God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 7

You thought you had the story all figured out, and then God’s Gift goes and pulls out the rug from under your feet. Again.

The story takes another turn in this episode, when you get to the bottom of one mystery, only to have that open up the doors to about three new ones. I guess it’s a good thing for the narrative that we never appear to run out of murderers in this world. Y…ay?


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While snooping in the home of the stationery shop owner, Soo-hyun hits pay dirt: a room wallpapered in creepy surveillance photos of Saet-byul, packed with kidnapping accoutrements like rope and plastic tarp.

The doorknob rattles, giving Soo-hyun just enough warning for her to duck under the bed before the owner enters. But the killer had heard Soo-hyun dropping her phone seconds before, so it’s unnervingly uncertain whether he knows she’s here. He drops to the bedside and starts feeling under it, his fingers just inches from her, though it turns out he’s looking for something else. He pulls out a furry-looking toy and talks to it in a creepily soothing tone: “You should have just listened to me. Then I would have loved you instead of killing you.”

Then the camera pans down, and the fur is stained red. And dripping blood on the ground. Holy shit it’s a dog.

The puppy-killer discards the carcass, flicks on the light, then leans down to wipe up the blood. As he does, his eyeline is directed under the bed—does he know she’s there? Soo-hyun shrinks back into the darkness but she’s just seconds from discovery…

The door pounds. Oh thank god. He heads out to answer it, and Soo-hyun breathes a sigh of relief.

It’s Jenny at the door, and she bursts in with the excuse of needing the bathroom, heading for it before the killer can stop her. She notices that the bathtub is filled with water and rubber duckies, curiously, then takes a call from Dong-chan confirming her actions.

The killer lets Jenny leave, though he takes note of the fact that she flushed the toilet but left the seat up. Aieee, I hope that Jenny’s efforts in saving her team don’t end up making her into a target.

Thankfully this gives Soo-hyun the opportunity to escape—though not without first swiping a photo of Saet-byul from his wall collage. Gah, did you have to take one in the very center, trumpeting to the killer that Someone Was Here? He certainly doesn’t miss the gaping hole when he returns to his room.

Soo-hyun rushes home and wakes Saet-byul up to ask what happened to her watch. Saet-byul groggily says that she lost it, and Soo-hyun gets a little intense in questioning whether she went to the stationery store owner’s house, prompting Saet-byul to cry.

Hearing the crying, Ji-hoon interrupts. Soo-hyun shares her new theory: that the son of a wrongly convicted killer will kill Saet-byul out of revenge for Ji-hoon mishandling the case. She suggests that they reinvestigate and maybe even beg for forgiveness.

Ji-hoon bristles, first of all at the suggestion that he did his job badly, and second of all because the man kidnapped a child to rape her, then killed her brutally. He adds that the criminal didn’t deserve to die peacefully—he should have lived in daily fear of execution.

It gets worse when she mentions the email she read and he asks if she’s snooping. Soo-hyun frantically points to the photo with Saet-byul still missing and Ji-hoon explodes, shouting that he gets hundreds of emails like that a day, crumpling the photo and throwing it in the trash. Whoa. Most of the time I’m sympathetic to Ji-hoon’s frustration, but today that anger definitely notched up a level.

Saet-byul retrieves the photo and smooths it out, tucking it into a book when Dad drops by. He has concert tickets for them to see Snake tomorrow, which makes her night.

The next morning, Young-gyu’s grandma arrives to babysit. She looks at Ji-hoon for an extra beat—does she recognize him from her son’s trial? Soo-hyun leaves her with instructions to not let Saet-byul step a foot outside, or to let anyone in.

Soo-hyun brings coffee to a sleeping Dong-chan, who has staked out the stationery shop all night. He won’t wake up, but the sight of keys in his pocket gives her an idea. A flashback informs us that Soo-hyun and Dong-chan had gone to the police last night, only to be told that they need actual evidence, like that dead dog or the stolen watch.

So Soo-hyun makes a call to the stationery shop to make a delivery order, then sneaks up to the owner’s apartment to retrieve the watch. But the cuckoo clock is empty.

Grandma and Saet-byul head out to buy popsicles, joined by Young-gyu at the gate outside. In the store, Saet-byul rifles through the freezer case outside while Young-gyu gets hit in the head by toppling boxes. Grandma rushes to him in concern… leaving Saet-byul unattended as a motorcyclist stops and calls out to her.

Soo-hyun finds that the serial killer wall is also gone, replaced with ordinary-looking pinups. See what you get for leaving obvious traces? In a panic, she tears down the bikini photos, looking for evidence, and gahhhh I want to shake her for being so careless.

But Soo-hyun does find a scrap of Saet-byul’s photo tucked behind the wall mirror, which then swings open. There’s a hidden room inside, where all the murder tools have been transferred. Then her light shines on something in the corner. Someone.

A little girl has been tied up and gagged, and is sleeping… or worse. This is Saet-byul’s friend Eun-joo, the puppy’s owner, and Soo-hyun hurries to untie her.

The girl is thankfully alive, but then her eyes widen in fear just as a sound comes from behind Soo-hyun. Fuuuuuu….

Soo-hyun is grabbed violently by the stationery shop owner, and to make everything a touch creepier, the camera pulls back to take us outside the secret room while we hear the struggle going on inside it.

When Dong-chan wakes up, he makes the simultaneous discoveries that his keys are gone and that his coffee was left by Soo-hyun. With a sigh (she does have a way of courting trouble), he heads off to find her.

Stationery Man looms over his captives and reveals that he saw her creeping into his room via the camera he had planted there. He hadn’t been fooled by her delivery stunt, either. He shushes her quickly when Dong-chan and Byung-tae enter the bedroom looking for her, and they wait tensely while the men look around outside.

The guys assume she’s not here and start to head out, but something grabs Dong-chan’s attention and he turns back, walking toward that one-way mirror. Please tell me it’s your police expertise kicking in.

Dong-chan looks straight at Soo-hyun (or he would, if he could see her), then smooths his hair as he casually places a hand on the glass. Please tell me you see something.

He lets Byung-tae pull him away, though, and the moment they leave, the killer gloats that her saviors have left. Soo-hyun starts pleading for him to let the girl go, who has nothing to do with her or her husband. She says she knows he’s out for revenge against Ji-hoon and that she read his email, and the killer looks at her with new interest.

Soo-hyun promises to help clear his father’s name, but the killer says that his father is already dead. She watches in horror as he turns his attention to the little girl, giving her a creepy smile and caressing her face.

Soo-hyun surreptitiously picks up a glass bottle in her bound hands and pours the liquid over the ropes. Whatever the chemical is, it smokes and burns. Soon the rope frays, then gives.

While he’s distracted with the girl, Soo-hyun flings the rope around his neck and tries to strangle him with it. He’s too strong, however, and in no time he’s reversed the situation, turning the rope on her with a vicious hold. It’s not looking good.

Suddenly, a body comes flying through the mirror—Dong-chan. Thank god for Dong-chan, forever and always. He frees Soo-hyun while the killer fires at them with a nail gun, and then the fight turns hand-to-hand as they crash into equipment and trade blows.

Dong-chan eventually ends up pinning the killer down and throws punches at his face. The killer reaches for a bottle of chemicals, and Soo-hyun shouts a warning. Dong-chan rears back and the liquid splashes all over the killer, who lies there with burning skin.

The cops are called to handle the rest. Woo-jin asks how Dong-chan knew about the hidden room, and Dong-chan rattles off the clues: The lights were mounted in a way to suggest a split room. Plus, a one-way mirror has a slightly different reflection than a regular one.

Woo-jin interrogates the suspect (named Jang Moon-soo), who confesses to the story as we know it: He was out for revenge against Ji-hoon and wanted to clear his father’s name, and the tattoo on his hand represents his desire for vengeance.

He says he thought Eun-soo was Ji-hoon’s daughter and had no intention of actually killing her, acting meek and penitent in a way that does not assure me in the least. Face stained with tears, he says that although he did make revenge plans, he couldn’t muster the courage to actually do it.

A voice cuts in over the speaker, scorning, “Oy, you psycho killer bastard, where do you get off acting the victim?” Ha, thank you Dong-chan. He sarcastically praises his acting skills (“Song Kang-ho would see this performance and cry”), not buying it in the least. Woo-jin cuts off the mic and continues with his questioning.

As the killer explains that he poured the hydrochloric acid on himself in a suicide attempt, Soo-hyun is hit with a thought. She darts into the interrogation room and orders the killer to draw the tattoo on his hand—the tattoo that is conveniently covered by bandages at the moment.

The killer takes the pen and starts drawing. It’s a match with the one caught on video, which pegs him as our killer. With this confirmed, Soo-hyun tries to throw herself at him wielding a ballpoint pen, screaming that he ought to die. And yet, once he’s alone in the room, the killer smiles to himself. Clearly there’s more to the story, but what?

Outside, Soo-hyun tells Dong-chan she was afraid this killer would get let go too. He tells her they only need to find the victims’ belongings in his house for them to nail the guy, and reminds her that they’ve changed fate again—Eun-joo was saved. Saet-byul will be, too.

Just as she’s leaving the station, Grandma and Young-gyu come up in a panic—Saet-byul has disappeared. Grandma’s so worried she doesn’t even see that her leg is bleeding from having fallen down.

Before they can report the disappearance, Ji-hoon calls to rip into Soo-hyun for leaving Saet-byul at home alone. Turns out Saet-byul made it back safely, and for now the crisis is averted. Grandma and Young-gyu apologize profusely, but Soo-hyun tells them it’s not their fault. Saet-byul explains that the deliveryman stopped her to ask for an address, and upon recognizing it as theirs, she showed him there to drop off Dad’s package.

At home, Dong-chan puzzles over the facts of the case, ignoring Grandpa Byung-ho’s demands to be fed. He lights up to get word that a ring has turned up and heads out in high spirits. He orders Grandpa Byung-ho to prepare his 10 billion won, since he’s about to earn it. Grandpa wonders, “What’s so important about other people’s cases? What about his brother…?”

Soo-hyun takes Saet-byul to visit her friend in the hospital, where Eun-joo admits to stealing the watch from Saet-byul. Saet-byul tries to cover up for her thinking that her mom will get upset, but Soo-hyun doesn’t scold. As they leave, Saet-byul says she wants to be smart and courageous like Mom when she grows up.

On their way out, they spot Soo-hyun’s co-worker Min-ah in the waiting area. That reminds Soo-hyun of the fact she’d learned in that other reality, that Min-ah is pregnant and her boyfriend pressuring her to abort.

So while they take Saet-byul to a birthday party, Soo-hyun asks Min-ah about her situation. Min-ah wants to have the baby, but Soo-hyun recalls how this had prompted the boyfriend to hit her in the other reality. Min-ah’s not bruised (yet), but Soo-hyun warns her that the guy is a bad egg.

She shares her own story, explaining that she’d been abandoned by her own mother and therefore had no faith in her ability to be a good mother. She married Ji-hoon after agreeing they wouldn’t have kids, only to find herself unexpectedly pregnant with Saet-byul. “Looking back, it’s the best thing I did in the world—having Saet-byul. A world without her is unimaginable.”

And then, the eeriest flicker crosses Min-ah’s face. Oh crap. Literal chills down my spine.

Saet-byul takes a break from the face-painting session and comes up to her mother, who takes one look at her face and goes pale: Saet-byul is wearing that tattoo on her cheek. Saet-byul says that this design is all the rage these days, and even the delivery ajusshi had one.

Connecting the dots, Soo-hyun hurries out to check on the package left for Ji-hoon. She leaves Saet-byul at Min-ah’s house and arrives home just as Ji-hoon is pulling out old files of those murder cases. Hm, having doubts after all?

She opens the recently delivered box and flips through the contents, but doesn’t find anything. She tries to tell herself that what she’s fearing can’t be since the culprit has been caught.

Meanwhile, Ji-hoon pulls out a few photographs from an envelope (we don’t see what they’re of) and locks them in his desk drawer. He makes a call… and then we cut to Min-ah, ignoring a call. Gah, why does this drama make me suspicious of everyone, all the time?

The doorbell rings and Min-ah gets up to answer it… and Saet-byul sees the tattooed wrist on the visitor. She tries to get a closer look, but Min-ah blocks her view and steps outside quickly. Saet-byul decides to tell Mom about it and goes looking for her phone, but it’s gone.

Dong-chan scours CCTV footage of Jang Moon-soo’s stationery store, but doesn’t find what he’s looking for. So then he convinces Ho-kook to sneak him files of the ten-year-old case of Jang Moon-soo’s father, a baker who allegedly lured a child with promises of bread, then killed her when she ran. Pictures of the dead child show patterned burns on her arm from a waffle iron.

Dong-chan looks into Jang Moon-soo’s old medical records, and something in them makes him keen on a solo visit with the killer. Woo-jin agrees to let him visit in a monitored and recorded session, and watches from the other side of the observation glass. Of course, the first thing Dong-chan does is whip out one of those folding canes and give the camera a disabling whack. Ha.

The cops hurry next door, but Dong-chan secures the knob and figures that he’s bought himself three minutes to talk. He starts with mention of those rubber duckies floating in Jang Moon-soo’s bathtub and waggles a finger at Moon-soo, revealing a ring that makes the killer’s eyes widen in recognition. Ah, did he hide it in a duck? Dong-chan tells a story of a girl who was killed by a monster while wearing that ring. But the story contains an even more monstrous other person, and Dong-chan points that finger at Jang and asks, “Who do you suppose that was?”

Dong-chan shows Jang Moon-soo the photos of the victim’s waffle iron burns. Next to them he places Jang’s medical records from the same time, showing burns on his arm in the same pattern.

Now Dong-chan connects the dots: They assumed Jang Moon-soo burned his arm to cover his tattoo, but in reality he did it to cover up the fact that he killed the little girl ten years ago.

Flashback to the murder. In a bakery, a little girl tries to run from a man, and her captor tries to force her arm onto the waffle iron. In the struggle, the man accidentally burns himself instead, and we see the face—a younger Jang Moon-soo.

This revelation seems to break something in him, and Jang Moon-soo insists to Dong-chan that his father did it, not him. Dong-chan points out that it was his father—who was terminally ill with cancer—who took the fall. Repressing that guilt just made his sickness worse, however. Then along came this ajumma spouting all this stuff about Ji-hoon’s case and a tattoo, and it gave him the opportunity to get off lightly.

Trembling for real, Jang Moon-soo begs for mercy. But when Dong-chan asks how he knew what the tattoo looked like, Moon-soo just laughs. “You’re looking for him, aren’t you?” he asks. He tries to bargain: He’ll tell Dong-chan about the tattoo if he burns these photos.

Dong-chan makes the deal, and lights the medical record on fire. Now talk.

Jang Moon-soo leans in to whisper into Dong-chan’s ear, but we don’t hear what he says. A few seconds later, the door bursts open as the cops spill into the room, and Dong-chan makes his nonchalant exit.

Meanwhile, the president meets with his advisers to prioritize the list of death row inmates, to choose who’ll go next. Tick-tock.

Dong-chan heads to the stationery store, and now we hear Moon-soo’s tip: The tattooed man is one of his regular customers. The man was wearing a hat and a mask, but the clues suggest he lives in the neighborhood. Among his recent purchases was a telephoto lens, and Dong-chan finds the relevant receipt. Aha.

When Soo-hyun hears that Jang Moon-soo isn’t the guy, she races for the security booth to check the CCTV footage. Watching the deliveryman pulling up with Saet-byul, she realizes that the package he left wasn’t a box, but an envelope, and hurries back to Ji-hoon’s office to look. Ah, but Ji-hoon already locked those photos in his drawer…

All Soo-hyun finds is an empty envelope.

Dong-chan puts Byung-tae to the task of hacking the credit card company website to find who bought the telephoto lens. Jenny turns on the TV, and happens to catch a newscast showing a familiar scene: It’s Dong-chan interrogating Jang Moon-soo and hearing his confession. We’d all thought he’d disabled the recording in the room… but nobody had seen the tiny camera he’d snuck into his briefcase. Ha.

Jang Moon-soo sees this report and realizes what must have happened. It sets him seething, and he growls, “I’ll get you for this…”

Jenny and Byung-tae wonder how a father could take the fall for his son, and Byung-tae quotes (or misquotes) a famous saying about not believing everything that’s in front of your eyes. This triggers something in Dong-chan’s mind—and now, finally, he turns his attention to his brother’s case. Oh noooo. You don’t mean…

Flashback. Dong-chan watches as his brother is cross-examined and admits to killing the child and dumping the body. When Ji-hoon asks if he also killed two others, though, Dong-ho shakes his head and sends Dong-chan a pleading look. He cries that he didn’t.

Dong-chan reads over the file now, which tells us that Dong-ho confessed to killing the first child upon arrest, but did not admit to killing the other two girls until a year later, at which point he was sentenced to death.

In prison, Dong-ho hears that his brother is here for a visit and practically skips to the room, eager to see Dong-chan. But his face falls when he gets there and the visitor’s chair is empty. Aw, sad.

Dong-chan leaves the prison, unable to face his hyung after all. Despite his momentary hesitation at the words not to believe everything as they appear, he renews his long-held credo: “I’m only going to believe what I see. That is the truth.”

Jang Moon-soo’s case thrusts Ji-hoon into the spotlight as reporters hound him with questions of possible mistakes made during the trial. He states firmly that he made no mistakes, and that he’ll take responsibility if it’s called for.

But in the midst of the full-on media frenzy, Soo-hyun pulls up in her car and grabs Ji-hoon by the lapels, asking accusingly what he did with those materials. Okay lady, I get your panic, but sometimes you are the worst.

She hounds him all the way home for that envelope, until finally he yells at her to give it a rest. He blames her for making trouble for him and says that if she’s so worried about Saet-byul, she ought to stay home.

He storms out, and Soo-hyun digs through his bag for the papers, to no avail.

Dong-chan calls with a break in the case, however, and the next thing we know they’re arriving outside an apartment door. Using the food delivery next door as their excuse, Dong-chan rings the door of their quarry, then bursts inside. The man gets a bowl of noodles in the face, but the simultaneous reaction is hilarious as he and Dong-chan recognize each other.

Turns out that the guy is another investigator, working on a cheating wife case—this apartment has the best view of the one across the way. The man Dong-chan has handcuffed isn’t our tattooed killer, but the investigator’s client.

Taking a look through the telescope at the cheater’s home, Dong-chan recognizes the sight: They’re looking at Soo-hyun’s building. She confirms that it’s the home next door to hers, and the client recognizes her as his neighbor.

The investigator shows Dong-chan what he’s found, saying that he didn’t find the clues he was looking for but tapped into a different story. Apparently in his month-long stakeout he had noticed the pretty ajumma next door, and caught footage of something spicy going on—and we see Ji-hoon in the arms of another woman. Min-ah?

It’s only now that the investigator sees that Soo-hyun IS the ajumma next door, just as she recognizes her husband. Dong-chan demands the photos, but the investigator says all his files were stolen in a recent burglary.

Soo-hyun rushes home to tear through Ji-hoon’s office again, filled with dread and fear. She breaks the lock on his desk, and finds the photos he’d hidden: Ji-hoon and Min-ah, embracing.

And now she recalls Min-ah telling her, “The pain I’m feeling because of that bastard, I’ll repay in kind.”

“That pain?” Soo-hyun realizes. “She lost her child.”

Min-ah drags Saet-byul along in the street, clearly in an agitated state. Knowing something’s wrong, Saet-byul breaks free and runs for it. Min-ah chases after her, both of them heading into an intersection, just as a car barrels toward them. It screeches to a halt.


Trust no one, indeed. When this drama started, I thought we were getting a bevy of suspicious characters who might be murderers, but instead what we’re getting is a string of people who are shady for different reasons, which leads us down a twisty path of red herrings and wild goose chases.

The drama does a solid job of turning a corner and revealing a fresh new conflict at every point along the way, so despite minor scene transition awkwardnesses (it feels like a live-shoot byproduct, with occasional jarring cuts), we’re being served up a well-planned and -plotted story. That much is clear from the way the show has me on the edge of my seat and simultaneously trying to figure out the mystery while being able to enjoy not knowing the answer just yet. It’s a case where the gratification comes as much in the process of discovery as it is in the payoff.

The more glimpses we see of Dong-chan’s past and his brother’s case, the more I’m left wondering how it all fits together. Dong-chan may have hopped onto Soo-hyun’s mystical coattails when she got her second chance at life, but it’s entirely possible that his return is just as intentionally granted as hers, given how neatly everything seems to be coinciding with Dong-ho’s case. And what is Grandpa’s link in the whole thing? I don’t know if our resolution is to solve everything that went awry in the first lifetime, and frankly I’m not even sure if I’d be satisfied with that—I’d be happy for the characters, but there’s always a bit of fear in the back of my head that Fate/God/The Universe is going to want payment for its gifts, because in my head Fate is a stingy bastard and gives nothing for free. I want there to be a cost, even as I want our heroes to end up on the happy side of this conundrum.

So now we’re on to culprit #3, with Min-ah playing mastermind after her lousy boyfriend insisted on abortion, sending her into revenge mode to inflict upon him the loss of a child. I think. And the tattooed motorcyclist is the guy she’s hired to do the job, or is otherwise connected to her somehow. It seems a little crazy to think that we’re dealing with three separate killers here (two of them of the serial variety), but I guess it’s a twisted world we live in.

I find Soo-hyun an alternately amazing and frustrating character, because she is ballsy and fierce and yet her one-track mind (admirable!) leads her to do a lot of stupid things (arrrrgh). Let’s just be glad that she has Captain Awesome on her side, always ready for a brawl and sharp on the uptake. I do wish she were a smarter character, because even though she’s trying to do her damnedest to save a life, she often doesn’t try very hard to sound sane. I don’t blame Ji-hoon for his reaction to her harebrained ideas, because she’s not even trying to explain them in a way that isn’t nonsensical.

I suppose that’s moot now that Ji-hoon is a lying cheater and possibly also domestic abuser. I wonder if this is the extent of his villainy, or if that violent streak hints at more badness down the line. I’m well aware of the fact that we’re not even halfway through the show yet, though, which means that there’s clear room for another twist or two to come at us. Given how much the story has changed from the outset to now, it’s probably too early to call anything a done deal at this point. Except for maybe Dong-chan being Captain Awesome, because unnerving blackouts aside, he’s absolutely rocking as the smart-talking, smart-thinking cheeky investigator who’s always a step ahead of the rest. Not a bad place to be.


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Oh no he didn't!!!!!!


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Another unpredictable episode.I love the mysteries, I love the stakes.I love the characters, I love the puzzles. But above all, I love the sizzling chemistry between Soo-hyun and Dong-chan.
As you said , the gift is probably going to come with a cost.But is it too much if I wish for a happily everafter for Soo-hyun, Dong-chan and Saet-Byul(best if together) after all the give and take with fate/Destiny has been completed?


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Oh no he didn't!!!


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I never really liked Ji Hoon anyway, something about him irked me... and now I know why.
So far God's Gift has really impressed me. Plus the acting (Lee Bo Young and Jo Seung Woo are killin it) is great as well.
I'm excited (but slightly scared) for what's to come next because Soo Hyun's journey isn't going to be an easy one


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P.S. Loveeeee Dong Chan. He's awesome.


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I'm going to have to watch the entirety of Jo Seung-woo's oeuvre at some point. (In film, that is. I'm not touching Horse Doctor.)


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As i've been a big fan of Jo Seung Woo for many years, i recommend you start with his blockbuster hit movie,
'Tazza: The High Rollers', he plays as a gambler who is out for revenge, his character in the movie is very similar to Dong-Chan as in he is very, smart, gutsy and charming, the other movies of his that i liked is 'Love Phobia', i get sad watching this movie because the lead actress and Jo Seung Woo dated in real life for a year after filming, they looked so good together and were a very high profile couple at that time in Korea, another movie of his named 'Marathon' is a very good and inspiring movie, this movie bagged him a lot of prestigious award in the 'Best Actor' category, 'The Sword With No Name' is another awesome movie of his that you shouldn't miss. and last but not least his another hit movie 'The Classic', it's a very romantic movie.


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Hi Megumi, where did you watch Tazza? I tried to look for it online, but couldn't find it. (The one with English sub anyway)
Another movie of his I would recommend is Marathon. He was impressive there. I got the impression that he wasn't trying to steal the spotlight in that movie, which made his acting believable. He came across as adorable rather than afflicted.
And The Classic.. That smitten look he has in his face, just ugh, my feels!
Btw, I thought he was dating Kang Hye Jun when the filmed Love Phobia, but then broke up a year after that?


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I first knew him through the Classics then his epic Marathons. For girls, The Classics is the best to start to know about Jo Seung Woo.


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just finished watching this even it was half-subbed (and I don't speak korean) but got the gist of it. I KNEW it I knew that the stationery store guy wasn't it. Writers taking us for wild ride here. AH! this drama is so well-written adn executed. I just hope that they deliver with the finale and answer ALL the questions. BUT OMG I had a feeling the husband was having an affair...but with Min-ah!!! OMG


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i was defending Ji Hoon in previous recaps when lot of people were pointing fingers at him but now that they showed that he's a cheating bastard my trust for him all went out the window, i thought he might have other secrets like accidentally prosecuting someone who was innocent or something like that but not an affair, he was shown to be suspicious in some way but i thought he loved his family genuinely although Soo Hyun and him looked like they didn't have any trust in their relationship, now Soo Hyun has a legit reason to dump his cheating ass, anyway even though Soo Hyun is shown to very reckless i still give her props for being fearless and gutsy, she definitely is not the type to sit back and being hopeless, the way she tried to save herself and the little girl by fighting against the pshycho store owner was admirable, even though she couldn't beat him she gave everything she could, i still hope that Soo Hyun becomes less reckless in the upcoming episodes, i'm loving Dong Chan's character more and more, i like that he is a flawed character in some ways but it's still intriguing to watch him...


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Not only he's having an affair, but he also may be the one who gave Min-ha a rough treatment that left some marks on her skin, although... now that we see she know the tattooed guy, she can have one or two more secrets, so he may not be the one who treated her that way. But who knows (beside the writer).

Soo Hyun IS very reckless and, between her and Saet Byul (I mean, how many times her mother says 'do not talk to strangers' and she still leaves in a motorcycle with one to show him her house), they are driving me crazy. But I guess, like mother like daughter, right?

This story is so well thought and planned... I'm a happy camper. I hope the network leaves the writer alone and do not make changes to try and have more ratings. Leave this series alone, SBS!


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Thanks for the recap javabeans!

I knew it! I knew Min-ah was up to no good! Some other commentators predicted the affair between Ji-hoon and Min-ah as well, though I must admit I am a bit disappointed if that's all Ji-hoon's secret turns out to be. I don't think he killed his daughter (whatever else, he seems to genuinely love Saet-byul), but I still think there's something else shady going on with him.

One thing I am wondering about are the effects Soo-hyun's time travelling caused. She got involved with two other serial cases which ended up having (probably) nothing to do with Saet-byul's kidnapping, and in Cha Bong-seob's case an extra person (the motorcyclist seeking revenge) ended up being killed in this new continuity. Seeing her conversation with Min-ah this ep makes me wonder if Soo-hyun is unintentionally creating a self-fulling prophecy. Or am I thinking too much about this?

A note about the pacing and structure: does anyone know what day in the countdown we are now? I'm guessing within the next few eps Saet-byul will end up being kidnapped as she was in the original timeline, and suspicion will continue to be shifted from person to person, sooner or later ending up on Dong-chan.


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We are now 10 days before the incident, if I am not mistaken. I hope they will keep the clock going. This means that next Tuesday, in theory, SB should be kidnapped.


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Until you guys mentioned the time, I didn't even realize that this episode didn't have that ominous ticking clock.


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I wonder if the absence of the clock is on purpose. Is the show trying to say that the "incident" date can't be determined anymore? Or maybe it really is just an editing thing.


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Wait, when they're counting down the days, does it mean that it's 10 days until SB is kidnapped or 10 days before SB dies (7 days after being kidnapped)?


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10 days before SB dies. When SH returns and is all cray-cray, she says that '14 days from now, our SB died'.


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It's actually translated to 10 days before the kidnapping. When SH said, 14 days before our SB dies she actually meant that SB was going to be kidnapped as she knew that SB would die no matter what after the kidnapping because it was SB's fate as the lady in the coffee shop had said. And if you imagine that if it was really 10 days before SB dies, why don't SH just wait until she is kidnapped and go save her after she was kidnapped. Wouldn't it be much easier then finding out who the kidnapper was? The whole storyline should've been totally different then. And 14 days before she dies minus the 7 days after she was kidnapped, there's only one week left and how could they actually find the right person and solve clues at the same time in a week.


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Ahhhh! I didn't think of that: Ki-tae's death didn't occur in the first timeline. So if fate demands a life to save a life, we've got a wildcard on our hands. Someone's going to live - but who?


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I think Ki Tae did die in the first timeline, just not in that place at that time. At first Soo Hyun and Dong Chan believed they changed fate with Cha Bong Sub's death, only for Soo Hyun to later recall Cha Bong Sub had died in a car accident the day he was trying to skip town. So I think whoever died in the past will die in the present, just the circumstances may be different. Final Destination-style. Doesn't pan out too well for Saet Byul unless she didn't really die the first time around.


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I'm with you on the self-fulfilling prophecy thing. Soo-hyun is just barging in everywhere saying her daughter is in danger, before anything actually happens, and she's antagonizing a lot of creepy people in the process. I'm scared that she's giving multiple people extra incentive to actually kidnap her daughter, where they weren't planning to do so in the first place. This makes for a weird and paradoxical time-space conundrum though. Her daughter gets kidnapped because she's going back in time to try and prevent the kidnapping?


Would the writers actually go there? I'm always afraid of this when it comes to time travelling.

But I guess in the 'original' timeline she didn't interfere at all, and it happened anyway. So maybe I'm just thinking too much.


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wow! everything you said!


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Yeah that's what I am thinking - in the original timeline, she didn't interfere, but it happened anyway. What she does is preventing people from getting away with something and fast forwarding events, making them happen earlier than they should. People get punished in both worlds, but not for EVERYTHING they are guilty of, just like it seems to happen in this reality. Murder locations also change due to her intervention. For example, Bong-sup is killed earlier due to her actions, but we see that he would have died anyway, hit by a bus before taking that flight.

She changes the context in which Mimi/the second victim die, but they die anyway. She saves SB's friend, but maybe in the other reality she was supposed to survive as well and maybe the shopkeeper would have been arrested some time later for something. But SH manages to uncover the dirty truth and brings all these people to justice before karma gets them. Well, actually DC does the investigation job, but you know what I mean.

There are already a bunch of elements which will be missing from that crucial day when they take SB away. First of, she doesn't work at the TV program anymore, so she might not even be there when it happens. She already had contact with Woo-jin before that day. She will probably not let Min-Ah anywhere near SB anymore. The shopkeeper won't be able to make a delivery anymore at the station and Min-Ah's boyfriend won't threaten her with showing the pics to SH, since she already knows what's going on. Heck, the caller doesn't even have any criminal identity he could steal, so that call might not even be made at all, moreover if SB's kidnapping is somehow unrelated to it. Yes, I still believe there is someone from the police involved (who had access to corpses and investigations) who made the call, but it's a case entirely different from SB's kidnapping. What if SB's friend is the one who actually cries for her mom in that live show? And where the hell is her mom anyway??? The only thing we know about her was that she didn't approve of the puppy.

SH altering the events caused the context, in which that call/kidnap is made, to be entirely unpredictable, since whoever is involved has to start from scratch with his plan.


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If I had posted before reading it'd be my first time being first. Dognabbit.


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Wow this episode gave me a headache ......... ? ........... No words


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What an episode! I love my smart detective so much!! DC was once again wonderful in this episode and proved to truly be the brains and the brawn of this manhunt. Of course, as I said earlier, he has a sixth sense when it comes to his ahjumma regarding the one-way mirror. His instincts and observational skills are phenomenal! I knew he wasn't just looking at the mirror out of vanity (although he is indeed a fine looking man)! :D Loved his conversation with the child killer (that sounds weird) and how he was smart enough to record it! That wink to WJ was just priceless! Even the clip with the blurred faces you can see how smart alecky DC was being looking at the camera directly! lol I was so sad when he couldn't muster up the courage to go see his hyung and was just crushed when I saw how heartbroken hyung was after his initial excitement at finally being able to see his dongseng DC! And also loved DC's concern for SH when the pictures of HJH's affair was shown!

Totally called the HJH and Mina (is that her name)'s affair!!! From the first episode when the person called Mina and said it was time for SH to find out about it and her whole guilty expression, along with the pregnancy and the way she looks at SB, all screamed affair! She obviously is jealous of SB and SH! Seems like the guy with the tattoo is also another red herring, he's probably not going to be the kidnapper, just someone trying to blackmail HJH and is probably involved with Mina! Plus we all know that SB didn't draw the image of the tattoo while locked up in the shack just because the kidnapper had it but because she knows what it is and it is now quite popular so she might have drawn it out of boredom! Really wished SB had her phone so she could call SH and tell her that Mina was with the motorcycle guy with the tattoo! She has the worst timing regarding phones running out of battery or not in her possession! Glad to know SB is wise enough now and knows that Mina is not a good person and ran away (albeit to a moving vehicle)!

Oh SH, what can I say about her that I haven't said already! She seriously needs to take a chill pill! I screamed at the screen so many times because I want her to calm down! Like, really, you are going to drive to HJH's workplace and run at him to scream at him to ask about what was delivered in from of all those paparazzis? And she's constantly acting hysterical, not thinking things through.

However, I think this time around, within the 14 days it's not just about saving SB's life but also saving her own image in SB's eyes. Prior to the time jump, SB saw her mom as unyielding and overly demanding but now she wants to grow up to be just like her! It's touching and just the way SB looked as SH when she was treating Grandma and YG was filled with a newfound respect and admiration! I just wished SH would stop freaking SB out with her constant shakes and nagging! Never shake a toddler!

And yes to all the @SH&SCShippers out there, our...


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I am guessing that the tattoo/motorcycle guy was hired by Min Ah to do some dirty deeds, he is not the one going for revenge, just a paid baddy.


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Agree. She's probably the one that paid tattoo guy to grab those photos of them cheating and have them sent to ji hoon as a means of threatening him to either reveal the affair to soo-hyun or as a way of keeping her child. Tattoo guy is definitely not the kidnapper and i expect a string of red herrings meant to throw us off before we even get to the truth kidnapper(s).


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Yeah, what's with Saet Byul's phone being missing? That really bothered me. Not sure if it should've but it just seemed so wrong that a kid should forget her cellphone.

And yes! Dong-chan is the best! It's been a while since I fell in love with a character. (Last one was Kim Boong Do in Queen Inhyun's Man.) Usually i like a hero for a heroine but wow, DC is so fun, smart, kind, all around bad-ass. I want him.

AND YES YES! SB and mom are growing together. It is possible that her parents would have divorced in another timeline because Ji Hoon was looking for a woman who was all there for him and heroine was way too over-achieving to pay him any mind. And -- if SB had lived-- she would've preferred to live with her dad instead of her mother after the divorce. But in this timeline, when/if the divorce comes, SB and mom will be the best of friends...and DC will be there by their side.


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Well, her phone did get broken by falling into the water the first time around (before the time slip), when SH is pissed for her going missing without telling anyone about it - she said she was unable to call. So maybe the missing phone is meant to mimic the same situation now.


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ahhhhhhhhhhhh. thanks!


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Regarding losing her phone: unfortunately, SB is not exactly a smart kid, though yes, she's caring, kind and sweet.

That said, kids do lose things. I don't know of any reality where parents would buy their 8 year old daughter -with a tendency to trust every single stranger, no less - a super-pricey & complicated Samsung Note 3. (I just got that phone, and I'm a lawyer who had to consider carefully the costs and benefits before spending on it.) So, just giving it to a child who is already not particularly careful seems a stretch even for K-Drama PPL.


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Even for kdrama ppl? Ah, after seeing some poor Candy's in $600 dresses, I wonder if anything is a stretch.


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Good point! And all those bags and coats those Candies use totally confuses me. Unless, of course, Dongdaemon Market is unusually cheap and stylish.


I wonder though: aren't there age-appropriate cell phones the show could be schilling?


I don't think having smartphone is a stretch for 9 year old kid though. My 8 year old nephew already know how to operate my iPod Touch. He even refers to Siri as 'Aunty Siri' and talk to her when he was bored. Of course he is the only one who thinks they're talking to each other since Siri didn't understand my native language :D
Now whether it's wise to spoil a kid with sucha expensive gadget or not is another matter..


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A puppy's dead. This is whatchu get for asking Bride of the Century recaps, people. Tsss.


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Hi tiny,

SAVE THE KITTENS, they're first to die T_T


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It's no doubt that Soo-hyun would've been dead many times over for her recklessness if Dong-chan wasn't around but they would've have gotten as far as they did in the cases either without her being her single-minded and reckless self. They are an excellent team (and I ship them to death but that's neither here nor there).

Soo-hyun confronting Ji-hoon right then and there was horrible but he outright lied to her(about the package) as far as she knew then for really no reason. And she thought it was crucial to saving Saet-byul so I see why she'd be pissed and confront him immediately.

Alternatively I want to shake Saet-byul for just refusing to listen and putting herself in harms way ALL the time but there's no happy upside to that at all. So I'm just left extremely frustrated. It's a definite characterization problem there I think. Because a child who'd be thoughtful enough to call her mom about a stranger visiting her caretaker doesn't match up at all to a child who's thoughtless enough go off on a motorcycle with a man she doesn't know at all. Seems like two different kids.

And what the hell to granny taking her outside when Soo-hyun specifically said not to take her outside. I thought she was going to get mad about that. lad she didn't and that was another conflict avoided but still...

Please in regards to Saet-byul give me alternatives because I'm struggling to understand her in these past few episodes.


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Also we got confirmation on the affair, as many were speculating. Now we know who he was probably going to hunt down right before Soo-hyun was sent to the past. Now if he was right and it really was her is a different story. We'll just have to see. I have no new theories for now based on what the episode gave us.

All this sucks for SH and i was appalled at some of the comments on viki that were happy he was a cheater so she could divorce him already. She's devastated and this is not good for our already frantic and traumatized mother. We shouldn't be happy about this at all.

Also can someone answer as to how they arrived at the cheating investigation place at the end. From the credit card? I'm trying to make sense of all that.


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trying to understand the same thing, about the cheating investigation place.


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I also hope someone can explain it.. because dongchang was looking for the guy who bought the telephoto lens and that should be the guy with the tattoo! but then he just finds another detective it's weird?


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Agreed about Saet-byul. She strikes me as totally spoiled, tantrum-throwing, and stupid at times, and the next scene she is actually acting smart (for a kid). Perhaps the story is just moving so fast that the writer did not feel there was time to really make her character a bit more consistent. I find it a bit annoying, but not enough to take away much from the main plot.


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I think Saet-byul tried to contact her mother because Soo-hyun had such an obvious reaction to her face-paint of the tattoo. Maybe she's slowly gaining some awareness through imbibing Soo-hyun's fear. We can only hope.


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Wow! Wow! No. She's a sensitive child who gets very weepy with fear very easily. Seriously, this harsh judging of a child is scaring me. It makes me wonder about how legalistic folks are towards kids. No, really, this comment about Saet-Byul is seriously freaking me out.


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Just because a character happens to be a child doesn't mean that we have to swaddle her in cotton wool. windsun33, and others, are as perfectly entitled to criticize Saet-byul's character as they are Soo-hyun's. There's nothing to freak out about here.


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I think one is allowed to freak out if one wishes to. Judgmental people terrify me. People who have rigid ideas about how children should behave and who CALL KIDS NAMES terrify me. I've seen these rigid name-callers in action. If being terrified is part of my make-up, don't tell me how to react. Don't tell me not to be afraid of something. If it bothers someone, it bothers someone.

If you saw my posts, you will see that I do not think Saet Byul is perfect. I do not think she should be coddled. I agree that she is disobedient. I simply think that going the extra step and saying judgmental things about a child is reminiscient to me of the many judgmental perfectionist legalistic people I've met. I find that kind of thing cruel. And yes, it terrifies me.

If/when I meet people like this in real life, if/when I meet people who say this kind of thing about children and who believe that their own children would not behave like this, it TERRIFIES me and FREAKS ME out. I have seen too many abused children, children abused by perfectionist parents who think all children have to BEHAVE-BEHAVE-BEHAVE! And when I saw that, I feared for their children.

Filo, you obviously have not seen the stuff I've seen in some of the schools I've taught in. And you have not seen how cruel some rigid name-calling adults can be. To other children, and to their own.


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Damn... it's just a comment about a character not about the child actress.. calm down


That escaladed quickly...


My son works with the homeless -- homeless runaways. I have worked with disabled kids. I'm passionate about such things. I see in my experience what words do.

Yes, it's just a character. But words often show the heart of a person. Comments are not born from thin air. They come from societal attitudes. And I have often seen the effect of attitudes just like that.

The world, I will just say, has gotten very unkind. And even if we are describing a character...such a thing would never be done in teaching circles, medical circles that deal with family woundedness. It just wouldn't. I'm sure those who are teachers understand what I'm saying. So yes, it escalated. But I get passionate about cruel assessments of children ..even if they are just cruel words said about a character.

In a drama where the adults are as useless at protecting children, it amazes me that a child's action (a character who is a child) is being judged so harshly when in many-though-not-all of these so-called disobedient situations...the adult was equally to blame. Just seems a bit too selective to blame only the child.


You do realize that this is about the portrayal of a child in a DRAMA, right?


Whoah, this blew up.

Carole, this topic seems to be a trigger for you. I admit that I could have chosen my words more carefully. You are entitled to react as you wish, and that includes 'freaking out'. (Please note that I only used this phrase in my reply since you had included it in your own comment.)

However, that also applies to other commenters. I don't necessarily agree with everyone on here, but there is no need to use vituperative language.

On the basis of a few sentences written anonymously on the internet, you've grouped some commenters with child abusers. You claim to hate judgemental people, but you yourself are making harsh and hasty judgements about the 'hearts of people' on here.

Anyway, I am willing to figuratively shake hands and make up. I really enjoy reading the comments on Dramabeans, and I hope we can all continue making the comment section a welcoming place.


Uhm.. the child in this drama is a product of the WRITER, and I do not particularly like SB. Cuteness will only carry you so far.


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Oh my!!! -->
"You do realize that this is about the portrayal of a child in a DRAMA, right?"

No, I didn't. I didn't realize that at all. Thank you so much for telling me.

Three things are present here:

The portrayal of the child in the drama

Non-judgmental comments about said child in the drama

Judgmental comments about said child in the drama

Judgmental comments about said child in drama that subtly move into the real world and make assessments about real-life children.

So...Yes, I realize that it is about the portrayal of a child in a drama, but I also realize that the way that we respond to a fictional character often indicates something about who we are as individuals. True, it is not on the same level as if that was a real child in front of us, but the response that we have to a fictional character that has been well portrayed often reveals something about who we are and what we really think. Consider for example that I said it bothered me and I was immediately told to "calm down" and that I should not "freak out." Which only goes to show what I was saying that there is a very rigid standard in some viewer's minds about what is proper and acceptable in children in dramas or in commenters on websites.

I myself am aware of the rules of standard behavior but I have never been one to tell people how they should feel emotionally or to assess a child in a judgmental manner. To me, such habits -- telling people how they should or should not feel-- reeks of rigidity.

In the future, try not to ask people if they realize or don't realize something. It reeks of arrogance and smells through cyberspace.


You are WAY over the top on this, I see no purpose in carrying on with it.

And just for the record, in the next episode the kid gets even stupider.


I think she's being a kid. From what I see, they're not exactly rational beings.


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But children aren't perfect all the time. And people are people. We shouldn't expect characters to be perfect. It seemed to me Saet Byul saw how interested her mother was in the tattoo -- that was all. Kids pick on their folks' over-the-top interest. She wanted to give her mother a gift of telling her about the tattooed guy. That same kindness/helpfulness means she WOULD go off with the motercycle guy to help him find the address. Kids DO that kinda thing. That is, unfortunately, the easiest way to steal a child: ask for help. Kids are generally kind and as has been proven by countless studies, they will totally disobey their parents to help some supposed helpless stranger.


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This drama did do what hundreds of other movies and dramas around the world did - perpetuated the myth that the ones you have to watch out for are strangers. Around 99% of all child abductions are done by people that they know.


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She's an impulsive child. That's the only explanation.


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like her mom. We see where she got it from.


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Agree there. Though I love how a female is finally portrayed as other than a helpless doormat in this drama, their is no denying that her mom is driven by impulse and emotion way too much. If not for Captain Awesome, she would have died about 5x now.


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I don't understand one thing though and if someone could clarify this for me, I'd appreciate it.

How did Dong Chan get to the apartment across the street (where they found the other investigator and the footage of JH and Min-ah) I understand that he found the receipts for the tatto guy who had purchased camera lenses but what does that have to do with the cheating-wife-of-neighbor investigation. Just wondering how they got there basically, what led Dong-chan to that place.


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i was pretty confused about this as well, and i'm not sure this is right, but i think he found a receipt for the camera lens and there may have been an address on it. i'm guessing the (rival?) private investigator purchased it. he went to the address and discovered that he knew this guy.

but i'm not sure why that receipt would have caught his eye in the first place.


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Thanks for answering my question. I thought that the stationary store guy had whispered in dong chans ear that the guy they're looking for (tattoo guy) frequents his shop and recently bought a camera lens...so i thought that he picked up the receipt of the lens thinking it would lead him to the tattoo guy but The receipt led him to the investigator guy by coincidence? multiple people could have bought a camera lens I assume.


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okay, just rewatched that scene. you're right. in the flashback he was watching the scene with the tattoo guy unfold, as he remembered what jang moon-soo had whispered in his ear.

jang had told him that tattoo guy was a frequent customer in his shop, and that he had visited three times in the past week. the first two times, he had purchased ordinary items, but the third time he had purchased a camera lens. he had purchased that lens "the day before." so dong-chan knew exactly what date receipt to look for.

dong-chan found the receipt that listed the purchase of a camera lens. the receipt had no address, but it indicated that the purchase was made with a credit/debit card, and that the bank was daehan bank.

so then there was that scene where he was back in his office and urging his colleague to work a little faster. the colleague was working to hack into the bank, presumably to get personal details on whoever purchased the camera lens. dong-chan bemoaned that his colleague's hacker skills weren't what they used to be, that anyone could hack into banks these days—heck, he'd had HIS personal details hacked and as a result he had random pesky saleswoman ajummas calling him.

so i'm guessing they hacked into tattoo guy's bank successfully, and so that's how dong-chan knew how to get to that apartment across the way from soo-hyun's.


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But if they hacked to tattoo Guy's bank account successfully then they should have found out his adress which leads them to the private detective's apartment! Which means he should be the guy with the tattoo right?
Ít's very confusing i hope it gets explained in the drama..


that's because Jang Moon Suk that bastard who lusted after children, told him that the one with the tattoo had bought a 300mm telescope from his shop. so Dong Chan went back to the shop & looked for any receipts for a telescope. he found one & asked that other guy to hack into whatever & find out the address of the buyer. but when they went to check it out, it turned out to be bought by that cheating-wife-investigator instead of the tattoo guy. of course the tattoo guy wouldnt be so dumb as to use a credit card to buy it.


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yes, makes the most sense. He just said he bought a lens, never said with a credit card, and what killer would use a card


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My take is that Dong Chan found the receipt at the store for the telescope, assuming that the tattooed guy was the one who purchased it. Got the credit card number from there, hack into the credit company system, then got either the billing address or the list of items bought by that card. If the apartment is not owned by the investigator, maybe it was rented using the same card?


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That is the only thing that makes sense - that he traced the CC number.


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The only thing I can figure is that he figured out who bought the lens - the tattooed guy. But then the lens turns up at the cheater photo squad place.

I am really confused about that.


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Looks like we were right -- Ji Hoon was having an affair with Min Ah after all. I still wish there will be no love line in this drama, but I guess this is our out for Soo Hyun and Dong Chan to get together? In the old timeline, I wonder if the pictures that Ji Hoon received leading him to know who killed Saet Byul are the same pictures he received this time around, making Min Ah the kidnapper. It's still way too early to reveal the kidnapper, though, so all signs point to red herring.

Saet Byul seriously needs a refresher on stranger danger. Soo Hyun should show her this video: http://youtu.be/xS0XiOLW_Qk
Never mind getting on a motorcycle of a strange deliveryman, but the kidnapper deliveryman didn't even bother to put a helmet on the little girl. Why is Grandma walking to the police station instead of calling the cops from the convenience store? Soo Hyun sure is leaving Saet Byul in other people's care a lot, even while knowing the future. I understand she wants to catch the kidnapper and obviously, if she stayed with Saet Byul 24/7, we would have no show.

I swear I rewatched Dong Chan checking himself out in the mirror a million times. Dead from the gorgeousness. "Who's house's child is this that looks so handsome?" indeed. And I knew he knew being the Mr. Awesome Pants he is. Was it such a good idea to release his recorded confession with Jang Moon Soo to the news station, though? Like, we know Jang Moon Soo didn't kidnap Saet Byul, so was it just to let the world know he's a child molester and his father took the fall for him? Because I don't think Dong Chan had anticipated reporters to hound Ji Hoon.

Good to see you joining in on the fun, javabeans! This show is a heart attack waiting to happen. Thanks for the recap!


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So true about heroine trusting others with her child. It's the old judging by appearances and trusting the wrong person thing. Hopefully, finding out that Mina cheated with Ji Hoon will make heroine question her tendency to trust certain people. Now that her regular babysitter/friend has proven unworthy of trust, it might be the impetus to making heroine understand about assumptions/appearances.


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Jesus Christ, what kind of batshit conspiracy is this?! There's more to this murder, and now I gotta know more?! Man, this show always manages to sink me deeper into addiction.

I love that the episode (and the show in general) always corresponds back to one of its universal themes: not everything is as it seems. And that theme is definitely seen in its characters (looking at you, Ji-hoon). Despite all these red herrings and intertwined conspiracies, it totally works in this drama, because there is more of a backstory than Saet-byul just being a victim in this mess. We need to know it we got there, and how it all ended up with the destruction of a family. I view the involvement with Soo-hyun and Saet-byul in this mess is all indirectly caused by Ji-hoon, and he is ruined for me.

Dong-chan, you are one sexy bastard. I know sometimes your impulsivity gets in your way (Soo-hyun falls into this flaw more, though), but you are smart, resourceful, and empathetic when it comes to it. I hope you investigate more into your brother's case, and support Soo-hyun at all times.

Ji-hoon, you are one rat bastard. I hope you're happy: getting into an affair with a woman who is possibly your daughter's killer (could she possibly be the one who he was going after in Episode 1?). I don't know if you did/will see the consequences of your actions back then/later, but I know that you are not redeemable in my eyes, possibly never. Go to hell.

I find Moon-soo intriguing. Him being the killer was debunked, but I have a hard time understanding his role in this conflict now. What is his involvement with the motorcyclist, besides him being a customer, and how does he get pulled into this conspiracy? Perhaps I'm slow, but anyways, he is still a valuable asset in this mystery, and I hope he will contribute positively in here.


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When MS reached under the bed and pulled what I thought was a stuffed animal, calling it Bokshil - I thought he was just cuckoo crazy. When I saw it was dripping with blood and then noticed it was a poor puppy :( my skin crawleddd so much, I kept hugging my dog afterward to get the image out of my head. This show is doing a great job of making creepy people really creepy.

The very first thought that flashed through my mind afterward was that his father took the fall for his pedophile son - and I was right! Beanies were right to think SB wasn't his real intended target, with ES being kidnapped in that secret room. SH & DC saved her today, but that opens the door for her to potentially killed another day (as with GK's three vics).

Another emerging shadyass psycho (duo) is JH and MA...so suspicions were confirmed that they were cheating. His suspiciousness jumped tenfold when he went ballistic at SH. and the way he was crumpling up the picture! - showed hints of his potential rage-ific ways. The way he was furiously defending himself for nailing the "right" guy made me think this wasn't the first case he potentially botched...so that in itself leads me to think there's a list of people who's sharpening their knives for revenge. (Although, I gotta note...was he such a bad prosecutor that he quit to be defense atty instead? Or maybe the guilt of putting away those with reasonable doubt to their guilt?) It's still too early in the game (for me at least) for the kidnapper to have been identified - which, unfortunately for SH & DC, their fervent efforts to catch said killer keeps on changing with each passing day. Who knows, their butterfly effect actions may be continuously altering who potentially does the deed, but the show is doing a damn good job of making everybody shady and suspicious.

As for MA, that smirk she flashed to SH when she said life without SB would be unimaginable - still makes me think she's has be involved. Now that she's one half of the affair, beat by JH to get an abortion - could be another red herring, but it's looking more likely that JH's actions are the stressor that motivates her to destroy his family. Now that SH knows, I doubt she'll leave SB in her care anymore - another choice she makes that'll hopefully save SB.


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The look of recognition that flashed between JH and DC's mom kinda has me thinking she could potentially be the kidnapper. I know, she's elderly but still - there is that potential to avenge DH's (wrongful) imprisonment. I don't think she babysat SB the first time around (I could be wrong) but if she did recognize him as the prosecutor who put away DH on death row, it gives her motive.

BH's attempt to make DC think about DH, rather than SB - makes me think his dangling carrot of $ is to motivate DC to fully re-investigate DH's case. Now that we see JH's mistakes with MS along with DC's flashbacks to the trial - I do sincerely hope that DC will stop believing in only what he sees and take the plunge to find out what really happened. His dream of DH carrying the body seems shaky and could quite possibly be the result of continued believing that DH committed the crime, when he could have been simply moving the body after accidentally killing the kid (a stretch at this point, but I have my severe doubts that he killed anyone with purpose, much less those other two he was convicted for--who knows). Who BH really is yet to be determined, but considering how he knows a lot about the family and keeps pushing DC towards his family - it's gotta be a relative.

SH is becoming rather unhinged, and I fear for her safety. Her recklessness in breaking into MS's house not once, but three times - yeah, she's got balls and steely determination to catch the killer, but it's seriously clouding up her judgment and putting her into dangerous situations. DC's not always going to be around to save the day, so SH gotta step up and think reasonably, for once!
My squee of today was that I absolutely loved the part with the one-way mirror and stealthly recording MS's confession - finally! a smart, quick-thinking hero who's a step ahead! :)


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Am thinking though that this woul mean Grandma saw her own son get put in prison and didn't do the kdrama sacrifice thing that Shopkeeper dad did. And DC's hyung confessed to the first crime but not to the second and third. So..........not sure if he's entirely guilty or just not a serial killer.


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Aside from putting herself in dangerous situations without a well thought plan, she has a tendency to leave behind a trail of evidence that exposes herself. ie. taking a photo from the wall straight in the middle, tearing down all the photos of the bikini clad ladies instead of just letting them be. If the guy returned home to a mess of a room, he's going to know for sure that you were there.
I was tolerant of her emotional decisions in the earlier stages, but i expect soo-hyun to be a bit smarter down the road because aside from her rash decision making, she also has a tendency to shout out to the whole world about kidnappers and murderers and does not appear to care whether she should tone it down so people can find her explanation more credible/sane.

Like someone as pointed out above, it think soo-hyun's reckless actions are also moving the story forward a whole lot because she has that one track mind and jumps into dangerous situations with gusto (both a downside and an upside).


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Wow you're so right! Ji Hoon does have a very nasty temper, doesn't he? He never seemed to hurt our heroine or Saet Byul but he hurt Mina's wrist -- probably because she was pressing him to marry her.

If shopkeeper baddie wasn't out to get Saet Byul, why so many pics of her on his wall?


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What if she wasn't beaten by JH to get an abortion and had done that to herself to confuse SH and get at JH?

I just don't see JH, who was in sync with his wife and very gentle in the first two episodes, as like that, even if he is cheating. And to be honest, the cheating is also weird to me. It seems out of character for JH, who, so far, has basically been anguished over what is, to him, SH's incomprehensible behavior.

So, as someone said above re SB, there seem to be some characterization problems here.


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This show! AHHH! I love it!

I knew Ji-hoon was a cheater and that he was with Min-ah! There was just something always fishy about her around Soo-hyun, like she was holding back a LOT of things. So this new twist isn't too surprising. I'm just feeling happy with myself for seeing this coming. It's not often I can predict these things. Heh.

But, of course, the many killers out there in this show is simply amazing and depressing.

There seems to be no end to the twists this show will take and I appreciate it. It keeps us on our toes and glued to the screen and waiting for more.

Thanks for the recap, JB!


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Jesus Christ, what kind of batshit conspiracy is this?! There's more to this murder, and now I gotta know more?! Man, this show always manages to sink me deeper into addiction.

I love that the episode (and the show in general) always corresponds back to one of its universal themes: not everything is as it seems. And that theme is definitely seen in its characters (looking at you, Ji-hoon). Despite all these red herrings and intertwined conspiracies, it totally works in this drama, because there is more of a backstory than Saet-byul just being a victim in this mess. We need to know it we got there, and how it all ended up with the destruction of a family. I view the involvement with Soo-hyun and Saet-byul in this mess is all indirectly caused by Ji-hoon, and he is ruined for me.

Dong-chan, you are one sexy bastard. I know sometimes your impulsivity gets in your way (Soo-hyun falls into this flaw more, though), but you are smart, resourceful, and empathetic when it comes to it. I hope you investigate more into your brother's case, and support Soo-hyun at all times.

Ji-hoon, you are one rat bastard. I hope you're happy: getting into an affair with a woman who is possibly your daughter's killer (was she the one you were going after in Episode 1?). I don't know if you did/will see the consequences of your actions back then/later, but I know that you are not redeemable in my eyes, possibly never. No matter how angry you are, you have responsibility for this mess. Go to hell.

I find Moon-soo intriguing. While he is debunked as the killer, I'm not sure of his involvement in here now. What kind of relationship did he have w/ the motorcyclist, besides him being a customer, & how did Moon-soo get involved in this mess? Perhaps I'm slow, but anyways, he is still a valuable asset, and he knows a lot more than it seems... still wary of him, but he should be helpful. I hope he will end up contributing positively in the conflict.


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Sorry for commenting twice, the 1st one didn't show up...


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"You thought you had the story all figured out, and then God’s Gift goes and pulls out the rug from under your feet. Again." <- WoW! now I am excited and thrilled. I am figuring it out too. Suspecting almost all the characters. :D

thanks for the recap anyway though honestly I haven't read it yet but i will after i watch this ep. I have to watch it first. hee. I don't want any spoiler. ha! I was lured by the opening thoughts/comments that's why. But really many thanks.


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And give Woo-jin some love too, he's pretty cute <3


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i love this dram its not ur typical kdrama!!
it keeps u on your toes!!


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nealry had a heart attack at the first scene so intense!


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Yikes. This drama is intense. I've been following the recaps and decided to jump into watching episode 7 now that finals are over, but was not ready for the chills I felt in the first 10 minutes alone. I think I'll only be able to watch this in the company of a friend.

I can't say I haven't had my suspicion on Minah as it was said before that she was probably the last one to have seen Saet byul before her kidnapping. I'm sure there's more to come and we'll find more about the tattooed delivery man. Props to this show for giving us twist after twist, let's hope the writer has decided on a good direction to take this and not just good at planning plot surprises.


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i'm so happy that javabeans recapped this episode! it's such a fast-paced, convoluted show that i find my brain can't always keep up with every new clue or development that crops up in a given episode—it can get overwhelming pretty fast, but in the BEST sense. i've watched every episode at least twice to straighten out all the clues in my head...

i don't even try to stay ahead of this show, but i did manage to predict the twist in the case two minutes into the show. it just popped into my head, quite randomly. i thought jang moon-soo would turn out to have some strange personality order where he was a man-child killer—did anyone notice the lion king movie running on his television at the end of episode 6? and the duckies in the bath in this episode only seemed to cement my theory, until later when i realized those duckies were probably intended for eun-joo. possibly he had intended to assault her that night after giving her a bath, but jenny had barged in and later he had noticed the missing picture. it's a scary, scary world, but at least eun-joo wasn't physically harmed this time around.

ugh, i must say i'm a bit disappointed that ji-hoon turned out to be a cheater. i'd refused to believe the theories, but min-ah's guilty look in episode 1 had always been a snag in my ji-hoon-is-not-a-cheater stance.

i hope soo-hyun will learn to calm down a bit and THINK before rushing into things. she's smart, but hysteria and panic keep taking over. it's very understandable, and i think realistic, but she better show some character growth in that sense. i'd hate to see her act like this all the way through to the end of the show.

saet-byul seems like she takes after her mother. she's both determined and willful. she's curious and far too trustful to boot. i can't count the number of times she's ran off on her own against her mother's orders. and the grandma too—didn't soo-hyun tell grandma that saet-byul wasn't to leave the house? and no matter how curious of a child SB is, it was a little odd to me that she would essentially ditch grandma and young-gyu at the convenience store to ride off with the motorcyclist back to her house. by the way, could that have been a coincidence? the motorcyclist stopping to ask her directions to her own house?

one thing i'm not sure was resolved with this episode: was the identity of the truck driver who ran into the police van confirmed? i don't think so, but i thought the actor who had played him had a voice curiously similar to jang moon-soo's, although jang doesn't have the tattoo on his wrist.

i also didn't realize he spilled the chemical on his wrist intentionally. even now, watching that scene a third time, i thought he'd intended to throw it at dong-chan, who only dodged in the nick of time, and so it had got on him instead. i don't know what kind of chemical it was, or what kind of damage it would have wrought on his skin, but is it possible that whoever treated him...


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sorry, didn't realize my comment got cut off.

but is it possible that whoever treated him afterwards would have seen that there was a tattoo there? or the unique waffle burn mark?

so much to keep track of!!! thank you again for the recap :)


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one more thing. i know people are saying ji-hoon possibly hit min-ah, but i really hope not. it's possible that whoever gave min-ah that bruise on her wrist may have gotten a little forceful with her (we know how korean dramaland's men love wrist-grabbing!), but not a "beating" in the usual brutal sense.

and it's possible the bruise wasn't inflicted by ji-hoon at all. we know the tattoo wrist guy and min-ah are connected in some way. but it doesn't help that we are seeing flashes of ji-hoon's not-so-pretty temper. i certainly didn't like the kind of language he used with soo-hyun, telling her to "please stay shut up in the house" if she was so worried about saet-byul. in korean, it was pretty forceful and disrespectful language.

i do still feel for him, because he has been placed in an extraordinary situation for the past few days. his wife is behaving erratically, and now his reputation has a former prosecutor is being questioned. still, that's no way to talk to your wife. the fact that he's at least making an effort with saet-byul is his only saving grace—he's as loving towards her as he ever was, and i'd like to believe that that is his true face as a father at least.


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I WANT TO SCREAM & SHAKE SAET BYUL SO HARD!!!! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BLOODY LISTEN TO YOUR MOM!!!! you don't have to be smart to listen to your mom you know. it doesnt have anything to do with intelligence. you just need to listen to her. end. even kids younger than her won't do what she does. not because they are oh so smart & can sense danger but because their mom said not to talk to or go anywhere with strangers. thats it. she is just a disobedient child. no amount of her sweet talking will make me see otherwise. & frankly, unlike others here, i am not attached to her at all. the only reason her actions frustrate me is because it puts others in danger.

Anyways, i don't think Minah is the kidnapper/killer. everyone remember how the guy knew how many stab wounds the victim had even before the police did. there's no way Minah could have known that. unless the tattoo guy is the accomplice in the murder cases & knows Minah somehow. either as her admirer or maybe a family member? Minah then tells him about her pregnancy & stuff & the guy suggests revenge. & then they plot it together. & since Soo Hyun works for that show, it will also help his "push murderer execution" agenda (if he has it)

By the way LOL hadnt we all guessed that Ji Hoon is cheating on Soo Hyun? XD


*cough* what? who said that?


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We are probably the only two here that agree about Saet-byul. I am starting to find her very annoying. It seems like anything her mother says just goes in one ear and out the other. And her instant temper tantrums are not all that cute or endearing either.

As far as Min Ah goes, I think she has something to do with the kidnapping - perhaps that guy with the tattoo that came to the door was in some kind of plot with her, but then went off on his own? More questions than answers in this episode.


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LOL! We only get pissed at folks we are attached to. Saet Byul is putting only herself in danger. No one else has been put in danger because of her. Yes, she is disobedient but a child's disobedience --while it frustrates us-- doesn't give us the right to judge them. Cannot tell you the many times I had kids disobey me. Not because they were bad children, but because they were simply disobedient. Disobedience isn't badness, even if it is frustrating.

I have no doubt, no doubt at all that we will see a scene where Saet-Byul obeys. And we should note that Saet Byul only got into trouble once because of her own disobedience -- when she got killed. All other times when she actually got hurt...it was the nearby adult who placed her in danger.

She got murdered when with Mina -- who was too busy worried about being blackmailed to give the child properly to babysitter. She gets a car coming at her in the middle of the night because Mina is dragging her down the street. She gets whisked away because Young-gyu's grandma was looking for yogurt. She went to the fair because her ultra-busy babysitter didn't make sure she went on the bus. Upshot: it's the adults in this drama who are undependable and dangerous to her, not her to them. If you have a kid, you have to ALWAYS be present or you have to have people around whose mind will not be divided.

Upshot: Only a mom can take care of her own child.


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only thing that bugged me about saet byul in this episode is that she could have at least said or shouted out goodbye to Young Gyu and grandma before leaving off with someone, they were in the same store, she literally ditched them without second thought with a stranger, it's not like she was forcefully grabbed by the guy and taken away so she didn't get a chance, Soo Hyun is constantly warning her and begging her not to talk or hang out with strangers but it looks like it's not gonna work on Saet Byul, she knows that her mother goes frantic when she goes missing even for a minute and she also looks smart enough to know that her mother gets very angry about anything involving her talking with strangers or helping them, anyway now that she saw what happened when she rode off with the stranger, as in her friend Young Gyu's grandma got injured searching for her, i think she will think before doing something like that again, i hope it's like that but somehow i still think Saet Byul will regret not listening to her mother only after she is kidnapped in this timeline which might happen soon.


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Totally agree with you there. I do think Saet Byul should've told Grandma what she was doing. I just think she doesn't think. Again, I'm not excusing her behavior, but I am defending her. I hope she learns to obey her mother but I don't like the idea of her learning to obey her mother because of something bad that will happen to her.

To me, that kinda feels like spiteful parenting. The way folks say to their kids, "When XXX happens to you, you'll see I'm right." A lot of parents do that to their kids. They seem to wish evil on their children so their children will know they are right. Not that you meant that but it's such a part of the way parents warn children -- a vengeful "I-told-you-so" kind of spite...born out of the parental desperation to make their child learn fear. I personally don't like it. It's manipulative and cruel.

So in this I want the adults to learn how to be responsible to a kid they're supposed to be babysitting ...as well as a child learning to be responsible to being obeident.


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From what I have seen, almost no parents really explain to kids as to WHY they should not do some things. I know mine did not. Quite often it is because "because I said so".

And I wonder how well that instilling fear has really worked - I know a lot of adults that seem to be afraid of everything except what really matters and what really kills you. Perhaps a carry-over?


After this incident and saet-byul finally saying "i was wrong" and seeing what her mistake has caused upon granny and others (granted, granny should have just simply listened to mom and stayed INSIDE), i fully expect saet-byul to be more mindful of how her actions can affect others. Because once or twice can be forgiven, but multiple times does not sit well with the audience, otherwise what is the point in making mistakes in life when we do not learn from them? I have defended saet-byul in the earlier episodes and I will continue to do so as long as she grows as a character instead of just serving to worry everyone around her.

It seems before she had not cared about running off and it did not sink in because she resented her mother for not allowing her to see snake and it sounded more like nagging to her than a mother's concern. Now that granny bled trying to chase her down I hope that opens up her eyes a bit more..


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Was just about to watch the episode, but thanks for the heads up.


The first few minutes though, it was so intense that I have to pause it few times to catch my breath. Soo Hyun is going to give me heart attack one of these days. Someone needs to sit her down and gives her some thriller 101: when you have the benefit of numbers, NEVER go alone or pair off (unless your pair is Capt Awesome, obviously)!

I admit that I wasn't one of the people who thought that Ji-hoon had an affairs. The thought did cross my mind, but I dismissed that thinking that affair would be too cliche. I was hoping that he's harboring another secret that is bigger than this. But again, since this episode is stressing about not believing everything that’s in front of your eyes, was it really shown in this episode that he is indeed having an affair with Min-ah and not only her pushing herself on him? He could be panicking because he was afraid that Soo-hyun will misunderstood. I'm not defending his character, but I thought the scene where he went through his old cases was more intriguing for me. Maybe it would be the red string which connects the case from the past and saet byul's case.

I really really really hope that this show knows where it's heading and will not be caught up in its own twists and turns and then wrapped up with some deus ex machina ending. Please stay good, Show. Because you have been great so far! Can't wait for tomorrow!


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ooh, good thought there about Mina possible pressing herself on to Ji Hoon. Maybe he was comforting her in her distress but.... then why did she speak to the person on the phone (in the first timeline) not to tell heroine whatever the secret was. It's possible she isn't pregnant with Ji Hoon's child but wants him anyway because in her mind he symbolizes a good husband. Some women are like that -- they become attracted to (and want to seduce) men who are good husbands. It's an envy that can be very dangerous in the real world but I've never seen it portrayed in a kdrama before. To my knowledge, anyway.


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There is one drama that has portrayed the situation you wrote of and it came out very recently. If you would like to know the name of the drama or a brief synopsis of the situation respond back and I will put up a 'Spolier Alert' for everyone and list the name/quick description.


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Did thre seducer succeed?


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No, she did not succeed.


I'm such a wuss. Okay...then i could watch it. what is it? Thanks.


Don't worry about it



I hope you enjoy it. I thought it wasn't that bad of a drama. Definitely some cute moments as well as some mature moments and tackling of issues that I find very rare since my entry into the K-drama world :-) You can find it on viki.


I guess I am getting better with guesses at this point... pretty much I had guessed so far what transpired... PHEW! The execution is awesome! Fast paced and keeps one rooted to the seat!


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Another guess would be that Minah is implicating Ji Hoon under someone else's influence and she is not pregnant with his child... There is yet another person (with that tattoo) who is playing the game with Minah and Soo Hyun's life. Someone who is an old enemy of Ji Hoon but again I don't think any of them kidnapped/ killed the SaetByul.
No Min woo/ Snake might also be responsible for some reasons. Wikipedia page suggests likewise...Like Soo Hyun finds Saet Byul's shoes in his van...and so on... It is a 24 Eps drama so we will have a lot more criminals before the final...

What if Saet Byul is not Ji Hoon's daughter... It was from a Donor (Dong Chan)....? LOL...


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This one episode had more happening in a single episode than some shows do in the entire series. So much so that I had to rewind a few times to see exactly what happened.

Just a couple of useless side notes - you cannot fire a nail gun like the child molester did. They have a safety on them where it cannot be fired unless pressed up against something. But I have seen that same mistake in 3 or 4 Hollywood movies also.

He was correct about the one way mirror - I am actually surprised they explained that, it is something that very few people know. A normal mirror is coated on the back so you cannot see through it.


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I'm still hanging onto my last sliver of hope. I won't be completely turning my back on him until we get unimpeachable evidence. Loyal to the end, my friend.


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(Comparatively) short note today, no time. Thanks javabeans for the recap! It seems like you and girlfriday are muscling in on God's Gift now it's becoming the crack drama of the moment, haha.

*deep breaths* Okay, I've calmed down a little now. At the moment, I'm clinging onto the fact that the photos are not completely damning. They do show Ji-hoon and Mina together, but of only one instance. Besides, Ji-hoon's expression is obscured and his body language is uncertain - Mina's got her arms around his neck; whilst he's just standing there instead of reciprocating. So it might be the case that Mina came onto him, resulting in the incriminating footage. Surely Ji-hoon, with all his lawyerly analytical prowess, would not be daft enough to carry out an affair from his own home? (I did enjoy how Soo-hyun cracked the safe open with his 'Power of Truth' award. Nice touch.)

And Mina is shifty indeed. Ji-hoon aside, why is she consorting with suspiciously tattooed men? Is he the actual future father? I bet that she took Saet-byul's phone: the one ringing in her bag may very well have been Saet-byul's. As for the cliffhanger, my guess is that Mina's the one who gets run over.

I'm happy to have my speculations regarding Jang Moon-soo vindicated: yup, we've got a paedophile cum serial killer cum dog-killer cum red herring on our hands. I would like to see an explanation for the 'MS' motorcycle helmet in his shop - I doubt that it was planted, seeing as only someone working in the shop could have done it: the helmet was disguised as a basket in plain sight. Considering the size of the establishment, I suspect that it was in fact Moon-soo's doing. Therefore he must know Ki-tae, at the very least. And I'm not sure if I buy his explanation as to how he knew about the tattoo. It took quite a big leap from him to deduce the 'revenge tattoo' Soo-hyun was talking about. There's definitely something else that he's holding back (perhaps the existence of a murderous motorcycle club, who knows). Anyway, those vengeance-filled eyes assure us that he'll be back to get revenge on Dong-chan, so we'll see how things pan out.

This episode was actually the weakest for me - in a lesser show it would have been a standout, but 'God's Gift' simply has too high a standard of excellence. Maybe it is the live-shoot catching up to it, but the episode seemed less sleek or fine-tuned than normal. For the first time, I got annoyed by Soo-hyun's impetuousness (upbraid your husband in front of the press, why don't you), but more worryingly there were some out-of-character moments from her. For goodness knows what reason, she was much too unconcerned when she first found out that some stranger came up to her daughter on a motorbike, ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS TO HER HOUSE. She only became sufficiently suspicious once Saet-byul told her that he had the wrist tattoo. That is so unlike Soo-hyun, especially considering how protective she is of...


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You cracked me up with your list of the various types of killers we have encountered so far.

I don't think heroine has changed much, though. She was always a bit on the over-reacting not-thinking side. She and her daughter are alike. Both share an impetuousness. Not much one can do about it--it's genetic. I, too, wanted to shake her for accosting hubby in front of the reporters. But it's not as if she has ever stopped her emotions from overtaking her thought. She is an overachiever who cannot stop thinking but at the same time, when her thoughts and emotions merge, she loses all sense of propriety, carefulness, sane behavior. Like mother, like daughter.


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This episode really was the weakest for me. I was trying to pinpoint the reasons why but you summed it up for me. Hopefully 8 is good. I'm off to watch it now.


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That is so unlike Soo-hyun, especially considering how protective she is of Saet-byul. Furthermore, she wasn't even in the slightest bit angry at Young-gyu's grandma for failing at her duties. Considering how universally awful Saet-byul's babysitters are, I'd be handcuffing myself to my daughter at this point.

Oh, Saet-byul. Why on earth would you ride on a stranger's motorcycle? WHY? (On the other hand, she does get some points for at least trying to notify her mother about the reappearance of the tattooed wrist.)

Whilst the Han family are huddled together on the naughty step, Dong-chan continues to earn gold stars for being such a shining beacon of competence. Thank goodness for Dong-chan; without him, Soo-hyun would need fourteen lives rather than fourteen days.


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She does seem to be way over-the-top forgiving of her careless babysitters, doesn't she? It's not just the grandma who has been a useless babysitter. EVERYONE else has.

It's a strange paradox. The more worried heroine is about her daughter, the more careless with her daughter she seems to be. She is actively trying to fight destiny/fate by being an over-the-top proactive savior mom, yet at the same time the child is safest -- would probably be safest-- if heroine would just stay home with child and not let any other caretaker anywhere near.

If the universe is telling you to stop battling destiny in a particular way, take its advice. Maybe the greatest way to fight destiny in this case is to stay home with the kid...or take your kid with you everywhere. But do not, do not, do not have anyone else take care of your child. Ji Hoon's question: "Why don't you take care of your daughter?" should simly resound across the ether. But heroine isn't listening.


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You are absolutely right, but if soo hyun stayed at home all day long with saet-byul unfortunately that doesn't make for as entertaining a show.
Thought it was a bit of a character inconsistency to have her drop off saet-byul with min-ah. Even with granny, who refused to let a stranger in the house but disobeys orders by going outside when soo hyun clearly said to stay inside.
I think these need to be fine-tuned by the writer because so much could be avoided by a simple following instructions or common sense.
Or the writer needs to come up with better ways to get them in these dangerous situations, because if the audience can't make sense of their mistakes then they don't sympathize as much when the character gets into that kind of situation. Because then you ask "well why didn't you do a instead of b? it's not that hard"
You have to create flawed characters that are consistent and AT LEAST be at the same level of smarts as a monkey. You just have to be able to sense danger.


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Couldn't agree with you more...but then again, if that is the logical choice---SH sure as hell ain't taking it, that's for sure, lol. Plus, whatever drama we had would probably be gone...although, I think it would have been interesting if she had SB with her at all times and she was trying to fight fate/destiny...like Super Mom and Captain Awesome by her side :)

(Sorry for the late reply...was working on my taxes)


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THIS SHOW is amazing!!!!!! The twists... The stories...
I love Dong-chan, he really is captain awesome, so smart and good at fighting

Yuck, yuck, yuck, all troubles are because of Ji-hoon - a cheater and domestic abuser :(
Min-ah should've known better than engaging in an affair with her co-worker's husband, is it a surprise that he forces her to abort her child? And for her to turn so dark and revengey...


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I KNEW IT! I knew he was having an affair. I did suspect with MH in episode 1 because of the phone call threatening to tell SH but then kinda forgot about her character with everything that was going on.

The drama might hint at a romance along the way like JH's awareness of SH's looks but I don't think anything will happen between them. I suspect they are both going to die at the end, after they save her daughter and his brother. It'll be the cost of going back in time and changing so much but if they don't he might ask her out in the finale if there's a 1 year later type of thing.


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Thank you for the recap, javabeans :D . It’s nice to see how we already have 4 people who are recapping/recapped the show. This means it’s managing to hook us all.
Now on to my comments. Once again, haven’t read anything, but I will after posting it – sorry if I repeat some of your ideas. Man, this show really is stuffed with criminals and kidnappers, isn’t it?

1) Sheesh, I’ve never heard a door screeching like that. Jang Moon-soo, do something about it, will you? Oh, wait!

2) OH SCREW YOU, I said the puppy NOOOOOOOO. Not the puppy!! Oh God, my heart is aching :(

3) Hmmm Saet-byul finds the DESTINY picture and hides it from her father in her notebook. SH better find it quickly.

4) I have a love-hate relationship with SH…I LOVE her for her bravery and recklessness, but I guess that every brave person needs a dose of foolishness. She is so invested in rescuing her daughter that she becomes blind to the things surrounding her. I don’t know why she kept insisting with the damn picture in front of her husband who started to lose his mind.

5) Does granny ever wash YG’s clothes? Just a random thought

6) This shot is so beautiful
Screencap: http://s27.postimg.org/w9bl0qzs2/vlcsnap_2014_03_25_09h46m03s189.jpg

7) I wonder if there is any parallel between Dong-ho and Jang Man Bok, as in both men taking the hit for a beloved one. DH looks at DC in despair when he’s confronted with murdering three women and is beyond happy when DC goes to visit him in prison. They must have a special bond. They are really insisting on not believing only in what they see – this seems to suggest that DC was deceived into believing he saw something he didn’t. What if the tables are turned here and the son was actually protecting the father? After all, we don’t know anything about DC and DH’s father.

8) OMG Dong-Chan – I heart you so much! I really do! Please tell me you aren’t doing anything unforgivable when you have blackouts. Please tell me you got that hairpin only because you crossed paths with the culprit.

9) Jang Moon-soo had SO MUCH BS in him. Of course he made a story out of what SH told him (E-mails, revenge tattoo, mistaking the kid for SB – just like SH said she did). He was fairly easily tricked into saying everything – he didn’t count on DC’s wits. BUT if the culprit is a biker just like him (The M.S. helmet from the picture was his after all) and from the same Freedom club, there is no way that Moon-soo doesn’t know his face, since there are like – what, 7 members? So, in a way, M.S. might be telling the truth, but only partially, protecting his buddy.

10) Who needs knives when you have ball pens?

11) Not sure they actually saved that girl, which would be a first. Maybe she was never supposed to be killed – only raped and we don’t know if M.S. managed to harm her in any other way.


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12) Note to self: - Never hire an old woman to take care of a hyperactive child – she won’t manage to keep the pace.

13) Aww, loved that moment when SB says she is happy that SH is her mom
14) What’s up with that creep looking at the CCTV with DC? Are they are looking like creeps on purpose to throw us off LOL?
Screencap: http://s22.postimg.org/oajhw7zzk/vlcsnap_2014_03_25_10h07m02s189.jpg

15) Huh, that scene with the President discussing about the order of the executions, in between DC’s exposure of the guy seemed completely random. It really threw me off.

16) Poor Woo-jin HAHAHAHAHHA. Dong-Chan doesn’t ever give him a break, although I smell some great bromance here. DC winking and WJ playing the “Screw-you-you-destroyed-the-evidences” game was awesome. I really wish these two to have some closure with their unresolved business. Also, didn’t the superiors say DC would eventually be investigated for shooting his nephew? What happened with that? Did he actually spend time in jail?

17) SH is scaring the sh-t out of everyone. Seriously, storming into rooms like that will give someone a heart attack one day.

18) Yay, so it was a scar after all – I am so happy with that right call I made, especially since I don’t usually get too many theories right LOL.

19) I rolled my eyes so hard they almost popped when I saw she left her daughter AGAIN with Min Ah. HELLO, SHE WAS THE LAST PERSON SHE WAS SEEN WITH. See, this is what I meant when I said she is occasionally foolish. Thank goodness she is waking up


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20) Oh, Ji-Hoon, you lil’ sh-t. I am a fierce advocate against adultery, no matter how much your wife distresses you. Sure, SH is acting like crazy and I never felt there was actually more than just a comfort marriage there, but still, it’s low of him to do that. Very low. And with her friend, for God’s sake! I was correct in suspecting the affair (just like many of you were) and the biker boyfriend’s involvement. I don’t know though how come the boyfriend Kang knew that the investigator had such pics, since he was checking on someone else – the investigator mentions that there was a break-in and someone stole them. But how can you steal something you don’t know it exists? SH does already alter events in a big way – I guess those are the pics JH receives when he thinks he found SB’s killer and SH might have found them now to stop JH from killing maybe an innocent? I think Min Ah has an indirect role in all this – I doubt she actually wants to harm SB. She looks way too…how to say it – passive, to do such a thing, but she just goes along with it since Kang blackmailed her with sending SH the files. She can’t out him because she would lose everything. When she talks about the pain she is feeling, I think she actually speaks about the boyfriend forcing her with the abortion, since the kid probably wasn’t his, although we now know that apart from SH being an abandoned child, JH also didn’t want kids – it just happed. When Min-Ah goes outside with SB the day she was kidnapped, she is distressed with that phone call from Kang – there was no planning on her part. Also in this episode, I still think we have another red herring here in a certain way and maybe Min-Ah will get killed in that car accident, just like Bong-sup, before telling everything she knows. Why oh why do they always freeze when a car is about to hit them? Run, you fools! That sound was the sound of a body getting hit by a car, unless they mess the editing again. And damn, JH, don’t you know that you are supposed to burn incriminating evidence? I kinda LOLed with the pics being taken at their house, since I was actually commenting on how JH always seems to be home – well, now this explains everything.


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21) It’s still a mystery how that Kang boyfriend and Min-Ah are involved in SB’s kidnapping – at this point I am distrusting of everything which seems obvious and it’s not helping that we are barely halfway through. I am wondering if the show will have more than 16 episodes and that it will actually be longer because they will still try to find out who is the culprit. Ok so the boyfriend has the tattoo which SB also draws on the wall, is a biker and had revenge motive. But he calls Min-Ah right when she is about to drop SB off, so if he would have taken her, Min-Ah would have seen it – unless he asked ANOTHER person to do it. The whole Freedom gang (of which Snake might be a part of as well) is probably a fraternity of sorts, with each one covering the other’s back. Not to mention that if it’s personal, all this STILL doesn’t fit with the call threatening the president either. Ack, this is driving me insane LOL.


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Heroine does have a gift of giving baddies stories to use against her and her daughter, doesn't she? I have often wanted to shake her and say, "Why do you keep telling these guys everything in your mind? Don't you know how to keep stuff to yourself? Must you be so transparent?" But maybe in the next episodes, she will learn how to keep stuff close to her chest -- especially since nothing is as it seems. One hopes, anyway.


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Yup, they don't even have to stretch their imagination - Soo-hyun is telling them a bunch of things they can use against her. Because she lets her weaknesses slip, they can sent her on witch hunts. "You will kill my daughter!" "You were threatening my husband with e-mails and I can help you prove your father was innocent" bla bla bla. STAHP IT, WOMAN!! Desperation is never a good adviser and SH is finding it out in a painful way.


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ooh! Love that quote about desperation! Did you invent it? I think i will always remember it from now on.


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Oh thanks! I don't know if I invented it lol, although I did hear similar ones in the past, but they were jealousy-related :) .


She gives the bad guys more information than she gives to the good guys :)


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Re No. 5: it's possible YG won't let her. People with mental challenges can be very particular about using the same things.

That said, YG liked his new shoes and sweater, so he doesn't seem against new things. My guess is that the coordinating noona slacked off there.


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I think it all depends on the provenience of those gifts. He is particularly attached to uncle Dong-Chan, so he would probably wear any gift of his - it makes it even more special that we know that his actual mother knitted the sweater he likes so much. As for the shoes, once again he is keen on the ajumma, since she is the mother of his friend - so of course he wears them, even more because he made a promise with her.


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First Jenny, now Mina. That is some distracting plastic surgery: and it is particularly obvious how expressionless those actresses' faces are when we see every flicker of fear on Soo-hyun's face.


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Talk about intense!! Woah, this one really thrilling.
Like other, I can't trust the husband cause he definitely has some secrets..

Btw I recognize Saet Byul's room in other drama but can't remember where. Anyone know or remember the room used in another drama??


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Thanks so much for the recap, Javabeans! I always watch this before all the subbing is done and some important stuff just slip past me..but dang! this drama is so good --flaky coincidences notwithstanding--that i simply rush to see it.

First - old boyfriend. I don't like him. Don't now why, can't specifically say what he said or did or when..but there was this turning point where my mouth fell open and I thought WTF, I DO NOT like this guy.

Second -- I thought client investigating cheater would be Minah's boyfriend. It isn't? Am I missing something about ahjumma next door? Does Minah live next door to heroine?

Third -- I love how this episode's serial killer mentioned fate, because ya know....wow! So fate was working even before it/God brought back our dead OTP. Yep, i'll say it: they are an OTP.

Fourth -- One of the undercurrents here seems to be: "child is only safe when Mom's around.

Fifth -- where's my No Min Woo? Seriously, I keep wanting to see Saet Byul's attendance at Snake's concert but always...

Sixth -- not really liking the idea of God/Destiny giving something then subtly asking for payment. It really bothers me personally. I know it'll probably be that way in this drama..and i've seen this kinda thinking in real life many times. I remember a fellow teacher talking to me about that once, that when good comes to us bad always comes to us as well. She gave as an example a friend who had delivered twins and whose house burned in a fire in the same week. I know such things happen and as i said that might happen in this drama but I much prefer the Biblical view, "The Lord gives good and adds no evil with it." I seriously do not want a bittersweet ending of any kind. I don't want heroine to lose her eyes...just her marriage.

Seventh -- Love the little actress who plays Saet-Byul. She and the little girl in Two Weeks are soooooooooo adorable.

Thanks for the recap!


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"Second — I thought client investigating cheater would be Minah’s boyfriend. It isn’t? Am I missing something about ahjumma next door? Does Minah live next door to heroine?"

As I understood it, the client asked the investigator to check on his wife and the investigator was handling it, until something different caught his eye and that's when he noticed that Ji-Hoon and Min-Ah were apparently getting their freak on and took photos. Someone broke into the building and stole them though and sent them to Ji-Hoon, possibly in an attempt to blackmail him. They remained on the laptop. I believe those are the same pictures that Ji-Hoon sees at the end of episode two and he might have deduced it was Min-Ah boyfriend who sent them (Conclusion: Kang the boyfriend kidnapped Saet-byul). I actually think that because SH managed through her actions to have those pics revealed earlier in the game, she will actually save a life that had nothing to do with SB.

I think Kang is the biker who drives SB home with the envelope and also the guy who SB sees at Min-Ah's house. Kang is the same guy (apparently) with the tattoo, who M.S. said he was a regular buyer. So, they imply that Min-Ah's boyfriend is the same person who buys from M.S, brings SB home and visits Min-Ah (SB sees his tattoo). But we don't know how many people happen to have the same tattoo, especially if they are part of a group.


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Thanks! That helps. Now am wondering about the now repaired camera that Young-gyu owns. How will that fit in the mix? So many cameras, lost, messed up, capturing the wrong event, capturing confessions that are "seemingly" granted escape/forgiveness. They all play on the idea of assumptions and appearances...along with mirrors seeming to reflect something but really being glasses. Love it.


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That camera was his dad's right? Maybe it will provide hints to the case from 10 years ago.
There's so many twists and questions in this show, and I hope the writer knows the answers to them. I want it to stay good all the way to the end..


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wow! YES!!! But it's an oldie...not sure how... could an old film could be stuck in it from back then? uhmmm.


My guess has been wrong all this time, So maybe not. lol. But I think Dong Chan's mom did mention that that camera was already broken when he got it, and it hasn't been fixed since then. Young Gyu only carries it around because it's his dad


I might have to go back, but if I remember correctly, it isn't specified if the camera got repaired. SH went with SB and YG to that ajusshi trying to repair it and he says that it's more complicated, because the shutter (?) was broken before the lens falling off and the future of that camera is uncertain. SH wants to buy a new one, but then SB says how he is emotionally attached to it because of his father. In the end, SH might return to that store and see that the ajusshi managed to rescue pictures. You were able to take 24 or 36 pics with those old films and I doubt anyone bothered developing the films - indeed they could have clues of something relevant which happened in the past. We also don't know yet why MS also had tons of photos of SB on the wall, apart from the other girl.


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Since you are enjoying Kim Yoo Bin as Han Saet Byul, you should watch her when she was even younger in the 2010 kdrama Oh! My Lady. She was so adorable as Sung Ye Eun with Chae Rim and Choi Si-Won.


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This drama properly delivers the chills. I legit get creeped out whenever SH does something bold and the killer is close by. But I also get frustrated with her panicked actions at some points. Like that entire scene of her grabbing Ji Hoon from out of nowhere in front of public was soooo jarring and made me smack my forehead. I get it…you're a very reasonably worried mom. But by now, you should realize after the string of red herrings that the killer is very smart and so you should be more discreet and careful.


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I pretty much lost it with her during the first episode. I see that she is totally married to the wrong person. From the beginning. The whole opposites attract thing didn't work in their case. As a quiet plodding guy, he either was gonna tamp down the old gangster girl from days of yore or resent its overflow...or both. I love that this story has so many layers though and we see in a very obvoius way that this is also a story about why a marriage didn't work. Not sure if it can work again because heroine's personality and Dong Chan's fall in so well with each other. He knows how to deal with that kind of passion. Ji Hoon is just stunned and oppressed by it.


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oh man! Jihoon is getting creepier by the day. Now that we know he was unfaithful behind her back, he is going way down in my list, but still I can't imagine him being part of the team leading to his own daughter's death! Maybe he led to it in some other stupid way, but definitely not by his own hands!


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Oh gosh... In the first timeline when Saet Byul handed the puppy to the guy I thought "NOOOoO the puppy will die!" ... And then it actually happened D,:

And another thing I realized right away was that this two weeks gift was also a chance for Min Ah to save her baby!! But now she'll probably have an accident and lose the baby anyways... Ugh miscarriages are something I wish dramas just wouldn't depict so much.

I really think that this is not just a coincidence. Has anyone seen the Japanese drama Tantei Gakuen Q? Or pretty much any Japanese detective drama... There is an eeeevil organization orchestrating everything and bringing out the bad in people. Because serial killers are RARE. There's not going to be two living in the same prefecture in the same century.

And I think Soo Hyun overreacting/being impulsive is pretty realistic. The fact that she used to be a gangster makes it even more believable. I wish she'd be smarter, but it comes across as more genuine.


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Wow!!! So true about the baby! Wow, you're good! I so hadn't thought of that.

But who knows? Am trying to keep track of all the should've died, might've died, really did die, people. Did no one who should've died survive in this second timeline? Gotta keep track. But it is possible that Mina's baby and Saet Byul would make good siblings...if Mina doesn't lose the baby and if Mina did have an affair with Ji Hoon.

But am agreeing with you...miscarriage/abortion/dead baby -- one way or another, one timeline or another.


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What happened to solabelly?


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Here I am calling myself an idiot for not thinking about Ji-Hoon having an affair with Min-ah earlier.

That puppy, doosh. I never ever eat anything while watching this. And that guy was simply creepy. >->


Okay, back to Ji-Hoon. Does your human rights and oh-so-high principles allow you to cheat? I see people doubting on his motives, but honestly, I think if Min-ah would be trying to blackmail him using those photos of a platonic skinship, would he hide it? Really? Are they the photos he got in the first timeline and then he figured how Saet-byul was murdered? Now move along, make way for our OTP.

I understand different people have different life choices but ummm...Ji-Hoon's not wanting children irked me. And Soo-Hyun being abandoned by her mom too. There's something more to the mix. We'll see. At this point, I think Woo-Jin would have a story to himself too. He just won't be a part of Dong-chan's story.

Let's see what happens.


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Wait, wait, wait, did that jewelery HJH has supposedly hid belong to Min-ah? They had an affair, right? But it was found in CBS's house.

Is this all so deeply connected?


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Ooh, maybe..
We never did hear back about the missing jewelry..


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I think that the missing jewelry has to do with DH's case, or another case where JH likely put away the wrong culprit. The flash of recognition that he had when he saw them was mighty fishy.

But if it was MA's, I don't understand why BS would have had them in his possession...


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When Ji-Hoon defended himself against possibly getting the wrong guy imprisoned, I thought, "Wow, it's understandable that we defend our work but wow, over-the-top much? What is all this about? Is it his dislike of being questioned? Or a guilty conscience? Or just stress from weirdly-acting wife?"


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Thanks for the recap!

Loving this show....my first time watching a time-travel based KDrama. Hence I'm not very familiar with the tropes in this genre...but I love what I see so far.

I agree with many comments about Soo Hyun sort of messing it up and unintentionally turning things around that would bring about the kidnapping of her daughter...if only she just was by SB's side 24/7 and not running behind the culprit...but then we wouldn't have our show..LOL.

The quote about not believing everything you see...cheeky statement aimed at the viewers by the writer-nim eh?..Hehe

I think the guy playing Snake will also have a bigger role...wasn't he a part of the press conference of the show?

P.S Dong-Chang! <3 or more appropriately Jo Seung-woo <3


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Soohyung and Dong Chan Super-people; catching murderers on the way of saving her child. I love this drama!


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I think in today's world there are plenty of people men and women that don't want to have children, most of them have their own reasons like Soo Hyun who said she didn't have any confidence to be a good mother so she was not interested in having a child, Ji Hoon also might have his own reasons, also it is said that both agreed on not having a child, not only Ji Hoon, i am just happy that they are treating their child lovingly even though they didn't want kids in their life, both Ji Hoon and Soo Hyun seem to genuinely love Saet Byul.


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P.S, this comment was supposed to be a reply to a previous comment posted by Anna, i don't know how it ended up here...


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I saw it anyway, so no problem. :D

I personally wouldn't want to have children either, so that's not the issue. But two accidental pregnancies and Ji-Hoon's not wanting children(I agree he loves Saet-Byul very much) and the general mood of the dramas is making me question it.


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I absolutely love how this drama is keeping me on my toes and on the edge of my seat. Sooo good.

But for once, I sorta figured out a plot twist before the actual reveal and it was awesome. Just right when our "killer" said that it didn't matter that his innocent father went to jail since he died anyway, something in me went "AHA!" I just kept thinking to myself, "clearly, the father confessed to the sins of the son. Who cares about death penalty if he was dying of cancer anyway, right?"

Now that I think about it... way to take a leaf out of the Barty Crouch Guide to Keeping Your Evil Sons Out of Azkaban.

The Min-ah twist though, I really wasn't expecting until way late.


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And I totally agree about that Snake guy having a bigger part in all this. You do not cast No Min-woo in a bit role without further purpose.


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Why do the dogs always die? There's this show, Princess Aurora, and that movie about a blind woman cop.n


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I know, right?!?! Jeez...makes me sick. Maybe it's because I have two dogs and love dogs in general, but I really wish Korean dramas/movies wouldn't do that :/

A few weeks back, I was watching a subbed movie about a homeless guy who was given a Corgi to be a companion (rehab or something). He planned on just letting it go but the dog kept coming back and guarding him. They were bonding until some gangster homeless guys ganged up to catch and kill it...I turned it off because I was so disgusted :/ And to think, I thought it was a movie about a guy and his dog...

At least in Princess Aurora, the dog Deok-dae wasn't killed...he died in his sleep.


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I agree with some of the comments about Soo-hyun, why is she going into kidnappers house alone, when Dong Chan is right there? Why is she giving all the information to the puppy-killer which can help him formulate a escape plan? I know you are desperate but can you do a little thinking.

Even without the cheating, their marriage is doomed. Do they even show feeding the child (saet-byul)? Why don't they ever talk for more than a minute. Can't you explain more clearly and tell husband to take those threatening letters serious this time around. I don't think the husband wants his daughter killed either, no matter how shady he is, cheating and acting suspicious and also prosecuting wrong people.

Saet-Byul on the other hand, wouldn't child that age listen to their mom, specially if she has been acting different. Maybe, I was too obedient and disciplined as a child.


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I don't understand something. You know how MS father took the blame for his son and than DC flashbacks to his brother's trial and in the trial you keep seeing DH glancing looks at DC before answering the question. Does this mean that DH took the blame for DC like MS's father did for MS?


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I thought that too! Why was the brother looking at him as if saying.. "should I say yes to that?"


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Do you think it means that it was actually DC who killed the girl that DH got convicted for? I hope not I love DC!


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YES! I thought so too! But I don't wanna believe that DC was the murderer. Poor hyung, I too don't believe that he murdered anyone.


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I don't think DH was looking at DC because he was taking the blame for it, maybe he was looking towards him for help in defending himself, since he was a cop...?

If this drama would go down that path of making lovable awesome DC the killer...argh, I don't know what I'd do, I love DC so freakin' much :(


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Ah, im a bit late to the God's gift party but i'm absolutely loving this show for the thrills, mysteries and the way it makes me care. I think being suspicious of everyone in the show has served us well in not being completely caught off guard when the twists and secrets are revealed. The observant audience for Gods Gift is smart enough that all the twists and turns have already been theorized, speculated, or discussed in previous recaps.
However, what the show does well is that it gives us suspenseful, intense scenarios that are nail-biting and demands our attention. I am watching with bated breath. The flaw is still the editing, and that very short scene with the president was so awkwardly placed in between dong-chan's interrogation that it is perhaps the most jarring of the series yet. This show is obviously in live-shoot, but it's still holding up story-wise. It was so visually beautiful in the first few episodes i hope that we continue to get that until the end, but i am not expecting too much.

Everyone else has pretty much said what i wanted to so i wanted to share this cute BTS of Lee Bo Young, Dong-Chan, and the little gal playing saet-byul (These three have so much chemistry offscreen!):


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I love the insightful comments about SH causing her daughter kidnapping again WHAT are you watching here
no one is responsible for a fateful accident that is what we are trying to educate SH about we are teaching her that she cant alter what was meant to be so she wont kill herself again but it seems you are missing everything that is meaningful here..
why cant she stay with her daughter and then nothing would happen???? and the story would be about the mother who rightfully killed herself cause she caused her daughter death and then went back in time and did it right this time by locking her in and then the daughter lived but she was still trouble do the mother had to keep her in a room for the rest of her life
the end


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Hello everyone!

I have a thought that I want to throw out there: what if Ji-hoon and Min-ah aren't having an affair? Yes, there are photos of Min-ah embracing Ji-hoon (I noticed that Ji-hoon was not embracing Min-ah back), and that would seem like enough 'evidence' of an affair. Is it possible that Min-ah went to visit Ji-hoon to talk about her current love issues/pregnancy? Is this another case of the writer(s) raising a false flag?

Ji-hoon's nervousness could also be a normal reaction to these photos that give the appearance of an affair. Also, if Ji-hoon is violent and beats women, wouldn't Soo-hyun bear the signs of abuse? Ji-hoon beats his lover but not his wife? Angry outbursts are not enough to indicate that Ji-hoon hits women. Ji-hoon is obviously stressed. So, it is only normal that he would lash out.

I do hope that the writer(s) hasn't thrown in the cheating-husband-plot so that we end up wishing that Soo-hyun and Dong-chan end up together.


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I have my doubts that they actually ARE having an affair. I think there is something else going on here. But if so, why is the hubby so intent on her getting an abortion?

Something is not adding up here.. and even though I have watched most of the next episode, it does not get any clearer on that point.


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I say YES to the affair - Ji-Hoon receives the photos in an envelope, as if he was being blackmailed - Me thinks SH caused this to happen earlier than it was supposed to. He is nervous about them, hides them. Why hide them if he is innocent? He should have burned them, but oh well LOL. Oh come on, why would she embrace him so tenderly? I know his marriage with SH hasn't been the most loving one, but it's so insulting to screw around with her friend IN THEIR OWN HOUSE. I've been smelling the affair for way too long to give up on it now.

However, I think the guy responsible with beating her up and asking for an abortion is not Ji-Hoon, but the scorned boyfriend (one of those bikers with the NEMESIS tattoo that SB sees when she is at Min-Ah's house). He threatens her twice on the phone. We see Ji-Hoon getting all hysterical, but I still want to believe that he wouldn't go to those extremes.

Ji-Hoon still must have some things on his conscious. He gets WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too carried away when SH throws in the hypothesis that MS's father might have been innocent - what are you hiding, Ji-Hoon? I bet at some point he put an innocent person behind the bars, maybe only realizing it later or maybe because he was pressured to do so and now he feels remorse, making him get all worked up when someone discusses about an unfairly condemned person.


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You might be right about that - hubby is the one that got her pregnant, the biker guy (ex BF, stalker??) is the abuser. This is getting more twisted than any drama I have seen, full of red herrings - and even rainbow herrings.

About the time I think I have it figured out, it goes sideways on me.


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