Odds and Ends: One chart to rule them all

girlfriday: So, are you all packed for KCON?

javabeans: I have a recap left to write, so obviously, nothing is packed. Recaps always come first, don’t you know?

girlfriday: Oh, I KNOW. The recap schedule, it owns us.

javabeans: You think we’re joking, but there’s a huge chart we plan our every movement around, and the recaps go up in bold colors and can’t be moved. That’s what happens when you start doing something a certain way, and everyone gets used to that schedule, and then you feel like you can never go on vacation.

girlfriday: Yes, you created the beast, so really, we have you to blame.

javabeans: Hate the sin, not the sinner? If it makes you feel better, I’m probably the one who suffers the most from it.

girlfriday: Why yes, that does make me feel better.

javabeans: I remember in the early days, when I was still experimenting with recaps and formatting and structure, and it was a bit of an arbitrary decision to decide that I would post recaps at 8pm on the night a drama aired.

girlfriday: And now that 8pm deadline rules us all.

javabeans: Back then I didn’t know if a one-day turnaround was reasonable, or if I should shoot for three days, or five, or whatnot. Televisionwithoutpity.com had its recaps up several days after the episode aired, so I thought that might work, but eventually settled on that night.

girlfriday: There’s a really nice immediacy to the live recap (live meaning that same day, not live-live), because you get to react to that episode alone, which is useful because dramas air twice a week. It does get a bit crazy to keep up with that schedule though.

javabeans: I think it became important for me to put up the recap before the next episode would air, to mimic the live-watching response experience. And some days I would finish the recap earlier, but I distinctly remember telling myself not to go down the bad path where I would feel like I had to rush all the time. I wanted to give myself enough time to leave the desk and maybe eat lunch (…even though I don’t), and have time to pay attention to details, rather than shoving out something before it was ready.

girlfriday: Which speaks to our motto in general, of valuing quality and consistency over pure speed. I do remember when it used to take me much longer to recap, though now the same-day 8pm recap schedule is so ingrained that I get frustrated if a show ever takes me longer.

javabeans: You do internalize a lot of that the more you do it, and it gets way more natural by the time you’re in your eighth year. (God.) For instance, now I can sense by where I am at a certain hour whether things are going smoothly or if I’m taking a long time. And when I’m done I can look at the word count and know that I rambled too much, or really glossed over things, because those things actually remain pretty consistent across shows—when you tell a story on a screen for 59 minutes, there’s only so much you can deviate from a norm.

girlfriday: It’s amazing just how consistent it is when you’re not even trying to be uniform about it, though I like when an episode deviates once in a while. Mostly our problem (or mine, at least) is rambling too much about any given thing. We have fun with the comments and the analysis, and given endless hours and word count, we’d just go on forever.

javabeans: Sometimes the meta realizations of recapping are enlightening too, because if I had a really hard time recapping a certain episode, it might be that I was tired that day, but it might also be a telltale sign that the episode went in circles. Sometimes that stuff is deceptive—it looks like a lot of stuff happened onscreen, but when you strip away the smoke and mirrors, you see what it really was. Sometimes it makes me appreciate a show more for being subtle or complex, and sometimes it makes me see glaring holes that get glossed over by slick production.

girlfriday: It’s probably a good thing that we only give ourselves a set number of hours to say what we have to say about an episode and then move on. I’ve also gotten so used to our schedule that trying to go back and catch up on a show gets really difficult.

javabeans: It’s painful once you have a set recapping process and then you derail that by getting off it, like for instance when you had to catch up on Marriage Not Dating recaps. In my mind, there are two ways I watch dramas: dramas I am recapping, and dramas I am not. You can’t mix the processes! My brain can’t handle it!

girlfriday: It’s probably why we each watch weekend dramas but rarely write about them, because we need to turn off our brains once in a while too! Also, this is why I watch variety shows, because they’re pure fun and not work.

javabeans: The problem to having a go-to system arises when you have disruptions like KCON, where four recappers are taken out of their recapping cocoon at the same time, and we’re all crazy enough that we don’t want to let real life delay our regularly scheduled programming at all. So then we just work ourselves into the ground so that our chart is appeased.

girlfriday: It’s a little nuts. I think it doesn’t help that you and I are both this crazy, because we’re the people who go on vacation and bring our laptops and recap from a hotel room.

javabeans: There’s no neutralizing force, no. But that’s why it’s actually really helpful this year to have our new minions too, because when the recaps are spread out more, you’ll always have something coming in.

girlfriday: Not that having new minions means we get to wash our hands of the other shows.

javabeans: Right, because we still watch everything and read everything before it gets posted. Not that the minions aren’t doing awesome jobs! We just need to be intimately familiar with anything that goes up on Dramabeans, because, well, it’s our house.

girlfriday: Basically what she means is, we’re control freaks. We might not be recapping all the shows ourselves, but we still have to keep up with them as if we are.

javabeans: Ironically (?), after we brought on new writers, the number of dramas I watch increased dramatically, which sort of negated the whole intention where we were going to relax a little more.

girlfriday: I think this is a classic case of: Less is More.

javabeans: But also, more is more too.


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Can I just say GF and GF, that having DB to read recaps my favorite shows has been a highlight for me. I love the recaps, they make me enjoy the site more. Often, after reading recaps,I go rewatch the eps and see things I missed. Reading comments here, replying them makes me feel like I'm a part of a community.

Seriously, the work you guys do is so important.

I love you guys. Mmmwah. Have a great time at Kcon.

Love to Gummi and HN2 too


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Typo * GF and JB


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Was that really a typo? Or do the girls resort to cloning themselves, Jeon Woo Chi-style, to keep up with their schedule? :D


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Dear javabeans and girlfriday. I appreciate your work so much. Sitting here in Denmark where no one understands my love for korean dramas, you and all the beanies give me the feeling of not being alone. Reading the recaps help me understand the dramas and often makes me laugh.
So thank you and keep up the good work.
If LA was a little closer I would be there, have a fun KCON.


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I agree, I am Australian and I am obsessed with Korean dramas, and people just don't understand. Your recaps help me understand the shows I watch and I feel like I'm a part of this community.
Thanks for all your hard work, I hope you know how much your readers appreciate it.


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I've been a regular reader of your site for years now, and I just want to say that I really appreciate and value all the hard work you guys put into your recaps.

It's always fun to watch a show and then hop on Dramabeans both for the analysis - I'm in on the cultural commentary and meta-jokes that would otherwise fly way over my head as a non-Korean - and to commiserate/share in the great and terrible moments!

These days, I don't usually start watching a series until I've read two or three episodes of recaps on Dramabeans - it's a surefire way for me to gauge whether a series is worth any of my time. Plus the recaps and commentary are so enjoyable that oftentimes I'll follow a series straight through without watching one episode - just reading your recaps.

You guys single handedly keep my drama obsession alive.

Thanks for all those late hours. They were not spent in vain.


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Ah yes, you're not the only one!! I always read DB recaps of the first two episodes too before I'll decide to give it a shot or not. And sometimes I just read the recaps all the way through before/occasionally instead of I even start the show. DB recaps are fun and interesting enough to be stand alone stories. I especially appreciate DB recaps for shows where I'm not likely to have patience to watch all the way through, but I'm still curious about because of their importance in the kdrama community. They also gather all the fans together to create a forum for us to discuss the shows in the comments, which is invaluable if you don't have many friends in the 'real world' who understand your love of kdrama.

So really, I just want to say a big huge thank you JB and GF, and all the other DB writers who make drama watching so much more special for all of us.


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I only reads the introduction to the recaps, but the idea is the same :)


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honestly you guys are the best ! i really donno how you guys recap all these shows ( and with extremely good work too! ) and also manage with the "real life" i dont think i could cope! but anyways *both thumbs up* to you guys !!! <3


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dear javabeans and girlfriday,how much do i love thee? unmeasurable :D its been a year now ive being reading your recaps, i stumbled across it after watching BOF (my 1st kdrama) and you guys have become part and parcel of my day,not a day goes by without me checking out DB. we DB redaers really love and appreciate all your efforts
Xoxo #muchlove


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I think it's amazing how quickly and reliably you recap.

Amazing, even more so given the quality of the recaps.


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I love this site....it has been such a regular activity to check Dramabeans everyday since I started watching K-dramas...and that too at the dot time when I know something new would be updated....

the timing did get changed a bit a few months back...

It's funny that earlier (before the new minions joined), we had most of the shows covered by JB and GF and also they collaborated many times for a show(it was so much fun)....but now it's reversed with Gummimochi and Heads taking up most of the shows and also collaborating while GF and JB recap alone.. :)

Anyway, hats off to you guys for maintaining the site so well!


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Just wanted to chime in with my thanks. I am really appreciative of both of you and all your "minions"! I know it can't always be easy but please know how many people's lives are made better by Dramabeans!


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I check DB every day and I just wanted to thank you guys for putting in so much effort to keep this high of a level. You're awesome!
I love reading the recaps simultanously to watching to check for references I missed and also because it makes me feel like I'm watching with a group of people and not alone ;)
You're schedule sounds insane to maintain, but for me that means that recap and subbed episode come out at about the same time so it's pretty perfect!
Thanks again for elevating my drama watching experience exponentially!!


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Dear javabeans and girlfriday,

Words can not express the joy i get from your website! I have been enjoying your work since i stumbled upon it while googling gaksital, ages ago... Love love love your recaps and insights as it gives me better understanding of the shows nuances since im non korean n have to rely on english subs. Thank you both (and your little minions now) for working so hard to maintain the quality recaps n insights on dramas. Like others before me said, you guys are my oasis in a sea of non kdrama fans where im from... So nice to be able to laugh n squee over something u wrote n noticed from a drama that i noticed too, n fangirling, gah! Love dramabeans so much, first site i check out everyday!

Wish i lived in the US, then i could even think about trying to go to KCON, though i wish you all a great, fun time!!


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Thank you for all your recaps and news. I really appreciate all your work. Have fun at the con.


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Imagining what life would be like without dramabeans is hard to do.

There are other sites, but none with the charm and wit and love. And that in turn brings the extended db family together.

Crazy love started the site, crazy love keeps the site, and crazy love makes me crazy for jb and gf.

Crazy love in a non makjang sort of way.

Even if I get amnesia, I still think I would cone back here and still have crazy love for DB.

Me and DB. OTP.

Thank you DB and those that keep DB.


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Couldn't agree more! Even if I get amnesia, my fingers would automatically come back to your website!

I can barely find enough time to keep up with all my dramas - have no idea how you manage to recap it too!

But let me add my thanks for keeping it real and crazy and professional and touching and funny - can't imagine watching k-dramas without Dramabeans!! Fighting, and have a great time at KCON!


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Hee.... are you still mad about FTLY 12??? HUGS
I will help you to kick the PDnim's ass if the cray cray continues ???


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Gosh this is so cheesy and embarrassing, but I just want to say:

I love you, guys!

I love how you write. Even if I agree/disagree with your analysis, you always write clearly and concisely. Even when you're "rambling" it sounds so well thought-out and like every word is supposed to be there and mean something. :')

My appreciation for you doubled when I tried recapping and realized how hard it is to leave out "stuff" or risk writing a whole novela-cap. Then there's the added confusion of which stuff to leave out, esp for great dramas where a throwaway scene can mean a whole lot more later on.

You didn't just teach me korean pop culture, you also influenced how I write and think. Reading your recaps taught me how to examine things with a more critical eye -- which doesn't just apply to shows or movies. It also applies to reading headlines and detecting bullsh*t in media-hyped newsbytes!

Thank you.


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They say age is not a barrier. Well GB and JB i've been reading your recaps since I was 13. Your site was a constant in my otherwise turbelent teenage years. Watching dramas became a joy to me, and the excitement waiting for your recaps to be posted up at 11am in my timezone became a daily routine for me. Yes, even in school i'll sneak read your recaps under my desk during classes or if I'm out in the morning and had no time to check, i'll just excuse myself from whatever social event i'm in and have a read in the toilet or somewhere private. Sometimes when I can't keep up with dramas, i'll just read the whole drama instead of watching it and catch up on the dramas during holidays (and reread back after watching). What my whole rant was about how much I really appreciate and love you guys so much to the point if I had it my way, I would have jump on a plane and fly to LA just to see you guys (and other beanies like hello! pratically my own safe haven being with other beanies) Really hope you guys have a blast and praying for Javabeans to meet puppy :D


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You Ladies (including te new minions) are the BEST!!

Thanks for the good work and have fun at KCON!

Dramabeans is a MUST companion to my kdrama watching!


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I thank you for your work and most of all for your passion.

I came up on K dramas and knowing very little about the Korean culture it was a new world you recaps have helped guide me into this new world and made it part of my world.

I know thanks on page is not much but I an grateful for all of you.


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Been a dramabeans-lover since '07. This site has actually impacted my life in such a positive way as to my understanding and appreciation of my heritage (and choco-abs). I owe a great debt of gratitude to DB :) Thank you, ladies!


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Hehe for chocoabs.


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Another samsooki sighting! :)


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Thank you so much JB, GF, Gummi, Heads, minions!

More power to Dramabeans!! :)


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Wow! Your inner-boss is a real trask master. You should probably stay on her good side with beer and cookies.

I am confident when I come to DB the content will be high quality. So, though shocking, it is not surprising to hear the work it takes. Thanks so much.

Have a fun time at KCON .


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I really enjoy your recaps, I even watch some dramas after reading the recap in DB.

Have a great time in KCON! ♥.♥ and please do take a pic with JungJoonYoung if you meet him there. *love that boy


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Thanks to everyone here in Dramabeans who recap shows for us! You guys totally rock!

Enjoy KCon GF and JB!!


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Love your breezy style and whole-hearted passion. I found you right after I started watching kdramas, and so appreciate your analysis and guidance regarding past shows. You're the only blog I read, and your wit and insights are always a boost.

Hope it's a great Kcon and that you...get stuck in an elevator with gdragon, play a game of spin the bottle with 2am, drink soju with your favorite actor during his brief bout of amnesia, and play rock, paper, scissors with Anthony--not the actor himself, but his temporary channeling of Anthony. Oh, and win a Candy door prize of brand name everything and a Seoul apartment in a building otherwise only occupied by chaebols, idols, and devastatingly handsome ghosts of all eras (including Men In Gats). Safe journey and fighting!


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A mere " Thank You" to you all in DB would have been insufficient-
I don't think I begin every day without reading your site first nor do I end it doing the same thing( obsession much ????)It was same cray cray mind that led me to your site while I was in my most difficult time in my life( health problem ??)But Oh, what a treasure I've stumbled upon ??- a site where I found beautiful people that share my passion AND gift me daily with recaps that either keep me in the loop with the drama and/ or explain to me( in details!!) of things that I couldn't have understood otherwise.
I want you all to know that I appreciate ALL of your hard work but also feel bad that I'm guilty in " stealing your real lives".
A very "Thank you very kamsa" ( hee he, Sorry Min Seok) from the bottom of my heart .
PS Also thank you for finding me a new family from your site( all my chingu's that I made since 06 here in DB)


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Right, I always visit this website right after I wake up, before I sleep and in between. Sometimes I visit this site like 10 X a day. Severe obsession on this site even though I don't read all the recaps.

I'm really thankful for JB, GF, Gummi, heads and other minions for keeping this site alive. You're doing great job!!


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I'm thankful to you, JB and GF and the rest of the writing minions. Whether it's to add insights or to provide a platform for everyone to chatter about kdramas, you made our watching experience a lot more fun and meaningful. Ladies, your work is deeply appreciated!^_^


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You guys are great. Thank you for all the hard work.


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I'm a k-Drama newbie and Dramabeans has been the best enabler! Thanks for all your hard work.

I think of DB the same way as I think of TWOP and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books -- places where "guilty" pleasures (no pleasures are guilty if no one gets hurt) are enjoyed and analyzed.


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Dramabeans is my homepage.


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If JB & GF live in the same city with me, or even the same country, I would send them care packages ever weeks! I will send them those nutrition drinks so that they can write more!! :P :P

Like someone above said, thank you is not enough. I love dramabeans since JB still wrote it alone in wordpress, and have no intention to leave this site anytime.



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JB and GF (and all the other minions) It must be kinda cool to realize how many people's lives you affect each week and how much joy you bring them. Sending my love your way too!

Have fun at KCon :-)


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Been here, more or less since BOF days, I preferred your recaps over the drama itself, 5/6 years later well... I'm still here lol. I really do appreciate everything the DB team writes/does for us non-Korean speaking fans.
Huuuuuge Thank You and deep bows to you all ;)


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Girlfriday and javabeans -

Isn't it grand in kdramaland
especially for us who are new
to spend hours upon hours with boys over flowers
and thumb through the family book Gu.

And if it so happens that one gets behind
no worries! recappers don't sleep
just a click on db and your drama you'll see
recapped [in living color] by gf and jb

Thanks for making kdramas so much fun!♥


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Thanks for all the hard work! Appreciate it :)


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I agree with everyone above!

Gosh so cheesy and embarrassing, but life without DB would be a lot more boring... It certainly makes watching dramas very insightful and special. So yeah, kamsamnida!
Have fun at KCON.


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I need to say a big huge thanks to my elder daughter for introducing Dramabeans to me..... and after reading my first recap, ....my life has never been the same again!
Thanks GF, JB, all the minions n all beanies too...watching dramas has been so much more fun!


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Thank you girls for all you do. I only picked up Korean drams four years ago, and I quickly discovered this website soon after, and honestly, I couldn't imagine watching dramas without having Dramabeans guiding me the whole way. I appreciate all the work every recapper does, and your devotion to this little obsession of ours is very admirable :)

(I wish I lived on the west coast--I see recaps after 10:00 here in the Midwest, and man, sometimes I stay up longer than I should commenting!)


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Hi JB and GF, I love love love DB. Thank you so much for the good work. Sometimes when I'm watching a scene from a drama, I think "I just know JB & GF would have fun with this!" & then you do & its just awesome! I am Nigerian and yea we do watch Kdramas over here also lol!


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Appreciate and admire the effort guys! Simply amazing. All the best to Dramabeans. ???


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I need a superlike button to tell how much i like recaps n its timeliness....

have a great KCON ~~!


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I really have to say thank you so much for working so hard to bring news and recaps to us. Honestly I always get a bit bummed if I start a new show and you guys don't end up/didn't recap it - I can still enjoy it, of course but it feels like something is missing without getting a chance to hear your insightful, illuminating, wonderful thoughts.

As someone who started out with pretty much no knowledge of Korean culture or society, it's really great to get some insight and clarification on things from people with that heritage and your analysis of the shows always helps me see things I would otherwise miss, be that the impetus for a frustrating plot point or a character that on the surface, seems to serve little purpose. This site is like the AV Club for dramas - a wonderful, mostly positive community for like-minded viewers from all over the world to share things that they're passionate about. You've done an amazing job and now seeing how hard you work and how self motivated you all are, I can really see why things have turned out so well. Thank you so much (to all of the recappers) and I hope you guys do let yourselves take breaks every once in awhile. We don't want you to get burnt out or to no longer enjoy what you do. <3


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Proud to have followed you guys since the early days. Many times, reading your guys' recaps are even more enjoyable than watching the drama itself! Love the wit and insight that accompanies every post. To many more years of Dramabeans. Cheers!!!


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Its been years since I started reading this site, so long I can't quite recall when this obsession started. I just wanted to thank all of you who put in all the effort to bring in the latest news and recaps to all of us out there. I've learned a lot about Korean culture from here, so much that my Korean friend calls me "the other Korean" (I'm Chinese btw).

I can't imagine a day without reading recaps and comments on your site. I don't have a group of friends who watch kdramas so its absolutely wonderful to come to the site and read your insights and people's comments. I feel as if we are all part of an intellectual analysis and discussion that isn't easily found in other sites or forums. Your comments are so entertaining and spot on I often just read recaps and forgo watching the series altogether because the recaps are so much more entertaining.

DB has also been my new standard in starting a new drama. After spending prob over 10 years watching kdramas and having less and less free time to watch them, my criterion for starting one has become more selective and I read through the recaps first before determining if its worth my time. There are many dramas I have passed on, determining it was not my cup of tea, but DB has introduced me to a whole slew of quality dramas I would not have started or even heard of without recaps. (My latest crack is Marriage Not Dating and let me say, its been years since I've been so addicted and been moved to laugh and cry with a drama.)

Thank you all at Dramabeans! Your work hasn't been for naught! So grateful to have this site! Fighting!


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All so true!

I have a fresh little anecdote for that. Yesterday I was in a video store with a friend who was buying some Chinese subtitled DVDs for her (very) elderly mother-in-law. Because of Dramabeans reviews I could give her a rundown on most of what was in the Korean drama section. ...And quietly warn her away, after the store clerk recommended Dr. Jin, Doctor Stranger and Heirs as must-have purchases. LOL.


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thanks for all the hardwork and enjoy KCon, I am sure you will.

quick question, I can't read Korean, but what drama are the screen caps from?


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It's flower boy next door !


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I've been reading the site for a good four years or so, and it's gotten to the point I check Dramabeans almost as much as I check my Facebook out of pure habit. There are some dramas (I'm looking at you doctor jin) that are more fun to read as recaps with the side commentary than actually watching the show myself. I'm always grateful for the amount of work you all put into the website.


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I love you guys and truly appreciate all the hard work you and your minions put forth to make this community the, in my opinion, best place to come and talk about dramas on the web.

Is it weird to say I feel like Dramabeans is a community and I've been welcomed with open arms?

In real life I'm an overweight nerdy male who also happens to be extremely introverted and some other issues that make it hard for me to meet and connect with new people especially women. So let me say again thank you for creating this community and making everyone feel welcomed.


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You girls are amazing! Like so many have already posted, I check the site daily since I began the whole Kdrama/Kpop obcession several years ago. Dramabeans is like a gateway drug. LOL Thanks for all you do. And though it may feel tiring some days, just come and read some of the many comments your readers leave in appreciation of all you do.


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You girls are amazing! Like so many have already posted, I check the site daily since I began the whole Kdrama/Kpop obsession several years ago. Dramabeans is like a gateway drug. LOL Thanks for all you do. And though it may feel tiring some days, just come and read some of the many comments your readers leave in appreciation of all you do.


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Sorry for the double post.


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Thank you, so so so much for all that you do, girlfriday, javabeans, and all the recappers here. We do appreciate your devotion and the drama-watching experience we have from dramabeans, of sharing thoughts and analyses with you guys and others. I found this site because of You're Beautiful and am so glad I did.

With that said, when work becomes just work, I wish there was a way to let you guys have more of a break. I personally don't mind if the recap isn't up immediately that night, but I understand why you guys are persistent about that 8pm deadline. And it's not just about the recaps, but also the news updates. The devotion you have for this site is incredible, and you guys are amazing. Have fun at KCON, I hope you get to see Lee Seung Gi!


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Dear All Recappers,

Your posts make my day:) The reason why we are all so crazy about dramabeans is because your recaps are addictive!

When I don't have the time to watch the drama, I just read your recaps and I am good to go:) Thanks for your hard work!


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I love that you "live" recap so many dramas - enjoy the immediacy of it all, being able to watch the drama as soon as the Chinese subs come out (usually under 10 hours after the show airs which is amazing thanks to so many volunteer subbers out there!), then being able to relive it and clarify some points in the episode by reading your recaps. But JB and GF as well as the other recappers - take care of yourselves! If it means the recaps will come out a little later, so be it!


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I love the DB family...

My kdrama watching is a lot more exciting because of Dramabeans.

More Power!


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