Kim Ah-joong up for legal drama Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice, the MBC drama formerly titled Lawless World, is now courting Kim Ah-joong (Sign) to play the female lead opposite (potentially) Daniel Choi (Big Man, School 2013), who was recently offered the drama. Neither actor has confirmed the role but are in the “considering favorably” stage, so I expect a bit more back-and-forthing to happen before we hear final decisions.

The show is a legal drama centered around the loves and ambitions of a cast of lawyers and prosecutors, which explains the previous Lawless World title. The new title is explained not because of any connection to Jane Austen but because the show is set in a prideful world, where inspectors and investigators come head-to-head against a prejudiced prosecution. That explanation admittedly feels a bit forced, but it does give the show a more interesting bent than simply “legal drama (with romance),” which is what we’re used to seeing.

The heroine is an “investigative whiz” with zero interest in power or money; she only cares about finding the truth and catching the culprits, and is thus a bit of a “hunting dog” when it comes to sniffing out criminals. She started out as a police academy graduate who became a hotshot detective, but quit suddenly to go to law school and become a prosecutor. Stubborn, sharp, and bold, she sounds like a tough cookie, which should make for a strong female lead. (We hope.)

Pride and Prejudice, which comes from the writer of School 2013 and the PD of Time Between Dog and Wolf, will be a Monday-Tuesday drama to follow Records of a Night Watchman. It’ll premiere in October.

Via TV Report


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These kinds of dramas are tough to watch if you care about the details.

The environment (in this case, the world of criminal law) is often just a vehicle to hold the story, be it a romcom or a melo, revenge, etc., and minor plot points can be flecked in from time to time. Getting the actual world at least plausible can be unimportant to the writers and can get in the way of the flow of the story.

So we see medical dramas, for example, where reality is just ignored entirely and unrealistic doctors act in outrageously implausible ways....and yet nobody really seems to mind because "it's just a dramatization." And the same thing is true for legal dramas. Makes my skin crawl. And this is not just an issue for k-dramas, but I see it just as often (or more often in fact) in American dramas too.

Is it too much to ask for writers to do a little research and get the environment, the actions, the thought-processes and the professional motivations at least a little bit accurate?

Can we have lawyers act like real lawyers and doctors act like real doctors? There are so many cool stories to be told, without having to resort to staid, totally cliched and ridiculously inaccurate portrayals of these professions.

Just sayin.


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A New Leaf did a good job with portraying the legal world.


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KMM fan -

I totally agree.


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I imagine doctors, lawyers and cops manage a certain amount of suspension of disbelief with medical, legal and police dramas, because we understand that the setting is not the entire point of the drama.

But now and then, even my suspension threshold is destroyed by rubbish like Dr Stranger (and I imagine Gap-dong, despite its fine acting performances, would give any real-life police officer an equal headache).


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Agreed, the bad medicine/law/policing etc ends up taking you OUT of the story they've written. Well, the worlds of work in general (fashion, hotels, architecture) really are glossed over, to put it kindly. I'm no lawyer but the law in IHYV was insulting to the viewer.


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But Kim Ah Joong is a fav. =) KAJ fighting! <3


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All 3 Mon-Tue dramas this fall look lot better than Wed-Thurs ones


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yeah, the next lot of Wed-Thurs dramas look like they can be summed up in one word: meh.

If there was ever a time to migrate to cable dramas (or even back to American/UK tv shows), this is it.


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Still bitter that this is not a Korean adaptation of Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Come one! Darcy is basically a chaebol anyway. Lizzie is plucky and winsome and can yell at him a lot. Both he and Lizzie need to mature before they reach their happy endings! Bingley is an adorably dim sidekick, Jane is droopy and pure and shit, and Lydia gets to set Wickham's pants on fire. Mrs. Bennet has all the signs of ahjumma-hood. Come one, guys. It's NOT THAT FUCKING HARD, you have all your archetypes!

/forever bitter


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Gimme a good cast and a writer with a sense of humour, and I'll pay to watch this P&P, k-drama style. :D

That said, have there been any P&P adaptations in k-dramaland? Considering how prolific it is, I find it hard to believe there aren't any.


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Seriously, a modern-day P&P would work out almost 100 percent true to the original in an Asian setting - we're losing out by not having a kdrama version.


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can you imagine a sageuk adaptation of pride and prejudice? that would be so amazing!


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It can be called "First and Last Impressions (Or, Are They Fated To Be, Because This is Korea and Fate is a Bitch)". My only demand is that Darcy should be a stuffy scholar and spend a lot of time talking shit about Lizzie: "Did you even see her? What gauche manners! Imagine, talking as though she had BRAINS and MONEY, when we know she has none. She has fine eyes, though, very fine eyes. And a neat figure. And she /was/ witty, I suppose. And her laugh sounded like a bell. BUT HER CONNECTIONS. Deplorable. AHEM."

AND FALL IN LOVE WITH HER THREE SECONDS LATER while everyone else rolls their eyes at him.


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Cool, Nuha! You have there more than what gets a movie script started. This could be interesting.

In my opinion, Darcy is not so hard to play. But Lizzie - please, not another girl who really has nothing inside her and out but whom we can believe to be the second coming of Helen of Troy or Cleopatra or someone enough to enchant the most eligible bachelor of the land.


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Hahaha! You're a genius Nuha.


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I think they don't have 2 do P&P Korean style because they storyline is in every single Chaboel romcom out there girl hates boy ... Boy fall first ... Girl then falks ... All Happy the end lol ...... ( I'm saying this as a True Dan of Jane Austen and pride and prejudice I freaking love how great kiera knightly did in tht movies ?)


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Ahhh, I really like Kim Ah Joong. I would love to see them together. That would be fun.


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OMG. This is hilarious. I was just watching one of her movies and thought to myself that I hadn't seen her in dramas very much. Glad to see she might make a comeback :)


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Were you also watching My P.S. Partner? :p

Her last drama was Sign which is ancient now... I think her character there resembles this one so I think she'll shine.


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I'm scared to try another legal drama after A New Leaf. That was about the most dry and boring drama I've ever seen. I prefer regular rom comedies that have a plotline, and maybe touches a little on drama, such as Prosecutor Princess or I Hear Your Voice.


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A New Leaf was great as a legal show, that's a legal as a kdrama can get.


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Oooh, hopefully they take the parts. I like Kim Ah Joong in movies and I was wondering when she'd come back to doing dramas. Daniel Choi's good, too. I can picture them together. And although lawyer shows/dramas can be unrealistic and far from the actual practice, I still quite enjoy them. So I might tune in for this. :)


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Tottaly disappointed!
It was my most awaited drama ever...but now it's not....


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