God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 14

The good, the bad, and the shady are messing with our heads with false leads dropping left and right, but we’ve finally got a good sense of who’s on what side. All the right questions are asked, shedding some light on our original timeline and giving us that small silver lining we need. But it’s hard to tell if that silver lining is actually there or if it’s just another illusion.


Dong-chan analyzes the picture of the president and Tattoo Hand, Hwang Kyung-soo, and recognizes the phoenix tail as the pattern that Saet-byul drew in the Moojin shack. He urgently calls Soo-hyun about the president’s crest and his deduction that Saet-byul’s kidnapping may be a political maneuver.

Soo-hyun glances at one of the president’s bodyguards and recognizes him as Hwang Kyung-soo. As the entourage passes by, Soo-hyun puts the facts together and sees the president’s granddaughter walking by. Acting fast, she snatches the little girl and holds her hostage.

Immediately, the bodyguards surround Soo-hyun with their guns pointing at her. The president is shaken and slowly walks towards Soo-hyun, asking her to calm down. Suddenly, the child’s father jumps at Soo-hyun and knocks her down. The lights turn off, and the bodyguards are ordered to protect the president.

When the lights turn back on, the president and his family are quickly ushered to safety. The child’s father (the president’s son) is found on the ground, injured from the broken vase. Soo-hyun has disappeared, and the bodyguards find the covered weapon that Soo-hyun used: a banana.

Just as the president’s cars drive away, Woo-jin arrives at the scene. Reporters wait in front of the reception hall asking the guests what happened, and we see a woman walking out and suspiciously standing by to make a phone call.

Cut to Soo-hyun and Dong-chan driving away. Oh, phew. She asks him how he found her in the dark, and he points out her shoes. Yu Jin-woo drew spots on her shoes with his glow-in-the-dark pen, so when Dong-chan flipped off the lights, he could find her right away.

Dong-chan starts to express his disappointment in Soo-hyun for holding the child hostage with a knife — she’s a mother after all — but she cuts him off. She is a mother, and that’s why she used a harmless banana to make a scene.

She says that she had no choice at that moment but starts to doubt her decision: they’re probably all out to get her now, right? But Dong-chan reassures her that they won’t act so quickly. If something happens to Saet-byul now, the president could be suspected. Soo-hyun actually bought them some time.

The approval for capital punishment only happened earlier that day, so if they took any public action against Soo-hyun, the president would take the blame for passing the law too rashly. Dong-chan assumes that they’ll keep everything on the down low. She checks the news and as suspected, there is no commotion on the news about Soo-hyun’s threat. Dong-chan says that they should lay low and see what happens before making a move.

Soo-hyun shows concern that they’re facing none other than the president, but Dong-chan doesn’t care. He’s more determined than ever to save Saet-byul and Dong-ho even if they have to rival the president himself.

Back in his office, the president is assured by his chief of staff that no news has leaked and that all witnesses were told to stay quiet. But just as he’s reassured, they turn on the TV and find that one of the witnesses at the scene posted a video of the hostage situation. The president quickly calls for a briefing.

Ji-hoon is at home with the police officers when they see Soo-hyun all over the news. A news anchor comments that Soo-hyun may have reacted with anger to the announcement of capital punishment, which put Saet-byul in further danger. Or Saet-byul’s kidnapping may have been staged by the president to push for capital punishment and raise approval ratings. The anchor also notes that Saet-byul is the daughter of Han Ji-hoon, the lawyer who opposed the president in the public debates on capital punishment.

Ji-hoon’s face is unreadable, but he seems nervous. He goes to his room and takes out his phone to delete a text message. Oh man, more shade.

Dong-chan rings up his items at the convenience store and gets a call from Woo-jin, with caller ID “Bastard Hyun Woo-jin” on his phone. He ignores the call and looks up at the TV, which shows the clip of Soo-hyun holding the child hostage.

Just as he’s leaving the store in a hurry, he gets a text notifying him that Soo-hyun’s mother is in critical condition. As soon as he gets back in the car, he takes out the battery in Soo-hyun’s phone (to prevent tracking) and drives over to the hospital.

At the hospital, Soo-hyun reacts with confusion and then immediate worry, thinking that Saet-byul is hurt. Dong-chan tells her that it’s her mother who’s in the hospital, and Soo-hyun looks repulsed.

She says that she was put into the mental hospital because that woman called Ji-hoon, which made her lose Saet-byul. Never in her life had she relied on her mother. The one time she did, her mother couldn’t fulfill her one request to take care of Saet-byul. She says she doesn’t have time to waste visiting such a mother.

Dong-chan stops her, telling her that her mother was admitted to the hospital because she tried to protect Saet-byul. This is news to Soo-hyun, who was unaware of the refrigerator truck situation.

Escorted by Dong-chan, Soo-hyun heads into the hospital in a hoodie to avoid recognition, but an old man immediately recognizes her. He’s the old man (the abusive stepfather?) who was by her mother’s bedside, and he reports Soo-hyun’s whereabouts with the intention of collecting the reward money.

In his car, Woo-jin talks to his blackmail contact on the phone and demands that he return Saet-byul. He’s done anything and everything Blackmail requested to cover up his past mistake (Young-gyu’s shooting), but he threatens to reveal Blackmail’s identity if he doesn’t return Saet-byul.

Blackmail hangs up on Woo-jin, and he screams in frustration. The station notifies him of Soo-hyun’s location, and he drives off to the hospital.

Soo-hyun finds her mother lying in bed, unconscious. Dong-chan apologizes for not telling her earlier; he thought it would worry her too much. Next to the bed, Soo-hyun finds a basket of clothing, and in Saet-byul’s jacket pocket, she finds the letter.

In it, Saet-byul writes the truth about Grandma. Grandma never came back for Mom, not because she wanted to abandon her but because she was afraid her new husband would hit her too. Just like Mom loves Saet-byul, Grandma loves Mom. Grandma wanted to protect Mom, so Mom should forgive her.

Soo-hyun has a flashback to finding her mother as a young girl. She promised to do well in school, be obedient, and eat very little so she could stay with her mother. But her mother told her to go away without explanation.

Soo-hyun checks her mother’s arms now and finds bruises. She breaks down in tears and apologizes for everything. She has another flashback to her high school days when she beat up other girls for calling her an orphan. Her mother tried to intervene, but Soo-hyun brushed her off as some stranger.

Dong-chan feels uneasy and tells Soo-hyun that they should leave. Soo-hyun promises her mother that she’ll come back and begs her to stay alive.

In the hospital hallway, Dong-chan spots a group of police officers in front of them and Ho-gook’s group behind them. They’re sandwiched in between the two squads, but Ho-gook arrests them first.

Outside the hospital, the team leader on the other squad takes them into his custody and puts them in his car. Ho-gook confronts him, but just as they start to argue, the team leader notices Woo-jin in the driver’s seat of his car.

Woo-jin drives off with Soo-hyun and Dong-chan, and they both eye him suspiciously. Dong-chan asks what’s going on, but he ignores him. He warns them and says that by now, they should know that the people who took Saet-byul are quite dangerous.

Dong-chan calls him out — the rat on the police force was indeed Woo-jin — and asks him for confirmation. He doesn’t reply and pulls over on the side of the road. Dong-chan assumes that Woo-jin is handing them over and yells at him for his betrayal.

Woo-jin pulls Soo-hyun out of the car, and Dong-chan gets even more upset. But Woo-jin unexpectedly unlocks her handcuffs and tells her to stick with Dong-chan, just like before. He throws the keys to Dong-chan in the car to un-cuff himself.

Ho-gook comes from behind, and Woo-jin tells Soo-hyun and Dong-chan to run away. He says he’s going to buy them some time, but Dong-chan is still confused and asks what’s going on. Woo-jin just tells Dong-chan he’s sorry and gets back in the car.

As expected, Woo-jin gets chased and blocked off by the corrupt henchmen. The men come out of the cars with bats in hand, and the police team leader from the hospital comes out with a bat as well.

Woo-jin laughs at how many rats there were on the police force and proceeds to take on the men. Not great chances, especially with the bats, but I applaud his audacity. The team leader strikes him on the head, and he eventually falls to his knees. Three days before the incident.

Woo-jin is kept alive and dragged into his own car. The corrupt team leader fixes his tie and warns him that a dog can’t bite his owner. Woo-jin grabs the team leader’s collar with the little strength that he has left, but he’s easily shaken off.

Woo-jin falls unconscious at the wheel with the horn blaring and the cherry blossoms falling with the wind.

With Soo-hyun waiting in the car, Ho-gook tells Dong-chan to punch him because the moment he gets back to the station, his police career is over. He calls Dong-chan out for his weak first punch, so Dong-chan punches him hard to the ground.

Ho-gook tells him to get on his way and check the car for a file that Woo-jin left him. He insists that he’ll be fine since he can just flash his badge and any car on the road will give him a ride. Dong-chan apologizes and gets on his way. As he leaves, Ho-gook thinks out loud, saying that Dong-chan must have been right this whole time. But he also asks Dong-chan not to hate Woo-jin so much.

Dong-chan takes Soo-hyun to Moojin, where he finds a small dugout — the secret hideout that only he and his brother knew. He hasn’t been back since the incident, so it’s been ten years. Dong-chan leaves to check on his minions and asks Byung-tae about his hacking request, and luckily, he’s got the goods.

Ten years ago, President Kim was an up-and-coming politician, and Grandpa Chu was a strong supporter. The two co-founded a company that suddenly closed five years ago, and that’s when Grandpa Chu started up Angel Foundation on his own.

Hwang Kyung-soo was Grandpa Chu’s right-hand man, and he was treated like his son. But a year ago, he left Grandpa Chu and joined the secret security team for President Kim because he disagreed with Grandpa’s stance on capital punishment.

Also, when Grandpa’s son Chu Do-jin would visit from the U.S., Hwang Kyung-soo would be his temporary bodyguard and chauffeur. Byung-tae pulls up a familiar picture of the car in the Moojin fields. Dong-chan reasons that Hwang Kyung-soo must have killed Soo-jung during his stay in Moojin.

As he walks back, Dong-chan remembers that Ho-gook told him about a file Woo-jin left for him in the car. He finds the police report from Young-gyu’s shooting, revealing that it was Woo-jin’s bullet that hit Young-gyu’s head.

Dong-chan is understandably furious and calls Woo-jin right away. But an EMT answers and tells Dong-chan that Woo-jin was in his car when it rolled off the side of the road. He’s in critical condition and being transferred to the hospital. Dong-chan lets out his anger with some intense mixed feelings, calling Woo-jin a bastard.

After cooling off, Dong-chan climbs down into his hideout and finds Soo-hyun asleep and mumbling Saet-byul’s name. He positions himself to keep the sun out of her eyes and lets her sleep as he sits by her until morning.

When Soo-hyun wakes, Dong-chan goes out to get some food, and she checks the news on his phone. The president’s chief of staff is holding a press conference addressing why Soo-hyun’s threat at the reception was hidden from the public eye.

He explains that Soo-hyun was in a debilitated state of mind and did not inflict any harm, so publicizing the news was unnecessary. He presumes that she reacted to the capital punishment announcement negatively, thinking that her daughter would be put in further danger because of it.

Suddenly, everyone’s phones go off with an emergency alert that Saet-byul’s bloody shoe was found at a park. Soo-hyun sees the news from her phone and remembers the same sequence of events: the news of Saet-byul’s shoe being found was followed by the discovery of Saet-byul’s body.

Realizing that time is running out, Soo-hyun quickly climbs up the ladder but slips on one of the rungs. She lands on a basket with flowers, leaves, and string, used for dyeing fingernails the old-fashioned way with flower petals. Another connection. When Saet-byul’s body was found, Soo-hyun saw her fingernails stained, which means she was here.

Soo-hyun thinks back to Grandma (Dong-chan’s mother), who begged Soo-hyun to help her, saying that a mother would do anything to reclaim her child. Oh no, is it Grandma? It’s hard to believe, but the facts somehow make sense.

Dong-chan knocks obnoxiously on the door of the pharmacy, yelling at the owner to open up. Then he recognizes the owner as the bicyclist he almost ran over when he was last in Moojin.

The owner recognizes him right away as the photo studio’s younger son, giving Dong-chan a nice whack on the head for almost running him over. Dong-chan apologizes and asks if he’s okay. The owner says he’s fine and when Dong-chan asks for medicine, comments on how the small child must still be sick. What small child?

Meanwhile, Soo-hyun searches the hideout for more clues and finds a container with prescribed medication and drawings. Things are pointing in Grandma’s direction…

Dong-chan listens to this new information from the owner, who says that Grandma stopped by the pharmacy to pick up cold medicine for the child. He suspected that it could be meningitis (which caused Dong-ho’s mental illness), so he suggested she take the child to a hospital.

Dong-chan runs back to the hideout with the new lead, but Soo-hyun is gone. She seems to have put together the clues herself and left without him.

Cut to Grandma watching Ji-hoon making an announcement in front of reporters and cameras. He says that he understands Soo-hyun’s actions. The president’s approval of capital punishment was enough to make Soo-hyun fearful for their daughter’s life.

Ji-hoon notices Grandma in the back watching him and continues. He states that if Saet-byul does not come back alive, this will be the president’s fault. He will have to take responsibility.

The president watches Ji-hoon with his cabinet and asks for any updates on Soo-hyun’s whereabouts. His chief of staff assures him that they’ve set out a national search order, so she should be found soon. But the president orders the search to be dropped, realizing their weakened stance. Ji-hoon directly blamed him for Saet-byul’s kidnapping, and if they’re revealed to be searching for Soo-hyun, his administration is done.

Grandma returns home to find a mess. Soo-hyun comes at her and demands that she give Saet-byul back, threatening to kill her. Dong-chan suddenly enters the house and knocks Soo-hyun over. He shakes Grandma, asking her if she really kidnapped Saet-byul. She doesn’t give a straight answer, so Dong-chan assumes the worst and asks if she’s crazy.

At that, Grandma replies that she is crazy. Her son is about to be a victim of capital punishment, and there’s nothing a mother couldn’t do to save her child. She even goes to say that she could kill a person.

In disbelief, Dong-chan repeatedly asks for an answer. What did she do with Saet-byul? Soo-hyun gets back up and begs for an answer. Grandma falls to the ground and apologizes to Soo-hyun. She finally says that Saet-byul is no longer with her. But what does that mean?

Flashback to the night of the kidnapping. On the way to go meet Ji-hoon, Grandma runs into Saet-byul, who is out of breath but relieved to see Grandma. Saet-byul claims that she’s being chased by bad guys, and Mom told her to run away. Scared, she asks Grandma for help.

At that moment, nothing was more important to Grandma than Dong-ho. She hadn’t originally planned on taking Saet-byul, but this was an opportunity to save her son. She has Saet-byul call Ji-hoon, and Grandma tells him that he needs to help prove Dong-ho’s innocence to get Saet-byul back.

Ji-hoon agrees and asks for time to prepare the documents. Grandma takes Saet-byul to the hideout to wait for Ji-hoon’s call. She’s set on letting Saet-byul go as soon as she gets the documents, but she starts getting anxious.

We see that Grandma does flower-stain Saet-byul’s fingernails in the hideout, and Young-gyu starts to notice how strange the situation is. Soo-hyun is worried about Saet-byul, so when is Grandma going to take her back home? Grandma quickly shushes him, changing the subject.

Grandma notices Saet-byul coughing and breathing heavily as she sleeps, and gets scared that Saet-byul may have caught meningitis (like Dong-ho when he was younger). In the background, we see that Grandma fed Saet-byul acorn jelly, and we know that Saet-byul has a nut allergy.

Grandma calls Ji-hoon to tell him about Saet-byul, and he rushes over to give her medical attention. After injecting her allergy medication, he takes Saet-byul in his car. Just as he’s about to leave, Grandma begs for his help on Dong-ho’s case, but Ji-hoon refuses and threatens to report her for kidnapping Saet-byul.

Grandma apologizes and asks for help as Young-gyu jumps in the car, determined to protect Saet-byul. Ji-hoon tells Grandma to back off and drives off with Young-gyu in the car.

Back in the present, Grandma tells Dong-chan and Soo-hyun that both children are in Ji-hoon’s possession, but she has no idea where. With that information, Dong-chan and Soo-hyun head off in separate directions.

Now that he knows Saet-byul is safe with Ji-hoon, Dong-chan directs his focus on his brother and Tattoo Hand. He calls Byung-tae to hack into some surveillance video, but he’s on his way back up to Seoul from Moojin, so he doesn’t have access. He suggests that he ask his other private investigator friend.

Soo-hyun goes home and confronts Ji-hoon. She starts with a well-deserved slap and demands to know why he hid Saet-byul. Again, he says he did everything for Soo-hyun’s sake — Ji-hoon couldn’t reveal that he found Saet-byul when Soo-hyun had made national news threatening the president.

Ji-hoon left Saet-byul and Young-gyu with a trusted colleague, and he calls them to prove to Soo-hyun that Saet-byul is safe. And for once, Ji-hoon can be trusted, as Soo-hyun hears Saet-byul’s voice on the phone.

Ji-hoon leaves with Soo-hyun, telling the police in his house that he’s taking her to the hospital. But it’s not Woo-jin’s team anymore. It’s the corrupt team leader and his squad. The team leader walks into the bedroom and detaches a bug — he heard everything — and makes a call with information on Saet-byul’s location. Uh-oh.

On the drive, Ji-hoon confirms that Saet-byul’s shoe in the park was his doing and explains that the blood was from Saet-byul’s nosebleed. He needed to plant something convincing enough to release Soo-hyun from the national search order.

Saet-byul and Young-gyu are safely playing games with two of Ji-hoon’s colleagues, who are starting to get tired of accompanying the children. Young-gyu proposes that they play hide-and-seek since he used to play that game with his father all the time. I’m praying that these two are still safe and happy by the time Soo-hyun gets there.

Dong-chan finds his PI friend Seol-gu and convinces him to hack into some surveillance videos with quadruple pay for his services. He looks through the clips from the mental hospital and spots not only Tattoo Hand’s car but also Ji-hoon’s car.

He wonders how Ji-hoon wasn’t seen on any of the surveillance footage when they checked the mental hospital previously. Dong-chan concludes that Ji-hoon must have bribed the nurse at the hospital to delete the footage of him there.

They look through all the footage and spot Ji-hoon leaving with Soo-hyun’s clothes, and the jewelry evidence. Seol-gu recognizes Ji-hoon from taking pictures of his affair with Min-ah but also in a more recent photo: one with Brown Bear, aka cheating mob boss from the first episode. The wife came to Seol-gu for his services, and he happened to catch Brown Bear and Ji-hoon’s deal on camera: Ji-hoon left the jewelry evidence under his care. Fate does its job, and Dong-chan and Brown Bear meet again.

While hiding, Young-gyu has fallen asleep in the closet and Saet-byul waits to be found. Suddenly, the closet door opens, and Saet-byul’s face brightens. But it’s Tattoo Hand Hwang Kyung-soo, who kidnaps Saet-byul for real this time.

Soo-hyun and Ji-hoon run into the house looking for Saet-byul, but she’s nowhere to be found. Young-gyu walks down the stairs and says that Saet-byul is still hiding. Soo-hyun knows something is wrong and looks to Ji-hoon for answers.

She realizes that Ji-hoon’s justification for staging Saet-byul’s shoes doesn’t make sense. She wasn’t the target of a search in the original timeline, so his reasoning doesn’t apply. She demands to know why Ji-hoon is manipulating Saet-byul and why the president is going to such great lengths against him.

Ji-hoon denies that the president is involved and goes into a flashback. When he was a new prosecutor, he was assigned to the Moojin serial killings as his first case. After meeting with the suspect (Dong-ho), he felt that something was wrong.

He started to reinvestigate the case and discovered bits and pieces that didn’t fit together. But there was a clear confession and a witness, so there was nothing else he could do. The case was closed…

Until recently, when he discovered the jewelry evidence. Ji-hoon realized that the jewelry pieces in Cha Bong-seob’s possession matched the jewelry on the Moojin victims, so he threatened to use the evidence to reveal the truth.

Soo-hyun asks The Question: Who is the guy he threatened? And the big reveal: It’s Lee Myung-han, the president’s chief of staff, who is currently the top candidate to be the next Minister of Justice.

Ten years ago, he was the chief prosecutor on the Moojin case, and if the case resurfaces with problems, he could lose the coveted position awaiting him.

Soo-hyun doesn’t care about the politics and asks Ji-hoon why he would threaten such a man in power. Ji-hoon apologizes, saying didn’t know he would go so far as to target Soo-hyun and Saet-byul.

Ji-hoon gets a call from our man, who says he’ll exchange Saet-byul for the jewelry evidence. Soo-hyun freaks out because she’s still under the impression that Tattoo Hand took the evidence, but Ji-hoon reveals that he has it.

The realization hits and Soo-hyun looks at Ji-hoon accusingly: Saet-byul was kidnapped because Ji-hoon didn’t hand over the evidence. And in the original timeline, Saet-byul was eventually killed because Ji-hoon never gave it up.

Soo-hyun asks for the evidence, so Ji-hoon calls Brown Bear to bring over the items, but he’s lost them. Dong-chan has the jewelry in hand, ready to use the evidence to prove his brother’s innocence. In good spirits, Dong-chan calls Soo-hyun to meet up with her.

By the river, Dong-chan looks at Saet-byul’s hair clip and breathes a sigh of relief. Assuming that Saet-byul is safe, he throws the clip into the river, just like he threw her clip into the fish tank in our original timeline. Soo-hyun calls him from behind, and Dong-chan asks where Saet-byul is.

Soo-hyun cuts to the chase and asks Dong-chan to give her the jewelry. She needs it to save Saet-byul, so she begs Dong-chan to give it to her. But Dong-chan refuses: He needs it to save his brother.


Our dynamic duo has reached their breaking point, and boy, this conflict is real. It’s not a matter of who’s in the right because they both have a legitimate and compelling reason to use the evidence: family. I was afraid that the show was going to make these two turn on each other. After all the shipping of these two — romantically and just as time-traveling badass partners — it doesn’t seem fair to make their loved ones the two in the Fate prophecy. Please don’t tell me I’m right. We’ve seen both Soo-hyun and Dong-chan be stubborn and selfish, but I hope they’ve grown enough away from that to reach some sort of resolution or compromise. Or even better, I hope they’ve become smart enough to outmaneuver both the politics and Tattoo Hand.

Now to debrief on our goodies and baddies. We’re given another twist in making the president’s chief of staff the political figure behind the job. I can’t say that was unexpected, but again, anything at this point wouldn’t surprise me because everyone’s a suspect. I was ready for some intense makjang elements with the president as the political puppeteer, but I think the chief of staff being the one seems somewhat more realistic. He’s got his reputation to maintain if he wants to step up in power. I find it so backwards that he can’t do the decent human thing and acknowledge his past mistake if he wants to maintain his reputation. But morality and reputation don’t necessarily go hand in hand, and that’s one reason why the justice system is so twisted.

And in the middle of this justice fiasco is Ji-hoon, who is now finally on my good list. We see that all his shade was for good because his original intent was to right the wrong that he helped commit in the Moojin case. I’m not excusing his indecency as a human being (he still cheated), but his motives for protecting Soo-hyun and Saet-byul make sense. He’s a lawyer to the bone, and he acted according to what he believed in, which I find (I can’t believe I’m saying this) somewhat admirable. At least he’s out of the shade now, and let’s hope it stays that way.

Woo-jin is also back on my good list, but I’ve got mixed feelings about this guy. If he knew the identity of this guy and was ready to throw his police career away to do the right thing, why didn’t he do more? He did leave Dong-chan with the truth about Young-gyu’s shooting and sacrificed himself to save our duo, but his character did little to advance the investigation when he had such potential to. Hopefully he recovers and comes back to play his role.

We’ve still got some missing pieces about the real connection with Hwang Kyung-soo, the Moojin killer, and Saet-byul’s kidnapping, but as of now, we seem to have enough to be in the game. It seems that Soo-hyun and Dong-chan are caught up, but now they have a greater issue at hand — the evidence. Three days remain and we have two lives to save. Let’s hope our final week delivers.


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so if the dad had sat byul who called in the station??? O.o


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The tattoo hand, Kyung Soo. In the original timeline he really had Sae Byul. In the 2nd timeline he called and pretended to have kidnapped Sae Byul and used her recorded voice.


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This was my thought exactly! If SB was with grandma who called? And why in the second timeline, during the broadcast, did JH answer the phone on the air with the same anguish that SH had the first time around if he knew where she was?

Very confusing.


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When JH answered the call during the broadcast, he didn't know that SB was save with YG's grandma. Grandma only get to see SB later at the night, after SB managed to get home. The broadcast was right away after JH thought SB has gone to her nanny.

In the original timeline I think SB was really kidnapped from the moment MA left her and the voice in the broadcast that SH heard was really SB's voice (not recorded as in 2nd timeline), and it was not grandma who kidnapped her. Things happen differently in these 2 timelines, but still lead to same result in the end, as in SB get kidnapped by the real kidnapper in the 2nd timeline too, just that it was later than in the original timeline where SB was kidnapped right away since beginning by him.


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but when SB was found she had those red marks on her fingers and YGs slippers had that tape so she was kidnapped by grandma in first time line


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I am bugged about the slippers, since both when YG confronted the kidnapper and was taken to the station, he had the green sneakers on. So at what time did he switch them? The taped slippers come after his statement, since he mentions seeing SH being desperate and granny brushes those concerns off.

As far as the call in the first timeline, I am stumped, because at no point does she cry like that for Min-ah (WHERE IS THIS WOMAN?) to be able to record it and she cries like minutes after being kidnapped, which is too early to induce such a distress on her and get that reaction. Because of her fingernails, we know that she was with grandma at some point in both timelines. The Snake van was also there in both timelines and she got in it, although the first time she wasn't aware of the danger, while the second time she was. She also got that Angel Foundation bracelet which they later found, alongside the puzzle piece. Which reminds me...if his father only planted the bloody shoe and her bag, at what moment did she manage to get that Angel thingy, if she hadn't met Wrist yet or anyone from that Foundation??

Regarding the diary, in the first timeline she was also supposed to have the picture with the guys and SJ there, but SH got it this time before the lock got broken. SB must have hid all the pictures she received from the ajusshi somewhere in her room and the camera mounted there will probably reveal where they are, so that SH can see the 3rd pic she missed.

The missing diary page - I wonder if that's related to the concert she attended of Snake in the first timeline, when she goes there without the permission of SH and meets up with YG, also losing her phone in some water, while this time, her parents get there in time and bring her home, causing her to miss the performance. As a replacement, she attended his rain concert in this timeline, which missed from the first one, so something similar might have happened during the two concerts, only in different timelines. Probably she and YG went to Strawberry's house on both occasions, but we didn't see the first one. We know that Wrist and Strawberry know each other and Strawberry was ready to tell SH and DC useful information. Not to mention that Strawberry also has his house full of CCTV - Wrist might have checked them to find something that bothered him.


if you watched today's episode it clearly shows that JH only knew about grandma having kidnapped SB only later that night, when the killer called the broadcast station SB was either still in the Snake's van or in the taxi, she hadn't met grandma yet, so when JH answered the call he didn't know where SB was.


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it was the tattoo hand that called the station, even though he didn't have SB with him he surely knew SB was not with her parents either, he was at the scene when SB ran away so he knew she disappeared somewhere, he might have used that disappearance in his favour by bluffing the broadcast station and JH to believe SB was kidnapped by him, he also clearly knew where SB would go i.e; her home and chased her there too but luckily YG distracted him and SB got away and met grandma, he must have thought he fucked up but may have been surprised to find later in the news that SB was still missing...


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I hope my comment only comes out once I posted something like this a few minutes ago...

Anyway what I wanted to say was that I get all the stuff with the voice but what about SB going home???

First Timeline: SH found SB's Box open and her diary upside down. Does that mean she went home the first time too?

Second Timeline: Knowing about the first timeline SH finds what SB wrote....but why wasn't anything in that box? Because SB still did not went to the Photographer to get the Photos....which SH eventually did? I guess it was like that...

...but then this could be a reason WHY SB was kidnapped in the first timeline...right? ....RIGHT???


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SB does went to the photographer. She met him on his way home, and the photographer gave her the photos. Based on her journal : she has the photos, but she didn't know what kind of photos they are and wanna ask Soo-hyun about that.

Since Soo-hyun didn't get the 3rd photo, she rushed after look at 1st and 2nd photo, it seems she didn't know the 3rd photo ever exists.

The key is Saet-byul, she has the 3rd photo.


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You are right maknaee SB did go to the photographer in the second timeline. I forgot I'm sorry.

But that does not answer my initial confusion about the first timeline.

Because the diary and the box only make sense in the second timeline. They don't seem to make sense in the first one because we know that SB should have been kidnapped at that time and if that's true when would she have had the chance to write down something.....

ONLY if in the first timeline SB also went home then what happened with her box and diary could have happened....RIGHT???

Or not? I'm confused. This drama makes my head spin.


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Sooo intense, this week's episode. I can't believe this drama will be ending next week! I'm going to miss it!


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I was watching this episode with my little brother while we were eating our dinner (Monday and Tuesdays are our little hangout days while watching God's Gift) and I remember when we watched Woo-jin's scene with the slow motion fighting and the powering music, I set my plate back down on my table with the saddest facial expression like goodbye friends i am done this is it this is where i am stopping this drama (not really, LOL). It reminded me of the prosecutor's death in City Hunter and I was just like NO, NOT AGAIN. NOT. AGAIN.

But really, I do agree that I hope Woo-jin is still alive just so he can help out Soohyun and Dongchan with the case. (also bc woojin is my bae and he can't die bc i will write 1000 strongly worded letters to the president and the drama writers)


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YES soooo many City Hunter feels....

Actually this is awful but I predicted his death as soon as we found out he was the m


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ole (sorry, iPhone, clicked the wrong spot).

His character has tragic redemption written all over it.


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"His character has tragic redemption written all over it."

and that's exactly why i trust the writers to not go in that direction, because they've been so good at subverting cliches so far. (or at least, surprising us at every turn...)


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I hope so too!


Yes! That scene reminded me to the prosecutor's death in City Hunter and that's why I stopped watching for a while ._.


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Thanks for the recap dramallama!

One part I'm confused about: in the current timeline, it seems like Ji-hoon kick-started all the government cover-up conspiracy when he found the jewelry that Cha Bong-seob had. But in the original timeline, Cha Bong-seob was never suspected of the serial killings in the first place, so Ji-hoon couldn't have gotten the jewelery then. Is Ji-hoon lying (would not be surprised), or did the timeline change but the results end up being the same, or it's just a plot hole?


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I'm confused about this too. I'm also confused cause Ji Hoon seemed shocked to find out who kidnapped Saet Byul, remember he saw a picture in like the first episode and drove off saying he knew who kidnapped her. Why would he be surprised if he already knew?


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Was thinking the same thing! And if Ji Hoon didn't drop the shoes to take the heat off SH, why did he?


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That's why SH asked him again what was his initial motive of dropping SB's shoes and belongings because she was not a suspect in the first timeline and I think he initially did it to re-investigate Mujin's case or maybe to delay the capital punishment


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I'm still hoping that we will get answers in the final stretch. I also have some questions about the previous timeline. For instance, how did the kidnapper manage to use SB's voice in that timeline?


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She was actually kidnapped that time I think.


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But the evidences left in that original timeline seems to be consistent with what is happening in the current timeline, which suggests that she followed the same trajectory. I dunno, but I do hope we'll get answers about what actually happened in the original timeline as well later... Or am I hoping too much?


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she indeed was kidnapped in the first timeline because the CCTV footage in the first timeline shows her happily running towards the nanny thus getting kidnapped but in the second timeline the nanny warns her and she hides in Snakes van.

They never explain the nanny thing though. Because Tattoo clearly threatened the nanny somehow, how are they connected?

Also now that we know Tattoo is Kyung Soo I am confused about his personality - he basically first killed SJ, then his own kid was killed but the killer got away and he's all revengy agains Ji hoon? why is he so for capital punishment though since his child's killer had gotten away, how did he end up on the list of people to be hanged.


@latteholic - I believe SB was kidnapped right away by Kyung Soo in the first timeline. She may have managed to get away somehow from the kidnapper. We didn't get to see how she did that though. She came across Snake's van, photo shop ahjusshi, Grandma, YG, and JH before she was caught once again by Kyung Soo. She was in the shed in the first timeline. There were signs that she was comfortable there; so, maybe that's where JH kept her safe. Either KS or some other guy found her there, she tried to run away, and drowned/was killed.

@dramalover - KS's child's murderer is in jail. He didn't get capital punishment which is what KS and his wife wanted. JH saved the culprit from execution; so, KS has a revenge against JH. If death penalty is reinstated, then the murderer of his child will die (KS can probably influence the list because he works for the bad guy).


@Lin_K thanks so much that actually makes sense. I thought they were mad at JH because he let him off (like how he freed CBS).


Another question.

First Timeline: So the point of The Chief kidnapping SB was to get the public upset which would result in getting Dong Chans bro killed by getting the capital punishment thing going so he could hide his past of being a shitty lawyer.

Second Timeline: But now it looks like The Chief kidnapped Saet Byul to get the rings from JH to cover his past and proceed to still get Dong Chans bro killed .

So why did he kidnap SB in the first timeline? Why her? Was JH threatning him in the first timeline? Thats what SH thinks so far... But it dosen't look that way since he seemed surprised to find out who kidnapped SB in the first timeline ( the last scene where hes driving and calls SH before she attempts suicide)


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It was explained in a previous episode that the recording was exactly the same as what SB said (tone of voice, etc.) when Min-ah was holding her hostage. The kidnapper may have still been in the house when SH and MA were wrestling with each other.


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yes, that's what happened in current timeline, but how about in the previous timeline. There was no conflict between MA and SH, and I don't recall any scene where SB might have her voice recorded (in the previous timeline)... assuming she's not kidnapped immediately then.. I just feel that everything else in that previous timeline is consistent with the current timeline, except for Saet Byul's voice.
I hope it will be answered next week.


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I think Min Ah recorded SB's voice while she was trying to kill SB, and gave it to the real kidnapper (Remember when SB wanted to pee)


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i was wondering about that too. im thinking that it's prob that the timeline changed but the results ended up the same. maybe he found some other evidence in the original timeline or got his hands on the jewellery some other way?


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I'm similarly confused about this. Even in the second timeline, I had the feeling that Jihoon was being threatened before he found the rings from the Mujin case. He had been photographed and followed before that. I don't know.


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Like someone mentioned below, CBS could have given the evidence to JH. CBS was trying to escape to Philippines and was killed on the day of his flight. That means he was a threat to someone; and that someone knew he was giving the evidence to JH. Then KS might have kidnapped SB to get the evidence (for his boss probably) and to get the death penalty reinstated (for his own personal revenge).


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Wow i gues that what was meant by one for the other....oh no this is just terrible :(


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Oh no...our dynamic duo is being threatened.


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They're going to figure something out. They have to. Plus, who really believes that he's just going to hand over Saet-Byul just like that, willy nilly, as soon as he gets the jewelry evidence? Not me.


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This is a bit random but it's been bugging me for a while - what was going on with the scene where Soohyun and DC break into the Moojin shack, only to find it empty, paralleled with Saet-byul in another shack, hearing the door open and calling Omma! but the look on her face changing to one of terror? (Episode 12)

If Saet-byul was with Grandma then why would she look terrified?


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Same here. I was wondering if Saet-Byul's part was being shown from the original timeline, or if it was being shown from afterwards, once she gets kidnapped by the person who takes her at the end of this episode.

Anyone else have any ideas?


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Most likely the orginal timeline or maybe its going to happen soon like you suggested. I think it was the directors way of tugging at the viewers hearts.


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I was thinking about that too. I need to go back to episode 2 to check, but I think SB's drawings on the shack were almost the same with the drawings on the paper that YG turned into a ddakji. I was wondering whether in original timeline, SB was brought into the shack by grandma not into the hideout and the scene where she was taken by the kidnapper in the current timeline mirrors that scene where she saw the shack's door opened -- but this is just wild speculation..


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1) You’d think that since the chief of staff looked SOOOO suspicious from the beginning that it wouldn’t be him, too obvious right?!? The irony of murdering people so that you can be the Minister of JUSTICE!

2) Totally swooned at the fact that DC stayed up all night to watch over SH and when the sun came up, he moved so as to block the sun hitting her face so she can sleep! Awwww! Too bad SH barely took note of this sweet gesture (as she does to most of his acts of LOVE)!

3) I really hope WJ does not die!

4) Fate really is a bitch! “For one to live the other must die”! Is this referring to DH and SB? That last scene though! I understand where they are both coming from! For SH, her first impulse is that she needs to protect her daughter, and just because she knows that DC went through a lot, it's not like she's going to sacrifice her daughter for him. No mother would do such as thing! However, I totally agree that she needs to calm down and think through what she is asking of DC, what he would have to give up for her (in addition to all the other stuff he's done for her) and that it's unfair for her to ask this of him! But of course I am more sympathetic towards our DC! He's been through hell and back, and after living a life of pain and guilt, he can finally do something to fix this mess! As he said, he believes that everything is his fault, what happened to his brother, so it's his responsibility to save him! DC really has had no one who truly cared or stood by his side during these past 10 years and even with SH, he was always the protector, keeping his hardships inside so that he can be strong for her! Really though, this predicament is totally harsher on DC since he loves his brother and he also loves SB and has a connection with her, unlike SH who loves SB but really doesn't have a connection with DH! Both of them will just have to find a way to work together and save both DH and SB! There was a reason both DC and SH were sent back and it was to save the BOTH of them, not just one! That would be way too cruel after all they went through!


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So the chief is the one behind the kidnapping of Saet Byul for his own selfish reasons... but who is the actual killer of Dong Chans girlfriend? They found the ring with Cha Bong Seob which means he was the killer of Dong Chans girlfriend? Am I understanding this correctly.


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No Cha Bong Sup wasn't Soo jung's killer. Remember there were two other murders in the city before Soo Jung's death? That's why they had added the new CCTV's. And then that night when Dong Chan went back to the shack, Soo Jung died.

The previous two murders were done by Cha Bong Sup, who still had his reasoning of killing-mothers-who'd-abandoned- their-children even ten years ago. Soo Jung wasn't a mother and had no reason to be killed by Cha Bong Sup. Plus, the method she was killed by is different from Cha Bong Sup's method.

Lol, anyways, I'm getting more confused as I explain though..is Saet Byul's kidnapper/murderer the same as Soo Jung's murderer? Because I doubt the candidate for the minister of justice would have killed her....he wouldn't got that far right?

I think the show still has surprises left for us in these last two episodes.


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Lol I am so confused too. Then why did he have the rings that belong to Soo Jung?


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Hi Sue,

CBS didn't have the rings that belonged to SJ, they belonged to the other two murder victims of the Mujin serial killer case! That's why HJH wanted to use them to open up DH's case again since that would prove that DH wasn't the murderer, for those two girls at least! And Skyofblue explained it well that SJ was not murdered by CBS, everything about her death was different than the other two. I also don't think SJ was killed by tattoo hand or the chief of staff. So that leaves the question of who did! Still a mystery! We need that third photo SH left behind!


That ring belonged to one of the first two victims not to Soo Jung.


Hey I don't think the rings belong to Soo Jung. They belong to the other victim! Rmb the initials on the ring? So I think it makes sense that he has them because he was the killer of those other women.


Thanks for answering my questions guys!

Makes a lot more sense.

So CBH was behind the murder cases of the two other women of the Mujin case but not SJ, got it.


Oh and Saet Byul wasnt murdered they said the cause of her death was drowning from tying to escape. So I think the cheif is behind the kidnapping but wasnt going to murder Saet Byul.


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Okay so I have this down. If you go on wikipedia for Gods Gift 14 Days, it actually tells you things in advance, from episode 3 I've known things were going to happen (cheating I know). But they don't give all the info. I screenshotted a pic of the guy attacker in one of the first few episodes and it looks exactly like chief of staff to me.

it's says on wiki: "Lee Soo-jung:
Dong-chan's girlfriend who was also killed by Saet-byul's killer."

proof it's the same guy.

Here's the screenshot I took on April 5th:

if it image doesn't work search #kmushbeauty in tags on tumblr.

I am not sure why Soo jung died but I did notice that Lee soo jung and lee myeong han have both "Lee" as their last names? coincidence? maybe i dunno, maybe it's just a common last name but it's the only thing I can link them together with. I thought maybe she was his daughter or something and she's standing in his way, i have no idea, I am about ready for any explanation at this point.


Someone could be trolling there on Wikipedia. I remember the time where it was written that Woo Jin is Saet Byul's killer as well. At this point we still don't know if SJ's murderer is the same guy who (will) murder SB, or even whether SB was indeed murdered or accidentally drowned. Just like Sue said, police investigation suggested that she drowned while escaping the kidnapper.
And the guy in mask looks like Cha Bong Sup (the first serial killer)


Don't worry, they are both in a dilemma now but I'm sure they will eventually calm down and be rational about their next plan. The thing is DH can only be saved with the evidence while there's still a chance from them to track down SB before she is killed. I think they probably won't give up the evidence so easily, playing into the hands of the villains. I firmly believe that SH will make the right choice and they both can change fate together. Go dynamic duo!


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Funny because I think that I hate Ji Hoo more than before. He could just take saet byul home, but no, let's play with the president a little. And Woo Jin? Everyone forgot about everything that he did? He made DC spend 10 years of his life thinking that he did that to his nephew, plus he was a corrupt cop, and a lot of things that he did, put saet byul where she is now. I know that he's not an evil person, but just because he sacrificed his life doesn't erase the other stuff. And Ji Hoo? Abusive husband, he beat Min Ah, he put our Soo Hyun in a hospital just because he wanted the jewelry and the wrist guy said that if he didn't give the jewelry he would have hurt his family.


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i think young-gyu's hostage incident was four years ago. dong-chan definitely set up his investigative agency 4 years ago, and once when i tried to make a rough timeline of when certain events took place, i think the hostage incident was four years ago. that's still a long time, but not ten years :)


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Oh sorry =[ It's because I thought was near the murder, but I still think the same way.


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At first I was like "KISS HIM ALREADY!" but now I see that Captain Awesome and Lady Awesome has reached the breaking point. So who will it be, Dong Ho or Saet Byul?


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This drama should be named as "Betrayal, betrayal, who dunnit?". . . . And Woo Jin. . . . That was plain sad for me, even though he was evil for like five episodes. Yep, deep City Hunter feels and I cried bucketfuls at the prosecutor's death coz I loved him so much! But Woo Jin. . . . That was just sad. My saddest moment was the ending. Whew! What a way to end the week?!


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This drama deserves an award. . . . . So, my perfect ending would be Saet Byul safe and happy with her awesome mum, Soo Hyun and mum's new boyfriend, Dong Chan. Also please commit Ji Hoon to a mental facility, he's annoying me to the utmost. Dethrone the president, kill the kidnapper/killer, get Young Gyu to be Saet Byul's Best Friend Forever (I didn't say boyfriend coz its kinda weird with Baro being my age) and Woo Jin revived. Please, Drama Gods, happy ending to all of us?


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It's finally here... Been refreshing like crazy. Thanks dramallama!!


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As much as I cannot stand the Chief of Staff, Lee Myung Han's face, I think he is not the only villain. Granted he tried to cover up Soo Jung's murder or rather how he handled it as the chief prosecutor then but Ji Hoon only threatened him after he found the jewelry in Cha Bong Seob's possession which is recent. So questions remains-
1) Who murdered Soo Jung and made it looked like Dong Chan was the murderer?
2) Who caused the death of Jae Min if it wasn't accidental?

I think Lee is the red herring. His case is kind of like Woo Jin's. To cover up his mistake and make sure his rise to become Minister of Justice is unhindered, he probably made a pact with the devil.

Who do we have left? Everyone has been suspected except? I wonder why did they have to show the President's son being injured by the broken vase shards? Is something significant going to come out of it?

From ep 13, I think Chairman Chu is the good guy and has been investigating the case all these years. The 3 men, Tae Ho's brother, Chu's son and Mayor's son had a big part to play in the murder of Soo Jung. One said it was a great sin, another went mad and the third committed suicide. I suspect Tae Ho's brother felt so guilty that he might have decided to reveal the truth but got killed before he could do so. His death was masked as an accident and only recently did Chairman Chu found out the truth. Although the truth might muddy their names, at least they did not die in vain or in the case of Jin Woo, live in fear.


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i agree, i don't think the president's aide (or whatever he is), lee myung-han, is our baddie. well, not our ULTIMATE baddie anyway. the way this show has been going, i don't think we'll even know for sure until we enter the final episode next tuesday (CAN'T. WAIT.)

i'm not even going to try and stay ahead of this show, because everything i try to think of just seems too obvious, like the president's son being the real bad guy behind all of this. or even the president—though the president seemingly not being a bad guy may be a red herring in itself?

i've never looked forward to mondays more.


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Joo Jin Mo, the actor who plays Lee Myung Han, left such an impression on me from his Villain role in Hero that I thought something was up with him the minute he appeared on screen.

And now he's in Witch's Romance as the eccentric manager??


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Hey guys did anyone find it suspicious that when the President's son tackled SooHyun and got hurt, blood was shown seeping through the shirt AT HIS ABDOMEN? Like why there of of all places? Do you think that there is connection with the guy who SooHyun stabbed with a pen that night in the rain?


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I find it weird that there was even blood in the first place given how Soo Hyun was holding a BANANA and not a KNIFE.... And there was also no evidence of a gunshot or scruffle during that blackout (guess the writers will explain this)

But to reply, I highly doubt the president's son was the person Soo Hyun stabbed in like ep 4...Cha Bong Sub also had blood from his abdomen.


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He fell on the broken vase, and got injured by that


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I did not get that either - apparently he was injured by... THE BANANA?? That scene does not make sense, and I re-ran it 4x in slow motion.


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when he tried to take SH down, they both hit the vase behind them and it was shattered on the floor. Yes, we didn't get to see whether he got stabbed by anything, but I guess broken vase is more likely to injure him rather than banana.. :D


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The writing in this show amused me. It can be sloppy and yet smart at the same time, i.e. Dong Chan manage to effortlessly infiltrate Blue House and turn off the lights, how did he do that? But then that glow in the dark spots JW drew on SH's shoes was pretty clever. Is it the editing? I feel like the scenes are so jumbled at times and rushed now – still I enjoyed watching it (VERY MUCH). It has my heart and brain engaged every time ( and having DC in suit throughout the episode also helped!). With so much complexity woven into the plot, I think the most frustrating part of this is to truly understand everyone's actions, it requires a great deal of focus about the plot, the small hints the writer sprinkled throughout the show, and most characters' personalities and roles.

WJ - ack, sure I despised what he did to DC, but him coming clean in front of his dad and rescuing SH and DC at the cost of his life really punch me in the heart. Don't you dare die on me WJ! And also am I the only person who was afraid that something will happen to HG as well for a moment there?

Grandma is one of the characters that continues to completely taken me off guard. I thought I had her figured out but she continues to surprise me. Her stunt of hiding SB and keeping SH in the dark about SB's whereabout is not justifiable but she never meant to hurt her and when she had to choose between saving Saet-byul (the allergy attack) and proving DH's innocence, she finally caved in and chose to save Saet-byul. I think her action really parallels what SH did at the beginning of the episode, even though she's willing to use other child as a bargain tool to save her own, at the end she is still a mother and wouldn't do such a thing to another child. Amidst all the twists and turns, the show never loses sight of its main theme: parenthood and how far parents are willing to go when it comes to their children

HJH, is the other character I couldn't figure out. Somehow I can still see the logic in what he's doing. Has this show finally fried my brain and got my logic twisted? I don't know. But I thought that his plan was well thought-out, problem is he is keeping SH in the dark about it, and she spent her days running around looking for SB. Trust is really the major hurdle in their relationship.

And so it finally comes down to SB and DH. Gah! Just take my heart and stomp on it, will you show? How am I supposed to wait another week with that ending? I still fear one thing though, the hair pin. Almost everything else has been explained in this episode and previous ones, but since the writer is holding back on revealing the explanation about the hair pin until the final stretch, I fear that DC was really involved in SB's death. I hope the show won't go there :(


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Talk about the pin, this time he threw it into the river so how will it surface again? It's this dual timeline thing that confuses me. Sometimes I wonder if I missed out something or if the writer got it mixed up too? I can so imagine her wall to be filled with huge web or mind map of sorts.

I think we have not seen the full picture of DC's involvement both in the past and the present. The show keeps insinuating that his involvement is bigger than we think. Still hoping that he will be the biggest herring till the real murderer or murderers are revealed at the end.


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Now that you mentioned it, I just remember that he threw away the hair pin as well in episode 2 (that's how the hair pin was brought into our attention). We know he had the hair pin, but we never got the full picture of how it came to his possession. DC had blackout the night after SB's belongings (shoes, etc) were found and aired on news, which is the same time as where we are now at episode 14. So maybe it will be explained by episode 15. I really hope that the blackouts and the hair pin are only red herrings too. But honestly, I'm worried again now that HJH seems to know the gangster who was going to kill DC in the first timeline. What if the person he said he is going to kill (as he drove off in episode 2) is DC, and that's why the gang was after him (under the pretense that they'll get him for sleeping with the gangster boss's wife). This show better not go there...


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Oh no! Now that you said it, it seems like a possibility but only in the second timeline. DC wants to turn in the evidence and save his brother and right the wrong he committed to him. What if he kills SB so that SH doesn't have to turn over the evidence to the kidnapper? ..............................DC didn't know of the evidence in the first timeline. Even if he knew, there was no need to kill or harm SB to retrieve the evidence. And killing SB wouldn't have changed DH's fate. If anything, SB's death would have sealed DH's execution..................I'm sincerely hoping that the show doesn't make him the kidnapper. That would be the ultimate let down because so many viewers are rooting for DC's redemption and happiness.


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I refuse to believe that DC would kill SB in the second timeline. He is her knight anyway, if anything, he would probably sacrifice himself to save both SB and DH.
I'm worried about the first timeline, where did he go that night with the taxi after being beaten up? And I always dismissed this and think of it as a comedy relief, but why did DC sleep without his pants? Did he go near water that night and got his pants drench in water?
Argh, why do I need to use my brain so much for this? If only I used it this much for my own study...


I think it is not blue house. If I am not mistaken the dinner is conducted in some restaurant. However, I may be wrong because I have not religiously watch this drama yet due to time constraint.


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I think you might be right, it should be a restaurant. I just jumped into conclusion that it's the blue house because the announcement of presidential dinner was broadcasted from Blue House. Still the security is kinda suck for presidential dinner :D


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hi all! Thanks for the recap Dramallama. I've been waiting for this recap since forever.

I'm confused in so many ways.

Firstly, in Ep 12. Young-gyu help Saet-byul to escape from the mask man on the day of the kidnapping, am i right? So that is when Saet-Byul ran into Young-gyu's granny and granny "helped"her right? But Young-gyu didn't know because he was send to the police station and that is when Dong-chan and Soo-hyun came for him, and Soo-hyun hugged Young-gyu. Am i Right? So Young-gyu had no idea that Saet-byul followed granny until he meet them at the hideout right?

Secondly, how did Saet-byul's hairclip landed up in Dong-chan's jacket? Was it covered?

Thirdly, Was Ji-hoon's intention in both the timelines the same? Was he trying the re-open the murder case because there were new evidences?
But he didn't have the ring and ear ring in the first timeline right? So why was Saet-byul kidnapped?

I hope more questions will be answer in the final episodes because there seems to be new questions coming in each episode. And I really hope the that our dynamic duo will end up together. *fingers cross*


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Hi there.
I can only answer two of your queries...
1)yes you guessed everything correctly,that's the scenario which had happened there.

2)In this timeline,DC had picked up SB's hairpin from the road while the fish truck incident happened,as an evidence that the truck has passed from that area concluding the presence of SB and grandma in it...
While in the original timeline,DC had blacked out the night after he had a fight in the alley-and when he was fighting with the mob boss or something,the hairpin was present in his pocket.He still has no idea where the pin had came from in the original timeline as he still can't remember what he did that night.


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Thanks chhavi for your answers!

Which mean that Dong-chan found the clip from the ground and not in his pocket right?


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Yes in both timelines
In this timeline he picked it up from the ground and kept it in his pocket till this episode as to help him to remember the night when he blacked out in the original timeline.
In original timeline,he found it in his pocket.


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This episode seemed like it went a little above my head as I had never expected that the jewelery would play such an important role leading to SB's kidnapping by the chief minister of justice-really unexpected and a little okkaayy..
Halmoni really shocked me when I learned that she kidnapped SB first ,but I was a little relieved that she was just saving her son and also handed SB over to her dad as she had promised-so she had not intended harm to SB.
Thank God that finally JH is a nice guy from the start(except the cheating) but I still find the bloody shoe scene a little odd.And also was JH threatening the minister in the original timeline too?
Woo Jin please don't die,I am not ready for the same crying as I did over the prosecutor in city hunter.
I am totally praying that the finale week will give us all the right answers and no threads will be left hanging.
And I hope everyone stays alive including SH and DC--I can only hope as the show suggests otherwise.*fingers crossed*


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I don't know why but I'm still not satisfied with WJ's apology to DC, he just dodged DC by not confronting him directly and admit his wrongdoings, I totally understand DC's anger over him, because of WJ's actions he lost his job and lived his life full of guilt for the past 4 years, he definitely has the right to question WC face to face and vent his anger on him, I don't want WJ to die but I do want him to face DC like a man...


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Thank you so much for the recap!! You’re awesome! This will be a VERY LONG RAMBLING, don’t hate me please, but I really felt like letting my textual incontinence flow. This is the first episode that truly left me in a pool of tears. It was emotionally devastating and heartbreaking and when it wasn’t, it was surprising. Thank Goodness for DC being surprised by the banana, Woo-jin’s “nickname” on DC’s phone and Ho-gook’s “movie” – that made me giggle for a few seconds in what was otherwise a bleak episode.

I just have to start with Woo-jin. I have to. But if you’re too bored with my ramblings about him, just skip to 3) lol. Or if you are bored in general, skip everything :) . I’ve seen the episode on Tuesday live on stream as it aired (it was 4 PM here) and obviously since I only know like 15 words in Korean, I just understood what I saw and deduced the rest. The viewing came after I paid a visit at a doctor for a blood analysis which went awry, because my blood is stubborn and pretty much doesn’t want to leave my body (I barely have any visible veins) LOL and it was painful – couldn’t move my arm for hours and got an enormous bruise. And then I come home and see my original oppa Woo-jin spilling all the blood they couldn’t get out of me (even though his head wasn’t hit, but oh well :P ). Noooooooooo noooooooooooo noooooooooo, seriously just… nooo!! I felt and feared he was headed towards that route, because no one who dared to defy Hephaestus made it out alive or sane, but I was in pain (both physically and emotionally LOL), bawling my eyes out. What’s worse is that because I didn’t understand much, I was convinced he died – giving the file and telling DC he was sorry (I got that) sounded like a goodbye and him looking up to the cherry tree – that sold it for me. There was a certain dark poetry in motion about the whole scene – the white petals falling down like snow in a bloody battlefield – “purity” covering a death scene, as if it was letting us know that WJ had been redeemed. It was beautifully shot. I had like 0.65 % hopes he was still alive because I said to my friend who gave me a virtual shoulder pat that I will believe his death when I will see his dead body (which sounds like Telenovelas-induced paranoia LOL). Then I watched it again when the subtitles were ready and I felt a bit…well, stupid LOL. Now, I will probably cry for his death two times and I’m not even a frequent cry-baby. Them bastards messed with the wrong Team Leader. I hope his father, who was the Minister of Justice before Mr. Creepy McCreep, will use his influences to avenge him, because he was probably forced to resign for reasons other than his son’s confession.


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1) Ok, so we were talking about Woo-jin. Of all the oppas I could have possibly had, I picked the one who left me the most conflicted. I started out loving him for his professionalism and willingness to help SH, even going against his own rules. I liked the grumpy bromance between him and DC. I liked how he was a surrogate son for grandma, genuinely feeling sorry for what happened to YG. Then, we see him destroy evidences. I was starting to lose faith in him and regained it again when I realized he was just a puppet who still wanted to protect SH and stepped on his pride to assure her that she needs to stick to DC. I lost it completely when it turned out that it was him who shot YG – not for the shot itself, but for letting DC torture himself all these years with the guilt. He was always a good man at his core, but too coward to face consequences, especially if said consequences involved losing his job and honor – although, in the end, there might have been more at stake than that. He already felt guilt for shooting YG, but he doubled it down by putting the blame on DC. However, seeing just how far he was willing to go to protect SH and her daughter (God, he surely loves her) made me feel all conflicted again. Whenever he saw her, the first think he ALWAYS asked was if she was OK. And now that he went beyond words and actually did it and put his life on the line – that’s devotion right there and I applaud him for that. He was ready to have an honorable departure and while this might not be enough to fix the damage he caused DC all these years, in a way, he did go beyond a simple “I am sorry” apology, by sacrificing himself for their safety. For all the cowardness he had in him, that was worthy of a bravery medal. And as I was mourning him, turns out – like 6 hours later for me, that he is not dead (yet!), but in a critical condition. Yay, I guess LOL. I want to take whatever vitamins he and DC take, because these men have great endurance.

2) Because he is not dead yet (he wasn't in the original timeline either, but who knows what might happen), this gives me hope. He might be able to say everything he knows (he probably didn’t do it now because they were running out of time and he didn’t want to risk their lives even further by making them deal with a man of such power), solve his issues with DC – with or without his forgiveness (having one foot in the grave doesn’t really absolve you from all your sins) and probably tell them about a tracking device – if there is any. When he puts his arm on that bastard cop’s collar, it seemed like he was placing something like that, even though in appearance it looked like a last clinging. That bastard could join with Tattoo Hand at some point, so if it’s indeed a GPS, it will be very helpful. Anyhow, I doubt my poor WJ (OK, fine, I am reclaiming him for the 53446th time) will make it out alive from this series, but if he is not dead yet, it’s probably because he is not done helping.


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14) The mentally disabled ones are the noblest characters from this show. Dong-ho sacrifices himself thinking his brother killed SJ, while Young-gyu actually thinks about contacting SH, because he saw her so worried at the police station. Speaking about YG, when does he get the (now duct taped) slippers on, since both at the police station and in the alley, he had the green snickers on? Oh and nice job, JH, for not telling grandma about SB’s nut allergy. She could have been killed.

15) I still wonder if this is the real kidnap, because the other time, JH had no idea who was behind her killing until 49 days after her death, when he gets those pictures in his office and cue to DC on the verge of drowning. It also makes me feel uneasy that the scorned bear was actually aiding JH. Could it be that he asked him to give DC a beating in the first reality and the fact that he slept with his wife was a mere pretext? So SB will end up somewhere else again?? Although…when JH calls the guy, he talks to him for the first time, without interrupting the call, agreeing to the trade, which should be a proof that he now finally has SB in his hands, while the other times he was bluffing. Also, the hairpin thrown in the sea makes me wonder if DC will eventually recover it due to a sea tide of sorts. Oh Jesus Christ show, after the WJ ordeal, I don’t need this right now. Stop making me doubt my other oppa DC >.< !!

16) Wow, daebak, writer! So it’s the other way around. She wasn’t harmed when the belongings suggested a struggle and she quite possibly purposely drowned in what was deemed as an accident.

17) The private investigator helping DC went to a place changed into a shaman’s house? Just like SJ’s mother?? Hmmmm…

18) I feel less suspicious now about the president’s son, because he looked rather fable when SH is threatening them, but it’s not helping that he never says anything now. It’s the silent ones you need to look for. On the other hand, that woman making the phone call as Woo-jin arrives at the scene – she looked suspicious as hell.

Screencap: http://s1.postimg.org/il4avf8an/vlcsnap_2014_04_16_16h12m07s169.png

I bet she is the one who published that video, because she/they knew that the President would want to keep this under wraps, while the baddies needed a warrant for SH, to take her out of the game.


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3) Ho-gook probably knew it all along that it was the Team Leader who injured YG, since he was right next to him in what was his first operative, when that happened. I guess this is why he asked DC to punch him, because he too felt guilt for covering it up. But he’s so damn lovable as our nation’s protector, as he calls himself, caught in a bromance triangle with Woo-jin and Dong-chan and at the same time shipping Woo-jin and Dong-chan as well. An Se-Ha is doing a superb job with the character.

4) I loved the emotions displayed by DC when he finds out that he didn’t in fact shoot YG, because he goes from frustration and anger towards WJ (“That bastard!”) to redirecting those feelings towards those who did that to WJ (“Bastards!”). No matter how furious he was with WJ for hiding the truth, the moment he finds out he was involved in an accident, he lets it slip and displays the genuine preoccupation of a friend, asking if he is still alive.

5) Ohhhhhhh so it was a banana after all! Phewww, thank you, SH! I actually went back to see the scene and indeed, after grabbing the napkin, she takes an object which is further than the knife. Nice job, writer. Threatening the girl with a knife would have been the last straw, so she hasn’t quite lost her marbles. Also nice detail with the dots made by Yoo-jin – I thought they were meant to guide her through the darkness in the hospital, not here.

6) The award for meanest, baddest, biggest scumbag and piece of sh-t goes to SH’s stepdad. Apart from the killers, easily the most disgusting character on the show. He should rot in jail for being a wife-beater, among other things…It broke my heart to see SH finally finding out the truth from her own daughter. God, this episode was such a sob-fest for me.

7) I was right in a way to think that the caller never said he had SB and always hung up on people, because he didn’t. Yet. Missed the yet part. And WOW, kudos to those who said that the irritating granny played a part in SB’s kidnapping. I had some pieces of the puzzle and I was right thinking that SB was initially with someone who didn’t want to harm her (especially because of her pink nails), but I didn’t make the connection with granny, although I was aware of her cunning ways. Sunny and the others who called this from early on – daebak! So the real kidnapping isn’t a kidnapping per se, since she basically dies shortly after being taken. This would mean that Hephaestus is behind both SJ and SB’s deaths and at this point, the show is trying to convince us that there was always one mastermind – BUT I am not sure. Firstly, Yoo-jin definitely says that Hephaestus stabs SJ three times, but DC says it was established that there were 9 stabbings in fact. Now either they messed with the autopsy report, either two men did the job – the original killer stabbing her 3 times and a Dong-chan lookalike stabbing her 6 more times, in an attempt to frame him.


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Wooohooo!!! I was so ecstatic when I saw the part with granny in it. I couldn't help but point at the TV and say, "I totally called that!" lol



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19) OMGGGGGG the prophecy only one of the two can live – was it Dong-ho and Saet-byul all along?? Totally did not see this coming. But then it defies the purpose of DC going back, if he and SH were sent to save someone from their lives. I completely understand SH’s desperation when asking DC for the jewels, but I also find it selfish how she doesn’t think one bit about DC’s drama. This man never had anything in his life, he never knew what happiness was. Instead of telling him to hand him over those jewels, the episode should have ended with her realizing the prophecy was about them and asking DC “What are we going to do?”. Selfishness is the dominant trait among the mothers of this show (except SH’s mother herself) – while I understand her, I wish she would be more compassionate towards the man who saved her life numerous times so far. I have this fear that DC will turn himself in and confess to the murder, so that his brother can be released – this would also fulfill the possible desire to have DC framed. He might use that picture with the lookalike saying it was him, to get DH’s freedom. Of course, this would be the ultimate heartbreak; I would be crushed, so I hope I am the only one who thought about it. Wouldn’t the pictures be enough to prove that there was another person strangling SJ? Or that DH doesn’t belong in a jail for being mentally disabled? Rather than succumbing to Hephaestus’ demands, I really hope they will think of alternatives. My heart couldn’t handle it :( .


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8) Ok so gramps was a supporter of the president 10 years ago (really, everything relevant in this show happened 10 years ago). They founded together the Cheon Ho Foundation, which curiously enough, collapsed 5 years ago, right when Strawberry’s brother died. Since Kyung-soo was both on good terms with gramps and his son, he was probably some sort of a double agent, staying close to the president as well. The question is why. Gramps is also on the verge of dying. As for the death penalty, the president seems reluctant, the now Minister of Justice wants it (and he is directly tied to the original killings), Gramps doesn’t want it and Kyung-soo wants it as well. What we do know for certain is that Kyung-soo is definitely the one who takes SB with him.
Screencap: http://s15.postimg.org/p6lhye3uy/vlcsnap_2014_04_15_06h38m16s195.jpg

What a karma would it be if Creepy McCreep would actually die by his own law, being executed for the crimes he blamed someone else for. They won’t have enough space in jail to lock down the dozens of minions.

9) Swoooooooooon, when DC tenderly covers her with the blanket and watches her while she sleeps

10) The moment the press simultaneously receives those SMS, I was reminded of BBC’s Sherlock. I like how technology is used in this series and how poisonous the Internet and the press are portrayed, which is more accurate than I wish it was.

11) I love the shades of gray from all the characters – how the concepts of good and evil depend on who is doing them against whom. God’s Gift really should have been called The Story of a Mother, just like the book, because every mother in this show goes to great lengths to protect her child, to the point of becoming an anti-heroine. They all have the noble purpose of saving their children, but in doing so, there are collateral damages. It’s not just Soo-hyun who is hunting everybody down, but also grandma who takes SB to use her as a political pawn, Min-ah who desperately wants to keep her child and tries to avenge his death, Soo-hyun’s mother who abandons her just so she won’t be traumatized witnessing the beatings she gets from her husband. The show makes a case about how far a mother can go to protect what she loves the most, stopping in front of nothing.

12) I feel evil, but I had a slight chuckle when granny just lies there on the verge of fainting and DC is just like “Ok, thanks, bye!”.

13) Just because I understand granny, it doesn’t mean her actions are justifiable. It’s beyond cruel that she lied to SB about contacting her mother and that JH didn’t even think that SH was on the verge of being killed for frantically looking for her daughter. Using a child as a political pawn is low enough, but keeping SH in the dark about all this is an abomination. I only wish SB would have called her mother first.


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Somebody do correct me if i'm wrong...

Cha Bong Su has been keeping the jewelleries (belongings of the victims) all this time till the point that Soo Hyun and Dong Chan found it in his home...

Does that mean that he is the killer for the first 2 murders that happened 10yrs ago?


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Yes – Dongchan and Soohyun discovered this fact in Episode 13. Both victims were also mothers who abandoned their children.


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OMG I WAS RIGHT!!!! FROM THE VERY FIRST EP, FROM THE VERY FRIST TIME THEY SHOWED LEE MYUNG HAN, I HAD SUSPECTED HIM EVEN THOUGH I DIDNT KNOW THE HOW OR THE WHY. IT WAS JUST AN INTUITION. You see guys, if he had been a good guy then he would have looked something like the Grandpa or the President or Dong Chan, etc etc. XD! That being said, let's move on to my rant.

1) I don't think there is a "the bad guy" here. My theory: someone relevant, like say, the President's son or someone like that, killed Soo Jung. & Lee Myung Han took on the case & covered it up. In came Bastard Husband (Ji-Hoon) & wanted to reopen the came. If the truth came out, not only will the conspiracy be revealed but also his position will be gone. So he threatened him with family. Now if you remember, in the original timeline Saet Byul drowned by accident. She wasn't killed. She died while trying to run away. So I don't think Myung Han wants to kill her. I don't think they would hurt innocent people. Not unless they have been driven to a corner with no other way out. But this theory has a lot of holes too because.....

2) of the original timeline. If all this happened because Ji Hoon threatened Myung Han, then how did he do it in the original timeline when Cha Bong Seop hadn't been suspected & hence he didn't have the ring? So why was Saet Byul kidnapped originally? Also Saet Byul had the flower stains on her fingers in the original timeline. Which means she was with Grandma. But she was only able to meet Grandma because she ran from Kyung Soo. In the original timeline she hadn't. So how. Also the Saet Byul shoe thing. Also if Ji Hoon was being blackmailed in the original timeline, the moment Saet Byul died, wouldn't he have known who had killed her? & yet he only came to the realisation after he saw some photos.

3) I don't believe Ji Hoon even for a second. No I don't think he killed Saet Byul. He is her dad after all. But he definitely hasn't told the truth yet. We all know what a skillful liar he is. Like the Minah cheating thing. Then how effortlessly he lied to Soo Hyun saying Dong Chan was the one threatening him. He did not even blink. If I hadn't already known the truth, I would have believed him. & how hard was it to bring Saet Byul back home? His excuse was fucking lame. Also it bugged me how he did the press conference & put the blame on President. I do not believe his excuse of doing it for Soo Hyun. This was the guy who put her in a mental hospital. This was the guy who blamed her when Saet Byul died when he was the one cheating & involved in it. That was cruel to do to a mother who just lost her child. This was the guy who nullified her statement supporting Dong Chan by showing the police her report from the mental hospital. I doubt it was so that they won't get suspicious of her. That report doesn't matter one whit if you are a suspect. No what he wanted was for Dong Chan to not be released & stay as...


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No what he wanted was for Dong Chan to not be released & stay as a suspect. Which makes me think.....

4) Is Ji Hoon involved in a conspiracy against the President? & it went a little wrong with Saet Byul? I don't know what episode it was but you guys remember there was a scene where Ji Hoon was in a car in the passenger seat & in the driver's seat was a man completely in the dark & Ji Hoon told the guy "get it over by next week. I cant take this for long"?

5) NOOOOOOO Dong Chan against Soo Hyun!! Is this what the psychic woman meant when she said "only one of the two will survive"? I was slightly disappointed in Soo Hyun when she asked for the ring, not thinking about what Dong Chan & Dong Ho & their family had to go through. Not thinking about everything Dong Chan did to help her when he didn't have to. & finally when Dong Chan wants to do something for himself, there she is, taking his hope away. I know her daughter is in danger. I get it. But it's not like she teleported to where Dong Chan was in one second. The ride from that house to Dong Chan should have given her enough time to think. But there is one thing I noticed. When she asked him for the ring she wasn't behaving like she normally does in such a situation. Anyone else & she would have grabbed them, kicked & screamed, etc etc like a crazed woman. But her voice was low. Showing indecision. Showing plea. Like she was sorry. Anyways maybe the crazy woman was just late in coming &I will be shown in the next ep XD But I feel way more sorry for Dong Chan. Because I know if push came to shove, Dong Chan would give the ring up for Saet Byul. Cause the problem here is Soo Hyun. She has tunnel vision. Dong Chan would try to plead with her. He would try to make her help him in finding a way to save Saet Byul AND his brother. But if she still did not budge...TT_TT

6) Is the ending going to be like that book? Where the mother let's the child go? It's all well & good as a story but here.......who knows.


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I have a feeling that out Dong chan will die


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how far is mujin from seoul?


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Not sure. Maybe an hour distance? Almost everyone can go back and forth there now really fast. But you can reach it with bus (as what SH did in the second episode)


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Thank you. Just wonder the mom go back and forth frequently on bad leg. and yet sometimes DC and SH set off during day and arrive at night.


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There is something fishy with JH. Why threatening the Chief of Staff in the first place? I really don´t get it.
He had the old file case und the jewelery evidence days befor the kidnapping. He is a well-known laywer, why not got directly to the general prosecutor office?

JH was maybe threatend with his affair. But SH knows really fast the truth.
His version don´t fit with timeline 1 and 2.

JH is a liar. Always tell the half-truth. Jerk.


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Thank you for the recap, dramallama. I'm glad I'm not the only one who looks at Jihoon more favorably. He does things in a strange (and shady) manner, but it can not be denied that he cares about his family. Many of the commentators on Viki were quick to call him names and criticize his character.

When Dongchan's mother kidnapped Saetbyul, for instance, I do not think that Jihoon just sat there and did nothing. When he appeared to give Saetbyul an injection and take her home, viewers on Viki seemed to assume that he knew his daughter's location all along but did nothing. It could be that he later learned of the location because the Dongchan's mother eventually told him. If he did somehow know the location, could it be that he might have thought that his daughter would be safer there, away from the hands of Big Bad's minion? The latter scenario might not be true, but I'm just trying to say that Jihoon's actions are not motivated by evil or a lack of concern.

The whole story with Soojung's murder still doesn't make sense. For some reason, I do not think that Tattoo killed her. We never fully saw the last of the three photos Dongho took all those years ago. That photo was supposed to reveal the face of the killer. If it was Tattoo man, wouldn't there have been a shot of the developed photo showing his face? I think we haven't seen that photo for a reason.


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This is why multiple timeline/time travel stories are so hard to write ... the plot holes just get bigger and bigger ... but ... I have to commend the writers for trying to keep things together as much as possible.

At this point, one just has to throw the original timeline out the window because, let's face it ... DC and SH have already done much to change the current timeline that the previous is no longer relevant in the entire scheme of things.


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1. So the president's bodyguard/tattoo hand/that chauffeur for someone or the other killed SJ and kidnapped SB? Why did he kill SJ? And am I right in saying he wants to kidnap SB in order to put forward the death penalty? Is he in cahoots with Lee Myung Han?
2. If he really is working with Lee Myung Han, then LMH ordered SB dead? Seems a bit too complex a plan and a risk just to cover up his past mistake.

I am so confused with what happened in the original timeline. If in the original timeline, SB had been kidnapped at the time of the phone call, how did she have the time to paint nails with grandma? How did JH manage to get her bag and plant it somewhere to make it look like SB had been running away?


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Love it. Although I need a pill for my headache trying to figure things out.

Most importantly, DC is hot. If Dynamic Mummy doesn't want him, I do.


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And ok. What happened to the psychic? SJ's mum?


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Can someone tell me if how many episodes are left plz .. manh thanx


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This show has 16 episodes, so 2 episodes to go.


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Thank you sooo much
For some reason I thought it had 24 eps...
Anywho thanx :)


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For one to live, the other has to die. Now we know that these two people are Saet Byul and Ki Dong-ho. What a powerful conflict to leave off of. Both sides reasonably want to save their own family members and yet it will be a loss to one of them if he/she concedes. Here's to hoping that both survive and live happily ever after.

Thanks for the wonderful recaps. I await for a great finale.


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Harry potter much hahaha!


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It's not me…but in the first episode with the Destiny Cafe lady…didn't she say about one surviving only?


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yes, it was said somewhere in the drama...sorry if my sentence make me think that I thought you make it up. It just remind me of harry potter prophecy. Again, apologized!!


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It's okay. :)

I do appreciate your apology though since I did think you were making fun of me for going Harry Potter on the show when I wasn't. Glad the misunderstanding is sorted.


yes, it was said somewhere in the drama...sorry if my sentence make you think that I thought you make it up. It just remind me of harry potter prophecy. Again, apologized!!


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I think that prophecy in ep1 is a red herring. Nowhere has it been stated about WHICH two - so overall it is pretty vague.


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I guess. But I figured it wasn't a red herring because of the way this episode concluded. It's Saet Byul's life versus Ki Dong-ho's. The minute that conflict came, I immediately thought of that prophecy.


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I always feel that Woo Jin is so wasted here. They did briefly say that he was Soo Hyun's first love and he helped her escape the gangsterism etc and sort of become who she is now. But we never did see that and hence never really felt any emotions for Woo Jin... In today's episode we finally learnt more. but it was a case of a little too late...


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Can't they make fake copies of the ring and the earring? I would have done that... First I would give the fake one to the Saet Byu's Kidnapper because no way they are going to cross check and second would give it to the Police because they will cross check the evidence (not before making it a national news just in case..)...


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*would give the original one to the Police...


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At this point - at least in a real life scenario - the rings are pretty much irrelevant. They have been handled by too many people, and there is no chain of evidence left as to where they came from or who they belonged to.

But, as in most dramas involving cops, the actual legal rules are.. "loose" - or perhaps nonexistent.


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well weren't they kept in a plastic wrap if THEY were wearing gloves at the time they picked them up then they are still valid, some real life cases use some very old evidence


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They seemed to be handled properly as evidence. But it's not just the forensic value as evidence but the fact they exist in the first place and who has had them them. The Gangnam killer is leaving the country in the first timeline but is killed in a car accident. He wants to right a wrong before he leaves because he is fond, in his twisted way, of Young-gyu. Dong-ho has been serving time for his murders so he sends the evidence to Ji-hoon who has the profile and cred to get the case reopened.

Any focus at all on the serial murders conviction of Dong-ho is bad news but I still don't get for who? Mr Reptile Presidential aide, who's stuck in a backwater town as chief prosecutor, seems to have been just as much of a flunky as Ji-hoon, a rookie prosecutor. He's just higher on the food chain. Who is pulling his strings? The President? Grandpa?


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It is the kind of evidence that works in a drama, but in a real court it would be tossed out in seconds as tainted evidence. Just to start with, it was apparently removed from the evidence locker illegally.

As far as the initials go, not like it would be hard to fake that - I can walk into my local jewelry store and get initials engraved in minutes.

So while it might be great evidence for our heroes, that is about all it is good for.


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Ah yes, drama law versus real life law. Also drama police investigative work versus the real version. My favorite example is when the cops go into Snake's home to find out if either Saet-byul either was or still is there. After a very cursory look around with no forensic scene analysis at all as far as I can tell, they declare that Saet-byul isn't there and leave. Then, from one hair in a random potting shed, they track her whereabouts through her DNA. Like wtf?? It's best not to look to closely because in that way lies madness.


I am confused. Did these events happen in the original timeline? Grandma was the one who kidnapped Saet Byul before? But Saet Byul would not have known to run away from Tattoo Hand for her to be saved by Grandma. Also, Ji Hoon would not have had the jewelry to return to the killer because Soo Hyun would not have found it in Cha Bong Sub's house. And Ji Hoon and Young Gyu knew the truth the first time?

Thank goodness Woo Jin is not dead. Contrary to the beanut gallery's opinion, I never once disliked Woo Jin. Yes, letting Dong Chan take the fall for handicapping Young Gyu is unforgivable, but it is obvious he feels genuine remorse with the frequency he visits Grandma's house. I never considered him to be a crooked cop because he was being blackmailed and didn't do what he did for money or power. So I am relieved Woo Jin got redeemed. Also, if Ho Gook dies, I'm going to lose it.

Saet Byul's letter made me tear up. I love how she wrote the truth and not what Grandma narrated, since Grandma could not read it anyways. All women should leave their beating husbands.

I keep wondering why did they pin the other two murders on Dong Ho. If they only wanted to cover up Soo Jung's murder, then they got what they wanted with Dong Ho's clear confession. Why did they insist on making him a serial killer? Because there's a higher chance of serial killers getting the death penalty than single killers? But if they knew the reason why Dong Ho confessed (to protect his brother), they should know he would never tell the truth. I think he has life in prison anyways; there is no need to kill him in order to silence him.

Thanks for the recap, dramallama!


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The best I can figure is that they really want Dong-ho's conviction in the Soo-jung murder to stand. It's pretty iffy on its own: a poor, unconnected and mentally disabled man who is easily manipulated, probably coercive police interrogation techniques and not a lot of hard physical evidence. There is eye witness testimony in the form of Dong-chan but eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. The Korean version of the Innocence Project and Ji-hoon, as a human rights lawyer, could possibly overturn this conviction.

What better way to do this than to provide evidence that Dong-ho has killed two other women. So instead of questioning the hows and whys of Soo-jung's murder, she's just lumped in as one of three victims of a serial killer. I agree with others that it is cover-up and not the original murder of Soo-jung that is what is making powerful people very nervous now.

This drama is becoming more complicated and hard to follow by the episode.


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I don't think they really care if Dong-ho gets executed or not - as long as SOMEBODY takes the fall - he just happened to be an easy target.

Because if it is proven that the fall guy is innocent, then people start to wonder who the real killer is, and that could embarrass some folks.


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Hi Lindy,
I don't understand one point in your explanation. You said that the original murder of SJ is not be the incident that is making powerful people nervous now. I always thought that it was. CBS killed the other two women and we know what his motives were. He hated women who aborted or abandoned their children because of his own experiences. So if that is the case, then SJ's murder is the one that is different (both in motive and method) and stands out.


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The more we learn about this timeline and the more it makes sense the LESS the other timeline makes sense.

How would Ji-hoon have gotten the evidence in the first place if Cha Bong-sub wasn't a suspect at all and no one was looking for him in the previous timeline? And since he didn't have the evidence what sparked the kidnappers to act when they did? Pure happenstance? It wasn't him threatening them.

How did Saet-byul get the red stains on her nails if she was actually kidnapped in the first timeline and never came into contact with Grandma?


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I think he sent the evidence to Ji-hoon in the first timeline. He's leaving the country but wants to clear Dong-ho of the murders of the 2 other victims 10 (12? 16?) years ago but then he's killed in a car accident. He likes Young-gyu and wants to correct this. Of course, as far as he's concerned, Dong-ho murdered Soo-jung and Ji-hoon still thinks that Dong-ho might have murdered all three women although he's had questions about the convictions since the trial. It puts doubt on Dong-ho's original conviction of Soo-jung if he didn't kill the other two women. Cha Bong-sub.... what a mensch!


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I never thought of that. To preserve my sanity I'll go with Bong-sub sending him the stuff. That doesn't explain Saet-byul but that fact was less of an issue to me.
Thank you ^^


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Or could secretly rich grandpa have a hand in this? DC did see the angel foundation car at the scene where CBS was killed in the second timeline, suggesting that they've been following CBS. I wonder if secretly rich grandpa's hirelings found the evidence first and send it to HJH in the first timeline.
He could also be the person who send the email to HJH under DC's name in the second timeline, just to get him to re-open the Mujin case.


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Also Woo-jin is even more on my shit list now since as far as I'm concerned he couldn't live with what he'd done so he bit the hand of the so-called master so he could "tragically" sacrifice himself instead of trying to properly right the wrongs he's done. He has information and connections that can no longer be used.
I really felt the anger when Dong-chan was enraged in the car. He better live so he can help and get the proper punishment.


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As he said, he wanted to buy them time, since when the attack occurred, the other corrupt law enforcers were probably expecting to still find him with SH and DC in the car. They would have probably died or ended severely injured in the ambush, being outnumbered. I thought his sacrifice was more of a case of "I broke it, I'll fix it" - he didn't want to involve SH and DC even more in this, so for their own safety, he took measures into his own hands. Feeding them with all the information would have only exposed them even further to that mastermind or whoever he is. I am not sure just how useful he is in regards to connections - after all, he did not know the other police officers were his minions (he is surprised that there are so many of them working for the guy). And if his connections would have been so powerful, they would have never dared to touch him - not even being the son of the Minister of Justice was enough to stop them. Basically, the only person from the police that he can trust is Ho-gook. If he is still alive though, it must be for a reason and we are not done with him yet, although everything about his scenes screamed like a goodbye.

The fact that he is half-dead does not erase his sins, of course, but it's still admirable that he finally found the guts to bite the owner's hand, knowing very well that it would cost him his life. His love for SH proved to be greater than his fear of losing his job/reputation/credibility/life. The sacrifice does not make me forget how he ruined DC's entire life, but at least he got his chance at redemption, although those years of DC's torment will never be compensated. It's up to DC if he is willing to forgive him or not.


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To me, Woo-jin's biggest sin is not that he lets Dong-chan take the blame for the shooting which is bad enough. It's letting Young-gyu, a very bright, intelligent boy, remain mentally disabled all these years when it seems an operation in the States can help him. Apparently Woo-jin is from a connected family and knows rich people. Why not at least make sure that Young-gyu gets the help he needs even if he is too much of a coward to admit the truth regarding Dong-chan? Like through some kind of a police charitable drive or something. He is disabled because of a police action regardless of who pulls the trigger and surely deserves some kind of compensation.


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I am not sure if that operation is actually do-able. His mental illness is pretty much a lifetime condition since his brain has been permanently injured and I would guess that someone like WJ would have thought about it. Yet again, if it's not operable, then the plot device with the 10 billion Won from gramps would be useless. Still, when DC mentions a doctor in the States who could do it, he says to watch out for scammers. In dramaland everything is possible, but from a realistic point of view, me thinks it can't be.


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I understand your points but I don't agree with them. As soon as he "bit the owners hand" as they put it, I knew he was going to die and I knew it was going to be because people would be sent in to kill him. And I'm pretty sure he'd know that too because he's not an idiot and understands now what type of guy this is.
I don't think the people were following him hoping that DC and SH were in the car. If they were then they would've sent some people out to find them after realizing they weren't with WJ. The goal there was clearly to off him before he could out the mastermind of it all.
And they're already very deep into this so I don't see how him giving them more information would make it worse. And I don't know if his connections are deep but it's definitely more than what DC and SH had on their own at that point.
So I still don't see it as admirable at the end of the day since his death is not atonement in any way in my eyes. The best thing he did was get SH and DC out of there and drop them off and that's unrelated to his death (as I stated above). At the end of the day his death (supposed, if he lives I'll be pleased) doesn't change what happened and all it left behind was people with no chance to confront him and judge him accordingly.
So we'll have to agree to disagree I guess.


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I swear this show is jinxed , first SBS puts it against empress ki and the ratings are awful , then the writer makes it too complicated for the simple korean audience and its getting hate instead of love , now it coincides with the korean ferry disaster , and I am sure the ending includes somebody falling in water, wth they are going to do


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I was also wondering how will this go down with the Korean viewers with the ferry tragedy looming large in everyone's mind. Would they change the ending? That is if the writer had meant the ending to be the same as the first timeline.


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ack the ending i'm dying. I really do hope they pull of something magical and save SB and DH.

thank you for the recap dramallama!


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