Witch’s Romance: Episode 9

Such a sad, tear-filled episode. Ji-yeon makes a decision and the consequences are heartbreaking for all concerned. Dong-ha does his best to handle the situation with maturity, but even a man with the patience of a saint has a line you can’t cross without doing permanent damage. I’m concerned that Ji-yeon is pushing Dong-ha awfully close to his line – I only hope that they can recover their ability to be honest and open with each other in time to repair the heart that’s been broken.


Ji-yeon and Dong-ha each get ready for work in their separate apartments for the first time in a long while, both of them remembering how comfortable and fun it was when they were living together. We don’t see how things ended when Dong-ha backhugged Ji-yeon and asked her not to go back to Shi-hoon, but things at work are definitely awkward.

Young-sik is worried that Ji-yeon is angry with him for taking pictures of her and Shi-hoon together, and she assures him that she definitely IS angry with him for betraying his sunbae. She punished him by giving all his week’s assignments to Dong-ha. Aw, is that your grumpy way of making sure you get to work with him all week?

Young-sik, being oblivious to everything around him, shows Dong-ha the photos he took of Ji-yeon with Shi-hoon. He says that in the five years since he’s worked with her, he’s never seen her laugh like that. This makes Dong-ha understandably cranky and he barks at Young-sik to just give him the material he needs to do his work.

Shi-hoon’s assistant (okay she has a name, even though she doesn’t deserve one, it’s HONG CHAE-HEE) talks on the phone with someone — she tells them that she sent them the materials she promised, that she’s leaving the country this weekend, and to please release the “report” as soon as possible. Shi-hoon finds her and reminds her that he’s fired her, though she leaves him some information on a children’s relief fund in Africa.

Shi-hoon tells Chae-hee again that she should stop worrying about what he’s doing, but she says that after six years thinking of nothing but him, it’s not that easy. She starts to get upset, saying that nobody will take care of him like she does, and certainly not Ji-yeon who didn’t even accept him back after knowing that his assistant lied about him wanting to break off their engagement.

Ji-yeon’s mom tries to let herself into Ji-yeon’s apartment, but the code has been changed. She calls Ji-yeon for the passcode so she can go in and make dinner, swearing that noooo, she didn’t buy much food at all. Don’t try to look innocent Mom, we see those two huge bags you have there.

At the Trouble Maker office, Eun-chae has been given her first interview assignment and comes to Ji-yeon for advice. To her credit, Ji-yeon gives her a thorough course in How To Conduct an Interview. As Eun-chae bounces off in excitement, Ji-yeon smiles to remember how she used to be that way when she was new to reporting.

Team Leader Byun takes his pictures of Ji-yeon’s meeting with Shi-hoon to Director Kwon, trying to convince him that this is the best scandal ever and that they should write an article about it, but Director Kwon smacks that idea down fast.

Byun even uses the buzzword “sexy,” but Director Kwon says it’s not sexy — it’s perverted to betray your colleague. Byun decides that it’s all Ji-yeon’s fault that he’s in trouble, and that she’s used her witchy powers to sway Directer Kwon to her side.

Ji-yeon arrives home to find that Mom has cooked enough for an army and then some. She wonders who’s going to eat all that food, when Dong-ha and Soo-chul show up bearing housewarming gifts and goofy grins. They all sit to eat, and it’s cute how the boys shamelessly kiss up to Mom, Soo-chul even going so far as to “accidentally” call her Noonim a few times, HA.

Like good boys, Dong-ha and Soo-chul offer to clean up while Ji-yeon and her mom rest. Mom starts to talk up Dong-ha and everything she likes about him, even comparing Shi-hoon to him (apparently Shi-hoon doesn’t measure up –- tell us something we didn’t know). Suddenly Mom gets up to leave Ji-yeon with the guys, because Mom is no fool. Soo-chul also decides he’s got something else to do -– Na-rae isn’t the only great wingman in this drama.

Director Kwon wanders into the fishcake restaurant and tells Na-rae that Ji-yeon recommended it. After he sits and orders, Ji-yeon’s mom comes in to drop off some food for Na-rae and Min-goo. As she turns to leave, she hears a familiar voice call her name, and she freezes. Director Kwon asks her to join him and he orders the most expensive item on the menu. Na-rae and Min-goo can barely control their giggles watching the two older cuties share a drink.

After finishing cleanup, Dong-ha peruses Ji-yeon’s bookshelves for the book he left there. He asks if she’s read all the books and she says that she has, so he tells her she should dust them occasionally (as he keeps touching the book he left, hoping she’ll notice it’s new). They make small talk about being tired — Dong-ha even makes a joke about Ji-yeon’s age, brave man — and she walks him to the door, but he nearly collides with her in an uncomfortable reminder of the backhug. After he leaves, Ji-yeon notices he left his sweater behind.

The next day, Ji-yeon gets a call from Chae-hee telling her that Shi-hoon is leaving for Africa in a few days. She asks Ji-yeon to let him go so that he can come to her. Ji-yeon says that after what she did to them six years ago, she has no interest in anything Chae-hee has to say and hangs up on her.

Young-sik runs in with the news that Phillip Noh is leaving for Africa, and everyone in the office hears him. Team Leader Byun can’t help but gloat that Ji-yeon’s being jilted again, but Dong-ha looks concerned for her. Director Kwon shows her a news article stating that Shi-hoon is leaving, and tells her to alter her article to reflect this latest news.

After the crowd disperses, Young-sik pouts to Dong-ha that he was hoping for Ji-yeon’s happiness, but Dong-ha doesn’t like that thought –- who says she’d be happy with Shi-hoon? Young-sik says that when she was with Shi-hoon she didn’t look like a witch, she looked like a woman. Dong-ha protests that someone who comes and goes as he pleases could never make her happy.

But it looks like the article about his leaving is news to Shi-hoon too, because he yells at Chae-hee for releasing information to the press when he hadn’t agreed to cover the children’s relief fund. Chae-hee tells him that Ji-yeon isn’t going to come back to him anyway, though he obviously doesn’t believe her. She tells him that she knows he doesn’t care for her, but she still wants the best for him, and leaves him a plane ticket and asks him one last time to get free of Ji-yeon.

Ji-yeon visits Na-rae to talk about this latest development. She feels bad that she hated and blamed Shi-hoon for six years, but Na-rae rightly reminds her that she didn’t know what had really happened to him. Ji-yeon just wonders if she can go back to living without him now that she knows the truth.

She goes to see Shi-hoon and when she sees his ticket, she asks him flat-out if he’s going to Africa. When he doesn’t deny it, she launches into a lecture, calling him selfish for doing what he wants no matter who might worry about him. She cries that he hasn’t changed –- he says he cares about her but really only does what he wants.

He says that he was going to talk to her, but she asks when. In three years? Five years? She turns to go but he grabs her wrist and says that if she tells him not to go, he won’t go. She yells that she won’t believe him, and he asks if not, then why is she here screaming at him? Obviously she does it because she worries about him.

Ji-yeon’s anger deflates and she can only repeat through tears, “Don’t go. Don’t go.” Shi-hoon holds her while she cries it out.

Later Ji-yeon walks home and sits on the bench outside her apartment, thinking. Dong-ha comes out to check on her and she says she wants to talk to him. I don’t like the look on her face.

She tells him that she wants to answer his question, and you can see his face change as he realizes the answer before she says a word. He tells her not to say anything, but says that she can tell him her answer after Shi-hoon leaves for Africa. He says she’s confused now and they can talk later.

Dong-ha gets up to go back inside so she says to his back, “He’s not going to Africa.” She tells him that she asked Shi-hoon not to leave, and GAH, the look on Dong-ha’s face is heartbreaking.

He puts on his happy mask (though you can see exactly how difficult it is) and turns back to her. He says that it’s good that they worked out their misunderstanding. He even manages a smile when he repeats that it’s a good thing, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Ji-yeon says that she’s sorry, but Dong-ha brushes that aside — he knew he was confessing on his own.

They each go inside and think about the other, remembering words they said to each other. Dong-ha valiantly manages to keep in the tears but if you ask me, for a woman who should be elated that she just got her long-lost love back, Ji-yeon looks awfully sad as she spends her evening thinking of another man.

Ji-yeon shows up to work the next morning to find Shi-hoon there and the whole staff congratulating her. She’s mystified until Director Kwon explains that Shi-hoon is publishing a photography book through Trouble Maker and Ji-yeon will be writing the article about it. They all excitedly discuss logistics, and Ji-yeon is the only one who notices when Dong-ha slips quietly out of the room.

Director Kwon suggests that Ji-yeon take the day off and go on a date with Shi-hoon, who leads her out of there before she can object. She tells him that she knows he only thought of doing the photo book with Trouble Maker in order to work with her, but he remembers that his photos and her writing was always their dream together.

Rin-ji sidles up to Eun-chae to casually ask about Soo-chul, and is excited to hear that Eun-chae sorta kinda is friends with him. She peppers Eun-chae with questions about him like whether he has a car and what kind of women he likes, but Eun-chae gets out of there before she can be drawn into too much girl talk. Rin-ji doesn’t even notice she’s left talking to herself, ha.

Shi-hoon walks Ji-yeon home that night, and she invites him in since he’s never been here before. She goes to make coffee, and Shi-hoon finds the heart-shaped alarm that Dong-ha gave her, accidentally setting it off and losing the pin. The alarm screams as they search for it, and of course Dong-ha hears it from next door and comes running, bringing him face-to-face with Shi-hoon in Ji-yeon’s apartment.

Ji-yeon awkwardly explains that the alarm was a gift from Dong-ha which is why it brought him here, and he turns to go. He sees his sweater that he left behind and takes it with him, while Shi-hoon seems to be taking all this in and processing that Dong-ha and Ji-yeon were closer than he thought.

As they drink coffee, Shi-hoon asks about Dong-ha and why he gave Ji-yeon an alarm. She explains about the break-in and that Dong-ha gave it to her to feel safe. She tells Shi-hoon the story about how she and Dong-ha stopped Kim Jung-do with a magic show, and she looks happy for the first time all day.

When he leaves, Shi-hoon finds Dong-ha in the courtyard and thanks him for all the help he gave to Ji-yeon. Dong-ha counters that he didn’t do it for Shi-hoon, he did it because he wanted to. He rebuffs Shi-hoon’s outstretched hand and turns to leave.

Dong-ha goes to the fishcake restaurant, which is packed with customers. He jumps in to help wait tables, and Na-rae says it hurts to watch him pretend to be okay (tell me about it, sister). The next night Ji-yeon shows up, but leaves when it’s too crowded for her to get a table. Na-rae and Min-goo note that she looks sad, which is strange since she’s the one who dumped Dong-ha.

Jiyeon carries a large box to her apartment, and Dong-ha finds her and offers to carry it for her but she doesn’t let him, and walks to her apartment alone. This is the rejection that seems to hit home with Dong-ha as he stands alone in his dark apartment.

The next day Dong-ha hands in his resignation, even though there’s still a month left on his work agreement with Director Kwon. He assures the Director that there’s no problem with the job, it’s strictly personal, and that he won’t reconsider.

Dong-ha hands off his work in progress to Ji-yeon, and oof, it’s so hard to see how he looks anywhere but at her. He announces that he’s quitting and Ji-yeon pulls him aside to talk privately. She tries to talk him out of it, but he says that he can’t keep pretending nothing has happened.

When he goes back inside, the whole Trouble Maker staff rallies around Dong-ha, assuming he’s quitting early because Ji-yeon made him miserable. He assures them that he has personal reasons, and Young-sik backs him up that Ji-yeon treated him well. Surprisingly, it’s Rin-ji who is the one who figures out that Dong-ha is leaving because Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon got back together.

Soo-chul and Dong-ha meet up at a bar and again Soo-chul proves that he’s not as dumb as he’d like people to think. He points out that this is all Dong-ha’s fault really, because he’s the one who let this happen by playing fair and telling Ji-yeon what he knew about Shi-hoon’s assistant. His selflessness worked against him this time. He’s sure Dong-ha must regret it, but Dong-ha just sighs that he can’t because Ji-yeon deserved to know the truth.

Now that Dong-ha isn’t working, Soo-chul proposes that they start working their part-timer business again. He even promotes Dong-ha to CEO, ha.

Ji-yeon works late, and Shi-hoon picks her up to take her to their favorite restaurant. When she starts to walk in ahead of him, he grabs her hand and reminds her that she’s not alone anymore, that he’s beside her now. But Ji-yeon doesn’t look like hearing this makes her happy -– instead she remembers when Dong-ha was giving her dating lessons, and he walked beside her holding her hand and told her that there was someone beside her now. Her smile when she was with Dong-ha looked a lot less forced than the one she gives Shi-hoon now, is all I’m saying.

In the restaurant, Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon remember when they used to come here and joke about how much it’s changed. When the talk turns to wine, Ji-yeon again checks out as she remembers when Dong-ha played music in the courtyard for her and they shared a bottle of wine, and when he made her a meal of wine and pig’s feet to celebrate her moving back to her apartment.

Soo-chul takes Dong-ha to a club, saying that this is the best way to get over a woman, and literally drags Dong-ha inside. Soo-chul quickly finds some women to talk up but Dong-ha is more interested in drinking, and when Soo-chul looks for him again Dong-ha has gone.

Dong-ha has wandered alone to the bus stop and drunkenly takes offense at the way a poster of Shi-hoon is looking at him. HAHAHA. He tells Poster Shi-hoon that he’s a much better man than it is because he’s never made Ji-yeon cry and only made her laugh sooooo much. Kind of like he’s doing to me right now.

He sits and giggles to himself about how pretty Ji-yeon is when she smiles, then goes right back to being angry at Poster Shi-hoon for thanking him for taking care of “his” Ji-yeon. He tries to fight the poster, knocks his head pretty hard and calls a Time Out.

Soo-chul calls Ji-yeon when he can’t find Dong-ha, and tells her that he’s worried that Dong-ha is wandering drunk and alone. He’s not above laying on the guilt when she asks how much Dong-ha drank, telling her he drank as much as his heart is broken. Next she gets a call from Dong-ha’s phone, but it’s the police because they’ve found him passed out on the bus stop bench. By the time they manage to wake him up, Ji-yeon has arrived to take him home.

On the way home he walks behind her like a chastised child, but gets snippy when she reminds him of his assertion that he doesn’t get drunk and act out. She asks if he’s hungry but he says he just wants to go home, and they keep walking like that. Ji-yeon remembers another time he reminded her to walk slowly and took her hand as they walked home, being completely silly together.

As they reach the courtyard Ji-yeon takes a call from Shi-hoon, and Dong-ha passes her and heads to his place. She asks why he drank so much, and he says that drinking is all he can do. He can’t blame anyone for Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon getting back together. Should he blame God for not letting him meet her sooner?

He turns to go again but she asks if he really means to quit his job at Trouble Maker. He says that she doesn’t need him anymore now that the polar bear can protect her. Ji-yeon tries again to talk Dong-ha out of quitting but he can’t take it anymore, and his voice tightens as he asks what he means to her. Is he just a part-timer? A brother? A plaything? He yells that he can’t keep seeing her every day as if everything is fine.

Ji-yeon tells him that he’s still young but he can’t accept that it comes down to something as trivial as age. She asks what’s wrong with him and Dong-ha says that he’s upset because he never even got his chance to start with her before Shi-hoon came back. He admits that he’s been pretending to be okay, but he’s not.

He tries to go again but Ji-yeon takes him by the arm and stops him. She asks him to stay and talk but he just yells that she has to stop, because if he turns around right now, he doesn’t know what he’ll do. He’s barely holding in the tears as he begs her not to call him anymore.

Slowly, Ji-yeon lets go of Dong-ha’s arm, and he leaves her standing outside alone.


This show is going to kill me. That last scene is one of the rawest moments I’ve ever had to watch in a drama. Dong-ha’s anguish was so palpable, it was all I could do not to burst into tears myself watching him struggle to hold onto his dignity. I think we’ve all been there, in that moment in time when you’re losing something precious and all you want to do is forget you have pride and beg someone, anyone, to make the pain stop. I could feel every bit of that feeling in Dong-ha’s valiant attempt to hold himself together and not just lose control.

Okay I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again for a different reason…I do not like Shi-hoon. This time though, it’s not so much because of him, but because I don’t like who Ji-yeon has become when she’s around him. He’s very assertive, almost controlling with her (and I don’t mean that in the abusive way, more in the I’m-used-to-always-getting-my-way way), and she just seems to shrink into this meek little mouse the moment he shows up. So now I dislike Shi-hoon for new reasons; not only has he ruined what was shaping up to be a wonderful friendship and perfect romance between Ji-yeon and Dong-ha, but because of what he’s taken away, both from Dong-ha and from Ji-yeon herself.

I miss the Ji-yeon from the first few episodes, the Ji-yeon who was brash and ballsy and danced in her apartment with no inhibitions. I liked the Ji-yeon who kissed strangers in crowded bars and got drunk and seduced handsome young men. I liked the Ji-yeon who terrified her coworkers and did whatever it took to get the story and also justice if it came to that. The Ji-yeon we’re seeing these days is an empty shell of a person, a person who doesn’t speak up for herself and what she wants anymore, who is so stuck in the past that she can’t see what’s happening in the present.

I’m no psychiatrist but I’m guessing that Ji-yeon’s extreme personality change comes from an abject fear of being abandoned by the same man twice. Now that she’s gotten him back, she’s so terrified of having chosen wrong that she’s practically frozen emotionally. She’s so afraid of losing something that reminds her of love, that she’s about to lose a man who loves her enough to let her go at the cost of his own heart, in favor of a man who never even bothered to contact her once in six years and say “Hey, maybe we should talk about what happened.” I’m so afraid that she could lose the real love of her life because she’s so busy holding onto a shadow of a love from the past.

Now, I know that this is Dramaland and we’re only halfway through our story. And I know that this is a remake and the endgame isn’t really a surprise, unless the writers decide to really throw us for a loop. But it’s a testament to the quality of the writing and the excellence of the characters that, even though we know where this is almost certainly going to end up, we are so invested in their journey that we feel in our guts the heartbreak that our leads are feeling right now. Knowing how this will most likely end up doesn’t temper the distress that we as viewers feel when Dong-ha puts on a brave face and tells Ji-yeon that he’s glad she and Shi-hoon are back together. We still feel the full impact of what it means for Dong-ha to beg Ji-yeon to let him go because he no longer has the strength to do it himself. The way this show makes us feel about it’s characters is something special that doesn’t happen very often given the mostly-predictable way that dramas work. I’m really appreciating how much this show is able to draw me in and make me care, even though I know this is just temporary.

But it’s not all drama and angst, and there was plenty of cuteness in this episode too. I think we all needed that scene of Dong-ha drunk at the bus station to make us smile and remember what we love about him, namely his youthful sense of silliness and how he sees all the good things about Ji-yeon that most people miss because of her witchy persona. I loved the parallel between that scene and the scene in Episode 1, when Ji-yeon got (literally) staggering drunk and had a while conversation with her reflection in a mirror. It’s scenes like this that remind us that despite all their differences, Ji-yeon and Dong-ha are really the same on a deep-down level. They are both people who feel and love very deeply, and who are loyal and honest to a fault. Now if we could just get them on the same page about how they feel about each other, I could rest easy knowing that their future is filled with fun and laughter and love.


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omg omg omg is she wearing the same top as Chun Song-yi from her proposal to Do Min-joon scene??? :O


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Haha I said the exact same thing when I saw the show...!! I recently saw my love from the stars and Chun Song-Yi is wearing the same lace blue dress in of the the episodes as Ji-Yeon in the promos


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This episode (and recap) broke my heart. Thank you for helping to get me through this.

Also, I might be more torn about which guy she ends up with if Shi-hoon hadn't IGNORED HER FOR SIX YEARS.

I'm looking forward to happy times ahead.


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the recap did justice for the episode, which btw made me mad. Anyway, about Ji-yeon and her attitude changing when she with polar bear, it might not just because he is a guy that used to get his own way, it might also be because Ji-yeon revert back to who she was before the break....I mean abandonment. The possibility of her being the submissive one in the relationship before is highly possible. I mean he was her Sunbae, so might be before the abandonment Ji-yeon wasn't as courageous and driven as she is now. On the other hand, as boring as he is, and as shameless as he is for asking her to take him back, he still lets Ji-yeon to work with passion, so on that part he is a pretty decent human being. Unless he became more asshat in later episodes. All in all, Ji-yeon is better after the abandonment. I think she broke out of her shell and her safe place and be more daring, and getting back with her Sunbae will not be good because she's back into a follower instead of having the same role in the relationship, which she will have if she's with Dong-ha.


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Actually, I believe that a more likely explanation is the reverse - that this woman used to be what she reverts to being when she is around her long-lost beau and that the 6-year ordeal is what set her loose and turned her into the crazy/spunky witch we love.

The drama gave us some hints early on that she was an ordinary, boring woman typical of her peers.


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isn't that what I just said?


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This episode made my heart hurt.


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Guys, Park Seo Joon can sing! He sang a song the drama's ost and its soo good! He really is an all round talented guy <3


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gosh, first Choi Jin Hyuk, now him....yummynessss


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OMG, when I saw him singing I almost passed out. He is PERFECT :)


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I was late for work yesterday because of it. I just kept staring and suddenly it was five minutes to the meeting so I ran like a cheetah


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If you haven't seen our puppy Dong-Ha singing the OST to the show, here's the link:


The English translation of the lyrics are in "About".


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of course he can sing, she is one of I:dn in Drean High 2..( i know some of you would not watch it)


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He can dance too! I looked it up in youtube. :)


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Looks like I've to start watching Music Bank for PSJ! Maybe one day he'll sing this song there... haha, I really hope so! He has a very nice, sweet voice. Hope he sings with Uhm Jung Hwa too.

If I'm crazy enough, maybe I'll check out Dream High 2, just for his sake.

@ Mawu - Is his dancing good?


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just want to share this video, Park Seo Joon serenaded by sistar's soyou, he was so shy :) , totally adorable!


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oopss...forgot to add the link



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Smart girl, that one!! ^^


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These are just snippets from Dream High 2, and he's not the main focus so I'm left wanting to see moaaarrr...

Here are some clips I found though:

That's him, if I'm not mistaken?

I don't think I can watch the whole of DH2. I'll just wait and pray that he gets another really good drama after Witch's Romance.

Please, Drama Gods!


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Dang, he looks young in those clips. And it's weird seeing him act/look like an idol. He is so much hotter now, especially in his role as Dong Ha.

And I agree with you. I can't watch DH2 just for him. ;A;

Thank you for sharing those links!


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I can never understand how the protagonists in K-dramas take their exes back as readily as they do.

Of course, Ji-yeon's decision is going to blow up in her face (or rather, her heart) sooner rather than later, but how/why did she take Shi-hoon back to quickly? Has she forgotten the part about when he woke from the coma and didn't call her for years? Or when he lied and went to Africa rather than Europe? I would want some in-depth explanations and time to think about the responses before I considering getting back with any ex.

I'm really only watching this show for Dong-ha now, but he kinda deserves better than Ji-yeon... Other than making stupid decisions too quickly, she's completely insensitive about how he's feeling.

Good for Dong-ha for quitting Trouble Maker. Definitely a sane thing to do, and, given that he's got no money, quite courageous.


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Because the "taking back exes" is the motor of the stories. But in all seriousness how many person (not just girls, guys too) who did the same stupid thing these guys did, by taking back their exes? I see with my own two eyes a guy who married a girl and treated her child as his own, and when they have a child he treated both just, but she just go everywhere cheating on him, even get a sext and a pic of private area in her phone who is btw paid by the husband. Almost divorced but he took her back. I mean even for the sake of the kids, for his own sanity, he should never accept her back.


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I know... and I hate that it drives so many stories.

Yes, people take their exes back in real life, it happens all the time and is often very questionable/stupid, but six years of complete (still unexplained) absence and taking the ex back within a day or two is a quite extreme scenario. It's almost like JY never thought about what she would do if he did reappear again (which, in six years time, she surely must have thought about).


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well in dramaland, things happen for significant illogical reasoning.


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So true!


It's a bit grating for me too how Ji Yeon seems to be callous towards Dong Ha's feelings but I think she really hasn't wrap her head around the idea that DH adores her. This is a woman who loved so deeply and so hurt by it that I don't think she's even open to the idea that someone else other than Polar Bear can love her that way.

It's frustrating for us as watchers but I think understandable in her shoes. And remember that she doesn't have awesome Spinach to point things out to her yet which Dong Ha had when he was angsting over the flower and his ex. Someone needs to point out to JH that she needs to snip off the darn dead flower!


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Actually, I get that she isn't yet head over heels for Dong-ha – she definitely needs closure first and shouldn't just go for DH instantly.

But even without the existence of DH, her taking SH back so quickly is strange. I would want to know the details (why did he not contact her after he awoke from the coma? why did he lie to her in the first place about where he was going?) and mull over them for a while. JY doesn't have Spinach, but she does have her mother and Na-rae – there are people to confide in and consult about.


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Definitely agree with you that it's strange for her to take SH back so quickly but I think we have to think of the drama time frame of which there's only 16 eps so if she spent more time contemplating on taking Polar Bear back then we will lose even more time with reconciliation of our OTP and by reconciliation I meant KISSES! and MORE KISSES! and end of ep. 2 scenario continuation, gosh darn it!

Also as much as I'm obsessing over this drama right now, I've to say that the over all writing is not that awesome, it's like the writer can't plot herself out of SH's absence. For sample, why must it be 6 years? That time gap could be shorten to make it less stupid for us to swallow and yet it will still be significant. She could have given him coma and amnesia so that when SH finally manage to make him way back to JY, it will make us as an audience more torn on whom to choose for JY.


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The 16 episodes may be an issue but the writer could have given her more days of thinking about it (a week or two) without showing us the process (i.e. a mini-time jump, just indicating that a bit of time has passed). It probably would not be very compelling since we wouldn't directly observe her struggle but at least it would be a token gesture. (Because, if I'm honest, someone going back to their ex after such a long time of nothing within what seems to be overnight, makes me think they are a bit... uhhh... stupid.)

I don't get the six years either, but I feel like some of those who have watched the TW version are hinting that there is a reason. Maybe we'll be enlightened later... although I have my doubts. Only a coma of six years, total amnesia or being held hostage would convince me (though it would still be a contrived scenario).


Actually the trope of "taking-back-ex" is already in My Queen,a Taiwanese hit drama (it's not Korean), which is also the original of Witch's Romance.

In My Queen, Polar Bear is way more appealing than the Korean version we have here. I was on a different ship at that time. (Here, I am JY-DH all the way!!) I hate to say that at least in MQ, there are good reasons why JY waits for polar bear for six years. In WS, SH does not seem to have any special virtues deserving JY. It's all about compatibility of age and social status. In MQ, the background story of JY and Polar Bear is touching and beautiful.


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Can you elaborate on the My Queen reason? I keep on seeing it alluded to in comment threads but couldn't find out why for sure so am super curious.


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I might just have to watch the original one day!


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T-version My Queen definitely had a more appealing Polar Bear and I felt the same as you. I actually stopped watching the drama as soon as Polar Bear and JH cleared their misunderstanding and back together, cos i just want the drama to end there. But on this K version i totally love DongHa and yes all the way shipping for DH and JH.

My Queen put a lot more details on describing how strong their love was and how hard it was for Polar Bear after all these year.

Perhaps they intended to lessen the sparks between Polar Bear & JH so that audience will not stop watching half way like I did for the T-version :P


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You know, people in real life take their exes back all the time. And here, I think, it is perfectly understandable why Ji-Yeon tries to restart the relationship with Shi-Hoon. Their relationship never really ended and so Ji-Yeon basically has only good memories of the relationship itself and so she wants all that back. Yes, she was hurt but she thinks and hopes Shi-Hoon can take that pain now that he's back. Basically, shell HAVE to try again to really see it's not going to work because if she were to say no now out of anger, there would always be "if". If she had said yes, would they have managed to mend things and be happy? She has to see why they cannot work out anymore and she has to be the one to leave. Only that way can she truly have a closure with Shi-Hoon.


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Yes, people take exes back all the time. (Though I haven't come across any that do so pretty much instantly after 6 years of complete no-contact.) I also agree that she needs to get closure by seeing how they have changed and that they don't work out anymore and while I can see she might do that by restarting the relationship, I find her instant decision (after 6 years of nothing and some vital questions not yet answered) hard to relate to.

I guess I'm also feeling a bit let down that the drama seemed to go against some k-drama conventions at the beginning. But this is a very typical twist, when I had hoped for a bit more 'guts' in the story. (Yes, I know they are following the original story.) :-/


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I can understand why she takes Shi-Hoon sunbae back. She initially thought he abandoned her, but he actually took the bullet because he was rushing back to the wedding (SH said: "How can a groom not there at the wedding."). As Ji Yeon said to her mother, "He was shot because he was coming to me." She felt guilty that he got shot because of her, and she felt guilty that she believed what the assistant said in the first place.
So Ji Yeon and Shi-hoon sunbae actually have no problem at all.

Although Dong-Ha treated her like a princess, Shi-hoon too treated her like a princess. All the flashbacks were really sweet, and Shi-hoon said "You are perfect." when Ji Yeon confronted him that he should have said if there was anything she should change. They had 10 years of happy memory. And it was cut because of misunderstanding and distrust from Ji Yeon side. I think that's why she felt like taking him back--partly lingering sweet love, partly because of guilt.

I am Dong-Ha&JiYeon ship all the way...but then they only knew each other for 2 months. I think Ji Yeon made reasonable choice that she thought is most mature; however heart sway as it likes. Hopefully she will listen to her heart soon.


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"So Ji Yeon and Shi-hoon sunbae actually have no problem at all."

He still lied to her about where he was going and he didn't contact her for years once he awoke from the coma (why did he come back now? If he really wanted to be with her, why didn't he come already years earlier?).

I agree that she hasn't had enough time with Dong-ha yet, but even if Dong-ha didn't exist, there are some issues that Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon have – indeed, if he had never been shot and come for the wedding in time, I would be concerned about my spouse lying to me about there whereabouts. It's not like he went to the pub instead of the grocery store, he went to one continent instead of another, to a war-torn country. To me, that would raise a lot of questions.


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I think we tend to try to rationalize the emotions we see a bit too much. Yes logically she shouldn't take him back, but he was someone she loved incredibly much, he is someone she has worried about for several years and hasn't been able to let go, he's someone of comfort and security. I can see why she would take him back on the basis of what she felt for him, not necessarily what my mind tells me when I'm merely a viewer of this relationship.

And I think she's trying with Dong-ha too but she doesn't know how to keep him in her life without treading on wounds. It feels like she's being accused of what she's doing to him when he's the one who confessed to her and put her in that position (note: I'm NOT saying he shouldn't have but now her only options are extremes: become his girlfriend or lose him completely)


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Your last point is a good one, JY is being put into a difficult position because obviously she treasures DH whether in a romantic or non-romantic manner and she's a ball of emotional confusion cause how can you just cut off your friend like that even at his behest? It's a tad selfish on her side but it's also a tad selfish on his side. It's basically a mess which I appreciate cause hey, isn't that what real life all about?


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Great episode, great recap, great leads, good director & writers. I was thinking "why hasn't Ji-yeon talked about who she is now?" & you've given a plausible explanation=fear. Shi-hoon wants to act as if they are still the same people they were 6 years ago & doesn't seem interested in learning about what Ji-yeon wants now. Maybe he's afraid of the answer too.

Omo, Dong-ha...you're killing me. I hope numbing your emotions with soju mode stops soon. I didn't realize Park Se-jeon could sing; he sounds pretty good. My favorite shows these days are "Game of Thrones" & "Orphan Black", but this may be #1 now.


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I couldn't watch this episode without fast forwarding all the Shi Hoon moments because he's boring, as a character. And I've never been more disappointed in Jiyeon because Dongha is awesome. And this is my thoughts for both eps this week. [SPOILER DELETED]


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Distress is the perfect word for what I felt watching this ep! It really felt like my heart was twisting for Dong Ha. I love him.


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I know this is trivial, but can someone tell me the title of the song they were dancing to in the club? Driving me crazy cause I can't find it.


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I would love to help you but all I can hear is Jump Jump!


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Your recap is wonderful as always. Thank you for that!

Oh the hurt that this ep brought! THE HURT!...it's a testament to UJH's acting that instead of feeling exasperated and angry at her decision to go back with Polar Bear I actually sympathize with what she's going through. She loved so so deeply and despite all the years, this is not a wound that was healed. Despite all her accomplishment, she's still pretty emotionally stagnant because of what happened 6 years ago. And she doesn't even get a clean righteous bout of anger because Polar Bear was hurt (which for us is not a big deal cause the dude sucks) but for her to know her once beloved was hurt to the point of being in a coma and yet she doesn't know anything about it, that must sting with lots of guilt.

With all of that said, I need her to rain tons of kisses on Dong Ha for like the rest of the episodes to make up for the pain he's going through in this one ep and the next one.


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I completely agree. Your recap was really insightful and I really love how you pointed out that Ji Yeon has changed because of Shi Hoon's return, and not for the better.
I really wish that Ji Yeon and Dong Ha would get back together quickly because they're just so adorable together and she always looks so happy with him (even if characters in this show keep pointing out how happy she is with Shi Hoon, which I just have to reject).


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Great recap!! Thank you!

I actually wonder why few people takes JY's concern of age difference seriously. Age difference is NOT JY's lame excuse, but it's real and heavy for her. I don't even think that she loves SH. Human beings are creatures of habit, and she is only playing safe by surrendering herself to the social convention. 14 years of age difference is huge because it means that you are dating someone from a completely different generation.

Considering the cultural context the story takes place, the woman who is much older than her partner tends to be the one who is going to receive social scrutiny. Isn't this the reason why JY hesitates to bring DH to the classmates reunion back in episode 6? I LOVE DH and I admire his courage and sincerity. However, I do think that the pressure JY suffers is far greater than him if they were to get together, and that's why JY cannot brings herself to confront her attachment to DH.

I actually wonder if JY really needs a relationship, especially when the misunderstanding with SH has been cleared. Like Lollypip says rightly, I miss the witchy JY. Even prior to meeting DH, this is a woman who, despite her pain, manages to enjoy herself by simply dancing wildly at home. I would prefer to see more episodes devoted to that bewitching JY at work than simply seeing the love triangle. Ultimately, JY is the most charming when she is that bitchy and competent journalist Ban!


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I agree with you on the issue of age. I know everyone is crazy about dong ha, but for me ji yeon is the most realistic character for me. Her dilemma rings true and makes my heart break when I see how much she has to comprimise herself when she is with polar bear. Similarly, she can also become the laughing stock if she really dates dong ha. With their difference in social status, will people say that she is his sugar mom?

I am 40 now and I ask myself if I have the courage to go for a 25years old? Very unlikely. I like th fact that although this drama is a romantic comedy, it tries to touch upon some social realities.

I hate polar bear...such a control freak!!!


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Their on-screen chemistry is so organic that I forget their age difference. Your concerns are real and important, but with this couple, I just cannot overthink it.

I know why you find Polar Bear a control freak. LOL. But that is how a Mr. Right in Korea would (and is expected to) behave. He would not be considered a control freak at all. And let us remember that our witch used to belong in that world until the day she was stood up.


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Adding in another agreement about age. This is a real and big issue for the OTP since while I know JiYeon can withstood societal judgement on that large gap especially with such an awesome mom and friends by her side who's wholeheartedly are on this same train as we are, I can understand the insecurities that come with dating such a younger man.

It's a harsh truth but after a certain age, woman with our "awesome" biology will age more rapidly and things will happen to our bodies that will really not be in the word of Trouble Maker Director "sexy".
Obviously one of the great things about this couple is their physical attraction towards each other but JiYeon realistic creature that she is must harbor some fear that one of these days, Dong Ha will realize she's a much older woman than he is. Dong Ha, prince of awesome that he is, may never feel that way but who can be sure, right?


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Jiyeon could be feeling insecure too, especially after being left at the altar by her long-time boyfriend. She hasn’t known Dongha long enough and I’d think she thinks he’s a good catch who’d be better off with girls his age. Like in ep 5 at the forest, when she sees him and Eunchae together, it’s as if she thinks she can’t compete with younger girls and just surrenders.

Good thing Dongha has eyes for Jiyeon only. Stay loyal and faithful, boy!


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If I were 40, I wouldn't date a 25 year old, BUT I'll make an exception for Dong Ha. He seems more mature than most men his age, and is not intimidated by the age gap.

(Plus he's an EXCELLENT kisser, looks great, can sing and dance... and so on!)


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The age difference is something that needs to be discussed and something they both have to be comfortable with, but it should not be a barrier 'just because'. If JY has feelings for DH, she should look at Dong-ha seriously as a person and not as a number first.

"I can't date you because you're 14 years younger" is an empty excuse, there should be better reasons that may make age an issue e.g. "I can't date you because a) I want to get married soon but you don't want to settle down yet b) I want children now but you want them in 10 years c) I want to do [whatever] but you want to spend the weekends partying with your guy friends".

I do think that for many such an age gap would not work, because the persons are at different stages in life and want different things, but I also know couples were age was/is not an issue. (My grandma was 10 (almost 11) years older.) Yes, there are social conventions and some people will laugh at or talk behind their back, but there'll always be some people like that.

I think you are right that JY would get scrutiny (and more than DH), but as a 39 year old unmarried woman in SK she would have had plenty of scrutiny already. She wasn't one to play by the conventions before but went her own, independent way. She struck me as someone who can deal with going against the norm. Then again, she has now turned meek mouse in the presence of SH...


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Sigh.. My heart really hurts for Dong Ha. He's just too adorable! I feel like after the ex appeared, everything just got really depressing. I hope the drama doesn't end on a bad note cause it really started off great. Dong Ha and Ji Yeon's chemistry is just so good man. I need more happy moments in this drama with those two!


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I agree with lollypip that I miss Jiyeon from the earlier episode that was really blunt & just brave about her opinion now that she has turn into this little girl who just obey Shi Hoon who I'm starting to hate in this episode becaus he's a pushover who just want things to go his way


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It’s quite heartwarming to find Director Kwon defending Ji Yeon. Looking forward to Ji Yeon finding the book Dong Ha left at her bookshelf.

Some of my fav moments:
The never-seen-before flashbacks. Prior to these, I have been wondering too about how they interact while living in the same house. So cute that he’s calling her Ban Daeng Ja Ssi and making her breakfast. I like his hand movement when he said “handmade sandwiches”, and how he ate the sandwich after she took a bite, and giving her water. (I replayed the scene a few times, I didn’t see the glass of water anywhere near the kitchen. One of the crew must have passed it to him…haha)

Dong Ha’s jealousy at the photo that Young Sik showed. True, he has seen her smile and laugh so many times.


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Argh this ep hurts my poor heart!!! And also Dong Ha's!! Huhu :(


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I think the only thing I want to see more than Ji Yeon & Dong Ha get back together (with major kisses) is wasted Ji Yeon & Wasted Dong Ha together.

I don't like Shi Hoon, I thought maybe I could see why she loved him, but I just don't. It feels like he expects everything to fall into place where he left off and not really giving Ji Yeon her space to come to terms with everything. But as much as I don't like Shi Hoon, I don't think even he deserves to end up with that overly selfish lying assistant.

Dong Ha just broke my heart in so many very good ways. I love his honesty. And I actually do believe that he doesn't regret telling Ji Yeon the truth. But the best part is when he put Shi Hoon in his place when he thanked him.

Ji Yeon I just absolutely adore and I can understand her every step of the way. Dong Ha was right in that she made her decision to ask Shi Hoon to stay emotionally, but I think it's what she needs. Before it was just about knowing the reason for Shi Hoon disappearing, but now it's about not only knowing, but feeling guilty for hating him because he had a valid, albeit lame, excuse. She's playing with "what ifs" and she needs to see that her and Shi Hoon are no longer the same as they were before and she can then go on her merry way to Dong Ha.

I too think that Ji Yeon's concern about age is valid. She's thinking ahead, while Dong Ha is thinking in the moment. I think what they kind of fail to realize is that they are both pretty much in the same place, which is why the age gap doesn't really matter for them and won't be a hurdle.

What I really love about the writing and the portrayal of Ji Yeon is the vast difference in emotion towards Shi Hoon and Dong Ha. With Shi Hoon, she's like emotionally stuck. She's not really happy, sad, angry, or anything really, like she is going through the motions without really feeling anything. With Dong Ha, she is visibly all different types of emotions, when she's actually with him and when she's just thinking about the memories.

AND the memories!! When they started showing all these adorable moments they had together that we never saw, it made me realize how natural their relationship was that this show didn't need to have these moments actually in the progress of the show. I think in any other show, all the memories would have been repeat scenes, but the repeated scenes here were very limited.


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I agree with you! Can both of them just get drunk again together, please?

Yes, Ji Yeon’s concern about age is totally valid. From what I know, one of the main concerns of women who marry in their late thirties is whether they can get pregnant, have an easy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. I'm not sure what kind of doctor Dong Ha would have been, but judging from him learning magic tricks to get close to children, I would think he might want to be a paediatrician (ok, wild guess here!). I’d be quite sad if I can’t bear children with the man I love who loves children.

Another concern is job security and financial security. Seems like Dong Ha doesn’t have that yet.


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@Fan Thank you for such an excellent analysis! I especially love how you notice that JY is simply going through the motions when she is with SH, but she is so alive when she is with DH.

I always like Uhm Jung Hwa and I know that she garners a lot of awards under her belt. But this drama really makes me love her. It is rather rare to see such a complex and lovable heroine I can completely identify with in Korean romantic comedies. It's UJH's craft that makes JY the emotional anchor of this drama.

PSJ's acting is great in this episode. I was a bit underwhelmed by his acting in earlier episodes (partly due to the messy editing i think), but now he and UJH together make this drama compelling and swoon-worthy. Oh!! I love the spinach guy!! Since DH is JY's, I will keep spinach to myself.


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This is a great comment. Very insightful.

I agree that Jiyeon has to go through this with Shihoon so she can realize that they've changed too much and they just don't work together anymore before she can be with DongHa. Like DongHa, I want her to choose him for the right reasons, not just because she's mad at Shihoon. And yes, yes, yes to how lively and vibrant she is with DongHa compared to how subdued and conflicted she is with Shihoon. It's like she thinks she should be happy but she knows that she doesn't really feel like that so she's just going through the motions. The whole thing is messy and painful but I think it's very true to life and real relationships in that sense.


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YES, to having a scene in the future of the both of them wasted!!


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Thank you for the recap! Also, I’d like to thank the subbers for this awesome drama (and all other dramas too actually), without whom, I’ll never get to watch and enjoy these dramas.

I hope the angst/broken-hearted scenes will not be dragged for far too long. I super love the first six episodes before Shi Hoon shows up. I think I won’t get sick of watching those eps over and over again.

Also hoping for a nice, closed, happy ending. Something like Babyfaced Beauty perhaps, which also has my fav younger man-older woman couple.


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Team Dong-ha, For the WIN! Ji-yeon's mom's is right there next to me rooting for that team.

As close as Ji-yeon is to her mom, you would think it would sink in a bit more that her mom is firmly entrenched on Team Dong-ha lands.

I have to say this episode was agonizing to watch. Dong-ha tried to hard to take the high road and be happy for the woman he loves even though he wasn't her choice but watching that last scene it dawned on me that if Ji-yeon had really been happy with the cold polar bear she wouldn't have been trying to hold on so hard to Dong-ha while still pushing him away emotionally. I think the emotional distance is what hurts Dong-ha more. She's different when she's with polar bear, she's not that ballsy, dressing up as a high schooler, willing to steal a bike from a child in order to get back to her meeting in time with a scandal woman we met in the first episode. She's become meek and passive. I don't like it.


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oh yes.
When I'm 39 (& if I'm still single) I want a handsome & mature 25 yr old guy to pursue & confess to me. ;)


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Funny how the right cast. The right direction and pacing can make all the difference in a Kdrama. Even though this is a rehashed story it's still cute and feels fresh. Due mostly to the chemistry between the two main leads and a nice pace in the script writing.

2014 has so far been a pretty dismal year for Kdrama. There have been several seriously depressing melos and more than a few overblown cliched plot action dramas. This has been a much better year for rom coms because they have been the most fun and engaging. The casting has been great in all of them from I Need Romance 3 to Cunning Single Lady. This rom com is another big hit for me.


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I guess you forgot about My Love From Another Star.


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Bride of the Century is not bad too.


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Hats off to casting director .... Main leads are terrific ... I just want to kidnap Park Seo Joon and Uhm Jung Hwa and lock them in the empty room ... Their chemistry just sparkle like thousand of fireworks.

Park Seo Joon is one of the talented newcomers ... Watch out ... This boy need to rise up above in KDrama world. Fighting.


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Seriously- dude should have contacted her when woke from coma? 6years?


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Yeah, I wanna know his reason too, man. Will we ever get to hear it?

And how come he knows where to find Ji Yeon at the reunion? Maybe there's another haven't-seen-before flashback for this.


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WHY SHOW WHY? Why must you make me so sad? Ugh. Poor DongHa.

Fabulous recap and thoughts, Lollypip. You always have very insightful comments about the show. Thank you.

I also noticed how Jiyeon doesn't assert herself with Shihoon and just lets him take the lead and I HATE IT because it feels like she's not herself but she just doesn't want to rock the boat because she's wanted Shihoon for so long that she feels this is the obvious choice but if that was true, SHE WOULD NOT BE THINKING OF DONGHA WHEN SHE'S WITH SHIHOON. Ugh. Also I feel like this is the episode where everyone gets mad at Jiyeon and I too became frustrated with her pestering him not to quit because she wants him around when it's obvious that IT'S SO HARD for him to be around her. But I also feel bad for Jiyeon too because I feel like she's so stuck in the past and I feel like she doesn't believe things could really work out with DongHa (hence the "you're young, you still have time to start afresh" as if she has no choice but to go back to Shihoon because she's an old maid and this is familiar when there's another, better man who wants to be with her right there, begging her to give him a chance. It makes me sad that she won't allow herself to truly feel like their relationship could be viable and meaningful and lasting. You're killing me, Jiyeon, come on!

Other than that, there was some superb acting from the cast, especially Park Seo Joon. I like that we got moments of lightness from the flashbacks (THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER) and the Troublemaker crew and Mama and Narae and her boo. Also can we talk about how Narae has the best instincts ever? She scoped Mom and CEO out in no time. There are some fab besties in this drama. I really appreciate that they give us these moments of levity in the midst of the heartbreaking angst.


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and I really want an orange Na Rae & Hubby tshirt!


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Haha, me too. Those shirts are adorable. Also Narae and Mingoo need a bigger restaurant space.


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"When he leaves, Shi-hoon finds Dong-ha in the courtyard and thanks him for all the help he gave to Ji-yeon." >> this was when I yelled at my laptop "kick him, Dong Ha, kick hiiim" I wish everybody would just stuff Shi Hoon's face with all the happenings between Ji Yeon and Dong Ha, why be all hush-hush? I'm really hoping all these marriage talk will end up with Shi Hoon being left at the altar, hah.


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"I don't need your acknowledgement. I did it because I wanted to." Way to go Dong-ha, as if the white t-shirt and faded jeans wasn't enough. gah!


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He did look great in dem jeans.


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And here I thought I was the only one appreciating that white t-shirt thing he was doing...


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It's obvious JY's heart is in DHland but like most of you pointed out, her age and their age difference is forcing her to pick what is familiar and conventional over the epic love DH is offering. It must be scary, especially since Polar Bear already abandoned her and DH is a kid in her eyes. Also, remember how horrified she was when she first found out his age? She practically reenacted a child abuse courtroom scene. Love this drama, thanks for recaps Lollypip


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I really hate to sound mean, but Dong Ha, dear: my hands are itching so much to punch Shi Hoon, but I can´t ....can´t reach *bumps into screen* so PLEASE, I beg you. Just PUNCH him in the guts and get him out of the picture. I know, this is rude, but I really can´t stand to look at this guy at all. what a smuggy baboon
Spinach is awesome. I LOVE the sound effects. and Na_Rae being threatening is so badass


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For a couple who’s been dating for 10 years and about to get married, I'm surprised that when JY & SH got back together, they are quite distant and don’t have much skinship. Compare this to their flashbacks where they did act like quite a cute couple. I thought when she invited him to his house, they’d have a sleepover or something.


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I have never seen my queen so i do not know the ending. But the way that things are going now...i don't think DH and JY will have a "happy together forever." Just thinking of it makes me sad.

I guess JY's concern over the age gap is very valid. Imagine them 20 years hence, JY is around 59 and DH is only 45 and still at the prime of his life.


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I watched this drama without skipping even one episode. Normally, I will stop watching after 3,4 episode and waiting for finale episode to watch final 2,3 episode. Although the actors is my 'super' favourite actor!

but I think I need to stop watching this drama on episode 11 because my heart hurt for Dong Ha. I will watch again after all episodes have been uploaded!

anyway thanks for recaps, lollypip and thanks for your 'comment' about JH and DH.


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@eynay... no no don't stop! you have to watch and agonize along with us. then we can get together here on dramabeans and moan and groan together, yeah?! LOL


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Thank you Dramabeans for this space! I love this show too much right now, I hope it won’t disappoint me till the very end. Fellow Beanies, bear with me and my random thoughts ok.

Goodbye Monday blues coz with Witch’s Romance, I can’t wait for Monday!

The bookshelf scene: Dongha didn’t even take a sip of Jiyeon’s coffee

The alarm scene: How did Dongha manage to enter Jiyeon’s house?

The club scene: Thought Dongha would show his dance moves. So glad he had zero interest in the girls the Spinach brought

Park Seo Joon’s OST: I thought in ep 5/6, the song was already there but by a different singer. Any idea who the other guy singing it is? I assume it’s the original artist.


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Dongha actually did take one small sip just before he said he should leave.

Dongha knows Jiyeon's new passcode - that's how he got into her house. It makes sense because if it was a real emergency, she probably wouldn't be able to open the door for him.

The song PSJ sings was originally sung by someone else in the first few episodes but I don't know who it is. It's not included in the released OST songs yet.


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Omg hated this episode so much. Not because it was angsty, but because of the way Ji Yeon seems willing to just sweep those six years under the rug just to have Shi Hoon back.

And I didn't pick up on it until Lollypip pointed it out, but it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE about Ji Yeon turning into a mouse. UGH. Hence the annoying forgiveness of 6 years of silence.

I, frankly, do not care that his assistant lied. He could've fixed that easily, SIX YEARS AGO. There's a new problem now.

All that aside, Dong Ha's drunk scene was the Best Thing Ever.


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Was I the only one who was shouting the whole time to Shi Hoon-"Just go to Africa.....you are messing with the romance here, man."
Awwww...my poor Dong Ha baby.....ugghhhh I will never forgive you show for the hurt you've given me.....huh


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nope. I was whining and growling like a POLAR BEAR for him to just vanish and not exist. too bad there is no time travelling in this drama. to just go back and delete him from Ji Yeon´s history alltogether


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Its really breaking my heart when I saw Dong Ha in the end of this episode.. its hard for him "when she takes him by the arm and stops him. He’s barely holding in the tears"...... When i saw his expression , i want to cry with him too.... :-(
Feel so much pain .....
Park Seo Joon you are awesome ....

I think I Need Romance 3, You are from another star , and Witch Romance are good rom-com from 2014.....


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**thwacks self on forehead!!!**

Can you believe I just noticed that Dong Ha took off his bracelet already?

How can that not be the awesomest thing ever - I went back to pinpoint the time he took it off and the last I saw it was when he was preparing to go meet JY at the school reunion!!!

That's doing it right.

(ahem! polar bear! - I'm talking to you - buzz off already!!)


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Oooohhhh!! Didn't even notice it!! :/

Thanks for pointing it out!


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Ack this show kills me with its flashbacks. Why do you have to throw the happy moments nowwww, only makes my heart hurts more. On a brighter note, drunk Dong-ha is too cute! Although watching him like that makes me want to comfort him and say that things will be OK and polar bear will go back overseas.


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lololol he sleeps anywhere!! making him easily accessible hehehe ;)


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I love the flashbacks too! It's great that most of the time the flashbacks are not the exact scenes that we've seen earlier.

This is not really a flashback but I re-watched ep 9 and notice that at the end of the ep, they showed the sandwich scene again, but this time DH is wiping something off JY's lips. Sweeeet!


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Dong Ha just slayed me in the last scene. His emotional outburst was so strong and intense. My heart was breaking for him.

Fabulous acting by Park Seo Joon. I've fallen for this guy. I want to see him in more great dramas and see his popularity rise.


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