Seo In-gook and Jo Yoon-hee confirm King’s Face

I half-expected this drama never to see the light of day, but then again, controversy doesn’t seem to stop most broadcasters from airing content and dealing with the fallout later. In the case of KBS’s fusion sageuk The King’s Face, the drama has been embroiled in plagiarism controversy since late this summer, when production house Jupiter Film filed an injunction against KBS Media for its unauthorized drama adaptation of their 2013 movie The Face Reader. Both sides have argued back and forth in the press, and technically they’re still waiting on the court’s final decision; KBS has decided to go ahead with production anyway.

The three actors who were being courted have reportedly confirmed: Seo In-gook (High School King of Savvy) will headline as a young Prince Gwanghae, and Lee Sung-jae (Suspicious Housekeeper) will play his father King Seonjo, who considers his illegitimate son a political rival. Jo Yoon-hee (Nine) will play the woman who’s loved by both father and son. That’s never going to be not weird.

The drama will be penned by writer Lee Hyang-hee (War of Money) and directed by PD Yoon Sung-shik (Gaksital, Story of a Man), and tells the story of Gwanghae’s turbulent time as an illegitimate prince, and how he uses face reading as a means to gain power and eventually become king. The face reader has yet to be cast, but he’ll also love Jo Yoon-hee’s character, because why not — everyone else does.

Backstage controversy aside, with the right focus, this could be a really compelling story about Gwanghaegun, one of Joseon’s most popular kings to fictionalize. That’s also the factor it has to overcome though, since Gwanghae is so familiar in dramaland. A face-reading fortuneteller does add an interesting fusion element, though how the show will do what the movie did without ripping off the movie… remains to be seen. Between Secret Door and The King’s Face, it looks like I’ll be up to my eyeballs in royal daddy-son issues. Um, a cookie for the prince who makes me cry the most?

The King’s Face follows Iron Man on Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning in November.

Via Star News


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oh my goodness. If this goes through, I will scream.....am so looking forward to SIG's next drama it's not funny!


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Well, it will be great to Seo In Guk back in a drama so soon after High School King...whether it's the right drama (or network, for that matter) following such a stellar showcase as Savvy remains to be seen.

For me, Jo Yoon Hee can be great, or annoying. I loved her in My Husband's Got a Family, but in other productions, the bubbly persona begins to grate on me after a while.

And yes, the father-son love triangle is definitely weird. "...he’ll also love Jo Yoon-hee’s character, because why not — everyone else does" Love your sense of humor.


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I don't get it. So if the court rules Jupiter right, how does that affect this drama? It most likely will mean the whole face-reader aspect will be taken off. But isn't that the main selling point? They're calling it the King's Face, so if theres no face reader, will they focus on how hot the king is? Like, I'm legitimately confused!

Besides that, I'm really happy for SIG! He deserves to headline a network drama and this one looks like a really promising one. Other than that icky love triangle, but I'll probably tune in anyway. Now I wish they casted Eun-ji... =P


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"will they focus on how hot the King is?"

oh yes, please do. Imagine a comedy with a narcissist king who can´t stop admiring himself, and a herd of groupies fighting for his attention - literally fighting, inside a ring every night like gladiators. who gets to hand him this or that, who gets to tie his shoelace. etc etc. literal elbow blows.
omg and imagine Seo In Gook delivering a narcissist king just as perfectly and hilariously as he did Min Seok. Omg I can´t even. I need this sort of drama.

but, ah, what can we do.... it is going to be something dramatic and not fun at all, I guess.


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Ha, the narcissistic king angle. Please submit your script for this!


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I should, right? and as a turn-around from the usual fairy tales where many princes seek the hand of a princess, in this story there would be female (AND male) suitors coming from all across the world to drool over the king. gotta figure out the punchline now. hmm.
then maybe he puts them to a test and someone gets disappointed with his attitude and decides to teach him a lesson, and when they pass all tests they say they changed their mind, they dont want this king. or something.


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Wow I love this hehehehehe a conceited king that's what it should be called ?


This is amazing, now I'm really sad it doesn't exist


the KBS head went to school with the judge doing the case of course....just kidding but would not be surprised if something 'like' was going on in the background. Would not be Korea without it.


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SIG in a new drama ... Thank you very kamsa , Drama God


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Not very happy with Jo Yoon Hees casting her acting is pretty plain too me.


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Gosh, I never understood why the Lee Jin Wook character liked her in Nine and now I have to believe that three men are in love with her? Sigh.


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So far everything about this drama is a big NO NO NO for me. The plot, the female lead, the director (I thought the pacing, script and performances in Gaksital were absurd), and the whole plagiarism thing. I cannot understand why SIG has signed on, especially after his recent success ... he needs a new agent.


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(off topic/sorry/but has anyone else noticed the massive amount of fighting that has broken out online over the male leads in Secret Hotel? Wowee. It is like the old Twilight team battles or something.)


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dont know, but watching the lates ep, I was reminded of an estonian actor Aare Laanemets (he died real young though) he played one of our famous, kinda delinquent character in movied Spring and Summer. yeah, thats what they were called. in Spring he was teasing this girl who had a sort of boyfriend, or several (!!!) and in Summer, she is a grown woman and teases him by getting him charmed up and then gets SORT OF engaged to another guy she doesnt actually like. actually she is just teasing that guy too. well the characters name , the guy, is Joosep Toots and he has a moustache and curly hair, and the two guys fight over the woman and try to size up one another in more ways than one: physically, economically, culturally, reputation-wise... so if you say "fight" I am reminded of a certain fight where Joosep (Joseph) is kinda slipping to the losing side but then he pokes the other with the end of a cigarette. but they both fall into nettles...


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Fighting? Really? Where? I honestly didn't care much for either of the two leads until episode 9, and then I totally fell for the Managing Director. He's such a good guy, trying so hard, and so hopelessly in love, and that other guy is such a boor. *sigh* Why am I always on the sinking ships?


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I'm all for SIG, big NO for Jo Yoon Hee unless she can improve. Actually i don't want this drama to continue, the whole plagiarism thing will affect this drama.


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Haven't seen the movie (yet) but the premise is interesting. Besides I really love Seo In-gook, I'll see (almost) anything he's in!


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It seems like and interesting idea for a drama but using someone else's inspiration is a big no-no for me. I want this drama to happen but i think that they need to come to an understanding and not just ignore them.


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Despite all the background drama, I'm so looking forward to this. More specifically Seo In-gook. Dude's got me won over. Hope this is a good sageuk outing for him!


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Oh, no, the humanity!!!!! Why or why dramalords do you hate me so - you giveth and you taketh away! Will my love for Seo In Gook and sageuks help me to overcome my extreme dislike for Jo Yoon Hee? Oy! I really don't think I can pass up watching his first sageuk, but I'll have to have the steroid creme standing by for the hives Jo Yoon Hee will give me. :'(


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I feeeeellll you..... Ugh! I'm so torn, as much I want to see SIG awesomeness on my tv, I dunno if I can stand watching Jo Yoon Hee sharing the screen. Oh the dilemma..


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Jo Yoon Hee? Why? Never got her appeal. She doesn't have that extra charisma to be the leading lady type...yet...


and yes the son/father vying for her love.......is....definitely.....weird......



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YAYY seo in guk banzai!!! i'll watch anything with him in it. let's have a round of cheers xD


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WHOOPEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! full steam ahead and praying the drama lives up to the actors who have signed on for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Father + Son + Face Reader all fall for one girl?! It's a trainwreck in the making..


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Never went into Saeguk, never believed in KBS' dramas. Never took a bow in plagiarism. All I root is Seo In-guk.


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So today wondering if this will really happen. This write-up and the news yesterday seemed to indicate it was a go. In fact one outlet indicated the actors had met to discuss the script for the first three episodes.

Today, in another article in quotes a representative of the drama saying they are in talks, but "nothing is confirmed," then adding KBS Media is waiting for decision on plagiarism claims. The can "only confirm their appearance and start producing the drama once the relevant judgment comes out."


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i read that article too. I just saw The Face reader movie and I have soooooo many questions....

X---Movie spoilers here----X

Curiously, the young prince in that movie was not referred to as Prince Gwanghae. Were the subs right? If the subs were right, I don't think he was ever referred to with any particular name except "the King" but if he is the supposed Gwanghae prince character from which this King's Face drama is taking off, i'm curious why in the acclaimed plagiarized movie, he was dearly loved by his father and in this drama the king is more of a rival. But is that young prince the supposed "gwanghae" character? In the movie, the prince's rival was more the uncle than the father. Also, the face reader in the movie is rather old as opposed to the cast face reader (seo yeong joon?) for the drama. Is this drama really based on that film? Argh these saeguk thingabobs are confusing me. The plot description doesn't seem to add up too. I once read that Jupiter was up an against KBS because releasing The King's Face would effectively disallow them to release a drama of the same physiognomy theme in the same year and that this whole plagiarism lawsuit sprung from the fact that Jupiter and KBS couldn't come around an agreement for a legitimate drama spinoff from the movie.... but it seems to me that the so-called "physiognomy" theme was the one major theme that was "copied" or errr, was "inspired from" but it looks as if the content isn't that same all. Am I reading this correctly? I'm really not an expert on anything fiction, and certainly not about copyrights and legal stuff but is that sort of stuff still plagiarism? Or is this some angsty after-plot for a business deal gone wrong? If so, KBS is wicked for dropping the deal with Jupiter but if the content is all different, wouldn't the court ruling possibly be for KBS than Jupiter? Is that why they're sooo confident in signing in on all the actors? Seriously, what are the borderlines on plagiarism? Any copyright lawyers out there? I'd love to be enlightened...I really am confused. I feel like I should read up on the real Gwanghae character in history too just to catch up on all these saeguk themes and what-nots :(


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Love Seo in gook. Glad he's back so soon. Almost wish it wasn't this project though. I want to see him in saeguk but all the behind the scenes issues don't bode well. Also, while she had her moments, I never really warmed to Jo yoon-hee in Nine so I'm rather dubious--especially with the squicky love square. If it does go through then for his sake hope it works.


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