Emergency Couple: Episode 15

Secrets are being unearthed right and left, and lots of hurt feelings get left behind in the aftermath. Our hero starts to realize that he must accept that he can’t always get what he wants, while our heroine just wants to be accepted for who she is, past and all. But deep-seated habits are hard to break, as all of our doctors are finding out; it’s going to take a lot of work on everyone’s part for the miscommunications and misunderstandings to be forgiven.


As Chang-min sings his song, Jin-hee remembers happy times, past and present.

Chun-soo and Ji-hye go to her place for wine and a talk. She asks if he was shocked that Jin-hee revealed that she’s divorced, but he plays it cool and denies that he cares. Ji-hye reminds him that he has always put down divorcees as being irresponsible. Chun-soo says again that he and Jin-hee are just chief and intern, but his eyes betray his feelings as they dart around the room.

Ji-hye asks if Chun-soo is going to try to contact his parents. Her theory is that he won’t be able to fall in love and get married until he heals that wound from his childhood. I say listen to the lady; she’s pretty smart about these things.

Chun-soo tells her that his mother is remarried and lives in the States, and his father is a photographer in Africa, so it makes no sense to try to contact them. Ji-hye suggests he look for his father, but Chun-soo doesn’t see the point in looking for a man who’s always been too busy for his own child.

Ji-hye tries one more time, telling Chun-soo that she hopes he has a family some day. He just says that he can’t get close enough to anyone to get married, so he’ll just live and take care of patients. He says this makes him feel bad towards her, but she just gently laughs at him and calls him an homme fatale.

The interns stagger out of the noraebang in varying states of sobriety, and the married couple leave first. Jin-hee and Ah-Reum suggest that Chang-min make sure that the very drunk Yong-gyu gets home safely, so the guys catch a taxi. Jin-hee walks home alone, and comes very close to calling Chang-min, but decides against it.

In the taxi, Yong-gyu asks if Chang-min is thinking of Jin-hee. He wants to know if Chang-min is okay with the fact that she’s divorced, but Chang-min just sighs that he’s divorced, too. Yong-gyu is still upset over his medication error, and whines that he should just quit being a doctor, as it’s too painful.

In the morning, Jin-hee finds her mother packing mountains of food for her to take to her hospital coworkers. When Jin-hee says she can’t take all that to work, Mom starts talking about the chief with a smile. She waxes poetic about how he’s so nice and responsible and stable, her ulterior motive obvious.

Meanwhile Chang-min gets ready for work in his huge empty apartment, but every room he goes into just reminds him of the one day Jin-hee was there. He gets a call from his uncle, asking him to come see him in his office today.

Young-ae shows her husband Sang-hyuk a positive pregnancy test, and he’s obviously much more excited than she is. She’s worried it will effect her internship and residency. Yong-gyu overhears them discussing it, and both men try to console Young-ae as she bangs her head on the table in frustration.

Later, Jin-hee notices that Young-ae doesn’t seem herself, and asks if she feels okay. Young-ae tells her that she’s pregnant, and cries that she should have waited to get married after her internship. Jin-hee says that she understands what it’s like to want to be married sooner rather than later. She advises Young-ae to tell the chief as soon as possible, since things like x-rays can be harmful to a pregnant woman.

Jin-hee finds Chun-soo in his office to give him a report on her patients. He asks gruffly if she got home all right last night, but then quickly corrects himself to ask if they all got home okay. She asks if he was shocked to hear that she’s divorced, but he’s all business when he says he has no reason to be shocked.

But it obviously does affect him, because he goes on to say that divorce happens when people can’t handle the responsibility for the choices they make and hurt each other, and that he didn’t love hearing that she’d done that. Jin-hee asks if he’s disappointed in her, and he admits that he is. Ouch. Chun-soo tells her that she can’t be that way in the hospital, because being irresponsible can harm or even kill people.

Jin-hee asks him one last thing — if a woman gets pregnant during her internship, does she have to quit? Chun-soo’s eyes grow huge as he stutters, “Yes. W-w-why, is someone pregnant?!” Jin-hee says nope, nobody is pregnant, and high-tails it out of his office. That doesn’t look guilty at all, haha.

Jin-hee goes to lunch, and Chang-min deliberately chooses a different table and sits with his back to her. Later they pass each other in the hall, and he makes eye contact but doesn’t speak to her.

Ah-reum notices all the awkwardness and starts to put the pieces together, between things they’ve both said in the past and the way they’re acting now. She starts to ask Chang-min if Jin-hee and he were married, but they’re interrupted because his mother has just arrived at the hospital.

Jin-hee’s mother, Kwang-soo, and Baby Guk show up at the hospital for Guk’s checkup and to deliver the food that Jin-hee didn’t bring to work that morning.

Jin-hee nearly runs into Chang-min’s mother in the waiting room, but manages to slink away without being seen. She does run into Chang-min, literally, and warns him that his mother is here, but he grumps that he already knows. She’s here to tell him about the family meeting to set a wedding date with Ah-reum’s family (This again? Seriously?) but he just wearily reminds her that he’s not interested, and starts to leave. Mom reminds him that it’s his birthday, and gives him seaweed soup.

A nurse ushers Mom and Kwang-soo into Chun-soo’s office, and they drop off the food as a “thank you” for taking good care of Baby Guk and Jin-hee. Chun-soo accepts the food with a smile, but Mom isn’t finished and asks him if he’s still single. He awkwardly confirms, and Mom is thrilled.

Chang-min’s mother overhears doctors discussing some test results of a patient of Jin-hee’s. She confirms at the nurses’ station that Jin-hee does still work here, and let’s just say she’s not happy. She storms into Chun-soo’s office, but Jin-hee’s mother is still there, and the two shocked women come face-to-face for the first time in years.

They snipe back and forth with “What are you doing here?” “My child works here, what are you doing here?!” for a few minutes, and the funniest part of this scene is Kwang-soo and Baby Guk looking like the world’s most confused Wimbledon spectators. Kwang-soo finally speaks up, and Jin-hee’s mom rounds on him for knowing about this situation and not telling her.

Chang-min’s mother demands to know if Jin-hee is still working here after she’d insisted she be fired. The almost-firing is news to Jin-hee’s mother and she starts to yell. Chang-min’s mom insults her by saying she obviously has to bring food to make up for her daughter’s lacking as a doctor, and them’s fightin’ words — Jin-hee’s mom invites Chang-min’s mom outside to duke this out. HA.

A nurse tells Jin-hee that her mother is here, which Chang-min overhears. Another nurse tells Chang-min that his mother is in the chief’s office, and the horror of the situation dawns on both of them at the same time.

They both burst into the office where both women are yelling, Baby Guk is crying, and the poor chief is just trying to stay out of the way. Jin-hee’s mother has a near-collapse when she sets eyes on Chang-min and I can’t help it, it’s funny how he gives her a deep polite bow in the middle of the chaos. She asks Jin-hee what “this jerk” is doing here, which his mother takes offense to, and we’re right back to “Let’s go outside!”

They manage to drag both mothers literally kicking and screaming out of the office and down the hall, where they pass a completely confused Ji-hye. She asks Chun-soo what’s going on and he just shakes his head in a daze.

The mothers continue their screaming argument in the waiting room, while Chang-min and Jin-hee try to calm them down. Chang-min’s mother yells that Jin-hee already ruined her son’s life once, and now she’s seducing him again. This upsets Jin-hee’s mother so Chang-min steps in to apologize to her. His mother starts to hit him for apologizing, and he just picks her up and carries her out while she fights him like a wildcat. Baby Guk starts to cry, Jin-hee’s mom starts to cry, and Jin-hee begs them all to please go home.

Chang-min puts his mother down in a different part of the hospital and she hits him again, wailing about how he and his father both are to blame for her problems. Chang-min asks what his father has to do with it, and she tells him that Dad has been in touch with Jin-hee since their divorce.

Chun-soo sits in his office and goes over all the times that Chang-min confronted him about his feelings for Jin-hee. Jin-hee comes in again to apologize for the mothers’ brawl in his office. He tells her that he knows that Chang-min is her ex-husband, and she says that she was going to tell him but he counters coldly that there’s no reason for her to do that. He takes a call and leaves without another word.

Yong-gyu is obviously nervous and insecure as he tries to examine a patient complaining of chest pain. The nurse notices his hand shaking, and his obvious distress even scares the patient. Yong-gyu can’t work up the courage to even touch the patient, and asks the nurse to call another doctor.

Ah-reum finds him in the hall still shaking and sweating, and asks him what’s wrong. He tells her that when he tried to listen to the patient’s chest, he couldn’t hear anything, as if his ears were blocked. Ah-reum wants to get Chun-soo but he stops her, afraid it will affect his intern evaluation.

Jin-hee sees Chang-min in the break room fiddling with his thermos of seaweed soup, and remembers it’s his birthday. She sighs that if she’d known all this would happen, she would have told her mother about working with Chang-min sooner. He apologizes to her, and she just says gently, “Now you understand why we would never work out, right?”

The cat is out of the bag, and the nurses discuss the scandalous news that Oh Chang-min and Oh Jin-hee are a divorced couple. The nurse who’s been crushing on Chang-min is especially dismayed and starts to cry.

Chun-soo tells Ji-hye that Jin-hee has three strikes against her: she’s divorced, Oh Chang-min is her ex, and now she’s talking about pregnancy. Thankfully Young-ae asks to speak to the chief, to tell him of her pregnancy.

Yong-gyu admits he hasn’t confessed yet that his nerves are preventing him from seeing patients. A doctor comes in and confronts him angrily about asking for vacation when they don’t have enough people in the ER as it is. The other doctor says maybe he’s just in a slump and needs to rest, which earns him a hard pinch on the mouth. Young-ae whispers to herself that they’ll kill her if she asks for time off for the baby.

Chun-soo and Jin-hee are examining a gallbladder patient, and Ji-hye orders an operating room to be made ready. Nearby Chang-min examines an older woman who is complaining of gastric pain and problems, and asks the nurse to bring the chief. He finds Jin-hee at the nurses’ station arranging for an operating room. He and Jin-hee argue over whose patient needs their operation first, since only one can be done at a time.

Chun-soo finds the two of them at a stalemate and determines that Chang-min’s patient is in greater need and should go first. He uses it as a teaching moment and explains why, then chides them for fighting over it.

After their shift Chang-min and Jin-hee leave together, and she admits that she wasn’t thinking about his patient and was just focused on the patient in front of her. Chang-min guesses that she didn’t listen to him because she doesn’t trust him, but she denies it.

Chang-min meets his uncle in his office, who tells him it’s time to cash in on that promise he made when Uncle saved Jin-hee’s job. He tells Chang-min to go to the dinner with Ah-reum’s father and Chang-min just sighs, knowing he’s stuck.

As Chang-min drives home, Ah-reum calls him. He starts to talk in an apologetic tone, but she wants to speak first to save her pride. She tells him that she doesn’t want this either but she will go out of respect for their parents. She leaves it up to him whether he chooses to show up or not.

Chang-min’s mother and uncle arrive at the restaurant at the same time as Ah-reum and her parents, and Ah-reum notes Chang-min’s empty chair. Chang-min’s mother excuses herself to call her son — he tells her that he’s coming to dinner, but not to expect anything of him other than his presence.

She asks where his father is, but neither of them can reach him by phone. Chang-min does get hold of Dad’s assistant, who says he went out to the eco field earlier but hasn’t come back. She finds an envelope of medicine from a hospital on Dad’s desk, and tells Chang-min that his father recently collapsed again and was treated at the hospital.

Chang-min calls Jin-hee to see if she’s heard from his father today, but she hasn’t spoken to him since her visit with him a few days ago. Chang-min goes to the hospital where his father was treated and speaks with his doctor. The doctor tells him that in addition to his diabetes, Dad has developed a serious heart condition. Surgery isn’t possible at this stage, and they can only try to control it with medication. Do you mean the medication that Dad left on his desk? Oh no.

Jin-hee shows up at Chang-min’s father’s office and immediately zeroes in on the package of medication on his desk. A call comes in on the office phone and Jin-hee answers, then quickly calls Chang-min to tell him that his father collapsed while he was working on the shore.

EMTs carry Chang-min’s father into his office and put him on a stretcher, but they tell Jin-hee that he’s refusing to go to the hospital. She grabs the stethoscope that she gave him and finds that she can’t hear breathing sounds on one side of his chest. Chang-min arrives and does a short examination, and says that Jin-hee’s guess of pneumothorax is wrong — he has hemothorax (blunt injury causing rupture of membranes in the chest cavity, which can allow blood to fill in and reduce lung function).

They work quickly together to perform first aid, and Dad wakes up enough to gasp that seeing Chang-min and Jin-hee together makes him happy. Chang-min wants to take him to the hospital now, but Dad says that he doesn’t want to die in an ambulance. This freaks out Chang-min, but Jin-hee stops him and tells him it’s too late to get his father to the hospital in time.

Chang-min cries, “Then we should just watch him die here?!” Jin-hee asks Dad what he wants them to do, and Chang-min insists he can stop the bleeding. Dad gives him permission to try.

Chang-min pulls some blood out of the bruised area with a syringe, confirming that it’s hemothorax. But before he can do anything to relieve the pressure, Dad’s breathing becomes labored and scary, then stops.


Okay I might be crying just a little bit right now, or maybe a lot, be right back.

I’m okay now; whoa, what a dramatic scene to end this week’s episodes. Poor Chang-min, faced with possibly losing his father on his birthday of all days. I really hope his dad pulls though because let’s face it, he’s the only thing keeping Mom from going completely around the bend with this marriage-to-Ah-reum obsession.

Let’s talk about Mom for a minute. I’m seriously losing my patience (okay truthfully I lost it a few episodes ago) with her meddling and complete refusal to listen to anyone at all. I can sort of, if I tilt my head just right, understand her position that he chose his own spouse once before and it was a disaster, so this time she wants to decide who he marries. She’s still batcrap crazy, but I can see how she would come to that conclusion given the cultural acceptance of arranged marriage. She’s very wrong on multiple levels, but I do think she’s coming from a place of wanting her son to have a good marriage and thinking that if he can’t make it happen, maybe she can.

But good grief woman, he’s a divorced man in his thirties, and he’s told you over and over that he’s not interested in an arranged marriage, he’s not interested in Ah-reum specifically, and to back off and let him make his own choices. Even if she thinks she knows better, he’s not a chaebol who needs to make a business connection or a young person who doesn’t know how hard marriage can be. Leave him alone!

Interestingly, I hate her character in this drama much less than I’ve hated her character in her other dramas, because at least here she has no actual power to make her son do as she says. She’s more like a really annoying yappy dog that you just want to get to stop barking at everyone. I don’t really fear that she’ll have any ability to stand in the way of Chang-min’s life decisions; there’s really not much she can do to him if he puts his foot down. Her one trump card was the threat to withhold medical school, and he’s finished with that now. But she’s already shown that if she can’t influence him, she’ll make his chosen partner’s life a living hell, so I’m still waiting for Chang-min to do something to set a clear and inviolable boundary. Not even necessarily in regards to Jin-hee, but just about anything.

And Chief, what are we going to do with you? I really love him as a character; I think he’s an honest man, a great doctor, and a good and fair teacher. I even understand his bitterness towards people who are divorced given his family history, though a part of me wants to remind him that not everyone gets divorced out of selfishness and irresponsibility. But he took a very worrying steps backwards attitude-wise in this episode. I worry that he’s so set in his ways that he won’t be able to get over his lifelong prejudice against divorced people.

One character I’ve really become impressed by is Ah-reum. Thank you Show, for not giving us the standard spoiled-rich-girl second lead, and instead giving us a mature and insightful young woman. Ah-reum is surprisingly kind to Yong-gyu when she lets him down gently after his confession. She spoke up plainly and honestly when she found herself interested in Chang-min, rather than playing games, and didn’t display any immature behavior when he told her he was interested in someone else. She doesn’t hold his mother’s behavior against him when she does ridiculous things like arranging that awkward surprise dinner a few episodes back, and she let him off the hook if he didn’t want to come to the parents’ meeting. I like her more and more as the show goes on, and I find myself hoping she gives Yong-gyu a chance because the guy could use a break right about now.

I’m also happy to see Chang-min finally respecting Jin-hee’s wishes and giving her space when she asked for it. He’s even managing to do it without being angry or pouting or throwing his weight around in frustration, like usual. I feel like her words to him in Episode 14 finally hit home — she doesn’t want him pursuing her, period. He’s managing to do that with a minimum of acting out, which is real growth on his part. There were a few moments when he did react in a hurt or upset way, but as a result of her behavior in that moment and not because he was feeling rejected. An example is when they disagreed on whose patient needed surgery more urgently and he commented that she didn’t trust him; clearly he was upset, but he didn’t blow it out of proportion. Baby steps, but at least he’s making an effort.

Now my worry is this: at what point will Jin-hee start making an effort towards change? Not even necessarily towards Chang-min, but in my opinion she doesn’t seem to have done much to confront her own choices in their marriage and breakup so that she can be a better person and partner (if she chooses). She has admitted that she was partly at fault, and that’s great — but unlike Chang-min I have yet to see her actually do anything about it. She still seems to prefer to avoid the issue rather than face it and grow from it.

We’re getting down to the final few episodes and I’m starting to get confused as to where the show is taking us. If it’s a marital reconciliation, there’s still so much that our lead characters need to do to make me as a viewer believe that it will work. I (and I think many of the viewers) won’t easily accept a Happy Ever After-type ending, if many of the real-life-like hurdles aren’t addressed in a real-life-like way. I like all of these characters and I do want our leads, all of them, to be happy no matter what form that happiness takes. I just worry that it’s getting down to the wire and we still haven’t had any of the core problems resolved, or really even barely acknowledged. It feels like we’ve been circling around the same issues for weeks now without much forward movement or progress towards fixing things, and I’m getting nervous that we’ll end up with a rushed and unsatisfying resolution. Let’s all cross our fingers that the writers have a plan and are taking us down this long and winding road for a reason.


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Thanks, JB for the recap. Fingers crossed.


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Whoops that was a mistake, I did NOT write this recap, this was LollyPip as usual. Mistagged! My bad! Did not mean to steal credit!


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It smells like a Mi Rae's Choice ending, which would be disastrous for us viewers, but strangely suitable for the messed-up characters of this show. Why not mess up everything when you're at it?


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I am still not seeing CM and JH getting back together - and even if they do it would be only marginally believable to me. There is way too much baggage between them.

He is still in immature "possession" mode, and can't seem to get out of it. She is still remembering all the times that he told her how worthless and useless she was, despite the "happy happy" flashbacks.

So at this point I am not buying it - I think one of them will end doing the usual k-drama thing and "go to America to study".


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Yes. Or it's another time jump in the making. On second thought amnesia might come in handy. ;)


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Me too. At the rate things are going (I mean, we're already at episode 15!), I wouldn't be surprised if Chang-min and Jin-hee don't end up together. At this point, Jin-hee still doesn't trust Chang-min, can't even stand him, for that matter. And Chang-min still has a lot of growing up to do. =( Writers, you only have 5 episodes to make it work!


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I think she does like him but she just doesn't want to be romantically involved with him. You can see that it's bothering her that he's not speaking to her anymore and in some cases avoiding her altogether.

I also think that Jin Hee has much more growth to do than Chang Min. Chang Min may be getting the short branch on the growth tree. He's recognized the problems in the relationship and what he's done wrong. He sees that Jin Hee is a different woman than he originally thought and respects her growth. He also has allowed himself to see that his marriage wasn't as bad as he thought, or his mother made it out to be. And finally, he has taken strides to put his mother in her place.


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it's so annoying, so many episodes went by and had so many unnecessary scenes, so much patient's stuff that no one cares about and are over used, i mean the kid with no parents and the infectious patient?? it was done by every single medical drama out there, and it's not like the plot has no where to go, it does they just chose to waste their time like that..
the way i see it, it could only go two ways- them not getting back together (and then what's the point of the show?) and them having a "happy ending" with loose ends, either way many many will be disappointed!


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Agree too many side stories. Dr. Shim and her daughter, JH and Husband, Ahreum and the young guy intern(forgot his name, the married couple, MIL non-stop nagging/barking. Some of it was unnecessary and just took a lot of screen time which was not helpful for the main couples story progress. Its like the writer forgot its only a 20 not a 50+ episode drama. Its already episode 15 and nothing has been resolve and looks like more problems to come. I'm a bit disappointed but there's still 5 more episode so I'll give the writer a chance.


those scenes were used to explain our characters. the kid without parents was to let us know about Chun-soo's past, and why he's the way he is. The infectious patient was to show us how Chang Min loves Jin Hee that he's willing to risk his life with her. It's not totally useless. But at the rate this drama is going with only 6 episodes left, I'm not convinced that Chang Min and Jin Hee will get back together, either. I went back and forth in regard whom Jin Hee should end up with. But now I really want Chun-Soo to be with her. The preview for next weeks is such a tease. WIll Chun-Soo kiss her or someone will walk in on them?


GCS and JH pursues a new beginning together in the end would be more realistic. Both are somehow sharing similarities, attitudes, pains and understandings in a same pace of life. I can't see how it would work for CM and JH to be lovers again in reality. It's better to learn from your experiences, let go of the past and make a better tomorrow! I would be really disappointed if this is another story about how to "getting back with my ex after he dumped me"!


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That's my issue with the show right now, were at episode 15 and were still getting more questions rather than answers. I've already started getting this sinking feeling that I'm not going to be pleased with how this show ends, we've still got so much stuff to cover and yet we have not addressed the key issues or even attempted to try and resolve them.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this weeks episodes pick up the pace and rejuvenate my enthusiasm for the show cause right now I'm starting to lose interest.


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Thanks for the recap!! Now I can go back to studying for my finals without refreshing every hour :D


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I feel you girl.


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the only thing i run and rerun again is parts of Baby Guk seeing the grandmothers fighting. is just so funny...he and his dad are really....
and i think it would be better if Dad die, because it can give CM mum shock, and she can finally down...

im waiting to episode when she is down and sobber and admit that every mistakes she does
that would be a regular happy ending...


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I wouldn't count on Mom getting a life. She is seriously damaged and will become an even bigger burden if Dad dies.


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I agree. I think the only way for the CM mom to be ok with the OH couple is for her to die, comatose or get crazy and admitted to an asylum.


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I totally agree with your comments. esp this part,

"Now my worry is this: at what point will Jin-hee start making an effort towards change? Not even necessarily towards Chang-min, but in my opinion she doesn’t seem to have done much to confront her own choices in their marriage and breakup so that she can be a better person and partner (if she chooses). She has admitted that she was partly at fault, and that’s great — but unlike Chang-min I have yet to see her actually do anything about it. She still seems to prefer to avoid the issue rather than face it and grow from it."

If she wants to end it up with chang min, do it, like speak to him. right? i remember one episode when they are both arguing, like chang min telling her that the reason they broke up is because jin hee allows herself to be so emotional. her emotions eat her and everything follows. i guess, jin hee couldnt let go of what happen that is why she is so distant. i couldnt blame her, she deeply hurt by the man she loves.

for this kind of relationship, they really need to work it out. because of the involvement of families. its really hard to put back all the pieces in the right places. i understand the writers and it really is tough a work. this is reality not like other fantasy dramas.

my thoughts for chang min...
i dont think chang min would want anybody right now, i mean his father death will be enough reason for him to feel so lonely. and i think jin hee will try to comfort him but chang min will not want it. not because she rejected him, its because he feels more pain whenever jin hee's around. it could have been nice to have her in times like this but because of his stubborness, she lost her. and that simply means that he LOST the two most important person for him.

my thoughts for jin hee...
jin hee will pull back. heehee. she will come to her senses and stop herself from receiving that kiss from chief and i think that she couldnt let go of chang min yet, there are issues need to settle for the last time and now that she sees chang min in his lowest point of his life, she will try to comfort him... dont you think its just right? after all, considering they are part of each other lives? jin hee cant do that to chang min, no matter how she hates him, her character is very considerate.

if jin hee kisses chief, i will surely feel bad. i mean why make the situation more complicated when there are only few episodes left. give our leads more love moments writers! please?


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I have not really seen where CM has moved on or grown up that much. Yes, he has uttered all the usual correct words about how sorry he is, but then he turns right around and does his "I own her, she is MY toy" thing all over again.


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even though i would like that to happen for chief and jin hee :3 now that you mention it..that would be the most appropriate flow to choose from...jin hee having second thought right after chang min situations..and thus starting to care for chang min again~


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1.) I agree with Javabeans and Ivy
"at what point will Jin-hee start making an effort towards change? Not even necessarily towards Chang-min, but in my opinion she doesn’t seem to have done much to confront her own choices in their marriage and breakup so that she can be a better person and partner"

That scene where JinHee and ChangMin were at odds on which of their patients had priority on getting the operating room first hits the point I've been making. Whatever ChangMin does, even when it's something objectively medical like in this case, her lenses are skewed because she will always find fault in whatever he does or attempts or makes a judgment on.
I was so glad the chief was able to see things objectively and sided with ChangMin. JinHee really needs to mature. I'm tired of her criticizing Chang Min's motives on everything. Look to thyself, JM.

2.) The preview: All I have to say is "Noooo! Don't do it!" I hope JinHee doesn't kiss the chief!!!!!!!


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"I was so glad the chief was able to see things objectively"

He was objective with the medical part, but his added comment about CM and JH was unprofessional and contradicting his own words about keeping the "private" out of "business". He could have chided them without the dig at their personal relationship past.


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Whatever happened to the no preview discussion in the comments rule?


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In regards to the preview for next episode, I agree that the kiss between Chief and Jin Hee will not happen. (fingers crossed). It will seal their relationship and reconciliation with Chang Min will be impossible especially we have few episodes left.


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I don't think that kiss is gonna happen. I just don't feel any romantic chemistry between Chun Soo and Jin Hee. I'm hoping that Jin Hee will be the one to pull back. I think she will turn to Chang Min and be there to support him during his father's crisis. Naturally, the mother will be there to act like a natural born ass, but this will be both Chang Min and Jin Hee's opportunity to stand up to her

My favorite character is Jin Hye. I applaud her strength. She too has had some very difficult life experiences - a failed relationship with Chun Soo, another failed relationship that resulted in her becoming a single mom and being separated from her child to pursue her career. But unlike Chun Soo, Chang Min and Jin Hee she has grown from these experiences and become a very strong person. She is a very cool lady!


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I dont understand how Jin Hye can leave her child in some other country like that, for the sake of her career that she could actually practice somewhere else, i.e closer to her kid? Was there some kind of explanation in previous episodes that i missed?


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Chun Soo is the childs father and I cant wait to see how he finally gets it. She never told him she was pregnant because of how he rejected her.


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I think you may be right. We know Chun Soo made a mistake in his internship that cost a patient's life, and that it was so traumatic he disappeared, went fishing, and got over his own Ji Hye virus. What if he disappeared before she could tell him, or before she knew she was pregnant. Then went to the States to have her baby with the support of her parents because it was the best immediate option.

It all fits too nicely for me not to think the trajectory of the story is heading there.

Even to the point of Chief dealing with his own mistake (his continual admonition that mistakes mean instant death!!) so he can help poor sweet what's his name intern who made the medication mistake. The pieces fit.


This drama, how is it that the supporting characters have more maturity than the main characters? First Prof. Shim with pushing Chief Gook into exploring his feelings, now with Ah Reum and her decision on canceling the arrange marriage (not to mention be very civil with JH last episode when CM and YG left). In Prof. Shim’s case it kinda expected because she’s older and has more experience. In Ah Reum’s case…it just resulted in a more apparent immaturity of JH and CM. Sigh, ige mwoya JH CM!! I am in the verge of doing the same thing Chief Gook did a couple episodes ago, bashing their head together.

So could we all safely assume that the pregnancy misunderstanding has been cleared out since Young Ae already told Chief Gook about it? Don’t you guys just love how happy her husband about the pregnancy, those two is in their own world.

Now for JH, I am slightly disappointed, and I am agree with Ivy and Lollypip. She need to change, especially after this episode. She really can’t think clear just because CM is the one that telling her about how important the patient’s condition, really girl? After all the awesome medical decision she did, she fail in this simple one? Chief Gook was right to tell her off on that. So much for not wanted to be judged, she herself is judging CM.

In the case of CM, both of his parent’s healths have shaved his life 50 years in addition to have to operate on one. I know a lot of surgeon that straight out refuse to operate on their family, in case their judgments got clouded by emotions. CM unfortunately got another crash course on maturity. I just hope Oh obeoji survived to see JH and CM resolving their feelings. What a shitty way to celebrate his bday, first the MIL’s brawl, then taking the flapping fish (Monster in law looked like a fish out of water), third having your ex questioning your medical decision, also forced dinner now obeoji’s ER trip. That puppy needs some backhug…come ooon JH!! No? Fine, how bout out for a drink and have CM puke all over himself, having JH strips him to wash his finely shaped arms and choco abs? Not for JH...For fan service? Please… :D

The preview….made me lost my appetite, that romantic gesture that Chief Gook did is sooo not his style. Plus why do I feel like I want to slap his head for Prof. Shim’s sake. Maybe it is just another of CM’s fantasy. Please writer-nim, don’t break Prof. Shim’s heart!! Prof. Shim, I admire your dedication, and your patience. I hope the drama shows how you gonna get your love. Again, Prof. Shim aaallll theee waaay!!!

For Chief Gook, get this in your mind Chief, it might look pretty if you and JH got together now, you probably feel bad about her and how impulsively rude CM is in front of you, but in the end you are not much of an open mind person and JH is a very emotional person. You both will end up fighting too much and that would go downhill. Then two of you will start giving up completely on love. You know what, you are not good enough for...


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"For Chief Gook, get this in your mind Chief, it might look pretty if you and JH got together now, you probably feel bad about her and how impulsively rude CM is in front of you, but in the end you are not much of an open mind person and JH is a very emotional person." ~ v

I totally agree with this. If they end up together, chief will be thinking that JH is divorced, and we all know chief was abandoned by his divorced parents and JH will be so emotional. At least CM and JH, can adjust now, they have together. right?


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well, not quite. Like Prof shim said, it wasn't easy for him to open his heart for someone. Meaning JH value so much for him, enough to make him feel various kind of positive and negative feelings towards Jin Hee and the divorce issue as the whole.

Why Jin Hee appear in his life as one of his most important person? And a divorcee on top of that. What a luck. It has to be to only serve one big purpose. For him to show his love for his most important person, he must CHANGE. And Jin Hee, fit the role.

Anyone watch the preview for ep 16 yet? From what I understand, he finally acknowledge his feeling for JH as something he can't lose without a fight. He also start to realize that he has hurt Jin Hee a lot regarding her divorcee status.

Thus,he start to step forward to face his feeling, and Ji Hee. The sweet hand petting gesture on Jin Hee head along with the dialogue " I must hurt you a lot" and him going close to her face and lips...is to show that " I'M NOT SCARE ANYMORE. TO LOVE AND TO CHANGE".

Just my two cents.


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Exactly that divorce thing will always be in his mind unless he do what Prof Shim told him to, reconnect with his parents. But then that means he doing what another girl tells him to, i don't think that will sit well with JH. Remember how she accuse CM to have affair with pediatrician?


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Exactly, that divorce thing will always be in his mind unless he do what Prof Shim told him to, reconnect with his parents. But then that means he doing what another girl tells him to, i don't think that will sit well with JH. Remember how she accuse CM to have affair with pediatrician?


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I'm a big fan of Chief but I agree with the preview that gesture is not his character. All I want to say is the writers need to stop putting in extra scenes that are so predictable. Also come on now of course JH and CM will end up together... isn't that the ending to just about every single Korean Drama.


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Good post. And I am with you, JH has been stuck in a rut with very little visible, emotional movement. As a viewer I am not sure about what she is thinking. I hope the next episodes get off of CM's pain and move onto her. I hope she doesn't get too involved with the chief, only to switch to CM at the end. That sort of triangle ending just isn't going to work for me. I feel there is still too many issues, such as lack of trust, communication, etc. that need to be resolved before it ends in 5 episodes.


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chill out peeps~ we still have another 5 episodes to go..i have confidence this show will give us justice! XD


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Justice?... More like an unrealistic ending, who the hell would want to get back with a possessive ex and deal with the crazy mother in law. I mean unless you want to be treated like a worthless human being.


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Thnx for the recap...


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We may have been circling around the same issues for the past few weeks, but the showdown between the mothers was worth the admission price. Epic gold. By the way, I think Jin Hee's mom would have won the fight if it had been taken outside...somehow I can't take Chang Min's mom too seriously with her four inch hot pink heels.


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LOL that would be the most epic battle of the in-laws ever!!!jin hee's mom FTW!!


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The MIL brawl is the ONE concession I will make to the casting director for hiring THAT lady as CM's mom. It was extremely satisfying to have JH's Mom go after her like that.

Witch MIL made Baby Guk cry for real. I don't like her for that reason alone.


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I know! It was so sad when Baby Guk cried!


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I don't think we need to take CM's mom seriously at all.
I wonder why this actress is only given this kind of role, the rich and nasty mother/MIL. She's been in 4 shows consecutively, playing the exact same person:
SeGa, Goddess of M, Heirs, and now this!
And she always has strange hairdos. In this ep's dinner scene, I've no words for her hairstyle!


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She is seriously up there in annoyance radar. Strangely enough, the camera loves her. Can you believe how often the camera zooms at her throughout the 15 episodes. She has too much screen time and I really don't know why!


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That actress i.e. ChangMin's mom, is a one trick pony.

...and the same style for hair, makeup, clothes for her dramas.

She even looked the same on the variety show Happy Together.


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I'd love to see the filming of that scene where she gets carried out kicking and screaming - that was GREAT!


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If I'm not mistaken Park Jun-Keum/Chang Min's Mom was different in Roof Top Prince.

I assume the actress is fun for costumers to work with because she is always dresses outrageously.

I think she get cast because she goes for the extremities and fully commits to playing unpleasant characters without worrying if she will be liked or not.


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I know right? I was laughing so hard at them screaming at each other as opposed to going "OMG, this is bad". And Baby Guk and his dad's left-right-left-right head turns were so cute and adorably in-sync. I especially love the head-on shot of Baby Guk's about-to-cry expression when ChangMin's mom was screaming about JinHee "seducing" ChangMin.

LOL, I will never forget this expression: http://i58.tinypic.com/29bbq4k.jpg

It's like the baby knows everything that's going on.


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Oh Baby Guk, he's a born actor! He has got perfect timing for crying out loud when it's cue! So so cute!


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Aish! This show is getting so complicated that I can't handle it any more. I was watching this episode with my two daughters, one a medical student and another a high schooler. They both commented how ugly those "four inch hot pink heels" were. My reply to them was, "they are cuter than the person wearing them." And I was being honest too.


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The mom fight was epic and interesting - but it did not really add much, if anything, to moving the plot forward. All we really saw was to reinforce the idea that CM's mom is a total nut case, and that JH's mom keeps jumping to unjustified conclusions.

At this point, I am not shipping anyone with anyone. I don't see where 5 episodes will be enough to "fix" all that is wrong, and we know that at least one episode will be taken up with CM's father and the aftermath.


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I find that mom scene boring, clichéd, annoying, and OTT. For me, it's the low pt of this ep.
1 woman is rich and nasty; the other is common and oh-so-not-tactful. We get it, eps ago!


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Yep, me too.

And non-sensical. Once they clashed in the Chief's office, why did they take them out TOGETHER so that they could continue clashing in the hospital hallways in front of nurses, doctors, patients, etc.? I mean, if you see two fighting dogs, you separate them, not move them from one location to another!


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They all went out together because when Chief is overwhelmed everyone has to leave the room, and the interns know that. Only half-kidding.


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Well... They needed an audience for the divorce reveal, so that the nurses etc could start gossiping about it. We know for sure the Chief and Ji Hye would never repeat it.


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I know, but it's disappointing. And only yet again a reminder that the writers are just not particularly good and choose cheap tricks because they can't figure out any other way to move the story along.


I ff-ed the whole scene. :/ I can't stand the actress of OCM's mom anymore. It's just too much of the same old same old. I fear, whenever she appears on a casting list in the future I will refuse to watch the show.


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It might be boring, clichéd, annoying, and OTT, buuut it show us the adorkable Chief Gook's confused face. It's worth it.


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Oh my gosh ahaha that was so cute!


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Baby Gookie was priceless in this episode as usual. His reactions in the fight scenes were totally on point, and I loved the way his dad's reactions were an echo of the baby's. I felt bad when he started to cry though, and his face got all scrunched up and red -- poor baby Gookie!

I don't think that this episode did very much to take the story anywhere. And I, too, am starting to feel that this show won't have a satisfactory ending -- that the writers aren't skillful enough to properly finish what they're started in the 5 episodes they have left. But I'll keep my fingers crossed for something better.

Chang Min's mother, though, damn! That tantrum behaviour in the lobby when Chang Min had to carry her out? That was, as Kwang Soo put it, above and beyond. I've mentioned before that seeing the kind of parents he had makes it a bit easier to understand some of Chang Min's behaviour, and this episode really hammered that home. With a mom as incredibly childish as that, no wonder he's a little bit immature. She is utterly ridiculous.


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They teased us at the beginning saying she had a life threatening heart disease. Why can't they kill HER off instead of nice dad? Sheeesh!


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Oh, and thanks for the recap JB. I especially loved this line:

... Kwang-soo and Baby Guk looking like the world’s most confused Wimbledon spectators.


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I kept thinking that the only one that is reacting appropriately in this episode is Gook.

The Mom showdown... uhhh... I don't understand why CM and JH separated the moms only to take them outside the Chief's office together. Of course they were going to continue yelling at each other. CM should have taken his mother out, and JH held onto hers in the office and taken her out 5 minutes later. That would have seemed much more sensible. Especially knowing that CM's mom is like... I mean, her reaction towards hearing that JH hadn't been fired, who does she think she is to give her the right to interfere in people's lives like that?


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They probably weren't thinking very well at the time. They just wanted their embarrassing parents out of their superior's room ASAP.

I wanna give props to the actress playing ChangMin's mom. When Choi JinHyuk unceremoniously carried her off, she flailed like a wild cat, lol. I only wished he had thrown her over his shoulder instead of carrying her off princess-style to further show the ridiculousness of it all. But it would be rude to do that to your mom, huh.


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I don't think it's such a complicated thought to have. That one blanks out and reacts in a way that is only going to make it worse, sure, but there were four people in that room in addition to the moms, and three of them used to being in situations where they have to react quickly to resolve issues. Sure, two of them have personal connections to the two people involved, but it just strikes me as incompetent.

I want doctors/police men/teachers etc. who can react rationally quickly when situations escalate – I'd give them a pass in extreme situations (like CM being faced with his dying father at the end of the episode) but blanking out over a catfight?

But I'm obviously asking for too much from this drama!


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We all want doctors that act quickly - and so far JH is not impressing me much. Am I the only one that has noticed that whenever a male doctor figure is around, she goes into "Ottoke?" mode in a crisis?


The problem I am having with this show and all the parents, is that it is starting to embarrass ME just to watch it.


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She is rich, and her brother owns the hosp, so it gives her the right, every right, to insult people, boss them around, and ruin their lives as much as she can. It's the birthright of the rich, u know.


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Aish this drama, when Changmin sing scene, my eyes start teary and I laugh hard seeing baby gook and his father watched grannies fight. The final scene, changmin's dad really happy when he saw Jinhee and Changmin together and then he stop breathing (yes, he passed away on the next episode... Changmin wears that black suit on preview)... my tears flow like a river
Episode 15 more and more problem without answer I think the time will jump a few years one more time. A lot of naration and suddenly the scene shows Jinhee volunteer on countryside and finally meets Changmin again and his mother already passed away... well... *crossing my finger* I want this drama to end good!


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Thanks JB for recap. I see two things the mom fight did add that know that everyone now knows they work together and were divorced from each other. So all involved are on the same page.

I do think JH has changed she declared she was divorced and defended herself that because of it she should not be the subject of rumors and gossip.

Hoping they can wrap it up in the time left


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Also felt like this episode didn't move the story along at all.

The married couple: I don't understand their purpose. And they are just annoying, particularly the very poorly, clichéd wife. Why is she whining about getting pregnant? How old is this woman? Has she ever heard of contraception? Or, if need be, abstaining from sex?

"He just says that he can’t get close enough to anyone to get married, so he’ll just live and take care of patients."

Chun-soo... I'm not sure I understand his divorce hang-up and why it needs to stall his entire life. I get he's been scarred by his parents' divorce but a) doesn't need to get married and could still be in a relationship b) if he can't handle a relationship, that's fine too. Newsflash: you can be single and happy and have an okay life too.

On the whole, it seems he's got some pretty deep-seated issues and while he's a better prospect than Chang-min, I think Jin-hee shouldn't get together with him either. She doesn't need a partner that still has to figure out if he is capable of being in a relationship and that has parent/divorce issues. She needs a partner that is emotionally stable.


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*poorly written (not "poorly wife")


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The oh so problematic pregnancy annoyed me, too. She is a DOCTOR. Who else in the world should know about contraception especially when you know a kid doesn't fit into your carreer schedule?

In addition we get to see a younger couple (they should be around the same age as the Ohs were when they were married, their mid-twenties) and yet both succeed in their profession! It is a constant reminder to me, that the 'difficult' situation of JH and CM which ended up in divorce was indeed managable and it's an added piece of puzzle why exactly the OTP's marriage didn't survive.
Their flat didn't look poor exactly, they seemed well off. Which again leads me to my question why it took OCM six years to come to where he is, when OJH is supposed to have the far more complicated background and had to struggle to get where she is now.

Oh well, I just have to accept, that this show is not thought-out.


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IKR. I laughed so hard when she complained and banged her head on the table for getting pregnant. And she's a DOCTOR! Makes you worry what else she didn't learn in medical school!


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Apparently not much. As we saw with last episode's medical mishap by the other intern. Prescribing medicine without knowing what kind of regular meds the patient is taking. Yeah, right.


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Yup, that part with the mishap was just really stupid and highly telegraphed writing, you could see it coming the second the intern said keep taking the medicine without ever finding out WHAT medicine.

And the worst part is, now we will have to have an episode where he cleverly redeems himself and does something heroic... Sigh...


^This.Good thing he's still an intern or else he would've gotten his lisence suspended. I hear this kind of mishaps really do happen even w/ residents (ex. wrong diagnosis & prescription). That is why lawsuit for med malpractice exist.

What's up with the hysterical moms? They're inside an hospital & arguing out loud as if the matter's b/w life & death. I would've locked those two up for disturbing the peace. Haha. They're freaking out the baby. He's such an adorable munchkin but poor kid to be in a room w/ screeching hyenas (whatta day in the life of a baby actor, eh?).


It is possible to have kids doing medicine. My wife had one child in medical school, one in internship and another in residency. We have 9 kids in total. I was a supportive husband and I changed more diapers than an average American woman. It can be done but you must have a good attitude. I have a feeling I am more capable than that intern's husband, for some unknown reason.


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"Attitude" I think is the key word here. I think I have a hunch why you are more capable then either half of the married intern couple... :-)

Frankly, any sympathy I had left towards the female intern went out of the window when she tossed the flowers her husband had given to her because another guy gave a bigger bouquet to Ah Reum.


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Six year, because that is pretty much how long it takes here in states. Remember he is from Korea. so only limited credit can be transferred here, if for example he need at least 3 year premed then he need to actually finish the med school to go into internship. So in words, six years actually pretty fast.


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Mom's hair at the dinner made her extra annoying.


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Like I said, I simply have No Words for that hairstyle of hers! It's somewhere between funny, absurd, strange, unattractive.

This actress has 'a thing' for eyebrow-raising hairstyles. This is not the first time she (or her stylist? Nah, has to be her own idea. Who'd hire a stylist who consistently comes up with such ideas?) wear her hair in such an off-beat manner.


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The good thing from Chief's one-way stand on separated couples is that he will work hard once he's committed to starting a family to ensure his relationship won't end up like his parents.

The good thing from CM's dad near death/death is that JH & CM will be there for each other and hopefully help resolve those lingering feelings about each other.

Don't know how but I hope nasty MIL will somehow become mellowed by her husband's dying wish.

Now that all secrets are out, they can now frankly work on their issues instead of spending half their effort trying not to admit it.

And please don't put Baby Guk in a room full of screaming adults, it is bad for the baby!


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I hate the fact that Dad is dying. He was the one adult that Jin-Hee can relied on for advice. Jin-Hee's mom is not useful for deep philosophical discussions. Chang-Min's dad was the one who encouraged and helped Jin-Hee fulfill her dream. I relate to that Dad completely in three consecutive dramas, Lie To Me (a law professor), Secret (former lawyer and restaurant owner) and now, Emergency Couple (a professor and doctor).


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I was told by a knowledgeable source that in American films, they always tried to employ twin babies. That way, not one baby has to take all the abuse. If that is the cast with Baby Guk, is it even possible to have two such cute babies? It would be too good to be true.


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I have never heard of such a thing. And quite often they use fake babies anyway, which is why you often don't see the faces close up for more than a second.


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It's actually not uncommon -- I believe that it's partly because there's a limit on how many hours a child (or baby) actor can work in a day, so they sometimes use twins so that each individual kid doesn't exceed the limit. One of the most famous cases of using twins was the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen jointly playing the character of little Michelle in Full House (the American one, obviously, not the Korean one!).


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I have lost all interest in Jin-hee! She was interesting at first but in the past 2 episodes I found her extremely boring.

So she was hurt when Chang-min chose to leave her instead when they couldn't resolve their marital differences. She goes all GI Jane and works her way through medical school so she could show him and his mother- which seems a tad childish- since being a doctor wasn't her main intention but more as a 'revenge' tool. Good thing she proved herself having the makings of a good doctor.

The story really needs to move on. Make it very clear she wants to be with Chun-soo or Chang-min or no one in this show at all!

At this point in time - I really don't care who she ends up with or what happens to her! ? just plain bored!


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Having re-watched the episodes, I'm seeing this in a different light. Maybe some subtleties work their way in the second time through, when I'm not trying to follow plot lines. My gut take right now is that the leads really do love each other - both passion, which has always been there, and now with compassion.

When Jin-Hee said quietly and calmly, "now do you see why it can't work out" she looked exhausted and defeated - they both did. She looked like she had been brought all the way back to the hard reality she had gotten away from, that in a perfect world they would be together. The easy, relaxed affection between them is obvious, all over both of them when they let their guards down. She looked like she was owning that fact, and also the fact that they can't overcome the rest of it as things stand.

What has to change? Can it? Will it? Maybe we will see.

I think, having re-watched the whole thing this time, seeing earlier scenes with the benefit of some context, that the love was real (is real?) and that both CM and JH tried really hard, pushed themselves to their limits the first time round and found they just could not get past the drama and agitation (spurred by evil mom - but in the end SOMETHING is going to push every couple and they make their way through or they don't). It wore them both out, maybe because they are both passionate, so they naturally push continually trying to manhandle life rather than taking a needed breath/rest here and there to recharge, reformulate plans, and start fresh from a different angle.

Maybe they need to learn to play scrabble instead of tackle football with life and each other or something - I clearly need a cup of coffee to find a better metaphor.

I honestly thing both of them in the years between did learn to some extent how to balance themselves individually.

Then I think they collided and were thrown back together and thrown back off balance. Extended family and secrecy exaggerated that imbalance. It feels dangerous to everyone, but especially to Jin-Hee, who suffered the most damage in the first round.

The open question, I think now - having re-watched - is whether the two leads can learn how to support each other in being balanced rather than in spinning out and toppling over. If they can, I think their chances to do better the second time may be good.

Having re-watched, I like them together, assuming they have matured enough to actually work through problems together.

And being corrected on the translation of Jin-Hee's words that went with the slap helped me too - knowing that she said something more like "even if I am crazy about you, how can we start again," rather than the "I can't stand you" that was written on the screen I watched shifted what I see.

In that context, I see her slap as "snap out of it - face reality." And mulling over the series, I sort of see Chang-Min's actions as his own, "snap out of it," "it" in his case...


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Here's the rest of my too-long-to post comment:

In that context, I see her slap as "snap out of it - face reality." And mulling over the series, I sort of see Chang-Min's actions as his own, "snap out of it," "it" in his case being the wall between them, the belief that the obstacles are more real than the fate-connection.

The slap, the wrist grabs, I can almost see all as them trying to make their way through to learning what is most solid - the crossed-stars or the love. (ooh - points and stars connecting! - the book!)

At this point, I really think they both care deeply about each other and wish they could be together, really together this time. But which one has their feet on the ground, Chang Min contending that they can, or Jin-Hee contending they can't - that is the question, and with these writers I really do think 5 episodes, a full quarter of the run, is enough time to land the story solidly.


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"The story really needs to move on. Make it very clear she wants to be with Chun-soo or Chang-min or no one in this show at all!" - Drama Queen

Agree. If there's one thing that irks me is a wishy washy character. It's unfair to the parties involved when there's no commitment. If Kdrama trend proves right, she'll end up with ChungMin. But up until now,she's been yelling at him, accusing him of wrong motives, insulting his efforts because he happens to be from an influential family, and to top it off she slaps him for interrupting a meal w/ the chief. Classy.


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I agree that I have no idea how they are going to resolve things in the next 5 episodes. It seems to me the story has only just started moving forward.

Anyways, I disagree about Jin-hee needing to make any effort to change. Jin-hee's been growing and doing fine since the divorce. She's used all the negativity to propel herself forward as an independent competent doctor. Yes, to make a relationship with Changmin work she would need to work on things as well, but I think it's pretty clear that she doesn't want a relationship with him (like that) at least at this point. Why should she change?

As to the disagreement regarding the patient treatment. I don't understand why Changmin just expected Jin-hee to just listen to him simply because he said it was so. Jin-hee has clearly shown herself to be a competent caring doctor why should she just believe Changmin simply because he said it is so? Isn't it simply more of a difference in professional opinion (whether or not she was wrong). Why should she just accept his opinion as being superior to hers?

I also don't care for the Ah-reum character at all. She's randomly malicious to everyone that's true but she's inappropriately rude to Jin-hee. And, sure, she's not evil but really her maturity only extends to getting what she wants and she's decided she wants Changmin.

I hope they extend the show so that the story concludes naturally rather than being rushed at the end.


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The way ChangMin said what his patient had, it was more objective - like "10 is a higher number than 5", like it was understood by all in the medical field because it was textbook info.
And if you look back on the previous episodes, it shows he has more medical knowledge than her and is known to be almost a walking textbook. She even acknowledges that a couple of times. It wasn't just a matter of differing opinions but more factual medical info.


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You are right! I have seen that Chang-Min has more textbook knowledge than all the other interns. Even during the elevator surgery he provided the knowledge to Jin-Hee while chickening out with the knife. Since the early episodes, Chang-Min has learned better approaches with the patients, learn little tricks from Jin-Hee (talking to hard of hearing patients), learned passion for patient care from Jin-Hee and Chief Gook (desperately jumped in to save someone without regard for himself), those are all makings of a great doctor to be. While most viewers watched the romantic progression, I agree that Chang-Min is becoming a great doctor, someone that Jin-Hee can admire and perhaps accept at the end.


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I'm just catching up with this show with some FF here & there & I agree that at this point the writers seem to have lead the supposed OTP in a dead end. Plus, I'm feeling that they've turned a very likable character, the Chief, into an idiot in a split second, maybe to make Jin Hee think twice. Because until this episode I couldn't see why she would choose CM over him. Well, I don't see why she should choose any of those two now.
Sth must be definitively wrong with this drama because it's a rom com & I'm falling for the baby...


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Sth must be definitively wrong with this drama because it’s a rom com & I’m falling for the baby…



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"I’m feeling that they’ve turned a very likable character, the Chief, into an idiot in a split second"

I kind of agree. I did think there were reasons not to choose him before (relationships at workplace, relationships with a superior at your workplace are better avoided but also just that I think she just needs to resolve her issues and find happiness by herself before dating anyone), but now that the Chief has been revealed as someone with some serious emotional scars regarding divorce, I really think she doesn't need this kind of added baggage.

"Sth must be definitively wrong with this drama because it’s a rom com & I’m falling for the baby…" Hahaha! So true. I think Gook doesn't get anywhere near enough screen time...


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Such a sad ending to this episode.

Figuring out how the reconciliation is going to work and be right is puzzling at this point. The character development and consistency in this drama is its strong point, as javabeans stated, and I like that a lot. Maybe Jin Hee's self critique and change will come because of Chun soo's prejudice towards divorced people.

It seems like a balanced comparison to say that Chun soo didn't have a chance to judge Ji Hye for being a single parent and not marrying because he already knew her so well, and her explanation actually softened him to understand her decision. On the other hand, he doesn't know Jin hee, so she simply gets thrown in the mix of his prejudiced view that all divorce is negative. I wonder if that will remain the variable that keeps Chun soo from pursuing Jin hee any longer.


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Is it possible Chun Soo's feelings for Ji Hye will somehow rekindle?

Her daughter does have some kind of health issue that could flare, and he realizes what he wants most is to be there for her?

Or she may see him kissing Jin Hee and have her "I want him to be happy more than I want what I want" resolve crumble? (She reminds me of I Need Romance 3's Sweet Potato in some ways, with a love that may be too self-sacrificial to hold water?). She might cry, or get angry, or make a declaration, or simply go back to the states to be with her daughter. Why would the person she has been portrayed as leave a sick child she, if not for Chun Soon? Will she really just let him go with a comforting smile and wander the halls alone away from her kid if he goes after Jin Hee?

She has made it too easy for him not to face some things, I think.


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Yes, that would be a satisfying connect as far as I am concerned.


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I for one know one thing. I don't want the chief and Jin Hee to end up together. Lol seriously, am I the only one who doesn't like them together? With them it just doesn't feel right to me. Honestly if anyone was going to get back together in this drama (and I do want Jin Hee and Chang Min back together but they're having difficulties right now obviously) I was hoping it would be Ji Hye and Chun soo, I really like them together.


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Thank U!! No, you are not in the minority.


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Right at this moment I could care less about JH with CM, JH could get together with Ah Reum for all I care. I want that noble idiot called Prof.Shim get her man. Okay fine she's not idiot, she's just noble. I am fangirling over her as you guys could figure out.


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Hmmm. Why IS the young married couple on the show?

I have a sinking feeling it has to do with that baby Ji Hye had when she went to the States.

What DO pregnant interns do?

I know, the kid seems too young to be Chief's, but she has a growth hormone problem or something similar. She may be older than she seems.

And yeah, Ji Hye doesn't seem like the kind not to be straight with the baby's father, but she doesn't seem like the kind to leave a sick kid behind just for kicks either.

Something's not right here.

As for the married couple, he seemed sorry he can't have the baby for her. Maybe he will take time off to let her catch up.

...Like Baby Gook's parents plan to do, trading off. Gook was in Mommy's arms for six months, in Daddy's front pack this year, and then he plans to take a break and pursue music again. The show seems to be looking at the situation with three different baby/parent situations.

How funny if Gook's parents are the most sensible, grounded pair...


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Woah. Are they going to play the "dad died so I'm going to start falling in love w/ u b/c of pity" card? I so hope not. It feels like they're going to use the dad's illness to bring both the OPT together. Not liking the idea.


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If they pull that cliché out of the box, I am going to drop this show. Already getting marginal for me anyway.

At this point I am actually more interested in what happens to JH's rocker sister than what JH does... (Does that make me a bad person?).


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I've already dropped the drama around ep 11. I'm just skimming through the recaps. The drama has gone downhill since then. If it weren't for Ji Hyo, I would not kept an interest in it.


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The story is too predictable and cliche. I expect something different and original than using the dad's sickness as a tool to make OCM and JH together. I really don't buy that idea. Let's hope the writer will create something different in the end.


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I am seriously starting to wonder why so many k-dramas are 16 to 20 episodes long. About 90% of them - especially the 20 ep ones - tend to get bogged down near the middle, rushed at the end, a filled with too many irrelevant side plots with people that we don't care about.


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Please writers.. do not be too cliché. Everybody deserves a second chance, but mother-in-laws never have it. Chief Gook-Jin Hee will be a good example that someone else's trash can be other's treasure. Regards from Indonesia !


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I feel Chief and Jin Hee would have been a much more realistic ending, who in their right mind would go back to their ex and MIL also why would you want to upset your mother. Clearly JH's mother hates CM so why do something that will worry your mom. Not to mention to this day in the drama JH still is treated like trash from CM's mom!


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Thanks for the recap.

Favorite scene was Chang Min picking up his tiny mom in her big pink shoes. I'm convinced the costumer put the actor in those shoes to spotlight her kicking feet as Chang Min carried her away.


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I agree with Lollipip comments about Ah Reum. With her and Jin Hye, the maturity balance is very lopsided between the female and male main characters in this drama...


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Did i mention that i hate CM's mom? Oh here's another one, i hate her! CM needs to take care of her first before thinking to start things anew with Jin Hee. So far i'm still shipping for the Chief and Jin Hee. Step up your game Chang Min, we're near the finish line here! Without the help of tragic daddy illness of course.


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The thing that bother me the most in EC is the fact that SJH keep on looking at the camera. It probably the sixth time (if i counted correctly) that she glanced at the camera.


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I love both guys, but I find myself more incline to prefer the OCM - JH pairing.
But trying to have a little more down to earth opinion, I don't even think any of the guys are good couple material, nor is JH.
We are talking about a possessive egocentric OCM with a piece of ..work by a mother on one hand, and on the other? a workaholic self absorbed guy that does not know how to show, or even embrace his feelings!, and in the middle, we have a woman who is still in the way of finding herself, that always puts her own needs on the last place and after her story, she must really have serious trust issues.
I guess the healthier ending for our heroes would be to end up alone, we are 5 episodes from the ending and none of them have grown enough for a believable happy ending, either way the story goes, it will leave me wondering, will they really be happy?, how long will this happiness last?.
I would've loved a more Queen of reversals story, where we can see the evolution of our female lead into a stronger woman, a reconciliation ending with a well passed character development would have been neat too. At this point, I find it hard to accomplish, so I will continue with my non realistic ship and ship OCM - JH pairing! :D


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I think the writers can start wrapping things up by putting Chang Min's father into comatose state. That way it can give some reflection time for his mother because I do believe she still loves him. And maybe in the chaos, she'll softened her heart for Jin Hee for being with Chang min to help bring his father back to life. By this, it can give Jin Hee the opportunity to get really close to Chang Min by assuring him that his father will wake up soon. No one else is up to the par to comfort him aside Jin Hee.
Second, the preview for the next episode is scary. I do hope that Jin Hee will back up from kissing The Devil because if she kisses him, the whole plot will be messy.

Didn't Lady Yoon got the phone call about her husband from her son during dinner with her "future in laws" and her brother? I think what comes next is she hurriedly leave the dinner and rushes to Tae Hak with her brother. Seeing the situation Chang Min's uncle will understand the reason why he didn't keep his promise to show up and seeing Jin Hee there in the picture will make him thing, maybe Jin Hee and Chang Min are suited for one another. Lady Yoon, couldn't really get mad of Jin Hee for being there because she probably is in the state of strong shock on her husband's condition. Oh right, upon leaving the dinner, I'm sure the "future in laws " are briefly informed on what's going on and put them to relieve that Chang Min didn't attend to dinner out of rudeness but it's because an serious emergency actually did come up. Ah Reum, on the other hand will realise that there is so much more in Chang Min that she doesn't know off and it's impossible to get to his heart even if she tries hard. I really hope the next episode will be the opening gate and green light for Ah Reum and Yong Gyu love relationship to start blossoming.

Aaaaaah the bottom line is this is all what I hope to happen, can't wait for the next episode :)


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I think if Chang Min's father doesn't die quickly, the father's crisis will give Chang Min and Jin Hee time for their relationship to turn.

I heard somewhere that the formula that serves as fertilizer for love to grow was
proximity + shared vulnerability + shared goal = love

Working to save Chang Min's father will give them all three.

Also, it seems Chang Min's father was the only sane one in his family and he value's Jin Hee and would like them to be together, if that is what Chang Min wants.


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I am totally invested in this series now & like some of you, I don't see how the leads are going to bring the gap. Maybe it'll end with both of them ready to start over with each other. I hope its not a lame future jump or miraculous realizations in the last episode. There was some realistic character development occurring & I hope the cast & us don't get shortchanged.

Baby Gook is such a cutie pie!


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*bridge the gap


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Ok..Lollypip you asked in your recap what we should do with the chief ???? Please give him to me I promise to take really good care of him..lol


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Oh I would take him any day lol xD


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When the mothers were fighting I was too distracted by Baby Gook who was turning his head at the same time with his dad... too funny, too cute !


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"Now my worry is this: at what point will Jin-hee start making an effort towards change? Not even necessarily towards Chang-min, but in my opinion she doesn’t seem to have done much to confront her own choices in their marriage and breakup so that she can be a better person and partner (if she chooses)." <= This!

The one significant thing I think she has done, is stop letting hardship make her a weepy puddle of emotional goo. And that's a huge, huge step forward for her. But the rest of her remains stuck in the past.

She's stuck in a past re: parental disapproval. She hasn't transitioned her thinking from being required to obey a parent like a child, and being required to honor a parent like an adult. And honoring a parent doesn't mean letting them run (or ruin) your life. Rather, honoring them is taking your adult self - the person they've helped you become - and living well. It's respecting and weighing their guidance; but then taking responsibility for the direction of your life by making your own choices.

She's also stuck in the past re: the marital conflict and breakdown. Neither was equipped to handle the emotional pressure they were under; yet she continues to place full blame for the emotional breakdown on him. And she's been unwilling to see change in him.

The real heart of their problem is simple: broken trust. They both did it. But only he is willing to try to rebuild it.

I'm hoping that the writers have JH realize that neither of them is the same person anymore. I hope JH sees that chaining CM to his past mistakes is never a good thing to do. For him or for her. And that broken trust shouldn't be given a free-pass. But there's a difference between that and her present state of being emotionally closed and unforgiving. She should give him an opportunity to re-earn that trust. And explore how - with their added age, maturity and perspective - both can now contribute what's necessary to build and maintain a healthy relationship.

Like most everyone else here, I can't see a final scene with wedding bells in it. But I can see them committing to a fresh start of getting to know each other again. In that way, my mind can readily imagine a hazy sun-dappled scene in the dramaland future, when they realize their happily-ever-after is with each other.


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On a side note, am loving a bunch of Ji Hyo on Dramabeans banners lately :)


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I felt this episodes had too much going on in it. And story lines did not have the proper pay off. Like the whole misleading pregnancy thing, they should have done that a few episodes ago and played it for humor.

It is like they have just decided to develop all the side characters at the last minute.

They should have also put the Chang Min finding about Jin Hee being in contact with his father in an earlier episode too. They could have used that as another reason why Chang Min grew to like Jin Hee again.


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Im getting bored with this couple. Im only watching because of Jihyo.


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