Witch’s Romance: Episode 13

Breakups and comebacks and parties, oh my! A lot happens in this episode, all the better to bring our two leads closer together again after so many weeks of estrangement. And not a moment too soon, as I was starting to worry that we’d never see Dong-ha and Ji-yeon smile and have fun together again. And best of all — the Witch is back!


Ji-yeon slowly walks home after Shi-hoon breaks off their engagement, so dazed that she doesn’t even see Dong-ha standing in their courtyard next to his suitcase. He stops her and asks her why she always cries when she’s been with Shi-hoon. She doesn’t answer and just goes upstairs.

She goes inside and sits, remembering how Shi-hoon broke things off. He says for her to consider that their engagement never happened, and she finally shows a spark of life. She surges to her feet and calls him shameless for making her wait six years, then not even being able to wait a few hours. She calls him selfish and a bastard (cheer).

Shi-hoon won’t even look at her, and just asks her to leave. Ji-yeon grabs one of her wedding shoes and throws it at him, screaming his name. She asks why he’s pretending to be the bad guy when she’s the bad one (so she does understand he’s playing the Noble Idiot card), but he insists that he’s bad for trying to hold onto her.

He picks up the shoe and says that her mother told him that she was happy when she used to try them on, but that now she only looks nervous. Shi-hoon says that she’s in the future he imagined, but that if she’s not happy in that future, then it’s not a dream he wants. Ji-yeon sobs that he’s in the future she dreamed too, but he just tells her that she was beautiful today and thanks her for wearing the dress for him. Back at her home, Ji-yeon sits in shock, then begins to cry giant, gasping sobs.

The next day, Dong-ha shows up at his new apartment to find a strange man already there, claiming to be the new tenant. The landlord tells Dong-ha that since he was late signing the lease, he rented the place to someone else. The other guy refuses to leave and Dong-ha is forced to head back to Soo-chul’s apartment.

Soo-chul is there pouting at Dong-ha’s suitcase, but perks up when he hears that Dong-ha lost the apartment. He says it’s Heaven telling Dong-ha to stay, calling him a coward since he knows he’s only leaving because Ji-yeon is getting married. Soo-chul insists that Dong-ha stay, and Dong-ha caves in the face of the childish nagging. Hooray!

The next day, Ji-yeon doesn’t show up for work or answer her phone, which gets the whole team worried and speculating over her whereabouts. They assume she’s gone on a lover’s retreat with Shi-hoon, but Director Kwon says that she’s never been gone from work a single day and orders them to find her.

Young-sik calls Dong-ha who’s out running errands, but the news that Ji-yeon didn’t show up for work worries him and he races home. He rings her doorbell and calls her name, and inside the house a very sick-looking Ji-yeon can’t even muster the energy to get out of bed to answer the door.

Dong-ha lets himself in and finds her barely holding herself up against a wall, and when she sees him she slumps to the floor. He gets her back in bed and wonders to himself why she’s all alone like this with no Polar Bear to take care of her.

He nurses her while she sleeps, and when she wakes up she asks weakly why he’s here. She asks why he keeps showing up in her dreams (interesting) and he says it’s not a dream, telling her to go to the hospital or at least call someone when she’s sick like this.

Dong-ha stares at her intently, saying that he’s curious about two things but will only ask about one, and asks if he really shows up in her dreams. His face is so guardedly hopeful, it kills me. Ji-yeon denies it, but she can’t look him in the eye when she tells the lie.

Right then Ji-yeon’s mom lets herself in and Dong-ha goes to greet her. He tells her that Ji-yeon is very sick, and she goes rushing to see her daughter. Ji-yeon manages to sit up but still looks terrible, and Mom asks if she’s exhausted from wedding planning. Ji-yeon says in a tiny voice, “Mom. We’re not getting married.”

Outside the door, Dong-ha hears this and skids to a stop mid-step. A strange look crosses his face, and he leaves in a hurry. Mom asks Ji-yeon what happened and she takes the blame, saying it was her fault. She stammers that her heart has changed, and starts to cry.

Mom goes to see Shi-hoon, who looks pretty terrible himself. He apologizes for not going to see her himself, but he was too ashamed. Mom tells him that she always thought of him as a son, not a son-in-law, and that’s why she was so angry with him. He says that he knows, and she hugs him goodbye.

Ji-yeon goes to work the next day and deflects everyone’s attempts to show concern. (Random side note: does Rin-ji only own that one red skirt?) At the staff meeting, Team Leader Byul proposes an interesting story, one about a ghost that supposedly haunts One Light Hospital’s emergency room. Director Kwon remembers a story about a patient who died after being transferred because there was no doctor to treat them.

The Trouble Maker has already covered this story in the past, but Team Leader Byul claims to have new information from someone in the hospital’s housekeeping department. A familiar foxy look comes over Ji-yeon’s face as she challenges his information-gathering methods, and it’s enough to get Director Kwon to assign the story to her instead.

Ji-yeon assigns jobs relating to the hospital to each of her team, and it’s clear that the Witch is back! She’s fiery and bossy and takes no backtalk from her assistants. It’s great seeing her in her element again, strong and capable and in charge.

Soo-chul and Dong-ha check their website for errand requests, and find an errand specifically requesting Dong-ha, who frowns when he sees the address. It’s Shi-hoon’s address, and Dong-ha goes but he looks decidedly unhappy to be there. He says that a delivery service would have been faster, but Shi-hoon says that he particularly wanted Dong-ha.

Shi-hoon asks why he came if he didn’t want to do the job, and Dong-ha says it’s because he was curious about the errand. Shi-hoon hands him Ji-yeon’s wedding shoes, asking him to deliver them to her.

Dong-ha asks if it’s just a delivery, and Shi-hoon asks him to tell Ji-yeon that there’s no need to be sorry. He wants her to know that he was the one who was too late, but looks Dong-ha in the eye as he says that it’s not too late for Ji-yeon. It almost feels like he’s giving Dong-ha his blessing. Dong-ha sees Shi-hoon’s passport and a plane ticket on the table, and he turns to leave without a word.

Soo-chul shows up at the Trouble Maker office to deliver juice that Rin-ji ordered. Rin-ji gives him one of the juices, flirting as hard as she can, and I swear if she flips her hair one more time she’s going to wrench her neck.

Soo-chul smoothly says he can’t drink sour things and gives the juice to Eun-chae. Rin-ji tries one more time and asks what Soo-chul is doing that night, but he says that he has to walk his “sister” home, shooting meaningful glances at Eun-chae (whose bland expression is hilarious). He leaves, and Rin-ji snatches her juice right out of Eun-chae’s mouth, HA.

Ji-yeon breaks the news of her canceled wedding to Na-rae and Min-goo that night. Na-rae has clearly entered the weepy stage of her pregnancy as she blames herself, wailing that it’s because she made Ji-yeon miss her photo shoot.

Ji-yeon assures Na-rae it’s not her fault, and reminds her that she was the one who urged Ji-yeon to discover who was in her heart. Na-rae whines that Dong-ha must be in her heart, and breaks down again.

Min-goo asks how things are going with Dong-ha, and Na-rae completely switches off the tears and says matter-of-factly that it’s too soon for Ji-yeon to turn to him yet. Ji-yeon says that Dong-ha needs to live his life, which sends Na-rae into another round of tears. Ji-yeon hightails it out of range of the Crazy.

Dong-ha shuffles home, wondering to himself what Shi-hoon meant when he said it wasn’t too late for Ji-yeon and wondering what’s in the bag he’s delivering to her. He’s all business as he makes the delivery, but his voice softens as he passes on Shi-hoon’s message to Ji-yeon. Dong-ha asks if something happened between them, but Ji-yeon just says they had a fight, not knowing that Dong-ha already knows about the broken engagement.

At work the next day, Jae-woong tells Ji-yeon that he found a case from three years ago at the One Light Hospital that’s similar to the current scandal there. A girl with heart disease went to the ER, but died before having surgery. Oh no, it was Young-chae, wasn’t it? He says that her mother refuses to give any interviews about the incident.

Meanwhile Dong-ha and Soo-chul head to the hospital on a work errand to deliver flowers and a gift to a girl from her friends, and don’t they look handsome in their suits! Turns out the “self-defense oppas” are the gift, and they pose for selcas with the girl.

On their way out, they see a small but loud protest in progress, one man screaming about the hospital not having enough doctors to treat patients and having to turn ill people away. A car pulls up, and Soo-chul stops the driver from letting the passenger out while Dong-ha slides into the backseat — it’s his father.

Dong-ha tells his father that he saw the news, but Dad denies the accusations, saying he’s always kept to his principles. He starts to get out of the car and Dong-ha stops him with a hand on his arm, the contact making them both aware of the tension between them. Dad says he has nothing to hide and steps out, right into a small storm of protesters and reporters.

Ji-yeon calls Eun-chae’s mother and begins to ask questions about something that happened at One Light Hospital three years ago, but Eun-chae’s mom refuses to discuss it and hangs up.

Ji-yeon’s mom and Director Kwon go on the cutest date ever at the fishcake restaurant. Kwon solicitously sets up Mom’s utensils and pours her drink, but he notices that something is bothering her. He guesses it must be about Ji-yeon and praises her, which is just the perfect way to a mother’s heart. He also impresses Mom with his knowledge of cooking, and in their enthusiasm they end up nose-to-nose, both thinking, “This man/woman is perfect.”

Na-rae calls Ji-yeon to tell her about her mom and her boss on a date, and Ji-yeon is predictably horrified. Na-rae also asks Ji-yeon if she can borrow some books, and as she’s looking through her bookshelf she sees some wedding books and a wedding planner that she didn’t know were there. Na-rae tells her that Shi-hoon left them there for her since she was too busy for wedding planning.

Ji-yeon pulls out the wedding magazine and her mouth starts to quiver, and she drops it to the floor. She takes out the book that Dong-ha left for her and turns to the page where he wrote “Would you stay with me?” She remembers the message that Dong-ha delivered from Shi-hoon that it’s not too late for her, and clutches the book to her stomach while crying Shi-hoon’s name. It feels like she’s finally letting go of him.

Soo-chul and Dong-ha share chicken and beer to celebrate a rise in business for Master of Part-Time. Dong-ha pontificates that it was the change in CEO that caused the sales to increase, and Soo-chul threatens to call a board meeting. These two are so cute.

Soo-chul comments that considering all the drama with his dad’s hospital and with Ji-yeon, Dong-ha’s doing better than he expected. Dong-ha drops the bomb that Ji-yeon isn’t marrying Shi-hoon, and Soo-chul’s jaw drops. He pulls the cutest aegyo face and says that Dong-ha must not be moving out now, then pouts when Dong-ha continues to insist that he’s overstayed his welcome. Sweetie, when the guy who owns the place is literally begging you to stay, you haven’t overstayed your welcome!

Dong-ha goes to the Love You House the next day to bring some money, and Ji-yeon is there trying to speak with Eun-chae’s mother in person this time. She’s kind and gentle with her questions, but Eun-chae’s mom denies any wrongdoing by the hospital. She begs Ji-yeon not to dig up old incident that hurt so many people — but Ji-yeon wonders how, if nothing wrong happened, “so many people” got hurt. Eun-chae’s mom simply leaves.

Ji-yeon turns to go and sees Dong-ha leaving at the same time. He gives her a ride back to the Trouble Maker office and jokes that they’re probably not doing very well without him. He asks what she’s doing after work, saying that he wants the farewell party she offered him. Her face falls to hear he’s still moving and she says today is not a good day. He grumbles that he knows she’s just pretending to be busy, and leaves.

In the office, the whole Trouble Maker team is planning a wedding shower for Ji-yeon. When she walks in they scatter, and she knows something is up but Young-sik expertly turns her attention to the hospital story.

He shows her some pictures he got of the protesters, then says he got one shot that’s strange. He has another photo from an angle that shows Dong-ha sitting in the hospital director’s car. Young-sik wonders out loud what connection Dong-ha has to the hospital director, then realizes that they share the same family name.

In a stroke of luck, the Trouble Maker team called Master of Part-Time to help set up the wedding shower, so Soo-chul lets Dong-ha know that disaster is eminent. He says that he turned the job down and switches a job with Dong-ha so that he can go head off Ji-yeon.

At the office, Young-sik is doing a terrible job of being subtle as he throws out every reason he can think of for Ji-yeon to come back to the office that evening. She’s definitely suspicious, saying that he usually never works this hard.

After she leaves, the crew pull out supplies and decorate the office, complete with huge poster of Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon made up to look like a magazine cover with cutesy fake articles. (Random Side Note Follow-Up: Rin-ji totally only owns that one red skirt.)

Meanwhile Ji-yeon meets her detective friend at a cafe, where he delivers records from a car accident from three years ago. He wonders why she’s so curious, since there was nothing unusual about it. He describes the accident as a car hitting a bus from behind, but only the car driver was seriously injured.

Later though, a passenger from the bus was having seizures, and she was taken to One Light Hospital where she died. There was some disagreement over whether the passenger died from her chronic condition or whether the bus accident caused her death. A specialist determined that her illness was the ultimate cause of death and the driver of the car avoided criminal charges.

Ji-yeon reads in the report that the passenger who died was Jung Young-chae. Finally we know how she died. She reads on that the name of the person who called 119 when she seized was Dong-ha. As I don’t remember her ever hearing the name of Dong-ha’s lost love, this must be quite a shock.

Ji-yeon walks back to the office, putting the pieces together of what happened three years ago. Young-chae, the girl who died after the accident, was Dong-ha’s girlfriend. When she went to the hospital in distress, the doctor in charge was performing surgery on the driver of the car that caused the accident. She wonders if the doctor in charge was Yoon Se-joon, Dong-ha’s father. That would certainly explain…well, pretty much everything.

She arrives at the office with Dong-ha just a few steps behind her but manages to get in the elevator before he reaches her. Young-sik and the office crew all hide in the dark, waiting to jump out and surprise her. When they do, she just glares and asks what’s going on. She lectures them on wasting time at work and spending money on useless things, getting more and more worked up and angry.

Team Leader Byun gets angry back at her and soon they’re shouting in each other’s faces. She drops the bomb that she’s not getting married and Byun shouts that of course she’s not because nobody would marry the Witch. Ji-yeon has had it up to here and pops him a good one right in the nose. Good for her — he’s been asking for that for thirteen episodes!

But it’s all just in Dong-ha’s head as he imagines the worst if he doesn’t reach Ji-yeon before she gets to the office. He runs up the stairs and manages to intercept Ji-yeon in the hallway just in time, telling her that the “meeting” is a lie and dragging her out with him. This leaves the Trouble Maker crew huddled in the dark complaining about cramping and needing to pee, HA.

Dong-ha hauls Ji-yeon out of there practically kicking and screaming, but he just shushes her and tells her to get on the scooter with him. He takes her to a playground and finally explains that her colleagues were planning a wedding shower for her and that it’s better she not go since she’s not getting married. Ji-yeon asks how he knows that and he fesses up that he heard her tell her mother.

They sit on the swings and Ji-yeon wonders how they could be throwing her a party when not long ago they were hiring part-timers to publicly humiliate her. She demands to know why Dong-ha brought her here since it would have been better to get the embarrassment out all at once. Dong-ha chides her for pretending to be so strong and for getting sick and not asking for help.

Dong-ha says that he’s curious about two things but he’ll only ask her one, echoing his words from when he nursed Ji-yeon back to health. He deadpans, “Are you hungry?” and makes Ji-yeon laugh. They banter about nothing as they walk home, their old familiarity back.

Dong-ha carries a box into her place for her and she goes to the kitchen for juice. He heads to the bookshelf to see if she’s seen his book yet and finds it in the same spot where he left it. He opens it to the page where he wrote “Would you stay with me?” and is shocked to see the note she has written under it, stained with her teardrop: “I’m sorry… for being too late…”

When Ji-yeon comes back in the room, Dong-ha hides the book behind his back, but then gathers up his courage and places it on the table in front of her. She says they’ll talk about it later and starts to get up but he stops her and says again, “There’s something I’m curious about. By any chance, it it because of me? The reason you and [Shi-hoon] broke up?” The pleading in his voice for her to say Yes is killing me.

Ji-yeon can’t look at him as she lies that it’s not because of him, and turns to walk away. Dong-ha takes her arm and spins her back to him, pulling her into a hug. “I’m not a fool — it’s not too late for us,” he says. They pull apart just enough to look deeply into each other’s eyes.


What? How can you stop there??? It’s not fair! There’s going to be a kiss, right? Right?!?! Okay I guess I’m not getting a kiss today. Show is a tease.

A lot happened in this episode and all of it for the better. I feel like Ji-yeon got to grieve for her broken engagement appropriately, instead of just rushing out of one relationship and into another, which was my fear when we were getting so close to the end with them still planning on getting hitched. But it feels like she’s closed that chapter and is ready to get on with her life again, both personally and professionally. I literally cheered when she gave Byul that little sneer in the staff meeting, because we hadn’t seen that side of Ji-yeon since Polar Bear showed up again, and I missed her! I much prefer the snarky, sly, kickass Ji-yeon who will throw anyone under the bus to get the story, even her own teammates.

At first I thought that Shi-hoon hiring Dong-ha to return Ji-yeon’s wedding shoes was another passive-aggressive asshat move on his part, but I think in reflection that he was actually doing a very difficult thing. This show leaves a lot of the characters’ motivations for us to interpret on our own, which can be frustrating (such as not making it clear why Ji-yeon let Shi-hoon get away with six years of no-contact) but also lets us assign our own conclusions to the characters’ actions as we understand them. My interpretation of Shi-hoon’s motive in that moment is that he was letting Dong-ha and Ji-yeon know that he had no hard feelings, and was giving his blessing to them should they choose to be together. His message that it’s not too late for Ji-yeon was pretty clear to me: Be happy with the man who loves you and who you love in return. I think Shi-hoon knew that Dong-ha loves Ji-yeon much more than he does, considering that he didn’t even really know her but loved a memory of her. And that memory wasn’t even the real Ji-yeon either, because even she admitted she was always doing “image management” when she was with him.

What Dong-ha and Ji-yeon have is so much more real and honest than what she has with Shi-hoon. It’s interesting to me how their age difference has ceased to be an issue at all, because it’s so obvious that they’re made for each other. They truly know and understand each other and don’t try to be someone they aren’t. They’ve seen each other at their drunken worst, their angry worst, their sick worst, and it only brings them closer together. Best of all, they always tell each other the truth even if it’s difficult to say and hear, and that level of trust is truly rare. There’s only one thing left that they need to do to become a true couple, and I trust that that’s coming soon. Very soon. Right, Show? Can we stop withholding the kisses now?


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why do I still have to see the smug.... even though ok'
the episode was a little slow and dragging 14 is better

I got to wondering though, what the hell happened to the cute and funny shaman? she could have appeared every now and then....


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...instead of smugface overdose the past episodes.

can´t wait for recap of ep 14, cause there is one screencap that just HAS to be there. you know ... Soo Chul.... Dong Ha....shoulder. be so kind ok?


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Narsha was just a cameo.


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For those who have asked in the past, the song at the end of the episode (hug scene) is:

Joohee (주희) [8Eight] - 안녕 (Hello)


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You can listen to the OST here:



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ShiHoon redeemed himself a bit this week with Noble Idiocy explaining his behavior, which I found abhorrent last week.


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ShiHoon, like in JiYeon's own words, is a good man. He does love JiYeon very deeply and loves her for 16 years.

Although it is dubious that he chose to disappear for 6 years and appeared suddenly, I can see why he hold on to her even when he can see clearly how unhappy she is with him, he can see that she tries to love him like in the past. It is a love hard for him to let go and he needs time to do that. I am just glad he truly loves her that he lets her go.

The thing is: he really doesn't know the true JiYeon, that she is fiery and smart, and she doesn't need such noble idiot way of expressing himself because she knows his intention.

They started going out when Jiyeon was 23 and I guess she was trying to impress him and it just become a habit, so she didn't show her real self to him.

I am sorry for ShiHoon because he is a good man, but he is not the right man for JiYeon. Byebye polar bear. May you find someone in Africa.


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But don't forget. As much as Sihoon is not good for Jiyeon, the reverse is also true. Jiyeon is no longer the woman Sihoon fell for and cherished for the past six years. And the question of whether the new version of Jiyeon is still good for Sihoon needed to be examined and answered. And Sihoon did in the negative.

Relationships are two way street. Those who forget that are sometimes blindsided when the other side exerts independence and self-determination. I see this too often.

By now, I am used to the Korean drama convention of reinserting an old flame halfway in its run, by way of someone returning from overseas like the US or Paris. But it still strikes me as odd. In the US, we have a saying that you cannot put genie back in the bottle. And another says that lightening does not strike twice.


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I feel Shi Hoon character a bit confusing. I'm not sure if he's a noble idiot giving up his love so she can be happy w her new love or is it more he realized that the girl he fell in love with years ago doesnt really exist and he doesnt want to spend the rest of his life with someone he barely knows? Which is it?


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Thank you for the recap! I'm glad that we're finally getting to the bottom of things, especially with regards to Dongha's estrangement from his father. I figured it had something to do with YoungChae's death (although is there only one doctor at this hospital?!)

But anyway, it feels like the show is finally wrapping up a lot of things, namely the ShiHoon segment. I'm SO glad Jiyeon saw through his noble idiocy and called him on it. That's one of the things I love about this show - it may not be perfect but it allows the characters to be honest with each other and to address misunderstandings and work through something difficult. That's why I liked that scene with Shihoon and Jiyeon's mother - they had an important relationship too and she also needed closure and he needed to know that she forgave him. I also like that the show's allowing Jiyeon time to work through her feelings about Shihoon and DongHa before she and DongHa officially reconnect.

This episode was lighter too - loved Dongha's impression of what would happen if Jiyeon had gone into the wedding shower. I only wish it had been real because Byun could certainly use a knock to the head.


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Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

I'm glad too that there was at least the fairly restrained joint ending of the SH/JY relationship & they and mom are able to grieve & move on. Mom gives the best coy + determined looks.

Hadn't noticed the infamous red skirt....were all those scenes filmed in 1 day? wardrobe cutback? wear your fav skirt day? lol

Please let the last few episodes be chocked full of DH/JY lovin. Yay show.


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I want a Dongha irl why can't he be real :( how can he be so adorable and hot at the same time wtf


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Oooh he's a smexy little thing isn't he, especially when he smiles!! Takes a real man to make hearts flutter! And the chemistry between the leads is just wonderful - loving this drama. Thanks for the recap LollyPip.


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Am i the only one who thinks DongHa's father is so fineeee?


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I did notice DH's nice looking dad, especially that lustrous silver mane.


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richard gere-like looks


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Richard Gere who has not aged...and you can tell that he is fit....Handsome and Sexy!


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Actually I saw Richard Gere in person (like less than one feet in distance) at a Buddhist event in NYC. Nobody is sexier than Gere with his silver hair and wrinkles. He is not that tall but he can melt your heart with his gentle smiles and breezy demeanor. I gotta say that this guy ages well and just like Clooney, they look even better when they get old!


I think so tooooooo


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Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ep14 is brilliant
Thís drama ísfun, real and logic
Love it


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You are not alone. When he showed up at the precinct after Dong Ha was arrested, my interest was piqued.


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I'm so glad that they didn't pursue the Eun-Chae/ Dong-ha relationship too much. It's much better to have her as comedic relief with Soo-Chul.
SOOOO happy that the Witch is back :D
Ji-Yeon really stepped up her game this episode, and the chemistry between the leads was amazing, as per usual.

LOL at Ji-Yeon's mom and the boss.


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Honestly, I'm just as excited about Ji-yeon’s mom and Director Kwon as I am about Dong-ha and Ji-yeon. Those two are ADORABLE. Loved this episode!

Things are finally getting back to where they should have been all along. Polar bears aren't meant to be kept in captivity. That's some symbolic shit right there.

Thank you for the wonderful recap!


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I'm just so happy that the polar bear is gone and our witch is back to her sassy self.


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Loved this EP! I also enjoyed seeing our witch girl JY in action!!!


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can Shi-Hoon have close & unpleasant encounter with a real polar bear now? I still don't see what Ji-yeon saw in him. I also don't believe his 'noble idiot' act i think he's fickle & has control issues & knew the keywords to push Ji-yeon's buttons so he wouldn't be the bad guy but still give both of them an out.

When I'm 39 & if I'm still single I want a handsome & mature 25yr old pursue & confess to me, as well. please & thank you.


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I am loving loving loving this drama .... This drama makes me laugh like no other .... WOW ... OTP are so cute and perfect .... Love their respective friends too ... They are hilarious .... And the Auntie and baby sweet talk ... All together They give outstanding amazing acting.


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First of all, that little high school girl has the best friends ever. Can someone please send the Master Part Timers to make a delivery to me?! pleaseee??

I was so so close to seeing Shi Hoon in a different light, but I just can't, mainly because of the next episode, but that is a whole different conversation.

I'm so glad that Ji Yeon called him out of pretending to be an ass about not being able to wait. I really hate the fact that Shi Hoon doesn't seem to think that Ji Yeon can handle any truth. But that's also because he's never really known her or the woman she became after him. And I'm so glad that she got to get her closure from a broken engagement in a proper manner and true to the "witch" style, it didn't last long. I just wish that shoe would have hit him on the head.

I'm really glad that Dong Ha didn't listen into the conversation between Ji Yeon and her mom. It really shows that he respects her privacy and that when it's time he will have her conversation with her. When she was sick, I'm assuming his other question would have related to Ji Yeon and Polar Bears status, but I love that he's more concern about finding out if Ji Yeon's feelings towards him rather than just being happy that they broke up or fought. And when they were on the swings, I just love how their relationship just flipped back to normal cuteness overload. And can I just say Dong Ha looks mighty fine in that black outfit?

And I'm so glad that he has Soo Chul giving him such wonderfully needy love when he's not getting it from Ji Yeon.

The friendships in this drama are just wonderful, they feel so real and supportive. I wish I could just write these group of friends into my life.


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agree on the friendships. it is something that gives you direction and is straight with you, even if you don´t want to hear and live in a bubble, a friend caringly and mercilessly bursts your bubble and makes you face the facts.
and I love Mom´s romance. it is adorable. I know why it is there: it emphasizes the fact women are women regardless of age.

This show is sweet, sweet candy...and then Soo Chul does something that is like a fist in the face out of the blue, giving me a nosebleed


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Park Seo-joon looked 'oh SO fineeeeee' in black. The hug, those eyes, and the infinitesimal distance when they separated was sensory overload on my system.


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I gotta confess...I am a fan of your writing. I always make sure to check your comment when I read recaps here. Of course, Lollypip’s comments are great as usual.

For me, episode 13 is pure perfection. Instead of using sensational and "dramatic" plots as in MQ, I really love how in this episode WS utilizes a rather understated tone and almost slice-of-life pacing to show JY's emotional "transition." Some viewers might find this episode dragging and wish that JY should have immediately run to DH. However, DH falls for JY precisely for the reason that JY, like DH himself, is a person who loves deeply and cannot let go of the past and the memory easily. Just like what you appreciate the friendship in this drama, the main reason I love our OTP is that they can talk to and share time together like good friends. That kind of open communication makes us identify with and root for their love!

In this episode, JY's mourning process is done so necessarily and beautifully. My favorite part is the depiction of the mother-daughter bonding. I was literally in tears when JY was crying in front of her mom at the kitchen table. These two actresses are magical (and both of them were singers before!!) by transforming a mundane moment to something so moving and sublime. JY's quiet sobbing, mom's feeding her wounded child and tacit understanding all distinguish WS from other dramas where makjang is the norm and ordinariness is taboo.

And of course, I was laughing to tears when JY became suspicious about the relationship between mum and the director. Now, she is an overbearing daughter watching over her mum's emotional life. What a great role reversal!! I JUST ADORE THIS DRAMA!

Most importantly, don't we love a drama when all the side characters are given so much heart and love, and when everyone shows sincerity in their performance?

BTW, speaking about the difference between MQ and WS, WS have revised one significant detail from MQ to the better. In MQ, the female lead actually wrote "Sorry. It's too late" but here, JY wrote "I am so sorry... for being so late." This subtle change has a great impact. That's why SH realizes that he is the one being late and encourages JY by telling her that she is not late.

Lastly, the best thing of this episode is surely the return of the witch!! I feels like that this drama is alive again when JY is back to her sassy self. This is why I watched the drama in the first place and what a joy to see our witch with her part-timer!!


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Just want to mention-
I believe mom was not singer. Her sister (Yang HeeEun) was famous singer (Famous because she belonged in first wave of young singers (college students) in 70s singing modern (not trot) songs (and she graduted top-notch high shcool- yes Koreans are very sensitive about it). (also Yi SooMan of SM enter belongs in this group).


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Can we talk about the bro-romance of Soo-chul and Dong-ha???? How adorable are they...both are handsome, sexy, have adorable smiles, nice bodies, look great in casual and dress clothes, and have large hearts....but the point is ....they are great together...you would think that they are best friends in real life...their interactions are so effortless...I am sending Masters-of-Part-Time a note to come to the Wendy city...I have a very, very long to-do-list:0


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I really enjoy the drama in the Korean version which has given a totally different direction compared to the Taiwanese drama - really honest and relevant to how we say relationships in the present day.
The Taiwanese version was cute and awesome in it's own way and had relevance to the community it was based. The Korean version is awesome with it's portrayal of friendships among men and women. I just love the role of Na Rae played by Ra Mi Ran. She gave it a totally quirky dimension. And Uhm Jung Hwa is definitely the best when it comes to these kind of roles - simply love her!
I am open for any kind of ending this drama has to give :) Just that the naivety and subtleness should not be lost as we reach the end.


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I would like to vote Ji-yeon's mum and boss as BEST COUPLE for this year's drama awards please!!


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Well, it was a neat closure for Polar Bear, although it kinda irks me that they really want to keep Shi-hoon's image as a good guy, even giving him his noble idiot moment. I don't see it as a plus point for him at all. His moment with Ji-yeon's Mom was more touching. Butttt whatever, finally we can get him out of the picture.

Soo-chul's aegyo "so you're not going to move out? *wink wink*" got me dying aaaaacckkk so cute

And I want me a cute and loving Na-rae as my bff.

Thank you Lollypip, for the recap and for your comments which are usually the same as mine hehe <3


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I just don't buy that he's now a nice, self-less guy.

We still never got an explanation for the six years of absence (shame on the writers that they decided to totally ignore this) and he still lied to her about where he was going back then.

And I just don't buy he would suddenly not only let go off her, but give his blessing to Dong-ha.

I just think they wrote him as such a flat character that nothing about him is compelling at all.


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@Alua: I agree. There's seem to be so little thought behind Shi-hoon's character that whatever he does I don't find believable at all.


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Waah! Daebak! *Claps like Teen Top - Crabmaaaan*
Also soooo glad the banter is back, huzzah!
Ok so is it just me or did one of the fake headlines on the congrats party banner say something about Seducing Mr
- or some such?
If so, is that a major awesome callback to Uhm Jung Hwa's very quaint romcom movie? You know the one where she got all up on Daniel Henny and his fine self - Seducing Mr Perfect.
Anyone, anyone..?
Or is I just crazy because I have maybe been watching too much UJH backlog *stares at floor guiltily*
Sighhhh. PSJ is actually wonderful leading man material - for a very pretty boy.


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Yep, I saw that too :)
I have to say that as much as I love her as an actress, I didn't enjoy that film very much. I found the storyline and characters quite annoying.


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I'm with you there. It was a connect-the-dots rom-com with zero originality.

Boring, predictable characters and storyline.

I can't remember UJH's acting in it, but Henney, as pretty as he may have looked, was as uncompelling as ever.


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Hahaha yes it was not a very original or special Romcom.
Except for that lovely bit where she gets all drunk at the Noraebang and lets fly the F-bomb!
Maybe uri Daniel taught her but her inflection and cadence and delivery were perfect.
Seriously it nearly (okay I exaggerate), make the rest of the movie watchable.
As did Daniel Henney's chest - but that's a story for another blog!
I say again, Park Seo Joon is invading all of my bias lists.
Tall list, eye smile list, pretty list, annoyingly good skin for a boy list, amazing voice list, actually good acting list, good chemistry with anyone list...


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I love love this show! Not just the main lead but also all the sidekicks!
Soochul -dong ha bromance soo hilarious.
Na rae and min goo should have their own show: Fishcake bar matchmaking agency! Finding your true love with warm fishcake soup!


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I would not call Polar Bear's 'let's forget this engagement ever happened' spiel taking the noble idiocy route, nor do I think him 'letting go' of Ji-yeon as an act of noble idiocy. If he was being the noble idiot, he'd let her go because he truly loves her and he wants her to be happy...and I don't see him really loving JY from the bottom of his heart. He might have 6 years ago, but just from the way he's been shown here, he's treated her like a possession--like something to reclaim as 'rightfully his'. Even if he's been an azzface by dropping out of her life for 6 years without a peep.

It's because he saw with his own eyes that JY does not love him like she did 6 years earlier. He's accepting the facts as he sees it, and that JY is much happier (and better off) with Dong-ha. So I don't really feel any sort of sympathy for PB at all. Thank you, good night, let's be done with him once and for all please :)

That being said...now commence happier times for JY and DH! Oh wait, they're being watchful of each other -- which, come on yall--communicate!!!

It would have been a hell of a scene if DH's dream sequence of the wedding shower had truly happened...the Byun character has been annoyingly grating and he would have deserved it!

JY's mom and boss...why do I find it cute when older people date in dramas? The little acts of 'rediscovering' love always make me go aww...haha.


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That's how I feel too.

Given that he was being possessive, I just don't buy he'd let her go that easily and that quickly and that nicely.


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Whew... I was just so relieved that they didn't try to drag this mess with Shi Hoon out any longer by having her do something crazy like try to "work through it". SH's tactics were lacking but his heart was in the right place. Like you LollyPip, I don't get why she never called him to task about his six year disappearance, but it's all water under the bridge now that he's decided to step aside. What took a lot of class (and can we say stones?) was to call the man who was your direct competition and tell him that you're moving aside. I can tell you (bad English and all) I wouldn'a done it.

I like the fact that DH gave JiYeon some space after he found out that they weren't getting married. He never even mentioned that he knew about the broken engagement until he had to keep her from going to that surprise party which, I might add was hilarious. I like that he imagines her as a brawler... a fearless one at that. Headbutt much?

Other highlights:
*When Rin-ji snatches back that juice from EunChae; the look on EC's face was priceless.
*Cutie Detective from Episode 10. Just the fact they showed his face...
*The way Jiyeon high-tailed it outta the restaurant when Na-rae started crying...again
*Mom and Director Kwon's date
*DH's reply when JY said that it wasn't a good night for her to throw the farewell party; which I think was a stall tactic to a degree, but I digress.
*The back and forth between them when DH said he would treat for dinner
*The hospital visit; So cool.
*The car scene with DH and his Dad. Despite the rift, DH's compassionate nature leaps out.

And can we all give Young-shik a round of applause? The kid is our Secret JY/DH Cupid Santa. Anytime JY goes missing he puts DH on the mission to find her. He is a perfectly plausible disseminator of information and I think it's because he is written to have a genuine affection for his Sunbae. I heart Young-shik.

All in all a very good episode. I can't believe that it's almost over! only one more week left! Yikes...


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One last highlight... Madame Choi. Period. but to be specific when she comforted JiYeon and said goodbye to Shihoon


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"I like the fact that DH gave JiYeon some space after he found out that they weren’t getting married."

I think she needs that time (and I think needs more than she's actually getting in this drama) because I think she has some issues to sort out before she's happy with/by herself and can be happy in a healthy relationship too.

I was rolling my eyes at Ji-yeon, crying her eyes out over the end of the relationship when she never smiled or looked like she was remotely happy in the couple of weeks (?) that they were together again. I would have expected her to be relieved, if confused. I guess it was her mourning the end of her perfect dream life, but that never made much sense to me because you can't just ignore six years, decide to marry again after a few weeks of meeting again and expect things to be exactly the same and perfect. At 39 (and given the character she was shown to be at the beginning of the series), I would have expected her to be aware of that. DH, in many ways, just seems so much more mature than her.


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@Alua: Once again, am in agreement with you. JiYeon has make me so disappointed in these few past eps. I was willing to hang in there and be understanding but the shallow depth in which Polar Bear was constructed ended up being a bad reflection on JiYeon's character because I can't wrap my mind around the fact why she owed this guy anything.

Her lack of agency in these past eps made me very very meh >=[


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That's all. I'm just happy that they finally got to this point.


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Been waiting for the recaps. Can't wait for ep 14 because I have so much I want to say :D



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Yun DongHA - ii namja...PERFECT!!


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love the end scene... park seo joon's face... its there something in your face ? i think i saw something, its that hurts or ...?


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Does any one know the name of the detective?


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I don't know his character name in the drama, but his real name is Lee Moo-Saeng. ^^ I've only seen him in Heartless City previously so I was able to find his name that way.


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The final scene was completely captivating. It was so good to see Dong Ha's reaction to Ji Yeon's response in his book.
I'm glad that he wasn't fooled by her lie either. His response, their embrace, everything just brought me to tears.

Joohee's OST song "Hello" is wonderful. I love her sweet vocals.

This episode is back on the right track. I got tired of the draggy, angsty feeling from the past few episodes.


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