High School King of Savvy: Episode 14

Oh, this drama… it hurts so good. Jin-woo’s discovery of Min-seok’s secret ends up opening a whole new can of angsty worms as he debates about what to do. Meanwhile, Min-seok and his allies work desperately to find some way out of their predicament. It’s fascinating (not to mention highly entertaining) to see Jin-woo gain the upper hand for some of this episode, especially since it only seems to make him suffer more. Min-seok’s jealousy rears its head more than ever, with unexpectedly hilarious and even heartwarming results. With all of the maneuvering, blackmail, and counter-blackmail between our two directors this episode, it doesn’t seem possible that we could fit in any development of the overall plot — but we do. And boy, do we ever.


Jin-woo has done his research and is now 100% sure that his least-favorite director is actually the high school student Lee Min-seok. He tells Min-seok that he’ll have to end his fraudulent role at Comfo. Min-seok runs after him, trying to get him to talk it out, but Jin-woo only drives away.

Min-seok calls an emergency meeting with Soo-young, Team Leader Kim, and Director Han. He tells them the bad news, drawing on a mixture of clichés and English: “The water has been spilled. The bus has already departed… Game over.” Team Leader Kim suggests that they prepare for the worst-case scenario, which is Jin-woo going directly to the president with the truth. “Shall we… write our resignation letters in advance?” Pfft.

Director Han gets a ride home from Team Leader Kim, and the discussion moves to Min-seok and Soo-young. Team Leader Kim was getting some weird vibes from them, but Director Han scoffs at the thought that she would date a high-schooler. Then they see Min-seok and Soo-young walking along the street holding hands, and gasp in unison when they think the two of them are walking towards a motel.

Min-seok and Soo-young continue walking, wondering what to do. Min-seok gripes that this is Hyung-seok’s fault, wondering how long he’s supposed to hold on when he doesn’t even know if his brother will show up to set things straight. Soo-young jokes that her high-schooler has to suffer through so much at such a young age, while Min-seok says that he feels better when she’s with him.

Then Soo-young remembers her ban on skinship and hurries away, leaving Min-seok to grumble that she’s really strict about this. He hurries after Soo-young with a smile on his face, calling out “noona” in a goofy voice that absolutely cracks me up.

Min-seok encounters Jin-woo and President Yoo in front of the elevator the next morning. He puts on a brave face and joins them, and Soo-young arrives a second later. The doors are just about to close when Team Leader Kim and Director Han race to catch the elevator. So… awkward.

President Yoo asks if the newcomers saw the Angel of Death or something, because they react with pure terror upon seeing the occupants of the elevator. Cue the most awkward journey ever, as Jin-woo taunts Min-seok by saying that he looks very young.

When President Yoo and Jin-woo leave, Director Han sinks to the floor and Team Leader Kim very nearly has a nervous breakdown. They guess that Jin-woo hasn’t said anything yet, but that doesn’t mean he won’t. Team Leader Kim calls on Buddha to protect him, while Director Han begins a round of Hail Mary’s.

Min-seok barges into Jin-woo’s office, demanding to know why Jin-woo hasn’t spilled the beans yet. Jin-woo freely admits that he’s toying with him while waiting for the best moment to reveal the truth. He playfully reprimands Min-seok for speaking impolitely to someone older, and then invites Min-seok to sit in his chair when Jin-woo leaves: “Since pretending to be a director seems to be your hobby.” He comes back again to say that Min-seok is actually really cute, and adds that he has games on his computer. I’m dying here.

Soo-young meets with Jin-woo to request that he keep what he knows a secret. She has to explain about her relationship, and how she couldn’t change her heart even after discovering that Min-seok is in high school. Jin-woo is understandably shocked, and asks if there is any good reason for him to keep their secret. If he finds such a reason, he says, he’ll rethink his position.

The president calls an important meeting in which he reveals a plan to execute a huge business deal with a German company called Pavo. He gets angry at Jin-woo for wanting to carry out more research into the company before committing. Jin-woo knows that the risk attached to the deal is huge, but the president thinks Jin-woo is just being cowardly. Interestingly, the president asks Min-seok what he thinks, since Pavo is a German company and he (supposedly) worked in Germany, but Jin-woo cuts in and deflects attention.

After work, once the Retail Team leaves, Soo-young gets a call from Jin-woo. He wants to go somewhere with her, and Soo-young can’t refuse because of Jin-woo’s leverage. She lies to Min-seok that her mother is in town. After Min-seok accepts her cover story and leaves, Soo-young sighs that it’s really hard to protect her high school boyfriend.

Soo-young meets Jin-woo in the underground parking lot. As they drive away, they’re spotted by Dae-han and Yoon-ju. Dae-han muses that they’re an odd couple, to which Yoon-ju laughs that people will say that about them, too. Aww, you two are so cute!

Once again Jin-woo brings Soo-young to visit his mother in the hospital. She gives Soo-young a gift, overriding her polite protestations. Soo-young looks to Jin-woo for assistance, but he only tells her that he’s on his mother’s side. Jin-woo’s mother notes that he looks very tired, sharing with Soo-young that her boy has always been a bit on the delicate side. Then she urges Jin-woo to take Soo-young out for dinner.

Since Soo-young can’t really say no, she commits to dinner with Jin-woo. He tells her that just for today, he doesn’t want to talk about Min-seok. He helps her when the meat is too tough to cut, and remembers something Soo-young said back when she still liked him. Jin-woo excuses himself after noting that eating with him must be uncomfortable for her, and watches her from outside the window. It’s less stalkerish than it sounds, simply because of the obvious turmoil in his expression.

On the drive home, Soo-young gets drowsy from the wine she drank and eventually falls asleep. Jin-woo pulls over and places his jacket gently over her like a blanket. He gazes at her for a long moment, reaches out his hand as if to touch her cheek, then pulls back with a sigh. He exits the car and paces back and forth in the street.

Min-seok finds the Retail Team gossiping about the upcoming deal with Pavo Asia. It would mean new offices in different countries and a real step forward for Comfo. Then Min-seok hears from Yoon-ju that Soo-young was in Jin-woo’s car the evening before, so he knows that she lied about her mother coming to town.

The Retail Team figures out that if Dae-han and Yoon-ju saw Soo-young with Director Yoo, then the two of them must have been together. Dae-han stands up and declares that he loves Yoon-ju and the two of them are dating. Stunned silence… then Yoon-ju’s coworkers ask her if anything’s wrong, or if she has a problem at home. Yoon-ju says quietly that Dae-han is a great kisser, which prompts our suave Office Romeo to apply some chapstick. Smooth, buddy.

Min-seok pulls Soo-young into his office, ignoring poor Team Leader Kim who wants to talk to him. He confronts Soo-young about her dinner with “Mom” last night, letting her know that the cat’s out of the bag. He’s brimming with adolescent jealousy, until his intuition tells him that Soo-young went with Jin-woo to protect him. When Soo-young confirms this, Min-seok is so angry that he doesn’t care about protecting the truth any more. He marches out of the office ready to tell the president the truth (and possibly punch Jin-woo’s face in).

Soo-young and Team Leader Kim grapple with Min-seok down the entire length of the hallway. Director Han joins them and once he knows what Min-seok intends to do, he joins in the wrestling. The three allies manage to carry Min-seok up to the rooftop, with him struggling the whole way. Soo-young declares that she will take care of this, so the others leave them alone. Soo-young faces Min-seok like a matador staring down a bull.

“Don’t you trust noona?” she asks him, and then tries what I can only guess is supposed to be a cute pout to dissuade him. Min-seok is as weirded out by this as I am, asking if she’s trying to use aegyo on him. He tells her to stop because it’s only making him angrier. He asks for a hug instead and Soo-young runs away. Most bizarre persuasion I’ve ever seen, but hey — whatever works, right?

Jin-woo meets with a subordinate about the deal with Pavo Asia. He wants to look deeper into the company’s financials, working through an affiliated company. His subordinate notes that Jin-woo doesn’t look very good, and Jin-woo admits that he’s leaving early because he’s not well.

When Jin-woo gets home he takes a few pills and falls into bed with his work clothes still on, but he can’t fall asleep. He tosses back a generous glass of whiskey, which considering those pills earlier is a Bad Idea. He goes back to bed, still in his clothes from work.

Soo-young is on the bus when Min-seok calls her, urging her to go straight home and ignore any men who try to talk to her. She hangs up and takes out the gift that Jin-woo’s mother gave her. It turns out to be a necklace, so expensive-looking that Soo-young feels uncomfortable.

Soo-young meets Jin-woo at his apartment to return the gift. She explains that it’s too much for her to accept, but that’s when Jin-woo’s vision starts to go blurry. He collapses against her, and then falls to the floor in a faint.

At the hospital the doctor explains to Soo-young what Jin-woo should have known already: heavy-duty meds and alcohol don’t mix so well. His stomach has been pumped and he should recover, but he’ll need someone to make sure he rests well and massage his arms and legs. As Soo-young staggers with Jin-woo out of the hospital, Min-seok arrives to help, although he doesn’t stop sniping at Jin-woo.

They arrive at Jin-woo’s home, and Min-seok is not happy to find out that Soo-young knows where everything is. He stops her from fixing porridge, saying that he’ll do it himself. His jealousy is in full swing, so he insists on being Jin-woo’s nursemaid instead of Soo-young.

Yoo-ah eats at Tae-seok’s restaurant, still grieving over losing Min-seok. When Duk-hwan leaves for the restroom, Tae-seok asks if she’s okay — not just pretending to be strong, but really okay. “I’m not crying because I’m sad,” she sniffs. “It’s because these noodles are so bad.” Tae-seok strokes her hair and tells her to eat up.

Back at Jin-woo’s place, Min-seok’s porridge is boiling nicely. He’s quite the dedicated caregiver thanks to his jealousy, not even letting Soo-young give Jin-woo his meds. Soo-young gets a call from her sister telling her to come home, and Min-seok offers to stay with Jin-woo in her place. He says that his jealousy is boiling over, and he’d much rather spend the night at Jin-woo’s than have to think about his girlfriend looking after his rival. Soo-young steps out, leaving Min-seok alone with his patient.

Min-seok changes into some of Jin-woo’s clothes, noting that his pants are long and tight like a girl’s. Next he tries on a slim, form-fitting sweater with sleeves that stretch a good foot beyond his hands. Now dressed in Jin-woo Chic, Min-seok cares for Jin-woo until he falls asleep.

Jin-woo awakes to find Min-seok in bed with him — rawr. He asks why Min-seok didn’t just sleep in the guest bed. It’s a valid question, but let’s not question the cuteness. Min-seok uncovers the porridge that he left out for breakfast and urges Jin-woo to eat. Jin-woo walks away, prompting Min-seok to reflect that he really is a punk with no manners.

Just then a call comes in on Jin-woo’s cellphone. It’s from President Yoo, who talks right over Min-seok to scold his son for looking deeper into Pavo’s financials. Min-seok is shocked to find out that President Yoo is Jin-woo’s father. Jin-woo snatches the phone away soon after, but now the cat’s out of the bag.

Later, at Comfo, Min-seok saunters along with Jin-woo. He’s found a secret he can use to counter Jin-woo, so now the status quo has been restored. Min-seok is insufferably smug as he says that he’s not normally the kind of person to blackmail another, but he can’t just let Jin-woo destroy him, can he? Haha, these two are so cute when they’re fighting.

Min-seok calls his team together to give them the good news. He now has a card to use against Jin-woo, so the crisis has been averted. They all want in on the secret, especially Team Leader Kim, but Min-seok refuses to reveal it. “It’s a promise between men,” he insists, even when Team Leader Kim pouts and throws an adorable tantrum.

Later, Min-seok and Soo-young eat lunch together, and Soo-young wonders if the secret about Jin-woo is something she already knows. They say their secrets at the same time, and Min-seok is peeved to learn that Soo-young already knew about Jin-woo’s parentage and never revealed it. He understands why she did it, though, and only says that if she pulls something like this again he’ll scold her. “How will you scold me?” Soo-young asks impishly. Down, girl — no role play at least until he graduates!

The Retail Team is still fixated on the deal with Pavo, which seems to be preceding apace. The team members show off their language skills as they dream about moving to a foreign office and getting a pay raise. Dae-han wonders if he could go somewhere with Yoon-ju, and the other team members hilariously continue their efforts to get Yoon-ju to raise her standards.

President Yoo is at a fancy dinner with some other businessmen, who congratulate him on the upcoming deal with Pavo. The president says that this is just the beginning, but one of the men mentions a weird rumor about President Yoo having an illegitimate son working at his company.

Later that night, the doorbell rings at Jin-woo’s apartment. He finds his father standing there, extremely drunk, and ushers him inside. President Yoo lets everything out, saying that his life is more pitiful than Jin-woo’s, since he has been forced to live his life in fear after a single mistake. He asks Jin-woo to leave with his mother, offering to give him as much money as he wants.

Soo-young calls Min-seok, although she pretends to be talking to a friend when Yoo-ah walks in. Yoo-ah immediately calls out her sister for her terrible acting, saying that she doesn’t have any friends in Seoul. It’s funny even as it’s heartbreaking, but Yoo-ah seems to have her emotions under control. Then Soo-young gets a call from Jin-woo, who is extremely depressed after his father’s visit. He’s wondering if he even has a purpose on this earth, since he was born by accident, and asks to see Soo-young for a moment. She tries to refuse, and he says he’ll wait until she comes out.

Min-seok is about to step out into the rain to bring an umbrella to his father. Meanwhile Gramps talks on the house phone to “Hyung-seok.” Min-seok thinks Gramps is just pretending, but we’re not so sure…

Yoo-ah finds Soo-young pacing back and forth, not sure what to do about Jin-woo. “Do you have to poop?” Yoo-ah asks, startling her sister. The story comes out, and Yoo-ah is the one who finally brings an umbrella out to Jin-woo, who’s just standing in the rain.

When Yoo-ah says her sister won’t come out, Jin-woo just walks away. Yoo-ah yells at him to take the umbrella since he’s been sick. She understands how he’s feeling since she’s been there too, and she shouts after him that he won’t die from it. Jin-woo makes his way through the rain, remembering all of the moments he shared with Soo-young.

The deal with Pavo is about to go down, and President Yoo assures his department heads that putting his personal stocks on the line for the deal is a worthwhile risk since he’ll soon gain ten to twenty times the amount back in profit.

In Min-seok’s office, Team Leader Kim explains the magnitude of the deal while Min-seok continues his physical therapy for his shoulder. He says “My Popcorn” asked him to do it, and it scares Team Leader Kim because he thinks Min-seok is referring to Soo-young, and that relationship still creeps him out. Min-seok seems amused at his squeamishness. Then a call comes in that sends Team Leader Kim into even more of a tizzy: The boss over at Pavo wants to meet with Director Lee Hyung-seok in person.

Jin-woo gets a call from the subordinate he asked to look into Pavo’s financials. He discovers that they actually didn’t have any connection with Japan, which makes him even more suspicious given how upset Pavo supposedly was when he wanted to investigate further. The wheels turn in Jin-woo’s head as he suspects foul play.

At the same time, a shifty-looking businessman named Hans enters President Yoo’s office with the deal. They sign both copies and shake hands, and I’m getting a bad feeling about this.

Min-seok and Team Leader Kim enter a swanky hotel to meet with Pavo’s CEO. Team Leader Kim is told that he can’t go into the room with Min-seok, which upsets both of them. He gives Min-seok one last pep talk, and Min-seok adorably calls him “Uncle” and says he’ll do his best.

He enters the hotel room and introduces himself to Pavo’s CEO: “I’m Director Lee Hyung-seok from the Retail Team.” Pavo’s CEO turns around to face him, revealing none other than his brother Hyung-seok. “It’s been a long time, Lee Min-seok.”


This was Jin-woo’s episode all the way. I don’t mean that he stole the show or that the other characters didn’t do a fantastic job, but Jin-woo and his emotional tailspin formed the core of this episode and set the stage for some fantastic developments.

After finally figuring out the secret behind Director Hyung-seok, Jin-woo gets to play a little bit with his high school rival. Finally he feels in control of something, and it was only natural that he would choose to draw it out, like a cat toying with a mouse. It was kind of charming to see Min-seok get so frustrated, reduced to adorable stuttering in his anger, and I’m sure Jin-woo felt the same way.

Then Jin-woo used the secret to gain some leverage over Soo-young, but he didn’t actually abuse it all that much. Sure, he used it to get her alone for a dinner, but the Jin-woo who kissed Soo-young without permission didn’t make an appearance at all — I hope that version of Jin-woo is gone for good. This Jin-woo knew his efforts were futile, that Soo-young loved another man(-child), but he couldn’t resist using his leverage to spend time with her for the space of a meal, a car ride, a few stolen glances.

When Soo-young falls asleep in his car and Jin-woo just stares at her, longing for what he threw away, my heart ached for him (I’ll be honest, I was also getting kind of a vampire vibe, what with Jin-woo’s Cullenesque paleness and his driving off with her while she was getting drowsy. Thankfully the actor did a fantastic job of making his character’s genuine emotional turmoil take precedence). As the song says, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone, and Jin-woo has never faced that stark truth so bluntly until now.

Even Jin-woo’s accident with the pills and the alcohol drew my sympathy. Obviously it wasn’t the smartest move, but the poor guy only wanted to get some sleep and quiet his inner demons for a while. I remember when I accidentally popped some cold medicine after drinking a hot toddy… bad idea. But I didn’t have an adorably grumpy best friend to make me porridge or grumble at me until I felt better!

And that brings me to arguably the best part of this episode, and the development I’ve been waiting for since around episode six: the BROMANCE! Because even though it was reluctant and brief, with Jin-woo drug-addled and Min-seok driven by jealousy, it was so. Damn. CUTE! I swear I saw it coming when the doctor told Soo-young that she would have to “massage his arms and legs often,” and I even thought about that episode of Friends when Joey and Ross nap together — and then Min-seok and Jin-woo fell asleep together! I didn’t squee. That’s not what I do. But I may have made a high-pitched noise indicating the warm and fuzzy feeling I was experiencing.

Let’s face it — Jin-woo desperately needs a friend. Personally I don’t think he needs a love interest, maybe not even a magical reconciliation between his parents, but he does need a loyal buddy who has his back against the world. Min-seok would fit that bill perfectly, just as Duk-hwan and Tae-seok do for him. And if you think about it, Jin-woo has never really had a friend of any kind. So if we’re gonna be technical, Min-seok is now Jin-woo’s best friend (not the other way around, at least for now). Jin-woo might not be ready to acknowledge that yet, but we’ve still got a few episodes to go. I am fully onboard with this bromance, now that the main romance has weathered its rough patches and emerged stronger than ever. Jin-woo certainly won’t come around immediately, but I have faith. I mean, could you resist a grumpy-yet-sincere Min-seok cooking you breakfast and ready to tuck you in at night? I didn’t think so.

As if we didn’t have enough to look forward to, it also seems as though Big Bro is about to put his plan in action. Now that the joint venture is imminent, it feels like a fairly straightforward plot: get President Yoo to risk everything by expanding the company, then stab him in the back so he loses it all. At least, that’s what Jin-woo’s new information seems to point to, and it would certainly accomplish Hyung-seok’s as-yet-unconfirmed desire for revenge.

But now things are about to get interesting, and all because of Min-seok’s time at the company. Maybe Hyung-seok thought of his little brother as nothing more than a useful doppelganger, but during the time he’s been at the company Min-seok has formed strong bonds with so many of his colleagues. I doubt he’ll be happy to see Soo-young lose her job, or Team Leader Kim, or any of his allies on the Retail Team. If this turns into a fight between brothers for the sake of saving Comfo, I foresee Min-seok and Jin-woo being forced to team up in order to protect the people they love. You know what they say: The enemy of my enemy is my friend… and sometimes my cuddle-buddy. Can’t wait for next week!


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Seo In-guk in power suit and specs is just hawwwt..! Such an eye candy !! Can't wait for the next episode.


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Thanks purplecow for this insightful recap..


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IKR! and we even didn't get to see a close up!


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my favorite scenes on ep 14.
the door that won't close if you bang it hard like that at Jinwoo's office, it never does, I wonder why, ;-)

jinwoo toying with Minsuk, it's no fun to reveal something right away, right? such a tease!

the bromance! from minsuk changing into jinwoo's clothes to falling asleep beside his "patient" and up to that moment when Jinwoo woke up to find that face -in his face! RAWR! I swear if I was Jinwoo, I would have second thoughts on my gender preference. Jinwoo (lee so hyuk) is handsome guy for any ladies out there, but Seo In Guk is just Lava Hot! may you be a woman or otherwise, or whatever.

Pavo is the name of the German Corp? hmm, how do you say idiot in korean? Pabo, right? ah-hahah, love the jokes.

finally, the last scene, I truly didn't expect that, so it was a pleasant surprise for me and a bit touching coz Minsuk's expression is first -surprise, then relief and finally gladness. having to carry the weight on your shoulder when you can't see the end in sight and suddenly here he is. you all know how that feels. The hug at the end for Hyung (with my favorite ost playing in the background -Ciel's Butterfly)-Precious! Hyung Lee Hyun suk is hot as hell, I mean, as well. hihihi. hmm, ...

Thank Heavens, the prudes were not able to comment first. To the writers of this drama - I'm sending you three hearts <3 <3 <3, worth a million each, kudos for a job well done.
And Seo In Guk , I <3 you.


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I don't hate noona romance but I feel so wronged about this drama, its like they hurting my head really...


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I can really see Min-seok and Jin-woo as best buddies... what a sight that would be :-)


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"Jin-woo awakes to find Min-seok in bed with him — rawr"
Amen to that! LOL


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LUCKY JIN WOO. He found someone hot in bed with him, wearing his clothes! Just a typical stay-over at boyfriend's place. HAHA.


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Why do you girls go on and on about bromance, any chance you can get? Is it because you fear that, without it, men will fight each other to death? Do you really want your men to be cuddly and cute, with each other or with you?

The real question of the hour is something else: Does SIG really need J as his new friend? SIG, like all alpha male, has no shortage of them. Whereas, yeah, J needs a friend, cause he doesn't have any. That does not mean that SIG has to be the one for J. Think about that one before you all ride over the cliff hand in hand.

I still cannot watch J without thinking about Psycho and Bates Motel and the shower scene. Not to mention his Dracula look.


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May i say that Seo In Guk is getting hotter? Hehehehe
Love the characters, plot, and the soundtracts! (esp.by in guk)

Yes yes for the bromance :))


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because i cant wait for the next ep and see Seo In Guk's uber hotness. i watched reply/answer me 1997 for 16hours straight.... oh kdrama's youre killing me


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Thanks for the recap, Purplecow! You guys are so busy here because there's so many good things going on in dramaland. We are so loving it!

This show is really fun to watch! I adore Min-seok and his allies, and i really can't help but feel for Jin-woo, and his dad too! I'm glad hyung showed up already... now what does he have in store for us? more havoc, i suppose?

I'm really proud of SIG and how he's become such a fine actor, really good with the facial expressions and nuances... "When it comes to jealousy, I'm the king!" Episode 15 is just around the corner! woo-hoo! :-D


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Oh gosh I have refresjed infinitely for this recap. Thank you purplecow! I really enjoy how you write your recaps. Makes me laugh so much.

That foursome huddle with pillows! There it is! Our foursome alliance is having a slumber party at Min Suk's office. I can't stop laughing at these four.

I also reaaaaallly laughed at the banter between JinWoo and MinSuk. Computer games. Hahahaha. Seriously. JinWoo is trying to tease!

I'm not sure if the show purposedly ommitted it so as not to distract from the OTP but I barely saw Jin Woo falling for Soo Young. The one moment that looked cute was the shoe on the sh*t at the parking lot, but a brief smile from JinWoo while alone with a random thought of Soo Young would have made quite a difference. Kind of like Min Suk oggling that Soo Young has a moss---that to me was foretelling that MinSuk was crushing on Soo Young without him knowing. Because heh, why you so interested dude? But all in all I felt for JinWoo in this episode but I still can't feel that he should have been with SY. What I do feel however was that he's very sad and I'd love for him to be buddies with MinSuk. And YooAh screaming that unsolicited advise to JinWoo's back in the rain was annoyingly adorable. I love her compassion. So JW, befriend the neighborhood gang already. Please?

One scenes I really loved before meeting big brother was the scene with team leader kim at the grand hotel lobby up to the elevator. Director Kim saying he can't stop thinking of Min Suk and Min Suk shuddering at the creepy thought! Hahahaha I love these two. And then they went ahead with their banter and those endearing uncle kim comments from Min Suk! It really shows how Min Suk has bonded with his make believe office mates. This scene plus the in-casual-clothes emergency dinner with the foursome and Min Suk chatting with team members snscking, it really shows how Min Suk likes his team and would most probably defend them against his brother. SIG acting all bouncy as Min Suk also truly set the stage for Hyung Suk's comeback. And man was that a heart-stopping comeback.

Our Min Suk has surely warmed our cold vampire boy in this episode and I'm so eager to find out if he'll do the same for hys mysterious and brooding (rawr) Hyung.

I can't wait for tomorrow!!!


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I am so with you on Jin Woo falling for Soo Young. The writers have done very little to make us believe he actually likes her, which is why I still maintain that it's not romantic interest, but rather, loneliness and a desire to be cared for.


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Jin Woo's loneliness and a desire to be cared for contributed to my affection for the whole bromance. When I was a kid, I would cry happily every time my mom would tuck me into a blanket when I sleep. Haha. I can only imagine how warm Jin Woo must have felt to wake up with Min Suk on his bed. :)) Touching really. I want to see them bicker more :))


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seo in guk as lee hyung suk looks mighty good *fans self*


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I need more than just a fan :))
Handsome men with glasses. Oh. Dear.


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Can't agree more >.<


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Not to mention the dimples, with that hairstyle...
My heart cannot take such hotness & cuteness in one blow!

Episode 15 is probably going to kill all of us again, yep.


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Sorry for my shallowness but I can't help it... Lee Soo Hyuk is so darn beautiful!!! And I can't believe that I just realized this after 14 episodes. I have to rewatch the other episodes and refocus my eyes. Okay, enough with the spazzing. I'm loving this drama to bits. Hooray for bromance! And now that the real Hyung Seok has appeared, things will get pretty interesting (and angsty) at Comfo.


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he really is gorgeous, isn't he? I think i'm in love.


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me too!


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Me three! Wow i spend Mons-Tues spazzing over SIG and LSH!! LSH is very beautiful to look at and I had admired his carriage/posture - he wears clothes very well, not surprising for a model - since the start of the drama.

I first saw SIG in Rascal Sons in 2012 - and am watching this show because of him. Also marathoned all 16 episodes of Reply 1997 this weekend to see him and Eun Ji together - they are a cute couple. SIG is maturing nicely and he is a good actor. When I first saw him in Rascal Sons likened his sexy vibe to those of James Dean (showing my age here).

Thank u purplecow for this recap. I saw this episode more than once - and u are absolutely right that Jin-woo really needs a friend badly (and that would be Min-seok and the neighborhood gang).

The oncoming show-down with Hyung is so errie, especially when I just came off from watching Reply 1997.

High School King of Savvy - Fighting!


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And he can act! His little facial expressions during that dinner with Soo-Young were adorable.

Not to mention when he went outside to give her space to enjoy her meal, and when he stepped out of the car when she was sleeping inside ... OMG, heartbreaaaak!!


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I liked his acting in White Christmas but never saw his cuteness. Now...BOTH!!!


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MOOAR pleez!!


Carol, for me it was quite the opposite. LSH is so my type that I couldn't help but be struck by his looks when I first saw him in White Christmas. There aren't many men out there who fit into my taste (tall and slim, with angular facial features and an indie rock flair), so I was pretty much blinded by my attraction. This is his first role where I've noticed his talent as well.


Sorry, stupid machine. Carole!!


His personality in that drama is definitely my type...ah the angsty type. But now i see his beauty.


Sigh. He is very beautiful. I seem to say this every time. I will probably be the type of fan who will send him a gift. But I am a cheapskate so I will send him my heart. Haha.

I agree with purplecow that this is a Jinwoo episode. I first thought it to be a filler. Which I don't mind at all. AT ALL. MY Heart went to Jinwoo when it was revealed he had no sleep.


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You do realize you just called your own heart cheap, right?


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Haha! I now realise it. I am cheap with money but my heart is priceless. Does that sound better? ;)

Does anyome else have to enter CAPTCHA repeatedly to post comments? It is rather difficult.


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hyung is hot! thumbs up for seo in guk, even from a brief scene its obvious hyung and min suk is starkly difference..

i gotta to admit that i was not hooked with this drama at least until episode 4, and now i cant imagine that it's finishing soon.. it was supposed to be next week without the 1 episode extension, hence i hope the extension will really help to wrap-up the drama.. please no forced and rushed ending writernim!..

really looking forward for episode 15.. seriousness and revenge aside, cant wait to see the hilarity and shock when hyung found out min suk dating seo young.. lol..


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Ahh, I am so very excited for the showdown about to commence!.
Loved Sig's "Hyung" look and totally agree purplecow about the twilightyness of the car scene.
I've come to realize that I love this world so much, totally wouldn't a spin-off with just the comfo employees. I don't want it to end!


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I know what you mean. I feel like I'll miss every character in this drama. I feel for this drama the same way I felt for Friends and How I Met Your Mother, like I'm so close to everyone and I'd like to keep having them all in my life. The thought that the ending is already so close is heartbreaking :'(


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LOL. 'Edward Cullen' moment.

I'm going to miss this drama and its beautiful characters so much. I'll probably cry like a baby once it ends ):


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HYUNG is back!

And the set-up for a battle of wits is extraordinarily awesome! I can't wait for Hyung to meet JW, who will probably assume that Hyung is MS ... kekeke!

And meanwhile MS can take Hyungs role as CEO of that other company ... noone would notice anyway, right? xD


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I love the smart writing for this drama :) I like the turnaround from the reveal of MS to JW turns into the bromance we've been all waiting for. And then to have the setup of Pevo company runs by hyung. I just love it! Thanks purple cow for the recap!

Btw, currently also watching alone in love, and seeing how Lee Ha Na was as eccentric as she is here. Kudos!


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Nomad, totally agree--this is smart writing. The drama is clearly centered on the Min-Suk/Hyung-Suk charade and the noona romance, but the writers have not neglected the surrounding cast. I commented on one of the first few episodes how I was looking forward to the character development of the rest of the cast and the writers are really delivering.

For instance, JW--while I'm not initially drawn to the vampire/angular look and vibe, I love how it's the writing and character growth that is drawing me more into JW, correspondingly making me appreciate that unique beauty. I do agree that they could have given him a few more scenes to demonstrate his real interest in Soo-Young. Lee Soo-hyuk is doing a fantastic job this episode exuding that loneliness, like the scene in the car with Soo-Young, wanting to stroke her hair and lay there admiring her while she slept. Then remembering and respecting where her heart is and waits outside the car. Brilliant.

Ah Yoo-Ah. Again, another scarecrow character at the beginning of the series--jealous second lead, oblivious to her one-sided love, thinking of anything to get Min-Suk's attention. Then to last episode's introspection while eating with her sister, realizing she may have needed Min-Suk just like other teen age girls look up to teachers or idols. And her encouraging words to Jin-Woo to quickly take care of his feelings. Ahhh. Good job writers and actress.

The "Fearsome Foursome" -- omg, that alliance is so hilarious and heartwarming. Their emergence as a support group show Min-Suk does have something he can depend on. It's also a great stage for Director Kim's hilarious neuroses and even showcases how funny the Managing Director can be! The hiding behind the pillar watching Soo-Young and Min-Suk, the pillow huddle, ha! I got the sense that just as Min-Suk was delighted at the support and laughing at the little huddle, Seo In Guk was also smiling at the scene.

Dae-han & Yoon-ju - Also fairly one-dimensional at the beginning--He Who is Ignored and Retail Team Babe hot to trot for the directors--shine with their own little romance. How funny is it that the Retail Team is intent on getting Yoon-ju to raise her standards....ha!

A fantastic script and great directing that fleshes out the supporting cast. I wouldn't be surprised if they all felt the same was as Lee Ha Na in early interviews, "... I thought I would regret it if I missed this opportunity."


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Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!!!!!


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Thanks so much for the recap!

I swear this drama is making me think and rethink. Mostly about the nature of forgiveness and the pettiness of revenge. Now that hyung has returned, the sub-theme of "being kind to people because the world is small" is really jumping to the foreground.

So the question is: Is hyung right to want revenge? As a k-drama addict, and what with all the Count of Monte Cristo avengers going abroad then returning with their money, backing, and revenge plans, we've gotten used to expecting a good revenge.

But this drama has given us a big spectrum of the whole forgiveness/responsibility issue. We have Yoo Ah who is not being petty and who is working at forgiving someone who did not intentionally sin against her. There was even the little joke of Soo Young saying "hit me." We have guilt-ridden Chairman accepting his guilt and trying to recompense the past and the death of Minsuk's dad with money. We also have Chairman not quite being able to deal with his guilty past by shoving his wife and son aside so he's not fully perfect in accepting the result of his past actions. We have Min Suk who is surprised that he has pettiness in him. And We have Min Suk who says it's somewhat right for him to be petty this time because he doesn't want to die, right? Some self-protection at the expense of others is allowed on the forgiveness/justce/pettiness scale. We have Dad who has not forgiven Chairman but doesn't want any recompense from him. And We have Hyung who hasn't forgiven, and who is actively trying to destroy Chairman.

The whole examination of forgiveness really makes me wonder if my desire for the Chairman to be punished (only the Chairman not everyone else in the company) is a kind of pettiness. And is it petty of me to want that justice/punishment? Is the k-drama trope of a fullblown vengeance Monte-Cristo style, a manifestation of our noble human desire to right wrongs, really "pettiness" in the larger Buddhist Christian scheme of things? Can any harm ever done to us really be redressed? When should we just let the desire for justice go? This drama really has me thinking in a good cathartic way because it really makes me question myself.


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Ahh wow that's one helluva reflection because of a drama. I do like the kindness being sowed in every nook this drama can shove it into. There are a lot of good values being thrown around and it makes me love it more. Values such as respect, loyalty, love despite strange, out-of-the-box and/or painful, sacrificial circumstances... understanding, friendship, family, and yes... forgiveness. Am I making it sound like a Disney drama? LOL


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It does the values thing in an entertaining way, that's why we love it. Who would think we'd find an OTP practicing celibacy in a risque drama about a relationship between a woman and an underage high schooler. I just loooooooooove the way they play with the tropes.


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Exactly! We've gotten used to being on the side of the avenger. But in this case, we see it from the other side. I love how, though HS's intentions are normal for a kdrama, the way that the writers have portrayed him (cold, intelligent, not caring about his family all that much), I'm already on the side of Comfo.


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Ha. I just realized that the Drama may be setting up HyungSuk as an antagonist (although I hope not because I've always loved how this drama has no real antagonist, only people who are relatively miserable in life). Seo In Guk as bothe the antagonist and the protagonist. Hah. Casting savings much? LOL


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I don't think he'll be a "pure" antagonist -- someone who is totally coldly vengeful. That would be too easy. This writer seems to really love humanity and to really understand how painful life can be for the human heart. So the writers will make hyung an antagonist but there won't be any easy answers. Hyung won't be too evil. I'm just fearing heartbreak for hyung when his brother challenges him and hoping the brothers will reconcile as easily as the sisters have.


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I have to agree with Carole about Hyung. I don't believe that he's a bad person at all. Unlike Min Suk who was probably too young at the time of their parents deaths, Hyung was old enough to understand everything that took place. He loved his family, that much is obvious. He chose revenge from the beginning, which is probably why he distanced himself from his new family & his own brother. His actions are understandable, even if extreme.

However, it's too soon to judge anything or anyone involved right now. We need to hear everyone's side of the story before we decide what's right and wrong in this situation. We still know too little about the pasts of all the characters.


So true, Sonny! Are all the secrets out? When Soo Young looked at Dad and said he looked familiar, I wondered if it was because she saw him earlier -- cause her father also died in a car accident-- or if it's only because they live in the same neighborhood. Interesting how the drama has gone out of its way to keep her from meeting Dad. I might be seeing too much into that, though.



I can just imagine there having been a massive accident that took place in the neighbourhood that was caused by a single person. Somehow, all their parents & possibly Jin Woo may have been involved in it.

If that scenario ends up being real, revenge isn't going to be the only thing we'll be dealing with in the last few episodes anymore.


If Hyung-seok's planning to lure Comfo's investment with Pavo as a dummy company, and sent in a German-looking guy posing as a director to sign the contracts, isn't that corporate fraud that could land him in jail?! That will have a dramatic impact on his little bro, dad and Gramps, and further break up his family!

Is he so obsessed with revenge that he's willing to throw away his future in order to destroy the President? Or does he believe he's got a foolproof plan and can get away with it?

So much to wrap up, in addition to the accident etc!


It would be if that German Man were truly a dummy, but I think he is more of a valid employee-representative than a dummy. If the subs were correct, it mentioned that Hyung Seok is the CEO of Pavo. When you're the CEO, you're pretty much a major shareholder in most KDramas usually meaning you own the company. Does that mean Hyung Seok owns Pavo??? In any case, in the actual corporate ladder, being CEO of a big company still means you're still really quite powerful. (BTW, for a 28 year old guy with such achievements, that's super hot alpha male of Hyung Seok. kkkk)

Unless Pavo is a dummy company with no real financial experience for the last ten years, which Jin Woo curiously found out. If Pavo is a fake company, then Hyung Seok is doomed legally. However, it seems to have a good reputation in the business world so I'm not sure if it is fake. Plus Hyung Seok could afford the presidential suite in some swanky hotel so must have quite a rich guy. I really want to know what this grand revenge scheme is and if it's really as smart as they are projecting Hyung Seok to be.


Even if avenger isn't cold, even if avenger has a powerfully sad scene where he burst into tears about the anguish he went through because his folks died, we are on the side of Comfo. That's why this is so painful to watch. We might be dealing with a good person who wants revenge but who should really just let it go. Avengers tend to have no life; they've swallowed up their hearts in grief and bitterness and what-ifs. And even if Chairman isn't perfectly punished or perfectly repentant, it's best for hyung to move on. Let the universe and God handle our justice.


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Yes, the avengers tend to get skewed vision because their one-track mind is so focused on their mission.

They forget about all the other everyday warmths and kindnesses and petty fights and annoyances that make life worth living, and which remind us of what we hold precious.

Also, usually their vengeance is in the form of social justice (as in, the villain is a remorseless bully who needs punishing anyway), so it's easier for us to sympathise with the hero's mission - like we see in, say, Joseon Gunman or City Hunter. But the thing about revenge is - if you're successful, do you end up being no better than the villain? If you kill your conscience doesn't it leave you a poorer person? Will it bring back your loved ones?

Is it just me, or is there a hint that the President actually wants to be punished? He seemed really exhausted, and he put his personal stocks on the line even AFTER Jin-woo warned him to be careful. Or has he still not stopped running away from whatever-he-did? (he called it "a mistake", after all)

Looking forward to the epic duel between the brothers - and love how they set it up so that there's technically 2 antagonists - Hyung-seok and Jin-woo. But the show makes us root for all of them!!


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I'm getting the same vibe off the president. It's almost looks like he WANTS to be defeated. I'm not sure how Jin Woo would take that. Perhaps it cam be used for him to see his father in a different light as well? For Jin Woo to have enough compassion for the president enough to forgive himself and have closure too, finally. I'm all for the Hyung avenger cries himself to surrender type of drama. I want to see SIG push his acting limits further.


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Wow so true! The Chairman DOES want to be punished. He is responsible for someone killing himself...even if unintentionally. Which is an interesting point, isn't it? So many villains are shown as untouched by the stuff they've done. But i suspect many killers or corporation owners or lawyers have felt guilty for their evil.

I wish the Chairman was perfectly repentant. But heck, who is? Chairman wants to get rid of his guilt...guilt feels uncomfortable, for heaven's sake. But does he really feel guilt or just discomfort? Or an inadequate bit of guilt? It's kind of a segmented guilt, isn't it? He isn't as ready to face the ENTIRE truth of himself as he should be. If he were to totally be spiritually honest with himself, he would confess his sins to all, accept Jin Woo publicly or at least bring Jin Woo into the rest of the family, and stop blaming Jin Woo. Heck, if he could have a honest heart-to-heart with Jin Woo where he explains his love for him.

But he hasn't reached that spiritual place where he can do all that yet. Not even when he's drunk. And honestly, which guilty person ever reaches the place of perfect contrition? Sometimes we have to accept what we can get from such people.


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Yes, it would be too much to hope that either Hyung-seok or the President redeem themselves 100%, with not many episodes left ... On the other hand, the writing team has surpassed all expectation so far, so maybe we can still hope for miracles?

There's been other little flashes with the President - like when he went to visit his ex-wife, at Jin-woo's prompting, but turned away before she saw him. That's a story we haven't gotten to the bottom of yet. He said he's "scared" of her and Jin-woo - I'm sure it's not just about the fact that she used to be famous - does she know about the accident?


Very well-said! I however think that the true story of how Real Father killed himself was not really revealed. Is it really true Mr President drove the father to suicide? Is it really about the money? One scene kept playing in my head: Minsuk's memory of his father belittling him for being different from his hyung, in spite of his identical looks. That scene relieved my own childhood memories by the way. It is painful to be seen as the lesser sibling. I think Hyung was father's favourite..hence the revenge plan. I dont think I have seen Minsuk talk lovingly of his father. He dearly loves Driver Dad though.

It is because of the kindness and forgiveness theme that I think Minsuk will make Hyung stop from destroying Comfo. Minsuk even fed and massaged Jinwoo for goodness' sake. This theme reminds me of I Hear Your Voice..another drama which makes me think and think. Like you, this drama explored so many issues that made me be consumed with so many thoughts. For some people, forgiveness come so naturally. But there are some people who need time to forgive as well.

Seo In Guk is hilarious in this episode. He has a natural flair for comedic timing. He is probably that way in real life too.


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I think Min Suk is very similar to the actual SIG too. In his interviews, he actually admits that of all the characters he's played, his personality is closest to this one :)


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I'm still wondering why Jin Woo gets wobbly about broken car lights. And yeah, we are pretty iffy about how Bio Dad really died. Was it suicide? An accident? A staged accident? Why is Dad so angry at Chairman?

I got the idea that Bio Dad was angry that Min Suk didn't realize what a sacrifice it was for Dad to send him to hockey...so when Min Suk played hookey from the game, the Dad lost his patience because money problems were tight.


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Yes, and that Dad was a chauffeur and SY's dad was also killed in a car accident. Numerous victims and it's kdrama, surely they will be tied together? Can't wait!


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part of me wants everything tied together...cause it's kdrama. And the other part wants it to be just stuff that isn't connected. But with Min Suk saying how small the world is.... and the writers going out of their way to make a work colleague live in Namiseon...I'm definitely wondering. And yes...it is kdrama.


I think this is unlikely, given how Soo Young was raised in the countryside, unlike Min Seok whose family lived in the city. But I'm not brushing this idea off either.


I think Soo Young said her dad worked in the city.


It is driving me crazy. Part of me wants this to end so that everything can be revealed. I too think that Jin Woo has memories of his parents' violent fights. Or maybe he saw murder? Oh my. I am getting in too deep. If Real Father drove himself into the river, where was Dad Driver? Isn't he supposed to be driving?


I think Jin Woo has a phobia of sharp things. Remember the scene in the elevator when President Yoo took off his glasses and (accidentally) points them Jin Woo's way? His hands shook, and he took out some kind of meds. And the other time when his colleague pointed a pen to him he suddenly slapped that guy's hand away. Not shocking since he's seen how his parents fought when he was still young, I think his parents might have broken things in their arguments and he ended up with some kind of phobia of sharp things


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ooh, that makes sense about arguments!


There's also the fact that Jin-woo gets wobbly when sharp/shiny objects are pointed near his face.

There was that time in the Comfo elevator when President Yoo was gesticulating with his glasses waving around in Jin-woo's face, and Jin-woo looked pale (well, paler than usual). Another time, an employee stuck a pen out towards JW's eye (to get a document signed)...

Initially, I thought his dad beat him or something, but maybe that's got to do with the accident as well? Or a separate incident involving his mom and President Yoo?


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This entire discussion is fascinating, and I'm really enjoying reading it. As a Christian, I believe in the power of forgiveness And the power of redemption. I Don't believe in the idea of 'good people' and 'bad people.' There's a lot of good and bad in All of us, and most of us have never had our character really put to the test. We've never had our entire families torn away from us. We've never experienced famine and war. We've never been diagnosed with an incurable disease. We've never been brought to the last of ourselves.

I don't know what I would do if any of those things happened to me. If I'm honest with myself, I'll admit that I probably wouldn't handle them very well.

But what about all of the little-bad-things we do everyday? Little moments of jealousy, little moments of greed, little moments of judgement, little moments of blowing up at others, little moments of selfishness, little moments of being unfair, little unkind words, little unkind actions, and all the little justifications we create for why we did that one Little thing we KNEW we shouldn't have done. Just because we haven't gone on a rampaging massacre doesn't make us nice. If it effects one person, then it matters.

I don't know if this drama is trying to say anything deeper about forgiveness, but I do like that it reminds me of how important it is to forgive and just how damaging unforgiveness can be.

One of the reasons we forgive others is For Ourselves. Unforgiveness is a disease that eats away at us and steals our joy and peace and hope and gratefulness. Forgiving someone frees you up to really live your life without the weight of anger or frustration or hurt or disappointment. Because who really Needs those feelings, right?

Forgiving someone else is also a reminder that there have been many times when you have needed someone else's forgiveness. When someone hurts me, my first instinct is to be angry and brokenhearted. But I'm also always reminded...that I am not an innocent man.

Sometimes, I'm a jerk.

And then I'm reminded of how important redemption is. Because if I want a chance at redemption, I sure as Hell better be willing to give that chance to others.

If you ever want to be forgiven, you Have to forgive. It's that simple.

I truly believe that Anyone is capable of change. Anyone. That doesn't mean everyone Will change, but there is always hope, and I would rather give someone a chance then write them off.

And now, in an effort to practice what I preach, I want to apologize to anyone who I might have hurt or upset during the whole 'age issue' discussion a couple recaps back. (I've kind of been sitting around worrying that people who had genuinely valid points to make might have felt belittled or ignored or vilified during that discussion, and I know how that feels. It SUCKS. So...sorry.)



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I'm a Christian too and I'm always struggling with the idea that God will forgive some horrible action someone did to me simply because I forgive that person. It doesn't seem fair. I understand that we all have wounded others and just as we are compelled to forgive others ...others are also compelled to forgive us. And just as we were hurt by folks who didn't understand the depth of the pain they caused us (and heck, sometimes they totally understood the pain they caused us) ...we have also hurt folks in ways we cannot possibly comprehend.

We forgive others for ourselves, yes. But that is also primarily a secular response. Anyone can forgive someone else for his own peace of mind. But the dismissing of another person's guilt...in the Christian act of forgiveness...is something that makes me very annoyed sometimes. What we forgive on earth is forgiven in heaven. That hurts me so deeply sometimes and when i have to forgive folks, it's the hardest hurdle to jump. But when i managed to do it, it's freeing in a very deep way. More than the psychological benefit of secular forgiveness. Because i can truly say to God with a clear conscience, "Forgive me, because I have forgiven others."


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Forgot to mention how sweet you are about the whole age issue.

I can't say that I ask forgiveness of folks who I feel were judging me. This is not to say that I am wrong or that they are wrong. But having seen the damage done by folks who judge others or who take the tone of moral policing I have never been able to ask forgiveness of any such person. I so hope it's not pride on my part or bitterness about my upbringing. I just hate seeing folks hammered, whether or not the hammer is on me or other folks. Maybe I'll grow in that respect; maybe not.

Also humans tend to aim for conditional forgiving but as you said, that isn't the issue. We should forgive and let God handle the person. Perhaps our unforgiveness is keeping them in a kind of spiritual jail. But if we forgive somehow who has not changed....and let's say the Chairman has not truly changed...we really should do our best to tread lightly when near them. In the church world, there are tons of abusive husbands, for instance, who play the "forgive me" card and get the pastor and the congregation to nag the wife into forgiving them. Yet these men have not changed at all. They are just as cruel as ever. They just know how to play people. So forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean returning to a friendship where one ends up being hurt. One should be wise as serpents and harmless as doves and not cast one's pearls before swine.

So in this drama -- if Chauffeur Dad had nothing to do with the car accident or the coverup-- Chauffeur Dad is right to avoid the Chairman. Because Chairman seems to be suffering more discomfort than guilt. But am not sure if Chauffeur Dad should still be so angry at the Chairman. That's where the forgiveness thingey comes in.


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This drama is surprising in how it handles the light with the heavy, isn't it? Great discussion about forgiveness. I also am a Christian, and think it is something we will never really appreciate fully in this life...it is so "other" than us. While some people by nature tend to forgive easily and other are always ready to critique/avenge, I really do believe it is such a heavenly trait and attitude as to be something we're always striving for.

You and Carol have some great insight...but I think the best is your sign-off to those deep thoughts:




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Clearly, I have encapsulated the entire point of this drama.

Hotness, lol.


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I really love your comment which is so on point. This drama is throwing cold water in the faces of revenge dramas. Now we're on the other side of the coin and it's really thought provoking - if were watching Hyung Suk's story, our reactions may be different..


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Your comments really got me thinking. My feeling is that the President took advantage of a business situation or only saved himself when Min Suk's father worked with him. I don't think he expected the fallout that happened, but does feel some guilt for the situation. However, I had a real problem with how he treats his son; especially when he went to his house drunk. HE made the choice to sleep with someone other than his wife (or not take responsibility by marrying her since I don't know which is the oldest child). His speech about how miserable his life was....... lets just say I cursed. A LOT! I really hate how in drama's and in reality, sperm donors always blame the kid and not themselves. So I can probably forgive his business idoicy but not how he treats Jin Woo. Even an idiot would know that his words would hurt.

As for redressing a harm - You can make it better, but you can't take away the pain the person felt. While I believe in forgiveness (those that hurt me are still alive), I don't believe we ever really forget. Except where we put the car keys.

I need to re-read "TheCount of Monte Christo". I think I'm remembering the wrong book.


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Chairman's drunken confession was really very self-pitying with very little awareness of his son's feelngs. I got angry as well. Jin Woo mght earn his respect yet, by saving his company. But should a child have to earn his dad's love?


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The Chariman is such a sad creature. He is self-absorbed and he seems to be rash in his judgement more than calculating. Weird for a company president. Aren't these people usually very scheming more than quick and rash? I won't be surprised if he turns out the be the real Lee Bio Dad's best friend whom he betrayed.

But in that scene, I felt for the Chairman. I saw a man trapped and immersed in his miserable guilt. His guilt blinded him to the point of no return. He doesn't seem to be without any affection for Jin Woo---- the birthday present cufflinks, the secret visit at the hospital... Sometimes it looks to me as though he's trying so hard to keep his distance from his son Jin Woo and his mom. He pushes them away so hard perhaps to protect himself from I don't know what (perhaps society's judgement? or something else bigger?). It feels like he's trying to wash his hands off his own sin by asking Jin Woo and his mother to leave.

I'm sure that Jin Woo's relationship with his father is somewhat connected to the accident causing the Lee Bio Dad's death. I just don't know how. But I guess we have tonight and tomorrow for my final peace of mind.


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Hmm good point! Was the President trying to save Mum and Jin Woo but Dad Lee ended up dead in the river instead? Or Dad Lee trying to save Jin Woo and Mum? Driver Dad then angry at President for his Boss' death? President feels guilty and his son reminds him of his best friend's death?


i agree on the forgiveness issue.
i am sure it's a big misunderstanding and chairman is a nice fellow and if he did sthg it was unintentional.
but i also ok with hyung destroying comfo, then we can practice forgiveness. it'll be cool. everyone does it and we shall forgive them, right? not for some pretty vengeance issue, but just for the trend...


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This episode gave me everything I ever dreamed of and some stuff I didn't expect at all.

For some reason, I feel our OTP is heading for a break-up. Probably temporary.

First, when Jin Woo says "Once you fell in love with him, you couldn't stop." He made her sound fickle.

The other was when manager Han and team leader were talking about them, the said. "SY and MS can't be dating. SY is not wierd." That somehow made me feel sad. It's like the writers were showing how the world will treat SY once they find out. And then Team Leader tells MS that he is disappointed in him. I wonder if MS ever considered the effect of this relationship on SY. But writers seem to be highlighting it quite effectively this time.

Oh my! the bromance! I could hardly breath for all that squeeing. I always loved their chemistry and the writers really made good use of that this episode.

I'm really torn between which couple I want to ship. I think MS and SY are the most compatible. But somehow I feel their relationship dynamics has changed a little this episode. Whereas JW and SY - sigh! He was so amazingly loving this episode. What are the writers doing to me?


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I felt hurt when Jin Woo said, "oh you loved him so you couldn't stop?" IT was as if he was saying, "But you loved me for two years and you stopped loving me?"

They might break up. I've been pondering the HFN ending and I really do like Jin Woo but I think the writers will keep the OTP together. Such a relatiobship might be difficult at first but there are folks out there who will accept it. Just as the coworkers have had to accept Dae Han's relationship with Lego Hair.


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I noticed how JinWoo echoed that but I couldn't place what he was realizing. Your comment actually shed light on it for me. I really hope the OTP stays together. I'd miss their adorable-ness too much if they weren't. My heart would break if the show ended with them apart at this point. I'm sorry :(


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My heart would break too :( I love them too much!


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Yup. Probably. Now that I think about it, JW would be better able to maintain a friendship with MS even after loosing SY to him. I'm really hoping that JW and MS become best buds!


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Now I know why Minseok was acting way too childish on the last few episodes. It is because his hyung will be back. I right away saw the contrast.

I agree that Jinwoo needs love. That is why I was rooting for JW and SY at the beginning and wishing for SY's serendipity story to happen.

Did the Chairman know from the beginning that Hyung-seok is the son of his partner?


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nah! he just found out.


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I see. I thought he purposely hired Hyung-seok to ease up the guilt. I am also thinking that the Chairman lived that way (disregarding his wife and son) as a self retribution.
Thanks Carole! I was looking forward for your comments because I know how dear this drama is to you.


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It really is very dear. Thank you. I so hope the writers don't mess it up for me. I really have to go back to see if Jin Woo's mom was ever married to Chairman. Everyone commenting seem to think so....and now I'm wondering what I missed. If Chairman was married to Jin Woo's Mom, did he remove her from the family registry? I thought it was a passionate fling with an actress kind of thing.


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I think it was an affair. That's why he can't acknowledge JW as a legitimate son. Earlier, Chairman told MS that his children are abroad.


That's what I've been thinking...that it was an affair or a cast of first lover. I think the Chairman's son is in Korea though...as a professor. So am assuming the son isn't interested in business or inheriting the business.


if not a professor then a lover of books


Oh gosh, so Chairman's other son is right there in town? Let's see, how can we connect him to this as well ... Hmmmmmm.


Thank you, purplecow, for this recap. Three-faced SIG should be interesting to follow.

By the way, just like I tend to refer to Odilettante as Chantal Lauby (from her "Odile Deray" character in "La cité de la peur"), I just can't help but call you Milka, because of the chocolate brand and its purple cow: http://www.comestible.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Milka.jpg. Hope you don't mind? :D


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Dear fellow fans, we have made a cafe to promote DVD production.

You can just log in and sign up for preorders.

It is to find out the approximate numbers of future buyers and ask for the production of Director's cut video.

High School King drama has so many touching moments like Minsuk's fervent kissing with his arm in a cast, and Sooyoung's open arms with love at the end of the last episode.

Please don't forget these moments and keep them in your memories with DVD!

It is easy to purchase , if the DVD production is confirmed, big on-line stores will be on sale ,
which is convenient even to credit card users.

DVD CAFE site---->>http://cafe.daum.net/HighSchoolKingdvd


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Usually, how many requests before the production house decides to release the director-cut dvd?


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Everything in this show is so satisfying so far... It has a good story pace and development, the characters, and a perfect combination of romance, angst and fun :D Every episode I end up feeling soo happy, haha!!

I just adored this episode and how Min Suk is getting closer to Jin Woo... and the way Jin Woo was teasing him in the office until Min Suk was about to cry, OMG! uri highschooler is sooo cute ^^

The arrival of hyung will bring interesting conflicts, for sure. Like purplecow, I foresee a clash between brothers because Min Suk is not going to like the idea of all his Comfo friends ending up on the street. I just cannot wait till next episode!!! :D


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My darling Ricecake Ajhussi, forget about all the problems your byungjayeon gongbangju father is giving you and let's run away together. I promise to make you lots of rice porridge and massage your arms and legs to your heart's content. I'll sing you lullabies till you fall asleep and if it doesn't work, we'll stay awake together, I'm an insomniac too don't ya know? I promise to always listen to your beautiful voice and tell you how amazing you look in everything. I promise to always tell you that your existence isn't worthless and that you mean the world to somebody. So, how about it? Narang gyeolhanle?


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Get in line, Rushie. There's a bunch of us way, WAY ahead of you. Lol! But I'm sure Jin-woo appreciates the love. ;)


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This was an excellent recap! It was funny and insightful and really well-written. And I agree with your comments about the bromance and Jin-woo... and the whole darn thing actually. So thanks for this recap, Purplecow! Kudos! :)

P. S.
There is no 'arguably,' no contest. The best part of this episode, hands down, IS the bromance. For a multitude of reasons: The cute, the reluctant overtures of friendship, the grudging respect (Both guys feel this; they're just in denial.), the promise of what could be an epic bromance (ala Yong-ha and Jae-shin in SKKS) and like you said, Jin-woo desperately needs someone who has his back. I'm really looking forward to the bromantic developments.

I can't believe I'm saying this but Monday, please come sooner!


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So excited the Ep 14 recaps are up - thanks purplecow!

Favourite moments - oh, where to start?!

- Min-seok teasing Jin-woo about their mutual stand-off
- Jin-woo teasing Min-seok about the computer games. Or pretending to be Jin-woo, "since that's his hobby"!!
- Jin-woo at the restaurant, standing outside so that Soo-young can eat her meal comfortably and check her phone for BF messages
- Jin-woo caring for Soo-young asleep in his car, and pacing on the road
- The President begging Jin-woo and his mom to just leave - oof, that was wrenching. Imagine having to take care of your drunk dad while he tells you to disappear ...

So glad we got to see more of Jin-woo in this episode - really sets the scene for when Hyung gets back, and Jin-woo has a legitimate reason to fight for his dad and company, and the President has a legitimate reason to acknowledge his son (hopefully).

More people now know about Soo-young and Min-seok, but what I like is that it seems to be empowering her and giving her confidence, rather than the other way around. Soo Young fighting!!


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Thanks P-Cow for the great recap!

I think this is the only episode where I really felt sorry for Jin Woo for losing Soo Young (not that I was rooting for him or anything). Regret is such a b*tch! I'm sure most of us has had at least one of those in our lives and it's such a downer every time we remember them.

Yoo Ah continues to impress me in this episode. With her short screen time, she was able to convey both sorrow and acceptance. She showed us that inspite of her acting all cool the past few episodes, she is still hurting and her words to Jin Woo showed me that she has truly accepted Soo Young and Min Seok as a couple.

Too tired to think right now..

The bromance was awesome!
Jealous Min Seok is actually pretty cool since he tackles it head-on and he communicates his jealousy with Soo Young. So glad Soo Young did not meet Jin Woo in the rain.

I just realized there is no one to pair Jin Woo with now. I hope they show a scene where he bumps into a new employee and she turns out to be as cute, caring and dorky as Soo Young and we see him approaching her differently since he learned his lesson.


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Lol. Many of us have probably had a time when we were in Jin Woo's or Yoo Ah's place. I know I've been there and it sucks but hey, having such experiences are beneficial in the long-run.

I felt sympathetic towards Jin Woo in this episode but unfortunately, I wasn't even feeling an inkling of regret towards the Jin Woo/Soo Young ship. Maybe because his treatment of her in the past sits too close to home for me? I've been there, put it behind me but it always brings back bad memories when I remember it. Haha.

Anyway. Regarding this:
"So glad Soo Young did not meet Jin Woo in the rain."

There were people who wanted her to meet him and they felt that it was 'ooc' for her to leave him out in the rain... I don't agree with that at all! Her reactions and actions towards the situation were very in character for her, especially when you consider the position she is in now.

It's obvious that she wanted to go down once it started raining because she was worried about him. I'm glad Yoo Ah went in her stead! It wasn't a life threatening situation this time round so I'm proud of Soo Young for not giving in to her compassionate side.

As sorry as I felt for Jin Woo during that scene, Soo Young cannot be the person he turns to when he needs someone anymore. She's his only choice because he doesn't have anyone else to turn to. She can be his friend, of course, but we know that isn't the only thing he wants from her right now. That's exactly why her choice to refuse him was the right one.

Hopefully, he will meet a wonderful woman like Soo Young in the future but I just really want him to realise his self-worth and make some friends by the end of this drama!


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I kinda wanted Soo Young to go to Jin Woo in the rain. I don't think Jn Woo is suicidal but if anyone called me up wondering about his/her usefulness to the universe and whether they should've been born, I probably would run to them. It's a terrible angsty state to be in. And I thought, "Heck, girl, this guy might kill himself Even if Min Suk is jealous...run to the ousted shoulda-coulda-woulda great-might-have-been.

I was so happy when the friend arrived and Jin Woo invited him to a nice place to eat. Felt so good knowing he had friend. Why did friend call Hyung Seok "Yan Lee" during that conversation? My Korean isn't great and i was wondering if that was a slang.


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Don't worry, I understand your point of view about that scene. I've been there, or to be more exact, in the worst case situation but personally, I've learned the hard way that you really only have yourself to lean on in the end. Haha.

Anyway. Jin Woo hasn't shown any signs of being suicidal and I'm pretty sure he's not that far gone, but I'm guessing that Soo Young didn't consider such a thing at that moment. She isn't all that brilliant at reading between the lines, after all.

And maybe it's just me but I don't think that her reason for refusing to meet him was mainly because of Min Suk. We know he'd be unhappy about it but I think it was her own decision in the end because she does have her own personal reasons to refuse meeting him alone, not only because her boyfriend said no. If we look at the scene from her POV only, her actions are reasonable.

Of course, when we look at both of their situations together, there could have been consequences to her decision which would have made the situation way too complicated and troubling. Thankfully, this drama doesn't deal in such melodrama so that kind of thing won't happen.



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With lesser writers, we would have had a few episodes of Jin Woo trying to kill/sabotage/get rid of Min Seok so he can have Soo Young all to himself. hehe


lol! With lesser writers, everyone would be caricatures nd either enemy or friend/ally.


LOL. Well, that would definitely make this drama's characters stop blurring the lines between good and bad, right and wrong. We'd know who to love and who to hate, haha!


Yan Lee is the name Hyung Seok goes by when he's in Germany


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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thanks! I was assuming it was Korean kind of nicknaming.


Aaaargh, now I'm wondering why the writer made the friend mention the Yan Lee name. Is there a possibility the name will be used to trace our antagonist? Or am I thinking of Golden Cross and the Big Bad's "travel name"?


She had so many things to consider in making that choice. A big part of it being that Min Seok explicitly told her that he is uncomfortable with her meeting Jin Woo all the time. Another part of it I think is Yoo Ah, how would it look to Yoo Ah if she is meeting Jin Woo who is hanging around her house. She'd probably think that her sister is betraying Min Seok. Another reason is for her own sake. I don't think she is ready to be that close to Jin Woo hence, the returning of the necklace scene. She is setting boundaries for Jin Woo much like she is setting boundaries for Min Seok. If Jin Woo was feeling down and he wanted to talk then they cold have just talked on the phone. Soo Young may have issues reading between the lines but she's no idiot. A guy who's interested in you shows up at your house to only talk about his problems usually also has a different agenda.


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Agreed. Going out in the rain feels more like "I'll go and get soaked with you because I really care for you it doesn't matter if my boyfriend gets mad". But it's a drama thing. It could have been less dramatic. Jin Woo could have just stayed in a coffee shop, waiting. Let it rain on the window sill if it has to. Soo Young would have been less worried. But the waiting in the rain act was necessary to spell desperation from Jin Woo's end. As for Soo Young, it felt like a valid stand---- as if she was saying, "I worry for you and would like to be your friend but I'm sorry I can't let you use your desperation to get me to come to you. I have made my choice. Please respect it." Sending You Ah out was a statement too: "Director-nim, I mean you well. I don't like to hurt you and I want you to be okay too. But please respect my choice as a woman." Points for Soo Young on that, because every woman has the right to ask people to listen to her decision.


Haha. Look at all of us making very valid points for her decisions! I agree with you guys. I still believe her decision was right and if I had been in her place, I probably would have done the same.


With lesser writers, would we all be here obsessing and analyzing this drama? What drama gets 250-300 comments on most every recap?
Really appreciating the thought and care they've put into the story and production.


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I truly hope everything would turn out okay for Jinwoo. And he'd be able to feel (somewhat) happy, at last.


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Thank you purplecow. You've risen above mountain heights with this rewiev. FYI, you have a new fan.


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make that two. this review is phenomenal!

and you are amazing! loved reading every bit of what you wrote. thank you!


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I agree. We have a good writer-recapper in purplecow.


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Ohh Jin Woo if only you weren't such a jerk to Soo Young in the beginning...I would've shipped you two so hard!
The feeling of losing someone you should have valued utterly sucks - guess Jin Woo had to learn that the hard way.


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Aw yeah... HOW BROMANTIC! Lol. Now this is the kind of stuff I enjoy.


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First thing.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE BROMANCE. I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE IT DEVELOP! Jin Woo & Min Suk's petty fights are adorable and we know they have so much potential to become petty besties by the end of this drama ;D More bromance cuddling and sleepovers, please!

Even though Min Suk was spurred on by jealousy to take care of Jin Woo in Soo Young's stead (hey, none of us would be completely okay with letting our partner care for an "ex" of sorts anyway), he did it dutifully and with care. Like I've said before, Min Suk really shows maturity when it matters.

He could have just left Jin Woo alone to fend for himself after Soo Young went home but he did everything that was necessary to help Jin Woo get well. We have a great man-boy in the making! Haha! Of course, he could use some improvement with his jealousy fits but I have to admit, they're cute at times ;)

Secondly, Hyung Suk's only been on screen for seconds(+ previews) and I already love him. HAHA. He seems to be a sexier, colder (than Jin Woo too) version of Min Suk.

However, guys who can pull off the glasses look (not to mention with dimples) are an instant WIN. SIG, oh how I love you so so so much (^3^)

I can't wait for Soo Young's interactions with Hyung Suk in episode 15 because they look hilarious from the previews! FUTURE BROTHER-IN-LAW. Pfffft.

Anyway. I'm sure Soo Young will help Min Suk deal with his brother's revenge plans. Things are going to get tough in the company but as worried as I am for everyone involved, I'm really excited to watch the showdown between the brothers (+ Jin Woo & Min Suk working together hopefully) :D



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I kept hearing it as Pabo (Korean for stupid, right?) when they mentioned the German company!


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Hahaha thank you, I had missed that :)


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Haha, me too. I kept thinking 'don't they realize something's fishy here? the name says it all.' If that was intentional, all I can say is good one writernim, very smooth.


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Ha, yes! "Pavo" the dummy company!


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Korean for stupid is babo, not pabo.


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As Shawn from Psych would say.. "I've heard it both ways!". lol


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Korean "ㅂ" sound is somewhere between English "b" and "p," but if you pronounce Korean "ㅂ" as English p, Koreans definitely would not understand. If someone says in English "pad," the listener won't understand it as "bad." The same thing in Korean. If someone says "파보," the listener won't take it as "바보".


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Am i the only one who cried for Jin Woo for entired episode? I'm cried again while reading the recap and when i read all the comments about Jin Woo.... TT.TT i'm about to loss all my body fluids...

Thanks purplecow for the recap.


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Nope. You're not the only one. I felt soooo sad for JW that I so want him to get everything he needs - even if doesn't deserve it.

But I realized that he's getting better. I think SY was a good experience for him. Before her, he wouldn't have even considered dating anyone because he probably wouldn't have been able to trust anyone. But now that he knows people like SY exist out there in the world, he'll be open to a relationship. That's the first step.

Also, he stood up to his father for her sake. So he's also becoming stronger because of her. So all in all, he'll be ok.

I wonder if they'll show us why he's so scared of sharp objects. I'm curious about that.


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Hug*hug ---> aoiaheen

T.T i'm glad that i'm not the only one who felt sad for Jin Woo. Our poor baby need someone to be with him, love him.

I'm happy that he's getting better, maybe you're right, Soo Young was a good experience for him, she's like a key for him to learn to free himself, to felt range of emotion. Human emotion! Hopefully our poor baby boy will find his own happiness.

The relationship with his father is not doing good for my health. For him to obey his father and just be a 'good son' till the end is so hard and painfull to watch, and for him finally to stood up for people around him, that he's care is also a heart broken moments for me.

About the sharp objects, i was wondering if that's from his parents fighting. There was a scene when Jin Woo still a kid and his father was threw things and he pee in his pant.


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Thanks, @purplecow for the recap....

Oh, how I love the bromance between JW & MS....

The Hyung is back !!! I'm sure things will get rough in Comfo .... Hopefully, MS will do his best to save them.... We all know from his hockey team that our Min Seok is capable to give his all, work well as a team & LOYAL to the team. He might be a " kid", but all those " men" ( learn something, Jin Woo) will find this kid might just be the one to teach them- that everything is surmountable esp when it's conquered together !!


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Okay, I just have to rant about Soo Young and her choices this episode. I get that Jin Woo had dirt on Min Seok, and she wanted to protect him, but...

I don’t even know what was going through Soo Young’s brain for her to think it was OKAY to get into Jin Woo’s car when he wouldn’t tell her where they were going. Did she forget that he had already SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HER ONCE?!?! I mean, last time she hopped in his car was a random thing that she did not plan. She did it without really thinking about the consequences. But this time?!?!

What is going on with you girl?!?! MAKE BETTER LIFE CHOICES!!!

And that DINNER!!!! Soo Young could have refused to stay at any point, and I don’t know why she didn’t just get up and leave. She’s been perfectly forthright with him before. Why is it so hard now?


But I will admit that the scene in the car where she fell asleep and Jin Woo was tender and respectful was…it was heart melting.


And Jin Woo’s mother trying to push the two of them together. Obviously, she doesn’t know what’s really going on, but I was just like ‘Nooooooooooo!!! No no no no no!!! Stop iiiiiiiiit!!!!’

Of course, never have I wanted a reconciliation between Jin Woo and his father more than I do now. That drunken conversation between the two of them (President Yoo playing the drunk) was so heartbreaking and infuriating and devastating. In describing his own life, President Yoo describes his sons as well. Why is it so hard for parents to see when they are hurting their children? When they are putting their children through the same things they were put through/are being put through themselves?

I’m gonna be honest though. I was hoping we Wouldn’t ever see Hyung’s actual face. It seems like everyone else is happy with it, but I was really worried seeing him wouldn’t live up to all of the hype we’ve all built up around him. And for me, it didn’t. But there are still a few episodes to go, so maybe I'll warm up to the character.

Oh, and that whole hallway scene was comedy magic. I could not contain myself.


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Soo Young felt forced to do whatever JW wanted because she wants to keep him from spilling the beans about MS.


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See, I get that.

I just don't care. I don't like her being alone with him, even if he's truly apologetic and realizes he was wrong. It makes me nervous for her safety.


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Hahahahahahahahahaha! Sassy! And that is the reason why I'm all too happy that Min Suk did all the typical kdrama sickness hullabaloo in Soo Young's stead :))


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hahahaha, I wasn't going for sassy, but I'll take it.


I think she forgave him and the past is forgiven. The little bonding thing about the mother. Then there is the whole protect Min Suk thing. I really think it's possible for her to become friends with him...in that uncomfortable "you have a crush on me but you're getting over it" kind of way.


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I do hope they can become friends eventually, because I think that would be good for Both of them. I just...don't like them being alone together.

It concerns me.


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Oh, that Soo Young and her choices. What writer did to a very sympathetic (in a beginning of the show) female character was unforgivable and, frankly, unnecessary. Think about it. Would we have liked this show any less, if Soo Young would have decided to stand by Min Seok as his best noona friend who loves him, but wouldn't become his girlfriend until he is a bit older? What was the writer so afraid of? That Min Seok would kick her out of his life or office? That she wouldn't have as much sway over him? Nonsense! We know he would stick around and put even more effort in trying to steal kisses and to prove himself to be a caring boyfriend in a future. Nothing wrong with saying to a minor, " I like you, but let's stay friends for now, and start dating later. If you love me, you will wait." We all have been there, done that with one guy or another. Nothing wrong with this choice. But, no. The writer wanted the female lead to submit to a male caprice driven logic of a high schooler. That's why he made her look as "goofy" (I would sue the writer for making the people with certain physical/emotional issues as not trustworthy around minors and not capable to make common sense choices) woman who gets pushed by everyone. Now all the people around her - in a family, at work- wil either have to judge her choice, or pretend to be blind to it. Just like her superiors who already suspect her in worst - sleeping with Min Seok ( the scene in the ep.14 when they see the couple walking by a motel) but letting it go, because she has dirt on them, otherwise they would have fired her, not laugh about it.
One wrong major choice of Soo Young, everything else is small in comparison, and I can't really enjoy this otherwise great show with my teenage sons. The show has no "teachable moments" for them only, "Avoid friendly and helpful older women in school and at work, because no matter how righteous they act, they all want to date you for your cute looks." Do you understand where I'm coming from, ladies?


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I get your point, but you forget that he was impersonating a 28 year old when they fell in love. She tried to let go of him when she learned the truth but she couldn't.
So far, I don't think that the writers are doing a bad job portraying the problem. They just fell in love, they are supposed to be at this stage where the sky seems to be more blue and the sun shines more, when you think that your loved one is your air and life, and without him you would die. Certainly I can understand why is difficult for Soo Young, and this does not mean that I support older women dating high schoolers. I don't think that Soo Young would have gone that way if she knew. And it makes the story more interesting. Because of the conflict and the unusual situation we are all waiting to see what happens. And I have faith that these awesome writers will give us a nice ending for their story. :D


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I can't call what Soo Young and Min Suk are doing wrong, and I can't really call it "dating" considering that they aren't doing anything dating couples generally do. There was that accidental joyous kiss on the high bar but other than that...they are still being close to each other. I see nothing wrong in them being close to each other. Folks who get along with each other like hanging out together. And seriously, it really is showing the power and strengh of celibacy and restraint. The flip side of this scenario where Soo Young and Min Suk avoid each other totally would mean that humans have no power to restrain themselves and that two people with crushes on each other can't help but be all over each other. Which is a very wrong thing to teach one's sons. What you're actually saying is that people who are attracted to each other in some kind of wrong relationship should quit their job, stop speaking to each other, stop talking to each other...because humans are just plain weak. I understand in some instances this might be the thing to do -- for instance if one is married and one is attracted to one's secretary but the restraint is the obvious teachable moment but you are so caught up with judging the externals you can't see the teaching.

I'll also say that there are countless dramas with people sinning and doing unwholesome things. Kdramas abound with risque scenes, murders, thefts, drinking, etc and I'm not sure if you have ever gotten upset over those unwholesome actions. In the realm of unwholesomeness, there was Soo Young drunk as a skunk and lying on the street. There was also Soo Young drinking tons of beer in the park. There is a man regretting a sexual liasion which produced a child. Good teachable moment there. There is even a teachable moment about over-reaching and getting into contracts when one hasn't got the money to cover it.

So there seems to be a kind of selective pointing out of sin here simply because it has to do with one's sons. From what i see, there are tons of unwholesome moments and tons of teachable moments. I've seen so many folks focus on the evils of sex to the exclusion of so many other things that I had to speak up. Just my 0.02


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Well said.


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Thirded?!.. Thirded!! Just popped into my head. I had a vision of Min Seok waiting to use the cold shower after Lee Gun. lol


Well said, Carole. I don't think their relationship is wrong at all and in my case, I'm okay with them sharing affections like holding hands, hugging, kisses on the cheek .etc. As long as it doesn't cross that unspoken line, haha.

Oh, but I think that in their case, the right word to use would be abstinence rather than celibacy. Abstinence is for a limited period of time which is the case for them (till Min Suk graduates)

As for everything else you've mentioned, I'm with you!


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Sorry, forgot to type the rest properly. Oops.

Celibacy and abstinence (restraint) do not really refer to the same thing.

Abstinence basically refers to self-enforced restraint, usually for a period of time which describes their current relationship more accurately, I believe. *

Just wanted to share my thoughts on the word choices :)


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Your objections (since the start of the romance) have been duly noted.... Anywaaaays.. hehe How does Soo Young get into those really tight pants?! lol


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Magic. That and Lee Ha Na is clearly too skinny for her own good. I worry about Korean female celebrities and their skinniness. I just want to shove hamburgers in their mouths.


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Oh gosh, you're so right! She's so skinny! I wish she'd put on some weight D: Skinny not equal beautiful at all.


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Well, I don't want to go so far as to say skinny girls aren't beautiful. All women are beautiful, skinny, fat, and inbetween. But when you read about the types of 'diets' Korean female celebrities go on to maintain those skinny frames, and it makes you more then a little worried. They aren't skinny like that naturally. Many of them are simply starving themselves to look that way. Which is sad and extremely dangerous.


Yeah, I know. I think I should correct myself and say Unnaturally skinny isn't the correct definition of beauty!


Ok, I was REALLY worried but I watched episode 15 and, while it was heartbreaking, it was not nearly as bad as I had feared. Now to wring out the handkerchief and watch episode 16!


...now this thread seems to be allowing me to respond to comments, but not the comment I actually click "reply" to. I swear, I hit "reply" to the thread below where Sonny & OhSoEnthusiastic were talking about the cry-huddle. Dramabeans, you are cursed!


SIG does bromance well. Since i just marathoned Reply 1997 and saw bed scene of Yoon-Jae n Joon Hee (which was touchingly played by both actors SIG n Hoya) - the bed scene with Jin-woo gave me a deja vu feeling.

Testament to SIG's universal attractiveness/appeal to both females n males - he is just a magnet! Girls want to nurture him n guys want to be his BFF.


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One more thing. Some commenters on this blog talk about "celibate dating." Are you a last century nun or something? Or never dated? There is no such thing. It's either platonic friendship or unfulfilled (by reasons of a long distance or some physical, moral incapability) relatshionships. Both main leads in King of Savvy think of themselves, declared to others that they are a dating couple, not platonic friends. What dating couple does together it's their own business, but it implies sexual relationship, be they the same sex couple or a noona with a minor. Just making it clear for some people bringing non-realistic outdated fantasies to our discussion table.


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Wow! Really? You aren't in the church world, are you? Celibacy is alive and well. I have gay and straight friends in relationships that are very loving but very platonic. I don't go around doubting them because A) I trust folks and B) these folks would not lie.

And as far as we see, Min Suk and Soo Young are involved in a celibate dating relationship. If this is a possibility you have never considered, no wonder you don't want your sons to see this drama. But sex is not some powerful force that overtakes folks. One can control one's self even in this sex-crazed world.


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I have had a devout mormon and a devout jehovah's witness as girlfriends. I can tell one thing, they take that celibacy thing seriously. lol


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In 1998, after about 14 years of marriage I fell in love with a doctor friend and he fell in love with me. We were always seeing each other and my husband knew about the crush. We hung out a lot, went to movies, went to dinner and never slept with each other. That lasted around 8 years. It's not something I'm proud of because it was emotional adultery and it caused my husband a great deal of grief but there was no kissing, no sex. So, I am well-aware of how complicated life can be. But I'm also aware of howstrong humans can be against the desire to rip their clothes off and hop into bed.


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No, Carole, I am not in a church world, just used to provide marrige and family counseling, sex education in a real world. Celibacy kept between a couple of normal mutually attracted adults of all sexual orientations, in dating relationship, is a psychologically unhealthy thing, if it's not done for the reasons I described in one of my previous posts. If someone keeps some or another platonic friendship going that never crosses the sex boundaries, (and it makes probably for 80% of population, including me and most commenters on this blog) then let's call it by its proper Plato name, made immortal by Petrarch, and nothing wrong with that. But that is not how this show is written and this particular show's OTP claimed no such platonic relationship, save Soo Young reminding her hot blooded boyfriend to not go too far sometimes. Other than that, nothing and no one in this world keeps them from doing whatever.
BTW: I think your celibate friends either have health problems that they can't disclose or just lying to you to get you off their backs. Oh, and ... Do you want me to decribe what "celibate" man who, by various reasons, refuse or have been refused the life sex do online? I've done lots of research on that. The unhealthy addictions they develop from it destroy their psyche and their relationships.


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Based on my k-drama watching experience, we are supposed to believe that nearly ALL dating in Korea is celibate :p


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I'm not religious and even I know you can date for quite sometime without sex. Sure you can have those feelings and desires (sometimes all day looooong), but there are these things called restraint and integrity. With and without kdrama references, I have had some very long in depth (maybe to much) discussions with my teenage daughter about dating, sex, etc... (I told her to bring home someone she doesn't like much the first time because I'm not sure how I will react. Like taking out my butcher's knife and start sliiiiiicing carrots, cucumbers, etc...)

After re-reading your comment, I'm not really sure where you are coming from. Is it that you believe once people date they automatically have sex? You start to date someone because you like them and want to know them better. A date to me means finding things out about the other person: likes, dislikes, compatibility, hopes, fears, etc. You have sex with some one you are dating when you are BOTH ready and comfortable with having sex together.. She has made it clear she will not be ready until he grows up. QUICKLY. She actually said this many times, which made me laugh. She is ready, what 18 year old boy is not, but the situation is not right due to his age, therefore she has made the choice to wait. It may be platonic dating, but it is still dating since they have feelings of like/love for each other. They are just keeping a hold on their hormones.

I will admit you have some point. It is hard to be just friends with someone you like, both mentally and physically. I lost one friend that way, but kept another. However, they have done nothing more than kiss, so it's not like they are trying to put the milk back in the glass after it's spilt.


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I remembered that scene in Episode 14 when Min Suk started texting Soo Young while Soo Young was having dinner with Jin Woo.

His litanny on a dry spell ROFL! "Aish having a noona girlfriend is dry-dry-dry" ROFL. Were the subs right in that one? Really funny.


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I think he said that because of her reply to his text?

It was curt and short, unlike what a girlfriend/boyfriend would type back but then again, she was having dinner with Jin Woo so obviously, she couldn't be her charming self with him by text while pretending everything was okay on the dinner side. Haha.


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That whole scene reminded me of the Sung Shi Won/Yoon Yoon Jae texting montage and how it infuriated him that Shi Won would not give him some texting aegyo.


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I...don't even know where to start with your comment. I know many, many, many couples who are either waiting till marriage to have sex or are already married and waited till marriage to have sex. And their relationships are incredibly healthy and fulfilling. I Envy their relationships and hope that I can someday find a guy of my own with whom I can have such a fulfilling and healthy and Joyful relationship.

Celibacy is not outdated, and it's Certainly not a fantasy. It's a Choice, and some of us have made it.


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Erm, friends?

I think everyone might be mis-using the celibacy word a bit.

I'm not sure whether couples who wait till marriage are considered to be celibate or if there's another term for that but in this drama's case, I'm pretty sure the otp is not engaging in celibacy but abstinence. They're not waiting till marriage or anything in particular to be intimate, just till he's old enough.

Their relationship still feels likes a romantic relationship similar to what I'd have, without sexual activities (but maybe that's because I don't want sex before marriage, lol)

Man. I feel like such a mood killer because everyone is so serious here and I'm coming in to rain on the parade and say things like, "Word choices are not entirely accurate."

Gah, sorry guys! Just ignore me, haha.


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I don't really care how they call it. I am enjoying this show for it's entertainment value. I'm not looking for the meaning of life or some morality life lesson (from a kdrama of all things). Some people take these stories way too seriously like this drama would somehow cause the fall of civilization as we know it or is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Lighten up people! Stop killing my happy buzz! Talk about SIG's butt or LSH's abs or LHN's gorgeous eyes (they remind me of Camilla Belle's eyes).. you'll probably feel better. hehe


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LOL. I didn't feel right watching the word 'celibacy' be thrown around so easily without proper understanding of its real meaning and when it should actually be used. In this drama's case, 'celibacy' is not the right word to use and secondly, being 'celibate' is not just a descriptive word.

Having self-restraint and being 'celibate' are very different to me. Haha.

But I know how you feel.
Somehow, all these real world issues keep getting brought up but this is just a drama and it's definitely NOT going to make the world any worse than it already is.

"Talk about SIG’s butt or LSH’s abs or LHN’s gorgeous eyes (they remind me of Camilla Belle’s eyes).. you’ll probably feel better. hehe"

HEH. Yeah, that's probably going to be me after watching episode 15. SIG with his galore of manliness and cuteness in one episode. Mmmm, yummy~


You're right. Abstinence is the right word choice. The definition of celibacy is the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations.

Just switch out celibacy for abstinence in my comment, lol.


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I just think common usage defaults to celibate because it's clumsy referring to "abstinent" dating. Although maybe we are starting something here.


Haha, yeah. You are right, bbstl.

It is clumsy referring, but celibacy is a more serious thing than abstinence.
The words may refer to similar things but they're really not the same unfortunately. Haha!

I hope we're not starting something here. This isn't a conversation for this tread. Lol.


I pretty much watch this show with a drool bucket thanks to SIG and LSH, but now that there's a second SIG in the mix, one with a hot hairstyle and glasses, and then add bromance on top of that...let's just say I'm glad I live alone so I can fangirl to my heart's content without drawing judgmental reactions, lol.

Oh yes, there was plot development too, wasn't there...?


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Gahhhhhhhh this show ahhhhhhh it kills me
Hyung suk is sooooooo hot n jinwoo really shined in this ep
Really can't wait for the storm that's sure to come
N more Jin woo, yoo ah screen time please? They make adorable friends!!

N thnx for the recap purplecow :)


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I was wondering why the past few episodes Min Suk suddenly stopped styling his hair for work when he usually had it done (and disappointed because Seo In Guk looks so fine with his hair like that), but now I see it was to set up a more noticeable difference between Seo In Guk as Min Suk and Seo In Guk as Hyung Suk.

I'm just happy there's finally some movement in terms of plot that doesn't involve romance (though I am enjoying that immensely), and can't wait for the next step!


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I'm finally caught up on all the episodes and sooo happy Purplecow is giving us such speedy recaps. Thank you!

I don't know what Purple made of the information Jin Woo uncovered re:Pavo at the end. I need a rewatch. But I wonder if it doesn't mirror what happened in the past.

My speculation: President Yoo did something risky/illegal in the past and caused Lee Dad grief. Either he threw him under the bus/downsized him/chapter 11 ed him…something that betrayed Lee Dad's trust. I'm even wondering if it's related to their construction projects, like a bad bridge due to cutting corners? I think it was pretty cruel and unfair so as to justify Chauffeur Dad's continued anger.

I'm even second-guessing the writers and wondering if President Lee didn't find out that Hyung was scheming via Pavo and voluntarily sold his shares and bonds or whatever to enable Hyung to get the company? Because Pres Yoo is so eager to make the deal, it's either extreme greed or voluntary financial suicide.

And, for the record, I am sure that Jin Woo and his mother are the "pitit andeyò" (outside child) and "fanm soukote" (side woman) respectively of Pres. Yoo. Pretty sure he told Min Suk on the car ride back from the team building week-end that his son was into books and his daughter studying abroad. Plus allusions to never being home because of work. Plus the ongoing secrecy about his relationship with JW at Comfo.

The forbidden relationship would explain his nervousness at the corporate cronies dinner and subsequent drunken visit to Jin Woo's apartment.

I flailed at the end reveal. Loved this different version of SIG, so hot. Love his shoulders!

You must know by now how much I love fashion. Has anyone noticed that Hyung and Soo Young are both styled with 50s/60s flair? SY's subtle wardrobe upgrade (wide skirts, saddle shoes, neck scarf, low ponytail), HS's glasses and side part? I'm loving it! Just wish there was more color in the general wardrobes.

I also love all the references and inside jokes in this series. Pavo, Dae Han and Yoon Ju's comments on the street. Just a ton of little things. Love the office clique, the two friends + Yoo Ah. How cute is that budding romance?

(Honestly, I was a little sleepy watching and totally blanked on why the coworker wanted to rec a plastic surgeon to YJ, LOL! Had a Duh moment when I realized the implication was that a surgeon'd be Highly Marriageable vs my sweet Dae Han The Kisser.)

Even Gramps and the upside down glasses. Or Soo Young, in that same scene, saying how she's beautiful if you look carefully. Was that Ep 12 or 13?

I don't know what's coming but I hope Asst Manager Kim doesn't get a third ulcer.

Oh, and how can I end this without fangirling all over Min Suk and Jin Woo, and embarrassing myself, however virtually, on the myriad charms of LSH and SIG? I just can't. They are both sooo DELICIOUS, I can't watch this series in public, LOL!


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I love your comment! I'm all laughs and in agreement to everything you said. Thank you for articulating that theory on the president and the lee dad----i love the word you used: mirroring. I'm getting the feeling Hyung Suk is simply mirroring the events of the past and I too think that the dad is going on a conscious financial suicide. An eye for an eye.

And! Your comment about fashion! Is Min Suk sporting a particular era as well? SY and Hyung wearing the same era kind of bothered me only because dramas have this thing where they style the OTP coordinatedly. TT I know Hyung is still SIG but gaaaaah, why still it feels like MS is an entirely different character. MS-SY! Although it's far-reaching, How weird would an MS-SY-HS-JW-YA love pentagon be?


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Rather than seo yong n min suk relationship, i more interested with bromance between jin woo n min suk.. hehe.. in reality, i'm not against noona-dongsaeng romance with normally average age gap, but it's a big no for me to have relationship with a schooler boy and big gap age especially in this drama, their cheesiness is kind of creepy and make me cringe... it's even ever make me stop to download n watch it on 12 episode.. hehehe....


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Another great episode. This is one of the most consistent shows I've ever seen. I continue to love our precious OTP...although I did get frustrated with Soo-young lying to Min-soek about meeting up with Jin-woo YET AGAIN. Haven't we learned that lesson a few episodes ago, dear?

I agree though that this was a great episode for Jin-woo. I love how they've managed to paint paint him as such a sympathetic character without ever trying to make us believe that he should be with Soo-young. I felt the whole forced dinner/watching Soo-young eat from outside the restaurant was SO SAD and not in any way romantic. That he makes her so uncomfortable that she can't even eat with him? Wow. It made me pity Jin-woo while also get frustrated with him for abusing his power over her.

Which makes it all the more impressive that I really felt for him this episode, even though I need him to invest all of his disposable income into a fantastic therapist team to help him work through all of the horrible psychological trauma that his father inflicted upon him. Speaking of which, I was not sympathetic AT ALL to daddy Yoo, who somehow thought it appropriate to get smashed, confront his son in his own home, blame him for all of his problems, and pull a whole histrionic "woe is me" routine. That pissed me off like nobody's business. YOU ARE HIS FATHER. You did not earn the right to pull that "My life is harder than your life" bull on your son WHO YOU HAVE EMOTIONALLY ABUSED AND ABANDONED. You just do not do that. Ugh.

I just want Jin-woo to give up on all romantic aspirations with Soo-young, so that she and Min-soek can befriend puppy Jin-woo and start an adorable supper club or something where they can all talk about their day over a bottle of wine and some ricecake.


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Fantastic recap PC!

Ok, so can I just say I totally called this plot in the Ep 10 recap comments. But what's so great about this drama, is that even though the basic plot was predictable, I have been dying to see how the writers were going to bring it about. I knew they needed to write in time for Hyung to come back before Jin-woo spilled the beans. The accidental-on purpose overdose, the bromance, all of it was pure genius! And the moment in the meeting where Jin-woo passes up the opportunity to save Chairman Dad from himself, and Comfo from risk by revealing Min-seok's identity, was so full of complex emotions. Great job writers!


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Ok wow. You guys, I give up on trying to think of an intelligent comment on this episodes because you guys took the words from my mouth. I feel like I've became a robot who is programmed to nod to every comment here and click those little thumb ups hee.

Just wanna point out a lovely little detail I noticed. At the scene where the retail team is discussing about the Comfo-Pavo contract, how touching is it when Dae-han suddenly said 'It'll be nice if we can relocate to other place together, right Yoon-ju?'

omg if I'm in Yoon-ju's shoes I would've melted - look, this man is prepared to commit into the relationship! Shows that their relationship is simply not 'Because he is a good kisser' like what Yoon-ju claimed :)


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I hated episode 15 so damn much. Bloody hell, show. WHY.


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(Plugs ears and rocks back and forth humming & thinking back fondly on the first 14 episodes.)

I am seriously considering not watching episode 15. Should I watch it? AAAH!


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It's GAME OVERRRRR, I guess.


I feel like the drama gave me all those lttle happy scenes among the spaced out angst...only to stab me in the back a million times by the end of the episode. I'm still reeling in pain from the outcome of everything.

AND THE DAMN PREVIEW FOR EPISODE 16. I NEED A HUG SO BADLY... But it's 2am here and everyone else is asleep!



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My reply above and this one is for rearwindow! I think there might be something wrong with the comments sections right now.

Anyway, I don't know how you'll react to the episode. I actually regret watching it right now because I'm going to be in a horrible mood till next week & I have to be out of the country for the finale. Bloody hell...

Plus, let's just say that the preview for tomorrow's episode did not make me feel any better because tvn knows how to ruin the only shreds of happiness I have left. Yep. Let me just die quietly in the background now.


DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! I just saw it and yeah it was so freakin' sad but it wasn't what I thought it was (was thinking worst case scenario here). lol


SOBBED SO friggin' hard!!! T_T


All I did was cling to forums and watch screen shots and I still feel like dying. It's been hours since I saw those spoilers and now I still feel stoned. I want to wail. Not sob. WAIL.

Episode 15 :'( Oh god, episode 17 should be very very good or this drama is just not for marathon material for me anymore. Too. much. pain. Not good for my escapist self. Okay maybe I can marathon it and then skip some parts. :'(


OH NO. What happened? Wait don't tell me. But. No, tell me. Aaah!! Should I keep watching? Will my heart be broken into a million pieces??? Does it get better????


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Weird! Both of my comments were in response to Sonny, but they didn't show up that way.


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Where can you watch the raw? I can't take it anymore. I need to watch it now!


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NVM.. Dramabay has it..


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Oh no. Oh no. Sunny. Now you've got me terrified.


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I spelled your name as Sunny. What is wrong with me?


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@ OhSoEnthusiastic

It's okay, it's okay. You're probably just panicking. We can all huddle and cry together!


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I Was panicking. Then I saw episode 15, and I was crying. Now I've gone to soompi and seen a few spoilers, and I'm smiling like a nutcase, lol.


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Hard to wait for the recap. I agree--it will be hard to forget this drama


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Wtffff you can't do this to me show, give me my damn heart back ugh


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This drama has literally shoved Coffee Prince out of first place in my K Drama heart. Episode 15... I got nothin'. I have everything and nothin to say about it. It was just a great episode.

I don't mean to be a fire starter, but I am gonna be honest and say I'm glad that dramallama has next on the recap. I understand that the fine folks who do this have other things that take priority and can't always recap right after the show has aired. I get that. But this episode (in particular) deserves a speedy recap. Not just because it is good but also because people are so ready to talk about it and I'd hate to spoil it for others who haven't seen it yet.


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