Discovery of Romance: Episode 5

When, if ever, is it okay to lie to someone to protect them? Do secrets do more harm than good, or are secrets something that can save someone from hurt? This episode focuses on whether or not it’s ever acceptable to lie in order to shield someone from being hurt, or if total honesty is better even if it means the truth can do irreparable damage. Interesting how nobody considers that possibly, not doing the hurtful thing in the first place might be the correct answer.

EPISODE 5: “I know that it’s a confession I’ll regret tomorrow!”

Tae-ha and Ha-jin fight, and Yeo-reum enters in time to stop Tae-ha from seriously injuring Ha-jin, with a crack across the shoulders with a pool cue. She coos over Ha-jin’s injuries while a jealous Tae-ha looks on, wondering how she could have hit him.

Ha-jin blames the whole thing on Tae-ha and she agrees, because Ha-jin would never do anything wrong, and Tae-ha fumes that someone should tell her that her boyfriend is cheating on her. He thinks back to their dating days when she’d fussed over an injury of his like that, and told him that his body was hers and he should take better care of it.

He’d proudly taken her to his job site to see the giant pine logs he’d injured himself carrying, only to have her kick them out of anger. She’d hit him where he was injured, and he’d faked pain to get close and surprise-hug her.

Back in the present, Tae-ha asks if Yeo-reum has any first aid for him, only to have her slide her purse at him and tell him to get it himself. The best part of this scene is Ha-jin side-eying them both at how Tae-ha’s so comfortable getting things from her purse.

Yeo-reum gripes at Tae-ha for hitting a doctor and Tae-ha snaps back, causing Ha-jin to puff up at him again. Yeo-reum calms them down but kicks Tae-ha to apologize, and he kicks her back to say no way as Ha-jin’s head whips back and forth like a Wimbledon spectator, knowing there’s something unspoken being communicated.

Suddenly Ha-jin notices that Tae-ha and Yeo-reum are speaking banmal as they fight, and asks when that happened, since they’re in a business relationship, right? Whoops. They both freeze for a long moment, until Tae-ha bows and apologizes formally to Yeo-reum and she accepts… only Ha-jin points out that she started speaking banmal first. Funny, but this guy is way too perceptive.

As they all head for their cars, Tae-ha calls out to Ha-jin that they should play again, for real, and without the girl. Ha-jin says he’ll play for a bet but there’s nothing of his that he wants to lose to Tae-ha. He’ll have to think what he wants to bet Tae-ha for.

Yeo-reum rests her head on Ha-jin’s shoulder in the car, but he’s in no mood for her aegyo and pushes her away. She complains that he won’t tell her why they fought, and asks for a kiss – but he’s seriously mad, for realsies this time, and nothing she can do will change that. Except cry. He caves, hugging her and telling her that they fought because Tae-ha cheated, but Yeo-reum looks skeptical.

Tae-ha slams around his house and gets a call from Yeo-reum, demanding to know why the guys fought. She accuses him of being too competitive and warns him never to do that with her boyfriend ever again. Tae-ha literally can’t get a word in edgewise before she hangs up on him. He complains interview-style that she used to like him so much she’d do anything for him – the least she could do is think of nice memories when she sees him.

Sol and Joon-ho join the interview-style narration, and Sol says that girls see their boyfriends as used cars, while the new guy is a brand-new, luxurious car. Who would go back to the used car when they already have a brand-new one? Joon-ho gripes that she’s sure insightful when it comes to someone else’s problems. HAHA, Yeo-reum comes out of her room and gives them a Who the heck are you talking to? face, and they cover and flee.

Sol lurks outside Eun-gyu’s workplace and witnesses him going out with some coworkers, and follows them. She starts to lose them and hurries to catch up, only to crash into a vendor carrying an armload of jewelry and merchandise, and he demands that she pay for everything. She can’t find her wallet but she’s rescued by Eun-gyu, who pays for everything but tells the vendor she’s just his friend. Awww, and ouch.

Eun-gyu takes Sol to eat and says he wishes she’d be happy, but she swears to cry all the time and stop eating, so that he’ll feel bad. She says that she thinks he actually did like her, but that he was calculating and talked himself out of it since he’s successful and she’s not. She threatens to follow him around and show up everywhere, but her weak threats don’t worry him and she gives up.

Yoon is in the neighborhood and runs into Sol as she sadly limps her bike home, with scraped knees and a flat tire. She asks him tearfully to pretend he didn’t see her, but he drives her home anyway, and it’s cute how discombobulated he is by a crying, wobbly-voiced girl. Yoon tries to give Sol some words of wisdom but totally flubs it, and gets his butt chewed for his trouble. The next day at work, Yoon is still marveling at how neatly Sol turned things around on him, and finds her cute.

Tae-ha admires his battle wounds, and gets a text from Yeo-reum asking if he’s still mad. She offers to buy him lunch and they set up a time, and it’s adorable how Tae-ha indulges in a little squee at the heart icons in Yeo-reum’s text messages.

Tae-ha finds Yeo-reum at the restaurant, and he’s so happy he’s beaming, but oh no, the look on her face plainly says she was expecting someone else. She apologizes profusely for texting him by mistake instead of Ha-jin, but he stays anyway, whining that she takes her boyfriend to nicer places than she takes him.

She says that Ha-jin called him a cheater at pool, and when he defends his honor she agrees that he’s aaaall about the fairness, somehow making it sound like an insult. He hesitantly asks if she thought that maybe he started the fight in order to protect her, but Yeo-reum declares that she’s not his to protect.

Tae-ha sees Ha-jin walk in (Sol told him Yeo-reum was waiting for him) and hilariously hides them both behind the buffet. Ha-jin calls Yeo-reum when he doesn’t see her, and sees her phone ringing on the table. Yeo-reum and Tae-ha cringe behind a pillar, but Ha-jin has already noticed Tae-ha’s jacket at the same table as her phone and sits to wait.

Tae-ha reasons that they haven’t done anything wrong and should just act natural, so they casually go and sit with Ha-jin. Yeo-reum apologizes and Tae-ha just stuffs his face nervously while Ha-jin stares at him. He thinks to himself that his pride is so hurt he wants to die. Aww, that’s sad. But it’s sweet how he assures Yeo-reum that he’s fine and she shouldn’t worry about him.

The two guys end up across from each other at the buffet and immediately begin trading barbs. Ha-jin comments again on how often Tae-ha and Yeo-reum coincidentally meet, and Tae-ha says that a girl told him once that so many coincidences is actually Fate. Ha-jin asks if Tae-ha really likes Yeo-reum or if he said it to provoke him, and adds that he doesn’t care, as long as it doesn’t make Yeo-reum uncomfortable. But his face hardens as he warns Tae-ha not to ever tell her he likes her, or he’ll kill him.

Tae-ha asks if he’s going to keep other things from Yeo-reum as well, like the girl he was hugging the other night. Ha-jin blusters that it’s none of his business, but shows his hand a bit by asking why Tae-ha hasn’t told Yeo-reum. Tae-ha just snickers that he’s not a tattletale.

After a super awkward lunch, Ha-jin walks Yeo-reum out and asks why she never smiled while they were eating, and she tells him that it was uncomfortable. He assures her that guys just do that power-struggle thing and it’s nothing to do with her.

Tae-ha heads to the pharmacy for something for his nervous stomach, and finds Ha-jin there chugging the same medicine. He manages to smoothly ad-lib that it’s for a coworker, hee. He downs the medicine at his car, now growling at the text hearts that Yeo-reum accidentally sent him and calling them childish. Even Yeo-reum isn’t exempt from the post-lunch upset tummy issues, and Sol pricks her finger for her.

A nun from the orphanage visits Ah-rim at work, bringing her a photo she found of herself and Ha-jin as children. Ah-rim tries (obviously not for the first time) to get the sister to tell her where they sent Ha-jin, but the nun can’t tell her no matter how she’d like to. Ah-rim sadly reasons that if he’d wanted to see her, he would have found her by now anyway.

Ha-jin calls her and offers to meet and discuss the patient who needs facial reconstruction. Ah-rim tells the new picture of her oppa that she met a nice man, and we see that Ha-jin has that exact same photo at home.

Yeo-reum’s mother shows up to her writing studio to find Producer Bae invading her space again, though this time he looks a little less… stinky. He wants to talk about their supposed cheating together ten years ago, since he doesn’t remember anything of the sort. She reminds him of a certain business trip with lots of drinking, and when he seems to remember, she kicks him out.

Yeo-reum sets the table at Ha-jin’s and decides to tell him the truth about her and Tae-ha, but then she spies a shopping bag from the mall. She sees the date on the receipt and realizes that he must have seen her eating with Tae-ha, but pretended not to know when he called her. She wonders if he saw them holding hands too.

Ha-jin details for Ah-rim the surgery he has planned for the boy with the cleft palate, and he notices her schoolbooks. She says her schooling got delayed but she’s studying between her part-time jobs. She offers to buy him dinner just as he gets a text from Yeo-reum that she’s at his place – Ah-rim offers a rain check, but instead, Ha-jin texts Yeo-reum that he’s got dinner plans and not to wait for him. She texts back that she’s wearing sexy lingerie and will wait.

Ha-jin takes Ah-rim to a restaurant that’s much nicer than she’s used to, and when she sees the menu prices she admits she can’t afford to treat him. He feels bad and offers to leave, but she says she smells the food and doesn’t want to leave. She admits that it’s rude but asks him to treat her this time, and she’ll pay next time.

The next morning, Ah-rim leaves a juice delivery on Ha-jin’s door as a surprise (she strong-armed his address out of Joon-ho) and rings the doorbell, but it’s Yeo-reum who answers to find the juice hanging from the doorknob. Ah-rim watches from around the corner, surprised to realize that Ha-jin has a girlfriend. Yeo-reum reads the note on the juice bottle thanking Ha-jin for dinner and offering to take him on a date for kimbap next time. She confronts him, particularly suspicious that the note is in a girl’s handwriting.

Ha-jin says that Joon-ho introduced them and that he’s doing surgery on her friend, and even admits that the girl in question is young and pretty. Yeo-reum changes the subject and asks if he followed her and Tae-ha at the mall, wanting to know why he hasn’t brought it up. He says that since Kang Tae-ha showed up they’ve been fighting a lot, and that he didn’t want to be suspicious and fight again.

Yeo-reum counters that she wants them to tell each other everything, even if it leads to fights, because keeping secrets is worse. Every time he overlooks something, she ends up lying, and she doesn’t want that to happen anymore. She also tells him that she doesn’t like this note, she doesn’t like that a girl wrote it, and she doesn’t like her use of the word “date.”

Yeo-reum asks why Ha-jin can’t be jealous like her, and he says that if he told her not to work with Tae-ha, he wouldn’t be so cool anymore. She swears up and down that her relationship with Tae-ha is nothing more than business. So much for no more lies.

In a meeting with Tae-ha, Yeo-reum sits fuming as he tears her ideas apart, nitpicking just about everything in her designs. She finally breaks in to complain that the entire design team decided on these plans, asking what the point of that work was if he’s just going to veto everything. Tae-ha calls her designs amateurish, and she just packs up her things and leaves, agreeing to start over.

Tae-ha sends Yoon after her to tell her that he hates being cut off like that, but Yoon only asks her if something happened between them. She has to admit that Tae-ha wasn’t wrong and that she’ll talk with Sol about what to do. She gets outside to find Tae-ha’s car blocking hers and tries to push it (as he watches from the window, jerk), but ends up having to call Tae-ha who refuses to come move it.

Yeo-reum tries to do an end run around Tae-ha and have Yoon move the car, but Tae-ha anticipates this and calls Yoon to tell him not to help her and to tell Yeo-reum to come to his office if she wants his keys. She goes up and demands the keys, but Tae-ha (sitting hurt with his back to her) wants an apology for texting him and inviting him to lunch accidentally. She apologizes and he tells her to get the key from Yoon, and I honestly don’t know how she refrains from killing him.

On his drive home, Tae-ha remembers a time driving with Yeo-reum when she’d cutely used her handkerchief on his shoulder as a pillow. He muses at how he seems to be thinking of old times all the time lately. He even imagines her when he’s brushing his teeth, then again in the kitchen at work. He scares himself when his imaginings get too real and he has to yell at the specter of Yeo-reum to leave, but HAHA, she’s really there, staring fascinated at the crazy man.

The design team goes out after work, and Tae-ha says in voiceover that after Yeo-reum broke up with him, he wrote her a letter. He knew that Yeo-reum had moved but he’d gotten drunk and written it anyway – the letter simply said, “Come back. I was wrong. I miss you.” He didn’t even have a stamp, but he staggered to a mailbox and mailed it anyway, knowing it would never find her.

His coworkers socialize while Tae-ha doggedly downs bowl after bowl of makgulli, then stumbles outside for some fresh air. Yeo-reum sees him go but gets a call from Ha-jin and heads outside to meet him.

Tae-ha sits on the steps and when Yeo-reum passes him and says she’s leaving, he hollers loudly, “I like you, Han Yeo-reum! I’ve started to like you again.” She’s speechless, and he continues, saying that he’ll probably regret this tomorrow but he figures he may as well say it, and tells her again that he likes her.

He elaborates, explaining that he thought he liked her before but now he knows that was fake, because it didn’t hurt like this. In the past he didn’t feel this intense and desperate, but at least it wasn’t as painful. He says that he didn’t understand her when she’d say she was in pain, but he does now. He looks bleak and on the verge of tears as he says that the one who likes the other more, hurts more. He understands now, and it’s hell. Oh you poor thing, this is just awful.

Tae-ha goes back inside and Ha-jin pulls up, and Yeo-reum tells us that it’s normal to have a stronger and weaker party in any relationship, and dating is no different. The one who likes the other more becomes weaker, and is more likely to apologize first or be more patient. She says that in the past she was the weaker one and always wanted more of Tae-ha.

Tae-ha goes back in the bar and resumes drinking, and Yeo-reum brings Ha-jin in to meet everyone. They’re convinced to stay a while, and Tae-ha downs more makgulli, thinking that he’d like to never be sober again.

With an expression I don’t like one bit, Yeo-reum notes that Tae-ha is in the state of hell she used to be in. She realizes that she has the power now, and that she can torment him all she wants. Even knowing that it’s cruel, she’s glad that Tae-ha confessed.


Until now, I’ve given Yeo-reum a pass to be a little snooty to Tae-ha because yeah, he did hurt her in the past and he’s seemed to be not so much interested in her, as sort of poking at her to see how she’d react. As long as he was playing games, I gave Yeo-reum a pass to play a few games herself. But this? I don’t like this side of her one tiny bit, no I do not. I don’t care how much hurt you’ve felt from someone in the past – when they open up their heart to you and hand you the ammunition to hurt them badly, it is SO not cool to decide to hurt them just because they once hurt you. We still don’t know the whole story of Tae-ha and Yeo-reum’s breakup, but it seems like he hurt her not out of meanness, but out of neglect. He never hurt her on purpose. If she starts hurting him on purpose, I’m so done with her.

And oof, that futile confession of Tae-ha’s was so hard to watch. You could tell he got no pleasure from admitting his feelings, because he knew she wouldn’t respond positively. He knew that confessing now would be like that stampless letter to an old address… it would do no good other than to get it off his chest. He looked downright miserable as he admitted that he knows now how she felt back when they dated, and he’s feeling the same hell she went through. That’s a big reason why it will make me very angry if she uses this to toy with him – just the confessing was painful enough for him. He hasn’t done anything to deserve her inflicting deliberate pain on him on top of everything else.

Mostly this episode was a study on lies, and whether or not it’s ever a good idea to lie to someone to “protect their feelings.” Yeo-reum actually had a good point when she said that Ha-jin’s lies, and that keeping secrets and deciding to overlook things that bothered him made her lie more, and that it became this growing snowball of dishonesty. I disagree that someone lying to you makes you lie to them more, because we should each be responsible for our own choices. But she’s right that when he overlooks something, it makes it seem like it’s not important, and makes it more likely to happen again in the future. Better to confront the issue right away and discuss it openly.

But is it ever excusable, or even preferable, to lie if the truth would hurt someone? I actually do think there are situations in which a small lie is better than a painful truth, as long as the hurtful thing will never happen again. Confessing a mistake that you feel horrible about and will never let happen again, just to free your own guilt, can do more hurt to someone than if you just do a little smoothing-over and then make sure nothing like that ever occurs again. But those situations are few and far between, and mostly it’s just better to be honest from the beginning.

My main concern about our three leads is the lies upon lies that they’re telling each other. Tae-ha lies that he’s not interested in Yeo-reum, but then continuously says things that lead Ha-jin to think that he does like her, just to upset him. He lies to Yeo-reum and tells her that he doesn’t want to get back together with her again. Yeo-reum lies to Tae-ha that she has no feelings for him anymore, and she lies to Ha-jin about her past with Tae-ha. Ha-jin lies to everyone about Ah-rim, which is most worrisome to me because if he truly only sees her as a sister from his childhood at the orphanage, then why wouldn’t he just tell Yeo-reum about her? I have a feeling that we really don’t even know yet why he’s expending so much energy hiding his relationship with Ah-rim, whatever it is, and it could end up being the biggest lie of all.

These people need to start telling the truth, and soon. This tower of lies upon lies can’t hold up forever, and it’s pretty obvious that once people start learning the truth, knowing that they were lied to is going to cause a lot more fallout than if they had just been told the truth in the first place. It’s already difficult to watch someone admit they’ve lied and tell the honest truth, as in Tae-ha’s obviously painful confession. If these lies go on for much longer, irreparable damage will be done, and they’ll end up destroying the relationships they were misguidedly trying to protect.


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I love how this drama is turning out to be an exploration of communication in relationships and all its ramifications: lies and truth, what we say and what we leave unsaid, what we hint at, what we hide, what we expect people to understand without having to say it, what we misunderstand, how we use or mis-use the information we have.

I think your recaps and comments help me to appreciate that more, LollyPip, so thanks very much!


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Truth and lies ...

I hear more and more in my generation of Koreans say no to well-intentioned manipulations in the form of lies and omissions that their elders or friends or other loved ones are in the habit of doling out. We say that doing nothing for me is what is best for me. Really. So back off.

Earlier in the year, the weekend drama Glorious Day (a.k.a. Feel-Good Day) explored in earnest the theme of lying and hiding between members of a family, all done in the pretext of loving or protecting them. Astutely, the drama showed the viewers (rather than spoon-fed them) that it all depends. On contexts and pretexts and on who's doing it.

I like the fact that Koreans begin to focus on this eternal balancing act. Traditionally, they were culturally programmed to shoot first and not ever ask questions later. But now, you can play this game if you want but you better be absolutely right or held accountable for any damages you cause. So taking out a huge insurance policy beforehand is highly recommended before you start meddling or playing God. In reality, so few of us are truly qualified to play the role of administering angel. But that will not stop us, unless meaningful and painful consequences boomerang back to us.

"Interesting how nobody considers that possibly, not doing the hurtful thing in the first place might be the correct answer." I agree.


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I just have to say this.. but the first thing I notice with this recap in respect to the photos was Eric's signature folded arms pose in the background of HJ and YR. So typical. Love it!

Thanks fro the recap DB! :-)


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Discovery of Romance is one of k-drama that I find strong in every field. Casts with great acting, solid writing, daebak directing and awesome OSTs. I enjoy every episodes so far despite the complicated conditions that leads created.

Highlight from this episode was the painful confession from Kang Tae Ha. Only god knows how I tried so hard to handle my tears. He even didn't 'cry me a river', but the scene is too heart breaking not to be sympathized.

Side note. Eric's eyes are beautiful….LOL...


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Agree with the cast except for Sung Joon. His facial expressions aren't believable at all.


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I agree about Sung Joon. Especially the scene when he supposed to threaten Eric in the food table. He looks like reading something with lack expression. But, he still so young, give him more time and different roles, he'll be great actor in the future.


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I hate putting actors in a box, or limiting their ability to develop, but this is just not the kind of role I like to see Sung Joon in. So I am re-watching Shut up Flower Boy Band instead.


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In fact, Eric is a feast for our eyes.


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i like this drama but if she starts to misuse the confession, then her character will be a women that manipulates the men's feeling. she would be the women that manipulates the feeling of both men. for the first few times it might be adorable but if it continues, it would not be adorable any longer. we'll see what will happen in the future episodes. hope it wouldnt turn bad :D


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I never know that this drama will be intresting. Eeven now that the heroine now have the upper arm i just want the to get back together. AND PLEASE DRAMABEANS DONT JUST STOP RECCAPING THIS DRAMA PLSS


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i actually really liked that look in her eyes near the end. she's a refreshing character, different than simply being sarcastic and plucky, or pure and innocent. her relationship with tae-ha changed her, and she now knows what she has to do in order to get something, and what it means to be the weaker one in the relationship? what's wrong with that? over the course of the drama, she's bound to change a little in how she treats her relationships, but i hope her personality will still remain intact.
another scene i liked was when he was confessing to her, and she was swaying, moving ever so slightly while listening. that moment felt so real.
i'm still a little confused by the interview moments, although they serve as a good narrative device. they're not real, obviously, as in actually occurring in their drama world, and if they keep talking about their feelings to the camera, i wonder what's going to happen when things get more emotional and the characters confront each other. are they just going to tell each other what we already know? i think it's been used really well so far, but i'm a little worried about the upcoming episodes.


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I still feel like Ha Jin isn't being scandalous by not tell the full story about his little sister. He found her and he's helping treat people she knows. So far so good...but then I wonder...does Yeoreum even know he's adopted? If not explaining his relationship to the delivery girl will be an entirely different issues.

I'm sorry but Taeha is an asshole so if she twists the knife a bit I wouldn't even be mad...people who "confess" and unload their feelings on others who are in committed relationships "Just to get it off their chests" piss me off...because underneath all that is the hope that it'll make a difference.


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i'm the same hipployta, i dont feel bad for him at all at this point. ESP after episode six and we have an even clearer idea of why yeo reum was so scarred from what he did to her/their relationship. like, under those circumstances, i'm amazed she's not alot meaner tbh. i didnt feel sad for him during his "confession" which was super pathetic and felt like a good dose of his own medicine. while her twisting the knife was unkind and yes malicious, tbh in her place i cant say i wouldnt have wanted to stomp him into dust (emotionally mentally if not physically) myself.
now whether he INTENDED to hurt yeo reum or not in the past is irrelevant cause he clearly did some serious damage and out of PURE selfishness/disregard. neglect is also a part of abuse. so idk why its being treated as not as big a deal by the recapper? its tbh incredibly damaging esp when ur as invested emotionally as yeo reum was.
he's not evil and he's finally realizing just how much wrong he did but....why should i have to feel sad for him cause of that? seeing him flounder around this episode and next has been v satisfying.
tbh if i was yeo reum i could never ever forgive being ignored/neglected and worst of all, taken lightly. albeit me and her are v diff ppl. but he clearly from day 1, took her v lightly. her sadness anger pain all of her feelings, they were like shallow pools to him even when she was drowning in them. she flat out says it too "u think i'm v easy dont u?"
i felt so sad watching that. he was abusing his power over her heart so shamelessly and why shouldnt she now do the same? why should anyone blame her for that? i know eric is handsome but cmon now. the worst u can accuse her of is not being more verbally communicative with how she felt then but at the same time the evidence of her misery was so strong i'm sitting here like....why does she HAVE to explain it to him in words????
tbh idg how i'm supposed to root for tae ha and yeo reum to get back together now. even if she breaks up with ha jin.
i'd rather she date anyone else on earth or become a buddhist nun instead of getting back with tae ha. esp since he even now after such pitiful confessions thinks he has a chance in hell with her. and i hate that we the viewers are meant to believe that too. like naaaw. i mean maybe the drama can change my mind. i'm willing to give it that chance. but they have alot of shit to do in the next ten eps if they want me too root for this coupling cause so far i am not on the good ship taereum at all.


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sorry to say but Yeorum isn't the angle that you make her out to be. Since when 'neglect' because he was under work pressure (didn't even have enough time to sleep) is abuse? Not saying Yeorum shouldn't feel sad or mad, I would too if I were her but has she says anything to him? The 1st time she brought up anything she wanted out. That is fine. But in real realtionship, one should tell the person before hand. Keeping thing boiling up inside and call it quit because the other person can't read your mind won't make a healthy relationship.

All the thing she hates or complain about Tae Ha or Ha Jin she does the exact same thing. Does she even practice what she preaches?

10 more episodes to come but I can sense she'll come crying to Tae Ha when she finds out Ha Jin doesn't come forward with her about Ah Rim. Don't tell me she'll ask Tae Ha for help later so she can play a jelly game to win Ha Jin


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At this point the show has dropped several hints that Yeorum contributed to the breakup in a big way, maybe to the point that it was more her fault than his. Anyone who hasn't noticed hasn't been paying attention.


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it takes two to break up, so yes she wasnt "innocent" and my point wasnt blaming tae ha for the break up. it happens, it was sad for both even if yeo reum was in more pain he obv misses her thats not what i was even saying so...? my thing is, directly addressing what the recapper said. that she was way out of line and tae ha was a "poor baby" etc etc. and i am saying that's a bit much and that i personally didnt feel my heart break for him cause he kinda brought it on himself. yes i said i could understand yeo reum's pain and that doesnt mean i applaud her for it and in her place i wouldnt play games i'd just ignore him cause anything else takes too much effort but again in her place it would have never gotten that far to begin with, i'm not heart on sleeve and naive like her. which is in fact both her failing and why tae ha was able to fuck her up so much but it doesnt change just how callous he was half the time in their relationship. idk how calling out his bullshit somehow makes me trying to paint her as Saint Yeo Reum or an "angle".

i wasnt praising her actions but rather the WRITING for making her more complex and vindictive than they could have cause thats way more interesting than if she was nothing but a pitiful case from start to finish. esp since ah rim seems like some kind of young bubbly mother Theresa (she's adorable, but yeah variety is good)


(I meant to reply to marie and not the other poster. pls delete the repeat comment. sorry for the double post!)

it takes two to break up, so yes she wasnt “innocent” and my point wasnt blaming tae ha for the break up. it happens, it was sad for both even if yeo reum was in more pain he obv misses her thats not what i was even saying so…? my thing is, directly addressing what the recapper said. that she was way out of line and tae ha was a “poor baby” etc etc. and i am saying that’s a bit much and that i personally didnt feel my heart break for him cause he kinda brought it on himself. yes i said i could understand yeo reum’s pain and that doesnt mean i applaud her for it and in her place i wouldnt play games i’d just ignore him cause anything else takes too much effort but again in her place it would have never gotten that far to begin with, i’m not heart on sleeve and naive like her. which is in fact both her failing and why tae ha was able to fuck her up so much but it doesnt change just how callous he was half the time in their relationship. idk how calling out his bullshit somehow makes me trying to paint her as Saint Yeo Reum or an “angle”.

i wasnt praising her actions but rather the WRITING for making her more complex and vindictive than they could have cause thats way more interesting than if she was nothing but a pitiful case from start to finish. esp since ah rim seems like some kind of young bubbly mother Theresa (she’s adorable, but yeah variety is good)


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Omo, you sound mad? Has you experienced the same thing? I have watched ep 6 and i have to say I'm not mad at Yeo Rim and not at Tae Ha too since what is lacking is communication. How can she expect everything by just a call. He should ask but for something that serious, you just need to tell. I have married for 6 years, and any relationship won't work if we behave that way.


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It's so weird @Tai has that much hate for Tae Ha that right down vindictive. And I agree with you both of them are at fault for the lack of communication.

He should had asked and she also should just tell him straight up for thing of that serious nature. It's that hard to tell the BF that her father passed away but expect him to guess. And we know it's not the 1st time she faked crying with him.

Men are not mind readers, so are women. Just keep that communication open.


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Please no spoilers everyone...I know it's a sensitive subject, but please be mindful of discussing things that happen in later episodes until the recap for that episode! Thanks!


no i havent. like i said upthread, i am v diff person from yeo reum. its not about me. rather i was saying, when we see things from her perspective, tae ha looks p damn bad. even if the reality is more complicated but when ISNT it?
as for the verbal communication, yes she SHOULD have said something. you (general you) can def rationalize that he was so busy and focused on his own needs/life that he completely missed what she thought should have been obvious so he shouldnt be blamed too harshly except that he HIMSELF admitted he fucked up and took her for granted. which alot of guys do in relationships with women, unfortunately. these are situations that are not unique to this one couple.
esp since its not like she acted like she was totally ok. she was p obvious that smth was wrong she just didnt tell him directly why and what was wrong. its easy to say as a third party, well why didnt she? its all on her! except if ur in a place of extreme emotionally distress and vulnerability. being expected to rationally and clearly explain what's upsetting you and how u'd like to be helped is a bit of a tall order if u ask me. and tbh it seems to me the dad was just one big straw among many other smaller ones.
Also tae ha's character IS manipulative. he has flat out said he played games with her in order to get reactions out of her and to get her to do what he wants etc. while his reasons/games may have been fairly benign. it eventually became a problem down the line. esp since she realized that he didnt respect her feelings enough to take them seriously.
idk why ppl are acting like i'm making tae ha out to be a demon when he and the writing have been p clear on what he did wrong and why it hurt yeo reum so much? yes she's taking petty revenge but my entire point was i can understand WHY she's doing it, and i dont think its fair to see her as a horrible person just cause she did something wrong when she felt she was wronged to death for years on end. unintentional/"just" neglect. like i disagree with taht kind of read on the situation strongly. but hey u guys can make
and I really dont know how anyone can compare what she does with ha jin to what tae ha did with her. u dont have to like either version but pretending like its equivalent is kinda absurd to me but eh.


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i wish i could edit posts, i thought i deleted some sentences to make my reply more succinct but i messed it up...and typos everywhere -_-


calm down, calm down it's just a drama lol

"she was wronged to death for years on end" ugh, isn't that quite exaggerated?

I don't know what to take of Yeo Reum. She said she dumped Tae Ha but in the interview we see it isn't so. And if you already see episode 6, Yeo Reum led her roomies friends to believe that Tae didn't want to come to her father's wake when he didn't know about or she told him about it. A lot of thing Yeo Reum choose to remember or skip just seem to be toher advantage.

There seems to be more secrets and things to come, so hold off the pitchforks on all of them.


Thank you for putting it in words…cause until now I can't understand myself why I'm so bothered the fact that Tae Ha confesses. But you're right, it's because "underneath all that is the hope that it'll make a difference".


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what did he do to her that is an asshole?
he may be abrassive but he did not or purpusely hurts her feeling. He didn't pay attention of her feeling in the past but he NEVER lie to her or cheat on her.

Nit picking her stuffs? at the end she even admit it needs works. So he's wrong for being through with his business?

She complain Taeha want to meet her in the past only when he wants to sleep with her but woaaa who is the one that bring that up with Tae Ha & Ha Jin all the time? It's Yeorum.

This woman is so deceiving. She hates Tae Ha manipulating her and she turns around doing the same thing to Ha Jin. Now saying Ha Jin lies to her that make her wanting to lie more? what is THIS bs she's pulling?

Whatever he did in the past wasn't intentionally hurt her. It's damn cruel she wants to torment people when they pour their heart out. If she all that righteous, why doing all the things that she does? She's an evil person of all.


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"I’m sorry but Taeha is an asshole so if she twists the knife a bit I wouldn’t even be mad" - just wow at the things that said here. Jun Hoo were right, some women are scary creatures.


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Yup how is Tae Ha an asshole i don't understand..


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Yeorum oh Yeorum. You hate Tae Ha for 'maninulating' and yet you do the exact same thing that you hate so much on your boyfriend Hanjin. You complain Hajin for lying to you yet that will make you lie more? My god woman, what do you want?

Sorry to say, even if Tae Ha is made out to be like a jerk, I think the biggest jerk is Yeorum.


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I completely agree. If you were so devastated on how your ex treated you then why are you treating your current boyfriend the same way? I know that TH is a jerk but YR actions are horrible. If you hate him that much then cut him out of your life, don't interact with him or react to him.

Everyone is holding back the truth which is the same as lying. The more lies that are told, the more the truth will hurt.


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she didn't hate tae ha for "manipulating" her. just the fact that she knew that she was the one who was more emotionally invested in the relationship, and the fact that his attitude changed toward her over the course of their relationship, growing colder and more distant as he took her for granted. she isn't treating ha jin the same way, it's completely different. she is manipulating him, but she's not treating him the way tae ha treated her. she's just learned what she needs to do in order to have the upper hand in the relationship and how dangerous it is to be the "weaker" one.
she's learned how to close her heart a little and not be so vulnerable. what's so wrong with that?
i like how the main character is flawed, instead of being perfect.


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Nothing wrong with closing her heart for a little and she doesn't have to take tae ha back or be friend with him either. But, why must torment some one when he/she is down for 'enjoyment'?

and manipulating is still manipulating, no mater it comes sugar coated. A relationship that based on there must be one wearing the pants isn't healthy.


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because for the first time in their relationship, she's the one who's got the upper hand because he's more emotionally invested. she's savoring it. and also because she's still bitter about the last few years of their relationship and how he treated her.
why is it that a female lead who's aggressive in pursuing what she wants, not "nice," and leads the relationship such a negative thing? and as someone else commented, her manipulations are virtually harmless and ha-jin knows her ways well, even if he sometimes fooled by them.
i can't quite make up my mind whether yeoreum's character is perpetuating or subverting gender stereotypes- i think it's a bit of both, in a way- but i like that she's not "nice". i think most of the hate towards her character is unfair and rooted in gender. there's definitely a bias. male characters that are players and use their charms to manipulate people, or cold, overly possessive arrogant male leads don't get half this much hate.


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I don't think she's 'manipulating' that's quite a strong word.
She's quite obviously been scarred by Tae Ha and her perceptive of Romance has changed completely; hence the title 'Discovery of Romance'...

But, as a result of being scarred she now views relationships as some sort of game. She references it a lot - the 'stronger and weaker' player, The methods you need to use to 'gain the upper hand' etc.

In that sense, by placing yourself in her shoes, I find it difficult to say she's manipulative, since it feels like she's just trying to 'win' this the romance 'game'.
And while the rest of us know its not about winning - she doesn't.


Looks like Discovery of Romance will have more than one love triangle.

Han Yeo-Reum -- Nam Ha-Jin vs. Kang Tae-Ha

Yoon Sol -- Choi Eun-Gyu (?) vs. Do Joon-Ho vs. Yoon Jung-Mok (?)

Nam Ha-Jin -- Han Yeo-Reum vs. An A-Rim


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Yeo Reum is such a confusing i just don't understand her. Loved her character before she broke up with Tae Ha.. What happened to that innocent and cheerful girl?


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I actually don't think any of those interview scenes are 100% reliable. It's like having an unreliable narrator in a novel, and so while Yeo-reum may be saying that she's gonna hurt Taeha like he did to her, I want to give her the benefit of doubt that she said it out of spite.

Yes she plays games with her Ha-jin, but honestly most of them are pretty harmless. And Ha-jin knows pretty much all of her 'push-and-pull' techniques and deals with them pretty well. It's mostly the lies and lack of communication that will break down their relationships with each other, not the 'mind games' or 'manipulation'.


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This episode was a bit hard to watch and confusing. There is still back story to tell related to Yeo Reum and Tae Ha.

The larger piece that others me is why is Ha Jin not discussing his sister with Yeo Reum? This seems to really be his biological sister (unless I missed something) so why let there be possible misunderstanding? Yes, I realize this is a drama, but his handling of this makes no sense to me.


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Yes, the way Ha Jin is handling the situation with Ah Rim is puzzling to me. I'm not completely understanding why he is being all secretive with Ah Rim and Yeo Reum and Joon Ho.

If I try to make sense of it, I think maybe he's so overwhelmed by finding her after looking for so long, and probably having given up hope, that he's just doesn't know what to do, and so he's handling the whole situation poorly. And having kept it secret from his friends for so long, it's probably hard for him to open up about it now. I've gotten the impression from things I've read that adoption and being an adoptee are treated with less openness in Korea than they generally are in Western culture, so maybe that's also part of the reason why he's being so clandestine about it.


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Ha Jin doesn't look like he doesn't know how to handle the situation though. He might feel not comfortable to tell Yeo Reum about it but he could come forward with Ahrim since she know he's an adoptee.


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Reading some of the comments here and I don't know what to make of it. There IS such thing as 2nd chance and I don't think the ex BF is such a bad person for all that hate.

He's temperament and charged when he's fuelled but he hasn't do anything immoral for Yeo Reum to twist a knife more or she should hurt him more like some of the commenters said above. Revenge or tormented another when they admit their wrongs does nothing to empower, love does. Be a better person.

As for Yeo Rum, she doesn't have to take the EX back even as a friend but she would earn my respect if she takes his apology and move on. She is just as childish as he is. That makes them perfect.


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Really enjoying this drama, and its flawed characters.


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Me too everything about this drama is great.


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I really feel that Sung Joon resembles John Park or maybe thats just me


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I love how this drama being realistic about their characters. I've seen women and men like Yeoreum and Taeha in real life. Women who want to be understood by their partnes even without telling anything...and men who need to be explained everything to them. Lack of communication is the thing that make their past relationship didn't work.


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As much as I dislike YR, if there's no sign of progress between YR and Taeha by next week, I'm done with this drama. Which is shame considering how much I liked it.


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Not gonna lie. I googled 'discombobulated'.
And now I am gonna use it everywhere! :P


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Probably gonna drop this drama since I don't like the trajectory of the story. Maybe if they hadn't made Ha Jin such a good boyfriend or maybe if HJ and YR had just started dating, I would have been more tolerant of the shenanigans, lies and omissions by YR and TH. I find it difficult to see YR and TH's interactions as cute without thinking that everything they do is a betrayal towards HJ. Just my opinion.


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Lol! That street vendor Sol bumped into was Anh Gil Kang, and they're both in Surplus Princess too.


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Okay guys….stop fighting because writer-nim announced new OTPs:

1. Tae Ha-Director Yoon
2. Han Yeo reum-Yoon Sol
3. Nam Ha Jin-Do Joon Ho



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I might be as clueless as Taeha. I have yet to understand the reason why they broke up! lol.


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I might be as clueless as Taeha, I have yet to understand the reason they broke up. Lol!


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What is the title of the song played in the scene where Yeo Reum and Sol were checking the bar's construction site?


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Hi All, what is the title of the song in the scene where Kang Tae Ha was having flashback? I love that song!


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