Joo-won signs on to joint Chinese-Korean melo romance

I hate when big casting news is released and then we’re told everything BUT the story, which is, in my opinion, kind of the most important thing. But we’ll have to make do with the peanuts we’ve been given about Xiao You Qiao Mu, the film project that Joo-won (Good Doctor) has announced will be his next, in which he’ll appear with former Super Junior member Hangeng.

Xiao You Qiao Mu will be a melodrama backed by large-scale distributor and production company China First, co-produced by Yuehua Entertainment, and helmed by Korean director Jo Jin-kyu (My wife Is a Gangster). It’s based on an internet novel that’s been popular over the past four years that has been such a hot property that apparently mere rumors of film adaptations have lit up the internet.

The head of Yuehua’s Korean branch, Lee Sang-kyu, explained that Joo-won is currently enjoying a lot of popularity in China, and the news of his casting in Nodame Cantabile recently was met with a lot of interest, which explains why they’re eager to strike while he’s hot.

As for the plot? Three men fall in love with one woman. Cue melo and romance.

Xiao You Qiao Mu will begin filming mid-month, and will be shot in both Korea and China. As for me? I’ll just be sitting here in my corner, both waiting for and slightly dreading Nodame, trying to hope for the best and willing it not to ruin my memory of a good thing.

Via Mk.co.kr




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But when will he get to sleep? :/ :(


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Probably when he'll go to the army, ironically. Oh wait... Military musicals.


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didn't they stop doing musicals in army now? since the SK Ministry of Defence dissolve ‘celebrity recruit’ unit cause of the "massage parlor" scandal of Se7en and Sangchu..


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There isn't a celeb unit anymore but there's another branch that actor Choi Jinhyuk signed up for that does musicals, too.


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Same thing, different name


I am a fan who has given up on this guy even resting. It's a weird feeling knowing you won't have to miss him. This guy's a workaholic. Years from now, hope he'll explain why he can't take a break.


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his choice of works is not very attractive either. Catch me, fashion king *sighs.... I dont know. I used to like this guy very much but looking at his recent resume... may be it was not him who made the choice, may be his agent.
hopefully nodame would work for him though I have a feeling its gonna bomb.


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Fashion King is not out right?

There was nothing wrong with Good doctor or Gaksital or OB.


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His movie resume is not very attractive. I agree.

But his dramas are good except for the 7grader drama. I want Nodame to be good but I want to reserve my excitement after seeing more convincing news.


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Amy, didn't he also do a variety show, too, on top of it all? He seems everywhere and nowhere, that's my impression.

The field is really crowded with so many rising (male) super stars and a few already on top, with near-perfect track record, which only adds to the sense of inevitability of their ascent.


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I do not know where you get your impression.

In consecutive years after his debut, Joo Won has won numerous acting awards, the latest being Best Actor in Korea PD Awards for his role in Good Doctor.

Although I do not use awards to judge an actor's talent and work. Still, the awards he has won definitely tells that he is not nowhere but up there.

There are indeed many rising male actors and some probably are what you would call super stars like Kim Soo Hyun and Lee Min Ho. I am not sure if they are the ones you are talking about with near-perfect record. I will not comment on their talent or record but I can speak for Joo Won in that he is one of the very few or perhaps only one in his peer group to dare take different roles, genre and very challenging ones at that. He has succeeded so far.

If you are saying the field is crowded, those on top are inevitably going to rise further or stay there and I guess you are saying Joo Won is hence not going to make it since he is not part of that group, then I really don't see your logic.


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i really like his project choice
Level 7 still enjoyable for me n i like his latest movie "catch me" too. Actually i didn't watch many rom com, not much rom-com that could make me watch till the end


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Ugh, I'm guessing this is going to be dubbed which I hate. I get wanting to get popular stars in Chinese productions, but it's so distracting when the voice is wrong.


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Yup...I'm still pissed at Siwon for doing it.


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And since part is being shot in China, so I am sure it will be heavily censored.


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Am I the only one who prefers dubbing? I hate it when people have varying accents in Chinese dramas and I'd rather get them to speak in proper Chinese then listen to heavily Korean-accented Mandarin. Plus, since he can't speak Chinese, how do you expect him to dub it himself?


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Even chinese actor get voice dubbed in chinese drama, and we not talking just those from say HK or TW, if you can not act in a correct Beijing dialect/accent then there always a strong change of you ending up getting dubbed. As far as i know no korean actor has made the effort to act in chinese, but for the likes of Jang Nara and Lee Da-hae and both ended up getting voice dubbed anyway, thus the reason most do not even bother trying.
Most chinese drama are even made to fit dubbing, as they either do with very little sound or none at all, and just dub everything later, it allows them to make dramas even faster than the Koreans not having to have to set up all that sound tech when filming.


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Think I read that So Ji Sub also made an effort to speak chinese when he was in the movie "Sophie's Revenge", though of course it got dubbed (they were saying it was much easier to dub it as he made the effort to act in chinese)

But yeah as you say, dubbing is noting unusual and even native chinese actors gets dubbed a lot. This is also not unusual in western shows and movies as a means to fix sound issues and so on.

What people react to is off course 1) Not being the same person doing the acting and dubbing; thus if you're familiar with the persons voice it sounds more wrong. 2) the spoken not matching lip movements (enchanted by speaking a different language).


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I heard somewhere that there's a policy that all dramas on chinese tv have to be dubbed. Something to do with the rights the broadcasting stations have over the drama production. I can't remember the exact reason though so don't quote me on that. Though as far as I know, every actor, regardless of their accent or proficiency in mandarin, has his/her voice dubbed when starring in a mainland chinese drama.


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I think it depends on the actor because I know that Deng Cao, Zhou Xun, and Hu Ge have all used their own voices and weren't dubbed over.


The weird part to me is casting someone who can't speak completely fluent Chinese in a Chinese drama in the first place. But I can believe that maybe live-action dubbing is just a lot more common in China and people who are used to that (or grew up with it, even) don't find it jarring and distracting like I do.


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I don't expect anyone to try to speak a language that they don't. I just prefer to skip the stuff where major characters are dubbed. My favorite Taiwanese actor, Jiro Wang, was in the movie "My Beautiful Kingdom" which is in Mandarin and they still dubbed him even though he speaks the language. I can't bring myself to watch it because it's not his voice.

Just my preference.


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i think dubbing is better than watching drama with weird language because you familiar with those language, for people who familiar with the real voice of the actor it will be wird too but i think dubbing is still the best choice. I think chinese language is difficult to learn


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but but but, it's movie right? I thought the won't do dubbing for movie. I don't know. Can oppa play a korean with bad in speaking chinese?


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That's awkward. It's always awkward when they have to explain the background of the character because he/she can't speak the language well.


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javabeans is not amusedㅋㅋㅋ
They can be helmed by good directors/production companies but honestly I've never find Chinese-Korean dramas to my liking yet so yeah uh..not really looking forward to this too.
Sorry Joo Won, but I'll definitely be watching you in Nodame :D


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I liked Skip Beat (dub in Chinese) w/ Siwon in it... ^-^ it was cute.


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lol I remember that drama, I had seen the anime, but really Siwon was like a block of wood for the first five or so episode, ie just saying his lines, till he seem to get the idea that just because his voice wasnt being used, didnt mean you didnt still have to 'act' those lines. He did get better as the drama went on though.


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I noticed that Siwon and Donghae's mouth barely moves .. and a lots of pondering scenes but I endured watching Skip Beat


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"Silence" with Park Eun-hye was amazing, but I guess that's more Taiwanese.

Jang Nara's Chinese series were loads of fun too. And so were the ones with Chae Rim.


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Why he works so much?
I think he is under huge debt.


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Making use of his time before saying goodbye for two years!


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HAHA. Whaatttt.. Huge debt?

That's so random girl.

Prolly other actor/actress working hard out there in a huge debt too then.


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A quadruplet love affair? They can barely handle a three way, how how they going to pull off a 4 way.

The worst thing is there is no mystery. Everyone reading this already know who is going to get the girl. So why bother with so many men.

I am dreading this.


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Sorry this isn't related to the post (but I am indeed excited for more Joo Won) but I'm doing the welcome speech to my school's graduation in Korean and I was wondering if you fellow beanies could help me with the translation. Here's all I have to say:

"Greetings! Welcome family and friends of the Oak Grove Graduating Class of 2014. To my fellow graduates, I wish you much success and happiness in the future."

Much thanks!


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Something like this.
안녕하세요! 오크 그로브 이천십사년 졸업반 가족과 친구들을 환영합니다. 동기 졸업생들아, 성공하고 내내 행복하기 바란다!
AnNyungHaSeYo! Oak Grove YiChunSipSa Nyon JolUpBan GaJok gwa ChinGu DelEul WhanYoungHamNiDa. DongGi JolUpSang DeulA, SungGong HaGo, NaeNae HangBok HaGiRyl BaRanDa!


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ah...Wow?! daebak


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I'm never really into these joint projects. Meh. At least Joo-won and Hangeng can communicate with each other. Ha.

About Nodame... I so liked the original, but this is Joo-won, so I know he'll be great. Now, it's that leading lady I'm worried about. Please cast well! And writers, please write well!


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I am worried to see Joo Won smoking! Because Chiaki smokes a lot! I can't wait for Nodame!


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in the live action drama of it, I watched like 5 episodes and don't remember Chiaki smoking, so I think it's all cleared :)


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No smoking scenes on national TV. Hah.


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I love these joint projects. It's a great cultural exchange and helps each of us get along better.

I hope Asia can be more like Europe, where there is a more unified identity, rather than be so separate with all the fighting.


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Would be glad if Chinese speakers can explain what Xiao You Qiao Mu means.


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Maybe that would give us some insight into the plot.


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It's the shorted title of the film, and on its own it means "there are trees in summer". See my comment below.


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I immediately read "three trees" from your message, haha.


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If thats the (non)premise they're going with, then MCW is ironically also doing a movie that has a similar set-up (with 3 friends fall in love with one woman). Hope they don't dub it, because no matter how great it is, I'm out if they do that.


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I prefer joowon join mcw in three men and one woman or cest sibon with han hyojoo because it's romcom ;) but I think joowon want to play in other genre so that's why he dropped cest si bon


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i guess cest si bon not about love betwen i woman n 3 man ,i think it's about group music


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They were talking about this movie, the HK-Korean movie with JW and MCW's upcoming movie..both have similar set up. Not Cest Si Bon.


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Another movie? Good for him.

Actually I want to see him in Korean movie more, he's one of the best actor in his age group and I really want him to succeed in Korea first before going to China.

I'm more interested in his comeback to dramaland. But I dont want to place my hope high, yes the J-drama/movie version is good but that will not guarantee that it will be good too for Korean version. I hope for a more promising news in the coming months.

I dont really enjoy his other projects except his awesome Ojakkyo Brothers and Bridal Mask. I hope I can have that feel good feeling again... Here's hoping.

Happy filming puppy, please take care of your health.


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Yeah, I enjoyed Ojakgyo Brothers alot, and Bridal Mask was a flawed but entertaining ride, but I can't really get on board with his other projects either. :(

I really like him as an actor, I wish I could like his projects more. And tbh, I think Nodame is a really risky choice. I don't have much hope it'll be good, considering the production company handling it.


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I heard good things about witch's romance which also being produced group eight, I hope it also same with nodame


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Very little details here so I did some research for people who are interested in finding out more. I don't think I'll ever watch this since I'm not interested in joint productions.

Frankly, I've never heard of the book/novel/whatever before, and after a quick search on Google using the pinyin nothing showed up. So, upon entering Joo Won's "Chinese name" in to the search engine, I realised that the film is actually called "Xia You Qiao Mu, Ya Wang Tian Tang" = 《夏有乔木,雅望天堂》. I shall translate it as "There are trees in summer watching the heaven" (yes, I apologize but that's the best I can do). I don't think the title makes sense except for the fact that the writer is trying to force fit his/her characters' names in there whilst trying to sound as sophisticated as possible. That being said, let your imaginations run wild as to what it could possibly mean.


The novel portrays a May-December relationship (6 years) or what people here call noona romance and also unrequited love. The heroine's name is 雅望 (Ya Wang) and I'm thinking Joo Won will play 夏木 (Xia Mu) if he's the first lead. Basically, something big happens and Xia Mu goes to jail for Ya Wang (I'm guessing he killed(?) someone to protect her). And they get together after Ya Wang gave up her love for guilt/regret. Something like that - don't take my word for it, I summarised the plot after reading the synopsis from various sources.


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Thank you.


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@ AnOpinion, at least you gave us more info. Thank you!


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Thank you for the information.

Errrrrrrrrr a noona for the female lead. I hope not a huge gap between them. Wonder who? Korean or mainland Chinese, Hong Kong or Taiwanese actress?

As the Director is Korean, I bet it will be filming in Korean, right? The SUJU member, Hangeng and Joo Won will definitely speak Korean, but more advantage to Hangeng because he is bilingual.


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My guess is that it will be filmed in Chinese but Joo Won will speak his lines in Korean and get dubbed over. And from what I read above, Victoria may be cast as the female lead? If that's so, I definitely won't watch it. I think the Chinese have some sort of inexplicable love for KPop stars of their own nationality (that's why HG and Victoria are so popular there) but their acting is horrid.


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sounds really bad .....
china really tends to create a lot of dramatic stuff like this to make it all tragic and frustrating and you just end up going like ..... wtf am i watching


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Thanks for the fabulous description!!! Perhaps the "Xiao" in the title can be edited in the main post to avoid confusion. 하유교목 아망천당/Xia You Qiao Mu, Ya Wang Tian Tang/《夏有乔木,雅望天堂》, fighting!


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I've been told it's a tragic story about love ( three guys, one girl ) and revenge. the first guy is xia mu who witnessed his mom's death at a very young age . the second guy is xiao tian who grows up with ya-wang . the third guy ( wei-ran) is obsessed with yawang because she is the doppelganger of his dead first love.

yewang, xiaotian and weiran are 28/29 at the beginning of the novel, xiamu is 6 yrs younger.


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YES. This comes just as I'm trying to make myself watch Chinese dramas instead (which basically amounts to "I SPEAK MANDARIN...but Kim Woo-bin...SO I SHOULD PRACTICE MANDARIN...but Lee Joon...SURELY THERE ARE INTERESTING CHINESE DRAMAS TOO...but Dramabeans..." *sobs*) so omg so happy. This had better be good. Though dubbing will suck...but hey. I'll try it. Can't be worse than Level 7 Civil Servant, right? ...Right?


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uggghhhhh. So the rumor is true. I heard this piece of news some months ago. I just though of it as fabrication. It turns out everrything is so real.

At least I can see him in drama on next October.


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Yes its true. Actually joowon casted in another Chinese movie with chinese director but it didn't come through. I prefer him take drama, so the news he take nodame is good news for me because I can watch him more in scree


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Oh. I heard this rumor since the beginning of this year. It turns out all information is true.

At least I still can see him in dramaland on upcoming October.


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i hope he will not take it coz i hate Hangeng


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sorry, i'm just being a Suju fan =)

and i meant to click reply, but kept of hitting the life button -- sorry.


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Not related to the subject - cute to see Joo Won and Ryu Deok Hwan articles nearby. Brings fond memories of Good Doctor.
Hoping for a good result in this melo :)


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I know right? They are better actors of their generation although RDW is not as famous as Joo Won.They need to pair up again!


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Well, once there is no information about the movie’s plot and Joo-won’s character, I can only hope that this movie deserves his talent. Only good wishes to such a good actor and a good person.


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this sounds dumb
three guys chasing one girl... yeah great...
like we don't get enough of those =.=
i honestly don't think this will give them the response they want even with a popular actor like Joo Won.
I love him, but I can sense people just skipping it and waiting for downloads instead.


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several months ago (irrc just after the chinese new year ) it's rumored that Han geng and Lee min-ho will act in this, female lead is a female idol from SM, the movie will be filmed in Busan.

it seems the rumor is not groundless, Hangeng confirmed, it'll filmed in korea, the writer already went there. I hope the female lead part was false for god's sake.


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Oh really? Hm...

If it's to tackle Chinese mass market

1. Victoria of Fx (she was in Chinese drama recently, but not so sure about her acting chop)

2. Yoona of SNSD

Two popular names that always topped the chart at Chinese famous e-site, Baidu.


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I believe in Joo Won. He has already proved to people who keeps predicting that his movies, dramas, or musicals will get bombed wrong over and over again. So L7CS was not that good, ratings-wise, but still you've got to admire him for having the courage to take up a genre he's never tried before. Most actors would just stick to a certain genre just because they were good at it. An actor who ventures in different genre shows his professional attributes than those who don't.

I would love to see him prove them all wrong. I like NC too, but i'm putting my trust in Joo Won in portraying Chiaki. Just as i am putting my trust in him in portraying his character in this movie.

And we'll say it again: See you at the awards night. :)


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I completely agree with you. By the way, L7CS ratings was not good only if to compare with Joo-won’s other successful dramas. The average rating of L7CS is 11% - it’s decent ratings.


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