Marriage Not Dating: Episodes 3-4

I love it. Marriage Not Dating is light, airy, and funny while also delivering a nice healthy dose of heart and depth. We’re starting to get glimpses into characters’ pasts that indicate that not everything is cuteness and romance in these people’s lives, and I think the show is setting a nice balance between hilarious hijinks and real, honest heartache.

EPISODE 3: “Being happy on your own”

Jang-mi pounds on a locked door, as Ki-tae lies on the floor, pale and unconscious. She finally bursts through the door to find him unresponsive, as a knife falls to the floor.

Two days before the incident.

On the night of the bachelor auction, Ki-tae and Jang-mi’s mothers meet to discuss the kids – Jang-mi’s mom is talkative and animated while Ki-tae’s mom is reserved and stuffy. She makes it clear to Jang-mi’s mom that her son will not be marrying Jang-mi, but talk of marriage is news to Jang-mi’s mother.

Jang-mi and Ki-tae arrive, and Jang-mi’s mom asks if this is the restaurant owner, confusing Ki-tae with Hoon-dong. Ki-tae’s mom says that no, her son is a doctor, and Ki-tae ad-libs that Jang-mi was lying about his profession to avoid parental involvement.

He hilariously lays it on thick in front of the mothers, insisting that he’s the one begging Jang-mi to marry him, even getting on his knees to bow to Jang-mi’s mom. He ushers his mother out and Jang-mi’s mom gives a whoop of joy for her new doctor son-in-law.

She drags Jang-mi to their restaurant and texts about the engagement to Jang-mi’s father, which just creates confusion as Dad freaks and Jang-mi tries to get her story straight. Finally Mom tires of texting and blurts out, “He’s a doctor!” At least her parents are speaking to each other now – in fact they even shove Jang-mi aside to gossip together, ha.

Later, Jang-mi lies in bed in full swoon-mode, only she’s not swooning over Ki-tae…she’s remembering Yeo-reum gallantly returning her lost shoe the night before, like Cinderella’s prince. She lights up when she gets a text, but drops the phone in disgust when she sees that it’s from Hoon-dong.

One day before the incident.

Ki-tae’s mom lets herself into his apartment and begins bagging up all of his instant food. She says she can tell he never has guests, but he insists that Jang-mi is here all the time, no really, and warns Mom to stop barging in or she might see something she doesn’t want to see. Mom just wearily sighs, not believing him.

Hoon-dong texts Jang-mi repeatedly, getting no response, and perks up when he sees her riding up to his restaurant. He plays it cool, but frowns when she only asks after Yeo-reum. She finds him in the kitchen, but he’s more interested in watching the chef prepare a special dish than in talking with her. Jang-mi’s perplexed as he distractedly says he’ll call her later, wondering what happened to the Prince Charming from the night before.

On her way out, Hoon-dong trails after her, still convinced she’s here to see him. Ki-tae comes to her rescue by offering to take her to his place like they planned, *wink wink*. Jealous Hoon-dong follows them, and they’re forced to keep up their act all the way to Ki-tae’s apartment.

Ki-tae reluctantly lets Jang-mi come in just until Hoon-dong leaves, which is apparently a big deal as he never has visitors, not even women. She’s impressed at how nice it is for a bachelor pad, and he insists that he’s a bachelor by choice, not because he can’t find anyone to marry him.

It’s hilarious how she runs around touching all his stuff, causing Ki-tae to wig out, which just makes her do it even more to get under his skin. The last straw is when Jang-mi settles into his expensive massage chair and changes the settings, but she says she’s earned the right by helping him stay a bachelor. Can’t fault her logic.

They both panic when they hear Ki-tae’s mom letting herself in again. Ki-tae thinks on his feet and shoves Jang-mi into his bed, then half-undresses before going out to meet Mom. He lets Mom take in his shirtlessness and Jang-mi’s feet sticking out of the covers, saying that he did warn her not to come in unannounced. Mom says that she didn’t see anything and leaves.

Tired of being sucked into Ki-tae’s war with his mother, Jang-mi heads to her family restaurant to come clean to her parents. But they’ve apparently told everyone about their new plastic surgeon son-in-law because even the customers are talking about her engagement, and she doesn’t have the heart to disappoint them.

Wondering when Yeo-reum will call, Jang-mi heads to Hoon-dong’s restaurant to look for him, and hides when she sees Hoon-dong sitting with a woman whose face she can’t see. Jang-mi tries to sneak past them into the kitchen, but Hoon-dong catches her mid-sneak. He’s thrilled to see her, but when Jang-mi sees that the woman with him is Hyun-hee, her face falls and she runs. I’m not sure I like the conniving little glint in Hyun-hee’s eye.

As if she doesn’t feel bad enough, Jang-mi sees Yeo-reum getting out of a woman’s car and hears her thank him for the fun time today. He sees Jang-mi and takes in her hurt expression, but he doesn’t follow when she runs in the other direction.

Ki-tae and Se-ah go on the date that she won in the auction, where they have a nice meal by a fancy indoor pool. She makes a snide comment that she’s surprised how nice this place is, since she thought his tastes these days ran more towards “rowdy and loud.”

Se-ah reminds him that when they broke their engagement three years ago, they agreed that they weren’t cut out for deep relationships. Ki-tae’s face hardens and he cuts the date short, but she asks if she can come to his place. When he doesn’t answer, she says she knows he prefers being alone and asks what it is about his house that he loves so much. That’s the second time he’s been asked that question, and I’m curious myself.

Jang-mi lets herself into her dark and empty house, and remembers a time when she was small and was left home alone, terrified and crying for her parents. At the same time, Ki-tae lies alone in bed, thinking about Se-ah’s question of why he loves his home and remembering being a child, happy and safe in this same bed.

Someone rings his doorbell frantically, but instead of Mom as he expected, it’s a drunk Jang-mi bringing ramyun. He’s not in the mood for company and starts to call her a taxi, when she spots his gigantic fish tank and whines that if he won’t let her make ramyun then she’ll make fish stew. She starts grabbing for fish with her bare hand, calling it Nemo. Ki-tae wrestles her away from the tank, insisting that it isn’t Nemo, but not before she manages to grab one fish and drop it on the floor. Shaking with fury, he cries, “Nemo!” and gets the fish back in the tank and roars at her to leave.

This scares Jang-mi so badly that she drunk-wails, so he caves and lets her make the ramyun. She rambles about Yeo-reum’s confusing behavior: Why did he ask her to eat? Why did he say he’d call? In explanation, Ki-tae tosses a book to her…He’s Just Not That Into You. PFFT.

Jang-mi asks why Ki-tae doesn’t want to get married, and he quips that he doesn’t want to get saddled with a girl like her. She asks about Se-ah, and he just says they respect each other too much to ruin it with marriage. She says he’s over-thinking it, and he says she doesn’t think enough…she’s only just out of a relationship, and already pursuing a man who has only shown lukewarm interest. He thinks she needs to be alone a while before dating again.

They argue over which is better, closeness or solitude, until her phone rings. It’s Yeo-reum finally calling, and he asks if she can come out tonight (Ki-tae in the background: “Spend some time alone!”). Jang-mi hides in the bathroom to talk, and Yeo-reum explains that what she saw was the tail-end of his charity date. Relieved, she agrees to meet him, but Ki-tae has locked her in the bathroom. HAHA.

He refuses to let her out, since a guy will never like her if she goes running whenever he wants. In their struggle over the door, Jang-mi breaks the door handle and escapes, counterattacking: How can you find someone to be with, if you spend all your time alone? She yells that she never wants to be alone, and leaves.

Yeo-reum lays out a picnic for Jang-mi, and she’s touched to see the same fancy dish he was studying so intently earlier in the day. She shocks him by eating bites of it with kimchi, which he doesn’t like, but he admits they’re good together when she convinces him to try it. She says she’s noticed he eats alone a lot, and proposes that they eat together sometimes, thinking to herself that she’ll take things slow with him.

Day of the incident.

Ki-tae’s mother, aunt and grandmother look over pictures that Aunt Mi-jung took of Jang-mi, and Mom wonders aloud what he’s thinking by dating her (Grandma: “Maybe he’s attracted to someone unlike his mom?”). Grandma says she understands why Ki-tae wants to live alone, the way they treat him. Mom asks for her help, to talk to him and find out what’s going on with him lately.

Grandma calls Ki-tae to meet, but he can’t talk because Jang-mi’s mother is in his office. She’s satisfied to see that his business looks busy, but notes his puffy eyes and tired skin. He blames the ramyun, but she assumes Jang-mi is giving him a hard time and promises to talk to her.

Ki-tae calls Jang-mi to find out why she didn’t tell her parents that this is all a ruse, but she can’t talk because his grandmother has come to talk to her. Grandma calls in Jang-mi’s promise to cook pancakes for her so they head to Ki-tae’s place, where they proceed to get sloppy drunk and adorable.

When questioned about Ki-tae, Jang-mi blurts out that he’s selfish and rude, but Grandma doesn’t take offense and says he needs someone honest like her. Jang-mi pouts that he always wants to be alone, and Grandma gets teary-eyed and sobs that it’s all her fault. She says that she’s lived too long and should just die, and then…she collapses. Right onto the pancake.

Jang-mi panics and calls Ki-tae, who rushes home just as the EMTs take Grandma out on a stretcher. Jang-mi fills him in on what happened, and he tells her to go and heads to the hospital. Luckily Grandma is fine, only heavily sleeping off all the alcohol.

Ki-tae’s family finds Jang-mi pacing outside the ER entrance, where the stench of alcohol on her clues them in that she was the one drinking with Grandma. Ki-tae angrily pulls Jang-mi aside to ask what she was thinking. He says she needs to stop crossing boundaries over and over – that’s how she ends up accused of stalking.

He says he’s only spent time with her because he wanted to ultimately be left alone, but now he can’t get rid of her. Jang-mi can only stammer that she’s sorry, and Ki-tae reminds her again that he has no intentions of getting married if that’s what she’s thinking, adding that he hates girls like her. Hurt, Jang-mi just quietly apologizes again and leaves.

Ki-tae goes home and cleans up the mess, then relaxes in a hot bath and revels in his solitude once again. But he discovers that the bathroom door handle is still broken and he’s locked in, as the captions inform us that this is the incident: Ki-Tae’s Bathroom Lock-In Incident. HAHAHA. He yells and yanks at the door but it’s no use, and he finally has to laugh at the irony that he’s now wishing someone would show up unannounced.

The next day Jang-mi fights the urge to go back to find out how Ki-tae’s grandmother is doing, and gets worried as the day goes on and her texts to him go unanswered. Another day later, Se-ah visits Jang-mi’s store, but when asked if she can reach Ki-tae, she just says that Jang-mi should accept that she’s been rejected again. Ouch.

Ki-tae spends 48 hours locked in the bathroom, reading, exercising, and fighting boredom. He weakens and hallucinates his friends and family saying how tired they are of him, knowing none of them will come and rescue him. For a moment he perks up thinking of Jang-mi, but remembers their fight and loses hope. He lies on the floor and passes out, just as we saw him at the top of the episode.

At home that night, Jang-mi breaks a glass and flashes back to being home alone as a child, where she broke a glass and cut her feet badly. She starts to clean up but gets a bad feeling, and rushes over to Ki-tae’s place.

There’s no answer when she knocks, so Jang-mi lets herself in and creeeeps through the apartment, Ki-tae’s admonishment of her boundary-crossing echoing in her head. She calls out that she’s sorry, but she was worried because she once almost died alone at home when she was five, which explains her fear of being alone.

As Jang-mi talks, Ki-tae rouses just enough to feebly call for help. She grabs a knife and pries the door open, dropping it when she sees him lying half-dead on the floor. She tries to rouse him, and he uses the last of his strength to clasp her in a tight hug.

EPISODE 4: “For whom we cook pancakes”

A memorial feast is laid out in front of a photograph of a distinguished-looking older gentleman. In the background, Jang-mi beats Ki-tae with a dried fish as she screams about all the suffering he’s caused her. Ki-tae falls into the memorial feast, scattering food everywhere, as a group of women try to hold Jang-mi off of him.

D minus 4…

Jang-mi helps a weak and stumbling Ki-tae to his car, headed for the hospital, even hoisting him up for a piggyback when he proves too feeble to walk. They run into Se-ah, who was also worried and came to check on him, and Jang-mi explains how he was trapped in the bathroom for two days.

Ki-tae insists he’s fine and doesn’t need a doctor, but Jang-mi just hikes him onto her back again, ha. Se-ah drives them to the hospital, barely containing her eyerolls as Jang-mi fusses over Ki-tae in the backseat.

The doctor declares him fine, though Se-ah (who is also a doctor) advises him to stay long enough to finish his IV since he hasn’t eaten in two days. Jang-mi says his family is on the way, and Ki-tae asks Se-ah to go while telling Jang-mi to stay. He’s doing it because of their supposed engagement, but Se-ah is affronted to be dismissed in favor of Jang-mi.

Ki-tae’s mother, grandmother, and aunt arrive and pretty much blame Jang-mi for the fact that they keep having to meet at the ER. Jang-mi explains that he was locked in the bathroom and Ki-tae says she actually saved him, but only Grandma thanks her. Aunt Mi-jung still isn’t buying any of this, and gives Jang-mi the universal “I’m watching you” sign as the ladies leave.

On the drive home, Grandma takes them to task for their knee-jerk blaming of Jang-mi, and tells them that she’s a good girl who deserves the benefit of the doubt. Aunt Mi-jung tells Mom that they should support them, if only because opposing the marriage will push Ki-tae towards Jang-mi even harder. Grandma says they should get to know her, and I don’t like how easily Mom agrees. She’s got something up her sleeve…

D minus 3…

The next day Jang-mi rides her bike home, almost crashing when she sees Ki-tae’s mother talking to her mother outside, thanking her for a favor. Jang-mi and her mother head to their restaurant, where Jang-mi is informed that she’ll be helping Ki-tae’s family with his grandfather’s memorial. Jang-mi protests but Mom says she should start racking up brownie points as early as possible. In desperation, Jang-mi tells her parents the truth that she’s not really marrying Ki-tae, but they think she’s lying to get out of helping. Their identical glares of disbelief are a riot.

Some patrons make a rude comment to Jang-mi, and Mom kicks them out. Dad calms the upset customers by offering to comp their meal, which causes Mom to turn on him and say that he’s too nice which is why Jang-mi is spoiled and has trouble finding a husband, and their short-lived truce ends. Mom pulls ready-to-go divorce papers out from under the register and prepares to sign, but Jang-mi stops her and agrees to help with the memorial.

D minus 2…

Jang-mi appeals to Ki-tae but he’s no help, saying it’s the least she can do since she’s the one who broke the bathroom door handle in the first place. Besides, he knows his mother, and says that she invited Jang-mi because she doesn’t want her as a daughter-in-law. She’s planning to make things hard on Jang-mi, causing them to break up, and Mom will be able to say she tried to make her feel welcome. How impressively devious.

Jang-mi wants to end things now, but Ki-tae insists it’s crucial that his mother breaks them up so that he keeps the upper hand. All Jang-mi has to do is show her very worst self on the day of the memorial, and his mother will make him call off the engagement. It should be easy…all she has to do is be herself. Hee!

Jang-mi has a date with Yeo-reum, which makes Ki-tae seethe with jealousy (though he doesn’t know it yet). He follows them and when they stop for lunch, Ki-tae just plops himself down at the table with them. He tries to intimidate Yeo-reum, who stays frustratingly unaffected.

Lunch turns into a passive-aggressive standoff, as both men trade insults and ignore Jang-mi’s protests. Yeo-reum gets the upper hand by boldly asking if Ki-tae and Jang-mi have slept together, figuring out that they haven’t by Ki-tae’s spit-take, but claiming he doesn’t care either way.

Ki-tae and Jang-mi argue outside, and Ki-tae tells her to wait and date after the memorial ceremony so his mom won’t catch her with another guy. Yeo-reum brings the bill out and when Ki-tae goes in to pay, Yeo-reum grabs Jang-mi’s wrist and they escape. Ki-tae texts Jang-mi to be careful, that his aunt may be spying on them.

Jang-mi and Yeo-reum sit in the park, but Jang-mi is too twitchy and paranoid to enjoy herself, worried that Aunt Mi-jung is watching. Yeo-reum asks if she’s really dating Ki-tae but before she can answer, a car shines its headlights on them and she runs and hides.

Jang-mi sees Ki-tae’s father sitting with a woman and cringes, thinking Mom is there too, but it turns out to be a much younger woman. The wind blows the woman’s scarf towards Jang-mi and Yeo-reum, and Dad comes near to retrieve it. Jang-mi grabs Yeo-reum’s face to make it look like they’re kissing to hide her face (he figures Why not? and puckers up, earning a smack on the mouth, ha).

Dad and the young woman look awfully cozy, trading kisses and endearments and walking arm-in-arm. Jang-mi is in shock, and cuts the date short. Left at the park, Yeo-reum sees Se-ah in her car and joins her.

Se-ah asks what his relationship is with Jang-mi, but he just muses that she must be great because everyone seems interested in her. Se-ah says that it’s Ki-tae she’s interested in, and that she thinks Ki-tae isn’t serious about Jang-mi. Yeo-reum laughs at this…he thinks it’s the other way around, that Ki-tae is interested but Jang-mi isn’t. Se-ah asks Yeo-reum to bring her information on the couple and offers him an envelope, which he accepts.

D minus 1…

At work the next day, Jang-mi considers whether she should tell Ki-tae that she saw his father with a woman. She doesn’t want to discuss it with Hyun-hee, who assumes she’s angry that she was with Hoon-dong and says that they were only talking about her. I’m not buying the innocent act one bit.

Jang-mi doesn’t believe her so Hyun-hee says to ask him herself, and suddenly Hoon-dong is there in a suit holding a bouquet of flowers. He kneels and confesses, but Jang-mi insists that she really doesn’t like him anymore and no, she’s not playing hard to get. She spots Ki-tae’s mother approaching, and shoves Hoon-dong unceremoniously into a dressing room.

Mom takes Jang-mi shopping for food for the memorial, where Jang-mi admits that her family doesn’t follow these rituals. Mom points out that in her family, the women do all the work to prepare the food. She tasks Jang-mi with peeling a massive bag of chestnuts that night, and tells her to be at their house early in the morning.

That night Jang-mi lets herself into Ki-tae’s apartment and presses him into helping peel the chestnuts. She tells him that she agreed to help because she feels bad for his mother working so hard for her family, but he just quips that she’s never had to live with the woman.

She starts to tell Ki-tae that she saw his father with another woman, but he cuts her off. He suddenly turns cold and harsh and snaps at her to mind her own business, and it dawns on Jang-mi that he already knows.

Jang-mi asks why he hasn’t done anything about it, and tells him that he can’t pretend it’s not happening. He goes on the offensive and growls that she’s not part of his family and she has no business interfering – their relationship ends tomorrow. Jang-mi sarcastically apologizes and storms out.


In the morning, Jang-mi’s mother wakes her and starts to pick out a nice dress for her, but Jang-mi heads out in the ratty t-shirt and sweatpants that she slept in. Ki-tae’s mother takes in her outfit, and coldly informs her that Grandma and Aunt Mi-jung won’t be helping today – they’ve gone for a massage – and leads Jang-mi to a veritable mountain of food waiting to be prepared. This is war.

Later, Jang-mi sits outside, doing all the cooking herself. She’s a mess, covered in flour and dripping sweat, absorbed in the work. She wonders why she’s doing everything herself and calls Ki-tae to come help. He refuses and tells her to just burn or ruin it all; he doesn’t care.

Jang-mi finally finishes some time later, and jumps up to do an athletic victory dance. She’s impressively flexible, and her big finish leaves her staring upside-down and ass-first at pretty much the entire female population of Ki-tae’s family. HAHAHA.

The women eat and talk while Jang-mi does the dishes alone, mumbling about the unfairness of it all. Yeo-reum calls to ask her out again, and Aunt Mi-jung comes to the kitchen just in time to hear her tell him that she’ll meet him at the restaurant later.

Ki-tae arrives home to see Jang-mi on the phone and Mi-jung eavesdropping, and calls out Jang-mi’s name loudly. It stops his aunt from listening in, but Jang-mi drops her phone in the sink and ruins it. Ki-tae asks why she’s working so hard, since she’s supposed to be sabotaging the memorial, but Jang-mi doesn’t know either.

Finally everything is ready, and dinner is solemn and dignified. Ki-tae decides Jang-mi is being too quiet and asks his father to pour her some alcohol, knowing it will make her start talking and most likely say something unacceptable.

She downs a couple more shots, and the fun begins as she asks the women if they don’t feel guilty for letting her do all the work. Jang-mi criticizes them for socializing while she and Mom worked, when they’re the two here that aren’t even related to the deceased. She’s even angry with Grandma, sobbing that she thought she was nice but she let her be taken advantage of. She’s not wrong, but it’s a bit too far, and even Ki-tae shoots her a look that says, Too much, dial it back.

Dad tries to calm her down and she rounds on him, calling him the worst of the family. She asks what he’s been doing while Mom sacrifices herself, and the looks of discomfort around the table hint that Ki-tae isn’t the only one who knows of Dad’s infidelities. Jang-mi starts to say that she saw him with a woman but Mom stops her, and pulls her aside.

Mom tells Jang-mi that she’s already aware of everything that goes on in the family, and Jang-mi calls her a fool for putting up with it. Mom delivers a hard slap, though she’s frighteningly calm through all this, and softly tells Jang-mi to keep her mouth shut.

Mom says that Jang-mi doesn’t get to interfere just because she’s spent some time with the family, which is almost exactly what Ki-tae said to her the night before. Jang-mi, hurt, says that she could have sworn she was family given how badly they treated her. But she cries that she’s not like them, because she can’t keep her feelings locked up, and turns to leave.

She overhears the women criticizing her parents, and asks Ki-tae with angry tears in her eyes if he told them about her family. Jang-mi snaps and starts to scream and hit Ki-tae. The women try to pull her off him, and they scuffle until he falls into the table covered in memorial offerings.

Jang-mi declares her work here done, and righteously stomps out of the house. Ki-tae follows her out and offers to drive her home, but she just says that she did what she was supposed to do and now it’s over. She leaves him to face his family alone, and goes to meet Yeo-reum.

The women are all in a tizzy, and tell Ki-tae that it’s better if he marries a different girl. He yells at them all to hush, and wraps up his plan by declaring that the only woman he will ever marry is Jang-mi – so if they oppose his marrying her, he’ll just stay single forever.

Aunt Mi-jung tells Mom that she overheard Jang-mi say she was meeting someone at the restaurant, and Mom calls Hoon-dong’s mother to ask if he’s dating anyone. She says there was that stalker, but she doesn’t remember her name…but it’s enough to pique Mom’s curiosity.

In the closed restaurant kitchen, Yeo-reum cooks up some pasta for Jang-mi, who does her best to kill an entire bottle of wine by herself. He asks if it was hard today at Ki-tae’s house, wondering if she really wants to get married that badly. She drunkenly admits that she was there just to create a scene, but moans that it became real.

Yeo-reum misunderstands and thinks she’s saying she has real feelings for Ki-tae, but she denies it. She leans in close to say that actually… she just really (really really really really) worries about him. Then she passes out. Yeo-reum smiles as he watches her sleep for a minute, then pushes the hair out of her face and sweetly says that he’s worried about her.

In the morning, Ki-tae’s mom heads towards the restaurant to meet Hoon-dong’s mother, as does Ki-tae when his aunt tells him their plans. Meanwhile Yeo-reum and Jang-mi are asleep side-by-side in the dining room, her on a bench and him on a row of chairs.

Ki-tae tries to reach Jang-mi but remembers that her phone was ruined, and speeds up to try to get to the restaurant before his mother does. But he’s not fast enough, and a hand starts to open the door as Jang-mi and Yeo-reum sleep peacefully, unaware of the impending disaster.


Cable network tvN is on a roll, and Marriage Not Dating is the latest in a string of light, fresh, airy rom-coms with characters that just draw you in and make you fall in love. The show follows the tried-and-true formula of a dating/marriage contract between a stuffy rich boy and a plucky working-class girl, complete with attentive second lead, jealous exes, and resistant mother-in-law, but it somehow manages to make you forget that you’ve seen all these components before. The magic lies in the characters who may seem like standard drama stereotypes at the outset, but the more we get to know them, the more they surprise us with their depth and individuality. The show is uniquely funny, and also has a massive amount of heart, and I’m already in love.

For me, a drama is made or broken by its characters, and the characters are what this show does to perfection. All of them, from leads to secondary players, have many facets and layers that I think we’re just starting to see in tiny glimpses. It’s interesting to see how Ki-tae and Jang-mi are two sides of the same extreme coin – one mistaking solitude for happiness, and the other so afraid of solitude that she will be with anyone to avoid it.

I don’t believe for a moment that either of them is happy the way they’re living, though they’ve convinced themselves that they are. Ki-tae has worked so hard to set up a solitary life that he’s willing to go to absurdly extreme lengths to protect it, while Jang-mi lives out a self-fulfilling prophecy over and over, trying so hard to make a connection that she pushes away the very people she wants to connect with. What’s great is that they each already have the other’s number, and they each hold the key to the other finding balance. When they start to realize that their way isn’t working for them anymore and learn to meet in the middle, they’re going to make a great team.

I’m also fascinated by Ki-tae’s mother, who seems to have such a strong need for control, she’s practically a robot. It’s becoming apparent that she’s not the typical controlling k-drama mother despite appearances – it’s just that her own marriage is spiraling out of control, so she’s trying to keep control of what little she can, which is her son. I actually don’t think she particularly cares either way whether he gets married or comes to live at home; she just doesn’t like the fact that he’s out of her reach as long as he’s living on his own. I’m very curious to see what her motivations are and what she’ll be willing to do to get her way. I also love how it’s Jang-mi who seems to understand her the most, seeing through her cold exterior to the hurt underneath, when even her family dismisses her as simply a difficult, controlling person. I have a feeling that once the two women find a way to connect, they’re going to be thick as thieves.

Last but not least, I’m finding Yeo-reum to be the biggest mystery out of all the characters. He’s a stark contrast to Jang-mi, who says exactly what she thinks at all times: He holds his cards so close to the vest that it’s hard to tell what’s going on in his head at all. Whenever I start to think he might be having feelings for Jang-mi, he does something like agree to collect information about her and Ki-tae for Se-ah… only to turn around and show flashes of jealousy by asking Jang-mi multiple times about her feelings for Ki-tae. I think that he revealed a lot when he said to Se-ah that Jang-mi must be something great since everyone is obsessed with her lately. It’s as if, at this point, he’s not exactly interested in her yet, but interested in finding out what makes her so interesting. I’ll be watching Yeo-reum very closely (and not just for the pretty).

All in all, I think the show is playing to its strengths by letting the characters shine above all else, and I would honestly watch these people and their relationships no matter what the overarching plot happened to be. I love a show that can make me laugh, get angry, swoon with romance, and feel for someone’s pain all at the same time, and this show is hitting all the right notes for me.


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I have fallen in love with this drama


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Right? tweetang-so true.

I'm digging the hell out of this drama. Jang Mi's character is quirky, zaney, devoted and believable. There's no "damsel in distress" syndrome going on with her.

And...ooh la la...loving the eye candy and kissing!!!

[SPOILER] Episode 5 KISS - That kiss with the kimchi stew on her mouth was just WOWIE! I want some of THAT SOUP!


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LOL...... just be prepared to find all the restroom in the area.


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I love this drama!!!!

I really don't care about the other love characters molding aside from the OTP because the OTP and their families are making me laugh so much. XD I can't wait for their "Marriage"


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another thing...Ki Tae's mother reminds me of Secretary Kim in Ugly Alert very scheming ,controlling and obsessed with her priorities.


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I just LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE this !!!! im just curious will they get married in the midde of the SHOW or at the END!!! WILL they ever show the Married Life of OUR OTP


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Love Love Love it!!!! It is so funny and the characters have such a fresh feeling about them. I can't wait until they really fall for each other! I'm pretty sure that Ki-Tae will be the one falling first!! ;)


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I think he has fallen already lol.


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me too


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I'm sooo loving it..perhaps Ki Tae is already falling for her, only he doesn't realize it yet. That's why he keeps asking her to continue their fake relationship even though she keeps asking him to end it! ;)


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and lets not forget that he locked Jang Mi inside his bathroom to keep her from running to Yeo Reum lol


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Thank you so much for your wonderful recaps! As always, your insightful descriptions and feelings on the show give me food for thought.

I am so glad that you are recapping this series. I love the complexity of the characters. They are so layered. I adore how the writers are not revealing TOO much too soon. It is actually tantalizing to get to know them slowly…how they think and how they respond to situations. It mirrors real life in this way.

Overall, I look forward to future episodes and recaps!

Thank you again!



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It speaks volume about the writer that even though she doesn't reveal too much at one time, the episodes never feel slow moving at all. It's AWESOME POSSUM!


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episode 5 is the hardest ive laughed in the longest time!! i love this drama soooo sooo much what a guilty pleasure!


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Where do you guys watch this. I tried Viki a few days ago but it wasn't available in my area (I live in the States). Didn't see it on Dramafever either. Any suggestions?


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It's on Viki and they do have it available in the US, so I'm not sure why it's giving you trouble. I also highly recommend kdrama.com (it's there under the name Marriage Without Love). They have excellent video quality and very accurate subtitles. Enjoy!


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Viki occasionally tells me that a video isn't available in my area too, but after a refresh or two, it works (i live in the US as well). As far as actual subtitles go, more is always better so I toggle between the two subs (viki and kdrama.com) when watching. kdrama.com seems to take more liberties in their subs (less directly translated) and cuts some stuff out of the original dialog...not that i speak korean but just by comparing them to viki and how long some phrases seem to be cut down by you can tell they do. Viki definitely has some lines that are incorrectly translated though - some just don't make sense in the context of the show when the corresponding kdrama.com subs do.


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I watch Marriage, Not Dating via drama.net I have issues with viki, as well.


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Kdrama.com has it. http://www.kdrama.com/en/shows/marriage-without-love

And also Viki.


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You can also try:


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tivee.com is another website that has it too! Heres a link for the direct page.



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They both have all the recent eng sub korean dramas


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Try dramafire.com (under the name Marriage Not Dating)


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you could watch it in gooddrama.net or sensen.tv


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I really love this drama. I was telling one of my friends about it today and explaining the crossed love lines etc is entertaining in of itself. She told me that she had this huge grin on her face just from reading my plot and character synopsis.


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i love this drama much too... i was wondering why dramabeans doesn't do the recap, but finally you do. thank u.


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I adore this drama and I am soooooo thankful for the recap. I like Fated to Love You, but I am enjoying this one a little more. I have actutally rewatched some of the episodes already because I love the attraction and tension between our two leads.

I think your recap is right on - this drama is also flushing out the other characters and they are colored in various hues of gray - not black and white....Restaurant Guy - total rich jerk, but he realize his mistake and I believe is truly repentance; Girlfriend at Work - good sounding board coworker, but she is clearly after Restaurant Guy; Ex-Girlfriend Rich Doctor - has not moved on and will do whatever it takes to protect and keep her man in his home all alone. Plus I am curious why Ki-tae abandon his family ...not just his Mom? Why does Grandmom feels it is her fault? Ki-tae's Mom is so proper and polite, so why would she even accept a marriage sham? Why is the aunt single...I'm just curious because usually in K-drama they do not have a single older female hanging out while they are trying to marry off a younger family member...I am just wondering? What is Yeo-reum's story???? He is tall, handsome, great smile, nice body, good dancer, budding chief, body made for jeans or a tux, but really Why is he in this drama...WHY????


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I really love this drama, and episode 3-4 were my favorite so far because it shows how much Ki Tae leads a lonely life and he's not happy about it even if he doesn't admit yet. I also love that Jang Mi drinks at every episode lol, seriously every time she ends up with soju or any other drink XD

My only complaint about this drama is Yeo-reum's character or maybe the actor *i don't know since i never saw him anywhere* but he's so annoying that i feel like fast forwarding his scenes.

Thank for the recap!


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SAME! idk if it was bad acting or what... i just dont understand why he's even there, jang mi's scenes with him feel like fillers only. se ah could've provided enough conflicts :/

also i feel like he's so afraid to make ugly faces that he keeps switching between 2/3 expressions only.

its kinda annoying to see when we have two bubbling leads with the craziest eyes and expressive acting.


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Omg!!! Can u guys be more right..can't stand his horrible acting..He is the least expressive person in the show..He is like a kid that only wants to go after jang mi since it's seems everyone else is out to get her..then he accepts the money but never seems to take her anywhere remotely nice but free food from the restaurant..His only goal to me is to make gi tei jealous and realize his own feelings her jang mi..otherwise I already fast forward almost all his scenes


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lenrasoon: I disagree.

Yeo-Reum is just a chilled - laid back character. I really like that about him. He is watching all this chaos around Jang-Mi and trying to figure out how to catch her attention without looking dumb or interferring.

The character that irritates me is Hoon-Dong. He charges Jang-Mi with stalking and now he wants her back. Just plain weird. PLUS the actor who is playing Hoon-Dong is TOTALLY OVER-ACTING. Its almost as if he is the "damsel in distress". OY. I skip over his scenes b/c they annoy the hell out of me. Just saying.


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totally on board with yeo reum being scum..if you really think about it he never knew yet that she wasnt serious bout jang mi so he cant tell for sure if she is goin out with gi tai..that means he is trying to steal a girl from a guy and if the girl never said she was with him and goes with him..doesnt that basically make her a two timer..nothing has been noted that jang mi and ki tai arent goin out but this guy is trying to squeeze information bout their relationship..mostly for the 2nd female lead but also cause he trying to steal the girl..if thats kool and chill then i can do less with that..plus ki tai supposedly didnt do anything until after jang mi and his friend were apart..

on the 2nd hand..i like that the leads are still leading their lives since they dont see anything goin on with each..i hope that yeo reum hurts her more so she can see ki tai words to fruition but she is so stubborn and stuck in her ways i dont think it will ever change..she basically got hurt 2 times and would of given in to the first apology from hoon..the girl needs to wise up


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i have never seen so many kitchen scenes in a drama that has nothing to do with food..lol but i agree yeo reum is the dullest character by far..at least hoon owns up to his idiocy and acts out his emotions..


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Yeo-Reum is JinWoon of 2PM

The dude is a smoldering HOTTIE and looks like he has had a lot of practice kissing.

Ooh LA LA...JinWoon is a-making me swoon.

FEVER!!! kiss me now. :0)


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I thought he was in 2AM?


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That last screencap? That hug? LOVE IT. One of my favorite moments in this show so far because the urgency in his hug reveals the vulnerability that he has hidden deep down, and I'm so happy it is Jang-mi who brings it out. This show is one of my favorites in a while. I think you have great insight into both the main characters. They are living pseudo-fantasies, but now that they are interfering with each other's, it's jerking them back to reality. I love this setup, I love this couple. Period.

I definitely hope for Ki-tae's mom to turn into a character I love (I already sort of do) and not go the typical mother-in-law route we're used to seeing in dramaland. I want her and Jang-mi to be best friends at the end of this show.

As for Yeo-reum and Se-ah, they can both go away with their money and business deals and leave my precious OTP alone.

Can't wait for episodes 5-6 recaps!


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This drama is PERFECT. The manga-ish reactions and the sound effects and comedic-timings are so on point it's almost unbelievable. The reactions are adorably over the top that it presents EXACTLY how anyone would feel in that situation (who hasn't ever thought of breaking out into a full-blown acrobatic dance after a long day of work? Yet, who has actually done that?) and yet the characters are so multi-dimensional and grounded that they feel real.

I appreciate Girlfriday and LollyPip's recaps but this is a show where recaps just don't do it justice. You must watch it to get it. (At least, in my opinion.)


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Agree - sometimes the facial expressions etc are as much a part of the scenes as the dialogue. I think this is only like the 2nd drama out of hundreds that I have gone back and rewatched almost the entire show.


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So agree about the manga-ish reactions/ sound effects...this is a production company that I would feel secured if they decide to do Nodame because their product is SO.ON.POINT!


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Loving this drama too!!


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Ki Tae goes shirtless really pretty often in this drama!! *woot!* Yeon Woo Jin really rocks this character! He's never been this hawt for me! :)

And I love Han Groo and all her eye rolling! I googled her and was very impressed by her academic and dance achievements!


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Right?! I don't know what Yeon Woo-jin is doing differently, but it is working because I have never even been attracted to him before and now I'm completely smitten...


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Yeon Woo Jin always played the antagonist second leads before. So happy to see him get an adorable role here


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Yeon Woo Jin reminds me of Song Joong Ki.
Similar faces, expressions and build.

Both men are flower boy pretty, but neither has chocolate abs. (I can't wait to see Song Joong Ki's post-Army abs!!!)


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True, but before that he had a little noona-romance in the weekend series Ojakkyo Brothers and I really liked him there. I thought he was really endearing as the playboy that fell head over heals for an older woman, but I still wasn't personally attracted to him. That's why I'm so surprised with him here :)


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Super happy to see you also recapping this show, LollyPip. Your comments are always insightful and it's clear that you're really enjoying the show, although it helps that the show is actually good so far, ha.

I laughed so, SO hard at episode 4. I loved JangMi's victory dance, beating KiTae with a fish and the dramatic way they showed her cooking, haha. Also KiTae crashing the date - so funny how jealous he is already and how much he behaves like his family, although he doesn't even realize it. This show can be so silly and odd at times which I love but it also has a lot of heart. I completely agree that the leads are on opposite ends of the same coin and I love the idea that they can help each other find balance in their lives. Also I love their banter and how honest they are with each other. This is my first time really rooting for a couple just because of how much potential there is for them to enrich each other's lives. If they were open to it, they could really help to bring out good in the other and it's a real testament to the crafting of the characters and how well they're played that this is already clear so early on.

For now, I'm happy that they're starting out just being concerned about each other. Despite his prickliness, KiTae seems to genuinely care about JangMi and he clearly feels badly for her when she gets dumped on (which happens a lot). He could certainly use more tact but I think he really wants JangMi to make better decisions for herself. And on the flip side, JangMi starts caring about people so quickly - she worries about KiTae, about his mother and his grandmother. She has a really big heart and she tries so hard to reach out and connect with people even if they've hurt her and let her down. She's definitely flawed but there's a lot of good in her personality too.

I'm really looking forward to learning more about these characters and their motivations, especially for the side characters like YeoReum and HyunHee. Except for HoonDong and his mother, the characters all seem to have a lot of depths left to plumb.


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The actor who's playing the male lead is hilarious. His comedic timing is priceless and you can just see how much effort he's putting into being just so cool all the time.

I keep having flashbacks to Killer Girl K with Jang mi. It's such a different character for the actress and everytime she starts beating on someone, I half expect her to snap their neck or pull out a sniper rifle and snicker to myself. I do wish she'd dial down the histrionics at times, especially the desperate clingy 'he likes me, he likes me not' thing she has going on with WannaBeChef boy (who until this week, I kept waiting for him to play the secret chaebol card because he's so insolent around his boss).

What really intrigues me is the dichotomy between the two sets of parents and the damage they've clearly done to the leads. What you have, in all honesty, is two couples who would have divorced a long long time ago if they were in the U.S. And they've both held their marriages together for the sake of their children and the scandal it would cause otherwise. And how it's stitched together is frayed in different ways that create a lot of ongoing issues for their families and offspring. Maybe it's the multiple divorces in my family, but the similar but different approach to these two failed marriages and their impact on the next generation fascinates me.


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Thanks for the recap Lollypip! I really like your insights in all the recaps you do.

I am really starting to like Han Groo. I find her very sexy with that "I am doing something naughty" smile of hers and healthy figure. She also seem to feel right at home doing a comedic role. TvN sure knows who to cast for their rom-com heroines.
I really like the characters and the story of the show. If I had to pick one thing I don't like about the show then it would be Yeo-Reum. He just seems like your cut and paste flower boy character plus he's being played by Jinwoon who I kinda lump with Taecyon as far as acting ability goes. He doesn't have to smile on every scene. hehe


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Please please give less screen time to yeo rim..He is either at the restaurant serving food or in the kitchen making food everytime I'm he is with jang mi..This guy couldn't be any cheaper..I get that jang mi is keeping her ongoing relationship with him since she figures nothing will ever happen with gi tai but yeo scenes are so boring..there's nothing that captures the moment and it seems all he is able to do is smile at every situatuon..no matter wat is happening


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I actually think Yeo-Reum's weird smiling is exactly that, weird. His character should be this flower boy/ knight shining in armor 2nd lead we're used to except he's a bit shady and the oddness of him always smiling make one unnerve so I rather think it's on purpose.


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Thank you! I completely agree with you, I just couldn't quite put it into words so I didn't write anything. But, yes I totally think that the actor's smiling all the time actually suits what this character is supposed to be. He's certainly very mysterious, and always seems to flicker between seeming genuine and fake.


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Han Groo is a total badass as well! Have you seen her in Girl K? She's fantastic. Reminds me a bit of Ha Ji Won in that she throws herself into different roles and has this healthy, easy beauty about her (but also has a fierce side).


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I have been thinking this ".. that once the two women find a way to connect, they’re going to be thick as thieves.." is very true. I can already see some movement in that direction, they are like sharks circling each other that have not decided to be partners or eat each other.

This is one of the very few dramas I have seen where the MIL actually had any depth beyond just being an evil bitch, and most other characters also have far more depth than in most dramas - it is not just a 2-person OTP show with a random 3rd wheel tossed in for the shipping wars effect.


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I don't understand why Ki-tea family is being quiet about dad's affair, it seems like dad is the only one who thinks that no one know about the affair

Yep-rheum is really a mysterious character, I mean he has no clear story as of yet & Ki-tae's relationship with Se Ah is a bit weird that they were supposed to get married but cancel it & decided to stay friend


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I think it is a case of nobody wants to confront it, and nobody wants to cause a scandal that might affect his promotion.

I think this show aside from being funny as hell, is also showing that ignoring bad things does not equal being happy. I don't see a lot of happy people in that family.


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I wonder what agreement Dad and Mom have made.

It pretty much is a marriage of convenience for the pair. I mean, she would prolly lose a lot of face if she admits publicly that her husband's a dirty cheater. She puts up with it, even though she doesn't like it, to protect the family name.
Dad? He manages to get away with his wife knowing about the another woman/women because they never had sex anyway? She never really liked him that way? Is Mom a robot person?

We will find out, I guess as we go.


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Best Drama this year by far. I am absolutely loving it!!!


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Honestly, I first decided to watch this drama because of Yeon Woo-jin. And of course, Jinwoon is always adorable. But good god, Han Groo is such a revelation. This is the first time I've seen her in anything and I'm in love. She's just wonderful.


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Then you have to see her in Killer K Girl. She did her own stunts! (It's very gory so maybe you can just see the trailer?)


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I just want to say I freakin' love that drama. Like really really really.
During those few months, I used to drop a drama at episode 2-3 because I didn't care anymore/I skipped too much and so figured that it's not worth the time but I swear, this drama is killing me. It's just so freakin' good. The characters, acting, storyline, directing, music ... I love all EXCEPT the second leads and it's because they are cockblocking OTP ! And you just can't do that because God knows how amazing Jang Mi and Ki Tae are together <3



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Hi Lollypip. Thanks for the recap. I agree with everything that you wrote.

This rom-com is pulling out all the stops which is why it's so great! There are so much crazies that Ki Tae and Jang Mi have and with continue to put themselves in. It's like a roller coaster ride and I'm definitely happy to be on it. :)

Ki Tae is a goner. He's fallen hook, line and sinker. All it takes is for him to admit it. I just want Jang Mi to realize it soon. Forget about Yeo Reum. He's not the one.


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I love love love the director and the actors of this drama-not only is the acting amazing (along with the comedic timing), the effects and little musical cues are some of the best I've seen in a drama. Can't wait for you to recap ep 6 *squeals*!!!!


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Can we talk about the wonderfully awesome sound effects? Seriously that cat yowl when she was messing with Nemo the first time almost had me rolling on the floor.

I'm so glad I gave this drama a chance. But now I'm all caught up! The waiting game is never fun.


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I'm loving this drama. These two episodes were AMAZING!


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totally an addict to this drama! =)


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Can't wait to watch this one. Seems really cute.


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thanks LollyPip!! i loved your comments on the show, and i agree, it's so funny and light, you don't really remember that the plot is not that different on paper than other dramas, but the acting! and the cute skinship moments:)


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Thanks for this!!! been watching out for this drama and it hasn't disappointed me so far. It's got all the makings of a great drama (at least for me) with the family conflict, witty banter and romance. Love it! Can't wait to see and read more about it!


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Loving this drama, but seriously, couldn't Ki Tae figure out to remove the hinge-pins from the bathroom door to take the door off rather than be trapped for two days?!

The sound effects are hilarious, the illustrations are cute, I simply want more, right now!


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Not that easy to remove without tools of some sort.


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And risk hurting his surgeon hands?

What about throwing something out the window to gain attention? I mean he would have been so hungry, he would have eaten the soap.


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I do not have time in my life to be obsessed with TWO dramas, yet here I am, mainlining Marriage Not Dating and High School King of Savvy like they're a drug. After a long, long drama dry spell, this show gives me LIFE. It is hilarious, sweet, surprisingly realistic in its depiction of relationships, mature, zippy, fun, and the OTP is just perfect. I love that their relationship is not treated as this precious, immutable thing, but rather a pairing that pushes each person to grow in ways they didn't expect or want, but needed.

It's not a story of a woman fixing a tortured man, or a man rescuing a helpless girl, but a situation in which two people heal each other and learn about genuine companionship in the process. I love it so much.


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I've watched every episode of MnD and HSK TWICE. Haha I've been starved for good rom-coms and now I'm gorging on them.


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Haha, I'm right there with you. I had almost forgotten what a crack drama looked like, and now it seems like I've lost every semblance of self-control I thought I had. All of my defenses against drama obsessions are rusty since I haven't had to use them for so long. :)


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Don't start Fated to Love You, you will end up with three to watch... :P


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OMG, have they added some sort of "artistic genius" powder to the water over there? What is going on? And where can I get some? Lol.


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Good lord. So true. Between MND and FTLY I am going crazy for the latter part of my week!


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I quite enjoy this drama even though Jang Mi ends up horribly embarrassed so often


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She really does, doesn't she? It's a testament to Han Groo's acting skills that Jang Mi never comes across as pathetic or bumbling. I think it helps that Jang Mi follows her moral compass into embarrassing situations, eyes wide open at the potential fallout. She stirs up trouble wherever she goes because she doesn't privilege being comfortable over speaking her mind. That's a lot easier for me to swallow than watching naive wallflowers get abused/humiliated by straight-up bad people, as happens so frequently in other dramas.


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You know what I love about that is she just can't help it.

There is so much life in her, she can't contain it. She colors outside her own lines.

I love that KT understands this about her. Having summed her up accurately, he has been counting on her to embarrass herself for him. He understands that she can't stop caring, that she cannot hide her true feelings. If something ticks her off, she retaliates. If she loves something, she hangs on for dear life. What he doesn't realize is how much he admires her for that, and how much he nomu nomu nomu nomu wants to be able to do that himself. At the memorial, when she started doing the shots, and gathering steam, he anticipated her blow up with glee.
And when she started in on Dad, instead of looking worried, he was interested in how this all was going to fall out. Like a dog who hears a novel sound and tilts his head a little. It scared him, but he didn't try to stop her. Mom took her out before Dad answered. I think little kid KT wanted to hear what Bad Dad had to say to weasel out of her heated spot light.

When KT admits that the way she lives is better than his shut down and shut off existence, he will understand how valuable she is as a person. I can't wait!!


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I cant stop laughing at the piggyback scene. Surely she had a lot of energy. And the moment she told or say convinced Se Ah that something wrong with GGT head, her expression..priceless.


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thank you two so much for recapping this show!! i've been loving it to pieces and i'm so glad that you were able to find time to recap.



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Thanks so much for recapping this Lollypip (and girlfriday)!
Really loving this show so far and having dramabeans recaps always enhances my drama-watching experience because often one of you re-cappers will catch something I didn't or be able to explain something that slipped through the cultural gap for me.
Can't wait for more. You are almost caught up! Fighting!


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Thanks for the fab recap and your thoughts and time. TvN is amazingly talented for recognizing such shows ....last drama which i completely loved was witches romance :) Who is the author, gosh her sense of humour is amazing. A spl thanks to Jang mi and ki tae for fab delivery of acting. After doctor drama, i just recognize how imp is the author so my big thnaks to you.

Any one know other dramas/works of this writer ?


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I marathoned all 6 episodes over the weekend and am enjoying it.

The last time I saw Han Groo was in Scandal - weekend drama on MBC 2013). She was the annoying sister of Ha Eun Jung (played by Kim Jae Won). She was part of the Ha, Ha, Ha family.

She plays histrionics very well - but good to see her in the comedic parts of this show.

Between this and FTLY - busting my gut with laughter for most of the week.


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Thank you so much, Lollipips, for team tagging this with GirldFriday. I checked this drama out cause marriage of convenience is a beloved trope for me plus I really like Han Groo from watching her in "A Warm Words". By the time I got to ep. 4, I was in loveee so I was hoping it would get recap here and there you two go granting my drama wish! ^_^8


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THANK YOU, THANK YOU for recapping this. It's by far the best kdrama on. The dried fish beating was one of the best kdrama beatdowns ever.


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very nice drama! And the main secret how to enjoy it - is not take it too serious, because otherwise some things are really ridiculous. Like Gi Tae's mom coming to her work place and asking her to give her some time. The girl is working, has a supervisor and obligations! Would that momhave done the same if Jang Mi have been for example a pilot or a surgeon? Work ethic is still the same..


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I think I'm dropping this drama. It has so much potential in the first 2 episodes. I find that I can't root for our heroin much. I don't understand who she really like (for the record, I've watched till episode 6) and she doesn't have much layers to her character. At least, emotionally. I don't know if it's her acting, or the script, but she's so over the top with the funny scenes so I don't find it that funny anymore. I don't get how the guys fell in love with her? She's kind, yes, and put herself first before others but...that's all? Huh? ok.

If I ever continue watching it'll be for Gi Tae and Hoon Dong


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You're just mad because she wanted to eat Nemo :(


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lol oh no I don't hate her because of that, really. I thought that scene was funny though. Poor Nemo :(


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One of my fav scene was when Ki Tae insisted it wasn't called Nemo, but when she dropped it on the floor, he cried 'NEMO'! LOL. I thought it was funny he identified it as Nemo later on when he was drunk and Jang Mi carried him home, it's like subconsciously he let her affect his opinion on something and change him without him realizing it. I like the little things on this drama. The funny scenes doesn't affect me much.


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My take is that KT is falling for how honest, sincere and selfless she can be...and really that's not nothing considering the mother, father, and ex-fiance that he has and the impact that they've had on him. Add to that attraction and just generally enjoying her company, it's easy to see why he might fall for her. I mean, he seemed happy in the flashbacks shown with SA, his then fiance, so I don't see him as a person that genuinely and wholeheartedly wants to be alone forever...he's just tired of being manipulated/controlled.

It's likely because of similar reasons for the second lead with his whole - don't be sincere/serious and thereby open yourself up to the possibility of being abandoned and hurt again by somebody. Though i really don't like his character much, most of which i think has to do with the actor.

Why JM fell for YR....i honestly think it's just because she always wants to be with somebody, she's attracted to him, and he was nice to her...not much more than that imo.


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She doesn't manipulate him and wears him down, fair enough. Like you said, maybe that's why the Gi Tae likes her.

That's my problem too, though. Jang Mi likes Yeo Reum just because. I think it's because they're still getting to know each other so I don't see any chemistry/how they could be attracted to each other in the first place.


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It really made no sense at all how she develop feelins for YR..one day she comes in and pretend flirts with him to get hoon jealous..then he comes by and she dresses him..ok..after that the only thing that happens is he grabs a plate of food for her and puts her shoes on..didnt hoon do the same exact thing?!?!? i dont see how she can completely forget hoon which she was in love with in less than 2 weeks..her character is to desperate for affection which i hope ki tai will rub off on her with his own stand on your own two feet but jang mi rubs off on him where being together isnt so bad


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That's the biggest issue i have with the girl - she fell in love too soon and too hard. She should have learnt from her past experiences. That's why I find it hard root for her ㅠ Gi Tae is doing his best to change her but it will not happen if she keeps running to Yeo Reum everytime he calls sigh


Is tap water in Seoul so bad that a doctor would risk dying from dehydration rather than take a drink?


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I wondered about that for a long time, and finally found out that, no it is not. In fact it some of the cleanest of any country.

The reason they have so much bottled water in dramas is because of product placement, not tap water issues.


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I still feel like she has more of a thing for yeo reum since she thinks he really wants a relationship with her and ki tai is still using her to separate himself from the world..but u can see the burning desire to protect and care for him within jang mi..she is one of the most flaw characters i have seen but many real life people are the exact same way..she loves too easy and falls head over heels..tell me there isnt someone u know that is exactly like that..but she is also loyal and honest with herself given the fact that she admits to having these issues..she jus cant help herself and within the next couple episodes i hope she takes ki tais words to heart cause living with your heart constantly on your sleeve will start to wear anyone out..


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Beatifully put.

If KT can learn from her how to let loose, and she could learn to protect her heart more, they would be a perfect team.


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Thank you for covering this Lollypip! Can't wait for you guys to get caught up!


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Yay! I love this drama too. :-)


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Yes! So excited you guys are covering this wonderful drama! I'm impressed by Han Groo's acting (so different from when she was in Girl K) and I love how layered each of the characters are. This show has helped me end my drama drought!
Also, does anyone know what the ratings are for this show?
I hope the domestic audience is enjoying the drama as much as I am.


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Just wanted to say that I never thought I'd hear the Once Upon a Time in China theme song used in a Korean rom-com. Epic win.


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I seriously love this drama!

Started watching a day or two ago, have to restrain myself not to watch al the episode's in one go...

(I don't like unfinished drama's O.o)

Thanks for the recap ^^ If I want to know some info about a drama (if it is good or not,,) i always look on your site :)

Thank you for recapping!!


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I love when Ki-tae locks her in the restroom and then tells her to be alone for a while because she just broke up with someone. It was total wish fulfillment because (often) I want to shake some sense into some of my friends and also into a drama romantic lead!


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