God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 10

We’re at the halfway mark for time travel, and the search is narrowing down. Amidst the misunderstandings and confusions, the evidence is pointing to one direction, and hopefully it’s the right one. Our characters are taking major steps forward in the case, and their web of connections is almost complete. So close… but who knows? With this show’s track record, we could be just as far.


Soo-hyun looks back at the group picture and thinks over the information she’s collected. The couple at the Moojin real estate office recognized one of the guys in the photo. He’s apparently a genius art student and used to frequent the docks to fish with his father, who was the mayor of Moojin ten years ago.

Next stop for Soo-hyun is the mayor’s house. She’s told by the former mayor that his son immigrated to the United States, but he’s cut all contact from him for over ten years. She follows up with questions on his other friends in the picture, but he shuts her down.

The mayor’s wife continues to water her plants with occasional nervous glances, and Soo-hyun notices a painting of the same landscape as the one in the picture, dated 2008. There’s definitely something he’s hiding.

Night falls, and Soo-hyun notes that Saet-byul was kidnapped today in the first timeline, but at this moment she’s still by her side. Dong-chan assures her that they’ve changed Saet-byul’s fate, and now all they need to do is find the killer.

At the small convenience store, Soo-hyun asks the owner to turn the channel to her criminal investigation program, but the program has been replaced with a special announcement from the president. He announces that due to public outcry and recent crimes, his administration will reevaluate the necessity of capital punishment. Uh-oh… time is ticking.

Our trio has settled at the shopkeeper’s house for the night, and Saet-byul reads her book, which just happens to be The Story of a Mother by Hans Christian Andersen (the same story as our intro in Episode 1). Clearly shaken, Soo-hyun takes the book away and gives it to Dong-chan to throw out.

Dong-chan reads the book on his own and takes a pen to edit the text. A metaphor for changing fate? I hope so.

When the shopkeeper stops by the room, Saet-byul is still upset at Mom for snatching away her book and leaves to play with Dong-chan.

The group photo slips from Soo-hyun’s wallet, and the shopkeeper immediately recognizes Soo-jung, who was a regular customer. Soo-hyun asks about Soo-jung’s home.

Meanwhile, dispirited Saet-byul plays games with Dong-chan, but her mind is still on the book. She predicts that the little girl must have died in the story. Dong-chan pulls out the book and offers to read it, to which Saet-byul cheerfully agrees.

Dong-chan’s storytelling transitions into a voiceover by the shopkeeper, who speaks regretfully of Soo-jung’s mother. After her daughter’s death, she went insane and disappeared – her mortality unknown. Soo-hyun goes out to find the abandoned home, and inside it finds a framed mother-daughter photo. It’s Soo-jung and Café Destiny lady.

Soo-hyun recognizes Café Destiny lady, and the shopkeeper’s voiceover explains that Soo-jung’s mother was a shaman and could accurately foretell the future, but she couldn’t foresee her own daughter’s death. With that revelation, another day has passed. Seven days remain.

Soo-hyun returns with the photo, and Dong-chan takes it to see what’s causing her nighttime brooding. When he sees the two women, he’s startled and at a loss for words. Soo-hyun doesn’t notice and decides they need to head back to Seoul.

During the morning drive back, Dong-chan is clearly still shaken, so much so that Saet-byul whispers to Mom asking if they got in a fight. He’s so distracted that he almost hits the biker crossing the road, and the man comes up to the car window with some angry words.

Dong-chan pulls up his hood, but that doesn’t stop the man from recognizing who he is – the photo studio’s younger son. Dong-chan denies it awkwardly and swiftly drives away.

The act doesn’t get past Soo-hyun, however, who connects the photo studio reference to the information she got at the real estate office about Ki Dong-ho. After Dong-chan drops off the two, Soo-hyun calls Woo-jin to confirm her suspicion that Dong-chan is indeed Ki Dong-ho’s brother.

With that information, Soo-hyun heads back to her job, where she has more accessibility to case files. Apparently, she just quit with a simple phone call, but now she’s back on the job. Going through files on Ki Dong-ho, she notices Ji-hoon’s name listed as the prosecutor. News to her, but not to us.

Grandpa Byung-ho comes back home to find Dong-chan pacing and not knowing what to do. Dong-chan asks for advice on what he should do about a presumably revealed secret: do I tell the person or wait until she asks about it? He demands some wise words from Grandpa’s long life experience and he delivers.

By telling someone your secret, you are leaving them with your freedom, and since Dong-chan’s heart is caged up, he should ask that person to unlock that freedom. So basically, spill the beans. Perfect advice and just what he needed. High-five, gramps!

Just as Dong-chan leaves, Grandpa gets a phone call with updates notifying him that the presidential office is leaning more towards capital punishment than they are letting off. Oof, bad news, but why to Grandpa as well?

Soo-hyun barges into Ji-hoon’s law office and demands information on the people in the group picture. Ji-hoon barely recognizes them and vaguely remembers the male Seoul students being questioned early on in Soo-jung’s case. They were the first ones off the hook because of their alibis.

Soo-hyun then confronts Ji-hoon about not disclosing all of his past files, naming Ki Dong-ho’s case. Ji-hoon strikes back with accusations that Dong-chan intentionally approached Soo-hyun with grudges about his brother’s sentence.

Ji-hoon claims that Dong-chan sent the threatening email and planted Grandma and Young-gyu to infiltrate their family. Soo-hyun starts going through all her suspicions and doubts, and they all seem to fit Ji-hoon’s theory.

She goes to Woo-jin to accuse Dong-chan, but he refuses to believe her. He sets her straight by presenting her with the photo Dong-chan found in Cha Bong-seob’s apartment – the one of Young-gyu and Grandma.

Woo-jin reveals that Mimi – Cha Bong-seob’s last victim – was Young-gyu’s birth mother, and Dong-chan followed Cha Bong-seob to the crime scene reenactment because he needed to know why he had that photo.

Woo-jin adds that the Dong-chan he knows wouldn’t commit such a crime. He also tells Soo-hyun to stick with Dong-chan because he will risk his life to protect what he values.

Soo-hyun doesn’t seem convinced, and just as she leaves, Woo-jin gets a phone call. His face grows grim and intense as he picks up. The man on the other end asks what the lady wanted and Woo-jin warns him not to touch Soo-hyun. Oh man, this killer is pulling so many strings.

Soo-hyun pays a visit to Grandma, who tells her about Dong-ho and Young-gyu. Dong-ho picked up orphan Young-gyu off the streets, fed him, and made him a part of the family. Grandma then asks how a sympathetic kind soul like Dong-ho could be a criminal.

Grandma takes Soo-hyun’s hands and begs her to persuade Ji-hoon to reconsider the case. She says that Ji-hoon knew Dong-ho was innocent and insists that if Soo-hyun met Dong-ho, she would know he was innocent too.

Of course Soo-hyun has already met Dong-ho, so she goes back through recordings of her interview with him and sees that he wasn’t actually lurching at her. She meets with the prison guard and it turns out it was his loose pet rat that caused his violent jump. He was afraid he would lose his pet if it got stepped on. Soo-hyun asks the prison guard what kind of person Dong-ho is, and he replies by saying that his imprisonment is really a mystery to him and his colleagues.

Back at Soo-hyun’s house, Dong-chan is banging on the door and yelling at Soo-hyun to come out. The security guard orders him to stop making a scene, but he brushes him off.

He gets a call from Grandma, who tells him that Soo-hyun stopped by and she told her everything. That prompts Dong-chan to somehow track down Soo-hyun on the road, cut her off, and hijack her car.

Meanwhile, Saet-byul and Ji-hoon are back home, and Ji-hoon calls the nanny seeing that Soo-hyun isn’t home. Ji-hoon makes an extra phone call to find the whereabouts of Saet-byul’s helmet (where he hid the jewelry evidence) and to locate Te-oh’s house.

Dong-chan accuses Soo-hyun of avoiding him, and she accuses him right back, saying he’s the one who sent the threatening email. He looks at her with disbelief and claims he has no reason to threaten Ji-hoon because his brother deserved his sentence – he witnessed him killing Soo-jung.

Flashback to the night of the crime. Dong-ho obnoxiously follows Soo-jung, who is meeting up with Dong-chan for a date night. Dong-chan shoos him away, and their romantic date proceeds, with guitar playing and talks of the future.

Soo-jung tells Dong-chan to go to school in Seoul because she wants to escape the country life, but he insists on staying for the sake of his mother, brother, and adopted nephew.

Dong-ho lingers around to take pictures of them, and Soo-jung gets so annoyed that she calls him an idiot and blames him for ruining Dong-chan’s life. Dong-chan is clearly offended by this comment and breaks up with her on the spot. His heart doesn’t seem fully into the break-up, but he leaves anyway with Dong-ho left behind.

Dong-chan goes to share a drink with some friends and notices the surveillance camera, which was newly installed in the neighborhood because of the recent killings. Worried about Soo-jung, he heads back to walk her home.

After taking a leak, Dong-chan turns around and notices Dong-ho carrying a limp woman in his arms and dumping her in the water. Shocked, he runs down to the scene, where his worst nightmares are confirmed: Soo-jung is dead, and Dong-ho admits to killing her.

Back in the present, Dong-chan still regrets leaving Soo-jung with Dong-ho, but Soo-hyun brings up the point that he didn’t actually see his brother killing Soo-jung – leaving open the possibility that it was someone else’s doing. To this, Dong-chan gives Soo-hyun the ultimate stink eye and tells her that he’ll confirm the truth for her now.

Dong-chan takes Soo-hyun for a prison visit, and when Dong-ho sees his little brother, his face fills with joy. But the moment Dong-chan asks who killed Soo-jung, Dong-ho’s face crumbles and he admits that it was his doing. Dong-chan’s built-up anger and remorse explode, and both brothers’ outbursts force the guards to drag them out.

Having observed the intensity of the visit, Soo-hyun finds Dong-chan and silently comforts him as he lets his tears and emotions purge. Inside the prison, Dong-ho releases his emotional pain through self-harm, causing the guards to intervene.

We get an update on Ji-hoon and see that he’s failed to retrieve the jewelry pieces from Te-oh’s house. When Ji-hoon first discovered the jewelry, he recognized and confirmed them as evidence from one of his cases. It’s clearly important, but we don’t know how it’s related to everything yet.

Ji-hoon gets a call notifying him of Min-ah’s whereabouts. He finds her and drags her upstairs as she struggles to escape his firm grip. When she manages to get loose, she rolls down the stairs and falls limp on the ground while Ji-hoon looks down in shock.

Soo-hyun asks Dong-chan if he believes that Dong-ho is the serial killer responsible for the two previous deaths as well as Soo-jung’s. He doesn’t answer, suggesting that he’s had his doubts. As an officer, Dong-chan could have reinvestigated the case, but he didn’t because he wanted to escape from it.

All he knew was that his brother killed Soo-jung, and he wanted to completely erase everything else from his memory. But it hasn’t escaped his memory, Soo-hyun notes, referring to his sleeping pills and frequent nightmares.

Now that everything’s out in the open, Dong-chan takes a moment to express his feelings of betrayal to Soo-hyun, who suspected him of sending the threatening email. She apologizes and her attention then turns to big fat liar Ji-hoon, and Saet-byul, who is home with the nanny.

Once the two arrive home, Soo-hyun and Dong-chan are back at work identifying the students in the group photo. Soo-hyun is set on going back to Moojin and asks Dong-chan to look over Saet-byul, but he insists on going with her. So Saet-byul is left with Byung-tae while Soo-hyun, Dong-chan, and Jenny head to Moojin.

During the car ride, Dong-chan briefs Soo-hyun on the information he put together. Based on which wrist the watch was on and the ink stains on the shirt, Dong-chan deduced that the man in the middle is left-handed, like Tattoo guy.

Dong-chan also knows that the picture was taken around the time of Moojin’s fishing festival because he remembers the watch as one of the souvenirs. He suggests they look into the city’s promotional division for any clues. Good thing he’s coming along. But why Jenny…

And we see why as Jenny takes on the role of a golf caddy to get access to our former mayor’s phone. Once she connects the phone to the tracking software, she’s out of there like a pro.

Dong-chan and Soo-hyun find another picture of Middle Man in the group photo within the Moojin albums and take it for further investigation. Byung-tae analyzes the photo to find that the logo on the car belongs to Hankuk University. Byung-tae uploads the photos of the three men on social media to ask if anyone knows who they are.

While Saet-byul blissfully listens to “Magic Castle” while staring at her (my) crush, Jenny finally picks up on a phone conversation with our former mayor. It’s with a mental hospital, so they need to find an in…

Jenny steps in once again. She’s playing the part of a girl who has gone insane after a bad break-up. Dong-chan and Soo-hyun leave her to be examined for admittance, and they investigate the hospital.

Soo-hyun thinks that our man may be held at the closed ward, which they have no access to. No worries though because Dong-chan slips away and returns with a lab coat, mask, and the keys. Too easy.

They find the mayor’s son Yoo Jin-woo in one of the cells, and Soo-hyun approaches him with the group picture, asking him if he knows Middle Man. He’s startled by the picture and begins to freak out. He says that he didn’t do it. All he did was eat candy and sleep. Then he repeats “Hephai, hephai, hephai” and says that he’s afraid.

Back in the office, Soo-hyun looks up what this could mean and finds the Greek god, Hephaestus, who was skilled in handiwork but had a limp if he tried to run. Dong-chan remembers that Tattoo had a limp as well, confirming that Middle Man is our new suspect.

There’s finally a response on social media by a person named Heidi, who claims that Middle Man is dead. They track down Heidi, and Dong-chan and Soo-hyun head over with flowers, only to be greeted by a chubby male who recognizes Soo-hyun as the crazy lady at the Snake concert. Huh?

The guy turns out to be a Snake fanboy, who confirms that Middle Man is Te-oh’s older brother who died. He refuses to tell them where Te-oh’s house is, and Dong-chan immediately spots it circled in red on the map on the wall. They’re both weirded out by the fan – as seen by the deadpan reactions to the fanboy’s singing – and leave as soon as possible.

At Te-oh’s house, Dong-chan rings the shit out of the doorbell to make Te-oh answer the door and is only let in when he flashes the picture through the intercom video. Not much information is gained, but Dong-chan and Soo-hyun now know that the picture belongs to Te-oh. She gives Te-oh a picture of Saet-byul and pleads for his help to save her daughter. Before they leave, one of Te-oh’s staff hands her Saet-byul’s helmet, which has the jewelry in it.

Ji-hoon is at the hospital because of Min-ah and gets a call from a man who tells him that if he doesn’t hand over the evidence, his family’s life will be at stake. Hurry, get the helmet!

While Dong-chan and Soo-hyun attempt to put more pieces together, Grandma barges into the office and asks Dong-chan what he did to his brother, who was found repeatedly smashing his head and trying to crack it open. Soo-hyun and Saet-byul slip out of the personal situation and head back home.

In the parking garage, Soo-hyun drops Saet-byul’s helmet and conveniently discovers the missing jewelry evidence. In a rush to go to the bathroom, Saet-byul runs ahead for home. Soo-hyun’s about to scold her when she gets a call from a coworker who tells her that Woo-jin will be making an appearance on the broadcast tomorrow.

Soo-hyun asks why since the team decided to scrap the investigation on the serial killer. Turns out, our wanted criminal is back with another kill, and they have a witness this time. Soo-hyun is apprehensive to the news, which tells her that our killer is still out there in action.

Soo-hyun walks into her home and wonders why the lights aren’t on. She freezes when she realizes something is wrong. After scanning the room, she spots Saet-byul on the other side.

But she’s being held hostage, mouth covered, a knife at her throat. Our killer has made his next move.


Oh noooo. We were doing so well with Saet-byul’s safety and changing her fate, so what could this mean? I hope we’re not back at square one because I’m feeling that we’re right on the killer’s heels. I’m realizing that while Soo-hyun and Dong-chan have the power to change fate, so does everyone else. They only have a slight upper hand because they know what they want to change, but the rest is up to how quickly they act and how much they stay ahead of the killer.

It was a relief to see the misunderstanding be resolved and an extra plus to have it be a meaningful element in our story. We got the full backstory behind Dong-chan’s witness testimony, which helps us understand the reason for his resentment. Our complex Dong-chan is starting to make more sense, as his gradual opening to Soo-hyun parallels his character growth. Soo-hyun also exhibits growth as she somewhat reclaims her sanity and gets a hold of her emotions. I think a large part of Soo-hyun’s return to sanity has to do with her returning to work. I love when she’s working. She’s in her zone and she knows how to use her resources. It’s where she thrives as badass Soo-hyun with a critical eye and less recklessness. I mean, she was still pretty paranoid with all those speculations about Dong-chan, but we can’t blame her. This show has been throwing curveballs all over the place, leaving us with only one consensus: trust Mom. But just another reason why I’m so invested in the characters and the show: we’re going through the same doubts, confusions, and realizations.

One thing that’s hard to ignore: details. So many details. And they’re all so intricately connected. The picture, the evidence in the helmet, Ji-hoon’s cases… they all connect the characters through some aspect of fate. I think we’ve got almost all the connections except for the one looming mystery connection – our killer. We’ve seen him at work pulling strings with Woo-jin and Ji-hoon, but we have yet to know who he is. Woo-jin and Ji-hoon are still on my radar – especially Ji-hoon because he’s still the master of shade – but I don’t think they’re on our baddies list. We have the main killer(s) playing their own hand in fate to make things work according to plan, and our two men seem to be victims of their workings.

On a lighter note, this episode was surprisingly quite humorous. Fanboy Heidi and Jenny gave me a few chuckles here and there, and it was a nice break from the heavy emotions to see our con-artist trio at work, doing what they do best. I think it’s great that while these were comic relief characters, they did play an important role in providing crucial information to solve our mystery. This show is so frustrating and good at the same time in how it gives us the information piece by piece, but not really. It’s like almost finishing a puzzle, only to realize you actually only finished the corner. Or being given a Tootsie pop, but only being allowed to eat it one lick at a time. It’s a gradual and painful process, and I just hope that all the pieces are put together in time.


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Thank you so much for the recap!!

And I agree. there was so much humor in this episode. I was DYINNGGG when DC was ringing/smacking the doorbell!!!

is it wrong to ship Dongchan and Soohyun together? LAWL!!

but man oh man. does this drama make my head spin... in a fantastic way of course!.


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Thanks for the recap =)

Such a great episode!
Thank god the big secret about DC's past is out in the open and an even bigger Thank god for SH not being suspicious of DC for too long! The silent comfort she gave him was beautiful but JSW got me right where it hurts with his break down in front of his hyung and SH =(

I have given up trying to figure out who is a bad guy and who is not (WJ seems to be kind of off the hook since he seems to be blackmailed to destroy evidence by the real killer but JH still seems shady as hell) because it gives me massive headaches^^

Now with SB in the arms of the killer (?! I don't trust the show so this could be another red herring) things just got even more interesting. Hopefully DC is on his way because I doubt that SH will get out of this situation on her own (unharmed that is).

Monday needs to come fast and in the meantime... Re-watching the episodes of GG and anything JSW related^^


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I don't think there is "A" bad guy - I think there are several, all tied up together somehow.


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Well, there must be A bad guy, right? I mean, the killer behind the Mu Jin Serial Killings. All these bad/corrupt officials are working together to cover up for THAT bad guy. And my guess is that he is the President's son. It has to be the son of someone prominent. That would explain why soooo many people are involved in this cover-up business. If it was an ordinary citizen, it is not possible to be this influential and pull the strings of so many officials.


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I think so too. I think those Seoul guys are responsible for DC's girlfriends death. And one of them is President's son. But, they had influential power so they covered it up by falsifying an alibi.
And everything after that is a huge circle of prosecutor, policemen to cover up for that one incident which caused great disaster to DC's family.
DC's brother might have led those 4 guys, or feels guilty about bothering her and she directly ran into those guys. He didn't kill her, but he feels responsible for her death.


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I was crying like somebody is dying from my Family,when DG´s brother hurt himself,So touching.
Poor guy why do you have to lie?


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This episode had a lot of running around in it. Soo-hyun and Dong-chan seemed to be constantly on the move, figuring stuff out. I liked it a lot.

If Woo-jin isn't a bad guy, then that's okay. He's still corrupt and I don't like him. At all. Same goes for Ji-hoon. Super creepy guy.

I liked that we finally got the full story of Dong-chan's past. I'm glad Soo-hyun found out the truth about him to. Finally!

That ending was something else, too. I hope the killer doesn't take Saet-byul this time. But he probably will. *sigh* I just hope this turns out well for everyone in the long run.

Thanks for the recap, dramallama!


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I would definitely put Ji Hoon into the Bad Guy club. He may not be involved in the murder of SB, but he may in fact have just murdered Min-Ah, and has done quite a few other things that put him way over the line.


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I'm asking this because I don't remember. Did Min Ah die in the first world? I really don't think so. The last time she was shown in the first world was when she was questioned by the police after SB disappeared.


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You make a good point. But Min-ah aside, I do think he's doing what he THINKS is right in order to protect his family, namely his daughter. You can't fault him for trying to protect her.


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I don't see what connection Min Ah has to this - that seems like he is trying to cover up his infidelity and has nothing to do with his family.

Of course the obvious question in all of this - as in most Korean dramas - why does nobody ever tell the police anything?


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i think it's because they think the police are incompetent? it's a known fact that most asian communities don't have a single ounce of trust in police and i don't blame them, look at woo jin, he looks like he can be trusted and then bang he's also doing all those shady stuffs, i know he's being pressured and all but that's the worst part, if police and prosecutors are being used as puppets where will the people go for help?


I guess because in a justice system where money is often the deciding factor in whether or not criminal charges will be laid, it's obvious that there is one law for the rich and another for the poor so police competency is kind of irrelevant. This is part of the reason why I find Ji-hoon a tragically flawed man rather than a cartoon figure of malice. He sees the evils in the system and fights for justice. He knows the people with the noose over their heads, should the death penalty be reinstated, are probably poor and powerless rather than rich and powerful.

Also Min-ah doesn't die in the first timeline. She is the last person to have seen Saet-byul before she is kidnapped when she takes the child down to be picked up by the nanny.


The thing with Ji-Hoon is that he is a man who lost faith in the system long ago and not even the switch to human rights lawyer made him see things differently. I don't think he wanted to inflict any harm on Min-Ah, but it's that typical scene where two people argue, one of them loses balance and the other one is made/feels responsible for what happened. Also, I am not sure why stick with the abortion, if he told SH earlier anyway that they will get a divorce. There is probably more to this than just the baby.


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That ending! As soon as Soo-hyun and Saet-byul separated I knew there'd be trouble!

And for once I feel like I don't have a grasp on what's happening. Woo-jin and Ji-hoon are clearly being manipulated on someway, but how it started and who the manipulator is (or who THEY are) is a mystery to me. I have no clue who it could be. All the theories I've had for weeks have basically been confirmed or rejected but I don't have enough info to make new theories. SO frustrating but great.

I think the start of the show getting ahead of me was when Byung-ho became more relevant. I don't know what to do with that information but it's clearly so very important.


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Also I'm so happy that that misunderstanding nonsense is out of the way and was short lived. Now we can move on to more important things like them being a kickass team and solving the mystery. And them completely trusting each other and then falling in love and getting married and having kids.
I kid(but I don't), the show doesn't have time for that but a girl can dream! And I can dream a lot easier when there isn't a huge trust hurdle in the way anymore. Thank goodness.


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We'll have a wonderful hint-of-great-things-to-come at the end I hope.


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Ji-Hoon is getting blackmailed by the president's assistant. I'm 99.99% certain I recognised his voice/speech patterns.

I'm loving this show so much. It's like Lewis, a british crime series, only twice as complicated.


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Dong chan isn't only saet byul crush but he's my crush also ?


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No..... I think crush is such an understatement... I am pretty much in love with that man


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hihihihihi get in line hon :D


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Thanks so much for the recap. Loooooooooooooooved Heidi. And dare I say that there are a hella lot of bowl cuts in this drama and No Min Woo is the only one who is totally rocking it.

I kept thinking..."Mom, are you seriously not going to follow your child to the bathroom...even if it's in your own house? You're being waaaaaaaay too relaxed here and NEVER relax, NEVER take your eyes of your child."

All the moms are so intent on saving their children -- Grandma, heroine, even Mimi-- but alas baby-mama still cannot keep her child in whatever reality we're in. Also lots of dads, faux dads, adopted dads and Ji Hoon and the mayor are the only "real biological dads" and they're in such a complicated messy relationship to their children.


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I did not quite understand the "going to the bathroom" scene. It looked to me like SB said that when they were in the car garage, but now she is in the house or apartment, with no transition scene.


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I think they're in the garage of their apartment. Seems like Saet Byul couldn't hold it in that she runs off first to their apartment..

I hope the kidnapper let her take care of her own business first before..


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Yep, and weird uh, that hubby said Saet Byul would be safe if she and mom just stayed at home. Apparently that's not quite true. The intrusion of baddie in one's own home -- is nowhere safe? And yes...not sure why there's such a dearth of good biological dads in this drama.


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in the opening scenes of Episode 1, Ji-hoon seems to be a good father and he and Soo-hyun seem to have a good marriage. They walk arm in arm after of the death penalty debate, are interested in each others' careers and he's the one who wants a family day at the movies. He thinks his wife is too hard on Saet-byul and wants her to enjoy her childhood. He's the one who seems more responsive to the needs of a child than his wife. While there are now serious and probably irreversible problems in the marriage now, I think he still loves his daughter a lot and wants to keep her safe.


I think they were pretty safe at Dong Chan's place. I think they should just go back there and live with him until this is all over lol


I agree with your comment about the moms, even Min-ah is trying to save her unborn baby as well. And also grandma can pull something that's totally unexpected to prove his son's innocence. I liked that even though we have the main story of the heroine trying to save her daughter, we also get to see all of the moms doing the same thing.
Your comment about the dads is really insightful as well.


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That last picture of him ringing the bell was my favorite part of the episode. the way he looked at her when he was doing it almost killed me it was so freaking cute. it was a mix of sneaky little boy and look at me, give me your approval - cause ill do anything for it.


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LOOOL, it was so cute, the way he kept looking back at her as he rang the doorbell.


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This EP gave me more bits and pieces of information, but also left me a bit more confused.
Characters that I thought were straight up evil may not be so bad afterall. They are puppets to some mastermind.
Like Woo Jin.
He did some shady things last EP, but the fact that he defended Dong Chan & told the caller to not touch Soo Hyun has got me wavering.
I'm pretty neutral about him. Don't love or hate him, but would like it if he wasn't the bad guy in the end.

And Ji Hoon. I still don't like him, but he has major reasons for the actions he has done. I think he's trying to protect his family so he has done some sneaky things like hunting for the jewelry evidence. He put the wrong guy in jail, but Ji Hoon doesn't want to admit that fact. The jewelry is the only? (or one of) the incriminating evidences against the real killer so he is threatening Ji Hoon to retrieve it.

But his past relationship with Minah is totally on him and Minah. -_-

Dong Chan really never saw Dong Ho kill Soo Jung. I'm glad Soo Hyun pointed this out to Dong Chan!!! Even tho he didn't give this fact a real chance...
Perhaps Dong Ho saw who actually did it, tried to save her by putting her in water. And then he admitted to killing her cuz he was confused from the fact that she didn't wake up after being in the water.

The outburst scene between Dong Chan & Dong Ho was heartbreaking. It had been so long since Dong Ho had seen his lil brother. Then all Dong Chan did was yell at him. T_T

The other guys in the photo with Soohyun have either gone insane or died....cept the middle guy. I wonder if he's truly the real killer.
I still have a feeling that someone in the government is behind Saet Byul's kidnapping. Could there be 2 separate villains?

That ending. I was creeped out, but not really surprised. I'm ready for next Monday to be here (what?) so I can see what happens next!
I'm wondering how they will get out of this situation now or who will save them? Ji Hoon comes home?

Thanks for the recap! ^^


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agree with you on most part, i also think that one of the three guys in the picture is the real killer of SJ, it looks like one of them (tattoo guy) might have been attracted to her and tried to make sexual advances towards her, she rejected him so he tried to rape her and ended up killing her somehow, other two guys must be scared of him so they just stood back and helped him, they saw DH there and when they found he's mentally ill they took advantage of the situation...


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Yeah, that's possible. The other guys definitely knew something and helped cover up the situation. :/


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I don't have much time to write out an intelligent comment, but this episode really had my head all over the place. Glad that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, although u was pretty angry with Soo Hyun for not even giving Dong Chan the benefit of doubt. Eh. She got over it quickly, so that's fine.

But one thing that disturbed me- Dong Chan...when he gets angry, he gets ANGRY. I hope that doesn't play in somehow..

Ugh, Soo Jung was not for him. It was plain rude, her behavior towards Dong Ho.

I'm increasingly beginning to think Dong Ho didn't hurt anyone....He's probably been coerced into saying he has, and it's probably easy to do, with his illness. He's been framed.
Or, he really did kill Soo Jung, but not the other two women like he's been convicted of. Either way, poor guy. He looks so innocent, and the joy that comes to his face when he sees his mom or Dong Chan... ;_;

As for SH and DC...

Let me just say

Gosh, I know the shoe has no time for it, but I am shipping the so hard.


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I'm sorry, I've been holding it in all this time. I have to say it:

Ji Hoon looks like Tweety Bird.


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OMG. I. Am. Dying.

Excuse me.



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Your comment got me laughing. Now I won't be able to look at his face and not be reminded of Tweety Bird!


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I know, right? I can't take him seriously since I noticed that...


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hahahhaha why r u doing this to me? now i will hVe to try hard not to laugh everytime i see him onscreen!


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OH GOD THIS COMMENT HAHHHAAHHAAHHAHA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO I was reading all the comments above seriously, absorbing every details i've missed on the drama and your comment came along HAHAHAHAHAA THANKS FOR POINTING THIS OUT U MADE MY DAY


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Hey there! Thanks for the recap :D I really enjoy reading all the recaps for this drama! Gosh every episode is just so indescribably epic and nerve-rackinggg


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I hate this show. It is burning my brain out. Four things get figured out or explained, and 5 new ones pop up. Like why did the Mayor's son go insane, and why did he hide it? (guessing it has something to do with the murder of the girl, but...). And DC's recounting of how his girlfriend thought his brother was super-creepy makes me wonder if his brother did, in fact, kill her (but not the others).

The rings are still totally unexplained, and so is Ji Hoon's obsession with Min-Ah, who he may have now killed. I don't like him and I hope he dies or goes to prison forever in the end.

It looks like there are a whole string of murders, going over 10 years or more that are all tied together even though they seem unrelated on the surface. And what is so horrible that so many have to die to keep it covered up?


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I am sort of sympathetic to the character of Ji-hoon. The actor was the only good thing in That Winter the Wind Blows which blew big time so maybe I'm prejudiced though. He's a lawyer who seems to be genuinely committed to human rights, fairness in the justice system, is against the death penalty and I can respect that. He's had an affair with his wife's assistant which is not very nice but, hey, things like this happen. Soo-hyun is perfectly justified in divorcing his ass out of the marriage. But I hope he doesn't die or go to prison in the end. Well, maybe go to prison if he's is part of the frame job on Dong-ho because he deserves to be punished for that and I think he knows it.

In the one year previous preamble in Episode 1, he's clearly married to a driven career woman who is a seriously micro-managing control freak with very little sense of fun. He does have a temper but so does Dong-chan. He knocks down a little old lady but Dong-chan does almost the same with a little old man. Both of them are flawed human beings but nobody is all black or all white in this except our many murderers. Demanding Min-ah get an abortion is very bad as well but, again, he seems to want to protect his marriage and unfaithful guys often tend to want to do that. I agree he's made some very bad choices but a good divorce lawyer is in order for Soo-hyun.

What is so horrible about the murders? I think it's not the murders but the original cover-up that is being protected now. It's going to make some obviously very powerful people look very bad if it is exposed. The devil is in the details, as they say.


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I love this episode. Seems like we are getting closer to uncover the mystery behind the murders and also the Tattoo guy. I hope. And Soo-hyun totally articulate what I feel about this whole mystery, the more they dig it, the more I feel lost. But it's the thing that got me hooked, it allows me to think and keep the intensity/suspense level high. I'm still gonna stick with my guess and say that Mr Prez's son must be involved somehow.

Loved Jenny and Heidi! They really cracked me up in this episode, and Dong Chan (and his persistence to be recognized by Soo-hyun with everything he does) is just keep getting cuter and cuter with each episode.

And thank you drama for not using those whole third act misunderstanding trope! I was nervous when Ji-hoon told Soo-hyun that Dong-chan was the one who send him those threatening emails and his relationship to Dong Ha, but I'm sooooo glad that the show didn't prolong my angst of seeing Soo-hyun losing her trust in Dong-chan, and having them both worked out their own emotional issues. Now off be the awesome kickass duo again, you two!

I still wonder how Ji-hoon and Woo-jin got involved in this case as well. As you said dramallama, I guess we can cross them from the kidnapper suspects list. I hope we will also get some answers about their pasts soon.

Btw, here's some goodies for everyone who wants to see the BTS of Joo Seung Woo's Magic Castle scene..


And don't mind the chopper sound there, it was just the sound of my heart taking off...


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AW I love the BTS! Haha when JSW tries to hit the helicopter with his guitar, he was so funny and cute. And then when he pointed at the camera too! He's just such a lovely man.


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I actually like jenny, despite her major crush on dong-chan. She's harmless and funny. And she alwaays gets stuck doing the worst jobs (distracting child murderer, pretending to be crazy, and sucking up to ahjussis.) She complains (as I would too) but she does it anyways, probably because of her love/loyalty for dong-chan.

"And dont mind the chopper sound there, it was just the sound of my heart taking off"

hahaha. When watching the BTS/interviews of this guy, the line between reel and real (dong chan the character vs jo seung woo the actor) start to blur.. They seem like the same people.
Plus, to excel in both acting and singing is not common; most often people are just mediocre in both or do well in one but average in another. Not him though. You can sit through his musicals with goosebumps OR you can have him completely slay you with his charisma in films.


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Well said! He's a true talent, probably one of the best actors of his generation!

I love this man to pieces!


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The BTS is so great =)
And I think there were some people very happy on set that that helicopter flew over them because that meant more singing from JSW xD

I'd love to see more BTS scenes because I need more cute interaction between LBY, JSW and KYB (like the one where JSW and LBY are singing to KYB and LBY then flicking JSW on the forehead after playing a round of rock-paper-scissors)!


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Whoops that was meant as a reply to latteholic's post above^^


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here is more BTS LBY, JSW bickering


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Thanks I've already found it (after searching for it like crazy because I saw gifs on tumblr).

They are the cutest behind the scenes. I need more of this! SBS you hear me?


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I agree it's nice to see Soo-hyun has finally stopped running to and fro like a crazy woman and has put on her thinking cap as my own grandmother used to say. Lots of exposition in this episode. Thank you very much, writer.

Dong-chan didn't actually see his brother kill Soo-jung. He's jumped to conclusions but the evidence really isn't there. Dong-ho might just as easily have thought he killed her but he was there and probably knows a lot more than he thinks he knows so no wonder the PTB are so anxious to get him legally killed via the death penalty. The evidence in the other 2 killings could very easily been planted after the fact in Dong-ho's special place.

It's also clear now that both Ji-hoon and Woo-jin are being blackmailed somehow but why and by who still isn't clear. But as Ji-hoon was a prosecuting attorney and Woo-jin probably a young cop just starting his career, it undoubtedly has something to do with Dong-ho's second trial. It was probably a frame job and both men were involved. Ji-hoon has become an anti-death penalty lawyer so who is the woman he is protesting in the rain with when Soo-hyun first meets him? Woo-jin has been on the fast track professionally ever since. Dong-chan and his cop friend both mention this in the first episode.

It seems now that the third man in the photo is the Prime Minister's son who has been out of the country for 10 years. But is he the murderer? That's still not clear at all. One man in the photo is dead, one is in a mental institution but both seemed to have wanted to "tell" something. In the second episode, the Prime Minister is entertaining his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren with his wife. He says that he wants them to move back home so he can see his grandchildren grow up. He's oblivious but his wife and daughter-in-law exchange very significant looks. Are they protecting him because he's a murderer or because they know what happens to people who know too much about the killings in the small town.

I think that whoever actually kidnapped Saet-byul in the original timeline isn't the person holding the knife to her throat this time. My completely off the wall speculation and no offence to the Dong-chan fans as I really like him as well, but I think Dong-chan's crew was responsible for the original kidnapping either with but probably without Dong-chan's knowledge. They are doing it as a job, maybe under false pretences. She's supposed to be held safely but she accidentally drowns while doing one of her many runners as we know the kid is a runner. Dong-chan is being dumped off the pier because the job has seriously screwed up and he is being held responsible. OK, I said it was off the wall. But now Soo-hyun and Saet-byul are in the hands of a real killer and not incompetents.


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Obviously the timeline has now been changed. We know a lot about Soo-hyun's motivations but actually very little about Dong-chan's. He says to her that this time they will change their destiny, not just Soo-hyun's and Saet-byul's destiny. He's including himself in this changed destiny. I'm still really puzzled as to why Soo-hyun gets to relive her 14 days but we only see this from her point of view. Dong-chan says the he saved her so maybe the angel of death or the shaman mother made the deal with Dong-chan, not Soo-hyun at all.


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I thought i was the only one that suspected the prime minister 'son. I have had my suspicion ever since the first the episode. i have watch a lot of murder mysteries and they always show the killer earlier on. It will all tie back to the beginning. It think the prime clue is in the first episode that the viewers never question because it seems so trivial.


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If the writers play fair with their audience, which they often don't do, in this type of who-done-it mystery all the clues should be given but not obvious so the audience has the fun of solving the crime along with the protagonists. It depends 100% on the writers' skills to be effective and this writer seems to be very skilled indeed. I am impressed. As everything that is happening now has its roots in the first 2 episodes, it's been interesting for me to re-watch them but I suspected that the Prime Minister's son was going to play a part right from first airing. As this show seems ultimately to be about mothers and the lengths they are willing to go to protect their children, I think we are going to see a lot more of Mrs Prime Minister and maybe even Mrs Daughter-in-Law soon.


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Hi Lindy,
DC was being thrown off the pier because he slept with his female client - who was a gangster's wife.


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This is another puzzle because, as some of us think, the crew belonging to the gang boss are not the same guys as the crew who are throwing him off the pier. Not even one of them is the same. The way they are dressed is completely different. The camera pans slowly across both gangs. The first gangsters are all wearing very loud shirts and jewelry. We see their faces very clearly. Don-chan evades them easily; they are kind of inept. The second crew are real pros and Dong-chan knows it. They are all wearing black suits, white shirts and have a no-nonsense business-like air about them. I think they are doing a job for a completely different boss, not the gang leader with the unfaithful wife.


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Couldn't Dong Chan simply be the last piece of possible evidence/last reference to the case they want to get rid of by dumping him into the lake? This happens pretty soon after his brother is hanged, so it could be the baddies/bigger conspiracy trying to tie up all loose strings very neatly...


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Te-oh's brother is the left guy in the group photo, not the middle. We already saw his face in another photo with little Te-oh when SB went to Te-oh's home.


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just wondering how the president's right hand men (the one who is always wearing the stern expression and seems to be pro-capital punishment) comes into this...

I could be wrong, but I think it is his voice in the phone call with Woo-Jin. He could be the one pulling the string with Ji-Hoon and Woo-Jin. Another shady character that has his own ulterior motive. He may not be the killer, but he is definitely up to something.


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I love that the misunderstanding was so short-lived and it definitely speaks volumes about their relationship at this point. To SooHyun who had barely known anything about him, it was natural that she should suspect him when she found that he had hidden something from her. However, on the whole, it seems that she trusts DongChan more than her own (ex) husband.

But man, DongChan has obviously never watched Miracle in Cell No. 7 before.


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I think DH is innocent too but I don't blame DC in suspecting his brother of killing his GF, when he left her DH was the only guy with her and he also had an obsession with SJ, maybe DC thinks his brother tried to do something to her but accidentally ended up killing her, in his eyes accidentally or not a murder is a murder, I still think he doesn't believe that his brother killed the other two but he's sure about him killing SJ because he saw it...


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I understand your point but I am of the opinion that Ki Dongchan had testified wrongly. He should have simply said that he saw his brother dump the body into the river and not continue on to testify that he had killed her, which he did not see himself.

To be honest, personally, I think that Dong Ho has seen and was threatened by the original killer. All it takes for him to 'confess' is the threat that Dong Chan will be killed otherwise. I say that because of the excessive self-harm that he inflicted upon himself. I saw it as fear and the inability to express himself than guilt.


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Wondering if the camera Young Gyu carries around (which is his dad's camera) has pics of the Soo Jung's murder in it? Otherwise why would it be so prominent in the show.


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It's possible. However, if that was the case, wouldn't the camera shop guy who repaired it would have seen them?


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I am not familiar with that camera, there were dozens of pretty cheap cameras of that style around for years. But if it is an old film camera, chances of any photos are zero - but if it is a digital, then there could still be some on memory card.


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DId Dong-chan's family own a photography shop in their hometown? Is that what the guy on the bike he hit with his car says to him when they stop?


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Yes, DC's family owned a photography studio according to the guy involved in the bike accident.


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Ooh I actually know something about this. Getting a usable image off an old neg is problematic but possible. It depends upon not only how long the unexposed film remains undeveloped in the camera but also on conditions of heat and humidity, either of which could possibly melt the emulsion of the film. If there is a latent image on the unexposed film, it can be developed but could be subject to fogging etc. You can digitally enhance this image but the image has to be there in the first place. Rule of thumb: develop the negs and see what's there. It doesn't look like a digital camera to me. The family seems to have owned a photography shop. Also a reputable camera technician won't develop the negatives but will properly remove the film to be developed by the camera owner as many people prefer to do their own darkroom work. I do.


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So far nothing has been mentioned about any film in the camera, so that could be another red herring (enough so far to open a fish store). Under good conditions, film can last for a long time - I think it was back in the 90's that some 1920 film from a lost Antarctic expedition were found and they got some pictures from it. But in this case it seems like it has been at least 10 years, and the camera has not been in anything like ideal conditions.

I used to do all that darkroom stuff - and all I can say is that digital cameras are the greatest thing since pickled ginger.


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I will probably never enter a darkroom again but I still use film and have developed some pretty ancient negs with varying results. I was thinking of the Antarctic film when I wrote that. I agree that getting any image at all off any film left in that camera is about as likely as being returned from the dead to relive your life 14 days before you committed suicide but, hey, it's all showbiz.


I think there will be some pictures from Yong Gyu's camera too! DH was carrying it on the day of Soo-jung's murder. I bet the camera shop where SH took it to get fixed will send her the pictures in a "opps, forgot to tell you we helped you restore the film in it while we were fixing the camera, here are the pics" and that is when DC will realize that it wasn't just DH and SJ by themselves on the day of SJ's death!

Photos seem to be a big help to the main characters in piecing together their mystery: the Polaroid, the princelings in moojin, JH's infidelity and the pic with SJ and her mom helped SH realize that the coffee shop lady is SJ's mom, and they also specifically indicated multiple times that DC's family used to own a Photography shop..


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I am a Photographer. I am not an expert on camera models but that camera which Young Gyu carries around is Leica IIIf IMHO which is pretty expensive in todays' date. I wouldn't give such an expensive camera first upon to a boy to toy with and like people mentioned above, it is possible to retrive photos from old negatives given that they were stored well in cold, dark and dry places. If Young Gyu inserted film roll recently within span of few months then it is possible but I doubt the way he is carrying it around it his neck loosely and also dropped it, for a negative from more than 10 years old to survive. Air, moisture and light will spoil the negatives before it makes to the dark room.


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P.S. I wanted to add that the Set Designer/ Director/ Videographer/? sure is a camera addict! I saw many cameras used in the drama...maybe because Dong Chan's father was a Photographer there was a Yashica Electro GSN 35 in Dong Chan's bedroom and the child molester/abductor/ shopkeeper sure had many cameras in his room...and the spy detective are surely using good cameras and lenses. Also Soo Hyun has Canon D7000 in one scene where she is taking Saet Byul and Young Gyu's photos.

One minor trivia. It maybe not very improtant to viewers but as a Photographer it did bug me. 300mm lenses are expensive and sold through dealers or licensed sellers so I am surprised in the drama they showed that a stationary shopkeeper (the child abductor) selling one... They did try to justify it by making him say that he is interested in Photography and lenses so he sells one but it is not convincing at all....


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Aha! Yes, and the Polaroid camera!


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Thanks for sharing your photographic expertise, Kaybee. I am purely an amateur and learned from my father who was a gifted amateur. Yes, the use of the Polaroid camera was interesting given the cost of the film now. The problem a lot of writers today have is that, with the rise of almost instant feedback via message boards etc, there is always someone who can say something like, Hmmm, they are never going to get useable negatives from that film so don't even try. The old suspension of disbelief problem.


finally soo-hyun learns about dong-chan's family! relieved that the misunderstanding/suspicion was short-lived—lesser dramas would have dragged out this piece of conflict. i'd have preferred for dong-chan to have spoken up and told her himself, but i understand that he's in a painful place when it comes to his family and doesn't want to bring it up if he can help it. i know what that feels like.

and these two have only just managed to grasp that the mujin murders and saet-byul's incident may be linked, so it's not like he was knowingly hindering their progress in solving the mystery.

it was really nice to see woo-jin sticking up for dong-chan and soo-hyun. i'm not inclined to believe the theory that he used young-gyu's hostage incident to set dong-chan up in any way. i definitely don't believe woo-jin ever intended for young-gyu to get hurt, and i believe him when he told dong-chan that he did what he thought was best, in that situation.

but i think that while his mind tells him that he followed proper protocol, in his heart he feels guilty for how awry things went. maybe he thinks that even if dong-chan had followed orders and kept himself out of the situation, there was always that chance that HIS plan could have gone just as wrong, and then it would have been his neck on the line at that time, and not dong-chan's.

on the other hand, i think dong-chan knows, very deep down, that he's being unfair to woo-jin. despite my love for dong-chan, it's my opinion that he acted out of emotion, as the disciplinary board suggested. he should have followed his superior's orders and kept himself out of the situation. i think he probably acknowledges this, and it's why he can't forgive himself. he knows it's his fault, and he's angry with himself, and he vents some of that on woo-jin.

that is, IF my interpretation of the young-gyu incident is correct, and there was no shady stuff going on. with this show, it doesn't feel safe to say we think we know all the details.

soo-jung flashbacks—interesting insight.

about jenny—did anyone find her one-sided infatuation with dong-chan quite sudden? before episode 8, there wasn't so much as an inkling about her feelings towards dong-chan. i think it's quite cute, given that i think han sunhwa has considerable screen presence (VERY pretty to look at), but it does seem like her character was altered in order to give sunhwa more screen time.

after all, in episode 1 or so, jenny was the one who tended to dong-chan's facial injuries and she hardly freaked out over her precious oppa's face. i think this was the morning he was hungover after fighting those guys at the bar.

how can i wait until monday!!!


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Loved the episode....it was fantastic from start to finish....now this is what we call a fast-paced thriller... :)


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Yes, details are important, so why, why whyyyyyyyyyyy does beautiful NoMinWoo have that awful bowl cut? Please, let's not make this a fashion, K-drama.


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So I'm a bit confused regarding the picture of the 4 people. The man on the far right (at Soo Jung's left) is the artist who is now at a mental hospital and is the son of the mayor. The guy at the far left is Te Oh's dead older brother, and the guy in the blue shirt with the watch is the guy they think is Tatoo Man. Is that right? I'm confused because I thought they were referring to the middle guy with the blue shirt as both Te Oh's dead older brother AND potential Tatoo guy... which doesn't make sense.


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yes, you have it right. theo's big brother is the guy on the left when you're looking at the photo—his face was in heidi's cd, and they match up. blue shirt guy is the only one they haven't managed to identify.


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Thanks saranga!


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I seem to be the only one obsessed with Min Ah lying at the bottom of the stairs - perhaps dead - due to Ji-Hoon. He seems to be totally out of control on that issue, beyond just her not getting the abortion, so I suspect there is something else going on between them, perhaps she knows something that she should not.


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Ji-hoon is clearly stressed out but I don't think he's out of control in the scene. He's hauling her up the stairs, she breaks away and falls backwards. It's pretty clear it's an accident and he hasn't pushed her. He wants her to get an abortion so are they at the hospital? His motivations are pretty dreadful but I doubt he'd be held criminally responsible if she is dead. Kind of ironic if she is though. In the first timeline, Ji-hoon obviously succeeds in getting her the abortion but in the second timeline, if she's dead and I suspect she's not, first she almost loses the baby in an accident and then both she and the baby die. It seems a heavy price to pay for having an affair with the husband of a co-worker and becoming pregnant.


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But WHY is he forcibly dragging her up the stairs - that is what I don't get. Why is he so obsessed with her, when the "secret" is almost out?

As far as being criminally liable, he probably would be - in the US it would probably fall under negligent homicide, because whether it was an accident or not, it was due to his over the top actions. It is not like he just accidently bumped into her and knocked her down.


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Well gee, when you put it so reasonably.... He probably would face some kind of charges (negligent homicide or whatever) but a good lawyer will probably get him off.

I assumed that they were in the hospital because she mentions the abortion. I personally think that Ji-hoon was originally enticed into the affair through some form of honey-trap and now he knows it. It's all part of the original blackmail scheme which has now gone dangerously awry. No question he's mad; his family has been destroyed through his own stupidity, but I don't think he's a killer.


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Hmm.. I had not considered that Min-Ah might be part of this thing as THE honey trap.. interesting thought.


i can understand why ji-hoon would want min-ah to abort the baby. that child would be a constant reminder of his affair, and what it cost him. it's already cost him his once-practically-perfect relationship with saet-byul. i'm sure saet-byul still loves her father, but their relationship will probably never be quite the same again. i'm sure she still loves him and always will (after all, he WAS/is a fantastic dad to her, minus the affair).

but if his love child with min-ah is born, it's going to be a lot harder to sweep his mistake under the rug. i think he does genuinely care about his family, and that family is soo-hyun and saet-byul. this is my personal understanding of ji-hoon's desire for an abortion, given what we know up till now.

i'd originally dismissed the theory that min-ah seduced him on purpose and ended up falling in love with him, but after a bit of thought it doesn't seem out of the question...


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Thank you for the recap! aghhhh I really loved this episode, and I'm definitely looking forward to next week. AGHGHHHHHH aHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ah.


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Finally we get to see Dong Chan's recurring nightmare in full. Turns out he never even witnessed his brother killing his girlfriend. I considered the possibility that Dong Ho may not know what the word "kill" means; that's why he readily confessed to killing Soo Jung, but on the other hand, I think he did kill her, but it was just an accident.

Soo Jung is so not the marrying type no matter how much Dong Chan is in love with her. If they had stayed together, his family and her would have ended up being miserable. She would have continued to refuse to accept Dong Ho.

That fanboy was welcoming comic relief. I laughed so hard at his impromptu performance. Although, Soo Hyun has the biggest Snake fan living under her roof; she should have just asked Saet Byul, who for sure would have recognized Te Oh's hyung from her CD.

At least this time around, Saet Byul wasn't kidnapped. I would have screamed in anger had Soo Hyun gotten home and Saet Byul had suddenly disappeared. So both Ji Hoon and Woo Jin are being blackmailed by the killer?

Thanks for the recap, dramallama!


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So when can I get my own JSW? Love him more and more by the episode! So mesmerized by his acting talent!

I loved SH in this episode. She's finally using her brain and I was so glad that her suspicions of DC were short lived! The look of disappointment on DC's face when SH didn't trust him was so sad! That heartbreaking confrontation between the brothers was just so difficult to watch! Glad SH was there to comfort DC, he, more than anyone, needs someone to trust him and be there for him when he's down!

He's always being the knight for others and it's time SH also steps up to take care of him! When WJ (thank god for WJ in this episode!) said that DC "will risk his life to protect what he wants to protect", I just melted but also had this fear that this might come true!

And finally, we get to see the events of that night! I so sad to see just how happy the Ki family was prior to the events! DC was a loving brother, uncle and son, even wanting to give up college in Seoul to take care of his family and fought with SJ to defend his brother! Ugh, what a tragedy that all the love has turned into guilt, remorse, anger...I can't wait til DC and SH catch the son of a b**** that caused such pain and suffering on an ordinary family that just wanted to live peacefully because of their atrocious act in taking away SJ's life and subsequently covering it up!

In such a dark show, humor is always welcome and I love the funny moments in this episode from Jenny pretending to be crazy (JSW's comic timing was also great in that scene-notice the fake smile he gave to the psychiatrist and the 'bad acting' was so funny), the Heidi scene with the bad singing, dead pan faces and DC just looking at the map with the huge circle on it o find Theo's house and DC ringing that doorbell was soooo cute!!

Who else found it hilarious when DC and SH were in Theo's house and the guards show up and DC's first instinct was to take off his jacket in preparation for a fight! LOL But his ahjumma, luckily for them, stopped him before it got real!


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there are another mystery left... what is link between snake and grandpa? and the grandpa seem know something about the 10 years ago serial murderer...waaa... this drama got a lot of mystery... every details always link back into the murderer... i think the scriptwriter is really good...the script is really well-written..


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The biggest mystery to me is why isn't Grandpa dead yet. In the first timeline, Dong-chan sees that he has died of natural causes and curses himself for losing the money. But in this timeline he is still alive and very much involved in the action. If he did in fact die of natural causes, should't he be dead in this timeline too? It makes the case that Grandpa was murdered in the first timeline seem very plausible.


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i don't think grandpa is supposed to be dead yet. in the original timeline, dong-chan found out about grandpa's death on the news the same day that soo-hyun went on live broadcast to plead for her child's safe return—and then right after, SB's body was found.

so if the countdown is to the date that SB was originally found dead, then i think we've got a few more days before grandpa is originally due to die.

i hope grandpa's death was a murder-accident, because that means he can live a little longer this time around! he does seem to care about theo's well-being, because he doesn't want him to go around poking into his older brother's cause of death as it could be dangerous. given what we know up to now, it does seem like grandpa's death could have been a not-so-natural cause. up till now, i hadn't bought the theory.


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What if... the reason why Grandpa had a heart attack was because he found out that the Saet-byul accidently during the kidnapping? We all know, he's sorta in line with the baddies, but not saying he's bad himself but that he's pretty much in the loop with everything that's going on, so it makes sense that he would find out that the child died before the public does....


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does anyone know how many eps there are? 16 or 24?


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Seems like there are multiple sources stating different numbers from 16, 20 to 24, but I'm pretty sure it is 16. First two were before the time jump and then the other 14 episodes, each representing a day...


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I believe that there are 16 episodes, at least that's what it says on Naver.


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I think that we should be relieved now as it now comes out to be that Woo Jin is not a bad guy....he is just being blackmailed by the killer(as in my opinion).
Show,please don't prove me wrong and let our Woo Jin sshi remain a good guy..okay??


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Hello, fellow Woo-jin supporter LOL. We are in minority, but I've been rooting for him since forever. At least we know that for him it's all fun and games until they mess with his beloved Soo-hyun.


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shooot. i am waiting for a comment about woojin actually lol. i'm so happy that woojin is not the bad one. and let woojin protect soohyun along with dongchan.

and, yes, i've been rooting for him since forever too.


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Yay, I was so bummed the other episode, because making him a willing participant would have meant the end for the character and it would have also cancelled all the other good things we saw him doing - it would have been way too forced. Instead, he is just a puppet on the verge of cutting his strings, because they dared to touch SH. I loved the fact that even though he is still not over SH and he obviously notices that DC likes/loves her (he's known DC for ages), he chooses not to be selfish and actually thinks of what's best for SH, even though it means that she'll get closer to DC. He probably realizes he might lose any chance to get her back, but for him, it's more important to protect her. I wonder how will he react now knowing that targeting SH wasn't something random - I just hope he won't give a damn about his job, since the system is rotten anyway and he'll use what he knows, to help them, no matter the costs.


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Btw, my oppa playing WJ (Jung Gyu-Woon) got married today :D . Just a random comment LOL.


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PHEW! Soo Hyun not knowing about Dong Chan was making me worry so much. I was so afraid that they would stretch it out, use it as the main problem from then on & only clear it in like the last ep or something (which always happens >.>). But i was so surprised & glad that they didnt stretch it out at all! Soo Hyun came to know the truth, then they talked it out & the misunderstanding was over!! & it was not just used for drama. it was cleverly used to show us what happened 10 years ago! this show, which i already liked, just gained more respect from me.

my Soo Hyun X Dong Chan heart squealed too when they showed Soo Hyun crying after thinking that Dong Chan is the killer. the only time you cry when someone betrays you is when you cared for them. it just gives us more evidence of the slow blossoming love between them <3

also, wow Soo Jung was a bitch :|

now on to the mystery. i am gonna state the obvious that we all had already guessed. i don't think Dong Ho killed Soo Jung. Soo Jung was angry when Dong Chan stomped off. he made it worse by breaking up with her cause she talked shit about his brother (which i dont blame him for but thats not the point here). so maybe after he left Soo Jung got angry at Dong Ho. maybe she got physical & while defending himself, he may have say accidentally knocked her or something & she must have fallen unconscious. he must have thought he killed her & panicking he ran from there. while he was gone, the real killer came & killed her. Dong Ho, scared of what would happen, must have come back & gone to dump her body. OR going back to the fight between Soo Jung & Dong Ho, he must have knocked her in self defence which accidentally killed her. but i am leaning more towards the 1st possibility.

now the killer may have killed Soo Jung cause he loved her & was jealous. the killer obviously knew her or her AND Dong Chan, cause how else would he know about the cave that Dong Chan made for Dong Ho. anyways, the mystery is, why would he go after Soo Hyun's family? cause he was afraid of a reinvestigation & wanted to fasten the execution thing so that Dong Ho dies & the case gets buried once & for all? but why Soo Hyun? he could have killed anybody. why go through all that trouble of all that planning & tracking etc of her family? sigh.


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in the tale the river asks the mother to cry her eyes out to blindness and thats what SH did in ep 2 after she cames back after the time travel she has lost her insight and moral judgment ( her eyes ) as a price for her second chance she has to give sacrifices


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coming late to this show. Just spent the last three nights catching up from Eps 1 - 10 ... got to say ... these two main characters are giving YFTS a run for their money on chemistry.


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As everyone else has said, they are killin it. And I thought it couldn't get better than YFTS.


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Out of topic here but just found a funny news regarding Jo Seung Woo and Sun Hwa aka Jenny, in one of the program that was interviewing GG's cast members (SH was not there with them), JSW said when he first met SH he told her that he liked her and her group 'SECRET' a lot, he said 'SECRET' helped him a lot when he was in the army and he spent his time there listening to their songs, she was so happy to hear that but then he made a grave mistake by asking SH if she is close to IU, he said that upset her a lot, he said he only realized later what he had done, then he immediately turned to the camera and cutely said 'Sorry Sun Hwa', nowadays the more I see or hear about him the more I think the character of Dong Chan was made after his real self...I'm still searching for the video of this interview so if anyone know about it can you please kindly post a link...


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this is the interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv5yQ_igKu8

no subtitles, but he starts talking about sunhwa around the 55-second mark.

i love seeing this cast look so happy and comfortable together offscreen!


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oh wait, but maybe it was a different interview. i don't think there's a point where he apologizes to sunhwa on camera...


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What song is Dong Chan playing to Soo Jung in the flashback scene when they were in the abandoned building? The song is probably an early 2000s rock song but I cannot remember exactly the name of the song nor band.....anyone?


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I’ve been late this week to everything, but I am trying to recover. Your favorite testament writer is back LOL. I will sum up (oh well, at least I will try ) my thoughts regarding this week’s episodes. Thank you so much girls for your wonderful recaps! Only 6 more to go and things keep getting better :D .

1) There are so many people involved in this, that my head hurts. As soon as Ji-Hoon left the house to look for SB, there was our guy monitoring him, a guy whose car got scratched (what a coincidence) by Ji-Hoon and the police officer who stopped him. The puppeteer has to be a man of authority, powerful enough to be multitasking and to have influence over people. While we can dismiss both Ji-Hoon and Woo-jin from the list of suspects (HURRAY for Woo-jin LOL – that was comforting), it’s clear that these two follow orders from above. However, Woo-jin seems to be less manipulative than Ji-Hoon, especially since they will mess with the wrong girl. Ji-Hoon is more passive – he is desperate that his family has become the target now, but he seems a bit too coward to fire back, like Woo-jin. Even in the first reality, Ji-Hoon takes measures after the harm had already been done. That voice on the phone with WJ did sound like the Minister of Justice or someone close enough to know that SH had entered the building.

2) Jae Min, Tae-Ho’s brother was killed and didn’t die in an accident, just like his brother thought he did and this was something that gramps tried to hide from him. When Tae-Ho reads those notes, he says that he will tell the truth, no matter how much they will torture him or even if they kill him. I guess the brother died because he discovered something related to those serial killings and he wanted to unmask the real culprit, so he had to be silenced.

3) Wow, JH is being made responsible of two deaths and inadvertently provokes two accidents (granny and Min-Ah). He is on the verge of snapping. Granny tells him that if Dong-Ho dies, it will be his fault, just like SH with SB.

4) Young-gyu got his camera fixed and if no one ever developed that film, it could have important pictures. His father was carrying his camera around on the night Soo Jung died as well, even taking pictures of her before DC left. Maybe he took more pictures from the killing and that film stayed inside the camera for years – I feel the clues are there.

5) We know that the Hans Christian Andersen book ends with the mother letting her child go. However, Dong-Chan seems to be crossing out passages, probably the ending part, as a way to indicate that the history won’t repeat itself and that SH will manage to save her child. That’s neat, although I wish they could just shut up and stop boasting about changing destiny.


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6) If the kidnapper broke the lock to take the picture and rip off the page, he must have known that SB took it in first place. Tae-Ho only realizes that the picture was missing when DC and SH appear to confront him and he doesn’t seem to know how they got it. So in which circumstances did she get it the first time around? Only someone watching over Tae-Ho from up close could have known that it was in her possession. Is his brother actually dead or is it all just a cover up?

7) Could SB be a reincarnation of sorts of Soo Jung, only that she is unaware? She is very fond of DC and she even asks him to marry her in 10 years. Since she is 9 years now, she will be 19 and that was probably the age Soo Jung had when she died.

8) At the end of episode 9, SH has a vision of SB drowned in the river, wearing a pair of red shoes. Curiously enough, she loses a shoe when Min-Ah gets hit by that car and a bloody shoe is also found separated from the rest when the police find her belongings in the first reality. I wonder if that “missing shoe” will be a red herring and will make them chase a wild goose for a while.

9) President is still re-evaluating the issue of the death penalty, even though he knows he is losing popularity because of that. I feel he is not sold on the idea – could it be that he fears that a family member’s shenanigans could end up being discovered? Does he feel guilty that someone is on death row because of him and he doesn’t want to feel responsible as well for that person’s death?

10) Not sold on the mouse – crossing legs explanation with Dong-Ho. I feel we haven’t heard the entire story. Yeah, maybe it was a red herring leading us into believing it was something important, when in fact it wasn’t, but it would be way too irrelevant for it to just be that and nothing more. Besides, if Dong-Ho’s imprisonment is one of the three mysteries of the prison, which are the other two?

11) I know we are supposed not to trust anyone, but it was so frustrating to see SH doubt DC, after he almost got himself killed on numerous occasions because of her. And let’s not forget that we still don’t know what Bong-sup wanted to tell SH. Thank you Woo-jin for clearing this up with her – it was so refreshing to see him defend his ex-colleague, despite receiving other orders from above. I guess sooner or later Woo-jin will also give up on the system, just like Dong-Chan and Ji-Hoon did. I just hope he’ll end up being redeemable.


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12) Again there is the CCTV discussion and yet it never helped catching anyone. The guys drinking with young Dong-Chan mention how CCTV has been installed after two women were stabbed in the area. Dong-Ho seems to have been framed, since there was incriminating evidence in the place which was only his. I wonder if the Soo Jung death has to do with jealousy – I guess that someone from that picture might have been infatuated with her – the people from the village do say how everybody was head over heels with her, but that she only had eyes for DC (although she was annoying as hell in her scenes with him – sorry LOL).

13) So the names with the initials from the ring are Tae Hee <3 Joon Hyuk. Who could these people be? If I recall, the motorcycle guy who hits Bong-sup was called Ki-Tae.

14) I LOL’ed so hard with Heidi, “Jenny, bring back your brain, please!”, Jenny pretending to be a psycho (She got dumped by a jobless loser HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA sounds familiar) and the doorbell. And totally melted with DC serenading SB.

15) It’s interesting to note that the guy with the watch from the picture won it during a fishing competition and all the bodies of the girls dumped in the river have been found by fisherman. Wonder if there is a connection. Also, DC notices that just like the Hepae god, the special ops guy has a limp and that Yoo Jin Ho ate a candy and fell asleep. Maybe the same happened with Dong-Ho – he was lured with candy, fell asleep and when he woke up, Soo Jung was lying next to him dead.

16) Everything revolves around 10. Even though we know why the mayor (?) said he hadn’t been in touch with his son Yoo Jin Ho for the past 10 years, because he was out of Korea, this sounds awfully similar to the president’s son who had also been away from Korea for the past 10 years and only came back when SB is kidnapped, saying he’ll stay for 15 days, because the guys from the laboratory can’t work without him.

17) THAT CLIFFHANGER! I knew it was coming ever since I saw SB running to the bathroom, but loved the fact that SB is still there with the kidnapper in the house when SH enters. Also, the entire house is upside down, which means he looked for something before they arrived, probably the missing jewelry that SH recovered.

Btw, here is a clean screencap of the rain attack:

Poor actors, they are more wet than dry on this show :D .


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At 1) I mean dismiss them as masterminds, of course. They are still part of a bigger scheme and I still hold on to my theory that our guy sent out Min-Ah to Ji-Hoon/SH as a bait - everybody is a puppet in one way or another - the key is managing to cut your own strings. I am curious to see what will happen with that TV show, since they cancelled and reprogrammed one involving the suspect of the murder in Hong Chun who killed someone and once again Woo-Jin will be on the show, just like the last time. Curious to see who that supposed witness could be, since now we know that the caller bluffed the last time and that SH made him change his plans this time around.


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10) About that mouse - it reminded me a lot of the movie "The Green Mile", where the main character was on death row as well for a crime he did not commit and he also had a mouse as a trusty companion, mouse who eventually gets stepped on by one of the prison guards, I think.


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Developing more on the candy making the mayor's son fall asleep, when SB and YG break into Tae-Ho's house, YG gives SB candy and says that it is given to him as a reward by his grandma, whenever he does something right. I wonder if eating candy was a habit he shared with his father Dong-Ho as well - this could be a further indicator that he was lured into eating something containing a substance with dangerous effects on the night DC's girlfriend died.


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did anyone watched The mentalist ? Pretty sure it'll be the same plot ..police man and politician involved in all those crime and covering for each other .. and that tatoo i'll appear once again on different people !

But who knows? this drama got me banging my head on the walls xD


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MinAh lost her baby and Woo Jin is making a TV appearance....it is happening... looks like SaetByul might get kidnapped right under Soo Jung's nose! HOPE NOT! Can't wait for Monday and Tuesday!

It is the President's son. PERIOD!


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Yup, it's always the photographer - I was a bit surprised how nobody from the show thought about that person you CAN'T see and I have this hunch about the president's son as well, especially since those events happened when he was in the country (maybe except for the death of Song from the first episode, but they fast forward a year after that event). Also, it's a pretty good alibi that he is working in the States - who says he didn't come from time to time to do his shenanigans when everybody else thought he was abroad working at the laboratory? Also, the story that mayor says about his mentally insane son fits pretty well with the president's son (except that he was an artist, while the other one apparently works in a lab). It could have been Tae-Ho though who took the picture. The son should appear on Monday's episode, since he was with his father right when they show the threats aimed to him on TV.

The TV appearance is totally happening again, just like everything else, although they are now talking about a Hong Chun murder apparently having a witness. I wonder what will Soo-hyun do, knowing that the caller totally bluffed the first time around.


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Can you please explain what the whole witness thing is about? In the first timeline, the broadcast was related to the murder of the 3 women (including Mimi) but in this timeline the killer for that was already reveale to be cha bong sup. SO why are they having a broadcast again? For what killings? What do you mean Hong Chun murders? Please help me understand. THanks.


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you guys realize that in A Story of A Mother, the child doesn't come back. Just warning you. Hans was a morbid fellow.


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Yes, we know that from the beginning of the show, HOWEVER, when SB takes her book with her, SH takes it away and DC reads it, crossing out some passages with a black marker. I wonder if he "deleted" and re-wrote the ending of the book, in a way to change fate. The show might even end with SH or DC reading the book to SB once again, but this time around with a happy ending. I can bet though that we will see that book again.


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Among the 3 guys, one is dead, one is mad and the other is just a red herring! So the culprit is the Photographer!
Also I have this funny feeling that WooJin is the one who keeps an eye on their flat from flat No. 305 for good measures and self interest...


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just watched today's (4/9/2014) episode..
and you're goooood

spot on about the culprit being the person who took the photo


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Kaybee, your theory is bang-on! Makes sense, with so many false leads all over...no one ever though to ask who took that picture!!


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In the end of the episode,the dark apartment is been 'lightened up' for a split of second.
Gunshot right?


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My goodness, Saet Byul needs to LISTEN to her mom and stop running off all the damn time! She made me facepalm myself when she ran off in the garage during the end of this ep, and Soo-Hyun, how could you just let her go?! Knowing that this is the day she gets kidnapped and everything. Oy vey.

Frustrations aside, I am so pleased with how the pieces are being revealed and the twists and turns. I'm so hooked on this show. I'm pretty sure this has already been hypothesized, but I think Snake's older brother is still alive and he's the killer, but ofc there are other people, more powerful, pulling the strings. Everyone's shady!

On a last note, I am loving badass Dong Chan. Where do I get me one of him xP <3


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Hey, I just wanted to make a correction, the response from Heidi wasn't for the Middle Guy, it was for the one on the far left (since they were still looking for Middle Guy even after they got to Te-Oh's house.) This was quite confusing and I had to rewatch a couple of episodes. By Episode 12 we know who middle guy is (until then they are still searching for him so Middle Guy ISNT Te-Oh's brother, its the one on the far left)


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