Odds and Ends: There’s no accounting for taste

javabeans: Taste sure is a subjective thing, isn’t it?

girlfriday: Well that’s a strange (and somewhat obvious) thing to say. Are we playing non sequitur game? Is it my turn? Sometimes I wish rainbows were made of candy.

javabeans: That wasn’t the game I was thinking of, but okay. I actually meant that in the context of watching Iron Man, which I surprisingly love, and which is now making me question a lot of things.

girlfriday: Like your sanity?

javabeans: That’s the thing, I don’t even think it’s insane. Or so-stupid-it’s-good. I just like it, and think it’s good using regular standards, which is surprising. And also polarizing, I’m finding. But taste is taste, right?

girlfriday: Yep, it’s kinda like having a crush on the weird boy who picks his nose. The heart wants what it wants?

javabeans: I’m sure everyone with a crush on Yang Dong-geun in Three Musketeers will be happy to agree.

girlfriday: In all fairness, Iron Man IS wryly funny. It’s just also weird.

javabeans: Which brings us back to taste, because although sometimes our judgments of dramas are directly linked to quality, sometimes our taste jumps in and messes things up. You might love something despite yourself, or on the other hand, be totally turned off to something despite seeing its intrinsic value.

girlfriday: That’s the really hard part about recapping, because there’s really no surefire way to predict what we’ll like, and we make every effort to give a show its due.

javabeans: Even so, giving something a shot doesn’t mean forcing ourselves to like something we don’t, or feeling embarrassed when we like something we think we shouldn’t. Frankly, I like a lot of things that aren’t qualitatively the best, but I refuse to feel shame about that. Nose-pickers are people too!

girlfriday: There is an upside to this — we don’t fight over men.

javabeans: Let’s be real, here, we’d never fight over men. More like shoes and costume jewelry, maybe. Although why fight when you can steal?

girlfriday: It would be handier if we had the same taste in clothes because then we’d have two wardrobes to choose from, but then I suppose I’d have to call you every time to ask what you’re wearing so we’re not twins.

javabeans: At least with having divergent drama tastes, we get more ground covered between us. I mean, yes, sometimes it’s gratifying to have you validate my taste by agreeing with me…

girlfriday: Sometimes she makes me watch specific scenes just to wait for my reaction.

javabeans: But when your reaction isn’t what I want, I don’t disown you as a friend. You’re now just the friend with bad taste in drama comedy, but whatever.

girlfriday: Said the one who’s in love with Iron Man.

javabeans: IT’S FUNNY I SWEAR. And also, who’s the one watching Night Watchman again?

girlfriday: What, I like what I like, okay?! And you just don’t know how great Jung Il-woo is in it… even if he’s the only one acting.

javabeans: Isn’t that almost worse though? Because when you have one shining light in a sea of bad acting, it makes everyone seem worse, and that in turn brings down the good one?

girlfriday: Or it makes the one good one the shining beacon.

javabeans: But then it’s like he’s giving Shakespearean soliloquies in a crowded subway station, or something.

girlfriday: Okay yes, it’s a little sad.

javabeans: The thing about taste is, whether or not we agree, whether mine is good or bad, you can’t really hurt my feelings by insulting my taste. Mostly because I have no shame about what I like, but also… I know what you’re watching.

girlfriday: I’m not sure if this is what they meant when they said friendship is two-way street, but it sounds a lot like mutually assured destruction to me.

javabeans: Yes, because we have the power to destroy each other, we just choose not to. That’s love!

girlfriday: Or fear.

javabeans: Aren’t those really two sides of the same coin?

girlfriday: I don’t want to do money with you.


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My name is JoAnne, and I fell in love with Iron Man in less than 15 minutes.


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It's the show I look forward to the most.


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Me 2! It feels like a live action manga?


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I just cant take dong wook'sface when blades are about to sprout from him. It does have a bit of edward scissorshand look about it ( i watched the beginning of epi 4 at the behest of pillowhead, otherwise known as patty eunsoo) :)


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Hi JoAnne.

I am also at this meeting because I loved Iron Man right away, although after the first week I loved it for more than just its supremo craziness.


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Me too. Love the whole thing..as if they ate the manhwa for breakfast. Big big big emotions and awesome visuals. Love the leads and the butlers


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I also fell in love with Iron Man very quickly. The cinematography is gorgeous. Yes, there are excesses and some um, simplistic, acting choices. But there is also some really interesting stuff. Funny stuff. Visually striking stuff.

I know it can go off the rails, but for now, I am willing to see where it goes.


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I like Iron Man as well. It is a bit hard to admit it since it seems to be disliked by so many but it does help that one of you likes it as well. I wasn't going to watch it but I'm glad I did because it has a strange appeal.


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Interesting topic JB & GF. Lately I have noticed people feeling more superior about watching certain shows over another. I find this laughable at best as you have clearly stated. Everyone has different tastes so don't look down on me or be condescending eg because I prefer Marriage not Dating to Yoo-Nas Street, or Joseon Gunman to IOTL (true in both instances).
Blade Man for me is better than She's so loveable. Taste once more.

Last note, I do miss the mobile version of the site. Hope it will be fixed quickly.


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Yeah, been wondering about that mobile version change too. Thought it was just me. This version takes so much longer to load than the previous one.


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o_0 @the dramas you mentioned.

It's not as if you admitted preferring Basketball or Dr Jin to Queen Inhyun's Man (to give examples of dramas in the same genre that are widely reviled and widely loved), MND is a pretty good show!


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Haha. When Joseon Gunman, IOIL and FTLY aired my friends and I have a little fight at twitter to state which drama is best. But of course it's down to everyone's taste. I watched all 3 and only FTLY that makes me stick through the end.


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It IS an interesting topic.... which really got me thinking. Obviously everyone has different taste so there is really no 'better' or 'worse' taste... But then I go questioning myself as to why *mistake*.
I.e. WHY didn't I love You from Another Star like the masses. To me it was was very meh, which for those who loved it, this is a very questionable opinion. I didn't particularly like Joseon Gunman either, yet I like the universally panned Iljimae. Same with City Hall over Samsoon.

Go figure


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Yeah!! We seem to have the same taste :)

You from Another Star is ok for me, but how it became so big is totally beyond my comprehension. I didn't take to Joseon Gunman at all but I rewatch Iljimae twice.


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Lol wow me and my friends literally just had this argument we was arguing about what was better MLFAS or Heirs ....... She swears LMH is the best actor on earth and did the most amazing job on it..... I say Heirs stinks and if MLFAS is the bomb or else why would ABC be remaking it sooo ha in her face ?


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I use the name LMH as an example of yawn inducing acting. Or maybe it's a matter of taste here. I yawn when I look at him.


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I absolutely love it! The cute little threesome and Miss I never thought I would like (especially her "Wow's" which I found endearing).


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This is completely OT but what happened to the like button? I just noticed that it's gone.


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I'd have liked your comment if the like button still existed... but then it would be moot xD

I've been wondering about the mystery of the late like button as well. A glitch in the webpage maybe? Or a deliberate move? I hope it's not the latter I quite liked the like button.


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That was addressed in a previous thread. (I don't know which one) It is a computer formatting issue. When something updated--to fix something else--the reply button was mysteriously gone. They wish it was back--but it isn't yet.

(Oh wow. My explanation is more confusing and I actually saw the original explanation.)


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WordPress updated and the plugin that allows the thumbs up thing broke (ie no longer compatible).

It's kind of like when you upgrade to new iOS and some games don't work on your iPhone anymore.

I think JB had to disable the thumbs up plugin for now. Hopefully, the developer will update it to work again with the new WordPress(?)



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I did not realize that it was gone until you mentioned it!


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-laughs- haha you know, this is weird coming from a stranger like me, but you guys are crazy! >u< But then again, I'm insane. lollll love you guys!!!


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and now I have to give IM a chance...


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@Min if you give IM a try I would suggest watching the first 4 episodes and to get a better sense of the show. Episode 1 might make you not give the rest of the episodes a try but it gets better in my opinion :)


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I always love reading Odds and Ends and I think this is one of the best ones. Tastes and likes are often subjective things, we like what we like. As mentioned I think no one should have to apologize for their preference and tastes at the end of the day it's about what we enjoy. I enjoy watching dramas that are I find enjoyable (for me) that I find entertaining and I look forward to.

I've seen episode 3 & 4 and color me surprised in actually liking the show. I wanted to take a peak at the latest episodes to see where the storyline was since the first episode seem to get a lot of negative response. I'm currently watching episode 1 and can see why many did not fall in love with it off the bat. Since I enjoyed episodes 3 & 4 I'm going to continue watching. It's a show I'm intrigued by and want to see where the story takes us.


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I agree that "no one should have to apologise or feel ashamed for their preference and taste at the end of the day".
It is when ppl start to:
1, berate a show they don't like;
2, belittle the ppl who like what they don't,
that things get unpleasant, generally speaking.

But since this site have such a following, when jb or gf criticises a show, a lot of ppl take it as the definitive truth, and rarely chalk it up to their personal tastes.


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Agreed ! ?


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Totally agreed. Not just shows but also acting of actresses and actors.


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Critical thinking is the ability to gather information outside of you and forming an opinion of your OWN. It's always been a practice of critical thinking when one decides to like or not like something, and the same is true with dramas.

Having said that, people however have the need for validation and at most times they gravitate and eventually band together with other people of like-minded opinions. That in itself is harmless, but once a larger number of people starts having the same opinion, then it reinforces the notion that they must be RIGHT and the dissenting are inferior. It is true in almost any kind of medium, but thanks to the emergence of the internet this happens a lot more often than before and we end up having a circlejerk so to speak, with others using their favorite authors and bloggers as reference, thinking that their shared opinion is CORRECT.

Which leads to my other point, both JB and GF are not professional (ie commercial) critics, they blog and recap shows that they like, and their opinion is as valid as any other out there. The sooner people realize this then the better the chances that a true conversation can be made--one that not only affirms each others opinion but is all-inclusive of the entire spectrum of drama viewers out there. Some of the posters here (in the internet in general anyway) are too easily bothered by outside criticism that they end up being harsher towards other posters with differing support for dramas or actors for that matter. Being able to give criticism and accept criticism is the hallmark of a civilized dialogue between intelligent people. It doesn't have to change immediately, but I hope it does improve in the future.


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Like & agree!


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I like your comment! :-)


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dont worry javabeans, I love ironman too. I am just so glad I am not alone.


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Will all this talk about good or shame drama make me remember hairs the worst drama for the last year but I enjoy it!


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"There’s no accounting for taste & Taste sure is a subjective thing"...This year's kdrama offerings have drilled that home more so than in other years.

I am still undecided about whether I like Iron Man or not, but I'm willing to give it a chance for Lee Dong Wook and Han Jung-Soo as Secretary Ko. A hodgepodge of genre combinations so random that it's kooky: a comic book/manga, a video game, a fairy tale (Snow White & 6 dwarfs?), a rom-com, science fiction, a fantasy, a melo, a mystery, etc.

Diary of a Night Watchman is peculiar and undirected with writing that is nomadic. Yet, I continue to tune in each week curious about where the story is leading and how it will end.

Right now, both dramas are puzzles to figure out and solve.


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eh snow white and 6 dwarfs? is something in Iron Man?! Man I gotta check this drama out now. sounds like quite the experiment. And it has javabeans' approbation to boot :O

I totally agree with the point on vagaries of taste. It is indeed very subjective yet we impose such objective standards on it. I guess it has to do with assuming cultural power or authority. Literature canons are certainly created with that in mind so drama could be and probably is ranked for the same reason as well.


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IM is a headache to describe. It feels like Beauty and the Beast with the 6 dwarves. Lol. Its however, so far pretty enjoyable. Just ignore the first and half of the second episodes


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"Writing that is nomadic"...I love that. And it's so true. And somehow it's the only currently airing show that I'm caught up with! I like it. I do. I don't know why, and I know enough to know I wouldn't recommend the show to others, but I am definitely going to keep up with it through the end.


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Thanks. DOANW (aka NW) has treaded along as mediocre and average at best. Once the lady ghost was introduced as the bearer of smallpox, I couldn't help but take notice. This certainly was different and upped the ante...and became an encouraging sign of creativity.

When they (Rin, Do-Ha, & Moo-Seok) were fighting the ghosts at the temple, for a moment I did a double take. Because briefly the vibe was like a flashback to Arang & The Magistrate, its narrative elements, and ambience.

Of course, it taken 14 episodes to get to this point. And at least 12 episodes to come full circle to fighting the ghosts with talisman. So who knows where its headed next?


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I think of the little boy as the seventh dwarf, Dopey. The other sunbae reminds me of Doc. The injured one is Sneezy. The rest are still unassigned.


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You're right Chang could pass for the 7th dwarf Dopey.


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So much of what I am liking right now is not in my wheelhouse at all (Night Watchman, Yoo Na's Street, Iron man sort of) ... and then some things I expected to like I am either meh on (Three Musketeers) or pretty much hate (Discovery of Love). Right in my wheelhouse and burrowing deeper in my heart weekly are Secret Hotel and Plus Nine Boys.


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Sheesh, although I lurve LDW, I haven't tried IM because of all the negativity around it. Now, I think I will give it a try. Wish me luck!


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Taste is most definitely subjective...there's been a bunch of dramas now in the past that I've liked much more than the majority of people and then some dramas that everyone LOVES and I can't even get why (You From the Stars was my most recent WAH?? moment) - anyway, in the end it does boil down to personal preference, taste and even what phase of drama watch you're in. I know when I first started watching Kdramas - anything I watched those first - maybe - 5 years was the best thing since sliced bread lol and now it takes A LOT to get excited and interested in a drama. I've become a lot more picky and choosy and hate the same contrived scenarios and plots - bleh.

As for Blade Man - don't love it or hate it. I do like the way the drama is shot, theres a sort of crispness and whimsical feel throughout which I haven't had in a while, I'm willing to feel this out, but it won't be on top of my list I don't think

I feel like a fish floundering without water these days - can't find any good drama to sink my teeth into (except maybe Surplus Princess, it's satisfying my a little bit lol). I think I may go back and pick up something I neglected - Can You Hear My Heart?


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I really wish Surplus princess was two eps a week, it being one ep makes the wait so long and I sometimes forget things in between eps. I feel if it was 2 eps a week I would have a really strong connection with the characters, I do like it and its my fav drama on at the moment but I really think it should have been 2 eps a week.


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I'm finding myself enjoying Ironman too. After watching a bunch of predictable dramas it's refreshing having no idea where the drama is going. And the deadpan humor cracks me up.
On the other hand I rarely like the dramas that get high ratings in Korea.


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Hmmm...I like Iron Man and Night Watchman. I must be an outlier.


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I like "Night Watchman", too, so don't feel alone! ::sisterly fist-bump::


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I watched Hotel King and I was terribly disappointed of LDW overacting... I vowed that I will avoid Iron Man like a plague. But Javabeans likes it.. Ottoke! Javabeans and I have pretty much have the same taste in dramas, I may have to give this a chance!! Ottoke!


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As much as people praise Discovery of Romance (which I think is more like fangirling for Eric Mun), I had to drop the drama coz I did not like the plot at all. As far as taste goes, I think I find unique women more attractive than the standard beautiful women. Like, I find Gong Hyo Jin or Kim Seul Gi more attractive than Kim Tae Hee. I guess there is no such thing as ultimate anything. Best whatever all depends on whose point of view.


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Oh my...JB's statement here "be totally turned off to something despite seeing its intrinsic value."

I will apply this to my watching The Innocent Man. I saw how deep the show was, I saw how wonderful the acting was etc but dear mercy I hated that show and stopped a few episodes in because I just could not stand how melo it was(I did not know what kind of drama I was getting into). Perhaps I watched it at a time when I needed some cheering up but truth be told, I have a limit to angst/melo/tragedy when watching a series. The Innocent Man pushed me to that limit


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IA I really wanted to like Innocent Man the plot really intrigued me and the acting was great but as soon as some of the later plot lines kicked in I just could not will myself to finish it at all it was just too much and there were too few light moment in it. In comparison I loved Secret and it was like crack to me I had to finish it as soon as I started watching it which is weird as they are very similar dramas.


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Yes, taste is really a subjective thing.

Thanks ladies! I'll remember this when my dad gets addicted to the next makjang drama he comes across, lol.


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I love Iron Man. I didn't expect it to be so funny.

Instead of strange or weird, I would describe it as creative and unconventional. The style and humor immediately reminded me of films like Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Beetlejuice.

It's unpredictable and just really fun to watch, especially the first episode. If it continues to be this good, I might even name it my favorite drama of 2014..unless Secret Door steals my heart.


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Those are two good films that it recalls.

Also, I think it looks like The Housemaid or The Taste of Money by Lim Sang-moo, without all that sex.


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Good to know. I haven't seen either of those films.

Episode 1 is the most quirky compared to 3-4. I hope the director doesn't water it down as the story unfolds because, for example, I absolutely love how he intercuts images of flowers when he smelled Se-Dong or dirty t-shirts and laundry when he smelled Seung-Hwan. It's a style very reminiscent of avant garde films. Also, his lighting, juxtaposition of close up and long shots and music and sound design really enhance the surrealism.

He really has a unique way of combining different genres and styles that surprisingly work well together. I think he should be directing films. Otherwise his talent will be underappreciated.


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I really like this show. It is keeping me interested(which is hard to do with all the dramas I've watched) and it is also surprisingly touching. The leading lady's scenes with the little boy and also her " big boys" are just great. I think watching Mr. Spoiled rotten pants come under her spell will be a hoot. Kudos to the people who pushed forward this odd little gem. Let's hope it keeps delivering the goods!


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Your convos are very amusing. It's like I'm actually there listening to both of you talking.

I'm gonna give up on Iron Man though, it's just not my cup of tea.

LDW, fighting!!! :)


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yeah, Iron Man is just not my cup of tea but I was surprised that some recent shows I thought I'd love or at least enjoy, turned out to be a disappointment. Like Joseon Gunman. It had the holy trinity I need to stay watching a drama (oppa, sageuk, ACTION!!!) but just got too repetitive and caught in kdrama tropes. Still happy it's popular though. Or Gu Family Book, where there was only one reason I even bothered watching to the end (Lee Yubi), and she wasn't even on my radar when I started the show.

On the flip side, there are the shows that disappoint me all the time, make me RAGE at the ending, but I still think the time spent watching them was not a waste (Triangle).


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And I've been guilty of getting hooked to more than one terrible drama back in the day........there is a reason Boys Over Flowers was a huge hit despite being a mess of a story and middling-at-best acting.

Sometimes there's just one element that keeps you invested in it - for me it was the SoEul couple, looks like secondary characters and humour are doing it for Iron Man fans.


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Exactly, no matter how much I read recently that IM is good, I just can't watch it and that's okay. We don't all have to love the same thing just because JB likes it. I think that's the point of this whole O&E.
As for me, watching and loving My Spring Days, Surplus Princess and Plus Nine Boys


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Taste really is subjective. I end up watching quite a lot of dramas that I know are the check-the-brain-at-the-door kind (hello TTBY and NWJ). XD

And, GF, I think Kim Heung-soo is probably the only one having a blast in Night Watchmen-- everyone gets to run around looking worried (or in the case of you-know-who, expressionless) but he gets to do all the crazy stuff. Hee. That drama is worse than a meandering Wattpad serial. I guess I'm only watching now to find out how weird the ending will be.


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I'm not even sure how to start this off. I have not seen the drama but I skimmed over the recap. It didn't grab my attention so I skipped it. But I've wondered if there has been a drama that was "recommended" (forced) to the both of you for monetary reasons. And funny how you ended the talk with money. Sometimes I feel like bumping my head ail lion times when I was a baby greatly affected my brain.my comment probably (yes, more than probably) but I guess what I'm really trying to say is that are you being paid to promote the drama. I'm really cool with that, and maybe my ADHD has taken over me, but that'a what I got from this, besides LOLing with the rest of the convo. Alright too much whiskey for me.


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Lol, if I were being paid to promote a drama, that would defeat the purpose of this entire conversation (in that it suggests that buying an opinion is the only way to make sense of two people having differing tastes). We don't get paid a single thing to review certain shows or pick what to highlight on Dramabeans -- our choices are 100% our own. In this case I just happen to like something that a lot of people find unlikable, that's all.


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where is the like button when I need it most :(


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I feel the same way, sometimes i like the show that many people hate n hate the show that really populer n wondering what is the good thing in that drama, why that drama is popular


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never once did I think you were being paid, but sometimes you do have a very odd taste for dramas, in no mean way.

everyone has their obsessions, dramas they cant stop mentioning

I started watching this drama and maybe this is the only case the supernatural element works for me in a kdrama, cause it kind of has this snarky, edgy feel. usually supernatural kdramas are childish and ridiculously corny


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HAH I'm not watching any of these dramas at the moment (for lack of time, BOO)--except Surplus Princess (cute! fun! laid back!), but it's funny you mention this now because it was pretty much my line of thought while watching Fated To Love You. That drama had everything I never knew I wanted in a rom-com and then turned around and did everything I despised but kept me hooked the entire way. In between rolling my eyes and furrowing my brows, I was also squealing at my OTP and crying like a baby. Taste is a funny thing. (But I don't regret anything because, boy did it give me a helluva good time.) :P


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Hellooooo tee ,

Taste is such a funny thing. For me, FTLY is my best drama for 2014. It hit and exceeded all my expectations. Meanwhile other dramas have left me so unsatisfied eg Joseon Gunman was incredibly boring, I found IOTL a bit pretentious in the beginning, watched it to the end but didn't love it, I could go on.

At the end of the day it boils down to I like what I like, you like what you like. That's why I find it so hard to recommend dramas nowadays


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We have same taste tee2 and tee...
From the 3 dramas I only like Fated to Love You and I could talk about it so much.
Even if I also watched JG and IOIL but the two didn't live up to my expectations. Meanwhile there's my friend who's really addicted to IOIL and JIS.

I actually really like sageuk but none of my friends around me like it so I only watch sageuk alone while my friends usually stick to romcom or any modern dramas.


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We are legion. I loved FTLY and not to brag but I think in recent times it's the only drama whose comments hit 400+ in db :-) Okay, that's bragging but it's all in good fun.
Recently, I had a conversation where the other person tried to make me feel stupid for liking FTLY and not IOTL. It was ready annoying.


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I loved the start of FTLY and was so invested but then I felt like it betrayed my love and stabbed me in the heart halfway through, I never could fall back in love with it after all the midway drama but it was still a very well acted and shot drama which had such great humour at times.


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Honestly, I was a bit annoyed at the midway drama too. But the thing they so cleverly did right was in getting me SO attached to the characters that I had to keep watching to see them get their happy ending. By then I had cared too much; if it weren't for them I would've dropped it already. I'm glad they still at least tried to keep the mood and lightness of the first half--even if the plot wasn't actually a light issue. All in all though, it was a lot of fun, had the most cavity inducing romance, wildly hilarious, and blessed us with some of the highest highs a crack drama could give.


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Thank you, JB and GF again, for your insightful post.

"Taste is subjective." I'm going to take that phrase to heart now and not be embarrassed or feel the need to defend the dramas (and other forms of entertainment) that I prefer. In my humble opinion, I think that most people understand that tastes are indeed subjective, but some (including me) unwittingly fall into ranking certain tastes over another (and getting a bit nasty over it) because they feel that they would be judged for their own tastes. And thus feel the need to be protective over their own tastes and to sometimes bash others'. Hence terms like "my guilty pleasures."

But in the light of taking this conversation to heart, I will admit that I enjoyed and like the drama 'You Have Fallen for Me/ Heart Beats,' actually a bit of a fan of Park Shin Hye, don't find Gong Yoo, Lee Jong Seok and Lee Soo Hyun attractive to me, don't find the 'Reply' series amazing, usually don't have problems with cute female characters, didn't like 'Okjakgyu Brothers,' and find the current Running Man episodes still fun.

Ok now let me run away from the scary and angry comments and mean time, consider watching Iron Man....


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hey, you'll get no hate from me on the Park Shin-hye front, I quite like her too! (same with Heartstrings).

As for unpopular opinions.....may as well admit it now, I really don't find Lee Min-ho attractive or that good at acting. But I do find that db is mostly better at taking unpopular opinions about their favourites than other k-ent sites so I'm not afraid of the comments.


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Let me express my feeling also..
1. I find LMH+KSH+LJS are overrated actors.. they are just kids.
2. I didn't like heirs,city hunter, secret garden, my love from another whatever, masters sun and many drama with high ratings..I know my taste is just weird
3. I cant bring myself to like jo insung since frozen flower..
4. I dont like Hyun bin triangle face.. hehehe
5. I dont like idols turning actors.
Thats not all..
about IM, I didnt like it at first.. but after latest two ep it started to become interesting and i will continue to watch it


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I agree with your list. I just have a hard Tim e to under stand why those actors are popular. Among all three I like LJS better but not because of his look. I honestly do not understand why KSH is so popular,,, he is good at crying but for instance yoo ar in is a much better actor. I am an Asian and I believe my generation which is much older than the average viewer do not think he is handsome. maybe tastes in men change over some generations. LMH is a product of PS so he looks better but I get the feeling his look would limit his roles in future.


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>I honestly do not understand why KSH is so popular

::ponders:: I don't think you mean who I think of as KSH - because I think Kim Sang-ho is a pretty great actor (though admittedly not idol-pretty).

So...which KSH do you mean?


Kim So Hyun of Moon embracing the sun, YWCFTS, Dream High fame


>Kim So Hyun of Moon embracing the sun, YWCFTS, Dream High fame

Ahhhh. That makes more sense.


I do not get the Lee Min Ho hype AT ALL. Like, AT ALL. Phewx glad to have that out of my mind.
Also don't find the current 'it' boy Lee Jong Seok attractive in the slightest


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I think some of it is transference; Boys Over Flowers was super popular so the actors from it become popular.

For me, I've been a huge Robin Hood fan from the age of 7, so City Hunter is still one of my favorite dramas. I will always think Lee Min Ho is great because of that show. (Even if I didn't watch Faith and thought Heirs was "meh".) Just like I will always like Christian Bale because of Newsies and Batman; I can't watch half the movies he is in, but will always watch his trailers. Fandom is Fun!


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I wanna come out and say I like Park Shin Hye too!

She's a pretty decent actress and singer, and despite her infamous wooden plank frozen kisses (which I absolutely acknowledge - they're a problem!), she's got some pretty sexy dance moves (check out some of her variety shows). I like her best in Heartstrings, too.

While I wouldn't put her in the same basket as, say, Gong Hyo Jin or Yoo Inna (2 of my faves), if PSH is in it, I'll usually check it out - except when it's got "train wreck" written all over it, like The Heirs - again, purely a matter of taste!

My take is that if they've gone to the effort of making a show, then someone obviously thinks that there's an audience for it, whether it's makjang, murder, sageuk, rom-com or Blade Man! (and yes, all these comments are making me think I should take the plunge and check it out!)


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I already wanted to watch Iron Man after your second episode review JB, but now I really want to watch it. Will you please consider recapping the whole show because it really enhances the viewing pleasure :).

And thanks ever so much for another ever so funny Odds and Ends. I truly love them!


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oh dear......poor Heads, I'm afraid for her as the recapper now.


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If anyone recaps, it will be JB. Heads doesn't like the show at all.


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Lol, I know Heads did not like the first episode, but her recap was hilarious to read. And the sheer ridiculousness of this show is what intrigues me. If JB has the time and wants to to recap it, it would be amazing!


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the wife is watching Iron Man just for the Wookie shower scenes .... I'm watching with her, just to see if Tony Stark will show up and destroy everything to save mankind.


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Now suddenly I feel like rewatching Iron Man..the tony stark one...


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Let's not forget shirtless Sec. Jo. He's intellectually stimulating as well.


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I love Sec Jo he is my favorite character!


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I didnt find anything special about sec. Ko's character yet


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Love this discussion! The dear friend who introduced me to k drama (damn her) has watched Shut Up Flower Boy Band four times maybe? I watched an episode and a half. About half of what we watch we share (for example our mutual hatred of Heirs and love for Kim Woo Bin). At the other half we gently, respectfully shake our heads in despair for the other's taste. ;-)


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Javabeans, I'm glad I'm not the only one enjoying Iron Man. This is great.


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I don't get it. So if I like the popular great drama like Jewels of the Palace, it's not because of my taste? But if I like the disaster like Dr. Jin, I can blame it on my personal taste? I always thought whenever you offer your opinions/thoughts on any drama, they're all based on your personal taste whether the drama is popular/good or not. I don't get when people like a really bad drama, instead of offering the reason why they like it, they just offer the defense "it's my own taste"?!?! Then I really want to ask them to show me another great popular drama they love, is it based on their own taste also? Anyway, what I try to say is whenever you like/dislike ANY drama, it's all because of your personaltaste, should be no exception. Your taste helps you to form your thoughts/opinions/comments and in short, your POV.


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Agreed. Like!


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I think when I try to explain why I watched all of what was considered a bad drama, I couldn't come up with a convincing enough argument for. Whatever I put up would be knocked down as not persuasive enough. THAT's when you resort to, "Well, then I guess it's my taste."

Everyone hated Fashion King, I hated a lot of it, too. I thought LJH was worth it, and I hoped the writers from "What Happened in Bali" could make it work. But SSK was horrible, the script made little sense, the costumes were freak show, etc. But I liked it.


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javabeans and girlfriday..You two are fabulous!!! Thanks for the insight...I am still in, well, recovery after a wonderful drama I will not mention because I loved it so much, so no dramas for me right now...none can compare. Thanks for your courage to like a drama and feel no shame and remain friends...dramas bring out the best of us and the ....not so best! Thanks again!!!


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You guys strangely picked a topic that I was mulling and stranger it was because of my enjoyment of Blademan.

It's math, but not logic.
If the things I like > things I can't stand = Show gets watched.

For me, drama is like getting into a vehicle with the characters and experiencing the ups, downs, turns and bumps of their journey as they do. A good show blends the acting, script, music, wardrobe, make-up and photography seamlessly. A great show magically transports me from start to finish without noticing how much time has passed. I savor every moment and wish the episodes would never end. I can’t believe when I see the “Subtitles provided by XXXXX” which usually heralds the end of the episode. Those are the ones I play and replay endlessly.

But, there are notsogood shows. As with road trips IRL, sometimes all I want to do is get to THERE as soon as possible, and I would rather be anywhere than in THAT car with some of the folks. I tend to FF through parts, and, yes, actually mute some of the voices. No matter how much I love an actor in a show, jarring editing, awful music, s..l..o..w...p..a..c..i..n..g, insufferable side characters will break it for me. I have no problem getting the hell out of the car if something gets on my nerves so much my blood-pressure goes up. I never finish the show.

Fine. All of that makes sense. But what about Blademan?
The amount of I CAN'T STAND in SSK is limitless. Like, I just don't like this character at all. Why does she act like that? Usually, that much would tip me in favor of stopping...still, I keep watching.

I don't understand what the writers are trying to do with the set-up. Why does it have to be so uncomfortable? Why don't they just drug Blademan and lock him in some cave somewhere? Why do they put up with his childish tantrums? Why don't they arrest him for being an abusive employer?

Luckily, there are enough positives - I like the house, the house staff, the brother, the father, little Chang, the pretty little programmers, and Secretary Jo above all, to make me want to watch all the way to the end. It's math.


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I like your formula, @pogo!

In my case, I really don't fast forward much, and I like to re-watch a lot of shows, which = less time to watch the multitude of new dramas! Deciding which shows to watch is always a difficult choice!


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Just tell me that Blade Man has bromance and I'll jump on board right away :) I'm a sucker for bromance in dramas and that's the reason I enjoy *gasp* Boys over Flower, Nightwatchmen and Three Musketeers. I can sit through any bad plot or can't-act actors if there's bromance included. I know I have weird reason/taste.


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Wow, THIS:

It’s math, but not logic.
If the things I like > things I can't stand = Show gets watched

Perfectly put. It explains why I can keep watching shows even after they take the Turn to Terrible, and why some just tip over into the abyss.


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You're right on the money. :)


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The taste diversity among all the drama viewers is what makes all of you guys, Dramabeans Team and Beanie Readers, just so fantastic!

It makes for fun conversation, interesting reading and an overall positive experience.

Thanks everyone!


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I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but the OST is a big part of what sells the show, for me.

To name one example - Secret/Secret Love (the Ji Sung one) was a twisted rollercoaster makjang fest that I'd never normally watch, and I kept thinking "this is wrong, so wrong", even while my eyes were glued to the screen. But, looking back, I think the OST really highlighted the emotional beats of the show, and brought the romance to life in a convincing way.

Same with IOIL - if it had been a less awesome soundtrack, I think I might have dropped it, GHJ notwithstanding.

Of course, "To The Beautiful You" is one show that simply couldn't be saved by the OST ...


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I loved Secret like its right up there with some of my favs even though so much of it makes zero sense and so much of it is just plain messed up but I think the messiness of it made me love it more and of course Ji Sung as lead didn't hurt. I think I'm not going to bother finishing IOITL idk why I just have no compelling reason to watch it despite really liking the leads.


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Secret was my crack and I usually HATE dramas like that but for Secret couldn't help myself.
Marathoned it in a day and half


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Ooooooh Secret! That was ripped apart here, somewhat deservedly, but loved it all on my own, despite it not being way off from my typical drama preferences.


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Haha, the heart likes what it likes!

Unfortunately, my heart appears capable of loving Yoon Si Yoon and Cha Seung Won, not to mention loving both Main and Second Lead Guys simultaneously.

Ah, well, a girl's gotta follow her instincts (like the Pervy Mermaid)!


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"...you can’t really hurt my feelings by insulting my taste."

You two are hilarious. That's the best part of the dramabeans community - the bond of the kdrama whole is greater than the minuses of its individual parts.


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Being a horror/mystery fan in a sea of romance/melo/rom-com fans means that I'm always aware of how my taste differs from everybody else's (Plus, I'm a LOT older than most kdrama fans. Like, most of you could be my kids. Some of you are younger than my oldest kids.)

One of the things I love most about Dramabeans is that I get to read about stories/shows that in the normal course of events I'd never give a second glance (and sometimes I find that giving them a look-see means a source of unexpected joy - see also: Marriage, not Dating.) Plus, getting to see the tastes of folks from all over the world is pretty darn awesome. ::two thumbs up for fan culture::

Of course, sometimes it means wondering what the heck some people see in a show (FTLY, I'm looking at you, you manically-laughing weirdo,) or actor (Really? They think (insert unattractive actor of your choice) is super-hot?)

I'm sure the opposite is also true, with other people looking at my posts, thinking, "What is WRONG with her?" But that's the beauty of the internet. :)


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I really like what you said....Plus, getting to see the tastes of folks from all over the world is pretty darn awesome. ::two thumbs up for fan culture::

Isn't it fun...I am guessing we are similar in age. Like the girls said, "there is no accounting for taste", that is part of the adventure in Dramaland.


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It makes me sad when I think about how much awesome work I missed out on in my youth (no internet, for those wondering), and how many potential friends I never knew because they lived around the world from me...but I'm happy to realize that the world has gotten smaller and more supportive in my lifetime, and my kids think nothing of chatting with friends who live far, far away. :)


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>I am guessing we are similar in age.

I'm in my early 50's. It's kind of sobering to realize that I could have given birth to most of the lead actors in the shows I watch (and not in a creepy, 'child-bride' way, either.)

On the up side, I'm old enough that watching dramas with my kids allows me to give really good advice (To my son: "Don't ever grab a woman like that. Be the second male lead, just slightly more talkative." heh - I got to talk to him about how his dad was the second male lead of my personal drama, and I rejected the jerk lead for him - seriously, rich guy who drank too much and was rude that also proposed to me at the same time. After discovering Kdramas, I find it really funny.)


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Love this!


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loveit...so Sweet..


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My girls always thought I was a little crazy, and now,...well when they watch me (often we watch together, because they were the ones who got me hooked in the first place), during a drama...it is pretty clear their mom is crazy. Crying, laughing and then the next day again...I just laugh back now because I realize I am not the only one!!!!! Yeah!


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Heh. My kids know I'm crazy. (I'm the one who keeps trying to drag them into this fandom. Of course, the oldest ones do fanart of that weird pigeon dating game, so clearly my geek genes have been passed on.)


Taste is indeed subjective.

The thing is people often use this sentence as a way of saying there is no way to determine if something is good or bad and this is just not true.

This is something modern society taught us because for economical reasons it is great if everybody feels what they like has value, it's good and keeps them spending money on what they like. It's kind of a big subject to explore here. :)

For instance, I was enjoying Night Watchmen, but it's such a bad show. The fact that something is fun or appealing in some way for me, doesn't change the quality of the thing itself. I don't mind saying I like something that is bad. :)


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Right, it's just like food. You can have a preference for chinese, or Korean, or Indian, and even English food, and not feel guilty for it because it's just a matter of subjective taste. But if you like eating something you know is awful (like say, a twinkie. Or ravioli from a can. Or, ahem, mixing jam, peanut butter, and yogurt together in a bowl and eating it straight) there's no point in denying your taste is bad. Just make sure you eat plenty of fresh vegetables to balance it out and you'll be fine^_^


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Jam, peanut butter and yogurt in a bowl sounds amazing!


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i agree especially if you let it sit in the freezer for a while..ow!! i should also mix some caramel in there..mmm

but my point is..i like IM too, it's like a drama version of some manga. If i can like a movie about people with the power to control weather, who have metal claws of are a blue beast (yes, i'm looking at you X-men) why not this then :)

And lastly..secretary Ko.. i could dip him in yoghurt and li....eeehm i digress..i like sec.Ko


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I thought Night Watchmen is horrible. Watched two episodes and scolded myself for wasting time on it, because the first 10 minutes told me it's bad and the next 20 asked me if I'm kidding myself to hold out hope.

Anyway just want to put a 'Like' here for your comment. So honest. So cute and lovable. :)


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I pretty much know what I like and am happy when I get it but there have been shows I've been really surprised I liked, I really liked Sly and Single Again I didn't think I would especially as a lot of people thought it was just a knock off of Emergency Couple, in comparison I really could not get into EC I didn't really like the actors all that much though I did watch it after Sly so maybe I was sick of divorced reunion romances.


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I am watching Iron Man. I am not telling anyone I am but I am. I love to go OMG they did not just do that to myself. I have laughed a lot so far. Terrible but true.


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oy voy, voy!
I remember seeing the intro the post about Javabeans being an iron man fan girl and laughing for 5 minutes because there's just no accounting for taste!


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I agree with Girlfriday how awesome Jung Ilwoo is in Nightwatchman and how he's the only one among the main cast who can act. I am sad though how it could've been awesome given better and more experienced actors. Also faster story line would've been better. I find myself fast forwarding to Prince Wolgang parts. The saddest scenes he has is when he is with the girl--can't convince me how he'd be interested in someone who's close to a ghost in terms of the feeling department.


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I just got back from my trip and caught up on everything (so scared to open the work e-mail, maybe I have to go back earlier? - nope! pheew.
so I got curious and took a peek at the Blade Man and oh man. that character is a nutcase. Lee Dong Wook will strain his acting to the limits with this but the text is good and he is delivering. but boy what a wacko.


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oh but I must say the music is too much reminding of Edward Scissorhands. I dont think thats right

some weird vibes...of Clockwork Orange and stuff
I am in the beginning though, ep 1


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Good to see you back, redfox!

Clockwork Orange, did you say? Classic! That's a plus in my book :)


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Redfox, you've been missed on OT.

I will have to check out Iron/Blade Man then. Other than taste, i think one could think of an objective function for our 'demand' for kdramas: Price (time), other competing goods, age, mood(season), etc, including that inexplainable factor -taste. Taste is such a damper on conversations; it is good to explore with others why we like and not like to come to an equilibrium state of 'buy', no 'buy', or 'agreeing to disagree'. Precisely i like this DB community because of the way the factors play for each one, which make for an enjoying ride in kdrama land.


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It's All about taste, that's all . I watch The three musketeer because I'm yonghwa fan, but then i love the plot! love minseo, love seungpoo, love CP, and offcourse i really love the crying boy dalhyang ~ maybe JB is LDW fan so jb love to wacth IM, HA! it's that same -.-


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Love this post... I often feel like I'm trying to capture that elusive feeling of wholeness through a show or a novel, and when I find one that satisfies my craving, a part of me has somehow "gained" something from it, as if I were packing on the happy/moral-lessons-learned/blow-me-out-of-this-world pounds...

We all have different tastes, thank god. Durian rocks my boat, and I could eat boatloads of it, gaining serious pounds. I have similar weaknesses for Vegemite on toast and perfectly cooked eggs.. I like thinking that apart from the enjoyment factor, shows like "Joseon X Files" and "Answer Me 1997" and "I Hear Your Voice" also help enrich my 'soul' with their addition to my 'repertoire of favorites.' So, of course, it seems natural to believe that our lists represent who we are. But do they? In so far as they influence our actions, I believe they do; but little ole me sitting in front of a screen liking or disliking something, I doubt makes me any better or worse as another.


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Thank you JavaBeans! I would NEVER have given Blade Man a chance without reading this post... I know I shouldn't judge a K-drama by its promo materials, but life's short. So thanks for the advice! I didn't even watch episode 1, just started with episode 2. I've become totally drawn in! It's surrealist and idiosyncratic. I can see why lots of people don't get it. But I'm enjoying it.

I've noticed a tendency on some K-drama websites for reviewers to jump on reviews that aren't totally positive. If I don't give something 5 stars, someone tells me that "K-dramas aren't for everyone." But it's silly to pretend K-dramas are the same. And if someone's checking out K-drama for the first time, I don't want them to decide they don't like it on the basis of one episode of one show! There's a world of differences between "Boys over Flowers," and say, "That's Okay, It's Love." Room for all kinds of viewers!


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