Odds and Ends: Why do dramas do that?

girlfriday: Guess who’s gonna be at KCON this year?

javabeans: You get three guesses and the first two don’t count, considering we already totally let the cat out the bag.

girlfriday: Yeah not us. I meant PUPPY!

javabeans: Oh right. Although, Seung-gi isn’t on the concert list, so what’s he gonna do there as featured guest if not sing?

girlfriday: Give out hugs!

javabeans: I suppose he could just be playing the part of supportive boyfriend, or are we not acknowledging certain realities for this conversation? Let’s just say that I did worry for a hot second that girlfriday might not be able to control herself and do something embarrassing for all of us.

girlfriday: You might have to look into a leash of some sort, if you really want to keep that under control. So, now I know what I’ll be doing at KCON this year.

javabeans: Way to leave me with all the work. Especially when we’re scheduled to be on TWO panels this year instead of one. Please don’t make me sit there and talk to myself for an hour. That might get odd.

girlfriday: Strangely, that might be quite entertaining for the audience.

javabeans: Only if we equip you with a puppy-cam too. You could wear it on your head like those miners do.

girlfriday: Done.

javabeans: So, do we want to talk about our panel topics or are we not allowed yet?

girlfriday: Because it’s super top-secret important stuff!

javabeans: Shhh, nobody tell KCON. It’s just that while we know what we want to talk about, KCON hasn’t announced it yet. But since tickets are on sale now, maybe people might want to know, in case that would help make an informed decision? (Although really, “informed decision” for many people in this case might just be: “Seung-gi!”)

girlfriday: What, like you need more information?

javabeans: For now, what we do know is that we’ve got two panels planned, one that’ll be hosted by our friends at Viki, and one that’ll be exclusively for Dramabeans! We’re super excited about that one, and having gummimochi and HeadsNo2 there to be the moderators. So everybody, bombard them with your questions! (Not us, them!)

girlfriday: We’re still fine-tuning our panel with Viki, but the Dramabeans one will be called “Why Do Dramas Do That?”

javabeans: That seems appropriate and totally not lazy of us, to just steal ideas from ourselves instead of thinking real hard of new ones.

girlfriday: But we promise to actually talk about new stuff, and not read from our book.

javabeans: Yes, we couldn’t actually get away with being THAT lazy. On the upside, we do have material for our Parts 2 and 3 that aren’t out yet, so we can totally still steal from ourselves AND be fresh. This is what we call a win-win situation.

girlfriday: And if you hadn’t just said that, people wouldn’t even know we were stealing from Past Us.

javabeans: Well it’s really Past Us’s fault for not finishing the book already, so it’s the least they could do for us.

girlfriday: Good, as long as we’ve cleared up the ethics.

javabeans: So if you’ve got a question along the lines of “Why do dramas do that?” feel free to ask us now, and we’ll see if we can work it into the panel.

girlfriday: For starters, we’ll be talking about some of the latest trends and tropes to emerge from dramaland.

javabeans: So maybe less “what’s with all the dramatic U-turns” and more “why do serial killers get love interests?”

girlfriday: Are ex-husbands the new prince charmings and are halbaes the new flower boys?

javabeans: Basically, if you’re wondering it, we wanna hear it. ‘Cause sometimes you don’t know if a drama is crazy because you’re missing something in the translation, or if it’s crazy because it’s just crazy.

girlfriday: Except Doctor Stranger. That was just crazy.

javabeans: Ack! Get thee away from me, Doctor Stranger! My ten-foot pole just went and hid from me because it didn’t want anything to do with that craziness.

girlfriday: But the middle-ground cases are worth discussing, since as we know, drama logic isn’t always real-world logic.

javabeans: That’s very true, and sometimes those are the things that are interesting to parse—when something almost makes sense but maybe doesn’t make it all the way across the street.

girlfriday: Like challenging your serial killer to a race for the metaphor, or…

javabeans: Or plain challenging him to kill you to prove that he would have killed you if you hadn’t offered yourself up for the killing? You mean that?

girlfriday: Yes, that. Basically, dramaland raises a lot of these kinds of questions, and we’re going to talk about them.

javabeans: We’re still working out details of how the panel will work, and monitoring a simultaneous Twitter feed of questions is an option we’re entertaining. But maybe the better idea is to take questions in advance from you all, rather than trying to tweet and talk at the same time. Because let’s be honest, walking and chewing gum is pretty much the limit of my multitasking ability.

girlfriday: I’ve seen her trip and fall trying.



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Something that really bothers me is when the lead actor/actress comes across the unconscious victim of major trauma (hit by car or Truck of Doom or crushed by heavy object), the victim is shaken like a rag doll or picked up for a piggyback run to hospital. For likely victims of head or neck trauma or spinal cord injury, being shaken or moved without proper bracing or support can seriously worsen the original injury and contribute towards permanent brain damage and/or paralysis. I wish kdramas would stop this practice and instead show 119 or 911 being called without the victim being moved around.


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I too am getting really sick of seeing that same stupid thing time after time. Some guy is laying the street with neck and spinal cord injuries and the other guy is shaking him all over screaming WAKE UP. And they NEVER call 911.


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The Korean government forced the big 3 television companies to stop showing any smoking and any driving after even 1 drink for public health/safety reasons. You would think they could easily help accident victims too.


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My questions are:
1. Why they always make us love the second lead more than the first lead ? ??
2. Why the character never gets the chance to explain the misunderstandigs right away until it becomes too late?
3. Why can't the 2nd lead get his own girl and move on?

4. Will there be an end to live shootings ?


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1. Why are there no female chaebols in dramas, do women never inherit the parent's company in S Korea? The daughters of company owners inevitably do other things (ballet, study abroad, try to get married) while the sons become the rich heirs.

2. Alternatively, why are there such few top company bosses who are female, and if they are portrayed at all they are almost always cast as villains or in an otherwise negative light. And if they are cast in a positive light at all they are either not in the topmost positions, or are heads of 'feminine' enterprises such as cosmetics, or design, or clothing brands or something. Why aren't they real estate magnates or engineers? Is there a clear gender divide in terms of disciplines and vocations in S Korea? (as there is in USA)

3. Are regular people in S.Korea as obsessed with looks as the dramas make them out to be? Constantly using gazillion beauty products, hyperventilating over every imaginary wrinkle and actually looking upon plastic surgery as a matter of course? Do men and women both undergo plastic surgery or mostly women? Is there no criticism of it at all within their culture?

All my questions are a little serious but these are points that disturb me not a little and more than once have put me off a drama or two so I'd be much obliged if you could take the time to shed light on any of them.. other beanies are welcome to take a shot as well :]


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1. They can, but only if there is no choice. The First Son and Male Heir tradition is still very strong in Korea, very Confucian.

2. The glass ceiling in Korea (and Japan) is much harder to break through than in the US and most Euro countries, and so is the gender divide in professions. The US has something like 15 times the percent of female CEO's than Korea. http://www.catalyst.org/knowledge/women-ceos-fortune-1000

3. Yes, they truly ARE obsessed with beauty. Men in Korea spend more per capita on cosmetics in Korea than American women do.


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thanks for the response :D here are some more that I've wondered about:

Within dramaland:

Why does everyone go to bed fully dressed and with makeup on and wake up similarly caked?

Why is everyone so prudish?

Why do men wear pants that don't reach all the way with many inches of sock showing in between?

Can people in S. Korea really get piss drunk and pass out anywhere (on the roads, a cab, wherever) at any time of the day or night and if so is it safe (even for women)?

Esp. in relation to Running Man: How much of the world's gold is in S.Korea?


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My questions:
1. What is up with all those cliff divings/jumpings in Kdramas, especially in sageuks? Are there that many cliffs in Korea?
2. Why do characters need to go out of their way to talk on top of a hill, near a cliff, at a beach when they can just to a park or cafe shop near their house?
3. Why don't they have middle or upper middle class in Kdramas? Most of the main characters are either CEO's, doctors, lawyers or part timers with 3-4 different jobs struggling to pay rent.


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I second your question about the cliff diving and it's not just in sageuks either. Then after falling/jumping hundreds of metres, the character is guaranteed to survive. Why? It's like don't worry, fling yourself off that cliff into that ridiculously shallow and rocky body of water below. You will almost certainly survive. You will spend at least an hour wafting gently and unconsciously to the bottom with a bleeding head wound but you won't drown either. You will most likely have amnesia for the next few episodes however. Haeundae Lovers did a very funny take on this particular trope. The hero spends at least a day underwater, is hauled up in a fishing net, coughs up about a tablespoon of water and then proceeds to have amnesia.

Also as someone mentioned, why all the hysterical screaming, weeping, wailing reactions to people injured in one of the innumerable traffic accidents instead of calling 911? Same goes for people flat-lining in the hospital. It's a hospital! Get a crash cart asap!


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"..Same goes for people flat-lining in the hospital. It’s a hospital.."

I had to laugh at that, because in one drama the guy was in for head and neck injuries, and (I think) the mother was shaking him like a rag doll, meanwhile the hospital staff is just standing there watching.


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Gosh, I wish I could attend to see you guys and be in a group where I belong! You know, be with people who are on the same wavelength as mine, with the same addiction. Lee Seung-gi??!!! Oh boy! I just finished rewatching King 2 Hearts, OMG! I began to love this man because of this drama. King Lee Jae Ha! Cheona! Jeez, that is one unforgettable character. How is Seung-gi in real life, I wonder. KCon…how I wish I could be there. Aren't you guys planning to visit Melbourne? We're just too…down under…just way too far…If you do plan, can you please announce it like three months before the actual date please?!

My questions…why ever Korean drama scripts not finished before filming/ taping starts? I mean, why? I just could not comprehend why everything has to be crammed. There are numerous dramas which started out fine then gets kind of lost, but still you keep on watching hoping it will eventually turn out fine (or just the thought of well, I'd been watching this for days now, I'm on the 14th episode for pete's sakes) but instead so absurd that it ended like they just wanted to well, end it, you know what I mean? They become sort of half-baked and you could just see the potential of what should have been...It's all because of these time constraints.

Second (has this been asked?), why would they have this live filming? Filming within the week or the day it will be shown? Watching King of Dramas made me so stressed out with the staff all trying to beat the deadline/ airtime. Accidents happen and well, as we all know, sometimes an episode is not shown because of this, to all our dismay (recent example is Seung-gi's accident, thank goodness he still looks perfect to me after that). Isn't it more costly to do this and more stressful?

Good luck to your stint at KCon! I'm glad you're being recognised for your passion for Kdramas!


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I think I can answer at least one of your questions.

You know how like, in the United States, new dramas are picked up or not, after a month or two (sometimes shorter or longer)? You get these new shows, and probably most of them don't succeed. But it doesn't really matter, because they are serial dramas and so there's only a smattering of a back story that can be (or not) a focal point in later seasons.

In k-dramas, the series is over that year. It will last about 16 episodes. However, depending on ratings, the writers have to have flexibility as to what happens towards the end.

If the ratings are high and rising, there may be an extension in the works, in which case the plot has to be lengthened. Sometimes, the writers will build into their stories open plot points that do not have to be resolved, but can be used to add additional scenes to the episodes to make a longer drama.

If the ratings are mediocre, the drama will just end when it ends, and all of these open plot points remain unresolved.

Finally, if the ratings are low and falling, the writers might try to "save" a drama by going in a different direction (new character, new angle), but in order to go in a new direction, the plot has to be amenable to change.

For these reasons, dramas can feel "unfinished" or even worse.


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Hi Samsooki, thanks for the explanation! Also, I checked out Dramabeans and Girlfriday's book and well, it has the answer for the second question. Sorry.


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Sorry, what did I say? Javabeans and Girlfriday's book, I mean. I beg your pardon...


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Just finished the book, Why Do Dramas Do That Part 1, in one sitting! It actually answered both my questions. A very engaging read. I didn't know Korean has seven speech levels! Gee, I thought there were only two. Yes, it would be difficult to see the nuances when the language is translated in English which doesn't have any kind of "levels". Thank you for making this book so accessible and affordable. So when is Part 2 going to be available?


There's a book?

Can I buy it?

Link please if I can buy it.


@ Melbeanie: From the little I've got to see of him in real life, he's gorgeous (my friends and I titled him, 'His Gorgeousness' the first time we saw him) and he's charming, sweet and very relatable.


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Really, crazyahjumma fan? Where did you see him? So he's nice to fans? That's good to hear. I wish I could meet him as well. Thanks for sharing!


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Samsooki just click book on the header and you'll see the link...I bought mine from Smashwords for only over a dollar.


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I know, right? If Running Man can make it to Melbourne, can Puppy hop a flight too? It's okay, he can bring Yoona too!


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This is my first time communicating with you guys. So before I ask my question I would like to tell you that, I am a big big fan of your website and a huge fan of k-dramas. Logical or illogical k-dramas are totally adorable. I think everybody agrees with that, right? And to all of you Dramabeans team...whatever you do, is simply great stuff, from recaps to k drama news posts, everything. You build the mood when a drama is about to be launched, then you take us through the ride with all the detailed recaps...that's what completes the drama experience for me. So many many thanks to all of you :) I would have loved to meet you guys in person, but since I can't, I will post my question here-

In most of the k dramas, an ambitious, career focused woman is portrayed as a villain, a back stabbing, self centered woman who often uses love to her own advantage. Why must it be like that? Can they not show a woman glorifying as an epitome of strength, managing her career and relationships alike, chasing her dreams but still capable of loving unabashedly?
Hope you answer...

PS- I second the suggestion posted above
Please try to film your KCON activity and post it


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I would not say that most of the k-dramas show ambitious career women to be villainous or back-stabbing?

In fact, it is hard for me to think of a drama where, if the main character is a woman, that her life is not portrayed as you described? Fated to Love You (Jang Nara), for example?

The cases where the women are protrayed as back-stabbing, such villainous women are usually the antagonists, the ones who is trying to break up the OTP. Such women (or men) are there to be hated, pitied, etc. I would not spend too much time agonizing over their choices in life.


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Thanks samsooki for giving my comment a thought. Really it feels great to interact and talk about k-dramas.

Firstly, I agree with you that all the k-dramas don't show career focused women to be villainous, like Song yi from Love from another star, she was a professional lady, yet she was our perfect leading lady :)..Then there's Witch's Romance too, where leading lady was a sucessful career woman. But still there are many dramas where a careerist woman has been portrayed as antagonist, like My Princess or Fated to Love You, I can safely guess, I think.

What you said about Jang Nara's character, Kim Mi Young, I can't agree to that. She is surely bright, positive, helpful person, but she is not ambitious or career focused. She is a naive character. But, Se Ra's character is the ambitious one, with goals and desires who will be antagonist in future I suppose.


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What I precisely mean is- Why being ambitious and headstrong are often treated as antagonist's qualities? Why can't we see more of strong female characters in our fav dramas? For me Jung hee from Triangle is the best leading lady ever... ambitious, headstrong, heartstrong, consistent lover, opinionated, a character with her own voice. I wish to see a drama focusing on a woman like that.


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Dr. Stranger 드라마는 미쳤다고 생각하지 않는데...

But I got crazy watching it.... my wife and her mom started watching it and got to Episode 4 before they had to stop last week. But I then turned it on Friday night, then Saturday night go to Episode 10, then last night got to Episode 17 (marathon lasted until 5:30 a.m., when I had to stop to make babies' meals)...

I think that's like 3 awesome dramas in a row for me - Love From Another Star, then Master's Sun, and now Dr. Stranger?

I wish I could go to KCON and get your autographs, but I'll be here working.. =(


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Been watching k-dramas for years but I never understood some things like:
1) Why do people in sageuks end up alive even when they jump/fall off a cliff? It's humanly impossible but it happens in so many sageuk dramas that when the hero/heroine is backed towards a cliff I feel happy, because they're gonna avoid the Evil forces for the moment and come back to shock everyone.
2) How come Koreans cannot just switch off their phones instead of taking out the damn battery?


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I have no idea what featured guest means. What is Seung-gi going to do at KCON? As a speaker in drama panels? Too bad he is not gonna sing there. His live performance, especially his rock stage is awesome.

@GirlFriday: enjoy your meet up with Seung-gi. Looking forward to your writeup about him... and yeah...get a hug from him :) Have fun!

My question:
Why the one sided hug? Even it is supposed to be a romantic scene.

eg. The proposal scene in TK2H, where Jae Ha hugged Hang Ah, after she accepted the proposal. Why HA did not hug JH back? They had been separated, Hang Ah just saved Jae Ha's life and they clearly missed each other.


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Hi Omo!

I just finished rewatching this wonderful drama, one of my favourites, so I would like to answer your question.

I reckon Hang Ah did not hug Jae Ha back because she's still quite "mad" at him. She still loves him, of course, because she wouldn't save him if she doesn't but she's been through a lot. She was sent back to the North by Jae Ha no less (despicable wasn't he, ooh I could hear the Queen saying trash, trash, trash, hee), imagine the humiliation she felt, and then despite all that she said she's been waiting for Jae Ha to ring her but he didn't (I hated Jae Ha more for that), had a miscarriage (oof), plus the lashings of the press and the politicians (South Korea's prime minister saying she's had a lot of boyfriends, jeez). I did feel so sorry for her and could actually see red. I was furious.

Notice that when they met after Jae Ha's courageous crossing to the North to win Hang-Ah back that made my heart fall to my knees (truly brave, I would say, I started loving him again), you could see that Hang Ah still loves him (Ha Ji Won played her so well that you could see the longing and resentment in her eyes, both shown at the same time if that makes sense) but she's so angry that she could muster to refuse him that time. However, the proposal, with the witty king's speech that was so consistent of his character (you know that I hold grudges, do you? aha ha ha) plus the falling cherry blossoms as background, would make even a robot swoon. I mean I think I died hearing that. He was irresistible at that point, my gawd, you could see Hang Ah slowly crumbling to his words as she even stated, South Korean guys are sweet-talkers but we all know that he's had her... and me for that matter mwa ha ha! Hence, she didn't embrace back because she was still hurting.


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Sorry, I was supposed to say hence, Hang-Ah let herself be embraced but was not inclined to embrace Jae-Ha back because she was still hurting.


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Totally agree with you.
And in the other hugs, she hugged back!

Just wanna say that I love, LOVE LOVE the way Seunggi hugged AND kissed Hangah in TK2H! So handsy!


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Only Lee Seung gi at a KCon I can't go to, can make me write here. Sigh. Tell him he has fans from unimaginable corners of the world :'(

Fangirl rant aside, my gripes with the dramas are some common ones. Someone or the other has already noted most of these but it would make me happy to write them again ..you know?
1. Why are most relationship between the main couple so frivolous and wrought with mistrust ? Would they survive in the long run given they seem to share better equations with the second leads many a times ?
Would it be too much effort to write a real relationship that also fits as a drama? Or do such dramas not work ? (Serious question - do they really not ?)
2. Why do women/girls/heroines move away from the hero for a year or two or five ? How reasonable is this in a real world context ( not talking about something like answer me 1997 where the separation made sense and them reconnecting made even more sense given their long history/friendship) especially where the hero and heroine have barely spent a few happy days together.
3. Part time jobs - this makes me very curious, are they as easily available in Korea? How come everybody is doing multiple part time jobs? If yes, is the pay sufficient to survive (rent,clothes, bills, fares etc?) or is it just cinematic (dramatic?) license ?
4. Are all rich people so badly brought up and ill mannered? Or is it just a drama stereotype? I see this mostly only in K or J dramas where the rich kids are always intolerable.
5. The ditzy, Over-the-top ray of sunshine heroine - is this the type of girls that people love in general or is it just in the dramas?
6. After building up a relationship over many episodes until the couple acknowledge their feelings why do most dramas simply ignore further development in the relationship. It's odd to see a lack of progress unless there is a break up of some sort. Even then how come the relationship gets zero importance there on?
7. Has there been a drama where the girl chose the nicer, more compatible guy over the other arrogant-I-own-you chaebol hero with a sad past?


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And yes
8. My biggest grouse why are the hugs so one-sided ? That kissing scenes where the heroine keeps her mouth firmly shut is one thing, but hugs where the heroine's hands lying on either side is just confusing. Even when they love each other why are the hugs so -for the lack of better word- cold ? It completely takes the charm away from the scene as the guy looks like he is imposing himself on her.


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#3 - if you notice, nearly all of those part time jobs in k-dramas are PPL's.

Maybe it is just because I have seen too many k-dramas, but some things like the part time or even full time job portrayals have been annoying the crap out of me for a while now.

Nearly all of the part time jobs are in name-brand chains, like restaurants and coffee shops. Nearly all of the full time jobs are in some glamor business like fashion design, or an executive in a chaebol corporation.

In Korea, there are no mechanics, no electricians, no warehouse workers, no factory workers, no truck drivers (except those driving the Trucks of Doom), no fisherman, no scientists, no engineers, no road workers, no construction workers (except for the dad who got unfairly fired by the chaebol CEO). The list could go on and on.

That is one reason why I have been watching a lot more j-dramas lately - much more realistic when it comes to day to day life.


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When I first started watching Korean dramas, lo these many months ago, I tried branching out into J-dramas as well but they seemed so hopelessly cheesy, in their production values etc, by comparison. So I didn't continue watching them. Well they still are cheesy but I'm also finding them more and more enjoyable and K-dramas less and less for the exact reasons you mention. The people seem like people instead of weird constructs put together by some kind of committee. It's like there is a check list or something and the heart seems to have been sucked right out of them. There are exceptions. You Are All Surrounded is one, at least for me and because both Cha Seung-won and Lee Seung-gi are such good actors, but most are like You From Another Star, beautiful to look at but ultimately cold at the heart.


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Wooohoo! It's awesome to hear Puppy is coming! So excited. It will be great if he has a fan meet/concert too :-) I like to see more of Seung Gi hehe. I know there's a lot of fans would want to see him sing, including GF! Seung Gi is the featured guest so I wonder what does that mean, hhmmm....


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You both are sooo awesome!


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I wish I could go to KCON but I don't even live in the same continent lol. Have fun!

My question is kind of inappropriate but I am so curious... What's with all the poop talk and jokes in dramas? hahahaha.


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I really need to move back...

But here's my question:

Why do dramas depend soooo much on coincidences. It's like instead of 6 degrees of separation, its literally 1 degree, cos oops out of sooo many firms out there, the lead male has to end up in that one firm and falls in love with the heroine while the heroine's sister is pining for him in high school...

I guess without these coincidences, no drama?

That said, enjoy your KCon beanies!!!


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Can I say that this is the best way to sway people who are interested in Dr. Stranger?

----javabeans: Ack! Get thee away from me, Doctor Stranger! My ten-foot pole just went and hid from me because it didn’t want anything to do with that craziness. ----


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Gah, Lee Seung Gi. So wish I could go! I have seen him in concert (in Seoul), but a meet n greet would be awesome.

One of my drama questions... do all hospital rooms in South Korea have a humidifier? Silly question, but I've never seen that here in the US.

A complaint about dramas... cancer/death. So prominent... and depressing.


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You should totally do a panel about 2nd male leads who never get the girl, and ask Jung Yong Hwa to join you. I'll crash, of course, even without a pass! This is my first Kcon, so I'll just deny knowing the rules?? or do the Kdrama thing.. be standing behind a beam and eavesdrop on the whole interview without being noticed in my red outfit and noisy 4" heels.


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I'm jealous of everyone going to KCon! I need to find something like that on the East Coast.

Two questions that have occurred to me:

- What is up with everyone saving people's contact information under some kind of coded name instead of their real one? Is that really a thing real people do a lot of in Korea or only in dramaland?
- I've now seen lots of guys complain about a lot of girls who don't wash their hair to the point that it smells. I get that that happens in real life (and I wash my own rather heavy hair a lot in the summer to avoid it), but it happens so often in dramas that I suspect it is supposed to MEAN something about the heroine. What does it imply beyond the idea that the girl has some casual hygiene?
I LOVED the first book, hope the rest is coming out soon!!!!!


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Why is yelling at people a sign of affection? Like in Coffee Prince, Han Yoo-Joo had her purse snatched, Choi Han-Gyul yells at her, and Go Eun-Chan is like "wow, he must really like her."

In a situation like that, I would need a hug and comfort, not being yelled at.


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These are great comments! I want to ask:
1. What is with the loud inappropriate laughter from a male lead? In Greatest Love and Fated To Love You, both leads have ill-timed loud laughs that seem wacky to me. What gives?
2. Why are older students able to boss around younger students? Why do they look out for them? For example, in Heirs and Noonas Over Flowers (when Puppy wants to give the young guys money because they went to the same school and are younger). It's wonderful, but I don't have a frame of reference for that kind of thing in my country (*makes sad face*).
3. Do parents really hit their adult children when they mess up? There seem to be a lot of smacks and slaps from the older generation in the shoes that I watch. Is it Kdrama or is it true in real life?


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Shows - not shoes! Autocorrect is my nemesis!


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