Modern Farmer: Episode 10

Some fences are mended, but at the expense of others, as the romantic feelings continue to circle around with nowhere to land. But it’s not all about love when it comes to hurt feelings, as some of the parents in Hadurok-ri discover when their children get a chance to say what they really think. What’s a parent to do when their child is ashamed of them, and for something they can’t control?


Han-chul distracts the thugs while Soo-yeon makes a getaway, and she manages to escape in a cab. Meanwhile Yoon-hee leaves the bank with money to lend to Min-ki, having decided to help him even though she’s upset with him.

The boys leave the birthday party with fat pockets but scarred souls, having been forced to let the women grope them in order to make money. But at least now they have the necessary money to buy plastic to cover their field. Or they did, until Min-ki backs the truck into a man’s car — easy come, easy go.

Sang-deuk practices for the “three steps, one bow” protest, which gets harder with each step since he’s slugging makgeolli in between bows. He passes in front of Mi-young’s house in time to see her caregiver quit and leave her with nobody to watch her father and daughter for the day. He offers to stay so she can go to work, insisting it will be easy.

He walks in the house to see that her father has thrown torn toilet paper everywhere, and the man greets him by peeing on his foot. Ewww. Mi-young’s sassy daughter Eun-woo demands food, which she then refuses to eat because it’s not presented correctly. Before Sang-deuk can fix it, Mi-young’s father poops his pants. Poor Sang-deuk, he’s in for a long day.

Soo-yeon shows up at the bar where she used to work to demand her final pay in person, but the owner insists she has no money. Soo-yeon plays hardball and calls the police to report a bar selling fake whiskey, and the bar owner magically finds some money tucked into her lingerie. Soo-yeon nearly makes it out safely, but the thugs find her (having tracked down the cabbie who drove her here) and grab her.

The bar owner comes to Soo-yeon’s rescue and blasts the thugs with a fire extinguisher, and screams to Soo-yeon that she may not have much, but she’s loyal. The thugs are distracted long enough for Soo-yeon to run, though they turn on the bar owner once the fire extinguisher runs out.

Sang-deuk spends the day taking orders from the bossy little Eun-woo, drawing and coloring pictures to her exact specifications. But he gets the info on Mi-young in the meantime, and finds out that her business went bankrupt and that she no longer has plenty of money. When Mi-young arrives home panting, she tells Sang-deuk that she sold her car in order to get more exercise, but he sees through her lie.

The boys arrive home and sigh to Uncle that they lost the money they just made by having to pay for the damage to the man’s car, and Yoon-hee starts to take the money she withdrew out of her pocket. But Min-ki snaps at her (through Ki-joon) that she shouldn’t be talking to him, then takes a call from Yoo-na, and Yoon-hee hides the money away again.

Soo-yeon makes it back to the bus station safely, wondering why those guys are chasing her. Han-chul catches up to her and she notices that he got a beating for defending her, seeming to genuinely feel remorse for the first time. Han-chul is more worried about her than himself, and bursts into tears when she assures him that she’s okay. Touched, Soo-yeon thanks Han-chul, saying it’s been a long time since anyone worried about her.

Sang-deuk gets drunk by the side of the road again, moaning that Mi-young dumped him then didn’t even have the decency to live a happy life. Man-gu finds him and yells at him for drinking instead of training for the protest, and says that Yoon-hee wants to see them.

Man-gu gloats over his new sports car as they drive to Yoon-hee’s, but Sang-deuk isn’t impressed, and they can’t get the open convertible top to close. The driver in front of them flicks his cigarette butt which lands right in Man-gu’s lap, setting his crotch on fire and causing an accident.

Yoon-hee and Uncle wait for Man-gu and Sang-deuk, since their leg of the protest starts in an hour. Min-ki skips up looking for Hyuk and Ki-joon, still refusing to speak to Yoon-hee, and she gets a call that there’s been an accident.

They head to the hospital to find Man-gu banged up but okay, but Sang-deuk is so drunk that he hasn’t woken since the accident. Yoon-hee says she’ll have to take their place in the protest, and Man-gu tells Min-ki that if he’ll do the protest with Yoon-hee, he’ll cover their cabbage field with plastic for free. It’s an offer too good to refuse, though Min-ki agrees with bad grace since he’ll be stuck with Yoon-hee.

They snarl at each other while they wait for their leg of the protest to start, and Uncle fusses at them to stop fighting, but neither is willing to be the first to apologize. The protesters from the previous leg of the race arrive, and everyone is shocked to see how exhausted they look. Yoon-hee and Min-ki set off, childishly head-butting and body-checking each other every time they go down to their knees. Not even reporters and television cameras can make these two behave.

Sang-deuk wakes up in the hospital to find Mi-young by his bedside, and she assures him that Man-gu is okay. They panic when Grandpa arrives, and Mi-young has nowhere to hide but under the covers with Sang-deuk. Of course Grandpa notices the giant lump under the blanket, but Sang-deuk stammers that he’s just really swollen on that side. HA.

Sang-deuk tries to get rid of Grandpa by asking for food, only to be offered his spat-out almonds, but finally sends him to go find some porridge. He peels back the blanket to find Mi-young has fallen asleep on his shoulder, just like in his dream.

Yoon-hee and Min-ki “three steps, one bow” their way through town, physically exhausted but not bending on their personal standoff one tiny bit. They come upon a section of sidewalk where a bag of trash has leaked something horrible, and Min-ki whispers to Yoon-hee to move over so he can avoid it, but she stubbornly refuses.

Later he pulls ahead of Yoon-hee and shakes off her attempts to hold him back, though both of them are on the verge of collapse. Yoon-hee finally breaks and wails that it’s too hard, but Min-ki continues to ignore her. Finally she yells that she’s sorry, it’s just that he didn’t eat the spaghetti she made for him and went to Yoo-na instead.

Min-ki turns in surprise and Yoon-hee continues that she worked so hard on the spaghetti that he asked her to make, and she even withdrew money to lend to him, whining that he doesn’t care about her feelings. Min-ki laughs at her timing of bringing this up now, in the middle of their protest, and Yoon-hee bursts into tears that he’s going too fast.

She’s pretty adorable, sitting in the street in tears like a toddler, and Min-ki goes back help her. Fully invested in her tantrum, she shrugs him off, and he apologizes for his behavior and for the spaghetti. Yoon-hee grouches that she’s never doing anything for him ever again, and he agrees, and coaxes her into continuing the protest. She stays whiny, but Min-ki just laughs at her and helps her as best he can.

Sang-deuk visits a local farming research facility with some friends, and afterward he invites them to go for a snack. They show up at Mi-young’s cafe, where she’s worried about money but fending off Yi-ji’s ideas of making coffee with a mushroom the area is famous for. Aw, he places a huge order just to help her out.

The village elders meet later to discuss the local market, and Min-ki asks if they can sell pea puffs and roasted grasshoppers there. Little Min-ho hesitantly starts to ask Yoon-hee something but changes his mind, worrying his mother. Sang-eun rushes in to ask the guys if they want to be on air today, and they all meet in her bedroom with their instruments.

Sang-eun assures them that her website has over a thousand viewers, and that her dad has gone fishing and won’t come to chase them out. Hyuk asks if In-ki was always mute, and Sang-eun says the villagers tell her that he used to talk. She tells them her father brought her here when she was an infant, and she’s never known her mother.

Sang-eun asks after Min-ki’s guitar, which is quite old, and he tells her he found it in the mountains seventeen years ago. We see a young Min-ki walking through the trees, and he perks up when he hears an electric guitar. He follows the sound and sees a man playing in the middle of the woods, but he suddenly stops and turns, and we see through the flowing locks of rockstar hair that it’s In-ki.

He pulls out a pair of scissors and cuts his long hair off, screams, and walks away, leaving the guitar behind. Min-ki had approached and taken the guitar, which he credits for his interest in music. Min-ki doesn’t know who the man was that left the guitar there in the woods, but he considers him his hero.

Min-ki gets another text from Snake the loan shark, chiding him for not calling like he promised, and ignores it with a sigh. Sang-eun starts the music program, and the boys snort in amusement at her cheesy intro. The boys start their song (despite the netizens’ negative comments) and they don’t immediately notice that In-ki is back early from his fishing, carrying a giant fish and with a chip on his shoulder.

In-ki lays a fishy smackdown on the guys while the netizens laugh, and he chases them out of the house and down the street, brandishing his fish like a weapon. He goes back home and nearly smashes Sang-eun’s computer, but he’s distracted by a familiar-looking guitar. Calm now, he digs a box of keepsakes out of his closet, and cries over a photo of a pretty smiling woman.

Mi-young’s daughter Eun-woo seems to already have acquired a couple of admirers, as Min-ho and Man-gu’s son Man-gook walk her home. Min-ho seems depressed and walks ahead alone, while Man-gook adorably offers to carry Eun-woo’s bags.

His parents come to meet him, and Eun-woo is impressed that his mother is a pretty foreign lady, but Man-gook wilts with embarrassment. He feels even worse when Eun-woo assumes Man-gu is his grandfather, and he storms home and yells at his parents. He tells them not to come when they find a letter from school inviting students’ fathers to teach a class, saying that the kids make fun of him for having a foreigner for a mother and a dad who looks like a grandpa. Awww, poor little peanut.

The boys find their way home with fish scales stuck to their faces, hee, and all but Min-ki head to wash up. He finds “Rockstar” Min-ho in his room with the same letter from school, and Min-ho makes him promise not to tell his mom about the letter.

That night Soo-yeon’s attempt to go digging is cut short by Han-chul yet again, who’s here to help her dig more sweet potatoes since they made up. For pete’s sake, did he learn nothing? He tells her that all the sweet potatoes have been harvested but that he found one unharvested field in Sangdurok-ri, and he grabs her hand without thinking to lead her there.

When he realizes he’s holding Soo-yeon’s hand, he freezes and drops it, then he actually smells his own hand. Okay, I’m officially creeped out. He apologizes to Soo-yeon and heads out, and she spits on her own hand to wash it.

Min-ki comes down for a drink of water and runs into Yoon-hee working on planning the monthly market. Out of the blue, he asks what kind of man Min-ho’s father was, but she declines to discuss it. He starts to tell her about the invitation from school for fathers to teach a class, but changes his mind.

Min-ki goes grasshopper hunting the next morning, intent on selling roasted grasshoppers at the market, but the guys come by and tell him to come help them with the cabbage. Min-ki climbs out of the ditch and runs smack into Snake, who’ve come to find him since he’s not keeping in touch with him.

Stuck between needing to placate the loan shark and keeping his friends from finding out his real reason for growing cabbage, Min-ki pretends they’re asking directions while nervously muttering that he’s been too busy farming to contact Snake. He explains his plan to grow cabbage to pay back Snake, who laughs that he’s the first to try something so crazy.

Snake is ready to just take Min-ki’s organs, but he’s amused enough that he agrees to wait a bit longer. On their way out of town they run into In-ki, and Snake looks at him like he’s seen him somewhere before.

The boys pass by a depressed-looking Man-gu, who asks them how old he looks, upset that his son is embarrassed by how old he seems. Hyuk honestly tells him that he does look old for his age, but his style doesn’t help, and says that the worst part is his hairstyle.

Hyuk takes Man-gu to a stylist and shows her a picture in a magazine, telling her to make Man-gu look like the photo. The other boys look on, but cringe when Man-gu’s hair is done — I honestly don’t know how they managed it, but he looks even worse than before. But Man-gu is pleased with it, though he really looks nothing like the picture of Kim Soo-hyun from Hyuk’s magazine, HAHA.

Sang-deuk brings the family coffee while they package their harvested apples, swearing he’s a coffee addict now, which is just so cute. Aunt brings snacks, and everyone takes a ramyun popsicle against their will. It’s hilarious how Grandpa pretends to be asleep so he won’t have to try one.

Man-gu and the guys show up to surprise everyone with his new style, but they aren’t nearly as complimentary as the boys are, who are afraid of hurting Man-gu’s feelings for fear he’ll stop teaching them to farm. Yoon-hee asks why he got the haircut and he tells her it’s for the school teaching day, and Yoon-hee realizes that Min-ho must have hidden this from her.

Man-gook is understandably unimpressed by his father’s new hairdo — in fact he bursts into loud snotty tears at the shocking sight. He cries that he’s ashamed of both his parents and forbids them to come to his school, and Man-gu’s wife goes to their room to cry that her son is ashamed of her.

Yoon-hee goes home to ask Min-ho if he has something to tell her, but he denies it and goes outside. Min-ki finds him and asks what he’s going to do about the class, figuring that he didn’t tell his mom because he knew she would go, since he doesn’t have a father. Yoon-hee finds them in time to overhear her son tell Min-ki that he was only worried that she might cry like she always does when his dad is mentioned.

Min-ho says he doesn’t mind being teased, but he doesn’t like seeing his mom cry. Aww, what a sweetheart. He asks Min-ki to keep his promise not to tell Yoon-hee about the class, but Yoon-hee drops her bucket and gives herself away. When the boys see her she pretends to have not heard them, and leaves them to talk alone.

Min-ki finds her in the barn feeding the cows, and tells her that he knows she heard Min-ho. He asks gently if she’s alright, and his show of concern is the last straw, and she cries that she doesn’t deserve to be a mother. When she heard Min-ho talking just now, she felt disappointed in him, but then she realized that her baby was worried about her.

She’s talking more to herself than Min-ki, and she says that she feels bad and that this is all her fault. She sobs and asks Min-ki what she should do, but Min-ki doesn’t have any advice. Instead he just folds Yoon-hee in a hug, and holds her while she cries. And as they stand there, seemingly alone, Hyuk watches jealously from around the corner.


Ah, this show just tugs at my heart. This was a very emotional episode, and I’m again amazed how even the most side of side characters gets their moment to shine and weave their way into the broader story. Even the comic moments, like Man-gu’s disastrous makeover, are grounded in such real and heart-tugging situations like his wanting his son to be proud of him. I’m beginning to understand that there are no small characters in this show, because all of them have a life and a depth to them that contribute to the feeling that this could be a real village and these could be real people who live there. Yes the show is a comedy first and foremost, but it’s also wonderfully more, and I continue to be delighted at the way no small scene or happening is ever just there for the laughs. Absolutely everything that happens in Hadurok-ri happens for a reason, and I just love that.

One of the best things about the show is that there are no throwaway lines or scenes, and the whole In-ki/guitar backstory is perfect example. Back in one of the first episodes Min-ki mentioned that he found his guitar when he was a kid, then no more mention of it was made until that tiny moment when In-ki touched the guitar out in the cabbage field. I pride myself on being hard to surprise when it comes to storyline twists, but this one truly caught me off guard, because the setup happened so early in the story and it was such a seemingly-forgettable comment. It’s really wonderful how, in an industry where scripts are being written sometimes at the literal last minute and a show can finish with a very different ending than originally intended, that a silly weekend comedy can turn out to be so very skillfully done that setups and payoffs can happen ten episodes apart. Even the tiniest of details dovetail so perfectly into the larger story, and I can’t wait for more of the same sorts of surprises.

Speaking of which, I’m also impressed with how off-center we’re being kept in terms of the romance angles in the story. It’s usually taken as a given that in Dramaland, we know the romantic endgame right from the beginning — but with Modern Farmer I genuinely can’t tell where most of these lovelines are taking us. I do still feel that the Ki-joon/Bul-ja pairing is pretty set, but other than that I’m genuinely baffled. With Han-chul and Soo-yeon, though the animosity from Soo-yeon is lightening up, I don’t really feel that Han-chul is making any strides towards actually getting to know and respect Soo-yeon for who she is beyond being a pretty fantasy.

And the Yoon-hee/Hyuk/Min-ki/Yoo-na love square appeared so obvious at first (Min-ki and Yoo-na would get back together, and Hyuk and Yoon-hee would fall in love) but now I’m not so sure. Yoo-na seems to care for Min-ki but she consistently puts her career first, and now Min-ki and Yoon-hee are finding a deeper friendship that I could believe if it turned into love. Meanwhile Hyuk (and for the record, I don’t feel his interest in Yoon-hee because she reminds him of his mother to be unhealthy, since he really does seem to like her for herself) does appear to be stalling out with Yoon-hee, because of his inability to convince her of his sincerity.

So though I’m frustrated because I don’t know where any of this is going, I’m also enjoying the speculation and uncertainty, because it’s a breath of fresh air not to know where things will end up before they even start. Putting my attempted-neutrality as a recapper aside, I’m pretty invested in my personal favorite main ‘ship, and I can’t help but root for them to end up together. It’s fun for once to have hope in a favorite couple, and to truly not know whether they’ll fall in love, so I’m willing to put my frustration aside and just enjoy the ride.


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Best episode so far!


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I agree. This was one of my most favorite episodes because the triangle is starting to set sail.

Honestly, I'm still of the opinion personally that the pairing don't necessarily have to happen for me to satisfied with the show. Yoonhee with Hyuk or Minki would be fine by me. I felt in the beginning that Hyuk was a more natural choice and he's really lovable, but I really like that Minki and Yoonhee have a deeper friendship and he takes interest in her son...so Minki would be ok too.

I also really like how small details in earlier episodes have more meaning than I gave credit for in later episodes :-)


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Thanks for posting this! I appreciate the hard work!!


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Great recap!
I'm so glad with the way this show turned out :) I initially had absolutely no hopes for it hahaha.


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Suprisingly I don't have second lead syndrome in this drama, I really hope Min-ki gets together with Yoonhee in the end!

And I agree one of the best things about the show is that there are no throwaway lines or scenes. I really want to know Inki's backstory..

Also the granddad should have his own show he is hilarious xD

Mangu's hairstyle made him look like a rooster lmao, and the part when the kid started crying even more was just hilarious, he said u look like a crazy granddad now instead of just a granddad xD


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I loved those scenes too...I love the grandpa, I could definitely watch more of him.

Mangu's Kim Soo Hyun hairstyle was really funny. It's cute that he tried to look younger for his son.


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Most likeable couple: bulkijoon (too fucking cute!)
Most annoying couple: sangdeuk and that woman (fucking die already!)

I missed Bulja (hwa ran) this episode. I love how KiJoon now calls hwaran even when thinking to himself d'wwww
I really hope this drama doesn't take the usual road and have noona end up with minki and not minwoo.


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Thank you LollyPip for the recap! Your descriptions and words are spot on. The characters are all equally endearing and important. I still can't stand Mi Young and her daughter is such a brat. Minho and Mangook are such cuties and their stories are understandably touching. I'm wondering if InKi and Snake were in a band once and if something happened to the lady in the photo to cause InKi to become mute. Can't wait till the next episode!


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Im thinking about a car accident...too classic? She died (and a very possible love triangle there too) he became mute they disbanded. I dont know when their daughter was born but still...


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I agree, Lolypip, that not knowing where any of this is going is somehow all right in this kdrama. I would expect myself to be annoyed by now and yet I am not. Maybe because so many possibilities have been left open-ended and the ties that each person has to the others is intricate and tangled, but not in a bad way.

Hyuk (why do I want to call him Hyuk Finn?) nursing his crush from afar as he walked up on Min-ki and Yoon-hee was hard to see no matter how you slice it.


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Thank you for working hard on the recap!! Much appreciated.. I love hearing your thoughts and everyone else's!

My guess is that In-Ki and Snake used to be in a band together. In the first ep Snake got a bit sentimental when he saw Min-Ki's guitar.. he looked like he recognized it. Maybe Snake and In-Ki's band broke up but never got back together, but in this new generation of rockstars, Excellent Souls did get back together. :) just my guess only! Hehe.. but this show is known for surprising us so my guess may be too simple. Haha..


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Inki and Snake together in a band in a previous life - wouldn't it be great if that is the case and then they join Excellent Souls band its postponed debut?


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My guess is that In-ki will somehow help or inspire our young boys to debut and succeed again. Maybe Snake too? That would be cool.


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I never even thought of that, but that would make sense.


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I think my favourite moment this episode was when man-gook was embarrassed of his parents. I honestly thought that man-gu marrying a foreigner would be played for comedy and then forgotten about but the fact that they gave both the kid and the foreign mom made me love this show even more. Its pretty awesome nowadays where in most shows the first and second leads don't have enough depth but here even the side characters are given enough depth that we sympathise and root for them.

I think that this was my favourite episode so far. You rock, show!


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It was indeed a good setup. Sorry for the potential polemic, but is it so bad to be a foreigner in South Korea?. Please Mr. LollyPip, feel free to erase this comment if you consider it inflammatory.


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Mr. LollyPip? I've always thought that LollyPip was a woman, but your comment made me realize that I was just assuming; I don't actually know for sure.


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I am indeed a woman :)


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Then I have to apologize, Ms. LollyPip. I remember one of the recappers is a man so I was confused.

Please feel free to ask (or not) my question above. My interest in your answer: I am ending my Master's Degree in Engineering, and I am thinking about doing my Ph.D. in South Korea. Of course my primary interest is in studying and getting the language, but if I will be mistreated or ignored over something that I can't control (as Man-Goo's wife) I can change my selection.

Thanks in advance.


offtopic, but i'm curious now who among the recappers is the dude. it can't be mr. girlfriday right? hahaha

actually, i've always been curious. what do these recappers look like or maybe just a hint on their age please? makes me seem like a sasaeng hahaha


@ porky_panda

Dramabeans recapper averagerobot is male.


So basing this only on interviews of kpop stars and dramas I have seen (aka I could be totally off center on this, please correct me if I am) they don't have huge problem with foreigners themselves, but kids of mixed parents tend to get bullied or at least teased a lot about this while still very young, not so much as they get older though I think.


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Kids everywhere get teased for being different don't they? I don't think it's anything unusual. If you end up marrying a korean, just send your kids to international school ^^


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there's being teased for being different...and being teased for not belonging. Vastly different things. Yoonhee's son might be teased because people are judgmental and priggish but he still is considered Korean. The other kid will have to work all his life at being seen as Korean. I'm not sure that going to an international school would heal him or help that sense of not belonging to the culture at long...although it would prevent the teasing.


From what I've heard from mixed kids who lived/were born in Korea...it can be hard. One person was called twigi (which means mutt) and from what I've seen of interviews by folks like Tasha it can be hell growing up there mixed because Korea is pretty homogeneous. And conservative. It's not really part of human nature to accept what/who doesn't fit in. In western hemisphere countries, the population was created by immigration so we get used to seeing all kinds of people...and to hearing all kinds of languages or accents in everyday life. There might be teasing but even so we think of everyone as part of the nation. So even a foreign-born person essentially belongs. Korea, on the other hand, has this committment to Koreanness (because of invasions) and to group dynamics. Heck meeting strangers is difficult unless someone introduces people.

Some folks have problems with foreigners living among them. Mostly drunk ahjusshis from what I've heard.


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I really hope han-chul doesn't die at the end, he does have liver cancer after all.. so sad because he's such a funny character..

oh and and the granddad pretending to sleep was just hilarious


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As a human being, I hope so too. But in either case, I hope Han-Chul live to his fullest. If you consider how he lived at the beginning of the show (as a office worker getting pushed over by his seniors), then it is his natural growth arch.


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Thanks for the recap LollyPip! We at the middle of the series and i was afraid the drama would start to sag at his point but i was proven wrong!

You are so right about 'there is no small/minor character' in this drama. I am finding all the small plots interesting.

The rockstar hair was funny! Then we have Man-gu's makeover - WORST.MAKEOVER.EVER! But i laughed like crazy at that scene becuz it reminded me of the Odds and Ends thread here at DB a few months ago on this topic - how the result is never what u expected when u take a celerity pic and ask the hair stylist to make u look like it. I guess that the next makeover will be Man-gu's foreign wife - turn her to look Korean! That would be such a kick!

I think there is still much stories to tell of the good folks in Handu-ro-ki and i am looking forward to them. On the record - i don't care who ends up with whom. I am enjoying all their stories.

On a side note, i spent this weekend streaming hours of FT ISLAND concerts on youtube. The band has found a new fan in me! LEE HONG KI - U ROCK!


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Have you try to listen his acoustic version of When Love comes Modern Farmer OST Part 2? I can assure you will love it.
Hongki's voice is extremely exceptional from any idol singers, just my own opinion.


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Yes i downloaded his acoustic version the next day it was uploaded.

He surely does have beautiful voice and i was ver pleasantly surprised that it suits rock very well. Any hoo, all the 5 boys sing very well - very talented.


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Welcome to Pri fandom my friends..FTIsland is awesome!!^^

this episode is one of my favourite..Man goo's KSH hairstyle is just lol XD
on side note,minki and yoonhee is so cute during the "three steps,one bow"thingy but me too, like some of the others dont really mind who end up with whom..just hoping that none of the ExSo boys will be hurt and all the people in Hadurokri will ffind their happy ending


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Yay another pri!!!! hahaha isnt it awesome? also you should watch cheongdamdong 111 its a "reality show" that features FNC artists. You can see FTIsland there (and Hong-ki and the Ceo bickering all the time), and even see Kwak Dong Yeon (ki-joon) play guitar in his trainee band and all the interviews they do. its really fun :D


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It's actually very very scripted but people are just playing themselves exaggerated and in FTisland's case are re-enacting prior past events.


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New Primadonna alert! Did you watch his version of 'Confession' and his Immortal Song performances...I fell for him when he sang Jasmine Flower and I am a goner ever since


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imo,Hongki easily has the best voice in his generation, not just in kpop world and 5 of them are very good looking too! especially the leader Choi Jonghoon! he's soooooooooooo good looking OMG!


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Thanks for the recap!

I'm loving this show and all its characters and their stories.

You know, I'd be okay if the show ended with no pairing, besides Ki-joon /Bul-jaa (I'm still not used to her real name). If Min-ki and Yoon-hee were to be temporarily paired then parted away as very good friends, I'd even be fine with it. I could see how a closer relationship could help them learn from each other and grow as an even better adult/parent.


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Love the relationship closeness of "little rockstar min-ho" & "min-ki hyung"
Thanks L for the recap. Your awesome as always.


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The siblings are Hyuk and Sangeun! When Hyuk went to visit his mother there was a music CD with her picture on the cover in the glass case.I think that woman is the same woman whose picture Inki ahjussi has. Was she the singer in Inki and the moneylender's band?...


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Someone said that they thought Inki's wife was Minki's mother. I have no idea.


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Minho's father will probably come into the picture anytime soon


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I would really like to know what happened there with Yoonhee and Minho's father. I wonder if they'll get back together.


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There is possibility..cause well,whatever it is he is minho's biological father


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thanks for the recap. still liking this show so much. and the makeover - so bad, so funny.
i agree there are no throw away characters. each is a brushstroke on the canvas. i want to know all their stories.


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I am bewildered by this: "I’m also impressed with how off-center we’re being kept in terms of the romance angles in the story"

I'm a big YH/KH shipper, but the last 2 episodes have left me totally convinced that ship is 100% dead in the water. EVERYTHING about the YH/MK interactions in episodes 9 and 10 screamed OTP to me, and the closing hug was the last straw. I see no uncertainty any more at all, which saddens me a bit.

On the upside, I totally LOVED the way the Drama tackled the problem of Korea's obsession with homogeneity. Showing the pain and shame suffered by those guilty of being "different" was a refreshingly substantive thing to do, and earned my admiration. Enough to make up for my crushing disappointment at seeing my ship sink for the final time.


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I really like the 2 social issues they tackled with the government interference in rice trade adversely affecting farmers and the relay to protest it, and as you said, issues of homogeneity - haven't seen any other dramas tackle these issues.


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you're right! these elements make this drama more awesome!


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I wonder if minkis words 'i want to change my hair color' means a possible remake of him before their debut


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looking at his blonde hair, i wonder where did he get the money in the first place to maintain his hair color lol


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yes! this epi had it all! the humor and the heart. my tummy hurts when Mangu ahjushi undergo a makeover to looks like Kim Soohyun. the resemblance is uncanny i must say XD when Yoonhee's aunt making her infamous ramen popsicle and "force" everyone to eat them. Sangduk and Grandpa reaction to that popsicle made my day. when the boys slapped by a carp fish and Matilda's fans going crazy in the comment section XD
i also start to see Minki throwing soft glances at Yoonhee! yes! i ship these two since the beginning :)


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After listening to the OST 'when love comes', I've become a fan of HongKi and FTisland, I've heard other songs by them in the past but really loved this one.

His facial expressions are hilarious, his singing is awesome and judging by his interviews he has a sweet personality also =)

Because of this, recently I've been going through all his old dramas and movies.. So far I really liked his movie 'Passionate Goodbye', it has such a beautiful story and soundtrack.. and hopefully going to watch bride of the century soon when I get time!..


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80% sweetheart 20% creative badboy

...but very special singer


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BOTC is another must watch drama of this year my friend..Hongki played a character which is an exact opposite of Modern Farmer's minkiXD and the main OTP chemistry is awesome^^
and yeah, hongki sang a heartwrenching OST for the drama too


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BOTC was excellent! A must watch and one of the best dramas. By any chance would anyone know if any eng subbed DVDs are sold? Thank you in advance.


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As far as i know,the official English subbed Botc dvd are not available yet..there are only japanese subbed one,with cut scenes included available


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Hong Ki can be wild and rebellious but is actually a total sweetheart, especially to his fans, his pets and little kids :) Very sincere person too. He sings really really well live (seen him performed live a few times). A total showman full of energy and passion!


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Totally agree with everything you said in the comments! Thanks for the recap.


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This is such a fun, light show, when it is not gently making commentary on social issues.

I impressed that the show (the writer) touched on the issue of foreign brides/wifes/mothers. There is a pretty good number of them in Korea now and to finally have them represented in a drama is big step.

On top of that, to show the heartache that foreign mothers feel because of what their children go thru because of their half Korean status is potentially powerful.

Big round of applause to the writer/s for this story arc.


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as i was reading the recaps for this drama, i am baffled why you are even thinking that yoon hee and hyuk are the main otp when it was very obvious from the posters alone who are the otp, and there are clues right from the start of the drama: such as childhood friends/first love, bickering, etc. that's like typical kdrama romance to a perfect t.

i tried to give you some benefit of the doubt that maybe you haven't watched many korean dramas (but you have), or maybe the clues are not as obvious as i think it is (but they are), so i don't understand.

i get rooting for an alternate pairing, but that's often despite knowing who the otp actually is. you're rooting for a pairing and really thinking they have a chance in the kdrama universe and that just baffles me. (maybe they'll get a chance to get together in an alternate universe, like fanfiction, but definitely not this drama).

the only time i was fooled of the otp was in answer me 1994 when the lead guy was described as the brother/older brother in translation during the promotions -- and assuming blood ties given the term, it didn't register that he may be the main lead/part of the main otp.

in a way, i hope the couple you're rooting for actually get together, so that this drama can be REALLY REALLY different.


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Nice to know that I'm not the only one who is confused as to how this recapper can possibly think there's any uncertainty about the OTP. I'm more uncertain about whether the Sun will rise tomorrow than about who the OTP is in this Drama.


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Actually, I have to defend Lollypip, although you make a good point. However, there are dramas where the second lead is stronger and has more chemistry with the lead actress, and ends up pairing with the leading actress. Case in point would be Queen of Reversal, How To Meet a Perfect Stranger where they rewrote it so that Park Shi Hoo (2nd lead) got the girl. Also Feast of Gods and Age of Innocence and others where the chemistry was strong with the second lead.

Another thing to consider is that with Modern Farmer, Minki isn't clearly the lead, in terms of the 1st 6-8 episodes. It's almost like an ensemble cast. Also, MinWoo's (Hyuk) popularity in korea rivals Hongki's (Minki). He was initially reported as possibly the lead or one of the main characters, so it is not a done deal that Yoonhee has to end up with Minki. So viewers who write in the show may have an influence on the storyline. However, I am reading viewers leaning towards Minki given his paternal instincts.

That being said, the most likely outcome is probably Yoonhee and Minki, however it does not have to turn out that way.


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i can see why lollypip and others think it will be yoonhee and hyuk, ..the writer really make a really good connection for them

for me though, after the 10th ep., either one is ok: hyuk or minki :-)


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the idol guy is clearly the lead given the posters at http://program.sbs.co.kr/builder/programImageBoard.do?pgm_id=22000004561&pgm_build_id=5801&pgm_mnu_id=20111&listOrder=regDtDesc&pageIdx=2&searchCondition=title&searchKeyword=. also, in several posters, there is a male lead, then the female lead, then the secondary characters, then the tertiary characters.

second, story-wise, you are following the story from min ki's point of view right from the start. he's clearly the lead, and he will likely end up with the female lead. that's just plain logic.

also, the cases you cited are cases where there is overwhelming support for the alternate pairing so the production/scriptwriter changed the typical format to take the audience's preference in consideration.

however, that doesn't apply here in this drama, at least it's not likely to apply considering current situation of the drama, because the majority of the audience prefer the mail lead and female lead together.


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Minwoo's popularity rivals Hongki's in Korea. are you sure?


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MinWoo's popularity in Korea rivals HongKi's??? That was the most ridiculous joke i've ever heard/read! Because i sincerly hope you mean it just as a joke. It's too absurd to think it, really. Or you mistake Park MinWoo for someone else, or you mean he is only popular in your own eyes but it's not possible that someone believes that MinWoo is as popular in Korea as HongKi!
First of all even if it was anyhow true in Korea, the producers are more interested to sell the drama oversea, mostly in Japan where Hongki as individual and as member of FtIsland is just a legend! The same apply to Taiwan and even to some parts of China. Well, i can talk a lot about the fanmeetings tours, concerts tours, the album sells etc and to prove you that HongKi is at million years far from MinWoo in terms of popularity oversea but as you said "Korea" i'll talk only about Korea.
HongKi is a superstar from 12 years of age. He was popular childactor, and his own fan club celebrated 13th anniversary this year. From a child till now he starred in lots of dramas/movies. As an adult he was the main lead in 4 dramas/movies before ModerFarmer. He starred in two musicals. He was in thousand music, variety, reality, etc shows, tv ads. He is at the tv screen in Korea non-stop for about 15 years, being for his modeling, acting or singing activities. He even published a book that turned into a bestseller in Korea and Japan.And not to talk about FtIsland's more than 200 songs, lots of music awards, etc.
Now, tell me, how exactly MinWoo is popular in Korea!? Did he ever been the main lead till now? Or maybe he did fanmeeting tours, or just anything!


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I said korea - in korea...NOT overseas. I didn't say Minwoo had more popularity, I said it rivals Hongki's.

And I am going by what I read in the korea media. That is all. Hongki's been around for a much longer time, so of course he's done more.


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i saw actress Han Boreum's IG aka Yoona holding the scrip for ep12 and she's now at Hardourki.


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;) Well, Minki does have to come to terms with his feelings for her, so sooner or later I guess Yoona had to come to Hadurok-ri. XD It's the only way he--and we-- can find out who he really likes.


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This episode. All my feels. I can't even. I have been rolling around crying and laughing and squeeing-- I mean, that's a literal fish-slap there, pwahahahahaha. Oh my poor lungs. Had to bite my knuckles to keep from waking up the whole family since it was the middle of the night. And then needed to calm myself down before I could string together enough coherent sentences to be able to write a comment.

I think I must have replayed half-a-dozen times that scene where Yoonhee gets a meltdown during the "three steps one bow" thing and just flops there and cries like a baby. Is that relief I see on your face together with the laughter, Minki? He's happy and relieved to find out that Yoonhee did make the spaghetti for him, although I don't think he's consciously processed all the implications of what she'd said just yet. It was pretty obvious already that she's jealous of Yoona. I just love the way he ends up coaxing her to go on-- it's so natural and it shows just how close they really are even though they don't realize it or admit it.

Also the scene at the end. They both have really come to rely on each other. It may be just friendship, or it might be the foundation for something more. I really like their relationship. Although I just knew that when the camera would pan away Hyuk would be there-- it was practically guaranteed, heh.

Hyuk is cute and all, and really needs some affection, but he's gonna have to step up his game a lot if he is to compete with that bond between Yoonhee and Minki. Minki's already said it doesn't matter to him that she's a single mom-- he even admires her for having the guts to raise Minho on her own. And of all the guys, he's the one who actually cares, as in gives a damn about the kid-- you don't see the others seeking out Minho and worrying about him like Minki does. (Are we gonna see Minki at Minho's school in the next episodes? Heh.) Hyuk, well, he does follow Yoonhee around and stuff, but I don't see him interacting much with the kid unless they're in a group. And if he's interested in Yoonhee, he just can't disregard Minho-- they go together.

And yes! I knew it! It was Inki's guitar!! Don't tell me Snake is going to end up another whatshisname, that loanshark turned record label owner in Dream High XD


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I used to make fun of writing my friends about fish slapping them...never thought the fish slap could really happen in reality..ahahahahah! I don't know why i really like Snake boss's swag.. he doesn't dress up like some scary ass gangster but his aura gives it off pretty much. I wonder what happened between him and Inki. I love how trusting Minho is with Minki and how encouraging Minki is when it comes to Minho. it's as if they're BFF's that I feel Minki's age is just a year older than baby Minho.

Of course the ramyun bar thing got me curious. I want to try that out to be very honest.. kekeke... I felt a little down because there ain't no Kijoon-Bulja moment but the Minki-Yoonhee part where she threw tantrums is really really cute! That was the very first sincere laugh Minki had given off for me. Most of his laughs are either comedic or sarcastic which I enjoy as well. Hyuk really needs to man up and show Yoonhee that he is serious with her. Hanchul's expression after sniffing his hand was pretty weird and creepy. Haha!


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its getting exciting.. feel down? just watch Modern Farmer you never regret this.Want to escape from stereotype and cliche genre like other korean drama just watch this drama.if you are Honggi ftisland biased and want to see your bias with all kinds of expression and his voice, this the perfect drama you have waiting for….
So far all the episodes never disappointing me.Chinca!! shinsimuru!! The best and awesome korean drama so far!!!!!

Modern Farmer Fighting!!
Honggi Fighting!!!


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I finally have to chime in with my first comment on DramaBeans…First of all, thank you for super intelligent analysis and comments on all you do.
This drama has floored me. I entered the k-drama world in October 2013 and have watched over 80 so far. I am a published author with a national bestseller and have ALWAYS found that the story line drives a drama or film 100%. I'm stunned by the writing in Modern Farmer!! Absolutely thrilled, stunned, impressed - you name it. Absolutely brilliant handling of a complicated script with multiple characters - and I love and enjoy and am invested in every one of them. This script WORKS and it hash;t failed or faltered now in 10 episodes. There's something magical going on between writer, director, great cast and production crew. I can't wait to love every second of what's ahead!


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