasn't surprised at all that Hyung would become a killer. I was hoping he wouldn't but you could see the foreshadowing of it last episode. Hence, what I didn't want to happen actually occurred.


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I'm glad that Dal Po had his family because when Hyung goes to prison--and he will "do the crime, pay the price"--he had people to lean on.


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Why? Why? Why? Why do you have to make hyung a killer? I was looking forward to a reunion with dalpo. The whole drama is perfect except for that... Dalpo and inha are sooo cute together.


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I'm sure this has been discussed before but I really love how the writer has subverted the drama trope of the Chaebol. It's like we're seeing what these characters would really appear like, if we saw them in real life.

Dal Po's position is normally that childhood friend who never gets the girl, while the Chaebol is the rich kid who Candies always fall for. Of course their personality is like that of first and second lead, so it helps in distinguishing them.

I wanna see more of Yoo Rae, she seems so adorable. The bob cut is growing on me. It'd be so awesome to see further down the line how she wanted to become a reporter.


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In an hour I feel sooo full, with angst, warm heart, love, cuteness and fear.
Hyung.... Why did you do that?? Could you wait a little bit longer??
But it has already happened. Show, you're sooo good, I love you to the bone.
I wish PSH will be as good as right now, she done enough with melodramatic things. Period.
Thanks for your wonderful recap GF, and happy holiday..


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why no screencap of dalpo puttingon hisshirt?

hmm..that back..


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Enough! Please, no more...I beg you. I've had my fill of toothbrush and toilet bowl humor this year. It was cringeworthy in High! School - Love On (which only added to ever increasing reasons to drop it) and now Pinocchio.


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