High School King of Savvy: Episode 11

The big reveal is finally here. It’s time for Soo-young to face the truth and decide what’s more important for her. Family? Love? Employment? She takes her time to deal with the betrayal and heartbreak, as does Min-seok. If she were to think for herself only, the answer to her dilemma seems pretty obvious, but that’s never the case. With the reveal, it’s a new game with new players. Time for all our characters to step up their game.


All the paths intersect as we await the big reveal. Min-seok and Soo-young stare at each other, Duk-hwan and Tae-seok watch the scene, and Yoo-ah stands in the middle, confused. A tense moment of silence passes as Soo-young recalls all the coincidences: Yoo-ah’s Hubby Lee, the handwriting from work and the hospital.

Min-seok forces a smile as he calls out to Soo-young: “Secretary Jung…” Yoo-ah looks confused at why Min-seok would call her sister that, but before she can get an explanation, Soo-young walks away with the realization. Min-seok follows after her and his friends drag Yoo-ah away, who’s utterly confused by this whole situation. How does Min-seok know her sister?

Min-seok follows Soo-young in a separate taxi, desperate to call her and explain everything. When he finally catches up to her, Soo-young tries to ignore him, but he demands an opportunity to explain. They sit on a bench, now with an awkward gap between them, and Soo-young asks if that’s his real name: Lee Min-seok. She even changes to banmal when she addresses him, now that she knows he’s a high-schooler.

Soo-young then asks who the real Lee Hyung-seok is, and Min-seok tells her the truth. She shakes her head, unable to comprehend this situation: “Unbelievable…”

Yoo-ah echos those words, “I can’t believe it.” Duk-hwan and Tae-seok try to insist that it’s the truth, but Yoo-ah’s in denial. “I won’t believe it until I see it.” She walks away distraught. Duk-hwan comments on how they live in a small world; how could Popcorn Sister be Yoo-ah’s actual sister? He worries about Min-seok, but Tae-seok seems more worried about Yoo-ah.

Walking away alone, Yoo-ah convinces herself that everything doesn’t matter. “I was first. I liked Min-seok first. I’m first…”

Back at the awkward bench, Soo-young confirms Min-seok’s age. Eighteen. She asks why he asked her out, and Min-seok gives the simple answer: because he likes her. She sits there with repeated sighs and aigos, which provokes Min-seok to erupt with his pleas. “Sure, everything is fake. My name, my age… they’re all fake. But Secretary Jung, Popcorn Sister, Neighbor, Jung Soo-young, my feelings for you are real. You know, right?”

Soo-young interrupts him to ask if he knew that Yoo-ah was her sister. She looks visibly more defensive when asking about Yoo-ah. He says he had no idea and continues with his explanation. He wanted to tell her everything, but he just couldn’t find the right time to disclose the truth. He asks again if she knows that he really does like her, but she shakes her head. “No, I don’t know. I don’t believe anything.”

With that, she walks away. Min-seok trails after her but quickly turns around when he spots two retail team ladies walking towards them. They try to catch Soo-young’s attention, but she’s too shocked to acknowledge them and glances back at Min-seok, who’s keeping his distance to maintain his cover.

Unable to wrap her head around the situation, Soo-young carelessly crosses the street with a car racing at her. Thankfully she’s pushed out of the way by Jin-woo, who looks genuinely worried. Soo-young still hasn’t come to her senses when Jin-woo apologizes for his big mistake before. He sheepishly notes that he only seems to apologize to Soo-young, but she doesn’t seem to comprehend anything he’s saying and walks away.

When she returns to the office, Team Leader Kim orders Soo-young to connect him to one of their working partners, but she mindlessly connects him to President Yoo. As a result, Team Leader Kim gets scolded for calling without a reason. He calls Soo-young over, but she doesn’t hear him until Assistant Manager Yoon taps her on the shoulder. She receives the scolding and apologizes just as Min-seok arrives, but she’s clearly still out of it.

She returns to her seat, except she doesn’t. She ends up sitting on Assistant Park’s lap, resulting in weird looks from the whole team. Getting back to her senses, she apologizes and starts to return to her actual seat until she meets eyes with Min-seok. At that point, she runs out of the office like someone who’s lost her mind. But I guess finding out that the boss you’re dating is actually a high-schooler can do that to you.

Min-seok helplessly enters his office, looking quite depressed. Team Leader Kim follows him in and jumps on the couch, nagging him about not picking up his calls and being late. But this time it gets to him, and Min-seok defends himself, saying he’s doing what he can. “Am I doing this because I want to?! What do you want me to do…” Team Leader Kim hugs a pillow and looks like he’s about to cry.

Min-seok storms out of his office, ignoring Assistant Park. The ladies notice the cold vibes coming from Min-seok today and fangirl over how it’s so fresh and cool, as he’s different from his usual self. Yoo-ju comments on his charisma, but when Ji Dae-han clears his throat, she adds that she’s kind of into the cute type nowadays. Ha.

On the roof, Soo-young hesitates to call Yoo-ah, and she’s approached by Assistant Manager Yoon. He asks if she and Min-seok got into a fight and explains that he caught onto their relationship. She starts to explain, but she can’t seem to get the words out. He advises her to make up with Min-seok quickly and tells her that he’s always available to listen to her dilemmas. But even with his comforting words, Soo-young still looks considerably upset.

President Yoo calls Director Nam into his office and asks him to look into Chauffeur Choi. He also asks him to dismiss Soo-young from her position, as she was just unlucky and saw too much for his comfort. Like father, like son.

Yoon-ju and Dae-han secretly make plans just as everyone starts to take off for the day. Min-seok asks about Soo-young, and he’s told that she left earlier. He nods and sadly walks out.

Soo-young gets a call from Min-seok but looks at the caller ID – Chief Director Lee Hyung-seok – with disbelief. She ignores the call and heads home, where she’s forced to confront Yoo-ah. She carefully asks Yoo-ah if she’s okay, but she obviously isn’t. Yoo-ah calls her sister shameless, and although Soo-young defends herself saying that she’s as shocked and confused as her, she seems baffled that Soo-young is playing the victim.

Soo-young explains to her that she had no idea until a few hours ago. “I understand you’re distressed, but I’m the one who’s more upset. I just found out that the person I love is a mere high-schooler and your Husband Lee.”

Yoo-ah can’t believe her sister. “Do you really think that you and Min-seok go well together? He’s my age, a high-schooler, eighteen! You’re a grandma compared to him. Unni, you’re really the worst.” She tells her sister to get lost and hits her with a pillow. Soo-young grabs a pillow herself, and a hateful pillow fight ensues, with feathers flying everywhere.

The sisters sit on the ground covered in feathers post-pillow fight, but they’re not done fighting. They call each other out for being selfish, and Yoo-ah leaves the house. Soo-young seems hurt from being called a grandma, but she thinks back to all the intimate moments with Min-seok and crawls back into her hole of shame.

The hours pass by, but Yoo-ah doesn’t return home. As it gets later into the night, Soo-young’s worry surpasses her anger, so she heads out to look for her sister. She eventually finds Yoo-ah being harassed by two high school boys, and she runs to protect her. Soo-young bites one boy’s hand and swings her arms in a threatening yet hilarious fashion, making Yoo-ah drop her head and walk off in embarrassment.

Min-seok lets out his anger on his punching bag, and Gramps joins behind him in imitation. When Min-seok collapses, he thinks back to Soo-young’s words about not believing him all while Gramps does his knockdown count. Aw, Gramps.

Wanting to resolve the conflict, Min-seok calls Soo-young out that night. As he tries to approach her, she steps back and tells him to keep his distance. She even furthers the distance by talking down to him, explaining their age gap, and asking if he’s allowed to roam around this late. Offended, Min-seok tells her that the ten-year gap doesn’t matter and that he’s basically an adult. But Soo-young can’t think that way. “You probably don’t know because you’re young, but the world isn’t a simple and easy place. I’ll pretend that none of this happened, so go home and sleep.”

Min-seok grabs Soo-young before she can leave and asks her for the truth. She still likes him, right? He seems desperate for Soo-young’s reassurance, but she doesn’t give it to him. She says that her feelings were for the 28-year-old Comfo Chief Director, not the Min-seok she knows now.

She runs off, but as soon as she turns the corner, she stops. Min-seok stands frozen behind in disbelief, and Soo-young stands alone in regret.

The next morning, Soo-young and Yoo-ah run into each other while preparing for their day, but they don’t acknowledge each other at all. Soo-young doesn’t seem to be preparing for work and sits on the bed with heavy shoulders.

At school, Min-seok spaces out as his friends check on him. He gives no response to their questions, nor does he respond to Yoo-ah, who comes in like nothing’s happened and cheerfully drops off food for him.

When Min-seok arrives at work, Soo-young has yet to come. The retail team members assume she’s late as she always was, but when Min-seok goes into his office, he finds a resignation letter from her. He immediately calls Soo-young, but she’s already long gone on a trip by herself.

On the bus, Soo-young gets Min-seok’s call. She thinks back to yesterday, when she found Yoo-ah’s notebook dedicated to Min-seok called “Making Hubby Lee the Best Athlete Project.” She looks through the pictures and health notes, a tangible representation of Yoo-ah’s care for Min-seok. It was then when Min-seok called her out at night and also probably when Soo-young decided to give up her feelings for him.

Back in the present, Soo-young ignores Min-seok’s calls and blocks his number. She convinces herself that she’s doing the right thing. She also texts Yoo-ah that she’s going down home to Kangchon for a while and that she’s sorry. Yoo-ah’s still in anger mode and thinks that her sister should obviously be the one to apologize.

When she gets off the bus, Soo-young sees her mother advertising the bungee jump, and she runs over to give her mama a big hug. Her mother assumes that she’s been fired, but Soo-young lies that she was given a few days off for being a model employee.

Unable to get in contact with Soo-young, Min-seok paces in his office. Team Leader Kim walks in to remind him about their meeting, and Min-seok covers up Soo-young’s absence by saying she took a few days off for some family business. Team Leader Kim starts to complain, but Min-seok yells at him to just leave it at that. Unaccustomed to Min-seok’s prickly personality, Team Leader Kim asks what’s wrong, but Min-seok just walks out.

At the meeting, the retail team looks for Soo-young, and Team Leader Kim notifies them that she’s taking a few days off. The ladies suggest that they start off with some iced coffee, but Min-seok shuts down the idea, wanting to get the meeting over with. Team Leader Kim tries to calm him down, but Jin-woo and the rest of the team notice Min-seok’s change of attitude.

Worried, Jin-woo waits in front of Soo-young’s house. Yoo-ah recognizes him, and they go out for burgers. As she’s eating, Yoo-ah comments on Jin-woo’s paleness and compares it to rice cakes. She asks if he likes her sister, and Jin-woo asks why he has to answer. Yoo-ah takes that as a yes and puts her number into his phone, saving his number as “Rice Cake Ajusshi.” Ha.

She proposes that they form a pact to share information. She begins by telling him that her sister had some problems with her boyfriend and is currently back home in Kangchon. This is his chance! They seal the alliance with a fist bump and before she leaves, Yoo-ah asks Jin-woo for 10,000 won to refill her bus card, and he lends her the money.

At home, Dad looks around the house for Min-seok but finds him outside brooding. He wonders if Min-seok has concerns of some sort and heads back inside.

Down in Kangchon, Soo-young takes time to relax, advising grandpas in their board game and riding on a swing. She walks down the dirt path, and when she spots a girl with a coveted popsicle, she asks for a bite. The girl refuses, so Soo-young threatens her with an old folk tale, saying that if she doesn’t share, she’ll grow a large lump on her face. In the end, she reluctantly shares her ice cream. Haha.

Soo-young sits alone on a bench as we hear the village ajummas gossiping about her. They talk about how she’s still immature for her age and that she’s sort of spacey. They wonder why she’s sitting alone, like someone who’s lost her mind, but we see that she’s sitting there crying. Aw, poor Soo-young.

Min-seok walks into work in a depressed mood while Team Leader Kim freaks out about a fax that was sent prematurely. He demands to know who sent it, and Sang-hee raises her hand, explaining that Min-seok approved it. Team Leader Kim storms into Min-seok’s office and asks him how he’s going to fix this situation. But Min-seok is clearly out of it and claims to not remember anything about the fax. Team Leader Kim tells him to take responsibility, so Min-seok comes up with a simple solution: fire him.

They both know that’s not possible and end up in President Yoo’s office with Director Han. After the three of them are reprimanded for their mistake in the contract, Director Han gives Team Leader Kim another scolding outside. He tells Min-seok to go and do absolutely nothing as they try to fix the situation.

Director Nam relays this good news to Jin-woo, saying that this mistake is a big loss for the company but a chance for their team. Jin-woo gets a text from Yoo-ah urgently asking if he’s gone to Kangchon yet to seize the opportunity. He laughs at the text, but his smile quickly fades when Director Nam asks about why President Yoo would want to fire Soo-young. Apparently, she’s seen something she wasn’t supposed to.

Jin-woo addresses President Yoo with this issue and asks him not to fire Soo-young because she’s the woman he likes. President Yoo says that’s not his concern and doesn’t want her around, but Jin-woo knows his father’s weakness. He threatens to disclose his identity along with his mother’s. President Yoo wouldn’t want that now, would he?

Jin-woo and Min-seok meet in the elevator and discuss the Soo-young situation. Jin-woo asks if they’ve run into problems, but Min-seok tells him to mind his own business. But it is now Jin-woo’s business, since he’s deciding whether or not to make a move. As he exits the elevator, Jin-woo makes a call to Yoo-ah for some information. Ohhh, it’s on.

After a stressful morning, Director Han and Team Leader Kim are out for some day drinking. Team Leader Kim notes that there seems to be something off about Min-seok nowadays. He usually comes to work in a good mood, but for some reason, he’s seems to be quite volatile lately. To avoid any slip of the tongue, Director Han directs Team Leader Kim to stick by Min-seok’s side and coax him into doing well at work.

And Team Leader Kim does so right away. He tells Min-seok that everything is being taken care of and that he has nothing to worry about. Hearing that Min-seok hasn’t eaten yet, Team Leader Kim offers to treat him, but Min-seok refuses. He’s really not in the mood.

But Team Leader Kim has a last resort: his USB. He hands it to Min-seok, saying that it’s a compilation of everything from the Korea, U.S., China, and Japan. Min-seok has no idea what he’s referring to, but Team Leader Kim gives him the nudge nudge wink wink. Even with the hint, Min-seok has no interest and puts down the USB. Finally, Team Leader Kim offers to listen to Min-seok’s dilemmas and tells him to talk to him comfortably like an uncle. So Min-seok does: “Uncle, please get out. I want to be alone.” So out he goes.

Soo-young’s playing hopscotch with the village kids when Jin-woo suddenly appears. She asks how he got here, and he vaguely explains that he has a source. He’s not sure why he came all the way here, but he was worried about her. He asks her to be his tour guide, since it’s his first time in Kangchon, but they’re interrupted by a phone call.

It’s a nurse notifying Jin-woo that his mother slit her wrists and is in urgent need of attention. He drops the phone in shock, and Soo-young hears the situation when she picks up the phone. He sits down to catch his breath before they leave for the hospital.

The retail team is feeling Soo-young’s empty spot, and Yoon-ju considers giving her a call. But Assistant Manager Yoon already did so and tells them loud and clear – mostly for Min-seok to hear – that Soo-young went back home to Kangchon to help out her mother.

At the moment, however, Soo-young is with Jin-woo. They run into the hospital, and Jin-woo rushes to his mother’s side. He cries by his mother’s bedside, and Soo-young silently leaves the room. She leaves his car keys with a note, hoping for his mother’s recovery.

When Min-seok returns home, he’s still in a grouchy mood, and he explodes when he sees that Gramps is making food with Soo-young’s moss plant. Dad immediately scolds him for yelling at Gramps, who’s hiding behind Dad in fear. But Min-seok insists that this plant is important to him and runs out of the house with the word of Soo-young’s whereabouts echoing in his head. He tries to grab a taxi to head down to Kangchon, but of course, no taxi wants to head all the way down there.

Back in Kangchon, Soo-young takes out the trash and sees that Jin-woo has come again. She asks about his mother, and he thanks her for driving him. Soo-young tells him to drive back safely, but before he leaves, Jin-woo pulls Soo-young into an embrace. He asks her to stay like that for a moment, and she does so.

Min-seok arrives just in time to see this. Although his immediate reaction is one of anger, he notices Soo-young hugging Jin-woo back. He looks at the scene with genuine hurt in his eyes and slowly walks back.

Soo-young pulls herself out of the embrace, and Jin-woo finally confesses his feelings. “I don’t know why I’m like this. I was fine being alone until now, but I could feel your empty space when you left. Can you just stay by my side?” He blames himself for everything that’s happened, apologizes, and asks for one more chance.

But Soo-young doesn’t falter. “A person’s feelings are quite cunning. Even a few months ago, I would have felt fluttery just seeing you at a distance, even making up reasons for why we’re fated to be together. But in that short time, I’ve already grown feelings for someone else.”

Jin-woo interrupts her, acknowledging that their timing was not right and again apologizing for everything. He knows he was in the wrong for treating her badly and even missing his chance. But he asks for one more chance and pleads that she doesn’t push him away at the very least. Soo-young tries to end the conversation by telling Jin-woo to drive safely, but Min-seok walks back into the picture.

Min-seok grabs her to talk, but Jin-woo stops him. He tells Min-seok that he’s in no place to be dragging Soo-young around. They approach each other and face off, with Soo-young nervously looking at them.


Aw, man. This was much sadder than I had expected, and I guess the previous cutesy romance makes this even sadder. The whole episode took a melancholic turn as our two usually cheery leads reacted in a rather depressing fashion. It’s obvious that Min-seok’s heartbreak is affecting more than himself; the whole retail team, Team Leader Kim, and poor Gramps are suffering the side effects of his anger and frustration. And there, we see the difference between Min-seok and Soo-young. Min-seok has always been one to be outward with his affections while Soo-young’s the exact opposite. She hides away, contemplates by herself, and takes the blame.

Denial, separation, and family are all heavy on Soo-young’s shoulders, even if it’s not entirely her fault. I’m glad we had more focus on her, as she was the one most affected by the reveal. Her side of the breakup is much more compelling, as she has many more factors to think about, the most important one being family. I can’t deny the bond these two sisters have, and Soo-young can’t either. She steps up to play the unni, forcing herself to keep her distance with Min-seok. It’s sad yet touching to see her make this sacrifice.

The reveal had a significant impact on the sisterhood, and there definitely isn’t an easy way to resolve the conflict. In such a situation, it’s natural for both sides to feel more hurt and more entitled to the pain. They’re both blaming each other for something that’s neither of their faults, and it’s causing them to hurt each other. The defense mechanisms are popping up, and as we know, it’s much easier to hurt the people closest to us because we know where they hurt and take for granted that they’ll understand.

One silver lining that came out of this cloud of gloom was the new alliance between Jin-woo and Yoo-ah. We know that Yoo-ah just made the pact in hopes of breaking up her hubby and sister for good, but I see lots of good potential for shenanigans. Jin-woo’s the only one in our complex love square who doesn’t know Min-seok’s secret, so I’m sure having Yoo-ah as his source will help him step up his game, as he already has in this episode.

After the previous episode, I was pretty sure that Jin-woo was out of the running, but he made a decent comeback this time around. He seems sincere in his apologies to Soo-young, and I can see that he means well. He’s slowly growing into a considerable rival, and I hope this growth continues in its upward trend. The only thing is that his growth just seems a bit… abrupt. Even until the last episode, he didn’t seem to have any idea how to express his emotions in a healthy way. And now, he’s suddenly learned this skill. Whether it’s inconsistency or just growth, I’m just glad we’re getting a better person out of Jin-woo. He deserves some healthier emotions in his life.

The heartbreak, the angst, and the tears were plenty necessary and fitting for this episode, but I’m hoping we get back to what this show does best: the quirky comedy. Soon. It’s too sad to see our lovely Soo-young cry lonely tears on a bench. Someone bring back her pizzazz! We desperately need it.


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i am loving ricecake ahjussi's new haircut!!!!


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people down below had a really fired up discussion regarding some narrow minded person's comment that the age diff is icky. stop! dont react.. you can read all that below. here's the thing: you dont like the age difference, then don't watch, plain and simple. Ahh, you still want to watch coz you are probably crushing on Seo In Guk or white ricecake ahjussi, then shut it and just endure. don't over analyze.


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You are so right. I'm so fed up with the comments about the age gap. It ruins my mood whenever I'm reading the recaps and comments.


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Watch Episode 12.. And it will surely stop all their agonies and issues in age gap.. Really love this drama and OSTs too..


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Age difference aside (in real life things do get complicated irrespective of gender with large age gaps),
MS's personality is too hyper and over-emotional.... stereotypical of a high-strung 18 yr old. Dealing with it day in day out may get stressful.... :)

The body language of SY is getting more and more childish with every episode where i am finding the childlike slumpy-stoopy gait, the eyes-down stutter rather annoying. I expected to see this character grow up a little but unfortunately there is little of it.

The physical attraction MS feels towards SY was never clear from the onset. There is little chemistry between SY and MS. Together, the two actors are not convincing as a couple. Together, the two actors are not convincing as a couple. It's the individual actor that shine through with emoting (especially SIG). Individually, SIG is especially successful in convincing the viewers of his feelings. If you take away SY and put a log in its place for instance, I have this feeling that SIG will be successful in convincing us that he is in love with that log :)

Somehow the relationship between MS and SY is beginning to be a little too oedipal. He has grown up without a mom... is that why he likes the older woman?

The last scene is ep. 12 especially seems to be a mom picking up her son after school when he's had a bad day).


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I really couldn't disagree with you more. These things are very subjective, but honestly it sounds like this drama just isn't your cup of tea.


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SIG is the only reason i am watching it. He is a wonderful young actor and shines every time he is on screen. :) there are just some actors like that - Kang Hye Jung, Gong Hyo Jin, Cha Seong Won.... i can go on....


Got it. He is magnificent, isn't he? This is the first drama I've seen him in, and I'm in love.


Woah. Stop there. I think your last point about growing up without a parent is crossing the line for so many reasons.

You probably don't mean to be but it's rude and inconsiderate towards anyone who has lost a parent/parents at a young age or at any point in their lives.

Just because someone lacked parental care in their life does not mean that they'd flock towards anyone who reminds them of their parents(or has potential to be better parents than their own) or towards older individuals.

Do girls like older men because they don't have fathers?
Or because they remind them of their fathers? I don't want a guy like my father so that's out the question for me. Lol.

PS: That last scene you speak of? If that was what you consider motherly, I wish my Mum would have treated me like that when I was downright devastated with life while in school. I never get any family love unless it's my birthday, haha. It's a sad reality out here.

I'm not going to reply about your take on their relationship because it's your opinion and you are entitled to it, as long as you don't diss others for having a different one :)

Oh but yes, SIG could probably create a love line with a log if he wanted to, and make said log fall in love with him just by standing next to it. I mean, he won me over so easily that I feel so helpless at times. How could anyTHING even resist him?


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Yeah, the oedipal comment was way off the mark. Not to mention that he hasn't been shown to like older *women*...he's been shown to like Soo-young, who happens to be older. Plus, it's not like she treats him maternally at all. Like, I don't know if she could treat him less maternally if she tried.

If anything, he looks out for her more than she looks out for him. Which is not to say that he's overly paternal with her, since Soo-young has firmly put him in his place when Min-soek has attempted to fight her battles for her. (SPOILER ALERT!) For me, part of what was so satisfying about the end of episode 12 is that it showed her taking care of Min-soek in a way that she hadn't done before, and in a way that echoes how he has taken care of her throughout the show.


so where is ep 12 recap, it is sunday already.


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Thank you very kamsa fir the FAST recap.... I know you guys work really hard for the great recaps....
Oh, my heart aches with you guys, esp MinSuk & Soo Young....


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yoo-ah and ricke cake ahjussi! omo <3


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Ahh this episode was so hard to watch. Give me episode 12 please and with a healthy dose of fun and cute!!!! I can't take these lovely and hilarious characters being sad :(

Thanks for the recap!


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Thanks for the recap Dramallama

Details I love about ep. 11

1. Soo-young abandoning the drinks in the middle of the School's drive, to run for dear life

2. Soo-young so out of it she sits on Assistant Park's lap (Assistant Park's reaction)

3. No one cleans the feathers up after the sister's pillowfight (sooooo passive aggressive, I love it)

4. Soo-young being annoying to everyone of her neighbors from the Halbaes to the little kids. She knows no bounds hahahaha


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I love 3 and 4 too! I went all obsessive-compulsive thinking she should clean those feathers but wth---who does after a fight??? Ahh the details. I love it.


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I am guessing you are making that observation with tongue in cheek. Yeah, mannerism is the life blood of K-dramas.


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am sorry, but a ten year age difference is just too much when one is still in high school. just too much. i hope the show does the decent thing and turn them into friends. she can be his first love etc. but seriously so iccckkkkkyyy


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In real life? Icky. In this particular fictional universe, I think it works. It's a rom-com and MS and SY have been billed as the romantic leads from the beginning, so I'm sure they will end up together somehow (even if it takes a major time skip.) Anyway, why watch it if you don't like it? That's bound to be a frustrating experience.


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I think they will do the *after 5 years* something like that , they did the same thing with reply 1997 they didn't end up together at first but at the end they did


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Yeah.. I also thought about that.. Actually there is no issue in age gap.. The issue was Min Suk being too young.. But anyway, they just in bf-gf relationship and not getting married yet. Hehehe.. So I think there is no problem


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You know what I just realized...if Ji Hyun-woo and Jung Eunji made Trot Lovers just two years ago, she would have been 18 and they're 9 years apart. A lot can change in just two years and I still think that when Min-Seok is twenty, a relationship with Soo-young would be completely acceptable.


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It's only become icky in the last century in the west. It's not that icky elsewhere. Back in the day 28 year old men would marry 18 year old women without a blink from society. Of course the other way might have been harder. But, although i'm generally suspicious of older lovers taking advantage of younger ones --in a predatory pederastic way-- I'm not gonna get bent out of shape out of something that is occuring all over the world even now (an is probably seen as normal in some cultures.) Well, when the sexes are reversed. The only trouble with age differences is that one partner is more aware of the world and is more likely to take advantage or use the other. But in this case, but are pretty young at heart and it is even implied that there is something stunted in Soo Young's emotional growth. She might probably never change in any "adult" kind of way.

I'm continually amazed how ickiness, judgmentalism, and prudishness have grown as the decades flow by. The age difference would so not be a problem at another time or in another place. Unusual yes, but not icky.


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I couldn't have said it better myself!!!


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actually, it was never okay, it was sexist and chauvinistic that you had younger females and older males. so now because we have the guy younger it is okay? and yes it is fiction but we don't question our fiction anymore? dismissing something as "judgmental" just shuts down discussions. and because the kid is acting in an adult world doesn't make him an adult. when older guys goes after younger woman it is way easier for younger woman to fall for him, especially if he has the strapping of success. reversing the sexes does not get away from the power dynamics. i find it icky because it is normalizing something that modern society at large has began to see as damaging. it is progress that older men don't marry younger women, it is not prudish, or judgmental. so why are we turning back the clock and romanticizing these weird relations. he is in high school for godsake, not even a senior and no matter how naive she is, she is 28, almost thirty. she has right to be creeped out and i hope the show does not go there. i hope the writers show real courage and make them have a friendship. she should act like an adult.


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True, the feminist in me does have a problem with society aging out women after a certain age and making us less-than. But in the older days, the older non-feminist days, older men had younger wives (or several wives and concubines) if they had the money and could take care of different households. It was a mark of male power etc.

As a former teacher, I will only say that the word "icky" is used by kids and teenagers to show disgust and judgement. This is why i say it's judgmental. Icky is a kid's word, a kid's word for judgment. Adults, using adult vocabulary, might say, "that's problematical" or "that could be troublesome." Adults do not use "icky" Unless they are judgemental adults with kiddy vocabulary. I don't know a lot of adults who use the word "icky" because it would be somewhat laughable. "Icky" is what you say when someone puts booger on your desk or some teenager eats his booger. So yeah, not an adult word. I wouldn't even think of whether the word was adult or not but with folks discussing what is or is not adult, i figured i'd call that out.

As for folks being an adult or behaving and acting like an adult. Humans can be very petty and selfish and needy and sexist...at any age. I really detest the idea of giving someone a list of standardized behavior to act upon so i can acknowedge them as "adults." Life is way too complicated. This is why stories are written so we can open our hearts to understanding and judging people. As Roger Ebert said, "I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization." He also said he liked moves because stories teach us how to be compassionate about the lives of others.

So am not being judgemental to call out someone else's judgmentalism. If this story was in real life, I'd be cool to the folks involved instead of wielding the judgemental word "icky" at them. My 0.02


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what you did there was ad hominem replay. you did not address the points i brought up, but to compare my assessment to that of kids. icky factor is applied all cross the broad to mean a visceral i.e. emotional response verses a reasoned rational one such as "this is problematic". just because you are only familiar with it from your experience does not mean that is employed solely on your terms.

i wasn't saying you were being judgmental. i said that to say judgmental, prudish etc shuts down discussion. so that was your critique of my two cents, non mine of yours.

since you took the time to reply to rebuttal i just wanted to address some of your points. you say olden days older men with resources had younger and multiple wives, but it was untenable position for women. this was symptomatic of a imbalance society because the reverse never happened, in any culture in any time period ever ever.

regardless, this seems like a discussion for another forum, because i guess dramabeans is all light and fluff. which i appreciate...again which is why i employed such childish vocab as "icky".



Actually I teach high school and it is not the age gap that is problematic but the fact that it is between someone still in high school and someone ten years old. No matter how you look at it, there is something weird about it. The drama is going to romanticize it and it is fantasy but it is definitely going to rub some people the wrong way. I can understand why someone would not like that. I certainly would not want my son or daughter in high school to date someone ten years old. If they were 30 and 40 or 25 and 45 or even 20 and 30, that would be fine.


Dramadiva, i believe i addressed the imbalance factor. It's pretty much acknowledged by the world that women have had a crappy time throughout history. Isn't that something we all know? As is the imbalance with women. I think i stated that in my reply.

Re: "saying something is judgemental shuts down the discussion" Seriously? If the discussion had been shut down, we wouldn't be still discussing it, would we? Don't say something that just plain isn't true. The conversation was not shut down. Now if i had thrown in a race card or some such thing...for instance, "You said that because I am black" or some such ridiculous comment. THEN that would have been an instance of shutting down a discussion. Sorry, but i spend a lot of time having discussions with writers reviewers etc and the thought that saying a word is judgmental might shut down a discussion would be just laughable. Honestly, it would be.

Re: icky factor being applied across the board. Ah, that is news to me. One learns something new everyday...from all kinds of people. And you are quite right that the word should not be employed solely on my terms. Although it seems to me that you haven't really acknowledged my comment that the icky factor is a more recent and western phenomena....chauvinism being what it is, throughout the world. In many countries, older men marry younger women in their late teens and there is no sense of prurience in it. Chauvinism, yes...oppression of women yes...but not prurience or ickiness.

I'll also add that Seo In Guk's dad was 20 and his mom was 27 when they conceived him. 20 in Korea is 19, right? So was our sweet In Guk conceived in ickiness?


Cleareyes, it just seems to me that when a writer is obviously trying to tell a good story and seems to be sincere in dealing with his/her theme, that one ought to sit by and try to understand the story the writer is telling.

All good stories must be listened to because that is how we grow in tolerance toard other folks' lives.

But when we are only halfway through a story and we are getting into censor mode by talking about ickiness, it seems a bit unfair. And it seems like a puritanical refusal to hear the writers' hearts. Maybe it's the writer in me but when i see someone trying to tell a story and trying to open my mind to seeing the heart of a certain kind of character -- serial killer, vicious mom, touchy cruel illegitimate angsty chaebol, folks in love who shouldn't be in love-- then i feel i owe it to the reader and to myself to allow the story to come to me without having to jump over emotional puritanical pseudo-feminist barriers disguised under the cover of ickiness.

One should place one's self in front of a story and say, "okay, i don't really believe in this situation but if you can make my heart grow in love and patience and acceptance of this situation, then your story has touched me." I mean..there was a time when stories about gay lovers, interracial lovers etc were considered icky. It seems that under the guise of civilization, modernity, feminism, ageism, we are slowly shrinking the amount of stories that are considered palatable. Heck, I even heard akid one day say he didn't like to see stories of fat people in love cause it was nauseating. To me, the icky factor is so visceral and emotional that it can --not always-- sometimes comes from the most judgmental prejudiced part of our souls.


@Carole I love this line :All good stories must be listened to because that is how we grow in tolerance toward other folks’ lives.

My favorite character in this drama is Jin Woo because he is the most complex one. I'd have loved to see him "get the girl" but in this case, there's no competition.


i did address your comment on ick factor being recent. i said it is progress as in a good thing that we question such relationships. finding these kinds of relationships icky or being uncomfortable is modern. it is not liberating now to put women in the position of dating younger guys their society deems not adult. yes it is fiction, but can't it be a productive discussion to talk about things like age gap "when one of the person is in high school". that was my main argument...he is a high school student! i think you gloss over that. and instead cast aspersions on my person not my argument. the convo was not shut down because i called you on your personal attacks, your implication that i am a child for using icky and calling my critique judgmental, prudish etc. i never used those words and i still haven't responded to your possible motivations for making your argument.
the age factor is not just a western concern, even it is was, is it not worth considering? so because it is western we should deny its validity? revulsion of child brides is expressed in western cultures but still legitimate though right? and there is definitely questioning of the host boy clubs in Asia--clubs that cater to young men and older women. they exist on the fringe of the Asian society and this drama evokes that sentiment that currently exists but is not sanctioned.
I just jumped on this thread, to express my take on the show and express my concern that we have a drama about a grown woman and a high school student that i find myself liking but still when the cuteness fog clears from my eyes, find troubling. throwing around historical analogies "older men/late teen girls" as somehow legitimizing this current noona trend to me is besides the point.
again, thanks for the discussion. i really appreciate all the time and effort you have taken to respond.


I acknowledge all your points.
A relationship Has to be equal is what we expect and grow up with, no one should have all the power.
But real life does not work that way, you like who you like, you go on life's flow.
My dad is 9 years older than my mom and truthfully even though my dad is touching 60 this year, he is the immature one in the relationship.
Maturity comes from mind and heart, accepting and learning from the world and adapting to it.
When you put yourself in that position, yes no doubt you would find icky, but for story and life, some factors are not in our control. Cuz I myself can't get attracted to a older guys personally. My mind automatically dismisses them.
But Each story has different reason.
As long as they are happy and no one is forced, its a healthy one !
And many large age gap pairings ate healthier than equal age ones !

As for this story, am pretty sure 10 years down the line, he would be more mature than her.


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That may be so, but given we are in this time and place, and it is set in this time and place. ..it's icky.


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Actually MS is 17 not 18. In Korea when u are born you are considered 1 yrs old. He us not an adult yet and that is what makes this relationship not work for me. MS even knows this. He even said that is is almost an adult. The key word is almost. If he was an adult I would be fine with the age gap.


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Yes Carole, you're amazing. I don't think their relationship is icky at all but it's uncommon now. These relationships do happen quite often, mostly with older guys and younger girls but there are couples like Min Suk and Soo Young as well, albeit fewer.

The funny thing I felt like mentioning? Where I'm from, Min Suk wouldn't be in high school at that age unless he stayed back in school. Lol. He'd be in his last year of college or if he had decided not to continue studying, he could even be working! Plus, a relationship like theirs isn't really illegal here because once you're 16, your life and choices are your own to decide by the law. You aren't treated like a child by the law anymore.

But even if those rules were not the case, I'd still be completely fine with it. I learned to be open-minded and non-judgemental about things like this. Just like how girls and guys can like someone of the same gender, age differences shouldn't matter to anyone but the parties involved. It's their choice to make the "mistake" of being together and if they choose to go through with it, then leave them alone. They can make their own choices.


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Anyway, they'll probably do a time jump in the end so that people with concerns about the couple can rest a little easier.

We should really stop debating about the age gap thing after every single episode. It is getting so tiring! It's ruining the great recaps for this show.

In the end, this is still just a fictional drama. Just accept it at face value and enjoy it as it is, or stop watching if it bothers you too much. Don't make things difficult for yourself.


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I agree compltely, I even said some similar things in another thread. I'm not feeling any squicky factor about their relationship because for me they have the same mental age and there are really no power imbalance.

There is no power play here, just old plain romance with an obstacle. Sometimes age is just a number on paper, like myself and others have pointed SY has no experiences and often displays less maturity than MS.

The real big factor that seems to upset people is the High School thing. If they would just think outside the box for a moment and imagine them both as farmers in the last century in a community, would anyone think twice just because he wants to date her and maybe marry her in a few years?

No. Their only concern would be she would maybe be able to have less children and have a smaller family. IF it was ok then it should be ok now too. Evrything else is just cultural, modern thinking and urban perceptions that change very quickly.


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Another possible concern would be that Soo Young dies before Min Suk if they marry. LOL. But Min Suk has got that covered----he's got all the single-man-family-raising training from his adoptive dad. LOL


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I'm sorry riarallahssi, but that point you brought up...
That made me laugh so much!
Oh dear, forgive me.


Seo in Guk's real mother is seven years older than his dad.. So it really happens in real life.. I think there is no really problem on having age gap..


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I just wanted to make a personal point/observation about the age gap issue. (This is going to be two separate comments, because I have so much to say, lol.)

First, I think we need to separate the age gap issue from the issue of the Actual Ages of the two parties in the relationship, because I think a lot of people are getting them mixed up. They are two separate issues. I’m not going to tackle the age gap issue, because honestly, age gaps don’t matter. The reason why we dislike Hugh Hefner is not because he’s so much older then all of the young women living in his mansion. It’s because he’s a creepy man with a million young women living in his mansion. But I digress.

I understand both sides of the argument. Before this drama, I wasn’t sure how I felt about noona romances involving a character that is a teenager and another character over the age of 25. As much as I enjoyed the romance in I Hear Your Voice (cause those two were great for each other), I still spent a lot of the time feeling incredibly uncomfortable. (It was my first noona romance, so I think that played a large part.)

There’s been a massive backlash within the last 50 years (probably longer) in western society against these types of relationships, because historically speaking, they’ve often (but not always) been between two parties where one is significantly disadvantaged in the relationship (usually the woman). These relationships have not been based on love and compatibility but on monetary/sexual/sexist ideals.

Because of this, in much of the western world, there are laws specifically about the issue of young people being in relationships with adults. These laws exist for a reason. They are meant to protect us. I am grateful for these laws, and I want them to continue to exist.

If I had a friend in real life who was dating a guy that young, I would be pretty anxious. There are quite a few concerning factors in a relationship between two people when one of them is that young. I would definitely counsel her to really consider whether that relationship was healthy or not. I would also sit the guy down and have a very serious talk with him, because I would want to make sure he is mature enough for an adult relationship.

Now I’ll readily admit that I’m often more creeped out by an older man pursuing a younger girl (when she’s under the age of 25), then I am an older woman pursuing a younger man (when he’s under the age of 25), which is definitely hypocritical. (We just see so many stories about creepy old men pursuing young girls, and I am almost always automatically turned off by a story where the girl is really young. I worry for her safety.) I also do have a cutoff age (for both parties involved in the relationship) where I simply won’t accept the relationship without it being set in a completely different time period.


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All of that being said, there’s also a case to make that age does not equal maturity. I’ve made this point before, and I will make it again. Just because someone is over the age of thirty does not mean they are mature (and alternatively, just because someone is under the age of 25, that doesn’t mean they are immature). I’m sure the older crowd that populates the comments section of these recaps can agree that they’ve come across Many so called ‘adults’ who display the level of maturity you would expect to find in five year olds. And I’m sure the younger crowd that populates the comments section can agree that they’ve come across at least a few ‘kids’ who are surprisingly mature for their age.

There is a difference between experience and maturity, and people too often get them confused. If we are automatically categorizing people into two groups, mature and immature, based on their life experience, we are doing a number of people a great disservice. Maturity is so much more then simply experience. (I truly believe a persons integrity plays a Large part in how mature they are.)

Of course, as an added bonus (i.e. something to make things more complicated), there is a period of ages (about 17/18-24/25) where the lines start to become incredibly fuzzy. Maturity levels fluctuate wildly depending on the individual, their life experiences, their upbringing, whether they live on their own or with their parents, etc.

One thing that cannot be debated is the fact that these types of relationships (healthy ones) happen in real life all the time. And Work. Not just during different times periods/in countries where the culture encourages it. They’ve happened in modern times and in western countries.

Yes, to quote the book (and movie) He’s Not That Into You, they are not the Rule. They are the Exception to the rule. But exceptions Do still happen.

At the end of the day, there are just too many factors involved for us to create a ‘one size fits all’ solution. For myself, I will probably always start out noona romance dramas with a little hesitation. Drama writers will Always have to earn my approval of their stories OTP. And that’s okay.

Many of us see relationships where one member is very young or there is a wide age gap and automatically experience a knee jerk reaction. And honestly, I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. It’s good that noona romances make most of us a little nervous and uncomfortable. They should. Not because they are inherently wrong, but because relationships (regardless of the ages of the persons involved) should be taken seriously.


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I agree. As drama viewers, I think it's really important that we are able to contain the show within the TV box. Although dramas and movies do have a role in influencing the mindset of society, I think it is a bit over the top to generalize that the drama is conveying the message that age gaps are acceptable. I beg to argue that such understanding is too simplistic. The drama itself contains its own plot and its own influencing factors. For this case, we cannot discount the personalities of our characters.

I have always believed that this drama is not pushing the envelope on the age gap issue---- I believe the drama is simply urging the viewers to learn to look beyond the given facts and to look deeper into the context of the story, and most especially the identity of the characters.

If there's one thing that the drama is most successful in, it is in establishing that black and white facts are not usually enough to lay out a reason for judgement. The only statement that the drama is saying is that the grey areas count and that stories are more than just plots--- these are people experiencing emotions.


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I very much agree with this. I get so frustrated when people approach all situations in a very black and white manner. Life is full of so much grey, and grey really scares people.


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Oh gosh. I'm like part of a minority here because I don't have any issues with age gaps unless the younger party is too immature for my liking or the couple is getting married on a whim of feelings, without considering all the serious things like having an income .etc. Haha. Maybe I'm just weird.


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No, you're not weird. You just have a different experience from many of us. You've stated yourself (in a response to Carole) that you live in a place where young men Min Seok's age would already be in their last year of college or even working. (Where exactly do you live, btw? Just curious.) I assume from that statement that you live in a culture that is very different from that of places like the United States and Canada where 18 year olds are still in high school/just entering their first year of college. In your experience, age gaps where one person is as young as Min Seok is are perfectly capable of working. Many of us simply don't have that frame of reference, so we're coming at the issue from a different angle. In America, many 18 year olds are very immature and childish and certainly not capable of handling an adult relationship with someone too much older then them. (There's also the added bonus that the media, be it movies or television or the news, tend to portray all teenagers as complete idiots regardless of whether that's actually true or not.) We're all just approaching this situation differently. And that's not a bad thing.

I would only have a problem with someone being totally okay with Min Seok and Soo Young being in a relationship if that person were some kind of creep or something. And I certainly don't get that impression from you. (I mean, it Is the internet, so you could Totally be a creep, but I like to assume the best about people I don't actually know, lol.)


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I live in Asia actually. It's not really the place I live in but the education system here. It follows the British education system where 'high school', as you call it in America, ends at the age of 16 or 17 depending on your examination results. Once you graduate, you're free to continue studying in college, take a diploma or work but it's difficult to get a decent job here with just a british o'levels certificate. Not impossible, but tough due to competition. Most people try to continue their studies till college level at least.

College education would be from the ages 17-18/19.
If you continue studying after college or a diploma , you would enter university at the age of 19 or 20. So on it goes.

That's the summary of the education system we follow.

Hahaha. Yeah, I could totally be a creep but nah. I'm just an average person who watches dramas to escape my painstaking reality. I think I went too deep for a moment, oops. Haha.


By the way, the ages I listed out are based on the ages after your birthday in the new year.

This means generally:
Secondary school(or high school) : 12-16
College: 16-18/19
University: 18-20/21 ...
If your birthday hasn't passed when you enter school.

You can officially start working at the age of 16 which is why 16 year olds are not considered as children by the law and they have to take responsibility for themselves if anything happens.

I do have friends who skipped grades though. When I was in secondary school, she was already in college at the same age as me. Sigh, the geniuses. Haha.


OhSoEnthusiastic, this is the best comment I've seen on the subject, hands down. What bothers me about age differences (when they bother me) is that they can be red flags for power imbalances and issues of consent. It is actually very rarely about maturity/immaturity for me; it tends to get really troubling for me, though, when I have reason to question a person’s ability to offer consent in the relationship. If one person lacks power in one or more significant areas of a relationship (financially, emotionally, physically, intellectually, etc.), then I may pause and question whether this is a healthy relationship dynamic.

I will admit that I, too, tend to be much more uncomfortable with the older man/younger woman dynamic, because society does not support powerful women remotely as much as it supports powerful men (and often actively discourages powerful women). Just personally, I am 28 years old and only beginning to realize the many ways in which I have been relating as powerless to certain situations that many men were encouraged to tackle at age 19 or 20. So when you add things like age imbalance and financial disparity (which tends to go hand-in-hand with age imbalance), you enter some murky territory.

This is exactly why this show works so well for me—because Soo-young & Min-soek’s relationship is based on a deep emotional connection that has developed over time. In my opinion, no one is taking advantage or being taken advantage of (especially now that all the secrets are out). In fact, Min-soek was in a position of power in the relationship when they got together--he was Soo-young's boss and she actually thought that he was a year older than her.


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I do think maturity plays an important part in relationships, but I don't think both parties necessarily have to have the same level of maturity in order for a relationship to work. After all, people are always growing and changing. They won't be stuck in the same place forever.

I keep harping on this, but I find integrity to be a majorly important aspect to All types of relationships. And I agree with you that consent is incredibly important as well.

If you think about it, Soo Young was actually the one more possibly at a disadvantage in the relationship before she found out Min Seok's age, since Min Seok is her boss. We all know that he would never use the job against her in the relationship, or the relationship against her in the job, but it's definitely something I would have been concerned about if I were her.


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I don't think it's icky if we can look past the numbers. If we take in consideration only the personalities of the two, it matches up really well.

On the other side, we have a quirky, spacey, and adorable young woman who deserves some taking care of.

On the other side, we have a young man capable of taking care of others around him and positively influencing their lives. It is precisely Min Suk's bubbly personality that matches with Soo Young's quirks.

Don't you think that if ended with Jin Woo, with her slowness and Jin Woo's cool, very placid way of life, she might eventually end up unhappy? She might only end up taking care of Jin Woo. Even if Jin Woo were a bit nicer and less bipolar, what would he be able to give Soo Young that Min Seok can not?

If we consider it logically, beyond age, Min Seok has a lot to offer for her. In essence, I think if she stays in Min Seok's life, he will be able to stay grounded and child like and never turn into a cold middle age man-monster like his hyung.


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Oh and I think it's important to note that we have a halmae-looking woman who plays hopscotch with seven year olds and steals popsicles from kids! Not quite the arm candy I'd latch on to Jin Woo.


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Haha! I thought she was so cute! I think she invaded the game of hopscotch with the kids, rather than they asked her to play with them. They didn't look all that happy with her when she was playing, hahaha!


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I noticed that. Someone here quipped that "she's the Forrest Gump" of the town and I couldn't help but happily agree. Hey, I love her more for that.


I think they will do the *after 5 years* something like that , they did the same thing with reply 1997 they didn't end up together at first but at the end they did


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Keep watching to see where the drama is going with it.

In this episode, SIG learned a valuable life lesson. Most of us begins our first romance (or infatuation or puppy love) with unshakable faith that love is all we need. Well, the object of your interest will promptly teach you that, no, a set of conditions must be met before that love interest goes anywhere. By the second or third time, you get it and you will never make that mistake again. It will be wired into you that dating or marriage really is a calculus comprising many components, never only love, and sometimes love is not even necessary. So guys learn that they might as well approach it like a corporate m&a. Trust me, women will not make age gap an issue, if all other conditions are met.

Watching the two after the big reveal, I am even more convinced that they really don't match. Yes, SIG has a lot of growing up to do. But even if he were a grown up, she is not one for him, and not because of the age gap. They are like fire and earth, to borrow from astrology. Won't work. Fire will get tired of earth not igniting no matter what it tries, and earth will keep extinguishing fire. They are more like enemies.

Rather, Jinwoo (now suddenly humanized) is the one for her. I am sure you sensed it during this episode. Also, the neurotic, deluded, self-centered younger sister already has a suitor waiting - one of the two hockey sidekicks. Surely, you saw that, too, in the episode?

Finally, isn't it about time that the drama gives the old maid a makeover? I am really yawning at her hair, her stooped-back/forward-thrust-jaw act, her governessy manner of speech, and most of all, her eyeglasses. The point has already been made - yes, she is the hopeless misfit in every imaginable aspect and we get it. Is she going to stay like that all the way to the end (now extended)? I hope not.


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my sentiments exactly. i posted a comment (1.2.3) above mirroring your observations!


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Oh, let a woman be herself for once in a drama. I've never understood the media and their need to beautify every actress in a show so that it's more appealing to the masses. I don't mind the pretty but do they have to stay superficially pretty throughout it?

Seriously. Why do people(especially women) have to look their best all the time to match up to outsiders' expectations of them? Even while doing the most mundane things?

Thanks to that, the perception of beauty has been warped beyond measure and women end up facing so many difficulties in life when they choose not to join in with the crowd. Gosh. You can hate her fashion sense, her glasses, her silly theatrics but don't her character because of those superficial things unless she has a personality that doesn't sit well with you. If you dislike the latter rather than the former, by all means, continue to do so. I still love her, weirdness and all.

People like her actually exist in the 21st century, even though her portrayal is used more so to distinguish her from other typical women (hence a tad more extreme)

And what's wrong with her glasses? I think they're cute! What's wrong with ladies who wear glasses? I like guys who can pull of the glasses look! (I especially like the fact that SIG wore them for the fun of it in the BTS. Cutie.)

If she were to doll up, I'd love to see it but I'd prefer it only be done for special occasions in the drama. That way, she stays true to her character. Plus, you get to see that she's not only beautiful on the inside but she can be beautiful on the outside when she feels confident enough.

On another note, we're using elements to describe relationships now? Wait, Enemies? They'd at least be best friends! If I had to put an element to the characters, MS would be Earth, JW would be Fire and SY would be water? Or air. Maybe she's a bit of both, haha.

My best friend and me are polar opposites and guess what? We actually were enemies when we were little brats! At the end of the day though, we're perfect for each other because each of us complements what the other lacks, and helps bring out the things we lack in each other. This basically can work the same in relationships too.

Oh yes. If the characters were talking about marriage, love is obviously not the only thing that is important. Harsh truth, but that is true. However, considering that they're just in the dating stage and not thinking about marriage right now? I think anything goes.

Like I've said before, MS may not be the one she ends up marrying in the future but I'd like to enjoy their adorable interactions while it lasts.


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Amen! Some women just aren't good at stuff like makeup and clothes, etc. (And why should they be? How does that effect their worth as a human being? IT DOESN'T!!!) I'll be the first to admit that I often find her outfits to be weird and even unflattering sometimes, but then, what does it matter what I think? Does she like them? Does she feel confident in them? If so, then...

I can go screw myself, lol.

That being said, she definitely has her own thing going, and I am All about doing your own thing with fashion. I dress like a weirdo myself, so it would be pretty hypocritical of me to tell her she should stop dressing how she feels comfortable.

I hope she keeps her quirky, bizarre fashion sense.

Of course, on the other side of the spectrum, there are Some women....who don't care about fashion At All. Because they're more concerned with maintaining their careers, maintaining their relationships with friends and family members, and maintaining their own inner character, then they are with how society thinks they should LOOK.

I'm so ready for us to all stop caring about what's on the outside and start focusing more on the inside. Because you can look like a million bucks and still have a shitty character.


Don't worry, I think all of us find some of her outfits weird (especially for her age) but then there are times when she dresses just fine (like that red dress she wore on their first day together as a couple, awww).

Actually, I think her outfits in the episode 13 preview are decent and nice! Anyway, I'm all for her having her own style if that's what she likes.

Personally, I've always been a fan of Japanese fashion, haha! It can range from sweet, to cute, to sophisticated, to gothic and to crazy but I love it! It's so quirky and unique. It lets you express yourself however you want to with no boundaries.

And this:
"I’m so ready for us to all stop caring about what’s on the outside and start focusing more on the inside. Because you can look like a million bucks and still have a shitty character."

Exactly my point.

I follow my own belief that nobody in this world is "ugly". A person's perception of beauty is based on influences more than anything else. Of course appearances do matter to a certain extent. However, your character/personality will be what someone refers to when making the decision to stay in your life, not your looks. (Unless that person is seriously superficial and therefore, a complete ass)


I actually wear alternative Japanese fashion. I wear Lolita, and I want to wear Gyaru and some other Japanese fashions eventually as well.

I also believe that no one is ugly. Do you exist? Then you are beautiful. You might not suit someone's Personal aesthetic preferences, but you probably suit someone else's. And even if you don't, who cares? You're still beautiful.


icky? really?... minsuk is good-looking and sooyoung is a pretty unni, gramps made that declaration and no one will dispute that. they look so cute together, what the hell do you find icky there? She isnt your usual korean drama heroine, I find her really lovely though sometimes she could be so unhinged, in her sane moments, she really speaks her mind and being true to her feelings. Age aint nothing but a number, they made it really beautiful here. only noona romances coz if they reverse this then that is icky.. like jinwoo and yoo ah, no way,right?


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Check out dramabeans using icky and squicky to describe noona romances.

Definitely not the lingua franca of elementary school kids after all.


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i think this thread is interesting but i have to wonder how many people have been put in situations where they were hurt by people much older than them.

we can talk in circles about how age is just a number but there are considerable accounts about how age is significant. sooyoung may be immature as well but she is still 28 and a grown woman and he is not. not to mention that i'm guessing minsuk is 17...

i don't like this aspect of the show and i've never been a fan of noona romances/romances where the woman is considerably younger than the man (although i realize that that is not really an issue in dramaland? and in western tv as well because it's just normal to see older men w/ younger women and that is unacceptable too and a bizarre, unfair, sexist trend.) due to personal issues age gaps have mostly always upset and i find them [mostly] unacceptable/gross (and we have a right to feel that way if we are looking at it through a personal lens. i won't judge people but i'd rather not think about it.)

i admit that i love this show so much and at first i was concerned but i like it so much that i can deal with this. one thing that does make it better for me is that she didn't know and fell in love with him and had to deal with her actions then (see ep 12.) i'm not so much upset at her decisions from then on out and i definitely think at a later stage in life it would be more acceptable--and is--but him being in high school does make a world of difference and it's unfair to deny that. that's not okay and people know that but luckily she thought he was older than her (although if you have seen episode 12, i'm wondering how you feel about the ending. i liked it but i'm still grappling with it, i was a bit disappointed.)

anyway i feel like people do a lot of apologizing for something that isn't acceptable at least for this stage in life. luckily, i agree with the comment from Rachel about IRL it being icky and in this particular universe it works (although we all know media is incredibly important on real life. i think this show is totally ott with it's premise though that i'm not too angry--that's me personally.)

i was contemplating even watching it because i wasn't sure if i'd like it for that very reason so there's no point in continuing to watch because they have been the main couple form jump. i don't disagree with you though.


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Nope, still don't get what's so icky about it. He's 18, entering adulthood, and she's 28, already an adult. So where does the "ick" factor come in? The age may not suit your taste, but that's a different matter altogether. Labelling a sound relationship as "icky" is putting a negative spin on it, not to mention, extremely annoying.


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he's a high schooler it's not a far stretch for people to say it's icky and thus inappropriate. this comment feels a little willfully obtuse and unfair to op.


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They'd better not pair off Jin-woo and Yoo-ah. He was a little too delighted by her (lingering shots, chuckles, etc.). Ick.

At this point, it feels less like a love triangle than a pissing contest between alpha males. I hope Soo-young steps up from being a ragdoll and takes a cue from Princess Jasmine: "I am NOT a prize to be won! More chemistry between her and Jin-woo, please. I mean, besides her magically being present for his every. single. unfortunate. moment (humiliating father-son confrontations, car accident, mother-slashing-wrists phone call, etc.--if I were Jin-woo, I'd stay the hell away from her. Bad luck charm).


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Instead of Jin-woo and Yoo-ah becoming a potential couple - and I hope they don't - I'd like it if the writers paired them up as friends instead.
The short meet-up they had was funny and different, it's RARE to see Jin-woo laugh and be smitten by someone else. Throughout the episode he was starting to treat her as a younger sister!


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My wild hope is that she is his sister in some way. Not likely, but i can still hope.


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i know, right? JW was downright creepy with little sis. i sure have double standards, 'cause when MS and SY do it, i stand on the sideline, cheering.


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Yeah, his change was so swift. I'm okay with anyone else but when a guy has a history of being abused...I start thinking... "many abusers were abused once. And this would just be a dangerous situation in real life unless Jin Woo got therapy." If the writers are making the mistake that Yoo Ah can handle herself, I'd worry. We saw Yoo Ah being bothered by two high school kids. She was strong in talking back to them but it does show that men of all ages can be dangerous to young girls. So although i like Jin Woo and all, I just don't know if he has it in him NOT to take advantage of a younger person. He can't have grown out his abusiveness yet, new haircut notwithstanding. The problem with age-disparate relationships is that the more powerful lover (usually the older lover) can take advantage of the innocence and neediness of the younger. And Yoo Ah just is not that wise about the ways of the world yet...although she thinks she is.


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Come on ! Of course he smiled, when you are old and jaded , some little guy or girl(she is little compared to his view of the world) , talk of everything in that light funny way where all seems so easy., anyone would chuckle and look at the person like he/she is rare !

You feel young and innocent for a moment hearing two teens talk as if they know it all and make you laugh.

They would make pretty great friends in my opinion ! He needs a person with sunny attitude , just for that smile not as life partner ! Let's talk right now and not years later please


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Yes! So true. It's very older oppa-esque. Just...no love affair pleeeeeeeeeease


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Well explained Dyvirus.

From what I got from the scene which I though was so well executed was Jin Woo looking uncomfortable at first sitting at a fast food joint with a teenage girl.

Then he was amused by her antics. When he couldn't understand her teenage lingo 'RBC'...that was really funny and he thought so too. After giving her the money, suddenly the noise around him got louder and he looked around feeling uncomfortable again.

This scene, is conveying the message that it can be perceived as 'icky' when one sees a matured man who's not family (since Yoo Ah called him adjussi) to be with a teenage girl in uniform.

If the director and writers can include this scene which means they too realize this is an issue. So I do hope they will let there be a time jump into the future before the main couple end up together. I normally don't see the need for time jumps in most dramas however this is one of the exceptions.


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The funniest part of the Jin Woo - Yoo Ah meet up was the end...what a priceless expression on his face as he realizes how the other customers are assessing the situation. Lol. I replayed that one several times.


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As a shipper of them both, I really have no qualms about it. I can imagine that it would be good for Jin Woo to have someone to take care of in a context lighter than the care he gives for his mother. Refreshingly, Yoo Ah is a tough act! I doubt she'll be the type to let herself be abused at all.


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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the recap!!! I have so many comments but they will have to wait until I get off work. :)


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Thank you for the recap!

I loved the sisters both so much in this episode. Their actions spoke a lot for them; both of them feeling like the rug has been yanked out beneath them, feeling hurt, and needing some stability. Yoo Ah goes right back into her "Hubby Lee" routine, because it's what she knows and I don't think she can easily imagine a day that isn't spent worrying over and thinking about Minseok. Sooyoung's normal work routine has been totally disrupted thanks to Minseok, so she runs back home for some sense of the familiar and to take the time to get her head put back on right.

Both Yoo Ah and Minseok showed their ages this episode too with their simplistic "solutions" to everything. Minseok wants Sooyoung to just believe in his feelings, ignoring the fact that she only recently learned his real name and how shocked she must feel. Yoo Ah goes for a second lead cliche, but it really is exactly that sort of thing she'd think of, right down to the "Here, I'll even tell you where my sister is" considering her own tracking of Minseok.

I think Jinwoo's chance for romance with Sooyoung has passed, but he doesn't have anyone to blame for that but himself. I was glad to see him properly apologize to her and not try to shift the blame onto her or blame it all on a misunderstanding or some other bull that we sometimes see in dramaland (and reality, sadly). I'm also glad that she didn't immediately go flying back into his arms just because he said he was sorry and because of the car-accident avoidance earlier in the episode. He has a long list of marks against him and it's kind of her to give him a second chance to prove he knows how to be a decent human being, at least as a friend.

(I wasn't thrilled with the hug-grab thing but considering Minseok did the exact same thing in an earlier episode, I guess it's suppose to be romantic so w/e.)

I loved a lot of the little details in this episode too, from Taeseok worrying over Yoo Ah to the strange looks Jinwoo got from other restaurant patrons (being a thirty year old man handing money off to a high school girl while she keeps talking about their arrangement looks mighty suspect) to the feathers still scattered all over the girls' bedroom and their bumping into each other in the doorway. Just a really great episode all around, even if there was plenty of heartbreak going around too.


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SIGH.... I think it's sad & ironic that everyone in The Comfo company is NOT feeling comfortable now - from the Director/ Jin Woo awkward father/son relationship to our OTP that began their relationship with lies....


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Awwwwww!!!! Waiting next episode with bated breath, don't know if I will be able to sleep!
So many emotions and yet they were able to make me laugh out loud through all the episode. I love the writers, haha!!

The cuteness of all of them is too much. I just cannot hate anyone and wish they heal soon from their wounds and are happy ever after.
Jin Woo is going too fast if he wants to be forgiven, but at least he recognizes now that he was wrong and I expect him to take steps in the right direction. As for Min Sukkie, it was too hard to watch him heartbroken, he is in a situation where not much can be done...just wait. And poor thing Soo Young, she did not deserve that...it is just too bad to fall in love with someone only to find out later that he could be not an option because of his age. I cannot imagine the shock.
But somehow I have hope in this show and think that things will turn out well in the end (with MS-SY together!!!). :D

Btw, it was so funny when Tae Seok started to worry about Yoo Ah...he has taken seriously his fake crush on her, hehe!! She is very strong, so I hope she will be the first one recovering from the disaster and will help unnie and Min Suk to get over the problem. And if she decides to date Tae Seok in the middle of it I would be happy *-*


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Yeah, I thought Jin Woo's 360 change in behaviour was so...odd. How does someone change that much in an episode? I wanted him to slow down and try to win her over without being so rash in his approach.

However, I was glad that he was getting better, stood up to his father and apologised for being such an arse to Soo Young. Hopefully, he doesn't go back on his resolution to be a better person in future episodes.

Our otp will persevere! They need each other, so let's hope that everything will work out for them (:


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So glad to see someone else math-challenged
Think you mean 180... :-)


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Oh my gosh! I'm actually really good at maths, haha!

But Yep, I should have typed 180. Hehe :D


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I thought this episode dealt with the fallout in a very satisfying way without allowing for major misunderstandings to develop. I was grateful, for example, that Min-soek stuck around to hear Soo-young’s rejection of Joo-won after their hug (rather than just having him see them hugging & run off).

I also appreciated learning a little more about Soo-young’s relationship with her mother. I don’t know what’s at the root of their relationship, but I found it interesting that Soo-young put on such a brave face with her mom, rather than even hinting at how much her world is falling apart. This behavior was echoed in their last interaction, when she gave her mom money to take a taxi. Soo-young seems to take on a very maternal role with her mom, which would explain why her first impulse is to run away from conflict rather than bear it out. If she was never given the emotional care that she needed, it makes sense that she would shut down whenever she needs to process something emotionally. I think part of what makes her relationship with her sister so special is that Soo-young is actually able to be openly upset and angry with her sister. I found their pillowfight oddly sweet in that they were both able to let out their frustrations with each other in a non-destructive way. I think those two are going to be just fine and I was relieved that Soo-young didn’t just try to put on a brave face for her sister. It was refreshing to see her be honest about how difficult the situation was on her.

This is also an interesting way in which Soo-young and Min-soek balance each other out, since Min-soek is all about open communication, even when the conversations are difficult. Sometimes, though, he would benefit from taking some time to think things through rather than react hot-headedly. Soo-young is good at setting boundaries with him, and he’s learning a lot about respect in the process.


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She looked panic stricken during that entire conversation with Min Seok after everything was revealed. The poor thing. I find it interesting that Min Seok was So Concerned about Soo Young believing that he didn’t actually like her, that he was faking his feelings, and yet he didn’t seem the slightest bit concerned over the whole age gap issue.

He didn’t get it At All.

And yet…he Totally got it. We all know she’s right. He’s too young. She’s too old. It’s not ‘appropriate.’ And yet…they still like each other. Min Seok totally saw through her attempts to end it, all the way to the Heart of the matter. She Knows she shouldn’t still like him…but she Still Does.

I know I’m the only one (and you can all be mad at me all you want), but I hate Yoo Ah. She drives me nuts. I don’t hate her as a character. As a character, she’s really well written. I hate her as a Person. As a person, she makes me want to pull out my hair.

I mean, way to go Yoo Ah for using Jin Woo to try and further damage Soo Young and Min Seok’s relationship. For all you know, he could be a MANIPULATIVE USER! It’s super weird having those two team up, and I feel completely uncomfortable with it. But I also have to admit that I like it. Ugggggggh, drama writerrrrrrrs. Why do you do this to me? I’ve already stated my objection to Jin Woo being in a relationship with Anyone. Don’t go making me a hypocrite. (Cause we All know they’re totally gonna pair Jin Woo and Yoo Ah up now. And I can’t even lie and say that I think that’s a terrible idea.)

And can I just say I CALLED IT with Mr. Older and Wiser (Assistant Manager Yoon) being the one to step in and try to help Soo Young and Min Seok work things out between them?

It’s official. I am a genius.

But come on, Mr. Older and Wiser. These two are gonna need a little more help than that.


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yay!!! ::big grin:: yes! You did call it! I thought of your call when Mr Older/Wiser was comforting her.

I can't say I hate Yoo Ah though. Of all the second-leader schemings i've seen, this one is pretty interesting. Cause the writers made us understand and feel Yoo Ah's obsession in such a sweet way. We can't really dislike her..unlike say...Kang Se Ra in Marriage not dating.

I sooooooo loved the way the customers looked at the second-leaders. It reminded the viewer of how "adults" view relationships that are age-questionable. Especially in Korea where age-hierarchy is so important


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I loved how all of the teenage girls were looking at Jin Woo in the restaurant too. They clearly thought there was something else going on with those two, and I thought that was hilarious.


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Pretty man giving you money. Dang, girl, your reputation around school is getting tainted!


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Lol i have finally found a brethren, i thought i was the only one who hated Yoo-ah. Gah!! i just a see a little red when it comes to her..


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Yoo-Ah's behavior here proves why Min-Seok is not interested in her. They are the same age, but she acts so much younger than he does--and he acts young! She is typical teenage "all about what I want" mode. She does not see that she is a crazy stalker fan. She has this whole plan that she is going to marry him when he has shown absolutely no interest in her whatsoever. I can understand (even if I don't like) her being upset with her sister; woman all over the world at every age choose to mad at the "other" woman instead of the man who lies. However, I cannot like how she does not call him out on his behavior at all. How can this all be her sister's fault when her sister did not know anything? I suppose this makes her a good character though because I have such a powerful feeling about her. I did think the scene with Jin-Wook was funny. I think he laughed at her because he is not used to people being so bold and direct; in his world everything is sneaky and indirect with everyone speaking threats in code. I can so see her as his little sister that he will continue to be amused by. He can train her to be a business shark and get her to help take down his father. She'd be much better at this than Soo-young. However, I did NOT see any inkling of romantic pairing with these two. I do not know where people are getting that from.


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nope, if they pair up cutie-b*** little sister, that'll be with the silent strong one from the hockey team. y'know, the tall friend of MS? and yes, she's a helluva lot annoying but actually it IS because she does her role well. both the girls are very talented. it's rare, the sis one's talent reminded me of the actress who played the high-school classmate supporting role in IHYW.


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yes I'm shipping her with him as well. I just don't want a cliched second-lead pairing.


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yoo-ah with hottie hockey friend


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Lol. We'll know in time where Yoo Ah's heart is going to take her when she finally decides to move on from Min Suk.


Min Suk not minding the age gap at all is really funny. It seems his only worry was in the fact that he lied to Soo Young. That's all. :))


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Please make Jin-woo and Yoo-ah friends ONLY, Show!!! And dude, if my older sister was dating the guy I was seriously crushing, I'd be LEGITIMATELY heart broken. I know Soo-young didn't do it purposely, and I know Yoo-ah's a bit of an intense weirdo, but man, if I were in her shoes, HEART BREEEAAK. I'm not saying Min-seok is theeeee one for Yoo-ah, considering she's only a high schooler, but c'mon, gotta sympathize her way a little. That would suuuuck. And I understand where Soo-young is coming from, but gotta admit, it's a little harder for me to feel for Soo-young, strangely enough. And honestly, Min-seok with many of the decisions he's made all drama long, for me at least, doesn't seem like the most awesome catch anyways.

I know what the show wants me to feel, and maybe I SHOULD be feeling it, but I'm just not. :'(


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Random Observations:
That little dance to save Soo Young from the car was fabulous. Still never going to ship Jin Woo with her, but I did like the way he danced, lol.

I hate some of Soo Young’s outfits, but they are just so decidedly her that you just got to love them.

Little Naggine Questions:
How did Min Seok Not catch up with Soo Young at the school? She wasn’t walking that fast. And he’s an athletic guy! There’s no way she would have gotten away from him in real life.

Why is it, every time we get a pillow fight scene in movies and television shows (Korean and otherwise), they always have feathers coming out the pillows? That’s not how pillows work.

I find it so ridiculous how Mr. Why is Life so Hard for Me always nags Min Seok about not being good at this ‘job’ when Min Seok was never given any kind of training whatsoever. What do you expect from a guy who knows Less than nothing about business?

Does anyone else find it creepy how Jin Woo just Shows Up at Gangchon like that? If I were Soo Young, I’d think he was stalking me.

Not romantic.

Thoughts brought over from the last Recap:
It's honestly driving me nuts how everyone keeps pissing on this couple and their cuteness, lol. I'm just like 'What? You don't like for people to be Happy in their relationships?'

I would LOVE to go on a date as cute as theirs. (I would love to go on a Date, but that's an entirely separate discussion, lol.)


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LOL @ the pillow observation, you are so right.
And I know from personal experience, cuz once I tore outer cover of my pillow and kept hitting it at my brother hoping feathers would come out and all that came out was cotton balls !
He he , I got scolded too much for messing the room up. :P


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hahahahaha, That's awesome! I would have been so disappointed when cotton balls came out instead of feathers.


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Do you know that I laughed out loud when Jin Woo saved her from that oncoming car? THAT BALLET-ISH TWIRL HE DID WITH HER TO GET OUT OF THE WAY. He spun her around with him and...


Also, pillow dramatics. Cotton wouldn't be as cool, would it?

I agree that Min Suk's doing the best he can at his job, considering that he doesn't have any experience in business at all. It's a tough world for anyone (nothing to do with age) without the necessary knowledge.

Finally, the date thing? You're so right! I want to go on a date that is as cute too! What's wrong with being childish and adorable with the person you love? I adore it D:


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I just find it annoying that all the movies and TV shows make pillow fights look like feathery explosions of awesome, but every time I've been in a pillow fight, there have been no explosions of feathers. It's very disappointing, lol.


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I totally squeed with delight and joy at this episoe. I swear! I've never been so happy to be so wrong. I had totally expected some kdrama cliches to extend the misunderstanding but nooooooooooo we have a very honest heartfelt "real" talk between the OTP. No contrivance, no silly misunderstandings, no complications. And at the end, when he appeared and it seemed he had been listening all along to the conversation...YES!!!! No silliness. And i looooooooove it how the schoolboys keep talking about how small the world is: the authors are aware of how silly the whole kdrama coincidence premise is.

I am so convinced that Yoo Ah is related to Director Yoo. Please disabuse me of this assumption please.

Thanks for the recap.


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Why do you think Yoo Ah might be related to Director Yoo?


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I have absolutely no good reason except
A) everyone keeps echoing the "wow, it's a small world!"
B) I keep wondering why the sisters have different names
C) I keep thinking the Chairman gets around and I remember why Min Suk's dad killed himself. Not that that has anything to do with anything.
D) I want them to be related cause Jin Woo has no family...and a birth secret would be nice. He'd have family after his mom died.

Silly, i know.


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The sisters have different names because they are different people...? Hahahahah sorry. It's just that they do have the same last name. Jung Soo Young and Jung Yoo Ah.


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jin woo's clone looks much better (haircut means much, proven again) and he is much healthier mentally. i am happy they switched him with his evil twin brother.
this one even defended our heroine from being fired (again!) for these reasons, the character is forgiven by me.

btw everyone agrees that MS's brooding should be cut short? it's actually brings disbalance to the force when he and SY aren't together.

...and that's it, i am learning korean. episode 12 freaked me out, and i HAVE to learn the lang as to not to wait again and again 6+ hours for the subs of the dramas i like...


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Where did you see the raw version of episode 12? Is it streaming? I've been dying to watch it but am waiting for the subbed version to go live.


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Thanks for the quick recap! I agree that Jin Woo's transformation was sudden. In the space of a single episode, he's gone from unrepentant assholery and impending alcoholism to sincere apologies and cutesy exchanges with Yoo Ah? It was one of this show's few missteps with character development. Unfortunately, I think he's getting relegated to cookie-cutter second lead status.

Also, with SY and MS operating on traumatized autopilot at the beginning of the episode, I realized how much I missed SY's spunk--and the irrepressible spirit of the guy who, despite all the obstacles, loves her unashamedly for who she is.


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So true re Jin Woo. The story writers are ready to bring in the murder/suicide/whatever secret. So they might just ignore developing Jin Woo...in order to get that part of the story told.

I missed their spunk as well but it felt good missing the spunk. It's like you want your friend back to his happy self. And i loved the way the writers incorporated that audience need by having the women office workers mention how "refreshing" it was to see our hero all angsty.


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Thanks Dramallama for the super-fast recap!! This was a great episode, even if it was a bit depressing at times. My heart is aching for all the characters and yet I am enjoying the ride and want more.

And guys, I'm dying here to find which is the name of the ending song. Anyone around can end my suffering??
I would be eternally grateful... ૮(•⚈͒࿄⚈͒•)ა


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I was also wondering the same, wish DB does that soundtrack post they do on certain dramas for this show.
Cuz the music and soundtrack really elevate the entire viewing experience.


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I agree that Jinwoo's change for the better is sudden. (His hair though..good job stylist!). I prefer a more gradual or at least a better written potrayal of his revelation of his crush on Sooyoung. Or was this done? I think all we got was a quick reversal from hate to love when Jinwoo found out Minseuk was dating Sooyoung. Although my hope for his turnover has been realised. I hope.

I must say, Sooyoung must really have a big heart to forgive Minseuk. I would have been devastated if my relationship started with a huge lie. Her fight with Yoo Ah proves that she still wants him in a way, and that was also confirmed verbally at the end. (How did Lee Hana feel to be hugged by LSH? Hee I wonder).

Love Gramps. Love Mr Assistant Manager Older and Wiser. I think I agree with someone here if Jinwoo is to end up with someone, it is Mr Older and Wiser's daughter.

As for Yoo Ah, she should be swept off her feet by one of Minseuk's frienda right now. Just swoop in..be the shoulder..and take her away. Just do it.


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'Mr. Older and Wiser' My nickname is catching on!


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My poor Soo Young! I knew this day would come and I've been bracing myself for it especially with all that cuteness in the past 2 episodes. I am really disappointed in Yoo Ah. She definitely lost a lot of points with me with her actions this episodes. Just when I started sympathizing with her, she proves that my initial assessment of her was more accurate. She's one delusional stalker.

I was laughing out loud when Yoo Ah and Jin Woo were at the burger joint and he gave her money. His reaction when the other patrons were looking at him like some creepy pedophile was priceless. lol I also found it interesting that Soo Young seems to be the Forrest Gump of her hometown.

Well, after seeing the previews for the next episode, it's back to hijinks and shenanigans. That is what I like about TvN's rom-coms. The never give us a full serving of angst.


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Can I just say the happiest moment of the episode wasn't anything played for comedy, but when MS and SY had a face-to-face, in the scene DIRECTLY after school scene. No misunderstandings that could be dragged out, just two heartbroken people trying (and failing) to figure out the situation.
Reason when you know you have a top tier show on your hands reason 43: Even amongst the darkness, tears, and angst, you can still interject bits of humor and levity. Even with this being the "melo" portion of the shows run, they continue to integrate humor in appropriate and not so appropriate situations. Which is probably more in tune with real life anyways.


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I know right?? SY's and YA's pillow fight and SY sitting on that Asst. Manager was definitely SY's rock bottom, but it had me in splits!

Yes, I know, I am heartless.


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Although this episode was really sad, I was pleasantly surprised by how funny the show remained! Soo-Young spaced out reactions, sitting on the assistant manager's lap, and the Team Leader being particularly spazztastic and confused.

However, like dramallama, I am a little perplexed by how Jin Woo was presented as suddenly not as psychotic. I guess we could say he was having a spectacularly bad week last week and let all the worst of him out. Also, we know from earlier episodes and other little hints that he can be charming and has a sensitive side. However, he has been consistently manipulative with Soo Young and even if we believe he has developed real feelings for her, it's a little hard to swallow his sudden sincerity. I'm still hoping that the show will still deal with his issues and not just pretend he doesn't have them from now on.


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I don't believe he's developed real feelings for her. I do think his apology was a little more sincere this time around, but I also think he's still being kind of manipulative.


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I think he's conflicted. He likes her and he wants to use her. He realizes he's been cruel to use people like objects who have no feelings but he also realizes he needs to have true friends. I'd so hate for the writers to have him become totally good instantly. He should keep that edge to him where he himself doesn't quite know what he's up to.


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Conflicted, yes. But I look at it more as he realizes he's being an ass, and he doesn't want to be an ass anymore. It's just so easy for him to be an ass that he can't seem to stop himself.


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Neither do I. I still can't count his feelings as love, more like need. Just need. He needs someone warmer in his life and he only seemed to realize that with Soo Young. But as far as love, as in appreciation and adoration of everything Soo Young is, I doubt it has come to that. He simply wants to act on his needs by acknowledging them.


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@ riarallahssi:
I feel the same way. He's like the "Elsa" of this story - Jin-woo's relationships so far have been so barren and he's just not used to letting anyone get close to him.

He's still in the de-thawing process, so his relationship skills are pretty basic compared to the easy camaraderie that Min-seok builds with everybody, but by watching him with his mom, I for one don't doubt that he can be a sweet and gentle guy (not to mention hot!)

Everyone supports Min-seok when he's having a hard time (me included), but it just gets to me when Jin-woo lays himself open to rejection every time he pleads with his father on his mom's behalf.


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I like the way they handled his confession scene. At first he was all cool and sweet but when Soo Young started rejecting him, there was a sudden streak of panic on his face. He started blabbering about timing almost to the brink of desperation. For a moment there, I remembered his birthday dinner scene with Soo Young where he changed from a gentle dinner companion to an intimidating boss in a flash. He is consistently depicting the erratic nature of his character.


Need is a really good way to describe it. He's stopped hating Soo Young (because he realizes that's just stupid), and now he's mistaking his need to be loved for Actually Being in love.


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Now that he's opening up to the thought of being in a relationship, it will probably do him a lot of good. One of the reasons he's more taken by Soo Young is perhaps because Soo Young has proven herself trustworthy. She hasn't let anyone in on his secrets at all. He probably feels he can trust Soo Young. Unfortunately, I think Soo Young will only be burdened by the entity of Jin Woo. When a girl does all the keeping-you-happy maintenance work in the relationship, it can get empty for Soo Young in the long run.

I'm choosing Min Suk for Soo Young because I like her adorable quirky attitude. It just matches up with Min Suk's. When those are together, it seems their office is all fun. The whole world lights up. I'd love to be friends with a couple like that. They have this way to keep lighting each other up and it infects everybody around them. Jin Woo may have lit up a bit because of Soo Young but I haven't seen him return the favor so his timing is really late now.


Yeah. Jin Woo's gonna be pretty needy for a while (as is normal for someone who's been through as much as he has and is just starting to (maybe) realize that he actually wants to have real relationships with other human beings.) It would be best for him to have a few key people he can grow close to rather then just one person he has to pin all of his hopes and fears and wants and and needs and insecurities on.


It would be nice to get some kind of flashback to explain the change in behavior, though it's also entirely possible he woke up with a horrific hangover and thought "Well, that was terrible; time to try apologizing and being a decent guy instead of making nasty comments, forcing a kiss on her, and punching her boyfriend." lol.

I think he's being sincere in it though. We've seen before that he seems self-aware enough to know when he's messed up and that he's capable of regret. The difference now is the maturity he showed this past episode in owning up to his mistakes and apologizing for them, instead of lashing out in a jealous tantrum.


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It seems like everyone is having whiplash with his change in behaviour towards Soo Young, haha.

Ignoring the continuity problems with such a drastic change in his personality, I'm glad he apologised to her AND stood up to his father. Finally!

Although... it's too soon to be relieved because even if he's going to be nice to Soo Young from now on, what about his behaviour towards Min Suk?

Will that change too? I hope it will because Min Suk deserves a break from Jin Woo's constant need for a pissing match with him. Just be friends already, guys!


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lol it seems so! I'm really, really happy his behavior towards her changed too, because it was awful before. I wish we understood why a little better, but maybe I shouldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth lol. I guess the drunken assholery really was rock bottom.

Their pissing contest is probably going to continue for a bit, between both of them having feelings for Sooyoung and Jinwoo's concern over Minseok's story not lining up perfectly. I don't think he's going to let go of whatever suspicions he has that easily. I'm personally fine with it though; I'll take an episode full of the two of them swatting at each other in the backseat of a car, closing the elevator doors on each other, bike races, and other childishness any day of the week.


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Haha. I'm fine with the childish pissing contests, but not when it gets personal.

I'll accept any amount of childish banter though. More of that is good!


I think he still, very much, wants to use Soo Young in some way, and that's partly why he apologized to her. But I also think he's actually genuinely sorry, more sorry then he even realizes. He's just not Aware of it yet.


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I am new to simulcasting and just feel like I want to come on here to rant a bit (sorry!). I know I didn't like Yoo Ah from the start, but I was beginning to warm up to her a little after I saw how she cared for her sister. After this episode, no more!

I don't understand how she can blame her sister when it's obvious that Soo Young was played by her "Hubby Lee". Don't even get me started on the whole, flawed logic that "I was here first" or why she would hate "the other girl" (who is her awesome sister that feeds and clothes her!) rather than the guy who was playing both of them!!!

Honestly, I really wanted the writers to go a different route and have her use her vengeful spirit to team up with her unni and take it out on Min Suk in some hilarious way. Oh well. I guess she's back to being a cardboard villainous second female lead... : (

(And seriously, turning to Director Yoo? You have no idea what he's done to your sister. My heart wept when I saw that scene because it's so typical kdrama...)


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Yes! Yes! Someone else who finds Yoo Ah infuriating!


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The one thing that stood out to me from the beginning about Yoo-ah is that she's a little delusional. I think she's created a fantasy in her head about Min-seok, and she tends to ignore events and behavior that run counter to her fantasy. Min-seok- like many foolish young men- didn't bother to resist her too strenuously for a long time. I was really hoping she might finally catch on to his indifference back in episode 6 when he snaps at her in anger. She didn't seem all that phased by it though in the next episode. :(

Anyway, I wasn't that surprised this episode when she decided to stick to her fantasy. She's completely ignoring her sister's pain, and that's what makes me doubly sad.


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True. I think she's just a delusional neurotic. She's not very different from Jin Woo when it comes to getting what she wants. I'm pretty hopeful she'll eventually turn around. Nobody can really take it our for too long with hurting siblings. She's just butt-heart right now and whip-lashing against the facts, but she'll come around.


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While I do not despise YA I was VERY frustrated with her in this episode!!


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Can we not blame Min Suk with regards to Yoo Ah? I just find it slightly unfair ):

Min Suk has probably done everything he could over the years without being utterly cruel to get her off his back because let's face it, he's not a dick. He knows that she means well, but he can't return the sentiment.

She never listened to him and his friends never helped him with making her move on either. They always stayed neutral and helped her in her pursuit even when they knew it was futile. It's sweet of them but it makes things so much harder for Min Suk. It's like they were unconsciously piling up the guilt on him that he rightfully doesn't deserve.

I don't think he owes Yoo Ah an apology for breaking her heart in this scenario. If he knew Soo Young was her sister and still dated her even while knowing Yoo Ah liked him, he'd have so many reasons to apologise to her. But he never knew.

I don't hate Yoo Ah because I can relate to her feelings for Min Suk, but that's it. Her beliefs about love aren't realistic but she'll learn in time that you can't force love and sometimes, it's best to let go so that you can find happiness for yourself.

Her reaction towards the reveal is understandable. Any of us would have reacted that way initially. However, this will probably be the final straw that will break her resolve to keep pushing forward on her one-sided feelings.

I want her to grow. I want her to realise that if she really wants what's best for her Min Suk, she has to let him go so that he can be happy, and so can she.


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This. All of this. What exactly is a person supposed to do when someone is that persistent? (Aside from report them to the police and file a restraining order, and I think that would be really harsh in this situation.) Min Seok can't Make her stop liking him. All he can do is reiterate (over and Over again) that he's not interested. If she refuses to get it, then that's on Her.


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haha, I agree. I didn't realize when I posted my comment that I was blaming Min Suk in regards to Yoo Ah. Right after I watched this episode, I was upset and biased because I have two sisters, and for me, family always comes first. To me, the fact that someone lied to my sister and hurt her would trump any feelings I had for the other guy (no matter how good his reasons may be). I also, after watching many kdramas, get particularly frustrated when I see female characters who could be friends choose to go against each other. After seeing how the writers were injecting little bits of Yoo Ah that made her more sympathetic, I was really, really hoping they wouldn't go the conventional route of just turning her into a 1D angry, crazed second lead and doubly disappointed when it looked like they did. When the show's been good so far, my expectations (and subsequent potential for disappointment) grow bigger.

Luckily, I just saw episode 12 and am happy that she may be growing up a bit! : D


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BTW, anyone know the song that was played during the skating scene?


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Fluttering by Honey G. If we get past 3% for the ratings, I have high hopes LHN will sing it with SIG. :D


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thanks sooooooooooooo much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvjWEc9c8vs


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Oh gosh. The English translation is so OTP ^^ I think my heart just fluttered reading it.


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Thank you for linking the translation!!

omigoshhhh, what wonderful lyrics! "Precious person" - gets teary-eyed again!! :')


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I didn't get to say it in the last recap, but I LOVED the scene where the 5 of them were at the school just looking at each other. lol I like his friends.

I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. I feel bad for Soo-young. It's just one setback and hurdle after the next. Sure she has 2 decent looking guys after her, but one treated her like crap and the other lied to her, a pretty major lie.

You know what's a shame about this episode though? Yoo-ah. It's a shame since at first I despised her, and then I grew to like her a lot, and now I'm back to despite. I would be more sympathetic if her and Min-Suk were actually dating and he cheated on her, but that's clearly not the case.


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Give me a Hell Yeah if you're like me and you're refreshing every site out there for episode 12 subbed. lol


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*raises hand*

(I haven't refreshed kdrama.com 10 times in the past five minutes, nosiree, not me)


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It's here!!! kdrama.com just uploaded it!


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And then my comment got four likes, lol.


Hell YEAH!


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I'm doing this for the torrents. I want it in HD. I want to see those tears rolling like I can wipe them off!


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you always watch the fastest subbed on Dramabay.com

literally they sub most Kdrama within hours of it airing in korea.


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That YooAh. She's a real teenager for sure. She's so self-centered and never listens. She has no grounds for considering MinSuk her boyfriend; he was always trying to give her the brush off. She's full of energy and schemes though. It looks like she is all primed to make trouble without caring who goes under the bus. That taller friend of MinSuk's though looks like he is starting to like her.


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The scene with YA and JW reminded me of How to Catch a Predator. I for sure thought some reporter was going to pop out and say gotcha. It just reminded me how much of a age gap that they have. She kept saying words that he couldn't understand and his face of confusion and amusement. The fist pump just pushed it over the top.


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I really feel weird because I found that really cute. Especially when she started calling him and there was an obvious smile on his face. :D

This drama has turned me into a noona-romance-loving weirdo.


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Gah, I'm Such a hypocrite, because I love those two's scenes together.

The writers are So going to pair them up, and I'm gonna be helpless at stopping myself from loving it.



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If there's actually going to be a Jin-Woo Yoo-Ah love story arc drama spinoff, I'm going to watch it. :)) They really look good together. Even if they simply pose for Magazine cover, they'd still look good together.


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Thanks for quick recap dramallama!

It is so difficult to see our 2 love birds so distraught. Min Suk may be only 18 but he sure feels deeply for Soo Young. He has a simpistic view of love - u either love the person or u don't - age, seniority, occupation, status be damned!

Seo In Guk recorded the OST.

서인국 (Seo Inguk) - 돌아오는 길 (Finding myself) MV:


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So, I was waiting for the E11 recap... and, then I watched E12 raw!! #dead

oh yeah, THAT scene!! Cried SO much. (I LOVE Min-seok's friends!!!) And, the concluding scene - cried yet again!!


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I really like the show, but I'm frustrated by the soundtrack. I keep checking for its releases to find the ending song and they still havent released it... also the music at the scene where Jin-woo gets the guts to tell off his father...


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Before I read all of the comments, I'll put in my thoughts.

Of all the scenes that struck me, it was most definitely the scene where Soo Young cried in the tree with the two ahjummas talking. It made me even more convinced that Min Seok is the right boy for her. Her overall personality matches with Min Seok. Apparently, Soo Young's slowness is her strength as this is the trait that will get her by the wrath of society's judgement. It also means she has the capacity to care less about what others think, hence the elephant in the relationship can be addressed.

Although Jin Woo is exemplifying his bipolar tendencies in this episode, I still can't see how Soo Young would fit in happily with his generally cool demeanor. I used to think that all the characters can end up with no one and that i would still be fine, despite being a MS-SY shipper. But in that scene I finally saw that Soo Young has her first love in Min Seok and probably the love of her life. If she loses him now, who else will come along with the same quirky happiness for her?

We also have Yoo Ah's fan book. I think that this is exactly what Yoo Ah is: a fan and nothing more. She is confusing her feelings for love but she's actually only adoring him. I also had to note that she mostly posted photos of Min Seok in a hockey uniform. It's a hockey-induced adoration and I wonder how it will play out of hockey is out of the picture.

Last but not the least, Jin Woo. LSH's acting skills are not disappointing. Despite the complete turn around of his choices, I saw something consistent about him: he is relentless when it comes to some thing he wants. We are just fortunate now that he wants Soo Young because if it were anything otherwise, I'm sure he would have crushed her if she got into the way of his plans. Luckily for now, she is the plan. I especially liked his confession scene where he almost broke his voice in desperation and panic--- I actually saw that he's the same guy but with changing desires now. As for his bipolar tendencies, I've noticed them since episode 1. It is so oddly cold and clinical how he shifts from one emotion to another in light of what he wants. Good job LSH.

Of course, SIG and LHN acting out their pain while consistently being in character is awesome. SIG is still acting the part of an 18 year old superbly and I'm glad it manifests in the way he cries or becomes desperate. Few of the scenes i loved include that last scene where he saw the hug and had to turn away. It was just his face and yet he looked so young and sad. Lee Ha Na is on point with her quirkiness even when she's trying to play the older sister halmae. Ha the pillow fight.

I loved how the show still managed to inject cutesies like Team Leader Kim, Ji Dae Han's comments, and of course gramps. It means they want to stay true to the comedy genre. Despite feeling sad throughout the episode, they managed to inject scenes worth smiling for.


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"Soo Young's personality matches Min Seok's." I disagree. Her mental age matches his, not personality. They both are mentally 18. We all know that boys mature slower, but in ten years Min Seok will act like 28 or maybe 25 year old while SHE will stay eighteen forever. That's how her character is written. You can't have it both ways. That's what (slightly) bothers me in this, otherwise, lovely show: either the 18 old boy unknowingly takes advantage of a slow-witted (she acts like a person with low spectrum ASD) older woman or the normal older woman is having an inappropriate relationship with a teen.


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About Soo Young. Are you insinuating that she is mentally deficient? She may be slow at processing or understand things, but she was never said to have been diagnosed with such a problem in the show itself.

Anyway, even if she does have a minor case of it, it doesn't mean that her awareness and growth is stunted in any way. With help, she could and would get better.

Are you saying that people who suffer from any mental illness (eg. autism) cannot be in a relationship with anyone? If you are, the ages of the people involved shouldn't even matter. Even if she dated Jin Woo or anyone else for that matter, she'd always be at a major disadvantage in the relationship right? She can't be in a relationship, ever.

You know what though? People with mental disorders of any sort are still people, regardless of how their brains function on a daily basis. They fall in love, have friends and they have every right to be like others.

I have a friend whose my age and suffers from a bad case of autism. He behaves differently from others and he required more patience and understanding from the people around him in school. He was a smart ass too, lol. (I really hated some people who treated him like the plaque because he was weird to them though. Disgusting human beings) Guess what? He's doing fine in his life. Even with autism, he's just like the rest of us except for a few minor things which his friends and family accept as him being himself.

Anyway. Soo Young isn't something fragile just because she's slow at times. I don't believe that her slowness is the reason that will make her easy to take advantage of. Anybody can be just as easily taken advantage of in any relationship (friends, family, lover.etc.)

Please don't say that she will stay the same forever. That is untrue in most cases and very hurtful to anyone who actually has to deal with such problems. She CAN change and mature just like anyone else with the right people and help. Don't treat her like she's something broken that can never be fixed. (she may not even have any actual mental issues and it's just her, which means it can still be fixed anyway)

I don't mean for my reply to be rude at all but I get touchy about mental illnesses or deficiencies.
They are serious clinical issues but people who suffer from them shouldn't be treated like they're vulnerable souls at all times.

They are people just like everyone else but with a few quirks, and may need more time with certain things but they can have normal relationships with anyone as long as the other parties are aware of their problems and gradually help them through it or accept them the way they are.

I'm not even going to mention anything about Min Suk because I'm only replying to this because of what you said about her mental state.

Everything I typed is based off my experience with these kind of things. In the end, this is a personal opinion that probably has flaws but it's the truth I believe...


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Personally, I don't want her to be 'fixed.' I think she's perfect the way she is.

She's kind, genuine, shy, willing to make sacrifices for the people she cares about, etc. I think those are pretty awesome qualities. So she's a little slow. So what? Why is that such a flaw?


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Don't worry (:

I think she's fine just the way she is too. Min suk loves her, slowness and all. He is one of the people in her life right now who accepts her just as she is.

Sorry, I get so antsy when mental illnesses are brought into the picture. It's not a light issue that can be thrown around freely, which is what set off my rant above. I've got too much experience in the field that it's like a trigger or something. Haha.


No worries. I understand. I have a friend who suffers from cerebral palsy, and she has to put up with a lot from people who assume she's not able to take care of herself or be in healthy relationships, etc. (The same kinds of things people with mental illnesses have to put up with.) She actually writes a really awesome (and sadly unknown) blog about the stuff people with disabilities (and to some extent, people with mental illness) have to put up with.

http://independencechick.wordpress.com/ (Unashamed promotion of my friends really AWESOME blog that I think deserves far more attention.)


I really dislikes statements like 'mentally 18.' What does that even mean? What is the definition of 'mentally 18?'

And just how can you say that her character is Written as a perpetual 18 year old? Where is your proof? We've only seen her as a 27 year old. We've had no flashbacks to when she was younger. Maybe she's a lot more mature now then she used to be. In which case, why shouldn't she be able to further grow and mature? (And how does being slow witted make someone immature anyway? Why do so many of us think she is immature?)

The truth is, Soo Young is a grown woman. She pays bills. She has a grown up job. She takes care of her sister. She looks after her mom. She has Responsibilities, and she Fulfills them. She also has stood up for herself a number of times in this drama. She's been a bit passive in the past couple of episodes, but otherwise, she's shown a great deal of maturity and strength of character. That's pretty mature.

As for mental illness, people with Autism (and many other mental illnesses) are not somehow incapable of having real, meaningful, romantic relationships. Many people with autism get married and have children. Why do we automatically assume that anyone interested in pursuing a relationship with someone who has a mental illness is trying to take advantage of that person?

I suffer from depression. Does that mean that anyone interested in dating me (or in being friends with me) is really just trying to take advantage of my mental state? (I certainly hope not.)

It's a sad commentary on the world if we think that all people in relationships with those who suffer from mental illness are just trying to take advantage of them.

Of course, I don't think Soo Young has any kind of mental illness. (I'm not a professional, so my opinion doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I really don't think that is the case.) Sometimes severe self esteem issues can manifest themselves in ways very similar to mental illnesses such as autism (and I think Soo Young probably suffers from some self esteem issues). Not to mention, if you don't learn certain life skills at a certain age (particularly pertaining to making friends and developing romantic relationships), that can cause you a number of problems once you become an adult. Soo Young clearly missed some of those life skills the first time around, but that doesn't mean she can't still learn them.

Personally, I think Min Seok is Great for Soo Young. For the simple reason that he gives her permission to be herself. Not in the 'I'm in charge' kind of way, but in the 'You can be just who you are, because who you are is enough' kind of way. The longer she's with him, the more she'll grow as a person.

She's really gonna blossom, and that's going to be Awesome.

I do understand where you were trying to go with your comment, but I just think it is categorically inaccurate.


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literally no where in this story was that implied. that's like really offensive


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i luv min-seok's grampa, he is so cute:-) after our last episodes cuteness we go to z depressed mode due to the BIG reveal, but i think soo young is doing the right thing here, i know love doesn't have age limit but its 10 yrs gap i can handle 3-5 yrs but this is just too much. i just want her to know she was rly loved by min seok and i am now into jin woo(rice cake ajusshi..cute!) who is treating soo young with respect and love she deserves, he is becoming a gud second lead. well we will just see how the drama is gonna playout<3


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I am not into z whole 10 yr gap but we will see how it plays out, i love grampa from all the characters he is so cute!!;-)


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Episode 12... I am speechless... It was so sad and beautiful... *standing ovation for the writer and everyone in the show*


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Is it just me or do you want Monday to come faster???
I was crying as I was I was watching the last scene- isn't love grand??? Cure for all bad things in life???


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This show just proves that when two people are meant to be together then they are meant to be together. Society may judge them or not even accept them but in the end, true love conquers all.


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Aigoooo, you're so right.
Society be damned, we can love whoever we want.

If two people can fill up the missing pieces in each other's lives, everything else be damned.


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Oh I'm scared! Lee Ha Na announced a complete reversal at the ending in one of her interviews. I'm shivering at the idea. It's just a harmless rating trap, right? Please say it is.


Oh damn it, riarallahssi!

Don't jinx our happiness!
My good mood just got shot down in seconds!

But wait. When she mentioned a complete reversal, was she referring to the love lines or to something else? Any hints?


Wait! Ha someone at the forums called it out for being a translation mix up! Yay! Fluttering by Honey G is playing on the background ^^


riarallahssi... You almost gave me a panic attack.

But yay! Thank goodness! I felt like someone threw ice cold water on me after I read your comment, haha!


Sonny, mianhe chinggu!


Yep!! I couldn't have been happier w/ YA!! T_T


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Why do must people in the comment section get defensive when someone opposes the age gap in the relationship of Soo Young and Min Seok, but when they mention the idea of Jin Woo and Yoo Ah being in a relationship everyone goes all "Oh no he is so much older than Yoo Ah! Soo creepy! She is still in high school." Seriously it is the same situation just gender reversed. Someone please enlighten me.


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I have to admit, I do that. It's hypocritical, but I still do it. I think the big issue for most people here though is how Violent and manipulative Jin Woo has proven to be. He's a broken man, and he deserves to fall in love and be loved, but we don't want him hurting anyone else either. (And he most certainly would hurt more people given the chance.)

I'm honestly having conflicted feelings after these past two episodes on a possible Yoo Ah/Jin Woo pairing. I know it's just not a good idea, but the drama writers are just so good at what they do that they make me feel okay with it.

It kind of pisses me off actually, lol.


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Haha, I don't disapprove of the Jin Woo/Yoo Ah relationship. I'm not exactly shipping it but I immensely enjoy their interactions.

In any case, I'm just waiting on the sidelines to see who the writers will pair her up with in the end. As long as she gets a happy ending, I'm happy.


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Why do so many people bring this up as though it's a legit argument? It's ONLY the same situation inasmuch as the age gap is similar (mind you, Jin-woo is three years older than Soo-young so we're talking an even bigger gap). But beyond the age gap, what is the same? Let’s review the facts:

-We have Jin-woo, a verbally abusive 30 year-old man who tries to manipulate a woman’s affections in order to advance his career, who physically assaults this woman after she blows him off, who suffers from crippling panic attacks whenever he is near his abusive father (yet who continues to work under & attempt to engage his abusive father), who has no viable relationships with friends or family members to support him, who seems to have a drinking problem, who is deeply unhappy with himself and his life and his career…do I really need to go on?
-Then we have Yoo-ah, a high-school girl who has basically been stalking a boy for years in spite of knowing that he is not interested in her, who aspires only to wed Min-soek in spite of the fact that he’s told her repeatedly that he’s not interested in her. That’s pretty much all I know about her: her obsession with Min-soek, which does not speak well to her mental or emotional health.

We’re not even comparing apples and oranges here, we’re fruit flies and light bulbs. A relationship between Jin-woo and Yoo-ah sounds like a TERRIBLE idea because he’s borderline abusive she’s borderline delusional. I hope the show doesn’t go there because it sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. I want Yoo-ah to grow into her own person, and I want much the same for Jin-woo—for him to get a great therapist and free himself from the shackles of his past trauma. Neither of these things would be accomplished by Jin-woo and Yoo-ah hooking up.


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Oh yeah. I've been wondering about something that's not even related to any of the threads here but I had to ask.

Min Suk is 18 and Soo Young is 27, right?
Since she stated before that she's one year younger than Min Suk's hyung whose 28.
Isn't that a 9 years difference, not 10 years?
Why does everyone keep saying 10?

Lol. I'm so out of point right now but it's been bugging me because of mathematical reasons. Sincere apologies for my random comment, haha.


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I'm a sucker for angst, and oh my gosh this episode was perfect! Eugh, the heartache!
Seo In Guk's expressions at the beginning and end of that episode just got to me. And his OST is just beautiful. Why does he have to be so perfect? It isn't fair.
Jin Woo, you're hot, but go away.
I feel bad for Yoo Ah, but I'm mainly just annoyed at her for blaming Soo Young and making it worse for her. She was being immature and selfish. Basically I'm just waiting for her to admit that they really love each other, and give her blessing. And then she can have her happy ending with the friend who obv likes her.
Jin Woo just needs to sort out his family drama before he goes looking for a relationship. I'm sure there will be a line of women waiting for him when he's ready.
Now off to watch ep 6! :D
It's 5:30am here, but I need to see my ship. Sleep can wait!


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*ep 12
(Whoa, it's going by quickly! So happy about the extension.)

I think lack of sleep is getting to me. Plus, I'm probably confusing it with Marriage, Not Dating.


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I am now hooked on TVN's focus on taking the time for the writers to enrich the characters in an interesting way. This show keeps getting better and better! Just saw ep 12 on Kdrama no commercials!


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I'm setting the intellectual banter aside for now to ask---- where are the ratings? Please, I really need an updated rundown of the ratings. I'm still praying for over 3% because I sure think it was Lee Ha Na who sang Honey G's fluttering at the end of Episode 12. I need SIG and LHN in a duet. Please.


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E11 - 2.09 (highest yet)
E12 - 1.92

We still have a ways to go until the promised duet when the ratings hit 3.00! :/


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Awww dang... we only have five episodes left. Maybe the finale will hit it? Aish. It's still good ratings for the timeslot though. In a chinese website, it seems it gets 34.1% of the livestream hits as opposed to other korean stations at the time. Of course it was pegged against news shows.


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I'm really feeling the second lead syndome here. And I don't even know why. I know he's not the best guy ever but he was really sweet during the course of this episode. I just want to see him keep maturing so much!


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Why am I pausing the drama to track Soo hyuk´s face lines on the screen...

please get over angst quickly and gimme cute and also some bickering bromance. and more grandpa.

MinSeok it too nice, don´t give him too much angst. young folks are more sensitive he is not 30, it will be worse to him. high schoolers are idealistic and emotional and deeply affected by stuff. no, it aint overreacting. it is just the way they are. I think each age should be seen through their own prism. you cannot say" oh those teens are just immature". nope. they are individuals as well. as are children. as are old folks. grandpa is more than just a senile happy grump as well.
we don´t have to wear the mask of maturity. we can just be who we naturally are.


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Enjoyed the ep 12 meta jokes with Team Leader Kim commenting on how Tae Seok looks like he's 32. And Tae Suk just keeps firmly repeating, "I'm 18".


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I mean Duk-hwan.


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You have lines on your face. LOL


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Oh my gosh, that was one of my favorite parts!


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Does anyone know what that sad instrumental song is?


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After reading the comments, I think people are missing a different moral dilemma that bothers me the most. Soo Young was portrayed as a righteous character who makes great moral decisions on EVERYTHING. There is not a shred of selfishness or corruption in her. Given that "Director" was introduced to her in a safe work environment, not in some bar while clubbing, she made an honest mistake believing he is her age and it's OK to fall in love. She should be mad at her superiors at work for deceiving her. Now. How is the always "righteous" person could have made such a greedy decision to keep dating the boy?! We all know in real life it's just a short term puppy love on his part. Oh, please. Get real, ladies. As an adult she knows it too. Or did they make her act like someone with ADS on purpose, so we would give her character a pass on moral judgment? I hope we won't see any romance, only true care and noona friendship on her part. In my opinion, Kdrama writers are doing more damage to global morals than the sex crazy Hollywood machine. Drive for Ratings is slowly killing common sense everywhere. So sad.


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Wow. Your comment is pure perfection.
It has awed and repulsed me equally.

Puppy love, huh? They may not be together 10 years down the road or even at the end of this drama but so what? We're in the present right now so just live with this "puppy love" romance involving a "boy" and a supposedly "mentally deficient" adult for the time being. Quoting your words to describe them, not mine.

Extra note, all types of love are selfish. Even love between friends and family can be selfish. Just because she's not selfish about daily things in her life(she probably is but she's respectful of everyone so you never see her selfish side) doesn't mean she can't be even slightly selfish when in love.

It's a sin to even like or admire someone whose too old or too young for you apparently. I should be jailed for even dreaming about marrying an actor whose 15-17 years older than me.

Sorry, lost my moral guide a long time ago. I follow my own set of morals now.

Wait. Did you say that their love is considered more tainted and damaging than the sex crazed Hollywood tropes that lead to rape, kids getting pregnant. etc. in these modern times? Wow.

It's that bad? Dating someone whose too "young" for you based on society's standards is worse than those things? Oh! Or are you saying that dating someone too young or incapable of having a proper relationship will lead to those things too? It seems like I've missed a lot over the years, haven't I?

Oh dear. Everyone who likes the MS/SY pairing here... let's all hold hands and hang our heads in shame for going against the moral codes. We're being judged for ignoring the words of society and accepting people who should be shunned for such inappropriate feelings and behaviour. We've lost all common sense due to our acceptance of "crazy" relationships in drama-land.

I'm sorry for being a failure at being human, world. Judge me accordingly.


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*gets on soapbox* Based on my own sense of morality, I judge your comment to be OKAY-Yo. lol Thank you very kamsa! *gets off soapbox*


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I know this has been discussed before but now I wonder again what puppy love really means. A friend of mine met her boyfriend when she was 13 and he 14. And now they are married with 3 boys. Nothing to do with noona romances. Just a thought.


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LOL. I don't even know why I'm laughing about this comment. But yes.

Anyway, regardless of mental deficiency or not, as a girl... what is exactly the most immoral aspect about falling in love with Lee Min Suk? Aside from he's 17 or 18, which is just one point, one year in all of our lifetime.

Perhaps morality being pegged on age is a bit rigid. If we can't even quantify the absolute right from the absolute wrong, it's a bit dangerous to call out people for being "immoral", which has a volatile definition that changes from culture to culture, and era to era. I'd understand if religion plays a big role in your judgement. Perhaps you're Confucian? But even religion is being argued in many other parts of the world, so I don't know. What is immoral exactly? I'd really really really love to know.


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Haha! I was wondering about what aspect the person was approaching it from too. Religion came to mind at one point for me as well. But you're right. Things that are considered moral or immoral can differ between cultures and eras so something you consider immoral may not be in another part of the world. Plus, I'm in no way religious so anything that uses religion to justify what is right or wrong (instead of using actual stats) does not hold in my books. I respect their views but that doesn't mean I'd agree with them, ever.


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Loved, loved the reveal. Palpable shock on all fronts, and everything was so real. Directing was spot on, with characters perfectly staged to convey the idea of their own perspective; everyone behaving how you'd expect them to.

And thank you writers, no one suddenly losing their peripheral vision, no lame excuse that magically keeps the secret even longer. Great acting, great execution. Fantastic show.


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just watched episode 12, gahhhhhhhhh i need to talk about it gahhhhhhhhh


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This show is like CRACK!!! Im addicted!! I watch it raw and im bilingual but korean is neither one of them!!! Why oh why? I then watch it again late at nite! SIG has proven his status as a lead, but so has LSH that guy MUST be a lead in his next drama!!! LSH has shown lots of ranges from being an a** to being sincere. PLUS HE IS FINE!!! His voice is killing me!!


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BTW I met my hubby when i was a teenager and we have a 10 yr gap. He was my first big crush. We didnt go out or anything bc he knew i was too young. But as fate would have it I met him again 10 yrs later!!! We have been together for 18 yrs, He stills jokes about how he knew about my crush! Still I ended with my first love.


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That's so sweet! I'm glad for you (:


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my first crush was also a decade older when i was a teen. thankfully, he completely ignored my crush and continued to be his delightful, friendly self. those were some sweet, innocent times :)


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Wow! Great discussions make my day. Very humbling read. Something to think about. Thank you!
I recommend you watch It's OK, It's love first episode when Kong Hyo-Jin who plays psychiatrist argues with So In-Sung, the writer of the violent novel. To make his point, he asks guys who got sexually aroused while looking at pretty women to stand up. All the men in the audience stood. Kong Hyo-Jin does a reality check and asks the standing guys to keep standing, if they even once actually acted out their sexual fantasy and assaulted the woman. All the guys set back down.
The same with this discussion. All of you who have actually dated a high schooler (not just fantasized about it) who is ten years younger - keep standing.
Can't believe you don't know what a puppy love is. It's when a teenage boy with sad puppy eyes suddenly starts following a much older lady who doesn't notice him at all, much less return his feelings. After being flatly rejected, he circles around, does many crazy and cute (sometimes dangerous) things, then quickly finds another object of adoration. That's what teenage boys do. If you are working with them, you know what I mean. If you are working with them and decide to date one, your moral compass is broken.


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I just want to point out here that I am not Advocating for adults to go out and pursue teenagers. Nor am I saying it is appropriate for someone who is a teacher to date one of their students. (Because that's not appropriate for a number of reasons.)

I simply said there is no 'one size fits all' solution to this issue.

And that's the last thing I'm going to say about this, because I feel like this discussion has pretty much taken over the thread at this point and overshadowed the actual drama, which some of us (not all of us, but some) are quite enjoying.


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Dear, it's okay. I'm pretty inclined to believe this comment is trolling ;)


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Just to clarify--- What I meant by "this comment" in the above post is referring to Marina's comment, which is the comment you replied to, OhSoEnthusiastic and not your comment. Good grief. I'm sorry for the confusion. Hahaha. I'm becoming a mess. Seesh this drama.

Anyway, I'm on board with you OhSoEnthusiastic.


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Lol. You know what, my friends?

We should just start ignoring all the comments that diss our otp and the rude comments from others who cannot get on board with the age gap. We're just fueling them on with their comments whenever we reply or acknowledge them. It's so tiring!

I come here to read the amazing comments from you guys who enjoy this drama for the way it is and just the way it is, otp and all without thinking too deep about its face value issues (like ages.etc).

I love reading all the comments from fans who can look past the issues on the surface and see the drama for its true worth.

Of course...then I see shitty comments that ruin my good mood. Typical. Haha!


Thank you. I understand why people find noona romances like this so uncomfortable and conflicting, so I don't want to just assume this person is trolling, but the comparison between this drama and It's Okay, It's Love seems rather odd and inappropriate to me.

But maybe that's just me.


I'm much agree with this comment..

Why it's feel wrong when people seeing the nine or ten years age gap is the problem? Did anyone here ever date ten years younger guy, a high school guy? Teenage is still teenage, they still trying to 'find' themself. MS is not that different with YA. I remember how he acted when he feel pissed at SY's choice for liking JW. How he felt he owned her because she is his secretary when they go find SY in rest area. Yes, YA is childish but MS has that side too.

I like noona romance but not this much age differences. Nine or ten years for me is too much especially when the guy is still high school and the woman is nearly thirties.

But then they're main leads so they will get together in the end. Like it or not, agree or disagree about younger guy-older woman relationship... we can't do nothing. Except if you don't like it, you can drop the drama. Or maybe just like me which is watching this drama because of Hyuksoo so mostly I skipping the scene with no JW in it. :D


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