Emergency Couple: Episode 16

Both Chang-min and Chun-soo take some big steps forward in redefining their relationship with Jin-hee. You might be surprised that Chang-min does so with sudden maturity, and you might be downright startled that it is Chun-soo’s turn to take brash action. But there are circumstances beyond their control that will deeply affect our entire cast of players.



Chang-min performs an emergency suture and manages to restore his dad’s vitals. He and Jin-hee buy enough time to rush him to the emergency room.

Accompanied by her brother, Chang-min’s mom arrives at the hospital and runs into Chang-min and Jin-hee. She doesn’t seem pleased to see Jin-hee, but thankfully, is more concerned about her husband’s state. She rushes into the emergency room where Chun-soo explains that Professor Oh is suffering from congestive heart failure and that the blood vessels in his heart have narrowed.

When she asks whether her husband will die, Chun-soo and Chang-min’s uncle reassure her, but Chun-soo points out that Professor Oh must have suffered from his chronic heart condition for quite some time. He asks Chang-min whether he didn’t know of it, and Chang-min, ashamed, acknowledges that he knew nothing of his father’s condition.

Chang-min’s mom rips into Chang-min for having been ignorant of his father’s declining health. She describes herself as the “ignorant wife” of a doctor, while Chang-min is both a doctor’s son and a doctor himself. Chang-min’s uncle smooths things over by commending Chang-min for his quick emergency care and damage control.

Chang-min admits that he only knew of the situation because of Jin-hee. He tells them that if Jin-hee had not gone to visit his dad, the situation would have been a lot worse. His mom furiously asks if Jin-hee is to blame for Chang-min’s absence at the all-important dinner with the Cabinet Minister and Ah-reum. Ugh.

Chang-min’s uncle is the voice of reason; he points out that Chang-min can hardly be blamed for choosing to save his own father over attending a dinner engagement. But Chang-min’s frustration with his mom boils over and he shouts sarcastically, “That’s right! I was reluctantly coming to dinner because of a debt that I owed to my uncle, but fortunately, my father chose to keel over instead!”

When he goes back to his dad’s room, he sees that Jin-hee is already keeping vigil. He tells her to go home, and her eyes fill with tears as she expresses regret that his birthday has turned out like this.

Kwang-soo tells Jin-ae of her mom’s fight with Chang-min’s mom. Angry, she asks her mom whether it’s true and whether Chang-min just stood by and watched. Her mom admits that Chang-min dragged his mom away before things got really ugly. Jin-ae insists that she’ll no longer allow Chang-min’s mom to bother her sister.

At the hospital, the married girl intern shares with her husband the latest gossip that’s already spread through the hospital like wildfire–that Jin-hee and Chang-min are a divorced couple. Ah-reum overhears their conversation and her face falls.

Ji-hye and Chun-soo perform a chest tube insertion on Chang-min’s dad while Chang-min and Jin-hee worriedly stand by.

In his office, Ji-hye warns Chun-soo that the specialists are all grumbling that Chun-soo was the one who had the privilege of treating Professor Oh, who apparently is highly esteemed for his research. The chief of the ER rushes in and asks Chun-soo why specialists weren’t called for such an important patient. He replies that he did call specialists but that no one came.

When the chief asks whether Chun-soo had disclosed Professor Oh’s identity, Chun-soo loses his patience: “What does it matter who the patient is? When I mentioned the patient’s condition, the specialists should have rushed over no matter what.”

Ji-hye jumps in as well by reminding the chief that they run an emergency room and that all patients should be treated the same. She insists that the important thing is that they successfully treated an emergency, but the chief is still worried that Chun-soo will suffer from more fallout.

Ah-reum rushes to Professor Oh’s room, where Chang-min explains that his dad is no longer in serious danger. He apologizes to her for his absence at dinner, and she tells him not to worry about it given the circumstances.

Professor Ahn stops Chun-soo and sure enough, he’s green with envy that Chun-soo treated Professor Oh. He makes a barbed reference to Chun-soo’s eight-year residency and his criticism of Professor Ahn’s recently published paper. When he asks whether Chun-soo thinks he can go up against him, Chun-soo replies with irony that he does not have Professor Ahn’s “skill” and that he doesn’t consider himself a worthy opponent.

The nurses gossip about Jin-hee, saying that she flirts with Chun-soo for the sake of furthering her career. Overhearing this, Professor Ahn smirks.

He turns to Jin-hee and chides her for flirting with Chun-soo. Snidely insinuating that both Jin-hee and Chun-soo have behaved inappropriately, he adds that Chun-soo must view her as an easy woman given her divorced status.

Chang-min overhears this and promptly loses his temper. He charges towards Professor Ahn, but Chun-soo again beats him to the punch. I mean that literally. Chun-soo punches Professor Ahn squarely in the kisser. Yeah! Through clenched teeth, he warns, “Your anger towards me…stop taking it out on random people and go about your business.”

Professor Ahn shouts that Chun-soo has made a huge mistake by hitting a superior. A panicked Ji-hye asks Chun-soo whether he considered the consequences.

Chang-min’s dad regains consciousness, though one would think that he must regret it, because no sooner does he open his eyes than his wife screams at him for allowing himself to fall into such poor health. Well, I suppose it’s one way of showing concern.

Jin-hee and Chun-soo work together on a patient while the nurse looks on with suspicion, ready to interpret anything as romantic interest or flirtation.

Jin-hee waylays Chun-soo and asks whether punching Professor Ahn was a bit too harsh. She apologizes for having caused him trouble, but Chun-soo insists that it’s the other way around: “Professor Ahn acted that way to you because he’s angry with me. So you don’t need to worry about it.”

Jin-hee worries that people in general might view her as an easy woman but Chun-soo contradicts her. For him, he finds Jin-hee “more difficult” now that he knows that she is a divorcee.

Later, he sits in his office and remembers Ji-hye’s words of advice: that he needs to sort out his mommy and daddy issues before he can love someone, or marry. He stares at his phone and looks at Jin-hee’s number. Suddenly finding resolve, he rushes out of his office, totally disregarding two nurses who are in the middle of arguing over who’s hotter: Chang-min or Chun-soo. Ha.

Chun-soo’s sudden appearance in a supply room startles Jin-hee. He merely says, “Come see me,” and wheels around and leaves. He waits in his office in agitation.

Jin-hee worries whether she’s made some sort of mistake but Chun-soo says there’s nothing like that. Instead, he’s afraid that he may have said something hurtful to her earlier. She denies it, and a lock of her hair comes loose. Chun-soo moves in, and his hand brushes the hair off of her face.

He stares at her lips, and starts millimetering towards a kiss. The anticipation builds and builds and (builds some more…) and Jin-hee’s eyes close. His eyes also close just as…

Someone knocks on his door. Trolled! Again, we are trolled! Chun-soo shakes himself out of his reverie as Jin-hee walks into his office. She asks whether anything’s wrong with a blood test that she ran earlier and he replies with a quick negative.

After a long pause, Chun-soo blurts out, “I don’t care a whit. I don’t care that you’re divorced or whom you’re divorced from.” Jin-hee blinks in confusion while he continues, “So, don’t worry about it. No matter what people say, you’re still Oh Jin-hee.”

The married girl intern hesitates before having to accompany a patient into radiology. Her husband runs to take over, and tells her not to go in.

Chun-soo warns Chang-min’s mom that Professor Oh needs to avoid stress and rest. Chang-min pointedly asks her, “You heard that, right?” and Professor Oh himself echoes, “You heard, right?” She grudgingly concedes that she’ll behave.

Ah-reum tells Jin-hee that she’s heard of the divorce. Jin-hee replies that it’s all in the past and that there’s nothing for her to worry about. When asked why they divorced, Jin-hee replies, “Well. There were a number of things that just weren’t a fit.” Ah-reum wonders whether having a baby might have changed the situation, but Jin-hee responds that there wasn’t any room even to think about children.

Ah-reum tells Jin-hee that Chang-min missed an important family dinner. While she acknowledges that his dad was in a dire medical emergency, she suspects that another reason was that he simply didn’t want to come.

The married guy intern tries to convince his wife to stop working as of tomorrow. Saying she doesn’t know yet, she walks away, leaving her husband worried over whether she’ll terminate the pregnancy. Ah-reum has worries of her own, and notes that she hasn’t seen Yong-gyu all day.

Two of the residents also panic because of Yong-gyu’s absence and Dr. Kim is particularly upset.

Jin-hee and Chang-min sit by his dad’s bed. She urges his dad to get better and return to his practice. He replies that he’s happy now that Jin-hee’s a doctor.

After she leaves, Chang-min’s dad asks whether the two might start over again. Chang-min responds that while he wants to, Jin-hee seems too scared to try. He wonders whether he’s an obstacle to her moving on to find a better man. “If Jin-hee finds someone she loves, don’t I have to let her go?”

His dad acknowledges that it’s the right thing to do but he also pooh-poohs the whole “if you love someone, set them free” business.

Ah-reum sits in the interns’ office and stares at the plant that Yong-gyu gave her. She remembers his recent panic attack, but also remembers how he asked her out on a date to see an indie band concert.

She searches for him in the bar where the band is scheduled to play, and finally finds him with his head down and his headphones on. While he appreciates her worry over him, he tells her that he’s lost all confidence in his future as a doctor. She thinks his confidence crisis is temporary, but his depression doesn’t lift.

When Chang-min steps away on an errand, his mom is left alone with his dad. Suddenly, the monitors start beeping loudly, and Chang-min’s dad gasps for air. Panicking, she runs to the nurses’ station to ask for a doctor, and luckily, Jin-hee is already on the scene.

She rushes over, and Chang-min’s mom begs her to save her husband’s life, just as she once saved hers.

Chun-soo hears of the emergency and rushes to help. Ji-hye grabs his arm and points out that the patient is no longer their responsibility since he is now in the Intensive Care Unit. Just as he’s done before, he brushes her arm off of his.

But when Chun-soo runs alongside Professor Oh’s gurney to rush him into surgery, Ji-hye is also there to help.

As Chang-min and his mom wait, he notices Jin-hee also waiting further down the hall. Walking over to her, he says, “Don’t do this. I don’t want to make things harder for you as well. Please go.” When she replies that she doesn’t want to go, he points out that they’re no longer married and no longer family. She breaks into tears as she says, “I’m sorry. I know that…I know it, but I can’t go.”

He pulls her into a tight hug and reassures her that everything will be okay. She sobs into his chest and cries that she’s afraid his dad might die.

When Chang-min’s dad comes out of surgery, the news isn’t good. The surgeon says that they’ve done everything they can but that the family should prepare themselves. Chang-min covers his face in despair, while Ji-hye points out that there is still some hope, especially if his dad pulls through the night.

Chang-min wants Jin-hee to go and get some sleep. Instead, she explains how his dad sought her out after their divorce. She relates his dad’s words to her at the time: “You’ve only just stumbled once in your life. You’ve only skinned your knees, so don’t make a big deal of it.”

Chang-min expresses relief that at least his dad showed Jin-hee some kindness. She wonders whether her own dad, had he been alive, would have said such words to her. Chang-min replies, “Of course.” Jin-hee: “So… just let me stay tonight.”

Ji-hye and Chun-soo check on Chang-min’s mom, who asks if her husband will be okay. Ji-hye says yes, but Chun-soo speaks the truth plainly: “It will be difficult for him to survive the night.” Chang-min’s mom bursts into tears.

She keeps vigil overnight and sits by her husband, while Chang-min and Jin-hee wait outside in the hall. Morning comes, and Jin-hee has fallen asleep on his shoulder.

A beeping monitor wakes Chang-min’s mom, and several doctors rush in. One of the doctors explains that Professor Oh’s heart is too weak to pump blood. Chang-min’s dad flatlines.

Sobbing, Chang-min desperately tries to revive his dad via CPR. As he finally makes the painful realization that there is no bringing him back, he collapses next to the bed in tears.

Maddened by grief, Chang-min’s mom screams at the doctors to do something, and she shakes Jin-hee violently: “You can do something, right? Right?” Tears stream down Jin-hee’s face. After an uncomfortable silence, Chun-soo calls time of death.


Damnation. Why do they always got to kill off the nice dads? *surreptitiously wipes tears* Bad people never die in dramas. I suppose bad people are useful for creating conflict and driving a story, but it’s as if nice people in dramas are only good for dying a poignant death. On behalf of nice drama people, I want change!

Of course, from a completely objective standpoint, death serves as a wonderful catalyst. In the next episode, we should be privy to everyone’s emotional reactions to Professor Oh’s death, and those reactions will be crucial in our lead couple’s future, should they have one.

How quickly did Chang-min’s mom change her perspective when she desperately needed Jin-hee’s help! I found it interesting that in her despair, she describes herself using the same word she normally reserves for Jin-hee: “ignorant.” As she begs her to save her husband, she acknowledges that Jin-hee saved her life as well. And at the end, when it’s evident that Professor Oh has passed, she still turns to Jin-hee (not her son!) with desperate faith that she might be able to do something.

While I understand that death can cause drastic changes in perspective, I do wonder then, why she was so abusive to Jin-hee, especially in the more recent past. Was she simply projecting her own insecurities onto her former daughter-in-law?

Chang-min is finally starting to say and do the right things. I’m happy to see his newfound maturity, although I do find it a bit sudden and unexplained. Was it not just the other day he was shouting in a restaurant that Jin-hee was “his woman?” Yet today, he tells his father that he can let Jin-hee go should she find a better man? Again, it’s the right thing to say, but I wish we were shown more of HOW he got there so that I could feel more weight in those words. But while I may not yet trust his assertion that he would step aside should Jin-hee find someone new, I did find some of his other words and actions convincing. His concern over Jin-hee as she waits for his dad to wake, and his calm reminder to her that she is under no further obligation to him or his family—these rang true in my heart and my head. It must be painful for Chang-min to admit that he has no claim on Jin-hee, and yet he says it, purely to save her from a sleepless night of worry.

And Chun-soo…sheesh. I couldn’t believe how long they drew out the would-be kiss…only to troll us by revealing that it’s merely a daydream. Show…that was just cheap.

I was glad that Chun-soo’s prejudice against divorce didn’t prejudice him against Jin-hee. For the most part, Chun-soo lives in a beautiful black-and-white world where right is right and wrong is wrong, so it was gratifying to see him adjust his views and withhold judgment based on what he knows of Jin-hee. I do worry for Chun-soo’s career, now that he’s punched Professor Ahn. Of course, I was thrilled when he did so, because Professor Ahn surely deserved it. But again, it’s only in pure fantasy where assholes always get just retribution, where all patients are treated equally, where knights slay dragons.

Chun-soo seems determined to be an unemployed doctor living off of a sashimi-only diet. So be it. I can accept disciplinary action or termination for his having hit a superior. But if they try to fire him on account of having Professor Oh’s death on his watch…look out, I’ll be unleashing slaps all around.


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Yes, I really agree with you. It was so sad to see the dad died. But I guess you really need the death of a good person to trigger everyone to confront their own issues and resolve them.


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I have to say this is one of the most touching episode so far, but then is this a comedic-melodrama?? Even My Love From Another Star (which still rank above this drama in my list) didn’t make me teary eyes like this. I am starting to think the death of abeoji OH is not so much for CM and JH, it is more for Monster in law. She seems to grow up a lot to the point of showing gratitude to JH (preview). Thank God for that, and also thank you writer to at least give her a good drama scene, showed me how she ended up being an actress, not just a typecasting actress anymore.
It nettles me that JH still not sure which way she going to walk to, especially when she was the one that got comforted by CM instead of comforting each other. I realize CM wasn’t as close to abeoji as JH, and JH is more sensitive emotionally. However, I would love to see CM falling asleep leaning to JH instead of what the episode showed. It is a small thing that means a lot. It shows that if CM and JH end up together, their relationship will be balanced, not as it used to be anymore. If JH choose Chief Gook instead, she should refuse CM’s attention, because then it is not fair for CM. He’s near the bottom pit right now and JH’s action could just be a false hope for him. With that, I am not sure I like JH’s expression to Chief Gook in preview when she meets up with him.
That scene with Chief Gook imagination, I was shaking my head so hard I think I got whiplash. Romantic and very Cassanova, but SO NOT HIM, which made me liked him even more when they showed his real reaction. A-DO-RA-BLE!! Still, a guy with so much baggage should resolve his problems first before take on a relationship with a divorcee. What I mean by that is, JH went through a lot in her first so it is only fair if she doesn’t have to tend to Chief Gook’s old wound.
At this point, I know a lot of CM-JH biases are trashing Ah Reum right now. However, try to picture this in your head. Your crush didn’t end up coming to the dinner due to his dad health emergency. So, instead of getting a definite closure, you got this half sad, not sure whether you disappointed, and half concern about your crush, can you 100% be over him? I wouldn’t. She would have benefited more from either CM not coming, or CM came and flatly refused the arrangement (I would prefer the first case, but then he owed his uncle so writer-nim seems to take the easy way out but then made Ah Reum ended up in limbo).
About Yong Gul, why oh why oh WHY did they make him into the pathetic quitter? They could have made him a better man and a better candidate for Ah Reum. At least quit after he fail again, not just fail one time and that’s it. The patient didn’t even die like the tracheotomy patient CM and JH had. That was more serious, I mean death ya’ll!!!
Right now I son’t think anyone should end up with anyone. LOL!! They just didn’t do justice on making any couples. JUST NOT, especially with this news from the network “We haven’t decided yet whether...


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or not SJH and CJH will meet again or have a fresh start together.” Can everyone say WHAT DA FUQ???

Anyway, I just want to share this as a treat for you guys 911 couple fans. CHOI JIN HYUK SINGS SCENT OF A FLOWER!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mkoIjo1OQ8#t=108
And let us daydream that he sings it to us while strumming an acoustic guitar under our window tonight. Swooooooooonnn……(BTW does anyone know where to download this particular song?)


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again thanks for the recap!!


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gomapda stardust!


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The writers were smart to make Jin Hee share her grief with Chang Min. Thus far, we've only seen her put walls up around Chang Min. In this episode she doesn't go to anyone else to share those emotions, she goes to him. That's who she needed and wanted to be with during that time. It speaks volumes. The writers have created room for growth and development in Jin Hee through this tragedy.

It'll be interesting to see how receptive Chang Min is to Jin Hee's new found openness.


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Thanks for the recap Slappyunni!

I agree the fake-out kiss is a cheap shot. It's like a heroine is sullied if she is kissed by anyone other than the OTP (unless it's completely forced on her-which happens often enough in dramaland).
Come on let 'em kiss, so we can give Jin Hee something real to think about other than a three word text and a borrowed book.


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That kiss... I' m glad that only Evil-chief daydream, he then says something more worthy, he see Jinhee as a person, not a divorcee.
Changmin needs Jinhee right now! Please, step aside all the rational reason, I want Jinhee comforts him and get back together
Changmin's dad is right, love her as much as you feel that , don't hold your feeling, just show it with some maturity and respect


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I still have some faith that Chang Min will reunite with Jin Hee in the end. And they will have a cute baby like Baby Gook. Amen.


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I think that after Jin-hee pulled away from Chang-min at the restaurant (with the other ER doctors) he was able to see how his immature love for Jin-hee was actually hurting her. What I love about this drama is that the characters don't force themselves upon their love interests, such as Ah-reum and Jin-hye when they aren't being accepted. It's a refreshing change of pace, since I think that the clingy jealous boy/girl trope is so overused.

So even though Chang-min was acting like the stereotypical male lead, he realized that his actions were making her really uncomfortable. And I think this is because he was originally married to her. With other male leads, their jealous adoration towards the female lead isn't anchored by past experiences with the girl, and so it's difficult for them to back off. In Chang-min's case, he dated Jin-hee, married her for a year, divorced, didn't see her for another six years, and then started developing feelings for her again. And this immaturity that accompanied his feelings felt a lot like I-want-my-toy-back Syndrome. However, as he mentioned, he still held memories of their marriage life, and so when Jin-hee straight-up tells him how emotionally painful their marriage was, Chang-min had that anchor to bring him back down.

What I'm trying to say, essentially, is that his maturity felt more natural to me only because he has those bad memories (even though the drama only brings up the happy moments) of his marriage. Coupled with Jin-hee fighting back tears and telling him how their relationship didn't work, it turned on a light in his head and made him understand where she was coming from. If this was in another drama where the male and female leads had no past intimate relationship with one another, having the guy switch from jealous to mature within two episodes would have felt extremely forced. But with two divorcees who already have an understanding of each other, I felt it to be more plausible to have one of them back off when the other is expressing their anguish.


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Thanks for the excellent review!
I want to say that it took forever, but the episode just came out yesterday. Lol. I'm so impatient. I like to watch the show then read the reviews just in case there was anything I missed.


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What I'm trying to say, essentially, is that his maturity felt more natural to me only because he has those bad memories (even though the drama only brings up the happy moments) of his marriage. Coupled with Jin-hee fighting back tears and telling him how their relationship didn't work, it turned on a light in his head and made him understand where she was coming from. If this was in another drama where the male and female leads had no past intimate relationship with one another, having the guy switch from jealous to mature within two episodes would have felt extremely forced. But with two divorcees who already have an understanding of each other, I felt it to be more plausible to have one of them back off when the other is expressing their anguish.


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Oops, please disregard this!


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They only have 5 more episodes but I"m not seeing much development in bringing the 2 main couples together. They've really haven't shown that JinHee is interested at all in ChangMin, except at the beginning - but it should have been the other way around to show a development in their relationship.

I'm so tired of the chief. Time to let him leave the triangle and get together with the professor instead.


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prof. Shim aaalll thee wayyy!!


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Thanks for the recap.

As crazy as Chang Min mother behaves, I never doubted she loved her husband.

Actually I'm more convinced she loves her husband than I'm convinced she loves her son.

I'm more convinced Chang Min's mother loves Chang Min's father than I'm convinced Chang Min's father loved Chang Min's Mother.

Chang Min's father might have been a good and fair person, but he seemed to have had difficulties making members of is family confident in their relationship with him and his affection for them.

I figure his relationship with Jin Hee seems so positive because he was trying to right the wrong of how unfairly she was treated by his wife and son.

Also, considering the dynamics of the family, Chang Min's father would have been considered a saint in his relationship with Jin Hee by just refraining from insulting and cursing at her.


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Hello! This is the first time I'm commenting, and also one of the few shows I'm actually watching without fastforwarding, cos I'm more of a variety show lover. And as much as it pains me to say this, I don't have much hope for a natural resolution to the mess of cou


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Hello! This is my first time commenting, but I've always been a silent fan cos I haven't found a drama that I can watch without fastforwarding. I'm more of a varietyshow lover heh. But I'm pretty stoked about this show! And as much as it pains me to say this, I can't see any natural way of resolving the mess of relationships that Show is currently giving us. I have this nagging feeling we'll end up with either a fast forward, or a "I'm sorry I have to leave to some far off country where we'll forget we have i


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Hello! This is my first time commenting, but I've always been a silent fan cos I haven't found a drama that I can watch without fastforwarding. I'm more of a varietyshow lover heh. But I'm pretty stoked about this show! And as much as it pains me to say this, I can't see any natural way of resolving the mess of relationships that Show is currently giving us. I have this nagging feeling we'll end up with either a fast forward, or a "I'm sorry I have to leave to some far off country where we'll forget we have the Internet and Skype and messages" scenario.


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Oops. I think my "first time" shows in the multiple comments. It was an accident I swear!:D


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-First, I did not think they would drag the dad's
illness/death through the entire episode.

-Second of all, my nerves and emotions could not stand the near death experiences of the father. I mean he nearly died like twice to end up... dead at the end. I know it's a drama and it needs drama to make the story move forward, but still...


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thank you for the recap as always your good at it,I'm from philippines but I'm inlove with Korea especialy their koreanovela's and this is definitely one of my top list along with The Master's Sun,I just so love Jin Hee and Oh Chang Min,I love how chang Min rekindled his love for Jin hee but I'm afraid that the writer might decide at the end not to bring them back together please don't let that happen I believe they deserved a happy ending their chemistry is just so ggod that it pains me seeing them being hurt all over agin,actually I'm really confused on Oh Jin Hee's feeling I didnt see on her actions and emotions who she really like not even a hint,but I hope it will still be CM and JH fighting :)


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I think this will be just another cliche korean drama. From what I've seen in this episode and ep 17, as much I love and want chief to be with jin hee,we can at least say goodbye to chief..I mean,the way they develop chang min character like Slappyunni mentioned in the recap are not really convincing at all, and not just that, the drastic changes on Chang Min mommy monster are just beyond..so the genius writer-nim have to pull out their cheap card, with the death of another good guy in the drama as a trigger..way the go their method to fix Jin Hee relationship with devil mummy and bad boy ex husband using the easiest and cheapest method ever..killing two bird with one stone..HELL....

Truth to be told, I have watch dozens of korean drama and I never have this "second lead sydrome" before. And when other people keep on wanting the second lead to win, I always doing my best to back up the never ending "bad boy" first lead. Then, come this drama who seriously force me to change my stand. For the first time ever, I don't even feel click with the bad boy in this drama. Ironically and amazingly, I actually rooting for the second lead actor to be with the main heroine from the very first episode.


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we meet again harem! loli feel like we're the only jin hee and chief shippers . everyone keeps stressing how much they want chief to back off from the triangle, and i feel kinda envious of them. i mean we all know she's going to end up with changmin, but for those of us who want her to have some more time with the chief it really sucks because the writers are determined to ruin every possible romantic moment when they get together. it's so bloody frustrating. i'm really tired of being pushed all over the place. they need to decide asap who they want her more leaning towards . obviously the writers aren't really thinking of us chief shippers *sighs*

oh i've had second lead syndrome one too many times. in fact, i rarely find myself rooting for the main lead. lol i guess i'm a sucker for the underdogs. :(


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Haha,nice meeting you too again,Alua!! ^^ I know right? They need to troll on us each and every time~ what's wrong with provide "good" moment for the second lead? Maybe what korean writers really need is to change their mindset to more..you know..a fresher and dynamic one~

Yeah,that's one of the reason I rooting him..as an underdog he has strong and weak points thus making him as a character that..realistic than any other second lead I've watch before. Plus, I really like his way of acting and body gesture, kinda lazy but serious type~hmm..somehow remind me a bit(just a tiny bit) of L from death note and Captain Jack Sparrow XD

In regard of second lead syndrome, let's face it, the second lead in korean dramas always a "flower boy" type..someone gorgeous,forward and almost perfect...I mean just look at Prime Minister, Boys Over Flower(just name a few).so the reason why I never root them before because in my view, they are not really an underdog. They actually can bite if they wanted to.

But Chief is different from them. He CAN'T BITE, even if he wanted to. He has very little moments with JH, but somehow strangely and realistically he managed to pull me off to ship him with her...


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*aly~ sorry typo on my behalf


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"for better or for worse..."

Oh Chang Min did not do well during the worse time of his marriage time with Jin Hee... He does not have the decency to inform Jin Hee when he is packing his bags?! He did that while she was away shopping and she only got to know when she got back. Her surprised look kills me.. in addition, Jin Hee hit her lowest after their divorce.. but chang min seem to be hurriedly packing his bags and moving on to his rich life...

I love Choi Jin Hyuk... I'm happy he gets to be a leading actor now.. I shipped him in I need Romance.. but unfortunately I'm reluctant to ship his character Oh Chang Min with Jin Hee even he has redeemed himself...

I'd like Jin Hee to move on with her life and meet more men... better man


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yeah..truthfully..unbelievable. His change of character from being immature to being "FULLY" mature(Noted I used fully here not just being mature,but COMPLETELY MATURED) is something I can't really swallow as a viewer and a fan. There's no any graph of consistency to show us how he develop being a mature character. Just a slap on the cheek, and he change to be completely new person.HA.


I know we all take sides in others relationship. That's human nature but Jin Hee wasn't that innocent in her marriage as well. They both had major faults that lead to the end of their marriage. Someone had to show maturity first and it just happens to be Chang Min. Now since I said that, it doesn't mean that JH is suppose to just give in easily because he is taking responsibility for his part of their relationship but it should make her want to take a retrospective look at her past actions. With her doing that, she'd realize her mistakes and use that lesson toward her new relationship either with Chang Min or the Chief.

Jin Hee is still self absorbed and emotionally vulnerable. In episodes 16 & 17, Chang Min is mourning the death of HIS Father and Jin Hee is making it about her feelings and what she needs to do to honor HIS Father. I am not making light of her feelings but at this time, she was suppose to put her feelings aside and comfort Chang Min but yet Chang Min tried to comfort her. Her actions here almost made me stop caring about this character.

I like the Chief as well but he needs to deal with his Mother and Father issues before he even thinks about being in a relationship with anyone. He likes Jin Hee but doesn't want to give up the picture of him and Dr. Shim.
He also needs to have closure with what landed him as a resident for 8 years and also come to terms with how that ultimately ended his relationship with Dr. Shim


haha nope you too are not the only ones in Chief-nim ship!
I really really hope (I'm grasping at thin air I know) that somehow a lightning will strike the writer and make her/him come to realisation that Chief Gook is a better man for Jinnie :)


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amen to that girl!!


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yeah , i cried buckets during this episode. it was conflicting. feeling all types of sadness because of his father but then having the chief's swoon-y moments. you don't understand how much i fumed because they trolled us with that scene. and the next episode is worse. i'm waiting for you to post your review so i can really vent lol!


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So much tears coming from Choi Jin Hyuk. I feel that these crying scenes really allow him to shine as an actor. He portrays just the right amount of sadness, while trying to hold back and be strong for his mother and Jin Hee. I was hoping to the very end that his father would survive ...at least a little longer to see them fully reunited.


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Chief Gook badly needs a haircut. ;)


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Well I don't agree that his change was sudden. He's basically been trying to do this for episodes now and last episode finally got the last slap to the face that he needs to chill and let her be if that's what she wants. I remember someone saying that it was rather sudden that he was growing up a couple episodes back but the thing is, he was just getting started. He took the big plunge, regressed, moved forward, regressed, etc. like a real person who was trying to change their ways would.

Now that doesn't mean I want them together at this point, because I'm not feeling it on Jin-Hee's end at all. I'd much rather she move on with someone else(not Chun-soo at this point with his baggage that will cause future problems for sure) who will help her heal and accept all of her as she is.


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I believe that Jin Hee feels for Chang Min. I think previously she committed to him wholehearted, without engaging her brain in the decision.

Now I think she has swung the other way, where she is depending on her brain and trying to silence her heart.

I think she will make the best decision when both her heart and head is engaged.

I see Chang Min trying to do his best to be better, but to me he is still failing because he keeps doing what he thinks is best for Jin Hee, to lessen her pain, without LISTENING to what she is asking for. Until he listens to her I don't know how good a partner he can be, because he doesn't know her that well and his intuition isn't sharp enough to figure out what she needs without asking/listening.

But his family seems unable to communicate honestly about emotional needs. All you have to do is see the disaster that is his mother communication skills with is father to see how disastrous his example is.


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All I want is for Chun Soo to realise that he prefers familiarity rather than someone who makes his heart flutters.


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Yes! I second that. I so want him to end up with Ji-Hye, she's perfect for him.


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this episode while sadwas pitch perfect. the quiet moments, the overall tone. the acting, the direction all came togetherfor the slow build to the end. without realalizing (sp) i was crying i had tears roll down my face by the end of the episode.
oh those Koreans and their definition of comedy.

my tablet keyboard and I are not friends.


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What an emotional roller-coaster this episode was..
Slappyunni, I agree with you.. WHY do they have to kill the nice dad!! :( I love the relationship between him and Jin-hee..

The show is getting better again with this episode, and may I say that I don't hate Changmin's mom today.. lolz..

Thanks for the recap :)


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Oh, I almost forgot, Professor Ahn is such a JACKASS!!


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Seriously I know!!! I hope somewhere in the remaining episodes CM gets a chance to talk to him. It'd be nice if he could let him know that even though JH is divorced she is not unprotected by him and his amazing family. I felt bad when Chief got to him first.


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ugh the tears


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such a sad episode

i think eventually Changmin and Jin hee will be back together. they're not the same person as the ones who got married 6 years ago

i still think Jin hee has strong feelings for Chang min and it doesn't go away even time has passed on. it just that she doesn't want to repeat the possibility of receiving the same hurtful pain from the failed marriage with Chang min

Jin hee and the chief is just a diversion on how chief will overcome his marriage/commitment phobia and how he helps her grows better. instead of romantically involved, i saw them more as a mentor-men tee relationship


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Aigooo, i'm glad i'm not the only weirdo who wants JinHee to end up with the Chief.
Chang Min had had his chance back then. Too bad.
Come on' let's not have the usual drama; hero end up with heroine pls.


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is this drama trying to change course or what? its supposed to be rom/com for god sake!! this is so sad Y~Y


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Although the writing is sometimes flawed, I am impressed by how Choi Jin-Hyuk continues to deliver what's needed as an actor with his portrayal of Oh Chang-Min.


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Maybe this is just me but I thought Jin Hee crying to Chang Min about HIS dad was a little off. Shouldn't she be comforting him instead? It is his dad after all. Even though his relationship with his dad was distant, still I would have liked to have seen Jin Hee comfort Chang Min, that way it would have shown that she cared for him. I feel like he has shown his feelings for her much more openly (though forcefully at times, for sure). It would be nice to see her do something for him for once.


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Death is a very painful thing but most of the time it can change people and surrounding drastically. It might lead people to find better way of life. IT ALWAYS DID HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE.


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