God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 4

Fate vs. Choice. How much does Fate actually play into a person’s destiny? And despite a person’s best efforts to change things, is it actually possible to alter the course of one’s life? In today’s action-packed episode our heroes Soo-hyun and Dong-chan come together and do everything in their power to try. They both have a lot on the line, namely the lives of loved ones, and they’re going to do all they can to fight Fate and win.


Soo-hyun follows the would-be victim out of the nightclub, but falls behind and loses sight of her. She calls Dong-chan to let him know that she’s found the victim but gets grabbed by the killer, his knife at her throat. He demands to know who she is and takes her phone. On the other end, Dong-chan tenses and asks if he’s speaking to the killer, warning that if the man kills Soo-hyun, he’ll kill him in return.

In that moment, Soo-hyun sneaks out the pen that Saet-byul gave her and bites the killer’s arm, then whirls around to use the pen to stab him in the gut. He pushes her away and they wrestle each other to the ground.

Soo-hyun sees the victim nearby, tied and gagged but alive. The killer recovers his knife and heads toward Soo-hyun.

Hearing the fight over the phone, Dong-chan realizes he needs to find Soo-hyun fast. Still in that empty lot with the motorcycle gang, he casually walks closer and compliments the leader on his bike. Then he launches forward and ambushes him, jumping onto the motorcycle and speeding off before the gang can react.

In the alleyway, the killer looms over Soo-hyun and is about to stab her when the victim starts screaming for help, the rain having loosened the duct tape from her mouth. The killer reaffixes the tape and creepily tells her that he’ll only be a minute, then returns to Soo-hyun.

He raises the knife to stab her when she gathers up all her strength and pushes him to the ground. She kicks him, grabbing his knife and using all her strength to try to stab him. Damn.

But the killer overpowers her and grabs the knife back, now on top of her as he uses all his strength to try to stab her. And then in the distance, we hear a motorcycle’s engine. Dong-chan has found them.

He flies over them on the motorcycle, then jumps off the bike and goes straight for the killer. They fight and Dong-chan manages to pull off the killer’s mask, but they’re moving too fast to see his face.

The killer pushes Dong-chan away and runs off. Dong-chan starts to follow but turns back around to check on Soo-hyun, who is unconscious. He spots the victim and unties her ropes, telling her to call the police. Augh, don’t send her off alone!

Soo-hyun regains consciousness, and although Dong-chan tells her he sent her to fetch the police, Soo-hyun says they can’t let her out of their sight.

The woman runs around the corner and comes upon a man in the street, calling for help. She stops mid-sentence when she sees the man’s bloody shirt. It’s the killer. And… he’s wearing cop’s uniform? Oh, no.

Dong-chan goes in search of the woman, but stops cold at an ominous sight. Soo-hyun catches up to him, and they both see something bloody under an old tarp. Dong-chan lifts the plastic cover to find the woman murdered.

Thirteen days before Saet-byul’s death. At the police station, Woo-jin gets briefed on the previous night’s events while looking over the evidence. Soo-hyun identifies the pen as hers, which she used to stab the killer. Woo-jin uncaps it to discover blood on the tip and sends it in for blood testing.

Soo-hyun asks if he believes her yet, adding that if he had believed her from the start another person wouldn’t have died. Woo-jin can’t say anything and they’re interrupted by another detective who comes in to give Soo-hyun her purse and phone.

Dong-chan is in the other room talking to his cop friend Ho-kook about the murders. Ho-kook tells him that the women have no connection to each other, and the police don’t think that the victims knew the killer.

Dong-chan wonders how the killer was able to get close to the women without causing alarm, explaining that he didn’t hear any screams despite being so close by.

Looking back at Soo-hyun and Woo-jin, Dong-chan asks what their relationship is. Ho-kook doesn’t know but says that it’s obvious that they share a history, and that Woo-jin does seem to have a vested interested in Soo-hyun.

Dong-chan drives Soo-hyun home, telling her she’s fearless. And lucky. It wouldn’t have occurred to most people to use the pen as a knife, and he wonders if she’s got a fighting past. (We know she was something of a brawler in her youth.)

Soo-hyun just asks how he was able to find her so quickly and Dong-chan admits that he put a tracking device on her jacket earlier at the club. He says he won’t do it again if she promises to be more careful.

Soo-hyun is sad that they weren’t able to save the second victim, afraid that things are happening just like last time, which means the third victim will die tonight. Dong-chan tells her to stay positive. He points out that originally the second victim was found in a trash can, but this time she wasn’t. Therefore the two of them did change fate, even if just a little bit.

They pull into Soo-hyun’s garage and she realizes that her wallet is missing. The killer must have taken it. Dong-chan just tells her to go inside first and that he’ll be back later.

Ji-hoon is waiting for her, obviously upset. He angrily asks where she was all night, but turns worried once he sees her bruised face. Soo-hyun wordlessly goes up to check on Saet-byul.

Dong-chan heads home, and just like the first time around Grandpa Byung-ho is there waiting for him. He’s eating the food that Dong-chan’s mother made, and Dong-chan feels a sense of déjà vu, remembering this happening before.

Again Grandpa Byung-ho chides him for living this way, then offers Dong-chan ten billion won if he promises to live a decent life. Dong-chan sighs and says that he’s actually being a very good person right now, doing a really good deed.

Dong-chan asks why he’s offering him this money. Grandpa Byung-ho says that he’s going to die soon and that he wants to help out a poor soul to ensure he can get into heaven. Dong-chan presses — why him in particular?

Grandpa Byung-ho says that out of all the pitiful people in this world, Dong-chan is the most pitiful. Not because he’s poor or starving, but because he’s living a life filled with hatred, anger, and resentment, neglecting his parents and living recklessly. He may put on a tough exterior, but Grandpa knows how lonely and broken Dong-chan really is.

A flash of vulnerability crosses Dong-chan’s face but he quickly puts on his brave front, blustering that Grandpa doesn’t know anything about Dong-chan. Hm, Dong-chan might not believe it, but I think Grandpa Byung-ho knows a lot.

Back at Soo-hyun’s house, Jenny and Byung-tae are setting up all their spy gear when Ji-hoon unexpectedly comes home. Soo-hyun follows him to the other room and a fight brews.

Ji-hoon is growing increasingly frustrated with Soo-hyun’s fixation and calls her crazy. She admits that she sounds crazy and asks him to just put up with it for two weeks. She has to save Saet-byul from dying.

He’s tired of the death talk, but Soo-hyun insists that she won’t feel the pain of losing their daughter again, and as Ji-hoon just shakes her and asks her to come to her senses, they’re interrupted by Saet-byul crying. Soo-hyun spins around and there in the doorway is Saet-byul. Gulp, what did she hear?

Ji-hoon storms out and Soo-hyun tries to comfort her daughter. Saet-byul asks if she’s really going to die and Soo-hyun denies everything, saying that Saet-byul just had a bad dream.

The minster of justice and President Kim both wear glum faces as they watch the news, which is not good. People are angry that the president is not following through on his promises to be tough on crime. One citizen complains that the president said it wasn’t right to use taxpayer funds to keep death row inmates alive — so why isn’t he changing that policy?

The president sighs that he did say that, while the minister tells him they have to do something about this. The president says that it’s not that simple.

Back at Soo-hyun’s, she and Dong-chan and his team work on preventing the next murder. From Soo-hyun’s memory, they konw that the victim is a woman in her 30s, and was a prostitute known for working out of karaoke clubs. Soo-hyun writes down a list of the clothes she was wearing, the most notable items being fishnet tights and a pink wig.

Soo-hyun then remembers something else and starts drawing a picture of a three-headed dog, which they look up in hopes of more clues.

Then Saet-byul pops her head in saying that she wants to help. Everyone freezes until Dong-chan says he’ll play with her outside and leads her away.

Ha, they’re outside in the courtyard playing ddak-ji, and apparently Dong-chan did not go easy on her for being a child. Saet-byul is in tears as she’s about to lose her last game piece. Dong-chan offers to teach her how to make an unbeatable ddak-ji, which involves waiting for a car to come by and flatten it (so that it cannot be overturned and therefore lost).

It reminds Dong-chan of his childhood, when his older brother had done the same thing for him. Dong-chan had denied being related to him when the other kids teased Dong-ho for being mentally disabled, but the look on his face tells us that he felt incredibly guilty about it.

Just outside the gate, Young-gyu hears them playing. He looks at them sadly and walks away.

Soo-hyun watches them play outside, and later gently chastises Saet-byul for using Daddy’s work papers for her game. They unfold the ddak-ji papers and reassemble the documents, but when mom asks if she returned them all, Saet-byul lies and hangs on to one — she doesn’t want to give up the unbeatable ddak-ji Dong-chan made for her.

Assistant Byung-tae finds info on the three-headed dog graffiti, just as Ji-hoon walks into the room. The air turns tense and detective time is over for the day. Dong-chan and his team leave, and he tries to remember where he’s seen Ji-hoon before.

Another fight ensues as Ji-hoon demands an explanation and Soo-hyun says that the team was helping her save Saet-byul. She leaves things in a strained mood, not about to stop her activities despite his anger about them.

At the same time, Young-gyu is at his school practicing a skit with his classmates. Young-gyu’s teacher notices that he seems down, and when Young-gyu explains that his friend has found a new friend, his teacher kindly tells him to just ask to join in next time. That cheers Young-gyu back up.

Young-gyu’s teacher walks back to his office and seems like a nice enough guy… but then winces in pain and falls over. A policeman’s jacket falls from his bag and when he lifts up his shirt we see that the wound in his stomach is bleeding. The killer!

Soo-hyun and Dong-chan find the artists who drew the three-headed dog graffiti, which was commissioned by the owner of a karaoke club. Soo-hyun and Dong-chan find out the club name from the artists and rush off.

At the same time, our killer is disguised as a cop performing a surprise inspection of the karaoke club. He tells the owner that he’ll be fined for the large stack of crates and boxes blocking the emergency exit. As the owner goes off to find someone to clear the doorway, the killer slips a gas canister between the crates.

Soo-hyun and Dong-chan arrive at the club and question an employee, who denies knowing about the prostitute until Dong-chan threatens to arrest him since he’s clearly underage to be working here.

Then the killer walks by, and for the briefest moment he and Dong-chan make eye contact.

With the employee’s information, Soo-hyun and Dong-chan arrive at an office occupied by gangsters. They’re unhelpful, so Dong-chan asks Soo-hyun to wait outside the door, and then we hear him beating the gangsters into submission. When Soo-hyun re-enters the room, the gangsters are kneeling on the floor in deference to Dong-chan, as he sits at a desk going over their records.

He finds a possible lead and asks about a certain customer, who is a regular who only requests one particular prostitute, Mimi. He’s requested her for tonight at the karaoke club, too.

Soo-hyun and Dong-chan head over to the customer’s apartment and we see that it’s not our killer, but um, a guy that obviously likes sex. His room is adorned with posters of half-naked ladies and there are Barbie dolls all over the place. Including inside his pants. Ha and ew.

Dong-chan and Soo-hyun barge in and question him about Mimi and making reservations for that night. Dong-chan holds him against the wall while Soo-hyun lifts up his shirt, but there’s no wound. It’s not the killer.

The guy tells them that while he is a regular customer of Mimi’s, he didn’t request her for tonight. In fact he lost his phone a few days ago.

Dong-chan calls Ho-kook to put a trace on the guy’s phone, but Ho-kook is hesitant to help. Dong-chan scolds him for thinking about his career over saving someone’s life when Woo-jin takes the phone from Ho-kook.

It’s tense between the two men and Woo-jin asks to speak with Soo-hyun. He knows they’re running around together. Soo-hyun takes the phone and Woo-jin tells her about the reported fire at the karaoke bar.

The karaoke bar indeed seems to be on fire and the area is full of firefighters by the time Soo-hyun and Dong-chan arrive. Soo-hyun jumps out of the car and runs into the building before Dong-chan can stop her.

The killer wanders the smoky halls, dressed as a fireman and wearing a gas mask. He spies his victim, Mimi, by the emergency exit and makes his way toward her. Mimi reaches out to him for help, but before she can, Soo-hyun appears out of the smoke to grabs Mimi’s hand and pull her away.

Soo-hyun then locks Mimi in a bathroom stall as Dong-chan asks her what she plans to do. He says it’s too dangerous to go after the killer on their own, but she tells him they have no choice. If they don’t catch him now, Saet-byul will die next.

Dong-chan tells her she could be killed too, but Soo-hyun just makes him promise to make sure to catch the killer — even if she’s killed, he shouldn’t save her because Saet-byul’s life comes first. Dong-chan doesn’t like the idea, but agrees.

They let Mimi out of the stall, and she’s both angry at them and unbelieving of their warning that her life is in danger. She gets a call then from her customer, and she makes plans to meet at the bar across the way.

After some pleading and the promise of a doubled fee, Mimi agrees to do what Soo-hyun and Dong-chan say. While Soo-hyun and Mimi switch clothes in the bathroom, Woo-jin arrives at the scene and hears that the fire was a false alarm. Someone planted a gas bomb set to a timer.

Woo-jin finds Dong-chan in front of the bathroom and asks about Soo-hyun. Just then she and Mimi come out wearing each other’s clothes, and both men are stunned by Soo-hyun’s transformation.

Soo-hyun asks Dong-chan to take Mimi home safely, which he refuses to do because he’s intent on staying to protect Soo-hyun. Aww. But when she adds that she’ll feel most comfortable sending Dong-chan with Mimi, he grudgingly agrees.

So Soo-hyun, dressed as Mimi, waits at the club for the killer. Woo-jin and Ho-kook sit at a table nearby and watch over her.

Meanwhile, Dong-chan drives Mimi home and is about to leave, but Mimi snaps at him to take Soo-hyun’s clothes back. So he sighs but follows her inside so she can change, anxious to get back to Soo-hyun.

While he waits, Soo-hyun calls him to say that there’s no sign of the killer yet, and when he says that he’s on his way, Soo-hyun tells him she’d feel better if he stayed and watch over Mimi. He’s not happy about it, but agrees.

Mimi comes out and hands over the clothing, softening a bit when Dong-chan asks after the baby picture that’s out. Hearing that her son, now 16, is the same same age as his nephew, Mimi rummages through a pile of red knitted sweaters and offers him one for Young-gyu.

Mimi explains that she gave her son up for adoption long ago, but every year on his birthday she knits him a sweater. She assures Dong-chan he’s fine to take that one because her son will probably outgrow this before he could wear it, and she’ll just make a bigger sweater next year. It’s bittersweet and makes me nervous.

Security calls to tell Dong-chan to move his double-parked car. Dong-chan heads out, telling Mimi he’ll be right back.

Soo-hyun sits at the club and the killer is still nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a man leans over her asking if she’s been waiting a long time and sits down right next to her. Woo-jin and Ho-kook rush over and grab him. Soo-hyun lifts the man’s shirt but there’s no stab wound.

Mimi’s phone rings, and it’s the number of her client, AKA the killer. Soo-hyun answers, and the killer tells her that he’s picked another woman — it’s not Soo-hyun who’ll die tonight.

Dong-chan returns after moving the car, but there’s no answer at the door and inside all the lights are out. His phone rings, and he picks it up off the ground… and it’s covered in blood. Dong-chan follows the blood trail to the bathroom and slowly opens the shower curtain. Lying inside is Mimi, dead. Dong-chan sadly closes the curtain.

After a second, Dong-chan suddenly whips the curtain back open and standing inside the shower is the killer.

Dong-chan grabs him and throws him. The sink breaks with the impact and they fight viciously. Dong-chan recognizes him as the cop from the karaoke bar as he grabs a towel and uses it to choke the killer, then shoves his head into the toilet.

The killer struggles, then wrenches free as the fight moves to the living room. The killer grabs a knife from the kitchen, luckily missing Dong-chan when he takes a swing. The killer kicks him back, then jumps out the window, landing on a car below. Dong-chan calls the cops and then jumps out the window after the killer, chasing him through the neighborhood.

Soo-hyun and Woo-jin race to Mimi’s apartment, arriving in time to see the chase. Woo-jin tells Soo-hyun to stay in the car and runs after the others.

The killer circles back and seems to have lost Dong-chan and Woo-jin. But when he pauses in the street to catch his breath, we see Soo-hyun watching him. Except now she’s in the driver’s seat.

She guns it, and the car hits him hard enough that he crashes into the windshield. He’s hurt, but in a rage charges the driver’s side door, knocking her unconscious as he shoves his way into the driver’s seat. He drives off just as Woo-jin and Dong-chan turn the corner, but luckily Dong-chan still has a tracking device on Soo-hyun.

Soo-hyun comes to while the killer’s still driving, and grabs the wheel in an attempt to crash the car. They struggle and eventually crash into an abandoned building.

They’re both hurt, but the killer exits the car and drags her out, too. Soo-hyun is disoriented and has a hard time fighting back as the killer drags her up the stairs.

He blocks the door with a large metal pipe, and grabs her when she tries to flee. He screams, “Who are you? Why do you keep getting in my way?” Soo-hyun screams back that it’s over and to turn himself in. He sneers, “Do you think I’m going to let that happen?”

The cops arrive in droves, and Woo-jin and Dong-chan race up the stairs to find Soo-hyun.

The killer sees the cops below, incredulous that they found him so quickly. Soo-hyun grabs an old umbrella on the ground and hits him as hard as she can. He stumbles and starts to fall over the edge. Everyone below gasps, and at the last moment Soo-hyun grabs the killer’s hand.

Woo-jin and Dong-chan try to break down the blocked door, but it’s no use. Woo-jin gets a call updating him to the situation, and at that Dong-chan races back down the stairs.

The killer begs Soo-hyun not to let go, but a calm look passes across her face. She tells him that he has to die in order for her daughter to live. He has no idea what she’s talking about and begs her again to save him.

The killer loses his grip and falls.


What another great episode. So suspenseful and action-packed. It’s only the fourth episode and Saet-byul’s killer has been caught. Or has he?

The Gangnam Killer has been caught, and is most likely dead… But does that really mean that Soo-hyun has changed fate and saved her daughter’s life?

I’m sure that over half the clues are red herrings presented only to confuse us. But I also wonder how inter-connected everything is, too. Because another aspect of the Fate theme, in my opinion, is the surprising ways in which people are and can be connected to one another.

Honestly, I don’t think Saet-byul is safe just yet and that there is an even greater mystery and/or Evil out there. I still wonder what happened in Dong-chan’s past and what exactly his brother went to jail for. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it was connected in some way to everything going on today. In fact, after going back to past episodes I now think there is definitely a bigger conspiracy, and Big Bad, out there.

And that for whatever reason it has chosen to use Dong-chan and his family as its scapegoat. The gangsters who threw him in the lake in Episode 2 were not the same gangsters of the cuckholded Mob Boss, and I apologize for missing that in my last recap. (I promise to work really hard on having Eagle Eyes to spot ALL the clues from here on out!)

I’m leaning toward the president or someone with a lot of political power, only because I think you would need to have that kind of clout to frame an entire family like that. This show has thrown so many clues and possibilities and shady characters at us, I just know there is more to our story.

And like we’ve seen so far, there is definitely some strange magical connection between Soo-hyun’s family and Dong-chan’s family. And between Soo-hyun and Dong-chan especially. I loved how they came together and are now working together this episode. They’re both very real and interesting characters individually, and together they’re just even better.

Soo-hyun is a great heroine. This episode especially has showed us that she’s absolutely fearless. And has so much heart. Her number one objective is to save her daughter, but she also does everything she can to try to protect other people, too. Throughout the entire ordeal, she constantly tried to do all that she could to make sure no one else died. And she expected those helping her to do the same. I think that’s really awesome.

Dong-chan is the quintessential noir hero. On the outside, he’s pure cynicism and jaded growl. But deep down on the inside, he’s still got a strong heart and great moral fiber. He’s been through so much and has seen so much negativity in the world that he hides his true self deep down inside. So again, I really hope that along with saving Saet-byul’s life, Dong-chan gets to change his fate and fix his life, too.

I like how the show kept showing us that there are pre-destined things that will happen no matter what, while also showing us that we maybe can change things. Certain conversations played out the same way, like it did with Dong-chan and Byung-ho grandpa. Or the three victims. Despite their best efforts and knowledge of the future, Soo-hyun and Dong-chan weren’t able to save them. Is that because these women’s fates were pre-destined to end in murder no matter what? And what does that mean for Saet-byul? Is she next?

Despite all of that, I think the show doesn’t want to say one way or the other which is right. I think it’s leaving it up to us, the viewers, to question and come to our own conclusions. Like Dong-chan told Soo-hyun earlier, even though it was hard they did manage to change fate a little. That had to count for something, right?


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Thank you Solabelly for the recap! Saet-byul is so-not-safe! Will develop on this shortly. The killer looked absolutely puzzled when confronted with the info that he would kill her daughter - of course there is at least another one on the loose. Don't worry about the eagle eyes - we are all here to help and bring our contribution. You are doing a great job. Loved your take on Dong Chan!


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Yes, I think most of us agree that this killer had nothing to do with the kidnapping - question is, how long will it take her to figure that out? I think that is the real cliff hanger here.


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There are two questions here:

1) Will the killer die? After all, Dong-Chan did rush to save him, so that she won't have to deal with the guilt of letting his hand go on purpose. Dong-Chan knows she is capable of killing to avenge her daughter and he really wants to stop that from happening. If he is not killed, it will definitely take them less time to figure out that this is not the end.

2) What will the kidnapper do? Whoever calls during the show can't use the "I stabbed that girl 14 times and not 13" pretext anymore, now that they pretty much have the real killer in their hands.


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I am pretty sure the killer is dead or near dead - from the looks it seems like he fell at least four stories, and hit a couple of pretty hard objects on the way down. I am not sure she would have any guilt from dropping him - if nothing else she already held him longer than most people could considering that he probably weights 2x what she does.

#2 is the real question - he obviously cannot make the same call, so what will the kidnapper come up with?


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My theory is this, the real kidnapper and killer of the daughter is most probably a police officer or some type of kcia employee. The president or his aid without his knowledge asked them to create this terrible situation where a child is killed and murdered so he has a somewhat valid reason for executing prisoners. Since his approval ratings is going down he drain and he needs to keep his promise of keeping crime down and executing prisoners and what better person to kidnap then the daughter of the man who is so agianst the death penalty and a woman who is a writer for a show that looks at murders. I am sure that there are probably a whole bunch of other little connections going on but i think this is the main thing going on.


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I agree; the whole kidnapping of Saet-byul thing has been orchestrated by a person (or people) with an agenda. But the whole kidnapping of the child of prominent people to just serve some kind of political agenda around the death penalty issue seems extremely dangerous to pull off for smart political operatives like the Prime Minister and the truly reptilian Justice Minister. The potential cost seems to outweigh the benefit. Saet-byul does die and it appears as if she wasn't intended to die but merely to be held. I suspect the 16 year old murder and the maybe cover-up of the real killer is at the centre of it all.


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and I like how it's an actual "cliffhanger" for the ending of the episode


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saet-byul died of drowning right? what if the 'kidnapper' did not mean to kill saet-byul but really did just have an ulterior (or political?) motive? just that, saet-byul accidentally died?


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"The killer looked absolutely puzzled when confronted with the info that he would kill her daughter – of course there is at least another one on the loose."

i agree with you that this guy is probably not saet-byul's killer, just because it's only the fourth episode and there are still twelve more to go. but even if he WAS the real abductor, would it be so far fetched that he would be genuinely perplexed by soo-hyun's words?

because we don't know the details of SB's abduction, whether it was planned in advance or a spur-of-the-moment thing that happened outside the broadcasting station. even if SB's abduction was planned in advance, and this guy WAS her real abductor, maybe he just hasn't had the chance to target SB yet. after all, he'd only just killed victim #3. does this sort of make sense?

i realized this guy made an appearance at the bazaar in episode 1 where the disabled kids were selling their handmade goods, right before soo-hyun's encounter with the destiny cafe.


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God's Gift is such a great drama. I bet my million bucks that Lee Bo-young is gonna bring home the Daesang again this year.


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Daesangs are rotated. Those awards means nothing anyway when they are mostly not based on real merit despite the claim otherwise.


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So true, last couple of times people and shows got the award for no apparent reason except that they had not gotten one lately, because in some cases the shows and/or acting just sucked.


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Daesang are usually given to the drama with more of the higher ratings. Though Gods Gift 14 days is pretty good drama, it has slim chances of winning along with the fact it aired too early that they might forget. Look at Queens Ambition got stellar ratings but did not win any awards at the ceremony.

But awards aren't a big deal anyways. If Suzy, Yoona & Han Ga In can win one of the top acting awards it does not mean much... I sorta find it an insult to other actors & actresses that are better but aren't lucky enough to receive it.


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"..If Suzy, Yoona & Han Ga In can win one of the top acting awards it does not mean much.."

Actually I think Yoona has come a long ways and gotten much better.

But yeah, Suzy... I would place her as worse even than PSH, who's "acting" I detest. Queen of Ambition deserved a couple of awards, but was almost totally ignored.

In short those awards are a joke - even the Korean fans think so.


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do not forget Moon Geum Young with Daesang! Painter of the wind is definitely not a high-ratings drama but Moon Geum Young deserved that for her excellent acting. I dont think Lee Bo Young cant get that one more time. It is just 4 episodes, and the drama has 24 episodes. We still have the chance to make it


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Not sure if she'll get it, but she certainly deserves it.

My own money is on Jeon Ji-hyun, although admittedly dramas broadcasting earlier in the year tend to be forgotten.


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Sawry to everyone else, but i'm getting that daesang at the 50th baeksang art awards in 2 months time. If not, i'm sure to snag Top Excellence Actress Award.

Of cawrse, that's nauuurmal. I AM CHEON SONG-YI.


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Song Yi,

It is your destiny to win the Daesang. You shall win it, for it will find you.

Alas... You are my destinyyy as well.

Do Min Joon


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See, what did I say?

You are destiny. :)

Or should I say, DAES-tiny.


Unni, fighting!


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Of course, my noona is the best!

Noona, hwaiting!

Min Joonie hyung, take care of my noona please!


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Yoon Jae ah, my destinyyyyyy! Let's watch your noona snag that award together ~~~


I'm so proud of you dongsaeng!


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Buahahaha, you guys are hilarious. I wanted to impersonate a YFAS character and write a comment too but the good ones were taken, lmao.


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To the critics of the baeksang art awards:

You know i care for your health, right?

*twists ring*


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Oh, Lee Jae Kyung, I thought you are in prison? I won't let you destroy the Baeksang Awards or harm Cheon Song Yi!


we, the veteran singers, support you Cheon Song-yi ssi :)


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Well, i think it is Jo Seung Woo(our Ki Dong Chan) will take the Daesang this year. Lee Bo-young has a great chance to win the title however i think Jo Seung Woo will make him name this time. First of all, he is such a great actor, i really love his movies like the Classics, Marathons and Tazza: The high roller. He posses an excellent acting skill that only the top actors like Lee Byung Hun, Jang Dong Gun and Jo In Sung can share. Furthermore, he is continuously making us like him. His tragic past is still not revealed and i think he still has the chance to show his acting and makes many more moving scenes.


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Woahhhh, we are not even leave quartal I 2014 and you guys are talking about the end of year award ceremony...

Dramabeans follower are so visioner, salute.


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Jo Seung Woo got daesang for 2012 MBC drama awards(horse healer) -- one that he felt he didn't deserve. I was sad that he didn't feel comfortable talking about it when the subject came up.
I'm sure he knows these award ceremonies are a joke, though -- he said it was a faulty decision about judges HA
As if i didn't need more reason to love him.

He's excellent in this show. He's the one i keep thinking about.


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I agree! MBC daesang 2012 should be Ahn Jae Wook. It would be better if Ahn Jae Wook get the daesang since Jo Seung woo won the Top excellent award. Or both the actor should have shared the award.


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Thanks for the recap, that was a great episode!

I loved the appearance of Kang Sung Jin as the teacher by day serial-killer by night. :D
He's been a favourite of mine since I saw him in Attack the Gas Station (best film EVER) and I feel it's a shame he hasn't enjoyed the same success as his co-stars.

I was a little surprised by his death. Like everyone I figured the serial killer wasn't responsible for SB's death but I still didn't expect him to be captured or die so quickly. Makes me wonder what's in store for next week!


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Agreed! He has been underutilized so hopefully this role will put him back on the radar. I also totally didn't expect his death so soon and at Soohyun's hands no less. This was an intense episode and I wonder how Soohyun will handle the consequences of her choice. He's a killer who deserves to die, but I wonder if it was all voluntary. Maybe he could have provided info on the real threat to Saetbyul if the police had had a chance to question him. Can't wait to see how the other bits of the first two episodes surface to lead us on other paths.

Thanks, solabelly, for the recap! This is a difficult drama to summarize. So many things happen in each episode with red herrings thrown at us right and left.


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I LOVE the fact that the killer was revealed and dispatched so quickly. I adore dramas which are always one step ahead.


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Yeah, im not as bothered by some others about the murderer being revealed and getting caught so soon. There's a purpose in every plot point from this writer, so im betting there's way more to it. From this point on, i'm imaging even more twists, turns,mysteries, and more questions. We cannot breathe a sigh of relief after this episode... it feels like we've barely scratched the surface with this writer. It should not deflate the excitement/momentum the story's got going on -- the pacing has continued to keep us on our toes.


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This ep was fantadtic from start to finish....and now the killer has been caught and maybe killed....now what? What a great way to end the ep when we are again filled with new questions...
I love Dong Chan and Soo Hyun together....the way they worked and also the way he told her to think positively..

Can't wait for next ep....thanks for the recap.


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I lovvvvvvvve your recaps; thank you so much!!!

And man does Lee Bo Young know how to choose a great project; she's knocking it out of the the park.


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This is exactly what I was thinking as well. Not just that she picks great projects but that she has great characters to play. I always have liked her and was worried after she was completely underutilized in Equator Man, but then after that it has been great character after great character. This makes me have hope for better and more varied characters for women.


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My guesses:

1) The serial killer is a serial killer whose pattern is to kill single woman (perhaps those who gave up their children for adoption seeing how he works w/ disabled kids). So, this leads me into thinking...
2) He did not kill Saet-byul because it's not his pattern. Why?...
3) I believe the killer is someone who wants execution of prisoners. He/she strongly believes that if they harm an innocent child (which will garner big media attention), he/she can get the attention of Mr. President. In this episode, the public is not happy that Mr. President has done nothing to protect the public and that the tax money goes to feeding the prisoners.
4) Those who died prior to the time traveling will die no matter what. It is their destiny to die. I believe Saet Byul will die again. If not, the mother will. There has to be consequences of going back.

Overall, this drama is going in the right direction. Lee Bo Young shines in every episode. She deserves another Daesang this year. :)


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I don't buy into #4 at all. I think you are imposing common drama tropes on this one. It is not like there is some rule or law that says you cannot change the past if you go back, except for common themes often used in movies and dramas, and this one seems to be a cut above the usual cliches.


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True. I hope #4 isn't right but the cafe lady did say something about one of two disappearing/dying/???. Hopefully this doesn't signify that either the mom or child has to die.


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Hmm.. I might have to go back and watch or read the recap on that part, you may be right.


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#4 is based on what the mystery cafe lady said and also the fact that the two ladies were dead twice. Despite how hard Soo Hyun tries to save those ladies, in the end, the killer got them. Of course, I could be wrong. Now that they got the killer, what happen to the third victim? She died prior the time traveling. But with the killer caught/identity exposed, what does that leads the third victim? I do hope Saet-byul and Soo Hyun will not die in the end.


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Actually, all three victims were stabbed: the first was found in the dumpster; the second was the skull top lady; the third was Mimi. Although the first two are definitely dead, I'm not sure if Mimi is. We saw her in the bath-tub, but Dong-chan didn't get a chance to check her pulse.

I think every time Soo-hyun is getting more and more effective at fighting fate. She didn't fight for the first victim since she was unsure if she had time-travelled. For the second victim, she delayed the death - although only for a short while - and she changed the place where she was found. For Mimi, Soo-hyun delayed the attack for a much longer period of time, and the place where she was attacked was also completely different. More significantly, she also protected Mimi the first time the killer made an attempt - during the fire.

Speaking of, the fire was a new event. My guess is that the murderer originally used the police uniform the first time Mimi was killed, but could not do so in the second timeline since it had a hole where he was stabbed. So he set the fire in order to use the fireman's uniform as a disguise.

Therefore although the deaths continue to occur, there is still hope that Saet-byul's death could be avoided, since Soo-hyun is affecting fate increasingly drastically.


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#4 is possible since within the full story of the intro (the mother and death who stole her child) even though the mother has the opportunity to chase death, the child still dies.

Buticut had posted a link. See/Read here: The Story of a Mother”, written by Hans Christian Andersen. http://hca.gilead.org.il/sandhill.html


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I have yet to see this show or read any recaps, but I wanted to ask those of you who have: do you think I should wait until the series is finished and binge-watch? Or is it so good I should jump in now?


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If you wait you will miss all the fun in here of discussing all the false clues and stuff.


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Hear hear! I feel like I'm in a brainstorming session with you guys. Besides, the show is so layered, that really, everyone can bring a different contribution to all the analyses. The show might be nail-biting, but what happens here on the page is fun (to me at least :) ).


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For a mystery/crime/thriller it is best to watch week-by-week because you catch all the clues and get to join in/read the discussions which are quite thought provoking.. it's a nice addition to the watching experience, imo.
I usually recommend light, fluff dramas to marathon, but in this case you should jump in now and not miss a single thing. Plus, how does one handle all the intensity in one sitting? Ha.


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I think if you binge you'll be super stressed! this show is pretty intense and each episode is more than in enough. I just watched 3 and 4 back to back and now my emotions and brain are fried...


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I suggest watching as it airs because not only will you be able to participate in exciting discussions and theorizing with everyone else, but you will also most likely not be spoiled if you're someone like me who reads the ending of a show before marathoning it just to get a feel if it was worth it. Whether this drama ends up bad at the end or not, the fun is in watching it as it goes along.


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Couldn’t be more in love with the show. Apart from the stellar acting, it’s well made – the editing and pace (even the action scenes are coherent, instead of going with the usual muddiness), the cinematography and the direction are all spot-on. It feels cinematic. We even get to hear the first songs from the OST.

Now, on to my usual lengthy points…I am making a habit out of this, unfortunately.

1) That bite! The stab! The stomp! Soo-hyun, you’re a fighter! I’m in awe of her character and of the lengths she is willing to go to for her daughter. Wow. She even stabbed the guy with the laser shooting pen that she receives as a birthday gift from Saet-byul. Awesome. I am so tired of the damsel in distress scenario, so the ass-kicking heroine is a breath of fresh air. I love the chemistry between Dong Chan and Soo-hyun. Throw in there some Woo-jin too and we have a dream team. She is the reckless one, Dong Chan the cunning and Woo-jin the stiff let’s-follow-the-rules guy. Somehow, they all fit together. It’s interesting to me how Woo-jin liked Soo-hyun better when she was more of a brawler and she somehow goes back to those roots. She is hustling! Now Woo-jin needs to loosen up a bit and I might end up shipping him with Soo-hyun. I like these guys so much – please, k-drama, keep them clean LOL, since I am still careful with whom I like.

2) What most of us thought is actually happening. There are two of them. At least. Right? The moment they revealed the criminal’s face and day job, I knew that he was not the guy they were looking for, since he wouldn’t make it past this episode, judging by how everybody was on his trails. The caller still looks to me like someone having a police background or someone with connections. He was trying to make everybody believe he was responsible for the 3 murders, even bringing arguments that maybe only the forensics guys knew, but now that they have the killer, he’ll have to think of something else. I mean, how could he possibly know the exact number of stabs of a crime he didn’t commit? Not only did he know they got it wrong, but he also gave them the correct number. Someone was feeding him the info.

3) Could that Minister of Justice be creepier? Ok, so the people are actually complaining because of the lack of death penalty, since keeping them in prison is costly. Wow… and I thought the majority would be against it. So heartless, y’all lol. This means that whoever is threatening the president during the show could also be pissed because he pays for the criminals’ imprisonment. The Minister of Justice is quite pushy – the president although recalling his promise of doing that (promulgate death penalty), doesn’t seem that keen on the idea – it’s not so simple, my dear - while the Minister wants to take care of the matter ASAP. Have I already mentioned how creepy that Minister is?


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4) Now we should move on to the kidnapper and this will be a hard one, since she will have to go all the way back to the Song case from the first episode, which happened before Soo-hyun’s birthday. However, her husband does mention that she will talk about it during the program, so she will try to remember those details. Since during these 14 days, the only thing he will do will be to kidnap Saet-byul and no one else, there is no way of stopping him, so Soo-hyun will probably check on every person her daughter will get in touch with. ALTHOUGH, as I mentioned earlier, he might have to do one more dirty job (possibly kidnapping another child), since he lost the argument with the 3 killings to back up his threats. And of course, we still need to discover if the one who called really abducted Saet-byul and not someone else with a similar voice. That’s still a possibility and would fit with the inconsistency. Maybe he was just an actor employed by the Minister of Justice, to panic the president and push him into making up his mind once and for all about the death penalty and due to a sad Korean drama-style coincidence, Saet-byul was kidnapped the exact same moment, leading to confusion. Her death might have been something unplanned and unrelated, which happened at a convenient time to capitalize on the tragedy with the death penalty lobby. Remember that the caller at no time mentions KIDNAPPING – he states he will KILL the child, plain and simple. Why wait 7 days to kill her? That’s not the MO. Moreover, her death seemed to be accidental, so whoever was holding her didn’t intend on killing her, although some fighting was involved. I feel the Minister’s hand is in this! And never does the caller or the child say any names. Still feels fishy to me that at no point did Saet-byul and Soo-hyun exchange words on the phone. Come to think of it, this is the theory I am most inclined to go with, although that might be excessive teasing for the viewers. That would be something – a killer, a kidnapper, scamming kidnappers (?) and a faux killer in one show.

5) This brings me to Young-gyu. I have a bad feeling about this, because in this version, apparently he and Saet-byul aren’t becoming friends and he gets concerned/disappointed. This is mainly due to Soo-hyun’s unintentional actions (buying him shoes => scratch the socks from Saet-byul, bringing Dong Chan home => he becomes her daughter’s playmate). Maybe Dong Chan will do with Saet-byul the things she was doing with Young-gyu and Soo-hyun will watch over Young-gyu. Also, don’t know what to make of the killer being his drama teacher (?), although he did give him some good piece of advice. In regards to Dong-ho, after seeing Dong Chan’s flashback when he plays that game, the other children were thinking his older brother was an idiot, which makes me believe that he is definitely not faking his illness.

6) It’s interesting how these two last episodes were all about glass, unlike the first two which dealt with water. When Soo-hyun is dying, there are glass fragments at the bottom of the river. When she is in the rain and the murderer pushes her, she falls to the ground and gets her hand cut with the glass. Saet-byul also gets her finger cut. Soo-hyun hits the guy with the windshield and it breaks. The guy jumps through a window…glass glass glass.


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5) SUCH an interesting point! I hadn't even thought about how much Soo-hyun's attempts to protect Saet-byul are undermining SB's relationship with Young-gyu.

6) This is a really interesting observation. If nothing else, it gives an added sense of danger and is a reminder of how fragile seemingly solid things can be.


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Great insight re the socks.... but I don't think Saet Byul will let her friendship with Young-gyu slip. She isn't that cruel. Also there is an uncle/nephew relationship between hero and young-gyu so am not sure why they wouldn't talk about Saet Byul since they seem to have a good relationship.


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Thank you :D ! Although, as I see it, she might inadvertently let the friendship slip, because Young-gyu is reluctant to approach her if he sees she is in good company. Basically, she can't reach out to him if she doesn't see him there. His shyness gets in the way. I just hope they will have a chance to form a stronger bond, just like before and even if they don't, I feel Soo-hyun won't neglect him, even more if she will find out Dong-Chan is his uncle.


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7) Jesus Christ, could the husband be more annoying? Ok, sure, it’s baffling to hear that his daughter is going to die, but he is so rude and disrespectful to her. She could have told him that she is having visions or something like that, but no matter how crazy she sounds, he should show more understanding. It doesn’t look like these two had a loving marriage – there is no communication between them, they seem distant. The marriage will have a nasty ending, I can tell that.

8) Dong Chan saying he thinks he saw Ji-Hoon before – this smells like adultery to me, although it could be something entirely different, related to cases (he is a lawyer after all). But remember how most of Dong Chan’s assignments were all about loans and infidelity? I have this theory (that also some of you mentioned) that Ji-Hoon is screwing around with Min Ah. Or screwed around, until he found out she was pregnant. We saw in this episode that Ji-Hoon can get quite violent if you push the wrong buttons. He is right there on the verge. So, Min Ah’s boyfriend became suspicious, asked Dong Chan to help him track her and he caught them in the act, with photo evidences. Since the boyfriend is threatening Min Ah with giving something to Soo-hyun, I am guessing he was talking about those proofs. Furthermore, that “guy” could have decided that it’s better to blackmail the husband with the pictures instead and maybe that’s what he saw at the end of the second episode. Seeing the pictures, he might have assumed that the guy is the kidnapper, since he seemed to have had a personal vendetta against him. If we are to assume that Ji-Hoon put those thugs to throw Dong Chan at the bottom of the river, it’s not quite working, since Ji-Hoon pretty much wants to kill the guy with his own hands and not employ others to do it. When Soo-hyun installs those surveillance cameras, he says sarcastically, that they should also place one in the bedroom and she asks him if they should. Hmmmm

9) Wonder if they will think about placing a tracking device on Saet-byul as well or it that will be also considered a way of running away from fate.

10) What’s interesting to me is that it seems that in this reality, Saet-byul will side with her mother and actually turn against her dad, since she looks to be more loving to her. Even through their behavior, it’s as if Soo-hyun and Ji-Hoon switched places in this reality. It’s all about mommy mommy mommy. Also wonder if there was anything important written on daddy’s page which Saet-byul keeps in her pocket. If Woo-jin is not involved in any way with the kidnappings, he and Soo-hyun might rekindle, since he, just like her husband, is someone who didn’t experience time travelling, yet he still decides to go out of his logic ways to believe her and be there for her, since there are still feelings involved. This shows how uneven the confidence in Soo-hyun is between her husband and Woo-jin.


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I think the dad is more fun for Saet Byul than the heroine, though. He gives Saet Byul space to breathe and to be a kid.

re: adultery, it's interesting that adultery is one of the subthemes of this story and the old rich guy's comment: "Why is it so important to track down adulterers?" Because sometimes marriage and life is complicated and although cheating is wrong, there are so many factors that affect/cause adultery.


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@Carole McDonnell: We're getting introduced to a whole spectrum of morally questionable behavior. There's the question of adultery and prostitution, and at what point we can/should judge or punish those who engage in that behavior, if at all. And beyond that but along similar lines is the question of killing and whether killing is ever justified.

Most people agree that killing a child is unfathomably evil. But the show gives us examples of "legal" killing (death penalty), and furthermore, legally killing someone who may be innocent. Then beyond that, we get examples of killing a prostitute and (with Dong-chan) of killing a man who slept with a mob boss's wife. If it ends up coming out that the Gagnam killer is on a mission to kill women who've abandoned mentally handicapped children, will we view him any differently? The show seems to be asking whether there are shades of grey when it comes to taking another life. Does anyone "deserve" to be killed? Is it ever ok to take another life? These questions seem particularly relevant to Soo-hyun now, who most likely killed one man in what many believe is a completely justifiable scenario. But is murder ever justified? Furthermore, what makes murder murder?


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I think the concepts of good and evil differ according to who is committing them and against whom. We all pretty much agree that, for example, stealing should be punished, but can you really blame someone for stealing, if he is in a position where life took everything away from him? Moreover, in which conditions should something which is considered to be morally wrong, be punished with the same measurement?

Death penalty in simple terms could be resumed to punishing a life of crime committing another crime, but in a controlled environment. We are playing God and it's easy to condemn such behavior from the outside. As we can see even in this show, everything changes once you are emotionally involved in the cause. Everything becomes subjective. From a mother's standpoint, having her child on death row, death penalty should never be employed. From a father's standpoint, whose kid has been killed by such a human being, death is the right punishment.

Are we really apt to decide when a person becomes a monster and when there's no humanity left in him? We do live in a judgmental society, where people point fingers at each other before asking questions.

As someone previously mentioned, we are being presented people considered to be the "garbage" of the society (the pitiful Dong-Chan, the prostitute MiMi, the mentally disabled brother). On the outside, they don't look like people we should root for, yet once we get a glimpse into the heart of these characters, we totally change our perception of them.

Curiously enough, the killer is right at the other end - looks decent and even admirable due to his willingness to take care of those with disabilities, but once we get to know his dark and twisted mind, we change our perception of him.

The shades of grey questions will definitely come into play with Soo-hyun, no matter what will happen to the killer who was holding on to her hand. I wonder if the show will explore the moral implication of being driven to kill someone and how will that affect her mentality – no matter if that man dies or not, she WANTED to kill him. She was ready to do it. Of course, she wouldn’t have had the strength to hold his hand anyway, but the fact that she lets him go on purpose changes the game. Can we blame her for her actions, if we know her reasoning behind it? That man was a criminal after all, although she wanted to punish him for something he didn’t commit. In my opinion, understanding someone’s actions doesn’t necessarily make them justifiable. It only makes it worse if we are dealing with people who want others to die for the wrong reasons (Dong-ho, the killer). Even if Dong-ho is in fact responsible for the death of that girl, can we really desire someone’s death if what he did was unconsciously, without having the proper judgment to distinguish between good and evil?


11) “Even if I die because of him, don’t even try to save me”. Oh God, the foreshadowing. I am really afraid that she might save Saet-byul at the expense of her own life. The Destiny shop owner with her “Only one of you two can survive” is also not helping. Could it come full circle with Soo-hyun drowning to save Saet-byul from drowning? Please no. On that note, will Soo-hyun be able to find the ajumma, since the picture is still present, although different? Ajummaaaaaaaaaaaaa, we need you to change your damn prophecy!

12) For a moment, I thought there would be a connection between Young-gyu and the third victim, since both her son and Young-gyu are 16 years old and she gave hers to an orphanage. Oh and that rich grandpa clearly knows a lot of things about Dong Chan. He also knows he will die fairly soon.

13) I wonder if the killer will die or if Dong Chan will get there in time to save him, since he already told Soo-hyun that it would be painful for her to kill someone. Will she go on being traumatized with the fact that she purposely let him go to avenge her daughter’s death (thinking it was him) or will Dong Chan spare her? I feel the killer is going to be saved, because that would be the quickest way for her to figure out that there is another person on the loose. This is almost like Minority Report – trying to stop crimes before happening.

I'm done for today's theories LOL :)


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Wow! Great job with the theories! It's been a while since a drama did mystery the right way.


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Thanks! I just hope the show will manage to keep it up this way, without stumbling. After all, we are only 1/4 through it, but let's be positive :).


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On #1 I agree 100%. I am a bit tired of the frail damsel who just cowers in a corner and hides her face babbling "what do I do" over and over.

On #4 You listed a lot of possible ways this could go, and I can think of a lot more. As of ep4, it is almost like we are starting over with a brand new mystery and I think there are a lot more things to come out.


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With 4#, I feel we are going back to the drawing board, because even though we all pretty much knew there were at least two different cases, we didn't expect for the killer to be caught this early on, so this is a game changer. Even with the killer out of the equation, what the caller says still doesn't fit with the unfolding of the events leading to Saet-byul's death. Whoever called went on a limb that they would have a tough time finding the killer.


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Just a thought, could the killer be the president's son? He appeared briefly in the first episode. The president asked him then how long he would stay in Korea, and he said 2 weeks. He didn't seem close to his dad, so he may want to do things that go against his campaign. Just an observation coz there will be no meaning to that scene if the son is going to 'die' away from the show after that scene, they may as well use someone even more unknown. The son acted as bad guy in other shows before.


Nicely said. I love that the drama gives us so much to think about.


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i think what the destiny shop owner meant by "only one can survive" part was in reference to saet-byul/soo-hyun against destiny/killer. spoken in korean, it didn't seem like it meant that only saet-byul or only soo-hyun got to live.

i hope they don't pull a secret garden on us regarding the cafe thing. i hope they have something up their sleeves on this!


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I agree with most of your theories (btw I think they're awesome- I never picked up on the glass or the change in Yong-gyu and Saet- Byul's relationship) , but it's also my theory that the husband and Soo hyun were genuinely in love, but their marriage as a whole is more strained and less put together then it appeared to be before the time-traveling.I thought it was refreshing how soo hyun's time travel affected Ji Hoon and revealed a bit of his inner self- I've had more than my fair share of perfect, unrealistic, flawless characters in dramas and while I loved him as the sweet and caring dad portrayed in the beginning, I find his character turn more realistic and mysterious- the way he reacts to everything in a way is relatable- who wouldn't be frustrated if a close one started rambling about traveling back in time and telling the future? Many of us react to change and the unknown with suspicion, anger, denial, and frustration, and Ji-hoon's reactions show exactly this. At the same time, by showing that he isn't the perfect dad and by showing his continuous arguments with Soo-Hyun and his refusal to understand or listen to her in any way suggests that their relationship isn't as glowing or happy as we thought, and it also shows his flaws and casts his character in a new, perhaps mysterious light in relation to Saet-byul's murder and Soo-Hyun's past.


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I find it absolutely chilling and fascinating how time is portrayed in this show- how there are certain constants that can't be altered, but Soo Hyun and Dong Chan's efforts and different actions add nuances to the events and change their flow in space. And can I say I love all the actors? Each and every one of them is AMAZING (esp, Lee Bo Young) and I love all the male actors that surround her. Before I started watching God's Gift I never noticed/saw Jo Seung Woo, Jung Gyeo Woon, and Kim Tae Woo, but each of them possesses a certain charisma/atmosphere that absolutely fills out their characters! I love Dong Chan and Soo Hyun's relationship (and Jo Seung Woo in general <3) and I can't wait to see them work together and depend on each other as time runs out. I also like Woo Jin and think that he may be a better match/protector to Soo Hyun (not romantically speaking b/c God's Gift focuses more on Soo Hyun's determination to save Saet Byul than her love life and I adore this about the drama (a refreshing breather from the many cliches in other shows) but based on his willingness to at least listen to Soo Hyun, and the possibility of him understanding and believing her (after the death of the woman) than Ji Hoon, who refuses outright to listen. Overall, however, I feel that Dong-Chan is the most effective bodyguard/protector/friend.


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Yay, thank you! Maybe the recurrent motif of glass is there to give us a hint about the shattered relationship between Ji-Hoon and Soo-hyun, whose happy marriage might have been an illusion even to themselves, more if infidelity is involved, as I am suspecting. As she time-travelled, I believe she is not only discovering traits she forgot she had (Soo-hyun, FIGHTING!), but she also realizes that there are definitely cracks in her marriage – it’s a mix of poor communication and lack of confidence, which is something mutual. She tells him only half of the story and she doesn’t even do it as a mean to get his help, but just to “let him know”, since Saet-byul is his daughter as well. Since she is all hasty and in a rush, lacking the patience to communicate properly, it makes me believe that they had the kind of passive relationship, in which the way they deal with the problems is to pretend they don’t exist at all. After all, you discover the true character of someone when he is in a difficult situation, not when he’s at ease. She doesn’t care to explain – just believe me and that’s it – and he doesn’t want to listen – you’re just crazy.

All the actors shine in their parts and love the Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun dynamic as well. I started this k-drama mainly because of my oppa Jung Gyu-Woon LOL, but I am in awe of the acting of the main players. LBY and JSW are blowing my socks off. JGW might not have the flashiest role (yet!), but I am happy that he’s in such a great show (so far). He’s been around acting for a decade, but for some reason, his career isn’t really taking off, he is not a household name, despite his talent and charisma. I hope Woo-jin won’t disappoint me (there is probably some past dirt about him as well, especially in relationship to DC), because he is the one who most kudos receives, for going against his own rules, deciding to trust them based on their words alone, without having experienced the time travel himself. Maybe this will also be an opportunity for him and Dong-Chan to bury the hatchet, especially since they are starting to cooperate, despite not getting along for some grudges, I believe.

And yes, I would definitely hire Dong-Chan as my bodyguard! DAT roundhouse kick!


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buticut you are sooooooooooooooooo good!


@Carole Yay, such remarks boost my moral level :D .


I noticed #5 as well and I feel very bothered by it.

I also, for some reason, feel uncomfortable that Young-Gyu isn't wearing the running sneakers that Soo Hyeon gave him. How is he supposed to give chase if he's wearing sandals.


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He did wear the green sneakers when he sees Dong-Chan and Saet-byul playing and he goes away.
Screencap: http://s28.postimg.org/6m98wgg1o/vlcsnap_2014_03_13_06h36m29s222.jpg

He also wears them at the drama classes:


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Good catch! Thanks Buticut.


Hurrah for long comments! *high fives* We might need to get a special handshake.

I have to say that I love your comment about the glass (#6). Maybe it's to represent seeing or thinking clearly? For instance, the glass fragments around Soo-hyun at the lake could be a symbol of how she is blinded with grief, hence her attempted suicide. Similarly, when the windscreen breaks, it shows how her single-minded focus on protecting Saet-byul led her to impulsively hit the murderer. Conversely, when Saet-byul cuts her finger on glass, it's a turning point for Soo-hyun - she realises that she has travelled back in time and that some events are immutable.

Hmm, interesting ideas about Ji-hoon and Mina (#7). Maybe it's because I'm more sympathetic to him than you are, but I'm disinclined to believe that he's having an affair. Still, your arguments are convincing - but I would note that he was shaking Soo-hyun by the shoulders, whilst Mina's boyfriend restrained her by the wrists. And regarding his disbelief of Soo-hyun: I think it's because he's an intensely logical person. For starters, he's a lawyer - and thus evidence is paramount for him - but if you recall, in episode two he demanded to hear Saet-byul's voice before acceding to the fake kidnapper's demands. That's how he deals with things outside his comfort zone: with logical reasoning - although sometimes it's to his detriment. On the other hand, I may very well be projecting a bit here! I discussed Ji-hoon further in my comment below.

I don't agree with you on #4. I don't think Soo-hyun would mistake her daughter's voice - especially not when she is crying out for her mother. The fact that the kidnapper didn't mention either Soo-hyun's or Saet-byul's name seems to support this idea, since it means that Soo-hyun's response couldn't have been because of the power of suggestion.

And in my opinion, I believe that Saet-byul was killed. I feel that the kidnapper is too intelligent for Saet-byul to have escaped by herself, so I'm ruling out an accidental death as a possibility. Perhaps the kidnapper got scared of discovery? After all, he may have been frightened of the snowballing publicity - he couldn't have predicted that Soo-hyun would address him on television. It does seem out of character, but we can never guess how people will deal with intensely stressful situations.

Oh, whether the kidnapper crumbled under pressure or not - he prepared for the long-haul. In episode two, when Soo-hyun visited the cabin she noticed a mattress underneath Saet-byul's drawings. In episode three, it was conspicuously absent. The kidnapper must have prepared it for Saet-byul: a fact which suggests an intriguing strain of kindness.


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Dammit, you hit my forehead with that *high five*. That's not how it works :D .

Thank you about #6. I think it could be both a representation of clarity, but also a fragmentation - of relationships, maybe even a shattered morality/conscious. It all depends on how the rest of the events will fold out. I forgot to mention in regards to a previous comment of yours, how your idea of baptism (rebirth) also reflects in the date she goes back - it's no coincidence that the first day happens to be on her birthday.

I totally get what you mean about Ji-hoon. He’s not the sugarcoated character for which love defies all logic. It’s in his blood to be analytical – and yes, that pretty much works in his detriment. If something doesn’t sound right to him, he doesn’t go the extra mile to try to understand it. I developed a bit more my thoughts on their relationship above and definitely, Soo-hyun’s return to life proves to be a revelation, as she can see clearly now just how little they actually know each other – one does not bother to explain, the other one doesn’t bother to understand.

Why I still hold on to the adultery theory is also because of the pictures that Ji-hoon receives – specifically, the time frame. If Soo-hyun manages to alter the events leading to that, we won’t get to the part which occurs 49 days after Saet-byul’s death, in which the hubby receives some pictures and says afterwards that he found the killer. This only means that Soo-hyun’s actions will manage to bring those pictures into play before that final hour and if she gets her hands on them, it’s because the content was probably not relevant to Saet-byul’s death, but to something else. Too much time passes after Saet-byul’s death – if they would feature the criminal’s face, I feel they would have appeared earlier. Also, the fact that he receives them in an envelope and doesn’t find them in a random place, smells like a detective’s work/blackmail to me too. It’s pointless to bring them up in the second episode, if they won’t go back to them. It’s also redundant to have pictures from the crime scene with the culprit, since by knowing the location where she was taken the first time, Soo-hyun can fill in the blanks without them. UNLESS the kidnapper will change the location, since he might feel too insecure, seeing that the lock of the place has been broken (by Soo-hyun, when she goes back). I know I contradict myself a bit here, but I have the hunch though that those pictures were meant for Soo-hyun. Maybe that’s what Min Ah’s boyfriend sent to Soo-hyun, but with all the madness, they got mixed up with hubby’s stuff – when he calls Soo-hyun the first time, he says he is ready to move out of the house. Hope all this makes sense somehow.¬


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#4 is a tricky one. We are talking here about a kidnapper/killer with a pattern, just like the serial killer. It can’t be a coincidence that Song died the exact same way as Saet-byul – held for 7 days, then found by the fisherman drowned. It has to be the same guy, since it’s the exact MO. I don’t know what to make of the drowning though – 2 children drowned, with no apparent desire to be killed? Hmm…

If we are to assume that the same kidnapper was involved in the death of both girls, then why didn’t he bring this up on the phone? Why boast about the 3 murders he didn’t commit, when he could have said he was responsible for Song’s death as well? A child’s death always has more resonance with the masses. I think it’s because he didn’t really know where Saet-byul actually was – therefore, he didn’t know how the kidnapper will proceed. He just used the info that was fed to him by whoever did the autopsy of the body. I don’t think Saet-byul was left to die either – then, just like you said, why bother preparing with the mattress and even bring her chalkboard (?) – you don’t make things that “comfortable” if you want to kill someone.

The caller also didn’t act as a kidnapper on the phone, although everything else about Saet-byul’s case looked like a kidnap. If you are a kidnapper, you make demands. You negociate. If you don’t want to negociate, you kill that person, to make a statement. You want THAT in exchange, otherwise ___ wil die. It would have been more logical for him to ask, for example, the president to resign, instead of just threatening him.

I could also go with the option that he was supposed to kill her, but chickened out – however, the Song antecedent collides with this. If it wasn’t that we already had an exact same event before (maybe even 3, with the girl apparently killed by Dong-ho), I would easily dismiss the theory that he is a faker involved with the Minister of Justice, but I will hold on to it a little bit more.


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4) you asked "If we are to assume that the same kidnapper was involved in the death of both girls, then why didn’t he bring this up on the phone? Why boast about the 3 murders he didn’t commit, when he could have said he was responsible for Song’s death as well?"

If Saet-byul's murder was somehow politically motivated, as I suspect it was, the murderer would not want to cast doubt on Dong-ho's guilt in Song's murder, would he? It seems that somebody in a position of power wants Dong-ho dead. At the very least, if they cast doubt on Dong-ho's guilt, then the whole capital punishment issue would be muddied & public favor of the death penalty would go down.


I may be getting the names mixed up (too many to keep track of!). Was Song the name of the girl that Dong-ho was accused of murdering? Apologies if not.


OMG nevermind. Just realized that you were talking about the more recent killing of the girl, not the one that sent Dong-ho to jail. This is why I shouldn't theorize after midnight! :P


@rearwindow Yup, I was talking about the more recent death. No worries about theorizing late haha, I know hat feeling :D . They talk about it briefly, saying that the death of that girl is most likely related to the abduction case from a week before. As Soo-hyun and Saet-byul watch the news, it is said that people are pissed for how poorly did the police handle the case, with their insufficient investigation. Moreover, the public was voicing their opinion about poor handling of cases involving children and women. Curiously enough, those 3 murders were women-related, while the abductions involved children. That's what prompts Soo-hyun to warn Saet-byul about getting in contact with strangers.


Maybe the kidnapper(s) gave the little girl ice cream or something she was allergic to accidentally causing her death? buticut and everyone, I really like reading your theories. Thanks!


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I think my one big issue with "people doing dumb things" in this episode was when he got the call to move his car. How did "security" know his phone number? He just left the girl there without a second thought. For someone who is supposed to be the best homicide detective in the world, that was a pretty bad lapse.

As far as her dropping the killer dude, I am surprised she could hold on to him as long as she did, considering that he probably weighs in the 80 kilo+ range. The big question now is how long will it take her to figure out that her kid is still not safe? And her husband is a jerk.


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But didn't the "security" call the interphone from the house and not his? Is that what you call them? Actually, during that scene, I was expecting Dong-Chan to say that that wasn't his car, so that he won't leave the girl alone. It was a silly move though, but if everyone would do the right thing, the show would probably end fairly soon :). Agree with the holding on to the killer and the husband. Some things are stretched just to create more dramatic tension.


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Even if it was the interphone or house intercom, how did the guard know what apt he was in? But to be fair, I think that was the only plot issue I had with this episode. Considering that some dramas I have like 200 per episode, that is pretty good :D.


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There are always what i call "stupid distractions" in crime shows like these. These hiccups are bound to be present in every story, and if you're the type to be overly critical, it will be more obvious to you. There are some flaws in God's Gift but none that are so glaring to the point of frustration (for me anywho).
Quite simply, a way to overcome this particular plot issue for you is to reason that the victim, in some way, had to be left alone in order for the major plot point (victim getting killed) to happen. But like buticut said, if everyone did everything the right way then that would make for extended scenes, longer story, and perhaps a slower pacing, because the writer would never be able to outsmart her own characters, lol..then some of those things get so convoluted to the point of no return.
But yes, some illogical missteps that could have easily been fine-tuned.

Also, i hope that live shoot does not affect the quality we've got thus far. God's Gift was sort of a last minute project in terms of securing a time slot for SBS. The cast, production crew, and filming was done in a span of 2-3 months (if we go by the first day Lee Bo Young was confirmed as heroine). You can tell by the lack of teasers a couple weeks before broadcasting.


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I think one can see flaws without being a critical person. In a story with clues right and left, distractions and messy plotting can cause befuddlement. The quality of the show is very good but it's not great, and i don't think pacing etc would've suffered if certain things had been better done. One can't simply hide the fact that hero gets out of the water and forgets for a while that his brother has been hanged. Stuff like that makes one feel as if the writer is so plot-aware that in her/his desire to get the pieces of the plot together that true emotions and the emotional ramifications of certain events are forgotten. One wants emotional follow-through in addition to plot advancement and Two Weeks managed to do that.

So far this drama has done about four errors that really jumped out at me, and I'm not a critical person. But isn't there a proverb about flies in a wonderful perfume? If this were a lesser-quality drama, the nits wouldn't jump out so much at me. It's because this drama is so good that the flaws seem so glaring.


“Entice the tiger to leave its mountain lair” to gain an advantage is a well known Asian (including Korean) saying about a fighting strategy. The request to move the parked car via the intercom reminds me immediately of this tactic which was used by the killer to entice the hero out of the apartment. While watching, I just filled in the picture by imagining that the killer somehow had the security doing the request. He might even be the one pretending to be a security man. He seemed to have the victim marked and had observed the hero’s visit. The aftermath (the killing) was as expected. This murder didn’t seem to be random. The murderer simply reacted creatively to the situation to complete his task.


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I know that in certain apartment communities, guest have to register before entering (i.e. license plate, contact number, apt# that they are visiting....)...


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I thought it was the killer that called him pretending to be the security, -or the killer called the security to worn them about the car- so he (Dong Chan) can get out of the house for him to kill the woman! So, I am wrong eh


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Everyone will benefit from Dong-Chan’s incredibly keen/sharp sense of thinking.. The writer is working that detective angle so the story moves along a good pace. He’s always one step ahead of everyone. First, bugging Soo-Hyun so he can track her, noting the victim did not scream (perhaps the killer had something to soothe her before he killed her), noting that the events have played out differently from the future, and instead of lounging around in club waiting for the killer to appear, he’ll seek out the one who made reservations with victim #3. He also plays his cards right to get what he wants and is incredibly good at reading people: ie. convincing victim #3 to change, blackmailing employee to give up victims phone #. The guy has the most logical, enlightening things to say without making a big deal out of it (but we all know he’s jjang).. Plus, he’s always quick on his feet, even thinking beyond Woo-Jin; instead of trying to break through the door in that last scene, he’s going to find a way to save the killer from the drop. Killer is probably still alive, since we don’t necessarily see him hit the ground.

Aside from that, Dong-Chan’s charms have managed to work its way into our heroine’s heart. Soo hyun is smiling for the first time in this episode since her daughter went missing: First, when she sees him playing with saet-byul and then the silly face he makes at her in the club scene when they share a nice, small moment. I found that refreshing, considering Soo-Hyun has drifted into despair and desperation since the kidnap.

At first from the synopsis, i had expected that dong-chan’s only purpose as a character would be to serve as a helper for our heroine in her journey as she tries to change her daughter’s fate, while the heroine would be the one to steal the show..But it is apparent now that writer has some intriguing things in store for dong chan -- i think down the road as we unravel more secrets, dong chan will find a purpose to save his older brother’s fate, even if that has yet to cross his mind. His purpose will intertwine with Soo-hyun’s as they race against the clock to change not only saet byul’s death, but his older brother’s. I have to commend this writer then for creating an equally if not more complex character to go along with our heroine. It would have been a waste of Jo Seung Woo’s talents otherwise. Thus, i find myself completely invested in BOTH the journey of these two characters and one that would be an emotionally wrought, layered, and rewarding experience..


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YES to everything! Woo-jin might have the ways, but Dong-Chan has the wits. He knows people's weaknesses and flaws just by being incredibly observant and clever, in an almost Sherlockian manner (the white spot on the finger indicating the guy has a wedding ring, the underage employer, etc.). There's no wonder that they say that there was no one like him in the division.

When she sees him playing with Saet-byul, I think that in a way, it makes her reflect on her marriage, since this ajusshi was practically doing with Saet-byul the things a father should do and my feeling is that Ji-Hoon is very much absent from his child's life. Before the time travel, the only thing he did was to go against Soo-hyun, without being actively involved in his daughter's life. I definitely see Dong-Chan become some sort of a father figure to Saet-byul. Although DC is not entirely safe from my suspicions, I am at this point so invested in these characters, that if anything bad happens to them, I will be absolutely gutted.


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It seems the show is planning on setting up dong-chan and saet-byul to form a strong relationship; he's slowly warming up to the kid. As we near the end of the 14 days, dong-chan's growing attachment for her will help raise the stakes and make the situation feel more dire because we can actually see that he genuinely wants to save her -- not because he feels bad or indebted in any way, but that it'd truly be a loss to him too.
We've lived through mom's despair but i think we should all start getting ready to live through dong-chan's, too. This show can be heart-tugging.


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Also, thank you for this recap. You're early with this one -- i was expecting it tomorrow, so i am pleasantly surprised.
Don't worry too much about picking up EVERY single clue/red herring -- there's some eagle eye fans that'll help out on that. It's already hard enough watching, recapping, and putting thoughts into words. Thanks again for being so quick; i know there were many of us who couldn't wait to discuss this particular episode.


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o/ Hi mangoes. I agree. The recap was well done and having a forum to discuss is awesome. These days I'm too tired to type but I love reading all the comments.


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Pardon if this theory has already been mentioned above - I haven't read it all yet, but I wonder if the killer lives and somehow, and in this parallel universe, SH has now given the killer a reason to kill her daughter.

What if she did not try to interfere?

Was fate really giving her a second chance to change the future? Or was it some weird time-traveling that happened to her by chance, in which in this parallel universe or whatever, SB's fate of death was avoided.

And yet because SH tried to change what was predestined, she gave the killer (if he lives) a motive to kill her daughter in this world. Thus, she was the cause of bringing back SB fate of death back?


And I don't understand the hate on JH. I cant expect him to be understanding. If my husband suddenly, out of the blue, starts crying weird stuff about our child being kidnapped and murdered, that. is. creepy.

Nothing led up to her to act abnormal, in his eyes. Just. BAM. One day she's suddenly on this "our child will die" train and even brings home cameras. And nothing to even lay foundation to these claims other than "I came back from the future...!"

Err. I would be the same.


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I thought of that too, her actions now giving the opportunity for the killer to want to attack her child. But all the other events haven't changed so I didn't consider that option too much.

Lol, I'd probably slap my husband but if he persists like that, my annoyance would give way to concern and I'd at least humour him.


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wow, you're making me wonder.... is it a parallel universe or going back in time to this same universe? Am thinking this would be a good double-header with Mirae's Choice.

The thing about JH is that even before SB's death, he seemed to be a person who didn't value his wife's opinion...or even value his wife. Seemed. Am not sure if I'd freak out if my hubby or a friend had a dream that warned against my child's death. I'd think of it as a warning. But saying you returned from the future is harder.

A supposed glimpse into the future, with one's foot firmly placed in the present, is one thing. Although Heroine's reaction to the lady at the destiny cafe shows that even that can be hard to swallow...especially from a stranger. But saying you have returned from the future...and saying that to someone who already seems to think very little of you-- kinda problematical. And we see how the ex-boyfriend (who represents normalcy but normalcy with a respect for the heroine) reacts to the situation. Like a good respectful friend, he hears her out.


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I agree with the husband ot being so understanding. She hasn't even tried to explain it clearly. She could have talked to him about the victims and how they are going to be killed, to justify the time traveling.

With the killer, I am not sure if viki cut off the last scene, but I only saw the killer lost hand grip and was falling, so I still assume that he is not dead yet, Dong Chan might catch his fall and save him.


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Has anyone watched the movie The Chaser starring Kim Yoon Seok and Ha Jung Woo? S-P-O-I-L-E-R W-A-R-N-I-N-G if you have not...

I was so pissed Soo Hyun and Dong Chan rescued skull shirt girl, just for her to die anyways. Then it happened again with pink-haired girl. Likewise, I was so pissed in The Chaser when the girl managed to escape, just to be caught again and killed. I understand the Final Destination "when it's your time, it's your time" concept, but ugh, so mad.

This show has been way too smart to blatantly reveal the killer like that. In episode 4, no less. We, the audience, want to figure out the murder mystery ourselves. He must be a red herring, but how? He is the killer seeing as how he has the stab wound in the right place and said to Soo Hyun, "Why do you keep following me?" So for him to just die baffles me. They should have never told us who the killer was.

The first time we meet the killer in the alleyway, I thought, "he sucks at this job." Not being able to stab Soo Hyun even as she lain unconscious, then stopping mid-killing to stagger over to the tied-up victim to shush her? One task at a time.

I didn't like the coincidences in this episode. I thought Dong Chan subdued him with a towel around his neck and face in the toilet; how did he get away so easily? Both Dong Chan and Woo Jin were chasing him, but he somehow winds up in front of Soo Hyun's car? And of course, the car door was unlocked.

My favorite scene in this episode was Dong Chan and Saet Byul playing ddakji. Her tears at losing the game and him letting her in on his little secret. He looked just like a daddy when he spun her around. Poor Young Gyu feeling like he lost his only friend. Saet Byul breaking down after overhearing her mommy say she would die was heartbreaking.

Thanks for the recap, solabelly!


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Usually when I don't like a show I keep it to myself--(kind of a "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" kind of rule I keep here on Javabeans) but I finally got my husband to watch a K drama with me, and he was going crazy--"if you hit a guy hard enough to break the windshield, he is going to be incapacitated." or "What, so he rolled off the windshield and SHE'S the one who got knocked out by the car hitting him?" How could you let me down so utterly, show? I had bragged on you being so smartly written to my hub and then you went all crazy pants nonsense on me.

(But I'll keep reading the recaps--just in case there was a good reason for it.)


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I thought the same thing about the car hitting him. There is no way he should have been able to immediately get up with minimal injuries and open the car door!


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This show definitely has some odd improbabilities..and these improbabilities are of a different order than those in Two Weeks.so it can be bothersome yet.


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I know, who sits inside a car not locking the door, when you see a killer in front of you. I live in a safest part of town and I still lock my doors any time during the day.


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Such a fantastic episode. Love that heart-pounding goodness.

(This comment is very very long. You have been warned.)

I thought that I could not adore Soo-hyun any more than I already did. Apparently, I can. Her single-minded determination and desperation is awe-inspiring. I love that she fights back - and fights dirty - and even that she had no qualms about killing her daughter's supposed murderer. That may be an odd thing to like her for, but honestly I cannot count the number of times I have yelled at protagonists for blindly being the 'bigger person' - only for it to come back and bite them on the bum. She has a single motivation: to protect her daughter no matter what, and I admire her for that.

On the other hand, I'm unconvinced that the serial killer is Saet-byul's kidnapper. I listed my reasons in my previous comments, although what we have learnt since then has admittedly made me question some of my armchair criminal psychology. This killer is much creepier than I first thought. Unlike you, solabelly, I had an immediate disliking for him as soon as he came on screen: something about his manner was intensely untrustworthy, and in fact I was worried that we were going to have a 'The Crucible' type scenario. Thank goodness for small mercies, and that he's just a serial killer. (That has to be one of the strangest sentences I've ever written, but I stand by it.)

Anyway, the murderer is much more intelligent and less impulsive than I first thought. Although the murder of the skull top victim seemed random - even when he finally stabbed her, it seemed more coincidence than anything else that they had bumped into one another - Mimi had definitely been chosen beforehand. It must have taken quite a lot of pre-planning to have established her patron's identity; stolen his phone; and constructed that gas bomb. He also knew Mimi's face well enough to not be fooled by Soo-hyun's disguise.

The killer also appears to be a vain man. In episode three, he was loitering around the crime scene, most likely to gloat. Revisiting the scene of the crime is a dangerous thing to do, and to do so when the police are present is insanity. He couldn't have been doing so to check that he left no evidence behind: he clearly cannot be that careful a character by dint of the fact he was there at all. I would venture that he has a thrill from both the act of killing and witnessing the aftermath. This is supported by the fact that the murders were committed on consecutive days - the better to stir up outrage. Furthermore, he was determined to kill Mimi that day, following her back to her flat although it would have been easier to wait until things had quieted down and she was completely alone. It smacks of wounded pride to be so single-minded.

As a result, it seems unlikely that these murders were orchestrated by some shadowy powerful figure - the murderer's vanity makes him too unreliable a contract killer. He also seemed to be working...


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He also seemed to be working alone, seeing as he personally revisited the crime scene and planted the gas bomb. And let's not forget that he has a main job as a teacher.

Speaking of: ugh. The fact that he's a special needs teacher by day makes him even more despicable. And it doesn't seem as if he divorces his murderous tendencies or personality from his lawful work, cf. creepy demeanour. I think he gets a thrill from being an authority figure, hence his police and fireman disguises. Although they're also expedient - since victims are unlikely to mistrust him at first sight - they also feed into his vanity. Moreover, his disguises seem to originate from the special needs school: Young-gyu's classmates were wearing such uniforms whilst practising for their play. I'm not certain whether the murderer planned the play in order to aid his murdering, or whether he was merely opportunistic - either way he gives me the shivers.

On a lighter note, I love Soo-hyun and Dong-chan as a team. Of course, they're already bound by the fact they both time-travelled, but they also work so well together. He holds her back from acting blindly in her desperation. She - along with Saet-byul - seems to be opening him up emotionally, peeling back his layers of resentment and denial. Some great chemistry doesn't hurt.

What does hurt is the crumbling relationship between Soo-hyun and Ji-hoon. Naturally, we can understand why Ji-hoon does not believe her wild sounding claims. But she didn't seem to make much of an effort to make him believe - correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think she's even told him that she time-travelled yet. She tried harder with Woo-jin than she did with her husband, although admittedly Woo-jin's position could be more influential in the case. It upsets me that she could not just foretell an event at the very least, in order to get Ji-hoon to believe. It does not help having a detractor in her own home, especially when Ji-hoon could be supporting her. He's Saet-byul's parent too, and who else would be as desperate or determined as her in this investigation? As a lawyer, he would surely have superb analytical skills, and he probably has a bevy of powerful contacts. I do not think Soo-hyun suspects him yet, but that she simply does not feel it's worth her time.

However, the drama has planted a seed of suspicion against Ji-hoon. Saet-byul's unbeatable ddak-ji probably contains something important, but what? I am really disinclined to believe that Ji-hoon would kill his own daughter because she might know something, however significant or damaging it may be. However, the information might be connected in some way to why she was kidnapped and/or murdered.

Which leads me to speculation about the kidnapper's identity. *rolls up sleeves*


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wow! so true about her not trying to make Ji Hoon believe. Heroine could've tried harder, since she is shown as being so thoughtful and making notes. So yeah, why doesn't she try to show him some future thingey to prove her case? Of course she might do this in the future?

This makes one wonder
1) Is heroine's lack of belief in her husband something that has eaten away at him? Remember how hurt he looked when he asked her about her being with her old boyfriend? Is it possible that she always loved her ex-beau and Ji Hoon turned to another woman because he sensed heroine didn't reject him?

2) Does heroine not try to persuade her hubby because she knew he wouldn't believe anyway?

3) Is it a glitch in the story-writing? Another instance of the writer wanting to push the plot ahead -- get her connected with hero so they go off to fight the baddie on their own-- that the writer just didn't want to go there, or didn't think of going there?

4) Perhaps heroine hasn't thought that particular aspect out as yet.


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Aaargh ..meant to write this --> *sensed heroine hadn't totally accepted him*


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I think her relationship with her husband, alredy somewhat sistant perhaps, deteriorated even further during the month(s) after her daughter's death. The husband (who I don't like) doesn't have the knowledge she does of that time. To her they are already distant and he's already left her.


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I keep thinking that it takes two to mess up a marriage. In the first episode, the husband's always shown as trying to have fun with his wife. He keeps wanting to go to dinner with her, for instance. But she seems like an overachiever who doesn't know how to have fun. Am not saying that's an excuse for possibly cheating but it can wear thin on a relationship.

Same thing with her relationship with her daughter. She is just totally clueless that her daughter is being semi-bullied and ignored by her classmates. Again, not an excuse...because heroine is definitely a good person but...she definitely contributes to alienating her hubby.


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I'm only listing my main suspects, where there are substantial arguments for their culpability, for brevity. (HA!)

Kidnapper suspects

1) Young-gyu's teacher, aka the serial killer

I'm playing devil's advocate here (and also pre-empting the need to eat my words later). Why did he choose Mina and his other victims? It could have been random - indeed the police found no connection between his first two victims - but years of drama-watching experience lead me to conclude that no coincidence is meaningless. Mina's murder is probably related to her son. Who might be Young-gyu. Which opens a whole other can of worms. (And, ack - did he become Young-gyu's teacher on purpose?!) Continuing on this train of thought, Saet-byul may have been taken because of her connection to Young-gyu: through the murderer's position as teacher, he would have seen Saet-byul at the school event with Young-gyu.

Alternatively, if we take the serial killer's vanity for granted, he might have previously taken Saet-byul to whip up more uproar. After all, nothing gets attention like crimes against a child. In this second timeline, he might do so to avenge Soo-hyun's slight to his pride.

Together with motive, the serial killer has the intellectual capability to kidnap Saet-byul - as shown by the depth of his planning for Mina's murder.

However, his fall was either fatal or at least exceedingly debilitating. He will also most likely be in police custody. So I don't think he's in any position to effect a kidnapping. I don't support the hypothesis that we are now in a parallel universe, where the kidnapper will be different. Personally, I believe that runs counter to the entire point of Soo-hyun being given the chance to travel back in time - she cannot have this opportunity to catch the kidnapper only for it to be a different person. It doesn't jibe with this drama's concept of fate.

2) Someone on the police force

This would account for the kidnapper knowing the number of stabs pertaining to the third victim. And I have a feeling Soo-hyun's wallet went missing only after it was brought to the police station. The bag was dropped in an abandoned alley, so it could not have been a random bystander. Although the serial killer did not go far after his tussle with Soo-hyun - seeing as the poor skull top girl was stabbed only thirty metres away - I don't think he would have been inclined to root through her bag, his priority probably being to escape. Besides, my memory might be deceiving me, but I believe the killer fled in the opposite direction to how Soo-hyun entered the alley. So he could not have encountered the bag.

If the kidnapper were a member of the police, he would be perfectly capable of scoping out, and avoiding, CCTV cameras. Furthermore, police involvement would also account for why little progress was made on the case even forty-nine days after Saet-byul's death. And the serial killer's choice of disguises gave me the...


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wow, you guys are soooo good!


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I'm leaning heavily on it being someone on the force. Or someone on the force is an accomplice to someone else in higher power(the Prime Minister maybe).The stab count thing tipped me off, since i was quick to discard the idea that they were the Gangnam Killer, so they would have to be close enough to the victim's bodies to give away information or use it themselves.

OR the kidnapper got into contact with the Gangnam killer(may or may not be dead now) and they're somehow working together. It would've happened after these events in the original timeline, which would explain why he stopped killing after the third woman. He seems to be a very precise serial killer so I don't think he would've stopped just like that unless prompted by something or someone else. Unless he really did just stop.

We'll know more next week, whether he had other victims he was looking to kill and got sidetracked along the way by the higher up big bad.


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I will gladly ignore the length warning, tell me about it LOL.

Soo-hyun is probably one of my favorite female characters I've seen lately. She's a brawler, a fighter, a survivor - nobody can stand in her way, when she's in WOMAN ON A MISSION MODE: ON. She is of course flawed, but her determination compensates all that.

"Thank goodness for small mercies, and that he’s just a serial killer. " LOLOLOLOL. This is so wrong, but true hahaha.

In the end, the vanity got the murderer. I think that's why he was even there at the crime scene the next day - because he was so overly confident that he wouldn't get caught. And of course, he wanted to see his "masterpiece". Plus, even to Soo-hyun he says the typical "They'll never catch me", then to his surprise, the police is there. That's also the reason why he didn't postpone the last crime or changed the victim - he invested so much of his time to orchestrate everything and he was certain that he would avoid getting caught, with his careful planning. He was truly multi-tasking, taking care of the children with disabilities, taking the role of a policeman/fireman AND killing those girls. Man, he really knew how to use time wisely and he surely loved the role-playing part. Ok, that sounded awkward. No wonder that he was giving acting classes to those children.

Everything seemed to suggest he was working alone, unlike the kidnapper(s). There's no way that this killer is the same who abducts Saet-byul. Some suggested that he might escape and harm Saet-byul because her mother exposed him, but with the building surrounded by cops, I'd like to think that they will definitely catch him, especially since the police seems to be quite efficient in this show.

It IS despicable that he had such an honorable job, but kudos to the writer for not going with a man who you would expect to be a killer, but with an apparently decent one instead. Apparently. Aren't most killers like that anyway? Good on the outside, rotten on the inside?

It's not that Ji-hoon is unreasonable, but as we say here, the tone dictates the music. His aggressiveness in dealing with Soo-hyun's confession got on my nerves - he completely lost his sh-t there, although she didn't put too much effort into explaining him things in a calmer way either. Clearly, they aren't used to talking and listening to each other. What we have here is a failure to communicate.


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*special handshake*

It would be bordering on the ridiculous if the killer somehow escaped the police after a fall like that - and I have too much faith in the writer. I agree that the depiction of the police seems to be fairly realistic, and thank goodness. I have had just about enough of the lazy policeman stereotype, dismissing the protagonist's claims out of hand. Hopefully, Dong-chan and Soo-hyun's capture of the serial killer will make Woo-jin cooperate with them further.

Your comment about communication is so true. It frustrates me so much that they won't sit down together and discuss Soo-hyun's worries.


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And the serial killer's choice of disguises gave me the idea that Saet-byul would have trusted a uniform-clad kidnapper, and thus gone along with him without protest.

As for motive, it could be the case that he felt Soo-hyun's show cast the force into disrepute, seeing as it broadcasts details of unsolved crimes - evidence of police failures. On the other hand, if the kidnapping turns out to be a political intrigue, it is easy to see why the police would be implicated.

NB: I did not say Woo-jin, since he was in the studio when the call was made. If he is somehow implicated, he must also have an accomplice. And if I had to choose, I would put my money on Ho-kook. I don't know why, call it intuition.

Accomplice suspects

1) Mina

She cannot be the kidnapper since we saw her leave Saet-byul. However, she could be an accomplice - her leaving gave the kidnapper opportunity to strike. She was also suspiciously uncomfortable in episode three, when Soo-hyun left Saet-byul in her care.

2) Saet-byul's nanny

Her absence was the entire reason why Saet-byul was at the police station. The birth of a grandchild is hard to fake - and any lies would have been easily unrooted by the police - but she need not have visited on that day in particular. Moreover, as others have noted, the nanny's penchant for Go-Stop might have made her vulnerable to blackmail or bribery, as she may have accrued gambling debts.


I don't agree that the gangsters were different - the mob boss specifically stated that Dong-chan should drown for sleeping with his wife. Even if the extras were different, that doesn't mean they're not part of the same gang.

Pink hair is a good look for Lee Bo-young. And I need that red lipstick.

Obligatory note on how the drama is spectacular and that Lee Bo-young is stellar. Jo Seung-woo is not calling it in either.

I love being able to discuss (at such great length) my speculations about this drama, and I adore the wonderful vibrancy of this comment section. As soon as I finish typing, I'm going to have to read through the doubtlessly countless comments which have sprung up since I started writing this. Many thanks are owed to dramallama and solabelly for facilitating this with their great recaps.


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In the Dramafever subtitled version I watched the gang boss says to bury Dong-chan, not to drown him. I took that to mean just get rid of him. I don't speak Korean, though, so he could have said specifically to drown him and it has been mistranslated. Also Dong-chan's reaction to them is completely different. The second crew are real pros, even the way they are dressed, and he knows it. The other guys, multicoloured polyester shirts, gaudy bling and all, seem like amateurs in comparison.


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In my subtitles he definitely told his minions to drown him but we saw ALL the minions he had in his apartment/ chasing him down. And the gangsters who found him in the alley weren't the same people who dumped him. Not even one. They weren't at the station when he brought them in either.
That's too coincidental; the directors/writer wouldn't purposely make it so it was a completely new batch of people unless it's significant. Either as a red herring to throw us off or it speaks of a higher conspiracy. But everything in this show seems to be very deliberate from a visual standpoint so far so I don't think it just happened to be different people.


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My mom is watching this too. She says it's too tense and she wants to go back to romcom. She's right that it's too tense but...that's the best thing!!!

I also love how their desire to have each episode be a whole new experience, translates into no preview for the audience. :D


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i think people need to give the husband a break. i mean, if anyone we knew in OUR world claimed that they'd returned from 2 weeks in the future, and claimed to know what would happen in the next 2 weeks, wouldn't we react similarly? if your spouse suddenly stopped going to work, hopped on a plane to hawaii with their kid, staying out all night, running around with a bunch of strangers.

before the time warp, we've seen no evidence to the contrary that the husband was anything but a great, thoughtful husband and a loving father. he and soo-hyun appeared to have a happy, loving marriage and a normal life. so i think it's natural for him to be bewildered and irritated and frustrated by his wife's sudden seemingly erratic behavior, given that he has no idea what is going on. he still loves her, as evidenced by his worry over her bruised face, but he just has no idea what's come over her. i actually feel sorry for the both of them that they're in this situation, but i have hope that their marriage will stand through all of this.

people are saying that the gangnam killer (the guy who was caught today) is dead, but i don't think we actually saw that yet, so it's not really confirmed. i thought he could have grabbed onto something off the floor directly beneath. but i do wonder if this will be the end of his arc... otherwise, why have him be young-gyu's teacher? soo-hyun had bought the new sneakers for young-gyu, asking him to run fast in them and protect saet-byul if he saw her in danger. if saet-byul's killer was this dude, i thought it would tie in with that piece nicely, but maybe it was too easy...

and i'd been wondering how the president fits into this story. i know someone suggested that it was the president's people who abducted saet-byul, which would be awful, but so good on a story level.

i thought maybe the president's son might have something to do with saet-byul's case, just based on the actor and the types of characters he's played in the past.

other questions: is it confirmed that saet-byul was murdered? didn't the prosecutor's team say they were "cautiously guessing" that saet-byul may have escaped her abductor, and had accidentally fallen into the water? if that's true, does that still fall under the category of "murder"? isn't it a possibility that the real abductor hadn't been intending to kill her?

at this point, it seems too early to rule anything out, and i love this new twist, despite my initial what-the-eff eye blinking over it. it seems like nothing in this show is there just for the heck of it—it seems like everything has been introduced for a reason. it feels purposeful. i'm not even going to try and run ahead of the game, but just have fun speculating and watching and trying to keep everything straight.

my anticipation for this show is even higher than it was when i waited for new batches of you who came from the stars, just because of the mystery, thriller nature of the show. SO...


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I'm also cutting the husband some slack because i think he's very much reacting the way any normal husband would if their wife suddenly acted erratically by things you've mentioned. There seems to be some shade thrown on him though, based on some character descriptions and theories floating around, so perhaps people are keeping him at a distance as to get ready for any unexpected twists in the proceedings.

I also thought the writer had purpose in making him young gyu's teacher -- one for those with mental disabilities in particular -- because then what's the point? Perhaps victim #3 was young gyu's mother that gave him up for adoption.. There was a heartwarming moment shared between her and dong-chan at her house when she offers up a knitted sweater. Then the show makes sure to mention that his nephew is the same age as her adopted son. Could just be thinking more into it, but i wonder why the show decided to make her likable before offing her, when they didn't give a rats ass about the women before her.


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you do have a plausible theory about young-gyu's mom, but one thing that gives me pause is that the victim #3 said she sent her baby to an orphanage, while young-gyu appears to have been raised by his grandmother/uncle. it is a possibility that young-gyu was initially sent to an orphanage and then collected by his birth family at a later time..

i wish we could know a bit more about the older brother and the circumstances under which he managed to father a child (given that he's mentally disabled), but it's possible that dong-chan would have known young-gyu's birth mother... so if victim #3 was the birth mother, he might have recognized her face.


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I suspect that the Gangnam killer was not Saet-byul's killer but Young-gyu. Young-gyu may have taken Saet-byul away to keep her safe, from the murders that were happening not to kill her. She might have drowned when she tried to run away.

If that's the twist in the story, I pity Dong-Chan. A truly messed up family.


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I believe every plot point we’ve seen from episodes 1 and 2 are all interconnected -- the government, the murders, the kidnap, some characters, etc. It may not be a matter of one party being completely in on the murders, kidnap, or conspiracies, just that some of these people/events have caused a ripple effect among others. It’s not one single person who’s orchestrating this, but a collection of mysteries that need to be solved to look at the bigger picture. All these people have a purpose, and all these purposes in one way or more will cross paths. This is not just about a mother saving her daughter, but whether or not she will be able to change the fates of many others via butterfly effect. One minor change in the past can change the outcome significantly. This is what i want the writer to go by, not the whole “fate is predestined” route (i will be disappointed if it does, cause that to me would negate the whole point of traveling back 14 days). If there’s one thing’s for sure is that the circumstances regarding the murder have been altered, which in turn could effect the major plot points to come (butterfly effect leads to a far-reaching ripple effect). Aside from the small alterations, the big one in this episode is that they’ve caught the murderer of the women, whereas they weren’t able to do so in the future sequence.


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Like you seem to, I detest those "fate is unchangeable" tropes - especially in a show like this where they go back specifically to change it. It simply makes no sense in this context.

I am a great believer in the butterfly effect, but not sure if the writer will go along with me on this :) From the changes made already, I can see a lot of ripples going out - the main one being that the kidnapper will no longer be able to make that call to the TV show unless he comes up with something new.


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To be honest, I was kinda hoping that the murderer is not dead yet so that this won't turn other characters (especially the ones I adore *cough*Dong Chan*cough*Young Gyun*cough*) into suspects. Me trying to dissect clues in every episode and trying to put clues together to guess who is the real kidnapper makes this show feels like Reply 1994: The Kidnapper Version.
And sometimes the hints are obvious, but I'm sure I will put myself in denial mode.

Now this turn of event made me think that if the murderer is not dead yet (hey, he was stabbed, beaten, got hit by a car and was still alive and kicking), wouldn't this event actually fuels the murderer to kidnap Saet Byul? Soo hyun wants to change the future but in doing so she makes that future come true?

Btw, thanks for the recap, solabelly!


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"Me trying to dissect clues in every episode and trying to put clues together to guess who is the real kidnapper makes this show feels like Reply 1994: The Kidnapper Version."

Thanks for the chuckle. :)


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This episode...more clues, some clarifications (or not?), and we're 1/4 the way through this drama already!

So I'm loving the partnership that has developed between SH and DC...not the usual OTP but one can only hope! Especially since JH is a craptastic jerk of a husband. Further pushing him to near the top of the suspect list...and his actions today, along with DC thinking he's a face he's seen before--does not bode well for SH's marriage.

So they got the Gangnam killer...but they could not prevent their deaths. They had pre-destined fates that, despite SH & DC trying to intervene, fate still led to their demise. Which kinda puts an ominous tone for SH and DC's quest to save their loved ones...and would make their time slip pointless. But this drama would do that to us now, would they? :/

I found it unsettling that, in this time around about YG. He's sad and disappointed that SB won't play with him, even when SH is treating him better now? Does that mean there's the potential that YG could have convinced/coerced SB to go to the shack? Maybe. Maybe he wanted to play with her away from home, since SH disapproved of him. But then it would mean her death was possibly an accident, if she wanted to go home and he didn't want her to? Or maybe he snapped? I didn't want to think of him this way, but seeing his transformation this time, I'm questioning the possibility of him now.

I think BH is trying to make amends with DC because maybe he possibly had a role in the bigger conspiracy of what seems to be someone (or more) in or around the government trying to set up this scenario of high profile crimes, to make the push of harsher crackdowns on crime and implementing the death penalty. His offer still being the same this time around makes me think that way because this conspiracy more than likely targeted DC's family and turned their lives upside down, which is probably why DC gave up being a cop.

I loved how DC had such concern for SH's safety...aww maybe he might begin to fall for her? Maybe this second chance for him is to find happiness amidst all this darkness and live a decent life, maybe back as a cop? (Although his lapse in judgment in believing the call from "security"--how did they know his number if it was Mimi's place?--was a bit meh for a supposed great cop.)

There's only been mentioning of Snake but I wonder if he will play a role in all this. Who knows, maybe the kidnapper/killer would claim his music hypnotized/possessed them into committing the crime? At this point, still up in the air.

Can't wait 'till Monday!!! :)


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i would be shocked if the husband turns out to be the kidnapper, unless he's a sociopath and the show just hasn't shown that to us yet. we saw in the end of episode 2 that he received photos that appeared to tell him who saet-byul's kidnapper was (in hindsight, it kind of looks like he might have actually recognized the kidnapper, or at least knew where to go to find him), and he was in a rage, saying he would kill the guy himself.

yes, there's some hints at shadiness regarding the husband right now, but for the moment i don't find any strong reason to doubt his devotion and love for his daughter. saet-byul may have been targeted due to her father's views on capital punishment, or her mother's job, but i'm inclined to think we haven't been introduced to the real kidnapper yet.

(unless it's the president's shifty-eyed aide, but that actor always has those shifty eyes, lol).


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Personally I hate that whole "fate and destiny" idea, whether in RL or in dramas.

I hate it in dramas because it is far too often used as a cop out by writers to avoid having to come up with a real plot and actually having to think up alternate scenarios.

As far as Snake goes, I think that is just a distraction and has nothing to do with the real plot except as perhaps a vehicle to get the kid out of the house.


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I love this show so much. It's non-stop action all the time, which is terrific and it makes my heart pound. I am in love with this show!

I don't think this killer is the kidnapper. I'm starting to think that we haven't even seen him/her yet but that he is somehow related to all of this. He could be Snake, the idol Saet-byul likes. It could be Mina, Soo-hyun's trusted hoobae. She is strange. Or it could be a conspiracy thought up by the president or one of his underlings. I don't know who it is, which is fantastic. I like a show that keeps me on the edge of my seat!

I absolutely love Dong-chan. He and Soo-hyun together are just fantastic! They like each other well enough, too, that they trust each other with a lot. I don't mean like in the romantic sense, which I would be okay with, but like as is friends.

I'm indifferent to Woo-jin. And Ji-hoon is so frustrating.

I'd like more of Young-gyu and Saet-byul together. Their friendship is adorable. I hope he gets to play with her and Dong-chan soon.

Thanks for the recap, Solabelly!


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*as in friends.


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I'm not even halfway through yet but here are my initial, kneejerk reactions so far. Normally I'd wait till I finished the episode, but I'm sharing as I go because my internet is being a fickle bastard:

1) I ship it. I don't care if Soo-hyun is married, & Dong-chan can't go 20 seconds without someone trying to beat the living daylights out of him, and I don't really even want them to get together in the course of this drama (though some passionate existential-angst-filled hooking up would not be discouraged). I ship it like mad, even if what I'm shipping is an alternate future of these two saving Saet-byul & opening up a private detective agency together.

2) I LOVE the show's exploration of the unchangeable aspects of fate vs. the small effects that one can have on fate. For example, it's SO INTERESTING to me that Dong Chan ended up staying out all night in this "new" version of reality (and getting beat up), but what he was doing and who he got beat up by are completely different. And his realization of how much the past is repeating itself when he threw his mom's soup on the ground almost involuntarily was just perfect. I said this before, but I think it's so awesome that we're figuring out the rules of the time travel/fate right along with the characters (rather than having some mystical figure to explain it all to us).


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3) I'm really curious about Soo-hyun's past. Her ex-love from 10 years ago chief detective man or whatever earlier referenced how he preferred the young, "tough" SH to what she'd become, and in this episode we had Dong-chan remark on her fighting skills and her surprising instincts to stab the killer with her pen. I'm thinking now that she has a dark past that goes beyond what I had assumed of her (that she was scrappy and a little wild in her youth).

4) To that end, it seems like her husband really doesn't know her past (or her, frankly) at all. It's really heartbreaking to see how little love there actually is between them, but it's also incredibly realistic to me how their relationship is portrayed.

I'm guessing that she had a really rough youth, grew up and attained the socially acceptable forms of "success" because she's so smart and talented, and sought out a normal, stable life with Ji-hoon as a sort of escape from or rejection of her past. It's so telling to me that Dong-chan views her fighting spirit with surprise and a little respect (even though he chided her for it), while Ji-hoon seems repulsed and embarrassed by her actions. Of course, Dong-chan has info that Ji-hoon does not, but even before the time travel, Ji-hoon seemed put off by Soo-hyun's more emotional, passionate side. He doesn't do conflict (his primary action throughout this entire story is to run away when things get tough), whereas Soo-hyun's instinct is to run toward the conflict and fight.

I really think that their relationship was deeply broken before Saet-byul's kidnapping, this is just the catalyst to show them how incompatible they really are.


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5) I know there's a general discussion of fate and how much of the past can and cannot be changed, but I'm interested in how and why the time travel happened, and if that might broaden a discussion of fate & destiny. Right now we know nothing about why Soo-hyun and Dong-chan are sent back in time--it's just an accepted premise. It was presented as more or less an act of god, in that nobody seems to have willed it to happen. The only person who could have is the enigmatic Destiny cafe owner did, but we have no reason to suspect that was responsible for the time travel, given her defeatist attitude and her warnings to Soo-hyun. Could it be that Saet-byul and Dong-chan's brother were actually not supposed to die, and that fate, or god, or destiny, sent Soo-hyun and Dong-chan back in time to prevent it from happening?

6) I'm really curious about Ji-hoon's documents and am sure that Saet-byul's pocketed document will come into play in future episodes. I am also now wondering about the page that was ripped out of Saet-byul's diary. I wonder if she wrote something incriminating about her father, which he found & destroyed. I wonder if he was in fact responsible for her kidnapping, but not her death. Maybe he was blackmailed into orchestrating a fake kidnapping for...um...reasons to be determined or (more likely) completely debunked later...but the fake kidnapping turned real & went horribly wrong.

7) Obviously we are meant to suspect the president and his creepy minister-lackey as the Big Bads, but I might be a little disappointed if they end up being responsible, unless the details are a lot better fleshed out & more personal than "publicity stunt to boost approval ratings." I'm not sure there's a fluid way of incorporating that storyline into the primary one because it's SO far out of left field, but right now kind of sticks out like a sore thumb in a sea of subtlety & misdirection.


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8) This may be a stretch, but I wonder if there's some symbolism to the three-headed dog image. Things do seem to happen in threes in this drama--three murders, three people dying at exactly the same time. I wonder if there are three murderers? Or three big bads?

9) That just gave me a random wild thought--Dong-chan and Soo-hyun were the only ones to get sent back in time, right? I'm assuming that the weird glowy sea-fingers were responsible for the time travel...but if not, what if Dong-chan's brother were sent back in time as well? I doubt it, and am not sure what the point of that would be narratively speaking, but am just brainstorming here. :)

10) I wonder if Dong-chan recognizes Ji-hoon from his private eye days. Maybe a client's wife (or gf or fiance) was cheating with Ji-hoon?


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Pretty sure the three-headed dog is Kerberus, the hell-hound which guards the entrance to Death from Greek/Roman mythology.


@whimsyful: So interesting! Thanks for sharing! I just did a quick google search on Kerberos, and here's what came up: "It guards the entrance of Hades to prevent those who entered from ever escaping."

I love that little detail. The writing may not be perfect, but the artistic team has built a very rich, nuanced world.


I noticed those references to SHs past too not just that but the fact that they did not show anything about her background yet according to wiki there a mother also that we have not seen yet ...


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Yes! I'm super interested in SH's past & her family. We know very little about her past, and next to nothing about her family.


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I went back and read the character profiles WJ is the one who dumped her cause his family did not want her and he regrets it


#3 - that is something I had not really thought of, but now that you mention it it brings up more questions. Perhaps she was a cop, gangster, or something similar back then? I am also curious about just why she broke up with her "first love" - I don't recall any of that being explained.

#4 I kind of got the feeling all along that her husband did not really know about her - not just her past, but even her present. I can't really blame him for doubting that whole time travel thing, but the way he just brushes off everything she says without even talking about it makes me wonder why they are even married at all.


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1) HAHAHAHAHA I love your enthusiasm about shipping those two, but who can blame you? They look so good together.

2) Totally! That even got me by surprise, since I was expecting him to be more “careful” with mommy’s soup the second time around, yet he did the exact same thing without even realizing it. I so love it how we don’t wait for the characters to discover things that we already know, but that we discover things alongside them. As they say – show, not tell!

3) I think the fact that Woo-jin liked her better back then than now suggests that she is living a fake life in some way – as in, she feels restrained, unable to show her true colors. You know those people with whom you feel at ease, as if you knew them for a lifetime? Do you also know those people who, for some reason, don’t inspire you enough confidence to open yourself and constantly keep you in a shell? I believe Ji-Hoon falls into that category. Living with him made her compromise – she had to give up on all her “fighting” past, so that she can get a sense of normalcy (routine) alongside her husband. And if you’re constantly putting a mask on and refrain yourself, there is going to be trouble sooner or later.

4) She probably did have to fight her way out and looked for an escape with Ji-Hoon, but as she realizes now, there are things you can’t erase. The fighting spirit will always be there – you can get rid of it, only learn how to control it and embrace it.

7) Minister gives me the creeps, but for some reason, the President is not really willing to go all the way with the death penalty. I am guessing he used that bait just like all the politicians do – making promises they don’t intend on keeping, because VOTES. Something is stopping him – maybe he also has a history of false imprisonment and it would be really nice to have more background on him.

8) Thought about it as well, but couldn’t figure out the symbolism behind it :P .

9) It would be really nice for someone to pay a visit to Dong-ho. Gah, poor Young-gyu really deserves it.

10) My theory as well.

@Windsun33 – According to a character profile I read (although there’s no telling how accurate it is), ***POSSIBLE SPOILER*** Woo-jin’s family pulled the strings to separate them, thinking she was unworthy of joining a respectable family (probably because of her hustling ways). Woo-jin couldn’t get over the fact that he was too coward to fight for her, so he buried himself in his work, as a distraction.

#4 Same here – it looks more like a comfort marriage than anything else, but she, at least, tried to change and forget about her past, in order to make things work. Even though she is great at what she does, she is clearly disturbed by the work environment (see her co-workers jolly remarking how good the crime program was). In a way, it sickens her that they can speak so lightly about themes which are hard to digest. Where is the fun in talking about murderers?

When you change for your...


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When you change for your significant other’s sake, it’s never a good thing – change has to be something you do for yourself. The moment you become someone else to please others, you become a faker.


1) They do look good together! And beyond that, I love how (even inadvertently) they bring out & encourage each other's best qualities. She's awakening his ability to invest emotionally in his work & start caring for people again, while he's encouraging the fight and determination in her. It's so telling to me that they first met when he was being punished by his hot-headed disregard for consequences, while she had followed her passive, fightless persona through completely. Even her suicide by its very nature required a distinct lack of struggle--in order for it to work, she had to give up completely and just sink to the bottom of the lake.

Waching her fierce love for Saet-byul ignite her inner fighter, and watching Dong-chan encourage this and even get inspired by it is a delight (even in the dire circumstances).

More later, but for now I've gotta run!


3) "Living fake" is a great way to put it. It's like she was wearing a mask almost, and now that she has a clear, urgent goal--to save her daughter--she has absolutely no reason to keep up pretenses.

I know that many people have commented on how little she seems to care whether her husband believes her (not you, but others on the board) and I have to believe that part of her restraint comes from them separating in the midst of their grief over SB's death. I do think their marriage obviously had problems long before the death, but it makes total sense to me that, in the wake of their separation, she would find it very difficult to trust him or to ask or expect anything of him. And that is a conversation with huge emotional implications that she couldn't even begin to have with him right now.

7) Right now I'm super disinterested in the president/minister subplot, to be honest. I don't really know enough about how the death penalty is viewed in South Korea to find it that interesting politically, and I couldn't be less invested in those characters right now. They just feel expository to me, like they're there because they'll need to tie into the intrigue later, but I'm not emotionally invested in them because they're not anchored to our primary narrative. I think that not having Ji-hoon be our window into the president & minister may have been a big missed opportunity for the writers--that would have been a great way to connect the family drama of Soo-hyun & Saet-byul to the political machinations that (I'm assuming) lead to Saet-byul's kidnapping/death. I'm sure that leaving Ji-hoon a bit of a cipher was an intentional choice by the writer to make us question & suspect him, but I do wonder how things would have played out if we got to see a little more into his world. Then again, I expect that we'll see more of him as Soo-hyun & Dong-chan find out more about him...so I'll withhold my judgment for now. :)

8) I love the commenters here! Turns out Cerberus is a hellhound who guards the entrance to death to prevent anyone from escaping. Pretty damn apropos, huh?


#3 & 4 - I am starting to agree that it was in fact just a "comfort marriage" or perhaps her getting desperate on the rebound at that time. And not just because she seems to be living kind of a fake life, but also because her husband does not have a clue about it - it may have been an arranged marriage. The husband does not seem to the be very able to adjust to any change.


My money's on "gangster." I doubt that even scrappy cops would've had the instincts to stab the killer with a fountain pen. :)

I agree about the husband not knowing who she is now. That said, before the death/time travel, I'm not sure even Soo-hyun knew who she was. She didn't seem particularly happy or satisfied with her life, as evinced by her superficial relationship with her husband and her harping on Saet-byul (and I'm now wondering if she saw a little too much of herself in SB's rebellious behavior and that's why she came down so hard on the girl).

Not to get too personal here, but I think that high achievers who make it through a rough childhood tend to gravitate towards stability, and get used to shutting off their emotional sides to make it through. It doesn't make for a very satisfying life (as we're seeing with Soo-hyun), but it definitely propels you forward, to a point. I think that SH (assuming she had a tough childhood, which is implied at the very least) got along with Ji-hoon, found him nice & reliable & ambitious, and went the "safe" route by working to build a life with him. **POSSIBLE SPOILER** It makes even more sense to me if she had been burned by Woo-jin as buticut posits below. If she was explicitly rejected for her fighting, passionate nature not conforming to Woo-jin's family's idea of "success," I can definitely see why she might try to distance herself from her past.


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So. Korea is a lot safer without the former cop/detective who thinks it's more important to move his illegally parked car than to continue to protect a target of murder. Hello!


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Yeah, that gaff was pretty jarring, and was an error that the writer should never have made. I understand that as a plot device the writer had to get him out of the apt for the murder to take place, but I can think of a dozen more plausible ways.


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Loving this drama!!!!!! When dong chan was chasing the killer, the killer slid/ hid something underneath soo Hyun's red car..... God knows wat that was...... Lee Bo young rocks as always...., kim yoo bin is sooooo adorable ...


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Im glad the killer falls at the end because it was getting on my nerves how indestructible they were making him. DC beats him up & SH hits him with a car and he's fine! But SH gets punched once in the car and shes knocked out? Not to mention she was dumb enough to not lock the doors. I like this drama but it has me screaming at the screen for all the wrong reasons sometimes.


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It's possible that the person who killed the three women wasn't the one who killed the child. That phone call arrived only minutes before the reporters got their hands on the information, but some other person could have found out before them, arranged it so that the media finds out about it at the same time that their trying to confirm his/her identity. Also note that Saet Byul doesn't fit the criteria for his typical victims either, nor was she killed in a similar way.

Anyway, as others have noted, there's something weird about how televised everything was about this case. It feels very staged: the mother's every reaction available for public viewing for maximum emotional appeal, the murderer calling the television station, the debates. It's weird how conveniently everything fell to place so that the public intimately knew the details of the case. But is it because this is some shady political stunt or because this is a drama and such conventions are expected, remains to be seen.

One thing is clear, even though everything seems to point to Dong-Chan being the one responsible for Saet-Byul's death during the first two episodes, as the story continues I can't help thinking that the clues where there to deliberately mislead us, to make us jump to the worst conclusions. It is entirely possible that he met her while she was with her kidnapper, but didn't think the occasion was particularly memorable. For example, he could have passed her by on the street while she was led by the friendly face of her kidnapper and picked up the pin she dropped to return it to her only to find her gone and then shrug and put the pin in his pocket. And the blood could easily be from the thugs. Even though we heard the little girl struggled, we didn't hear anything of wounds significant enough to cause that much blood loss.

On a unrelated note, the security guard that accosted the disabled guy a few episodes back, gives me the creeps. Even a couple episodes later, I feel disturbed on how he so easily changed his voice. Does anyone else feel the same?


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Do Koreans have some deep-seated fear towards police, firefighters and the like or something?
This is at least the third time I've seen the killer disguised as a police officer or other such figure, Ten, I'm almost positive Vampire Prosecutor, and at least one movie all used it.


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I forgot some stuff.

I still think that Dong-chan is the one who his brother went to jail for.


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Nooooo, not our beloved dong-chan..
Sort of in denial; I've grown to love him.


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Met too. And it is very unlikely for Dong Chan to testify against his brother for something he didn't do. Although there is still the question of whether the brother really is guilty or whatever his case is...


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I don't think so, I don't think that either one of them had anything to do with it and that it was a setup/frame job from the very beginning. That is also why I think that the first murder of 16 years ago is the key to this whole thing, but that murder has not been explored much so far in the show.


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Thanks Solabelly for the recap..

This drama had me hooked up because it's fast paced yet heartwarming and heart wrenching as well. The characters are real yet already endearing. Kudos to Lee Bo Young for giving her best for her character, she's growing more refined in acting these past drama projects she's getting. And Cho Seung Woo is so natural in his character.. though I have only seen him act in this drama, I knew that he is a very great actor and a charismatic one.

Can't wait for next week's episodes.. here's hoping more would tune in and appreciate this drama esp. since it is up against an already rating period drama in the other network..


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My cards are on Soo-hyun's husband. He's so... eerie. It's driving me crazy.


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so many characters are the possible murderers~ this show is good :)

I read this blogger's opinion about a possibility of Saet Byul dying and I'm wondering if that is possible....


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What I think is that the guy who killed the ladies is caught, okay, but the person behind the kidnapping is the guy with the president, his secretary or something.

And if the prophecy is true, then it is quite possible that either SB or SH will die in the end.Though I'm also thinking of Dong Chan pushing himself forward and dying instead of both of them.

SB's parents seem to fall apart. At first, I was confused over their actions(I don't know much about relationships), but now I think of it, if I put my parents in the same situation, they would fall apart the same way. That's just...sad, but true.

I love Dong Chan and his interactions with SH.

The acting by both the leads is marvellous!


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Loving this drama to pieces! I am at the edge of my chair for the whole hour.

Aside from the great recap I like the comments too, they're very enlightening! Thanks to all.


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Thank you, Solabelly, for your great recap.

So love this drama! And yes, the hero and heroine are really great protags.

Am really enjoying the way the themes of appearances vs reality and innocence versus guilt. I love how subtexts are being worked in. For the most part.

The prostitute who knits sweaters for her son. Innocence doing something the world might consider evil. All of this compares to Saet Byul's innocence. I'm wondering how the prostitute's son will fit into the puzzle. Since this is a closed world in a closed scenario, i'm thinking everyone is related. But maybe they aren't. Could prostitute be even related to rich halbae?

But my own personal nit: i was a bit sad that they made the caregiver mental health guy a sicko/murderer. First, it was obvious in that "the last person you'd suspect" kinda way. But second, i don't like it that the most "nurturing" male figure on the drama turned out to be vicious toward women. I know..it's just my personal issue but it annoyed me and really bothered me. Yes, kindness should be suspect but male nurturers shouldn't be...and so far nurturing is one of the subtexts, right? It doesn't demonize the mentally-challenged but with one depiction of a character it turns those who work with them into sickos. Of course the female teacher isn't the greatest either. I was just bothered by it.


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wondering if prostitute's son is snake....


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That would be interesting.
We don't have any information about Snake's age yet right?
But if he is, I don't know how I feel about No Min Woo playing a 16-year-old idol


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All that Min Woo energy uh?


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While the caregiver being a sicko might be upsetting, I wonder if you have seen this movie (Silenced), based on a true story?


It is available in quite a few places, even I think on Amazon Prime, and is a bit disturbing about how it went on for so long because nobody wanted to believe the "good guys" were not so good.


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Very true. I couldn't sit through Silenced. I kept feeling upset for the kids.


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Ive got a quick question. Was that lady at the destiny cafe time traveling? She was hinting to so hyun her daughter will die much the same way so hyun was telling that pink haired girl she was going to die.


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Am not sure. I thought her daughter had already died. Remember, Dong Chan's brother has been in jail for 10 years. So it's possible the conspiracy went all the way back and her daughter was the first person murdered.

It's also possible that the lady at the destiny cafe was a ghost who gave up her life to try to get her daughter and is doomed by destiny to save someone else.


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This is such an interesting theory. If this is the case, I wonder if Destiny lady might get some peace (or be able to move on to death/the afterlife/what have you) once her daughter's real killer is caught.


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I think Mimi is Young-gyu's mom. Like, the minute Dong-chan picked up the photo of the baby in her apartment and she told him the kid is actually 16 years old now and then she started giving sweaters for Young-gyu, I just knew the writer was trying to link her to Dong-chan's family. Plus, it gives the killer a connection to her since he's Young-gyu's teacher. His motive for killing all these women could be for "abandoning" their mentally challenged children whom he sees as precious as he told Young-gyu earlier. So yeah, he's most definitely not the guy who killed Saet-byul. I think that killer has a much bigger agenda, related to politics, the death penalty, and whatever happened many years ago with Dong-chan's family.


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There are parallels between the Gangnam murders and the infamous Jack the Ripper Whitechapel murders in 1888 London. Among the multiple theories of the case is the one that the murders were actually part of a cover up involving the British Royal family. All the murders were part of an elaborate plot to cover the death of one specific victim, Mary Kelly, the Ripper's last victim, who had intimate knowledge of the birth of the legitimate child of the heir to the throne, Prince Albert the Duke of Clarence. According to this theory, Prince Albert, who was rumoured to be mentally disabled in some way, secretly married an unacceptable woman and this marriage produced a child who would have therefore been second in line to the British crown. Mary Kelly, like the final Gangnam victim, was killed in her own home, not in an alley. Mary Kelly, according to this theory, was a friend of the "wife" and the child's nanny.

The Gangnam killer knows a lot about his final victim; who she is, who her clients are (he steals one of their phones), where she lives and so on. He isn't a typical spree killer at all. He's done a lot of research on her and he can't move on to just any woman alone in an alley. She seems to be an irreplaceable target so perhaps the other 2 victims were just a cover for the final victim who knows too much about something. This ties into evidence of a possible larger cover up about which we still know absolutely nothing. If there is a conspiracy, it's obviously dealing with a secret so devastating as to seriously impact certain people's lives.


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Btw, I think the whole British Royal Family connection to the Whitechapel murders theory is complete b.s. But it makes for an interesting parallel with the Gangnam final victim who is the mother of a child of an unknown father and whose killer has connections to Dong-chan's family as the "teacher" of his nephew.


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But wouldn't Mimi known Dong-Chan?


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she looks like someone who would research where her son ended up, and would know which family had him.


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I love a show that gets the mind gears turning. This is really a smart mystery-thriller we have here and the acting is making it even better.
Here's hoping the quality stays consistent throughout and is as smart as it seems right now. For the first time in a long time I'm not actually on edge about the quality. I have so much faith and goodwill built up from these 4 episodes alone! There are hiccups but nothing glaring or worrisome and I could count them on one hand right now :)


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I agree there is bigger force acting behind Saet-Byul's kidnapping. There are some more characters that need to show up, the lead singer and others. And we are just in episode 4, I am sure this is just the beginning of the mystery.


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1) everyone seems to have forgotten the scene in the first ep when, after finishing the debate where he was speaking against the prosecution of killers, a woman threw something at him in anger & screamed at him asking him if he will still take that side if HIS daughter was murdered. Just wanted to point it out too.

2) everyone seems to be taking Ji Hoon's anger for granted but the thing is guy, Soo Hyun wasn't transported to an alternate reality where things are different! No! She just went back to the past! Which means her husband is still the loving & caring "perfect" dad & husband we knew from before! & guys it's only been TWO days since she came back. TWO! When Saet Byul had been murdered it had taken him FORTY NINE DAYS to finally snap. & yet here we see him getting angry at her in just two days, most of which they spent apart. I think he is acting out. I think there is something going on with him. His outbursts are too much for something that he thinks is just her imagination. & as I said, it's just been two days. If Soo Hyun had been going around babbling about Saet Byul's death for say like a month or two THEN I would have understood his frustration. But him to become like this in just two days? Especially the "perfect husband" that he is? Nope not buying it. Besides even wiki says "he has secrets of his own" & if that's what your character description then boy it's going to be bad.

3) My god I LOVED, FREAKING LOVED, that scene where Soo Hyun fights the killer!!! She bit him, punched him, kicked him in his gut, stabbed him, tried to stab him more with an actual knife, etc. If this had been any other drama, the heroine would have just sat there not doing anything & then the hero will magically appear & save the day. *eye roll* please. Here though? I was like "FYEAH KICK HIM MORE!! AIM FOR THE HEAD!! MAKE THAT BASTARD HURT!!" Girls, if you are ever in a similar situation, follow Soo Hyun'S example. In real life if you wait for a knight in shining armour to appear, you will die. Plain & simple. I especially loved how she picked the knife without any hesitation & aimed straight for the head. None of the "omo what do I do". This fight scene was realistic. & I loved it.

4) I just thought one scene could have been better. The scene where Soo Hyun hits him with her car. Now see if I had been in her place, I would have backed up a little then hit him again, then backed up some more & hit him again, & so on. Not to kill him. But to stop him from getting up & running away. Dong Chan & Woo Jin would then have appeared, arrested him & it would have been game over. Sure it might seem gruesome to people but he is the one who killed 3 women in cold blood & if that wasn't enough, he supposedly killed her daughter. That would have been what Soo Hyun would have done. It was just SLIGHTLY out of character for her to just stop & stare dumbly as he gets up & makes his way to the car but it's ok. It's a very minor complaint...


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5) DONG CHAN X SOO HYUN!!!!!! I am surprised that people aren't spazzing about it but instead are looking at Soo Hyun & Woo Jin. That scene where he played with Saet Byul!! Now let me tell you, in drama land, if a hero befriends the heroine's daughter so easily, then let me tell you, they are destined to be XD!! I actually said to the screen "don't worry Saet Byul. He's gonna be your daddy soon" XD! & AKAKMSKSKWJDJDKK that scene where Soo Hyun smiled at Dong Chan for the first time!! & that scene where Dong Chan smiled at her for the first time!! ALAKMSKSKSKSKS interesting how both moments happened when the other listened to first for a change XD!! So Soo Hyun, you better leave your your husband & get this hottie. Besides, pssst!! He apparently is so good in bed that it makes girls refuse to sleep with anyone else ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you don't take him then fuck I might just have to invent something to get him out of the screen & into my bed. Rawr.

Yes yes I know that romance isn't the main point of this story, &I that's exactly why I like it more. I don't like the stupid romance dramas where everyone's lives & decisions revolve around "I love him/her so much!!". Sure there might be the occasional murderer but it's just to stimulate the romance some more =.= I like romance when it's in the background. Like this one. Now THIS is a story. It has comedy, adventure, mystery, action, romance in all the right proportions.


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What? Who be shipping woo jin with her? I've only heard of people raving about dong-chan x soo hyun.
But yes.. he is awesome.


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At most, we see Woo-jin as an...uhm... adequate pairing, because he knows her way much more than her husband and accepts who she is. But everybody is shipping DC and SH hard. As for me, I WANT to ship Woo-jin with her, just because I heart him so much LOL, but even caught in my love affair with him, I don't let myself be carried away and realize that he hasn't given me enough reasons yet for the shipping.

Dong-Chan and Soo-hyun are on fire though :D .


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I honestly love dongChanXsooHyun, i love it too when it was just like this, the romance is in the background, let just hope that SooHyun will not die or something T^T


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I think the killer is still alive IF dongchan manage to arrive in time and its interesting how that will change their fate, and yes the past of dongchan is interesting after he was back in 14 days too but what really bugs me is the 7 days of her child being kept and her husband,...


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Only one comment: the drama is just SO good


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saet byul's dad is high on my radar.
1) who the hell blames his wife and leaves her just because she went to talk to her old friend and left someone else to send her daughter off to her aunt? it's not like she left her daughter to go to her aunt alone.
2) dong-chan finds her husband familiar. that MUST say something.
3) that ddakji that the daughter keeps. i'm pretty sure that must contain some important information.
(anw shipping dongchan and soo hyun!)


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요즘 한국드라마에서 볼 수 없었던 드라마!!!

조금더 시간을 들여서 허술한 부분이 없게끔 제작했으면 좋았을텐데

그래도 끝까지 이 정도 수준을 유지한다면 명작의 반열에 들기에 충분할 듯.


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The first 4 eps of this drama was simply AWESOME and breathtaking!!!
But one thing that confuses me, it's when they said that they initially discovered Saet Byul's blood covered shoes and clothes. Then they said she died of drowning. But why would there be blood in the first place? Like doesn't make sense... So how was she really killed?

Anyway I looked forward very much to the next episode!!! Hope this will be one of the best dramas this year!!! =D


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Also you know in episode 2 when you see DC with blood on his shirt and a bow clip in his pocket.... it's kinda weird because what if it's SB?


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When you mentions there is a big bad evil still out there and a conspiracy lying underneath, I immediately linked it with the minister that announced death sentence for the jailed killer. Sorry forgot his role, but he have that death glare in him. And I believe the husband is some how also involved in the conspiracy, considering his stand in the trial in the first episode.
I can't really connect them coherently right now, but I feel like the husband had no idea that his daughter would die for what he involved himself into. The Gangnam killer is only a smoke bomb to hide the real conspiracy behind it. And that's why Saet Byul is target instead of any other children. I think she is the target not because of her mom, but because of her dad. The dad behavior during the kidnapping was also weird. He cut off the phone call to his home demanding money when the police asked him to hold off longer, as if he already know that these phone call are not the real kidnapper. The way he told his wife that these killer WONT kill his daughter because they need the money. But it felt like he know his daughter won't be killed.
HIs subsequently grief with Soo Hyun doesn't sit well with me either. I know he's the "perfect" husband and all that, but I felt the way he treat Soo Hyun throughout the whole ordeal is not because he's perfect, it felt more like he's feeling guilty. Maybe he know that it's because of him that his daughter is kidnapped. Technically Soo Hyun is the one that lost the daughter, no matter how perfect he is, he would have snapped at her. The way Soo Hyun is so incoherent the whole time Saet Byul is kidnapped; she start blaming her husband. But the husband waited a long time before snapping at Soo Hyun and he also stopped himself from letting it all out.

Third, i felt his attitude toward the trial in the first episode a little weird as well. It felt like he is just doing what he supposed to do knowing that he won't win. It's as if he know he only going there to put on a show.


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This is the sh1ttiest acting + scriptwriting i have EVER seen . So funny that i laughed. He got beaten, stabbed, hit by a car. And a stupid woman passes out after being slapped? Jesus. I could vomit blood watc piece of junk


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