High School King of Savvy: Episode 6

King of Savvy keeps bringing the magic with another fantastic episode. Jin-woo decides to be a little more subtle in his battle of wits with Min-seok, and the result pushes our fake director to wrestle with some unfamiliar emotions. Soo-young takes some convincing to begin work as a secretary, but she quickly shows that she’s got the skills — and the wardrobe! Rivalries, burgeoning affection, and warring loyalties make this hour fly by. And as always, the supporting cast contributes just as much as the leads. I just hope Yoo-ah decides to keep Duk-hwan and Tae-seok alive… the two of them are far too adorable to die!


After Min-seok (re)introduces Soo-young as his secretary, everyone exclaims in surprise. Team Leader Kim stammers about how bold Director Lee is, and Soo-young is clearly uncomfortable with everyone staring. She says she shouldn’t have come, bows, and leaves, followed immediately by Min-seok. Team Leader Kim is forced to suggest that the meeting be postponed before following his impulsive director.

Min-seok doesn’t understand Soo-young’s reluctance, saying he only wanted to help an ally. She was wrongfully fired, and he wanted to make it right. But Soo-young believes that when bad things happen in life, there won’t always be a Min-seok to come along and help her up. She thanks him for trying to help her, but walks away from the company.

Team Leader Kim is lying in wait for Min-seok in the men’s restroom. After checking to make sure they’re alone, he begins upbraiding Min-seok for starting to act as if he’s a real director. Min-seok is still upset and in no mood for Team Leader Kim’s reprimands, so he takes off his jacket and says fine, he quits. He’s almost out the door when Team Leader Kim backhugs him (with an awkwardly sensual caress that had me busting a gut), crooning endearing compliments to get him to stay. Of course, at that exact moment Jin-woo comes walking down the hallway, and overhears Min-seok talking about how he can’t be caught.

The snippet of overheard information is tantalizing enough for Jin-woo to explore further. He calls a friend whose brother is an investigator, and asks if he knows about Lee Hyung-seok, possibly also known as Yali. His friend does know the name, saying that he believes Hyung-seok was seen at a symposium two weeks ago. Jin-woo is even more intrigued, because two weeks ago Hyung-seok was already working at Comfo.

Another phone call comes in for Jin-woo, this time from the rehab center where his mother is staying. Apparently her condition is getting worse.

Jin-woo gets onto a company elevator with President Yoo. He tells his father about his mother’s condition. At that moment, however, two female employees join them in the elevator and the president is quick to make small talk. Jin-woo looks aside, frustrated by the lack of response.

Soo-young goes back to the convenience store, only to be greeted like a customer. She persists, confused, until her boss clarifies that she’s fired. She lingers at a bus stop while calling about other job opportunities, until she receives a phone call from her mother. Mom is in town and wants to see Soo-young at her fancy company!

With her old employee card dangling around her neck, Soo-young rushes to intercept her mother and her friend. She ushers them into her workplace, hiding from the former members of her team on the way. They’re about to get in the elevator when Min-seok runs into them. Soo-young introduces him as “Director Lee… from my team,” and Min-seok, bless his loyal heart, goes with the flow.

Up on the rooftop, Min-seok delivers coffee to the ladies and good-heartedly sits through the inevitable questioning: he looks young to be a director, is he a chaebol heir, did his family have a lot of money to send him abroad? He is unfailingly kind and courteous. Meanwhile Soo-young has to be about dying from embarrassment, especially when Mom says that she doesn’t have a man chasing after her, so she should work hard.

After sending Mom off, Min-seok and Soo-young take a walk. Soo-young is grateful for the help, while Min-seok wants to apologize again for hurting her feelings with his impulsive actions. She says she knows he was just trying to help an ally, but Min-seok insists it was more than that. He has to hire a secretary anyway, and he’d rather it be Soo-young than anyone else. Aww… say yes, Soo-young!

The Dubious Duo of Duk-hwan and Tae-seok spy Min-seok sitting with a girl, and sneak up on the two of them. They get Min-seok’s attention, and he stammers to Soo-young that he forgot to meet his friends, who are ten years younger. He tosses them his stuff and hustles them away from Soo-young.

When Soo-young returns to her apartment, Yoo-ah is diligently trying to repair her school uniform, even though sewing doesn’t appear to be her favorite activity. Soo-young offers to buy her a new one, and Yoo-ah replies absentmindedly that Soo-young should look out for herself. “Do you know?” Soo-young asks, referring to the fact that she lost her job, and Yoo-ah realizes her mistake. She hastily tries to distract her sister with kimchi fried rice that she prepared. Soo-young’s not fooled — later that night, when Yoo-ah is sleeping, Soo-young watches her wistfully and says that her little sister has grown up a lot.

A groggy Min-seok wakes up the next morning to a phone call. A cheery voice says, “Morning call, Director! It’s time to get ready for work!” Min-seok checks the phone, disoriented, and sits up in bed. Meanwhile, Soo-young appears to have found a new lease on life. She prepares for the day with vigor, embracing her new role of secretary.

She gives herself a hilarious pep-talk while brushing her teeth and getting dressed, adopting a new style for the new job. Dramatic music and epic slo-mo creates an added sense of purpose, as Secretary Soo-young gets ready for her first day at work.

Soo-young introduces herself formally to the Retail Team. Her reception is mostly lukewarm with the exception of Assistant Manager Yoon, who claps wildly. Team Leader Kim gives an impassioned speech about how they’re all family, with Min-seok giving him a sidelong glance as if to say, Would you look at this guy? Soo-young gets her new desk, and the Retail Team is reunited at last.

Soo-young takes to her secretary job with her usual vigor, staying close to Min-seok and going over every detail of his schedule. He finally snaps, telling her to take it easy, speak normally, and for heaven’s sake wear her glasses if she needs them to see. “How far are you going to follow me?” he asks, and we see that they’ve arrived at the men’s restroom. “Take care!” she says with a bow as he heads into the loo. HA!

Jin-woo, lurking as usual around the corner, witnesses this exchange and realizes that Soo-young has accepted the secretary position. He follows her to the vending machine. First he buys her a juice, then he offers an apology for his behavior before, and finally he asks her out to dinner that night. Flustered, she tries to refuse, but he says he’ll meet her at a nearby Italian restaurant and walks away with a devilish smile. What are you up to, Jin-woo?!

A call comes in for Min-seok about a meeting with clients from Spain that has been moved to that night. Soo-young’s colleague receives it, and because she resents Soo-young’s good fortune she throws a post-it note rather carelessly, and it falls accidentally to the floor. Soo-young comes in, all in a tizzy over the dinner invitation, and doesn’t see the message.

Yoo-ah corners Duk-hwan and Tae-seok in an alley, and demands to know what her “Husband Lee” has been doing lately. She doesn’t mess around, and when she gets a brick Duk-hwan spits out a plausible lie: “He’s got a part-time job!” The two friends spin a tall tale about Min-seok trying to help out his family with a demanding delivery job that calls him out at all hours. Yoo-ah stalks away with a purposeful look, not responding to her friends when they ask what’s wrong.

Min-seok leaves to inspect a mall for work, just before Team Leader Kim bursts in with news of the meeting that evening. He demands to know why Min-seok didn’t get the message, and Soo-young’s colleague confesses that she left a post-it note rather than passing the message to Soo-young directly. After trying to call a few times, Soo-young charges out of the office. She even leaves her phone behind, forgetting about the half-finished message that she was about to send to Jin-woo requesting a rain check for their dinner.

Soo-young just misses Min-seok as he gets into a taxi, but she manages to snag a scooter from a delivery guy. She tosses him her ID card and yells, “I’m not a bad person!” before speeding away.

The high-speed chase is on, and Soo-young maneuvers through the streets after the taxi. Her skirt splits along the way, but she only grits her teeth and keeps going. She even activates the loudspeaker, calling out for the taxi to stop. Min-seok finally hears her and, utterly flabbergasted, gets out of the taxi. She yells at him to get on the scooter without explaining why.

Back at the company, Team Leader Kim and Director Han wait in expectant misery. President Yoo will arrive any minute, and they really need Hyung-seok to be present to meet this particular client. Then, just as the president and his entourage come into view in the lobby, Soo-young and Min-seok arrive on the borrowed scooter. The day is saved!

After returning exhausted to the office, Soo-young sees her phone and remembers her dinner date with Jin-woo. Off to the Italian restaurant she goes, and even though it’s late he’s still there when she arrives. She offers to buy him dinner to make up for being late, and he says that there’s another place he knows.

Next stop: Jin-woo’s apartment. He ushers her inside despite her polite protests, and tells her to wash up since she already knows where the bathroom is. Soo-young takes the opportunity to fix her windswept hair and pluck at her eyebrows (A for effort, but is this really the time?), then joins Jin-woo in the kitchen.

He seems to be fishing for information, as he asks about Director Lee and says they seem close. When Soo-young doesn’t know how much spaghetti they’ll need, he shows her how to measure servings by putting different fingers together. Even if it’s only part of a dastardly plot, hurray for Spaghetti Skinship!

After dinner, they talk a little bit about their different tastes in music. Jin-woo puts on a classical song that he enjoys, and opens up a bit about his difficult childhood, since Soo-young already witnessed his strained relationship with his father. Soo-young says that the song is beautiful. Jin-woo: “It’s beautiful, and that makes it more sorrowful… like my mother.”

Jin-woo drops Soo-young off at home, and even gives her a gift to congratulate her on getting her new job. Yoo-ah arrives in time to greet Jin-woo, expressing surprise that this director isn’t the director who re-hired her sister.

After Jin-woo leaves, Yoo-ah teases her sis that she keeps getting directors to fall for her. “When are you getting paid?” she asks, as they walk up the street together. “Can you give me an advance on my allowance?” Aren’t these sisters just the cutest?

Min-seok gets a wake-up call from Soo-young the next morning, though he’s already awake. He hangs up and comments to her potted moss that she’s not really secretary material. He waters the moss carefully, which is pretty much the sweetest thing ever. Dad calls him down to breakfast, and Gramps joyfully echoes the call.

Dad asks Min-seok to call his hyung, because a package he sent got returned. Min-seok says it’s because Hyung-seok moved, but that doesn’t keep Dad from worrying. Gramps tries to steal the plate of fish, saying it’s for Hyung-seok.

Min-seok takes the fish back, claiming to like it more than his brother, to which Gramps responds: “Hyung, first. Dongsaeng, second.” Min-seok keeps a smile on his face, eating the fish to keep Gramps distracted. But man that has to hurt, especially when Min-seok is the one making all the sacrifices to protect his family.

Min-seok’s father follows him outside. He’s uneasy about Hyung-seok, not just because of the package but because of bad dreams he’s been having. “It’s just ‘cause you’re getting old,” Min-seok assures him. “Why not start dating like Tae-seok’s mom?” He tells his father to not worry and go seduce women, then rushes off. “Take care of yourself!” Dad yells after him. “Be careful while playing sports!”

When he’s alone, Min-seok tries to call his brother, but he doesn’t answer. As much as he might deny it to his father, Min-seok is getting worried too. He goes to school, and his friends help with the roll-call-window-escape routine that he’s got mastered by now.

As luck would have it, Min-seok enters the lobby right after Soo-young and Jin-woo. He hears them as Soo-young thanks Jin-woo for the lovely dinner, and Jin-woo returns a watch she left in the bathroom of his apartment. Min-seok stands there in the lobby after they leave, perplexed and definitely NOT happy.

Min-seok immediately confronts Jin-woo, demanding to know what he’s playing at with Soo-young. Jin-woo says it’s none of his business, but Min-seok insists and Jin-woo gives it to him straight. “It was awkward after she confessed her feelings, but seeing you so concerned about her made me curious,” he says. “She has a funny side, and she’s charming… as a woman.” Min-seok gets up in his grill, but Jin-woo accurately points out that he’s getting pretty worked up over his secretary.

In the Retail Team office, Team Leader Kim praises Soo-young for her quick thinking with the scooter the day before. Her colleagues see her in a new light. Han Sang-hee, the colleague who made the post-it note mistake, even comes over to thank her personally. The only person who isn’t overjoyed with Soo-young’s recent actions is Min-seok, who leans against the doorway with a skeptical look on his face.

Min-seok calls Soo-young in to talk privately in his office. He says he has something to tell her “for her own good,” and she obediently gets out her notebook to record it. He hesitates… but in the end he can’t say anything. He sends her out.

Now alone in the office, he laments that he can’t tell her the truth about who fired her, because she would only get hurt again. Soo-young begins working diligently on his schedule, but he interrupts her soon with an instant message asking what she’s up to. He says he’s only bored, but he’s still struggling with what to say to her.

Then Soo-young gets a message from Jin-woo, wishing her a happy afternoon and including the song he shared with her the other night. She happily gets out her earphones and starts listening. However, she mistakenly sends her message of gratitude to Min-seok instead of Jin-woo, and that’s enough to push the concerned fake director over the edge.

He calls her on the office phone and begins scolding her for not seeing through Jin-woo’s kindness. She rushes in to the office and he keeps shouting, telling her that she shouldn’t take what Jin-woo says at face value. Soo-young thinks he should be more forgiving of people’s faults, and further tells him that it’s inappropriate to lecture her this way. Before leaving she asks about her moss, and Min-seok snaps that he threw it away.

Our office gossipers pick up quickly on the odd relationship between the director and his secretary. There is some disagreement on whether anything is going on, and they would probably have kept arguing about it, but Assistant Manager Yoon cuts in and tells them to get back to work. From his expression, however, he knows that something is not right between the two allies.

Min-seok steams in his office. “Do as you like!” he says to the empty office. “It doesn’t matter to me if you get hurt!” He’s upset that she got angry at him when he thinks he was only trying to protect her.

Up on the rooftop, Soo-young is similarly puzzled and confused. Director Lee was nice to her, and then teased her, and now he gets mad at her, and she doesn’t know why he keeps changing. “It’s okay,” she says, as if trying to convince herself. “Everything’s okay.”

Soo-young asks to leave work, and Min-seok is still sulking with a video game in his office. He grunts a monosyllabic approval, and she bows and leaves. Then a call comes in about hockey practice, so Min-seok has to leave as well.

At practice he’s feeling more than the usual amount of frustration, and he picks a fight with his sunbae when he gets checked. Their teammates have to tear the two apart, and Min-seok is held back after practice by the coach to talk about his attitude.

Duk-hwan and Tae-seok wait for him afterwards with a band-aid for his face. They chatter about the “women people” at his office to try and lighten his mood. Min-seok just walks along in silence. Then Yoo-ah rushes up to them, delighted to see “Husband Lee” but upset about the scratch on his face. She offers to buy him dinner, which he turns down tersely. When she offers again, he snaps at her that he said he didn’t feel like it. “Why do you keep bothering me when I said I don’t feel like it?” he yells, losing his cool with her for perhaps the first time. For once, Yoo-ah is too shocked to say anything.

Later, Min-seok sees Soo-young getting out of Jin-woo’s car after another dinner together. He walks angrily down the street, kicks some boxes, and then comes to a stop. His expression fixes into one of resolve, and he runs off.

Soo-young sees a poster for a missing dog that’s about to fall down, and she gets on tip-toe to try and fix it. She receives a call from Min-seok, who asks whether she likes jjajangmyeon or jjampong more. “I’m someone who needs to know what I’m curious about,” he insists. She says jjajangmyeon, so he asks whether she prefers winter or summer. “Winter,” she answers, still trying to fix the poster with one hand. “Then there’s one more question I have to ask you,” Min-seok tells her.

He walks up and reaches over her, putting the poster back in place. He’s out of his business suit now, wearing a shirt that makes him look more like the high school student he is. “This one I need your help with,” he says. “Ten seconds… ten seconds would be enough.” Then he pulls her into an embrace.


This drama. SO GOOD! Consistently funny, sometimes irreverent, yet always circling back to the real emotional struggles the characters face. Min-seok’s growing frustration, Jin-woo’s repressed anguish over his family, Yoo-ah’s surprising maturity and protectiveness when her sister’s having a hard time… it all gets me right in the heart.

It was nice that Soo-young didn’t immediately take the job that Min-seok offered her. Her comments about having to rely on yourself and weather adversity were right on the money, and it’s also true that Min-seok got carried away. He saw something he considered wrong, and wanted to fix it immediately by any means necessary. But in doing so, he didn’t consider any of the problems that might arise from his actions. Loyal and good-hearted he might be, but he has some growing to do.

The scene with Soo-young’s mother solved the dilemma really well, since Min-seok received a second chance to articulate his feelings. He apologized for being impulsive, then explained why he actually did need a secretary, and that he couldn’t think of anyone better than Soo-young. It was good practice for him, forcing him to think before he speaks, and speak before he acts. He’s going to need that practice if he wants to survive in the company, and even more if he wants to compete with Jin-woo for Soo-young’s affections.

Soo-young, as always, won me over with her somewhat clumsy but always sincere approach to life. Some people find Lee Hana’s acting a little over the top, and to a certain extent I agree, but for me it doesn’t detract from the endearing nature of her character. Soo-young throws herself headlong into everything she does, wearing her heart on her sleeve. She gets burned for it time and again, but it doesn’t make her bitter or turn her inward. She only tries harder, while holding to her sense of what is right. She’s as tenacious as her sister, only with none of the street smarts (or the dirty mouth).

The role of secretary suits her so well. Of course she tried too hard in the beginning, with the Extreme Secretary Makeover and the hardcore schedule organizing. But when the job calls for someone meticulous, someone who doesn’t give up, Soo-young really shines. It was SO satisfying to see the Retail Team acknowledge her after she saved the day with the scooter chase.

The love triangle is shaping up well, too. In the beginning of the episode I thought that Jin-woo was only intrigued by Min-seok, which is why he made overtures to Soo-young. I still believe that, but I think it’s harder to tell if, at some point during this episode, he started liking her for her. There was definitely some measure of vulnerability when he told her about his mother, for example. And it seems to me that for Jin-woo, a closed-off and hugely defensive introvert, Soo-young’s kind-hearted and relentless earnestness will eventually strike a chord with him. He might still have Min-seok in his crosshairs, but Soo-young will grow on him soon enough… she’s like moss that way!

As for Min-seok, I really felt for him this episode. He saves Soo-young’s job and even helps her save face in front of her mother, only to see her gravitating towards the director who fired her in the first place. For someone who places such value on loyalty, that had to have hurt. And then we factor in his growing attraction, which seemed to creep up on him unknowingly until the final moments. Min-seok is a barrel of teen angst right now, but he still does his best to follow his heart and his principles.

I like Min-seok better when he’s comically outraged, rather than dark and broody. It was painful to see him shout at Yoo-ah, who has really won me over in the last few episodes. It seems that no matter how things end up, someone is going to get hurt. But it’s a mark of this show’s quality that no matter who it is, even Jin-woo, we’re going to feel for them. Second leads and antagonists I can honestly root for… that is really rare in my experience, and it makes me love Savvy so much more. About the only people I genuinely want to punch right now are President Yoo and Hyung-seok. I have hope, however, that Jin-woo and Min-seok will take care of that for me in future episodes.

King of Savvy, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me look forward to Mondays again!


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honestly I dont ship anyone I just want them to become allies and wprk together. And I love Lee Ha Na's character a lot.


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Me too! I love Lee Ha Na's character because she's not your typical cute yet slow and naive female lead. She's so freaking awkward that it's hilarious and adorable! Her mannerism is perfect! I don't find her 'dumb' at all, just socially awkward! It's so refreshing to see a female lead like her once in a while!

Seo In-gook play's a better teenager here than he did in Reply 1997! The way he lashes his temper and petty fits are hilarious and so typical of a hormonal teenage boy. He plays his character to a Tee!

Does anyone know the ratings of this? It's a standout from all of the recent dramas. Unpredictable plot and characters.

I love the manager, he's on high stress alert 24/7!

Oh, and Grandpa ... too cute for words.


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I don't think SIG is playing an adolescent. (Never saw any of the Reply stuff - too, too native Korean for me.)

Rather, SIG is portraying a universal alpha male, anywhere in ages 16-36. This is so refreshing, not to mention realistic. I thought alpha males, who are not criminals or perverts, did not exist in Korean dramas. Now that I see one, I am just delirious.

I used to yawn at the rare male leads who get into brief fistfights while looking constipated. Worse yet were the two male love interests in Witch's Romance, who barely exchanged a word with each other over the woman that they are supposed to fight, who instead took turns giving in so willingly and meekly. That was pitiful.

That annoying girl - baby sister of SIG's secretary - really had it coming to her. When will these ditzy girls realize that real men don't like to be chased? They do the chasing, thank you very much! Yet, the Korean dramas perpetuate these misguided female stereotypes.

The CEO's son reminds me of several losers that I went to high school with. This guy is a weasel, always passive-aggressive and always pining for something he cannot get. Maybe the military draft will straighten him out? Nah.


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You MUST MUST MUST watch Reply 1997! See it through the end...it is one Korean Drama Gem.


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I understand that you must have grown in a very conservative environment, but times are changing now and women are allowed to express their feelings, because we are human beings like men are.
Men and women are not hunters and rabbits. We also like to seduce the man we want, the same way you like to pursue the woman you like. To pursue a guy that you like shouldn't reduce your "value" as potential partner, because that would mean that your only value is to be unattainable. I hope in the future men and women are able to play the seduction game in equal terms.
That said, maybe Yoo Ah is going too far with a guy that does not feel the same for her. But I don't think she is doing something wrong in trying to seduce him, the only thing is that she should learn when to stop and not become a stalker...but she seems to have potential, she is too young and I think she will become more mature with time ^^


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I loved this episode, from the beginning till the end!! But the best part was watching Min Seok while he realizes what happens to him, hehe!! That hug was totally cute. *-*
So impatient to see how this situation evolves...I am totally shipping them, 100% onboard, because these two are soooo cute together. Well, at least I hope that whatever happens, they keep being allies and friends. :D

What I am wondering now is if the writers plan to introduce Hyung in the story at some point....maybe it would be too much to handle??


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Wow. I feel like your (Dr. Hwata) opinion is straight out of a 1950's library book. You know, the one right next to the children's book that that tries to teach race by describing black people as "burnt", Hispanics as "overdone" and white people as "just right" (which is an actual book my mother came across at a south side Chicago public library. yeesh)

We no longer live in the Mad Men era, and though I understand your opinion, it seems like men who fists instead of words are no longer masculine, and you are implying that you have no respect for men who show respect (ie equality) to women.

Perhaps not the greatest outlook on life to have in the 21st century. But ever happiness to you and yours.


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"Wow. I feel like your (Dr. Hwata) opinion is straight out of a 1950′s library book. You know, the one right next to the children’s book that that tries to teach race by describing black people as “burnt”, Hispanics as “overdone” and white people as “just right"..."

WHOAH!! HOLD THE PHONE! What am I reading here??? Are we talking about the drama, cast or storyline or what?! My next question is what BOOK did you get these references from?? Is this something taught in one of the Koreas or something that came from the twisted recesses of your mind??? (°_°)

Please take a chill pill! It's just a stupid drama. Geesh


"Are we talking about the drama, cast or storyline or what?!"

None of the above Seanshine, I was trying to make a point (though now I feel my comparison was a bit harsh and unorganized), that Dr. Hwata's take on gender was similar to antiquated thoughts on race.

As for this Book of which you speak, if you read my comment fully I thought it was pretty clear that it comes not from "Korea"(which is a sad falsity your insinuating..) or the "twisted recesses of my mind", but was a book my mother (who is African-American, not like that should make a difference but just FYI), found in a public library when she was a child in 1960's Chicago.

So just to reiterate, that library book posing as educational material = racist filth that perpetuates hate. Dr H's take on masculinity = this person's thoughts seem dated and I disagree on almost every level, but wouldn't put it on the same category as that horrible excuse for reading material.

I apologize if that wasn't made clear, making comments whilst on public transport with a phone does not often create the most eloquent of results.


u r a bit too harsh..
yup more Realistic.. but still too harsh... >_<


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ratings for this show:

-epi 1: 1.47%
-epi 2: 1.33%
-epi 3: 1.66%
-epi 4: 1.08%
-epi 5: 1.743%
-epi 6: 1.95%

from wiki and HSKoS's thread at soompi's forum


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I agree. I was holding out for just a sweet friendship between MS and SY, but now it looks like they're going for romance. I could come to love the couple if they play it right, but I hope what's good about the show so far doesn't get overwhelmed in the romantic angst.


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Am I the only one to think NO! to a romance b/n Min-Seok and Soo-young? He's a high school hockey player! He's not really a director, but he's getting confused with the role he's playing for his brother's sake.

I'd much rather SY be let in on the ruse and becoming his ally/accomplice in making him successful in his brother's stead for the time being. A true romance could actually develop between the lonely hearts of Jin Woo and Soo Young, if Jin Woo were to be sincere and not be using her to get at our fake director.


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I agree!! I just want everyone to be bros! And seriously I could just watch Min Seok hang out with his family forever. They should make a spin


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(Oops posted by accident)--a spin off called Adventures of Min Seok and Halbae. It would be magical.


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YES to this.


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Same here! I fell for the lead character's alpha male personality, but I find the storyline so far lacking. The girl is too silly for me. I mean, I really want to like her but after the second and third episode I was ready for a stand in or something!!


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Great recap !
It was an other awesome episode. Waiting to see what is happening next with impatience.
They found the perfect balance in this show, and it is so agreeable to look at, the hour goes so fast!

I love the secondary characters too.


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I really like this episode. Does anyone know the ending song? It sounds so good.


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I've been googling like crazy for that ending song. I love all the osts in this drama. It's certainly my new crack!


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Yeah, I've been looking for it too, but no luck so far T.T
Someone help, please!!


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i think it will come out after the LOOOOOOOONG wait of another week like the 2nd one!; i dont wanna go mad for it too!! but i love this one too..


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Found it, it's 'Fluttering Heart" by Honey-G. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6C7xfI1qSI


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Thank you so much!


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You know what I really love about this drama? It has a really cute sister pairing.
I've been wanting more dramas to have females supporting each other, and more realistic depictions of women and their friendships. Granted, the female co workers don't really have much on that front, but the sister pairing is cute in this.
I love bromances and stuff, but I'm at a stage in my life perhaps, or perhaps simply I'm just craving for some female love. Everybody oohs and ahhs and have their squee moments when the guys get all bromancey, why can't we get more for the girls?
I want to see MORE dramas that show some female support - I know there are many dramas that have it, but I don't know what it is, but I feel like there's not enough. Like, they don't stick with me over time.


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Totally agree, I was just thinking how many dramas depict sisterly relationships, and why they don't do it more often. Because when they do, it always works and can be utilized in many ways. (Masters Sun and My Name is Sam Soon come to mind) Love it!


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I know, right??
It's like, a lot of the time, all the guy characters get to be grouped together into close knit groups, but we don't get the same for our ladies as often I feel (unless it's the kind of drama where there's some kind of 3:3 ratio a la INR, Woman who still wants to marry, though saying that other dramas that have awesome girl besties come to mind).
Whereas in this particular drama, I love the cute sister pairing, having more female relationships in general (and by that, I don't necessarily mean saturated in cheese, happiness, unrealism - but one that is complex, and that goes beyond the usual bitchiness that is used superficially to make a stock character, and that goes beyond just talking about sex and relationships and shit - not saying those two things are BAD, but there's more to a woman's life than just that two!) being depicted in Korean dramas would be AWESOME.
By the way, YES to the MNIKSS example. I know this drama is shit, but Personal Taste wasn't too shabby on the female friendship side either.


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haha I may have just lol'ed inside a crowded car, but so much yes to your Personal taste example. The OTP were so annoying/idiotic in that drama but pretty much the only reason I finished was because of the BF. Her pointing out how moronic the lead was in that way only a BFF can was the highlight of any episode.
It remains a mystery as to why friendship is always on the backburner (which also a problem in American television) but get we just take what we can get!


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I love their relationship as well, and I sincerely hope it won't be severed by bother sisters loving the same guy or something. That would be the worst!


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whoops I meant 'both'


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It's was a great episode, I love everything about the show.. I can't wait for the next episode. I haven't been excited for a drama since Empess Ki, I'm happy I found an excellent drama to watch.. I also recently watch Fated to love, which I highly recommen, so far for just two ep it was great.


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I need to get used to Jang Hyuk's character in Fated to Love You. Right now, he kinda looks like an Oska/Dokgojin lovechild. lol


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The show does a great job of making certain scenes just come together really well. I loved the end scene. I got so excited for some reason when he was asking her those 3 questions, and then got to the last one and said "I'll ask you one more." I was like, "What's the question, WHAT'S THE QUESTION?!" lol

Just like the scene with Soo-young leaving the office with all her stuff, I think the show's writing, acting, music, and cinematography all just came together well for this last scene. Can't wait to see more of them.


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Ha, I thought his 3rd question would be something like, do you like me or Director Yoo ... I wasn't expecting the hug, and a tight one at that!


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I loved the last scene too! I saw him walking towards her in the background, but I somehow merged his pants into a skirt and thought it was her sister walking towards her. I was happily surprised to realize it was him!


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Ugh Yoo Jin-woo, in the words of Lee Bo-na, I hate him so much but he's so hot. I strongly believe he's playing with Soo-young, using her to tick Min-seok off. I can't wait for him to fall for her and feel like a real jerk.
Min-seok is so cute, not knowing what he feels, that hug at the end was so cute. I was thinking he was going to kiss her but I'm glad they went for a hug instead. I love the many hilarious facial expressions of Seo In-gook, he's a fabulous actor. I like everyone except Jin-woo's dad aka the irresponsible dad from Sly and Single Again. I like the office people especially Manager Kim and his superior. Dad and gramps are so adorable. Cute family.


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Rushie ~

I'm glad they went for the embrace as well. If those two were of the same age, he might have kissed her. He probably wants too, but he's conflicted. It's rough pretending he's someone he's not. He can't properly confess his feelings for her.


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JW's dad here is not the same guy as the one in Sly & Single Again. There it's Kim Eung Soo (Bridal Mask), here it's Han Jin Hee (Cheongdamdong Alice). Yeah, I often got them mix up too! Together with Park Young Kyu, the dad from Protect The Boss & I Do, I Do. These 3 "dads" have similar style!


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Oh my mistake. I remember where I've seen him before, he was Gu Ae-jung's dad in Greatest Love.


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It's been a while since i have loved a lead like min suk. It really hurt nu heart to see him hurt. I felt strangely protective of him and sad when She started accepting jun woos advances. I felt betrayed too. It was so touching seeing him come to terms with his feelings. I still don't get jin woo . What Exactly are his intentions. For the most part it seems like his jealousy of their relationship motivated him which is a little strange for a character like him. I really hope She accepts min suk. And i adore the sister relationship too! It's the kind i would really love if i had one :)


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it seems to me they are all slowly becoming more sneaky. but Min Seok still stubbornly refuses to wear a mask or let others wear it.
I love this principle. you start fearing he´ll become like the rest and lose thatyouthful sincerity and start pretending as well. hopefully he is one of those who keeps these ideas to the end and doesnt start pretending, manipulating, hiding stuff etc
but that is highly unlikely. rather he´ll lash out even more honestly.
but seriously whats with the hyung?


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WELL, APART from obviously pretending to be his brother. but he is not, really, trying too hard to be LIKE his brother. he just switched the name, or it was switched and he plays along but he doesnt really ACT like a different person, he is mostly himself. all the decisions he makes, his statements and conduct are still Min Seok, not someone else. so obviously although I said hope he doesnt BECOME a pretender, I mean hope this game doesnt swallow his true identity and ideals


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That is I think the catch and what makes the drama special. While Min Suk is the one who is supposed to be pretending he is the most honest of them all. He takes his brothers name and qualifications but his emotions and actions are right from the heart. While all others are pretending to be themselves when they really are not. Soo young does not really have a mask but honestly she could not pretend if she tried.

This drama is surprising me in the best way possible. I thought it was a ridiculous concept and i still do not buy that they manage to turn a high school student to be the FREAKING DIRECTOR of the retail team of a consulting giant. That said I love every inch of it. The characters are so deeply engrossing and i root for every one of them in some way. The family stories are incredibly moving i would watch an entire series set around Min suk dad and gramps. I did not like Soo young's sis for the first few episode but she completely won me over with the house cleaning. The sleeping scene i played it like a million times.
I am in love with Min Suk the character no i stand corrected am in love with Seo In guk. The character is fantastic inspite of the plot and he plays it with such charm and vulnerability that i wanted to hug him so many times during this episode.


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purplecow ~

Thanks for the recap. My favorite of the current dramas. Only thing I'd change is Min-seok would be in college rather than high school. I can't wait to see how Soo-young reacts to the hug. Really enjoy Seo In-gook's acting. His jealous concerned coworker is so real. You can feel his emotions.


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it would be even more difficult to place him in college cause be late twice and you are out. or something. it is even more strict. what they show is high school, especially for sports team members just cares whether you attend and not how well you do... just win in your sport dont try to think on your own just like he is told at work. but maybe this will make him believe in himself too, that he is not totally dumb and has a different kind of smart and if he just opens his mouth and doesnt let sunbaes control what he can do, he can achieve something great. he doesnt need to play hockey and get beaten up when the team doesnt win. and it would be a great motivation for him to GO to college on some field he never dreamed of studying before.


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I disagree redox, college would be more believable than high school. As someone who graduated from university there is hardly ever required attendance, and you only have 2-3 classes per day. unlike hs where it's taken every class period (miss three classes and you're done) plus with less homework and daily assignments in collage as opposed to hs, he could possibly get by with help from his friends/attending on exam days, but would be virtually impossible as a high schooler (at least from an American perspective) As for sports, if he was in uni, he could be on the schools club hockey team and the exact same story could play out.
Not that the hs setting Takes away from this drama anyway (and once the plot is based on a sibling taking the spot of his much older hyung realism is out the window) but John and myself seem to have a kindred affinity towards collage portrayals. One day the college dramas will be like the 2012 time travel obsession, so when's a better time to start the bandwagon than now!


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as someone who also graduated from University (thrice), I disagree. we had a heavy schedule and sometimes we were at school for 18 hours. you have seminars where you had to speak up or it didn´t count, and workshops where you have to attend through the day and evaluation of works done at the end of each. I don´t know about american colleges...
as for high school, all they cared about was the school rating on the national exams at the end of the year not your individual study time. as long as you get at least a B it is fine if you say you are in the library studying.


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Ouch redfox, that implication hurt my American Pride (Just Kidding, on some level you are correct). But to clarify I will speak to mine (and several friends who attended schools from public to Ivy league) experiences by saying yes, of course if you don't attend classes the chance for success will be quite low. The only time I skipped class was for other group projects or open labs. But part of higher education (at least for American institutions) is treating its paying pupils like adults, thus it's on you and you alone when YOU decide sleep is more important than your Diff EQ class. So no authority figure will expel you as they surely would in HS.

And from many people I know who attend Universities world-wide, they often have less small-time "required" assignments than even American students, with more weight on end of the semester exams and projects. (So you should be studying this whole time, but attendance isn't a dire necessity.)

Finally, I would just add that I have read a few articles that speak of Koreans finally having free time upon reaching University. Where youths would have time for dating, celebrating birthdays, sleeping, which wasn't the case during HS. Obviously, people's HS and college situations are different, but I still feel the average college kid could more believably "get by" than the average high schooler (especially in your freshmen sophomore dorm years) Which isn't to say college is easier (though it seems that might be the case in Korea), But there are less authoritarian figures/obstacle where you would get caught on your way to your hyung's corporate HQ building. Plus how much easier is it to sneak out of a lecture hall than a claustrophobic no-windows classroom. Amiright?


I started posting a very long comparison between Asian Colleges and US Colleges (since I have attended both). It was turning into a thesis so I stopped. All I can say is, the difference is between night and day. Asian Colleges are more like an extension of an Asian high school, same rules just tougher subjects. Then again, I went to a very strict high school/college in Asia both ran by Priests/Nuns. It was like being sentenced to prison except you get to go home every night. lol


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So glad to have gone to an American college then! The block system, max 3-5 classes per quarter/semester, freedom to schedule one's own classes - those are all what make American colleges so damned wonderful.


I see it as a double edged sword though. Yes, you do get more freedom and choices in how you want to tackle college in the US but if you lack the self-discipline to see it through then it is so much more easier to give up or take forever to finish. The Asian college I went to, everyone goes in and exactly 4 years later everyone that survived gets their diploma. Like ripping a band-aid off.


Thanks for the info, Aigoo/anais!
If feel like both of us were arguing without any substantial evidence to stand on, so its awesome to hear a primary source perspective.
My brother just got back from Australia, where the majority of students just go for passing grades (almost like checks) and drinking days are during the middle of the week.
It truly does depend on the specific country, school, major, and even your own working style doesn't it.


Thanks for the recap P-cow!

The scene with the post-it was quite refreshing. When they started it, I said to myself "Here we go, another misunderstanding that would be blamed on Soo Young". I was surprised that the co-worker owned up to her mistake right away and that no one was really blaming Soo Young for it.

Now that they have added some depth into her character, I am starting to feel bad for Yoo-ah. I hope Min-seok's outburst towards her would signal a wake-up call for her to grow up a bit. Dial down on the gangster act and stop being too clingy.


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The post-it scene was MORE than refreshing. When she purposely/haphazardly tossed it toward Soo Young's desk, I rolled my eyes, figuratively and literally. Here it comes, the backlash and pettiness that can last EPISODES in other dramas. Yes, writers, thank you very kamsa!


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I have to admit that my heart really went out for YA when MS yelled at her. I know she's delusional but Min Seok never really actually rejected her outright in a rude way before then. In fact he even treated her to street food and a movie date before that--- sure he was cornered into it, and yeah he must have only been moved by guilt but he was still nice to her and even gentle in pushing her away. He was supposed to be responsible like that, so I'm sure tenacious (and delusional) girls like YA would have read more into his actions than required. Ironically though, MS finally managed to yell at YA at right about the same time he was beginning to realize that he might be looking at Soo young in a different light...

My heart will break if this affects the relationship of the sisters. In fact I'm so curious how it would end. Part of me even thinks that NG scene with JW and YA might be shown towards the end to ease hurting hearts.


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I just want to comment that this drama has the funniest (and more varied ?) screencaps from episode to episode. :D


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oh, i so love your recap! So insightful and so effusive. And i love this show!

Aegyo is so hard to do. Real aegyo where you see some essential unfaked part of the person. And our heroine has true Candy aegyo. That's why I like her. I've seen other dramas attempt to do cute Candy or sweet Candy or hard Candy....and aaargh, I just veer away from liking those representations. But here...herone's sweetness, awkward nervousness at work, desire to prove herself, lack of confidence, and gumption...wow!!!!! How can anyone not like her?

Minsuk is adorableness kindness and youth! Jin Woo is gorgeous wounded angst. They NEED each other so much. Especially if Minsuk is to succeed in the world. Dad and Gramps have taught him about the real world but not about the workplace. And Jin Woo needs someone to teach him about family.

When Minsuk realized he had fallen in love -- the look of discovery and amazement on his face. It was as if he was saying, "So this is what love feels like?"

I also think I saw Jin Woo really also falling in crush.

I can see all four leads together. Older sister with younger guy, and younger sister with older guy. And all one happy family. After, ya know... a time jump.

I'm just really waiting for the time for Jin Woo to stop caring about pleasing his father. If there is anything worse than NOT pleasing big daddy, it's pleasing him. Jin Woo needs to just be himself and not care about Dad. Dad has just been too abusive. Why please such a person? Can you even respect yourself if you please such a person?

Am wondering when/if older hyung will ever show up. So much love for this show.

Thanks for the recap. I think I'm in love with Lee Soo-Hyuk, btw. Gotta shut down the night-time fantasies


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I really hope you're right and Jin Woo is falling in crush. That makes the story more complicated, and complicated is good. Plus Jin Woo is so lonely, I want him to get some real friends. Maybe then he won't have to be so sneaky when it comes to to his father and work.


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if you punch hyung seok's face right now you punch min seok's as well :D

it's in guk's



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I have nothing else to add. You said it all. Great show. Love it.
Thanks for the recap.

PS This time I wanted to hug Minsuk...his frustrations towards the end...well played Seo In Gook!


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This show is SO GOOD. Seo In-gook is SHUTTING. IT. DOWN. as the passionate, impulsive, caring high schooler. But this comment goes out to Soo-young, who makes me want to cheer. Seriously: How awesome is she? I've read a lot of comments about her being sad, pathetic, over the top, etc., but she is hands down the most interesting, complicated female character I've encountered in dramaland all year. She's awkward, but not because she suffers from low self-esteem (which seems to be the attribute of 99.99% of mousy female leads in dramas). She genuinely seems to like and respect herself. She's awkward because she doesn't really care about the "norm" or desire to conform to it. She marches by the beat of her own drum, happily. She's also surprisingly feisty and won't be anyone's doormat. I LOVE that she put Min-soek in his place for trying to swoop in and rescue her without even asking if she needed rescuing. I LOVE that she cares for her mother and her sister in her own way--quietly, realistically, because she cares and fights for those she cares for (see also: Assistant Manager Yoon). And I they all care for her back. She's not someone to be taken advantage of, and if she suspects she is, she'll speak up (unless it would be unwise to do so--such as when that asshole superior made her lug his package up to his office and then down to his car).

It's kind of hard to mention all of the things I adored about this episode without sounding like a ranting crazy person, so I'll make a list. At least I will be an organized ranting crazy person:

-Soo-young schooling Min-soek on overstepping his bounds by announcing her as secretary without talking to her first
-Min-soek taking every word in & changing his behavior because he genuinely likes and respects Soo-young so much
-Soo-young's determination to find a job
-Min-soek's subtle sucking up to Soo-young's mom & his earnest justification of needing Soo-young to be his secretary.
-The subtle ways that Soo-young and her mom both care for each other.
-That there was no big hullabaloo around the fallen post-it, and that Soo-young's coworker admitted that she was at fault immediately. Nobody tried to scapegoat Soo-young. I was a little worried that there would be a "mean girl" dynamic at the office, but there clearly is not.
-Soo-young's AWESOME, BADASS scooter chase scene & the subtle reversal of roles from last episode, in which Min-soek was driving the scooter & cheering up Soo-young. In this episode, Soo-young had the chance to save the day by rescuing Min-soek from missing his meeting--and, naturally, she was the one in the driver's seat (literally and figuratively) this episode.
-The fact that even though Min-soek struggled with being jealous of Soo-young & Jin-woo, he recognized that he was not entitled to Soo-young's affection just because he likes her. He realizes that she is her own person capable of making her own decisions. He actively tried to...


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... He actively tried to contain his jealousy for her sake (with varying degrees of success, of course). His reaction to his jealousy makes him way more mature than most other, adult men in kdramas, who would've just wrist-grabbed her and shamed her for talking to another man. Respect for the win!
-It was heartbreaking when it happened, but Min-soek's misdirected blow-up at Yoo-ah was so well-done and realistic that I have to include it on this list as an example of drama done well.
-Min-soek's boldness, especially with the hug at the end. He hasn't learned to repress his feelings yet, which makes for some very exciting drama viewing. :)


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You forgot one:
- after the scooter chase, Soo-young continued drive on the way back to the office. No discussion, and Min-soek didn't make a move to take the lead as the driver.

This little detail was a bit surprising to me and greatly satisfying.


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Yes! What a lovely detail and so indicative of the give and take of their relationship.


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Since there have been sooo many instances where writers of dramas disappoint me in this front (male's abuse towards female OTP…*here's me looking at YOU, HEIRS!). I have to give credit where it's due…I freaking loveee this drama's writer!!!


I replayed this scene a few times, and I thought it's MS doing the driving while SY held the umbrella. But I don't know why he was carrying her shoes afterwards. She's probably barefooted while riding. I need high quality vid to scrutinize!


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I totally agree!
Most importantly with Min-seok and Yoo-ah, I honestly felt so bad for her when Min-seok blew up in front of her. Her face afterwards was HEARTBREAKING...
I swear Jin-woo is using Soo-young and I can't wait till a) she finds out, b) he falls for her, c) he competes with Min-seok for her affection genuinely


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Oh, I know! My heart broke for Yoo-ah, even though a big part of me felt like it was actually really good for her to see that he's 100% not interested in her. While their stalker dynamic is pretty harmless , I sort of want her to move on for good, and maybe this outburst will open her eyes to the fact that one-sided affection for someone who only just *tolerates* you isn't funny or cute, it's sad and she deserves more.


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Let's just hope the writers will develop Yoo-ah's character further and give her room for growth/maturity! I think she needs to either reevaluate her constant advances towards Min-seok or move on to another boy without stalking him.
I'm also curious to know how she'll react once she learns Min-seok and her sister are working together, and perhaps falling in love?


The scooter chase soundtrack was unique! I didnt expect a lovely song to play. It left me wondering about what it meant...the choice of song and the whole scene.


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If anyone's curious, the scooter song is "Homesick" by Kings of Convenience.
(I never expected to hear their songs in a kdrama, so I was pretty shocked at first when I heard that familiar melody playing.)


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Is it the song with a girl singing in 한국어 with a unique voice color? I'm curious too..


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HI rearwindow!!

Great to "see" you gushing over a show that is my current crack drama! Awesome to be reading your long insightful comments yet again! ^^


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Great to "see" you too, Saima! It's exciting to have another crack drama to gush over. :) It's been a long, long dry spell--it seems like all the shows that I've fallen hard for in the past year have fizzled out pretty quickly. So let's hope this one keeps going strong!!


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To add to reasons why Soo-young is wonderful, you know that male coworker that no one ever listens to? I swear he has a crush on Soo-young. This episode he offered to stay late with her, and I think he's made other (really weak) attempts to get close to her in previous episodes. Everyone in the show forgets about him, so most of the time I do too!


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I didn't even think about that, but you are so right! How adorable. I just love how much depth is given to each of the side characters.


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Thanks for the recap...
I began watching this drama for fluff, mistaking a "high school" genre... How wrong was I???!!
This drama turned out to be gem... Yes, I ,too, actually look forward to Monday's ^.^


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Hi does anyone know where I can watch this drama?I can't find it on viki or dramafever.


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I'm pretty sure kdrama. com is subbing it!


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As Min Seok would say it: Thank you very kamsa! For this recap :)

Yeah, no more Monday blues for me, but now I'll have to contend with Wed-Sun blues...

How come SY shouted 2468 at Min Seok's cab when the cab number is 2315? Is it akin to saying "testing 123"?

I quite like the part of the scooter scene when they're reaching the office, with the SY holding the umbrella while they were riding, MS getting her shoes, and the foursome pose complete with fake smiles (that last pic in this recap)! Cute!

Jealous MS at his office doorway gives me Jim Carrey vibes!

Love the part when he finally blew up at the stalker (he's been pretty accommodating so far). And the part he helped to paste that poster...


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Love his "Thank you very kamsa!"

Show, keep 'em Min-seokisms coming!! ^^


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Min Seok and Halbae's isms:

1) Dangerous
2) Baaaaap!
3) Thank you very kamsa!
4) Kangnae Unni vs Yepun Unni (did i get this right?) hehe


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I do not know why, but when Minsuk helped Soo Young paste that poster, his arm reaching up beside her closely suddenly out of nowhere..it was so sexy. Am I weird? Haha


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Oh it got me too... especially when his pinky lightly touched her thumb. That introductory micro skinship. Hahaha


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I didn't see that! Off to watch again!


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There are many, many other scenes that are adorable, like when MS asked SY for a morning call again. Kinda flirtatious to me!

And her morning call came late, which led to the cute conversation with the moss ("bro"). MS's imitating the breakfast callout in his deep voice was really hilarious, as was his teasing Gramps during breakfast. Oh my!

Oh, and SY's mom's friend offered MS a hair perm. Will we get to see that? Haha. And the bungee jump too?

Love the little nudge MS gave SY when he asked her for a walk after sending the mom off. He's quite physical actually... although it's touching briefly, like in ep5 when he held her hand to see the injury after they fell from the scooter.

Last but not least: Frappuccino! Love the way he said it!


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I was in the middle of loving everything you're saying and then Frappuccino??? wait what?? *runs off to a replay. Hehehehe


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Love this drama, especially the Min-Seok- Soo Young relationship. I know loads of people are like "but he's still in high school", "she's too old for him", etc, etc. but I love this couple to pieces and am so glad that they seem to be shaping up to be the OTP.

I know some people read Jin-Woo's actions as "showing his soft side", "opening up to her", but I am slightly more skeptical. Jin-woo, from all his actions up till now, strike me as the kind of man who is coldly calculative. All I can see is a man who is using someone with a crush on him, to advance his own agenda, get back at Min-Seok, whatever. So I feel vaguely uncomfortable in their scenes together in this episode.


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I felt VERY uncomfortable. I felt like something was crawling up somewhere up my arm and neck. I didn't have that feeling that he was crushing on her. Maybe he felt comfortable enough to open up to her. But right now, I felt that he was just using her. Unless Drama tells me later that he is sincerely falling for her. I wanted to scream at Sooyoung to RUN.


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OMG i felt the exact same thing. And to be honest, the only time I'd ever be excited about a date like that would be if i'm already establishedly in love with the guy before he asked me out. Otherwise, it was a rather cold, slightly creepy, and awkward first date. But that's Jin Woo's thing and unfortunately, Soo Young is in fact all over Jin Woo.


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exact same i really wish she would have seen him and went, "oh sorry but i gotta go. i meant to text you." everything about it i was like NAH. for now as long as he's on his pseudo-i'm a sad villain tip


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I think some of the ladies here are getting too distracted by the actor's good looks so they convince themselves he is not all that bad. ;P (just kidding) But I think the character is a cold and manipulative person. You don't bad-mouth Soo Young in one episode (calling her a seductress) then be all sweet to her in another.


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Haha, I think you definitely have a point there. The actor is an incredibly attractive man. I was swooning at the beginning of episode 1 as well. But as the past few episodes went by, you just notice how he doesn't care about people and has huge Daddy-issues to sort through.

For me him giving her that handbag as a "welcome back gift" was a dead give-away that he definitely has a master plan on his next steps. I just hope Soo-Young will figure that out soon and not end up getting played by him!


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Haha I was swooning during episode 1 too. Actually, I still do. He is just insanely gorgeous. I hope he doesn't turn out to be too bad a guy because it is too much of a waste. Haha. Strangely though, I see something in common between Sooyoung and Jinwoo. They are both unique souls that stuck out in this story. And again, I could really feel Jinwoo's loneliness and introvert quality that I can relate to that people sometimes read as cold-hearted. But maybe I am saying this because he is very good looking. Haha.

That bag was a bit too much of an apology in the same night. I agree it was a dead giveaway. I dread what's going to happen.


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I know! When he gave her the handbag I was wondering if it was bugged. But then he was so pretty that I forgot about my suspicions, haha.


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Haha you crack me up!


It broke my heart when Min Seok yelled at Yoo Ah, but I was really happy that they let Min Seok get so worked up and frustrated like that, because as much as I hate to admit it, he's still a high schooler. He's not suppose to know how to deal with all this emotion and anger.

I'm also really happy that Soo Young didn't take the job right away, she may not be the brightest bulb, but she at least has the confidence in herself to be able to survive anything that is thrown at her without expecting a helping hand. I'm also glad that Min Seok apologized for jumping to the conclusion that she needed her help without even talking to her.

Soo Young and Yoo Ah's relationship is so awesome and I'm thinking their relationship with their mom is just as great.

I'm not sure if I'm going to survive Min Seok's realization that he has some kind of feeling for Soo Young and then when all the two of them realize how Yoo Ah fit in to all of this. While I love Min Seok and Soo Young together, I don't know that I love them as a romantic pair, but more as just the unbeatable allies.

Jin Woo, while I know he has bad intentions getting closer too Soo Young in this episode, I really am trying to figure out whether or not he realized just how much he opened up to Soo Young while they were listening to the music.

Everything is just going to hurt so badly when everyone starts to figure out the real emotions and intentions, and that's only because I feel so much for each of them.


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I don't ship anyone either. I actually feel myself becoming an anti for this Min-seok&Soo-young pairing ONLY because I just want everyone to be friends. Ally up! Ha. I hope more good things start coming from Yoo-ah. I know her stalkerism can get annoying, but she genuinely cares about him. I hated that he yelled at her. Awww. Ha. Boy better be careful. It's almost like he doesn't know they're sisters... which, yeah... the show didn't really do the best job of relaying that fact to him, but still. Lets just be friends everybody.

Love this show!


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Where is the best place to watch this one?


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Dramafire is good too


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kdrama.com, nicest video quality I've seen compared to other sites :)


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They have the rights, so it's a high quality stream.


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kdrama. com is great for watching this show. It's a beta version of the website so for me the commercials are only 30 seconds every 20 minutes. I LOVE it.


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viki also just got the rights. So watch out for their subs.


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Thank you for the recap!

I'm so in love with this little drama right now. It's exactly what I hoped it would be; goofy and cute with a little heart. It actually has more heart and emotional impact that I expected.

"And it seems to me that for Jin-woo, a closed-off and hugely defensive introvert, Soo-young’s kind-hearted and relentless earnestness will eventually strike a chord with him. He might still have Min-seok in his crosshairs, but Soo-young will grow on him soon enough… she’s like moss that way!"

HA, yes! I've been giving Jinwoo a sharp side-eye for his antics in these past two episodes, but I am looking forward to when he starts to fall for Sooyoung for real. I just hope he doesn't hurt her more along the way.

I love all of the sister moments we've been getting as well. Keep it up, show!


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I love it... I LOVE it all!!

I love Sooyoung, I love Min-seok, and I absolutely LOVE SIG as LMS!! ohmigoshhhh, he's killing it! I liked him a lot in AM97 but here he's not missed a single beat! He's pitch perfect! Am ecstatic for him.

In addition to all of the multitude things this show's doing right - the OST is one of them. Am glad they finally released Jung In's song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVC34Q-LGqg

Thanks to tvN we've had a bunch of unconventional male leads this year. From Let's Eat, A Witch's Romance, and now HS King of Savvy!!


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In one of the previous recaps a poster had mentioned that SIG resembles Angry Birds. The main screencap - hahaaaaaaa, the resemblance is uncanny!! Those furrowed brows...


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Hahahaha, now that you've mentioned, it, that's so true!! Especially when he's got spiky bed hair...


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Hahahaha, now that you mention it, that's so true!! Especially when he's got spiky bed hair!


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oops, sorry, double-post by my alter ego...


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I saw Reply 1997 and loved it - I think I'd forgotten how great Seo In-guk is though. I'm beginning to think his acting talents were wasted in Masters Sun. He was more of a boring second male lead, when he could have been awesome and hilarious like this!


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And by "boring," I guess I mean traditional.


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Thank you very much for the recap. I kept refreshing the page waiting for it. I will start by saying I absolutely adored this episode to pieces. Everything about it was wonderful, and I agree with much of what has been said above. I must admit, the couple of MS and SY has grown on me considerably, and that is because the actors are selling it so well. Did anyone else notice that little gasp MS gave when he first hugged SY? I died. Love this show and can't wait to see what is in store for our high school king.


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Loving this so far and the cast is doing a great job. SIG has grown on me since Master's Sun. He has that kind of face that can have a perpetually harsh expression but I saw him in No Breathing and he was able to pull off a great range there and is doing a great job here.

I have to admit my favorite character is Jung Soo-Young and Lee Ha-Na is doing a fantastic job with being adorkable and awkward. Watch her reactions when others have lines and she does not for a few seconds. Some actors forget they are on camera and fall out of character, she does not. This reminds me of Go Ara in Answer Me 1994 - she was always in character every second.

Agree with the lot of you...hug was more appropriate and glad they went for it rather than a kiss here.

Looking forward to the next episodes and hope the good continues.


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OMO! The preview ~ did he just sent out a tribal call to mate?!

Though I don't know how it's possible given Soo Young's sister is so into him (how can an older sister go out with younger sister's ex-boyfriend!) and Jin Woo is so gorgeously beautiful... (melt! melt!), I'll sit back & enjoy for now...


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This drama is selling itself to me so brilliantly. I did not know I could find a drama with funny aspects and lots of heart and considerable character depth in kdrama land. but, I'm proved wrong with this gem! And seo in guk is AMAZING! I have never really seen alot of his previous work, but the amount of youthfulness, brashness, loyalty, and all kinds of teenage riled up emotions min seok has, SIG acts them all out so brilliantly. Min seok is soon turning out to be one of my all time favorite male characters, hopefully, the drama keeps up with the quality so that he can get a permanent spot in that list. He is just so real, he makes me feel all his emotions with him. I get hurt for him, I get angry when he gets angry. Like I can't say this enough, but MIN SEOK IS AWESOME! Kdrama writers, LEARN FROM HIS CHARACTER! Finally a lad that comes along and understands how to respect a woman's space, all the while trying hard to keep a check on his emotions and even when he crosses his limits, he immediately acknowledges it and apologizes to sooyoung for it!

Albeit, he is in high school, but I'm surprised at the level of maturity in his character despite the childishness he seems to show at times! Like he is the MAN when it really counts. He has his own set of values that he can't let go and he is immensely loyal. That sort of loyalty is so refreshing to see in a male lead. As you can see, I can go on and on about minseok, I had to let out all my feels. I can write another two paragraphs on sooyoung, but I will save that for later. For now, I'm loving every single aspect of this show and as much as I feel awkward-ed out by all the noona romances, for this one, I'm ON BOARD! Mostly because these actors sell me their characters so well that I can't help but root for them in the end. Though, I still won't mind if they stay as an ass kicking ally team till the end.


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I'm really holding out for Hyung Seok's appearance as well. I have a feeling that will be one character that SIG can use to nail his acting powers as well. If he portrays Hyung Seok oustandingly, then that would just be the ultimate cap of it.... One has to wonder how SIG will portray a character soooo different from Min Seok, but is a brother so must be similar in some mannerisms somewhere. I have to say, he puts a lot of thought into Min Seok's character and is very consistent. Smart acting. I wonder if Hyung Seok would be more similar to Kang Woo.


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In ep1&2, Hyung Suk's voice was actually Seo In Guk's voice, right?

Judging from Hyung Suk's employee pass, nope, he's nowhere near Kang Woo (you meant from Master's Sun, right?) in terms of looks...


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Yes from Master's Sun! and yes that was definitely In Guk's voice in those episodes. The photo in the employee pass definitely looked younger haha and I'm really curious about the difference of Hyung Seok's aura from Min Seok's. You're right it's probably going to be different from Kang Woo since that guy felt like a military salary man and HS seems intellectual. So excited to meet Hyung Seok because seriously, help Min Suk already!!!


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Same here - ditto to everything you just said!!

I love that they've pitched Min-seok's character perfectly - he's young without being too immature, and disarmingly earnest without being irritating, and the loyal way he sticks to his morals and his family - whether it's his adopted family, his team, or his workmates - goes beyond age altogether.

Sure, he got a bit excited when the office girls flashed a bit of decolletage, but he only developed real feelings for Popcorn Sister!

I get the feeling he was already more mature than his classmates, due to losing his parents, living apart from his brother, growing up in an unusual family and taking care of the dotty but adorable Gramps.

I'm intrigued to see the growing divide between Min-seok's high school and office personas - I think someone commented that he's increasingly living in limbo land. He's becoming more attached to his work life and , but it also means he can't return to his normal place as a high schooler, and when his Hyung returns and it all comes to a head, my heart's already breaking for him!

I can see a lot of similarities developing between Min-seok and Jin-woo, and I'm rooting for the bromance and rivalry!!


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Love, love this drama, and thanks for the insightful recap, purplecow. Refreshing story line, great writing, spot-on casting and fabulous acting.
Seo in-Guk is really killing it. Alpha male representation or not, I see a conscious switching between late adolescence and pretend adulthood. So adult when he's apologizing to Soo-Young at the outdoors table after the awkward introduction scene as secretary; so adolescent when he's caught by his friends there and excusing himself with that nervous laugh and lame explanation of who they were. Even the ending scene where he's realizing/testing his feelings and hugging her is an artfully balanced portrayal.
Lee Ha Na is marvelous as Soo-Young, and a refreshingly written heroine, as others have pointed out. Nice blend of awkwardness, self-doubt, confidence and sincerity.
The writers are doing a slow reveal on the true nature of supporting cast that has me looking forward to coming episodes. Is Jin Woo just sneaky, or will he realize his growing openness and growing attraction toward Soo-Young? Will Yoo Ah continue to mature as a supportive sister, especially when she discovers a relationship between our leads?

This entire cast must be thrilled to be working with such a well-written script. A few weeks ago I read somewhere that Lee Ha-Nah felt she’d regret it if she missed the opportunity of High School King and thought that was curious--really, this little cable drama is what she’d stake her TV comeback on? I totally get it after watching the unfolding story line and the complementary cast these last six episodes.


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The Jung Sisters really remind me of Yeseo and Yerin park. hahaha. So cute.


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I just love the two leads!


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Thanks for the recap!

I'm really hoping for no romantic pairings :/ It's just too weird...he's in high school! And sure, time could fix it...but still. That's just...no. There is so much potential in other pairings. Soo young would make a great big sister for Min seok. I think Soo young has the perfect personality to fight through our second lead's barrier....really shipping her with the second lead.

I really hope the next episode opens with his asking her to help him with his covert activities. I know from the beginning of the show that she ends up finding out so....


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Thank you for the recap purplecow! Thus providing an avenue to discuss this loved drama. Love reading everyone's insights.

One of the scenes that I love is when Minsuk and the Manager were stressing out in the men's room, right after Minsuk was told off by Soo Young for thinking that she will immediately do as she is told. Minsuk, realising he did wrong to Sooyoung, said the same thing to the manager who wanted him to be the dummy director. Exactly what I love: a relationship/friendship that makes the other grow.

When Minsuk and Soo Young were talking at the 7eleven (?) table outside, Minsuk trying to convince her to be his secretary, he said that he owed a lot to her. What dis he actually mean? She did the powerpoint presentation, made him realise that he should never be the pushover and instead stand up for himself, made him feel comfortable at the office..what else? Are there more?

I understood how Soo Young felt when Minsuk threw a jealous fit at her in his office. Both not realising what is actually happening. While almost in tears, she tried to fix the tension by asking about her Moss (or was she trying to find a reason to snap back at him?Lol). He made it worse by the lie of course. I have an image in my mind that she might find her Moss on Minsuk's table when she follows Gramps home. And that is when she finds out about Minsuk! Lol.

Even though Jinwoo and Sooyoung scenes in this episode made my skin crawl, (even with chemistry between them), he remains the beautiful man that he is. I really can't concentrate on what is he saying focusing on his face and fingers when he showed Sooyoung how to determine a serving of spaghetti. Great tip by the way. (Why is it always Italian pasta in dramas?)


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If that happens the excuse can be that the moss was thrown by Hyung Suk towards his younger brother Min Suk. Hahaha I'm delusional now. Monday already please! Hehe


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I'm so in love with this drama, right from the first episode, it gets more n more interesting.. I ship for MS n SY romance despite their huge age gap as they really meant for each other, I also hope that JW will fall for her eventually. Can't hate JW he was so phatetically lonely


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This drama.....I think I will have to abandon it.........because it's JUST. TOO. GOOD. I am the type to really fall into a drama when I love it. Seeing it end will make me go into depression TT_TT the moment the romance started, I started feeling myself already getting depressed TT_TT oh drama....thank you for making me feel like this after such a long time.

Just like everyone else, when the post-it incident happened, my expectations immediately dipped. I thought "ah this is just like Doctor Stranger. Good at the start then going downhill" but then when the time came, nobody shouted at Soo-Young! & even the woman acknowledged her mistake &I said sorry. They, very correctly, said "you should have told her yourself!" & I was like "O_O am I in an alternate universe? O_O" but no I was not. You can't believe the things I felt then XD

Also, the chasing scene. That was my favourite scene. How many times have we seen a guy chase a girl? I can't even count. But a girl chasing a guy? Never. Sure this wasn't a romantic scene but from what I remember, it somehow still felt like a romantic scene. Complete with the BGM. How should I say this. It felt like a.....premonition scene? Like this is how the chase in the final ep of the drama will be like - this time it will be Soo-young who will chase after Min-Seok. & if they really do that, then I will kiss my screen. Please god, let me see this at least once!


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Also, Hyeong-Seok is an asshole.& I am not even talking about his whole spy act. What pissed me off was that he could afford a flat in a high-rise building & all these designer clothes for himself. But he couldn't bother to give a better house to people who took them in when they didn't have anybody? To people who didn't have to take care of them but still did even though they were not that financially stable? That screams asshole. I love how much min-Seok cares for them. & hence his older brother seems like even more of an asshole.


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Also, I am dreading the day Min-Seok will have to leave. Pretty sure he can't continue the double life forever. Because, thing is, he is very good at his job for someone who has 0 knowledge in this field. & judging by the short clip we saw of the future, he only gets better & is on par with the best. It will hurt to see him go after all his hard work & improvement just because he doesn't have some papers that talk about his skills. :( it will feel really unfair :( dreading this too.


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LOL "I was like “O_O am I in an alternate universe?" Exactly.



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I love every single thing about this drama.
Actors, plot, acting, and the super hilarious theme and the almost perfect portrayal of highschoolers is just DAEBAK

Plus the heroine is so awkwardly funny but does not at all look dumb in my eyes. I have a friend who is not as much awkward as SY but the mannerism is quite similar.

So again I LOVE AND ENJOY THIS DRAMA. It's dope!


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Thanks purplecow, your recap was so good!! :D

I'm loving everything about this show. Cannot praise enough SIG's acting and Lee Ha Na is so good too. It's so refreshing that they decided to make the heroine such a socially awkward weirdo, she is fun and feels authentic, even with the exaggerated body language.


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What is the name of the song at the end? During the recap part. It sounds so good.


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It's Honey - G's 'Fluttering Heart.'


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Thanks for the recap. After seeing this episode, I'm shipping MS and SY 100%.


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Aissssssssssshhh!!! it broke all the records of the Korean dramas i have watched yet!!! oh gosh; y i love this drama so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lead actress be so cute <3
MS;;; i can understand u...


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I'm late, late, Late to the commenting party, but I just want to reiterate how much I love this drama.


That is all.


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i really love this drama.. seo in-guk reacting really well..


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the last song from honey-g flutter heart


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Yay! I am so happy that this drama is good. I already liked Seo In-guk and Lee Soo-hyuk before this, but they're definitely growing on me! Acting respect.

My favorite parts were:
The breakfast scene with dad and grandpa
Min-Seok's outrage when he finally figured out that his frenemy is manipulating his secretary
The sweater Lee Soo-hyuk's character changed into when he brought our female lead back to his apartment

Okay, so a sweater isn't a scene, but he looked great in it!


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Ok you crack me up again with the Sweater Scene comment. haha.


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I was just searching for episode 7 and ended up on Viki, although someone said it wouldn't be there in English. But it is!! I am stoked (haha showing my Calif beach environment).

I'm actually liking watching this on Kdrama (less ads), but Viki carrying it I'm sure will increase the viewership--the little drama couldn't deserve it more.


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Hah I am totally lurking on this thread to see if anyone had posted anything about episode 7, I usually expect it to be up for my gym time, but alas was not to be tonight :(. I
I found it on Viki but as of now is only like 10% subbed.

Patience is a virtue.


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Episode 7 is finally up (fully subbed) on kdrama.com. Such a great episode.


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Aigoooo. Watched episode 7.


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Lee soo hyuk's acting is really amazing. This is -for sure- one of the best dramas of 2014.


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This episode was great start to finish! Even though I was thinking "take the mutherfreakin job!" SooYoung's points were quite valid and MinSuk had to take a step back and think. Wonderful teaching moment there. I like the fact that less that 5 minutes later she had to pretend to still have a job and MS went right along with the flow by not blowing her cover. And I enjoyed the dialog between them at the convenience store.

I think the fact that SY could barely ride for 30 seconds ep 5 but when it counted she chased MS on that scooter was amazing. By the look on his face, he thought it was amazing too. If ever there was a time to fall for someone, it was then. And that he was driving from the back while she held the umbrella up front...soooo cute.

Other highlights:
-MinSuk's face when TL Kim hugs him from behind in the men's room
-MS's morning drool(TOO real)
-MS's reaction when SY walks in with JinWoo (real)
-SY's reaction when she sees herself in JW's bathroom mirror post scooter chase. (soooo real)
-MS yelling at YooAh. I felt bad for her but this was bound to happen at some point. The great thing about the scene is the truly awkward embarrassment that it invokes(so real, it hurt).

Am I the only one who was reminded of Coffee Prince when Min Suk hugged Soo Young? Han Gyul was in a similar situation and tried to sort out his feelings for Eun Chan the same way. In any case, as much as I think MS and SY make a cute couple, I wonder if some of what this character is feeling is a lack of feminine affection. He lives with his dad and grandfather. His other "family" is the hockey team. There doesn't seem to be a "motherly" figure. (Dad is kind of mother hen-ish but that just ain't the same). By no means is he lacking in love, but I still wonder...


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