High School King of Savvy: Episode 8

Be warned, there are a lot of feelings this episode. Soo-young struggles to put aside one director while coming to terms with the affection of the second, while Min-seok tries to keep his emotions bottled up to avoid becoming a burden to the woman he likes. His coping mechanisms don’t help him cope, as neither steak nor exercise can ease the sting of Cupid’s arrow. It takes a while for our leads to learn their own hearts, but thankfully for everyone involved they can’t lie to themselves forever.


After Min-seok swoops in for the kiss, he explains that he didn’t want Soo-young to be hurt by the truth. “I like you,” he declares simply. He has more to say, but Soo-young flees before he has the chance. She loses her shoe in her haste. Min-seok stands helplessly on the stairs, shoe in hand, as he watches his Cinderella run away.

The memory of the kiss stays with Soo-young as she runs through the street. Eventually she loses her sock as well, and has to call Yoo-ah to bring her some shoes. “Did some pervert chase you?” Yoo-ah demands immediately. HA! Substitute “lovestruck teenage puppy” for “pervert,” and Yoo-ah pretty much nailed it.

Soo-young tosses and turns again that night, reliving the tumultuous events of the day. In a neat bit of editing, the screen splits to show Min-seok as well, also unable to sleep. Then the screen splits further, so we see all three members of our budding love triangle, all equally unhappy and unable to sleep.

Soo-young goes to Jin-woo’s office to return the gift he gave her. He says he also needs to return the thermos, but Soo-young immediately replies that he should throw it away. Min-seok enters just after Soo-young leaves, with a message for Jin-woo: Back off.

Min-seok is actually grateful to Jin-woo for helping him realize his feelings by being an ass to Soo-young. He has a great line that uses his signature catchphrase: “For being such a complete bastard… thank you very kamsa.” But he didn’t come only to express his gratitude; instead, he warns his rival director not to mess with Soo-young any more. Jin-woo takes the opportunity to ask whether he went to Germany to weeks ago. Min-seok coolly replies that it’s none of his business, and he should butt out of Min-seok’s personal life as well as Soo-young’s.

Soo-young has to take some research files into Min-seok’s office, and she is still clearly uncomfortable about the kiss. He calls her out on the way she’s been acting, closing the door when she tries to leave. He says, “Stop crying over another man, and come to me. Okay?” Soo-young pushes past him, slamming his foot accidentally with the door.

The next morning Min-seok calls Soo-young, reprimanding her for not sending him a morning call. “I’m giving you a morning call to tell you to give me a morning call.” Pfft. He also reminds her to respond to him, referring to the many instant messages and texts he sends her during the work day.

President Yoo has a meeting with his two Chief Bootlickers, who want to submit a revised company information booklet. It even has the profiles of the company’s management, with pictures and biographical information. There’s a bitter competition to see who can compliment the president most effectively. One says he looks like James Dean, but President Yoo is displeased; he heard that Robert Pattinson is the guy everyone likes these days.

The president sees Jin-woo’s company profile and realizes he forgot his son’s birthday. Now he understands why Jin-woo asked if he wanted to eat a meal that Sunday. When he’s alone, he calls his secretary to tell her to prepare a gift for “the young people,” mentioning cuff links as a not-so-throwaway suggestion.

The Retail Team has a long meeting about their current project, which involves sending out promotional videos to different malls. Team Leader Kim asks Min-seok’s permission, which he gives immediately. He seems to be more interested in watching Soo-young than following the details of the proposal.

After the meeting the team plays a game to decide who should go out to buy snacks. Min-seok and Soo-young are chosen. In order to avoid a one-on-one situation she offers to switch with Assistant Manager Park, who is happy to save 20,000 won. But then the other members of the team feel bad about sending the director out on an errand, so they all depart together and leave Soo-young alone with Min-seok in the office. Soo-young tries to rush away, trips, and hurts her ankle.

At the end of the day Min-seok asks Soo-young if she wants to leave together, but she says she will finish up some work first. She waits a while before packing up, so she doesn’t have to be alone with Min-seok. Her ankle still pains her, so she limps out of the building.

He’s waiting for her, demands to know why she’s avoiding him. “Am I that uncomfortable?” She says that it was only yesterday she stopped liking Jin-woo, and she can’t change her mind that easily. Soo-young has decided to focus only on work for now. She draws on a wonderfully apt metaphor for her recent romantic catastrophe, saying that being bitten by a dog has even made her frightened of puppies. Min-seok has no choice but to let her go, though he insists that she take a taxi since she got hurt because of him.

Yoo-ah counts money for skates and goes in to her sister who’s icing her ankle. The story about the directors comes out, and Yoo-ah’s approach is laudably straightforward: “If you like him, date him. If you don’t, then don’t.” But Soo-young knows it isn’t that simple. She has to see Min-seok every day at work, and his sudden confession is overwhelming and stressful. She tucks in her gaudy pajama top, wondering why she is so attractive. Yoo-ah laughs that her sister has gotten full of herself.

The boys are at Tae-seok’s mother’s shop, eating as always. They talk about an upcoming training trip that Min-seok will have to find time for in his schedule. They have a game against a tough rival coming up, though there isn’t much hope of winning. Then the boys see Min-seok’s phone, with its unanswered text (“OK?”) to Popcorn Sister. They tease him about trying to pick up a girl, and he leaves.

Min-seok runs to get out his frustration, then collapses on the ground. He can’t hold himself back, so he takes out his phone to call Soo-young.

The sisters are preparing for bed when the call comes in. Yoo-ah tells Soo-young to be straightforward so the director can wrap up his feelings, but Min-seok doesn’t give her a chance. He asks again if it can’t be him. “Director…” Soo-young says, but then Min-seok cuts her off: “All right, then.” He promises not to make her uncomfortable from now on, determined to go back to being friendly allies.

When Yoo-ah hears that the director gave up so soon after confessing his love, she says he must not have liked her sister so much after all. Soo-young says that everything worked out, although she doesn’t look as happy as we might expect. As for Min-seok, he is still lying in the field wrestling with his emotions. “So what if she likes you?” he asks the sky. “How far would you go?”

The next morning Min-seok meets Soo-young in front of the elevator and follows through on his promise. He asks her about his schedule and nothing else, and Soo-young looks a little taken aback at his new attitude. Then Team Leader Kim comes tearing around the corner, calling out to Min-seok: “Fake!” He sees Soo-young a second later and tries to backtrack, stammering nonsense until Min-seok drags him off to the stairwell.

Min-seok wants Team Leader Kim to cover for him missing work on Friday, as it is the first day of the team’s training camp. He asks if the team leader will take responsibility for his life if he gets kicked off the hockey team. When Team Leader Kim asks why they had to go to the stairwell for this conversation, Min-seok replies that he’s just giving him a little exercise and then runs up the next flight. Aw, these two are so cute when they bicker!

The day passes with Min-seok carrying out his promise to treat Soo-young professionally. He asks another team member to get his cola and hamburger, and only calls her to confirm his scheduled appointments. Soo-young goes through the day with a puzzled expression, as if she can’t quite believe Min-seok’s actually doing what he said he would.

Min-seok takes the boys out for steak thanks to the company card, and tries to eat his sorrows away with two pounds of sirloin steak (surefire cure for a broken heart: a coronary). He tells his friends to eat up, with a smile that is so obviously fake even his immature friends know something’s up. Later he walks along with them, still with that set smile on his face. He sees a shopping cart and takes off, riding it along the street in the dark.

Soo-young walks down the street, still upset that Min-seok left without waiting for her. A shadowy figure appears behind her, adjusting its footsteps with hers. Soo-young speeds up her pace, and the figure does as well. A hand reaches for her shoulder… and it’s Min-seok’s grandpa! He does an adorable happy dance in the street, declaring that he found Pretty Unni.

She takes him to a convenience store for popsicles, and Gramps is such a good listener that Soo-young shares her troubles. She tells him about the director at work, who confessed to her and whom she rejected. And yet, he seems so okay with it, maybe too okay with it, and she thinks it was unfair of him to just leave that day without waiting for his secretary. Gramps listens with a sympathetic ear, then asks for another popsicle. Just then Soo-young sees Min-seok and his friends hurtling by with the shopping cart, and huffs that she should gather up those young hooligans and teach them a lesson.

Min-seok finally drops his fake smile after the shopping cart ride, letting his dejection show. His friends guess that he’s like this because of Popcorn Sister, whoever she is. When it comes out that she’s a woman at his work, Duk-hwan points out the unavoidable problems with liking an older woman at his workplace.

There’s a 10-year age difference, and if he lies about his age it’s fraud. Min-seok says he knows everything they’re going to say, which is why he’s trying to get over his feelings. His friends want him to get over her by training hard at the camp, but Min-seok only groans and shakes back and forth in his Shopping Cart of Angst.

That night Soo-young dreams her bungee-jumping dream again, but this time it’s Min-seok who comes plummeting down without the rope attached. Soo-young wakes up, musing that her dreams have been fairly accurate lately.

She finds Yoo-ah in the living room, lovingly packing some fried tofu snacks for Min-seok. Soo-young tells Yoo-ah that she should love her own sister even half as much as this “Husband Lee” fellow.

Min-seok takes a call from Yoo-ah, back to his usual brusque manner. His father hears the call and muses that Yoo-ah has been coming around the house, and that Min-seok should treat her well. He then gives Min-seok some red ginseng to keep his energy up, worried about all these training sessions his son has had recently.

Gramps steals some ginseng, intending to give it to “Pretty Unni.” Min-seok plays along, giving Gramps some more so he can share with his mystery girl. Before Min-seok leaves, he notices that Soo-young’s moss has grown a little withered after days of neglect.

Yoo-ah and her minions arrive at the bus in time to see the boys off. She gives Min-seok the food she prepared, and Duk-hwan and Tae-seok promise to make sure he eats it. Soo-young is all smiles for Min-seok, but pulls Tae-seok back with a no-nonsense glare and warns him not to say anything about his feelings, and to hurry up and get over her.

When Min-seok doesn’t show up for work that day, Team Leader Kim does some quick thinking and says he went for a last-minute business trip to Japan. It puzzles the team, but Assistant Manager Park only groans that the people in Osaka must be at it again, making trouble with their flightiness.

Soo-young is worried about the flight, however, in light of her dream. She posts online, asking what her dream might mean. One comment suggests that the person concerned might get into an accident, but the general opinion is that her dream was meaningless. Soo-young relaxes with a relieved smile.

At the training camp Min-seok throws his all into the exercises. His friends watch in amazement, and Duk-hwan wonders if getting dumped would light a fire under his ass as well. Then Tae-seok slaps his ass, and the boys reestablish their maturity level with a slap fight.

Jin-woo gets a call from the rehab center that makes him rush over right away. The nurses say his mother was doing well that day, but now they can’t find her. They claim to have looked everywhere, but Jin-woo gets a thoughtful look and runs off.

Soo-young accidentally breaks a glass while retrieving a document from Min-seok’s office. The bad omen reignites her fear for the director, and things only get worse when the team sees the news of a relatively strong earthquake in Osaka. They begin to worry, and Soo-young starts calling Min-seok frantically.

Min-seok powers up the mountain to come in first on the run. It isn’t making him feel any better, though, and he keeps running suicides even after the last of his teammates finish. The coach tells him to take a rest, but he keeps going until he falls down and scrapes his arm. The team rushes over to see if he’s all right.

President Yoo hears that a guest has arrived for him — it’s Jin-woo’s mother. She’s dressed in pretty clothes and has brought some flowers for the president’s desk. He demands to know why she’s here. Is she threatening him? She only wanted to see him, but President Yoo says she can’t be here because this is Jin-woo’s workplace. It infuriates her to hear him speaking about Jin-woo, so she slaps him and he calls for the secretary to escort her out.

Jin-woo arrives just as the president’s underlings are trying to get his mother to leave the premises. He shouts at them to leave her alone, saying she’s “someone he knows,” and takes her arm carefully to lead her outside.

The Retail Team finally manages to get a hold of Min-seok, who confirms that he hasn’t been hurt. His arm is in a sling, however, which is bad news for the hockey team with the game coming up. Tae-seok comes in with Duk-hwan on his back, and the two buddies give Min-seok a hard time as only true friends can.

President Yoo receives the gift that he requested for Jin-woo and puts it beside him. But when Jin-woo enters the office, the only thing on his mind is how the president treated his mother. He’s practically shaking with anger as he asks how his father could treat someone so cruelly, especially someone who gave up her life for him. “I lose, Father,” he declares, and leaves without a second glance. At his apartment, Jin-woo takes out the birthday cake that Soo-young bought him. He hears her voice reading the words on the card, wishing him a birthday full of laughter. He covers his face with his hands, utterly crushed.

Now that they know Min-seok is safe and sound, the Retail Team is ready to get some food. They head off to eat gopchang (intestines from cattle or pork), but Soo-young stays behind. She tells Assistant Manager Yoon that she isn’t feeling very well, which he accepts without questioning further.

Min-seok’s coach addresses the hockey team after their training. He’s proud of them for their hard work, and tells them to put every last ounce of effort into this game, but also into life: “No regrets.” They answer confidently, while Min-seok looks down with a sigh.

As the boys head for the BBQ pit, Duk-hwan congratulates Min-seok on ending his feelings cleanly. He starts reminiscing about one time he nearly had his heart broken, although Tae-seok is there to remind him that after the girl dumped him, he asked out her friend the next day. The conversation stops when the boys realize that Min-seok is nowhere to be found.

Cut to the truck driver with whom Min-seok has hitched a ride. The man asks if Min-seok if going back to Seoul to get his arm checked out at a hospital, but Min-seok says no: “I just want to see someone.”

Meanwhile Soo-young walks along the road, telling herself that she was only worried because of the dream and the earthquake. However, her memories play out in flashbacks that belie her words, replaying all of the meaningful moments with Min-seok. Suddenly she stops and admits to herself, “You know that’s not the only reason. It’s because you like him… it’s because you like him that you’re acting this way.” With new resolve, she hails a taxi and leaves for the airport. NOOOO, Soo-young, you’re going the wrong waaaaay!!!

Soo-young waits at the airport with a sign that reads, “OK.” Aww, it’s the answer to Min-seok’s text! Min-seok arrives at the company, just as the final plane arriving from Osaka lands without Min-seok on it. Thinking that Min-seok has already changed his mind, Soo-young throws her sign in the trash and prepares to leave. Luckily she sees the missed call from Min-seok and calls him right back. They resolve to meet in their neighborhood immediately.

After running through the neighborhood frantically, they finally see each other on opposite sides of the street. As they wait for the traffic to cease, Soo-young calls out to Min-seok: “Okay!” When he can’t hear her, she tries to spell it out instead. She makes a big “O” with her arms, and then a “K” (quickly correcting herself when she realizes her “K” is backwards, ha).

Min-seok still can’t figure out what she’s saying, and when the next bus passes by, he’s gone. He runs up an overpass and sprints, though it looks to Soo-young as though he simply disappeared. A few seconds later he appears behind her and draws her into a hug. “I couldn’t give up,” he admits, panting. “You know I have killer fighting spirit.”

“Okay,” Soo-young says. “My answer is also okay. Director, I like you.” Then she closes her eyes and leans in to initiate the kiss. She jostles his arm by accident, but Min-seok only raises his injured arm and places it behind her neck, pulling her in close.

They start smooching as the “Walk” sign turns green, and in voiceover Soo-young reflects that her dream was meaningless after all. “I won’t rely on those kinds of dreams anymore,” she says. “A professional modern woman, full of responsibility and a sense of duty. A woman who just started to love… I’m Jung Soo-young.”


There was heartache aplenty this episode, but it only succeeded in making the ending that much more satisfying. Finally our lovebirds have stopped running from each other. The final scene was so appropriate, with the distance between them shown by the highway. Now they’re together, walking in the same direction, having finally admitted their feelings.

But with Min-seok’s secret identity still secret, not to mention the various familial crushes involved, I doubt it will be smooth sailing from here. Jin-woo is likely to keep things tense at work, and I’m already sad for Yoo-ah when she finds out that her Husband Lee is actually in love with her sister. Come to think of it, Gramps is gonna be heartbroken too – his Pretty Unni is making time with his grandson!

It’s nice that Min-seok’s efforts to be super manly keep getting subverted in this episode. It’s great that he wants to be more mature and responsible for Soo-young, but the danger is that he becomes too domineering. Look at the scene in his office, for example, when he says that if she doesn’t like Jin-woo she should just come to him instead, as if that were her only option. It doesn’t help that he keeps the door closed as he’s saying this, which is just a shade too aggressive for me to feel entirely comfortable.

Workplace solicitation from the boss is almost always uncomfortable due to the power imbalance, even if Soo-young doesn’t know said boss is really just a lovestruck teen. I was very happy that Min-seok’s efforts to be domineering ended with the sharp edge of a door to the foot. Min-seok’s puppy love is adorable and I’m sure he doesn’t mean any harm, but he’s so young and impulsive that he may not see how his actions could become burdensome or even threatening for Soo-young. Just imagine Jin-woo pulling that stunt (or any other boss you’ve experienced), and you might see what I mean. Much better was Soo-young leaning in first for the kiss at the very end — it shows she still has that same impulsive spirit, even after her experience with Jin-woo. Go for it, girl!

One of my favorite moments was Min-seok’s call to Soo-young, when Yoo-ah says the director must not like her if he’s giving up so easily. The way she responds highlights the differences between Min-seok and Yoo-ah in terms of the way they think about love. He is extremely careful about respecting the feelings of the person he likes. For much of the episode he doesn’t want to do anything to burden Soo-young, even if it means keeping his distance and holding his emotions inside. Yoo-ah, on the other hand, thinks that if you love someone, then you need to go the distance. She lives that creed with respect to Min-seok, putting up with his grouchiness and taking his side against the world. Both philosophies have their charm, even though they’re so very different.

The supporting characters are also a huge part of this show’s appeal. First for me are Duk-hwan and Tae-seok, the bumbling but good-hearted duo who always have Min-seok’s back. Then there are the scheming directors at Comfo, with their silent argument about Robert Pattinson, and Team Leader Kim with his woe-is-me approach to managing Min-seok. They each only had small moments in this episode, but somehow they still manage to shine.

Even the Retail Team, who could have come across as your average spiteful work colleagues on a mission to Give the Heroine a Hard Time, actually manage to show some depth, even if it’s as simple as putting off a work dinner to check up on their director. Gramps and his attraction to Pretty Unni gets me every time, and Dad’s concern for Hyung-seok and Min-seok is exactly how a dad should be. The main leads in Savvy are certainly strong enough to stand on their own, but one of the show’s greatest strengths is that they don’t have to.

Now that our lovebirds have (for now) sorted out their feelings, it’s time for the real conflict to begin. The guilt from leading a double life, the fallout when said life comes crashing down around Min-seok’s ears, and the repairing of strained relationships should make the coming weeks every bit as gripping and enjoyable as the previous ones.

I’m especially looking forward to Jin-woo’s role, since he’s managed to show such a depth of character lately. This episode he really hit rock bottom, and yet he still seems to genuinely want to repair relations with his dad and mom. He’s not (at least so far) out for simple revenge — he wants to rebuild a family, but his pride and defense mechanisms make him every bit as flawed, in his own way, as his father.

While I wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to see him end up with Soo-young at this point, I think that he desperately needs someone like her in his life. And it’s a real shame that he’s locked in not-so-mortal combat with Min-seok, because the two could really be best friends. Min-seok’s simple loyalty and compassionate heart would go a long way toward alleviating Jin-woo’s loneliness, although he’d have to let down his defenses first. I have no clue what will happen in the end, but I’m holding out hope for a happy ending with a healthy dose of bromance!


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thank you a lot for the recap, i always love to hear your thoughts. i enjoyed this episode c:


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Dear Purplecow, why are your recaps late for this kdrama? Fated to love you's recaps was uploaded just 24 hours after it aired. Is it possible for you to hustle a bit? just sayin... and since you are the gifted one, maybe you can describe the "smoochin" part with more depth, that would give the reader the feels coz that was one awesome scene to be written off as just "smoochin". just sayin. and maybe you can also mention the soundtrack at the end of each episode, just in case anyone is interested then the info would be there. methinks,the songs featured in this drama deserves some recognition. And many people are wondering if you are a guy, coz, well, there's the vibe, nothin wrong with it, but hey, dont be too serious. just sayin../


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Adelaide, your comment was really rude. I hope Purplecow ignores everything you said.


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Purplecow; because we LOVE to hear from u..
thats y we except this much...
and that's the only reason for such comments;
I hope u understand it as positive and healthy criticism;
Please continue your great work!!!

Specially liked ur explanation of Korean terms and words:
" Thanku very Khamsa..."


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Why so entitled and rude? just saying../


adelaide's criticism is neither "positive" nor "healthy"


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late compared to what? a recap is not your period, honey.

(sry. just taking back my "Rudest B***h on DB" title, cause it seemed threatened with your post. )


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ah, you just made me crack up. "a recap is not your period, honey." So funnyl I can see myself stealing your comment and using it in other circumstances.


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late as compared to what??? a period??? seriously, you are so witty lah...not! why do they have different recappers? DB should assign one recapper per drama, so the style of the recap would be consistent. I like the old recappers style javabeans , girlfriday and drmallama? coz they keep it fun , just the way i like it.


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I lol'd.


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Hi adelaide,

I understand that you're excited about the Show but our DB recappers are doing this for free in their spare time. I can't even make a short post to my blog, much less do an episode recap so we really just gotta wait patiently for recaps. :)

If you feel anything was missed, well, that's where we can share in the comments section.

At least this show is being recapped. I've been stalking DB hoping Married not Dating would get recapped. ^_^

Huge thanks to all recappers!!!


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Please stop saying, "just saying." It doesn't make any of your comments less rude.


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The perception of rudeness aside, I see the comment as an honest feedback by a reader to a writer. It can't always be rainbows and unicorns ya know. That being said, I don't know which is worse, seeing negative feedback or seeing smoke being blown up the recapper's behind. I guess it's up to the recappers to figure that one out. If this comment offended anyone, I am truly sorry.


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Awwww poor puppy hurt his arm :(

I am waiting for this drama to get over so i can watch it all in one go :D


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I'm starting to love Seo in gook more and more ... I'm going need someone to love with jangie goes away wahhhhh ??


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Has anyone noticed the times when Seo In Guk seems to be making up what he says on the spot? In particular when hes interacting with his grandpa - its so damn funny/cute. He's really gotten better with his acting, and the interactions with him and Lee Ha Na spark with chemistry. But the more they show scenes with Lee Ha Na and her younger sister the more I dread the day she finds out who he really is.. ><

- ham


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I thought the part in an earlier episode when he was imitating Dad & Gramps, yelling "Bap!", could be Seo In Guk's ad lib.

I didn't notice there are others. Do share with us if you know.

And I wonder if "Thank you very kamsa" is also SIG's very own line or came from the writer...

Usually the tvN program Taxi will interview the drama leads. Is there any for this one?


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Yes that was one of them! I rewinded that scene multiple times because it was so cute.

Another one was when they were both drinking in the field and Lee Hana leaned on him towards the end, and he was like "where are you leaning on" and pushed her off. (got that from this vid: http://youtu.be/laubU3idzes) If you watch the BTS I think you can get a gist of how the production is - seems pretty lax and the PD lets them do their own thing sometimes. Can't think of other specific instances but I think a lot when he's with his two high school friends as well ^^.

Hmm didn't see Taxi interviewing for this drama yet. I know they interviewed Reply 1994 crew after the drama was over, so hopefully sometime soon?

- ham


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I don't know if this is one of SIG's ad lib, but there's one scene in ep5 that's kinda similar to that field scene you mentioned. After they both fell from the scooter, MS took SY's hand and said "You won't die from it". Thought it's somewhat similar to his "where are you leaning on”.


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It would be so awesome if he really is adlibing and would make me respect Seo In Guk so much more. I'm already head over heels for him as it is, lol.


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While I don't mind the MS-SK relationship at all - him being more mature than his friends and her being more insecure than most grown-ups -, I still loo forward with a heavy heart to all the heartbreak everyone is going to suffer when MSs identity is revealed. And them living in the same neighborhood makes that a ticking bomb, really. I just wonder who will get hurt first. YA, maybe?

Yes, it's going to take a lot to get to the "repairing of strained relationships", like you said. And I am not looking forward to that.

Isn't everything kind of heavy and serious, for a drama we thought would be a light-hearted, fun rom-com.


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But which component of the double identity are you saying will make everyone suffer? The age part or the not-being-the-manager part? It makes a difference, so take care before we answer this. (By "everyone," I think you mean the two leads.) And I don't know that either revelation should necessarily break anyone's heart. Surprising, yes. Shocking, maybe. But most people will just digest and adjust to the new information and then move on or move out. At least, that is how most guys operate. You didn't see his hockey sidekicks suffering, did you?

I am having a blast reading the recap as well as comments, which really reveal the gender of the writer - that Mars vs. Venus thing.

In the recap above, Purplecow says:

"... the danger is that he becomes too domineering. Look at the scene in his office, for example, when he says that if she doesn’t like Jin-woo she should just come to him instead, as if that were her only option. It doesn’t help that he keeps the door closed as he’s saying this, which is just a shade too aggressive for me to feel entirely comfortable."

To me, it was NOT as if that were her only option. (In reality, that is most certainly her only option, but let's not go there now.) Rather, cutting to the chase, he was going straight to the conclusion, while being totally comfortable that the listener may freely take it or leave it. And she did. Being indecisive or taking a long time to decide or requiring a lot of persuading (called handholding) is a trait often found in (and apparently enjoyed by) the fairer sex. The door thing? Well, have it out with the door open so that everyone can hear it? Who will suffer more from the gossip, guy or girl?

One more word of advice. Don't make things any more complicated for guys than reasonably necessary, because they hate waste, emotional or procedural or whatever.


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In regards to the 'domineering' scene in the office, I'm a girl and I didn't find it THAT problematic.
It didn't come off as domineering to me and I didn't feel uncomfortable about it.

It's probably because based on the relationship between the characters and the guy himself, I didn't really feel a need to be worried about such things.

If I were in her place, I'd prefer the door to be closed too because it'd be troublesome if others heard the conversation, for many reasons.

I can understand where the others are coming from in regards to it being a little too much for them, though.


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Well, since it is a drama, I bet everyone will react ve~~ry dramatically.
YA is probably gonna find out first and be devastated since she spends so much time obsessing about MS.
And it will probably kill SK to find out that (a) she is dating a high schooler and (b) it's the guy her sister likes, which will make her so incredibly conflicted and even more insecure than she is now. I just hope it won't strain their sister relationship too much.

MS will be broken up with, thus rendering him gloomy and unapproachable - which will make his family and people around him suffer.

And all of this will probably happen sooner than later, because they keep making out in the streets of their neighborhood.


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Regarding the "domineering" scene, I can see your point, we know the characters, and we know MS is just a lovestruck high schooler, but really, am I the only one who felt uneasy from the beginning of the drama in scenes where he teases her at work ?

Of course he's just being immature and all, but from her point of view, or even from the people's point of view, I can't help but think sexual harassment.
I think Purplecow didn't use those words on purpose because we know it's not the case, but honestly, your boss making allusions to how he would like you to like him, how he is so attractive, grabbing your wrist and pretending locking you on the roof to be alone, in her place I would start wondering...Because unfortunately those things happen, and from an exterior point of view, MS's jokes could be misinterpreted...But he's still a puppy for me *_*


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I agree that it was close to sexual harassment. However, at least he stopped when he was asked--most harassers wouldn't do that.


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Well, I would agree that this situation would be harassment in most cases. But here, it didn't look that bad to me. I mean, Soo Young knows him, they are friends and allies. She knows he is impulsive and goes overboard sometimes, but he quickly respects her will when she calls him out. Everything she asked him, he did it. So I don't think she would feel threatened at that moment...annoyed maybe.


Am I weird for not feeling uncomfortable about the door scene or the teasing? I think if I were in Soo Young's position, I would have teased him back just for fun. But that's just me. Plus Soo Young pointed it out blankly after that embarrassing wet armpit inside JW's car moment so I think the situation fairly resolved itself and yay for our heroine.


Nope, riarallahssi. It's not just you, haha!

I'd probably do the same kind of things he does to friends or anyone I get along with in any setting, to be fair. I mean, I do the 'teasing thing' all the time with people I know who have crushes. Guilty as charged here.

Although... there were things like the 'ride with Jin Woo' scene that I'd never have done because that was obviously him overstepping boundaries with her and Jin Woo too, but she called him out on it.

Everyone makes mistakes, old or young, and you grow from those mistakes... or you make them again. Lol.

He learnt his lesson and apologised though, so I won't hold it against him.


"I am having a blast reading the recap as well as comments, which really reveal the gender of the writer"

Not sure which way you're going with this comment, but I *think* you mean it makes purplecow sound like a girl?

In any case, purplecow is a guy, as mentioned in his very first recap for DB.


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How little he said about that fantastic kiss is telling. Have to watch that again and again.


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I kept thinking about how women and men deal with the aftermath of a confession and how unalike both objects of desire were in their reactions. Jin Woo was pretty easygoing about it but heroine's discomfort just made matters so stressing. She stresses whether or not she's on the receiving or giving end, poor thing.


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Thank you for a speedy recap. It brightens my day ?


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Speedy recap? It was days late! I truly wonder about that, coz recaps for fated to lpve you came out just 24 hours later its broadcast, what is taking long for this review. and reviewer or recapper, whatever, doesn't hv sense of humor when this show is so full of light, funny moments. So straightforward writing, it lacks the fun writing of the originals like java beans, et al. Just saying, this is one of the best korean romantic comedies out there if not the best for me this 2014 so pls get somebody to recap it who could capture the very essence, the heart and soul of this drama as it was meant to be enjoyed. Yes, we've watch it , we read recaps to relive it in words this time, give us insights to things we might hv missed. And dang it, just write it with fun in mind. It must be a fun read, it's so serious.. This is not a melodrama.


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Is this comment for real? If you don't like the wait, then do it yourself.

Seriously, NO respect.


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Wow.... Speechless
Please respect the recappers; they are doing all the recaps on their own time( which, by the way, is a huge amount of time).
I deal with children, and even they know it is not proper to say" give me"....the magic words are " thank you for your hard work; we really appreciate it".


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Seriously, some "adults" need to learn manners and gratitude.


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I can understand your frustration. When I really like a drama (like this one), I start getting real antsy and hope that the recap comes in quickly and I get to see lots and lots of comments. Unfortunately, the recappers are human beings (like the rest of us) and each individual writes at their own pace. I'm sure P-cow is doing her (I am assuming on the gender) best. I just hope she takes your comments as constructive criticism.


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you are so rude n impolite.... everybody has their own pace and style of writting... if you don't like it, don't complain. just give feedback in good manner.

btw, thx for recap.


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Please be more respectful in giving comments. Remember, DB writers do not owe any of us recaps. We should be thankful as it is.


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Whoa whoa whoa.

EASY there tiger. I bet you felt bad right now due to the comments you've gotten from other readers so I'm not gonna criticize you. I just find your choice of words to be unsettling. Be understanding. Everyone have a different way of writing. You should felt a bit uneasy since the recapper will feel inferior due to what you've said.


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Ravenwhite, I agree with you on some of the points you mentioned.

However, we can't make demands as we are getting all of this stuff for FREE. We're all around just very grateful to this site, to the recappers, and to p-cow for taking the time to do what they do (which is hard and time-consuming).

I think the right thing to do is just to fire off a private mail to the site admins and respectfully give your feedback. It's what I did when I had some feedback of my own.

Again, they don't owe us anything. And if they listen to us, then great.

Now, I just wish I had a purplecow to recap my own fave Show, Marriage not Dating. LOL


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Errr... this must be trolling on a whole new level.


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Wow, what is it with such negative folks on this thread? Rude, rude, rude.

And as for rom-coms being light.... are you kidding? Rom-coms are rarely light, especially kdrama rom-coms. They often always have a bit of angst and some melo for the leads to overcome.


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Dude. Chill. Wow. Ha. Actually, I find purplecow's writing as enjoyable as jb's and gf's. I've read through a lot of the others' and purplecow is on the top of my Recappers I Enjoy Reading list. As far as capturing the essence of this show in a recap goes, honestly, to truly understand the brilliance of Seo In-gook as Min-seok, people just have to watch it. The lol's and gushing are endless. purplecow is doing great! Keep it up!


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Once again, what about that kiss.


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I was all for Soo Young and Director Yoo being together but after watching the ending kiss with Min Seok and her, I am at odds. I don't know what to think now. It's definitely not a predictable drama, I really don't know with whom she is going to end up with. I love this drama so much. I hope they do extend it.


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"Surefire cure for a broken heart: a coronary"

You are awesome, Purplecow. Thanks for the great recap


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The 2nd lead syndrome hit me real bad in this show. I'm seriously feeling sad for Jin-woo and Yoo-ah. :(


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It's interesting, because I feel really bad for them, but at the same time, I don't think the second leads are right for the leads at all and I certainly don't want the OTP to break up. I think it's a sign of how well-written all of the characters & relationships are.


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I agree spot-on rearwindow. As a matter of fact the drama has a cornucopia of characters that several types of viewers can relate to. In effect we love the characters but still respect their choices in the story. The variety of opinion is actually testament to the versatility of the drama, hence a chance for a wider audience.


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Me, too. I usually don't have 2nd lead syndrome, but this time ........ *sigh*


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I waited to watch this episode for about a day, anticipating the rejection of Minsuk and perhaps agreeing that she just needed to be left alone. However, Soo-Young’s resistance, not being able to suddenly ‘switch’ emotionally, reflected her own scare experience with relationships. Fantasizing the soul mate in Jin Woo, she failed to recognize the everyday things that make up relationships. She suddenly missed interactions with Min-Suk she took for granted— the personal cola/hamburger requests, the wake-up call, rooftop exercises, the Allies+ status—which created their connection.

Min-suk’s decision to maturely let her go only results in his rabid attempt at distraction through sports, school, work and hanging with Duk-hwan and Tae-seok . Yet his teen-age heart interprets the ‘no regrets’ pep talk as the reason to try again. How gratifying his realization came at the same time as Soo Young’s arrival at “OK”.
Lee Ha Nah was delightful in this episode, moving through such a range of emotions in her character.

Kudos to the Seo In Guk for so naturally pulling of these age portrayals—an actual 26-year old believably playing an 18-year old, believably pretending to be an 28 year old. His facial expressions and body language in this episode are spot-on.

I was surprised to see the actor playing Duk-Hwan is actually 31 – really believable as a high schooler. Tae-seok is too, but with the actor being born in 1995, high school isn’t school a distant memory.


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That is CRAZY. Wow. He definitely had me fooled.


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I know, right? I kept rereading it, even checked another site. Those young asian faces, haha.

I love the three of them together--Min Soo,Duk-Hwan and Tae-seok. I really buy the camaraderie. Apparently the actors playing ice hockey are evem talking about starting a team after the drama ends...


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I love them to, and them potentially starting an ice hockey team together is too adorable. I want to be their mascot.


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ugh, *too, not "to." I love them too, and I also love them to the moon and back.



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I know, don't you wish we could go edit our posts after, a la FB? Hate leaving typos, etc.


if u were a regular Korean drama watcher; u wouldn't have been surprised...!!!!


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Hopefully since most dramas if the love comes out this quick and half the show to go it would fizzle out..noona romances never did it for me and this one is the same..they have great comedic chemistry and romantically I don't see it..

Since the first flash back show her telling him bout his schedule and jus acting like a secretary I'm hoping they had become good friends..otherwise the plot only calls for too many interactions..it's funny when he treats her separately in the workplace and she gets intimated or nervous around him..but I can't see any true romance between them..

I was excited for this show in the beginni n g too cause I was hoping they be a great Tema of spirit and dorkiness but now I started to lose interest..it's like big with Lee min jung..an older lady having to take care of her bf cause he too immature and chikdish..If they couldn't pull me into the story with their acting..I wouldn't think the leads in this could either...didn't we jus have a witches romance, secret love affair and all the other noona romance thar didn't make it big in the ratings..rather have u recap marriage, not dating..fantastic with heart so far


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It seems your slightly trolling but I will just say secret love affair (which db did not cover btw) Received record ratings for a cable show, even beating out network drama full sun some weeks. Which is crazy because the protagonist is a women over 40! Do such a people even exist?


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My crazy story would go like this... Soo Young find out his secret, they decide to just stay friends. His Hyung comes back, falls in love with Soo Young (to appease the prudes), Min-seok relents to Yoo Ah (making Seo In Guk get both women). Jin Woo fixes his family, gets some much needed therapy, leaves the company and joins Chippendales on tour. lol

I've never trolled before but I think this is trolling. lol


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I don't think Mn-seok and Yoo-Ah could ever get together. He's just not that into her. I don't think of her as a stalker but I thinbk she ought to give up on that and just let them become good friends...or she could rebound to the friend who is now tagged as being in love with her.


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me too! i'm very excited in the beginning, i really love this drama, the plot, the character, but in this episode i got "meeh" at the ending scene.

the leads were so real when they act as allies, but as a lover? hmm idk, it's hard to see their lovey dovey like a child in the next preview.

i don't against noona-dongsaeng romance, cause i love lee bo-young - lee jong suk in i hear your voice, but really for this leads, they should be forever friends till the end.


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u need u watch " I Hear Your Voice"
its an AWESOME and DEABAK 'noona romance story'(in your words ).....
u will not have the same reviews after watching that one...


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I'm so in love with this show I don't even know what else to say but I need to say it:
Show, you are so funny and dorky and lovable, I love you!!

I've become so jaded from watching other dramas that I totally expected one of them to get hit by a car when they were trying to cross the road at the end, thank you, show, for being better than that! <3


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I have to admit the street scene made me a bit anxious. They won't pull a Truck of Doom will they? LOL Her leaning for the kiss was sweet.


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Me three! K-dramas have really ruined my nerves-I can't watch any scenes next to oncoming traffic without unconsciously bracing for impact ( I blame you SUFBB!!!)


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Well, I dunno about the Truck of Doom, but hats off to purplecow for introducing the Shopping Cart of Angst!! :)

Seo In-guk looked so funny squished in with his legs dangling despondently over the sides! Look forward to seeing it again - would be great if it could make more guest appearances!


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Thanks for the awesome recap! This episode was soooooo good. This show keeps getting better and better. This is by far the best thing I've seen since King 2 Hearts and one of the best kdramas I've experienced. It's such a simple premise, but it's delivered with such artistry and respect for all of the characters. I hope the production team keeps it up. There is such rich conflict to mine in the circumstances that I can't imagine them needing to sacrifice any character integrity to advance the plot.

I think what makes this such a satisfying watch is that both leads (and many side characters as well) are emotionally intelligent people who are not afraid to advocate for themselves. They also genuinely respect each other, so when one of them violates boundaries (such as Min-soek in this episode until Soo-young told him off) or tries to quietly escape the relationship out of discomfort (such as Soo-young whenever things get awkward), they call each other out & adjust.

Additionally, the drama purposely tips its hat to frustrating tropes like missed calls, lost post-its, and crossed wires--but then it goes "nope, not that kind of drama, we won't rely on cheap tricks here" and uses these hiccups to strengthen our faith in the OTP's ability to overcome minor obstacles & the secondary characters' ability to see reason.

In another drama, Soo-young would've fallen into a pit of despair at the airport and changed her mind about liking Min-soek, while Min-soek would've chased her down and played the part of the overbearing lovesick puppy, only to have his heart broken again by an equivocating Soo-young. Not so here. Soo-young's character and objectives are not manipulated by the writers for maximum angst. She is a brave, badass, outspoken person and Min-soek is learning so, so much about true love and respect because of it.


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I hate those misunderstanding in rom-coms where one of the leads sees/hears something out of context and just runs with it without talking to the offending party. I can tolerate it as a 1 to 2 episode problem/resolution but when they sometimes just drag it on and on and on, it just pisses me off.


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Yeah, it's sooooo painful because it undermines all character integrity when someone you've been rooting for and caring about just gives up without thinking to question it. In addition to the fact that it makes me question the validity of an OTP who can't communicate well enough to clear up a simple misunderstanding. I don't want to root for a couple who gives up on themselves or each other at the drop of a hat, I want to root for a couple that's willing to move mountains to be together!


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oh gosh yes. ditto to all of your replies. I mean it does happen in real life but sometimes it just gets so old for the fiction world.


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I agree! I think it's lazy writing - stretching misunderstandings.

In contrast, it's why fans enjoyed Witch's Romance so much.


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"Purposely tips its hat to frustrating tropes..." Nicely put. I hadn't thought of it, but it probably is what the writer/writers are doing.

Btw, does anyone know WHO is writing this? Definitely will put them on my must-watch list going forward.


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High School King of Savvy (aka King of High School Life Conduct) is written by Jo Sung-Hee & Yang Hee-Seung and directed by Yoo Je Won.


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I like your comment so much, I clicked that like button THREE TIMES.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!


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hahaha :D


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Now that I think about it, you're totally right!!
It's like the writers want to break some drama rules...to our pleasure. Same thing happens in the final kiss scene, where she makes the first move to kiss him. I found it so refreshing, so tired of female petrified faces when it comes to kisses...I was all "Go girl go!!"

I was also very happy to see how Soo Young was able to let go of a crush that was hurting her and give an opportunity to a real guy that is really interested and cares a lot for her (not to mention he's hot and adores her). It seems that things will change soon, because she will be angry when she discovers his real age...but I have hope that they will make up quickly, because they are perfect for each other *-*

Finally, it's so good to see how she got the guy with her sunglasses and her weird looks, no need for makeovers, she is pretty as she is...

This show is giving me so much satisfaction :D


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Totally agree!


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There is one more thing to be expected in the future: MS hyung, there might be some connection as well between president Yoo and MS father.


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Its official.  Korea has now moved on from Pitt to Pattinson.  I'm not sure what to feel.


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Who will they replace Jessica Alba with? lol


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Haha do they really reference her? How 2005. I always thought the go-to female star was Angelina Jolie though


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Thank you so much for the recap. I LOVE MS and SY together so much. The kiss at the end killed me. I'm looking forward to seeing where everything goes from here. It feels like we still have so much to look forward too!


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That kiss was HOT! I was impressed. And something about the lifting of the injured arm to pull her in closer, mmm.


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I agree with the commenter above that they have awesome comedic chemistry, but I'm not getting real romantic vibes at all. Noona lovin' doesn't really work for me as a viewer, especially when the age difference is so large. Five(?) is maybe the max for me, or when they at least look more each other's age.

It's usually at this point of a drama, when two people get together, that a show slows down for me (especially when I don't care much for the pairing), so I'll be slowing down my watches and following your recaps. I love your recaps!

Still LOVE Seo In-gook!!


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Hmmmm... before the truth bomb drops on them all, I think I'd like to see the OTP dating with MS acting as a 28yo big-shot director in a suit.

"This is what a man does." Hmm very foretelling. LOL


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I'm surprised no one talked about this yet but OMG, Seo In Guk is SUCH a good kisser. He's gained this title before with his kisses in AM97 and this episode of HSK prove it again. He is indeed a good kisser.


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Absolutely. My favorite scenes were the kiss and the shirtless training. All those boys...


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Yeah!! He got me with that kiss...I never was a SIG fan, but I'm falling for him here.
Not only you can tell he's a good kisser ;) He also manages to convey so much passion in kiss scenes, he makes it totally believable.


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Just need to say one thing: Seo In Guk is such a good kisser! OMG. He never dissapoint me with his kiss, whether it was with the older woman or the younger woman.


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The kiss at the end. *swoooooon*

I also have to mention one of my favorite scenes from this episode! Although it took me a while to warm up to Duk-hwan and Tae-seok, I absolutely loved the moment when the two of them argued about what was best for Min Seok while he was sitting in the shopping cart! They were both so overprotective of him and wanted to make sure he didn't get sick! AWWWwww! Their friendship is adorable!


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I love these recaps. Everything is so spot-on and accurate. I could sense the amount of detailed thought put into the drama and it's great to see that the details are not left unnoticed. Everything happens so fast in the drama that I actually have to watch it more than once to catch up on so many other details.

For one, I agree with the parallelism of MS and YA's affection. For others love is letting go and for others love is holding on. Soo Young's and JW's view on the other hand, we still have to really know. Someone here did say Duk Hwan seems to pay attention YA and I think that was shown at the bus scene again.

But honestly, I don't watch this drama just for the lovelines anymore. It strikes me as a balanced story with its supporting casts so well-played. Sure the romance is quite feel-good but it's more than that------ it's more about the characters and their choices and the consequences of their choices. I love it.

I also noticed the president asking if JW's mom was "threatening him" + JW exploding about her giving up her life for the president 10 years ago + seeming exile of JW's mom abroad and later rehab + death of Lee Parents ten years ago + recognition of MS Dad by president = I wonder if JW's mom knows anything about the death of the Lee Mom and Dad.


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im still not buying it, ihyv give us a mature manboy noona romance, right now king of savvy deliver a mother child status.


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Interesting...I actually feel the exact opposite.


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I still feel icky because common he is not even in legal age, im not against noona romance, but the leading lady is not aware that the guy she was dating is a minor, if that happens in Asian Country well its a series of law suit, well at least in IHYV, the lady is aware in their age gap and the leading guy acts like a mature person, decision making and choices in life and he is 20 years old. :( me and my friends find the king of savvy quite unrealistic. And the way he skip classes, my oh my that was weird.


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Just a note, I live in Asia. I have friends who were 'minors' dating older guys but it never became a lawsuit. They even got married a few years back. Of course, they knew their real ages so this point is moot. It's just that anything is possible in this world, really.

I know that the main problem you're addressing is the fact that she doesn't know his real age. Everyone who embraces the OTP is aware of this. All of us acknowledge it.

Seriously speaking though? It's not like he's been lying to her on purpose all this time. I'm pretty sure he wants to tell her the truth more than anyone else involved, especially now that she's decided to like him back.

He's just as much of a victim in this as she is because he didn't plan this whole fiasco willingly. He didn't choose to be a 'fake director' for his own sake, and fall in love with a woman whose 10 years older while pretending to be her boss.

He didn't make any of those choices but he did choose to pursue his feelings for her. That's the only thing I believe he is guilty of. He hasn't had his chance to confess the truth but he did try to bring up the subject of dating a younger guy with her during their little stroll to buy ramen in the night.

We know she'll find out the truth about him based on the first episode of the drama. There may be a lot of angst and confusion to go through till we get to that point but she will accept him as their "fake" director (who knows about dating that 'fake director' per se) and support him through it.

Regardless, he hasn't had an actual opportunity to confess the truth about himself to her or a reason to until he fell in love with her. It's going to be so much more difficult for him to tell her the truth now but I'm sure he will, given his personality...unless someone else outs him first. (Jin Woo, please don't be the one D:)

By the way, I watched IHYV and I shipped that OTP as well. I admit that the main lead in that drama is more mature but anyone who watched it should know why.

He had his father murdered in front of his eyes, an uncle who treated him like a freak and used him, he lived alone for most of his life, and he had a crush he wanted to protect because she saved him as a child. Someone like him whose been through so much? Of course he'd be more mature than our lead here :O

IHYV was a crime rom-com and this? A quirky fun rom-com. Big difference in genres so I don't think we should be comparing the leads unless they had similar experiences.

Blah. I typed too much, so sorry!


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that is fine, i understand you... :) i just feel so wrong. But anyway Enjoy it.


THIS! You just summed up all of my feelings about this drama and it's main conflict. This is an unfair situation for Everyone involved. Here's hoping Min Seok figures out a way to tell her the truth before anyone else does.



Thanks for being so understanding (: I know you don't agree with the relationship and I'm okay with that! This drama does have a quirky plot with loopholes so i understand where you're coming from with that too. Hopefully, you'll find another way to enjoy it? By the way, I think Marriage, Not Dating is a really good drama. Do you watch that? :D


Hahaha! I was just ranting. It didn't feel fair to stand by while blame was put on Min Seok for something he's a victim of as well. Yes, let's hope he gets the chance to tell her the truth before someone else does. On a less serious note, I'm looking forward to their adorable date today!


Ugh, the OTP breaks my heart because it's sooo not what I wanted. This is the first time the Second Lead Syndrome hits and boy, it hit me hard. Even though I'm definitely not on board with the OTP (I don't really like noona romances), I'll keep checking the show and the recaps just because of Jin Woo and the path he takes. I can always fast forward the scenes I don't like :D


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Really like this drama. Hope they are very careful where this teen-noona thin line is going, or the "pretty unnie" might end up in jail or get blackmailed into something bad by the gloating Jin Woo. :(
BTW: Some lovestruck teens tend to get aggressive and obsessive with older love interests. True. Especially, athletes. And when time is working against their sudden passion. Had a really bad experience with that as a young counselor. Will never forget that jump, an escape in total darkness, from the (Thank God for the first floor!) window, and then running for my live (Thank God for being a short distance runner), with barking dogs chasing after me; along with 6'4" 18 year old, love-confessing-while-intoxicated football player at the summer sports camp.


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Lol. Wow. THIS, Show!! Lol. Glad you got out! No, but seriously, though I've never had anything intense happen to me like what happened to you, with my experience teaching in a high school setting, high school boys do not have it together! Not yet, man. So with this whole noona-high school kid pairing, I'm thinking, "My GOSH!" People, it really is weird. Ha. Just stop it, Puppy Min-seok. Lol. Plus, it's not really fair to Soo-young. Ahh... thanks for sharing, btw. Lol


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Anyone dating a high schooler if they aren't themselves in high school is making a huge mistake. If the relationship progresses to a sexual one, Soo Young would be the one to be held responsible as the adult. Do they have statutory rape laws in Korea?


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Wow. That's terrible. I'm sorry that happened to you.


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OMG! I shouldn't laugh, but I did! Im sorry it happened though! You know, your story reminded me of a friend's experience. She is a sweet young teacher and taught boys 16 to 17. This boy had an obvious crush on her. he jumped into a window and landed right in front of her, and crouched in front of her, too close for her comfort. They tend to be quick in reacting. Not everyone is that way, ofcourse, as some teenage boys show it in more subtle ways but can be very brave in their public declarations.

Even though I am fine with noona romances in general, in reality, I cant accept it when it is me. The guy can be so funny and caring and intelligent, but I can't seem to imagine him as a husband. But there are older men who are immature as well. More immature than the younger men. Love can be very unexplainable. When it happens, it happens.


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Thanks for you responses. My story should be a warning that a puppy like obsession in teens can turn into an aggression in a snap, especially, if alcohol is involved. With that said, the whole thing was a set up by girls on bascketball team I brought to the sea side camp that summer. It was my last year at teacher's university (23 years old) and I was just doing a favor, substituting few weeks for a friend, the regular couch. Apparently, my girls felt sorry for a teen athlete, who was trying to get my attention. So they woke me up in the middle of the night with an elaborate story that one of the girls didn't come back to our camp's dormitory from the village; she is in trouble, and the gates are closed. So I ran to the house they told me she was with a local guy, without waking up any other counselors, or a camp workers to get her back quietly. It turned out to be a set up for me to meet and listen to the "love confession" of the teen from our camp. I realized a bit too lat he was the only one in the house, my girl was never there, and he was provided with alchohol. For courage, I guess. The open window was the only option to get out. I never knew the villagers always let the dogs (I swear some of the dogs chasing after me looked like the size of the Hound of the Baskervilles) out at night.
Heh. I kept the whole incident quiet, but gave the girls involved so much "counseling" and other things to do for two weeks ...Hope they grew up better individuals after that. :)


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My otp is together ?

I can't wait to watch their date in the next episode or Tuesday's episode! They look nauseatingly sweet in the preview!

I have grown to love Seo In Guk because of this show. I was never much of a fan of his till now! He's grown on me and I find him so adorable and such a brilliant actor!

I guess I'm part of a minority who isn't in love with Jin Woo and his hotness because I prefer cute guys personally ? Does that make me weird since I'm not attracted to him at all? Ahhh, well.

Looking forward to next week!


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Haha you're not alone Sister. There was a time in my younger life when I preferred the aloof, cold, chill, good-looking partner, but as I grew up, I'm realizing it's so much more fun to be with a warm, goofy, and candid partner. Probably why I can only appreciate Jin Woo's physique, abs, skin, voice but I'm not attracted exactly attracted to him. Min Suk on the other hand has me by the reigns. Something about a family man... LOL.


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Haha, that's true! I think everyone has wanted a Jin Woo type once in their life. Now though? I look at him and appreciate his physique but other than that? No attraction at all =/

Right now, I just want someone I can enjoy being 'silly and retarded' with, and knows how to make me laugh again when I'm feeling down.

Min Suk really caught me by the heart. I'm older than his character on screen but man, I'd love a guy like him in reality!


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Same. I honestly do not understand why anyone would be swooning over Jin Woo when you have Min-Seok opposite him. Lol I have never been attracted to the brooding types in real life. At the start I found brooding heroes nice story-wise but then every drama did it & not even in a good way & the character type became old & irritating very fast.

I am older than Min-Seok is in the drama but man, if he had existed in real life, I would have nabbed him the first chance I get. He is just so....perfect. He is dorky, warm, fun, loves his family, etc etc. (Let's not even mention his looks & body XD) If he had existed in real life then I would have said "God must have spent extra time making him"

Also I didn't find the office scene harassing. He closed the door cause if he hadn't then it would have become a scandal which would by the way have hurt Soo-Young more than him. he just said his feelings in a straightforward way. & wanted a straightforward answer. But Soo-Young kept running away. When it became clear that she didn't like him back, he gave her space. How much more do you guys want XD

Also the ones who are judging him by his age have clearly not dated that much XD just saying. XD


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We share the same thoughts about that office scene! Finally someone who sees things the same way I did :D
We should be friends, Christina!

Plus, I don't think Soo Young felt harassed in that scene. She did feel cornered though but that's because he wanted an answer and she wanted to avoid the problem altogether. Bad combination, really.

And yes! If Min Suk existed in real life, I'd want him too even though I'd be older than him as well! He's the type of guy I need in my boring life!


LOL! "God must have spent more time with him."
IKR? he's so warm and fuzzy I just want to marry him. It's not even that he's still in High school. I'm pretty excited about how a high school boy like him would turn out as a grownup... he will most probably have a dog and take his kids to the park and help with changing the diaper and sterilizing the feeding bottle. This is most definitely a venus thing.



Agree with everything you guys say about Min-Seok! Haha, in fact, half of my open thread post this week was just talking about how warm and enveloping Min Seok is. In my opinion, Jin Woo doesn't stand a chance against him.


It seems like all of us here want and need a guy like Min Suk in our lives. He's so warm, adorable, mischievous and just sooo... sigh, perfect for us. Haha!

I can just imagine that a life with him would be a dream come true ;D Soo Young, you lucky woman! I want to trade places with her!


yes! Soo-Young didn't feel harassed in that scene. she felt cornered. because she would rather avoid a situation than face it. i think all the people hating on this drama are jealous XD

& yay! let's be friends! will be on the look-out for you in future posts for this drama! are you on twitter?


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Yay! New friends! Haha, yes I am :D

Although, it's my personal twitter so it's private. You can add me there or I can add you instead? :)


my twitter username - ChrisXDB5KOrgy XD


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Omgee. Wow, that's a unique username! Hahaha, I followed you (: Name's Sondra!


yes! he is the type that makes you want to have his babies >.<!!!! ok now i am getting depressed TT^TT


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Great comments (as usual), purplecow. Thanks for another great recap!

I, too, felt uncomfortable when MS's behavior began to feel like sexual harassment. But when he chose to back off, I was able to settle back into the warm fuzzies. Every time they show the scene of MS jumping out of his classroom window during roll call, my logical brain has a hissy fit for a moment, and I have to stop myself from listing all the reasons why that setup (of his absence not being noticed for the rest of the day) is ludicrous. But then I remind myself that this drama gets so many other things right, and I'm able to let it go. Like loving a person, loving a k-drama involves learning to love/accept it as it is, warts and all. That doesn't mean dramas shouldn't get called out for their missteps~ but when I appreciate one as much as I do this one, it's a lot easier to cut it some slack.

I really loved the last sequence of this ep., building up to the kiss. My heart swelled at the sight of her waiting to greet him at the airport with her simple-but-impactful "OK" sign. They did a good job of building up the tension, while interjecting a little humor, poignancy, and romance. The intimacy created by embracing her in his sling was just lovely. I'm grateful that this is a tvN production.

I'm bracing for the inevitable heartbreak the sisters will go through. They're so sweetly supportive of one another, despite being so different~ it's a shame they'll inadvertently cause each other a lot of grief. And poor Grandpa~ at least he can be distracted by something sweet.


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Him never getting caught for skipping school drives me nuts too. But like you said, the drama gets so many other things right that I can ignore the unrealisticness of the school bit. I honestly enjoying seeing him at work interacting with Soo Young (and the rest of their co-workers) so much that I think I would be a little bored and frustrated if I had to watch him at school too much, lol.


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here's to hoping they'll use that Min Seok dummy in a different way other then sleeping. Hahaha. That would give me laughs.


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Yes! That would be fabulous!


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I think they could have done the skipping school part somewhat realisticly if they wanted to. Like he was skipping school and the teachers knew, saw his grades slipping.

Not first high schooler lose focus, grades in high school after starting the first years well.


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Oh yea. They totally could be doing that bit a little better, but I don't think they want that to be the focus of the show, so they aren't spending too much time on it. I do hope that Min Seok starts to see some repercussions from skipping out on school so much just to add a little bit of realisticness to that part of the plot, but I'm honestly quite content with not focusing on it too much.


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I'm at work and when i saw that recap's last pic of them kissing, i wanted to squeal so bad that I now look like a crazy person grinning widely in my seat.


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That kiss...is ALL the good things. I went back and rewatched it several times. I just love every moment of that moment and the moments leading up to that moment, lol. Her trying to spell out OK from across the street. Him hugging her from behind. His 'killer fighting spirit.' (That is the best line ever written in a drama EVER.) How she kept saying 'okayo.' How she puckered up to kiss him (how cute was that?). How he faked pain in his arm to stop her then lifted that arm over her head and said 'no, I'm the man.' (In any other drama, I would have hated that part, but it's so sweet and tender (and indicative of his age/view of romance), that I just LOVE IT.) And THAT. KISS.


I don't know why, but I've had no problem with the age difference in this drama. I struggled with it a lot in I Hear Your Voice (and the male lead is a lot more mature there compared to the male lead here), but I'm not struggling at all this time around.

I'm not even struggling with the fact that he hasn't told her how old he really is yet. (And one of the least favorite drama tropes is the long-kept-secret.)

I'm mostly just worried about how attached I am to this couple. With the age secret yet to be revealed, I just know our leads have some heartache coming their way, and I'm worried about how I'm going to handle it. (Notice I didn't say I was worried about Them, lol. Only about myself.)


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OhSoEnthusiastic, LOL, I love everything that you wrote, especially this: I just love every moment of that moment and the moments leading up to that moment

I felt slightly embarrassed for SY when she puckered her lips, more like asking him to kiss her. What if he didn't?

Did he fake the pain in his arm? I thought it was real.

About I Hear Your Voice, I'm with you. I think you meant it as "the male lead is a lot more mature HERE compared to the male lead THERE)?


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I got the impression that he was faking it, cause he wanted to be the one to initiate the kiss. It's a little childish of him (women can initiate kisses too!), but I also found it really sweet. It just goes to show how innocent his view of love his.

And no, I meant that sentence the way I wrote it, lol. I think Park Soo Ha is more mature then Min Seok. Soo Ha is young and bright eyed about love, but he has an understanding about what it means to be an adult that Min Seok doesn't. Soo Ha had to grow up so fast, and he just has way more life experience. That's not to say that I think either of them is better then the other. I think they're both fabulous. Min Seok just doesn't have the life experience Soo Ha does. He's definitely gaining some by working at this company, and I think we're going to see an immense amount of growth and maturity from him as the drama continues.


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Dude, I totally get what you mean about being so attached to this couple. Like you, I haven't had many of the problems I usually have when getting behind a couple like this. I think the characters are just so well written here that all the rules fall away as soon as I see our leads interacting.


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That's very interesting... I think the drama fully intends to make us forget about the rules and accept feelings as feelings.


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I agree with this. I think the writers just want us to see this couple for what they are, two people who genuinely like each other.

Of course, I think the writers are eventually going to Really deal with the age difference, and that's going to be a hard however many episodes, but for right now, I think they just want us to bask in the glow of this adorable couples budding relationship. Because don't things always look glowy and beautiful at the start of any relationship?


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Thank you for describing the build-up, the meeting, until the end of epi 8. When I was describing this kdrama to a friend, I likened the last scene as that of a movie. The sound engineer was spot-on with background music.

But I'm also glad this is not a movie, we get to see the aftermath on the following weeks. Thank you for the recaps:)


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You're so right! It really did feel like a movie at the end of this episode.

I'm glad this isn't a movie, simply because I want to see these two being cutesy and romantic and their adorkable selves together. (And because I want Min Seok to reveal his real age to Soo Young soon before things get too serious and the lie can potentially ruin their budding relationship. There's a point where keeping something secret is no longer okay to do, and we've just about reached that point.)


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Oh yeah! I wanted to point out that the background music of that last scene was perfect! I love that song so much and the sound engineer really planned it perfectly. It really contributed to the loveliness of the scene :)


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Great recap! Thanks purplecow!

I felt like my heart could burst. I felt so much for Min Seok. Poor boy. He's having so much heartache. But he sure does know how to deal with it. (Found him quite adorable when he was talking while stuffing his mouth with loads of meat.) And Tae Seok & Deok Hwan aren't his besties for nothing. They know something's not right with him. It's good that in the end Min Seok didn't hide his problem from them. It's quite heart wrenching to hear Min Seok say he's aware of the age problem and trying to get over it.

Apparently Seo In Guk did get injured and I think that arm sling was for real. Hope he's all better now.


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YES! it was for real; and it happened during shooting of Ice Hockey Scene; and he had the band aid already....(if u had noticed it) yet he was doing the shooting with pain and suffering..! so COOOL of him.

Hope he is feeling better now!! :(


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DAT KISS. The way he put that arm sling around her just strung my heart strings so hard. I can't even...


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i really love the 'thankyouverykamsa' and 'goodmorningimnida' haha
minseok is so cute


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Guys, this couple is just bizarre. He's a hot teenage mess and she's his quirky, sweet, and dorky secretary, and they are just perfect together. In the last scene especially, I felt myself getting so caught up in the romance of it all. For now, there's something so refreshing about two leads taking a chance on each other as soon as the feelings begin, instead of fighting the feelings for four more episodes. I know there are many obstacles up ahead, but if it's with these characters, I'm so there.

And seriously though. The way he pulled her close with his injured arm. That kiss. Everything. Was so damn hot.


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I'm with you. I was like wait... a kiss? But this isn't episode 12! lol


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They really are so refreshing as a couple, right? I just love them to bits.


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Hi Purplecow,

Thank you for the recap and commentary! Please keep up the good work!


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Interestingly, I wasn't that much of a fan of the kiss. But the scenes that lead to it. Their urgency was felt through the screen as it was kinda realistic. The words they needed to say were so important that they CANNOT wait any longer. That to me, when both were rushing to meet, was the best scene.

I am very impatient now to know Hyung's story, Jinwoo's development and Mr. President's connection to Minsuk. What is it?? Is the President's wife Minsuk's father's old flame? Jinwoo could be Minsuk's almost half-brother? Why was Minsuk's father so angry at his wife and Minsuk? How did minsuk and his brother were taken under the care of the man they now call father? What was his relationship with their mother? Did I miss something? Did I? Lol

I do like to see Minsuk tackle some more work dilemmas. Like that Y Tower project with Jinwoo. What happened to that? When he is faced with work difficulties does Minsuk seem to be growing. Some people just perform well under pressure.


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I know this is repetitive but...
I re-watched that scene 6 times - it was JUST that good :')


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Just 6? lol


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Okay, maybe 7...
damn you SIG for being such a good kisser!


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Thanks for the recap! This is my favorite show right now, and I'm hoping for a happy ending with bromance too :-)


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This pairing is so unsatisfactory. Such a waste of a great kiss.


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I am so disappointed yet again. Seo In Gook is awesome and that kiss was awesome too but... I think this week's both episodes were flat and lacked something, I felt bored.

First of all I love how this drama is being filmed (technically) differently than most of the dramas. Dialogues and office scenes are really lively and entertaining. I like side characters, I like the music, acting, settings, I just loved everything about this drama until this week. Maybe because they are starting to focus on love more and I can feel no sparks between the main leads. I also don't like the younger sister, she is annoying and obsessive like sassy Korean girls are usually portrayed in Korean cinema. Bleh. Yeah sure she means well and actually she is a nice person but her character is so freaking annoying.

Also, I don't get the grandpa. I know he is sick but why in every Kdrama when someone has a mental sickness they always take it overboard and try to turn the sickness into comical relief? It's not funny and this character is rather annoying. I know the grandpa has a purpose and he is probably going to die later. So comical relief and some sort of anti climax? That's just sad.

I want to see more Min Suk and Jin Woo scenes, they are so hilarious together. And I always crack up when everyone is competing in flattering the CEO and how he is always so pleased.

Anyway, I hope the next weeks episodes get better. This is just the beginning and I have a feeling that shit is going to get real soon. I wonder if Soo-Young is going to get stronger and sassier later? Don't mind if she doesn't, I think her character is pretty entertaining and fun as it is now but she gotta develop somehow.


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Thank you for the recap! :) Excited to see where the series will take everything. Poor Sooyoung; she's going to be so shocked when she finds out the second guy she's fallen for is lying to her too.... Not about his feelings this time, at least, but his name and his age (and background in general).


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Thanks a lot purplecow for your awesome recap, you captured all the sweetness and the feelings of this episode so well :D

I am dying to see more of these two together...and even knowing there is a huge storm coming (when she discovers he is a high schooler things will get ugly) I look forward to see what happens. They have portrayed characters that are sometimes immature, but always loving and respectful to the ones they care about, so I have hope they will manage to make up and be happy in the end (happy ending for everyone, please).
In the meantime, it would be so good to see a bit more of the cuteness between the two lovebirds. :D
Cannot wait for next week!!


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Episodes like this is what makes rom-coms my favorite genre. I am such a sucker for people tossing everything aside in the name of love. Han Gyul did it in Coffee Prince by not caring about Eun Chan's gender. Min Seok did it here by not caring about the age difference. Love is love and you can't fight it.


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Okay this is my last comment for the day, I swear!

Just wanted to thank Purplecow for the recaps. And that I totally enjoyed reading your comparison of how Yoo Ah and Min Seok's philosophies to love.

I didn't even notice that until you mentioned it!


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Phew, finally caught up. Thanks for the recap!

I agree with you that Min-seok's actions came off very domineering. That can sometimes be shorthand for twu wuv in Dramaland, but it's definitely not my favorite way of portraying it. I'd definitely react the same way Soo-young did, if my boss confessed, and the fact that she's unwittingly making out with an 18-year-old gives me the heebs. Ten years isn't an insurmountable age difference, but at this stage in their lives? It's a problem.

On the other hand, I do like how they've made Min-seok act like an 18 year-old. And, as you said, that they showed him maturing and being selfless in his affections. And, age difference or not, that kiss inside the cast? UNF. Hot stuff.

I am excited to see Jin Woo develop more. I like that he's not evil just for the sake of it, although that might change once he discovers that his rival is lying. I hope he and Soo-young can be friends, but even more? BRING ON THE MIN-SEOK/JIN-WOO BROMANCE!


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I loved the scene where Minseok notices Sooyoung's moss has wilted and says "it's wilted after a few days of not looking after it". It was like Sooyoung was the moss who had been neglected after she ignored Minseok's feelings. The little details in this drama are the best.


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Oooooh good interpretation. I've been thinking it was symbolic, but I couldn't quite pin down what it was symbolizing. Was it friendship? Because his feelings surely wasn't wilting. I also thought it could have meant he was hurting and would rather not tend to things that remind him of Soo Young... I also thought that the moss wilting was the indication that several days has passed since his confession. It's as discreet as the gum scene, the one he put in his pocket and threw at her in the bus. I didn't notice that one until someone here in DB mentioned it.


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Woah. That's deep. I wondered if there was some meaning behind that part that I wasn't getting.


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I think the wilting moss symbolizes his sincere attempt to settle his feelings with Soo Young. He is not paying attention to her anymore which also gets projected to the moss. Or maybe I've watched (and re-watched) way too many Hong Sister dramas. lol


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Thanks for the recap, purplecow!

Ha, I like that you refer the two MDs as Chief Bootlickers. How apt.

BTW, for the scene in which Yoo-Ah sends the boys off for their training session, it should be Yoo-Ah and not Soo-Young for this sentence: Soo-young is all smiles for Min-seok, but pulls Tae-seok back with a no-nonsense glare...


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Thanks for the recap! Loooooooove this drama and so looking forward to the bromance and a large created family for all the leads, firsts and seconds.


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I see comments of people complaining about how late the recap was for the episode. Can we just be grateful that these people try to find time to write recaps for the fans?


Everytime I watch this series, I keep thinking that this is going to be MY favorite episode, turns out every episode is a favorite!! I couldn't decide which is better, so it's safe to say that the story has progressed well enough to make me look forward to next episode in the following week. (which is hell, i tell I you).

None of the characters are completely unlikeable, I like how i am able to symphatize to a seemingly bad guy and how the characters are portrayed in a different light. For one, Jin Woo's behavior can be traced back to his lonely upbringing (but of course, we can't justify any of his present and future behavior).

The Noona-relationship is rather thrilling, it may bring inscecurity to Soo-Young and for a moment she might feel betrayed, but I think she'll come around when she realizes why Min Seok had to do what he did.

I'm hoping it doesn't get in the way with Soo-young's relationship wtih her sister. And I am hoping SHE FALLS for somebody else, like maybe Min Seok's best friend or something.

So, anyway, I am excited to watch Episode 9 to INFINITTTYYY.


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I feel the same way. Every episode is my favorite...until I see the next episode. This drama is my drug of choice right now, lol. And it is most certainly it's own special version of hell waiting for new episodes. I just want all the episodes now!


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I'm so eager and excited for this weeks episodes, that I keep coming back to this post and re-reading the comments. That kiss (and the date teased in the teaser) has really got my brain on overdrive, lol.


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Guys, there's something that's been bugging me all this time. What's the title of the song Ji Dae-Han's - the junior employee that always gets cut off - favorite song? He's always singing and I think I keep hearing it in dramas but I don't know what it is.


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that is magic castle by tvxq :)


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