Yoon-ah as Nodame?

So the big news today is that Girls Generation’s Yoon-ah has been offered the lead role in the Nodame Cantabile remake. Inasmuch as this is a highly anticipated adaptation of a beloved Japanese series whose heroine was pretty much universally loved (Ueno Juri), already there’s a flurry of mixed reactions to the news.

Currently Yoon-ah’s casting isn’t final, and articles range from saying that she’s only a possibility to that she’s nearly a lock. I’d take it with a grain of salt—announcing the news this way smacks of the producers putting out feelers before committing—but it does also seem to be serious enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if they went with Yoon-ah after all. KBS likes her, she’s got a large fan base, she’s headlined dramas before, and she has export potential. So I see what they’re thinking in going for someone as mainstream as her.

On the other hand, I find it disappointing since producers were first courting Shim Eun-kyung (Miss Granny, Sunny) for the role and she would have been fantastic, particularly since Nodame is a character with a lot of interesting quirks and dimension, and Shim Eun-kyung is a wonderful actor with spot-on comic timing. The fact that she was the first choice was encouraging, and gave me faith that the show was taking this casting seriously.

So when you put them next to each other as actresses, Yoon-ah kind of pales in comparison; she has improved over the years and I have no problem with her taking on shows that I don’t have a lot of attachment to (say, as with Prime Minister and I, which was cute). But I just can’t bring myself to be any sort of excited about her in this drama. Nodame is a bumbling slob whose piano skills are more savant than skilled, while Yoon-ah’s exactly the kind of approachably pretty girl who would ruin Nodame’s quirks for me, because she would be rom-com-weird, not actually weird. Her version of off-the-wall would be to do everything cutely and prettily, when what I appreciate about Nodame is that sometimes she’s just plain bizarre.

According to a KBS producer, while Yoon-ah is currently considering favorably and is a likely candidate, they do require the approval of the writer of the original series, Ninomiya Tomoko. She has stated that she wants a Korean Nodame who is 100% in line with Ueno Juri’s portrayal, and she does have final veto rights. So there is that.

The Korean version of Nodame Cantabile is planning for an October premiere on KBS.

Via MBN, Osen, Star News


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Please if you had to choose someone from SNSD, couldn't it have been Sooyoung because she can actually ACT. Like if it were her, I would be like HELL YEAH SOOYOUNG IT'S YOUR TIME I would be so excited. Or Krystal. Or even Sulli. But lord not Yoona, she's improved but let's be real: my memories from Love Rain are still clear okay and I can never un see the atrocity that was that drama which she contributed to. NEVERR. I just can't, I can't watch this drama if she's going to be in it. In fact, if anybody knows how's I can contact Tomoko to tell her all the reasons why Yoona should be vetoed let me know. If somebody knows how to contact the PD nim in charge or the Writer in charge LET ME KNOW. I CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN WHEN K DRAMA SEASON WAS FINALLY GETTING GOOD. I CANTTTTTTT.


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I have absolutely nothing nice to say about this.


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Someone please tell me this is not true and it's all just a nightmare *runs away in denial*


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Please dont!! Her acting, face and anything doesnt fit as well as nodame... Nope!! Cant even figure nodame as yoonah ㅠㅠ Please dont ruin nodame's image!!


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oh, CRAP!!


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I even dislike the idea Korea re-makes Nodame Cantabille.
And, now they cast Yoona as Nodame?!? No... just... no...
They gonna ruin it for sure!


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I thought the Bride of the Century leading lady (forgot her name, and too lazy to google) could fare much better than Yoona. I like the idea of Im Joo Eun. Even her Wild Romance co-star Lee Si Young would be better than Yoona. Unfortunately, these ladies may not have the star power and export capabilities that Yoona has.

I'm just wondering what Joo Won is thinking, how he's anticipating who his leading lady will be (who he will kiss). Hehe


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YEY! Yoona :)
Go Yoona! Prove them wrong.


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As much as I would like to have to say something good about this pairing I am still frowning.

Is this like a reverse psychological bait - "they do require the approval of the writer of the original series, Ninomiya Tomoko. She has stated that she wants a Korean Nodame who is 100% in line with Ueno Juri’s portrayal, and she does have final veto rights".
Like in an indirect way the author did give in her final yay for the role of Nodame to be done by Yoon-ah? KBS I know you are running short of time since the actors have to take classes for the musical training, but please could you show mercy for the fans of the original drama. Pretty, please???


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I highly doubt that they'll need a musically talented actress anyhow. They'll just fake the piano playing. Nodame is supposed to be a genius. 99.9% of the celebrities who also act are nowhere near competent enough to actually be a genius when it comes to playing the piano. They got Suzy in Dream High to just pretend to be an opera singer. In reality, they got a real opera singer to sing the piece. They just need to cast an actress that can act well and is fit for the role. No need to worry about musical talent.


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Suzy's 'opera singing' in Dream High was such a joke, she couldn't even lip-sync right.

Korean Nodame will probably fake its piano playing with lots of cutaway hand shots, no need for Yoona to do any playing or Joo-won to do any conducting.


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I can't really think of any current idol that can take on that role.


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This +1. Perhaps UI could come close, but I don't really think the actors will be the big problem.


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Kim seul gi. This girl is daebak in Flower boy next door. She's fit for Nodame perfectly. She's musical actress too. Play goong with Taemin in Japan. But she's less famous than Yoona.



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Oh my god, yes!!! THAT I can get on board with. She'd be perfect. Didn't know she was musically trained. Awesome :)


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they're gonna butcher it like they murdered Hana Kimi :(


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Dramagods, you do know I'm disappointed with Joo Won casting, but I still had hope that you'll give me a great Nodame because you teased me with Shim Eun Kyung. I had hope that Nodame would be played by someone who's as great as or at least close to her caliber, but this? Dramagods, forget this remake! What should I do so you can change your mind??!!!


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Spot on. When I first read the news, first thing that pop into my head was that she's going to play this role all cute and pretty just like every roles she ever played. Nodame isn't like that. She's quirky, weird and completely eccentric at times. I honestly cannot think of another actress other than Shim Eun-kyung that would give Nodame character some justice.


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I love Yoona. Really. But Nodame??? Yoona is such a careful person, so I really hope she had some confidence when taking this incredibly difficult role, instead of just taking this because it's a great opportunity or because it'd be a great way to improve her acting... This is the absolutely wrong project to take on for those reasons. I'm really hoping she'll prove us wrong, but... .__. I am scared for her and this drama (even more so now than ever).


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i am a fan of nodame cantabile from manga to anime to japanese live action. It is a masterpiece and the news about Yoona being Nodame is shocking to me.

I think Kdrama should give respect to the manga. They should find an actress that would suit Nodame's character.

I have nothing against Yoon-ah as an actress in general but casting her in NC is a mistake.


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So, when will Joo Won announced that he's backing-out?


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If she's Nodame then I think I'll have to pass... even with my love for Joo Won. :\


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Everyone is focused on Yoona, but I don't think that is the real problem. The big problem is that it is a KOREAN remake - and I seriously don't think that Korea can do a drama remake without ever present props, which may include 5 or more of:

Love triangle, mean MIL, chaebol prince, worthless dad or brother, candy girl, piggyback rides, falling down drunk in street or bar, corrupt politicians, aegyo 3rd lead, etc.

I just can't see this flying very high no matter what actors they get, unless the writers and director stick VERY close to the original "look and feel" of the J-drama.


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Hee hee.

Not only in remake. We can see it in MOST of Korean drama :-)

So who is the PD and Writer of this Korean version, I worried about it more than Yoona.


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Not gonna lie, the reaction is very skewed towards: horrible choice. I haven't seen the original (and neither do I plan to since I have an allergy with Jdramas) so I don't quite care much about comparing it to the original.

But Yoona in general is a very one dimensional actress. She's a better version of Suzy but that's about it. Thing is, Joo Won doesn't do much for me either, so I'm not too invested with who they pick. I do hope it'll eventually be someone of his calibre since I can see him blowing her right off the water.

I expected IU or PSH since both have some musical background. But I'm not even sure if there are more options - since I think they may be looking for someone of Hallyu status (which Joo Won is not).


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I love the Japanese Nodame! On the fence about yoona..
On a side note (this will be impossible!) I think Park Bom from 2ne1 will make a good Nodame seeing that she's plain alien weird lol. Dubious about the acting skills part though.


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LMAO I love Bom, but dubious is an understatement for me. Have you seen 2NE1's music videos? No expression at all.


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I don't know, I just think that if you put, crowd favourite on this thread, to name a few

Im Je Eun

next to Shim Eun-kyung, you can still see that SEK is superior than them. Obviously, SEK is way better actress. Now, the problem is, besides SEK who is really.. really suitable to play the role. I just can't see anyone.

But not that I want SEK to play the role so badly. I think SEK and Joo-won will be good as screen partner without involving any romance in it. SEK looks too young next to him.

I guess if not Yoona, I want to see Go Ara as the female lead. But, Ara already played this kind of role in Answer Me 1994.


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Really disappointed. How am I supposed to take this drama seriously? And the worst part is that it's a remake, so there will be obvious comparisons. I honestly don't think I would have minded f it had been an entirely new drama. But no, its a remake...and of a well-known one too. And instead of choosing a lesser-known but seasoned actress, they go for RATINGS. Am I wrong to worry that the rest of the drama will follow that same theme?

2014...I'm close to sitting the rest of this year out.


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Please pick an "easier" project, Yoonah-ya!


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they should cast im joo eun. she'll at least be a decent nodame. she did weird crazy role well


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Guys, Ninomiya Tomoko tweeted that she DOESN'T have the say in casting so that's not going to help us NAY sayers here about YoonA. GOD PLEASE HELP US!

Agree that 10-years younger Gong Hyo Jin would fit Nodame quite well.

DISAGREE that Korean adaptions are usually more popular than original Japanese one. PLEASE! Just because Flower Over Whatever (wooden wierd hairdo trios?) casted 3 unknown(relatively) -but-good-looking guys who can't act for nuts created a storm? That's not saying much at all!

Frankly, I really think Joo Won made a wrong move in accepting Chiaki senpai's role. He made a mistake with Civil Servant Level 7 (or something) and I was hoping he is smart enough to avoid another mistake but.... Well, I totally don't care much for this remake coz Koreans will make it a 100% love story instead of also a classic music coming-of-age story.


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I totally agree.

Out of new drama out there, why Joo Won chose Nodame. Or why his Agency push him to do this drama.

7 Grader drama, well I just want to erased it from his resume.

You can do better than this boy. You can do better.

But, on the side note, I would love to see Joowon and Yoona acting together. But why must this drama.


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Now i'm just depressed.


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There are a few actresses who could play nodame but Yoon ah just doesn't strike me as one of them. For now, I can only see her in playful, cute and endearing roles where they can utilise her powers for hair flipping and aegyo. While yoon ah isn't a bad actress, it really sucks that this drama may not be given to some of the more underrated actresses as this could definitely be a breakout role to showcase their talent. The way it's going, I cant picture this version doing any justice to the original. It could end up being riddled with lovelines, love squares and cheesy cliches (I may have to sit this one out if it'll be another case of playful kiss and to the beautiful you).


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T.T whatever KBS...


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don't know if you guys heard but they aren't basing it on the JDrama but they are basing it on the original manga.

I think its a worth a try for someone like Yoona maybe she could surprise us or maybe she won't who knows but I for one would not pass any judgement before seeing the actual product.

BTW, i heard IU and the other actress whom you guys seem to prefer declined the role. so i guess KBS is really having a hard time trying to find an actress for this one.


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Shim Eun Kyung declined. IU didn`t , she wasn`t even considered.


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I screamed. I really did. Not you. Not you!!!!!! Yurusenai de! Zettai yurusenai!!!


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No, please not her


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I remember people were bashing Uie and even Joo-won when they were first cast in family weekend drama Ojakgyo Brothers.

Uie because of her mean character in You're Beautiful and Joo-won because of his rookie status and was playing a baddie in Baker King.

But, the two proves them wrong, their chemistry is so good and acting wise, they compliment each other. Even won couple of awards at KBS drama awards and Baeksang.

I'm happy because finally Yoona get a chance to act alongside Joo-won who has already proven his talent. Yoona has potential, she just need a right partner and right drama to do that. I'm not sure about this drama, but I hope it will do well.

I can picture the two of them together, its gonna be good.

BTW, who will be directing it?


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I wouldn't say that that's a fair comparison to make. I think Ojakgyo Brothers is an original drama as far as I know. Even if viewers were complaining about UEE and Joo Won taking the role, they had only heard about the characters that they would play. On the other hand, there's a manga called Nodame Cantabile. There's a Japanese drama adaptation of the manga. There's an anime based on the manga. The role of Nodame is very well known, how difficult the role is to play is known, and how different Nodame is from not even just the characters that Yoona has played, but most female characters in the K-dramas is known.


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Andweeeeeee~ I really loooove Nodame to death and can't ever imagine yoona fit to this role. Please cast a decent actress. And PLEASE PLEASE NO MORE IDOL. let the Idols just focus..... Being an Idol. Period

Sorry for my bad english


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Best solution for all is simply don't watch it lol. Doing a remake was a mistake from the start anyway.


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I don't know anything about this....but I do know that I have never finished a Joo-won drama. Yoona might be the least of my problems :P


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Yup, you took the words outta my mouth :-) You aren't the only one who hasn't been able to finish a Joo Won drama


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Please not her, Nodame is not a easy character and Juri was fantastic.


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Nooooo!! Not YoonA! What about IU?


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Seriously, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. In the end, KBS will do what they want to do.


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I was literally screamed a 'NOOOO!' at my laptop when I read the news because while I love Yoona and I think her acting is okay, I'm not sure if she can be the 'Nodame' that had been perfectly portrayed by Ueno Juri. But then I tried to stay positive and I remember how weird Yoona can be sometimes. And I also remember one episode of 1 Day 2 Night while Yoona was the guest and she was so cute with Joowon and since then I was rooting for them to play on a drama together. So... if it's true that she has been confirmed, I really hope she will do well.


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I cringed at this news. Like everyone else, I don't have anything against Yoona, but she just does not fit Nodame's role.

So far actresses like IU and Yoona have cute and pretty images, I am not sure if these actresses will go as far as to "ruin" their images and be awkward, slapstick and plain weird.

I still remember nodame attempting to dress up as marilyn Monroe, only to have the timpani guy color her face like a kid who just can't keep within the lines in his coloring book. Haha. Can't imagine yoona agreeing to do something like that. But if she does, I will gladly stand corrected.


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I remember watching the first episode of Nodame Cantabile years ago and liking it well enough, but some other dramas caught my attention. I've been planning on watching it picking it up again, but never got around to it. I was a little excited about the Korean version and was planning on resuming the drama this month so I can have the original fresh in my mind while I watch the remake. This news has poured cold water on my excitement though so I'm not sure I'll be catching the Korean version, but I'm still going to pick up the Jdorama again since I did enjoy the first few episodes.


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I have the exact same feelings.. Why can't they cast, someone young and relatively unknown who could make a big splash if this were a hit....I would love to see someone like Nam Hi Hyun (not the idol) finally get a lead role


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(Sorry the rest of my comment got cut off) i'm beginning to not want this show to happen anymore....SEK was perfect for this role and I can't think of anyone else who would fit it perfectly, I'm only somewhat inclined to joo won as chiaki and have a sneaking feeling that the makes could ruin the original for me


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Yoona?!!! No, just NO!!!!

I would rather see Uee or Ha Yeon-soo as Nodame, please?!!


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I'm not Korean or Japanese either but tall, thin, pretty doesn't translate into short, dumpy, slob that has ooddlleess of talent. But hey, maybe she'll eat something, gain some weight and not look like skeleton and then and only then might she even come close to being able to do Nodame justice. I love Joowon and think he will be brillant in this. But hey, what do I know right....


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Ueno Juri is 1.65 cm, Yoonah 1.68 cm (according to the web). Ueno isn't dumpy either, though Yoonah may be somewhat skinnier.

Their difference in acting talent is another story though.


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what the difference is in is can she be believable adn the answer is a resounding NO!


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Nooooo! After seeing it on Soompi last night I was really hoping that you wouldn't confirm it. I love that drama so much, and after initially being sceptical about the remake, I was starting to get on board because of the good casting choices. Why Yoona?! If she's in it, I'm definitely not watching. Sorry Joo Won. Gonna have to pass on another of your dramas. Why couldn't they find someone who is quirky and can actually act? Instead of a one-tone, vanilla idol-"actress". I can't believe she's Korea's equivalent of Ueno Juri. It's just sad. And the fact that some K-pop fans are really happy about it is ridiculous.
Thanks SM, for ruining another great thing for me.


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Yoona would make a perfect Saiko, I would have loooved to see her pull off that kind of elegant but bitchy, insecure and vulnerabl,e yet beautiful and classy character of Chiaki's ex, but Nodame????? Big. Fat. NO!


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I've never seen the original Japanese version of this show, nor the anime. Which comes first? Is it a manga?

Anyway, since I've never watched/read this series, I have no problems with Yoon-ah being cast. I probably won't watch it anyway, so I'm cool with it. I guess I just don't get the fanbase behind it, or get the story either.

Whatever happens, whoever is cast, I'll be cool with because I'll only watch the first episode and then decide from there if I'll continue or not.


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The manga comes first. The drama and anime are based on it.


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Why? Why? Why?
Yoona just say no... That's the surest way she won't be doing this drama. No writer with veto power can block this. The problem with Yoona is not that she is a terrible actress, she has improved a lot, but the kind of image trashing commitment Nodame needs she doesn't has it. She is an Idol she can't be actually wierd, it'll only be on the surface. Now if she can actually turn around and shine like Yoon Eun Hye in coffee prince or Sun ah in Sam soon, i'll be okay with her but I have some serious doubts


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