Emergency Couple: Episode 13

What do you do when the person you want to be with isn’t on your wavelength? Do you fight for your own happiness, or sit back and watch as she gets closer to another man? Our hero comes to some long-overdue realizations about his behavior both in the past and the present, but as in real life, sometimes realizing what you want only leads to more uncertainty.


We rejoin Chang-min and Jin-hee mid-kiss, and Jin-hee manages to break away just as Chang-min’s mother is stepping off the elevator, prepared to give him a piece of her mind about his rudeness at dinner. Jin-hee finally breaks Chang-min’s hold on her and starts to leave, but Chang-min’s mother walks in the door and sees them together.

Mom is speechless (for once) but she manages to squeak out a question to Chang-min: “Why is she here?” He says that he brought her here and asks his mother to leave, but Jin-hee says she’ll leave first. Chang-min stops her, and tells her to leave later–that he’ll send Mom off first.

Finally, finally, Chang-min tells his mother that she needs to leave, and asks her not to just come walking in without calling him first. He pulls Jin-hee out to take her home, leaving Mom standing there in shock.

On the drive to Jin-hee’s house, Chang-min’s phone rings, but it’s Mom so he doesn’t answer. He takes Jin-hee’s hand and promises that he’ll never let his mother yell at her again, and never let her get hurt. Touched, she calls him “Chang-min-ah…” but he keeps talking, saying that he’ll pay her back for all the hardship she’s gone through in the past.

Jin-hee says it doesn’t matter anymore–she’s forgotten it all, but he says he didn’t even know everything she’d endured when they were living together. He admits that he didn’t care enough back then, to really see into her heart. She insists that it’s all in the past, and Chang-min just sighs, “Okay, I’ll go slow. I’ll go at your pace.” But when he drops Jin-hee off at home, she’s got more to say: “Don’t be nice to me. Don’t think of going slowly. Don’t think about starting again. I like my life as it is now.”

Chang-min says he knows how hard it must have been for her after their divorce, even harder than for him, and he sees how far she’s come to be where she is now. But he assures her that his renewed feelings aren’t because she’s changed, but that he didn’t see her hardship then, and he does now. Or maybe he did know and he just forgot, because he’s an idiot. Well huzzah for some self-reflection at last.

Jin-hee sneaks in the house like a teenager after curfew, and she and Mom both get the daylights scared out of them when Mom comes out of her bedroom in the dark. Mom cuts to the chase and asks Jin-hee if she’s dating someone, and Jin-hee denies it saying that she slept at a friend’s house, but smart Mom ain’t buying it.

Jin-hee swears it will be a looooong time before Mom gets any happy news like that, but Mom just says a little sadly that she wishes Jin-hee would find someone and start over, after all she’s been through.

When Chang-min gets home, his mother wastes no time confronting him about Jin-hee, asking how he could go back to “square one” when there are so many other women out there? Is that why he was cold to Ah-reum? He tells her that he does like Jin-hee again, and wants to date her again, and asks for Mom to please not be mean to her. Even a minister’s daughter isn’t as good as Jin-hee in his eyes, and he has zero interest in anyone else.

Of course Mom is horrified, and notes that he has the same expression as the first time she forbade him to be with Jin-hee, and look how that turned out! Doesn’t he remember that? Chang-min retorts that he remembers quite clearly how Jin-hee was hurt by a mother-in-law who never accepted her, so much that she had heart trouble.

Mom says it was bad enough she let him do what he wanted once (let him?), but she won’t let it happen twice. Chang-min tells her that twice, three times, four times, or however many, he’ll be with whomever he wants because it’s his life. And I let loose another mighty huzzah.

Jin-hee sits home thinking about what Chang-min said in the car about how it must have been harder for her than for him after the divorce. She flashes back to him packing his things to leave, and how he nagged at her even then, telling her to not just eat and sleep, but to actually experience life. It sounds like good advice, but it’s delivered in this nasty tone, like he can’t leave without criticizing her just one more time.

Then Chang-min’s mother shows up to tell her “I told you so,” and says that she ruined Chang-min’s life. She continues blaming her for the fact that Chang-min isn’t a doctor, and says that he does everything for her and she does nothing for him. Chang-min comes and tries to stop her, but she doesn’t stop and even grabs the bags that Jin-hee was cleaning out and throws them all over the sidewalk before Chang-min manages to drag her away. Jin-hee just collapses on the steps, having not said a word during either exchange.

Then we see Jin-hee eating dinner alone in their empty apartment, and she picks up a mug that has their wedding picture printed on it. Finally she breaks down and cries.

Jin-ae and Mom see Jin-hee off to work, talking about how Kwang-soo is picking up a job to earn some extra money. Mom notices that Jin-hee seems listless, and asks if she should take a few more days off, but Jin-hee just says she’s fine. Kwang-soo drives up in a nice car, but says it belongs to his friend and he’s using it to deliver instruments.

Kwang-soo offers Jin-hee a ride to work, and she takes the opportunity during the drive to thank Kwang-soo for getting a job so Jin-ae can follow her musical dream. He waves it off as natural, since Jin-ae is better than him, but Jin-hee tells him not to forget his dream either. He tells her that once Baby Gook turns one year old, he’ll take up music again.

Kwang-soo asks (this time with some tact) why she and Chang-min got divorced, because they seemed so comfortable together the other night. She says it just happened that way…they were young, and didn’t understand much about life. She wonders if that’s really all it was, and admits that she wasn’t strong enough so she failed.

But Kwang-soo doesn’t think the divorce means it was a failure–maybe the divorce was a mistake? He compares marriage to music…if you practice a lot, you do well, but if you don’t practice, you won’t do well. And marriage is like being thrown into a live show with no practice, so you have to practice after the fact. Well, look who turned out to be pretty darn insightful.

When Jin-hee gets to work, there’s an emergency right away. A roof collapsed onto a man’s head, he’s injured and in shock. A look into the patient’s records show that he might have Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a degenerative and fatal brain disorder.

Sang-hyuk and Yong-gyu rush to warn Jin-hee about the possible infection, but she’s already in a room treating the patient. She yells at them to come help her, but they stand outside the door, too scared to go in. Chang-min shows up and asks what’s happening, and they tell him, but when Jin-hee calls for help again he shakes them off and goes into the room anyway.

As they treat the patient Jin-hee is splashed in the face with blood, and Chang-min rushes to clean her face and orders her out of the room. He tells her about the disease, but she insists she can’t leave a patient, so Chang-min satisfies himself by putting safety goggles on her (which she should have been wearing in the first place but I digress).

Chun-soo asks the cowards outside the door what’s going on, and after they tell him, he also barges into the room. He orders Chang-min to put on a mask, but it doesn’t stop him from getting splashed in the face with blood next. Once they get the patient stabilized, Chun-soo washes Chang-min’s face with alcohol, and tells them they did a good job, unlike the interns standing uselessly out in the hall.

Another doctor brings in current test results on the patient, and whew, he doesn’t have Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease after all. Chun-soo orders the hall-lurkers into the room to prep the patient for surgery, as Chang-min and Jin-hee exchange relieved smiles.

Ji-hye brings Chun-soo coffee in his office, and gently chides him for being reckless with a disease that even terrifies doctors. He muses that Chang-min surprised him today: he expects Jin-hee to charge into a situation without thinking of herself, but Chang-min is normally a guy that would have hidden behind the door with the others. Ji-hye attributes Chang-min’s change to Chun-soo’s teaching, but Chun-soo disagrees. He doesn’t think it has anything to do with him.

In another part of the hospital, Jin-hee wearily sits to rest. She thinks on how Chang-min came charging into the room to help her, even though he knew about the patient’s possible infection. Chang-min finds her and reminds her to wash up, because even if the patient wasn’t infected it’s best not to take chances, and she reminds him to wash up too. He does, and has a broody shower moment while he’s there, thinking how the Chief’s taking care of him made him feel weird.

Ah-reum is studying in the break room when Chang-min enters, and she asks pointedly if he had a good dinner last night with his mother. He says he did, but she calls him out that his mother said she didn’t even get to eat. Chang-min flat-out tells her that he’s divorced, but she brushes it off as unimportant and says that there are lots of things she doesn’t know about him, like his favorite movies and sports.

Chang-min counters that those aren’t the same at all, but Ah-reum disagrees. She guesses that maybe some people think being divorced is a bad thing, but it doesn’t bother her.

Two doctors in the ER are discussing a patient with a burned hand, and Jin-hee asks a nurse who is injured. The nurse says “Chef,” but Jin-hee mishears her and thinks she said “Chief,” and goes running into the treatment area, obviously upset. It seems like everyone in the ER gives her the “whut?” face, just as she notices that it’s a chef who’s been burned, not the Chief, and Jin-hee looks like she wants to crawl under the table in shame. The actual Chief comes to check on things, and Jin-hee dies a little more inside.

Later Chang-min sits by himself, whining about Jin-hee’s public concern for the Chief. Ji-hye sits with him and says she knows he meant Jin-hee when he said he had a girlfriend. She says it looks like Jin-hee likes Chun-soo, and advises him to step aside and support her. He says he can’t do that because it was so hard to even get this far, and asks if Chun-soo really does like Jin-hee, which Ji-hye confirms.

Chang-min admits that he and Jin-hee used to be married, which surprises Ji-hye. She tells him not to tell Chun-soo because it will make Jin-hee uncomfortable. Public relationships are hard that way–if one person tells everyone before the other is ready, it puts the first person in a difficult position. So if he truly wants Jin-hee back, he should restrain himself, and let her decide what she wants.

Chang-min gets a call from Jin-ae, who’s waiting for him outside the hospital, and he immediately guesses she wants a favor. Of course she needs money, but she can’t ask Jin-hee, because of the whole stealing-her-wedding-ring issue. Jin-ae takes Chang-min to the pawn shop where he buys the ring back, and he lends her money after making her promise not to tell her sister.

Chun-soo asks Jin-hee where Chang-min went, but he’s gone home for the day. The kidney patient needs a transplant, and has to be transferred to another hospital, so Jin-hee offers to do it. She shyly thanks him for the text (the one telling her not to be sick) and does a happy little squee as she leaves. So cute.

Jin-hee introduces herself to the kidney patient’s wife and thanks her for coming. Chang-min calls her, and she tells him that she’s escorting the patient to the other hospital, so he goes to meet them there. As he signs in at the ICU nurses’ station, he sees a patient list with his father’s name on it. Oh no.

Chang-min finds Jin-hee and she notices that something seems wrong. He tells her that he saw his father’s name on the patient list, and that he knows he recently collapsed because of his diabetes, but that they thought he was better now. He offers to take her home, but she says that she’d feel more comfortable taking a cab.

As they part, Jin-hee gets a call from Chun-soo, which Chang-min overhears. On the surface, he’s just checking that the patient got to the hospital safely, but Chang-min is still bothered.

Chang-min’s father is in his office, and notes on his calendar that Chang-min’s birthday is coming up soon. Chang-min’s mother comes in wanting to talk, and complains that she’s been in bed all day “because of your son,” haha. She tells him that Chang-min is seeing Jin-hee again, but Dad doesn’t look very upset at that news, and tells her to just live her own life instead of living through her son.

Mom counters that she doesn’t have anything else but her son, and says that it’s easy for him to say to live her own life but she never gets what she wants; Chang-min married a woman she didn’t like, and now she’s even getting divorced. She doesn’t want to give Jin-hee money to leave Chang-min alone, and demands that Dad think of something.

Chang-min drives home and thinks about Ji-hye’s advice to sit tight and wait for Jin-hee to decide what she wants. He starts to call her, but instead goes to a spot on the Han River where he and Jin-hee once left a lover’s lock on a lit tree sculpture. He remembers a time when he met Jin-hee here, but she was annoyed because he’d forgotten what day it was.

Chang-min just laughs at her, and suddenly a man appears from nowhere, holding a small box. Without a word, the man opens the box and shows Jin-hee a tiny white dress. He places the box behind a screen, and we see the shadow of the small box grow into a large box, which the man hands to Chang-min. He opens the box, and inside is Jin-hee’s wedding dress. Sweetest proposal ever ~sniffle~.

Jin-hee stops by the bar on her way home, but soon Ji-hye and Chun-soo also arrive and sit down at the bar near her. Jin-hee starts to leave, but Ji-hye invites her to sit and talk, while Chun-soo looks like he wants to slink away for fear of what Ji-hye will say.

His fears are well-founded, because Ji-hye gets right to the point: “Jin-hee, what kind of man do you like? Do you like someone who makes your heart flutter, or someone more familiar?” Wow, the lady doesn’t beat around the bush, does she?

Jin-hee gives it right back though, and asks, “What’s going on between the two of you?” Ji-hye says they’re just colleagues, and they all sit in the Most Uncomfortable Silence Ever.

Outside the bar, Ji-hye says she’ll take a cab and offers Chun-soo to take Jin-hee home, over Jin-hee’s protests. She runs to a cab, giving them no choice but to get in his car together. In the cab, Ji-hye looks at a picture of her daughter and tells her that her mom is a fool, but she doesn’t have a choice.

It’s Awkward City in Chun-soo’s car, until Jin-hee breaks the tension by asking about a book he’s got on the dashboard, and he offers to lend it to her. Jin-hee asks him the same question that Ji-hye posed at the bar: “Which do you like better, someone familiar, or someone who makes your heart flutter?” and he admits he likes someone who makes his heart flutter. Then he dorks out with doctor small talk, and Jin-hee smiles at his awkwardness.

Chang-min sits in his car, waiting outside Jin-hee’s house for her to come home. He looks at her old wedding ring and remembers their wedding. He sees Chun-soo’s car drive up, and is dismayed to see that Jin-hee is in the car with him. As it’s still pouring, Chun-soo gets out of the car and comes around to cover her from the rain and walk her to the door. Chang-min watches, noting how close their faces are under Chun-soo’s jacket.


I’m going to be honest…until this episode, I totally didn’t see any evidence that Chun-soo was interested in Jin-hee in a romantic way. He was kind to her at work, and admired her as an intern with a lot of guts and a great bedside manner, but I didn’t see any personal interest other than his words telling Chang-min that he was interested. Which, as some of you have pointed out, could very well just have been him yanking Chang-min’s chain, in a “what would you do if I was?” sort of way. In my opinion, he’s shown more evidence of still having feelings for Ji-hye, than any new feelings for Jin-hee.

It seems to me that it took Ji-hye pointing it out to make him start actually showing interest. I’m still confused why he told Ji-hye that he feels no flutters when he thinks of Jin-hee, unless I just totally misinterpreted that scene, but I’ve long since stopped trying to figure out Doctor Stone-Face. It feels to me a bit like lazy writing, like he’s just there because we need another man to show interest in the heroine because that’s what you do in dramas, and not because he’s been showing interest all along. I still love the show and think it has more strengths than weaknesses, don’t get me wrong, but I would like to see Chun-soo as a character used for more than a prop to get Jin-hee and Chang-min back together, which is what I feel like he’s been relegated to the last couple of episodes.

I’m glad the show has a character like Ji-hye around, because she serves as a great model for how to treat the person you love. It’s obvious she still loves Chun-soo. She hasn’t tried to hide it, but if he truly wants to be with Jin-hee than she’s willing to support him and even help them be together. It’s refreshing, since her character type’s typical role in dramas is to pout and whine and flounce around because she isn’t getting what she wants. I find Ji-hye to be a breath of healthy fresh air, and I’m glad she’s there to give all the lovelorn woebegones some solid romantic advice, even if it is at the expense of her own happiness.

On the other hand, I was happy to see Chang-min doing some of the things I’ve been saying for two weeks that he needs to do in order for me to feel that he deserves to get Jin-hee back. He told his mother that he wants Jin-hee back, and that he won’t stand for her being mean to Jin-hee anymore. He even confronted Mom about her treatment of Jin-hee back when they were married. He told Ah-reum that he’s divorced, and even told Ji-hye, a superior at work. But best of all, he talked to Jin-hee about it, and was honest and open about it. Admitting that he didn’t care enough when they were married to put effort into understanding her, and that he knows it was hard for her, is huge. He knows now what he did wrong, so he can avoid it going forward, and that’s exactly what I’ve been saying he needed to do in order for this to work. He’s still got a long way to go, because he needs to now understand that he can’t make her want him back just by sheer force of will. Jin-hee is her own, autonomous person, and she gets to decide if she also wants to try again.

Speaking of that, I still don’t blame Jin-hee for asking Chang-min not to try to get her back. The emotional abuse that he and his mother put her through is not something anyone with half a brain would jump back into willingly, and as sweet as he’s been, he hasn’t done enough yet to show her that things could be different this time. And now she has another man, who is accomplished and mature and handsome and interested, so of course she would want to explore that possibility. Even though I’ve never been on the Chun-soo/Jin-hee ship (let’s face it, I have a pretty strong personal bias for Choi Jin Hyuk!), I do think it would be healthy and smart for her to date another man a bit before deciding who she wants to be with.

Mostly, I’m happy to see our two leads finally doing some work that could lead to their reconciliation. They have a lot more work to do, but now after this week’s episodes I am starting to have some faith that they can make it work. Kwang-soo was right…marriage isn’t the happy ending, it’s the start to a lot of hard work, but if you’re willing to do the work then it’s possible to overcome any past or present hardship.


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She said 'Chang Min ah'. She's in love! Can I secretly ship Chun Soo and Chang Min? Thats my MinSoo couple. . .


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I am rooting for Chun Soo and Jin Hee too. Wouldn't that be great. But I guess it is a forgone conclusion that the scriptwriter will not end things up that way. Wouldn't it be nice to be surprised once in a while?


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Awww, everyone rooting for OJH OCM and Chief Gook, I am rooting for Professor Shim cuz she's the only mature person in this sea of childishness, even the moms and dad are childish. May she get back with her love. Unfortunately that means OJM and Chief is a no go. Professor Shim AAAALLLL THEEE WAAAAY!!!


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Chang Min shower scene! *googly eyes* What did I do in my previous life to deserve this? And why is he thinking of Dr. Gook in the shower? Should I change my OTP? Hmm. .


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Thanks for the recap =)!


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Less fluffy moments between the main couple, but so many more mature moments. Looking forward to what this show brings in the coming few episodes! Thanks for the insightful recap :)


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Yeah, agreed. I'm relieved that the drama isn't going down the drain, and that details are being addressed, instead of the leads just falling head over heals in a happily-ever-after fashion..


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Sigh, that scene where Changmin pack his bagagge into his car and his harsh advice and that monster in law... I can't let Jinhee get back with Changmin.
Our doctor love, Kwangsoo, his advice using music, live show and watermelon somehow sweet and convincing
Oh Chang Min bath scene *haleluya* why he thinks about Gook Chief while take a shower? He feels weird? Almost ship this couple (aint Min-Gook couple sounds sweet?)
Still love this drama and waiting the next eps *in the lazy writer we hope* this drama writer's resume is long enough but none famous title


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I can definitely see OCM as an awesome friend and a great BF....unfortunately he's a horrific husband.


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Thanks for your recaps - You predicted the trajectory of Chang-min (what he did wrong in the past, what he needs to learn) so well1

I also thought it very telling that Jinhee remembered the painful parting of the first divorce, but Changmin recalled (in his flashback) a mere previous 24 hours of eating and washing together. So it made it seem that he was really just caught up in the 'newness' of dating instead of seeing things of how it was.

Jinhee is the most realistic character to me, where she does like the sweet attention and can care about the other person(Changmin) but her past experience won't let her go into starting to like him again blindly.


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Chang Min's opened up about his mistakes and what he thinks went wrong but she has yet to. She's playing it too safe. Someone needs to tell her that there is never an absence of hurt in love. You take risks when you love. (I think her younger sister is perfect to communicate this to her.)
Otherwise she will be a glass woman, afraid to shatter. Sure, play it safe with Dr. Gruff who talks to her like she's a junior high student and speaks 3 words at a given hour, or go with Chang Min, her true love!


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But why would or should Jin Hee have to open up to Chang Min about what she thinks went wrong? As far as she's concerned, that's all in the past between them - she's not trying to have another relationship with him right now, so there's no real point rehashing what went wrong in their previous relationship, or trying to figure out what either/both of them could have done differently. She doesn't have to open/give her heart to Chang Min just because he wants her to.


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No, she doesn't have to reflect at all but because she's the one who brought it up and asked him about it. And we keep reading it here on the recaps that ChangMin hadn't thought through things deeply enough. So my point was that it takes 2 to begin a marriage and 2 to end one. You can't dump it all on him. Let's be fair.


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I agree that Chang Min doesn't deserve sole responsibility for the end of their marriage. I don't think Jin Hee thinks that is the case either; I noticed that in the conversation in the car, she didn't assign blame to Chang Min for the failure of their marriage, even though she easily could have.

But being fair about that doesn't lead to the conclusion that Jin Hee ought to open up to him, or to take the risk of love with him again, or that Chang Min is her one true love. I mean, we all kind of have an assumption about who will end up with who, based on the tried and true kdrama formula, but if the writers want us to believe that Chang Min and Jin Hee's true love is meant to be, I think they need to actually show that in a convincing way and it seems that most commenters don't think that's happened yet.

Also, the thing about being all on him isn't necessarily about the reason for their divorce, it's about them starting again. Like you said, it takes two to start a true relationship, and Chang Min keeps trying to make it happen all by himself. It's all on him because he's making it that way. Like, he's telling people that Jin Hee's his girlfriend; I'm sure she would be pretty surprised to learn that. If a guy is going around calling someone his girlfriend and she doesn't even know about it, then he clearly needs to think through the situation a little more deeply.


I find it unfair that the show only focuses on the mistakes Chang Min did in the past. Honestly, Jin Hee also needs to realize that she, too, did some.

As a wife, she needs to know how to cook and serve her husband. Based on the flashbacks, it seems Chang Min is the one who cooks for them. Chang Min always said in the flashbacks that Jin Hee knows nothing except for eating and sleeping. Also, in the previous episode, they both recalled that Chang Min used to cook for her.

She also needs to control her temper. Remember when her sister stole her ring, she even go upstage to confront Jin Ae. And when she knew that the movers are there to deliver Jin Ae's things, she just got mad and all without even thinking and trying to be considerate.


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"As a wife, she needs to know how to cook and serve her husband."...well hello there the 1900s, when did you get here and reverse gender role all the way back 100 years plus?!

And yes, let's be considerate of the sister who consistently mooch on you then take your ring to pawn off w/out a words.


I agree that Jinhee's mistakes need to be dealt with and she needs to own them as much as Changmin...
and I agree that she needs to control her temper and impulsiveness with regards to it...

"As a wife, she needs to know how to cook and serve her husband. Based on the flashbacks, it seems Chang Min is the one who cooks for them. "

this is ludicrous...her not cooking for them is not a fault, especially if it means that Changmin's identity is wrecked because his wife did not cater to his every need - cooking, cleaning, washing....it's perfectly fine that he could cook for them and not a reason for her to be treated badly


It seems hard to believe she didn't cook for him during their marriage, she was a nutritionist.


When it comes to a divorce i believe both should take the blame no matter what the proportion. Not that Jin Hee needed to know how to cook well - Rossi is right, but if Chang Min were out there to work and she's at home doing nothing its probably better if she learn how to do chores unless she fought of working too. But then again she got a heart condition with harassment from her mom in law from hell...so i still support Jin Hee more than i do Chang Min.
And about the outburst towards her sister on stage, please - that was needed so that Chief could save the day - it's a drama :D it needs to be dramatic. In the real world she could wait until her sister finish with her job and go talk elsewhere, but where's the fun in watching that? Chang Min wouldn't stroke with jealousy as he did when he see Chief helping out Jin Hee.


as a wife she needs to know how to cook?? NAH!!!! But as a nutritionist she needs to know how to cook.


I agree with the prior comments regarding the part that says: "she needs to know how to cook and serve her husband", She does not need to know how to cook, BUT, the staying at home spouse, regardless of the gender, has certain obligations as well, if only one of them is working out to bring the money home, then the one that stays at home should be able to comply with the house obligations.

It seems to me, she got into a severe depression, probably due to the status of housewife and the lack of support from CM, since she was used to work before, and surely due the family issues,

I blame the mother in law.


Jin Hee might not have to open up to Chang Min, but she have to open up to herself, and in drama land opening up to herself means she have to talk about it to someone. If not it kinda shows that only OCM learn from his past mistakes but not OJH. She doesn't have to give her hart to Chang Min obviously but then looking at her, who else would she talk her relationship with. Might as well take advantage of OCM LOL!!


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Although it was not shown on the screen, I think Jin-Hee had a lot of serious talks with Chang-Min's father during the 6 years of silence. Dad encouraged her to get into medical school and fulfilled her desire to find out "what so great about being a doctor." I don't like fishing myself, but I think Dad being a fishing guy showed me that he has time to reflect on life and that he was important to Jin-Hee's development. Perhaps in the next few episodes when Dad is near death, those flashbacks will enlighten us on Jin-Hee medical school days.


Jin hee can only think of the sad moments now. Unfortunately. But when she is unconscious (sleep) its different. I couldnt blame her because it is so painful for a girl. I just wish her realization come fast before she looses chang min.


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one thing for sure, Jin Hee still got feelings for Changmin and it's a strong one


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just additional info, the magician in the proposal scene is Lee Eun Gyeol. He an actual magician, a famous one actually and is the 1st Korean to receive the Merlin award.


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Thank you! I had a feeling there was something in that scene I was missing, either the location or the magician being famous. Good to know!


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i just happened to know him coz of another variety show The Genius: Rulebreaker 2 (TVN), of which he is a contestant.


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Wow, that huge


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I'm not a doctor, or a medical student and will never be. Hence, my tolerance for medical inaccuracies can run high with ignorance but I had to cringe-laugh at the scene where JinHee and ChangMin were with the 'possibly infected person'. I was so incredulous that ChangMin, who knew of the possible infection, ran in there without protective gear, like goggles and masks. And he didn't insist that JinHee wore them BEFORE they removed the patient's bandage?? It's Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease! From a simple google search, I found out that its cause of transmission is not even known yet and JiHye even said later in the show that the germ(?) doesn't even die after 10 years in alcohol. And you think cleaning the blood off with alcohol after getting splattered with it will work?! Whoa, these terribly inept doctors... Also, ChangMin didn't wear goggles because "there was only one in the room and JniHee is using it"? WHAT? Get someone to get it for you. Like those statues standing outside. JinHee excuse was no better when ChangMin tried to shoo her out of the room. "How can I leave my patient?" Girl, you know the underlying concern. He doesn't want you dead. So just take precautions so that you don't end up infected and dead. You are a doctor! True, you have a responsibility to heal your patient but you also have a responsibility to not die. Do you know how long it takes to train out one of you (doctor)?

On another note, I had to laugh when ChangMin's mom insisted that her husband come up with some way to tear ChangMin and JinHee apart permanently, Right. Now. Because he's from S University (probably meant Seoul University, one of Korea's top university from the SKY trio). I kind of understand her though. She's trying so hard so that everyone she loves can be happy but she's not listening and insisting that they do it her way. And her husband doesn't really listen to her. Sad. But there's a limit to how much you can excuse bitchiness.


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"She’s trying so hard so that everyone she loves can be happy"

I can only see her trying so hard for her idea of their happiness, without actually considering what they might want. It's about her, not them.

Whenever she opens her mouth it's "me me me". "How can you do this to me", "How can you make me suffer like this".


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Yeah, I agree. I forgot to add the words "she thinks". That's why I said that she's not listening.


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It really pains me at times to see portrayals of such inept doctors. They knew even before the patient arrived that he had an "infection", yet nobody bothered to get masks, gloves, and goggles before hand.


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I am really enjoying this drama and the chemistry among our triangulated threesome.
However, I relate to your incredulousness about the inaccuracy regarding the doctors protecting themselves - in a real medical setting gloves are mandatory. And masks to under such an environment. But this is k-dramaland for you.


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Also, why didn't the EMT guys who brought the patient in have on any protective gear? They were the ones that told the doctors about the infectious warning.

And Chun Soo jumping in with no protective gear but chastising his intern for not wearing gear was ridiculous,


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And the whole time I was thinking "this better not be the real Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease," because if it had been, and if Jinhee had been infected, it would have been almost a complete act of plagiarism of New Heart, a med drama from years back.


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Thanks for the recap =)

1. I want CM's mom to go away!

2. I want AR to go away (though she's no real threat since CM has only eyes for JH but I still don't like her)!

3. Ji Hye rocks! I love it when there is some sort of match maker in a drama who doesn't beat around the bush! And though I am shipping Jin Hee with Chief Gook I hope Ji Hye gets her man in the end!

4. Ahem...the whole CJD scene had me cringing. I did some research online and in books jsut to be sure (I am a Biology teacher - well almost^^) and CJD is normally just contracted after eating infected meat! There is no proof that it is transmitted via blood. I know I am just nitpicking here but even if the rom-com is in the foreground I'd like the medical cases be close to correctly shown!

5. What kind of doctor (and yes I am also talking about interns) just stands by and would let a patient die because of a possible infection? You have protection gear you can use, people! Just sayin' :P

Nevertheless I am enjoying the drama very much and it is highly appreciated since it is funny and an easy watch > God's Gift and Three Days are angst galore so I am thankful for anything funny :D


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I know some of you out there could very well ready to bury me after what I said, but I am kinda glad there is a woman like Ah Reum. I mean giving her a credit that she always met guys that basically arrogant rich boys, and Chang Min is like a breath of fresh air. To be rich but somewhat hard working in the same time. I mean she has her own pride looking at the scene where she left OCM and Mom alone, knowing she is soooo not invited by her crush. Plus she is falling for Chang Min hard, I mean let's be honest who is out there that is falling hard for someone and seeing that he is single, and the person he possibly like doesn't like him back. Would you still try to be with that guy. Come on be honest!!


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I agree. AR has been honest and classy throughout. She wants Chang-min without question, but she hasn't tried to sabotage Jin-hee or spread rumors or any of the foolishness we often see in competitive situations. I don't ship her with Chang-min, simply because he's not into her and never has been, but I hope she ends up in a good place.


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Well, we got the bathroom humor and shower scenes. Check. Now we await the move-girl-out-of-way-of-moving-vehicle scene and airport goodbye scene? : )

I hope Jin-hee comes to her senses and sees past her hurt to see her true love is ChangMin, not Mr. Gruff. (I can't stand her smiling when she's with him.. She's always doting all over Dr. chief, it's so pathetic. Like a panting dog)
Maybe it'll take Chang-Min leaving or about to leave (enter airport scene) for her to realize she really loves him. Maybe Dad's illness will play into him leaving. Hmm.
She really needs to stop pushing ChangMin away. He wasn't the only one at fault in their marriage. She never shared her feelings and kept things bottled up. It takes 2, honey.


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They were both at fault in their failed marriage, but I'm not convinced at all her true love is CM.

She would do much better to move on and start afresh, without all the past wounds and hurts. Not necessarily CS, indeed, I think getting closure with the past relationship with CM by itself would be better rather than getting over things through the means of dating someone else... I think you have to be able to be happy 100% by yourself, before you can be happy with someone else.


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I think she truly loved Chang Min and Chun Soo Is Jin Hee's first crush in a long time and I love her new found confidence. But I think at some point Jin Hee will find out the truth about Chun Soo's past relationship with Jin Hye and that Jin Hye still has feelings for him and Jin Hee will pull away from Chun Soo.

I also don't quite understand Chun Soo suddenly having romantic feelings for Jin Hee either. Like someone else wrote he admired her spirit and determination to do well but I thought he had been holding back his feelings for Jin Hye.


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I honestly think Chief Gook is being lulled by seeing himself in Jin Hee and wants to protect Jin Hee from the same mistakes he did in past. He might as well mistaken this for crush. Plus you all know how competitive a guy can be. Having Chang Min all up on his face is contributing factor too. Especially his previous relationship (Prof. Shim which might as well be his only real love) support Jin Hee and him.


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Well Jin Hee must enjoy being with Chief Gook because she's smiling. It's ignorant to say that she's pushing Chang min away because first of all who wanted the divorce more than her? It was Chang min, plus I feel Chang min only grew feelings for Jin Hee again of jealousy. I honestly don't want Jin Hee to go back and make the same mistakes. Definitely can't stand the Mother in Law. Also Jin Hee's mother absolutely fucking hates Chang min. I'm excited to see how the ending will turn out, since of course korean dramas always end up with the main characters back together. *sigh* I'm hoping for a different ending but most likely will never happen...


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"He compares marriage to music…if you practice a lot, you do well, but if you don’t practice, you won’t do well."

I wasn't convinced by this reasoning. Dating is practice. You can also live together for practice (which may more infrequent in SK). But in any case they were living together for a year, they had time to practice.

"It feels to me a bit like lazy writing, like he’s just there because we need another man to show interest in the heroine because that’s what you do in dramas, and not because he’s been showing interest all along."

I like Chun-soo, but this is exactly how I feel: this is the first episode where they are pushing the romance between him and JH a bit more (before I didn't feel CS really was interested at all but was more reacting to push SM). Despite that, I feel like so it's that CM can experience jealousy and learn from that. After all, there are 7 episodes to go and they can't have the OTP get together already. Of course, if the show were daring, CS would be endgame – but I doubt the writers have the guts to do this, CS is just a chess piece.

"He told Ah-reum that he’s divorced"

He doesn't need to tell her he's divorced, he needs to tell her that he is not interested in her.

I do think ep 13 was a bit better than ep 12 (or at least less annoying), not sure this will keep up given the preview of with CM seeming to act out his jealousy in his usual possessive manner....


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Ah-Reum said she was okay with Chang-Min being divorced. But he didn't tell her who he was married with the first time. That would have change everything instantly because Ah-Reum would know who her competition is and that would cause some fire in the ER room. I read a comment from an earlier episode that if Ah-Reum's minister father finds out that Chang-Min was divorced, that would be the end. That is why Chang-Min's mother talked about using her family's influence to eliminate that divorce from the government's record.


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She's fine with it, but he's not interested. She's going to be after him for the next seven episodes if he doesn't make that clear.

Bit surprised she isn't totally pissed at him for the way he treated her in the restaurant.


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I like Chun Soo too, and all along I thought he only said he liked Jin Hee so he could make a worker out of the slacker Chang Min. Huh…what a weird turn around… Having said that, I still enjoy this show. I really really like Ji Hye.


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choi jinyhuk's eye smile is everything in that proposal scene, i'm still swooning.


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I'll sit here in the swooning corner with you. His eyesmile has had me mesmerized since that scene with the purple flowers in Gu Family Book!


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Is it bad I'm rooting for Chang-min mostly because I want more happy scenes where he smiles? I'm so biased.


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Don't feel guilty...it is okay to be a biased Korean Drama fan. Your devotion to that actor gives you that right! Personally, I am still sad from his crying scene at the end of the Heirs series (after he gave up his love for the sake of his company).


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You are not alone. I find his smile so charming *swoon*


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That's it! It's the smiling eyes isn't it?! I was trying to figure out for so long why he's more than pleasant looking...


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I saw some pictures of him when he was younger and I definitely think he is someone who has gotten better (well amazing) looking as he has matured some. I think his haircut suits him better now too then some of them he had in the past. I just wish they would have a workout or shower scene with him every episode. Please.


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Ah, Kwang Soo, so young and yet so wise! I really really like that guy.

If the plot unfolds according to the typical kdrama formula, Chun Soo and Ji Hye will end up together, right? And although I like the idea of Chief and Jin Hee together, I'd be happy with the Chun Soo/Ji Hye ending too, because Ji Hye has been so awesome and likeable so far that I want her to have a happy ending with the man she likes.

I didn't feel like we really saw any major change/development in the Oh-Oh relationship this episode, and the preview for episode 14 suggests that Chang Min hasn't really taken Ji Hye's wise advice to heart. And, based on the Chief's reaction in the previews, I'm starting to feel like the rivalry over Ji Hyo is sometimes more of a pissing contest (pardon my language), as if she's a prize/toy to be fought over, rather than a person. But I'll wait to see the actual episode before I pass any judgement on that!

I was rewatching some of the earlier episodes over the weekend, and I noted something interesting. As the interns were heading to their first day in the ER, Ah Reum made a comment to the group that their ER chief would probably be around the same age as Chang Min. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence in the group, and then Chang Min kind of grumbled that yes, if he had stayed in medical school, he could have been in that kind of senior position now too. That made me realize that a lot of his resentment towards Chief Gook could be fueled by the idea, in the back of his head, that he could/should be in Chief Gook's position, and a little bit of the envy/inadequacy he feels about that probably carries over to his jealousy of the Chief's relationship with Jin Hee.


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Oh, I forgot say thanks for the recap! Thanks so much for the recap, lollypip! :-)


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Okay...am starting to watch this now...because I cannot keep away from Choi Jin-hyuk for too long.


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Thanks for the recap and the thoughtful thoughts.

Let's set CM's mom on fire, shall we?

I know that Chief doesn't have a chance, but I would LOVE show if it did a swith-a-roo and made him the first lead!!

** Did anyone else mention or notice it is the same house as INR the first, and CJH is in his car parked in the same spot as he did in that show? I can't be the only one who noticed this, right? **


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Yes, it was used in INR and also appeared in Two Weeks.


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Well Jin Hee must enjoy being with Chief Gook because she's smiling. It's ignorant to say that she's pushing Chang min away because first of all who wanted the divorce more than her? It was Chang min, plus I feel Chang min only grew feelings for Jin Hee again of jealousy. I honestly don't want Jin Hee to go back and make the same mistakes. Definitely can't stand the Mother in Law. Also Jin Hee's mother absolutely fucking hates Chang min. I'm excited to see how the ending will turn out, since of course korean dramas always end up with the main characters back together. *sigh* I'm hoping for a different ending but most likely will never happen...


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Oops wrong comment section


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Omg yes gah I love Chief and Jin Hee <3 probably would be the best plot twist in drama history xD


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Choi Jin hyuk shower scene had me swooning


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The scene was too short. Chang-Min was given the instruction to wash every corner of his body to clear of any blood stains from the patient. The shower should have lasted at least 15 minutes.


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I know, and off all the people, he thought of Chief & the scene just send the wrong message....


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I wish they'd really shown more abs in that shower scene! Timing that short doesn't do him justice :P


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In my humble opinion, Chief Gook, aka Chun-Soo, has shown plenty of interest in Dr. Oh Jin-Hee prior to this episode. One of his lines has become my most frequently used line in my own family (I am a guy), "do I look that easy to you?" He went out in a late night emergency to help overdosed patient Emma that Jin-Hee was with. Jin-Hee gave him a side hug that he greatly appreciated. At dinner, he smiled at Jin-Hee aggressiveness with the food and gave her his portion of rice. The scene where he returned Jin-Hee to the hospital (while Chang-Min watched) was almost unbelievable to me at that time. They were giggling and seemed very, very close. The way Dr. Gook desperately searching for his "special" jacket was another indication that he cared for Jin-Hee. Professor Shim, who has known him for many years, noted about 3 to 4 episodes back that her man likes Jin-Hee. It is only this episode that she decided to give him room to explore his feelings. I really love Professor Shim's character in this show, she is my favorite and hope she will get her man at the end. Her advice to Chang-Min is valuable for him to follow as well (the preview shows that he won't follow that advice, declaring Jin-Hee as "his" girl in front of Dr. Gook).


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yeah! I want to point the same things too..it seems our Lolypip the recapper being too biased and favor more to choi jin hyuk and cutting all the important scenes in the previous episodes..I don't mind her being biased but how about doing a bit "more" research on prior episodes before actually throwing out the whole thing "I have never actually see him shows his feeling before" "I feel like he might be more pissed out on changmin"..

...it's like Lolypip just skips all the important moments/hints of Chun Soo real feeling, just to watch or printscreen Choi Jin Hyuk sweat exercise body or the sexy naked shower.

there are too many little/small things he have done to shows how he actually care for jin hee..even before Chang min warning him, he already shows/hinted that he has feeling to her..you can read docster6 comment for the examples of his feeling. And also how he wore the jacket like never want to took it off in the ep 12,how he hesitated to shows his concerns for jinhee through texts, AND THE HIGHLIGHT, of four simple words "dont be sick"..is actually impact more than that forceful/disrespect/inconsiderate kissing by our handsome and sexy boy changmin..and that is me being sarcastic.


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To be fair, those things happened in episodes I didn't recap :) And just because I bias an actor, doesn't mean I bias a character - I've been pretty hard on Chang-min I think. I expect a lot out of him if he's going to deserve Jin-hee back. He's done some good stuff, but he's also done some stuff he needs to rethink, both in the past and the present. I'm not giving him a pass just because I like the actor.

And you're right, I do see a lot of little things that Chun-soo has done that show he likes Jin-hee, and perhaps I haven't given him enough credit for those simply because they didn't happen in "my" episodes so they aren't foremost in my mind as I write. I seem to have gotten episodes where Chang-min is front and center. Purely as a viewer though, I'm not convinced that the sum total of his little gestures add up to more than just mild interest. I think he sees her as an attractive woman and a very good future doctor, and I think he's attracted, I just don't see anything that points to True Wuv. But that's just my opinion, and you're welcome to disagree!


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I'm sorry because I think I went a bit over the line..sorry lolypip
:(..well because I was commenting while chatting through messenger with my friend..it seems she also in Chang min side ~~haha~


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S'all good, we're all here because we love dramas and it's so easy to get a little emotional about our favorites! I do try to stay as unbiased as possible here, and write my biased thoughts somewhere else, ha ;)


No offense, but I noticed, compared to other recapper, your bias for the actor seems to let you conveniently overlook the fact that Changmin is literally a classic example of an abuser.

He's restrained her physically on several occasions, and has emotionally brutalized her both in the past and in the present, but none of that is mentioned in favor of pointing out how Dr. Gook has "only a mild" interest in Jinhee.

I'm used to db recaps having SOME depth and constructive criticism, and all I'm seeing is reinforcement of a terrible stereotype that neanderthal men are desirable and *deserving* of "their woman."

Which is super disappointing, especially since Jinhee has only truly smiled around Dr. Gook (literally, the first time we see her smile/laugh is when she sees his socks and the first and only time we see her playful and flirty is in this episode when she's scampering away with that cute satisfied face after thanking him).

Basically, the comments on this episode ("a woman should cook for her husband!! or she deserves a divorce!!") are in part a reflection on your biased view of a character that doesn't deserve praise as well as your dismissal of a character that actually does.


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Oh dear!


I agree with you that CM is showing some classic signs of an abuser, but your words towards LollyPip are a bit harsh!


Oh, Harem, thank you for your support. But I want the readers to know that I have 100% respect what Lollypip has done for us, allowing us to share our feelings in this forum. A lot of commenters have agreed with Lollypip and I do also somewhat. I was just trying to point out that I am shipping Dr. Gook and so I am bias too. Four of us watch this show together in my family and the score is tied 2 to 2 at this point. But I failed in my previous post to mention the most intimate scene between the chief and Jin-Hee, omo, omo, that CPR practice on the dummy, it was hard for me to watch (synchronized, sweating, tired eyes, hair messed up). At the beginning of each episode, there is that "15" sign, meaning the show is for 15 or older to watch. That CPR episode should have had a "21" that day.


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haha..yeah,I think she have done wonderful job in recapping,it's just me caught in moment I think ^^


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I am just so jealous you get to watch the show with 3 other people, doctsert6! I don't mind crying over a drama alone, but it would be a lot more fun laughing at the funnies with other beanies!


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I hear what you are saying, but to me none of those feel romantic. What I'm seeing is two characters that tick the same way (going out for late night emergency of Emma is a good example of that) and that Chun-soo certainly has realised this enough to make him take interest in JH (seeing her idealism as a reminder of a younger version of himself). But this isn't necessarily romantic interest. He has shown that he cares for Ji-Hye too (still has her photo, his reaction when finding the medical tests & learning about the child, seeking her out at dance class just to tell her about getting funding, etc.) – I wouldn't necessarily say there is more romantic sparkle there, but on the whole I'm just getting the vibe that he's a gruff guy that cares about people in general.


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Perhaps, then, the question we should be asking is: what are the characteristics of romantic interest?

Half of the reason this show is so interesting is because Chang-min and Chun-soo are positioned as opposing options. I think it's a very important discussion, though I think it can also be very polarizing.

Chang-min is very aggressive and clearly has controlling tendencies, but we need to be careful when we start throwing terms like "abuse" around. Chin-soo is more passive and expresses his feelings more subtly, but he has also *said* that he's interested in Jin-hee and he's never to my recollection said that he's not interested in her (though he's downplayed the significance of his feelings when teased by Prof. Shim, sure, but I felt that's more about showing discretion than a denial).

Let's all not let our personal tastes in romance rewrite the characters. Honestly, the only thing I'm 100% emotionally invested in is that all three of our heroines end the story happy where they landed. All three - Jin-hee, Ah-Reum and Prof. Shim - are SUCH fantastic characters and I care about them so much!


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Wow, you are right, all three female characters are fantastic!
Ah-Reum kept her cool even though Chang-Min was so rude to her at the dinner table. Jin-Hee is so neat that I am suddenly interested in the Monday Running-Man show. Oh, the Professor Shim actress, Choi Yeo-Jin, is in that movie "A Pig Like Woman" with Hwang Jung Eum. I wonder how beautiful women like that could be in that movie with a rural setting (with no make-up?), 3 women fighting over one bachelor in a ghost town of sorts. I am totally curious.


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It's a good question you ask – but I don't think the answer is going to be straightforward. It's not going be the same for everyone, as you can see from the discussion in this thread.

Yes, you have to be careful with terms like "abuse", but do note I haven't called CM an "abuser", I've stated that some of his behaviour are classical signs of abuse. In the drama world, it will all be peachy in the end, but in the real world someone exhibiting such behaviour (possessiveness, physical force such as dragging/forced kissing) will go on to do much worse things.

"Let’s all not let our personal tastes in romance rewrite the characters."

Not sure what you mean – people are watching and putting their interpretation on things. Why not, particularly if things are open to interpretation (as they are here)?

Jin-hee is an interesting character, Jin-hye has been getting more so, but I can't say I'm invested in Ah-reum, but then I don't think she has been developed much as a character. On the upside, she hasn't yet been a manipulative love rival, which does make a whole lot better than many second leads!


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Great recap! I want Chang Min's dad to actually do something for his family (including Jin Hee). Preferably something that involves taking mom away to a remote location!


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Wouldn't that be lovely? I am so with you on that one, only I think he isn't going anywhere soon if you look at the next preview. It looks like CM's dad collapses from illness:(

But...when he recovers (as I hope he does) he needs to take mother dearest far far away.

Good post.


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LollyPip thank you for the recap...I love your comments, and totally agree about progression of CM's character. I too find Jin Hye's character refreshing and I actually would like to see a happy ending for JH and CH together. I am a huge fan of Choi Jin Hyuk and I am so glad he have a lead role...I keep saying this, not just looks but his voice also have me swoon...so sexy. I still love the song he did for Gu Family...


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I agree with the reviewer that it really doesn't feel like the chief has any feelings for her and to me his whole part of the love triangle could have been done with out. If anything i think the show would have been stronger if instead of having her fixated on the chief as a possible love interest just having her not being interested in her ex-husband because she has so much passion in her work and showing how much stronger a person she is now then before while still giving him the brush off would have been better and made more sense. Her and the chief have no chemistry or it could be the fact he shows no emotions so i don't feel anything for him as a second lead and their parts together which are supposed to be cute awkward come off a bit forced.


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I still would like to ship those two :3 I don't thinks it's forced, I thought some scenes with Chang min was forced even that kiss in the beginning Jin Hee was trying to pull away :p Maybe because Chief is such a favorite of mine, I don't even realize Chang min in my eyes lol


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I'm glad chang-min's doing some self reflection but ive totally jumped shipped to chief's adorkable awkwardness. He and jin hee are sooo cute


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Thanks for the recap! I dont know who to root for between the second lead or the first. I feel that Changmin is changing from that insenstive jerk to someone that realizes that he missed out on a wonderful girl-Jinhee. But the Chief is so awkward lol it seems to me that he may like Jinhee but he still has Jihye in his heart, I mean he kept their couple photo!! Whoever Jinhee ends up with is perfectly fine.


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Chief Gook is so adorable awkward. It reminds me of the nerdy guys i know in college when they're around girls. Haha. Strangely, I'm quite happy when Chang Min suffered. He needs to taste bitterness of rejection. The flashbacks make me dislike Jin Hee-Chang Min reunion more.


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I think Lee Pil Mo plays Chief Gook really well. Classic adorkable. Why not let the dork get the gal this time huh? Please scriptwriter-nim....


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Definitely agree with you <3


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Most unintentionally funny shower scene in a K-drama, ever?

As Chang-min is rubbing his hands over his body in the shower, he suddenly thinks of Chief Gook: "Jeez, he's making me feel so weird."

Oh, really?

Chang-min & Chief Gook. I'd ship it. ;)


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Totally unintentionally funny.. strangely funny.

Not shipping them though.. It makes me feel weird too!


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Thanks for the recap!


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Can I just take a moment to appreciate the shower scene? Dat scene... OMG.
Anyway, great recap, thanks a lot.


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I was thinking couldn't they have stay on that scene lil bit more...that was way too quick...lol :)


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I am just not that enthusiastic about them getting back together. Chang-min still seems to be living in a fantasy world and has forgotten about how he and allowed his mother to treat Jin-hee back when they were married. His flashbacks go back to the day before, hers go back to such scenes as him moving out while she was out shopping.

I am sure they will end up together, since this is k-drama land, but I really wish she would find someone better.


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I love it when guys in kdramas fall for the girl first, cause they almost always just act like fools. Cute fools. I totally understand where Jin Hee's coming from, she had it bad. And even though she loves him deep down, she'd be an idiot to run back into his arms immediately. I also appreciate that Chang Min understands how badly hurt Jin Hee was and he's being patient, and sort of making up for it.

I just thought about this: When Jin Hee texts him saying she hopes he's not offended but she's gonna lock the door. And he responds with "Do what you want, I have the master key" That is so metaphoric! Kinda awesome


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I don't think he understands how really hard it was for Jin Hee. His flashbacks seem to be mostly about the good times. A few have been about the day they had the fight and his fish died. Chang Min needs to realize what he did to Jin Hee. He still does not seem to see her as a mature woman. He sees that she has a good heart but I don't think that he realizes what he did to her and how bad he hurt her. He even said after she got hurt in his car that he does not know how she has made it so far with the way she is. She got hurt because of him not because she is too weak or stupid. He needs to see where he went wrong and he needs to see Jin Hee how she really is, a strong smart woman. Jin Hee is smart to not want to get back with him yet, she can't trust him to treat her with respect.


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CJH has the cutest smile ever!


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i don't know how you couldn't tell the chief liked it. i feel like that's what it was for like for baro in reply 1994. it was so obvious he was crushing on oppa but the girls on here wouldn't say so until it was in your face blatant. i mean these things are always pretty easy to pick up on. i get you might not want to just assume but lets be a little more adventurous.

anyway, i really don't have patience for chang mins bs. from the way i see it, when she was at her weakest her left her dry, constantly abused her. and it's not like those traits changed when he met her after years. it was when he realised how independent she became, and that she was attractive to others that he took interest again. i think , honestly speaking, he's not very nice. and the fact that chief likes her is at least a big reason why he started taking notice in her again. he basically didn't give a shit about her, and now when she is finally getting her life together and in a happy place he keeps trolling every moment. basically forcing on her the fact that they need to be together again, following her around and going outside her house. he seriously just needs to back off.

i started off being weary but as time is going on he is really bothering me. like it feels like now that she;s appealing to others and independent he's in love with her all over again. i dunno, i think she needs time away from him and needs to tell him to back off and figure out what she wants and how she feels about the chief. she seems to be developing some feelings for him too. i totally ship those two. i love how the small moments between the two make me swoon.

call me a hater or whatever but i just find his character really manipulative.


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right? And I really can't believe when the Lolypip said she can't see where chun soo love coming from or since when it started..I mean, I know it since ep 4(or 5?),whatever but the important thing is, it already been highlighted in prior episodes!

Plus, what's so cute about changmin who always tried to push his ways to Jin hee? Some of the viewers have commented in other site, saying Jin Hee leading him on. How the h/ll she leading him on? She refused his feeling dozens of times, but who the one that threatening her, forcefully make her stay in his apartment doing all the things he pleased..there are too many about how it was strongly hinted that Changmin NEVER CHANGE or IMPROVE..and I never felt that he sincerely truly love her at all..more like a kid who can let go his toy.


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I think the 'moral' of the story is that "love" doesn't work out for our two protagonists the first time. They met when they were young, they are two completely different people, with different priorities and places in their lives. They meet again under different circumstances, when they're more mature and they start to see each other differently. Jin Hee and the chief have chemistry, but i don't think that propels Chang min's affection towards Jin Hee. Yeah, there's some jealousy there, but he's letting them do their thing. Chang min was selfish and left Jin Hee when she was the weakest. But he's acting unselfishly now (in his own way), and Jin Hee is stronger, and i think they find that attractive about each other. I feel as though the drama makes it seem like it was mostly Chang Min's fault they broke up, maybe it was, but hey it takes two...And Changmin "forcing" Jin Hee to stay in his apartment, is more of him being considerate of her, in a childish way/the only way he knows how (I do like the swoon-worthy moments between Jin Hee and the chief too).


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Selfishly forcing her into his car, cost her collarbone.
Selfishly, rudely, warning her to not get close to chief..I mean come on.. shes not his wife right? So who is this guy actually? Basically just her ex whom left her all alone and treat her like garbage in the past.
Selfishly, yeah, again, dragged her into his apartment eventhough he meant well..but again who is he again?
And he forcefully kissing her without consider her feeling..the hell.


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Pretty sure if he didn't do all that it'd be the most pointless, uneventful and boring drama


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The point of my points is Changmin never CHANGE. He never does. If you want to tell me that his sweet gesture towards Jin hee is HIS CHANGES, for me it's not.

He just back being the lovesick boy before they were married.

But as I mentioned in my prior comments before, I've never consider it as love, more of an immature kid that can not let go his toy because all he ever done to Jin Hee, lets admit it, is based on WHAT HE WANTS, not WHAT JIN HEE WANTS.

He still being possessive, selfish towards Jin Hee.

He still doing everything as he pleased.
The examples that I gave in my comment above,are just small part of his "misbehaviours" in this drama.

How you can miss all of that?


yeah , right in this moment of time i kind of can't stand him and the thought of them two being together really bothers me. maybe it's on the writer, but i feel like too much has been said and done for her to go back to him. or i want her to really at least explore her feelings with the chief, have some more dating experience and then see if she still wants to go back to him. but it being a drama and all, well, we know how it's gonna end.

and thanks for the likes guys. i don't care care much for things like this but totally wasn't expecting it as i felt like my opinion was the unpopular one :)


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Chang Min isn't being romantic but annoying. If a guy forcefully kissed me, shove me to his car and his apartment, I would stay away from him. That's creepy and scary. Who knows what he'll do next. I'm sorry. Chang Min is cute but he's an a$$. I don't get how some ppl find those attractive/cute/romantic. In real life, I'm pretty sure we'll probably freak out and run away from that guy.


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Let's remember that dragging around, forced kisses and other moves like that are quite typical for the drama universe and it has been that way for a while.
C'moon, if you have watched romantic dramas for many years, you have seen this over and over again. This is so overused, it shouldn't be an issue anymore.

The same we know that in real life you will never find a guy who will express his feelings that way. Is there really someone like that out there (not counting rapists and creepers)?

My point, that argument about Chang Min's character being on the abusive, childish side and comparing it to real life is kind of silly.

Should we ever compare drama universe with real life? :D
They have almost nothing in common. Which has it's pros and cons. :D


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I really could care less for Chang min he didn't bother me at first, just another ex husband that has a horrible mother pretty typical in a drama. But after he grew interest in Jin Hee right AFTER Chief started to show feelings pisses me off. He shouldn't be attracted to Jin Hee because of jealousy. Chang min should have never let his mother treat Jin Hee like that. When ever there's a cute scene with Jin Hee and Chief she's always smiling. I almost never see her smiling with Chang min. I honestly KNOW they will get back together in the end, but seriously that's a horrible decision. How will she stand the torture of her mother in law. Not to mention the divorce in a realistic outcome would occur again.


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I know everyone is shipping Chun Soo and Jin Hee and I think I would too if there was an ounce of conviction on either's part. Ok, maybe more so on Chun Soo. We're 13 episodes in and the sweetest thing he's done thus far is send a text. We don't have enough time to develop a real relationship between these two because they both move at a snail's pace. While I am not completely comfortable with Jin Hee ending up with Chang Min either; I have to give him credit for voicing what he wants. I don't condone the forced kisses but at least he's sincere. The other 3, (Chun Soo, Jin Hye and Jin Hee) are all timid and this isn't to discredit their reasoning but someone has to be bold. I want Jin Hye to be bold enough to play her hand and walk away because it's painful to see such an admirable character follow a guy around begging for his attention. As for the other two, the writer has them reacting to fear and uncertainty. For a happy ending to occur, they need to get past this. Mu


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I agree with so much of your POV. I was so not interested in this series when I saw clips of Changmin's immature & irresponsible behavior, but I caught episodes 11-13 and am fully invested now. We are just starting to see why their relationship failed through the leads flashbacks. I'll be surprised if they DON'T end up back together, but maybe they'll just date through their residency and individual evolution.


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I really hope Chang-min isn't hoping to one day give that ring back to Jin-hee to wear as her wedding band again. Keep it and give it back to her someday, if they end up getting back together, fine, but that whole first marriage just ended BADLY. If the ring is meant to be a symbol of their marriage maybe its for the best to let that one go and buy a new, one that wasn't on her finger during their huge, marriage ending fight from the first episode.


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I have a question. Why is it important for Jin-hee to get back the wedding ring?


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lazy writing.

the writers will use this to convince us that JH still has deeeeeep feelings for CM and that they are the fated couple.


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I did root for Chang Min before, but after that flashback when he left her cold ugh not anymore. Be with the Chief instead Jin Hee! Even if he has a kid with lady doc (hope not). Chang Min needs to grow up and not trying to force his way into Jin Hee's now stable life with finally being an intern and one cute adorkable doc is smitten by her - let her live her life! A monster mom in law is a big turn off. Not to mention her face looks a bit off, need to slow on the surgery i think.
Learn a thing or two from our cool lady doc will ya and maybe just maybe i might root for you again.


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I'm still rooting for the main couple. Chang-Min's a changed man now.

- He risked his life to help JinHee with the patient who
possibly infected w/a life threatening disease.

- He risked his life a 2nd time by giving her the mask to wear in that same situation

- He stood up to Meany Momma in her defense and
promised to protect her from her in the future. That's
big, since Meany Momma is so controlling and has a lot of influence, esp. with hospitals and it can affect his future work.

- He's done some self-reflection and knows his mistakes and regrets them. We even saw him weeping in the car as he thought that he may lose JinHee. (C'mon. How can we not have sympathy for a man in tears? And especially over a woman.)

- He's changed his views on divorce. He tells his father that he shouldn't divorce his mother even though that's what she wants. He sees that differences can be worked out together. May not be instant, but things worthwhile take time.

- He respects JinHee as a doctor. The old Chang-Min did not think much of her abilities, even in cooking. But he told JinHee that when he went through her patient charts, that he learned things from her. Now, that is HUMBLING for him to confess that because they both know he has more medical knowledge than she does, went to a better med. school, etc.

- He doesn't react the way he used to with JinHee's mistakes. Ex. When she clogged his toilet. We saw in her eyes she expected him to put her down and yell at her. Instead, he is worried about her collar bone injury and says she should have called management.
We see the same gentle response to her everywhere else. (Going to the hospital where the transplant patient had gone to meet and help with that; giving her a place to stay so she could recover; making meals for her; loaning money to her sister b/c she is JinHee's family. and more.)

Chang Min is a changed man. And we see him changing and developing more in each episode. When he stole the chief's jacket, for instance, then decided to give it back to him so as not to be immature.
I think we need to give the guy a break.

I don't like the way JinHee becomes like a doting servant when she is with the chief. It's like whatever he says, even if it's not job related, is A-okay. And I am turned off by the way he talks to her. I know he's older but he talks to her like she's in junior high and he's her uncle. She seems so spineless when she's with him.
I think she's grateful to him for giving her a break a couple of times and respects him, but she shouldn't mistake that for love.


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..seriously this make me Lol so hard. I mean when jin hee act lovey dovey with chief you consider it as mistake while Changmin is not? What the...
Yeah, he is a changed man..and so? Should jin hee love him back, drag him to church and live happily ever after?.....changmin being a better man have nothing to do with what jin hee want to do with her life..if she want to love chief, so let it be. I wont even consider it as mistake on her behalf.
The way I see it, her acts towards chief wasnt out of respect but she actually develop serious feeling for him..i mean, come on, the way she reacted when she heard the false news about chief have hand burn. Her eyes widen seeing chief coming close to her, when he talking to her she look away shyly...and THE PRESENT JIN HEE actually smile cutely,comfortable and her face were glowing while being with chief or received call from him..

You dont see all of that when she with changmin..her interaction with him always felt sour and sometimes just half sweet,the rest just bickering. I think she and changmin are more fit to be friend than couple.

But still i know many changmin shippers would disagree with me but again seriously, chief and jin hee acting lovey dovey like some high schoolers being in love is a BIG NO to you but changmin acted like some sicko, being classic abuser, forcing his feeling without considering her feeling is a BIG YES..
.so the conclusion is, EVERYONE SHOULD JUST GET BACK TO THEIR EXes provided the ex is a changed man....wow.


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"He risked his life to help JinHee with the patient who
possibly infected w/a life threatening disease."

He's a doctor. That's what he signed up for.

"He’s changed his views on divorce. He tells his father that he shouldn’t divorce his mother even though that’s what she wants. He sees that differences can be worked out together. May not be instant, but things worthwhile take time."

Sure, people should try to work out their differences, but divorce isn't the all-bad and staying together isn't necessarily the more mature options. People get stuck in awful relationships because it's often easier not to leave. Making the decision to divorce (or even just break up in non-married scenarios) can be the more courageous and more mature decision – because people should be able to move on and admit when things can't be fixed or when they no longer love each other.

"He doesn’t react the way he used to with JinHee’s mistakes. Ex. When she clogged his toilet."

Great, he's grown up a bit. Still not enough to make me cheer for him, that's just grown-up behaviour I'd expect from any reasonable normal human being.

"We see the same gentle response to her everywhere else." I see hand dragging and forced kisses. He has shown signs of being possessive through these actions, and through declaring JH "his girlfriend" (to Ji Hye, and as "my girl", it seems, to CS in the preview). None of that is okay.


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1.) alua wrote: "He’s a doctor. That’s what he signed up for."

-Actually, no, you don't sign up to risk your life when you become a doctor. I have doctor friends. There are measures in place so you don't have to risk your life as a doctor. You sign up, like any other job, to do your job and in this case, to treat symptoms. It's not a job like a search and rescue crew where you are indeed swimming in that territory.

- What you totally missed from that scenario with the CJ disease patient was that ChangMin did what the other interns, staff, and 1 doctor were unwilling to do. If you missed that, saying "Well, he's expected to do that cuz he's a doctor", there's a total bias to your lenses.

2.) "divorce isn’t the all-bad and staying together isn’t necessarily the more mature options"

Would have to disagree with you that divorce" isn't all-bad". No one intends on divorcing when they enter into marriage and no one likes it, but it does happen. And when it does, it leaves a permanent wound. I have divorcee friends. Sure, they've moved on with their lives but they would rather have had their marriages work out... Why? because that's what they had in mind when they said "I do". But I'm not talking in cases of abuse here. That's different. I'm talking about personality differences and ways of dealing with conflicts. Learning to have healthy relationships is indeed "mature", contrary to what you said, and sticking it through together shows commitment to love. - Again, you and others can disagree and that's fine. I'm just stating my position and the reasons for it.

BUT I"m not here to argue whether divorce is good or bad with you because it doesn't matter what we think and I know already we disagree.
The point the writers were trying to convey was that Chang Min had changed his views on divorce, and thus is showing maturity and growth in character. He asked his father to stick it through. He isn't whimsical and selfish as the 2 (?) scenes we were shown in his past.


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Yes definitely a forced kiss to someone who said she doesn't want to get back together. Bringing up the topic she already answered up and up is definitely respecting her as a human. You really think someone can change fully like that. I doubt Change min can protect Jin Hee without getting his ass beaten. For real though looks isn't all what a guy is about. Seriously I think his personality out weighs his looks. How can we assume he would never act like a douche bag to Jin Hee again. Obviously in the drama it's a perfect world and he probably wouldn't. But come on not in real life...


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I know maybe its just my experience talking but there is a huge different in wanting what you want and keeping it. MOST men would act the way Chang Min did when he wanted to win a woman's affection, and since CM did a mistake back then he feels the need to double the effort (the mask, taking care of her while she's unwell, etc).
Those are sweet, really. But what's more important to you as a woman? Coz for me even if those sweet & nice, still it's just some gestures from times when the guy want something from you (i.e your heart) then turns sour when he eventually did.


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I'll agree, I love Ji-hye. She is the best character here. To hell with the main couple, I just want her to be happy in the end <3


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Oh, I forgot to mention: did anyone else notice that next weekend (March 15th) is both Chang Min's birthday (as noted on his dad's calendar) and what would have been the OhOh's 7th wedding anniversary (as shown on the wedding cup)?


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I'm about the furthest thing from a doctor you can imagine, I have NO science background whatsoever. So why am I the one who knows you should be wearing safety glasses, a mask and a gown when dealing with body fluids that might spray? That's just common sense right?


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maybe its about moving on... accepting the past , learning to forgive , not being angry and moving on...I rooting for the CHief finding the flatter of his heart, Jin Hee being happy again and forgiving of CHang Min and Chang Min being accepting of the decisions and mistakes in the past and growing up and away from his mother... That would be a good end...


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Lollypip, I'm loving your recaps and comments. :-) Thank you and to the rest of the dramabeans team!

Looking forward to the next E Couple recap!


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Thanks for the recap.

In all my time watching dramas, I don't remember ever seeing a more passive hero than Chang Min. At least I haven't seen a more passive hero who had not suffered emotional trauma and was scared as a result.

It's weird, but the actor sometimes seems unhappy to be in the drama. Things have brighten up for the last two episodes.

However, until Chang Min is willing to take a stand against his mother to protect Jin Hee, without regards to what it might cost him, he does not deserve to have Jin Hee back.


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Umm, he already took a stand against his mother (when she caught the 2 of them at his apt.). He knows she has influence but stood up to her and told her to butt out of his life and promised JinHee he would protect her from his mother from now on.


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He can say that he'll protect her but can he act it out by actually protecting her from his mother? If he can't protect her in the first marriage, can he do it in the next relationship? That boy is certainly improving his character but he is still immature and selfish. Always acting on his own feelings and disregarding others, especially Jin Hee. If he truly loves her, he should let her go and stop trying to claim her. She's not a toy nor a property. He acts like she is.


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Since I see kdrama thru rosy-tinted glass, instead of wondering why Chang Min suddenly fell for Jin Hee again, I would just like to think he never stop. That's why after 8 years (and probably a bunch of Ah Reums throwing themselves at him) it just need another meeting to flare up all the repressed feelings. But then again I've been reading a lot of shoujo manga lately, so it might be just me...


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as much as i love chang min finally defend jin hee against his mom, but the way he talks to her is just rude in my opinion..she still her mother..although her action is so despicable..
and ji hye is an awesome character..never thought she would be the one that guide chang min in his soul searching~ and encourage chun soo for his feelings~ she's so cool <3

i agree with you, when you say jin hee need to explore all of her options..and have a go with chun soo..chang min need to respect that and realize he cant just force her to accept him back~


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I am completely 100% into this drama!

I like that Chang Min has finally come to the realization that their marriage failed because they were both immature and that he has to take some blame for its failure. I got the impression that when they broke up, he blamed her for doing nothing all day while he struggled to make a life for them with a naggy mother looking for all ways to break them up - and he gave in because he couldn't take the hard life.

I think it'd be sweet for Jin Hee to accept him again - but then again the hurt and pain that she had to work through to get to where she is may make it difficult for her.

The added complication would be her sparked interest in the Chief.

I would like her to get together with the Chief less only because it would be messy and unfair to Ji-hye to be left with no one if her daughter was actually Chun-Soo's.

Love doesn't work that way I know - but then again I am OCD.


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Why would everyone seems to think that is Chun Soo's child? I mean it would be so not in character for the wise, straight forward,mature,cool Ji Hye to hide "his" daughter from him. If it's really turn out that girl is his daughter, then I won't even rooting for her. It would make her character unlikeable. I mean, why now? Why now after these years? Why? From the way the chief has been portrayed in this drama, I don't think he is someone who will Ji Hye alone if he know she pregnant his child.
From my view until now, Chief is always someone who responsible and sensible toward others.He never shove his "bills" to someone else. So doesn't make sense for Ji Hye to hide it from him. If she does, then I will drop this series as it would be kinda stupid to pull that "she is the mother of my daughter,so I will be with her" card just to give us a cliche ending with changmin and his toy, Jin Hee. I just hope the writer are not masochist.


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definitely agree with you~ that is so not ji hye character..


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I agree with you. Wouldn't it be so sweet to just accept him again.


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initially i was really shipping Chun soo and Jin Hee, but now as the show is revealing more bits about chang min and Jin hee's shared past together, and showing a more human side to chang min, i find myself drifting more towards chang min and Jin hee, because i feel like they do still have something for each other...


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I skip-watched this episode. I was so happy that they finally have that conversation on Chang-min's car. Changmin telling her what he is trying to do. And I am all so dreamy on CJH last night. hehe and sigh..

I will love to see when Chang-min will say "saranghae" to Jin-hee! I like that Chang-min I-want-you-back saga is not triggered by a third-party.

on a side note.. whenever I see the light post near Jin-hee's house I recall how In-young would like to have her first kiss on that post in INR1 which makes me giggle.


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Eventually, i will come to my senses and devote my attention to Ji_hye


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Just a thought of what Jin-Hee had gone through with her relationship with Chang-Min, I don't want them to be a couple again. It's too painful, knowing that she even had a heart problem...

So now, I am wondering how the story-line will be, not disregarding their past and not only relying in their current and future feelings.


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This drama makes me look forward to each weekend SO MUCH, waiting for the episodes to come out. I do wish that we see a bigger gesture from Chief Gook that unequivocally shows that he has feelings from Jin-hee. I know small things may mean a lot (that jacket-overhead move honestly made me squee!), considering his personality, but for him to be a viable second lead, he needs to beat out Chang-min in that department.


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I think Chief Gook is a viable second lead already in Jin-Hee's eyes. You see, Chang-Min started with two strikes against him from the previous marriage and having a terrible mother. I think Dr. Gook is attractive to Jin-Hee simply from the perspective that he is an outstanding doctor who cares about his patients unconditionally. From the point of view of the traditional Korean screen writers, that slap in the face to Dr. Gook when Jin-Hee was drunk in Episode 1 has some significance, meaning they have some fate in their relationship. Dr. Gook also observed completely the scene at the cafe when Jin-Hee was slated to be dismissed (before Gary drove her off). Jin-Hee was getting drunk and rambled on and on about how she looked like a model in that white coat and that she will be a great doctor. Eventually, the other party ended the call. That scene affected me a lot since it highlighted how lonely Jin-Hee can be, taking on the world by herself. It is not by chance that Dr. Gook was written to be in that scene, because that makes him understand Jin-Hee better than Chang-Min, knowing her struggles and how it is so important for her to finish her internship. The desperate appeal for more external funding for the ER was also part of the "save-Jin-Hee" campaign in addition to his approaching the hospital chief about retaining Jin-Hee. Without any political power, he did try his bes to save Jin-Hee. I feel he has done plenty to impress the girl. Also, his encouragement for Jin-Hee's medical skill counts too.


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" Even though I’ve never been on the Chun-soo/Jin-hee ship (let’s face it, I have a pretty strong personal bias for Choi Jin Hyuk!), I do think it would be healthy and smart for her to date another man a bit before deciding who she wants to be with. "

AHAHAHHAA I'm so with you on this LollyPip.

I endured Heirs because of his minimal scenes. Ilovehim!!

But yes again for the last sentiments. Ugh.


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LOL. I endured Heirs for him too, I loved the slow progression of his relationship with Tan. CJH is adorbs.


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Am I the only one who ships Jin Hee and Chief >.< Even though I know they won't end up together I love them so much :3 I need to start shipping Chang Min and Jin Hee so I don't get so heart broken watching the last episode TT.TT


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oh trust me you are not the only one. i know same here. i'm trying to prepare myself too :(


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I feel bad for chang min now. Believe it or not ive been in this situation. And i was the exact character of chang min but a female version. Of course I got my love back and i did get a happy ending, but i went through a lot. It's not easy to fall out of love and fall in love again with the same person. It takes a lot of thinking. I admire how chang min stood up and decide to love Her again. Despite of the situation. Despite of what happened. His self reflections amuses me the most. Its really difficult to say it to the person you love. and i really believe not only chang min has faults here. Both of them. Its just that chang min ways are too rude for a girl to handle add up the super nagger mom that makes you feel so less whatever. Keep it up chang min.

I have some things on my mind about this drama, I can feel at the last few episodes of this drama, chang min will give way to what jin hee wants and i think that is not to be with him because she's scared that chang min might leave him again. Or maybe date chief doctor. Chang min might need ah reum for moving on with his feelings for jin hee and will decide to start dating ah reum. Chang min will avoid jin hee in a way that it will bother her. jin hee will start to confront chang min About it but she couldnt get her timing. Until she finds herself chasing him and that she's still inlove with the same man all over the years. Oh well it doesnt hurt a bit to see jin hee does crazy things for chang min since all ive seen in this drama is that chang min was the one doing crazy stuffs
(Except the saving chang min scene) for her. What worries me is chang mins father. He is dying, I guessed??? and sort of writing of last things to do. it might affect his mother a lot and of course asks childish demands to chang min like marry ah reum. Ah why do i have these in my mind? Sorry guys. Just saying whats in my mind. :P


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Yes, so feeling the bad premonition for daddy Oh too! While bad dads usually have daughters that fell in love with revenge-y male leads, nice dads just die...


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I really like the little flashback scenes, especially the proposal.
I think that one of the main reason asto why they divorced in the first place was Chang-min being brought up as an incredibly selfish person. Take a look this way, first their marriage was also kind of a selfish act, by just interrupting an ongoing sermon, then while in their marriage, he felt that his own career was above hers, and belittled her at every chance he took.
Yes, he is taking interest again in Jin Hee, and he is doing those small things, and slowly building up, but then again he is yet to think about Jin Hee personal feelings, and the feelings she had while Chang-min and his mom drove her to her dark place inside her brain.
And his mom.... OMFG, that lady is nuts, is like watching a 60 year old lady throwing a tantrum, instead of living her own life, she must live through her son life so that she can belittle her own family. -____-


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