Sooyoung, Kam Woo-sung a potential match-up for My Spring Days

This is a casting notice I still have to wrap my head around: Girls Generation idol Sooyoung (Dating Agency Cyrano) and Kam Woo-sung (King Geunchogo) are currently in contention to play the leads of MBC’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama My Spring Days.

This is the drama about a woman with a terminal illness who gets a new heart and a new lease on life, which purports to tell its story of humanism and heart (hur hur) in a warm, relatable way. In a six-degrees-esque game of dramaland tag, Sohn Ye-jin was originally in contention to play the heroine (after having already played a woman who gets a heart transplant and a new love in Summer Scent), and also starred with Kam Woo-sung in the understated exes-reunite-in-a-second-chance drama Alone In Love. (That’s the role I always think of him in, actually.) To think, we just missed out on another dramaland reunion.

In any case, Soo-young has reportedly received the offer to play the lead and is considering it favorably, according to her reps over at SM. There’s a pun in the title (of course there is!) where her character’s name is Bom, which means spring. The punny version of the title isn’t entirely correct grammatically but would mean something like “Days of Bom in my life.” Let’s just stick to the main title, shall we?

I’m not discounting the pairing off the bat, but it does seem a strange match-up. Still, until the show lets us know the details of their relationship, it’s too early to decide what to think about it. I also wonder if this means Yoo Joon-sang is officially out now, or whether he’s up for a different part. Both men are up for “lead” roles, but sometimes that word is used rather loosely.

Directing is Lee Jae-dong of Thank You and I Miss You, while Park Ji-sook of The Way Home will write. My Spring Days will follow Fated To Love You (which premieres this week), and launches in September.

Via Joy News


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I guess it's a melodrama? Strange how the snsd girls are always matched with older actors. Soo was pretty likeable in Cyrano but didn't she play a similar character in some hospital drama?


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Exactly. I was thinking the same too... Sorry, I don't watch both dramas so I can't comment about her acting. But I remember watching one old drama of Kam Woo-sung with Sohn Ye-jin, Alone in Love.. I so love that drama!

And why is Sooyoung keep on pairing with an older guy/ahjussi. Hee hee. Oppa Jung Kyung Hoo must be happy then :-P :-)


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I think I read somewhere that, out of all the SNSD girls, Soo Young has the most Uncle fans. Gotta keep those ahjussi's fantasies alive I guess. lol


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Yeah. Third Hospital. I think she did well in that drama. Well, her character there was mostly dealing with being sick, as opposed to ~getting a new lease in life~ like in this drama. Either way, I think she'll do well. She's decent enough that I don't really mind watching her.


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In Third Hospital, she was a viola player who discovers that she has a brain tumor.
Like mathilda says, this role is different because in Third Hospital, she learns and has to deal with her illness through the whole drama whereas in this role, it seems that right from the beginning, she is ill and thanks to her heart transplant, she recovers and live a new life (?)

Funny fact is that back in 2010, when Hwang Jung Min guested on Win Win and Sooyoung appeared as his secret guest, she was asked to choose his favorite movie star and she said "Kam Woo Sung".
So, she is probably fangirling as a crazy at the thought of working with him despite the age difference and whatever.

But yeah', I know Sooyoung is a good actress and from what I read, he seems to be a good actor too so I don't expect to be disappointed by the acting. For the chemistry, we will have to see. Many doubted Lee Jong Hyuk/Sooyoung pairing for Dating Agency Cyrano but they proved it wrong (their chemistry was amazing).
Overall, I am just happy that it seems to be a challenging role for her. I will wait for other updates :D


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I love your acting sooyoung. But i would rather see you in romantic-comedy drama than the mellow one hehehe. Honestly, I want to see Sooyoung to play as the lead role of 'My Sassy Girl' I think that's character really suit her.


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My Spring days as in 500 Days of Summer??
I just hope that the drama will end up like PM and I where they played everything very carefully.


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Well i was judging Yoona-Lee Beum Soo pairing at first, but when i saw them in Prime Minister and I they really had good chemistry. So i will not say anything until i see them on screen.

But this story like a drama Yoona already did, You Are My Destiny.


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ooh..agreed. That was the first drama starring Yoona which I liked....


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Funny, no one is criticizing the age difference? I am not either, but I just hate that if it was the other way around people would go nuts... UGH. 1990-1970.


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well, i am!


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well, Lee Beom-soo and Yoona had the same age gap and were still cute together in the PM & I so maybe that's why....

And yeah, the ages for this are all over the place. I mean, to go from Sohn Ye-jin to Sooyoung....I would actually think it's better to have costars closer in age.


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it's pretty gross


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Like pogo said, people were totally going bonkers over the age gap with PM & I, but then they saw the chemistry, so, maybe they're being a little less judgmental.

I'm a little more forgiving. My only problem is when the actor/actress isn't LEGAL (< 18) and the other is significantly older EVEN IF they look somewhat similar in age.... I think the industry is being exploitative in that instance.

I will say though that if the young actor/actress can't act, I'm totally not for that pairing, but that's just because they can't act.


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Maybe the critics have learned their lesson from PM and I? OTP chemistry can make anything tolerable (bad script, age gap, etc.)


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Wish the same critics would stop bitching about noona-ramance. It's never about an ahjushi with a girl, a drama with an older female even just 5 years older is labelled as noona- or even ahjjumaromance. Tired of the double standards :/


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People mainly bitch about noona-romances because for a while it was about as prevalent as non-noona romances, even though it probably isn't even close to 50% of all regular marriages. Other people bitch about it because they're fan-girls who worry that their main man isn't getting the right "type" of co-star. I don't think the normal drama viewer has that same view toward women (since they don't obsess about young women as much).

I agree that people should just move on if it isn't there cup of tea, but it's not like the the bitching about noona romances is exactly the same as the squickiness factor with some of these age castings.


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Love Sooyoung! And I definitely think she's one of the better actresses within Soshi (not sure who let Yuri or Jess anywhere near a script tbh lol). Seems like a fun premise but it does seem like Sooyoung, in particular, gets stuck playing with actors who are on the older side. However, if she agrees to it, I'm sure she'll do a great job


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Just had a bromance flash back from "The King and Clown" ( Kam Woo-sung and Lee Jun-ki ).

He definitely need a drama come back. Haven't seen him in 4yrs since King Geunchogo. I haven't seen Sooyoung in anything but Kam Woo-sung is enough for me to check it out.

Thanks JB :).


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Yeah, everyone's discussing the plot and the age gap, but I seriously don't even care as long as it's promising to be on the upbeat side because it's Kam Woo-Sung!!!!! I've been waiting for his come-back, I'm so stoked!


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pft.. What? another Ahjussi for Sooyoung.. when will she be paired up with a flower-boy-who-can-act close to her age bracket..


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Soo-young's line delivery is not all that great. I can always tell she's reciting a script and she seems to play caricatures instead of being her characters. Anyways, story sounds dull.


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But she looks like a positive acting prodigy next to the likes of certain other acting idols. idk, maybe I'd think she's not so great if I hadn't endured Taecyeon/Yunho/Suzy first and seen what true lack of acting ability really looks like.


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She's a good actress, has a natural screen presence and holds her own against older and far more experienced costars well as we saw in Cyrano - definitely an acting idol I have no reservations about, and I'm glad she's getting a shot at a network lead/more acting jobs.

The only thing that gives me pause is the melo-ish premise. (and someday, if the drama gods could pair her up with an actor who's maybe not more than a decade older than her, that would be nice - even though she certainly had chemistry with Lee Jong-hyuk)


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I usually don't have issues with large age gaps but they're happening so often now - gender reverse included - I'm tired of them. It's just nice to have romance between actors who look more like the majority of couples out there, you know?

But I'm not a fan of either one so it's a pass for me. It's unfortunate that we didn't get another reunion though. I'm getting a bit of a kick from all the re-couplings...


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too bad Chae Rim is settling down in china otherwise it will be a reunion too from 1999 hits drama "I'm still loving you"

CR & GWS... student-teacher relationship ... back then...


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as i said in another post lol i hate large age gaps, but it's nicer if they have good chemistry. she's an ok actress, could be better but a really funny, charismatic girl so maybe this will be alright. pass tho


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Not really sure where this show will go -- the story seems to be very familiar, but then again, I seem to enjoy retellings of the same story over and over. It all depends on the little things whether it keeps my attention or not. After all, I did somehow watch most of 100 year Inheritance, which was so over the top with the melodrama but nonetheless entertaining.

As far as Soo Young goes, I watched Cyrano Agency, and liked the show. I don't have any reservations of her as an actress. She's good enough that it more than likely all depends on the writing and directing.


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OMG. YES! Kam Woo-Sung is back?! I've missed him so much! I have a soft-spot for him because Alone in Love was one of my first dramas and I loveddddd his character and thought his acting brought the character to life in a lovely way. I rewatched it about a month ago and wondered if he would ever make a come-back (aside from the saguek from 4 years ago).

I'm writing this before reading the post in full, but I did see the words "terminal illness" and the pairing does have me scratching me head....but I just want him back on my screen. Because I love him.


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I am sorry, this news totally does NOT excite me. Besides, I am so tired of all these Ajusshi/young woman OR Noona/ Young boy love. At first, I thought the young/old love was okay but now it is becoming redundant and I am totally bored by it all.


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But...but...Kam Woo-Sung. :(


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What a great otp! My Kam Woosung no less! I'm aboard!


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whoa it's been awhile since i've heard kam woo sung's name in the dramaland. though i'm not too fond of their age gap, we'll just have to see.


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Forget about Sooyoung, it's Kam Woo Sung!! really miss this ahjussi since Alone in Love (i didn't watch his sageuk drama because, yeah, it's just too long for me).

Actually i want a reunion of him and Sohn Ye Jin but too bad she declined the offer. I also miss her in a decent drama. Shark, despite its very promising story, credible behind-the-scene crews and it also has this unnie, just simply badly executed and can't live up the hype.

And am i the only one who think she's regressed after years acting in mediocre dramas? I'm really miss her acting that made me start my fangirlingness to her, her naturalistic acting in Alone in Love.

Just hope this project won't suck because he hasn't done anything in 3 years


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SOOOO HAPPY to see some other Kam Woo-Seong fans come out of the wood-work, in support of his talent, in the face of all the negativity over the age gap. I wish I could hug you all! I mean, it's just WRONG, when fame is seen as more deserving of the spotlight than sheer talent (wrapped in a cute, sexy package, BTW). Somebody ought to be writing an entire series FOR him, instead hiring him to fill a role. Even better would be for one of the great Korean directors to snag him for an important role in one of their movies - Lee Chang Dong, Kim Ki Duk.... somebody who can pull the best out of him, and give him something different to do. "Spider Forest," and "The King and Clown" prove he's got more interesting depths to his talent, than he's usually asked to explore, but I fear those films will be the extent of those kinds of opportunities for him. What a waste!


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I watched the first two episodes. It is GREAT... they have a certain chemistry that enamates from the words, action.. great cinematography, great images, clear and witty dialogue..


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