God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 13

This show’s modus operandi seems to be: take your worst nightmare, multiply that by a thousand, set it on fire, poke it and make it angry, and then turn off the lights so that it has the advantage in a fight. Just when we think our good guys catch a break, we find out that the only thing worse than not knowing is knowing too much. How can an episode full of answers only lead to more questions?


Sandeul (B1A4) – “아파서” (Because It Hurts) for the God’s Gift—14 Days OST [ Download ]

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After being knocked out, Soo-hyun opens her eyes to find Jin-woo, the sole eyewitness left from the group photo, being strangled to death by another patient in his mental institution. I don’t think he’s our killer-killer, but he’s definitely trying to kill Jin-woo, which means he knows something.

Soo-hyun thinks quickly and grabs a glass shard from the bottle the man broke over her head, and slices at the killer’s Achilles heel. Ack.

He then turns his attention to her, but he’s injured and she’s a badass, so she manages to wail on him with a nearby IV stand until he’s on the ground.

It’s enough of a distraction for Jin-woo to get out of there, and the killer drags his bloody foot down the mental hospital corridor like a creepy horror movie psycho to go after him. But then he turns a corner and suddenly Keyser-Sozes out, straightening out his gait and looking very not crazy. He calls someone and says he failed.

Dong-chan has locked himself into a tiny corridor with all the henchmen in black suits (who knows if they’re here to guard Jin-woo or kill him), and he starts to regret the choice when the henchmen multiply.

As he fights them off, Jin-woo doubles back to his room armed with bleach. He’s not making much sense, but he grabs a glow-in-the-dark paint pen and shows Soo-hyun that he’s playing connect-the-dots on the wall. Now we see that the numbers scrawled there aren’t random or mad ramblings at all—they’re a pattern.

He urges her to connect the dots (pretty funny how literal that is), and once she’s done, they step back and he turns off the lights. It’s an outline of two bodies: one is lying on the ground, helpless, and the other is crouched above, strangling the other.

We had suspected as much, but this confirms that the boys in the photo were killed off because there were actually eyewitnesses to the original crime.

As Soo-hyun sees the outline glowing in the dark, it suddenly animates and the killer turns his head to growl at us. Yikes. The clock counts down to midnight. Four days before the incident.

Jin-woo turns the lights back on and pours bleach over the drawing. Soo-hyun wipes it down, while he draws something on her shoe and then traces a line of glow-in-the-dark paint out into the hallway.

He must sense that someone is coming, because he does it just in time for them to get away from two henchmen who have slipped past Dong-chan in the fray. She follows the line to where it stops, and just as the two men grab her, Jin-woo comes at them with a fire extinguisher.

Soo-hyun sprays the other down and they make a run for it though the air ducts. They get outside and scream for Dong-chan to join them, and ride away to safety. Soo-hyun asks again who took the photo, but Jin-woo just lets out a panicked scream, so Dong-chan suggests they wait until he’s calmed down.

They drive to Moojin and Soo-hyun calls Jin-woo’s mother to meet them if she wants to save her son. Dong-chan worries that she’ll call the cops, but she knows a mother won’t risk her child’s life like that. Unfortunately Jin-woo’s dad sees her leaving in the middle of the night, which can’t be good.

Soo-hyun tells Jin-woo’s mom that the person who took the group photo tried to kill her son and has kidnapped her daughter. Mom doesn’t know who the fifth friend might be, but she does recall now that it was around that time that things went horribly awry for Jin-woo.

He stopped going out and seeing people, and then years later when one of his friends died, he came home from the funeral worse than ever, and that’s when his father had him committed.

Mom tries asking Jin-woo about the photograph, but he just cries that he wants to draw again. Soo-hyun quickly hands him pen and paper, but this time he uses the pen to punch holes through the pages as he stammers, “Stabbed three times.” Soo-hyun picks up on the wording and asks if he means that the killer stabbed someone else, but Jin-woo says no.

Before he can explain, they’re bombarded by more henchmen. Dong-chan gets out to block them, and grumbles at one of them for having bad fight etiquette and punching him with a ring on.

It doesn’t take much for them to drag Jin-woo and Mom away, leaving Soo-hyun and Dong-chan empty-handed yet again.

Back at Soo-hyun’s gated community, we repeat that beat from the original timeline where two of the cops on the kidnapping case take a smoke break outside and get a tip from the well-meaning security ajusshi.

The conversation is slightly different, but the result is the same: he tells them about Dong-chan skulking around the family. Nooo. This is what led to his arrest the first time. People, you can’t lock up Captain Awesome when we have a killer to catch!

Soo-hyun recreates the drawing for Dong-chan at his house, but his reaction is quite different—he sighs that the killer in the drawing is his brother Dong-ho. A flashback to the crime scene reenactment confirms that Dong-ho was in that exact position as he replayed the events. It’s worse because Dong-chan actually envisions Soo-jung lying there in place of the victim mannequin, and shudders at his brother’s gruesome act.

Soo-hyun wonders why the clues don’t add up then, because Jin-woo should’ve named Dong-ho but he didn’t. Dong-chan remains bullheaded about the fact that his brother is the killer, and all it means is that someone else was an eyewitness to the crime.

He crumples up the drawing and goes out for snacks to avoid talking about it further. On the way back home, he does start to wonder why things don’t add up—why did Jin-woo say “stabbed three times” when Soo-jung was stabbed nine times? Did Jin-woo witness another crime entirely?

He takes out Saet-byul’s hairpin and sighs that this troubles him most of all. As he stands in the middle of the street talking to himself, a taxi honks to pass him by and he grumbles that it’s rude… which triggers another memory of that night. After the alley fight, he thinks he took a cab. But where?

But he doesn’t even have a moment to finish the thought because the two cops who arrested him the first time do it again, in the exact same spot to boot. Is it too late to start a drinking game for every time Dong-chan goes to jail?

Soo-hyun runs down to the station to insist that Dong-chan isn’t the kidnapper, but they say she’s under suspicion as well, namely because she’s not acting like a mother who just had her daughter kidnapped.

She rails at them for arresting the wrong guy and says she’ll sue them, and they half-joke that she and Dong-chan must be an item. Listen, we’re working on it, me and the universe.

Ji-hoon shows up to say that Soo-hyun is mentally unstable at the moment, and shows them the institution paperwork to prove it. He drags her away and tells her to stop because she’s fast becoming the prime suspect in this case. He takes her back home and makes the cops keep her under lock and key.

Soo-hyun sits in Saet-byul’s room and opens her lockbox, but there’s nothing new inside. That’s when she remembers the diary, which in the original timeline had its last page ripped out.

She finds the last entry that Saet-byul wrote the night she was kidnapped. She came home and wrote that the tattooed man chased her and she ran away like Mom told her to. She saw Dad arguing with someone so she was afraid to go to him, but was relieved when she saw the Snake van.

The manager kicked her out of the van even though she was scared, and the taxi driver kicked her out for not having enough money. But her mood was lifted when the camera shop ajusshi was nice to her, and gave her the pictures he developed.

She writes that she doesn’t understand what the pictures are, and that she’ll have to ask Mom about them. Soo-hyun realizes that this is all about those pictures, and she rips out the last page of the diary. Good thinking. But there’s one thing she forgot—the camera that’s recording everything in the room.

She wobbles out of the room and faints, which we know from the first timeline was a surefire way to get away from the cops taking up residence in her house. Ji-hoon rushes to the hospital and finds the bed empty, just like before. Serves ya right.

She goes straight for the camera shop and asks the ajusshi if he still has the film from Young-gyu’s camera. He says that the film was so old that he could only salvage two or three pictures, and at bad quality at that.

He develops them by hand in the darkroom to show her, and hangs them up to dry. She watches as the first starts to become clearer, and recognizes Dong-chan sitting with Soo-jung. These are pictures from the night she died.

The second one starts to develop, and Soo-hyun’s eyes widen when she sees it. Is that… Dong-chan strangling Soo-jung? Ohgodohgod. It’s the exact outline of the two figures that Jin-woo drew, and the exact thing that Dong-ho reenacted. Tell me it’s not Dong-chan!

Soo-hyun grabs the two photos and runs out, forgetting entirely that there’s a third photo floating in the tray. It’s another angle of the group photo by the river, this one from outsider Dong-ho’s perspective. But it means that he caught the whole group on camera—including the man taking the picture. We only see it half-developed though, so no faces for now.

Soo-hyun takes the two photos to see Dong-chan at the police station. He doesn’t quite understand them at first, wondering if someone snapped a photo of his brother as he was killing Soo-jung.

But Soo-hyun explains that Dong-ho was the one taking all these pictures. That’s when he snaps to attention: “Are you saying this is me?!” He swears that it’s not him, despite the very obvious connection that the two men in the photos are wearing the same exact jacket.

She says that if it is him in the second photo, that makes him the serial killer, the man who took the group photo, and Saet-byul’s kidnapper. Dong-chan can’t believe she’d accuse him of kidnapping Saet-byul, and points out that if that’s him in the photo he should have a big scar on his neck from being stabbed (it looks like Soo-jung fought back and got in a jab).

But Soo-hyun says calmly that she knows it’s not him. Oh phew. I don’t think I was breathing for the last five minutes. She points out that all she needs to do to clear his name is to confirm that he wasn’t at the crime scene. She remembers his story about leaving Soo-jung to go drink with friends that night, and gets Ho-gook to bring up the old CCTV footage from the case.

New cameras had been set up all over Moojin because of the serial killings, and the one above the local bar shows Dong-chan drinking with his buddies just like he said. More importantly, he’s not wearing his jacket.

Soo-hyun comes back to tell him that the person who’s wearing his jacket killed Soo-jung while he was drinking with his friends, and that Dong-ho is obviously not the killer either if he’s the one snapping the photo. So Soo-jung’s killer, the guy who framed Dong-ho to take the fall, and Saet-byul’s kidnapper are one and the same.

Yeessssssss, FINALLY!

Dong-chan’s face crumbles, and he stammers in a broken voice that he needs to get out of here to see his hyung. He keeps repeating, “What I did… what I did to my hyung…”

Ho-gook comes in to release him, and he races out of there with photos in hand. He goes to see Dong-ho and presses the photo up against the glass: “Who is this?” Dong-ho sticks to his story doggedly: “It’s me.”

Dong-chan screams at him for being an idiot—it can’t be him because he took the photo. Dong-ho realizes the mistake once he points it out, but doesn’t change his story. Dong-chan trembles, barely able to get the words out: “Is this… me?”

He makes his hyung look at the photo: “Is this me? Did I kill Soo-jungie? Is that why you said you killed her… in my place?” Oof, the look on Dong-ho’s face is answer enough—he confessed to the crime to protect his only brother.

It’s because of Dong-chan’s drunken blackouts that Dong-ho was able to believe his brother had killed Soo-jung, but Dong-chan wails that it wasn’t him. It’s even worse that in that moment, Dong-ho’s face breaks into a smile to know that his brother is innocent after all.

Dong-chan breaks down, screaming and crying at his brother for being such an idiot. I can barely watch, it’s so gut-wrenching. They have to be dragged apart, and in between screams, Dong-chan hangs his head and whispers, “I was wrong.”

Soo-hyun comes to pick him up on the same curb where she found him after the last time he visited his brother, and says it all makes sense now why they were sent back 14 days. She was sent to save Saet-byul and he was sent to save his hyung: “We were chasing the same guy.”

He’s calmed down enough to get his head back in the case, and wonders who killed all those women in Moojin if his brother wasn’t the murderer. Soo-hyun hands him Ji-hoon’s original file on Dong-ho’s case, complete with crime scene photos from the other women’s murders.

Soo-hyun recognizes the earring from the crime scene photo as one of the pieces they discovered in Cha Bong-seob’s hourglass. The other victim matches up to the inscribed ring. They realize that their first killer was in fact the Moojin serial killer after all.

She thinks it’s possible that Cha Bong-seob killed Soo-jung too, but Dong-chan says that the methods are different. Plus they know now that Cha Bong-seob had a clear motivation for going after mothers who abandoned their children. The first two Moojin murder victims match the profile, but Soo-jung doesn’t. That means that there were always two killers—Cha Bong-seob, and Soo-jung’s killer, the tattooed man.

Soo-hyun realizes now that this is what Cha Bong-seob was about to tell her the night he died. He was going to confess to being the Moojin serial killer, but also tell her the truth that he didn’t kill the third victim. And our tattooed killer stopped him before he could open his mouth.

Dong-chan says the puzzle pieces are starting to fit together now, and it makes sense why Cha Bong-seob had Young-gyu and Grandma’s photo. It had nothing to do with Dong-chan (because he did look genuinely surprised by that connection), and was because he felt guilty all these years for the fact that Dong-ho was in prison for his crimes.

So he stayed close to Young-gyu and Grandma to look in on them, which explains how he found out about Young-gyu’s birth mother Mimi abandoning him. Dong-chan remembers now that as he was dying, Cha Bong-seob kept asking him why he did “that thing.” In hindsight it becomes clear that he was asking why he testified against his own brother when Dong-ho never committed the crimes.

They start piecing together the things that the tattooed killer knew that he shouldn’t—the hideout where Dong-chan took Soo-jung that night that only he and his brother knew about, the fact that Cha Bong-seob had something to tell Soo-hyun the night he died, the number of times one of the victims was stabbed. It all adds up to one connection: cops.

Soo-hyun wonders if their killer could really be a cop, but Dong-chan argues that a tattoo that obvious wouldn’t go unnoticed in a precinct. Perhaps what they’re looking for is a police accomplice.

What they do know is that the timing now makes sense, because the killer feels that he isn’t safe until Dong-ho is executed for the crime. What he needed was to push for the death penalty, and they know that in the original timeline, Saet-byul’s murder is the final act that passes the law and leads to Dong-ho’s execution. The perfect crime is complete, and the case is closed forever.

Soo-hyun says that if they uncover the jewelry that links to the Moojin serial killings, that reopens the case, and the killer will come for them—that’s when they’ll get him. She searches her pockets because she remembers finding them in Saet-byul’s helmet the night of the attack.

They go back to the mental hospital where she last remembers having them on her, and the nurse is super shady about denying that anyone went through her stuff. Dong-chan is suited up (rawr) to play a cop, and one flash of his fake badge gets them access to the hospital’s CCTV footage.

Surprisingly, it isn’t Ji-hoon they see, but the killer, who must’ve arrived to search her stuff after Ji-hoon already absconded with the evidence. They don’t know about Ji-hoon, so they assume that the killer got away with the goods and sigh that they’re back to square one.

Dong-chan says they’ll go back to the first spot where the tattooed man revealed himself, and there in the street, he replays the moment when Cha Bong-seob was killed. As he searches his memory, he sees the car that hit the motorcyclist: it has a familiar bell logo on it. Aha.

So there’s yet another link to Grandpa Chu’s Angel Foundation, whatever the heck it really is. Dong-chan even remembers a bell keychain dangling from the rearview mirror in that car, and he wonders if maybe that keychain didn’t come from Saet-byul, but was dropped somewhere by the killer.

The driver of the Angel van is a dead end because his car was stolen at the time of the incident. The entire security team at the Angel Foundation has access to the vehicles, so Dong-chan calls Byung-tae to do some digging into the security staff.

Byung-tae and Jenny are camping out by the Moojin shack (literally, in a tent), and Byung-tae starts to complain about being tasked with a difficult hacking job but then thinks better of it and decides to show off his skills to look cool in front of Jenny.

Meanwhile, Dong-chan can’t get it out of his head that the only people who knew about the glove he left behind after Soo-hyun’s kidnapping were him, Ho-gook, and Woo-jin. He pulls Ho-gook aside to ask if he’s the dirty cop, and Ho-gook cowers when he realizes that the logical next statement is: Then your boss is.

He begs Dong-chan not to go there, because after Dong-chan, Woo-jin is the hyung he likes best. Dong-chan chases him down the hall, and then Woo-jin peeks out from around the corner, having overheard the whole exchange. Uh-oh.

But the look on his face is one of horror. He calls someone and asks the man on the other end, “Do you have that child?” The man tells him not to interfere and hangs up, and Woo-jin realizes he unwittingly aided in Saet-byul’s kidnapping.

Back at Dong-chan’s office, he and Soo-hyun go through the Angel Foundation’s security team profiles. He stops at one man that he recognizes as the guy wearing the ring, who took Jin-woo away.

They take the picture to the Angel Foundation and demand to see him, and Grandpa Chu watches from a monitor up in his office. While they’re getting the runaround, Soo-hyun flips through a brochure about the company and sees a man pictured next to Grandpa Chu… it’s the tattooed man.

Now that she sees his face, Soo-hyun recognizes him immediately. We go back to Day One of the original timeline, when Ji-hoon was attacked by tomatoes in the broadcast station. A victim’s mother had cried at his feet for letting a murderer go on living, and her husband had picked her up off the floor saying that the killer’s death wouldn’t bring back their child.

Tattooed Man is that husband and father. Ten years ago, Ji-hoon was the prosecutor in his child’s murder case, and the suspect—a man named Lee Min-seok—was declared innocent.

Soo-hyun says that it’s likely that Ji-hoon’s recent turnaround against the death penalty provoked this man to come after him. The killer must’ve been indicted for something else, because his name is on a roster of possible candidates for the death penalty, along with Dong-ho’s.

The man reviewing the list is a minister of justice, and Woo-jin comes into his office calling him father. He kneels down and confesses that he did something horrible, which is a relief—I was fully expecting that he was acting under shady orders from a shady father.

Woo-jin tells his father the whole truth about Young-gyu’s hostage situation, and in flashback we see that he fired a shot at the exact same time that Dong-chan did. It was he who misfired, and he let Dong-chan take the fall.

Someone knew about it at the time and had comforted him (we only see his hand), and then later Woo-jin was threatened with that information to cover up evidence. He apologizes to his father for shaming him, and says he’ll fess up.

Meanwhile Te-oh gets released from custody and his lawyer returns the Moojin group photo with the remark that he shouldn’t have let it get into “that person’s hands.” Te-oh asks whether the child has been found, and then his manager gives him the plane ticket he asked for.

Woo-jin’s father resigns from his post. I have a feeling that’s bad news where Dong-ho is concerned…

Soo-hyun and Dong-chan go to the tattooed man’s house (I guess we know his name now: Hwang Kyung-soo), and find their son’s room just as it was when he died. Among the boy’s belongings, they find that video game with the Nemesis image in it. An older couple works on the property, and they tell them that the dad has a mystery job in Seoul, but whatever it is he always dresses in black.

While they’re talking to the older couple, the radio broadcast interrupts for a special announcement from the Blue House. Right on schedule, the president announces that they’re going forward with the death penalty and the names of the prisoners on death row will soon be revealed. Crap, they’re running out of time.

The broadcast ends with an announcement that the victims’ families are being honored at a dinner tonight, and Soo-hyun and Dong-chan realize that’s where they’ll find the Hwangs.

Soo-hyun says that Dong-chan’s hunch was right about Saet-byul’s kidnapping being timed to push forward Dong-ho’s execution, but she doesn’t think that Hwang Kyung-soo could’ve acted alone. That’s what I’m sayin’. One vengeful father doesn’t explain the inside power needed to pull all this off. She says that someone with a lot more power is behind this, but Dong-chan says all the power in the world won’t stop him from killing the bastard when he finds him.

We cut to Grandpa, aka Chairman Chu, as he asks how Jin-woo is doing. He gets off the phone when our tattooed man, Hwang Kyung-soo, walks right into his office. Grandpa greets him familiarly by name.

Te-oh watches his home security footage and sighs when he sees Soo-hyun and Dong-chan finding the funeral DVD. Grandpa calls him into the office, and he’s there with the former Moojin mayor, Jin-woo’s dad.

Grandpa asks if Te-oh agreed to keep his mouth shut in exchange for being released, and Te-oh sighs that the chairman was right about it not ending with him. He tells them about “those people” finding his hyung’s funeral DVD, and Grandpa notes that it means they’re almost to the end. Of the mystery? Their lives? What, Grandpa?

Te-oh wonders if Dong-chan and Soo-hyun will really make it all the way. I honestly can’t decide, but it kind of sounds like you’re rooting for them in your own shady cryptic way.

Grandpa says Kyung-soo came by to warn him not to interfere. He apologizes since he thinks of the chairman like a father, but he warns him not to mess with his plan. Grandpa counters that Kyung-soo is doing what he needs to do as a father, and so is he: “This is my best that I can do, for my son.”

Te-oh hears the story and balks, calling Kyung-soo a traitor. Grandpa is the one who says that he’s at the point in his life where he doesn’t care anymore what happens to him if the truth gets out. The mayor starts to protest, but Grandpa reminds him that if it weren’t for Soo-hyun and Dong-chan, his son would’ve died.

Te-oh agrees, and says that he’s already sent “the child’s mother” away (I’m guessing the pregnant girlfriend), and that he’s prepared to go forward. Grandpa says it’s time to entrust the truth in “their” hands now. I sincerely hope you mean Dong-chan and Soo-hyun.

Soo-hyun gains entry into the presidential dinner for victims’ families, but Dong-chan is denied access. She tells him she’ll just check inside to see if Hwang Kyung-soo is there, and runs off before he can stop her.

Just then, Dong-chan gets a call from Grandpa, who says cryptically that if he wants to catch that guy, he should come to his office. Dong-chan rushes over and grouses when he finds the office empty, but then he notices an envelope sitting there waiting for him. He opens the file and his eyes widen. It’s a picture of the president shaking hands with our tattooed man, Hwang Kyung-soo.

Soo-hyun looks around the banquet hall but there’s no sign of the Hwangs. She’s told that they aren’t coming, but the president enters with his family, so she can’t leave. He goes around the room shaking hands with each of the victims’ families.

Soo-hyun gets a call from Dong-chan, who tells her that he thinks the president is in on this with Tattooed Man: “It’s all a political show!” She’s still so stunned that she can’t process what he’s saying, but Dong-chan keeps going, and says that the pattern that Saet-byul drew in the shack is a phoenix’s tail—as in, the bird on the presidential crest.

The president reaches her table just as this information starts to sink in, and Soo-hyun now notices that Tattooed Man is standing in the president’s entourage as a bodyguard.

President Kim takes her hand, and she looks down at the ring on his finger… with the same phoenix insignia on it. Shivers run down her spine (or is it mine?) and she stands there stunned as the president walks by.

That’s when she notices the president’s granddaughter about to walk past, and Soo-hyun suddenly whirls around and grabs the child with one hand and a steak knife with the other. Aaaaaaaah.

Everyone draws guns around her, and Soo-hyun demands the president return her daughter if he wants to save his granddaughter. She scoffs that she’s not afraid of guns—if Saet-byul dies she dies anyway, so death doesn’t scare her.

Suddenly someone tackles her. And at the same time, the lights cut out. Holy shit.


Is that really the best plan? Go to prison for threatening the president’s granddaughter in a room full of armed secret service agents? We don’t have time for you to be locked up in another asylum! Crazy as the stunt is, I do think it’s effective in getting the president’s attention, but it also outs the fact that they’re onto the political scheme, which is the scariest thing of all. Because up until now, I didn’t really fear for Soo-hyun or Dong-chan’s lives, because they were in the business of saving Saet-byul. But now that there’s a government conspiracy to uncover—one that Grandpa and Te-oh ran away from uncovering themselves—I fear for their safety. I suppose it’s always a good thing to ratchet up the tension in the final act, but really, I was already on the edge of my seat. Now I have to worry about men in black hunting them down for knowing too much about the president too?

Not that I don’t want them to be big heroes and save the country while they’re saving Saet-byul, because frankly a president who agrees to aid in a child’s kidnapping to raise sympathy so he can leave a stronger political legacy is despicable in a whole new way. (Also, I have serious doubts that that’s all there is to the story, given how political gain doesn’t provide quite enough motivation to explain all sides of the conspiracy.)

Now that Soo-hyun and Dong-chan have caught up to the idea that Saet-byul’s kidnapper and Soo-jung’s murderer are one and the same, I’ve changed my mind about it because it seems too coincidental that one man killed Soo-jung, and then his child is murdered, but that murderer goes unpunished, which fuels a revenge scheme. It doesn’t add up. If you’re a killer, you’d get your revenge by killing, not by arguing for the justice department to legalize the death penalty.

It makes sense that Hwang Kyung-soo hates Ji-hoon for essentially switching sides—he goes from prosecutor to human rights lawyer within the lifespan of this one case—and becomes the symbol of all that is wrong with the justice system from this one father’s point of view. So I buy that he might kidnap Saet-byul and that the president would pull the necessary strings to make it happen. But the massive cover-up surrounding Soo-jung’s murder, while linked, can’t have been orchestrated by this same man. He’s someone who wants ONE of the killers on death row dead, but it’s not Ki Dong-ho. He’s a father fueled by revenge, not a killer trying to cover up his tracks who then also wants retribution. Either we’re back to the murderer and the kidnapper as two separate people (quite possibly in cahoots—frankly I think everyone’s in cahoots in this world), or he’s not the bad guy we’re after. My guess is that he’s a patsy, and his grief was used to manipulate him.

I’m far more curious about Grandpa and his son, and what this Angel Foundation really does. If there’s anyone more suspicious than a political leader, it’s the filthy rich people who control political leaders. But I still want to believe that Grandpa and Te-oh fall on the good side of the divide, even if it’s just inches away from the evil side. I’d like to think that Grandpa is helping Dong-chan, which by the way makes me question whether his heart attack in the first timeline is due to natural causes or is yet another murder.

In any case, I’m so glad that we finally cleared Dong-ho’s name and that Dong-chan is finally asking the right questions. It was so frustrating that he refused to believe that he might’ve been wrong about his brother, but their prison confrontation today was all the more moving because of it. His stupidly bullheaded façade melted in one heartbreaking moment when he realized that his brother suffered silently for so long out of love for him. I love the anger mixed with guilt in his reaction—because he didn’t kill her, but that doesn’t change Dong-ho’s act of love. I know a lot of this episode was just exposition as the dots were being connected, but there’s such a great synergy when Dong-chan and Soo-hyun are putting their heads together that I’m just enraptured and I don’t realize they’re rattling off plot to each other. If only every show could mask obvious exposition in a partnership like this one, dramaland would be a much better place.


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Soo Hyun-ah....I was beginning to think you'd stay on the intelligent side for the rest of the case. What are you DOING, grabbing the granddaughter of the vice president as hostage in front of everyone?! *sighs* Let's hope she knows what she's doing.

But it looks like everyone has been right all along...The president has something to do with this. A big role too. Hate how such corrupt people can make it to such high positions. Something that echoes true in the real world as well.


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When Soo-hyun held the knife against the little girl's throat in a room full of agents, I half groaned and half admired her for being so ballsy. I can only hope that she acted reasonably (just like in the moment when she showed the President the photograph and supported it with her ulterior motives). Otherwise, I'll have to try to ignore her recklessness yet again.


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As for me, I went "Oh no, here we go again Soo-hyun ah". Sigh.


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Hmm....my comment isn't coming up? Oh well.

But man, were Dong Chan and Soo Hyun an awesome team today. I was about to bang my head as Soo Hyun blamed DC again...only to be relieved when she said she believed him. I cannot handle another mistrust case here.

Dong Ho and DC. So sad. That is brotherhood loyalty to the highest. DC's guilt probably soared another fifty flights after realizing that DH was in fact innocent.

I'm getting most of it,but I'm confused on one thing. How is the three finger hand signal supposed to play into this again? (the one Cha Bong Sup did, and the one on Snake's logo.)


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Oh wait no, never mind, I can answer my own question. The nemesis tattoo came from the game TattooMan's child played right?


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Still need to watch this episode but couldn't resist to read the introduction :)

I love this show!!


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Haven't watched the episode yet! I'll watch it later. :D
I've only read your opening paragraph GF! I don't want to be spoiled. :D But still I love how you described this Ep in your opening that's what lured me to open your recap.

Now i really want to watch it but I'm at work. :D I have to wait for 7 agonizing hours before i can watch it at home.

"we find out that the only thing worse than not knowing is knowing too much" <- this! Now i can't wait to know what did they found out that can lead to more questions AGAIN!

I miss Dong Chan too and i really love this show! :D haha

Thanks for the recap BTW GF! More power!


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Gah, can’t believe there are only 3 episodes left! I am starting to feel nostalgic already. Thank you so much for the speedy recap. I’ve seen this episode without having all the subs ready, since I was so eager to find out what happened LOL and the recap was really helpful in filling in the blanks. Now on to my points…don’t worry, in 1 week I will finally shut up lol.

1) It was so brave of SH to cut that man’s foot with glass. I honestly thought that bastard would kill Yoo-jin, but thankfully enough, it didn’t happen. Although on the other hand, just like girlfriday said, it was foolish of her to attack the granddaughter in a room full of security people. I am sure that’s DC tackling her to the ground and probably in the confusion with the lights going off, they will escape. Now the granddaughter thing wasn’t just foolish of her because they could lock her up, but because inadvertently, she was doing the same thing that Min-Ah (btw, where the hell is she?) wanted to do to SB – to traumatize her for life. I hope that girl will get over the fact that she had a knife at her throat.

2) I loved the twist with SH actually saving DC in that mental hospital. They really work like a team not only when it comes to figuring out clues, but also when it comes to saving each other’s a-s.

3) So Yoo-jin’s condition worsened after Strawberry’s brother passed away and I wonder why, since he looked normal at the funeral. I think the madness was fueled by some pills (Yoo-jin mentions candy given by Hephaestus) on purpose, but why just then?

4) Is there any episode in which DC doesn’t get his beautiful face covered with band aids?

5) I can’t, for the love of God, understand the public’s consensus from the show. Not only do people want death penalty, but they also think that it’s not right for a mother to wander around instead of staying home and wait for news of her daughter. Is she suspicious in their eyes for not staying home? Seriously?? Why would she just passively do that? I don’t think any mother in her position, with or without the information she has, could just stay at home like nothing. And damn, the Internet surely is an evil place – they actually talk about a possible romance with DC. Or maybe they just read Dramabeans’ comment section LOL.

6) Loved how SH says the same words that JH would say as a human rights lawyer, to defend DC and try to get him released. And of course, JH could have totally managed to get him out – after all, he did have Bong-sub released. But seriously, JH, you’re such a jerk going around saying that SH is mentally very unstable. I know it was meant to be an alibi, but the matter was about DC, not her. Not just that, but also not letting her out of the house. Thank goodness the fainting trick worked this time as well, just like it did with the fake ransom. Yeah, he might have good intentions, but nothing he ever does is right.


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7) SB, you’re awesome for writing all that in the diary! And the toy house CCTV is still there, which is probably the definite key in regards to the kidnapper.

8) I totally agree with girlfriday that there are two separate agendas here and it doesn’t make sense for a grieving father to go on a crime spree. Besides, the fact that the most important picture where you can see Hephaestus taking a pic of the other guys was left there is telling. If Kyung-soo would be the guy, then there was no point in leaving that picture behind. He just doesn’t have the profile and the person talking to WJ and JH never says that he has SB – everybody who knows him just assumes it while he hangs up. I also don’t quite understand why would gramps serve him on a plate – I feel he is just being used as a scapegoat, because there would be no point in kidnapping Yoo-jin and keeping his mouth shut if they will reveal Hephaestus’ identity anyway. It can’t be him. What’s more, we didn’t see the actual scene when he enters gramps’ office – gramps said it was unexpected, but when we see him arrive there, it seems that gramps knew he would come. We just see what gramps tells them and as we realized, the narrators in this show aren’t reliable. Kyung-soo is either a scapegoat or just SB’s kidnapper (for the bad blood between him and JH, his wish to have the death penalty promulgated), but not SJ’s murderer.

9) Also, Hephaestus seems to want to frame DC for some reason. He assumed that his brother would say that he saw him killing SJ (looked and dressed like DC on purpose) and he probably didn’t count on DH taking the fall instead by protecting his brother. And since that didn’t go well and DC was still free, somehow he forced others into making DC believe that he shot his own nephew – he wanted to destroy DC, but why? It’s possible that he even planted that hairpin in his pocket, so that he will eventually be blamed for SB’s death.


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#9- that's something new i hadn't considered up till reading your comment. hmm, very interesting. something to chew on...


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#9 - exactly what i thought too. i had said this before, what if the killer was someone who was crazy in love with Soo Jung? & killed her in a jealous rage? but what i dont understand is shouldnt Dong Chan know all her friends? i mean he is her boyfriend. wouldnt she talk about her friends with him? show them their pics? take him along to meet them? that's normal behaviour....


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9) Maybe it's a crime of passion? Soo Jung was very popular and attractive. We now know that Soo Jung's murder is totally unrelated to the serial killer. Perhaps this boy offered to bring her to Seoul and live the life she dreamed of but got rejected. He was even more furious that she chose to remain with Dong Chan even though DC can't give her what she wanted. So he impersonated DC and killed her.


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10) Speaking about YG, the shooting scene is a bit weird, firstly because in DC’s flashback, WJ was shouting his name at the exact moment when he fires his gun, but here he shouts way before he does it and secondly, because WJ and DC were shooting from different angles, so the report would have clearly stated from where was the exit wound and there was no way to mistake that shot for DC’s, but probably the entire evidence was fabricated. At this point, the only way WJ could be redeemed would be if he recently found out that his shot was in fact the one which harmed YG, although he might have known it all along. If he didn’t know it, but was led to believe that DC’s shot was fatal, then the scenario pretty much mirrors what happened between DC and DH. Someone comforts WJ and it might be the exact same person who made it all look like it was DC’s fault. Still, if he knew it, it still doesn’t make sense to ask DC if he (WJ) is the only one who has to be blamed for YG. Well, d’oh, if you knew you did it, then of course you are the only one responsible. Something doesn’t entirely add up here.

11) At least WJ doesn’t let the caller intimidate him and spills the beans himself to his father, although it’s a bit too little, too late. He gets points for being determined to uncover everything, but I can’t help but think that he only does it because DC is on his tracks. If he wouldn’t have felt so threatened, maybe he would have never done anything to help them.

12) Speaking of WJ’s father – this time both Dong-Ho and Lee Min Seok (the suspect in the Kyung-soo case) are on death row. I wonder if Lee Min Seok had been added later on, since there are 6 people on the list and previously they were only 5. Could it be that Lee Min Seok was framed just like it was bound to happen with DC?

13) The scene with DC and DH – the feels. It was so intense, that it gave me chills and even made me tear up for real. So many raw emotions – great acting all around. Absolutely broke my heart.

14) When did Strawberry’s hyung get that beating? The last thing we knew about him was DC telling him to stay there because he will call the cops, but I don’t recall any punches thrown at him.


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13- that scene was really well done. and this might be inappropriate, but there was the tiniest bit of comic in there for me. when dong-chan asked him who had taken the picture, if it was dong-ho strangling soo-jung. the moment when dong-ho had to take a moment to think about that one before saying "...it was me?" i definitely laughed, but it was also more of a laugh-cry.

14- i wondered the same thing about tae-oh's manager. i wonder if it will be at all significant? he was definitely sporting a bruised face and lip, and i thought tae-oh would ask him about it, but he didn't.


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Hahahaha I was gasping too much there to be amused, but I might have a good laugh rewatching the scene with your comment in mind. And we also still need to know what's up with his pregnant girlfriend, to the point where he was even threatened with her safety, to keep his mouth shut. Escaping (to Philippines? lol) seems to be an easy cop-out, but of course, just like in everybody's case, there is more to Strawberry than meets the eye and he will probably not board that plane.


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#5 : I found that extremely weird too! What is Ji Hoon doing reading Internet comments when he should be doing something to save his daughter? I hate him more with each episode.


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Love your comments!

1) I'm more worried that because of this stunt of hers, DC and her life will be more endangered than it already was since she's saying to the president "I know way too much..."

2) They are made for each other!

3) Pills and candy would make sense! I also realize that this probably won't lead anywhere, but Hephaestus has a limp and so does DC's mom...What's her involvement in all this? She seems much more calculating and shadier than she appears!

4) Right! His poor handsome face! I love how this is a recurring comment lol!

5) Me neither! They all cray!

6) HJH and SH needs to get a divorce like now, because he has way too much power over her life just because he's her "husband"


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Thank you :D !

1) SH had a flawless run the last week, but we're back again at telling people information they could use against you. This was the last thing they needed - DC should have just entered the room before that phone call. And after so many Tattoo Hands, you would think that they would be more careful when pointing fingers. Don't forget that (one of the) Tattoo Hand(s) has that tic of patting his neck with his fingers and Kyung-soo doesn't seem to have it. As for the limp, there are three people limping - the one who fought with DC (who might be Kyung-soo, since he was a special-ops guy), the one who got a limp after being bit by YG in the street and the guy SH injured with the glass. They might get confused themselves with the limping.

6) All of a sudden, JH became the controlling husband who uses low methods to keep her "safe", but he fails to realize that she knew this was meant to happen all along. They couldn't be more incompatible.

Oh and an extra comment regarding WJ's father...I wonder if the resignation has anything to do with his half-confession. After all, he didn't exactly say what was about, only that he did a huge mistake and that he is a disgrace. Would his father resign without knowing the exact details or is it that he knew all along the details about the YG shooting and now that the cat is out of the bag and his son is willing to face it all, there is no point in representing the justice anymore? It's just too convenient that he writes that letter and then minutes afterwards they already set the death penalty in motion.


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#5 when I got to that scene, I was thinking the same thing. Jihoon is onto us! Because that sounds like what we've been talking about all along. LOL.

#9 interesting theory, it could be that SJ's murderer wants to frame DC because of his jealousy. I don't think he is friend with SJ though, he could have met SJ during the day of the festival and attracted to her but found out later that she had a boyfriend. He could have witnessed the fight between SJ and DC and maybe found DC's jacket somewhere and wore it to fool SJ at first but then think that he could frame DC for it.

#13 That scene was indeed gut-wrenching, but I felt like Dong Chan was questioning me as well because he was asking whether DH thought he did it because of his blackouts. I nodded when DH nodded as well, but gah I teared up watching it. The raw emotion, the guilt, and DH's relief/happiness when he found out that DC was not the murderer ;____;
Btw I watched this raw and I was holding my breath when SH saw the pictures developing. I was totally thinking, "oh shoot, it's the blackout isn't it, you're going to go there, aren't you, writer-nim". I kept saying it would be interesting if they go that way, but honestly, I really don't know how my heart will handle it if the writer decided to go there...


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"She rails at them for arresting the wrong guy and says she’ll sue them, and they half-joke that she and Dong-chan must be an item. Listen, we’re working on it, me and the universe."

Hahaha tell me if you need any extra help convincing the universe on this one!!! :D


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The brothers scene in prison was heartbreaking! CSW is so awesome, omg, pls do more films/dramas!

And dramaland gotta team up DC/SH again in a Kr version of CSI or something!!

And I was screaming and cheering when SH took the president's granddaughter hostage. It's wrong but SH gotta do whatever to get SB back! >_<

BTW, miss SB so much today!!


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Anyone here knows the ratings for God's Gift? Just curious, it's such a great show.


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They are listed on its English Wikipedia page. I checked the TNmS website and they are alright: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God%27s_Gift_-_14_Days . Too bad the show is going up against Empress Ki, but it brings in numbers way above One Warm Word, which was previously in its slot.


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ugh, empress ki! i curse it!

haha, my mom is as obsessed with empress ki as i am with god's gift, so we've been joking that her show is ruining MY show's chance to fully shine. lol i tried to get her to watch god's gift, but even after 8 episodes she wasn't hooked. she said it was too scary and that all the plot spins made her head hurt.


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I am trying to get my mother to watch it as well, but she will probably have the same reaction LOL. Hahahaha it must be pretty funny to hear you two talking about your obsessions going head to head. Darn it indeed, although the success of a show isn't only measured in numbers - it's both rating and buzz and the buzz is strong with GG, at least this is my consolation.


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How dare you curse Empress Ki!!! Grrrr!

I sincerely hope Empress Ki hits 30% sometime soon. Empress Ki Fighting/Hwaiting!!!!


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What if Empress Ki chose to go out on its high at around Episode 38? Up until then, it had a fabulous reign.

Now, it just seems to recycle itself.


@Lord Byron

mmmmm... about that, I did notice a decline in the plot after so-and-so and the other so-and-so were killed. I actually had stopped watching at that point (episode 37) and only recently caught up to episode 46. After watching episode 46 I feel that the drama has picked up a little bit of the momentum that it had lost, however, I'll have to watch episode 47 to be sure. It could be that this is just a slight increase and then the drama plateaus again. I hope this is improvement and that the drama will continue catching speed as there are new enemies for Yang-yi to fight against and a revelation for Wang Yoo.



It should be breaking 20% ratings IMO. Best show I've EVER seen, that includes Kdramas/jdramas and all those american shows with their big budgets and fancy action. This goes to show how important the story is. Excellent writing GREAT execution and acting. Everything about this show is (nearly) perfect. I say nearly because quite frankly some of the actions taken by the characters are stupid (i.e. SH taking a knife to the President's granddaughter)


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1. this show has been good about answering questions with each episode, but it likes to even the score by spawning more and MORE questions, at breakneck speed. i love it, but i think i may be the cat that died of curiosity.

2. oooh, nice catch about lee min-seok's name being on that list. i'd wondered what had happened to him! after reading this i went back and watched the scene and saw the name. i didn't bother reading any of the names while watching the first time around. the details in this drama!

3. i don't know, now it seems like tattoo guy couldn't be soo-jung's killer... or the one behind the deaths of the boys? how could grandpa meet him so calmly, if he knew that he was talking to his son's killer? the show said grandpa's son committed suicide, but it must have been murder. but knowing now that tattoo guy is seeking revenge for the son he lost, it just doesn't seem to fit that he would be soo-jung's killer...?

4. the president must be another red herring, right? the show just started casting (more) shade on the aide today, and i have no doubt that son will have his time too. the actor playing the president's son isn't a household name by any means, but he's a well known face in kdramaland. he's an experienced enough actor (has a history of playing gangsters, bad guys, sidekick, etc.) that i just don't think they'd have cast him in a non-speaking role. they could have used an extra-level actor for that. there must be a reason why this actor got the job.

5. i can't even go into how i feel about soo-hyun right now. or rather, how i feel about the writer for portraying soo-hyun like this. i've always been on SH's side this entire time, even when she was being hysterical and desperate. but really, frankly even i've reached the end of my rope. we know she can be smart and cool and rational, but she's so ridiculously impulsive. SUBTLETY AIN'T HER STRONG SUIT.

6. call me shallow, but most importantly—DONG-CHAN LOOKED SO GOOD TODAY!! he looked killer in the suit (but ever so slightly gangsterish—black suit, white shirt is standard gangster attire in kdramaland, after all). but my absolute swoon moment was when he was wearing the short-sleeved black v-neck early on in the episode. hehe :D why are white/black shirts so sexy?!


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omg that black v-neck killed me :P <3 so sexy


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me tooooooo! omg Dong Chan you sexy bastard!!!


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1. It's a bit overkill at this point. They are hunting down the killer, but the killer is not the killer they are looking for and the killer gets killed by another killer who might be tangled up in a web of conspiracies LOL. I still absolutely love it, but I wish it would have taken them more time to find the ones involved and less people involved.

3. Same here, it just doesn't fit - he doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who would inflict harm on completely innocent people, that's why I think he might be the one who spared DC and SH's lives when he took her to that abandoned site.

4. Not sure, but the president did look reluctant to the death penalty throughout the show. I feel more unsure about his son though, even though he had a look of horror when SH takes his daughter - I think it's for a reason why we didn't hear him talk at all in this timeline. They might want us to forget about him, but we can't, right :D ?

5. She is inconsistent; she looks calm and focused in one scene, only to go back at square one with her antics in the next one. I wish her behavior would have more continuity, although I do understand her desperation. It's just that...ughh!!

6. Dang, that suit did miracles, didn't it? If only he wouldn't have gotten bruised again, it would have been perfect <3. Swoon indeed :P


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Thank God for Captain Awesome.If not we would have had to watch more of Soo-hyun's insane stunts .Though I can find the reason as to why she was doing it,cause I myself was thinking okay,the shady President used Seat-byul for his political gain,so why don't we use the same method,but not so fast .
I really do think that Kyung-soo is just a pawn that the main villain uses to gain his aim.
After all that I would really like to say what a great show!!!
Best one in 2014.Where were all these dramas in 2013??


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BTW, am I missing something or is this a major flaw?
Back in ep 10, when DC was flashbacking what happened to that night, he was drinking with his buddies and he has his jacket on his chair but he left without it.

In the CCTV in this ep, there was no jacket when he left at 11:20pm and his gf was killed at 10:20pm by the killer wearing DC's jacket?


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Yep, it's either the production crew's mistake or DC's memory was a bit blurry about the specifics


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i had the same thought. that jacket should definitely be there, so i'm guessing it was a mistake.

the thing is, didn't SH say that soo-jung was killed while dong-chan was drinking with his friends? she deduced this somehow, but if that's true, then how did the real killer get dong-chan's jacket if he was already in the midst of committing the murder?

it seems like the murder should have taken place sometime after dong-chan left his friends, but i thought SH said it happened while he was drinking... this drama moves so fast. i definitely need to go back and rewatch.


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Bad move, Soohyun, bad move. Granted that what Dongchan told her came as a huge shock, it was totally stupid of her to hold a knife to a little girl, who's also the President's granddaughter. Like what Jihoon said (I hate that I'm agreeing with him), it makes her look like the prime suspect of the case.

And it's impossible that this Kyungsu guy is the person who killed Soojung. The moment they revealed that he's the husband of the tomato woman, I went like, nope he's not big killer we're looking for. He wants to get revenge on the guy who killed his son - who is now on the death penalty list, not Dongho. And kidnapping Saetbyul was killing two birds with one stone, because then he can get revenge on Jihoon and his son's killer. But I doubt he's involved in Soojung's murder.

I have a feeling that Dongchan and Soohyun just jumped straight into the conclusion that Soojung's killer had a tattoo. Was it ever confirmed (in a picture or anything)? I might have missed it. But like girlfriday said, I definitely think Kyungsu and Soojung's killer are in cahoots. Which makes it highly likely that the killer is someone related to the President (probably his son) because they are both in this political conspiracy/show together, wanting to get the death penalty going.

But then again, I could be wrong and Dongchan could be wrong too. This drama makes me doubt myself and everything else so much LOL.


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I don't think SH actually held a knife to the little girl but the rolled up napkin thats next to it. still a traumatizing event for the little girl to go through.


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That's what I also noticed. SH doesn't really have the heart to harm an innocent child! That's why she's our heroine!


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Yep, I also noticed that she held the napkin. Also, I think the one who pushed her was the president's son? I wish it was DC tough ._.


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I wrote this comment yesterday after I marathon 12 eps in record time, LOL.

This comment from ep 12


This show has dished up many red herrings but now that we are near the end, the possibilities have narrowed. Unless the writer introduces a totally new character as the evil doer which I don’t expect her to, the mastermind is a character which we have likely seen.

For a start, I think the murderer and the tattoo man may be 2 different persons. I get this feeling that the tattoo man is more of a henchman than the murderer himself. Judging by how the murderer was able to blackmail Woo Jin, spied and threatened Ji Hoon and set up many false leads definitely shows that he either does not work alone or has the power and money to drive his objective.

I think the key is the “evidence” that Ji Hoon possessed. Saet Byul was kidnapped to get to Ji Hoon who I think was trying to re-open the Soo Jung’s case. I think Ji Hoon found out somehow that Dong Ho was not the real murderer and was working on re-opening the case. He must have gotten too close to the truth. He also said that he wanted to achieve his dream world on his own terms. It sounds anti-establishment to me.

Grandpa or Chairman Choo – this old man obviously has a part to play in scheme of thing.
We now know his son was one of the 3 young men in the photo and committed suicide right after the Soo Jung’s murder.
I think he is using Tae Ho and Dong Chan for his own motive. But this does not necessarily mean he is bad. He might just be trying to find the culprit who caused the death of his son and Tae Ho’s brother.
I am suspecting he might have told or hinted at the identity of the real murderer who caused Tae Ho’s brother’s death. However he tells Tae Ho not to meddle so as not to jeopardize his own investigation.
What I do not understand is his interest in the President’s implementing the death penalty. Is he for it or against it? And it seems like he used to be a good friend of the President but they fell out. What happened?

I think all the 4 men were directly or indirectly involved in Soo Jung’s death including the one who took the group photo. Dong Ho was also at the scene, unfortunately, he was led to believe he killed Soo Jung and made the scapegoat.

My guess is that the president’s son is the killer. His timing seems to fit. Like how he conveniently went abroad 10 years ago and has not visited for a while. Perhaps he got wind from someone that Ji Hoon is re-investigating the case and came back to settle matters. Isn’t it also coincidental that he will be staying in Korea for only 2 weeks – 14 days? The President also seems to recognize the people in the photo. I somehow do not think he suspects of his son’s involvement until now. When Soo Hyun pointed out that Choo’s son was the kidnapper, the President probably recognized the boys his son had…


After ep 13, I still do not think that President has a direct hand in this until after he had...


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ooo...didn't realized I got cut.

I mean to say if the President is the killer then they have revealed it too early. Going back to my assumption his son is the killer, I think the President did not have a hand in the whole affair until Soo Hyun showed him the photo. Maybe that's when he realized his son may be involved and moved to bring forward the execution.

But I wonder if there is a bigger twist coming up?

And if I didn't remember wrongly, the photo which camera shop ahjussi gave to Saet Byul was different from the 3 he gave to Soo Hyun. I remember that photo showed some blue and gold/yellow emblem.


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That moment right after Dong Chan is arrested and Ji Hoon goes to the station to give Soo Hyun's alibi was so upsetting for me. The fact that he could just show them some papers, and then drag her off while she protests going with him and the cops just stand there and do nothing? I made a few involuntary noises of distress because her helplessness was just so palpable and the people who are supposed to protect you are just standing there, watching... it made me think, what if this situation were different? What is Ji Hoon was a violently abusive husband and she was trying to get away from him? *shudder*

Of all the terrifying, heart-stopping, sad and horrible things in this show, that was the most disturbing to me because it was so subtly insidious =(

Captain Awesome, save the day!! /beg


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Does anyone know who put the video camera in SB's bedroom?


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I'm guessing it's evil president dude.


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DC when SH first remembered about the lockbox and the page ripped out of the diary.


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yeah he was going to take it down after CBS was caught, but then forgot about it because SH asked whether he wanted her to say good words to his "girlfriend's" dad.. :D


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I'm not watching this drama because I don't have anyone to watch it with (I'm a big wuss). Just reading these recaps freaks me out, to be quite honest. I might have to sleep with the lights on tonight.

That OST though <3


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1) Soo Hyun............i AM on your side but......threatning the PRESIDENT'S GRANDCHILD was a REALLY stupid move. he is the president!! you can be hanged for something like that! sigh.....this is why Dong Chan needs to always be with her. when she is alone her judgement goes awry. if Dong Chan had been here nothing like this would have happened. i knew something was going to go wrong the moment the guard refused to let Dong Chan. i knew Soo Hyun was gonna do something stupid XD

2) everyone says the President might have something to do with this. well i am neutral on it. because early on, all the citizens wanted him to start the execution & he was the one holding back. he didnt need to orchestrate Saet Byul's kidnapping to get citizens to demand the execution.

3) i have always had this in mind but didnt say it before, maybe it was that guy who is always next to the president. the one who announced the decision about the execution after the president left. he just has that creepy villian face XD!!! plus since the seal is the president's symbol, wouldnt that guy be wearing it too? hence Saet Byul's drawing? also it would explain his superior fighting skills? well same goes for Kyungsoo too.... anyways its just wild speculation. just saying something i dont think anyone has mentioned before.


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Omg! I was thinking about the same thing for point 3! I honestly felt that the guy has a suspicious look on his face whenever the camera turned to him!!!


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So many breathtaking moments in this episode! Soo Hyun is kinda stupid for threatening that president-like-bastard's granddaughter! Saetbyul's hairpin scares me. But does anyone know why the tattooed man killed soo jung? Btw This drama deserves a thousand awards & Thank you for this recap<3


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I hope they win whatever-it-is that they win for Best drama of the year. I feel so sad thinking about next week being the last :(


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This episode went by so fast for me I was having a hard time keeping up with the logic, and this recap helped a lot! :D

Thank you girlfriday!


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So true....a LOT of things and secrets were revealed today.


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Oh yea at the beginnin episodes The President's son will only be in Korea for 2weeks,the timeline of the kidnapping and murder of SaetByul.I've only watched up to ep5 and sometimes creep up and read recaps of the later episodes and feel my brain will be fried by reading too much ahead.So many red herrings the show has thrown us.Also many clues that every litttle thing must be remembered.

LBY killing it with tis role,she's been on fure last couple of yrs in terms of tv roles.Nice to get to know JoSeungWoo,he is so natural in his role.


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She's been proven right but JH is still on the She's Crazy train. I wont be surprised when, not if but when, she hands him divorce papers he doesn't have her committed.

If there was any hope for this marriage JH would now be working with SH and DC to save SB not worrying about the interwebs criticising his wife (although I kinda want DC to read out some of the speculation about him and ajhumma). But instead of helping he hides who has his daughter to preserve his own reputation. JH's a two faced weasel and I'm really beginning to hate him.

We've seen some impulsive moves by SH but how exactly does she think holding a knife to the the president's granddaughter's throat is going to work out?


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Unbelievable episode. So much awesomeness stupidity tears screams adorableness answers and mostly questions. It's true - the more you know, the more confusing it gets. I'm 99 percent sure the tattoo dude isn't our main troublemaker.

And I think in the first timeline gramps was probably murdered too since when dong chan was worrying about his heart, he was confused. Maybe he didn't have heart problems after all but he just meddled too much with whichever and whoever these powerful people pulling the strings. Still have my eyes on that president's son cos other than the timing (10 yrs ago, hes married, went abroad and only staying for 2 weeks) is perfect, but mainly cos he seems to be the only shady rich kid left in the story - 2 are dead, 1 is cray or made cray but is a supressed genius, and 1 seems too clueless and just hurt from losing his brother. From the smallest matters like cheating in high school to a serial killing spree as adults - when that person is a rich/powerful man's son/daughter - you know things won't be as simple as it should be. These men do everything and ANYTHING to make sure that their child is not blamed and the family name stays unscathed, albeit all the evil things behind the scenes. There's no other reason why so many people are involved, so many minions and more powerful people oddly mysteriously probably going against it like Gramps. All that trouble and crimes committed one after another just to save that one rich kiddo and all that struggle by the victims families (who'd most probs end up hurt too or shoved to silence with money) just to out that rich kiddo.


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Wow...what a cliffhanger!...i'm a little disappointed though that Soo-hyun lost her cool after she was so together for so long...other than that what a packed episode i am so glad Dong-chan finally found out it wasn't his brother that killed Soo-jung and i knew the president was doing something shady from the first time he kept wanting to wait before announcing the 'capital punishment' can't wait for the next episode.


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I was frustrated when

1) DC came out of the car to fight the baddies instead of speeding off.

2)Soo Hyun forgot and didn't think of locking the car again and let the baddies snatched Jin Woo away.

3) She left the 3rd photo behind. I am sure that photo holds some important clue.


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1 and 2, yeah that actually could have been solved by driving away IMO, but I guess we need a reason to see DC shows off his fighting skills? :D
I don't think they are the baddies though, because they are working under gramps and towards the ending when gramps met with Te-oh and Ji Woo's dad, he mentioned that DC and SH saved his son's life. So I assumed he was taken away to be protected by gramps' people and from spilling the big secret. I still wonder why everyone could not just reveal the secret though. Apart from being threatened. Maybe because of the lack of evidence and DC and SH could have figured out the mystery by the evidence they collected/found along the way?
3. Yeah that photo shows who took the group picture, it was clumsy of SH to leave it behind, but it does fit her character, I love her, but that's her weakness, she is always reckless when she jumps into conclusion. And I guess we could not have everything revealed in one episode.. :D


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To be honest, i think the guy who killed DC's ex gf is the President's son.


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Oh gawsh! Make it all ok please please! Btw the person that switches off the lights could very well be her ex boyfriend detective right? Since he's decided to fess up and all? Ah molla, molla!


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Oh yeahs I haven't read many comments but the sweater KDC left when going to check on his gf, remember that? Waah this drama is really a case of u blink you miss it! Back then when a friend called out to him for forgetting it I didnt pay it any mind, ridiculous stuff!


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I forgot that scene!
It means Soojung was killed after DC left his friends and went to check on her. Then the murder was done so quickly? How far is the distance between the murder place and the place where DC had drink with his friends? ._.


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And the fact that the murdered had DC's jacket means that he went to the drink place or maybe one of DC's friends went to give the jacket to DC and met the murderer then the murderer took the jacket/said that he would give it to DC. That means maybe, maybe, DC's friends knew/had met the murderer?


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The granpa died the day before saet byul, right? So ep 15? Hope sh and dc stop it.


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This show is AWESOME! I have so many things on my mind but at the same time I'm tongue tied. The production teams truly deserves some award. The writer is superb, so is the director and the editor.


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Hey, just wanna say thank you very much for the speedy recap! Clear and detailed enough to understand the whole ep ^^ keep up the good work!


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This show is so darn confusing! I feel myself getting lost with each episode and having to read the recaps to get back on track. What a complicated thought process the writer must have to come up with such a script :P


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Another intense episode. God's Gift - 14 Days takes intensity to the next level with almost every episode.

Apt Idioms:
Better late than never. (**Although it should have happened sooner.**)
Blood is thicker than water. (**Family ties/bonds tend to be long lasting and require stronger obligations.**)

Dong-Chan finally discovering and accepting the truth that his brother (Ki Dong Ho) did not kill Soo-Jung. By originally confessing to the murder, Ki Dong Ho was only trying to protect Ki Dong-Chan through noble idiocy.

Hephaestus is the moniker of the ultimate villain (baddie).

Parallelism - For a period of time, both Yoo Jin Woo's dad and Han Ji-Hoon used a mental hospital as a place of refuge or security to hide Jin-Woo and Soo-Hyun away as a form of of protection and as a means of escaping from Hephaestus.

Has it been twice now that Han Ji-Hoon has gone to the Police Station and used the cover of mental health instability/hospital records of Soo Hyun as an alibi and means to divert suspicion away from some of her impulsive and questionable actions?


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There's nothing I love more than a well told story, whether book, movie, tv, game, or whatever, so this show always leaves me with a smile on my face. Is that wrong?

Can Dong-chan and Soo-hyun be handcuffed together for the rest of the show? I want to like Soo-hyun more than I do but she has this infuriating tendency to be, for lack of a better word, stupid. It's not that I think she's actually stupid, she's shown that when she takes time to think she's quite sharp, she just acts on impulse more than she thinks. Frankly her impulses lead her to do stupid things, like grab the presidents granddaughter in a room full of people. If she's handcuffed to Don-chan she'll at least have someone to stop her.


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I can't believe it really was one big government conspiracy. I don't even understand the motive behind Hwang Kyung Soo killing Soo Jung. Because frankly, if you killed someone and then your child is murdered, that is karma. You have no one to blame but yourself and certainly have no right to exact revenge on the other killer. I briefly suspected the mother throwing tomatoes to be behind the kidnapping, but quickly wrote it off because no matter how much she hates Ji Hoon's stance against the death penalty, a mother would never wish losing a child upon another mother. I find it strange Dong Ho assumed Dong Chan strangled Soo Jung because the killer's built in his picture didn't even look like Dong Chan. So his assumption was based on his jacket alone? I'm glad Jin Woo didn't die. At some points, he actually seemed sane. Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Being a non-Korean, usually when I watch Korean movies/dramas, I don't remember the names of the villains. I'll admit, most of the times when they mention someone else's names beside Soo Jung, Saet Byul, Soo Hyun, and Dong Chan, I dont know who they are referring to unless the next scene shows up or they do flashbacks. It's just that I'm not use to other ethnicity's names so I get all confused. So, I'm thankful that recaps like this is available for me as a viewer. I can then refresh my memories of that episode and go back to reflect on it base on the recaps.

I know that SH's action to hold the knife against the President's granddaugther was a stupid idea, but as a mother who is desperate to find her daughter (in which her daughter is her life), she's willingly to do anything even if it means doing stupid actions that we, as viewers, disagree. It truly shows the unconditionally love and strength she has for her daughter.


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Gee, just when I think I've been watching this drama so closely, it goes and throws me a curve ball. Why do they call the killer/kidnapper Hephaestus? Who first calls him that? Is it the mayor's son? Hephaestus is the Greek god of blacksmiths, tools and weaponry, metal work, fire, etc.

Hephaestus is lame because he was thrown out of Olympus as an infant by his mother, the alpha female of the gods, Hera, possibly because he wasn't perfectly formed. Or she could have been pissed off because she is always pissed off about something. Usually because her husband, Zeus the king of the gods, is constantly unfaithful to her and always fathering children with assorted nymphs, mortals and demi-goddesses. He even conceives and gives birth to Athena by himself through his forehead.

It's clear in myth that Hera is Hephaestus's mother but not so clear that Zeus is his father. He could have been conceived during a revenge affair by Hera and another god. He is rescued from the water and raised by Thetis, a water nymph, who has him trained in the art of metal working.

Because he is raised in the mortal world and not on Olympus, he shares his knowledge of fire and metallurgy with the human race. So it's confusing to me that a villain would be called Hephaestus when the mythical Hephaestus is most often on the side of the "little guy".


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Also he has something to do with a warrior called Phoenix but I can't remember what. He is Thetis's husband maybe.


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I, too, wondered why in the world the drama gave the killer that name. I remembered him being a good and nice god...so it boggles me why.

I wonder if it's supposed to be symbolic (as in being skilled with his hands) or literal (being handicapped in some way)...because I don't think the writer would just name him this all willy-nilly without a purpose in mind.

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation behind Hephaestus's story, Lindy12...that helped me brush up on my Greek mythology! :)


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I wanted to post comments in my usual manner but it looks like everyone has summarized many of my thoughts and questions. I will thus use this time to let out some steam and rant for a bit. Feel free to skip ahead.

Unfortunately, this episode was quite a disappointment in certain areas. Overall, I feel like the drama has lost some of its steam and intricacy. Before, things seemed so well thought out but now it feels more and more like a couple of the characters are losing their allure. What bothers me the most is that things that seem commonplace knowledge or street smart behavior were forgotten or purposely left out within this episode. For example, who sees cars approaching and then gets outs the car to take on a whole gang of people (00:10:15)? Who watches this happen and doesn’t think to lock the doors and get in the driver’s seat (00:10:28 – 00:10:35)? Who lets a woman and her child get dragged away and then emerge out of the car a full 10 seconds later to give chase (00:10:46)? Really? Who is impulsive enough to grab the president’s grandchild and give away critical information (why would you let the President know that you are aware he might be in on the kidnapping?) Who grabs the child knowing full well they might get shot in the process and not be able to continue looking for their child (Really, Soo Hyeon, you’re going to grab the child and then scream ‘where is my child’ as if someone’s going to say, “Oh, she’s right here!” Considering if the President really is on this, you think he would let his own grandchild stop him? Some people are so cruel and passionate about their own agendas that they will even let their closest family members die if it means getting what they want.). Also, who acts on impulse without verifying the validity and reliability of the information found? Why is it that Soo Hyeon has such a hard time learning from her previous actions? She once acted on impulse with Dong Chan to only find out that he wasn’t guilty. Why repeat the same mistake with the president’s grandchild? Soo Hyeon’s impulsivity was understandable at first, but now, it is too much. I feel frustrated with the character wanting to tell her “Can’t you see you do much better when you think!” but then I realize it’s not the character, it’s the writer/director! While on this subject matter, it seems like Lee’s acting has dropped some steam as well. Maybe she’s tired from all the shooting because the Soo Hyeon from the earlier episodes and the Soo Hyeon from this episode are different. She seemed quite lifeless/listless in certain areas, I can’t really pinpoint it but it was like all emotion was devoid from her eye…maybe this is what the writer wanted; For Soo Hyeon to look like she is dead inside because her daughter might die?

Oh well, I hope that episode 14 delivers the drama’s original charm. God’s Gift Fighting!


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I feel the same way with you regarding the "car scene". It's so not Soo Hyeon imo.

However I can't say that Soo Hyeon's impulsive action is too much. It's her character.. and to change one's character is never easy.

Anyway, I just finished watching episode 14 and its goddamn cliffhanger. Argh! Waiting for the recap now..


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I am beginning to dislike this drama because all character are just so unrealistically connected with each other.


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Then you'll gonna dislike 90% of all Kdramas ... I'm convinced Korea is a really small country with only a couple thousand people living there.


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Why did DC contradicting himself in saying SJ was stabbed 9 times then assured SH that SJ was strangled to death?


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The scene between Dong Chan and Dong Ho was heart wrenching but I think the earlier scene with Jin Woo and Soo Hyun helping each other needs to be given more limelight. Personally I found it very moving. They are two 'little' people caught up in a messy political scene, where power is in the hands of the 'big' men who want them to be silenced (I'd like to include Ji Hoon under this category even if he isn't really 'big'). But in that moment, they share something special. They give and receive trust and belief.

I was disappointed when Jin Woo was taken away so easily. Even if he was to be eventually taken away, I wanted Soo Hyun and Dong Chan to fight for him more desperately. Not because he held important information...but because he was with them.


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Dong Chang + Dong Ho = T_T Hoping for a good ending!!!
gotta say that I did suspect that the president/chief of staff had a hand in this but this does seem a bit over the top just to get the execution law passed? I hope there is more to it though! The killer must be someone Dong Chan knows? or how would he know the hideout?


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A naive question on geography. How far is Mujin / Moojin from Seoul, specifically from Ki Dong Chan mum's house? I tried to find on Google map but there are more than 1 moojin / mujin. Just curious how his mom can go back and forth frequently since she has leg problem and she didn't drive I suppose.

Another naive question. Te-oh is not grandson of chairman cho is'nt he? Up till now I thought he is pres Cho grandson. But then watching episode 14, Byun Tae suggest that Chairman Cho san come to Mujin...so I was..wait..I thought chairman Cho lost his grandson aka te oh hyung.

Thank you.


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i want to ask some things :
1. in 10th episode, DC left his jacket in the chair. but why in cctv the jacket is gone?
2. in 2nd episode, who is drowned during in the lake near YG's school fest?
3. if wrist guy killed soojung, why so many ppl covering him? he just a driver, isnt it?
4. rmmber ppl who kidnap SB's friend? if he want to kidnap that little girl, why does he collect bunch of SB's picture? not that girl pict.
5. and same with Azy question up there. how far moojin & seoul? i watched ep 14, seems like DC'mom going to moojin often with her bed-leg, so i assumed it near. but if these two is near, why SJ & DC quarreled (leading to SJ's death) abt going to seoul or stay in moojin?

and then its not question. rmmber that one of the key SB left? some of them is yellow button. i re-watch 2nd episode and realize DC's shirt that he wore (with he-tought-is-his-blood-stains) is loosing the second button. so i decide to come back with my original plot idea. DONGCHAN AJUSSI IS SAETBYUL'S KILLER T.T


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1. I think this is a plot hole
2. Hmm, except for Saet-Byul, I don't remember anyone else drowned in episode 2.
3. 'If' is the operative word here :) , we won't know the answer until the final week
4. That's what the writer wanted us to think, but if you look closely at the pictures, the other girl is also in the picture since she's always with Saet-byul
5. I think Moojin is more like a fictional area? From episode 2, it seems that you can reach it by bus (SH took a bus to go there) which I think would explain how grandma can reach that place with her bad legs. I think the quarrel was not because they would be away from each other, but more because SJ wanted DC to go to college in Seoul and get a job there, in the city, but DC didn't want to because he wanted to look after his family and worked at his family's camera shop

Your last point, I fear the very same thing. There must be a reason why the writer is holding back on revealing how the hair pin came into DC's possession. I didn't notice that he lost the second button. Now let's hope that DC won't change his suit (because DC in suit is.. rawr) and wear the clothes he wore that night.


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This is what Hollywood missed and Kdrama gained- Plot twists that screw your mind. With an episode filled with revelations it ends with a big question mark? If this drama doesn't recieve an award for best plot. . . . . . . .


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They never explained the nanny thing. Because Tattoo clearly threatened the nanny somehow, how are they connected?

Also now that we know Tattoo is Kyung Soo I am confused about him – he basically first killed SJ, then his own kid was killed but the killer got away and he’s all revengy agains Ji hoon? why is he so for capital punishment though since his child’s killer had gotten away, how did he end up on the list of people to be hanged?!

I am thinking SJ killer is someone else and Tattoo is in this just for revenge.


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