Marriage Not Dating: Episode 12

There’s no more hiding now that everyone knows the engagement was a sham – but rather than putting the issue to rest, the revelation only kicks off more hurt and misunderstandings than it solves. The fallout is so much worse than Jang-mi and Ki-tae feared, and they don’t even have each other to lean on this time. Looks like some more teamwork may be required to patch up their broken families, and more importantly, their own hearts.

EPISODE 12: “Will sincerity get through?”

At a lovely outdoor party, Ki-tae follows Jang-mi as she walks away from him, but she stops when he calls her name. They stand for a long moment, faltering every time they try to speak. Finally Ki-tae tells Jang-mi to go first, and braces himself expectantly for her words…

We go back to Ki-tae’s hijacked proposal as Se-ah tells him that she told his mother all about the fake engagement. She says it was the only way to stop him, and says, “Let’s turn back time.” She asks why he didn’t tell her three years ago why he wanted to be alone and hated marriage.

Ki-tae argues that she agreed that marriage was burdensome, but Se-ah says it was only to protect herself so that she could stay near him, if only as friends. She says he can tell her now and she’ll comfort him, but Ki-tae just sighs in frustration. Se-ah tries one last time, and steps into the tea-candle heart with him, saying, “Let’s get married.”

Ki-tae just laughs scornfully, and says that things were good when there was distance between them. Se-ah says she has feelings too but Ki-tae counters that she can’t just do whatever she wants. Se-ah finally breaks and cries that she told his mother because no matter what she did, all he thinks about is Jang-mi. Ki-tae whispers that he never wants to see her again, so she leaves, humiliated.

On the street, Jang-mi finally breaks free from Yeo-reum’s hug to see Ki-tae’s mother staring at them in horror. Mom whirls and walks away, and Jang-mi accuses Yeo-reum of doing that on purpose. He doesn’t deny it and when she demands to know why, he simply says, “I like you.”

Ki-tae calls Jang-mi, who just sadly apologizes for ruining everything. She blames herself for his mother finding out, but Ki-tae says it’s not her fault and asks if they can talk in person. She says she can’t face him now and they’ll talk later, and Ki-tae runs out of his house. Jang-mi finds Dad at the restaurant and says she wants to talk to her parents about Ki-tae, but he says Mom went to her future in-laws’ house. Yikes.

Jang-mi runs out on Dad mid-sentence, just before Ki-tae shows up looking for her. Dad can tell something is off and asks if they fought, and tells Ki-tae that her mom was heading to his house with a gift. Ki-tae quickly heads over there.

Jang-mi’s mom delivers a wedding gift of blankets to Ki-tae’s family, where Grandma and Aunt Mi-jung actually look pleased to see her. Ki-tae’s mom comes to talk to her, the ice queen firmly back on her throne, and says she feels sorry for Jang-mi’s mom.

Jang-mi arrives in time to be blasted herself, and her mom asks what she did wrong. Ki-tae’s mom asks Jang-mi if she wants her to tell, or if she’d rather tell it herself. Jang-mi’s mom is offended at being treated so badly when the wedding date is set, but Ki-tae’s mother says there will be no wedding.

She announces that Ki-tae and Jang-mi’s engagement was never real, that they faked it to make her give up on Ki-tae’s getting married. Jang-mi’s mom is shocked, thinking Ki-tae would never do something like that, and tells Jang-mi to set them straight. Wordlessly, Jang-mi only drops to her knees in apology and begins to cry.

Her mother finally accepts the truth and asks why, but before Jang-mi can speak, Grandma comes to her defense, and says that she knows it was an act but it was never malicious. Ki-tae’s mom is upset to hear that Grandma knew, and says it must have been fun to watch her start to care for Jang-mi.

Grandma points out that Jang-mi always treated Ki-tae’s mom well, but she’s too upset to hear it, when she herself saw Jang-mi with another man. THIS is news to everyone, and Jang-mi’s mom’s legs give out as she asks if it’s true Jang-mi has another man. Tears pour down Jang-mi’s face and she can only say over and over, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Ki-tae’s mom calls Jang-mi a pro at fooling people, which is one too many insults for her mother, and she grabs her daughter to leave. She carries the gift blankets with Jang-mi trailing behind her like a naughty child, until they run into Ki-tae. Mom screams at him for calling her “Mother,” and tells him never to go near Jang-mi again. He tries to explain, but both women leave him standing in the street helpless.

When Ki-tae gets home, Grandma tells him to just kneel and beg, but he ignores her and demands to know what his mother did to Jang-mi’s mom. When his mom accuses him of acting, he tells her that he truly likes Jang-mi, but she just thinks he’s been fooled by her too.

He insists that Yeo-reum is just a fling, and says that he doesn’t get why it matters when there’s a two-timer living right in this house. Whoa, that’s brave. Mom slaps him hard, and tells him to get out. She tells him not to get married, and to live alone forever – she doesn’t care anymore.

Jang-mi’s mother lies in bed crying as her father yells at Jang-mi, angry at how Ki-tae drank with him and acted like a good son-in-law. Ki-tae stands outside the closed chicken shop and calls Jang-mi, but her father answers to yell at him for playing around with his daughter. Ki-tae offers to come talk but Dad says he doesn’t want him in his house, and yells that he’s coming there to beat Ki-tae black and blue. Dad throws down her phone and picks up a baseball bat, but Jang-mi takes the blame for continuing the charade and stops him with a backhug.

She cries that she did it because he and Mom loved Ki-tae so much, and they got along so well when they were happy about the wedding. She had never seen them like that and she wanted it to go on as long as possible. This deflates Dad’s anger, and he drops the bat to hug his baby girl. ~sniffle~

Hoon-dong takes Hyun-hee to the doctor to get an abortion and lets her go in alone, though he’s clearly conflicted. Hyun-hee hears the baby’s heartbeat for the first time, while Hoon-dong gets more nervous, and finally starts to bolt. Just then, Hyun-hee asks to have the volume turned up, and Hoon-dong stops in amazement to hear the heartbeat of his child.

Hoon-dong grabs Hyun-hee, dragging her out to the lobby. He reminds her of her words at the temple, that she wanted to keep the baby. Hyun-hee admits she didn’t want an abortion, but that she heard that having a conflicted father listen to the baby’s heartbeat could get him to change his mind. Hoon-dong says it’s not like her to do something like that, but she says that actually, it is. She confesses that she did whatever she could to keep him, but tells him it’s his choice what to do now.

He makes his choice, and this time Hoon-dong’s mom kicks him out in his eagle boxers – even sonogram pictures of the baby can’t soften her heart. She says she won’t talk to him until he gets a paternity test, but he yells that it’s his baby and he’s marrying Hyun-hee. At least this time he was prepared, and Hyun-hee is standing by with some clothes, ha.

Jang-mi and her dad gape as Mom makes a family breakfast, which seems awfully nice of her until she snaps at them when they try to talk to her. Jang-mi apologizes and says it’s all her fault, but Mom tells her to hush, that she was right and it’s her parents’ fault. She agrees that they were bad parents, and says she wants to split up. She pulls out her pre-prepared divorce papers, but this time it’s no bluff, as she stamps them and hands them to Dad.

At the restaurant, Yeo-reum tells Hoon-dong that he’s quitting because he wants to earn more money, but Hoon-dong tells him to just ask for a raise. Yeo-reum cryptically says he also doesn’t want to work around someone who makes him uncomfortable, and leaves despite Hoon-dong’s protests. Hoon-dong yells that he can’t quit because he’s fired, but his mother walks in right then to tell Hoon-dong that he’s fired if he insists on marrying Hyun-hee.

He’s not the only one, and Jang-mi is also fired for fighting with a customer (Jang-mi: “But it was only one time…”). She mopes into the store to find Hoon-dong there with everyone in a good mood. Hyun-hee announces that she’s quitting to get married, and Jang-mi pastes on a smile long enough to congratulate them. But Hoon-dong doesn’t miss how the smile slips off her face the moment she turns away.

He finds Jang-mi outside and sits with her, assuming she’s upset because she used to want to marry him. She tells him she’s crying because everyone found out about her and Ki-tae, and he guesses Ki-tae must be really upset, since he likes her. Jang-mi says she knows he doesn’t, since he treats her badly, but Hoon-dong says he’s just like a kid who torments the girl he likes.

Jang-mi starts crying harder to know that Ki-tae likes her, and hits Hoon-dong for telling her and making it harder go get over him. Hoon-song is shocked that Jang-mi likes Ki-tae too, and says there’s no problem if they both like each other. Jang-mi sobs that it’s too late, because his mother saw something she shouldn’t have and she doesn’t want to drive even more of a wedge between Ki-tae and his mother. She makes Hoon-dong promise not to tell Ki-tae about her feelings because it will just complicate everything further.

Hoon-song sighs that everything is messed up, and tells her that Yeo-reum quit. He says he’s worried about everyone and whines that their lives are so pitiful, but Jang-mi threatens him not to dare say that he’s unhappy. Hoon-dong says his mom cut him off and even fired him, and he hasn’t told Hyun-hee yet. Jang-mi tells him she was fired and that her parents are getting divorced. They both sob about how their lives are falling apart, and hit each other for not being happy, then fall into each other’s arms to cry it out. Aww, their friendship is so cute.

Ki-tae tries unsuccessfully to call Jang-mi, who spends her last day saying goodbye to the store and vowing to discover what her purpose is. He walks home to find her waiting outside his building, and grins to see her but hides it when she looks up at him. He grumps that she’s waiting outside when she usually lets herself in, and invites her inside but she refuses.

Jang-mi says that they should never have started this, and that she should have listened when he tried to set boundaries. She regrets that their actions hurt their parents, but Ki-tae says he doesn’t care. He starts to tell her that he likes her, but she interrupts to blast him for not caring about his mother’s feelings. She says that his mother has been hurt for years by a cheating husband, and that she saw her with Yeo-reum, and asks if he gets it now. Ki-tae tries again to go inside to talk, but she says this is the end and she won’t see him again, and walks away.

Jang-mi arrives at home to find the house in a shambles and her parents screaming at each other over who gets the house and chicken shop. Finally Mom says she’ll just get it out of Dad in alimony, and takes her suitcase and leaves. Jang-mi pleads with Dad to stop her, but he says he’ll be staying at the restaurant and also goes. Jang-mi is left alone, the same as she was when she was a child. Instinctively she starts to call Ki-tae, but stops herself and just goes to bed, crying herself to sleep.

A week later, Grandma and Mi-jung whine in sync about how lonely and boring the house is without Jang-mi to come by. Mom says things are exactly how they should be. Mi-jung notices Ki-tae’s dad deep in thought, and he says he’s wondering whether rumors have spread about the department store brawl.

Grandma and Mi-jung are so angry at this that they can’t even speak and snarl-stomp out, and clueless Dad is all, “What did I do?” Mom says he should sleep at home from now on, since he’s suddenly so concerned about rumors. Well that backfired on ya, didn’t it buddy? Maybe just go back to keeping your mouth shut… or you know, not being a cheating bastard works too.

Ki-tae stands in his empty quiet house, no longer looking happy to be alone. He hears the door open and gripes that Jang-mi let herself in again, but we all saw that smile. He wilts when he realizes he imagined it. His evening continues this way, as he sees Jang-mi teasing Nemo, or stealing bites of his ramyun.

Each time he complains with a big smile on his face, but is disappointed when she fades away. He draws himself a bath and Jang-mi runs in to hug him, and his arms wrap around her before he realizes he’s holding empty air. That night he can’t sleep, and decides that the house is uncomfortable.

He heads to a jjimjilbang but has no more luck sleeping there, though he runs into Hoon-dong who’s also staying there. Ki-tae asks if he’s been cut off and what he plans to do. Hoon-dong says that his emergency fund that his mother doesn’t know about will cover their newlywed house. He invites Ki-tae to the wedding, who tentatively asks if Jang-mi will be there. So cute.

Hyun-hee shows off her sonogram photos to Jang-mi, and invites her to the wedding. Jang-mi asks if the parents will be coming, but Hyun-hee promises she has everything under control. Jang-mi also shyly asks if Ki-tae will be there.

Jang-mi arrives at the wedding, but decides she’s not brave enough to see Ki-tae and tries to leave. She runs into Hyun-hee’s mother who literally drags her in by the wrist, ha. Meanwhile Ki-tae wanders around trying not to look like he’s looking for Jang-mi, and runs into Se-ah. She’s polite, but he’s not interested in making small talk and just walks away.

He finally spots Jang-mi right as she spots him, and they both stand for a long moment, staring across the wedding party at each other. Ki-tae starts towards Jang-mi and she tries to stay calm, but they freeze as Hoon-dong and Hyun-hee step between them to begin the wedding ceremony.

The ceremony goes off without a hitch, both Hyun-hee and Hoon-doong looking gloriously happy. Hoon-dong gets all shy when it’s time to kiss the bride, giving her a chaste peck on the forehead – but Hyun-hee isn’t satisfied with that and grabs his face for a proper kiss.

The chef-as-MC announces the time to introduce the parents, but Hoon-dong throws him a frantic signal to skip it. In the back, Jang-mi notices a newcomer to the wedding, and calls out that the groom’s mother came. Ever the mama’s boy, Hoon-dong wails and runs to his mommy, hugging her and sobbing. Hyun-hee demurely thanks her for coming, but Mom just says she’d better never nag him or else. I guess that job’s already taken.

Jang-mi goes for a walk and runs into Se-ah. She says that she’s known Ki-tae for twenty years, and that it’s not her who butted in, but Jang-mi. She points out that she’s in all his memories while Jang-mi doesn’t even know his past. She says she was being considerate in her way, by asking for Ki-tae’s child since she couldn’t have Ki-tae himself. She always heard that sincerity would get through to someone else, so she doesn’t know why her sincerity isn’t recognized. Jang-mi says that’s a lie – that’s why it hurts when someone doesn’t understand your sincerity.

Jang-mi walks away, followed by Ki-tae who witnessed the entire conversation. He calls her name and she halts, thinking to herself that she had desperately hoped this would happen, and wonders if she should say she’s missed him. At the same time Ki-tae thinks that he’s wondered what to say to her a million times, but he’s now uncertain what to say.

They both start to talk at the same time and Ki-tae tells her to go first, and Jang-mi can only think, “I missed you. I missed you!” Finally she finds her voice, only to blurt out for him to treat Se-ah well. She says that Se-ah still loves him, but Ki-tae counters that he doesn’t love her, and if he can’t love her then it’s best to cut ties.

Jang-mi tells him he shouldn’t ignore someone’s love and should take responsibility for his part in it, and Ki-tae wonders if that means she’s taking responsibility for Yeo-reum’s feelings then. Jang-mi says she’s trying to do that for all the things she’s caused to happen lately, and Ki-tae angrily asks if she really wants him to go to Se-ah. Her eyes brimming with tears, Jang-mi pauses for a long moment, then says a quiet, “Yes.”

Devastated, Ki-tae storms over to Se-ah and grabs her by the wrist, and walks her right past Jang-mi. He pulls Se-ah all the way to the riverside and stops without ever looking at her. Se-ah tells Ki-tae that she knows his true feelings just by looking at his back. She says to him simply, “Go,” and walks away before she starts to sob. Ki-tae seems to snap out of a daze and whirls, then runs back towards where he left Jang-mi.

Jang-mi stands a distance away near the water, and remembers Ki-tae’s words that it’s best to cut someone off if you can’t love them. She thinks that he was right, and says quietly, “Goodbye, Ki-tae.” She throws the phone he bought her into the river, only at the last second hearing it ring and seeing Ki-tae’s name on the caller ID. But it’s too late, and she watches the phone as it sails through the air and into the water, still ringing.

Running his fastest, Ki-tae tries to call Jang-mi over and over but gets no answer. Jang-mi belatedly realizes that she doesn’t want him to go, and also starts running. They both run, each frantically searching for the other.


WHAT?! You’re going to leave us there for a whole week? That is so unfair.

Well, I certainly appreciate how much forward motion this episode gave us, in nearly all areas. Most obvious, of course, is that Jang-mi and Ki-tae have finally realized their feelings and gotten to the point where they’re ready to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks, and just go for their own happiness. Definitely Jang-mi had further to go in this area, because all her life she’s put others before herself even to her own detriment, so I appreciate how hard it was for her to figure out that her own needs are important too. I think she needed to see her parents hit rock bottom to understand that not only can she not help them have a good relationship if they aren’t willing to do the work themselves, but it’s not her job. Who she marries, or even if she marries, could never hold them together on a long-term basis if they don’t want it for themselves. So to see them fall apart was important for Jang-mi, because she needed that giant metaphorical slap in the face to understand that no matter what she does, her parents’ relationship is their job to manage, not hers. That and seeing Hoon-dong and Hyun-hee move on with their own lives, and even losing her job, frees her up to stop worrying about everyone else and focus on what she wants for herself.

I actually think Ki-tae made a pretty big leap this episode too, because even though he’s known for some time that he has feelings for Jang-mi, I don’t think he truly understood what that meant. He thought that just saying, “I love you, let’s get hitched!” would be enough to solve everything, but it’s not. His parents would still be a mess, her parents would still be estranged, and nothing would really change. He’s got some big work to do in his familial relationships for a marriage with Jang-mi to be accepted, especially with Mom. That confrontation with her at the top of the episode showed that even after everything that’s happened, he has no more respect or consideration for his mother than he did when the show began. He needs to do some serious changing in how he interacts with his mother, and also do some major damage control with her, before she’ll ever be willing to accept Jang-mi after having been burned.

And that’s a whole other hurdle that Ki-tae and Jang-mi are going to have to address – that their parents no longer trust them as good partners. While we the viewers know that nobody was coerced into the engagement farce, I can see how the parents might not see it that way. Ki-tae’s mother and Jang-mi’s parents each have valid reason to feel that their child was used by the other, especially Jang-mi’s parents since she really had nothing to gain from the situation (since she decided she didn’t need revenge on Hoon-dong long ago). Seeing her poor father lose his composure at the thought that the man he trusted with his daughter’s heart had hurt her was painful to watch. There’s nothing like daddy-daughter conflict to get me right in the gut, and I love Dad’s relationship with Ki-tae so much, so I’m hoping they find a way to be drinking buddies again soon.

I’m a little skeptical about Se-ah and Yeo-reum and how they both backed off, and I’m unsure how long it will last. I have a feeling that both of them could still pop up with an eleventh-hour scheme to break up the newfound couple (assuming that Jang-mi and Ki-tae acknowledge their feelings soon) and throw one last wrench into things. I’m especially concerned that Yeo-reum might do something desperate, since he seemingly just disappeared without ever getting any closure with Jang-mi. But I am pleased to see that Se-ah seems to have finally gotten the message that Ki-tae is not an option for her, no matter how much she wants him. I think that hearing Jang-mi acknowledge that yeah, it sucks when someone doesn’t return your feelings, went a long way towards Se-ah feeling like at least one person understands her. I hope it really sticks.

But mainly I just hope that our leads find happiness and love sooner rather than later, and are able to overcome their problems and build a strong relationship together. They have one thing going for them, that if you want to start over it’s best to begin with a clean slate. The fact that everything has crumbled down around them can hopefully allow them to start fresh in all of their relationships, and build something that’s real and solid this time.


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So, this weekend was quite precarious for me. As I mentioned in the last recap, this weekend left me with the serous desire to punch everyone involved in the face. Yeo Reum, Se Ah, Ki Tea, Jang Mi, Hoon Dong, Rape Girl, all the various parents and other side characters. Pretty much everyone was aggravating me at some point and since they are not real people who I can physically punch, there was a real danger for a while of me leaving my house and punching any and every person I saw who remotely reminded me of one of these characters. And, considering one of the Korean sections of Atlanta is mere miles from my house, this could have escalated pretty quickly.

I will say that I'm glad the the ruse is finally over. Of course, this is not the way I wanted it to end but I think it is very important that the writers not let them "get away with it." For a minute there, I thought they were going to get all the way through the wedding before the truth came out and then be like "But it's ok, we really do like each other" and everyone would be like "Oh, well that's allright then." Now they've not only got to be brave enough to come out to each other but they've got to put in some real work winning back everyone's trust.


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erm... Rape girl? you mean Hyunhee?


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Yeah her. She doesn't get a name in my universe. Though, to be honest, I think she really does like Hoon Dong as a person and not just as a wallet. She just went through all the wrong channels to get him. Kind of like Crazy Se Ah except her plan actually worked.


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Ugh..she does nothing for me..All she does is manipulate her way into money..I still don't even see why she was attracted to hoon other then money...I think the writers r bring to nice to her..I wish something happens to her already..I mean yr and seha weren't that bad but they end up losing everything but hh has been the worse characte so far and now she is getting a house, kid, husband and money..wouldn't be surprised if she won the lottery next episode and dump hoon


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I'm kind of sad that Hoon-dong patched things up with his mother. I would have loved to see Hyun-hee find out that after the wedding and house that Hoon-dong would be left penniless. She would have dropped his broke ass in a second! No doubt. What was it they called the unborn baby? Luxury or something like that? If that doesn't SCREAM out her interest in getting a loaded baby daddy, I don't know what does.

There's a play on words in Spanish that's really apt in this situation:
Esposo = husband... so when a woman marries for money not love/companionship then she doesn't want an esposo, she wants an (e)sponsor.


I am not mad at her, because he totally deserved it. He is so immature, I think that was the only way.


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But she could have known Hoon Dong since JM and HD used to have a relationship. But talking about sincerity, she's still sincere in her loving him for money. and since she succeeded, i think that she went to the right channels (I think i've seen a kdrama like that too. Was it in Cheongdamdong Alice?)

Her personality is quite apt to the superficiality of Hoon Dong. I was never surprised for the pairing =). I won't be surprised too if Se-ah will ask YR instead for the sperm later on, hahaha. Sorry, just going ahead of the story =)


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i don't especially like hyun hee as a character, but i disagree with a lot of the commenters that she raped hoon dong so i'm frankly a bit bothered when she's labeled as a rapist and people cover up for hoon dong. again, he's entertaining as a character but quite lacking in a lot of other aspects...being cowardly and a "mama's boy" being only two factors.
yeah, she piled drinks on him, but he was the one who pulled her in, initiated the touch. she asked him it was okay if she wasn't nice, and he replied that he liked bad girls. it was consensual. he regretted sleeping with her not because he felt he'd been violated, but because he felt guilt for sleeping with another when he still believed that he had feelings for jang mi. i'm not denying that men can be victims of rape too, because they can be, but i just don't see it here.
se ah isn't my favorite character either, and her fixation on his sperm is admittedly a little more than weird, but i'm sort of buying how her feelings that she's masked for so long has turned into this desperation at witnessing this relationship between gi tae and jang mi grow much stronger than she initially anticipated. so, i don't hate her.
what i love is how jang mi's motivation for continuing this facade has been fleshed out so clearly in these past couple of episodes. i especially loved the scene between her and her father(T.T)
only thing that bothered me was her chucking her phone into the pond. "such a waste! that's not eco-friendly! the lithium in the battery! the fish! what if this generates a trend of jilted lovers throwing their phones into random bodies of water?" ...are the thoughts that were running through my head during that scene, which probably wasn't the intended effect. was too distracted to appreciate the moment, or the subsequent running through the park scenes either.


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I think he is shallow and totally immature. He was also a dick the way he treated JM. He was likely quite sweet w her or else she might not have gone as far as preparing that big proposal? So I don't feel any sympathy for him in ending up in this other girl's lap.

But to say to a really drunk guy: I am a bad girl; is that ok? while they are in bed! Well, that is all kinds of unethical in my book. Is it rape or is it a trap? Diff viewers would see it differently.

But I distinctly recall the part where HH found out JM tried to tell HD to stay away from her and she got hot and bothered, saying that she wanted to find a way out of her salesgirl job, that she hoped their sleeping together would lead to sth more, n why is JM trying to prevent HD from seeing her, etc. I must have missed the part where she came to like him for himself. LOL.


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If a woman would have been that drunk and talked into sex a majority here would have screemed 'Rape!'. There is no consent under influence. Park Shi Hoo's case proved the point.


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I have a real problem for that situation to not be seen as "rape". I agree with Newbie, there is absolutely no consent under influence.


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It's like the writers are really trying to avoid the situation now..I get its a rom com but I rather something happens to hh at least..nothing mortifying but him something that should at least wake her up


If the shoe were on the other foot and Hyun hee was a man who plied a woman with drinks only to get her drunk enough to sleep with her, no one would have a problem calling it rape. It's because Hyun hee is a woman that there are qualms calling it what it is. And it IS rape, very akin to date rape when you slip someone a roofie only to render them incoherent and unable to give full consent to the act of sex.

This kind of gender bias truly does drive me bonkers and I'm a woman. The same standard for men should be applied to women as well. I hear people excusing Hyun hee because they say she was sincere to Hoon Dong, but let me put it another way. Would Hoon Dong have slept with Hyun hee if he weren't stack raving drunk? Obviously not, as he wasn't interested in her like that. He still had Jang mi on his mind.

If Hyun hee's sincerity was enough to justify her actions, then Se ah and Yeo reum are also justified in their actions towards our lead couple, and I'm sure I'll hear an uproar because everyone wants the main couple to end up together. My argument, is that the same standards should apply to all regardless of the person involved. If Se ah is classified as bat shit crazy because she would do anything for love, so also is Hyun hee, just because she succeed where Se ah failed does not make her any more likeable or sympathetic. And just because Hoon Dong was a dick to Jang mi does not excuse Hyun hee, either.


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yes to everything you said


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This may be an unpopular opinion... but I believe that alcohol should not be an excuse for bad behavior. If HyunHee DRUGGED HoonDong, that would be a different story. However, no one forced HoonDong to take those drinks... he made his own decisions and therefore should be accountable for them.

Could she have been the bigger person and said "let's not do anything because he does not seem to be thinking coherently right now"? Yes. But is she to blame? Did she "rape" him? I say absolutely not.

When it comes to alcohol, I say you should know your limits. If you drink too much and do something you regret, that's all on you.


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Would it be ok if she hadn't stopped with stealing the sperm from her drunken victim, but gone on to take his wallet as well?

Even aside from legality, the girl is vile and manipulative (pretending to get an abortion?) and both characters are a complete waste of oxygen and screen time in this drama.


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I agree. She is vile and manipulative. I just don't think "rape" is the accurate description of what happened.


theres that and there is also the reason why he called HH out in the first place..he wanted a sympathic ear to listen to his story and since HH and jang mi are friends i dont think he thought anything would happen..especially if its a girl that is the one doing the consoling..the appropriate thing to do was to send Hoon home in a taxi..why did she actually take him upstairs to a hotel room..Hoon was drinking to vent out his frustration and pain..he wasnt looking for anything more then that from the meetings previous with HH so i think he thought nothing was happening with them since she knew JM..


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At least by US law, if a man and a woman have sex while a woman is under the influence, then it is rape and it's on the man.

The power dynamic is slightly different when it's a woman with a man, but I'm not excluding that case. I'm saying that the majority of cases are men raping women. And in most cases the point of it is power over the victim, not for sex. Also as an aside, in most of those cases, there is an argument that many of those men also feature sexual dysfunction.

Why is it different with a woman with a man versus a man with a woman? It's like saying black people are racist--they can be discriminatory, but they can't be racist. The power dynamic has been and will probably be for a long time that men have power over women, especially coming out of an agricultural society.

Men have more power in organizations and social circles. For example, how women are treated when she sleeps with someone else versus that of a man. (self censored): sl** and then the man is called a "stud" shows clearly the power dynamic.

As it stands, South Korean law does not have the drunk part of the law, which is how Park Si Ho could admit his wrongdoing and get away with what in US courts would give him serious jail time. (I believe it's a 5-10, even for admitting it, but I'm sketchy on particulars of US law and it may vary by state). This is also true, IIRC in UK law and several other industrially-based countries. (I'm unclear on Japan, though... I think it is after that long held sexual abuse case where a sexual abuser forced a girl to marry him.)

But yeah, don't blame the woman for getting roofied (by accident), drunk or otherwise. Remember the power dynamic first, then judge. And I wouldn't call her names for getting drunk, saying no and then the man raping her. There is absolutely no excuse for rape. And it is rap if he's under the influence or not.

In this case, he consented under the influence of alcohol when she didn't. And he didn't dislike it afterwards. Plus it's kinda questionable if she did it for a power play, since she had no power over him and the only lodged rape cases against women where the platiff was a man have been women who sexually abused boys (which is clear) and women who forced it in a sexual harassment case.

I did once hear a case of a woman falsely and knowingly saying someone was the father for money. However, none of those quite apply here.

BTW, she would have to be 8 weeks pregnant for a heartbeat.


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This debate reminds me a lot of Witch’s Romance: Episode 2, which ironically is also a tvN drama, where beanies were debating whether Dong Ha should have not slept with Ji Yeon because she was drunk, while he was sober. One of the arguments was she was the aggressor, which I thought, of course, because she was drunk. You are uninhibited when you are intoxicated, but that does not mean you are aware of your actions. How many times have you woken up after a night of drinking and not remember anything that happened the night before? (Me, zero, but it does happen.) The sober party has the responsibility not to take advantage of the inebriated party even if he/she kisses you first.

In this situation, Hoon Dong did not even make any advances on Hyun Hee. When she kissed him, he could have thought she was Jang Mi, whom he still had feelings for, for all we know. It certainly was not consensual.


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>>> but I think it is very important that the writers not let them “get away with it.”

(1) Realistic is how I saw JM's being caught with YR.
Natural is also mom's reaction - after her first intro to JM was knowing she used to date HD just before.

It is also quite natural that JM finally has a consequence to all her romantic indecisions, in such a short span of time.

(2) Realistic is YR's 'surprising' slyness. After his abandonment, this dude must somehow have developed some survival instincts to protect him.

(3) Un-realistic is the happy ending for "Rape Girl". That, was so undeserving.
Realistic would be FF to a few years down to road, to see how that union and parenting togehter with "Brainless and spineless mama's boy" + child has mapped out.


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LOL at rape girl.

i was on another site, (using my lil sis account) to look for MND gifs and under the tag i found people actually defending rapegirl saying stuff like, but its still hoondong that initiates the sex, that they were drunk (hd was, hh wasnt! big difference tbh), and that... this is the big bang... hoondong wouldve done the same had he been sober. wow man, if gender was flipped im pretty sure that wont be the story. isnt that like saying, "oh she wears a mini dress so of course she'd be fine with it". (i blocked those accounts so my sis wont see it. the horror!)

i mean, i still like how hh character is written, and that she and hd probably deserves each other but defending that sex was just... idontgetit. i UNDERSTAND her but i would never DEFEND that sex. shivers.


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@Z : short & punchy! like your comment :)

happy to see this recap and haven't read thru to other comments yet!


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All in all...Hoon Dong deserves her. He's such a wimp spoiled brat. Still hated what he did to Jang Mi


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I didn't have any real expectations for this show when it first came out, but it completely blindsided me! It's turning out so much better than I could have anticipated :)


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I'm afraid I don't understand why HD has to marry that gold-digger, when she raped him n got herself pregnant. Even in countries where abortions r illegal, rape pregnancies are exceptions. She obviously didn't know or care anything about him other than that he was JM's RICH BF, and as she admits to him, she is a plotter and schemer, to get them where they are. He ran away from JM calling her a stalker, after they dated for 3 (?) years. Now he walks down the aisle w this girl, who he hasn't been in love with. That's a plot pt that I don't quite get.

JM is avoiding KT becos his mom saw her in a hug w YR, n becos they've been found out. She is too embarrassed to continue to date him. So she ignores or covers up her strong feelings for him and turns her back. I sort of understand at a cerebral level what they r saying, but don't entirely follow on an emotional one.

JM's mom has been blaming her husband for a long time, for the life that she lives, which contains a lot of work at their resto w very little pay. She's been grating her teeth about it in resentment for years. Now she wants a divorce, Becos JM points out that they haven't shared a breakfast or a dinner as a family for as long as she can remember. So mom wants to put a stop to her marriage which is a sham. It's a bit sudden, but there we have it.

I guess there r 2 ice queens in this show: JM's mom and KT's mom. Unhappy marriages can do that to a woman. Wonder if JM's GF will turn into sb like that in time. But then she'll have her dependent credit cards to comfort and console her.


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Hyun Hee did not rape him and get herself pregnant. It was obvious that she never intented to get pregnant, and also that she has acutal feelings for Hoon Dong. Hoon Dong was kicked out of his house, yet she still married him. Thats not what gold diggers do. Also rape is a very sensitive topic, dont use it when its not appropriate.


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She deliberately gets a guy drunk, so drunk that he is flat out. She proceeds to undress him and have sea with him. To me that is rape.

What would you call it if a guy gets a girl so drunk that she can't give consent, and then proceeds to have sex with her? Date rape? Semi rape? Quasi rape?


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Was he really 'flat out' at that point of time? Like he didn't really reciprocate at all? See, if that's the case, then I kinda have to take back a lot of things that I said in a post below. I was under the impression that Hoon Dong knew what he was doing then. It is just something he deeply regrets or wishes hadn't happened. I did not really get a 'was forced to have sex' vibe from Hoon Dong's actions the next day and keeping with the light tone of the drama (and the player attitude of Hoon DOng), I don't think the writers were going for that. But I actually see what you (and a lot of others) mean when you call it rape, but it is still a very sensitive word to be thrown out so casually.

Gosh, I am coming across as a troll for being so effing fixated on that word. Please don't hate me, beanies! I lub you all.


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You're not off base. To do what the characters did, the male would have had to be *ahem* 'interested' for the act to a) take place and b) generate the consequences it did.

I think whats nice about how his storyline developed was that he took ownership of his choices that night. If you're going to get that drunk you have to be prepared to live with consequences you'll regret.


While I agree that rape is too strong a word, I doubt her feelings for Hoon-dong are anything sincere. Hyun-hee is exact opposite of Jang-mi, in that Jang-mi's feelings and action come from the heart, while Hyun-hee's from brain, making her feelings and action cold and calculated.

Yes, maybe she didn't expect to get pregnant. But she didn't sleep with Hoon-dong because she sincerely love him either, or even just to have good time. She do it for her own gain. More like so she can have 'deeper connection' or some sort of hook, because it was clear that Hoon-dong didn't intend to go anywhere serious with her before that. When she actually got pregnant, she use it to the max. All her actions so far reeks of manipulation.

While Hoon-dong was kicked out, at least he still have money and Hyun-hee still can depend on him to provide for her. In the end, all she think of is herself, making her a really dislikeable character.


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And what's the problem with that? I mean, probably most of the kdramas leading men are selfish and we like them.


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Idk..she even told him that she was willing to do anything in order to keep hold of him..pregnancy might of been the thing she was looking to do..then she quits her job after what? A month if being pragnent..she isn't even showing..wat exactly is she gonna do now other then shop and look for fancy clothes..she had a hotel and everything but she didn't place a condom on him..


Because they are leading men? We see things from their point of view most of the time, making us more likely to root for them. And usually they get sad backstory/character growth/redempting action/whatevah(insert ur choice here) along the way, so they get more likeable. I don't see any for hyun hee so far.

Also, leading men selfish tendency are more of "I only care about myself, don't want to have anything to do with others, don't care if I frankly show my selfishness either".
While hyun-hee: "I only care about myself, but I won't really show it. I will do things with others, as long as it serve my own gain". Like I said, manipulator. At least leading men are honest(?) about their selfishness.


@ann..lol thats probably why most people have 2nd lead syndrome..cause in real life you dont want the douche to actually win the girl..but that makes for a more compelling story that a hard exterior there is a beating heart of gold..hadahadahda..


I agree. I am a bit disgusted that so many are calling this drunken encounter "rape".

The "rape" word is tossed around FAR too carelessly. And to equate what happened in the episode with real rape is totally over the top. And it cheapens the trauma of real rape victims.

If you want to see what REAL rape looks like, try spending a few weeks volunteer service at a battered women's shelter, where rape victims have broken bones, smashed faces, and damaged genitals.


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If u don't like the word rape..maybe non consensual sex is the better word for u..whatever it is even if a guy might have been willing he wasn't conscious at the time...jus because it wasn't brutal sex u see on TV doesn't mean rape is any less different in the eyes of the court..If u took this case to court and reverse the gender would u say then it wasn't rape..jus cause people say thay he had to have a thing for her doesn't mean he was coherent at the time..He admit the next day thay it was a mistake on his part because he didn't even remember doin..was it his hotel room that he got or was it hh..we don't really know that but seems like she had the whole thing olan..from getting him drunk wasted, taking him into the hotel room and laying him on the bed..although she told him it wasn't jm but her she already knew he wanted jm..He wasn't in the right state of mind to make a logical choice


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theres real rape and fake rape? isnt all non-consensual sex a rape?

i agree with lessonlearn, maybe its too strong of a word but pleaaaase remember that HOONDONG WAS DRUNK AND HYUNHEE WASNT which means hoondong has less of a control than hyunhee does.

and please dont say if he drinks that much he should know he might end up sleeping with someone he didnt plan on sleeping with. its no difference than saying because a girl is wearing revealing clothes than she should know she will be cat-called.

although i know the real world is nothing like the ideal, which is really why i didnt mind hyunhee much as long as hoondong didnt, but defending that as nothing but a drunk sex doesnt make sense to me.

agree to disagree ;)


So there's REAL rape, and what? PRETEND rape? It only counts as rape if it involves the kind of violence that breaks your bones and damages your genitals? If that doesn't happen, then you haven't really been raped? You've just... what? I just don't even know—

Rape is sexual intercourse without consent. It need not involve brutal physical force, and to acknowledge this does not in any way diminish the terrible experiences of people whose rapes involved violence and physical coercion. But to imply that if the victim doesn't have bruises or broken bones or a smashed face then it's not REALLY rape...

Honestly, this is probably the most appalling comment I've ever seen on this site.


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@MEIMEI..reward the scene with her and jm at the hospital when jm ask if the parents were coming..she even admitted saying that a mother son relationship won't end that soon so she also knew that the mother would make up with the son or vice versa which means all she has to do is put in the effort to make it seem like she genuine likes hoon..plus he never told her his mother fired him from work so she is still assuming that he has the business and making money otherwise how would she be able to quit


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HH did not know that HD was thrown out by his mother remember that conversation between HD and GT where HD said not to tell HH that he was thrown out.


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Hyun Hee knew Hoon Dong got thrown out, she was there when it happened. She didn't know he lost his job.


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"Now he walks down the aisle w this girl, who he hasn’t been in love with. That’s a plot pt that I don’t quite get"

I think that's the theme of this drama - Marriage Not Dating a.k.a. Marriage Without Dating. I just feel that their story isn't necessary, really. I don't quite understand Hyun-hee, and what motivates her. She's materialistic for sure, but now she seems sincere towards Hoon-dong and willing to marry him after he literally disowned by his mother. Honestly I never care for her or Hoon-dong throughout this show, so I don't really mind if they marry or not


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now that im thinking bout their wedding it makes perfect sense with the title 'marriage not dating' since they never even dated..he called her out a few times and bam its the end of the road for him..is it a must that u must merry the girl cause she pragnent..put everything else aside..idk why JM and KT are goin along with the situation too..jm has known HH for the longest but it seems liks she doesnt even understand who HH really is..if she did she most likely would never have been friends with her in the first place since she puts other people first while HH puts herself ahead of everything else..


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obviously they became friends because they're working at the same place and they both seems to have no one else except each other, which I find a bit weird as to why JM hadn't had any friends other than HH. As for HH, given her attitude I get it why she only has JM as a friend. I think she's close to JM because of her rich boyfriend. Not that she intended to steal him from her when they were still together but more like tagging along with JM to get to know HD's friends, and eventually letting herself into the riches's circle. She's a cunning opportunist, so when JM broke up with HD she didn't wait long to snatch him away. truthfully we can see alot of opportunists like her in real life, so her devious plan to entrap him doesn't surprise me in the least. But I'm relieved that Se-ah wasn't that evil to use the same tactic to entrap Gi-tae. Come to think of it, I want to take back my earlier comment about HH seems to be sincere towards HD, because now I'm not sure anymore


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I will ask a shallow question. For a cable channel. On a wekeend. Where all the characters have slept around before. Why. For goodness sakes why haven't the OTP had some make out or bed scene?


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Did anyone else notice a few episodes back when Ki-Tae was dragged to the sperm bank and he said he'd been really busy so he had taken a break from intimate relations... for 3 days! Who's he been doing it with if he hasn't been having sex with Jang Mi or with Se Ah?


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LOL I'm pretty sure that was his pride talking. He didn't want the receptionist to know that it's been much longer than that.


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Actually it was the receptionist who asked him whether he had sex in the last 3 days (you need to have given a break of a few days before a donation) and he fibbed not to accept it actually had been much longer than that.

This reminds me of something else though: I assume Ki-tae downing the beer in the truth or dare game when asked how far he went with Se-ah means they went all the way?

That doesn't really bother me but considering Jang-mi's proposal to Hoon-dong was in a hotel room with the bed all prepared with roses and such and knowing Hoon-dong's superficiality I assume they had sexual relationships as well and that I find a bit tasteful (I mean the fact of Jang-mi dating two friends one after the other like that - same of course is valid for Hyun-hee but I have no respect for her as a person so I am not surprised she would have done something I would find distasteful)


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I'm sure all the past lovers (GT & SA and JM & HD) in this show had involved in sexual relationships. They're normal adults so no surprise there. Gi-tae & Se-ah had been together for years and almost get married so naturally they went all the way


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Lol..that's why I didn't get the question as by yr at the beach..how far did u get and insread of answering kt drank..like come on u over 39 when u were with her but u too shy to tell them how far u got which should of been a homer but it didn't make sense to me


@lessonlearn lol I think YR purposely asked GT that question because he wanted JM to hear the answer. he knew she likes GT and he knew GT surely had sex with SA when they were lovers. Idk maybe he hoped that JM would be disgusted with GT and stop liking him?


@liza..oh i got that point but it was still funny he was nervous or unwiling to say anything..didnt he rub lotion all over her body earlier too..hehehe


@lessonlearn It's a straightforward yet tricky question. It makes sense why he's nervous and unwilling to answer it coz it's a bit awkward to declare to someone he likes that he slept with his ex-gf (even though she already knew that lol) I don't know about JM but if I were her, I wouldn't want to hear the man I like shares that info with me. I mean of course I knew you slept with your ex-gf but shut up I don't want to hear you say it out loud :p YR really enjoyed putting him in an awkward situation, the cheeky bastard. LOL


i think the nurse asked him if he had erection in the mornings or masturbated...and i think that is what he said he was taking a break from, or resting...hahahahah

se ah had just come back in his life socially. there was some distance between them, but yeah loved that they were all adults, sexual adults...


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That my friend, is a very good question. Yeah WHY the heck not TVN?


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I didn't like this turn of events. I feel the show went original to cliche. I don't understand se-ah and yeo-reum's purpose to the story. They were used like props to prolong the inevitable ( and as delicious eye candy). I wish that either the leads had a deeper connection with the 2nd leads or that the writers would have used them in a different way.


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at this point of the story ive fallen too in love with both leads to care about smartness and originality anymore.

a cliche is fine as long as its a great cliche ;)


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Aw, I admit I wasn't expecting the ending to go that way, but at least they're finally on their way to each other for real now! I got super scared when Jang-mi told him to go to Se-ah though because while I'm totally with her on her reasons for pushing him away, saying something like that and throwing the phone would have been the first time that I had a hard time understanding her actions so I'm glad that doing those things led to her ultimate realization that she can't let him go :)

Poor Ki-tae was finally so ready, I wish he hadn't told her to speak first!!! I can understand why he reacted the way he did because he has no idea that she likes him and to suddenly hear those words. But seriously. Thank god they started running for each other. Because it's time for some honesty.

Their scenes with their parents were so heart wrenching though, especially Jang-mi's with her parents. Seriously, that poor girl. It makes their separation all the more sad when their families fall apart as a result. Them being together just made everything in their lives better and I just want them to all be a big, happy family (minus the sleazy dad).

BUT I'm glad that the show was able to make fun of itself a little with the scene between Hoon-dong and Jang-mi. I know I shouldn't have been laughing, but their pity party was freakin' hilarious! And it was refreshing to have Jang-mi simply find out about Ki-tae's feelings from him. That said, I'm still so bummed that she didn't get to find out with his proposal because that would have just been such a surprise for her :( I keep picturing how it would have happened *sob* And then Ki-tae imagining her everywhere!!! Ahhh, the separation, it hurts, but it hurts so goooood.

Can't wait until friday!


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I so wanted Ki-tae at least to have sent photos of the proposal display to omoni as she requested so that Jang-mi could see it. It was such a reversal from the first time day met during which she laid out a similar display for his friend that it was a shame she never knew about it.


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I know, me too! And if her mom had seen it then she totally would have known he was being sincere! I seriously want her to get that proposal SO badly now. Like it better happen. In fact, it needs to be even better than the one Se-ah had the pleasure of crashing. It needs to be epic.


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I don't think we are getting it. :( For some reason I expect an impromtu proposal.

I am not Asian so I don't know how common these grand gestures are in real life but I have a sense dramas make people expect these things and life starts to imitate the art after a while. For example, I find typical drama date to be quite formulaic. So I generally find these kinds of things quite cheesy. But in Ki-tae's case it was so unlike him and showed how much he loved and valued Jang-mi to do that for her that I found it adorable. He was so excited and happy with himself, too.


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Yea I totally agree about it was great to have Jang-mi just find out about Ki-tae liking her. There was no fanfare, just his best friend telling her and her realizing their feelings were mutual. It's so ridiculously realistic and simple which makes it all the more heartbreaking.

Maybe he can propose to her again soon... This time with complete honesty and their families approving wholeheartedly!


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Was the noble idiocy really necessary when it lasted all of five minutes (and an expensive phone was lost in the process)? Nevertheless, I do think this is a realistic conflict because Mom, being a victim of cheating, will never forgive cheaters. Even though we know Jang Mi did not cheat on Ki Tae because they were not even together for her TO cheat on him, she was, in fact, dating Yeo Reum. So Jang Mi legitimately believes she will forever be branded as a cheater by Mom and will never be able to recover from that, thus decides to leave Ki Tae "for his own good." The best thing to have come out of Jang Mi's noble idiocy is it finally made Se Ah realize she has no chance with Ki Tae. Took her long enough, jeez. I am just thankful the noble idiocy was contained to one episode.

Did NOT expect for Jang Mi to hear it from Hoon Dong's mouth -- I love that twist. This must be Hoon Dong's purpose in the show. The ensuing scene of them wallowing in self-pity was priceless; I don't know how Han Groo and Heo Jung Min were able to film that without bursting into laughter. I am glad that after their really bad breakup, they were able to remain friends who genuinely worry about each other. Although, I am very upset Hoon Dong did not spill to Ki Tae in the jjimjilbang. I was counting on those loose lips.

I love when Ki Tae blew up about Dad being a two-timing bastard because he was only speaking the truth, and Mom needed to hear it. Jang Mi's mom better be planning something with Dad with her request for a divorce, like trying to drive the two kids closer when they try to convince her to stay or pushing Jang Mi to turn to Ki Tae when she needs a shoulder to cry on; otherwise, I do not understand why Mom would selfishly do that at a sensitive time like time. When Grandma said, "You've been watching them all this time, so you will know, too," I wish she meant, "you will know they have real feelings for each other," which we confirmed last episode that Mom does know. I also really wanted Jang Mi to confess to Dad "Because I like him" instead of "Because you and Mom liked him" to mirror Ki Tae's confession to his family, but I suspect Jang Mi's dad and mom already know. As a matter of fact, I believe everyone in this cast not named Ki Tae, Jang Mi, and Hoon Dong know how they feel about each other. Now that the cat's out of the bag for Jang Mi and Hoon Dong, let's bring Ki Tae up to speed, shall we?

Thanks for all your hard work at recapping both of this week’s episodes, LollyPip!


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Yeah I felt really bad for that phone. I was like "Girl, just trade it in or sell it on Ebay!"


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I was actually surprised it was an LG instead of a Samsung, yk maybe they threw it on purpose in the HR so that they'd get her a proper Korean brand...

LOL really, shame girl it was such a nice phone! She could've send it back to his owner instead!


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LG is Korean...


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Even though Ki-tae had bought it she didn't even need to dump the phone. She just needed to get rid of the SIM card.

Regarding cheating: not only was she not with Ki-tae when she was seeing Yeo-reum but also she wasn't going behind Ki-tae's back. He knew about their relationship.

Regarding noble idiocy: she was being the noble idiot since the beginning of the episode.


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phones (credit buy) in korea are mostly sold under contract with a number, thats all i know. so you cant really change your number unless gitae is rich enough to pay cash lol.


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>>>Nevertheless, I do think this is a realistic conflict because Mom, being a victim of cheating, will never forgive cheaters.

That, plus the fact that her initial intro to JM was also the title of HD's ex and the quick recovery into KT's current (albeit fake)

>>>Even though we know Jang Mi did not cheat on Ki Tae because they were not even together for her TO cheat on him, she was, in fact, dating Yeo Reum

That was some '2 timing' as even while officially 'dating' YR (the dating as the 3 of them understood it) she was already developing feelings for Ki Tae, but yet not ending it with YR in a more decisive, cleaner cut.

Even when it was clear YR knew, JM never quite came out to clarify anything with YR, nor did she officially cut off their relationship - which is why they were still kissing last wkend, when she interrupted the YR kiss.

Isn't that "cheating"?


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hmmm, idk, cheating is kinda a strong word in this situation. Jang Mi was still confused about her true feelings until the end of this episode. It might have been wrong for her to continue stringing YR along, but honestly it is consistent with her character to cling to a relationship and do things the messy way. I think it is possible for relationships to get complicated and people to get hurt even if no one did anything really wrong.


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In her defence, when she was clear she likes GT she was honest with YR.

No cheating detected here.

Though betraying the parents by lying to them all long is just as bad.


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This was a difficult episode, and I'm not sure I liked it as a whole (some of the angst just didn't move me), but one breakthrough that I DID like was the breakup of Jang Mi's parents. Having not watched the whole episode yet, I just hope that FINALLY Jang Mi truly realizes that she has NO part whatsoever in saving her parents' marriage. I actually really empathized with Jang Mi's wish for her parents to stay together (her reason for the sham engagement definitely resonated with me a lot more than Ki Tae's desire to be left alone) - it's such a childlike desire - but that's also my problem with Jang Mi. As an almost 30-year-old woman (at least according to the character profiles), it's more than time for her to view the situation through adult lenses, and accept that a marriage can be saved or not only by the 2 people participating in it. Basically, I've been waiting for Jang Mi to grow up/move past her childhood trauma (I think that may be why she's clung so hard to the hope that her parents would stay together), and I think/hope she's finally getting there. Yay for growth! Albeit painful growth.


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I think that Jang Mi's parents should have broken up a long time ago, it is obvious the are at constant war so why keep dragging it out. But people do that - they are so afraid of uncertainty and change that they stick with a bad situation.


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Thanks for the recap.~~ Now, I'm so excited for Friday. Finally, I hope this is when Ki Tae and Jang Mi will actually admit their feelings for each other. Let's have more cute moments with our lead couple. Hope it's god riddance now for Se Ah and Yeo reum. YWJ and HG play their characters so well. I enjoy watching their lovely couple moments together and now they would have to deal with the parents. *_*)


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This is definitly alot better then i expected. I really love how hoon dong and jang mi are friends and not awkward. Even Se ah, seemed redeemable after telling Ki tae to go after Jang mi which was a nice twist for her, though i dont doubt she may try something else later, i would love to see her, instead of being the pathethic, revenge-driven, typical female second lead, being Jang mi's friend, since they are in some ways pretty similar. Also, I have no Sympathy what so ever for Yeo Reum. Setting Jang Mi up was not cool, but not even feeling slightly guilty about? No. Honestly dont know what his deal is. I really dont want him to mess with Jang Mi and Ki Tae anymore.


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Wow..that's was really quick lollypip..I thought since u were doing the two recaps this one was goin to take longer but kudos to u

Onto the show..I love how everything played out..jangmi and YR falling out like that was perfect because if the ruse wasn't caught then we would have to endure more of YR and JM together..

All the imaginary scenes were so cute..especially the bathroom scene..I wish they hurry up and get together so we can see some home living hijinks from the both of them.

All in all the progress of this episode made giant leaps in each character..JM being alone but I was so happy that KT was the first person on her mind before she realized jt..kt not being able to live alone as well was very satisfying to see..I'm waiting to see him sell him house he loves so much so that he can show his family how much he truly cares for her..

Kt mom is making a turn for the better but I'm surprise she is still putting up with her husband..and for grandma to know in the open all about his affair how can she not feel ashamed of herself for her sons faults..I would be too embarrass to even meet the person..

This was probably on re of the better episodes for me since we got so few screen times with the second leads and jm and hoo. Crying to each other about how their lives suck was epic and it would of been much weirder if jm didn't get fired so glad they kept thay realistic..The noble idiocy act for this I understand because she doesn't want more distance between kt and his mom and I see where she is coming from..the hat last scene annoy me so bad since I wanted to to get together but I guess it jus keeps us on our toes for the next one..stop being soooo of good show..I'm dying now since we don't even get previews


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I personally don't mind the pacing of the OTP. I think it's realistic and quite necessary, especially for MND, seeing how that's the main plot of the drama- to get into a fake marriage and eventually fall for each other. If they were to get together too soon, it would only mean that they have to keep arguing with their parents that they truly want to be together. and that's all there is to it really. (let's just not bother about the second leads at this point)..
But having said that, I guess I can't help being frustrated at the same time. It's only natural for many viewers to be so irritated at the pacing of the drama, seeing how we're so affected by the OTP because they're just so endearing! you really can't help but root for them really. Their chemistry is spot on. and the way their characters are being portrayed mirrors a lot of us in real life. these are two people who live such ordinary lives, going through the same conflicts a lot of us go through at a point in our lives. I guess this is why I can't wait to see them finally confessing their love TO each other soon. It pains me to see them so fond of each other, and yet be so conflicted for not being able to confess at the same time given their current situation.


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I honestly think I'm the only person not bothered by the pacing or by the fact that the truth has only just come out. The show is about a fake marriage. Why would I be upset that they continued to pretend to be fake engaged for so long? The important players (the parents) hadn't found out yet so the ruse could totally continue. Yes, I would LOVE to have more cute, happy couple time (ALWAYS) but I blame the second leads and their ability to worm their way into EVERYTHING for the lack of that. Plus I think the show has done a great job of exposing all of the issues facing the OTP with regards to their ability to accept their feelings for one another and actually choose to be together. These are people with BAGGAGE. That doesn't just go away. If anything, I wish the show had spent more time allowing the OTP to reflect on their issues and start working through them so that when the happy ending comes, I can feel satisfied that these two actually have the ability to HAVE a lasting, healthy relationship. As it stands now, I still think they both (but especially KiTae) need a lot of therapy to get in a good place first.


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I'm not bothered by the pacing at all either :) It's been pretty spot on for me!


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To add, I did feel somewhat frustrated at the way things were playing out; however my issue was not with the fake engagement BUT with the fact that the writers chose to use the second leads as wrenches to prolong the conflict and keep them apart. I'm perfectly fine with them telling me that KT and SA needed closure but to have her throw herself at him repeatedly and to go to ever greater lengths to be with him when he has made it very clear from day one that he's not interested in being with her - that frustrates me. It's not even like with JM and YR where JM had feelings for him and wanted to try dating him. Second leads serve a purpose but eventually it gets to a point where it's time to wrap things up with them and focus on the OTP and I wish the show had done that a little faster.


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i love the pacing of the show..although they jus fully came to realize their feelings it was still hilarious to watch them become jealous of one another while KT goin out of his personality but kidnapping and interfering with every occasion he has with JM..the show has kept me on my toes throughout the whole process and i feel like it hasnt really drag out for me..i dont see myself FF through any of the scenes which is quite new except maybe YR or HH..they jus do absolutely nothing for me especially YR and JM together..when the three leads are together then it is jus fantastic how the 2 leads interact with one another while leaving YR on the outside looking in..


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Next episode....If they run and miss each other, I'll throw something.


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I'm afraid that's what the writer would do. Purposely leave us hanging here expecting the inevitable and then crush our hope. NO! I'll curse the writer if they don't confess their feelings in the nxt episode. It sure as hell has been dragged on too long already. I'm losing my patience here


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"’m a little skeptical about Se-ah and Yeo-reum and how they both backed off, and I’m unsure how long it will last. I have a feeling that both of them could still pop up with an eleventh-hour scheme to break up the newfound couple (assuming that Jang-mi and Ki-tae acknowledge their feelings soon) and throw one last wrench into things"

Oh I worry about that too though I think they can't do much damage now even if they try because it seems that both Gi-tae and Jang-mi finally realize that they can't deny their feelings any longer. FINALLY! My heart sank when Jang-mi asked Gi-tae to go to Se-ah, and sank even deeper when he really grabbed Se-ah's hand and walked past her. I seriously hate their moment of noble idiocy in this episode, but fortunately it doesn't last long.


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I don't like Hyun Hee at all but she did not "rape" him, had a one night stand by manipulating and seducing a drunken guy when he was at his weakest, yes. I have no idea why this is irritating me and I am sure nobody is saying that in the literal sense (hopefully) but it is a touchy subject for a lot of people, a package that comes with a lot of trauma and psychological problems .

On to the episode, I found this week's episodes to be the weakest. I know angst is necessary, but denial angst is something I can't get behind. And it's not even for the right reasons. Especially with Jang Mi telling Ki Tae to go to Se-Ah, when Ki Tae has never once shown the slightest interest in Se Ah. It did not make any sense. But the last scene gives me hope. I cannot wait for these two to be together. :)


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Furthermore, the way Hoon-dong is portrayed I'm not sure he would have acted any differently if he was sober.


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careful there... if someone sleeps around a lot it still doesnt mean he wants to sleep with you. maybe rape was too strong of a word, but it wasnt a consensual sex. had they BOTH been drunk, maybe it was a drunk sex. but hh was fully sober. i honestly didnt mind it that much because hoondong didnt, so who am i to judge. but that really wasnt something to be deemed to be "okay".


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He was in no condition to give proper consent. If it had been the other way around, people would be outraged.


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The other way around? Well,it is one thing to be seduced by a guy when you are drunk and another to be raped by him.
I agree. People would be outraged. Honestly, I will be outraged too but I would have said the same thing then. It is definitely a disgusting thing that Hyun Hee did but it was NOT rape.
You see, consent when you are drunk is a little hazy(pun intended). In no way did it look like Hyun Hee overpowered Hoon Dong and forced him against his wishes to sleep with him and his reaction the next day made it clear that yes, at that point when he wasn't sober he was willing but he regrets it later on.

I should stop. I am fixating on the term 'rape' a lot, am I not? Sorry.


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For people who seem to be really hung up on Hyun Hee's act as NOT rape bc Hoon Dong was drunk and lonely, it can actually be considered rape. Consent is not hazy at all especially when intoxicated, people are not in their right mind to give consent. If people were to look up this situation, agencies and support groups that help rape victims definitely define this as taking advantage of someone sexually and as rape. I don't know the attitude about enibriation and sex in Korea so people would have taken that scene differently but most Western countries have definitely taken the stance that intoxicated=no consent so for a lot of people watching the show in the Western hemisphere it could be considered rape.

Others are claiming that Hoon Dong participated for them to actually get pregnant. However, that's not really the case, a guy can be 'ready' without him controlling it or even have the decision to make it happen if someone gives him a 'helping hand.' He might have called HH to keep him company and even start kissing her mistakingly thinking she's JM but it's HH's responsibility not to violate someone who's clearly not coherent enough to recognize her clearly. And as someone who knows the lifestyle of clubbing and having one night stands (and encourages her friend JM to have one night stands), it's hard for me to believe that she doesn't consider the possibility of getting pregnant accidentally which makes it even harder for me to believe that she was not angling towards the possibility of getting pregnant after saying she is not a nice girl. KT even says at one point that Korea is not kind to single mothers. It's not like she was overcome with passion that she just had to have HD and she does seem to have a calculating mind. Her entire storyline would really just frustrate me if she had a no-consequence, happy ending. HD was very responsible about the whole situation and I'm very interested to see how he would live with her after everything is said and done. He seemed to happy and accepting at first but has said to KT that it might have a fleeting moment after finding out HH's lie about her mom. Even after he decides to stay knowing that she's manipulative, will he keep staying with her after getting to know her better and the initial novelty of starting of family wears off as reality sets in? He might but I don't know if I can picture anyone being happy in this equation.


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Yes, technically if you are intoxicated and someone were to make a move on you, then even if you are willing about the whole thing, it is still considered rape under law. And I know you don't have to end up being traumatized/ ostracized/paralyzed/mentally unstable to be called a rape victim, but when you have met rape victims in real life who have gone through all of that , it's a little frustrating to me when a guy/girl gets really drunk and has a one night stand albeit the other party not being (that)intoxicated and then labelling the whole thing as rape.

It might be a really harsh thing to say and I am in no way diminishing the value of such an event, but it's only a personal opinion and we can all agree to disagree on this one :)

l have no love lost for Hyun Hee(pity, coz I loved the actress in Let's Eat) and she, in fact scores lower than Se Ah in my books but I wonder how Jang Mi and Hyun Hee became this close friends. Is MND subverting the sweet and lovable best friend of heroine trope here? But that's my fav k-drama trope!
And poor Hoon Dong wants to (for the first time, probably) do the 'right thing' by marrying her.

Will she change her manipulative ways? I doubt it.
Will he be miserable his entire life? Most probably.
Is their kid going to have (a lot of) childhood issues while growing up?


Sometimes as a non-native audience we have to let things go that don't sit right with us. Wrist grabs disturb me and scream "domestic violence!", but I have accepted that they're considered romantic in these shows, so I let it go. The show clearly does not feel that it did anything wrong with Hyun Hee and that relationship, so I'm not about to put that on them and essentially rewrite the show when that was never their intention and that is not the story they are telling.

Having said that, I don't think it hurts to point out double standards in a show. Not rewriting the story, but more identifying where the story is weak. So while I don't think it is fair to say she raped him (according to the show she obviously didn't), I do think it's fair to point out that the show is operating on a double standard.


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This episode was so much love and I really appreciate angst without having it dragged out for too long. I know everyone mostly are against noble idiocy but I totally understand why Jang-mi did what she did. It's a difficult situation because they were already lying too much. Now all of a sudden, the truth is just so much more harder to believe.

The whole throwing phone in the river was such a fantastic metaphoric scene. I interpreted it as she Jang-mi thought it would've been right for her to let him go, that she should let him should, that she could... But then she throws the phone with his name flashing on the screen before it falls in the water. And its like this sudden realization that she can't. She can't let him go for someone else, that she can't have his voice die on her like that, that she isn't okay without him in her life... It was such a perfect moment and so freakin well executed. Gah, this show is SO good.

I just adore Hoon-dong and Ki-tae's relationship. They're the definition of best friends in every regard because even when Hoon-dong always seems to have the wrong info, he always knows how Ki-tae feels. He can read him even when the latter feels the need to conceal every emotion. It's so subtle but clearly obvious. I hope the writers explore their relationship more as we progress.

Now Hoon-dong and Jang-mi are just sugar, spice and everything nice put together lmao. I was giggling as they cry their hearts out. I'd love to have that kind of relationship with my ex, and this works for them much better because being besties suits their personalities more. Everyone's relationships in this show is so well written and everyone just seems to naturally blend with each other in terms of personalities.

I'm very thankful for the lack of Yeo-rim and limited Se-ah in this episode. Hopefully Ki-tae and Jang-mi doesn't allow them into their relationship anymore and that they work on getting their families believe that their love is true this time around. It's a difficult task, given all the lies and deceit behind them. It's gonna be a while, but I hope they'll eventually prevail because their families were much happier when this wedding was to happen, than now that its broken.


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Best scene? Yeo reum trying to quit Hoon Dong to the tune of 2 AM's "Can't Let You Go Even If I Die". That was a hilarious musical choice that basically made the episode for me.


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It was! I found it so hilarious too.


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Man. I really hate that they ended the episode with them running towards each other and did not show them actually meeting. I feel like there is going to be some kind of interruption... that they may not end up meeting. Sigh. I really hope they have the glorious reunion and reveal of their mutual love that they should!

For the first time, I thought HyunHee was ok in this episode. At least she came clean about being shady and manipulative... now Hoondong can't say he didn't know. hahaha.

Loved the HoonDong/JangMi crying session! I liked how HoonDong noticed that JangMi was going away sad... because he usually doesn't seem all that observant.. but I guess that's why JangMi liked him in the first place? Because he is sweet and thoughtful sometimes. =)

I cried with JangMi when she was talking to her dad about the reason why she let the show go on for longer than she should have... that was heartbreaking.

Gong KiTae is just the sweetest thing. Loved his whole hallucination scene.

Friday! Come quickly!


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Maybe I was just feeling particularly grouchy on Saturday but this episode just really, really annoyed me.

Maybe the awesomness of this show at its start made my expectations too high but this episode just really, really disappointed me.

The only character that I truly care about at this point is Ki-tae's mom. I want her to have an independent woman moment, kick her loser husband to the curb and rock her stylish new hairdo with a brand-new empowered attitude. Everyone else, though? Meh.

Ki-tae and Jang-mi's relationship was still too unexplored/too new to me as a viewer for me to accept all the angst of this episode as necessary. Angst created by the characters FOR NO REASON AT ALL.... Jang-mi and Ki-tae specialize in having drunk conversations over how the other needs to improve so why the f**k did they suddenly stop talking in this one? As little experience as for-real-dating this pair had, they did have the besties through-thick-and-thin routine down. At least Ki-tae tried, what's with the brain damage Jang-mi? So much for character continuity there. I can't even care about this conflict because I know they'll end up together anyway so it just seems stupid and forced. Unless they don't meet as they run back to each other and we do a time skip into the future where it shows how much they've matured on their own then this whole episode served no purpose at all.

Se-ha? She's a ball of crazy and it truly worries me that she's a doctor. Who would let this woman operate on them? She actually needs to go to a psych ward. It's the only ending for her that will satisfy me. That or if she decides to drop off the grid and go explore the world to find her true self, be one with nature, yaddah yaddah (turn the crazy bitch into a feather-in-the-wind, puka-shell-wearing hippie!).... but since those things won't happen then nop! Don't care about her either...

Yeo-reum? I loved him as a character and a rebound for Jang-mi but when he finally decides to be proactive about making sure Ki-tae doesn't steal his girl he does it in a hurtful way? Not awesome. Also, very unlike how his character had been portrayed up to now... what happened with the easy smile and the go-with-the-flow-attitude? What was that about character continuity?

Jang-mi's parents? REALLY DON'T CARE. I like their relationship towards Ki-tae but that's about the extent of it. They should have been sent to jail back when Jang-mi was 5 for mistreatment. The girl almost died because they abandoned her! How is it no one has raised this issue? I'm surprised she didn't grow up even more messed up with an upbringing like that.

The baby-duo? Couldn't care less. Honestly. There's nothing about them that's worthy of my time... maybe I lost faith in them when one turned out to be a rapist and the other owned a French restaurant but serves pasta and other Italian dishes.

UGH. Rant over. I had been (im)patiently waiting for this recap to come up to vent. I...


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How torturous to need to wait for one week! Oh I wish they can find each other.


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Hoon Dong is starting to be one of my favorite things about this drama. His character gets better and better for a mama's boy with questionable taste in boxers.

Argh, that cliffhanger! Just let the OTP get together already!! With just 4 more episodes, I better get some gooey couple-y scenes before the ending... And Yeo Reum and Se Ah better butt out of the way! Ki Tae and Jang Mi, I adore these two so much! :3


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im with u on that..seems like only us see him as one of the favorites..he is 3rd after the OTP and i dont see why people think he deserves someone like HH..to be honest he did what many guys do that are scare of relationships and ended it how many have done before..some of my friends send text message, update their FB to single so the girl can get the hint..other then his method of dumping JM he has been a solid character for me..


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Loved all the fallout this episode. The parents reactions were really consistent with their characters and also really heartbreaking :'(

However, the ending was really frustrating! It felt like the writer was artificially prolonging the back and forth and mis-communication. And the second leads continue to just make me throw my hands up. I was really surprised HD and HH ended up with a happy ending- I honestly thought HH was faking the pregnancy just to manipulate him, but I guess it turned out she was sincere? Whatever, I just do not understand her (or SA or YR) at all.


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Ki Tae's mom should kick the old cheating fart out of the house and have him stay with his skanky mistress for good. I still can't believe her denial that she still wants him around after what he and his mistress has embarrass her in public. She needs and deserves to get herself a new life.

Still don't like Hyun Hee...She got what she wanted in the end and married a rich person. Didn't she realize Jang Mi lost her job when she was gushing about her forthcoming wedding to Jang Mi former boyfriend? Jang Mi had feelings for him previously, so it still would have hurt.

Enough of Se Ah and Yeo Reum too. SO TIRED of them -both evil doers.

I'm going to throw something at my computer if Jang Mi and Ki Tae can't find each other at the beginning of the next episode... Ugh..another week to wait.


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thanks for bringing up that point about hh. i was fine with her, even after she "raped" hoondong. but that girl is just not someone you wanna be friends with. she literally gives zero fucks about everything else beside herself. which is weird, bc she took jangmi out when she first broke up with hoondong but now she just seeks attention like CRAZY.


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I feel they might miss each other. :( JM and YR might end up as BFF and open a cafe- converting from the chicken store. YR will make a great chef and JM will make a great alcohol sale person!! Hahaha... Maybe she will end up doing alcohol import-export business


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Uh oh looks like Ki Tae has to buy Jang Mi another phone (AGAIN)!

Why threw away a perfectly good phone? I half expected her to jump down and get the phone back once she realised her feelings. You know phone these days are built to be waterproof.

SO excited for next week episode! Ofcourse they'll be having problems on how to face each other parents. Esp looking forward on how Ki Tae can gain back the love from Jang Mi parents. heee


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For those lonely hearts out there who's dying for a preview:


[SPOILER] Looks like Ki-tae hired Jang-mi as his new house help? Hahahaha this is getting interesting.

Oh and Jang-mi's new hair-do! TOTAL LOVE!


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sorry, the correct link for the 15s's version is:


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There is some kind of poetic justice in Ki tae getting his elaborate proposal ruined, the same way he ruined Jang mi's in episode 1. You know 'what goes around comes around' and Karma's a bitch and all that. He certainly could appreciate the effort that went into it, though.

I doubt if he would carelessly ruin someone else's proposal in the future after this episode.


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Yep, good 'ol karma!


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Oh, this episode - what a punch in the heart. ::sobs::

Although what I took away from it was that Ki Tae really does turn into his mother under pressure. His actions at the end (instead of saying "I love you, please come back to me", he tries to manipulate Jang Mi into running after him) made me yell at the screen "Jang Mi, are you sure you want to live with this for the rest of your life?" Cause that learned behavior is going to come out every time he gets frustrated, for the rest of their married life.

And his smooth assurance that Yeo Reum is a momentary blip (because Ki Tae thinks he's soooo smooth. That remark actually made me laugh. Ki Tae, son, you don't even know, because you won't actually open your mouth and talk about your feelings.) made me realize how disconnected Ki Tae is from reality. Just like his mother. He has a plan in his head, and accepts no deviations from it - because he wants Jang Mi, he's convinced himself that he can win out, without even once talking to her about how she feels. (Jang Mi, are you sure you want to marry into that? Yeo Reum is sooo much less complicated. Just sayin'.)


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I agree with everything you're saying (except for the YR part. I would be overjoyed if we never saw him again). But yes, KT is so much like his mother and will really have to work to overcome that (but he'll first have to identify the behaviour) before he can be a truly worthwhile partner to anyone.

Also Yeo Reum may seem less complicated now but he clearly has his own deep-seated baggage that he has not dealt with. If JM had to be with anyone else, I'd rather it be someone completely new who is actually well-adjusted and not still carrying around the scars of wounds inflicted upon him in childhood.


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>someone completely new who is actually well-adjusted and not still carrying around the scars of wounds inflicted upon him in childhood.

Is there such a person, even in fiction? ::laugh::


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Haha, I thought that even as I was writing it. I was going to add in brackets (does such a person even exist?!) Maybe I should have said "relatively well adjusted"?


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>Maybe I should have said “relatively well adjusted”?

I dunno - because the most relatively well-adjusted drama character I can think of is Jae-Yeol from "It's OK", and he's having active hallucinations. ::laugh::

Maybe the moral of the story is that JM should pick the one whose dysfunction she finds least annoying. ;)


Such a person do exist in this world - they're called normal person. But in drama normal person just don't exist because normal is boring


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I have to disagree - everybody carries scars from their childhood and baggage that they can't put down from their past. The most well-adjusted people are just aware of it and try to compensate.


What I mean by normal is not everybody in this world had terrible childhood that scarred them for life. I take myself for instance coz I think I had a normal childhood that didnt scar me badly or turned me into a bitter person today. Am I weird that I don't carry baggage frm my childhood? honestly my family is far frm perfect and isn't rich either. When I was a child sometimes I got beaten by my dad if I did big mistakes or if I've been too mean or too rude to him. Did all that scar me? I don't think so because for me it's normal occurence in life. What I mean is my childhood life weren't as bad as the things portrayed in most dramas, so I take it as normal
Anyway agree to disagree!


I mean, honestly, I was too busy being pissed at Jang-mi for asking him to go to Se-ah in the first place. It may have been the wrong reaction from him, but he was gearing up to tell a girl he loved her for the first time in a long time...and she tells him to be with Se-ah?!

Remember that he has no assurance that Jang-mi likes him back (although I think he understands that something is between them). He was obviously very hurt. They BOTH did stupid things at the end, but, honestly, Jang-mi wins.


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Remember that he has no assurance that Jang-mi likes him back (although I think he understands that something is between them). He was obviously very hurt.

But if he had started his talk with a confession, if might have turned out better. Everybody needs to learn to use their words, darn it.


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This is true. I admit, I really wanted that to be his moment to cut through the bullshit and I was definitely really disappointed with him even if I can understand why he reacted the way he did. I definitely want some honesty from both of them next episode!


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he already try to confess to her when she was waiting outside his apartment but she cut him off..he probably wasnt expecting what JM jus said again at the wedding since he was all in the first time in telling her he likes her..so im not disappointed becuase he did give an effort two different times..jm has yet to make any effort in telling KT how she feels yet


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>jm has yet to make any effort in telling KT how she feels yet

Well, in all fairness, he did spend a number of episodes telling her how much he hated "girls like [her]", so she probably thinks she's just imagining whatever affection she sees from him (not to mention that when she asked, she thought he laughed at her.)


Not from the beginning but lately after finding out kt is a playground kid when he teases his crush..hehe..she already knew about him like her for awhile now from hoon but I understand where she is coming from since she believes it would only drive kt further from his mom if they were to get together so I'm ok with how their feelings are developing and not jus jumping into the facts so quick...but kt still doesn't know for sure yet so u wish he got a tiny hint about jm true feelings for him


My sentiments exactly! Though I understand why she did what she did, I really want to strangle JM for saying that to GT when she already knew that he likes her. And GT seriously needs to get rid of his darn pride. Someone here commented about whether it is really necessary to put noble idiocy plot that lasted all about 5 minutes in a drama. I bet the idiocy will last much longer if it's a 20 eps drama. K-drama and the noble idiocy cliche, I wonder when I can't see one *sigh*


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Thank you, LollyPip!

I really enjoyed the fall out in this episode, especially with the parents. It really felt believable and consistent with their characters and a long time coming. Man, seeing Jangmi's father SO LIVID at finding out the truth - I was honestly scared for KiTae for a minute there. When he picked up that bat, oh boy. Still I feel like some good is coming out of this - it's unfortunate that JM's parents might get divorced but their relationship is incredibly unhealthy and they're finally realizing just how much they've hurt their daughter (and warped her view of relationships) over the years.

I think you make a really good point that even now, KiTae still doesn't have the respect and consideration for his mother that he should. The two of them still have a long way to go (and I'm still waiting for cheating dad to get the boot) and I'm hoping JangMi will help them get there. I also am very curious to see how the OTP manages to reconcile their families to the idea of the two of them being together now.

I'm so over this HD and HH sub-plot but I will say that it's nice to see HD step up and mature a little. He and JM commiserating was also cute - they've really come a long way. Kitae imagining JM was adorable too.

I'll be honest and say I didn't get the end where JM tells KiTae to go be with SA even though he doesn't love her. The hell? She seemed to be going down a path of noble idiocy and I did not like it but then the real ending happened and I was somewhat appeased. Come on, show. There are only 4 episodes left. Let's get these kids together, make up with the parents and wrap things up nicely. No more misunderstandings are necessary.


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i related that with kitae's mom's position as an unloved wife. maybe jangmi thinks that kitae has done so much on seah's life and damaged it too much that he has to be with her even if he doesnt love her, also because seah has done so much for kitae for him to not return the "kindness", like how kitae's dad should be with mom just because they were married.


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Thanks so much for the recap Lollypip!

a pleasure to read your recap and share the thoughts with other viewers

I am yet to read the comments and thoughts of others yet but great that the recap is here!

cheerio :)


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Uhh, how dumb! That was the time to say it all and they blew it! We could of been spending some serious episodes focused on Jang Mi and Kitae cuteness. Plus the time needed to fix the family issues. Next week please don't disappoint.


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got the new preview but someone mind subbing it



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Oh, thanks!!! Jang Mi's new haircut is adorable - and it looks like it'll be all lead couple, all the time next week, even if looks like there's entirely too much sneaking about.


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Oh Thank you so much!
Agreed with you all, her hair looks cute! And it seem Gi Tae is stalking her hahaha
Sending prayers to the dramagods that the last scene in the preview where Gi Tae grab Jang Mi into his embrace is for a kiss, come on - i need to see that again, even the shaman told them they have explosive chemistry, it will be a shame not to go for it again ;p


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If u look at jm clothes.ts.the same one she is wearing when kt holds her on the couch so I'm hoping they play that street scene early and we get to out otp getting some true alone time


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Oh really, LOL I need to check again! Thanks for sharing ;)
@Crazynoona yep the first thing that entered my mind when I see that last scene is a hug and followed by an explosive kiss heheh


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explosive is the keyword here, you got that director-nim?! XD <3


Viki.com has a subbed preview up in the 'clips' section.


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I just LOVE love-sick Gi Tae!
And since they left us at that and knowing such the troll the director is...i'm gonna keep my expectation low, that they somehow won't meet after all that running around to find each other. *sigh*


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@ crazynoona: yeah... I thought the same too... if that happens, someone will surely have sore ears hearing me screaming this Friday

hope the writer etc wont be too cruel to us waiting for JM n KT together pleaseeeeeeee......


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lets cross our fingers together XD


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Mwahaha! It seems I was smart in waiting a week so I could watch 3 episodes. I'm super done with Yeo Reum and Se Ah so I'm glad to see I won't have to put up with them much. And they're not in the preview either so I don't think they'll be too important now.

I'm still kinda mad that the writer took Yoon So Hee, the most adorable actress ever, and made her such a horrible character with 0 redeemable qualities. But oh well, I can just go back and watch her be cute in Let's Eat.

Jang Mi has cut her hair which is K-Drama sign for things are about to get serious in the relationship department so let's hope this week's episodes are full of so much fluff, it's overstuffed.


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Let me just say what a revelation watching MND is. The drama is cute but it is such a revelatory of two great talents in HG and YWJ! Romcoms really are only as good as its leads, and these 2 sell it so well with chemistry & pitch-perfect acting on top of a zippy script.

Side note, am I the only one who find Han Groo SOSOSO similar to Yoon Eun Hye in looks and mannerisms? When she sobs, it really reminds me of the distinctive way YEH sobs with the heaving and, just try to watch them and compare if you bother teehee.. At some of her angles I could swear I can't tell her apart from YEH too. And some other angles she'd resemble Yoona, and sometimes Sung Yuri! lol

4 more episodes to go, hope they will finally confess and we'll see them deal with winning everyone's trusts back, together! No more missed chances please, my heart can't take it :/


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OMG guys, they put up BTS for the fight scene haha!



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LOL the most satisfying brawl ever!


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thanks so much Chandler :)



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Friday, yay!!!

Let's hope Ep 13 is back to the funny and away from the heartbreaking consequences, whew.


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Looks like a bit of your wish now come true! hope for more lovey dovey sweet scenes for Jang-mi & Ki-tae!


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