Marriage Not Dating: Episode 15

As it always is with this couple, whether fake or real, the greatest obstacle they face is family. Ki-tae thinks confrontation can be avoided, but Jang-mi has learned a thing or two about relationships, and knows that there is no difference between marriage and dating when it comes to Mom. The root of the problem is that no matter what label they put on it, they’re already in a love triangle as old as time: between a woman, a man, and his mother.


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EPISODE 15: “Two women who love one man”

As we revisit all of Jang-mi’s emotional, violent, embarrassing outbursts with beer, dried fish, and other sundry goods in hand, she narrates that she really did not want to be that girl in front of “that person” anymore.

But as she’s saying it, she approaches Ki-tae and his mother ominously with a pitcher full of makgulli. They shrink back in terror and scream “Noooooooooo!” in slow motion, but she throws the makgulli right at them, and then laughs maniacally.

Rewind to the morning after the sleepover, when Jang-mi comes rustling out of the bedroom in nothing but a T-shirt to find Ki-tae’s mom standing in the living room in shock, surrounded by underwear strewn about—undeniable evidence that this was not an innocent playdate.

To make matters worse, Ki-tae comes out only half-dressed in a robe. Mom just spins on her heels and walks out without a word. As soon as she goes, they scramble to put some clothes back on, nearly trading underpants in the process.

They race out to catch Mom before she gets in the car, and she points out how many unbelievable incidents she’s had to swallow since she met Jang-mi: Ki-tae bringing her home as his fiancée to wreak havoc, finally accepting her only to find that it was all a lie, and now seeing them together after promising not to hurt each other again.

Mom asks how she’s supposed to accept this, asking incredulously if they really mean to try and marry after the epic fiasco between their families. But Ki-tae jumps in to say that they aren’t going to be married—they’re only going to date. Hearing it come out of Ki-tae’s mouth like that seems to shake Jang-mi, and Mom scoffs even harder, if that’s possible.

Later at the bar, Jang-mi confesses that she didn’t like hearing Ki-tae tell Mom that, even though it was really her idea not to marry him. Hyun-hee guesses that she does want to marry, while Yeo-reum thinks it’s more about being accepted by Mom as Ki-tae’s equal.

Hyun-hee calls that a pipedream and asks how two women who love one man can ever get along. Did she just sum up all mothers and daughters-in-law in one pithy statement? I’m sure it’s more complicated, but that sounds about right.

Ki-tae goes home to calmly explain to Mom that he’s sincere about Jang-mi and this isn’t some attempt to rebel. Mom doesn’t believe that Jang-mi is sincere about him though, and accuses her of working with Yeo-reum because she plans to live her life like Ki-tae’s father—love and needs met in two separate people. Ouch.

Ki-tae defends her, but Mom isn’t convinced. Jang-mi calls on his way out, concerned that they ought to go see Mom and explain things, but he just tells her not to worry about it.

Back in the house, Grandma thinks all of this is a good sign that Ki-tae is maturing, but Mom says the kids don’t plan to get married. Grandma catches on that what Mom is really upset about is that Jang-mi didn’t come with Ki-tae, and suggests a plan to find out what Jang-mi’s true feelings are. Mom seems intrigued.

Over at Jang-mi’s house, her mother continues to get one-word postcards from Dad and sighs. She still thinks Jang-mi is frying chicken all day, and finally hears that she opened a restaurant with her friends. Mom laments that she spent her entire life to get away from selling alcohol, and Jang-mi’s doing it voluntarily.

She argues that there’s nothing wrong with selling liquor at a restaurant and doesn’t see what’s so bad about people having a drink after a long day, but Mom only sees her own unhappiness, and tells Jang-mi that she can be their witness in court that her marriage was a failure.

Jang-mi is distracted all day at work, and the team sighs that business has slowed severely after their grand opening. Yeo-reum says it’s because their kimchi pancakes aren’t up to snuff, and asks Jang-mi where that kimchi came from that first time he made them back at Hoon-dong’s place. She cringes—that’s Ki-tae’s mom’s kimchi.

Just then, Ki-tae’s aunt comes running in to tell Jang-mi that Grandma has collapsed, and she’s delirious and demanding Jang-mi’s pancakes. Pfft, that is the worst lie ever. Yeo-reum calls Ki-tae to tell him as much, and reports that Jang-mi fell for it and ran off crying. Ha, of course she did.

Grandma watches with one eye open as Jang-mi wails adorably, crying that she didn’t mean to put her through all of this and that she really likes Ki-tae now. They all smile, and Mom tells her she can stop crying because Grandma’s faking it. Grandma says she’s just getting revenge for being tricked by their fake engagement, which is pretty awesome.

Jang-mi ends up making pancakes per Grandma’s request, and coaxes Mom to join them. She says she has something important to say knowing that it’s overstepping, and Mom calmly waits for her to ask for another chance… except she asks for Mom to sell her kimchi instead. Hahaha.

Mom seethes and asks if Jang-mi really expects her to give up her kimchi so she can take it to that other man. Jang-mi says she knows how much she hurt Ki-tae’s family, which is why she’s being careful. Mom bites back that her idea of careful seems to be dating instead of marrying and seeing two men at once.

Jang-mi admits that the reason she’s running the bar with Yeo-reum in the first place is to be acknowledged by Mom—so that she sees that she’s good at something, and is someone worthy of Ki-tae. That seems to land sincerely and Mom looks up at her.

But then Ki-tae ruins the moment by barging in and getting all defensive on Jang-mi’s behalf, and pulls her out of there before they can finish the conversation. He asks how she could fall for such a dumb lie and come back here, after everything she’s suffered in this house. He’s totally overreacting, but she sees that he’s worried about her.

She wants to go back inside and earn Mom’s understanding, but Ki-tae shouts that she’ll never ever understand, and he doesn’t need it anyway. Jang-mi wonders why he’s so dead-set on not even trying, and later when she talks to Yeo-reum about it, they agree that Ki-tae must be terrified of seeking his mother’s acceptance and not getting it.

Yeo-reum asks if he’s causing problems for her and Ki-tae’s mom, but she insists a little too much that that isn’t the case.

Ki-tae talks to Hoon-dong about their dating-not-marriage arrangement, and Hoon-dong scoffs that he’s dumb—of course Jang-mi wants to get married. He figures it’s just a matter of time before Ki-tae joins his world: “I welcome you to the world’s most vicious love triangle.” To drive the point home, Hoon-dong’s mother barges in and starts nitpicking Hyun-hee for not being here, when she’s the one who told her to stay home.

Jang-mi closes up the bar alone, and Ki-tae comes to pick her up. They share ddukbokki at his place, which is just an excuse for spicy kisses, and then brush each other’s teeth before bed.

She gets him to massage her legs again and starts to say something haltingly, and he interrupts to say that she should let him say this stuff first. He brings up marriage and says that since he broached the topic, she can say honestly if she wants to get married.

She laughs and says that she does want to get married… eventually. But she doesn’t think now is the time. She says she’s been burned by marriage a lot and wants to be careful until she’s absolutely sure.

He asks why she’s so concerned about Mom then, and she says it’s because she’s important to Ki-tae. She wants to try her best instead of just sitting by and doing nothing, clearly trying to nudge him to do the same. But Ki-tae just shuts down the conversation about Mom and holds her close, declaring that he’s content like this, just the two of them.

She asks herself why those words that would’ve sounded so sweet to her before, now have a bitter sting. She wonders if it’s really possible to find happiness on their own, just the two of them.

Ki-tae’s dad comes running home with the good news that he’s made it past the first round of the selection committee to be named president of his university, and he has the gall to ask Mom to wine and dine the wife of the chairman of the board.

Mom does her part and takes the chairman’s wife to Ki-tae’s clinic and then to Jang-mi’s restaurant. Ki-tae freaks out thinking Mom’s planning something devious, but she’s taken care to call Jang-mi ahead of time and doesn’t really seem to have an ulterior motive in play.

Jang-mi does a fantastic job of being a gracious hostess, and thanks the chairman’s wife for being the first person who ever tried their kimchi pancake pizza at the wine club meeting and giving them the inspiration for their new venture. And when she says that it doesn’t taste quite the same, Jang-mi credits Mom’s kimchi as the secret ingredient that’s missing.

She does such a great job that Ki-tae gives her a thumbs-up and a wink, and even Mom seems pleased.

Just as I’m starting to think things are going TOO well, Dad rounds the corner with his mistress on his arm, and she leads him to this great new restaurant she’s heard so much about… Oh. Crap.

Sure enough, they walk right into Jang-mi’s place and everyone freezes. I especially like the look of terror on the mistress’s face when she sees Jang-mi. Dad knows no shame, and baldly lies that Ki-tae called him here (Ki-tae: “No I didn’t.”) and that the woman on his arm is his sister. Wow, just wow.

He sits down and directs his “sister” to join them, and even the mistress is appalled. Jang-mi watches all of this unfold with makgulli in her hand, and starts to coax herself to calm down as we catch up to the opening scene.

She tries but can’t help herself, and her lips curl into a snarl as she just pitches the entire carafe right at Dad’s face. It’s so goddamn satisfying. Everyone gasps in horror and Jang-mi cackles insincerely that she tripped and fell… but then she snaps out of the reverie and we see that she was just fantasizing about it. Boo.

Still, she thinks it’s a decent plan of action and approaches the table ready to douse Dad in liquor. But Mom beats her to it and spills a bottle of water all over Dad’s pants, and casually tells his “sister” to help him home. It’s no makgulli shower, but I like that he looks like he peed his pants.

The chairman’s wife asks if that was the woman that Mom fought with at the department store, and Mom admits as much but covers for Dad till the end—she says that it’s her fault because she tends to be controlling and difficult to live with, and that her husband’s “sister” took his side in an argument and they fought.

Ki-tae watches his mother dejectedly and follows her home for a confrontation. He asks what she’s doing all this for—being the perfect wife, the perfect daughter-in-law, the perfect mother. He thinks she does it so that no one can say anything bad about her, but that in reality she’s just shutting the world out. He brings Mom to tears, and thankfully Grandma interrupts to throw Ki-tae out.

Aunt shows Grandma the magazine interview that Ki-tae did and when she reads the part about why he loves being in that apartment (his best memories are of being there alone as a child), she decides to go pay him a visit.

Grandma asks if he really doesn’t remember, and sets his memory straight—he was there with Mom, when she first learned that Dad was a cheating bastard and left the house intending to divorce him. But Grandma barged in and dragged Ki-tae away from her, refusing to let her take the family’s sole heir.

Ki-tae realizes now that Mom has suffered and stayed in that marriage because of him—because she couldn’t give up her son. Grandma says she’s not trying to make him feel guilty, but he needs to know that his happiest days weren’t alone, but with his mother. He wonders why he remembers it differently, and she says that though he might not see her in his memories, his mother was always beside him, like air.

Mom sits at home alone, when Jang-mi shows up with drinks knowing that Mom needs one right about now. She doesn’t turn Jang-mi away and even smiles, grateful for the gesture. It’s the cutest thing.

They proceed to get sloshed on makgulli, and Jang-mi muses that Mom must still love Dad to cover for him like that. Mom scoffs that it isn’t love; she’s protecting her family because family is all that she has. It’s what she spent her whole life to preserve, so without it, her life amounts to nothing.

Jang-mi listens sympathetically and says that all she has is Ki-tae, which is why she needed to do well with her restaurant, so that she didn’t end up someone who leaned on him for everything. She says that she wants to see Ki-tae for a long, long time and Mom seems to finally understand.

What she doesn’t get is why Jang-mi tries so hard with her—more than is necessary—for them to understand each other. Jang-mi thinks about it and says with a smile, “Because you and I love one man.” Awwww.

Mom tells her to go before they get even drunker, and then casually tosses out a figure for how much her kimchi will cost them. Jang-mi chases her around the house trying to negotiate her down with aegyo, and then calls Hyun-hee on her way home to say that she scored Mom’s kimchi after all.

Ki-tae sits alone in his dark apartment letting Grandma’s words sink in, and finally picks up the phone to call Mom. She tells him that she had a drink with Jang-mi, and says with mock sympathy that Jang-mi suffers from the same illness that she has—living and dying by others’ approval.

He laughs that they really are similar, and it worries him. He used to like Jang-mi thinking she was Mom’s complete opposite, but it turns out they’re more alike than he ever knew. He gets serious and starts to say something, and she waits patiently for him to say what’s on his mind. But he just bursts into tears and can’t get past, “Mother…”

But he doesn’t need to say the words for her to know, and she just listens to him sobbing into the phone with tears in her eyes.

By the time Jang-mi comes over to Ki-tae’s house, he’s asleep in bed, and she crawls in beside him and whispers about how his mother approved of her today and how proud and happy she is.

She wraps her arms around Ki-tae and falls asleep, and he opens his eyes, only now remembering the way he fell asleep in his mother’s arms the same way as a child. Jang-mi narrates that being with someone is accepting the path that they’ve walked up until now, and all of the relationships that come with it.

Jang-mi’s mom gets another set of postcards from Dad, this time asking if she’s eaten and if she isn’t sick. She wells up with tears and chides him for taking so long to ask, while Dad eats alone and wonders why she can’t reply just once.

Ki-tae comes out of his clinic all dressed up in a suit with a bouquet of roses at the ready, and Hoon-dong sighs that he’s digging his own grave. But Ki-tae says he heard bells and skips off to do the deed, and Hoon-dong ends up cheering him on in the end.

Ki-tae gets down on one knee and presents the flowers… to Jang-mi’s mother. She eyes him skeptically and asks what he’s apologizing for at this point since it’s all over, and he admits that it’s not over and he wants to get her approval to keep seeing Jang-mi.

He puts the flowers in her hand and looks up with his best puppy eyes, and pwahahaha, he does this… wiggle. Twice. It’s indescribably embarrassing-cute.

But Mom isn’t about to forgive him with a pout-wiggle or two, and beats him over the head with the flowers until the entire living room is covered in rose petals. He scrambles around the room, and in the chaos, he sees a note from the hospital that says she’s been diagnosed with breast cancer. Ack.

Mom snatches it out of his hand, and he asks, “Does Jang-mi know?” Meanwhile, Jang-mi runs around on cloud nine after getting their first kimchi delivery, totally in the dark about what’s going on with her family.


I really enjoy that this drama spends so much of its time on family, so that it’s the extended love story between two households. It takes up a weekend family drama theme but tells it in much more economical ways (for starters, in 16 episodes instead of 50) and still hits all the poignant emotional beats between parents and children. It’s a wonder that a show that does so well with side family characters did such a poor job with side romantic characters, because Mom never gets reduced to a plot device or becomes irrationally hateful even though that’s a drama’s go-to conflict crutch.

It says something that earning Mom’s love is just as satisfying as confirming their feelings for each other, because we know from going through it the first time that their happily ever after isn’t sealed with a kiss or a proposal. Jang-mi’s relationship with Mom feels genuinely earned over time with each encounter, until we get to the point when Jang-mi no longer needs to stick up for Mom because she’s changed her, and Mom can spill her own pitcher all over Dad.

I liked Mom’s assessment that they suffer from the same approval-seeking illness. Mom lives to be acknowledged for her sacrifice for her family, and Jang-mi is the only one who sees that clearly; Jang-mi lives to be acknowledged for who she is without Ki-tae so that she’s seen as his equal, and Mom will be the harshest critic in that regard, making hers the only approval worth its salt. It’s no wonder that they regard each other as so important, even if the relationship is aggravating.

What makes Jang-mi and Ki-tae so great is that each has deep-seated issues with his or her own parents, and by now we’ve come full circle so that they’re at each other’s homes fixing the other’s problems. Every time Ki-tae and his mother clash it seems like they’ll never get past that chasm between them, but Jang-mi bridges the gap by just accepting them both as they are, and loving them earnestly.

I like that Ki-tae doesn’t change overnight and that maybe that phone call will be as much as they ever say about the past to one another, but his relationship with Mom feels healed the moment he understands her and tries to see things from her perspective. He went from being completely self-centered (Mom doesn’t understand ME!) to realizing that he was the one who needed to put himself in her shoes. Maybe he didn’t know it then how much Mom loved him, but he knows now how much Jang-mi loves him, and he’s not going to make the same mistake twice.

And now of course it’s Ki-tae’s turn to step up and heal some of Jang-mi’s scars and put her family back together. Perhaps when you’re this involved in each other’s lives, there’s no difference between marrying without dating and dating without marrying—you’re just in the thick of it, together, for better or worse.


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you are awesomeness itself~~! very timely... I was in my lowest looking for my fix of Marriage Not Dating.. and here it is~~! the website where I watch the episode for my usual spot for fix has disappeared...

much appreciated.... now to soak up the recap~~~


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kdrama.com has all of the MnD episodes. They seem to have a licensing deal with tvN; all of tvN's recent shows are on the site, and they're going to simulcast Plus Nine Boys replacing MnD in the Friday-Saturday timeslot.


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thanks... unfortunately website is not available in my region..


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@ Pyromaniac,

Have you considered using vpn as a workaround for your drama fix?

This may be of interest, your choice of course : https://hola.org/


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@ Pyromaniac : try this too... http://www.dramabay.com/marriage-without-love/

it's superfast without subtitles and equally fast once the subs are ready. just refresh and update

I'm 8 hrs behind Seoul (summer time) and I will be counting + 3 hours after the drama on air the I will refresh or check the dramapage


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Why don't you try gooddrama.net or dramacool.com


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try dramafire.com or viki.com(legal)


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gooddrama is fast, available anywhere (my country is narnia according to the internet).

you can also download dramania on your phone (android) and download the clips or watch them online.


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That phone scene between Ki-tae and mom. T.T so much feels~


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Yes! That was such a good scene. I cried along with both of them. Well done on part of both actors.


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Ahhhhh, Gi Tae! When he cried, I cried. And when his heart broke, so did mine. Definite kudos to both actors in the scene!


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Every scene that mom cried, I cried :(


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Yes, that phone scene with Gi Tae and his mom just broke my heart and I cried along with them. Thank goodness he finally realized all his mother suffered and endured just because of him. We now know WHY halmoni can NOT talk to her son about his infidelity because she enabled him. If she had allowed Gi Tae's mom to divorce his dad all those years ago, maybe he would have ditched the slut eons ago and gone back to his wife.

Trust Jang mi, she has a special talent for worming confidences from anyone, even the hardest stone. Her gift is that she's full of empathy and has intuition about people, her gut feelings are usually right. Too bad she couldn't see what was right under her nose with her mom's cancer.

Loved, loved, loved the drinking scene between Gi Tae's mom and Jang mi. They've become best of pals and business partners and it's great to see. I am happy mom is doing something for herself that will give her some independent income (though small) and is not centered on the family.

As for Gi Tae's dad I do hope Karma does her job well, and he doesn't get that promotion he's been angling for. Let him get his comeuppance and soon, he really is a snake!


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That scene between Ki-tae and his mother may very well end up being my favorite scene in this drama and I think that really speaks to how well this drama developed the side characters. Instead of Mom just being used as a plot device to introduce obstacles to the main pairing, I was as invested in her relationship with Ki-tae as his relationship with Jang-mi. Fingers crossed the finale makes it a home run but MnD is probably going to be one of my favorite dramas of all time.


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Agree with you,,, I really love Ki Tae crying scene. that's the most realistic crying scene in K-Drama. he wipe his own tears unlike the others who usually just let it down their face to add more dramatic vibe. but this one is the best... I used to think that Joo In Sung is the best for crying scene but I change my mind now. Ki Tae you win over Joo In Sung for Best Crying scene.....


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You are so fast!
I loved this episode. It is very touching, and I am glad of the depth of character that they gave to Gi Tae's mom.
She is not evil, but just want to do what she thinks is perfect for a family.
I love the bonding between the 2 women.
I can't wait for the last episode for tomorrow.
We are going to have a wedding, right ???? :-)


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Thanks for the recap.
Show, you will NOT be the death of me. I will NOT sit in a corner and cry when you are over. I will NOT... Oh who am I kidding, I love you show. I love you like Gi-tae loves Jang-mi. Like Hyun-hee loves luxurious things. Like Hoon-dong loves himself. I'm going to miss you. Oh my feels.


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Haha, love your comment!

But seriously, I don't know whether I've ever cried over a show being over before, but I think it's highly possible that a could cry over this one...


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Awww. So more than almost everything else in this drama, I have looked forward to Ki-tae's reconcilation with his mom. And I had faith that the show would deliver in these last two episodes…but damn. The drama went and exceeded my expectations. Like seriously. That twist broke my heart. This whole time I was wondering why we weren't getting more info on how he ended up in the apartment and why we weren't shown the times he had there that were so special to him. Once again, this drama proved that it had a plan all along. AHHH like seriously show. My heart was breaking for them and pulling for them to make up already, but then you add that?! She's been enduring this whole time for him, and once he grew up, she was probably to set in her ways to know how to break free. When they finally broke down on the phone together, I lost it but not because I was sad, but because I was so happy!!! It just felt like this great weight had been lifted.

What I loved:

1. Every single scene (It's amazing what the lack of Kang Se-ah can accomplish LOL)

2. Alright if I'm being more specific: I love when Ki-tae picked her up from work :) And when Ki-tae openly broached the topic of marriage to Jang-mi and asked her how she felt about it. I was so happy. It's wonderful to see the effects of last episode lasting and for him to make sure that she's being honest about what she wants. He definitely showed in that scene that he still had things he needed to face, but it was still lovely.

3. Love when Jang-mi impresses them at the restaurant and Ki-tae gives this look like he's so proud.

4. Adore the drinking scene between Jang-mi and mom so funny and lovely all at once!

5. Lastly, love how, after Ki-tae's finally learned all about his mom and the apartment, Jang-mi just comes and embraces him the same way his mom did and he opens his eyes, and just gets this look like he's totally ready to marry her. So excited to see him win-over her parents next episode and help them come together again!

I can't believe there's only 1 episode left, you guys. I'm not ready to say goodbye!!!


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Yes manseh to no Se-ah. It was someone cracked open a window and let all the musty craziness out. How great would it have been if mum had accidentally on purpose spilled hot coffee on dad's lady bits instead of water, and then Jang-mi accidentally on purpose tips that makgulli pitcher on shameless hussy. Priceless. The crying scene, Oh God I think my heart grew like the Grinch's at Christmas.


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I just sat at my computer after the episode ended and just didn't know what to do with myself. I mean, I'm still crying and I really love this show. I really don't want it to end tomorrow.
I was thinking that Jang Mi's mom was being a bit cruel but then found out about the cancer and could understand why she wanted her daughter to be better off, in case she dies soon.
I'm really glad that most the actors are pulling me in. I'm really looking forward to what Han Groo and Yeon Woo-Jin do after this.


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Wow, Yeon Woo-Jin was acting up a storm in this episode. He had me crying like a baby in the phone call with his mom, then a moment later laughing out loud at his attempt at aegyo with JM's mom. Very good.


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Yes, he had me crying too. One of the best scenes but what am I saying? So many great scenes from this episode there's no choosing.

Amazing episode! Daebak!


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Agree 100%. The emotions, the fact that he could only cry even though he had so much to say was so sad but probably not enough. And when his voice broke, my heart broke too. Yeon Woo Jin is such an amazing actor, hope he gets plenty of lead roles from now on. And how amazing is the OST that played by G.O.D during the scene? 'Haruman~' gets me every freakin' time *standing ovation to the actors, scene and music*


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I feel absolutely privileged to be watching this show and another one I shall not name (regular commenters should know which one I mean :-) ).
These shows have made me cry and laugh in the same episode. Made me FEEL so deeply. I am in awe.

MnD crew,I will miss you sooooo much. I can't believe I have just one more episode with you guys.

This is one of the if not the best episode so far. There were scenes I laughed so much at I shed tears and then there was that one powerful scene where I actually just cried. Gi Tae crying over the phone with his mum got me right in the center of my heart. I cried with him, felt like I was experiencing all his emotions. Gosh, I love this drama

Scenes that made me laugh the hardest include (but are not limited to):
1. the rice throwing on the dad, though it was just her imagination, I loved it. Lol.
2. Gi Tae and his ridiculous aegyo with Jang Mis mum. So goolish son. Lmaooooo

Sigh, I could go on..... loved this episode, loved the recap......

It's amazing how they have all evolved over 15 eps isn't it? Can't believe I really like Hoon Dong now and Omoni!

Awesome job writers, Awesome job


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I'm so sad this show is ending. Out of all the shows that get extensions this one would be perfect because its not all centered around some crazy plot but the connections between the characters.

And I knew mom had cancer. When she told dad she couldn't waste anymore of her life 2 or 3 episodes back. But with breast cancer as long as the prognosis is good there is a very high chance of recovery!


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Let's just take a moment to say "hurray!" for no Se Ha in this episode.


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actually after I red this comment, I just realize it. LOL


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they're so cute they're so cute I just can't. So cute so cute so cute.

I thought I'll be a goner once this finish airing.. But thank god for Discovery of romance to fill the void.

Jang Mi and Ki Tae I will miss you both so much :(


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So much happiness!!! Thank you girlfriday, you are the best with your faster than light awesome recap!!! Love our OTP sooo much, so much heart and cuteness!


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Thanks for the recap.
Oh man! The scene on the phone with his Mom.
YWJ is sooo good. KHS can show inner turmoil with the slightest nuanced facial expressions.
I was sobbing for them both in happiness.
It amazed me how with no words he was able to say how much he loved both JM and his mother.

It will be my favorite scene for the series.


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If I was a young actor or actress in Korea I would move heaven and earth to try and be cast in a show with KHS ... no better way to learn the craft than from the best.


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Thank you for the recap.

This sweet series my delicious dessert treat that I allow myself as a reward for doing what had to be done all week.

Today I found myself watching the time on the episode tick down with ever increasing horror knowing that every passing minute brings me closer to the end.


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ok so i was watching YFAS again some days ago and guess who i saw in it YEO WOO JIN (i hope i got that right) YUpp thats right GONG GI TAE. he played the role of HWi kyung'S brother the one that was murdered by JAe kyung
i was so suprised to see him there


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Yeah, he had a cameo in that! I remember at the time I was super happy because I hadn't seen him in anything for awhile :)


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OMG I totally forgot his cameo in YFAS! Shame on me! It's weird, I remember vividly the scene with him slowly dying; just so bad!


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I'm not even going to address the inevitable fact that this drama is ending tomorrow. I'll just live in my happy land where I still have 16 episodes to look forward to... I need a time machine.

I love the emphasis on family in this drama. I wish the main networks would learn a thing or two about how to write interesting family members without turning them into sociopathic bitches. I don't even remember the last time I watched a drama where I love every single character - I don't think its ever happened yet.

The phone scene was fantastic, and I got teary. It's the closest Ki-tae will ever come to expressing himself to his mother and apologizing for maybe not trying to understand why she made those choices. Ironically, he didn't even say a word which made it all the more powerful. No matter what he says, deep down he wants his mom's approval which is why he always tries to make it look like he couldn't care less. He's scared of being disappointed so he doesn't even try to hope. I'm glad he's slowly learning what it means to expect from others and allow them to hold some sort of power in his life.

Jang-mi and Mom are just awesome together - they're my favourite ship for the episode! I loved it when Mom acknowledged Jang-mi's efforts to get her approval. I truly believe mom wanted to be proven wrong and for Jang-mi to really be who she's trying to show she is. So the business deal and the eventual family acceptance makes me so happy because like GF said, its so hard earned and thus, precious.

One of the best things about this drama is that it didn't try to inject that separation storyline for too long. When it happened, it felt necessary and organic. Now that they're together, its more about mending each other's families and hopefully having everyone accept their relationship. I really do hope Jang-mi's mom will be cured and that it would serve as a means for her to reflect on her choices. Maybe the reality that life is too short to live without your loved ones will help her just jump the last hurdle and reconcile with her husband. I don't want a bitter-sweet ending, and I hope the writers won't make the cancer malignant.

I'm going to cry blood of tears tomorrow or something. It's been a very long while since I've been obsessed with a drama and really fear withdrawals.


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"I’ll just live in my happy land where I still have 16 episodes to look forward to… I need a time machine."

- I will be joining you, lol.


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This ".. how to write interesting family members without turning them into sociopathic bitches.."

This show proves that you CAN make a great show without filling it up with sociopaths. I just hope the other writers get a clue. This is one of the very rare shows where I actually liked most of the characters (except KT's sleazebag dad of course).

I just totally love this show, which is rare nowadays as I am close to terminal burnout on anymore of the formula driven cliché ridden ones that have dominated for so long.


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Jus when I thought it couldn't get any better..The show jus rips your heart apart with character backstories..I did not see kt mom leaving his dad only to get drag back in cause she couldn't leave her son..always felt weird that kt was alone in the house by himself..now it all comes to light and kt finally sees that his mom didn't want a perfext family..she jus wanted the best for him..that scene with grandma and then talking on the phone with his mom..When even words can't describe how u truly feel..The emotions from kt was jus amazing and kt mom being on the other end finally has her son back


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This show is awesome.They really do succeed in pulling the right notes
The romantic family drama in its greatest format.
Just love the cast.I am sure that I will see more of Yeon Woo jin,and I really do hope that I will see more of Han Groo,I am watching her for the first time,and by god she is awesome.Why,just why can't drama people cast talents like her instead of idols is just beyond me.


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I also enjoyed Han Groo in Can We Get Married.


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IKR, I liked her character better than the lead girl.


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this is the first show that has made me cry in a looong time and i appreciate that. BUT WHY, CANCER, WHY?
also, the water spilling? A-MAZING.


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Either the chairman’s wife is very perceptive or Dad's cheating is an open secret. Even though the chairman’s wife deliberately dropped the issue, I still wished one of the kids stuck up for Mom. I also liked how the water made Dad look like he peed his pants, but I wish the makgulli shower was real because it would have been another brownie point for Jang Mi. My biggest wish was for the mistress to sit down next to Dad and be collateral damage. Still don't quite understand how Ki Tae conveniently forgot his mother lived with him in that house, but I'll chalk it up to his parents' separation was a traumatic experience for him.

They went the cliche route with Jang Mi's mother, which only proves noble idiocy runs in her family. Mom leaving Dad "for his own good." Gotta say I'm surprised the final episode is going to focus on Jang Mi reconciling with her parents instead of reconciling with Ki Tae's mother, which was addressed today. Their drinking makgulli together was so cute seeing Mom genuinely smile and kid around with the price of her kimchi. Hopefully, the cancer trope is resolved quickly. Mom will get treatment, be cured, done.

This couple is so cute, I can't let them go. It was so sweet when he picked her up at work and fussed about how dangerous it was for her to close up the bar alone late at night. Not to mention, their ddukbokki kisses. I will miss them.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Can we have a moment for Ki Tae's mom's awesomeness? I took a risk and joined Team Mom earlier on and I'm so glad I did because Mom is my favorite character. Her character is so refreshing and her journey has been so fulfilling to watch. I find myself cheering her on and wishing that more kdrama female leads followed her trajectory.

The writers have developed her story so beautifully and I want more of the drama if for no other reason than to see what happens to her. I want her to divorce Ki Tae's dad and become the world's largest producer of kimchi.


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I agree and Kim Hae-sook is jjang!


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The fact that this drama is ending today breaks my heart. I have not seen a drama with such palpable chemistry between leads since Queen In Hyun's Man (maybe Master's Sun). Hopefully this ends in a real life couple as well...

But on to the episode. I LOVE how there is so much communication between the leads now! After weeks of running in circles, we didn't have to put up with that for longer than 20 minutes since they've gotten together and it's lovely. I even found myself wondering if I was still watching the same drama as we've gone from innumerable misunderstandings to adults actually talking through problems! K-Drama land, you did it!

Though that cancer thing was thrown in at the last seconds of the episode, people have been guessing she was sick for a bit now so it wasn't like a shock or random. The writer also seems to be very smart with pacing and plot points for the most part so I will trust that this will not make the final episode a confusing one.

And can I just take a minute to talk about that skinship? I need to send this writer a muffin basket. We have been showered with adorableness these past 2 weeks. Such a cute couple, ugh! It's seriously been such a long time that I've loved an OTP as much as Gi Tae and Jang Mi. Every time Yeon Woo Jin smiled my heart melted. Ugh! I'm going to miss this drama so freaking much!

Fingers crossed that tomorrow's episode is full of awesome and that I don't die from heartache at the end of such a perfect drama.


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"I even found myself wondering if I was still watching the same drama as we’ve gone from innumerable misunderstandings to adults actually talking through problems!"

-Right? Something I particularly like about this drama is that, even though some say it took our leads too long to get together, at least ALL the misunderstandings occurred back before they established their feelings. I really love how once they really got together, they stayed together and built a strong relationship.


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Thank you for the recap. It really adds to my enjoyment of the show. Such a poignant, sweet and sad episode.

Dealing with KT's relationship with his mum, the mystery about that part of his childhood and why mum stayed in that marriage explaned. That phone call to him mum, awww.

KT's and JM's interactions are the sweet notes in this episode, great chemistry between them. That spicy rice cakes :)

JM's mum facing the dreaded disease pulled us back down into the harsh reality. Hope she can pull through this one!


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What a wonderful episode!

This drama really exceeds all my expectations. At first I thought it will be just another rom-com drama revolving around a working class girl that finally found her "prince charming" to lean on, but this drama actually emphasizes on -just like what girlfriday says- being together for better or worse. Jangmi is there for Gitae and so is Gitae. They help and support each other through their hard times. I rarely see this kind of story in K-drama. It feels sweet and warm, I love it!


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Great episode! I just want to thank TvN for giving these actors the opportunity to headline a show. The big 3 would never take a chance on them since they are neither big named idols or A list celebrity. They really have an eye for finding that diamond in the rough. I will miss this show and will definitely keep a lookout for Han Groo and Yeon Woo Jin's future projects.


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Yeon Woo Jin's acting is just amazing. Him crying lile a child in that scene, omg. Even without saying anything, I was able to understand what he's feeling. He's just sooooo good. His chemistry with Han Groo carries the show too. I mean, they look so good together as if it's not a drama and it's just them dating for real.

I don't know about the cancer thing. I just hope they do it well.

Even though it's just Jang Mi's imagination, that scene with her slapping Gi Tae's father with makgeolli was so satisfying! Most fun I've had in a while!

Thanks for the recaps, girlfriday!


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This show never stops to amaze me..there are hardly any new concepts in the story but it's told with such a new and refreshing spin....all the characters feel real and we can clearly see why each does what they do and that their actions are not just for plot movement! And the phone call with gi tae and his mom ackk got me right wher it hurts and the ending too ufff I can't get enuf of this show only one episode left :'(
My fav part of this ep: drenched dad even if it didn't actually happen so damn satisfying and also the lack of se ah :)

Thanks for the recap, you are sooo fast o.o


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"how two women who love one man can ever get along".. such a true statement and it sums up all relationships... and stuck in the middle is the guy who does not know what to do and can't live without either of them..

so touching.. really pulling at the heart.. just the interactions between children and their own parents, and the children and the in-laws...

firstly I think the father is even more of an !@#$#@!$ after this episode.. and at least the mistress is starting to look uncomfortable in front of Ki-tae's mother.. even being relegated to a 'sister'.. obviously the father cares more for his career.. and I don't think I would have wasted rice wine on him.. maybe some tomato sauce or something..

as noted by others.. Se-ah... missing in action.. not missed at all.. things went smoothly without the character around.. written out or a final come back in the last episode??

Yeo-reum... good that he is on Jang-mi side now.. with a sensible voice of reason.. better than Hyun-hee anyway.. but I guess cos Yeo-reum knows Jang-mi and Ki-tae better.. but his character turn around from 'misunderstood hug' to advice assistant was pretty fast.. easily forgiven...

but I was really touched by two scenes.. Ki-tae finally opening up to his mother and understanding.. and Jang-mi and Ki-tae's mothers drinking session... very heart warming..

just goes to show that a mother and daughter-in-law can get along.. and open up to one another.. be acknowledged..


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Counting hours to the final episode! Still can not believe this show come to the end.. how i will miss nemo couple so much.. is there any possibilities for MnD season 2, writer n PD-nim~~?


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Gosh, MND Season 2 would be AMAZING with the same cast! I mean, might as well since they're making Let's Eat Season 2 and there's all those I Need Romances right? :)


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Goodness gracious, the mother-son phone convo scene is so epic. The show proves that you can convey that feelings without saying anything. Gi tae must have want to say a lot of things like "thank you" , "sorry", and "i love you". Any of this words would have make me cry, but when he only said "mother....", it broke me. The feelings are so raw and honest and realistic that it did not need a dialogue. Good job to the actor and actress! This scene will be forever on my top list of favorite korean drama scenes. Hehe ^^


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Nothing much to say about this episode, words aren't enough to say how much I love them esp that phone convo between mom and his son.

Now I'm off to hibernate as the last episode airs tonight and I can't let it go. :(


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ive yet to read the comments so mine might be repetition of what others have said...


i dont wanna jinx it but im giving it a 10/10 (actually 9.8/10 bc of second leads issues but lets round that up).

this might be my second time crying over the ending of a drama... i havent found any drama i enjoyed so much since reply 1997 T.T im gonna be sad when it ends.

this drama makes me want a relationship like theirs, not the runaway bride love-trumps-all story but one where the relationship involves not only two people being united but rather two families.

i want to respect my future soulmate the way jangmi does... see him as a person and not just a lover. i want to be a worthy woman like jangmi is trying to be for gitae... and i want a guy to see me like gitae sees jangmi.

like, i am so done with these hero complexes (do min jun err), and this drama makes me realize that all a girl needs is a man who sees her with respect.

i wanna say jjang to everyone involved in this drama... especially for han groo and yeon woo jin, i have so much respect for them. their acting is just great. yeon woo jin cries in this ep is nothing like ive seen in dramaland before. usually dramaland gives us manly tears (ala jo in sung in that winter) but ywj's cried like a little boy and i really feel his pain as a son. i hope our two leads could work in dramas that make them shine like this.

and i love tvn for always giving me new actors and actresses to admire. the role they chose for these actors are brilliant. just like what they did with yoo yeon seok as chilbong, they did it again by putting yeon woo jin as the lead and giving him the spotlight.

ufffh, i have tears in my eyes now :(


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I like how Kim Na Young's song in the OST "I Just Want You to Love Me" went from being a song for the second leads wishing they were loved by our OTP to a song about our OTP to a song between mother and son. This show is so much about how we just want others to acknowledge us and the multiple layers of love involved. Good job show. I will so miss you and spending time with everyone in it.


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how we just want others to acknowledge us and the multiple layers of love involved >>

good analysis! i didnt notice it. its true what you said, in the end its not about second leads trying to break OTP apart but its about how each individual wanting their feelings returned.

i was skeptical with han yeo reum's chill-ness and him being OTP #1 shipper but in this ep i saw him being recognized by jangmi for his cooking skills and i guess thats more than he ever wanted. even gitae wow-ed at his cooking so now i understand him suddenly being nice, i guess he just want people around him. his love and respect for gitae is adorable. i hope gitae could return it as a hyung (also i loved how gitae thanked yeoreum for informing him about jangmi going to his house, one tiny step from the jerkhole gitae!)

i protested and criticized the second leads a lot but now i just really want them all to be happy. even kang se ah.


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Cancer in Episode 15????????????? Not even at the beginning of the episode... they waited until the literal 59th minute to throw cancer in there. Where they do that at? This is the most unnecessary Cancer in the history of Unnecessary Cancer! The Joo family's marital strife was 100% believable as it was. I was all set to come on here and sing the praises of yet another stellar episode but now I just want to garble incoherently for a couple of minutes. Bear with me guys...

lkdfijagdkljfaskl sdfkljsdkljsdaiowetiojmgvkljio dfkljdmafoufmp'asrfjdrgj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kljklsdfjotmafjpi orujojjpodfguj???????????? fkjshioejjfajtiaerjfioatm?!?!?!?!?!?!

THanks, I'm feeling a tiny bit better. Not much, though...


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Funny, I felt the exact opposite :P It was the first time I didn't roll my eyes watching the disease plot being used...I guess because it feels like it explains a lot about what happened before, about Jamg Mi's mom reactions. I thought it was brought up nicely, even though it was a surprise.


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I just don't see how this show can wind things up in one more episode. I just don't.

And worse than that is the realization that I'm actually going to miss hanging around these characters every week...and going to seriously miss hanging around the dramabeans commenters for the weekly dissection and squeefest. ::sigh::

This episode. I knew the open was a fantasy sequence, but it was still so damn satisfying to see Philandering Dad get it in the face. At least the Awful Mistress had the good sense to be embarrassed.

Of course, in both scenes (the fantasy and the real one), the highlight was Yeo Reum's grin of schadenfreude. Even in her fantasy, Jang Mi knows that Yeo Reum will be enjoying the show.

As a YR fan, I'm happy that he has apparently come to terms with his place in JM's life (it made me so happy that he called Ki Tae to report what happened with Aunt. I'd like to think that they later really do become besties and there's lots more happy threesome moments. Shhh.)

And how much did I LOVE Ki Tae's mom in this? Holy cow. I especially liked that she just kind of threw up her hands and accepted that Jang Mi is just weird and that maybe weird is what the family needs.

I'm sad that the show went the cancer route instead of the surprise pregnancy route (come on, show - how can you handle that in one remaining episode? Gimme a break!) But I was happy that a) Jang Mi's mother has noticed that she's not spending her nights at home, and b) that JM's Mom beat the crap out of Ki Tae for trying to be cute with her (this entire series is Ki Tae realizing he's not as smooth as he thinks he is, heh.)


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Just finished watching ep 16 for the third time.

My son came from the back of the house to see what I was laughing about, because the last scene was so. darn. funny.

I'm really going to miss Gong Ki Tae and Joo Jang Mi.


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how did you feel about the cancer route? i feel like its a pleasant surprise. its something they faced together as a family and it wasnt a prolonged melo twist. i had a similar situation happening to my mom (surgery, not the reconciliation lol) and i loved how the drama managed to capture the essence of my emotions. especially that scene in the hospital ward, women will always be women no matter how sick they are. hope youre satisfied with the ending too!


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I still think I'd have preferred the surprise pregnancy, but I thought the cancer was handled fairly well - I'll admit I didn't think they could pull it off, but they wove it in well enough with the lighter stuff that it didn't drag the show down.

All in all, this is my favorite rom-com ever.


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With this drama Kim Hae-sook has risen to the top of my list of favorite actors. The subtlety with which she shows her emotions is amazing. Her face is like a placid lake that is occasionally rippled by the wind. When a mood is expressed, it is so surprising that the effect is magnified ten-fold. The subtle approach is so appropriate since she is playing a woman who has staked her life on hiding all her feelings to protect what is most important to her. Since the earliest episodes, we can see how annoying she is to Gi Tae, but also sense how her Tiger-mom devotion to him is rooted in deep love. And her little smirks behind Gi Tae and Jang Mi's backs tell us that she is having more fun than she's probably had in her entire life playing their game. And really, we can see near the end that we thought it was Gi Tae and Jang Mi's game, but really, it's been Mom's game all along. In fact, this show is not so much a show about our OTP, but about Gi Tae's mom, and what it means to be a mom.

Way to steal the show, Kim Hae-sook!


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I agree, KT Mom is fantastic and I love that she wasn't just left to be a cardboard cutout witch. I sure hope Kim Hae Sook gets all the credit she deserves for this show. It's easy to get caught up in all the young and pretty ones but there's no show here without her.


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Someone please tell me that Yeon Woo Jin has already completed army duty sometime ago because (touchwood) if there's this sudden announcement of him not being on screen for another 2 years anytime soon I swear I'll totally do what mom does and start pulling somebody's hair out. The nearest I can get my hands on (excluding mine).

Where did all the time goooooo..


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It's over, you guys. I feel so empty. LOL. I haven't watched it with subs yet, but I am very satisfied with the last episode :) I just don't want it to end...


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I've watched about 3/4 of it raw, but I think I want to wait for subs to watch the ending, just because I want the full experience for the end.

This is the first show in a long time where I feel like friends are moving away (not since 'BtVS' and 'AtS' (Buffy and its spinoff). So few shows have characters that I actually enjoy as personalities...(Wow, that sounds borderline nutso, doesn't it? I don't even care.)


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You were really smart to do so. I was going to stop half-way and then finish it later, but I just couldn't!!! Trust me, though, for that ending...you want subs. Let's just say it goes out with a bang LOL!

Yeah, it really genuinely feels like friends are moving away forever and all I have left is home-videos of them LOL.

I don't normally feel that way about dramas because I'm usually excited to see the resolution of the story and how the ending ties things up for the characters. I guess what I'm trying to say is that some of my favorite dramas I love for their completeness and by the time they're done, I'm ready to send them on their way. But with this show, literally ever episode brought me delight, and it actually felt like I was just hanging out with these characters each week. And now they're just gone :( So clearly, if you're nutso, so am I.


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I can never help myself when it comes to MND, haha. I watch the raw episode the morning of and then the subbed version countless times afterwards to tie me over until the next episode. Now I don't even know what to do with myself...


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Someone needs to make a gif of those puppy eyes and wiggles XD


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I love how the actors, director, and writers work together to turn each character into a human being. This is a story of how people come into new understanding and lift each other up. So awesome. I have enjoyed each week and will put this on my favorites list on a rainy weekend.


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I think this drama has ruined me for good. Damn.
Now I want every other drama to be as cute and heartfelt and funny and poignant as this. And I want every other OTP in any other dramas to have that same sizzling chemistry like Han Groo and Yeon Woo Jin have.

For f*ck's sake. You are my biggest, sweetest surprise of the year, drama. I'm going to swear by it.

All Yeon Woo Jin has to do is smirk shyly a little or do something out of the box with his face and I would have dropped my pants in an instance. And I now have an acute girl crush for Han Groo that borders on healthy/unhealthy.

Now that the drama is over (I've just seen the final ep, even without subs it feels so goddamn satisfying), my weekend won't feel as exhilarating and the rest of the week won't feel as insufferable.

Ugh. This is too bittersweet. Thank you for being so good, drama. I am gonna miss you. Thank you to you too, girlfriday and LollyPip. The MND experience won't be as fun without you girls' recaps.


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And I'll just have to chip in with everyone on Kim Hae Sook.
I know she has alaways been on my good side. But never did she got sooo glowing and triumphant like she in in MND. Aside from Ki-tae and Jang-mi, I just want to thank the writer for writing Mom's character so well. Her transformation was so well though out as id they were trying to make us hate Mom in the first place before turning the table on us and show what does being a Mom really mean.
And it is soo, soo, gut-wrenching and satisfying to watch.

I don't think Mom would be as awesome if the character were to be handed to another actress. Because in lesser capable hands, the character would seem one-dimensional. That sad, miserable, thrown aside wife just waiting to hurt anyone who came across her.

So, Bravo, Kim Hae-Sook. (And Grandma! I love Grandma to bits!) You are now my favorite veteran actress and that's saying a lot.


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Totally agree, Kim Hae Sook has made that character so real and memorable. I've seen a lot of mom's in kdrama and this one stands out!


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Dude, everything you said. Just yes. Yes.


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Can't believe this the finale weekend! It went by so quickly, which says a lot about the show. Everything came good together; the writing, directory, editing, it was splendid I laughed and cried through it- that an amazing ride!

And don't we have the best Couple before us?! Fake, real and in between Jang-mi and Gi-tae always had this great chemistry!

At some point GT and his mom got me really frustrated, but I never hated them, they obviously had some issues they needed to sort out. And they did! That phone call with few words spoke volumes, and men the feels, so well executed by everything.

Dad is gone completely mad, so so shameless- what a waste of oxygen... I so wish that JM had really poured rice wine on him. I totally did the evil laugh too and it felt great!
You know what would make me happier now? The chairman's wife caught on the lie(which is so obvious but still) and deny him that job!
(seriously, do the wives really have a say in who their husbands hire or not? LOL)

Now I wouldn't mind if this drama had 50 episodes, we'd struggle along the way but we'll get there.


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It's amazing how a show can be this good. It has been such a longtime, seriously.
It's just so well-written and gosh', I always have been a sucker for family bond moments. I just can't help it.
And the OTP, they are just so amazing together. So adorable and yet so real. I like how it talks about marriage by not only focusing on the couple because we know like isn't a fairytale. Marriage isn't just about loving each other but loving each other's family too. It's just so amazing/
It's gotta be my favorite drama alongside Unexpected You. Both who dealt really well with family moments :)


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These last episodes have been so frustrating - why all of a sudden has it become about the parents' marriages cause honestly I don't really care. For a show that had the best beginning I've ever watched, I'm sorry to say it has the worst ending...so disappointed!


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Well, I'm certainly glad the show didn't cater to your needs because if the show hadn't done what you fault it so much for in these last episodes then I would have been disappointed. Better you, than me.

Best, best ending :)


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I'm not saying every episode needs to have me rolling on the floor laughing but this is/was a rom-com and I can't remember the last episode that I laughed out loud at- don't you miss the poo-explosion etc.? Seriously, I'm all for family love and healing but I'd like to trade some of those numerous tears for the laughs I miss...what happened to the cute, sweet, smart, and funny show I loved?


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it is still cute sweet smart and funny...what are you talking about?


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I got hooked on the show because of all the explosive fun. But it gave me something more than that. Behind all these seemingly shallow lives they have in which poop in yo pants receives one full episode of attention, there lies more complicated stuff like family love and the dizzyness of getting into a new relationship in the adult world where love is just isnt enough. Where understanding and respect are needed as much as love.

All the stuff you honestly dont care about is what makes this show endearing to me. For once im brought on a journey of people changing for the better, while for some (han yeo reum) revealing the inner kindness we all have but people failed to see.

Im sorry you had a bad viewing experience but im glad it ended the way it did (not gonna spoil). Heck in even glad about the cancer because its just life... its not even trying to be makjang that bit just mirrors life when everything goes too smooth life just has to kick you hard sometimes. Reminds me of Siwon's appa accident scene in reply97. Sometimes it takes a tragic event for you to see how muchyou love someone.

In spite of all these, they manage to keep the comedic (to me) parts which is smth i really love about tvn romcoms. Its not explosive lol moments but its a bitter joke that in the midst of these hardships theres always smth to laugh about

The worst ending for you, one of the best endings for me. Hope the airing dramas give you more satisfaction. Cheers.


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I would like to give your comment +100! Well said.


100% agree with you! =)


Hm, I guess I really couldn't tell you because all I know is that the cute, sweet, smart, and funny show that I loved? It's still here.


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Im trying to comment something here, but i end up speechless cause this drama is just freaking good! through reading, I can feel that Girlfriday recapping with joy, not because she's responsible for it!And, reading all the comments here are all positive.

I've been watching countless K-dramas for like 12years and I found nothing as fascinating as MnD. Sometimes, when you watch too much dramas, you will start to have a sixth-sense, what probably happen in the next sequence of scenes. But, this drama is just one of a kind. I can't predict any single scenes. I just lost my sixth sense.

I bet the writer is a genius. Sometimes a drama start so good, but slowly turn in to cliche, the writer may start to run out of ideas to prolong the episodes, and they just toss amnesia, cancer, noble idiocy, and time skip. And, it all finished with a kiss and a proposal just like what girlfriday said.
And, sometimes I begin to blame K-drama when I never experience "happily ever after" even when you already found your loved ones. As I said I just lost my sixth sense. I thought this drama will just give me a cute proposal and beautiful wedding. But, they are not. Marriage is not as easy as saying, I Love You. You have a long way to go. Family approval and acknowledgement are just one big example. And when you can pass the thick and thin together, thats when you can say "happily ever after"


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Cancer, really? Why!?


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Really enjoying this show. It doesn't disappoint!


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i seriously felt like crying after the finale episode ended..this is strange because I don't think i ever felt so emotional after a drama ended.maybe it's because this couple was really amazing ,i could feel the sparkles between them..lol..i want to see the main couple in other good dramas soon.:)..but i'll always remmeber gong gi tae and jang mi...;)


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I'm super emotional about it too. I had NO idea I'd get like this when the drama began. It started out cute and fun, but ended up becoming so much more than that.

I'll be looking out for more from this writer, this director, and all the actors involved and hope to see many more wonderful dramas by them in the future :)


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Me, too! Here's the thing - I hate romance, and most rom-coms leave me cold. I'm a fan of thrillers, horror, mysteries, cop shows, and supernatural hijinks of all kinds.

Which is why I cannot understand how completely obsessed I became with this show. I've watched all the episodes 3-4 times, and dragged real life friends into it so I could talktalktalk about the plot and the metaphors and the directing choices, etc, etc.

I hope this team does another drama together - this show was definitely greater than the sum of its parts.


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