Marriage Not Dating: Episode 11

Hey all! I’m covering both of this week’s episodes of Marriage Not Dating while girlfriday is at KCON (so jealous!)… so please bear with me, I’m not as super-fast as she is! Let’s send her and javabeans our best wishes for a fantastic weekend and a safe return!

Ki-tae and Jang-mi aren’t bound to their pretend engagement anymore, but they find that it’s not going to be as easy to go their separate ways as they thought. Some new feelings are discovered, and some relationships begin to take a turn for the better. But just when things are looking up, the Green-Eyed Monster rears its ugly head to ruin everything.

EPISODE 11: “Confession (Go back)”

Ki-tae stands in the middle of a tea-candle heart, surrounded by heart-shaped balloons and holding a bouquet of roses. He smiles shyly and excitedly, as we see a woman’s feet walk down a tea-candle pathway towards him.

Back in the present, Ki-tae and Jang-mi have been on their knees for quite some time in front of Grandma, who upbraids them for lying about being engaged. They each try to cover for the other but Grandma isn’t in the mood to let them off the hook.

Jang-mi tries to explain that she understands how Ki-tae feels about wanting to be alone, after experiencing his family. Grandma yells at her for meddling in someone else’s family, but Ki-tae defends Jang-mi, saying that she thinks of others before herself and that he used that to his benefit.

Jang-mi insists that she used him too, because her parents were so happy after meeting him and their relationship improved. Awww, seeing them sticking up for each other is sweet. They even argue over who has to tell his mother and face her wrath, and Grandma just rolls her eyes and grins. Grandma always knows. She makes some cryptic remarks about them not being ready to come clean, and that it can wait. She instructs them to do well and sails out, but neither of them has any idea what she’s talking about.

Hoon-dong picks up Hyun-hee with his mother in tow, and they stop at a restaurant where his mom says Hyun-hee is pregnant and her parents are gone so someone should take care of her. But when they get inside, Hyun-hee jumps like a cat when she sees one of the waitresses, and tries to use her morning sickness to get herself out of there.

She’s not fast enough, and the waitress sees her, hollering for everyone to hear that her daughter is here. Oh no. Hoon-dong’s mom asks if her parents are already back from their cruise, and when Hyun-hee’s mother clearly has no idea what she’s talking about, Hoon-dong’s mom leaves without a word.

Hoon-dong and Hyun-hee follow her and Hyun-hee apologizes, explaining that she thought Hoon-dong’s mom would be ashamed of her parentage. His mom says that she’s not disappointed that Hyun-hee’s mother is a waitress…she’s disappointed that Hyun-hee is ashamed of her mother. That’s…surprisingly awesome of her.

Ki-tae and Jang-mi sit in awkward silence at his place, unsure what to say now that it all seems to be over. Ki-tae grumbles that he still has to see her because Yeo-reum is still living with him. Yeo-reum shows up and offers to make dinner at home for the three of them, since he needs to talk to Ki-tae.

Jang-mi trails after Yeo-reum in the kitchen, offering to help, while Ki-tae trails after her, grouching and getting in the way. Ki-tae says he can cook too, and Yeo-reum proposes a cooking contest to see who can make the better pasta dish out of ramyun. Loser grants the winner a wish.

Yeo-reum definitely knows his way around a kitchen, but Ki-tae is a hot mess. That or he’s brilliant, because Jang-mi steps in to help him, and he takes full advantage of the excuse to get close to her while Yeo-reum glares at them.

Jang-mi judges Yeo-reum’s pasta to be delicious, but hesitates to even eat Ki-tae’s, which is just a huge congealed lump. She finally tastes it but apparently her mother taught her that if she can’t say something nice, don’t say anything, and she simply declares Yeo-reum the winner. Ki-tae immediately demands best two out of three, and this time wants a man-to-man contest that doesn’t involve Jang-mi as a judge.

Cut to: Jang-mi lining up a loooong line of beer shots, HAHA. The guys play mook-jji-bba, a rock-paper-scissors game with tougher rules, and proceed to get staggering drunk. Eventually Jang-mi offers to be Ki-tae’s “black rose” (the woman’s version of the black knight, where she drinks in place of the man) and Ki-tae gets all giggly about her name, which means rose. Yeo-reum wins again and tries to claim his wish, but Ki-tae now insists on best three out of five, at least until he passes out gracefully. Hee.

Next they head to a noraebang, where the machine will declare a clear winner and loser. But it backfires on Ki-tae when Yeo-reum turns out to be a great singer (no surprise there, ha) and Jang-mi gets all googly-eyed at his pretty voice. Ki-tae turns off the music and sings an upbeat song, and soon the competition is forgotten as the three of them have a great time singing and dancing together.

Back at home Yeo-reum claims his wish, having won every round – he asks to borrow five million won (about $5000) so he can get his own place. He feels that as long as he’s living here, Jang-mi will stay entangled with Ki-tae, and he wants freedom for both of them. It’s telling that this seems to unsettle both Ki-tae and Jang-mi.

Ki-tae talks with Hoon-dong and notices he’s avoiding Hyun-hee’s calls, and asks if he’s going to dump her like he dumped Jang-mi. But this time Hoon-dong actually looks conflicted and swears he just needs time to think. Yeo-reum brings Ki-tae’s food and asks when he’ll get the money, but Ki-tae balks.

The whole conversation is made hilarious by Hoon-dong side-eyeing the both of them, still thinking Ki-tae is gay and crushing on Yeo-reum. Finally Hoon-dong can’t hold it in anymore and yells, “Ki-tae likes you!”

The whole restaurant goes silent, and Ki-tae is all, What in the what now? Hoon-dong says that it looked like Ki-tae doesn’t want Yeo-reum to leave, but Yeo-reum just says seriously that once he leaves Ki-tae’s house, Jang-mi won’t have reason to go there anymore either. Hoon-dong finally figures out that Ki-tae’s feelings are actually for Jang-mi, and Ki-tae doesn’t bother to deny it.

Ki-tae’s mom calls Jang-mi’s mom to tell her she needs to talk to her, then heads to the department store. Jang-mi and Hyun-hee are on their very best work behavior, as executives of the store are there doing inspections, until Jang-mi notices a very familiar-looking pink diamond ring on the hand of a shopper.

Ki-tae’s mom shows up to talk to Jang-mi just then, and Jang-mi accidentally yells at her in her nervousness. Mom and Mistress see each other and both visibly start, and Mom turns to go but Mistress asks her snidely if she needs her ring again. Wow, that’s super bitchy.

Mistress says that Mom’s future daughter-in-law must be stupid, since she knows the situation but not that the ring is hers. She makes more snarky comments about how the daughter-in-law is a gold-digger, and how humiliating it must be that her husband doesn’t love her, as both Mom and Jang-mi try their hardest to keep their dignity.

Finally Jang-mi invites the woman, with her best customer service smile, to shut up. She yells that she’s the “stupid gold-digger,” as the executives gape at her. But Jang-mi is all riled up now, and confronts Mistress for daring to insult the woman who is trying to keep her family together while Mistress destroys it.

Mistress keeps it up, getting even nastier if that’s possible, and Mom takes Jang-mi’s hand and tries to lead her out. Mistress sneers that if her life was so great then Mom wouldn’t always avoid her. Jang-mi yells that Mom avoids her because she’s dirty, earning a slap across the face and a cut from the ring.

That’s all Mom can take, and she shrieks, “How dare you lay a hand on her! That’s my daughter-in-law!” as she grabs Mistress’s hair and starts yanking. Go Mom! The two women grapple, and Jang-mi joins in with her own battle-cry: “That’s my mother-in-law!” Soon they’re all rolling on the floor screaming (Jang-mi and Mom winning of course, because they’re bad-ass like that).

Afterwards, Jang-mi and Mom sit outside looking like they’ve been pulled through a hedge backwards, neither of them speaking. Jang-mi meekly apologizes for her behavior, and Mom doesn’t answer but starts making odd choking noises. She starts to giggle, then guffaw, then points and laughs at Jang-mi until Jang-mi joins in and they both laugh until they’re out of breath.

But Mom suddenly sobers up and says blandly, “I really don’t like you. I hate kids like you.” Jang-mi is baffled, and Mom explains that that’s what she used to think, that she didn’t want to get in a mess getting rid of someone like Jang-mi, but it happened anyway. She says they should cancel the wedding and return all the gifts, and Jang-mi breathes a sigh of relief and agrees.

But Mom says next, “Let’s start over.” She says she wants to try again and treat Jang-mi better this time, though she tells her not to get too excited because she only said she’ll try, and she still might pull out Jang-mi’s hair later. Okay, who knew Mom was so funny! Jang-mi is shocked, but admits to herself that she’s a little excited that Mom finally likes her.

Later Ki-tae meets with Jang-mi’s parents and tells them that he doesn’t want to cancel the wedding. He’s spoken with his mother, and she’s said that she doesn’t expect any gifts from their family, no need to take out loans, and he says that Jang-mi herself is all he needs. He really looks sincere, too – awww, sweet boy.

Ki-tae and Dad drink together again to celebrate, and are pretty sloshed by the time Jang-mi comes home. She demands to know what he’s doing, and he just slurs that he didn’t want all their hard work to go to waste. And seriously, Ki-tae makes the cutest drunk faces ever. Dad invites Ki-tae to spend the night, and he’s just so giggle-happy to accept, it’s precious.

Hoon-dong mans up and meets Hyun-hee to talk, and he says that his mother is really suspicious of this whole situation (your mom and everyone else, my friend). He hesitantly asks if it’s really his kid, but backpedals at Hyun-hee’s offended expression, saying it’s just his mom who wants to know. He says that he has to consider his mother or he’ll end up coming to Hyun-hee with nothing.

Hyun-hee just says that it must be nice to be able to walk away so easily, and asks him to go to the hospital with her – if he walks away from the baby, she’ll have to, also. To his credit, Hoon-dong looks very upset by this idea.

Back at Jang-mi’s, the family prepares a bed for Ki-tae in the living room when he coyly comes out in an outfit of Dad’s to sleep in (Mom deadpans that it’s the first time a guy has looked sexy in those clothes, HA). Everyone goes to bed, Jang-mi warning Ki-tae that it’s an old house and may have roaches, assuring that he gets zero sleep.

Jang-mi’s parents sleep in the same bed for the first time in ages, not wanting Ki-tae to know that they’ve been sleeping apart. Dad adorably snuggles up on Mom, who protests but allows it. Soon they’re spooning and sleeping peacefully.

Neither Ki-tae nor Jang-mi can sleep, both hyper-aware that the other is right in the next room. A roach crawls across Ki-tae’s foot and he freaks out, crashing into Jang-mi’s room where she’s bouncing off the door trying to decide whether to go out to where he is. He begs her to let him stay, and she wonders where the guy who wanted to be alone went.

Ki-tae wanders around the room commenting on her messiness, and finally puts on a CD and sits in her bed, oh-so-casually asking why she was hovering near her door. He guesses she couldn’t sleep with such a hot guy right outside (snerk), but she says it’s because her parents are normally working late and she sleeps in an empty house. It’s the first time her house has felt like a family was all sleeping there.

She thanks Ki-tae for making it happen, and he runs with the moment and tries to put an arm around her, only to get barked at to get out now. He says he’ll leave after this one song, but starts to nod off and falls asleep on Jang-mi’s shoulder. She tries to get him up but he just pulls her in close, still fast asleep.

Jang-mi wrestles herself free but stares at him, and tells his sleeping face that his mother called her daughter-in-law today and it made her excited. She touches his hair gently, which rouses him enough that he pulls her in again. She’s stunned by her feelings and whispers, “What do I do? I must like you.”

In the morning, Ki-tae and Jang-mi sleep in her bed all cuddled up, until Dad harrumphs at them from the doorway. They both bounce awake and try to deny anything happening, but Mom manages to drag Dad out, telling him that their fortunes make them drawn to each other. So funny how Ki-tae checks under the covers to make sure Jang-mi is dressed and his denials of anything happening are true, hee.

Mom plays the solicitous mother-in-law at breakfast, giving Ki-tae all the choicest bits of meat, and he enjoys it as Jang-mi laughs at them. Aw, they look like a real family. At least until Jang-mi remembers her realization that she actually likes Ki-tae, and leaves after griping that her parents aren’t acting normal.

Ki-tae helps Mom with the dishes, and she asks when he’s going to propose. Since they’re starting over, he needs to start with a great proposal. Mom says she’ll keep the secret so it can be a surprise, and instructs him to make it really moving.

Ki-tae’s father asks his mother (who’s sporting a really pretty new haircut to go with her new attitude) if the rumor about her fighting his mistress is true. He knows Jang-mi was involved, and regrets not getting rid of her sooner, but Mom just says it’s too late and she’s accepting her. She can tell that Jang-mi loves Ki-tae sincerely and won’t two-time him like some people. Boo-yah.

Ki-tae goes home to find Yeo-reum packed to move and gives him the money he promised, telling him to just take it since he won the bet. Yeo-reum says cryptically that the real bet starts now, and he’s going all-in, and he warns Ki-tae to be on his guard if his feelings really are sincere.

Later at work, Ki-tae gets a text from Jang-mi’s mom, telling him to make her the star of a drama when he proposes and sending a video for inspiration (hey I know that one!). He’s so focused that he misses that a patient is right in front of him. She advises Ki-tae that whoever the girl is that he’s obsessing about, he should grab her before someone else does.

Being a smart man, Ki-tae goes shopping for proposal supplies. He spends all day decorating his place with candles, balloons, roses and lights, until his whole home is a romantic wonderland. He remembers the first time he met Jang-mi, when she had decorated an entire hotel suite similarly, and smiles to himself. He adorably practices his proposal in front of the mirror, cringing at the cheesiness, and finally settles on a simple and honest, “Shall we do this for real? Marriage.”

Se-ah calls Ki-tae’s mother out for coffee, and tells her that Ki-tae and Jang-mi’s engagement has been fake all along. Mom admits that she originally thought so, but she believes now that their feelings are real. Se-ah insists that it’s still fake, and that Jang-mi even has a boyfriend. Mom is devastated and leaves without a word, and Se-ah drops her sympathetic expression so that we see the cold, calculating bitch underneath.

Ki-tae calls Jang-mi to invite her to his place after she gets off work, and she agrees since she wants to talk to him too. He gets busy lighting all the candles and finishes right as the doorbell rings. He gets into position and calls her in, looking so cutely nervous that it’s making me nervous.

But it’s Se-ah who enters, and Ki-tae immediately looks guilty and stammers as he asks why she’s here. Se-ah tells Ki-tae that she’s confessed everything to his mother, saying it was the only way to stop him. And that’s your job why?

Meanwhile, Jang-mi is on her way to Ki-tae’s but she’s stopped by Yeo-reum, who asks her to dinner. Jang-mi says that she needs to confess something, and tells him that she feels terrible because the parents think her marriage to Ki-tae is real. Yeo-reum asks if she’d really get married just for others, but she says sadly that won’t happen, because Ki-tae isn’t sincere about her.

Yeo-reum says he doesn’t care about others’ sincerity, that he’s okay as long as her feelings aren’t involved. Jang-mi replies with tears in her eyes that that’s the problem – she really cares for Ki-tae. She says she can’t help it, but she wants to be with him and she wants the engagement to be real.

Yeo-reum asks if Ki-tae knows how she feels, and she says he doesn’t yet. She wanted to tell Yeo-reum first, since that’s the right thing to do. He says that he’s glad she did, and glances over to see Ki-tae’s mother approaching as she walks home. Right on cue, he hugs Jang-mi hard, just in time for Ki-tae’s mother to see them and get the exact wrong impression he means for her to get.

As Ki-tae’s mother remembers her conviction that Jang-mi isn’t the kind of girl to two-time Ki-tae, she freezes to see her hugging another man right in the street. And at Ki-tae’s house, Se-ah steps into the heart of candles with Ki-tae and says, “Let’s get married.”


I was willing, towards the beginning of the drama, to give Se-ah and Yeo-reum a pass on their little spy plan. Yeo-reum didn’t know Ki-tae or Jang-mi very well at that point, and as soon as he liked Jang-mi he gave the money back. But this time he’s absolutely crossed the line, because this was obviously a giant pre-planned setup between him and Se-ah, to break up Ki-tae and Jang-mi. The timing was just too perfect, and the placement of all the players too exact, for it to be coincidence. The way Yeo-reum made sure Ki-tae’s mom was watching before he hugged Jang-mi was a dead giveaway – they had everything planned down to the last second.

And with that, I am officially done with Yeo-reum. I’ve given him a lot of leeway through this show, since he’s clearly got a sad past with being abandoned and truly did seem to care for Jang-mi. But when you care for someone, you want them to be happy no matter what, you don’t try to sabotage their happiness in the hopes that they’ll come to you. I’ve said this before – life doesn’t work like that. Jang-mi just told him that she has feelings for someone else, so what makes him think that taking that chance for happiness away from her will mean she’ll have feelings for him? I get that Yeo-reum has some pretty stunted emotional growth, but come on. That’s just logic.

And Se-ah is worse, because she knows without a doubt that Ki-tae doesn’t love her. He broke things off with her years ago, and had plenty of time to look her up if he missed her. Not to mention, he hasn’t once taken her up on any of her many offers (of herself or just to give her a baby), so what on earth makes her think that walking in on his obvious proposal to another woman and announcing that she’s just ruined his life will make him agree to marry her? I swear, these people got the cray-cray.

I’m mostly sad because I was so looking forward to Jang-mi and Ki-tae’s mother finally coming to an understanding. Interesting that Mom saw Jang-mi’s sincerity towards Ki-tae before she even knew it herself, which tells me that Mom is quite the observant lady in spite of her ice queen exterior. We’ve all known for weeks that Jang-mi understands Mom in a way that her family never tried to understand her, and I loved that their catalyst for making peace was a catfight with Skanky Mistress. If teaming up against the woman who ruined your family couldn’t bring Mom around, nothing could. I’m just so disappointed that their truce was so short-lived, and now they have to start back at Page One.

I’m hoping against hope that we can resolve all this soon, because I’m just heartbroken that we got so close to the resolution that we’ve been hoping for, only to have it all torn away again. Someone please put Se-ah and Yeo-reum away somewhere and let Ki-tae and Jang-mi alone for one freaking day! If they could just have one honest, truthful discussion without being interrupted, this would all be resolved so quickly. We can only hope it happens sooner rather than later.


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I was freaking out at the opening scene, I couldn't even appreciate how they came full circle from episode 1 where Jang Mi was the one doing the decorating to the tune of Lee Seung Gi's "Will You Marry Me"; I could only focus on "KI TAE'S GOING TO PROPOSE!?" But ugh, Se Ah had to ruin it. No, he does not want to marry you! Don't step in his heart (his candles-roses one on the floor)! Get out of his house! Our couple was making such good progress -- cooking together like husband and wife, Ki Tae cozying up to his future in-laws so he can sleep over, Jang Mi sharing how lonely she feels at home, and the both of them admitting their feelings for each other (albeit not to each other). Ki Tae preparing for his proposal had me melting. Even practicing his "saranghae" on Nemo.

The gall of that mistress to be so proud to be the other woman and belittle her man's wife in public; I was livid. Thankfully, Jang Mi was there to stand up for her mother-in-law or else Mom would have ran away again, and it is just not healthy to keep bottling up your emotions. Jang Mi makes Mom brave. You go, Mom, for pulling that homewrecker's hair. She got what's coming to her. Unfortunately, just as Mom was starting to accept Jang Mi, she breaks her trust (or so Mom believes), so I can understand why she was so disappointed in her after defending her in front of her dirtbag husband who shamelessly discusses his affair in front of his family as if he has a God-given right to cheat. I'm sad Ki Tae did not find out about the epic fight because I was looking forward to him worrying about Jang Mi getting slapped and fussing over her scar like a plastic surgeon would. Also, kudos to Jang Mi's manager for not firing her because clearly anyone could see it was the mistress' fault.

This was my favorite episode yet. I jumped when I saw the cockroach; then when Ki Tae reenacted the scary cockroach with his hands, ahahaha. That entire scene in her room was perfect and the quintessential turning point in their relationship. I question whether he was really drunk if he was coherent enough to pull her in for hugs twice. Not to mention, Jang Mi repositioned him to the head of the bed, so she consciously snuggled with him during the night. I am glad Yeo Reum finally moved out, but I did feel sorry for him today (minus the calculated hug) and thought it was quite big of him to ask Ki Tae to pursue Jang Mi for real. Hyun Hee got caught in her lie, and Hoon Dong was shirking responsibility as usual, but I hope she is not considering abortion. Thanks for covering this week's episodes, LollyPip!


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I thought Ki Tae was awake during that bedroom scene. Somewhere during the first snuggle he smirked when Jang Mi mentioned how his mother finally acknowledged her. I just felt he was too "aware" when Jang Mi was talking to him secretly.


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Yup, he was awake. Homeboy's just smooth like that. xD


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Totally, he was conscious. There were one too many hugs for it to be coincidental.

Thanks Lollypip! One of my favorite episodes too.


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nah, i don't think he was awake...it's a kdrama/jdrama thing, when a drunk person that's passed out hugs/kisses the other, which then serves as a turning point for the conscious person to realize his/her ~true feelings~
i also disagree with lollypip's opinion that yeo reum and se-ah planned this together- this is also another common occurrence in east asian dramas. it's just a way to show the viewers what's happening to the main characters at the same time to be concise. you just have to let the impossibility of such dramatic events happening to each of them at the same time slide, it's just the way it works. same thing with questioning why the characters keep on running into each other or only frequenting a single restaurant or picking up phone calls when they could just ignore them- everything that happens in a drama has a purpose usually, so there's no use or enjoyment really, in picking apart things like that.


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I actually thought he was asleep..he did bring several bottles with JM dad so sitting there listening to music i jus thought he dose off..but to pull her in twice..heheheh..i was enjoying that scene so much..then they woke up the next morning in the proper position so u know JM rotated him so that they could spoon..go JM!!!


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Well, it must be pointed out that the couple had many "turning points" before today (most notably the beach outing), none of which turned things around for good. For this couple, lack of turning points is not one of the reasons for their current state of affairs.

I guess that is the point (or the tease) of the drama, but all it ends up doing is make Gitae look less and less of a man. We get that he has Daddy issues and Mommy issues. But then, so does Jangmi. Yet how the two navigates the choppy waters is a study in contrast. Gitae should have manned-up about six episodes ago. At this point, I don't even want him for Jangmi. She's just too good for him. But that won't be the direction this drama will take.


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Can we just all agree that Yeon Woo-jin plays THE BEST drunk? I watched his drunken mess when he made fun of Jang-mi's name and "three out


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OMG totally. The way he says “Joo Jang Mi” everytime he gets drunk is just spot on! Hahahaha! Love his drunk scenes. :D


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I must be a sucker 4 the pretty I still can't get mad at my Yeoruem I'm like "poor duckies" *holds out arms* ....but u was right everything was 2 on point for them to be at the right place at the right time *sighs* .... But on the bright side I'm happy Mama finally beat the side chick up (I really hate home wreckers) hopefully next week is better ?


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The"home wrecking" part already warrants the cat fight, all clasws unsheathed .... but this mistress also upped the bar with her audacity.

Wish instead she was the one who ended up getting slashed up bad by her own pink diamond, in the fight.


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best best best episode!


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Can we just all agree Yeon Woo-jin plays the best drunk? Can't believe how many times I rewatched his "Jang-mi" and "three out of five" moments.


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drunk KT is the greatest because he now has the excuse to touch her as much as he wants..even the first time he drank with JM dad in the shop..JM came burreling in and he jus stuff his face in her chest..LMAO that scene is still vivid in my mind


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He's so giddy and touchy touchy. Notice the part where she tried to warned him about the cockroaches, he jumps up and grabs her thigh? Hmmm mmm!


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hehehe..i notice that immediately..for someone that wants to be alone he sure isnt shy when it comes to skinship..lol


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So sorry for Ki Tae's mother though, it was such a turning point for her and to only have it all destroyed in a short amount of time. I was laughing and smiling with glee when Jang Mi and her were bonding over the whole department store situation - that horrible mistress had it coming, she had no shame whatsoever! That relationship goes downhill in episode 12 but at least the writer(s) treated us by also finally having Ki Tae's mama declare out loud that nobody messes with her daughter in-law and gives her so-called husband a piece of her mind when he makes a dig at Jang Mi.

Ah, Yeo Reum... what he did was a dick move BUT I forgave him after awhile. I do believe he genuinely likes Jang Mi and we've been given enough hints to realize Yeo Reum is aware that Jang Mi and Ki Tae have a budding relationship thus it is natural that he'll become desperate to gain back her affection. Not that his actions were right though and that'll cost him as Jang Mi will push him further away once she realizes he manipulated her.

Yay for Hoon Dong's mom! I thought she was going to use that newfound information about Hyun Hee's mother differently, but the writer(s) surprised us instead and had her say she was disappointed that Hyun Hee would be ashamed of her own parents. That's something Hyun Hee should hear, her social ladder climbing spree has to stop.

Because this is just so damn depressing along with episode 12, I'll end off with this... AHHH THAT BED SCENE WAS SO CUTE! SQUEEL! They're already looking like newlyweds! Luff it! Cute scenes heal the soul!
Plus I shall never speak of that person again. She shall not be named. This is all.


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>Ah, Yeo Reum… what he did was a dick move

Well...yes. But did you ever date a boy with abandonment issues? That's pretty much on the money for their reaction to being dumped.

I couldn't decide if YR was being calculating, or if he was just being spiteful (ie, did he hug her because he thought if he soured the MIL it might cause her to gain some distance from KT, or was it just to cause her trouble?)

I really really liked that JM was open, honest, and considerate of YR in her breakup. Poor YR. ::bows head for my sunken ship::


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@harmonyfb : You mentioned this earlier in the previous recap on ep 10 too

Whether YR being calculative of spiteful

Since I was also wooing YR & JM at some point earlier but can't help adoring KT melting away for JM.

So, is he calculating or spiteful?

1. To watch him hugging JM after JM clearly told him her sincerity towards KT is just ....pffffttt....

2. YR himself must have known how JM felt toward KT after bumping into them in the kitchen when JM held KT's hand

3. Before YR hugged JM, he did, he actually did glanced and knew, he actually knew KT's mom is on her way and can clearly see them.
Geeeezzzz.... that's evil since he knows who JM's choice is and to do that for KT's mom to see to be one way to get JM back to him? Long shot that KT's mom will reject JM?

Isn't that cruel to the girl he loves and would he think JM would be daft not to catch him doing so and expect her to go to him...? n

No. No. No... that is not calculative but evil and simply spiteful.

I am really annoyed [grrrr.... hmmmphh..... arghhhh.....] for the turn of event and wish that the story line didn't have to go to that extent of SH & YR degrading themselves to such extent :( :( :(

as much as I would love to see KT & JM glued together ASAP!!

hoping for more happy romantic heart warming scenes for the 2 moms and more of JM & KT


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>Geeeezzzz…. that’s evil since he knows who JM’s choice is

But it's perfectly in line for a character with abandonment issues - it's my experience that those people don't take rejection well, and they tend to lash out when they experience a breakup. So...his spite worked for me.


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Someone please put Se-ah and Yeo-reum away somewhere and let Ki-tae and Jang-mi alone for one freaking day!

YEAHHH ! that's all I want too !


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@JWspazz: huwaaaaa.... yes!! leave JM & KT alone ....!!


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I literally wanted to scream and punch Se Ah and Yeo Reum in their faces...these rude jerks who just want to get their way...UGH


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That is pretty much how i felt. I didn't care much for Yeo Reum throughout this drama but i actually liked Se-Ah. Well, screw you now, bitch!


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I never like YR either - he seemed like kind of a poser with little personality from the first episode. His grade B acting did not help.


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Yeo-reum definitely hit the lowest point yet in my estimation. It was so obvious that what he did was planned that even Jang-Mi caught on. He is now on my Fail list and he should go away.


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how bad of a plan did he have that JM actually notice it right away..does it make sense to YR and seha that they should hurt the people around JM and KT in order for the leads to fall for them..the greatest thing about the hug from YR is i hope he completely disappears from the show..he already use the abandon card so i dont see him coming up with anymore excuses that JM would accept..


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@lessonlearn: agree with you. Why did they have to write the story as such. They not only act badly, the character given is also awful !

Luvs the early part of the episode but dashed again and that made feel devastated & that I also agree (with other viewers saying in other blogs or sites) that as if the production people are dragging the story a bit with the common kdrama cliche scenes of having the wrong people at the wrong time !!!


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@ade..heheh..that sure was some perfect timing..but wat can u do..knew the relationship with the mom wasnt gonna last for long since we got more episodes to go..YR lost complete credibility to me..dont know exactly how he resorted to these childish tactics..the writers competely flip him around from when he first appear..


Ki Tae should have punched Se Ah in her face. And push her out of his heart. I screamed when she stepped in with him. "That's not for you, bitch!"


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He's too much of a gentleman to use violence to a woman, but I think he's too lenient towards her though. If I were him, I'll insult her bad enough that she'll never want to see me again on her own accord


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cute cute cute!

the scene with grandma was so cute... how they were both trying to take the blame and cover for the other. they care for each other and want the other to look better. so glad grandma saw right through them!

the fight scene was awesome. I laughed out loud! such a touching moment where the two FINALLY bonded. i'm SO SAD it was so short lived too... =(

Gong GiTae is so cute and so sweet. In the beginning of the drama, it would have been impossible to imagine him planning that kind of proposal. he's a man in love... and it's so freaking cute.

I was so disappointed in YeoReum... I fully expected that kind of behavior from Se-Ah because that bitch be crazy... but I hoped that YR would be a better person than that. I'm not sure if it was coordinated and planned out between the two to sabotage GiTae's big moment, but it came at such a bad time. my heart really broke for GiTae's mom, who finally was opened to giving JangMi a chance. it's like she keeps getting betrayed, time and time again =(

I'm honestly really sad that I started this drama so early... I wish I waited until more episodes came out! because waiting a whole week to see what happens is torture! lol.

love love love this show <3


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I don't think Yeo Reum planned anything with Se-ah.

(Rule #15 of dramaland - Coincidences can and shall happen without any planning whatsoever, and the incidence shall increase in direct proportion to the amount of damage inflicted on the relationship of our OTP.)

That said, it still doesn't excuse what was very much a selfish, petty move. He just sabotaged any chance with Jangmi - he had a slim chance to begin with, but now it's over, done, never gonna happen.


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I agree with you. I didn't think YR and SA planned things together. I jst took it as the coincidence rule of kdramaland. Ugh, I fast forwarded most of Se Ah's scenes. She grates me to no end. And YoonHee? Well, I don't even have words to describe my disgusts. One word: rapist. Dad? I don't see how someone can be that shameless. He and the mistress both. How in the world do you bring out the story of your wife and mistress fighting in front of your sister AND mother??

My favorite scene is the fight btwn mom, JM vs b***hy mistress. I was rolling laughing and rooting for our two heroines.

Btw, who is the actress who plays the store manager? I've seen my share of boring actresses, but this one tops the bunch. Just wanna make sure I don't watch anything in which she plays a significant role.


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I agree. I don't think he planned it either. I'm considering the possibility now, but it's not the impression I got watching.

My problem with Yeo-reum is not even that he pulled a move like that (well it is, but still). It's that he pulled a move like that...after TWO episodes of passively watching Ki-tae and Jang-mi. He could have earnestly tried talking to Jang-mi, but he didn't. He could have tried telling her how much he liked her, but no. The moment he finally decides to stop acting passive is not to honestly convey how much he cares about her, no, it's to effectively ruin her chances at happiness and that is a logic I cannot understand.


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It's funny how I yoyo-ed from neutral for all 8 or so episodes -> feeling sympathy for YR in ep 9 and 10 -> feeling sick this weekend YR had to resort to manipulation to compete/regain her affection.

I was still feeling sorry for YR during the cooking competition (ep 11), where he silently observed all the subconscious rooting Jang Mi was doing for Ki-Tae, and during the karoke scene.
When he was still a pretty good sport about joining in as a fun 3some, and not making a big deal although he was inputing more and more how those 2 could be left well alone and not miss his prescence at all.


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This episode was the first time I ever felt sorry for Yeo Reum, and when I did, it was in a big way. I felt so sorry for him during the cooking competition because he was the one who suggested it in the first place, and even though he didn't need any help, the judge is not supposed to be helping the contestants. Then at karaoke, Ki Tae was so petty to cut off his song, and Jang Mi seemed to forget he was even there when she was singing her favorite song with Ki Tae. Even before he walked into the apartment, he could see them enjoying each other's company despite saying how happy they were to be rid of each other, and even though Jang Mi can hold her liquor like the best of them, it was sad how she drank for Ki Tae.


@ Chandler ; I'm with you and well said Chandler. I have just the same thoughts too and had replied on the earlier comment of this recap to @harmonyfb before I saw yr comment here

And to panshel, yeah, poor poor poor YR but for someone to be so spiteful, sorry, no pity lho...! :(

quite a roller coaster of emotion again they wreck us in

First part, they let us drool with the grandma's being so supportive, then with mom accepting JM and daringly replied to dad, watching KT acting coy and eager with JM's parents, and the climax when KT & JM cosily cuddling away throughout the night?!!

then the 2nd part to just crashed them all... arggggghhhhh..... and [spolier of course] that ep 12 didnt help much!

Friday is again seemed so far away....
cruel man doing this to us!!


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I thought so too. Yeo-reum just took the opportunity when he saw one coz he knew he was losing her after hearing her confession. I'm pissed and relieved he did that actually. On the bright side, his relationship with Jang-mi is finally over. Yay!!


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I agree with you! I've been a big Yeo-reum fan and not because I think he's all that great, he's clearly very flawed. I just thought he was a great rebound for Jang-mi... not meant to last but so fun while it does! My problem was that Jang-mi and Ki-tae's growing affection made sense in terms of contract-marriage world (you spend enough time together, you're bound to develop feelings) but not in terms of emotional connection -- at least not for Jang-mi, not when Mr.-hot-and-muscle-y opened up to her so soon and it took Ki-tae 10 episodes to finally be emotionally open. I just felt like the show expected me to buy into the OTP simply because I was supposed to and I didn't.

I'm sad Yeo-reum did this because now I can't blindly support him any more (we already knew he was opportunistic but this was just hurtful) buuuuuuuuut at least the show (UGH. AFTER 11 EPISODES?!) has finally given me a reason to stop supporting the Yeo-reum/Jang-mi pairing. Finally! It's no fun watching a show when you can't root for the main couple.


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It was really cute how they were both trying to take the blame, but I had to laugh at Ki Tae's backhanded compliments. He was all, "She's so easy to take advantage of, but I was the jerk who took advantage of her." Jang Mi didn't know whether to be flattered or offended.


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Thanks :)

Oh show, in the beginning I know you totally thought I expected Jang-mi to be there so that you could subvert my expectation with Se-ah showing up instead, but I was really hoping that since I actually DID expect Se-ah to crash his proposal, that MAYBE you would subvert that expectation and actually have Jang-mi show up, ya know, just for kicks. But alas, that was not so…

On the whole, though, I'm not that disappointed with how things turned out this episode, excluding Se-ah's involvement. I'm not worried about how Ki-tae will react to this, not after seeing all he put into that proposal, I'm just sad it got ruined because it really was the sweetest thing. But I'm somewhat happy because I'd always hoped the drama would take the marriage sham to the point where Ki-tae's mom actually genuinely accepted Jang-mi (OMG! Loved them this ep! Favorite part by far!) and I loved the fact that this episode took us there and that it dovetailed so nicely with Ki-tae finally preparing to lay it all out on the line and with Jang-mi realizing and immediately communicating her feelings to Yeo-reum.

Because of all those things coinciding so perfectly, our leads were thisclose to just being able to go through with their sham for real, to the point where we could just barely imagine it all working out, and then that possibility is taken away thanks to Se-ah. I think it's for the best that everything worked out the way it did because I'd much rather them get together with the truth out in the open anyway.

Also all I have to do is think about Gong Ki-tae and Joo Jang-mi this episode and I'm happy. They're seriously adorable. And Ki-tae is a hilarious drunk!


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Also, something I like about the conflict they set up is that, at least, this isn't just a misunderstanding. Jang-mi may not really be a two-timer, but the consequences of the sham do have her come off as one, and have caused her to hurt Yeo-reum (I still don't forgive what he did though!) so I like that they'll be basing the angst on those consequences, at the very least. In fact, I have to say, the writers did a pretty nice job of setting up Jang-mi in a position where, even by the viewers, she could be misconstrued because she really was in that dicey position where she understandably had no clue what her feelings were.

I guess I'm just a little impressed because I wasn't expecting the writers to use her inadvertent and, for the most part, completely innocent "two-timing" in such an unexpectedly heart wrenching way. Ki-tae's mom placed her trust in Jang-mi in this episode, to the extent where she even supported her as a sign of resistance to her husband, on the basis that Jang-mi would never treat Ki-tae the way her husband treated her. It was such a huge step for her and to have it be undercut by the revelation that Jang-mi actually wasn't sincere after all and could be just the same as him. Ooof. We know it's not as simple as that, but all in one episode they made me feel that forming and breaking of trust so well. So while I don't particularly enjoy this, I can at least appreciate that they set up the conflict in a way that has me feeling for all sides (except Se-ah's, because she's craaaaazzy).


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Me too. It was kinda what I was saying before last week too, about Jang Mi.

That despite between kind, empathic, full of spunk to help and all ... in her romantic life, she was blowing indecisivie hot and cold, which is messy - starting with contemplating marriage wtih HD, jumping into fake-dating with Ki-Tae to interest in YR genuine interest in /Ki Tae.

It's actually realistic how she was 'caught' = as a consequence of all the preceding general wishy washyness with her feelings.


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Me too. It was kinda what I was saying before last week too, about Jang Mi.

That despite between kind, empathic, full of spunk to help and all ... in her romantic life, she was blowing indecisive hot and cold, which is messy -- starting with contemplating marriage with H --- jumping into fake-dating with Ki-Tae --- to interest in YR --- genuine interest in Ki Tae.

It's actually realistic how it mapped out, how she was 'caught' = as a "consequence" of all the preceding general wishy washyness with her feelings.

Even while definitely rooting for Ki-Tae, I still felt sorry for YR as he witnessed Jang Mi helping KT in his pasta attempts ... and then sitting alone strumming his guitar as our couple spent their romantic night together in her bedroom.


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>as a “consequence” of all the preceding general wishy washyness with her feelings.

Well, remember what the shaman said - sitting on the fence is "the worst!" And now they are going to pay for ignoring his wise advice.


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@ harmonyfb: he he he! I'm amazed how very observant the viewers are & you are one of them! great read!


I agree that this conflict is a very realistic setup. I liken it to someone who has been betrayed his entire life causing him to close himself off to the world. Then when he finally gathers the courage to open up to someone again, that person turns around and betrays him. You just don't recover from something like that.


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Spot on. I'd say the same would apply to Ki Tae too. He'd just withdraw after being hurt twice. KT withdraws into his physical fortress, blocking off the world; YR withdraws behind his perpectual but inscrutable smile.

The 3 of them have baggage; but among the 3 - I would say Ki Tae and Yeo Reum are the most vulnerable, and would shut down and withdraw when hurt.

Jang-Mi with her sunnier disposition, bounces back more easily. Even with deeprooteded issues, she tries and tries again, as we see with her parents.

Yeo Reum with his reaction 'mask' wears his smile as a 'defence' regardless of situation/his reaction - happy, sad or vulnerable.


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I wanted to hammer bricks at both Yeo-rim and Se-ah. I never found them too irritating or important, really. But now they're not only meddling with Ki-tae and Jang-mi's relationship, they're actually ruining it. Se-ah in particular is insane. How can she possibly have the face to declare she just ruined his life and then ask him to marry her as if she's doing him a favor. Like WTF is wrong with her? Yeo-rim is just typical. He is the nice second lead who loses their head when they realize they're not the person first lead wants to be with. So frustrating when I actually loved his bromance with Ki-tae and his friendship with both the leads.

Anyway, how ridiculously awesome was that scene with Ki-tae's mom, Jang-mi and Psycho mistress? The latter is actually proud enough to flaunt about her affair with a married man! Talk about shameless... But it really was so well executed. Too bad everything fell through so fast because I really would've fancied a few awkward bonding between Jang-mi and her future mother in law.

I love that this drama really relishes in cliches, but occasionally steps out of it to give us some really great character moments. One of my favorites about it is how the writers allowed Jang-mi to have as broken a family as Ki-tae has in some ways. We usually get situations where one of the main character has a perfect family and the other person learns what its like to be in that kind of home. Here, both Ki-tae and Jang-mi's families are torn apart in different ways. Both aren't perfect by any means but somehow, being together makes things better, clearer and maybe even happier for both the families.

I feel like I still haven't figured out Hyun-hee. She seems like a gold digger but at points look sincere too. I'm not sure if she really is with Hoon-dong because of the money, baby or something else. But there's a whole lot of mystery surrounding her character which makes her very interesting even if they eventually go the obvious route.

I'm super happy that Jang-mi has also admitted that she likes Ki-tae. They both make up for what the other lacks; I just hope they find their way to each other very soon. This drama keeps getting better and better for me (and I say this after watching episode 12). I don't mind the angst at all because I trust the writers will continue with the story without dragging it too much. What's pretty epic about this drama is how it continues to be hilarious even in the midst of angst. That's difficult to do so hat off, show!


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"Here, both Ki-tae and Jang-mi’s families are torn apart in different ways. Both aren’t perfect by any means but somehow, being together makes things better, clearer and maybe even happier for both the families."

-Love what you wrote here. That is probably one of my favorite aspects of the drama :)

It's also why I actually felt the deep-rooted sense of betrayal that both families experienced when finding out the truth in a way that I usually don't when watching contract romances. Usually, the family finds the contract and that just means it's time for the respective couple's allotted separation time. But here, I actually feel how their lie hurt their families because being together actively made them happy (Jang-mi's family) or made them change for the better (Ki-tae's).

I also agree that I love how the show keeps up the with the humor :)


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>How can she possibly have the face to declare she just ruined his life and then ask him to marry her as if she’s doing him a favor

I know, right? She is the most ridiculously self-involved character, ever.


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"How to Get a Guy to Love Your Forever" by Kang Se-ah
1) Make life decisions without him once you're engaged.
2) Take him to a sperm bank so he can be harvested and bribe him to donate.
3) If that doesn't work, tell him you want to have sex so you can get pregnant.
4) If he doesn't like that offer, lure him to a hotel room to force sex.
5) If that doesn't work, tell his mother about his Big Lie and ruin everything.
6) Walk in on his sweet proposal to another girl and propose to him.
7) If by the end of all these wonderful steps, he still doesn't want to be with you, there's something clearly wrong with him. (wink-wink)

That girl is unbelievable. I knew from her absence during the episode that she was gonna show up at the end and mess things up. I do not get anybody who tries to defend her. I have not detested a second lead girl in so long, and I'm kind of sad it's in a drama that felt like it was gonna be different from the norm. She just needs to go, and I'm glad Ki-tae finally had the sense to tell her to never appear in front of him again.

I totally agree with you about Yeo-reum. I have made it pretty clear how much I don't like him, but I still appreciated that he was on Jang-mi's side. That hug killed any so-so feeling I had about him, and pushed him into dead-to-me territory. I get that he's been feeling anxious since he first started seeing her attraction to Ki-tae, but she was honest with him, and instead of being decent and accepting, he pulled a dick move.

He and Se-ah both are just so selfish. They want these two people who don't want them, and in one go, they destroy two families without any thought.

Yes, Ki-tae and Jang-mi shouldn't have let this ruse go on so long, but it was their secret to keep and their secret to tell. No one else's.

I was so happy to see progress made on Jang-mi and Ki-tae's mom's relationship and hated that it was taken away so quickly. Urghh!


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I think the last time I hated a female second lead this much was Sena in Rooftop Prince. We'll have to wait and see how this shows ends to determine which girl I end up hating more.


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But at least Se Na wasn't pining after Tae Yong. She had her own man Tae Mu to be obsessed with. I hate second female leads more when there is a love triangle and she is manipulatively keeping the OTP apart.


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agreed! Se-na is an evil sister but she wasn't pining after the male lead. Se-ah's character here is almost the same with the second female lead in old drama 'All About Eve' played by Kim So Yeon. Truly hated her in that drama!


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I've refreshed db's page for God knows how many times. Thank God it's finally here. Thanks LollyPip!
That’s it. I’ve had it with you. I’m not going to let you off any longer.
Yes. I am talking to you both, Se-ah. Yoo-reum.
I knew Se-ah was rotten but I still thought that despite being so, so bad (nappeun yeon) she still had Ki-tae’s best interests at heart. But telling him off to mom is something on a entirely different level of bad. And after doing so she still had the face to ask Ki-tae to marry her? Jesus, do the writers really have to write her character to be this shameless?
Oh and Yeo-reum. I still pitied him at first, for being the actual third wheel and always get sacked whenever Ki-tae’s in the picture. But things is out of all three, he was, IMHO, the first one to discover that Ki-tae and Jang-mi’s marriage stunt is no longer just a stunt after all. And with that knowledge, I thought he was going to step back for real (despite his sometimes spiteful comments here and there), if Jang-mi really decides to woman-up and confess her feelings. And when she finally does, he DID that. Christ. Did you really have to put mom in there, out of everyone, to watch them. Oh, the strings you pull, drama.
Aside all the second leads’ hijinks, I think this is Mom’s episode, even more than the last one. She was so awesome today. Showing feelings here and there and even getting down and dirty with dad’s mistress. I almost peed my pants the whole time she did that. But the thing I feared the most happened, that she discovered about the fake marriage, AFTER she actually accepted Jang-mi and embraced her. Because it would be much much harder for her to trust Jang-mi again. I’m crossing my fingers that something would happen miraculously so that mom would be able to see all the feelings and awesomeness that’s hidden beneath all these lies between Jang-mi and Ki-tae,
BECAUSE THEY BOTH ARE SO AWESOME!!!!!! I non-stop cheered for Ki-tae and kept on getting moony eyes, swooned here and there everytime he silently mumbled and kept his feelings hidden to himself. Because that was just too cute and adorable to handle. But seeing Jang-mi in the same side of the road is JUST AS ADORABLE!! Maybe even more so. Seeing her finally coming to her senses (the scene in her bedroom) was so swoon-worthy, I actually got butterflies when she finally admits to herself she likes Ki-tae for real.
But the show stealer in this episode is definitely Yeon Woo-jin. I couldn’t stop replaying the scene where he just changed into Jang-mi’s dad clothes and shyly lingered at the door. MAN. THAT FACE. I would eat him up if I could.
I hope all of these hiccups won’t stop the OTP from coming out with their feelings. I saw the preview for next ep and things aren’t looking so great, either. Please, please, drama Gods, bless my heart because I can take no more angst.
P.S : The whole cook-off, drink-off, and sing-off scenes were so priceless. As much as I hate Yeo-reum right now, I...


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Dude, I know. The series of bashful looks Ki-tae gives when coming out in her dad's clothes...so. freakin'. adorkable.


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This was possibly my favorite episode of the series! I was SO glad to see both Jang-mi and Ki-tae confront their growing feelings for each other. Is it weird that I was actually more heartbroken for Jang-mi's relationship with Ki-tae's mom at the end of this episode, than I was for Jang-mi's relationship with Ki-tae?

I laughed SO FREAKING HARD at the scene where they bonded over attacking cheating hubby's truly dreadful mistress. That was hilarious, I was fistpumping momma the whole time. And the scene after, where she broke out laughing, was one of the most heartwarming of the series. I should've suspected then and there that everything would come crashing down on us! In spite of the heartbreak hotel that is in store for us next episode (which: oof), I am actually grateful to have everything out in the open, finally. Only now can Jang-mi and Ki-tae build an honest relationship from the ground up. I'm interested in seeing where the plot goes from here! Not too many tears, please, show!


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Omg. That scene when Ki-tae's mom broke out laughing...seriously, I swear, in that moment, Kim Hae-sook glowed like the most beautiful woman in the world :)


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That scene was SO EPIC. I swear, my heart grew a thousand sizes. Except not, like, in a medically dangerous way. I adore Ki-tae & Jang-mi, but I am (friend)shipping Jang-mi and momma even harder right now.


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I'm so glad you say that because it reminds me that I've been remiss in this area...Kim Hae-sook is magical. Always.


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Have you seen her in the movie "Viva! Love". She gets a noona romance!


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oh yes! she's amazing.

Always superb and just watched her in "The Suspicious Housekeeper" & "The Thieves" + in many others.


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Loved Ki Tae's mom smack down with her husband's skanky mistress.Finally, she let go of her icy exterior and beat up the mistress which she heartily deserved. There is something funny about a dirty fight between women Also, the scene with Ki Tae's mom and Jang Mi together laughing and probably brought them together at least temporarily. Ki Tae's mom had a cathartic effect on her bottled up emotions. I was laughing so hard because I haven't seen such a funny hair pulling scene in these dramas for quite awhile. LMAO!

Se Ah is a smart and beautiful woman that most men would treasure, but she is crazy...The man is suppose to propose, not the woman who has already been dumped down three years ago.I thought Jang Mi was going to step trough the door any minute. Yikes! Love the actress who plays her, but not her role.


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Im freeze, then my heart broke to pieces at jangmi and kitae's mom scene, in the end of eps. Damn u yeorumm!! Oh, momm..


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Jang Mi and Ki Tae were so adorable with their kind of matching coral shirts and was it just me or did anyone else tear up with the proposal?

Ki Tae has come such a long way and that entire set up and the effort was so simplistic bur so beautiful until Se Ah walked in. i wanted to kill her


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I had butterflies in my stomach as he prepared for the proposal as he went from being irritated at having to blow up all the balloons (have you ever heard of a balloon pump?)... to reminiscing about the first time they met in the hotel room with a smile on his face... to contemplatively looking at the "I Love You" heart before placing it in teddy's lap... to meticulously setting up the tealight candles and rose petals in the shape of a heart... to nervously practicing for the big moment in front of a mirror... all while the beautiful OST played in the background ("Call my name~"). When he "confessed" to Nemo, I about died.


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Ahhhhhh I need to go rewatch it now!!! lol


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*swoon* I just can't believe that he was so thoughtful like that :) it's going to be such a pleasant surprise for Jang-mi. He was so happy about it but when his face fell when he saw that damn woman, my heart breaks for him. Oh you poor puppy


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Chick fight~~~!!! oh I loved see mom break loose and then seeing Jang-mi and mom together was really heart warming..

when I saw the opening I was thinking... that outfit is not something Jang-mi would wear... and I was praying that the show was messing with my head... but it wasn't to be.. another heart break... and then Yeo-reum also had to step in.. oh the frustration...

but I really did enjoy seeing the mistress getting what she deserved.... really deserved and the constant backchat... oh please... would someone slap the mistress~~!!!


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This being dramaland, IMO it's entirely likely the ending scene was a coincidence between Se-Ah and Yeo-Reum, in that Se-Ah just happened to drop by to drop the hammer on Ki-Tae, and Yeo-Reum just happened to see Jang-Mi on the street on her way to Ki-Tae's place. That hug, though, was very calculated. What a reward for Jang-Mi's frankness.

Wow, Se-Ah just stepped into a whole other level of delusion there. It's a failing on the writer's part I think that she's gotta be soooo bat crazy to draw out the marriage storyline, because she could've been made a lot more sympathetic even as a manipulator. Now she's just burned through every shred of sympathy anyone would've had for her her, and then some.

But the drunken snuggling in this ep before the coming fallout apocalypse was So. Cute.


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Yeah, I can pretty much attribute every failing of this drama to the writing of Se-ah's character. I'm willing to forgive (the drama, not Se-ah lol) to an extent because this certainly isn't the first bitchy second lead, but I think I just find it more jarring in this drama because I love what I love about it SO MUCH.


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I can deal with Se-ah and Yeo-reum even though they are nothing more than standard k-drama obstacles overcome on the path to true love. In spite of this, I have found Yeo-reum unexpectedly charming. But that's the actor's charisma, not the way the character is written.

But I could not be more bored by Mamma's Boy (who could have been dispensed with after episode 1 from a plot point-of-view) and Gold-digger (why have a female best friend if she's not gonna be awesome - I've never seen a more pointless character in a k-drama than this one, and I like this actress a lot -- it's the writer's crime).

Thank God they were a blip in in this week's episode.


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Se-ah is giving me goosebumps, she does not deserve to be anyone else housewife. just plain creepy.


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Thank you LollyPip for the recap and thank you for letting me know I'm not the only girl that right now can't stand Yeo Reum... Even if he's pretty he crossed a line that one should NEVER cross, if you know the person you like has feelings for another then support them, let them grow without you because trying to force a relation ship in those terms will only hurt you more, while watching k-dramas I should be used to this type of personalities (we all know we've seen them often) but lately they had stopped turning up, so I was again miffed to see them come up in this drama.

In these two episodes (11 and 12) I don't know who I wanted to kill more Se Ah or Yeo Reum, they both messed EVERYTHING up! Now I'm just sad for where we're headed, there is only two weeks left of this drama and I am not seeing the marriage part of it yet!!! We demand to see the wedding, we DEMAND IT!

Now on to mom, I felt really good for the strides forward we made with her, specially her beating the stupid mistress (who obviously does not know her place, but for this we can blame the husband who 1st did not respect the marriage and 2nd did not let the mistress know she has no rights to berate the real lady of the house since she is the one getting in between them- I've always had a problem with mistresses who don't know their place!) and then I felt heartbroken about the "big reveal" courtesy of the two people who shall not be named from now on....

I will say this about the drama in general, I still like it, but it has wound down for me a lot... And I think it has to do with the fact that I miss seeing the old Jang Mi, yes she's shown herself a little lately but I miss seeing the woman who was relentless and who knew what she wanted and was not afraid of taking it, hopefully we'll see that character back soon enough...


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thank you for the recap


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I feel sorry for Yeo Reum. It's true that what he did is wrong but I kind of understand where he's coming from. He tried his best to look the other way and be understanding of Ki Tae and Jang Mi's situation in the past few episodes. Not a lot of people would react the way he did when they see their girlfriend kissing another man! I see this as his last attempt to try to hold on to Jang Mi.

By the way, anybody knows the name of the song the Yeo Reum sang when they were singing in the karaoke bar? I'm going crazy looking for it. Thanks!


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me too!
i'm hacking my brain hard enough to remember where did i hear that song, it's definitely an OST from another drama. i even search 2am's list of songs. so i fully appreciate the help here.


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It's 다시사랑한다말할까 (should I say I love you again) by Kim Dong Ryul. Choi Jin Hyuk sang it on Emergency Couple too.


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Thank you so much! Now I remember .. I heard it in Emergency Couple too. It was easy to search for it that time coz CJH mentioned the title.^_^


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I was one of the few who thought, initially, that Se-Ah might be a little crazy albeit interesting when she was still in the 'I don't love you or want to marry you but I still want your sperm' territory. But the interesting went out the window and the crazy became full blown in the past couple of episodes. I can still empathize with Yeo Reum than Se Ah, because with Se Ah, she had the chance to be the right person for Ki-Tae but blew it whereas I can attribute Yeo Reum’s behavior to trying to hold onto Jang Mi in whatever way possible. I think right now he is in the whole ‘but-you-liked-me-first’ stage and he obviously feels a little betrayed but he will realize it eventually that he is wrong (hopefully)

But Se-Ah? Oh dear Se-Ah.. Where is the truck of doom when we need one?

PS: Pity coz I actually think Sunhwa, as a person is extremely fun and relatable from all her variety show gigs- a total 180 from Se-Ah.


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Can I have this kind of proposal? (so jealous!)


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"Se-ah drops her sympathetic expression so that we see the cold, calculating bitch underneath."



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Grandma knows best~ now everyone else just has to get up to speed. So glad to see Mom starting to reclaim her self... as someone else said, I hurt even more for Mom losing Jang Mi than I do for Ki Tae. (All the snuggles helped me to feel reassured as far as Ki Ta goes.) I also feel sad about what this means for Jang Mi's family's newfound happiness.

Thanks for doing double-duty, LollyPip, and a big congrats to GF for not trying to do KCON and recapping simultaneously. You and JB need to learn to let others cover for you more often~ like, for at least one vacation/year that doesn't involve work.


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Does anyone know the song that plays when Ki-tae is blowing up the balloons? I feel like I've heard it before and it's driving me crazy not knowing lol.


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I think they played it when Jang-mi and Yeo-reum were driving off to the beach at the beginning of episode 9. So that might be where you heard it from. Someone on soompi said that it's the next OST to be released, but I'm not sure.


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Someone mentioned that it is Lee Seung-gi's Will you marry me. It played in episode 1 when Jang-mi was preparing to propose to Hoon-dong.


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Ah, no that's the song that plays in the cold open. I meant later in the episode when we see him preparing his place for the proposal.


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the song was by hyun bin of ledapple - call my name -- http://youtu.be/nCP_8N5EUmc

ledapple is a korean band active in japan and i think that song is a remake of their japanese song いま、僕の名前を呼んで ima, boku no namaewoyonde (now, call my name), which was released earlier.

there's a blog post somewhere that lists songs featured in the drama by episode. i don't know if it's okay to link here but you can just google "marriage not dating cuts", which is the title of the post i'm referring to.


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* i meant han byul (한별) of ledapple. the song is call my name.

gosh, i don't know where i got the hyun bin from, hahaha. sorry.


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Thank you! :D


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GONG GI TAE HAS THE CUTEST DRUNK BEHAVIOUR!!! oh my god I can't stop replaying the part when jang mi lied to her father that he can't drink because of his surgery schedule tomorrow and he just....SING : surgery? omnendeee~~~ cute cute!


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Ha! I did the same! Also for that bit where he cuts off Yeo-reum at the noraebang with the ~shirooo~ So much hilarity before all the angst at the end.


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HAHA! I love when he cuts Yeo-reum off! So funny! I also have a theory that the writer's based that on what Yeon Woo-jin actually does in this BTS:



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Thanks LollyPip for the recap!

Been reading mostly in silence these few weeks without commenting coz I didn't have time to think through my feelings for this drama (super busy with my real life zzzz) and pen-down my rants clearly.

But to get rid of my urge to break the necks of Yeo Reum and Se Ah (and hence be termed a MURDERER), I shall divert my energy (anger) into writing a short note about how much I love the OTP here.

There are dramas which I loved for the storyline, for the cinematography, for the acting, or for the great directing. And there are dramas, VERY FEW, which i loved just purely for the delightful and real chemistry between the main couple. MND is 1 of the latter few.

I've never watch Han Groo before, but find her ABSOLUTELY lovable. She can act, she is pretty (hopefully natural, er hem) and she plays the role of Joo Jang Mi with such tenderness and sensitivity that you want to hug her and pat her back everytime she messed things up (with good intent).

Despite Jang Mi always getting hurt due to her naiveness or goodwill to do something for others, she never once hate or give up on those who betrayed her. So she continues to help others, and continues to get hurt.

Gong Gi Tae sees that fragile part of Jang Mi, despite her gungho attitude and seemingly OK-WITH-THINGS exterior. He genuinely wants her to change in order to stop her from hurting again and again.

Yeon Woo-jin here is so different from his previous works/roles. He plays the initially cold and cynical Gong Gi Tae who actually carries a huge emotional baggage which no one has ever tried lifting from his back. Not even his so-called ex-GF and a friend of 20 years.

Through bickering with Gi Tae and their interactions, Jang Mi too realizes the fragile part of Gi Tae. His desparate urge/need to stay ALONE (hounja), his poisonous but direct comments which actually stems from him caring about the other person, and his need to break through to his "cold-hearted emotionless" mom.

This couple does not only understand each other, they are there for each other. Gi Tae for Jang Mi, when she was crying after she saw Yeo-Reum taking money from Se Ah. Jang Mi for Gi Tae, when he almost died in his bathroom from dehydration. And many more instances when both needed each other and they instinctly show up to help.

We can all see how naturally the 2 is together too. They are comfortable with each other, hugging, holding hands, bickering, kissing etc. (I'm sure that peck on her head from Gi Tae to Jang Mi while they hug each other - to show that they are in love when MIL and Se Ah came to his apartment with Kimchi? at the lobby, was inpromptu by YWJ and not written in the script. It felt so genuine)

The way YWJ and HG portrayed the OTP here is something I hardly see in kdramaland. I see sincerity and I see heart. I don't remember when was the last time I WISH that a drama couple will turn real-life couple. Actually, come to think about it, NONE...


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I can only come up with 2 other OTP I have seen that are comparable:our lovely couple from Queen In Hyun's Man, and that one did turn into a real couple, and the OTP from It Started With a Kiss (sorry I am HORRIBLE with names). Both of those also had the casual, genuine intimacy that I find so endearing, which Jang Mi and Gi Tae are slipping into. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they interact once they admit how they feel to each other.


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Yes thanks!
QIHM also has loads of OTP chemistry and I agree with that!!

Although I didn't actually at that time wanted them to become a real-life couple, their chemistry was sizzling on-screen! It's more like sex-appeal?

That is different from MND, where there is sex appeal BUT the most appealing part of this OTP is the sincerity and compatibility (they complete each other). The way they CARE for each other.


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QIHM was one of the cutest OTP i seen and i actually really like cunning single lady..the way each character plays off each other was so cute..but KT and JM is probably my most favorite becuase they jus arent scare to tell the other wats wrong or hurt each others feelings..they are so honest and subconciously helping each other or defending one another not wanting the other to get hurt..


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I'm with you on this. I'm not quite sure exactly how it happened, but this couple has become one of my favorites of all time :)


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I know I've gotten it bad when I cry with them, laugh with them, angry for them, root for them, and love with them.

I'm sure many will agree with me that it is very RARE for a kdrama to affect us viewers like this WITHOUT all the makjang and weepy stuff. Usually, kdramas use all these stupid unecessary utterly BORING same storyline in an attempt to get viewers to empathize, sympathize or whatever with the OTP (amnesia, 1 OTP's family killed the other's family, silly self-acrifices etc).

This drama? Just the OTP themselves is enough for us viewers to root for them! NO NEED all these kdrama overly-used usual-suspects!


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Yes, it's a show that you have to recommend to friends by saying - it's not such a great show but I promise you will love it just because of the leads. Witch's Romance, while having great GREAT side characters, had such a bad 2nd lead guy that could have ruined the show but the leads were so cute together that it's one of my favorite dramas.


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Until now I don't get Yeo-rum and Jang-Mi. I mean I don't get how they end up liking each other. I feel that I missed one scene. I can't sympathize with his character or acting except for that scene last week on the beach.


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with YR i just felt he started liking JM overtime..he wasn't interested in her until everyone else but as he got to know her he started having feelings for her..JM in my opinion only like YR cause he was cute, rebound guy and he said he liked her..she didnt want to be alone and the first guy to come around and complement her she fell for..but alll that was jus smoke and mirrors for me..she never had genuine feelings for YR


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Everyone's hating on Se-Ah, but I find Hyun Hee somewhat more irritating and manipulative. One evil-second lead is painful enough why must there be two!?


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She's manipulative but not as crazy as Se-ah. As long as she doesn't try to mess up with or seduced Gi-tae, it doesn't matter who she ends up with. She can marry Hoon and have a dozen kids with him for all I care


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Agreed. After watching both episodes this weekend, Hyeon Hee is the one who gets my wrath. I can kinda see where Se-ah is coming from (she is desperate and feels that this is her last chance), although I don't condone her actions.

But Hyeon Hee, getting a man drunk, sleeping with him and then forcing him to marry her because she is pregnant with his child? Recipe for disaster! I think she is as every bit as evil as Se-ah.

Good luck to her and her Mama's boy. There's a saying that "be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it". I wonder if the drama could fast forward a few years into their union to see how everything worked out for them.


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totally agree with HH character assessment but i could really care less about her story..she jus seems like absolute filller for me..

the person i wanna cheer for is Hoon's mom..lady was on point when she said that HH only wanted to find a rich man and live an easy life..then telling her off for being ashamed of her mother made me stand up for hoon's mom..she is the one that is gonna be stuck with HH in the family and as a daugther in law..


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the only thing i didnt understand in this episode is why ki tae had to run 10000 million kilometres back to jang mi at the end of the episode i mean when he grabbed se ah's hand he walked just away a few metres i guess but then on going back he was running for about 1 million minutes and so was jang mi, so just how did he get that far away?
anyways the fight atvthe store was hilarious :D


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oops commented on the wrong episode,thats supposed to be ep 12
oops sawry sawry
i miss cheon song yi :')


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10000 million km? LMAO!!! It's in ep. 12 by the way. Yeah I thought so too, but I guess it's just for a dramatic effect and to leave us with a cliffhanger at the end, and no preview either, so yes definitely for the cliffhanger


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I thought that too and then realized how great he looks running, so - good idea, show!


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heheh..i try to replay the scene to see how far he had walked..then realize that jangmi was leaving in the opposite direction so cant wait for their reunion..


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I am gonna wait until next week to see episode 12.(Will probably read the recap though).

I really don't want to see the fallout of this, especially the relationship between mom and Jang Mi.


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Ep 12 was aired already


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Oh, yeah i know. I meant, i am gonna wait until episode 13 and 14 come out as well. That way i can calmly skip the "fallout" :D


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This episode was a rollercoaster ride - but I think the heart of the entire thing was one small line from Ki Tae (not even mentioned in the recap).

When Yeo Reum shows up at the apartment at the beginning of the episode, Jang Mi jumps up and says to him "Let's go out to eat". Ki Tae's response is a direct and slightly offended "What about me?" That is huge for the man who pushed everyone away from him in order to protect his autonomy. His delivery indicated that it wasn't about putting himself between Jang Mi & Yeo Reum, but simply about tagging along - he wanted to be included in their honest, friendly fun.

Of course, the entire male bonding competition made me even more wistful for a happy French sex comedy in which Jang Mi, Yeo Reum, and Ki Tae all lived together, shared a bed, and cooked delicious food while spending weekends at the beach. Someone write that fanfic for me, ok?


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I will be supporting this fan fic too!

YR is pretty undemanding. I think all of them will exist just fine together.


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This episode finally helped me understand the point of Se-Ah and Yeo-Reum's characters. Everything that happened led up to Se-Ah spilling the beans to KiTae's mother and Mom seeing JangMi being embraced by YeoReum thereby confirming her worst fears - that KiTae could end up stuck in a marriage similar to her own. I have to applaud the writers for having things dovetail so nicely. Good job, writers, good job.

Even though the fallout in the next episode sucks (just when everything was going so well! Jangmi and Kitae's mother bonded!), I feel that this needed to happen so that JangMi and Kitae could embark on a relationship honestly and so that the ties could be properly severed between them and those pesky second leads. I'm glad things are out in the open so they can embark on a real, honest relationship now.

There was so much greatness in this episode tho - KiTae and JangMi scrambling to defend each other to Grandma, Halmoni realizing that these crazy kids really do like each other, JangMi jumping in to help KiTae during every single competition with Yeoreum, KiTae hanging out with JangMi's family and them embracing him like a real son-in-law (aaaaaaaaaaaw!), both KiTae and JangMi getting the opportunity to get that warm, loving 'family' experience that neither of them had despite having both of their parents together and in their lives, KiTae and JangMi cuddling in bed together, JM and Mom beating that shameless mistress' behind, Mom and JM bonding!!!, Mom accepting JM and essentially giving her her blessing and KiTae preparing the proposal for JangMi. And then it all came crashing down. SUCH a great episode, seriously. Han Groo and YWJ have such great chemistry and it's wonderful seeing them on each other's side at this point after all the cute bickering that led up to this point.


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Also awesome as it was to see Mom standing up to the mistress, I really want to see her take down her husband for real. He deserves much more than a subtle put-down!


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Also y'all, I actually feel bad for Se-Ah. BECAUSE GIRL IS CRAZY. SERIOUSLY. I thought that KiTae rejecting her when she tried to come on to him at the beach house was the final straw for her but NO! That wasn't enough rejection for her. This man has rejected her about five times now and she still won't give up! She actually believed that doing this would make him come to her. She tried blackmailing him into having a baby with her, then she tried seducing him at the beach house and now she's revealed the whole ruse to his mother. AND SHE ACTUALLY BELIEVES THAT HE WILL NOW WANT TO BE WITH HER. SHE ACTUALLY THINKS THIS WILL WORK. There is no logic or sanity in that kind of thinking at all. And it is just really sad that she is SO hung up on this man that she will do whatever it takes to try to be with him. It's kind of scary, honestly. I mean, like dang, girl. You're gorgeous, successful and rich. Tons of men would want to be with you. Let this one go already! Enough. ENOUGH.


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She has the traits of a control freak and a narcissist and to make it worse,she's delusional too. That perhaps explained her craziness


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I wonder how Yeo Reum plans to earn money?


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I hate to say it but my first thought was prostitution. Or like stripping? If they have host bars in Korea, he could do that. Or he could be like an escort. On TV, that's what people always resort to when they're desperate for money.


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I confess to being a little confused by that scene. He's quitting...because he needs money? Why not stay employed and just find a second job? I don't get it, YR.

And does he feel like he needs the money to repay KT so he can not be indebted to him, or is it because he still thinks JM is thinking with her wallet instead of her heart?

Poor Yeo Reum. He doesn't understand why he's not Jang Mi's first choice (for the record, neither do I.)

Seriously, Jang Mi, why are you choosing the emotionally-stunted guy with control issues and a woefully dysfunctional family over the sweet, thoughtful guy who only has some abandonment issues (which means he will never leave you, by the way), who not only looks like a freaking GQ model but also loves to cook? I. Don't. Get. It.


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I might be in the minority here (judging from comments) but I really feel like the writing has become lazier (not just because they no longer bother with subverting cliches or their opening scenes but also) because Se-ah and Yeo-reum are two of the most poorly written second leads ever. Part of it could have been acting (although I think Sun-hwa was doing her best with what limited crazy material she was given...and Jinwoon...was just Jinwoon basically. Couldn't break out of his idol shell) but most of it was because of the absolute departure from any type of sense or logic or even emotional connection with the second leads. I've seen Yeo-reum done better (see Coffee Prince - and that was more than a decade ago!!). Se-ah belongs in her own world of crazy (I don't understand how she exists). The total disconnect with the second leads is on the complete other side of the spectrum where the leads are totally bringing it on!!! The inconsistency in the narratives is really what drives me insane watching this drama. How can the leads be so well-developed and nuanced (see their emotional response to each other, their deep understanding of their respective fears, their dysfunctional family backgrounds etc)...while the rest of the drama could basically not exist as far as I care? I seriously wish they'd stripped away all the other characters or at least subverted them to be more interesting than the typical cookie-cutter characters. Particularly since they had scope to be so much more interesting. It's a damn shame. Not gonna lie - totally watching this for the leads only. Hope the angst gets over itself soon (and that's for you too Ep12!).


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I still feel like this ep reveals a lot more than what people give credit for. We now know the real yeorum and we see mom's progression. Sure it seems like a cliche but its a cliche done right. Jangmi has been lying all this time automatically she would feel guilty hence a reasonable noble idiocy. The side characters are not as developed as, say, reply94 but i like how each action is actually making the story. Like hoondong growing up because he has a sense of responsibility now. As for seah, i guess shes well developed enough. She has her reasons and all. Yeorum is just badly acted i guess? I dont get him. Its like he managed to make me hate him without actually doing anything else but smile that creepy grin (wow bitter bitch mode sorry)

Oh btw i know a person like seah irl! But its a guy. He literally blackmailed his ex (my friend) just because he wants her to be the mother of his children. Its been going on for 4 years now! I know seah is frigging cray but apparently real life people could be as cray as she is. Scary world.


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IDK..i think seha's character is pretty well written..i can see where she is coming from since 3 years ago pride was a bigger part of her life..now she sees that that is the hindrance in keeping her from KT so she is throwing in the last ditch effort she has in order to keep KT to herself..she maybe selfish but she was never able to vent or even cope with breaking up with KT...

YR on the other hand i think is jus who he is..jus like HH..they both have no depth and is jus what u see..I thought that they would turn HH into someone with a deep story but the girl is jus a golddigger looking for an easy way out..same with YR in that he has hardly any depth too..these are jus 2 normal people in real life which is why people get frustrated because they want something deeper with characters in a drama..i think we have enough of that with KT and his family..even JM backstory is lacking..hers is really parents that should of divorce a long time ago staying together..other then that there wasn't much else..

to me its really the actors that portray their characters..even though JM character backstory is thin..han groo is kiling it with her scenes and portrayal of JM..same thing with KT..YR on the other hand could of been a better character but the actor himself is jus so bad that there is nothing to look forward too..i neither hate or like him even with the hug becuase i never got invested in the terrible acting that i never care for him throughout the story..


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Thank you for the recap LollyPip!!

Does anyone notice that in the beginning the woman who walked into that proposal lane was wearing high heels but when we get to the scene she wore slippers? LOL

If drunk Gi Tae is this cute, I'd be more than happy to pour drink to him every night :D


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You know Jang Mi is going to be pouring drinks every night regardless so she will be seeing a whole lot of adorable drink Ki Tae.


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i think seha had heels on too and the flowers lead to the door so the first scene was the entrance and she took them off as she got closer to KT..


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Between Episodes 11 and 12, I spent this entire weekend wishing that I could punch every single character in his or her face and screaming "Do things that make sense!" at my computer screen. Sorry to get ahead a little but Episode Twelve is pretty much always the Let's All Do Stupid Stuff Episode so that can't be much of a spoiler.

I am more mad a Yeo Reum than I am at Seah because it's been long established that she's operating according to the rules of her home planet, which is Opposite Land from ours. But Yeo Reum decided he was gonna make the jump from Kinda Pitiful to Totally Creeptastic in about 15 seconds. I will defend him in that I don't think his Douche Move was preplanned. And we all know that if Seah was in on it it would have been a full on kidnapping.

I went to church yesterday and managed to calm down and remind myself that these aren't real people who affectmy life at all. But now it's Monday and work has been crazy this morning and I'm angry at these dummies all over again!


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i probably have to agree with lollypip about them working together..unless we doing kdrama land timing..this timing was too perfect with YR being right there waiting for JM after Seha had told KT mom that they were pretending..i dont think i can put it past either of them for doin it since they are who they are..i jus wish KT mom and JM had a longer relationship then one episode :(


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>and managed to calm down and remind myself that these aren’t real people who affectmy life at all

Just because they're fictional doesn't mean they don't affect your life. :)


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Hahaha for real tho!


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i love how JM was all shock and surprise when she woke up next to KT..its so funny since he fell asleep first and she was the one that laid next to him the entire night but tried to make herself look innocent...hehehe and KT rechecking the blankets to make sure if anything happen..bet he was more disappointed that nothing happen..LMAO


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Se Ah actually has a chemistry with Yeo Reum than she does with Gi Tae (i noticed it since the men auction party + the beach outing, or maybe i just wants them both to be out of the picture for our OTP!). You two...just start a relationship with each other, it'll be a hot noona-dongsaeng romance plus Se Ah can afford Yeo Reum.
Fave part of this ep was definitely the cat fight! So very sweet of Gi Tae's mom to go berserk and said (+attack) "How dare you! that's my daughter-in-law!"
This drama hasn't disappoint me in the least, the fun comes with a good dose of heart as its cute, sweet, bright, show is just so so wonderful! I cant wait for next week XD <3


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Does someone know the name of the song playing while Gi Tae is blowing up the balloons? It's a great tune!


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