God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 11

The clock really gets ticking in this episode, and Fate reasserts itself as the bitch we all know her to be. Just when I was starting to think our team had broken free of the path set in the first timeline, we’re reminded that Fate doesn’t like to be cheated, and exerts an inertia that you can’t defeat with mere wishes and prayer. I’ll give it to God’s Gift—it’s a show where for once you really do feel that Fate is a force with its own gravity, with pressure and weight and sheer power. Too bad for our characters.


Yang Ji-won (SPICA) – “나라면” (If it’s me) from the God’s Gift – 14 Days OST. [ Download ]

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Saet-byul rushes home, but the minute she steps inside the front door her eyes widen in fear. “Mommy!” she yelps, just seconds before she’s grabbed.

Soo-hyun enters soon afterward and registers the mess made of her home—curtains tattered, furniture broken, dying pet fish flopping on the ground. Saet-byul stands just feet away, frozen in fear as the intruder holds a sharp weapon to her throat.

In the dark, Soo-hyun can’t see the face of the intruder and neither can we. She drops to her knees and begs for mercy for her daughter, promising to do anything that’s asked of her. The light flicks on and a woman screams, “Then what about my baby?!” It’s Min-ah, mad with rage.

She blames Ji-hoon for her miscarriage and is here to turn that grief around on him. Soo-hyun sees her raising her weapon—a screwdriver? An awl?—and lurches forward, shoving Min-ah away and grabbing Saet-byul.

They dash to the front door but fumble with the lock code. Soo-hyun shoves Saet-byul in the closet just as Min-ah comes at her, blocking the doors with her body. Min-ah takes a few swings at Soo-hyun but misses, screaming that this is the only way to make things fair, and tries to stab her.

Then something changes as she grips her weapon, telling Soo-hyun to take a good look—and slashes her own wrist on it. Min-ah collapses.

Then the front door bursts open and Ji-hoon runs in with the security guard, followed by a whole gaggle of gaping neighbors. Ji-hoon takes one look at the situation and grabs Saet-byul out of her mother’s arms, ushering her away.

A police officer bursts in next, having received a report. Somehow the situation turns on Soo-hyun, who finds herself being accused of being the assailant, and she’s cuffed and escorted out. While riding in the police car, she repeats to the officer that she wasn’t the one who attacked Min-ah… and the officer very casually taps his neck with his right hand. A familiar gesture. Oh noooo. He’s not a cop is he.

Soo-hyun recognizes that neck tap from the guy who had an apartment lined in surveillance photos of her family. She slowly pulls out her cell phone and calls Dong-chan, making sure to speak to the officer normally while noting key location markers.

The police radio blares as someone asks for Officer Han’s whereabouts, but our Impostor Cop just turns it off. So Soo-hyun drops the act: “What the heck do you want?”

The impostor swerves the car, his pretense over. Soo-hyun goes at him from behind, flinging her hands around his neck and using the cuffs to choke him. Impostor Cop flings her back and elbows her in the face repeatedly. Doggedly Soo-hyun persists, grabbing his tattooed hand and chomping down.

Lights shine at them just before they collide with another vehicle. The police car screeches to a halt and Dong-chan jumps out of his van to collect Soo-hyun safely away.

She tells them the cop is Tattoo Hand, but when Dong-chan returns to the car there’s nobody inside. He’s furious to have the culprit slip away again, but police sirens are approaching and Byung-tae pulls him away—they don’t want to get into any further trouble.

Ji-hoon takes Saet-byul to the hospital, though she’s mostly fine. He calls the nanny ajumma to watch over her while he returns to the house, and as he steps aside, we see a flashing red light blinking from a pocket. Watching Saet-byul?

At the scene of the car crash, Woo-jin hurriedly wipes the impostor’s blood from the police car before his colleagues arrive on the scene. Tampering with crimes scenes again, are we?

They find the real cop bound and gagged in the trunk, and Woo-jin holds his breath while the others ask who did this to him. The cop didn’t see because he was hit from behind, and Woo-jin sighs in relief. Okay, so we know you’re shady—but just how shady?

Woo-jin then issues the order to put our gang—Dong-chan, Soo-hyun, Byung-tae, and Chun-ja (ha, is that Jenny’s real name?)—on the wanted list. Ho-gook argues that Dong-chan didn’t do this, but Woo-jin is firm.

In the hospital, Ji-hoon confronts Min-ah, who’s now conscious. She tries to pin the blame on Soo-hyun for attacking her, but Ji-hoon isn’t buying it and Min-ah admits to her guilt, spitting out that she wanted to give his family scars that would never heal.

He orders her to tell the police the truth, but she stops him in his tracks: “That’ll only make things difficult for you.” The house was already a wreck when she arrived, and she guesses, “It was that man who did it, wasn’t it?” The same man had threatened Min-ah with photos of their affair. “What the hell did you do for him to go after you like that?!” she asks.

Ji-hoon replies, “All I did was use my methods to make the world I dream of.” How cryptic.

Ji-hoon receives a call from police alerting him of Soo-hyun’s disappearance, and is asked if he might have a clue as to who took her away. He’s baffled, but soon receives a text attaching a photo of his ransacked house. The message reads: “I’m warning you. If you don’t hand over the goods, your family won’t be safe.”

Ji-hoon calls back and growls at the other end that he’ll kill them if they harm Soo-hyun. But the call is cut mid-sentence. Frustrated, Ji-hoon throws a chair… and then spots Saet-byul’s helmet on the floor. He looks inside for the evidence jewelry he’d hidden there for safekeeping, but the plastic bag is gone.

Ji-hoon heads to the security office to check the tapes, and sees Soo-hyun arriving with helmet in hand. “So he took Soo-hyun away knowing she had it,” he deduces. Just then the nanny calls to let him know that Soo-hyun came by to take Saet-byul and seemed a little odd. Ji-hoon orders the nanny to makes sure the guards hold Soo-hyun there, saying she’s not in the right state of mind right now

Soo-hyun is already on her way out with Dong-chan and Saet-byul, but they duck aside when cops arrive. One of them has a bandaged hand corresponding to the hand Soo-hyun bit.

Then Byung-tae the Diversion storms into the lobby and douses the entire contents of a gasoline can onto himself. Brandishing a lighter, he screams for the bastard doctor who killed his wife. That buys them the chance to slip out to the parking lot to the waiting van.

Upon hearing that Soo-hyun spotted Tattoo Hand just now, Dong-chan is ready to barge back inside to go at him. Byung-tae insists this isn’t the right time, just as Ji-hoon pulls up and calls for her. Soo-hyun ignores him and ushers Saet-byul into the van.

The van gets stopped at a drunk-driving checkpoint, and they’re cleared to proceed… until a second officer stops them to ask for a license. Dong-chan notes how the officer’s eyes sweep the van, taking stock of the people inside. And sure enough, he orders everyone to step outside.

Dong-chan steps out to protest, arguing that the sick child needs the hospital (Saet-byul starts moaning on cue). While he raises a fuss, the officer hurriedly radios that the wanted folks have been located.

Soo-hyun sees a black car pulling up behind them, and a man dressed in black approaches the van, and not in a friendly way. She takes Dong-chan’s phone and ushers Saet-byul away to a field of reeds nearby, where they crouch together. The man finds the van empty.

Woo-jin responds to the call and arrives at the checkpoint, and Dong-chan argues that the car crash earlier was from them saving Soo-hyun. But they realize with surprise that the van is empty, and Woo-jin orders that Soo-hyun be tracked down. The others are taken in to the station.

Out in the field, the man in black approaches ever closer to Soo-hyun’s hiding spot. He’s only steps away from finding them, but thankfully the arrival of police officers sends him slinking off.

They hide for a little while longer, and the clock rolls over to a new day: Six days before the incident.

Soo-hyun and Saet-byul take a bus to a seaside town, arriving in the morning. Ah, must be her hometown, because next we watch as Soo-hyun’s mother receives a visit from Ji-hoon again. She’s not in the mood to be accommodating, but he lies that Soo-hyun’s on the run from the cops after stabbing Min-ah, and begs his mother-in-law to call him if she shows up.

While Saet-byul plays on the beach, Soo-hyun puzzles over the recent events: Why is she being chased?

They end up at her mother’s house, and Mom cooks up a storm for them. Soo-hyun asks about “that man” and her mother awkwardly assures her that they needn’t worry about her husband because he’s away in Seoul. That explains a lot about their strained dynamic. And then Mom slips away to call Ji-hoon. Nooooooo.

Meanwhile, Dong-chan is stuck in a jail cell, worrying about Soo-hyun getting caught by Tattoo Hand. He alternately begs and threatens Ho-gook to be released, and poor wimpy Ho-gook is neither a match for Dong-chan’s persuasiveness nor up to anything Dong-chan asks him to do. Like swiping the cell keys from another cop and letting them out.

This time, however, Ho-gook refuses to do anything, and Dong-chan swears at him and wishes him fired.

While Saet-byul sleeps, some of Soo-hyun’s long-held resentment toward her mother bubbles over, particularly as Mom launches into a whole “Call Ji-hoon, your wonderful righteous husband will solve everything” speech. Soo-hyun scoffs at her mother’s concern over her granddaughter after abandoning her own child, reminding her that she was Saet-byul’s age when Mom left. Mom had told her to wait until she came for her, so Soo-hyun waited and waited. Mom never came.

In the police station, Dong-chan steadily harasses Ho-gook, calling him a rotten bastard. Ho-gook tries to ignore him until he can’t take it anymore and hurls a few insults back, escalating the tension with the gang. At that point his cop friend steps in to calm him down… and Ho-gook maneuvers the friend’s back to the jail cell. They swipe the keys and Byung-tae’s phone.

Dong-chan tells his crew to find Soo-hyun and Saet-byul, and they quietly free themselves and slip out while Ho-gook keeps the other officers distracted. When the cop sees the breakout, Dong-chan just stands there saying blankly, “I did nothing.” Hahaha.

The cops race outside to find them. Byung-tae calls Soo-hyun (via Dong-chan’s phone) and gets Saet-byul on the line for a few seconds before Grandma confiscates the phone, telling her not to talk to random people.

Soo-hyun calls Woo-jin from a pay phone and pleads for him to let Dong-chan out of jail. She reminds Woo-jin of his own words to stick close to Dong-chan since he’d protect her better than anyone, and insists that Min-ah is lying about being the victim. Woo-jin plays the nice guy and promises to look into it, but as soon as he hangs up we see our bad guy waiting nearby. He demands Woo-jin’s phone.

Woo-jin deletes all the stored data on his phone as a precaution and declines to give it up, which is encouraging since he doesn’t seem to want to be working with the bad guys. On the other hand, he IS still working with the bad guys so my appreciation for his reluctance has its limits. Not wanting to be evil doesn’t excuse you from being evil, yunno.

Woo-jin warns that any danger to Soo-hyun will prompt him to act—like letting it be known that our bad guy killed our first serial killer. But the bad guy’s got dirt on Woo-jin too: “Before that happens, the world will find out that you’re the one who shot Ki Dong-chan’s nephew.” Ooh. Damn. So that’s why he’s got such issues with Dong-chan—guilt, fear, and self-preservation.

Via GPS search, Byung-tae and Jenny trace it to the city of Gangreung. But a team of thugs barges into the office, and Byung-tae barely manages to shut down his computer before they get to it. Byung-tae refuses to say anything, so they start slapping Jenny around to persuade him. She spits in their faces and gets knocked out cold. Then they drag her unconscious body off to have some “fun,” and that horror is too much for Byung-tae, who caves.

Saet-byul overhears her grandmother talking to a friend, who urges her to tell the whole story to Soo-hyun: that she couldn’t come back for her because she was always getting beaten up by her husband.

Soo-hyun is out at the market when she’s confronted by burly orderlies and a nurse. She tries to make a run for it, but the men grab her and force her into a van—Ji-hoon is having her committed. Gack.

At home, Saet-byul draws pictures and perks up to hear that her mother used to draw too. She asks to see some drawings and laughs to see her mother’s spelling tests, which were abysmal. Saet-byul asks why Grandma and Mom don’t get along, and Grandma says that she made a lot of mistakes. Saet-byul tells her that Mom said that a sincere apology will earn forgiveness, and suggests that Grandma write a diary entry if she’s too embarrassed to say the words. Grandma’s eyes are bad, so Saet-byul writes the words down for her.

So Grandma starts: “Soo-hyun-ah, it’s your mother. I’m living really happily now. Ajusshi treats me well.” Saet-byul pauses, knowing that’s not true, but keeps writing. When she’s done, she folds up the paper and tucks it into her pocket.

Just then, they hear sounds of violence outside. Grandma looks out and sees danger approaching, thankfully acting fast enough so that the three thugs find the house empty. Grandma takes Saet-bul out to the pier, making their way to delivery truck. The back is open so they climb in to hide. Aw, Grandma stands at the door ready to fight any intruders, arming herself with the only thing on hand—a frozen fish.

She’s seconds from having to use it, but the sound of police sirens sends the thug away. Phew. But the truck driver starts the truck and drives off, not hearing the pounding from the back over his radio. Oh no, that’s not a refrigerated truck, is it?

Soo-hyun is taken to the hospital and locked up. Ji-hoon is far more interested in her belongings than her mental health, searching through her things anxiously. And there it is, the plastic bags with the pieces of jewelry. He sends a photo of it in a text, then makes a call: “It’s only till today,” he says. “After today, you’re over.”

Woo-jin arrives at the station and releases Dong-chan from jail. All he says is, “Go and protect Soo-hyun.” The words ring Dong-chan’s alarm bells, and he chases Woo-jin down to ask what he knows. Woo-jin just barks at him to go and protect her, since she said Dong-chan was the only one she trusted to protect her and Saet-byul.

Dong-chan runs off. When another officer protests, Woo-jin states that Min-ah confessed, and Soo-hyun is therefore no longer wanted.

Saet-byul huddles with her grandmother in the delivery truck, growing colder by the minute amongst the frozen fish. Grandma fades fast, and Saet-byul makes a call. Luckily Dong-chan arrives at the office in time to answer Byung-tae’s dropped phone.

Saet-byul tells him she’s stuck in a cold fish truck, and Dong-chan realizes time is ticking and tries to trace her call. No go. Next he asks her to look around for clues, and she reads the company logo on the boxes. Also, Grandma said something about arriving in Noryangjin soon before falling asleep.

Dong-chan keeps Saet-byul talking on the phone while driving, urging her not to fall asleep. Inventing a game to keep her occupied, he tells her to name the fish in the boxes around her. She finds a big octopus, which gives him the idea to freeze the lock, which would weaken it and make it susceptible to breakage.

So first he instructs her to find a sharp object—she uses her hairpin— to pry at the metal covering of the door lock. She can’t manage to turn it, so Dong-chan thinks fast: “Listen up. Even more than really pretty girls, I like really strong girls. Saet-byulie, you’re strong aren’t you?” Haha, well that’s one way to motivate a girl.

Saet-byul manages it on the second try, and now that the keyhole is exposed, he has her squirt octopus ink all over the lock. Once it’s frozen, Dong-chan instructs her to bash it with something heavy, and Saet-byul does. After a few blows, the door swings wide open.

By the time Dong-chan arrives, the fish truck has been pulled over by the police after spraying fish all over the highway. The girl has already been sent to a hospital in Seoul, so Dong-chan dashes off to go there directly. But he stops in his tracks when he sees the hairpin Saet-byul dropped, given to her as a gift by Young-gyu.

We flash back to our original timeline—the one where Dong-chan was attacked by those thugs and found this very pin in his pocket. Ohhhh crap. This was following his blackout, wasn’t it? Why would you have this pin, Dong-chan?

Unnerved, Dong-chan thinks hard, trying to recall the details of that night. He’d been in a fight in the alley outside a club, and in the morning he had headed out to nab the adultery case. He’d worn the same jeans that day that he’d worn at the club. He can’t quite connect all the dots.

Ji-hoon hears about Saet-byul being in the hospital and hurries over with a change of clothes, taking the closest set he can find—the ones sitting in the entry closet. Which Soo-hyun had tried to throw away. Which Saet-byul had been wearing when she died. And by the way, today is also the day of the serial killer broadcast, aka Saet-byul’s kidnapping.

At the hospital, Ji-hoon assures Saet-byul that her grandma will wake up soon and be fine. Saet-byul insists on seeing her mother, so he relents and agrees to take her for a visit.

They arrive at the mental hospital, where Soo-hyun is fuming mad at Ji-hoon for pulling this stunt. He tells her tiredly that this is all for her own sake, an idea she finds ridiculous.

Soo-hyun calms down once he informs her that Saet-byul is here, and he makes her promise to behave herself. Upon seeing her, Soo-hyun grabs Saet-bul in a bear hug, full of relief… until she registers the clothes she’s wearing. Freaked out, Soo-hyun tries to grab the jacket off her and sounds, frankly, hysterical. Which doesn’t do a lot of her case.

Ji-hoon intervenes—he’ll take Saet-byul to the broadcast station today for his debate (nooooo). He picks Saet-byul up to take her away, ignoring Soo-hyun’s exclamations that she needs to be with Saet-byul today.

Soo-hyun runs after them, and while she’s dragged off by orderlies swiftly, she does manage to swipe the phone in Saet-byul’s pocket.

Dong-chan arrives at the hospital to hear that Saet-byul was already taken away by her father. He gets a text from his own phone, but it only mentions a morning broadcast and then some gibberish. He puzzles over it, since it doesn’t quite make sense.

But then he recalls the wanted criminals program and reads the text again, now seeing what the hastily typed message was meant to read: Saet-byul went to broadcast station, stop it.

He races to the station and arrives at the studio, ignoring the restricted sign and barging in.

Soo-hyun wakes up and bolts up upon seeing the time—it’s already evening. She races to the lounge television just in time to hear familiar words being broadcast over the telephone line, about how the killer has picked something a little different for his next victim. And then, when he urges his victim to speak, it’s a familiar voice crying out, “Mommy.”


Ackkkkkkkk. And just when I thought we were safe! Of course, I know the threat to Saet-byul’s life technically remains hanging over her head for as long as Ji-hoon keeps contact with his mysterious blackmailer, and Woo-jin keeps tampering with evidence, and Tattoo Hand remains at large. But the past few episodes have lulled me into a false sense of security, making me feel like the danger was sort of theoretical, not clear and present. The show was giving us downright fun and funny caper scenes with Soo-hyun and the gang—in between the bouts of kidnapping and assault and sinister threats, I mean.

But now we’re back to square one, and it’s so harrowing to have her live out this terror again. Poor, poor woman. This kind of nightmare was pretty much gut-wrenching and harrowing the first time around, but at least that time there was the sliver of hope. This time, Soo-hyun knows exactly how the story ends, and that’s pretty much the worst thing ever.

She does have more clues this time around, though, which means that she doesn’t have to waste any of her six remaining days on false leads and wild goose chases. (I suppose Saet-byul’s death occurs before the six days are up, so I’m not entirely sure what the show will do with the timeline now that the kidnapping has occurred.) And this time she has Dong-chan on her side, which is nothing to sniff at.

It’s interesting that they brought Min-ah back because we already knew she wasn’t the ultimate killer, though it was a nice wrench in the works to make Soo-hyun a fugitive, even if only for a brief moment. I find the hospital committing the much more effective twist, because while I felt the whole time that she wasn’t making a great case for the world NOT seeing her as a crazy woman, I didn’t really think Ji-hoon would go that far, or that low. That said, I actually don’t know whether he believes that she really needs psychological intervention. I had assumed that he was just getting her out of the way, but perhaps he really does think she’s lost it, based on her erratic behavior.

While Ji-hoon is a lying, cheating husband and clearly in on something super-shady, I think it’s pretty clear he doesn’t have a direct hand in the death of his own child. And he can be a bad husband while still caring for his wife, and he’s played with enough subtlety that there’s room for interpretation with him—just how bad is he? Same thing goes for Woo-jin, who is a crooked cop for sure, but also seems to genuinely not want any harm to come to Soo-hyun or Saet-byul. When he freed Dong-chan and told him to protect her, I wondered how much that cost his pride to acknowledge that Dong-chan would actually do a good job at it, perhaps better than himself.

In any case, these hints of ambiguity add dimension to the plot, which I welcome. I’m fine with the actual killer being an unmitigated villain without shades of gray, but it’s nice that the rest of the people surrounding Soo-hyun are more complex in terms of character and motivation.

Now all I want is for tomorrow’s episode to be more Soo-hyun + Dong-chan together, because I really missed that today. I know that the plot worked with the separation—inasmuch as they’re so much less effective apart, and it opens up new problems when they’re out of communication—but I’m just itching for them to get back onscreen together.


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I'm definitely not pretty, but I am pretty strong...so do you think dong chan will take me as his bride too?!


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You'll have to arm-wrestle me for him.


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*flexes muscles in preparation*


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I cheat.


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*cough cough*

Sorry ladies I just stole him.


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What are you talking about?? He's with me right no...omo, where did he go????


Like I said, he's miiiine!!!


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Wait. Is this a fight for Dong Chan? Better sneak him away before you all find him then..

I'LL TAKE YOU ALL. Bring it on ladies. *assumes kung fu pose*


*Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting*


I guess I'll settle, y'all fight over DC and I'll take Jo Seung Woo off your hands! ^_^


I'm dying at the "everybody was kung fu fighting."

It's interesting how I'll fight over the character but then...it comes to the actor or actual guys and then it's like "Meh."


You guys are delusional. He obviously called me his bride when I was smartly breaking out of the refrigerated truck *flicks hair*


Saet-byul, you're way too young for this adult talk. Come back in 10 years, when by that time, I will already have DC by my side.


You guys can have DC, I'm in this for Jo Seung Woo! :P


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Boo! So not fair! Lol. Kinda forgot they were 2 different people. Jo Seungwoo's acting is amazing. If he doesn't win at the year end awards I'm going to rally up a rally.


so here's a thought ... what if ... the one that dies so that the child lives is DC?


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I was thinking about that possibility too.. I surely hope not. I desperately want a happy ending but I doubt God's Gift is going to give us that glowing, warm, perfect ending where every single person lives and leads a happy life. I'm guessing that someone will have to die, and I'm crossing my fingers that it's not Soo Hyun or Dong Chan. The ending of the fairy tale Soo Hyun didn't want to read worries me.. I read somewhere that there are different versions, but in the most common 1. the child dies 2. the mother rescues the child but the child leaves her because she "isn't the mother she knows". On another note, It's both sad and intriguing how there's literally no one around Soo Hyun who she can fully trust.


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What's giving me hope is that book, even though it has a sad ending - The Mother lets Death take her child away, believing that if it's God's will, it's probably best to not interfere, since her daughter will end up in a better place, while on Earth, she would face uncertainties. SB desperately wants to know what happens at the end (We all do, darlin' LOL), but when DC takes that book, he reads it and crosses out paragraphs with his black marker, probably changing the ending, as a mean of changing fate itself. It would be pretty cool for the show to end reprising the lecture, but with SH this time reading to her the "happy" ending written by DC. I just hope for the love of God that a happy ending for SB won't mean a sad one for DC. And please pretty please, don't make him do anything evil during those blackouts.


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Of all the characters in God's Gift, I think DC is the one that deserves the happiest ending out of all of them! Hasn't this man suffered enough already? Seriously.


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Yup, just how miserable can one be? Mentally disabled brother apparently killed his girlfriend. Thinks he disabled his own nephew. Loses job and reputation. Framed by his own friend and co-worker. Lives estranged from his family. His mother constantly reminds him that everything is his fault. Gets his beautiful face beaten up on a constant basis. Needs pills to get some sleep and when he does, he always has nightmares. Has blackouts when he drinks and he can't remember what happens during them. Gets his freak on one time on this show and when he does, the gangster husband wants to kill him. On the verge of losing his life for the 545625th time, after actually losing it in the second episode. And now, he fears he might have something to do with SB's disappearance. Seriously, poor thing!


Amazingly well summarized!

The most horrifying thing to happen to DC on this show has definitely got to be "Gets his beautiful face beaten up on a constant basis." LOL


HAHAHAHAHAHHAA. Forget about the Bad Luck Brian memes - Bad Luck Dong-chan should be a thing! Or those "I don't always..." ones. I don't always fire a gun, but when I do, I shoot my own nephew. Ok, no.


Haha no, you've gone too far lol


Noooooooo! definitelly NO!


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What is the book called?


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The Story of a Mother, by Hans Christian Andersen. You can read it here: hca.gilead.org.il/sandhill.html


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I still didn't get over Eun Shi Kyung 's death on K2H ! so i'm really hopping he doesn't !

On a side note what's up with those Musical actor ?! One is a scene stealer and the other is a heart stealer !


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Thank you, thank you, javabeans for the recap. I love this show! I've been looking forward to your recap. This show keeps me guessing and holding my breath. I can't wait for tomorrow.
@logan5 if DC dies I will just cry. Show don't go there. Having said that I think anything is possible. It's probably horrible for me to say but if someone has to die let it be shaddy lawyer/dad. I know it's horrible but my love for DC blinds me. ;)


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If dramabeans didn't have a no all caps rule. This entire post would be posted in all caps. I have so much rage right now. I don't know what to do with myself.

Han Ji Hoon will go down kdrama history as the worst husband ever. Rather than admit to his wife he's an asshole, he proves it even more by locking her up in a mental institute. *Sarcastic applaud* actually, I'll give ya a standing ovation. Perfect husband right here er'body.

I lost count of how many people I yelled at in this episode. Asides from the only hope Saet Byul has, Ki Dongchan, I practically cursed everyone else with a thousand horrific deaths. The first 500 would be my doing


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I started yelling at the screen and throwing my fists around when I saw he was having her committed...to the point that my mom looked at me and started making comments about how it was a good thing I didn't have anything in hands at the time or my computer screen would have been in trouble. So yeah, I am right there with you.


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me too!! you cant imagine the rage i was feeling when Ji Hoon got Soo Hyun admitted to a mental hospital. i just wanted to get in there & punch him again & again until he is just a bloody mess of skin, bones & muscles. who the hell does he think he is to be separating a mother from her child!! whatever 0.0000001% sympathy i had for Ji Hoon completely vanished this time. this post may be in small letters but seriously i am actually screaming these words right now. fuck you Ji Hoon. i hope that you DON'T die by the end of this series. you know why? because i want to see you suffer for the rest of your life in a jail & seeing Soo Hyun & Saet Byul happy with Dong Chan, you completely erased from their memory & lives. i want you to live the rest of your life dying each every second, over & over again!


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What an episode! Saet-byul was actually suppoed to be kidnapped last episode on the 7th day. Then they find Saet-byul's body 7 days later, a day (or maybe just the night) after she drowned. So 5 days from now would be her death day in the past timeline. They're not so much changing the big things "fate" has planned, instead they're just pushing it back. But they're getting more and more effective so there's hope that as a team Dong-chan and Soo-hyun can save her! Because like you said-if this episode showed us anything it's that they're FAR better working together as a team. The loss of contact was tangible.

I still want to know who has to leave this world for SB to live? With all SH talk about the killer just taking her to let SB live I have a horrible feeling it might be her.

And this episode simultaneously cleared and muddied up DC and that pin. I used to think it was the same pin she was wearing when kidnapped but the reshowing of him throwing it shows that it isn't. But it is her pin and in the other timeline it's likely that Young-gyu had a chance to give it to her. So I still have no idea why he had it. No theories there.

And I saw someone speculate that Woo-jin is the one that shot YG and that's why he's so sorry towards him. I didn't rule it out but it was on my list. Still shocked me though!


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And also we have a reappearance of the gangsters that threw Dong-chan in the lake! So they really were working for this conspiracy. Everything is getting more twisted by the second.

And if SH doesn't slap JH in the face AT LEAST then I'll be mighty pissed. His ass will have to listen to her now and he better feel extremely guilty because of his nonchalance. He even KNOWS people are after his family and who and he still left even the slightest opening for his daughter to be kidnapped. Just because he thought he had the upperhand. His arrogance is maddening. None of that blaming other people and trying to subvert guilt and other lawyer bullshit he's been pulling.

Also wondering if SB was taken in the same manner as last time, her seeing someone she knows. Or did they just chase her down? I'm interested in seeing how it went down this time because of SH and DC's actions.


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He is the one who shot YG. That's what the black hat guy said to WJ when Black Hat was threatening him.


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So those thugs seem to be the ones who threw Dong-chan in the lake right? There definitely has to be something shady going on beyond or above tattoo guy, cause if he had minions to do his dirty work before, why not use them?


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they don't look like the same thugs to me (not the same actors), though they could be from the same organization.


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Yeah, I recall those men to have had different faces, but I think they had the same outfits though, so it must be a huge network there.


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but all of korea's dramaland thugs wear the same clothes—dark suits with unbuttoned white collar shirts. pretty much standard.


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Which is why it's important to note that the gangsters of the cheating husband were NOT dressed in dark suits with unbuttoned white collars. And the ones who threw him in the lake were.


this is sort of a reply to magnus' comment below, as well as yours.

it took me awhile to get what magnus meant, but i went back and watched episode 2. you're totally right. the guys of the cheating husband were wearing colored shirts in addition to their black suits.

he managed to avoid them by hiding in that dumpster or whatever he was in. but when he climbed out, another set of gangsters appeared. this time in white shirts. i didn't realize it this whole time! so there were TWO sets of people after him that day, it would seem like.


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Thanks for the recap javabeans!

After the (relatively) more relaxed episodes the last two weeks, the pacing finally picked up this week, and I couldn't be happier. Some scattered thoughts:

* ...and the pendulum of suspicion swings back onto Dong-chan again. I believe Saet-byul does say that Young-gyu gave her a hairpin (which looks identical), so maybe that's where he got it from?
* At this point, I want to punch Ji-hoon more than I want to punch the actual serial killer from ep 4. You cause both Saet-byul's kidnapping and her being threatened by Min-ah, yet you act like you're perfectly in control and your wife is the unreasonable one? I do appreciate that the writing is detailed enough that I can see how his actions make sense from his perspective though.
* Can you actually get someone committed that easily in Korea? The whole throw-wife-into-asylum thing is very Victorian England.
* We haven't seem the president or the old grandpa this ep, but it seems like Ji-hoon is trying to threaten or reveal something important, and Saet-byul is taken to shut him up?
* People in the first few eps have commented on how very publicized the kidnapping-during-broadcast is, and it happened again in this timeline, which does support the whole government-conspiracy-manipulating-public-sentiment theory.
* I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed Soo-hyun, Dong-chan & the gang weren't fugitives for a longer period of time, running from the police, the bad guys, and Ji-hoon, but then this would have probably been too much like Two Weeks. I'm glad Saet-byul had her own moment to shine with the fish-blow-up-car scene though.


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Are you kidding? It was never a single episode with relaxed pace.. I watched with hands clutched every episode and occasional screams in between..


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Another Saet Byul's moment (although it was brief) was when she faked being sick on cue! She's really quick on the uptake :D


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I found that to be captain awesome's moment rather than saet byul's even if she was the one who actually did it !

What can I say , I was chanting you are awesome dong Chan throughout !


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this was by far my least favorite episode. so far i've lapped up every episode, completely enthralled (and crushing so hard on jo seung-woo). but today's escapades just felt a bit contrived to me...

1. soo-hyun being committed to a mental hospital. is it even possible in real life for this to happen so easily? ji-hoon had her committed within hours. then again, the circumstances were exceptional as soo-hyun was accused of stabbing min-ah and was on the run, so perhaps he could have gotten away with this.

2. the whole truck/squid ink/hairpin thing was cool, i suppose, but it mostly felt rather far fetched.

3. why did nobody think to question saet-byul, who was at the scene and could have cleared her mother in an instant? i understand she was hospitalized right after, but later on, after she was up and about again, did nobody think to question her?

4. if saet-byul had just spoken up and said that min-ah had tried to kill her, all the running from the cops wouldn't have been necessary.

5. i just didn't get why soo-hyun chose to be running from the cops, when she had woo-jin on her side. yes, he's being very shady right now, but he would have seen to it that she was released.

6. ji-hoon when he discovered the scene between soo-hyun and min-ah—he picked up saet-byul and left with her right away. i thought this was AWFUL. he should NOT have left soo-hyun there all alone. in retrospect, i think maybe in that instant he thought soo-hyun had finally cracked and attacked min-ah... we know he doesn't believe min-ah's story, saying he knows soo-hyun and that she wouldn't do a thing like that. but why couldn't he have supported soo-hyun right then, when she needed someone?

i don't know, i just couldn't get on board with this episode. tomorrow's better be an improvement! that said, i spent an extremely tense, pulse-racing hour watching this.

one more thing—i feel like i need to give more credence to the theories that are being floated around! i didn't think ji-hoon would be having an affair because i thought it would be such an obvious cliche. i didn't think woo-jin would be shady. i DEFINITELY didn't think woo-jin had shot young-gyu (!!!!!!!????).

but i absolutely refuse to believe that dong-chan is the culprit. a show couldn't do this to us, right? they couldn't set dong-chan up to be such a hero, only to bring him down? it would be an ultimate betrayal...


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Hi Saranga, I have a few theories regarding your questions.

3. No one was there to question her. People who were involved in this situation were either on their way to save her (Dong Chan), being beaten up (Byung Tae and Jenny), interrogating (police), locked up (Soo Hyun) or going to the debate (Father) and the Public Search (Woo Jin). And because Soo Hyun is her mother, what she says won't have too much of an effect.

4. I'm sure she could have, but she was too traumatized at the moment when she was being threatened. Even if she said Min-ah tried to kill her, it still can't prove anything about what happened to Min-Ah, whether Soo-Hyun stabbed her or not is another matter altogether. Self-defense or not, she could have had intent. I believe that arc could have been at least been 5 episodes in a normal drama haha. But 14 Days being what it is, just had to condense it down to 1 episode. Seriously, it could have been a whole drama by itself.

5. She couldn't trust the cops, the tattoo guy was disguised as a police man, TWICE! She also knew that the tattoo guy came just as the cops stopped her, so there has to be something shady there.

6. While the husband is a DICK, I believe there is another intention. He wanted to keep her there also for safety, mainly for himself though. Think about it, he was worried that she was going to be kidnapped because of the evidence. Now that he has gotten back the evidence, he also has no idea whether or not the tattoo guy will threaten him through her or Saet-Byul again. He kept Saet-Byul "close" to him (though it's questionable how close, since she got KIDNAPPED AGAIN!). And hid Soo Hyun in a mental hospital for the time being, because 1) he doesn't know how much she knows about the evidence, 2) even if she said anything about the evidence it will be dismissed as her being insane.

This whole episode should have been stretched about 4 episodes for what it was. Each moment should have been prolonged and explored just a bit more for the audience to fully understand what is going on.


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i had similar thoughts about ji-hoon's motive for committing her, but forgot to include it in my original comment.

i think it was a combination of things that led him to commit SH—her erratic behavior, and to keep her safe from whoever is threatening him. maybe he thought that SH in her present state was in no condition to take care of herself or SB, and that she would be safer in the hospital, where she could rest and calm down. i believed him when he told her that he was doing it for her own good. it's a good enough show that i can see most things from JH's perspective and why he does the things he does... though i wish he would do them slightly differently.

the thing that leaves me scratching my head is the original timeline. would he really have excluded the info that he was being blackmailed, if he thought it had anything to do with SB's kidnapping? is it possible that he just didn't connect the dots, or that the kidnapper didn't contact him at all after SB's kidnapping?

because JH only found out who the kidnapper was 49 days after SB's death. if he'd had any inkling, wouldn't he have done something? i'm sure the show has explanations for all of this.


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#2 - that was not just a little far fetched, it was more in the realm of fantasy land. Pretty much everything they said and did to break the lock was totally fake and/or wrong.

#4 - I am not enamored with SB's cuteness anymore. I am convinced that her only purpose in this series is to be a constant target of somebody, and to run around acting like a "cute" spoiled brat.


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Can someone please tell me how he understands the message

On the side note I can understand where soo Hyun is coming from. Wat mom can live thorough wat she did and she also knows wat the future is but I just wish she would act little smarter. And I love how DC is smart
Why cant the writers ever make the women this smart imagine If SH was smart as DC is on the show


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In hangul, the words aren't too far off that I think it works. For instance, if I were going to say "Please take Mom to hospital" and wrote a text that said "Plus tak mim t hptl" you could probably guess it after some thought.


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Right now is not the time to be judging SooHyun's intellectual capabilities. The poor woman is drowning in terror, not even just panic but full blown terror. Every movement she makes, every thought she thinks, her daughter's DEATH is on her mind.

DongChan maybe be calmmer or seemingly smarter but he is not SaetByul's parent or even relative (maybe this will be rectified in the future if those ladies above don't successfully sneak him away). He may like the kid now, but he's barely known her for 2 weeks. Plus, he was an extra-cop. He can be crazy too. Just see what happened when his own nephew (even though not blood related) got held hostage.


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Haha now that you put it that way, ladies (myself included) please leave DC for SH so SB can have an awesome step-dad! :D

Good point about the YG incident! But at least we now know for certain that in that situation, he kind of assessed the situation well enough and made a shot that probably hit the hostage taker (and not YG like WJ made poor DC believe for like 10 years!)...


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I feel like Soo-hyun is pretty smart when she isn't in fear for Saet-byul's safety. She has pretty good deductive abilities and an excellent memory: recalling all the details of the murdered women, plus all the moments that are repeating from the previous timeline even if it's something very minor. And this ep she figured out very quickly the cop holding her was an imposter, came up with a way to inform Dong-chan, then fought him while still hand-cuffed. She only really doesn't think well when her daughter's life is in great danger, which is pretty understandable.


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I disagree that she isn't that smart. Soo-hyun is pretty clever, especially when she's in her own element. She does take her time to think things through though.

I get your point about the constant hysteria. It's one thing to be choking in terror for your loved one for days on end, it's another for it to constantly manifest as hysteria. I don't blame her for it, but the screeching does get old. What's worse is that she does it everytime Saet-byul and Ji-hoon, the two people who need to take her claims seriously, are around. Seriously, the woman undermines her own efforts to make people who are not Dong-chan believe her.

Again, it's not that I don't understand where she's coming from. The hysterics isn't even her fault. I just find her a little annoying and tiring to watch at times.


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Glad to see am not the only one tired of the misplaced and over-top-constant hysteria. It has gotten to the point where it is not even realistic anymore - almost like she has a split personality.

And though I liked the way the plot moved along fast, I also saw a LOT more plot holes and outright errors in the episode than usual. Not sure if it rushed shooting, bad editing, or just bad writing. The breaking the truck lock with squid juice and a hairpin was just totally stupid.


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I haven't finished reading the recap yet, but I watched the episode, and I am SO relieved that Dong Chan is so far the good guy.

I'd been starting to get doubts that maybe he changed sides for some reason closer to Saet Byul's death, but seeing him pull out the pin and question it has put my heart to ease.....Please stay this way. It'll break my poor heart if Dong Chan goes bad.

As for Ji Hoon...can I smack that guy? Okay, your wife is going a little..out of it. But you sent her to a mental hospital man? I'm thinking it's his way of protecting her though, as we heard what he said to the man on the phone, just in his own way.
But please, just leave her with Mom. She may not handle the situation properly, but she knows what to do at the very least.

Min Ah has gone crazy. Period.

Also, loved Dong Chan in this ep (not that I haven't been adoring him before). But he was so much comic relief here.

Finally, Saet Byul is maturing. Listening and whatnot.

Alrighty, I'll be back after reading the recap now.


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i was so happy and impressed with Saet Byul in this episode.


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DC's black outs are scaring me though.
What if he had one just before Soo Jung died and maybe somehow he is responsible for his own ex-lover's death?
What if his brother is only trying to save him by admitting he was the culprit?
What if, maybe he had another blackout and was in someway responsible for SB's kidnapping or worse (gulp!) death?!
What if the second chance offered to him was to figure out the truth (regarding Soo Jung) and redeem himself by not committing the same mistakes (regarding SB) again?
DC is too much of a moral prude to do it in his right mind of course, which is why we love him but what if his black outs are the answer to the whole mystery? :O

Far fetched theory? Maybe. But after JH and WJ becoming way too obvious links to the serial killer, this theory seems to kinda fit in.


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It's not just the blackouts, his dependence on heavy medication to sleep plus recurring nightmares and his tendency to use his fists rather than his words to solve problems that are worrying. As much as I like Dong-chan, in the first two episodes he is more than a bit of a lowlife. He seems to be an amoral man with a questionable client base who will do anything for a buck. He works for loan sharks etc. He allows his mother and nephew, who he thinks he is responsible for disabling, to live in poverty and never visits his brother sitting on death row. He lives for himself.

In the first timeline, the security guard at Soo-hyun's apartment turns Dong-chan in after Saet-byul's kidnapping. He remembers the incident of the year before in which Dong-chan and his crew come to the apartment to collect an unpaid debt in a case of mistaken identity. Saet-byul comes in alone because the nanny goes off to do something possibly to do with gambling, maybe?

Dong-chan et al have obviously been there for a while because Jenny and Byeong-tae have had several beers and are settled in for a relaxing time. Dong-chan has been creeping about the apartment, though, and he is coming out of Ji-hoon's office when Saet-byul arrives. So he has had lots of time to look through Ji-hoon's files while the others have been partying. It's interesting to speculate about what he has found.

Dong-chan might have no intention of harming Saet-byul but he has no problem letting Soo-hyun think he is going to harm her daughter if she doesn't pay her debt. He doesn't seem to be a moral prude at all. At this point he still thinks he has come to collect from the right person. He is completely willing to use an innocent child to further his own questionable ends. This guy is a genuine Captain Awesome right from the start? Hmmm, I think I personally am going reserve judgement on that one.

Also, after Dong-chan has been released from jail in the first timeline, he walks past a bulletin board with Saet-byul's missing poster on it. He lingers a while and straightens it out. Then he says that she will be all right. Is he saying this just to be hopeful or does he actually know something? According to the timeline, Saet-byul is still alive at this point.

I think it is entirely possible that Dong-chan is responsible for the first timeline kidnapping. It's just a job to him. And maybe he uses his nephew as the bait to lure Saet-byul away. She's excited to see someone after Min-ah brings her down to the nanny and she scampers off to join him. Perhaps Dong-chan was hired to do a job in the first timeline and Saet-byul's death after her kidnapping is a complete accident. If she was kidnapped to put pressure on Ji-hoon, then in the second timeline the job still needs to be done but Dong-chan, now working with Soo-hyun, is unavailable to do it. So now he has to solve the why of the crime as well as to prevent the ultimate tragic outcome of Saet-byul's kidnapping.

I don't...


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I don't think your theory is farfetched at all but may be an unpopular one. Soo-hyun's reason for getting a redo of the 14 days after her suicide is obvious, she wants to save her daughter. But why is Dong-chan also given the same chance? It's entirely reasonable to wonder if it is because he is in someway responsible for the death of an innocent child and has been killed by gangsters hired to do a job for the person who set this whole mess into motion in the first place.


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I'm with you guys on this one; definitely think he has something to do with it, though no idea what yet :(


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I was just screaming at SH for running away from a car, while they got pulled over, to the shady river, when she could have just stepped outside where the police and DC were.

If JH just explained to his wife about the ring, and say these people are threatening us, let's give it to them, and keep your family close, none of this would have happened. I know it's a drama, but why don't they have anyone decent to babysit SB, the parents are constantly leaving the child alone even at night. Sigh!!!


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OMG, this episode was SO GOOD. Thank you Javabeans for being fast as lightning; you and everybody else – yes, you – you’re all awesome.

We finally felt for the first time the urgency of the ticking clock and how they realize that IT’S HAPPENING AGAIN and it’s happening just like the first time around, original clothes included. Although they still have the time issues going (if my calculations were correct, she was already supposed to be kidnapped a day before this and in theory, there should be 7 days left until her death and not 6), it was nerve-wracking, because I didn’t feel anguish for knowing that she would be kidnapped, but because the characters felt it too. Now on to the bullet points.

1) Oh come on, they actually made that opening scene super dark on the previous episode, to make it seem like Min-Ah was wearing dark clothes and assume that it was the other guy. Ok now it’s not that I don’t like these little twists and red herrings (I actually thought they really changed fate and SB was kidnapped in a different location), but for God’s sake, DON’T FORCE THEM ON ME. The show is sometimes crossing the line between being intelligent and pretending to be intelligent. Yes, it’s well fleshed out and the story clearly hasn’t been written on the spot, due to its elaborate nature, but…ack, I hate that they always stretch our suspension of disbelief. I LOVE IT when a show surprises me and nothing is what it seems, but they are slightly exaggerating.

2) I need to take this off my chest real quick…DAMN YOU WOO-JIN!! DAMN YOU A THOUSAND TIMES! $#@! $#@! $##@#@! AND YOUR MOTHER TOO! FOR GOD’S SAKE, I TRUSTED YOU! I TRUSTED YOU EVEN THOUGH YOU CRUSHED MY HEART ON THE 9TH EPISODE!! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME TRUST YOU ONCE AGAIN ON EPISODE 10, ONLY TO CRUSH ME THIS TIME FOR GOOD?? Me and you, we’re so done!!!! DONE! Ok, rant is over LOL. No, but seriously, these were my exact words commenting episode 9 (I actually had to go back and check it, because I was in so much disbelief): “Now all we need is a FB showing that it was WJ who shot YG and I’m done.”. And they practically did just that. I am not sure just HOW literally I should take everything they say, though. First of – how the F did that special-ops guy kill Bong-sup? Yeah, it always seemed fishy to me that his friend would kill him so willingly in exchange for money – they were even at the same orphanage, but they better not pull a flashback where they suddenly switch the bikers and it proves that this guy killed him and not the one DC saw on the stretcher. OK, if he killed him as in “I paid the other guy to do it”, we know someone did it, so I have no problems with that, but I swear, I’ll be so mad if it turns out that the special-ops guy LITERALLY did it – and I believe the show to be totally capable of pulling such a FB.


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AND OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, WJ shot YG!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT, SHOW!! Why are you doing this to me? Did they seriously show the gun firing in DC’s flashback and not the person shooting it, just so they can mess with us? How on Earth are they going to explain that? Did they drug DC out of his mind to have a completely distorted memory of the incident or will they actually try to convince us that WJ shot YG under their noses? The only plausible way to do that is to show that DC actually shot the guy and not YG (just like I initially thought, since the other guy seemed to fall down and not YG) and when WJ goes on the rooftop, he takes another shot and that’s the one which injures YG. And come to think of it, they will probably even explain it that way. This is probably how the special ops guy knows that WJ is the real culprit, because he was there when it happened and they all covered his a-s. Anyway, this character is lost. There is no forgiving for what he did to DC, no matter the reason and the blackmail behind it. Just like javabeans said, not wanting to be evil doesn’t make you un-evil. It’s so low, despicable and disgusting to causing your friend to torture himself by making him believe he disabled his own nephew, when in fact it was you who did it. So all this “YG, I’m sorry!” was because he did it and not necessarily because he felt guilty for not letting DC be a part of the operation and possibly saving him? Practically WJ took everything away from an innocent man. I give him credit though for trying to protect SB and SH and for even releasing DC from prison, despite giving the initial order himself. In a way, he cares about all these people, but his reputation has been far more important for him so far. Kudos to Jung Gyu-Woon as well for choosing a character who, just like HW from History of the Salaryman, does these despicable things, but you still feel conflicted about him – you want to like him and you sometimes even feel guilty for liking him, because he gives you so many reasons not to. I am a sucker for characters who make me feel that way.

3) No fish were harmed in the making of this episode LOL
Screencap: http://s21.postimg.org/ks3jxu3w7/vlcsnap_2014_04_08_04h27m03s0.png

4) I wonder how come our guy seems to consciously do that tapping on the back of his head, as if he actually wants them to catch him and realize it’s him. Is this some sort of a God complex? Does he think that he can afford to willingly give them clues, because he is so sure they wouldn’t have enough resources to catch him anyway?

5) When SH fights with him in the police car, Dong-Chan’s tracking device falls on the floor and stays there. I wonder if that will lead to anything, although the police car didn’t belong to him.



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2) Really is sad what WJ did to DC, a friend that between them use to have no secrets! And what WJ did was terrible, add on to that the fact that he KNEW DC's drive to be a great detective was to prove that he didn't have murderer's blood in him and knowing DC's sad past, he took the last remaining thing in his life that was worth living for! :( Despicable!

4) Maybe it's like a twitch, something done out of habit? Like he's not even aware he's doing it?

5) Maybe that was so that other people couldn't track her down throughout the episode?


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6) Ajumma, this isn’t Twilight. COULDN’T. STOP. LAUGHING. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, Dong-Chan, you’re the man!

7) There is a recording device in SB’s backpack (?) as well, when she is taken to the hospital after Min-Ah’s attack. And don’t forget that there is also a CCTV in her room, well hidden. Hmmm

8) That van belonging to DC’s group reminds me of the Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo lol.

9) What’s up with the ring and earring? I highly doubt the kidnapping happens JUST because of that evidence, whatever it is pointing to, because the first time around, SH hadn’t found them in Bong’s house and JH didn’t have them either, I guess, otherwise it wouldn’t have taken him 49 days + an envelope with pictures, to figure out who did it. Yet, SB was kidnapped all over again, despite JH sending him the message that he recovered them.

10) I really bursted out laughing when SH’s mother says that her husband is the only one who can be trusted. Yeah, right LOLLOLLOLLOL.

11) Maaaaaaaaaagic HAHAHAHHAHA. Dong-Chan, be still my beating heart. He made me laugh so many times. Good job, my bride! *Aw shucks, thank you*. Loved when he tries to keep SB distracted and says that the water becomes fat, after initially wanting to tell her about dilatation HAHAHA the vocabulary is too damn complex.

12) So that’s why SH tried so hard to make SB the perfect daughter, because he saw herself in her and she wasn’t particularly proud of that. Wonder if SB wrote in that letter that her granny was beaten up, instead of what she was actually telling her to write – probably yes.

13) Yay, he remembers the hairpin – he must have met the culprit at some point during that night when he drunkenly defended SH without even knowing who she was (awwww!). However, it was irrelevant that he said he put the same pants on that he had when he went to that club, since he was there one day before they found SB’s dead body.

14) I want these people’s vitamins, because everybody is moving blazing fast and I don’t know how they do it


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7) I'm sooo curious to know what the CCTV in SB's room will record!

11) DC slays me! The whole "fight" between him and Ho Guk was priceless!

12) I had a feeling SB wrote down the truth too...hopefully.

13) Right?!? DC has always protected SH and her honor lol Hmm I love how your explanation of DC finding the hairpin and putting it in his pocket "just because" is so darn simple and straightforward that no one seems to be going in that directions...

14) Tell me when you find out


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7) Same here. I also wonder if SB got to write something about Snake in her diary, since when SH read it, there was nothing relevant written there yet (she opened it after SB's visit to Tae-Ho's house and maybe she hadn't gotten around writing about her adventures) - only that picture - and if Tattoo Hand enters her room to rip that page off, the CCTV could capture the whole thing. Also, in what circumstances did SB get that picture the first time around and how come Tattoo Guy knew she had it, unless he was living in the same house as Tae-Ho?

13) I'm sort of giving up on the fear that DC might have done some bad things unconsciously and quite possibly, the hairpin thing is just as straightforward as it can be. The fact that DC fears he might have done something terrible hould be a pretty clear indicator that in fact, he didn't LOL. Also, YG's camera should come into action soon - there is a reason why it broke and it got fixed. Bring on the dirty pics LOL.


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15) Woo-jin wipes that car off the blood, but he puts the cloth in his car, to avoid getting busted. I bet someone will discover it before he can get rid of it.

16) Wow so JH only had to say that SH was crazy and they lock her up without any psychiatric evaluation. Yeah, I know it’s for drama’s sake, but it still puzzled me how easy she was taken away.

17) There are quite a few people who can help SH change fate. We have Min-Ah who will be endlessly questioned by SH and maybe she will spill the beans in the end, since she had direct contact with the guy and she must know who he is. Ji-hoon has got his number as well (quite literally LOL). Woo-Jin wasn’t particularly helpful the last time around, but maybe he didn’t know back then that the guy was responsible for what happened to SB, since she wasn’t on his tracks and we see that he really wants to protect her, stepping on his own ego and admitting that DC is the only one who can do it. We also have MS (the puppy guy) in prison still, so they might want to question him.

18) Gramps should die in a few days and I’m curious to see the president’s involvement in all this. I don’t forget about Tae-Ho, who might also be dragged in this, probably unwillingly because his brother apparently died trying to uncover the truth and expose the culprits. Bong-sup did do the “three fingers” sign after all, so there is a connection. Also, when SB is at his house and looks through his pictures, in one of them he was with who she assumed was his girlfriend. Was that Soo-Jung? I might need to recheck that. And at one point or another, SB will get some of her nails painted in pink. Hmmmm.


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So. Many. Things. To. Solve. My brain.

But it's so much fun, thinking of all the clues and signs. It fills up the week.
And also helps in me going paranoid, because now I can't go into the bathroom without checking behind the curtain and doors (Cha Bong Sup's fault) and nor under my bed (Jang Moon Soo's fault). *cry*


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* back pat * I know what you mean * sob together *


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*hands out tissues*


(6) Soo Hyun's bloody lips and the Twilight comment totally got me as well. I laughed until my side hurts.
(7) I was thinking that the red blinky thing was the tracker that DC put on SB... and also the camera in SB's room was the one DC installed. But then we haven't seen anything from that camera until now...
(11) Gah, Dong Chan knows his physics... He's just so perfect..
(13) He was there in the alley a day after SB was kidnapped. It's the day where they found SB's red shoe in the forest. So, 5-6 days before SB's dead body was found.. But man, Dong Chan has sucha sexy legs. Haha.
(16) I do wonder whether you can report someone to an asylum and got them picked up from wherever they are as well without running some tests on them first?
(18) I don't think it's SJ because YG didn't say anything, but I also need to recheck


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(7) Ah, could be - with so many tracking devices, cameras and CCTV, my head spins LOL.
(13) I think it was shortly after they found some of SB's belongings, since he is at the bar when they show on the TV SH's pleas and he argues with those men. Remember that the next day after the kidnapping, she is on a total red herring chasing down those kidnappers and I think they discover SB's body one day after the belongings. Yup about the sexy legs haha.

(18) Ok, took the comparison screencaps. Well :P ?


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18). i don't think the picture SB was implying to be of Tae Oh's girlfriend was of Soo Jung's, i'm saying this because YG also took a look at it and didn't bat an eyelash, he clearly seemed to know who SJ is and what she looks like...


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15 and 16 are such gaping plot holes that for the first time I started having one of those WTF feelings, especially on 15. With Luminal you can detect blood amounts so small that even a total washdown is not effective. http://youtu.be/u73H-5-RP5Y


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I feel like I need to stand up for Woo-jin here - yes, I am really disappointed in him (how can such a cop be first in line for the police commissioner position?!) but but but!!! He's being threatened by Tattoo Hand! He tries to keep Soo Hyun safe! He obviously doesnt want to work with Tattoo Hand! (with the deletion of data from his phone)

ANDDD we do see him making amends - him buying groceries to Young-gyu's house and checking in on them + his heartfelt apology, complete with those smouldering eyes!!!!! I get the feeling that he knew he did something wrong (by firing the shot as well as putting the blame onto Dong Chan) but he is STEEPED IN REGRET!

I hope these all make sense, or else...well, my name IS delulu for a reason ):


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I was WJ's biggest supporter so far. I could have closed an eye with him being corrupt and getting blackmailed, since he had good intentions, but poor execution. However, turning his back on DC and making him take the fall, despite being innocent - that's too much for me to handle. Everything changes with him taking that wrong shot instead of DC. It's not even that mistake itself, but making DC believe it was all his fault is what makes it for me. And asking DC in the police station if he is sure that he (WJ) is the only one to be blamed for what happened to YG? Seriously, who would say such a thing, in his position? Unless the guy threatening him to reveal everything is totally messing with us and he didn't LITERALLY shot YG. Gah, this show.

Yes, he has regrets, he is sorry. Yes, he cares about SH, SB, DC, YG and his granny. BUT he didn't know his priorities. He was too much of a coward to face the consequences of his actions (just like he was a coward when he didn't fight for SH) and he worried too much about the security of his job, in a rotten system anyway. Feeling guilt about what happened isn't enough to erase his wrongdoings, unfortunately.


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I agree about WJ's guilt. He totally messed up DC's life, trying to cover his own mistakes.


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totally agree with your views, i was forgiving of WJ when he did all those shady stuffs thinking that he was pressured by someone in doing so, but as soon as I found out the about the contents of the dirt the suspect had on WJ all my love for him went down the gutter, it's not about him actually shooting YG but the fact that he put the blame on DC and made him share the guilt with him was too hard to take, he destroyed his best friends life in the worst way possible, this is downright selfishness on his part, it's very scary watch him now to be honest.


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Sure, he is also threatened with how his father would react if he would find it out, but one must never succumb to threats, if shutting up affects an innocent man's life in such a horrible way.


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i don't think the show will switch the bikers and show that the tattoo guy was the real biker because DC clearly saw the dead motorcycle guy hitting CSB and then getting shot by HG, i'm sure the killing here means the tattoo guy was the one who ordered CSB to be killed, as in he paid someone to do it which makes him worse than the guy he paid to do the dirty deed.


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1) I totally called the fact that WJ shot YG and not DC since episode 7 when WJ apologized to YG and just the way YG treated WJ (kind of like a subconscious uneasiness) yet he loves his uncle DC so much! I can’t believe WJ made DC believe he shot his own nephew for all these years! My poor DC! WJ deserved all the beating that DC ever gave him!!!!!!

2) SB’s hairpin! I’m soooo glad that it was brought up again in this episode and that DC remembered that he saw it in the previous timeline! It was heartbreaking to see DC begin to question himself though!! You can see it in his eyes, him trying to make sense of it all and praying that he has nothing to do with anything! The question remains, why did DC have that in his pants pocket before, even though it could be that as he was bumping up against the trashcans the hairpin just happened to get on him (and what’s up with the bloodied sleeve? Of course a bloodied sleeve after fighting is normal, but it’s not normal how much the camera focused on it in episode 2…) Also, how does that fact that YG gave her this hairpin play into the mystery??

3) Also, agree with y'all here, that second time that DC and crew got pulled over for being on the warrant list, why in the world did SH think it would be a good idea to run towards the creepy grassy river area instead of running into the arms of DC (who was surrounded by police officers)???

4) I'm thinking there's two bigger forces pushing against each other! Those people trying to correct the wrongs done 10 years and ago and prevent the death penalty from being re-established and those trying to cover up their crimes...Of these two forces, the kidnapper was probably from the side who wanted to correct the wrongs and held SB captive as a political hostage to get what they wanted without the actual intention of harming her, but of course, SB ran away and drowned...so SH and DC are really chasing down the kidnapper in hopes of saving SB but the chase more importantly will yield the answers behind the truth and mystery behind all of this so they can help fight it and correct it!


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1) Ahhhh, so it was you! I knew some did think of it, but I couldn't recall the names. *Clap* *clap*, that was a great call, although I wish you wouldn't have been right LOL. WJ practically destroyed DC's life, no excuses.

2) DC is praying to be innocent, just like we all do :( . Don't forget that YG also has the running shoes, after making that pinky promise to SH to protect SB...in some way, I think all three (DC, YG and SB) will meet at some point during her kidnap.

3) I wonder if it wasn't WJ who sent those men out to stop any "intruders" from that field, because he knew the guy would be on SH's tails. Anyhow, it was poor judgment on SH's behalf, but at least that went well.

4) I think you're totally right. I am not even 100% convinced that the one who kidnaps SB is the same tattoo guy, since I can't forget how SB runs all jolly on the CCTV, as if she knew the person who took her away. Or maybe the tattoo guy just asked someone she knows (Tae-Ho??) to get close to her and take her. After all, 70% of the people on this show are manipulated by him in one way or another and the fact that she is not killed right away, but held as a hostage, might support the theory that the person kidnapping her got attached to SB. Whoever that mastermind is, he is surely influential. God knows how many more have that Nemesis tattoo LOL.

I wonder if there is a contradiction at play, as in the guy during all sorts of crimes to prove someone's innocence through those jewels who, as JH realizes, were the belongings of a victim (probably not the one killed by Bong-sup). It's also curious that he doesn't kill SH and DC despite having the chance to do it, but just issues them a warning. Why would he kill SB and not them? Although, according to WJ, he did kill Bong-sup. Ack, so confusing! I am not sure that the drowning was accidental either, after seeing just how many evidences have been erased by WJ. The people on the show also complained by the sloppiness of the police in dealing with such cases.

I am also not sure of what bothers him about the president and why does he say that the child will die because of him. The general consensus on the show is that the president is bad because he keeps postponing the death penalty (he is still re-evaluating it) and that minister of justice looks shady as hell, but who wants the caller to be executed and why?


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1) I'm only happy I'm right because now that burden of guilt can finally be lifted from DC's shoulders (but of course nothing makes up for the past 10 or so years of damage to DC's psychological and physical health as a result of WJ's betrayal -_-)

2) I would love to see more interactions between Yg and his uncle DC! DC and YG clearly love each other a lot and I want to see more of their familial love!

4) There was probably a memo I missed or something because it does seem like everyone has that darn tattoo! And the fact that SB ran "happily" towards the kidnapper is so crucial, but who?!?!


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1) Gah, I know...WJ not only traumatized him by leading him to believe that he was to blame, but also estranged him more from the already estranged family.

2) They look so happy in their family pics! And the fact that YG loves his uncle and his gifts more than WJ, whom he sees on a regular basis, is telling. Guess that YG has this special connection with both Dong-ho and Dong-chan, without needing to constantly see them to reaffirm those feelings.

4) I also have my doubts about the Tattoo Hand (Well, the current Tattoo Hand LOL, since there are zillions of them), because we never actually hear him explicitly say that he wants to harm Soo-hyun/Saet-byul. Both JH and WJ threaten him not to mess with Soo-hyun and ASSUME he wants to do it, but the only things he says about her is "What did that woman want?" and "Where is that woman?". Does he actually WANT to mess with her, since even Bong-sup was in awe of her motherly instincts? If you notice, he messes with and blackmails characters on the shady side, like WJ and JH and criminals like Bong-sup, while he spares both SH and DC. Besides, if it's the jewels he is after, it wouldn't make any sense to kidnap SB, since he can get them now any time. What if JH actually wanted to kill the wrong guy for SB's death?

Sure, we see him chasing SH, kidnapping her and driving her in that police car, but he doesn't actually inflict serious physical harm on her, like Min-Ah, Bong-sup who hit her unconsciously or that fake kidnapper. Even when he breaks into her house and hotel room, he does it knowing they are not there - he left way before Min-Ah broke into the apartment and enters the hotel room only after they leave. It would have been easier for him just to threaten SH to get the jewels or whatever he wanted. I wonder if he has some kind of a twisted moral - criminal killing criminals, sparing the life of those who prove to be more than decent human beings, like DC and SH and punishing other ones instead - the corrupt team leader, the corrupt lawyer (he has a whole web with his family's pictures), the mistress.

Of course, everything seems to point to him wanting to hurt SH and implicitly SB, since he is always aggressively on her tracks, but do we actually know to what purpose? Tattoo Hand can totally be another red herring, without wanting to have any collateral damage. So far, the most telling evidence we have against him is sending his minions to hurt Jenny, the hacker, granny/SB, but what if that isn't his doing? You can never have too many criminals and coincidences in God's Gift lol.


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2) Every time I see just how happy the Ki family was, I'm so sad at how this greater conspiracy has ruined what they had! :( They were just a regular family trying to live their lives as best they could, but because of someone's most atrocious and selfish act at taking away the life of another person (and then covering it up), they became the roadkill in that person's path! Every single person in the Ki family have been suffering and living in a hell for 10 years now! It's so heartbreaking! I can't wait until DC and SH catch that son of a bitch! It won't fix everything, but it'll be a start!

The way YG acted around WJ when he came to visit definitely set off an alarm and was one of the reasons why I guessed that WJ was actually the one that shot YG.

4) I agree, Tattoo hand (at least the one that gave a warning to SH and DC) seems to be a vigilante of some sort, trying to correct some injustice done to him in particular or a more broad scale injustice with the murders of 10 years ago that put DH in prison and turned DC's life upside down! He obviously could tell that SH and DC are good people, but they were getting in the way of his own plans thus the warning (and once again through beating the crap out of my beautiful DC's face)! I say the real evil is the political or whatever power working to get DH executed and to cover up the crimes of 10 years ago!


Fuuuuu. Try as they might, they can't rewrite history. The pin, the clothes, the program -- we've come so far only to end up back where we started. From start to finish, I could not stop yelling at my computer screen. I loved Dong Chan's fish blow game. No need to tell her to memorize his number before her battery died; I bet she could already recite his number by heart. Saet Byul was a real trooper back there. Although, I was freaking out if she had opened the door, she would fly right out of the truck.

However, there were plenty of nonsensical means to an end in this episode of which I must vent. Ahjumma, why are you wandering off on your own when you know you need Dong Chan to protect you? Plus the police were right there; just scream, "Tattoo Man!" Safety in numbers. I was willing to overlook Byung Tae and Jenny sneaking out of jail because as Korean dramas have taught me cops are incompetent, but then it happened again with Grandma and Saet Byul sneaking away from the gangsters. It is seemingly easier to be admitted to a mental hospital than to a regular hospital.

I'm relieved the kidnapping occurred during an odd-numbered episode, so we get to see the fallout tomorrow. I'm on the edge of my seat already. Thanks for the recap, javabeans!


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she ran away cause the police cant be trusted


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this is a great episode, especially the part where DC is working w SB to free her. DC is really awesome, no wonder WJ feels "threatened" by him.

I almost forgot abt the hair pin in the first timeline...which brings me to the blood stain DC had on his jeans...

puzzling, puzzling, puzzling...we can only wait for DC to save the day!


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Oh Dong Chan! How I love you! Let me count the ways.... ?This guy is seriously one of the best drama characters I've seen in a while.
I felt a lot of frustration about this episode, esp when SH was locked up. At first I thought he had her committed for her to be protected from the baddies, but know I know that he just thinks she's crazy (which is justifiable due to her actions). That being said, JH's family is being threatened, shouldn't he be concerned about his daughter's welfare?! I'm super curious about how SB gets taken in this scenario. The first time around, JH blamed SH for being careless and focusing on her first love instead of watching SB.
Something else, wasn't the kidnapper's voice different this time? It sounded a lot deeper. Could it be a different person?
Side note: can we talk about Minah's attack? Idk if it was the editing, but her movement was remeniscent of how the kid in the grudge moved. Kinda creepy. lol


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Yes, this time it almost sounded like his natural voice, unlike the first time when it sounded more robotic.


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No analysis today, but did anyone else notice that both DC and SH have each other as no 1 in their speed dial? :D


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Really???? Awwww <3 Plus I would hope so since they seem to only talk to each other on the phone!


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About the phone thing, why did DC get a text from his own phone?? How did Saet Byul get his phone? (I assuming that the message came from SH who took the phone from SB's pocket right??) ahhhh!!


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Soo-Hyun took his phone out of the van when she was trying to run away from tattoo guy.


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I want more OTP moments in this drama >.< they just have so much chem BOILING


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Haha! Yes, I did notice that!! It was sweet/cool/awesome!! :D It's amazing how DC and SH came to trust and rely on each other so much in just a matter of days. The few hours when she doubted him was an exception but it was quickly resolved through communication. It's good that if one of them is avoiding the other, the latter will go after the first one and clear the issue/misunderstanding! They are going through a life-changing, nerve-wrecking phase in life; I believe that trust and understanding build in those times cannot be easily broken. Also they complement each other well and have gone through similar family issues. If they end up together (and they must!!), they have potential for a happily ever after.


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This might sound lame but is it possible that Dongchan has Saetbyul's pin in the first timeline because someone (probably the tattoo guy) placed it in his jeans pocket when he was having a blackout? To incriminate him or to just conveniently get rid of evidence. Or it might be that one of the thugs he was fighting had the pin, and it accidentally dropped into Dongchan's pocket. I think the former is more possible, though.

Y'know, guys, as much as I think Jihoon is pretty much an ass, he loves his family. So while I think he sent Soohyun to the mental hospital in order to get his hands on the ring/earring, I think it was also to keep her safe. He actually threatened to do something to the bad guy if he did anything to harm Soohyun (if I remember correctly). And although he can control Saetbyul, he cannot do the same to Soohyun who was bordering on erratic, really, so mental hospital was the next best choice to prison to keep her in one place.


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Ji fucking Hoon. you bastard! if you had been real i would have kicked, slapped & punched you so many times that you would have had to be hospitalized for the rest of your life. sure, part of the reason for you getting her admitted is cause you want to protect her. if thats so then why havent you gotten your daughter hospitalized too you piece of shit? mental hospitals are the worst when you are thrown there unfairly. no matter what you say nobody will believe you, you cant do anything, slight agitation & they will sedate you or heck do anything. worst of all, Saet Byul has been kidnapped & she cant get out. she is forced to stay there. its madness. it WILL make Soo Hyun mentally unstable. what REALLY pissed me off about this whole thing was that he was separating a mother from her child. who the fuck gave you the right to do that you motherfucker. god i want to swear so much more & put this all in caps but i am afraid i will get banned or something XD

& if she has the phone then why didn't she just tell Dong Chan to get her out of the mental hospital too!! come on!! he would have done what i want to do to Ji Hoon - punch him & drag his bleeding mess of a body to the hospital & force him to get Soo Hyun out. if Ji Hoon still doesnt do that, Dong Chan would have torn the whole place down to get Soo Hyun out. DONG CHAN DOESNT KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!

anyways i hope Dong Chan & Soo Hyun reunite first thing in the next ep cause this ep was so empty of them together.

now the positive parts. "Saet Byul! i actually like a strong woman more. they are wild so they are sexy! That's right my bride" HAHAHAHA i would have moved mountains if Dong Chan had said that to me XD & ROFLMAO at the scenes in the police station XD!! poor Ho Goo XD!! always being put in a difficult position by Dong Chan. & then being being hit or sweared at by him. XD!!! & his face when the other officers see that Byung Tae & Jenny have escaped "i didnt do anything :o magic! :o" XD!!!!!

PS: if after all this Soo Hyun still stays with Ji Hoon then imma fly to SK & kick the writers. Soo Hyun needs to end up with Dong Chan THE END........or at least Saet Byul & Dong Chan XD!!!!! hey! that girl has feelings too XD!!!!


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Whose phone is it that SH has in the mental hospital?? Why did the text that DC got come from his phone??


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thats whats puzzling me too. how can he get a text from his own phone.....maybe its a mistake on the staff's part?


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When Ji-hoon visits her at the mental hospital, he brings Saet-byul in and just as Saet-byul leaves, she sneakes SB's phone out of her jacket pocket.


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Yup but why did SB have his phone in the first place! I may have missed something out (on top of many other things I'm missing out hahahaha)


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Oh I see SH took DC's phone before leaving the van! That's probably how it ended up with SB right. But why did SH take his phone?


Hi Anon,
I think SH's phone fell off in the police car earlier. She was leaving the van in a hurry because she saw the tattoo guy. She may have grabbed the first phone she could get her hands on- just in case she needs it to call someone.


oh! & also, in that scene at the start. in the car. the police & especially DONG CHAN, BYUNG TAE & JENNY were RIGHT THERE. all she needed to do was either shout OR just get out of the car & go to them. for a show that has been solid so far, it was stupid how they separated Dong Chan & Soo Hyun.

if i had Dong Chan next to me, i would have been jumping in his arms even for things such as a small cut on my finger. Ladies, you cant deny it when i say it goes for everyone (though Dong Chan is mine) XD


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She didn't shout because she couldn't trust the cops. A fake cop had just tried to kidnap her. Also the cop,who asked for Jenny's license, notified someone (possibly WJ) that he found the wanted people. Within minutes, the tattoo guy was at the scene. Maybe WJ's phone was tapped. Don't know. AND the important point - SH was a suspect in the case of Min Ah's stabbing. If they arrest her there, SB can be in danger because the tattoo guy is there. DC can't protect SB either because he will be arrested too for harboring a possible criminal. At first, it may seem that SH did a wrong thing running away into the wilderness but we can't blame her much for doing so. The writers of this show are fantastic! They have thought out every possible possibilities and have tied the details together very well. Even if something doesn't seem right on the surface, it may have another meaning underneath :) I hope the ending will be wrapped up well :)


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Hi Christina,
About your question of "Why didn't SH tell DC to rescue her?" - Simple. She didn't have TIME to tell him and DC wouldn't have had TIME to save both her and SB. She had just taken the phone from SB when SB and JH visited her. The immediate concern was to stop SB from going to the broadcasting station. Also her message was in guise of a code; so, I'm assuming that's all she got time to write before they sedated her. She woke up at 7:30 pm when the broadcast was going on; and DC was rushing to the station to save SB.


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security ahjussi was so suspicious...


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To everyone who is saying that it seemed really easy for JH to have SH locked up in a mental hospital... I don't know what it's like in Korea, but in the US, it's a lot easier to have someone locked up than you might think. While the person being locked up theoretically has to be a danger to themself or others, the bar for this is really low. There doesn't have to be any evidence that they have actually harmed or attempted to harm anybody, even just vaguely talking about harming somebody or themself is enough. And SH is accused of attacking MA, so that is more than enough for the authorities to conclude she needs to be locked up. JH could also probably argue successfully that her reckless actions put SB in danger.

What would happen in the US if someone were reported is that the police would show up (immediately, this is not something that requires a long process, since remember the person supposedly presents a danger), do an on the spot psychological evaluation (not in-depth, it would only take about 10 minutes), and then have the person conveyed to the hospital. They would have go to court and have a judge commit them, but that is mostly a formality, and the person would be held at the hospital while they were waiting to go to court (though they probably can't be held for more than a couple of days before trial).

The only thing I'm not sure of here is whether it would be possible for SH to be committed while she is already wanted by the police for a crime. In that situation, you'd think they would have to hand her over to the police first, though there would probably be a way for them to then claim she needed to be held at the hospital.

The reason I am writing this is because this is an important issue to me, and I personally feel that there are serious problems with the system (not least that mental hospitals mostly only drug their patients without providing any kind of therapy), so I hope I've made people a little more aware.


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i agree that it easier to locked someone mental hospital because when people are insane, they should be evacuated 1st then they will give an examination to determined that the person is really being crazy or just panicked.
Crazy/mentally disable people concern with harm that they might have caused due to something they obsessed to. So it practically normal that mental hospital toc ame, JH got all the reason, she recently being too aggressive, concern in many little things, just get attacked in the house and become suspect for harm a lady then run from police and gone missing,
seriously, it really fits.


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As much as this episode was very exciting, i'm really missing the problem solving aspect from the previous episodes where Soohyun and the gang were gaining some traction with figuring who the killer is and us viewers were starting to find out what the deal is with the snake idol guy.

And that theory about DC dying so SB can live, please no.


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The prophecy says that "one of the two" has to disappear for the fate to end. What makes the commentators above (and in previous discussion threads) believe that "the two" refers to Dongchan and Saetbyul? Can't one of the two be referring to Big Bad? I went back to the recap of episode one and looked at the translated prophecy. I'm just curious :).


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For me personally, I'm not sure who the prophecy refers to. When I watched first episode, I thought that the prophecy is referring to SB and SH. But then, when SH went back in time, she believes that the prophecy refers to the killer and SB. Now since this show has a way with twisting what we believe, I guess most of us started to think that it could also point to DC and SB, because that would be the twist we're most afraid of? The prophecy was never clear on which one of the two and since DC was also given the chance to go back in time, he could also be one of the two...


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I watched this episode after two episodes of Hotel King and my brain is fried.


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My sister and I were talking about Jihoon, his affair, and his relationship with Soohyun

As I've been watching the show, I've wondered how Jihoon managed to have an affair with all that was going on. For how long was he being threatened? I just don't think that, in his situation, he had the time the time to conduct a passionate affair. Is it possible that he may have slept with Minah once or twice (hey in dramaland, that's all you need to become pregnant!). Perhaps it was a spur-of-the-moment thing and Minah was the one who became obsessed. So yes, he cheated on his wife but I do not believe that he carried on an affair. It just doesn't seem to fit. I was so hoping that the whole cheating part would have been a lie. Despite his faults and dark secrets, I do not see Jihoon as evil. But the fact that he had some type of relationship with a woman who threatened the life of his daughter has created one too many strikes against him in his wife's eyes. I just hope that this fling wasn't used as a plot device ( Minah serving as a mislead in the beginning of this episode; additionally, this might by a way to make a possible romance between our two leads more acceptable. I'm honestly fine without there being a romance. I want them to become close friends).

My sister and I were thinking about Jihoon's relationship with Soohyun. Did anyone see genuine love on her part? It was almost as if she decided to marry him because of what he represented to her. We noticed a little more warmth from his side. With her husband and (regimented) daughter, did Soohyun think she had the perfect family? It took losing her daughter in the first timeline for her to change her her method of parenting (although she stilled failed to keep an eagle-eye on her daughter and carefully choose her daughter's caregivers).


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Crap. Oh crappity crap. Despite all attempts to prevent it, Saet Byul got kidnapped again in pretty much the same manner. In a way, I'm actually relieved because it leaves room for Soo hyun to really step up, put aside all recklessness, and completely focus on investigating and getting to the root of all this without her daughter bogging her down with her dumb actions. Also, this time, the clock will be ticking more ominously because it's a real race against time to save Saet Byul's life. I'm so excited.

Regarding Woo-jin and Ji-hoon....I find neither are actually bad guys. They both clearly care a lot for Soo Hyun and are trying to protect her. Still, they do this in shady ways that totally contradict their seemingly benign intents. Hope to see more of these guys' backstories.

Thanks for the recap, Javabeans.


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This show never fails to keep me hooked...i love me a good mystery
however i really hope Dong Chan doesn't have to die for Saet-Byul which is what i think is gong to happen so far...
I find Woo jin's shadiness and being blackmailed suspicious enough to connect him to Saet byul's death (random thought: what if he purposely held off Soo hyun so they could kidnap Saet byul?)
And about Ji hoon i don't think he would let them hurt his daughter however it might have something to do with him
This show just keeps getting better and better and i kinda hate the fact that i started following it like this instead of just marathoning it after it's over (i really HATE having to wait like this)
Abd last but sertainly not least...Dong chan <3 'nough said
p.s is Saet byul the cutest little girl ever or what? :D


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Thanks for the recap!

Ah, Min-ah, what are we gonna do with you? Not that I'm excusing Ji Hoon but really, if you're gonna cheat on your workaholic wife, why did you cheat with a woman who is clearly a nutcase? Or did she seduce him because he seemed so bereft and forsaken by his workaholic wife? Talk about cray-cray fatal attraction!

I always felt Woo Jin was the one who shot Young Gyu... but to think the conspiracy was around even then!!!!!

Curse you fate! The returned clothes is one thing, but what's with that hairpin?

I think this is the second drama I've seen (maybe third) where some sane person gets locked away in a mental institution. Man from another star? Incarnation of Money? Maybe more. Good heavens! But wow! Can one come out and say one sees the future? Not much help to yourself that kind o' defense. Am glad this all happened on episode 11 or I'd be stressed all week. Let's see what episode 12 brings.


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Hey Carole!

I don’t know why but I keep getting the feeling that Ji Hoon purposely seduced Min-ah not because he actually liked her but because she was a means to an end. That’s not pardonable either and still a rather despicable act.

The returned clothes are just a Fate thing while the hairpin is a guide to have the main characters think about what else went on without their knowing.

So true about sane people getting locked in mental institutions in kdramas, haha. But I think Incarnation of Money did that in the best way. It was probably one of my most favorite parts of that drama.


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My Guess from 4-5 episodes ago:
I think SH will die at the end, according to the prophecy, and SB will grow up and look exactly like SH (well, LBY may just take the grown-up SB roles) and marry DC. It is a bittersweet ending, but it works well for this show.
Let's see how this ends.


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No. Nahi. Andwe. Nicht. Please, that just seems wrong to me on so many levels, I am sorry!


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okay ... so she's kidnapped again ... but we know where she was taken don't we? We know the shack by the river was where she was kept the first time ... so problem solved ... just go to the shack.


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Woo jin is out of market ...he maried Last weekend ,
I have feeling That SB is his daughter.


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wait, what?


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Yup, my oppa Jung Gyu-Woon (actor playing WJ) married his girlfriend of 3 years (and BFF for many more years) on the 5th of April. He looked beyond adorable *fangirling*.


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By the way..Wood jin is out of market...he maried Last week...
I have been thinking That SB Could be his daughter.


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The very second grandma and Saet-byul got into the back of the truck, I was already thinking along the lines of "I bet you 10 bucks that that's a freezer." Because in kdramaland, it always is.

I hate Woo-jin, Ji-hoon, and Min-ah so much right now. Also, aside from mom, Saet-byul, and Dong-chan, I trust nobody. I know they're playing with our trust in Dong-chan, what with that pin and all... BUT DAGNAMIT, I cannot accept him being anything other than the good guy right now. Please show, let there be a good reason for him to have had possession of the pin. Please?


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love the way you guy fight for DG


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I'm wondering if the killer also knows he has gone back in time ... ?


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WHAT????? No, the killer hasn't gone back in time. The only people who went back in time are DC and SH.


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I feel like I need to watch this all over again. I don't know if it's the subtitles since I don't und Korean, but I am very confused about a few things. if someone could help me understand I'd appreciate it. Here goes:

1) What's with the Public Search broadcast? In the original timeline that broadcast was made to look for the killer who was murdering the women (killer #1 -Cha Bong Seob?). Why is the broadcast still occurring in the second timeline since the murderer of those women was revealed to be Cha Bong Seob.

2) They keep talking about that picture take at Mujin with the 3 guys in it, but wasn't the girl Dong Chan's girlfriend? Why wouldn't he have known about his GFs friends?! I also get confused with who they all are. I just know that one of them is in a mental hospital, one died (Te Oh's brother), and the last one is supposedly the killer? (I was under the impression that they uploaded the supposed killer's picture on the social network site which is how they found "Heidi") Anyway I'm so confused please help me. Thanks


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I maybe able to help you with your second question. The people in the photograph from the left - Te Oh's brother, Doo Jin (Haraboji's son who committed suicide), Soo Jung, and YJH (the one in the mental hospital). DC and gang uploaded the picture of these three guys on their university website. And Heidi responded saying that those who uploaded the profiles are fake because TO' s brother is dead. DC and SH tracked who Heidi is and found him. Heidi is die-hard fan of TO, who keeps track of everything that goes around TO...........DC and SH were moving thinking that the guy called Doo Jin is the tattoo guy. They didn't know his name until episode 12. Also they learned that he committed suicide 5 years ago after TO's brother died. And around that time, YJH was admitted in a mental hospital too. Now we know that the fifth guy who took the photo is probably the tattoo guy and/or the real culprit in SJ's death. If you saw the funeral video of TO's brother, you can see that the tattoo guy is seen consoling DJ and YJH. ........................SJ and her friends to the university in Seoul. DC was in the countryside in Mu Jin. She may not have shared in detail about her friends at the university. Also we don't know what exactly happened in SJ's case. What if she was involved in something shady? In that case, she won't tell DC much about her life in Seoul or her rich, elite friends.


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*SJ and her friends went to university in Seoul* Sorry about the typo.

About question #1 - I believe they said that there was a new victim, and that an eye witness came forward. And the caller said that he has killed 6 women so far. Not sure who these victims are. In the original timeline, it was 3 victims. I wonder if 6 more women were killed AFTER Cha Bong Sup was convicted/killed. I don't know if the caller was referring to the 3 killings at Mu Jin and the 3 where CBS was convicted. We were shown that CBS is the actual culprit in the three recent killings. So I don't know. I have to go back and check it again.


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THanks for your clarification. Helped a lot! As for the 6 killings, I still wonder. I am just hoping by the end of it everything is clear. Since CBS killed those 3 women for sure (Unless Mr.UltimateKiller was behind that as well because he is def pulling a lotta strings). THe eye witness that came forward was related to the murder of some shopkeepers as far as I understand...then they look at the CCTV and see the guy with the bracelet, who DC saw dead on the road so they were back to square 1 since he couldnt be the killer.


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You're welcome! And thank you for pointing to the shopkeepers' murders. The police said that the shopkeeper "couple" were killed; so, I take back my statement that it was 6 "women" the killer was referring to. My bad!


I'm not sure if this was mentioned before. But apparently it's pretty easy to have someone admitted into a mental hospital in Korea.

Here's an example about it.



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THIS is one of THE BEST episodes! My sister and me were totally holding each other and shouting especially in the cold truck scene and Dong Chan/Jo Sung Woo did EXCEPTIONALLY good acting here and Saet Byul was totally into it! STRONG Lady totally rules! Go Saet Byul!!!

Things are falling into place and it is becoming more clear... INTERESTING!!! It would be interesting to know now how the clip came to be in his pant's pocket before the God's gift of 14 days....

The Photographer who took the photo of Dong Chan's Girlfriend with the 3 boys is the main killer. I TELL YOU!!! And my bet would be on the President's son...let's see...

LOVE THIS DRAMA. Thanks for the review! <3


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The relationships in this show continue to confuse me--but in a good way. I initially only followed the recaps because it's really hard to find time to watch dramas these days. But last night I've finally managed to squeeze in two hours of drama watching and I'm up to episode 3 now--baby steps. Perhaps it's the acting that still got me hooked despite the fact that I already knew the story. Now I can't wait for the next recap and I promise to be a good girl by marathoning the rest of the episodes this
weekend. Work and social responsibilities be damned.


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anyone else with me when I say that I watched and re-watched the Twilight comment part and the whole freezer truck scene an unhealthy amount of of times?? lol


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