Odds and Ends: Giving thanks

javabeans: So everyone here in the States is probably still in a turkey-induced coma from Thanksgiving, which was on Thursday, which is when we honor the spirit of gratitude of our colonial forbears who survived particularly harsh conditions in their first year on the continent by watching football and internet shopping.

girlfriday: Yes, some things are sacred in America.

javabeans: Apparently some people get really intense about the specific stuffing recipe you use, and how you carve your bird. Here I am thinking, “What, chunks that fit in my mouth aren’t good enough for you?”

girlfriday: That stuff always makes me laugh, because when you eat your plate of Thanksgiving food, doesn’t it all end up tasting like gravy mash anyway? It’s a lot of effort for food that’s then overpowered by the taste of sauce, no matter what special recipe you used or how early you woke up to start cooking.

javabeans: I guess I’m not that big on the holidays, because to me it just seems like a lot of work for a meal. When I’m with family we at least make an effort to actually give thanks for stuff, but I had a friend day this year so we just mostly shoved food in our faces and I only remembered I’d forgotten to feel grateful after they’d gone home.

girlfriday: Oh right, giving thanks. We should maybe do that.

javabeans: Maybe we could list some things here. Feeling maudlin?

girlfriday: Fine, if you’re going to make me. Let’s see… I’m thankful for the fact that my work uniform is pajamas and fuzzy slippers.

javabeans: I’m thankful for my health, even if it fails me every December while writing reviews, because if anything the revolving door of ailments reminds me on a regular basis that it could always be worse.

girlfriday: I’m thankful for the fact that we’re almost done writing the Beanie Polls, because hundreds of one-liners is actually a lot of work.

javabeans: I’m thankful that for every oppa the army taketh away, we get one back. With abs!

girlfriday: I’m thankful for noona-killers, and heroines with sass.

javabeans: I’m thankful that there’s still something to love about dramaland, even if it puts out some stinkers regularly.

girlfriday: I’m thankful that rom-coms still make me swoon.

javabeans: I’m thankful for all of the actors who make me swoon.

girlfriday: I’m thankful for Ha Woo-jin.

javabeans: I’m thankful that I still really love writing recaps, after writing a thousand of them.

girlfriday: I’m thankful that we’re not sick of each other.

javabeans: I’m thankful that we have new minions to help alleviate our recapping burden, although honestly I think it’s more that we spread our disease to them than them taking it away from us.

girlfriday: I’m thankful for all our readers, who remind us every day that we’re not the only crazy people out there.

javabeans: Yes, thanks to you all, and happy holidays!

girlfriday: …Are we done now? Can I get back to internet shopping?

javabeans: Oh, and I’m thankful for internet shopping. Okay now we’re done. Go forth and buy stuff!

girlfriday: It’s the American way.


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Happy Thanksgiving. Am thankful for all your posts, it makes a great break from mundane stuff. We celebrated w roast goose in HK instead. Cheers.


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Girls. What do you call ahjumma-killers? Coz noonas are getting older and older in Dramaland.


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What do you call ahjumma-killers?

"Jailbait"? ;)


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i too am thankful for DB and all the trimmings that go with you guys!don't think i could live in my real world without an escape to korea land at least 5 times a day! thanks for all you do and may you receive a brand new pair of pj's for christmas. (if i knew your size and fave color i would make you a pair and send them to you) for reals!


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YES! So accurate! Love you guys!


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Thank you javabeans and all your minions!!! When the going gets tough and i can't get myself to watch kdramas, i come here. Reading it is as good as watching the drama...good grief hahaha. Thank you writers! *wink to gummi*

Wishing you all the best guys...I know it's a lil late but im gonna say it anyway "Happy Thanksgiving!"


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I´d be really grateful, if dramaland gave Park Ki Woong back a year early. unlikely though. but... for like, a week?


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I am thankful for MyAsianTv.com. No commercials, no segmented episodes, fast subs.

Since I'm in the male minority, I am thankful for Moon Chae Won, Lee Da-Hae, and Han Ye-Seul (hometown girl from Cerritos)

Thanks DB for all the recaps (for when the subs are lost in the translation)


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