Marriage Not Dating: Episode 7

There are so many love geometries in this drama that it’s a wonder how anyone remains friends. And yet, the unlikeliest of bromances emerges in this episode, because things weren’t complicated enough for the heroine who’s juggling an ex, a fake fiancé, and a noona-killer who all work in the same building—she has to get them to play nice with each other too. Maybe she figures it’s like multitasking, and she might as well save time by group-dating them. All I know is, if this were a French movie, the episode would’ve taken a very different turn.


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EPISODE 7: “It’s okay even if it’s not okay”

As Ki-tae races out of surgery and weaves through traffic, he narrates, “I was really okay. In almost every circumstance, I wasn’t shaken. I feared very little. There wasn’t a door anywhere on this earth that I couldn’t open by my own strength… Until I met her.”

He arrives inside a darkened building, sweating pouring down his face. He bangs at a door and has to go around, and finally comes screeching to a halt. He lets out a panicked yell: “Joo Jang-mi!” If this is you searching for an open bathroom, we’re going to have a talk.

Rewind to the evening post-kiss, where Mom waits on pins and needles for Aunt to show her the proof she got after following Jang-mi around all day. Grandma whoops when she takes a peek at the photo of Jang-mi and Ki-tae’s lip-lock, while Mom gets a migraine.

Ki-tae tosses and turns in bed thinking about the kiss and the aftermath, as they both came back to their senses and broke apart awkwardly. It’s then that Jang-mi whispered that Aunt was watching, and he asked why the sudden change of heart. Jang-mi: “You just looked so… not okay.”

They both bolt up in bed that night, simultaneously complaining that it’s too hot. Yeah I’ll bet it is. At the same time, Yeo-reum scrubs the restaurant kitchen, and Se-ah drinks alone at a bar. Jang-mi downs her beer and calls herself crazy.

Ki-tae’s dad and his mistress cuddle at the drive-in, and she asks if “that person” is still obsessed with Ki-tae’s marriage. She thinks it’s silly when marriage is just one of many ways to love. Well, you would think that, seeing as how you’re the mistress.

In the morning, Dad asks Mom if there’s still hope for Ki-tae and Se-ah. Mom points out that he was in favor of Jang-mi, but he’s clearly changed his mind since being found out as a cheating bastard, and mentions that Se-ah’s father and the chairman of his board are friends. Mom gets the message loud and clear, and calls Se-ah.

Yeo-reum gawks at the truffles that the chef brings to the restaurant in preparation for their month of truffle-related dishes, and is shocked to hear how expensive they are.

Jang-mi arrives outside the restaurant and grits her teeth when she sees Aunt there first thing in the morning, and greets Ki-tae cheerily. She latches onto his arm and suddenly he doesn’t know what to do with himself, finally managing to shake her off once they’re inside.

She sits him down at a table, and all he can do is stare at her lips. He gulps nervously, and she breaks his reverie by casually mentioning that they should probably talk about yesterday’s kiss. He offers to make sense of it for them, and starts to say that the reason he picked her for the con was because they’d never ever develop feelings for each other… But all it takes is one glance lip-ward and he loses his train of thought. Hee.

He insists that this is all so that he can be alone, and asks her to refrain from all the physical contact. She complains that this is all for him, not because she wants to be touching, and only now explains that Aunt is parked outside. I love how jittery he is, flinching at every touch and looking everywhere but at her.

She grumbles that she sullied her precious lips for a guy like him, and in front of Yeo-reum no less. Yeo-reum arrives at their table to agree with her, adding with a glare at Ki-tae that for acting, the kiss was a bit too real. Ki-tae agrees and accuses her of kissing with feelings.

Jang-mi starts to explain to Yeo-reum, but he says he knows her by now—she’s a dummy who likes any guy and even kisses meaningless and boring men. As Ki-tae reels, Yeo-reum turns back to Jang-mi: “But I like that dummy Joo Jang-mi.”

She goes starry-eyed and asks Ki-tae if that was just a confession, and Ki-tae snarks that he’s never heard of a love confession where you call someone a moron. Hahaha. Touché. Yeo-reum sends her a text to come back at night, and Ki-tae gets caught trying to peek at her phone.

Hoon-dong gets nagged by his mom for his abnormally high food costs at the restaurant, and she warns him to keep better tabs on his staff. Hm, it looks like someone’s stealing.

Jang-mi comes back to the restaurant that night and Yeo-reum sneaks a tiny bit of truffle for the dish he makes, and she marvels at how weird it smells but how good it tastes. Just as he shows her the truffles whole, the chef returns to the restaurant while bragging to someone on the phone that he got his hands on truffles.

In their panic to run away, Jang-mi drops the entire package of truffles and tramples it underfoot. Eek. The chef wails to see his precious cargo squashed, and in the morning, he rats Yeo-reum out to Hoon-dong.

Yeo-reum admits to sneaking into the kitchen and cooking, but when Hoon-dong accuses him of being the thief who’s running his food cost up, he swears he only ever used ingredients that were going to be thrown out the next day. He did take some of the truffle, but only out of curiosity.

He says he’ll take responsibility for the things he did wrong and pay for the truffles, and Hoon-dong warns that he’ll get to the bottom of it with CCTV footage. That makes the chef squirm, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Yeo-reum and Hoon-dong.

At work, Jang-mi tries to console Hyun-hee who’s crying over Hoon-dong. Hyun-hee thinks it’s best if she leaves because she feels guilty towards Jang-mi but misses Hoon-dong, and Jang-mi sighs to see that she’s sincerely distraught over him. It seems a bit much, but then again, I don’t understand anything Hyun-hee does.

Hoon-dong watches the CCTV footage and fumes when he sees that the person Yeo-reum was cooking for was Jang-mi. She happens to arrive just then and says Hyun-hee is waiting outside—she thought it was best for Hyun-hee not to get involved with him, but her feelings are sincere, so she warns Hoon-dong to treat her sincerely.

Hoon-dong asks if she’s really okay with that, and she insists that they’re over. He spins his laptop around and asks if that’s why she’s sneaking around in his restaurant, and points out how she happens to be spending her days engaged to his best friend and her nights sneaking around with his employee under his roof. Well, when you say it like that, it does seem to be all about you.

He marches outside and apologizes to Hyun-hee for messing with her when he has feelings for someone else, and calls himself trash. “Having two women in one heart—that’s not a thing that should be done.”

He faces Jang-mi and says accusingly that he can’t possibly two-time two friends. Man, when Lee Hoon-dong takes the moral high ground with you, that’s a bitter pill. Hyun-hee leaves in tears, and Jang-mi wonders what the heck just happened.

Hoon-dong tattles on her to Ki-tae, who goes way overboard in trying to act like it’s no big deal and he totally doesn’t care about Yeo-reum. He says that marriage and dating are two separate things, and he’s not worried at all. AT ALL.

The more Ki-tae insists he doesn’t care, the more Hoon-dong becomes convinced: “You really like Joo Jang-mi, don’t you?” Ki-tae chokes on his wine, and Hoon-dong sees right through him—he’s acting cool to protect his pride, just so that he can stay with Jang-mi even while she’s running around with Yeo-reum.

He says that Ki-tae’s mom even called to ask about Yeo-reum, and he thought about showing her the CCTV footage he has. Ki-tae leaps to his feet and begs him not to say anything to Mom, and Hoon-dong says with pity, “Do you like Joo Jang-mi that much?”

Yeo-reum waits for Jang-mi outside of work that night, and assures her that he’s okay and didn’t get fired. But she sees that he has his bags packed, and he confesses that he had to take out the security deposit on his apartment to pay for the truffles. She feels terrible for the mess he’s in because of her, and he asks if she’ll let him sleep over then.

Ki-tae plays video games at home, but his mind keeps wandering back to his kiss with Jang-mi. Hoon-dong’s question echoes in his head, and he tries to shake it off: “No, no, nonono. Never!” But the kiss just replays over and over, and finally he buries his head in his hands in defeat, while his video game taunts him: “Game over.”

He doesn’t hear his doorbell ring so Jang-mi lets herself in, and Ki-tae actually goes a little googly-eyed when he looks up to see her smiling back at him. But he soon comes crashing back to reality when she says to come on in, and Yeo-reum walks through his door with luggage in tow. Ha, best-worst plan ever.

She asks Ki-tae to house him, and two seconds later they’re both tossed out into the hallway. She complains that she wasted her lips on him, and he reminds her that this all started because he wants to be alone. Jang-mi feels terrible that Yeo-reum has nowhere to go because of her, and he calls them even for his part in helping Se-ah meddle.

Se-ah calls Ki-tae to make sure he’s alone because she’s on her way with his mom to drop off some food, and it takes him a second before he realizes that they might run into Yeo-reum and Jang-mi on their way out.

He runs down and starts throwing Yeo-reum’s stuff around the corner, and Jang-mi argues until she hears that Mom is on the way, and immediately switches to couple mode and pushes Yeo-reum into hiding.

They cuddle just in time for Mom and Se-ah to pull up, and Ki-tae totally takes the opportunity to sneak an extra squeeze in there. It’s adorable. Se-ah wonders why he pretended to be alone, and he says he didn’t want to be interrupted.

When he rejects Mom’s kimchi, Jang-mi takes it and promises to eat every last drop, and asks Mom why she came with Se-ah—is she objecting to their relationship? She prods for Mom to admit that she’s being disapproving, and Ki-tae smiles gratefully to have someone else on his side.

Naturally Mom admits nothing of the sort, and remains aloof when Jang-mi suggests they ditch Ki-tae and spend a day shopping. Once they leave, Jang-mi asks him to house Yeo-reum for a few days, and she’ll make sure to get him his lifetime of solitude. Yeo-reum comes back out and throws an arm over Jang-mi’s shoulder as she asks what he’ll do if Mom sees her with Yeo-reum, and Ki-tae scowls.

So in they go, where Yeo-reum runs around the house touching everything, and Ki-tae follows him from room to room to tell him that everything, from washing to eating, is off-limits. All he gets is the couch for eight hours at night.

Ki-tae gets fidgety even when Jang-mi tugs at his sweater to make sure he’s going to be okay with this, and she makes the boys hold hands before leaving them for the night.

Mom feels bad for the awkward situation, but Se-ah says she’s used to it—she’s seen Ki-tae date other girls before, and his girlfriends have always been jealous of her. Mom asks after her father, and Se-ah says that he still likes Ki-tae very much and wants to recruit him to his hospital. In fact he’s been wanting to meet with Ki-tae, but Se-ah feels weird about it since Jang-mi might misunderstand, and Mom offers to help out.

Ki-tae wakes up in the morning shivering from the cold and reaches for the covers, and slowly opens his eyes to find that he’s spooning Yeo-reum. Ha. He darts up and asks what the hell he’s doing here, and Yeo-reum just murmurs that it was too cold to sleep on the couch. Ki-tae screams at him to get out, and peeks under the covers to make sure he’s clothed. Hahahaha.

Ki-tae eats his usual OCD breakfast and stops to ask what Yeo-reum is doing, and we see him sitting across the table just staring at him: “You said I couldn’t eat.” Ki-tae asks if he really has nowhere to go—doesn’t he have friends or family? Yeo-reum says that all his friends are girls, he never had a father to begin with, and his mother abandoned him.

Ki-tae feels bad… for about three seconds, and snaps at him for using a sob story to get sympathy. Yeo-reum smiles, noting that it worked on Jang-mi but not on Ki-tae. Yeo-reum tries to get a ride to work but gets left on the curb, and he chuckles to himself that Ki-tae is cute.

Cutie pie spends the day coughing and sneezing, blaming Yeo-reum for the cold he caught because he stole the covers. He ends up leaving work early, and reminds the nurses to move the refrigerated supplies because the electricity will be shut off for the night for repairs.

Jang-mi’s mom calls the clinic looking for Ki-tae and hears that he went home sick, and she sends Dad to bring home some fresh chickens. Jang-mi comes home and swoons at the smell of samgetang, but pouts when Mom says it’s for Ki-tae and sends her off to deliver it.

She heads over with the giant pot of soup when Ki-tae’s mom calls to suddenly take her up on the offer to spend the day shopping, and insists it has to be now. So she hauls the pot with her, and Aunt starts making her try things on for the nice dinner that Mom has planned for her and Ki-tae.

Meanwhile Mom calls Ki-tae and tells him about the dinner, and he convinces Jang-mi to just go along with it and make Mom buy her everything. Jang-mi tries to just go with the first dress so she can at least deliver the soup to Ki-tae, but Aunt makes her try every single thing in the store and haul the soup pot up and down the stairs, and then takes her to the salon where she makes them redo her hair and makeup about a thousand times.

Jang-mi ends up begging her to stop the makeover torture, and they finally get to Ki-tae’s clinic and collapse on the couch. Aunt waits for Jang-mi to fall asleep and steals her phone before sneaking out.

Mom can’t believe Aunt left her sleeping there and worries that she’ll wake up and call Ki-tae, but Aunt slips her Jang-mi’s phone and says she already took care of that.

Meanwhile Ki-tae arrives to dinner, and finds Se-ah waiting for him. She says that her father is on the way, and asks if he doesn’t want to slip away to be alone, sliding over a hotel key with a memory card—the one with photos of Jang-mi and Yeo-reum—and offers to keep them away from Mom if he goes up with her. She’s mentally ill, right? In what universe is blackmailing your ex for his sperm a thing people do?

Mom arrives first, and she and Se-ah sit there exchanging pleasantries while Ki-tae stands there in disbelief. He asks what she did with Jang-mi, and hears her purse ringing when he calls Jang-mi’s phone. He demands to know where Jang-mi is.

Jang-mi wakes up at the clinic and wonders where everyone went. At eight, the power shuts off all at once, and Jang-mi stumbles her way to the door to call out for help. She grows increasingly frightened and feels her way through the dark to look for a phone, and ends up spilling the pot of soup all over herself. Her panic starts to mount at being trapped all alone.

Mom finally cops to leaving Jang-mi at his clinic, and Ki-tae freaks out when he sees the time—it’s past eight, when the electricity is due to be shut off for the night. He scoffs that Mom has resorted to kidnapping, and when she tells him to lower his voice, he says even louder, “So you do know it’s something to be ashamed of?”

Se-ah defends Mom and says she’s the one who asked for this, and Mom tells her it’s okay. Ki-tae blows up at them: “IT’S NOT OKAY! That woman can’t be alone. I can’t leave her alone!” He runs out of there, leaving Se-ah and Mom shocked at his reaction.

He runs red lights and weaves through intersections nearly killing people, all the while thinking back to Jang-mi’s story about being trapped alone when she was young and Dad’s pleas for him to take care of her.

Jang-mi sinks to the ground in defeat, sopping wet from soup, sweat, and tears.

Ki-tae finally arrives and Yeo-reum wonders what he’s doing here when the whole building has been shut down. Ki-tae tells him that Jang-mi is trapped inside, and together they pry the door open by force.

They split up to search for her inside, and Ki-tae runs everywhere calling her name, sick with worry. He finds her crouched underneath his desk like a scared little girl, and he erupts in a rant, asking why she’s so stupid as to be tricked like this.

She bursts into tears, crying that she was terrified and it’s all because of him, and then Yeo-reum swoops in to hug her and tell her it’s going to be okay. Aaaaaaah, you let the other guy hug her! You idiot.

At Ki-tae’s house, she sighs forlornly at the pot of samgetang that was ruined, and shuffles off to go wash up. Yeo-reum thinks it’s plenty for all three of them to eat, and Ki-tae asks snidely if he’s Jesus. He lets Yeo-reum use the kitchen just this once, and pretends not to be lured by the smell of delicious chicken pasta.

He’s bothered when Jang-mi says it’s delicious, and then when she spoon-feeds Ki-tae to make him try it, it’s Yeo-reum’s turn to be miffed. Ki-tae sighs that he feels bad about the samgetang—he doesn’t deserve to be treated so well by her parents.

She says it’s not all bad since it’s their one chance to dream of a doctor son-in-law, and calls it their midsummer night’s dream. Yeo-reum (whose name means “one summer”) asks if they called him, and wedges himself into the conversation, to Ki-tae’s annoyance.

But once Jang-mi busts out the wine, the mood brightens. The three of them actually sit down for a meal together, though it’s peppered with jealous looks every time Yeo-reum feeds Jang-mi or Jang-mi feeds Ki-tae.

Still, they actually get along for a few hours, and Ki-tae finds himself smiling at Jang-mi even when she’s swooning at Yeo-reum playing the guitar. They make fun of Ki-tae’s bachelor auction dance, and he eventually joins in on the fun. Aw.

Se-ah drinks and ponders Ki-tae’s outburst over not being able to leave Jang-mi alone. It’s a direct contrast to the way he broke up with her three years ago: “Being alone suits you better, and I prefer being alone too.” She pretends to feel relieved and lies that she was anxious the whole time while planning for their wedding.

He asks if they’re okay, and she lets him off the hook. It’s only now that she finally admits out loud to herself: “What am I going to do, Gong Ki-tae? I’m not okay.”

Ki-tae wakes up with a coughing fit and ambles to the fridge in the middle of the night. He sighs to see his kitchen a giant mess and start to clean angrily, whining that he’s the sick one here.

But when he glances over at the couch, he sees Jang-mi lying with her head on Yeo-reum’s shoulder, snuggling close.

Suddenly the question rings in his ear—the one asked by Hoon-dong, his nurse, then Jang-mi—Are you okay? His heart beats faster and faster, until the answer lands with a thud and he says aloud, “No, I’m not okay.”


Kyaaa, because you lurrrrve her. What a great payoff to have Ki-tae fall for Jang-mi first, after all his blustering about how he’d never ever ever love a woman like her. He falls so squarely into the trap he set for himself, and it’s delightfully satisfying that he literally has no one else to blame. He broke his own rules, after teaching her how to expertly maintain her fishpond of suitors—that’s the best part—that he’s now stuck with genuine feelings for the girl after teaching her how to be cool in love. How hilarious is it that after all that, he’s now going to have to convince her that his feelings are true and she should stop seeing other guys?

I really enjoyed the way Hoon-dong was brought around to make Jang-mi and Ki-tae examine themselves a little, because it’s an unexpected turn to have him be the voice of reason here. Isn’t it funny that despite being based on wrong assumptions every which way, Hoon-dong sees the feelings very clearly? As ridiculous as he is, he’s in the rare position to have lost Jang-mi first and regret it, and even though he’s technically wrong about her being a straight-up two-timer, what he says to both of them makes sense. She’s playing a dangerous game and messing with friendships, which, go figure, even Hoon-dong knows is wrong.

He even sees that Ki-tae is putting up a front thinking that if he plays it cool, he’ll get to stay by Jang-mi’s side no matter how many Yeo-reums come and go. And we see in this episode that this is Se-ah’s move—pretending to be so cool in love that she can be Ki-tae’s friend while he dates around, hoping to be the last one standing. But all she’s done is lie to herself for years, all because she couldn’t just admit that he hurt her and she wanted to marry him. Quick, Ki-tae, do something about your feelings now, before you turn into Se-ah and start blackmailing exes to have their spawn so you can remain tied to them forever. And ever… and ever. Please tell me that admitting the truth out loud means that Se-ah can stop creeping me out now.

I suppose I should at least be grateful that she was humanized by the rejection, though she’s too far gone for me to empathize with in any real way. She serves as a cautionary tale for Ki-tae though, which is important if he’s ever going to change. Because so far, despite hating everything about his mother and Se-ah, they’re all remarkably alike and all he does is fight pride with pride and end up frustrated that Mom isn’t falling for his scheme while fuming that she’s scheming him. And ’round and ’round they go.

There’s a nice progression throughout the episode on the issue of pride, which is Ki-tae’s (and Mom’s, and Se-ah’s) big stumbling block on the road to happiness. And it starts with the simplest of lies—that you’re okay. Mom has pretended to be okay for her whole marriage because she can’t admit that she’s hurt by her husband’s infidelity; Se-ah has pretended to be okay for years while not even admitting to herself that she’s always loved Ki-tae; and Ki-tae starts down that path when he tries to convince himself that it doesn’t bother him that Jang-mi is falling for someone else.

It’s not okay, but they say it’s okay, because that’s how you save face and walk away with your pride intact. But we see with Mom and Se-ah that this self-preservation comes at a steep price (mostly, sanity). I like that with Ki-tae, we’re exploring how someone breaks from that habit, whether by sheer force of will, or perhaps because Jang-mi is special. She will always put honesty above pride, someone else’s pain above her own, and choose heart over head. First when he argues that it isn’t okay for Mom to treat Jang-mi that way, and then later when he admits he isn’t okay to see her with someone else, we see proof that she’s changing Ki-tae for the better, into someone who might actually risk his pride for love.


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Oh,thank God refreshing has finally paid off.thanks for the quick recap.I can finally go to bed happy at 6:40 am.Damn you K dramas messing with my sleep pattern.


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BTW Is the lead girl really the same actor as the one from Girl K (Killer Girl)? They look so different O_O


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I got to bed at 10 AM. At 6:42 I just started the episode


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oh what a relief to know that I'm not alone staying up till morning... he he he!


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He FINALLY realizes his feelingssss. THE FEELSSSS


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I honestly thought we were going to have a threesime when they were feeding each other at the end. Lol


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Not gonna lie, I kinda sorta want all three of them to live together and have a happy little well-fed family.


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It's a win-win for her. (YR is a great cook, n and sing to her. Gt BF material.) KT needs to be loved, but he isn't gonna like it as a 3-some, is he? ;)


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Right? YR is like an adorable puppy who can cook and sing! He's not substantial enough to be the sole boyfriend of Jang-mi, but after watching those three interact over dinner, I was like "this is the family that all three of these people desperately need." Ki-tae and Jang-mi are like basically soul mates, but all three of them need a loving, supportive family more than just about anything right now. I think that the only way I'll be ok with YR continuing to take up so much screen time is if all three of them are together, drinking and eating and laughing.


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Yikes!!! I don't know...but I am thinking sone crazy bromance!!


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Lmao good to know it wasn't just me thinking that.


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*nods vigorously*


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Yay for Gi Tae realizing his feelings but no to Yeo Reum. He separates my OTP apart. :(


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IKR?! I can't wait for her to drop Yeo Reum and realize she has feelings for Gi Tae.


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Yeo Reum needs to stop cockblocking my OTP =(


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Ok maybe I'm the only one who doesn't mind the scenes with YR (not just because he's so cute I swear!). I actually think he's an interesting contrast to JM, and their opposite reactions to the same insecurity about being alone/abandoned intrigue me.

& I ultimately want KT and JM to be together, because of the cuteness of their opposite extremes meeting in the middle, but I would really love it if KT and JM and YR could have an honest friendship down the line (NOT a creepy fake one like SA and KT), because I think that'd be good for both boys - as they showed us with the laughing dinner scene.

Meanwhile, as was pointed out in the recap, KT and Crazpants (SA), also may serve the same purpose - as both struggle to maintain their pride, SA has clearly gone off the deep-end for it, while IF KT manages to deal with it (noticing it is the first step, as you said!) he may now deviate from this path. Mom serves as the illustration of the future for this way of living.

And OMG a show where I actually sympathize with the mean cock-blocking mother-in-law!! Never thought I'd encounter that! THAT'S really the friendship I want to see blossom, between her and JM, because I feel like JM is the first person to ignore her careful facade (I think Aunt & Grandma do see it, but choose to not question it) and really attempt to know and understand her person.

HH though. .. I do not understand.


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OMYGOD. Thank you.

In my group of friends, I think i'm the only one who is not bothered by YR. He may be rooster-blocking the hell of our OTP but I know in the end it would be GT and JM (or so i hope). My friends are annoyed at him with so much passion, i'm scared that I might eventually hate him. However, it didn't happen yet. I am still indifferent towards him and I enjoy his eye smiles.


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I don't mind YR that much either for the same reason as kepogee. Also is it just me or does anyone else here think that YR looks a bit like Rain (the eyes and that sweet smile!)?


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Everytime I see Hyun Hee the word that comes in my mind is "eww…rapist!"


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I think that he is a really interesting character, actually. He is a fun mixture of looks, positive attitude, charming behaviors, good - for- nothingness and a tough background. I liked all the scenes with him and I actually thought he was way too forgiving. Sure, I did like Jang Mi getting together with Gi Tae, but I don't think that he would have even noticed her had she not been courted by YR. I liked Yeo Reum's character from the beginning, actually.


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I'm extremely happy that Ki-Tae realizes his feelings first because I think that him caring for Jang Mi and dealing with it is a much bigger step for him towards change then it would be for Jang Mi. He's so determined to keep his fortress of solitude but admitting his feelings is already a large stride towards the right direction. This drama has been such a wonderful surprise and I'm so glad I was introduced to it because it's been a while since I've been so obsessed.


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And in turn, Jang-mi will realize that just dating guy after guy is no guarantee she won't be alone. Real feelings and chemistry have to exist, and I don't believe she and Yeo-reum have that deep level of understanding that is necessary for them to keep going.

As a matter of fact, I think that if she knew Ki-tae liked her, she would drop Yeo-reum in a heartbeat because of the connection and chemistry she has with Ki-tae. Ki-tae insists on never liking her, and maybe she's accepted that, so she has no qualms about being with Yeo-reum in the meantime.


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Wholeheartedly agree..If ki tae had step up back them it would of been gg..I want more scenes with him and jang mi but having yr there to initiate his feelings was good but I don't want yr always in the scene with them anymore...I find myself wanted to ff all the scenes of them but I don't want to miss anything between ki tae and jangmi


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I think that's the general consensus with everyone on Yeo Reum haha! I think part of it is just due to the fact that Jinwoon (a total cutie pie i love) has VERY limited acting capabilities! I feel like if the role had been given to an actor who could give Yeo Reum more depth we may not dislike his scenes with Jang Mi as much.


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It might jus be the bad acting that is putting everyone off..even in the taiwan show love myself or u..The main guy is very poor at acting but the 2nd lead has come in and stolen a lot of the spotlight even the the otp was suppose to be the first guy..especially from this show where there are soo many outstanding performances from each actor..I say hyun hee and YR are in the same acting category because they jus seem so boring but there for the pretty


Haha YR smiling face scares me. He smiles in every scene. When he is sad he smiles. When he is yelled at he smiles. Is it part of the character because of the abandonment issues?


Yeah. Seriously, Show, can we clock in some more alone time for our couple please? I'm pretty sure she had more alone time with YR in this episode, but I'm letting it slide because at least it got KT all worked up.


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YM spend too much time with YR already, it is not only irritating, it is getting boring as well! How many episodes we will see her kissing KT in the beginning and then hugging YR in the end. Even YM should realize there is something wrong with it. Time to come up with something fresh.
I also cannot bear to look on YR smiling face!!


I am however still very curious as to how this will all play out. By the time Jang Mi falls for Ki Tae which I assume is the end game, she would have gone out with all 3 guys. Hmmmmmm
Another thing, maybe cos it's a pet peeve of mine, Hated the fact that they didn't clean up after they ate. I mean, it's not even their house. That's just bad manners


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I wonder, though, if they might have been so tired after the scare she had and all the wine they drank? What bothered me most was how much of the pasta they left; Weren't they eating and drinking for a long time?


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Exactly! I was just thinking that's not like JM and YR to let food go to waste. They were eating up a storm. Unless YR made more batches.


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What a lovely episode. Yeon Woo-jin's expressions were spot on haha! It was definitely his episode to shine. All of his reactions were awesome :)

I especially loved that moment when he was getting all bent out of shape over the massage chair, and she just pinches his sleeve and asks if he's okay, and then he just gets this look on this face as if he's been completely disarmed by her. She just has this way of getting past his defenses now and I love that. She doesn't try to control his life, but she doesn't leave him alone either and I love that.

Also the other big moment of the episode was definitely him exclaiming that she can't be left alone! I love this statement because it sets us up for Ki-tae's biggest conflict: Will he choose to live his life alone like he's always wanted or will he make sure that the person he cares about the most never has to be left alone again?

Come on, Ki-tae, embrace the love!!!


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Haha, the question you posed about Ki-tae's conflict makes it sound like the most epic thing in the world. I love it.


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Great comments at the end on Ki-tae. I also like that he's the one who's fallen first, although I don't know how much more patient I can be with Jang-mi and Yeo-reum's relationship. I think it's great that she has another suitor because it's such a fantastic comedic situation, but I just don't get nor like Yeo-reum. First he was all mysterious and now he's a goofball? That transition was lost on me (if there even was one). He just makes me uncomfortable for some reason. Maybe it's because the drama he should've been in is Pasta. (Just joking! But seriously, I think I''ll be okay if we don't have a pasta-making scene each week. Also, I loved Ki-tae's snide remark about how people only make pasta so that they can look good in front of others!)

Now that Ki-tae's hooked, I'm waiting for Jang-mi to realize her feelings too. And I hope his mom comes around. I really want to like her, and I hope the drama doesn't ruin her potential relationship with Jang-mi.


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I agree with YR's transition, he went from charming and mysterious waiter to adorable and pitiful puppy running around...HUH?!

I actually want to see more of HD. It would be funny if he's the one that pulls JM and KT together.


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Totally agree..... I find him(YR) annoying seriously every single time he smiles I smile .... I need some help ???


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I feel ya on the pasta/food-making scenes. We have one every. single. freakin. episode.


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I jus don't get exactly way it is he suppose to do for the show other then being pitied and homeless..The guys 28 years old and a part timer..wat was he doin the entire time at work if he suppose to be a good chef..been done with him ever since he accepted the money..His scene are more sad and unreal then anyone else..hoon to be ia a better character..He actually has some charm and character to him..yr seems to jus use his sad life and looks to skate by and to not have friends to even rely on..u know something wrong there


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I don't quite get what his role is either, aside from being some kind of lost wannabe chef. What has he been doing for 28 years that the best he can do is a part time kitchen gofer.


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That's what Let's Eat is for. And Ki-tae is our lead, but we don't see him performing plastic surgery every week! Sometimes I forget he even has a job.


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I actually like the 3rd lead from let's eat..she was young and naive but innocent..In this show she jus seems erratic immature..her and YR I can do without..If YR jus had more character or if the guy can act his role I probably feel different..but his role was the same thing in every episode..why do they go back to the restaurant when she already got caught..


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I'm glad i'm not the only one who doesn't like YR. For some reason his character just rubs me the wrong way and I can't really fathom what Jang-mi sees in him besides the superficial stuff. He just seems so blah and without much substance (despite his whole "I was abandoned as a child" sob story). Can't wait for Jang-mi to snap out of her YR funk so things can start happening for our OTP.


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I think the very points that you dislike about YR is exactly what the writers want you to pick up on. They want you to see the contrast between a superficial dating relationship compared to a real relationship that would lead to marriage. And that comparison highlights the difference of depth between the two clearly. JM's interaction with YR is very superfically based where her interaction with KT is much deeper and emotionally moving. The true power of that really shined at the end of the last episode with that kiss. She had a choice of either nurturing her relationship with YR or KT. But in the end she chose KT, why? because her relationship with him was much deeper and emotionally moving than the one she has with YR, the only issue is that she does not seem to recognize it at all.
I actually predict that JM is going to get married to KT eventually... and it will come to pass in much the same way as the kiss came about. She will be stuck in a situation where she could either go on with "protecting" KT or let go and move on with YR, but will push forward with KT in disregard of YR because of her emotional connection and bond with him.


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>But in the end she chose KT, why? because her relationship with him was much deeper and emotionally moving than the one she has with YR

That wasn't how I read it at all - what I saw was her responding to her own baggage and rescuing someone in pain (which is how she gets taken advantage of).

You know, for someone who keeps telling her not to get taken advantage of, Ki Tae takes advantage of her all the time. My only regret was that Jang Mi didn't demand a "Thank you" for the rescue that upset her *actual* boyfriend (and how cute was that confession? Awwww.)

I thought it was a great narrative choice to make Ki Tae the one who gets hooked first - but I'd like to see more of JM & YR's deepening relationship, because it's clear we're heading toward a very awkward marriage and I want a real emotional payoff when it happens.


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She's not letting herself get taken advantage of. She's actively making a choice to help someone that she's come to care about.


Love this comment. That is exactly what I adore about this show--it explores different types of love & relationships in such a realistic way. Who hasn't been infatuated with someone who is great on paper but who ultimately we don't really connect with deeply? What exactly makes for a lasting, healthy, loving, supportive long-haul relationship? This show is engaging in those questions on a much deeper level than we normally see in kdramaland, from its leads to its side characters. Both sets of parents represent opposite extremes (neither of which are particularly healthy or loving): Ki-tae's parents have a relationship that is literally all about keeping up appearances. They are so emotionally and physically estranged from each other that they hardly even talk to each other, let alone fight with each other. They are a prime example of all surface, no substance. Jang-mi's parents, on the other hand, are so wrapped up in their own emotions that they drive each other crazy and can't talk to each other without wanting to rip each other's throats out. They are an example of extreme emotional investment without an ounce of love.

In order to root for their relationship, we need to see whether Jang-mi and Ki-tae are able to avoid these pitfalls. They are building a relationship on a foundation of knowing each other to the bone--and if they grow to love each other through this knowing, then they will truly have something special. But in order for both to appreciate their relationship together, they need to learn to be vulnerable.

Ki-tae has avoided being vulnerable with anyone because he was taught from a young age that doing so is the only way to be safe and happy. That's what is so heartbreaking about his attachment to his apartment. When he was a child, being alone truly was the only way he could be remotely happy. Now that he is older, the coping mechanisms that got him through his childhood are no longer working for him.

Jang-mi enjoys her superficial relationship with YR because it is safe. She gets to spend time with a nice guy and doesn't have to worry about him leaving her because honestly, she is not very emotionally invested in him. I think that's how she so easily bounced back from discovering the deal between YR and Se-ah. Yes, she was sad and felt used, but it wasn't debilitating.

Ki-tae, on the other hand, gets under her skin. She worries about him, she feels the need to protect him, but she also respects him. She's seen him at his worst and--perhaps even more terrifying, he's seen her at her worst. He truly has the potential to hurt her, so of course she is a little gun shy after getting hurt so royally in her last relationship.


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>Jang-mi enjoys her superficial relationship with YR because it is safe.

Safe? Not the word I'd use. Dating one of those damaged guys is anything but safe (and Yeo Reum seems very damaged).

My take on it is that, given time (and a lack of interfering busybodies), JM and YR would develop a serious relationship - but the enforced play-acting with KT (who acts like a jealous husband no matter what he *says* his feelings are) and the constant stress of his whack-a-doo relations' scrutiny is keeping JM & YR in a holding pattern (but for all that, they come off as very comfortable with one another.)


I mean "safe" in the sense that her heart isn't on the line as much as it would be with Ki-tae--or as much as it was with Hoon-dong, even. Yes, Yeo-reum seems damaged, but you can't get hurt if you're not emotionally invested, and I get the sense that Jang-mi is not incredibly emotionally invested in YR. That may be in large part because he seems pretty guarded and has not allowed himself to become vulnerable with Jang-mi. It may also be because she got to know him as a playboy and is herself a bit guarded around him.

Whatever the reason, I think that carrying on a superficial relationship with someone (regardless of how trustworthy they are) often feels "safer" to those who've been hurt than being in a relationship that demands greater vulnerability. It can feel like here's more risk involved in a more substantial relationship, because the degree to which you open your heart is the degree to which you can be hurt.

Also, I'm not so convinced it's external forces responsible for keeping JM & YR in a holding pattern. It's hard to say with his character because he seems like a bit of a cipher, but I don't think I know enough about YR to say whether he was attracted to JM because he genuinely likes her personality, or if he's intrigued by her explicitly because of all the drama surrounding her. His particular brand of "damaged" seems to come with a tendency to keep people at arm's length. He doesn't strike me as someone who particularly wants to be known on a deeper level.

Ki-tae has a similar tendency to put up walls, but seems completely uninterested in being coy or manipulative about it. It's possible that Yeo-reum is keeping Jang-mi at a distance because he's worried about her relationship with Ki-tae, but I think it is also possible that her unavailability is exactly what attracted him to her in the first place.


You're right! They did suddenly make Yeoreum just as goofy as Jangmi, but I think that she can pull off this kind of humour wa~~~y better than him, so that he looks ridiculous and displaced rather than goofily charming.


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His character is completely dissolving itself from what I initially thougt..even after the story of abandonment he really has no depth or character to speak of..I wanna go in se ha past a bit more to see how u turn out the way she did but it seems like yr and jang mi chose different paths after being abandon..jang mi tries to cherish people with her sincerity while yr tries to get over on people with his looks..which one do u thing will fall apart first using those methods?!?$


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Snort. At the French movie comment. Maybe it will happen in a Korean movie. Just not a drama.


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what does she mean by the French movie comment?


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French cinema can get pretty erotic.


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I think that was a reference to the classic French film, Jules and Jim, in which two men are madly in love with the same woman--and form a threesome, of sorts.


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The French even have the most well known expression for this type of scenario: "ménage à trois" which translates to three people living in a "household." There is an implication that they are sexual partners. Sometimes it means one person has relations with the two others separately, but it could also mean they have a threesome.

There, my degree in French has not gone for rien.


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Exactly the 'French' pt made.


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A Korean (short) film starring our very own Yeon Woo Jin as a matter of fact. Which I LOVED, btw. It always makes me smile and breaks my heart.


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This drama is just getting better and better. What I love about this drama is that it has every element of your typical Korean drama; male and female lead does not get along, crazy ex, charming second male lead, crazy mothers, marriage contract, and everything BUT the things we see/assume is totally trolled by the writer! There is a spin to it that makes it realistic.

YWJ got some really good telling eyes! Within a split second; you can see the shift of emotions - frustration and confusion to googly and loving. I'd love to have him stare at me like that, tee hee.

It's so enjoyable to see how KT is slowly opening up to his surroundings. I loved that moment when a) he stares as her when she walked in after his video game session and b) when he realized that he is NOT okay with JM dating YR, he finally admitting to himself that he has feelings for her! *fireworks*

YR is quite an adorable puppy in this episode. But that smile is still annoying and even more overused~!


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Yeon Woo-jin is wonderful here. I love those actors who didn't start out right away as leading men, who built upon role after role, no matter how small, and then just blow you away with their range and talent.


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Right? A part of the reason why I adore this show so much is because I've been watching and enjoying both Yeon Woo-jin and Han Groo over the last few years, and here they finally get to be the stars of their own show (and a fantastic show at that)!

Ever since Ojakkyo Brothers I've really liked Yeon Woo-jin. But here he's even better because I can literally see every little reaction to every little thing play out on his face and it is fantastic. I've become very very fond of his character.


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Thanks for the fast recap ;)
I am in love with this drama. JM and KT are sooo cute. Now that he realize his feelings, I cant wait for his future actions. Even Know YR was a little bit annoying, his presence was really important for KT to realize his true feelings.
The only character that I totally dislike is KT's mom. I felt bad for her when I saw that her husband was a cheater. But in today's ep I kind of felt that she doesnt care for KT. She only wants him to marry his ex because of her father's influence.


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I think Ki-tae's mom's action has a lot to do with her husband's influence as well. She must feel indebted to the family to a) put up with his cheating ways and b) try to rearrange a meeting with Se-ah when it's clear that she does like Jang-mi. I think she's just upset that it's all a scheme and not the real deal. I'm basing this all on last week's episodes. I hope she grows a spine and divorces her husband at the end of this drama. She has to change!


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I feel really bad for her because of the husband. However that doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants, locking JM, setting up a meeting without KT knowing, trying to separate her son from "the person he likes". I believe one of the reasons why KT left home was due to his mom behavior since he was child. We don't know how long his father has an affair, is distant from his wife. So right now I can't blame only her for this situation. Maybe she is just cold outside to kind of block her from being hurt however again she is super wrong when it comes do JM - KT. I am still waiting for further ep tho, since we are passing the half mark, I believe there is a lot more to find out about the family relationship.


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I'm glad you brought up KT's mom. The thing that puzzles me the most in this ep is the action she takes in calling S and arranging a meal w her and her dad, after hearing her husband's comment on her dad's influence w his boss. Give me a break!
1. They are not doing poorly, so why would they want to sell their son to the highest bidder?
2. Given how her husband has been treating her, why the hell would she even lift a finger to help him advance his career?

But then I don't have that kind of crazy ambition to get ahead at all cost or deviousness, so I'm never going to understand. But I despise his parents for this!


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I had the same thoughts on non-contentment.

With or without further advancement, what's wrong with their entire family's current already-comfortable financial position?

And a son's that has an independent private practice of his own?

Why do so much to climb up further?

THANKS for recaps!


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KT was right, his mom did resort to kidnapping! I wholeheartedly hate her in this episode.


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finalllly yay love lovelove this epi


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Isn't Gi Tae's dad a jerk? Anyone noticed how he insisted Se Ah and Gi Tae should become a couple and that Jang Mi should break up with Gi Tae, but he didn't want to be the bad guy to do anything about it? Poor wife, she really is a pushover where he's concerned. She agreed to be the bad guy, but I guess it's also because it aligns with her own feelings and plans.

Poor Jang mi, she should have known better than to bait a sleeping tiger. She dished it out to Gi Tae's mom and Se Ah, but she wasn't ready for the payback which turned out to be nastier than she could ever have anticipated.

What a bunch of manipulative people we have in this show: Gi Tae's dad (whose turning out to be worse than his wife), Gi Tae's mom, his dad's mistress, Se Ah (master manipulator), Hyun Hee and even Gi Tae himself started off by being one. Thankfully he's seeing the error of his ways and is beginning to change....

Show, I still love you. It's still a riot watching how the characters interact.


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Thank you for the fast recap loved it you cover it all and I agree with your insights. I'm loving this drama


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Se-Ah is cray cray.
First time I ever saw someone blackmail another person for a SPEARM.
crazy...crazy people out there... *goes into fetal position*


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Oh she is cray cray alright!
Her fiancé told her that the apt was special to him co sit held dear memories. What did she do? She bought the apt next door and promptly brought in workmen to knock down the walls, Without consulting w him.

I'd be very very scared to have anything to do w such a person, much less be married to her. Good for him that he found out that's the way she is B4 the wedding rather than after.

But how does such a person know how to "love" anybody?


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Ikr? It actually confuses me a lot because it just doesn't seem to fit the tone of the rest of the drama, which is usually careful to give the characters realistic emotions and motivations and to twist drama tropes. Only Se-Ah is completely evil-crazy- and not even comically or ironically. I don't understand her at all and I have no clue where her character will end up.


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Maybe it's like what GF said about her scheme to have his kid. Her aim is to find ways to keep him in her life permanently.

So maybe in her crazy logic, she thought that if she merged the apartments it'd keep him attached to her regardless of how the marriage was working out?


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Se Ah wants to be the last one standing for GT's girl friends. Since she was kicked to the curb three years ago after she acted psycho by trying to knock down his apt. to adjoin her apt., she wants his sperm?...GT is not into you..even to donate his sperm. He's already made the comment that Se Ah is too much like his mom. Why doesn't she go to a sperm bank if she wants a baby?

I'm glad GT finally dawns on him that he likes JM no matter how much he had denied it beforehand. Love the scene where JM is sleeping head to head with YR. GT probably wished it was him instead with JM!


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Thanks for the recap. Been waiting for eng translation of episode.

Loving the interactions been characters and the development of their individual personalities.

The realization that Ki-tae might actually like Jang mi is great and shows she had worn him down enough that he would care again.

Honestly I am personally conflicted about whether Jang mi should go to Ki-tae because she likes another. I am not sure what she gets out of this deal as it seems always for Ki-tae. It was initially to make Hoon dong jealous but that seems complete now. I guess that's her get personality of helping others out over her own happiness.


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Very good point.

I see a lot of people shipping our lead couple together, but I feel it's wrong to ship our lead couple simply because they ARE the lead.

Don't get me wrong, I do think that Gi Tae and Jang mi would have explosive chemistry, but at this stage in his development, Gi Tae is still very immature, very wrapped up in his own needs and feelings. He needs to grow to a point where he puts Jang mi's needs above his own.

Right now it's all about him, the relationship he has with Jang mi is one in which Jang mi gives, and he takes. This is by no means healthy. The give and take of their relationship has to be mutual and reciprocal so they both gain something from it, then I would be happy that Jang mi and Gi Tae are together. I see them progressing to that point, when Gi Tae fully acknowledges to himself that he is head over heels in love with her. Watching that progression is exciting.

For now, Yeo Reum is meeting Jang mi's needs in a relationship. I don't see him as a bad guy, because he made a few mistakes along the way, I guess we could all learn from Jang mi's forgiving heart and cut him some slack. Although, with a part time job and no housing he is by no means ready to settle down.

As a previous commenter observed, ALL relationships are important, not just the one that leads to the altar, and I would advise Jangmi to go for it. All experiences make us wiser and add to our growth and maturity.


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I don't ship Gi-Tae and Jang Mi simply because they are the lead couple, but because they have good chemistry together. I agree completely that the relationship the way it stands now is completely unhealthy, but at the same time, there is room for growth as both learn to change each other for the better. Jang-Mi become stronger and Gi- Tae learns to be less selfish.

My problem with Yeo-rum comes in his shadiness. I cannot get genuine feelings from him. I am not sure if it is due to the actor's inexperience, but nothing about him feels real to me. He smiles, he smiles, and he smiles some more. It is a mask that does not let me know a thing about him, and I cannot get on a ship for a couple where I don't know what he wants.

Does Jang-Mi like him or does she like the idea of him? The guy who says everything she wants to hear and does everything she wants. Looking at the way he interacted with women throughout the past few episodes, he is accustomed to catering to what women want, so again that "fakeness" comes across to me.

I acknowledge that he does perhaps seem to genuinely like Jang- Mi, but it's again his mask that doesn't let me climb onboard his support vessel. This is one time I just don't have second lead syndrome.

Leading couple all the way.


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Osts of this drama are great!!


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<3 this episode...
: )


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Thank you girlfriday for the recap!

I know there's something wrong with Ki tae's dad after he checked out Jang mi's legs in eps 02. No wonder Ki tae prefer to be alone, just see his parents. *rolling eyes*

I love to see Ki tae's change bit by bit. That guy doesn't even have friends (I mean he only hung out with Hoon dong who's supposed to be his friend once in all 7 episodes), it's just so touching to see he's having fun with companies in his apartment. YWJ's face is so spot on, you can see Ki tae's been lonely all this time and realize it's better to have companies.

Anyway I'm looking forward to see what will Ki tae do after realized his feelings. If Yeo rum is out the picture after this episode I will be happier.


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Loved this episode, so much good stuff happening and I can't get over the OST and sound effects, so on point and perfect! lol


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I am starting to love this show more than I should! ! :)


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Thank you for the recap. I am enjoying this series.


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I think you are all crazy - between the guy who yells at me when I'm upset and it not my fault AND the guy who hugs me and cooks for me... it's a no brain-er, I'm going for hugs, food, and sweet smiles - oh and bonus, there is no crzy family or waked gielfriend to bother us!


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IKR? The natural thing to do would be to scoop in and just hug her, comfort her and wipe away her tears. Yelling? No, just no.

I'm thinking that KT actually has a lot to work thru and to learn when it comes to love, coming fr that family he has. His dad is one shitty bastard, and his mom is rather dysfunctional as a person, and a mom. I feel sorry for him, and am happy that he is opening up under JM's influence.


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I disagree- I think it shows he has some genuinely deep emotions for her. Everyone's experienced being extremely worried about a loved one and then getting mad at them for making you panic- like when parents yell at their children for getting lost in a public place. If you don't care about someone, you don't fear for them, get annoyed by them, or get angry at them.

It's just like when Jang-Mi went crazy on Hoon-dong at the beginning. It was messy and perhaps inappropriate, but she just CARED so much she couldn't NOT scream, cry, and get angry. Ki-Tae has been purposefully holding himself aloof from people precisely because actually caring hurts and gets really complicated. The fact that he couldn't keep his "cool" ( a key word for the drama) and act like a perfect gentleman in that emergency situation proves that his walls have finally been breached and he now has emotions for Jang-Mi that he can't hide or control.

I think this was the whole point of the episode and a really important theme of the drama as a whole: Real love isn't "cool" ( keeping up appearances and protecting everyone's face) but instead is willing to throwaway pride and be completely vulnerable, honest, and abandoned, even if that means experiencing pain and embarrassment.


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P.S. - I'm NOT saying yelling at her was the right thing to do. It wasn't. The point is that he was so upset and concerned that his emotions over-rided doing the "right" thing. He is just waking up to his feelings and so all that bottled up emotion is spilling out in the wrong ways.


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I understand very well his yelling. I think we all do. But wouldn't it be nice if he could suppress his worry-induced yelling long enough to just hug her first, is all I'm saying.

Yelling releases the worry-generated tension for him. Hugging comforts here. Therein lies the difference.


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But yelling is more in line with the person that Gong Gi Tae is at this point in the story. Hugging and comforting is only the natural thing to do if that's the kind of person you are. It would be nice if he did the whole hugging and comforting thing, sure, but it wouldn't be true to his character.


Seriously, the girl is a sobbing mess and he knows why but he yells at her. I love GiTae but damn he really needs to learn some people skills.


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That's my point.

I put myself in her shoes, I wouldn't like the guy who is only capable of yelling at me when I'm hurt. That's the person he is at the moment; poor guy has a lot to learn.


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I pick the guy I have a stronger connection with, and I honestly don't feel like her and Yeo-reum have a strong connection at all, especially not compared to our two leads.


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I think he cares about her more than we think. He is always trying to protect her...in his own way. Pretty boy is really fun to look at and he's so sweet....but I don't think his heart is fully there.


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Maybe if YR was a better actor, but urgh...so terrible. No fear of 2nd lead syndrome here!


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I look at it as between the guy who was paid to go out with me and lied about it or the guy who tells me the truth no matter how much it hurts. :)

But honestly, however we look at it, both guys got flaws, and ultimately it's not about who's the better person for Jang-mi. It's not about picking someone. It's about how you feel. That's why in k-dramas, the second lead always gets kicked to the curb even if he is nicer. It's why the "friendzone" exists. Feelings just matter more when it comes to relationships.


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LOL. I see ur point there.


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i feel like with yeo rum, he's this suave flower boy who knows his ways around girls. he's into embrace and he's warm with skinship and all.

YESSS I WOULD GO FOR A HUG TOO BUT i'd crave the hug i didn't get from someone who's worried sick about me.


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I started watching this drama just for the sake of killing time and also because I needed another drama to take my mind off of "Fated to Love You" (I'm soooo hooked!!!!)

This show has been entertaining so far, and I absolutely love Ki Tae and Jang Mi together. I knew that it would have ultimately been Ki Tae who would fall for Jang Mi first. It was lovely seeing him fight that inner turmoil. And now that his feelings are (somewhat) "out of the bag" I really do hope that in the coming episode(s) he'll be more proactive. There's nothing I love more than a smitten male lead who is proactive about his feelings!

In regards to Yeo Reum, I find him cute (well to be specific I find Jinwoon cute) but I honestly cannot resonate with his character nor his relationship with Jang Mi. I feel that everything about this pairing is just rainbow and unicorns. The relationship fails to convey any depth, making it hard for me to get behind these two.

Atlas, for now I will wait and see how Ki Tae will do about his budding feelings and how long it'll take Jang Mi to meet him half way.

Thanks for the recap! See ya tomorrow!


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Ok, now that unlikely bromance has me turn myself on. Who knew that Pretty Boy and Cutie Pie would be besties? The threesome tapped into my happy feels and now I'm a happy satisfied camper. I love that Cutie Pie fell for our girl first, and like you said, darlin', he's gonna have to try mightily to convince Jang Mi that he loves her. What an awesome challenge to Mr. I-will-never-fall-for-a-girl-like-you!


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they better get married in ep 8 or else argghhh....
GT... don't drag that feelings too much..ok?


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Aww her and Yeo-reum are awfully cute together.


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Thanks, GF! I got hooked on this drama literally like 12 hours ago. *sigh*

Ki-tae is my main man, mostly because of Yeon Woo-jin being so great in this role. But I actually like Yeo-reum - stiff acting from Jinwoon aside. He's cute and he takes care of Jang-mi and he seems sincere, if a little slow at opening up. If it were me, it would be no contest. If nothing else, he's there when she needs a friend, unlike basically everyone else. Even though I admit that the value of the company is important - the lesson Jang-mi is slowly learning - they're young and they're having fun and enjoying each other's company; ain't nothing wrong with that. Necessary/expected conclusion to the drama aside, she doesn't have to find her true love right now - she just needs to learn how to date like a normal person, which is what she's doing. It actually kind of sucks for her that she also has to deal with the fake relationship with awful fake in-laws and the awful ex on the side. Also I find it refreshing that the side pair has a believable potential romance to seriously threaten the main paring - one that's not just leftover feelings from a previous relationship.

Anyway, great writing, good cast, and lots of cuteness means that I'm happy. It's been a while since I was genuinely rooting for the main pairing without wanting the dude to get a lobotomy, so I'm excited to be in for the ride.


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You are right.

YR and JM in the real world and without worrying about KT would probably date for a little while and have fun doing so.
JM hopefully has learned to protect herself enough that she isn't falling hopelessly, madly in love - but going with what makes her feel giggly, at ease, warm. Right now, with all his teasing smiles, hugs and food, that person is YR.

KT is the opposite. He challenges her, wants her to break old habits and be stronger and smarter about life. Nothing warm about him! HD pointed out that being "cool" is the most important thing. This is why I love GF's mention of the "fortress of solitude" In Superman, it's a cold, distant place., but if JM gets in and starts running amok, it'll break apart and melt into an ocean of need for her to stay.


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i don't like han yo reum.. i find my self fastforwarding automatically everytime he appears.. he is so annoying.. please just disappear and leave our myalone..


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oops typo i mean my otp


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I cannot deal with Han Yeo Rum, he has two expressions: expressionless that looks kinda like he's angry and then his fake smiling face.. He's not at all rival worthy!!! I wish they'd show more Jangmi and Gitae scenes!


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ummm can i just ship yeo rum with gi tae?

honestly i just wanted to wipe yeo rum off my screen but his chemistry with gi tae is supeeeer cute.

still badly acted, but that "annyeonhaseyo hyeongnim" sorta killed me.


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As usual, I agree with everything you say and I even teared up a little because I am so happy that the writing is just so brilliant. Like, I have been so disappointed those past few months by KDramaland and here I am, breathing again ;)
Seriously, I am a little bit overreacting but I just really love the drama. You expect something and then, BAAM, it's something totally unexpected. Obviously, we still have the romcom formula but it's used/played/tricked with such wits that it's just refreshing. You ain't getting bored at all. I am always anxious when I click on the next part because I know the episode is going to end soon and that I would have to wait the next day or next week. I am so freakin' addicted and I know it's not sane at all XD.

GAH, I love, love and love Ki Tae. Yeon Woo Jin is doing such a good job. His expressions are seriously the best. The way he expressed his feelings through his eyes, it's just so wonderful. This role was really meant for him. He is just so adorable when he couldn't stop starring at Jang Mi's lips. He is so falling for her <3

No words for Jang Mi. That girl is so amazing that I just can't anymore. I so love her. When she "threatened" Mom that the Gong family will end if she keeps bothering them. It's just ... awesome. Even if the drama isn't finished, she became one of my favorite female character along with Cha Yoon Hee of Unexpected You. Those women are so badass !
Han Groo was also meant for that role. I can't just see anyone else and it just shows how good she is.

GAH, their chemistry is killing me ! It's like, you just need to put those two in the same room and explosion because it's so hot lol. There aren't lots of OTP which make me feel like this. The most recent one gotta be Chiaki and Nodame of Nodame Cantabile.

Seriously, I know Yeo Rum is supposed to be the cutest puppy ever with his killing smile but I just can't adore him because he is blocking OTP and you ain't blocking OTP, damn it ! Like, I screamed when he hugged JM instead of KT.
And no words for Se Ah. She is so cray cray, it's not sane at all for her and everyone else. I gotta admit that Sunhwa is doing a good job ! I didn't really like her in God's Gift but here, she is shining. Well, burning because she is the devil XD.


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I understand the appeal of Yeo Rum on paper - he's the easy dating option, no family hassle and he's cute - but what I'm seeing on screen is this shallow guy who uses a tragic backstory to get his own way and worse for a TV show he has no chemistry with his love interest Jang Mi.

The actor isn't good enough to add layers when the writing isn't doing him any favours. He's not sympathetic nor is he your typical self sacrificing second lead. He's not FTLY's Daniel oppa-ering his way into the audiences heart. He comes across as a user, one who has no friends and personality switches into a male Jang Mi in an attempt to get KT to like him. Not because he's desperate to be liked but because he thinks it's his best shot at bunking at KT's place for a while.


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I love the one line zingers that KT says! In this episode (paraphrased)- when he said is there a confession where the girl is called a fool, then the one about only people who want to look good cook pasta, then when he asked YR are you Jesus when he suggested the soup left is enough for a good meal for 3 people.

So funny and witty, cutting but has not crossed the line into just flat out insulting. Hope they keep lines like these going!


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haha i loved that rejoinder too.. are you Jesus? LMAO xD


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No offense, but I think a lot of people who are saying that the actors portraying Yeo-reum and Hoon-dong are terrible at acting simply don't get it due to a cultural difference...well, I'm actually Japanese, not Korean, but East Asian dramas are somewhat alike in some aspects, especially the type of humor that's prevalent in this particular drama. They aren't bad actors, they're simply portraying their character. Hoon-dong's isn't perhaps the most realistic- no-one in real life flails about like that when throwing a tantrum, etc., but that's his character, and I think he's a really entertaining character. Yeo-reum is supposed to be this enigmatic character who's a bit shifty and closed off, so the actor isn't doing poorly at all- that's just the way his character is. He's a pretty boy, he knows it, and his smiles are meant to be ambiguous, like a distraction.
That said, I'm really loving this drama so far. I adore that the male lead is the one who falls for the heroine first. And I know jealousy isn't pretty, if it leads to wrist grabs and forceful kissing, stalking, etc., but I can't help but love it when the male lead is jealous. In any drama, period. I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a sadist, but I'm enjoying the love triangle and I hope that his jealousy and angst continues for a bit more. Of course I love Ki Tae and Jang Mi together and I want them to end up together at the end, but I don't hate Yeo-reum for "keeping the OTP apart," because I can see why she's attracted to him and of course, as I mentioned before, Ki Tae's jealousy and angst is so satisfying to me as a viewer.


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I must reiterate how much I love your recaps. I enjoy watching this show immensely but I always tune in to your comments on each episode after watching it because it links up themes and little motifs that I either don't notice in all the excitement or notice but didn't fully appreciate until you bring attention to them and analyse them so brilliantly. Once again many thanks.

And I'm not sure where to request this, but is there any chance you'll be reviewing the new film Miss Granny? I enjoyed the movie immensely and would love to read your take on it :D


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I don't get it, why is she going through all this for him? For her parents that's not a good reason.


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At the start it was to get back at her ex, then for her parents since they started talking because of her "engagement." Now it is simply because she cares about him and wants him to have his dream of living alone.


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Am I wrong that she realized her feelings first, but decided to do nothing about them?

I reference you to a kitchen discussion where she talks about GT sideways and says, she thought she knew him, and pouts and so on. I believe it was in the typhoon episode before she ate the typhoon food.

She said that she liked GT, etc and that he wouldn't realize her existence, but she's being foolish and then YR was listening to her go on about GT and then she ate the typhoon food, he kissed her and at some point she decided to give up GT. She's been shaking her feelings since then, and decided to devote herself to YR.


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I think that JM realised that she has some kind of feelings for GT, but she isn't quite sure what to make of that. I don't think she likes him romantically yet, but she does care about him, and he is someone she feels, in an unexpected way, close to. So she likes him, but not in that way. That's my interpretation, but I'm going to watch that scene again and see if I see what you see.


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I thought she told YR that she doesn't *like* like Ki-tae, but she worries about him. I don't remember the conversation exactly, but my takeaway was that she said Ki-tae gets under her skin and she worries about him being so alone, but that she's romantically interested in YR. I think YR picked up on Jang-mi's worry as having a deeper root than just a platonic friendly thing, but I don't think Jang-mi was aware of her feelings.

I just don't think Jang-mi has even allowed herself to entertain the possibility of being with Ki-tae, considering how open he has been about using her to push his family away. After getting so hurt by her ex, I think she's directed her feelings towards the "safer" man in YR. Even though he may be sketchier than Ki-tae, Jang-mi doesn't have the depth of feelings towards him, so even if they don't work out, she will not end up quite as heartbroken. With Ki-tae, I think that she instinctually knows that if she falls down that rabbit hole, she is going to fall hard and fast. That's how I interpret the situation anyway. :)


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Exactly! I completely agree.


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Great input..she continues to go from man to man without second hesitation because she doesn't want to be alone but doin all this jus keeps her broken..yr is the perfect choice now cause he is fluff and no substance..there's no giant risk but with gi tae..it's all in or out..He continues to protect her even though he wants her to look horrible in front of his family..It feels like he unconsciously protects and sincere for each action she is force to into


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Well said, lessonlearn. I think what Jang-mi is learning right now is the difference between loneliness and being alone--and conversely, the difference between spending time with someone and experiencing emotional intimacy with someone. Unless she embraces and accepts her own aloneness, she will keep filling the void with empty superficial relationships rather than true intimacy. Right now, Yeo Reum is offering her his physical presence and some light companionship, but what she has with Ki-tae is true emotional intimacy.


I think she's just really kind and just cared for GT at this moment. The realization, not quite there yet. It's just that JM understands GT's sentiments on being alone and she's helping him to get that and nothing more than that. GT wants to be alone and JM doesn't, I don't think JM will push herself to someone who doesn't like her. Remember how HD and JM part ways? I think she doesn't want to experience that again.


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Love isn't voluntary most of the time... one can realize they like someone, but not act on them as well. You wrote it like she had a choice to like who she likes--one can like someone, but choose not to act on it. The difference is that she chooses differently this time around.

I still got the stronger impression that she likes and is invested in GT romantically, but that she rather push those feelings down and bury herself in YR. In doing so, she's acting "cool" towards GT, which is kinda driving him crazy...


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I love how he finally admitted if only to himself that he wasn't okay at the end. Also so happy that he fell for her first bc this is a mess of his own making.

That scene in the in his living room with the three of them was one of my favourite parts of the episode. They had this odd makeshift family feel and I love shows that do that.


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Oh, thanks for articulating what is one of my favourite kdrama things that I didn't have a way of describing: "that off makeshift family feel"! I love shows that do that too, so I was in my bliss during the living room scene. It was adorable!


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*odd (damned typos!)


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Me, too. It's gonna take a lot of pasta to thaw GT. One warm meal at a time.


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GF - Thanks for the recap. It is so perfectly written. From the the French movie suggestion -ooh la la - to the call backs from earlier eps to your final comments. Reading all of this is so satisfying. It flows beautifully and I am envious of how easy it looks. I know that you have have been doing this for years and keep getting better at it.... Enough about you.

First of all, LEAVE YR alone. He's perfect. He is exactly what JM wants right now, so let her have him. Did you not see how happy she was with her little head on his shoulder? Is she going to run off and live with him forever and ever? I don't know. Maybe. Why not?

GT is lovely lovely lovely, I agree, but he is not emotionally available to JM, yet. Even though he ran ran ran to rescue her in the clinic, his first impulse was NOT to reach down and hug her, but to scold her. He didn't even think of it. It was the same after the typhoon episode. At the suju tent, she sat in front of him with tears running down her face and he just kept correcting her behavior. That is what he thinks she needs right now. To some degree he is right. He knows that if she stuck up for herself, she wouldn't have pooped her pants or wouldn't have been run ragged by Auntie.
He is playing long game strategy with her so she won't need YR's short game strategy - comfort for her mistakes.

She needs both boys right now. Thing is - One of them can change and become a better partner for her. One of them isn't wise enough to know he needs to change to be a long term partner. It's in GT's hands. Like GF said, he has to choose to be "someone who might actually risk his pride for love." Then, it really is "Game Over" for all three of them.


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While I am nodding along with most of what you said ... I'd also say aybe it's not totally because he's "emotionally unavailable":

"Scolding" is probably the only way he knows how to care as well.

IF he is that emotionally unavailable - I doubt he'd even scold. That's too much effort. He will just be detached.

Blame it on his family and upbringing - do you see his mom running in to hug and comfort or scold first?


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You are right!
Let's see - he is not emotionally ready to make a physical or public-can-see connection - yet - and hides his feelings behind bluster.


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A bit off-topic, but I was wondering why this drama is not listed under the "Currently Airing" sidebar. Actually, I see that Friday shows are not even on the list. Korea's "prime time" does not include Fridays?

I loved how off-kilter GT was at the beginning of the episode in the restaurant when he's uncomfortably talking to JM and picks up the empty glass to take a sip only to realize that it's empty! Heehee :)


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Hey there!
I thought it was simply not enough space, but I could be wrong.


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Hi jomo!

Friday/Saturday dramas are not listed, I noticed. Maybe it's still a newish time slot on the Korean programming schedule? I remember reading that the new cable channels were experimenting with different slots.


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isn't it because it's airing on cable as opposed to the big (free?) channels?


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I'm sooo obsessed with this drama it's not even funny anymore.

Thank you, drama. For introducing me too Yeon Woojin. And that it is possible for a drama to be ridiculously hilarious but also heart thumping at the same time.

This drama is seriously an underrated gem.


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Han yeo reum is lack of expression.. he only have that smile.. even when he just woke up in the morning..first time I think his smile was cute.. but now it's freaking annoying..


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Talk about polar opposites.. A guy who wants to be alone and a girl who can't be alone. Everything about them is opposite each other, even their parents. Her parents fight all the time and I am still wondering what they fight about while his parents have a legitimate issue to be fighting but they don't. What a strange couple. hehe


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Oh gosh...between this and FTLY my weekends has never been better, waking up with a smile on my face. Thank you dramagods! and thank you too girlfriday for the wonderful recap as always <3


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Ok, I seriously want to finish watching this because the male lead is adorable, but this second lead male is totally killing it for me! He's like the annoying little brother that tags along everywhere. I'm going to have to tune in later, if they make him disappear. Please.


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I'm the only one who thinks YM and JM should be together aren't I;;


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I like them together. I actually think they are soul mates, but since soul mates rarely end up together so I think they would be just bff. But one thing I like in this show I'm rooting for the male lead as much as the second male lead.


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Love your recaps and comments.
I also wanted to add/ask about thoughts on Se Ah's character matching the tone of the drama. By that I mean, every other character has played with the comedic elements of their characters and situations. Se Ah really doesn’t bring the funny in any way like the rest of the characters. Even Hyun Hee did a little during her first and second meeting of Hoon Dong.
Anyway, if you think about it, asking (or rather blackmailing) an ex for sperm can be pretty funny situation if you’re not in it. The actress' delivery in that scene lacked any comedic element. Or did I just miss out on a good laugh there? Had she smiled, flirted, or been a tad bit more physical while making the demand, it may have come across that way and better followed the tone of the rest of the drama. Then we’d have a crazy/ridiculous Se Ah instead of a crazy unable to express her love in a non 2nd lead manner Se Ah.
I’m not saying I'm bothered by the choice the actor did make in her approach to Se Ah, but I'm just curious whether anyone else was wondering the same thing or if I am just missing the humor when it comes to her character.
I also hope we get a little more backstory on why for her it has to be Gong Gi Tae.


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Yeah, I always feel like she's pulling Gi Tae's chain whenever she asks him to do something totally ridiculous, like that's her weird way of flirting with him or something.


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i just hate yeo reum. he's so annoyying


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I cracked up so bad at "What's with the samgyetang?"


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