Sly and Single Again: Episode 3

In this episode, the plot contrives to keep our leads together, Ae-ra’s ego remains larger than life, and Jung-woo exhibits the insecurities that drive his petty behavior. Min-young keeps Ae-ra grounded, while Secretary Gil calls Jung-woo on his inconsistent actions and knows exactly how to handle him. We see more of boyish and charming Seung-hyun, but don’t know yet if his bromance with Jung-woo will turn into a rivalry.


We pick back up with Jung-woo walking away from Ae-ra, clearly savoring the moment — he’s flung Ae-ra’s directive to “leave my life quietly” back in her face.

Ae-ra rehashes the conversation as she stalks away, and scoffs at his assertion that everything fell into place for him once she ceased to be a part of his life. She comes across a poster with his smiling mug on it, and asks it, “Did anyone ask you for money? All I wanted was an I’m-sorry and a thank-you.”

Flashback to the snowy day the divorce papers were filed: Jung-woo dejectedly trudges away from the courthouse, and from afar, Ae-ra watches him go as she desperately tries to stifle back her tears. In the present day, she is overcome with sadness at the memory.

Jung-woo stands in his impressive office, reflecting upon the same memories. He wonders resignedly, “Is it all over now?”

Cut to: Ae-ra at home, ranting to Min-young, “Over, my ass!” His lack of regret over the hard times he put her through disgusts her, and she will not take this injustice quietly. She vows to get her revenge by making him fall for her again.

Ae-ra gets lost in a couple of daydream sequences, in a parody of quintessential spousal-revenge makjang melo Wife’s Temptation: in the first, she’s seduced Jung-woo (rawr), who hadn’t recognized Ae-ra because of a faux beauty mark she’d pasted on her face. When the big reveal happens (LOL, meaning, when she dramatically tears off the fake mole), Jung-woo is shocked to discover his ex.

She’s given him some poisoned champagne, and he gags, chokes, and evidently dies a violent death.

In the second, Ae-ra oversees the beating of Jung-woo by thugs in a remote, sketchy fishing pier. She accuses him of deliberately hiding the inflow of investor money from her, and tells him not to resent her, since this all could have been prevented had he just once apologized. Then she casually strolls away, but not before telling the henchmen to throw Jung-woo off the pier.

“Are you shooting a movie?” Min-young asks, cutting into her reverie. She understands how Ae-ra feels, but encourages her to be realistic. How is she going to get revenge when Jung-woo’s success means the chances of her running into him are slim?

Ae-ra declares she’ll find a way to see him everyday, and pulls out the poster ad from earlier. Heh, she’s graffiti-ed all over Jung-woo’s face. Min-young reproaches her for being immature, but Ae-ra says it’s not about Jung-woo’s now-disfigured image, but the information in the ad.

DonTalk is hiring experienced marketing professionals for their mobile shopping team. Ae-ra proclaims, “If I want revenge, I need to go work for the bastard’s company.” Min-young points out that the pool of applicants for these types of jobs have exceptional credentials and that they all come from top national universities.

Ae-ra points to the poster, “But look, it’s an open recruitment, and they’re not looking at education or resumes or age.” Min-young calls her naïve for believing the words, but Ae-ra says she’s an expert in marketing. “Ohhkay, if you can call working retail and selling insurance and water filters ‘marketing.’” Undeterred, Ae-ra says with conviction, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

Ae-ra starts filling out the work history section of the online application form. She says disdainfully that there aren’t enough blank spots to put down all of her relevant work experience. She pats herself on the back for all of her hard work, and warns, “Cha Jung-woo, just wait.”

Elsewhere, Director Oh is filling out the same work application on Seung-hyun’s behalf. Seung-hyun rushes over in frustration, saying he’ll do it himself, but Director Oh has already gleefully hit the Submit button.

Ae-ra is called for a group interview, and she’s put on the scarf of Seung-hyun’s she found. (Convenient plot mechanism, but who does this in real life?) Seung-hyun makes it into the building just as his name is called for the same interview, and he recognizes his missing scarf on Ae-ra.

There’s no time to inquire though, as they are whisked off to a room to be questioned. Seung-hyun’s big sis, Director Yeo-jin, is one of the interviewers, along with MANAGER WANG (Im Ji-eun).

Ae-ra is asked about her extensive experience with odd jobs. She falters for a moment, but quickly recovers and cheerfully talks herself up. Seung-hyun, sitting next to her, audibly snorts at her deliberate and composed interview answers, which earns him a death stare from Ae-ra. Manager Wang compliments her for being a smooth talker.

Citing Ae-ra’s stint at the boutique, Manager Wang asks Ae-ra to role-play and to sell her an item. Ae-ra focuses on who her customer is, heaping praise on Manager Wang’s fashion sense. The tactic works, and Ae-ra is awarded high marks.

Seung-hyun chimes in next to her with more admiring observations and also receives high marks. Not to be outdone, Ae-ra compliments Manager Wang’s shoes, and Seung-hyun piggybacks on with his appreciative two cents. Manager Wang basks in the flattery, while Yeo-jin just rolls her eyes at the two’s antics.

Yeo-jin says Ae-ra’s work experiences aren’t really relevant to DonTalk, and asks how Ae-ra’s strengths could be applied at the company. Ae-ra comes up with a killer answer: “I was forced to work two to three jobs at a time because I’m not wealthy. I can really relate to the target market, who clip coupons and share them on social networks.” The interviewers nod in approval.

The interview is over, and Ae-ra quickly follows Seung-hyun out and calls him out for being disrespectful during the Q & A session. He says beguilingly that, on the contrary, he was touched by her eloquence, but Ae-ra isn’t having it and blames him for almost messing up the interview.

He stops her short by saying her (his) scarf is pretty. She’s incredulous that he’s hitting on her, asking if getting a job is a joke to him, and stalks off to the glass elevator, only to…

…run smack into Jung-woo, and she is totally busted with her interview badge on. With nowhere to run, she gets into the elevator and the two ride down wordlessly. Seung-hyun is miffed his hyung didn’t even greet him, and wonders if all executives behave that way.

They meet outside, and Ae-ra lies that the potential income from the job meant more to her than her wounded pride. Jung-woo asks, “Of all the companies out there, why did you choose mine?” Ae-ra points out her lack of qualifications, and says she was turned down by the others based on her resumé. She promises to transfer to another company if she gets the opportunity to build up intern experience at DonTalk.

Jung-woo coldly tells her that’s her problem, and he doesn’t want to see her anymore. She tells him not to let personal matters affect his business. Our ever-confident Ae-ra is convinced he’s weak to her powers of persuasion, but Jung-woo shocks her by refusing to give her a chance.

In desperation, Ae-ra offers to kneel and beg, and Jung-woo tells her he’d like to see that. Ae-ra wills her body to do it, but her knees refuse to respond. She slaps the sides of her legs to get them to submit, but to no avail, and Jung-woo smirks, knowing her pride won’t allow her to do it. He turns on his heel and walks away.

Secretary Gil brings a gift of orchids to Jung-woo. It’s from Tae-ho, a founding member of the company who no longer works here. Jung-woo is surprised, and wonders about the gesture. Secretary Gil says Tae-ho is unlucky; if he had just held on a bit longer, he would have been co-CEO at DonTalk, but no, he chose to go back to his stable corporate job.

Secretary Gil speculates that Tae-ho wants to work his way back into the company, but Jung-woo promptly shuts down that idea, saying, “You have to go through the difficult times together to reap the fruits of success together.”

Secretary Gil wholeheartedly agrees, saying Tae-ho knows that Jung-woo values loyalty and trust. He adds that he’s brought up the scores for the potential hires, and Ae-ra is one of the candidates. Jung-woo stops short at the sight of her interview results, then crumples up the paper and tosses it in the trash.

At home, Ae-ra laments her body’s refusal to do her bidding. She tells Min-young that Jung-woo is a completely different person now: Before, he could never say no, but now he’s tough as nails. Min-young gives Ae-ra a pep talk, saying Jung-woo’s company wasn’t a good fit, anyway.

Ae-ra goes on multiple interviews, but gets rejected because of her divorcee status and age (yeah, about that: equal opportunity employment does not exist in Korea). While leaving an exceptionally bad interview, Ae-ra gets the call that she’s hired as a DonTalk intern.

Ae-ra and Min-young celebrate Ae-ra’s new job by clinking beer cans. Min-young wonders if Jung-woo didn’t help Ae-ra out a bit because he felt sorry for her, and Ae-ra starts to wonder, too.

We flash back to the night the interview took place: Jung-woo is resting at home while Secretary Gil watches Jjak on TV in the adjoining room. When Secretary Gil realizes Jung-woo’s ex-wife is on the show, he does his best to cover up the giant TV screen, making it obvious that he’s trying to hide the broadcast.

Jung-woo notices his unusual behavior and says, “You’re watching something erotic again, aren’t you?” He follows up with, “Wait for me, let’s watch together!” Heh.

Jung-woo and Secretary Gil view the show in silence, and Secretary Gil notes that Jung-woo is being surprisingly cool about the whole thing. Jung-woo insists he doesn’t mind, as long as Ae-ra doesn’t talk badly about him.

On the screen, Ae-ra’s interview airs — you know, the one where she earnestly wishes she never meets a man like her ex-husband again. HA.

Jung-woo storms to his office in his pajamas (his living quarters must be in DonTalk HQ), retrieves Ae-ra’s interview results from the trash, and adds it back to the group of approved hires.

Seung-hyun has also been hired, and he complains to Yeo-jin about having to keep his identity a secret. Yeo-jin tells him that if he receives preferential treatment from the get-go, he’ll never learn the job properly.

She instructs Seung-hyun to quietly complete the three-month internship, after which she’ll appoint him team manager. She ignores his requests for a ride to work and is driven off, leaving Seung-hyun murmuring, “I’ll find a way to make them give up on me during the next three months. I’m so not the type to work at an office.”

Ae-ra and Seung-hyun arrive for their first day and get introduced to the team. The sunbaes wonder about Ae-ra’s age, and grumble about having to train a newbie who is probably ten years older than them. Manager Wang wants a team member to train the two, and a sunbae named Song-hee volunteers.

The interns are shown their new desks, and Seung-hyun tells Ae-ra they were destined to be together. Ae-ra doesn’t know what to make of his casual tone, and warns him to mindful of boundaries. To get under her skin, he brazenly replies that maybe they should date.

Elsewhere, Jung-woo paces, knowing Ae-ra started work today. He asks Secretary Gil, who is busy playing a game on his phone (ok, so as long as they are loyal and stay by your side, they don’t actually have to do much work?), when the new hire orientation ends, and Secretary Gil correctly guesses Jung-woo’s true objective.

Jung-woo dramatically exits the building with an entourage of secretaries while employees, including the new hires, stand at attention. Ae-ra mutters, “Show-off!” but when Jung-woo seemingly smiles in her direction (he’s actually smiling at Seung-hyun next to her), Ae-ra puffs up, pleased at his acknowledgment.

Once Jung-woo leaves, his secretaries wonder why he had them see him off, when he typically hates such gestures. In the car, Secretary/Driver Gil wants to know where they are going, and Jung-woo replies gruffly, “To eat!” Jung-woo gets an emergency call, however, and the two make an abrupt U-turn back to the office.

DonTalk’s head of IT security (cameo by Kim Sung-kyun — aww, Samcheonpo, I’ve missed you!) tells Jung-woo their servers are under attack, but he’s not sure if the motive is to shut down the service, or to obtain user information.

While the servers cannot be controlled remotely, Jung-woo orders the team to be on 24-hour alert. IT Director wonders if an insider is involved, but Jung-woo cuts him off, saying he trusts his employees.

Back at home, Ae-ra is convinced Jung-woo is warming to her, but Min-young reminds her of the four-year-long Marriage From Hell; does she really think Jung-woo would waver because he saw Ae-ra shed a few tears?

Ae-ra insists Jung-woo’s demeanor towards her has changed, even citing the (misinterpreted) smile from earlier. Min-young agrees that Jung-woo has a kind heart, and starts to worry that the poor guy will fall for Ae-ra again. Offended, Ae-ra lunges for her friend’s throat.

Seung-hyun and Jung-woo are in a judo battle, and Jung-woo wants to know why he’s been called out in the middle of the night. Seung-hyun answers that since he’s returned home, he’s been reminded of the old days. They reminisce over Jung-woo’s first day tutoring Seung-hyun, when he was quite the young punk.

Ae-ra arrives at work the next morning, and is ordered to do all kinds of menial tasks by Song-hee (basically, it’s new hire hazing). Ae-ra is busy replacing the heavy water cooler bottles when a water delivery man bumps into her, then surreptitiously swipes Ae-ra’s ID badge from her pocket. Oh noes, this cannot bode well for Ae-ra, and I’m anticipating all sorts of misplaced blame plaguing her in future scenes.

Seung-hyun strolls casually into work, and Ae-ra gives him some noona-ly advice, telling him he needs to take the job more seriously. Her advice falls on deaf ears; instead, Seung-hyun uses the opportunity to flirt with Ae-ra, saying that if she keeps showing him this kind of attention, he’ll end up falling for her. She just shakes her head at his shamelessness.

As Ae-ra runs a work errand, she wonders why DonTalk hired her at all if this is how she’ll be treated. Her thoughts turn to Jung-woo, and, naturally, she’s now convinced he had a hand in her hiring. She texts him and asks to meet (always the rooftop in office romances) so they can chat.

Ae-ra sits demurely on a rooftop bench, waiting. Jung-woo calls her cell phone from the other side of the roof; he doesn’t want to run the risk of being seen together. She sees him and advances towards him, but hilariously, he panics and stumbles away.

“Stay there. I think you’ve forgotten, but I’m the CEO of this company, and you’re an intern. We can’t be seen together one-on-one,” Jung-woo says. Ae-ra sits back down, and says sweetly that she just called to thank him for hiring her. He dismisses her thanks, saying (lying) he has nothing to do with the hiring of interns. He’s about to leave, but she asks for his advice on what to say if asked about their former relationship.

Jung-woo says he will never discuss it, so she needn’t fear exposure from his side. He tells her not to let the information become public, otherwise her worklife will become miserable, and Ae-ra promises never to mention the divorce, or that she even knows him. He approves and hangs up.

Back at his office, Jung-woo is irritated with himself for answering his old phone and meeting with Ae-ra, and he orders Secretary Gil to disconnect the number.

Soo-cheol tells Mom and Dad the news that Ae-ra is now employed at Jung-woo’s company. He comes close to mentioning his meeting with his former bro-in-law (oh, you mean the one where you took the alimony meant for your sister and used it to pay off your debt?), but catches himself. Mom rushes off to call Ae-ra, and Dad, to Soo-cheol’s dismay, tries calling Jung-woo to congratulate him on his success. Luckily for Soo-cheol, the number is no longer in service.

The team finishes the workday and heads out for a company dinner. Ae-ra has trouble getting through the secure gate as her badge is missing, but Seung-hyun comes to her rescue.

Dinner, drinks and gossip ensue, and as the night goes on, the looser lips become. Talk turns to the highly eligible CEO’s divorce, and Ae-ra manages to stay quiet as the ex-wife is accused of having an affair, falling into gambling debt, and worst of all, being ugly.

Ae-ra starts throwing back the drinks, and at the end of the night, Seung-hyun finds her outside, drunkenly yelling at a large inflatable person, a pitiable stand-in for Jung-woo. Seung-hyun asks if he knows their CEO well, as he’s overheard a portion of Ae-ra’s banmal-filled rant, but she sloppily denies it and makes her way home.

The next morning, Yeo-jin tells Seung-hyun to hurry and get ready for work, but Seung-hyun reveals his intent to get fired. He only took the job because he was worried some of their father’s anger would spill over to their mother. He’s looking for a way to quietly get cut loose from the internship, but Yeo-jin tells him to make an effort.

The IT Director informs Jung-woo there’s been a breach in security. Jung-woo asks about CCTV footage, but the footage between 1 to 2 AM, when the violation occurred, is missing. IT Director believes the culprit stole the files and deleted the relevant CCTV recordings.

Jung-woo hesitates; the room that houses client data can only be accessed by employees. He asks, “Who was the last person who entered that room?”

In the morning, Ae-ra arrives at work and is stunned to be greeted by the security team, who promptly escort her away.


Oh, Ae-ra — my opinion has come a long way since the end of the first episode. Episode 2 did more to flesh out character motivation and to show her redeeming qualities, and in this third episode, our leading lady is as stubborn as ever, and certainly doesn’t suffer from a lack of confidence. I’m proud of her for staying true to herself and for refusing to kneel in front of Jung-woo, and I admire the determination that won her the intern job (although her intent was flawed). She may have wanted to live a simple life, but the challenges she’s overcome prove that she is able to succeed in the workplace, should she so desire.

As we’ve gotten to know Ae-ra better, the drama title seems misleading. As reiterated throughout the episode, all Ae-ra wants is to hear an apology and some words of thanks for the sacrifices she made during her marriage. It’s not about money for her, and while the initial reasons for wanting the DonTalk internship were based on her desire for vengeance, in future clips, the job seems to morph into more of a viable income stream for her, versus a way to carry out retribution (as well as functioning as a plot device to keep her interacting with Jung-woo and Seung-hyun).

The writing around Ae-ra seems a bit sloppy; I would have thought her pride would never allow her to work under Jung-woo, no matter how revenge-motivated she was. She sought stability and the life of a housewife, and was burned so badly by her marriage, she never wanted to see her ex again. Yet now, we are lead to believe that she is so motivated by her resentment that she’s revamped herself into a business-savvy marketer.

On the other hand, Jung-woo — I’m perfectly happy to eat my words, but writers, did you really have to go so far as to shove them down my throat? The petty behavior exhibited in the last episode, plus the fact that Jung-woo let Ae-ra pay off his debts after their divorce, then failed to proactively seek her out to repay those debts when his business took off, quickly eroded any compassion for his character. Jung-woo seemed flat in this episode — too happy to rub success in Ae-ra’s face, and rather isolated, even from close compadres Secretary Gil and Seung-Hyun. We see throughout the hour that he has been damaged by those who failed to trust or be loyal to him; he’s completely shut himself off to Ae-ra, and to old colleague Tae-ho. He also compensates for a lack of confidence with a childish need to demonstrate power.

I’m loving Min-young as Ae-ra’s BFF, as she keeps Ae-ra’s big head grounded and keeps her from floating away. The relationship between Secretary Gil and Jung-woo still hasn’t entered sweet bromance territory for me; probably because Jung-woo is currently so emotionally damaged that he seems incapable of having any meaningful relationships, including with his student Seung-hyun.

Seung-hyun is sweet and disarming, but his employment at DonTalk doesn’t make sense. His family wants him to work, and he’ll put up with it for three months, just so his father doesn’t harass his mother? Huh? Let’s brush that aside, though, because he conveniently gets to see Ae-ra almost daily. Aside: Seo Kang-joon reminds me of a young Rain in a lot of ways, but, did he always have such light eyes, or did they make him look like one of the Cullens in Twilight on purpose?

By far, my favorite male-male pairing is that of Director Oh and Seung-hyun. We see very little of angst-ridden Yeo-jin, President Kook, and Ae-ra’s wonky family in this hour; thankfully they seem to be giving us those tired characters in small doses.

In terms of overall story, Sly and Single Again doesn’t seem like a rom-com at the moment; instead, it’s more of a character drama focusing on Ae-ra and Jung-woo. The plot keeps forcing the two together when I have little reason to want them to be together — at this point, I’m more interested in seeing how each grows as an individual, and less concerned with the question of Ae-ra and Jung-woo rekindling their love. The writing is a bit unimaginative at times, and struggles to create conflict between the characters. Do we really have to blame Ae-ra for the security breach? The writers also like to reuse the same tricks, as evidenced by Ae-ra having three vivid daydreams within the hour; probably two too many. Here is hoping that for the next few episodes, we cut down on the unnecessary detours and really zero in on our leads.


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There is something about the drama and the leads that doesn't quite work for me. May be you're right and it's the writing that's sloppy. I don't know what to make of them. I don't quite like them, but I don't dislike them. They are both kind of annoying but you can see that they can be sweet and nice... I like the actors so I want to like the drama. I guess I'll watch another couple of episode and see if it settles into a groove.


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Hi, SoyB!

This drama looks to me more and more like rehashing (or replica) of Mirae's Choice, even though I am well aware of all the difference in details. Even principal actors and actresses look and talk much the same to me, playing a character in one drama that is a mirror image of the other.

But I don't think this drama does not improve on Mirae's Choice in any way. So, this drama leaves me simply cold.


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I completely agree with you. I like these actors but together and with this drama, it's not working for me. The story is sloppy, slow and at times, annoying. I feel like Lee Min Jung is playing Seo Jung In part 2, the divorced version. After this weeks episodes, I think I'm putting this on the queue and follow recaps for now.


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I agree. This drama is off for me. Too comical & too much. I wish they would tune it down a little.


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I agree.. something is "off" about the drama... I think it's a combination of problems with script, director, and actors. I enjoyed the lead actress when she starred in Smile, You- but after that, haven't liked her acting in other dramas. She acts like an ajumma- exaggerated expressions. I think she was strongly influenced by the older actress who played her mother in law in Smile, You. She just reminds me of her so much now.

Instead of this drama, I suggest Dramabeans and fellow viewers to watch Let's Eat. It's a fantastically acted, scripted, and directed drama. You'll notice the difference immediately compared to this drama. It's really smooth and genuinely touching and funny. This is the difference between an A grade and B or C grade production. Go watch it! "Let's Eat".


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I just commented but I don't see it . . . strange.


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your comment is there, above this one, but will appear later, it happens with me too.


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I think Jung-woo needs some backstory so maybe I can feel bad for him and stop the urge to punch him in the face. I don't understand his pain. Yeah, I get he's hurt but he acts like the most abused person in the world when basically all he went through was a bad divorce that was half (or more) his own fault.

I love AR's imagination


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I don't need any backstory from him, I like hating on his self-righteous self. I really don't like how he always displays himself as the victim when they're both at fault. I know he'll change his view on this but right now as far as I'm concerned he deserves less compassion than Ae Ra.


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lol I agree. I'm just trying to figure out if there is more to him and he has some tragic past where he was betrayed that makes him so annoying. Or if he's just a big drama queen who thinks he's the only person who suffered. Love her or hate her, we totally get why Ae Ra acts like she does. We are given multiple reasons why. CJW I don't understand, unless he's just supposed to come across as a giant self centered childish asshole, which ya know isn't that rare in kdrama.


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Lol well I feel like they already gave enough backstory on him. Country bumpkin naive in love gets married with high expectations of wife (expecting her to support him no matter what which is flawed). They divorce and he becomes disillusioned by marriage, feeling he was wronged because she didn't support him. He's been self-righteous before the marriage and divorce and he's just worsened after in my opinion.

But yeah I agree I feel like he's just a giant man child, typical male drama lead.


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you guys wont have idea how i refreshed the dramabeans page to see this... hope you guys recap ep 4 soon too


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Haha, I'm trying to hold my comments back so I don't give anything away for ep 4. I hope the next recap will be up soon, too.


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I like both leads, but this episode was bit boring for me...I don't know...I felt like it was missing some thing...I am currently watching Bride of the Century, that one has great chemistry and story is pretty addictive...here I am almost forcing myself to sit through the hour because I really like Lee Min Jung and Joo Sang Wook...hope it picks up...


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Me too! Im into Bride of the Century,not by watching it,but by reading the recap of it at koalasplayground .


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Yeah I love that show...I have DF so I watch it there...I heard it is also on "dramacool"....but it's keep getting better and better...


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same here! I'm liking Bride of the Century -- the story may be a bit makjang, but it's easy to watch and quite fun. It reminds me of the days of dramas like You're Beautiful, Shining Inheritance, Full House and the like, I don't know why, but it has a smoother feel compared to Sly and Single Again, plus I love the sassy ghost :)


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It's a rehash of all the popular rom-coms so it's not like we're watching anything reinventing. But entertaining nonetheless.
It's like someone watched the hallyu hits and decided, 'hey, let's just take all of the addictive qualities about 'em and smash them together. people will love it'


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I know what you mean. Even the heroine in that show seem to be a combination of Go Eun Chan (friendly nature and multitasking skills), Gil Ra Im (physical traits and fighting skills) and Kim Sam Soon (demeanor and antics). That's probably why I liked her and the show from the get go.


I love Bride of the Century!!!! I was watching this drama, but decided to read the recap instead. I feel that for our two leads (whom I usually adore) both of their characters are over the top for their age. Bride of the Century - the leads are acting and behaving in a manner suited for a romcom....but the writing for the leads in Sly and Single Again would work if they were in their 20's....


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Me too. I like Bride of the Century so much and can't wait for new episodes each week. I actually still hoping there will be some "recapping minion" to take this one.


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I totally didn't expect it, but as it turns out, BotC is very interesting. Love the girl in it. The story is quirky too. So far it's worth every min. watching it.
This one however if over the top, and a bit of a chore to follow, tho it has its moments. I looked fwd to new eps, but was felt let down by both eps 3 and 4.


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I was actually wishing that DB had recaps here for BOC because...I love the discussions here...KDaddict I seen you at other forums here...I was wondering your take on the ghost in it....do you think there are two ghosts? Just thought I ask since we are on the subject....


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This is a reply to Gia. It is off topic n contains SPOILERS for those who haven't watched Bride of Century!!!

Hi Gia,
We know that Dad's first wife died a mysterious death and none too happy about it. She seems to be helping, pushing the chirpy girl towards the cold chaebol in many instances. Why? She is also the one who goes to see the fortune-teller, saying she hasn't been home for a while. Does she mean she is THE "house ghost"?

But then when the drama opened, that should be an earlier period right? There has already been this rumour of a curse on that family. So the curse is older than Dad and his 1st wife. The servants say that it is their "house ghost or resident ghost" that is wrecking havoc. Interesting thing is that the bride looks exactly like our seaside restaurant chirpy girl! So that can't be Dad's 1st wife. Reincarnation? The original one has been lured to jump into the sea, and the current one surfaced from it after diving for abalone?

The side building where the altar is seems to hold a lot of secrets. I'm not in a hurry to get to the bottom of this. I'm enjoying the mystery and let it unfold ep by ep. This is my most anticipated drama right now. Cheers.


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Thanks KDaddict!


I second or third wishing that Dramabeans would recap BOC...especially now since they have the extra staff....pppplllleeeaassseee :)


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On your recommendation for Bride of the Century I watched it and I LOVE it! It's got that addictive quality of Goong, You're Beautiful, BOF etc. I have watched all 6 of the episodes out so far in 2 days. I too wish DB would recap it, I have some theories about the ghost and the curse I want to get off my chest lol.

The problem with Sly and Single again is that there's only the main story, no side plots or supernatural stuff so it is kind of boring. And though the leads are attractive they have no chemistry that I have noticed (yet). I will watch ep 4 to see if it gets better.


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At last! there Episode 3 has a recap already. hopefully ep 4 recap will be release later today or tom..
thanks for the recap,by the way. :)


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It burns me up that no one has directly addressed that soon after they married, Jung woo unilaterally decided to quit his job and pursue his dream without consulting his wife Ae ra and coming up with a plan together for the timing. For me, that is the real issue that's been lost in the sloppy plot.


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I'm hoping that comes up when they begin to fall for one another again and reconcile, because that has to be part of their change and growth. I think it's obviously been set up that way so that the audience has that information, but it will take JW some time to realize that he wronged his marriage in that way.

They are both messes now for a reason, and I think we have to sort of not love them both right now because it is a show about two people who were in the wrong, and to make it work again they have to realize what they did and right their behaviors.


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The plot is a bit sloppy, not sure if it is bad editing or writing, but more holes and WTF twists that don't make sense than usual. Ae Ra seems to change motives every 20 minutes, and I am still not sure what her real motive is.

"...prove that she is able to succeed in the workplace..." - I don't buy into that much either. She has succeeded, yes but not from her own efforts or skills, it was all from influence and help from others.

I am hoping this series gets on track a little better soon, I like the actors, but that will only carry it so far.


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I would have admired the heroine if she found a job else where and challenged the husband.... It feels just to convenient for the writers to put them together this way.
It would have been better if she challenged her situation in a new working place and climbed to the position where she meets her ex and they meet again in a new circumstances....
The characters are irritating for me....
Where is her pride...?


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But she can't irritate/seduce him at another job. She wants to see him everyday so she can do that. He wants to see her everyday because she said she never wants to see him.

Not really sure what job she'd take and how she'd challenge him in the way she wants. Or in any way at all. He's a multi-million dollar CEO.


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I would have admired the heroine if she found a job else where and challenged the husband

... but she can't. Based on her resume (and Korea's "very equal, anti-discriminatory" standards), she can't get a job anywhere else. She only managed to get into DonTalk because it was an open interview that required no information regarding gender, marital status and age.


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That irks me too, i know she tried to find a job elsewhere...but this is drama land. Come on writer, at least you can write her getting a job in a building near him or better yet the opposite of his building so he can spy her a la Master's Sun and maybe bump into each other since the owner of the building is his business rival or something (and since i'm in my imaginary spree i'd like to think that the other building owner's is Hyun Bin).


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It was a bit convenient that they hired her, but I also thought that the writer intentionally portrayed Jung Woo's company as a lot more open-minded and forward-thinking than other companies. His unwavering trust in his employees, and his open hiring policy are meant to highlight his character's soft underbelly and moral stance.

Also she did try hard to find another job but the discrimination is evident for the other companies. Awcoconuts, if you see this, I also just wanted to give you a little feedback. You've been doing a great job, but I've noticed a couple times where you glazed over important details in this series, esp in ep 1. For this ep, you didn't mention that her "particularly bad" interview included sexual harassment, which I thought was a key point that writers were trying to get across. That said, awesome job and thanks for all your hard work!


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NAR is my favorite character, she is very flawed but very lovable. She may have entered the company for revenge, but she really takes her work seriously. And furthermore her revenge is because of her pride (wanting to hear sorry and thank you), and NOT greed. NAR may be focusing on her being hurt, but she does not absolve herself from the hurt she has caused the other party (which is so the case with her ex-husband).

not liking the ex-husband first two episodes, borderline hating him the next two episodes. he deserves to be alone seriously. drama should end with NAR and ex-husband reconciling with their past, but definitely NOT getting back together. after 4 episodes, NAR deserves someone better than ex-husband... him being CEO, successful, and rich does not cut it.


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My feelings for this show are very lukewarm...
But if there's one thing i know for sure, it's that even if i don't LOVE lee min jung, i acknowledge that she was some of the most natural, varied facial expressions ever. Her reactions are so spot on. She is adorable to watch.


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i feel the same way about the show, not really loving it but continue to watch hoping for something to click. I like LMJ but I admit I find her character a bit annoying and unlikable yet she has small moments where I think ok, I can start to warm up to her.

I like her dad, but find the stupid brother and always screaming mom very annoying and only 4 episodes in, and I am having to fast forward their parts. I like the husband and for some reason I feel more connected to him than to her. However his acting in his lighter scenes I find it horrible LOL. And to be honest I feel half this drama is daydreaming and flashbacks which I do not care for.

I have dropped so many drams lately that I really hope this one has a turning point for me and Soon.


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I am tired of the parents and siblings - ALL them, of all the families. Every one is a cliché that we could have done without. It is obvious that all of Ae Ra's family is only motivated by greed, and you have to wonder what genetic defect made her the only non-stupid one in the family.


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I don't like her family either, even the mother is such a push over I can't like her. She puts up with her leech of a husband just because he sweet talks her. AR is made of much tougher stuff than her by dumping her husband even it was hard to do.

Plus watching their scenes, especially with the JW, give me such 2nd hand embarrassment. So awkward.

The other family, I don't care too much about either but they don't bother me as long as the father isn't beating up someone.


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I FF thru scenes of her brother and family. So irritating. No redeeming grace that we can see so far. But I know that they are put there for them to play a role in the OTP's reconciliation down the line.


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Me too. I'm really liking the BFF and the Secretary though. And am glad the second lead female is so nice. That's pretty rare.


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For now...


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Oh please drama ..don't disappoint me...
be a good and interesting drama..
hoping for the best.


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Why am I loosing interest in you???please don't disappoint me. .


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I really like lee min jung so I hope writer do better than this, and make a good drama!:)


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I still find this drama interesting, but now I want to know Jung Woo's side of the story. We already know why Ae Ra wanted the divorce (because of the debt and having to work and the probable miscarriage) but there has to be more to Jung Woo's side as well, right?
Everything's really skewed to Ae Ra's side at the moment, and I don't want to think that the only reason he's suddenly such a d*** is because she broke up with him. I mean, he's done a complete 180 from the sweet bowl cut dork he was before, would divorce really change him that much? (I ask this with no experience whatsoever of marriage or divorce.)
Especially when she's still paying off loans she took while supporting him. Wouldn't he know she'd borrowed money? Or is that just me?


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Like some people have said already, he's a man-child. I feel like he has always been childish. True, he may have seen like a sweet dork before, but we've never really seen his personality except for those lovey dovey parts with AR. And it's not like he's an asshole to everyone, just AR because he's petty and spiteful.


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I think we know his side. He wanted a loyal cheerleader wife who would follow him regardless of what he did and tell him how awesome he was. When she didn't he considered that as Actually, we don't know AR's side of the story really. What lead her to say the things she did (just being pissed off? I think telling him not to sell his office was her telling him to go continue his work. ) or why she's still paying his debts off and if she had a miscarriage or not and if that had something to do with her finally filing for divorce. She put up with it for 4 years, there had to be some moment where it just got to tough for her to handle.


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Uh, my sentence cut off

*When she didn’t he considered that as a betrayal.


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I do not think the ex-husband was aware that she went into debt for him. I think he was naive and focused on the new company and wasn't thinking about the toll it was taking on his wife. He thought she would provide the support until the company succeeded. For him, there marriage was for life. I can see how that hurt his feelings. I can also see her point of view as well. I think he will come to realize all she did to support him. I hope it ends with him losing the company and they have to start over again without the money being in the way.


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did she really support him? then i was wrong i thought she was just very crude to him n all that! then she gets credit for being there for him!


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She was the only money maker in the family for four years, and it took her another 3 years after the divorce to pay off all the debt. He was making no money at all during that time. It's all in Episode 1.


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I really want to like this because I like the chemistry between the leads...but, yeah, there is something with the writing the writing that is making it hard for me to like...we'll have to wait and see.


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A little boring...but i will stick around a little longer for the sake of Lee Min Jung


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It aint Shakespeare, but it's doing what I expect from a drama. It's entertaining me. What can I say? Show makes me laugh. Petty and childish for the win! :)


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Yea, I don't normally get Korean humor but I always find a laugh watching this drama. It lives up to its rom com label.


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Yes! I think we are the minority here, but this show really makes me laugh. I love her imagination. Yes, maybe the writer overdid the daydreaming, but anyway it was hilarious.
Although I agree with awcoconuts, I have the "com" but I dont have the "rom". The show needs to start working in how they are going to grow and fall in love again


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Yup, me too! I'm loving it so far and am invested in our otp, even if some scenes are too out there and comical. If I wanted dark and serious I'd stick to my US/UK shows.


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I really like this drama and I find their story very interesting. I'm totally rooting for the couple. I can't wait for them to both change because they definitely need it . I have love for Ae Ra though lol. She's cute and strong minded. But I don't always understand what she wants or what she's doing. If she wanted an apology then she should have told him everything that needs to be said and if he'd have reacted like the current a***** he is then she should just have moved on. If she wanted to succeed then she should have started to… idk go back to the uni, get a nice job/build her own company. Weirdly these kind of plots would only happen for male characters right. GIANT is the perfect example. Why putting herself in a position that makes her look submissive, under the command of her ex? That's this whole romantic fantasy (shall I dare to say, sexist) of male/female characters in Kdrama that I guess I gotta accept until time changes.
Oh and Jung Woo is totally in love and the 4th episode made me dislike him because what the hell? Stop making ppl suffer because of your own insecurities that you've kept in you for 4 years. I hope Ae Ra will stay strong and beat him at his own game. Loving Sang Wook in this role, his acting is more smooth and diverse.


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how she could success if she still had some debts to pay and lives with her friend, has her brother causing problems, has society looking down on her for being a woman and divorced at that, and not having college degree?

She also isn't the smartest cookie, so it would be hard to start her own company, even her ex husband got it because he found a rich guy to back him up - or else he would be already dead lol


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I forgot about the debts lol. Yes, that would be hard. Although I heard irl harsher stories with ppl who would still go to school even with difficult backgrounds.
But she didn't even try or even had the thought of trying so I'm still not okay with the way she's handling this.
Honestly, Jung Woo needs a good lesson.
And I find her quite smart, and strong so she's totally able to do things by herself. Basically, even if she couldn't do things by herself and be successful by herself, what lacks imo is the will to do so. Or the mindset of someone who decided that they will do something out of their life independently from what the ex-husband is doing right now. Even if it's tiny, simple, or not building a company/going to school.


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Not sure how you think NAR can think of doing something else with her life when she can barely live on a day to day basis. NAR can not even share the rent with her friend. Most of her money (what little of it) she earns doing menial/ part-time/ contractual jobs go to paying back the debts. Debts and interests already puts her at a big disadvantage... Add her age, divorced status, AND lack of college degree... It's pretty amazing actually that she has come so far in terms of being almost done paying back the debts and interests in three years time.

Also, although her joining the company was initially for revenge... She probably thought of it as a really viable career choice - it is marketing which she has years of experience in, it does not discriminate in any criteria that she is severely lacking, it is a good company... Her being an intern in said company could open doors for her.


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" the mindset of someone who decided that they will do something out of their life independently from what the ex-husband is doing right now."

That's what I said and it is not related to what she can or can not do. The way she's handling things don't tell me that she first chose this job because it was a good career opportunity. And I would have preferred that. Going back to school/doing your own company was simply an example of what she could have done instead of planning her life around her ex's. There are plenty of others things to think about when she finishes paying her debts other than getting hired on your ex's company for revenge. Of course, it will become a good career opportunity and that's good for her but it's not the first reason at all and it's definitely bothering me. I am not going to excuse everything she does especially when she does it obviously for her ex.

We can agree to disagree, and I guess my opinion also depends on what the drama will do of this so called revenge.


"..That’s this whole romantic fantasy (shall I dare to say, sexist) of male/female characters in Kdrama."

Glad to see that I am not the only one that finds that really annoying. It seems like most k-dramas are set up so that a female cannot succeed unless she is (a) a total evil witch, or (b) depends on some guy with money.


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Seo Kang Joon's eyes are rather light, but I think it's the hair that makes it pop out even more. It wasn't as noticeable when he had blond hair:


Not that I'm complaining though – he looks hot.



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His eyes/eye color is also my favorite feature of his, but the boy does have many beautiful physical traits.


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I'm shipping Ae-ra with Seung-hyun so hard right now you don't even know lol. I think I have a thing for noona-dongsaeng relationships.

I kind of want more backstory on Jung Woo, but at the same time, I just like hating him and his ugly hairstyle.

And so does Secretary Gil just live and Jung Woo's place? He really does value loyalty.


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He borrowed that hair from Anthony (King of Dramas).


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Thanks for the recap..
The show is getting better.. I was laughing several times, especially when Ae-ra's imagination runs wild.. lol.. I must say that I'm mesmerized by Seung-hyun's face, his skin is so dewy & perfect! I wanna know his skin care regimen!! :D


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Ep 4 is really worth talking about. This one was a slow one. Oh, her fantasies. Haha. How can a grown woman be so childish?


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She is pretty childish. She is 33 or 34, yet she seems to think like a 15 year old at times. At least make the fantasies realistic :)


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She has mental age of 15. He has mental age of 13. So they match up that way. LOL.


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Thank you for the recap


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Thanks for recapping, but after 2 episodes I'm giving this drama a miss. Emergency Couple works better on most fronts!


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If you like Emergency Couple you should check out Bride of the Century...I am loving both dramas


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im watching all 3 :-)


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Thank you for the recap!


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I really don't like her character - she's so wishy-washy. And it's as if she doesn't see reality at all. The guy too, he's so egotistical in a sense, how does he forget her support/money for 4 ENTIRE YEARS? That's a long time. Neither of them seem to be considering each other's perspective at all, and they both seem...rather immature. Their romance seems kind of bland too - I don't enjoy it when they're together. He's so smug about everything and she has a lot of pride to ever even acknowledge that she had a hand in his current feelings towards her. I know I'm throwing extreme words, but their characters are very exaggerated, and I'm actually not sure if I'm looking forward to them falling back in love (conversely, I really liked their relationship when they fell in love the first time :P)


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Your reasons are also the same reasons why I haven't particularly warmed up to the characters neither do I want them back together.. Of course things could change from here since we're still on ep.4.
That's why it's so tricky for shows that feature divorced couples to be able to draw the viewers into wanting them back together. There's always something to be nit-picky about this kind of set up.


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I love this rom-com! Lee Min-Jung is absolutely wonderful with comedy! The first drama I saw her in was "Big" and it was awful and I couldn't stand her character in it, but she is rocking it in this one!

Her ex-husband is an incredible dolt if he is unaware of how she supported him for all of those 4 years AND afterwards until all the debts were paid. Is his character so obtuse to not realize all the support she gave him?

I give a solid thumbs up for this series!


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i think ae ra got her lesson, u just don't divorce your husband because he's decided to leave his 9-5 job, come on, did they promise to love each other through thick & thin, sickness n health so help them God? she's not pitiable i'm sorry! she got what she wished for to be w/out his good husband who's now a wealthy man - now that he's wealthy she's hoping to get back to him? i hope he doesnt get back with her!


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I can't believe actually think this. I know this is a drama, but that's a fantasy world version of marriage and too naive. It's not just that he left the job, it's how he left it. It's also his total unawareness of what she was going through that extends to even today considering still paying back his debt. I'm sure he'll come to realize eventually he was a terrible husband on all fronts and any sane person wouldn't have stuck around as long as she did.


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How far do you carry that? She put up with not even having enough money to pay the gas bill for four years. Would it be OK if she lasted 6 years? 10 years? At one point do you finally realize that someone has failed at life and give up and move on?


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really? you think that it's ok for him to be such a self absorbed guy and expect that she weather through everything just because she married him?

He didn't tell her or even ask her opinion about quitting his job... he knew her dreams for a house and kids and security (and while they may seem selfish dreams she was pretty upfront about it) he knew that and still did everything without consulting her. He didn't even try to find out what happened to her after the divorce, after he got his sponsors... nada... she at least worked to the bone for four years and tried to make it work. He got butt hurt and accepted the divorce and never looked back. Where is his loyalty? and I'm pretty sure that something might have been going on with her for her to cut him off like that. But he didn't even try to figure out or talking it out with her. Yeah she was pretty final but when people really care they'll find out through friends and family about the other's welfare... He didn't.

He makes me feel that he's only loyal to himself which is why he can't have any really deep relationship with anyone which makes me recall a quote by Margaret Mitchell in Gone With the Wind: “The liar was the hottest to defend his veracity, the coward his courage, the ill-bred his gentlemanliness, and the cad his honor” . I think he defends and talks about loyalty so much because he in fact has none.


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"I think he defends and talks about loyalty so much because he in fact has none."

Your entire comment comment wins the day! Such a selfish, unaware, weak man. He really cares about no one but himself and his needs. God, how can he be so clueless as to what she went through and what she lost because of their marriage? Does he not see her at all? I mean, her only dream was to be a wife and a mother, but she'll probably never be able to achieve that because he made the pursuit of his own dream more important.

His behavior (both before and after the divorce) proves that he doesn't deserve to be married to anyone, and I hope they don't get back together in the end. Even with a lot of groveling and growth, I don't think I can ever like him as a character. This drama is becoming the "Ohh La La Couple" of 2014 for me. But I'm totally hate watching it and can't look away.


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"Where is his loyalty? "



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Looks like not many male commenters here so it's totally understanble that majority of the female commenters here only supporting their own kind and totally hating on jung woo, also tired of seeing these drama writers portraying female characters as sympathetic while male characters are always portrayed as just jerks and childish, same with the emergency couple, song ji hyo is portrayed as so sympathetic and they give her so much backstory to make her like that, depression and stuff, I also don't understand what the lead females motives are at all, why does she want to be involved with him again if she hates him? Didn't she divorced him in the first place?


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"come on, did they promise to love each other through thick & thin, sickness n health so help them God?"

This is a rather narrowed view on marriage. You will hear those vows (or a variation) at every wedding in the US. And yet, 30%-50% of those married couples will end up divorcing. Then shall we blame all those people that said those vows and broke them? I'm just thinking realistic here.
Anyone who puts up with the bull and decides to stay in a broken marriage for that reason -- they have my sympathies and my utmost condolences.
Life and marriage isn't like looking through those rose-tinted glasses -- there are so many other factors you have to consider.
If ae-ra is at fault for breaking that marriage promise, then you can also fault jung-woo for breaking several of his promises made to her as well.


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I am fascinated by the psychology behind this story and I wish/hope that they delve into what is motivating their behavior because there are so many unresolved issues from their marriage. Everyone goes into marriage with expectation but seldom are those expectations met. If the writers focus on that alone it will be a good drama but right now, I agree with the others that they are barely scratching the surface: he obviously values loyalty but what about his loyalty to her? She values security but doesn't realize that security comes at a price (house with big windows). Sometimes we all act irrationally when we are hurt, mad, frustrated, disappointed, scared, in marriage . . .


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Why do I feel like I'm the only one loving this drama? I'm so hooked that I can't wait for Wednesday~ I find both characters flawed but I find myself really interested on how they will rekindle their love. :)


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I'm loving it so far, and also totally shipping our lead couple. <3 The way I'm imagining it is really awesome, so let's hope the drama lives up to my expectations.


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Your not the only one. I'm looking forward to Wednesday too! :)


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I'm loving it too, i don't mind with all the flaws so far (but crossing my fingers for future eps, may the writer get her/his head straight coz we got a great pair here! don't waste it).


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I've watched four episodes and I'm in Ae Ra's side al the way. The guy is just too self pitying for me to like him. And I was actually expecting to like him more than her... since she was the one that cut him off.


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I am enjoying the drama. However, I really want to sock one to CJW. His sob story about loyalty and how he was deeply betrayed is ridiculous in comparison to what he put his wife through and without really discussing it first with her. Both are in the wrong but he comes off as highly arrogant and a real piece of work (that is putting it nicely). How about he take his own standards and apply it to himself. He was a terrible husband.

I am cutting NAR a little more slack because I thought from all the previews that she was going to be another greedy gold digger. But in actuality, she is really not that. The writing is really sloppy IMO and her character is all over the place. There are points where I don't like NAR and other times I feel really bad for her. CJW - just don't like him at all now, except maybe a few flashbacks.

The point is both just did not love each other the way that each of them desired to be loved. So if the drama is headed for a second chance, I hope they can both change for the better.

The secretary, what exactly does he do?? Driver... He totally seems useless for now.


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thanks for the recap.

i had a feeling that Joongwoo doesn't even know that Ae Ra made some loan when they were married. he's too busy with his own investor search, he practically ignoring his real responsibility towards his wife. he doesn't even realize that their house gas or electricity (i can't remember lol) has been cut until Ae Ra's friend told him. doesn't even realize that they haven't paid their house rent either. but maybe i'm wrong.


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Last week everyone was saying what a horrible person Ae-ra was and Jung-woo was too good for her, and now everyone is saying Jung-woo is a horrible person and Ae-ra is too good for him, and either way I really don't see it.

I think both of them have their faults and both of them are sympathetic, in pretty much equal measure. And both of them are very noticeably focusing on their own hurt and failing to acknowledge the other person's hurt, let alone their own failings. That is something that is going to have to change in order for them to move forward, but I do believe it something that they can change, and while I think they both need to do some growing, I don't think either of them is unrealistically immature for their age.

The only thing that worries me is the lack of communication. Whenever Ae-ra is with Jung-woo, she keeps trying to manipulate him rather than having an honest conversation with him. I get why she does it, she is trying to save face, plus that is the way women are socialized to behave, but that approach really isn't doing her any favors. He can tell when she's being insincere, and it just reinforces his belief that she's a schemer who never really loved him and only cares about money. I'd like to see her stop with all the schemes and just come out and say, "You hurt me." Otherwise I don't see how the romance is going to progress. They can't work through their issues if they can't be honest with each other.


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Agreed - they are so busy sniping at each other that it never gets past that point to where they start at it again. Unfortunately, it is an all too common k-drama trope that NOBODY EVER TELLS ANYONE ANYTHING, and it gets a bit old.

Regardless of how she really feels, she comes across all the time as a schemer and gold digger, and all because she refuses to answer anything honestly - even to herself.


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Lack of chemistry for both lead make me want to quit this drama. Poor acting from male lead..however bravo for female lead. Will continue read recap..


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I think the male lead is quite good.. it's just how the character is..


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I don't think it's poor acting but poor character written by the writer. He/she totally wants the viewers who are mostly females to be sympathetic towards the female character, she was given a rich backstory of what she had to go through and all with irritating family members etc while he is just written as a man child and jerk , I don't know how the writers manage to get them back together if they keep portraying him like that, the writers should have made both characters equally sympathetic so that the viewers will be torn over who to support, they are clearly favouring the lead female giving her all kinds of sob stories up until this point, I really think jo sang wook made a mistake in choosing this character, it's such a badly written and regularly used character, if they keep continuing like this I think I will not be able to hold on to this drama.


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@megumi I commented up thread that I feel more for him, and find her annoying. When they were married he did not fulfill her idea of the perfect husband and she was made to do some suffering, and he may not understand the extent.

However she broke his heart, I understand his point of view more than hers. In episode 4 they have a very touching scene and hopefully viewers will really be able to sense his true pain. I know I did. I WANT TO COMMENT MORE ON THE SCENE BUT WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THAT EPISODES RECAP


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Please he has the most sympathetic scenes in the drama. Even the freaking drama synopsis implies she's a gold digger. He was left out in the cold, denied food and he's supposedly a hard working man who is just trying to make their life better , begging for not to leave him and who was betrayed by a wife who only wanted when he could feed her. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few people cheering him on when he sticks it to her.

Just because people take her side now even with all that does not mean he has no sympathetic scenes. But watching the show he's still about 80% at fault for the fall of their marriage, is totally self centered, betrayed her, doesn't acknowledge how hard she worked or that he put his dream in front of hers and has warped views on what a marriage is supposed to be. That's why people are sympathetic towards her, not because we have vaginas.


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i'm watching this but there's something really.....off with this drama. i find everyone and the story to be simply annoying. i guess what i'm annoyed about the most is that ae-ra is seeking revenge by wanting to date him. i find it really stupid honestly. it just gets in the way of how they both communicate with eachother. i just don't believe what any of them are saying.

one part i feel sympathetic and another part of me thinks she's just pathetic in general. the writer did a messy job with ae-ra. i can see why people would blame ae-ra for the divorce but not enough is showing jung woo's own faults.

i really want this drama is get better which is why i'm sticking around but i am so far skipping 40% of the episodes.


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While Ae Ra annoys me, it is not nearly as much as her family annoys me. All the men are worthless gold diggers, and the mother is a schizo that alternates between screaming and sucking up to the father. I just thank Sony for the fast-forward button. That whole cliché is SO overdone - all we need now is for one of the family to get amnesia or need a brain transplant to make it complete.


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Until both parties put down their pride, hurt, and walls.. and instead have honest, mature (like they should at their age) conversations/discussions, I will MAYBE be open to even rooting for them to get back together.
As for now, I (like many) find the leads characters to be vexing and distant considering their motives and their actions.
When two people in a marriage throw pride out the door and have civil, intelligent conversations, well, you've just saved yourself a ton of time and veered from a boatload of problems. Hard to do, but not impossible, either. But of course this is a k-drama, and the writer needs to fill up those 16 episodes with something..


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I think I understand why Ae-Ra asked for the divorce, perhaps she realized that she had turned into her mother. Complete with a husband mooching of her just like her mother. I think that's why her dream was to be a housewife, to not be the sole breadwinner for the family with everyone mooching off her for the rest of her life.

Did their shared debt not get discussed during their divorce? Considering that she spent years paying it off without Jung-woo's help.


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At the time of divorce, he wa penniless. She got strapped with everything, and didn't ask for alimony.


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Honestly, I really like this drama. I think I'm in the minority since everyone seems to be saying that the writing is bad and the characters are annoying. True, AR's family is annoying but I kind of like everyone else.

Sometimes I feel as if my taste in entertainment is unrefined, since I am totally fine with subpar writing if I like the actors/actresses. Well... not TOO subpar, but the level of this drama is just fine for me (it's a lot better than Big, that's for sure). People say that there are plotholes and cliches, but honestly I don't care about stuff like that. Actually, I think I like the cliches. I like the fact that they're pushed together even when it doesn't make sense. Or that they are both acting like teenagers when they're 30+. I just want to watch cute and funny scenes. I just want to be entertained, and this drama does that.


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Woohoo, agreed! If I want brilliant writing and a strong plot, I'll read a book. But I like my dramas to be light and visually appealing.


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couldn't agree more :)


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I love it too. Great acting and chemistry and it's pretty funny. I've always loved Lee Min Jung and I'm happy with her role here. We are together in our bad taste! :D

Though I wouldn't take comments too seriously, some people are still trying to figure out if they are going to keep watching. I'll expect them to move on to other things soon. :p


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I want to join in this minority group hahaha
This drama !! Agree with you, I just want to be entertained. About the "rom" side, I believe that it will appear in the next episodes. Just be patient guys !
Everybody has their teenagers/childish side even in their 100 years old hahaha


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@domo, i'll join you in the minority! i LOVE this drama. i thoroughly enjoy this.

and... i am totally shipping Ae-Ra and Seung-hyun!


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Lol chiming in here for the CSL Fanclub! I agree with all of you! It's good to know there are a little of us who at least like and are entertained by the show.


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Seo Kang Jun definitely looks like one of the Cullens here.


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Also, because of his pale skin and really red lips, he reminds me of Lee Dong Wook.


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why people who comment here take this drama too seriously? *confused


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It's a weird show. It wants to be a light comedy but the setup was clearly made to be a melodrama. That's just my take on it.


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Lee Min Jung always does this Elvis upper lip move and I find it sexy. You can almost see it in the 13th picture of the recap. lol


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Well , there are more than one million people who watch this drama. It's imposible for the writer to fullfil the hope of all of viewers. I find this drama is interesting and really entertained. The main leads are just doing . Just drop this drama if you don't like it. There are tons of drama out there that will be full 100% your expectations. Make your life easy meeeeen. Don't take it serious


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Ah sorry .. I didn't mean to make a reply comment for @Aigoooo . Sorry, friend :D :D


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I thought that having many people who will recap some of the Kdrama that i read in dramabeans, means that a somehow faster recap post of the Kdramas. But I guess, I am wrong. :(

Maybe the recappers (sorry for the term,since I don't know how will I call them :D ), are kinda busy on some other stuffs, but, since I can't watch a KDrama here in my country (and we don't have cable, hah),I am just relying on these recaps. :(

I hope my patience will be lonnnnnnngggggg, waiting for the recaps of Sly and Single Again EP 4 and Emergency Couple EP 12. AND I really, really wish that you can continue recapping Ghost-Seeing Detective Cheo-yong. :)

Anyways, still waiting for the recap. THANKS!


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I just realized now that the other intern, Seung-hyun, is the same kid from Suspicious Housekeeper. Wow, change his hair color and he looks totally different. I have to say I think his natural color suits him much more. It makes his hazel (?) eyes pop. However, this hair makes him look older, which I suppose was a critical change since he was playing a high school kid in Suspicious Housekeeper and that only aired a few months ago (he's only 20!!)


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Ithink its getting more interesting and fun specially after i watches episode 4... let the games begin :) :) :)


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Honestly my favorite part of this drama is that Joo Sang-wook finally picked a drama where he gets to use more than one facial expression.


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I love and occupied with this drama.. It has interesting plot and entertaining scenes..

Does anyone know the songs when Jung Woo dramatically exits the building and pass the interns.. The songs that has english translation like this
"Mirror Mirror on the wall whom does that person like, Heaven oh Heaven who is that person is thinking of, I'm curious because i'm not quite sure i know the meaning behind your glance. From now on you and i shall we try to learn about each other."

i could'nt find it anywhere in google :(
thank you very much..


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"Mirror Mirror" Dohee & J-Min
Found it by searching Cunning Single Lady on youtube so try that instead of google.


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