Emergency Couple: Episode 11

We get some questions answered in this episode, in regards to baby daddies and who is having feelings for whom, and all I can say is: It’s about time. Our hero stops fooling himself about his feelings, and our heroine might, just might, be having a few feelings herself.


While under the sleepy effects of pain medicine, Jin-hee is dreaming of past happy (and sexy) times with Chang-min. In the real world, Chang-min kisses her, then notes the small smile on her face.

Later, Chun-soo comes to check on Jin-hee just as she’s waking up. She tries to get out of bed but he grabs her wrist and tells her to stay and rest. The wrist-grab seems to affect Jin-hee, and she weakly insists that she needs to get back to work, but Chun-soo gruffly tells her that doctors can’t get sick or hurt, because patients sometimes come from very far away to see a doctor, and it’s not right if the doctor is sick or hurt themselves. Jin-hee promises it won’t happen again, and obediently lays back down to rest.

Chang-min tells Yong-gyu about the accident, saying that he’s the best driver ever, so that call “from someone” must have gotten him upset enough to be careless. Yong-gyu isn’t as oblivious as we assumed because he pegs Chang-min as liking Jin-hee, who doesn’t even try to deny it anymore.

Chun-soo examines Jin-hee’s shoulder, which she says seems to be much better. He shows her her x-ray, telling her it’s not a bad break, which is when Chang-min comes by. He watches their conversation, visibly disturbed by their familiarity.

Chun-soo leaves, and Jin-hee reaches for the baggie of medicine that Chang-min prepared for her, but reaching hurts her shoulder and Chang-min jumps in to grab the bag and shove it in his pocket. Jin-hee asks why he threw it away after going to all the trouble of writing it, and asks for it back. He grudgingly does, unable to resist her pleading eyes, and she gives him a genuine “thank you.”

At home, Kwang-soo and Jin-ae talk about Jin-hee and Chang-min working together, and Jin-ae warns Kwang-soo to keep it down so Mom doesn’t overhear. Mom comes in and says she’s going to take Baby Guk to a department store to buy him some clothes, but Jin-ae tells her not to waste money on clothes for a growing baby, and just give her the money instead. Mom grumbles that she’s still begging for money, but Kwang-soo says he’ll take care of the family now as the son-in-law.

Mom gripes that she hates that word “son-in-law” though she admits that Chang-min was at least a medical student from a good family, and handsome. Kwang-soo bristles, saying that a man ought to have a face with character. He slips and refers to Chang-min as “hyungnim,” and Mom demands to know when he ever met the guy to call him that.

Chang-min feeds an injured Jin-hee, enjoying it a bit more than necessary with the baby talk and the grinning, while she shoots eye-daggers at him. She insists she can eat with her left hand but he takes away her chopsticks, using the excuse that “it’s all connected,” so she shouldn’t lift either arm.

Jin-hee asks why he’s so happy — is he glad she got hurt? He says that he is in a way because it reminds him of old times, and starts listing times she got hurt and he took care of her. She notices he’s not eating, and he says he’s tired from staying up all night. Jin-hee asks if he stayed up with her, but he denies it. After eating, Jin-hee insists she can go back to work, but Chang-min tells her she needs to rest at least a week and offers to work her shifts as well as his.

Jin-hee tells Chang-min that Ah-reum keeps asking her what their relationship is, and wants to know what she should tell her. She says she won’t say anything if Chang-min wants to date Ah-reum, but he denies it and asks her what’s going on between her and Chun-soo. He also says he’ll look the other way if she wants to date, but Jin-hee also denies interest.

They follow two nurses, who are taking a dialysis machine in to the patient with the injured leg. It turns out that the patient has MGN (membranous glomerulonephritis, a progressive kidney disease). Chang-min knows this means the patient will need a kidney transplant, and a nurse says his wife is a possible donor.

But Jin-hee remembers that the patient supposedly had no family, and the nurse says they’re not together. Chun-soo says that another hospital that’s treated the patient before has her contact info, and tells the nurse to contact them since the patient may need a transplant soon and need to be transferred there.

Jin-hee muses that it would be terrible if the patient were transferred and then his wife refused to donate her kidney. She asks a nurse for the phone number to the other hospital, and tells Chang-min that she plans to call and talk to his wife herself. If she can’t treat patients because of her arm, at least she can do this.

Chun-soo confronts Ji-hye about the bloodwork she’s having sent to America. Is she sick? She tries to brush it off, but he won’t let her. She admits it’s for a growth hormone test, and Chun-soo asks why she needed to have a test done for a child’s condition.

Ji-hye confesses everything, that she was engaged but when she got pregnant and the man wanted her to have an abortion. She knew then that he never meant to marry her, so she broke things off and had a daughter, who is now four years old.

Kwang-soo brings Baby Guk to the hospital to pick up his antibiotics, and asks to see Chang-min. He apologizes for punching Chang-min; he didn’t know then that he and Jin-hee used to be married. He tells Chang-min to speak informally and calls him hyungnim, inviting him out for a drink later. It’s so cute how he’s all excited to have a hyung, even a reluctant one.

Ji-hye calls her daughter Ji-min and talks to her for a minute, sounding like a very loving mother. When she gets off the phone, she’s startled by someone hilariously trying to hide in a locker. It’s Jin-hee, who heard the whole phone call. It’s pretty obvious that Ji-hye was calling her child (she referred to herself as Mom) and Jin-hee says she didn’t know Ji-hye was married, but she clears that up right away: she’s a single mom.

Ji-hye helps Jin-hee put on a brace for her broken clavicle, and mentions that she heard she got it while in a car with Chang-min. She also tells Jin-hee that Chun-soo asked her to go easy on her, that he’s worried about her. She thinks that’s a good thing, since he used to only worry about patients.

Chang-min formally asks Chun-soo if Jin-hee can have a few days off to rest. He offers to do double-duty to make up for it, and Chun-soo grants his request. Chang-min asks about the patient with renal failure, wanting to know what will happen if his wife refuses to donate a kidney. He admits he’s worried about the patient, but mentions that Jin-hee is more worried and he wants to allay her fears. This pings Chun-soo’s radar, and he asks just exactly how long Chang-min and Jin-hee have known each other.

Yong-gyu gets up the nerve to ask Ah-reum if she had a blind date with Chang-min, and she says there was something like that. Yong-gyu asks why she hasn’t responded to his apology text (about group-texting his video proposal) and she just breezes that mistakes happen, no big deal. But this hurts Yong-gyu because “my feelings aren’t a mistake.” Ah-reum tells him that he’s a nice person, but she has feelings for Chang-min and would prefer to just be friends. She’s still speaking in a light, friendly tone, but Yong-gyu is fighting tears. Aww, I just want to hug him.

Chang-min’s father calls him, surprising him, and says that he heard that he and Jin-hee are working in the same hospital. Dad says it must be difficult, but Chang-min honestly admits that it’s not. Chang-min asks his dad for a favor: don’t sign the divorce papers. He knows it’s none of his business, but he wanted to ask his father just once not to do it. Dad tells Chang-min that mom wants the divorce as soon as Chang-min gets married, which annoys Chang-min that she’s bringing his personal life into their divorce. Dad asks Chang-min to come fishing when he has time, which is a first.

Jin-hee calls the kidney patient’s wife to ask her to please come to the hospital, but the woman hangs up on her without a word. She doesn’t get to call back though, because the kidney patient is having a crisis and needs CPR, and Chun-soo asks if Jin-hee was able to reach his wife. She says that she wouldn’t come, and this upsets Chang-min: “Don’t say that, he can hear everything. He was fine until just now. Maybe without his wife, maybe he gave up.”

After twenty minutes the patient is still unresponsive, and it’s becoming clear that Chang-min is getting emotionally involved as he continues chest compressions and begs the patient, “Just wait, your wife will come, don’t give up. You have to stay alive to see her!” He gets more and more upset, yelling at the patient that he can’t die as everyone else in the room starts to notice his near-hysteria. Then finally, a heartbeat.

Ji-hye goes into Chun-soo’s office to look for some paperwork, and finds some photos of him and her from years ago on his desk. They look too friendly to just be friends, with Ji-hye kissing his cheek.

Chang-min sits and thinks about all the times he’s made mistakes since starting his internship, like prescribing Demerol to Ji-hye when she posed as a stomachache patient, being unable to perform the tracheotomy on the cancer patient, and misdiagnosing Baby Guk. Jin-hee brings him a drink, and he says that it’s the first time he’s felt like he wanted to save a patient, no matter what. But what if the patient’s wife doesn’t show up?

Jin-hee agrees that it’s strange about people—sometimes having a loved one with them can do more good than a doctor. But most people don’t appreciate it when they have it, until they get sick.

Later, Chang-min examines Jin-hee’s shoulder, telling Chun-soo that it’s still inflamed. Chun-soo tells her to take some time off work, even though she insists that her shoulder is better. She starts to get in her car to drive home, but there’s Chang-min again, telling her she shouldn’t drive and that he’ll take her home.

In the car, Jin-hee is reluctant to tell Chang-min where she lives, but then guesses that it’s okay since they’re only colleagues. He asks if she still lives with her mother, and she tells him yes, and that they moved three years ago. He pouts a little that she moved away from the home where they lived, but she scoffs that it wasn’t so great that she’d have to stay. He says he remembers a lot of good times they had there too, and asks if she only remembers the end.

When Chang-min drops her off, he helps her out of the car just as Jin-ae and Kwang-soo are arriving. They invite him in for soju since Mom isn’t home, and ignore his polite declination and Jin-hee’s “shut up shut up shut up” face, and bodily drag Chang-min into the house. I’m starting to like these two.

Inside, Jin-ae and Kwang-soo prepare food and soju, and Jin-hee tells Chang-min to just eat quickly and leave before Mom gets home. Kwang-soo calls Chang-min hyungnim again, and Jin-hee asks Kwang-soo and Jin-ae not to call Chang-min brother-in-law or hyungnim, but grudgingly agrees that hyung and oppa are okay.

Adorable clueless Kwang-soo asks Chang-min how he proposed to Jin-hee, earning dirty looks from both sisters. Chang-min tells the story (which we don’t hear) and his immersion in the memory seems to pull Jin-hee out of her grouchy mood. Soon they’re all laughing and enjoying themselves. The doorbell rings, and Jin-hee freaks out thinking it’s Mom. But it’s just movers, come to move in Jin-ae and Kwang-soo’s things.

Chun-soo finds Ji-hye at the bar, where she insists she’s fine and that he doesn’t need to worry about her. He asks about her daughter, and she shows him pictures of the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen. Ji-hye explains that she was growing slowly and they suspected hypothyroidism, but tests were normal.

She tells Chun-soo that she saw the pictures of the two of them in his office, and he defends himself saying that he wouldn’t just delete everything just because they broke up, since they were good memories. He takes the blame for their breakup, saying that he’s not meant for marriage.

Jin-hee yells at Jin-ae for bringing all their stuff into the house, then Mom really does show up. Jin-hee uses the movers as a distraction to hide Chang-min in her room while Jin-ae distracts Mom from going into the bedroom.

Mom goes in anyway, and hilariously, Chang-min is dressed in the jacket and cap of one of the movers. Luckily it works, and after a few nerve-wracking moments of Mom ordering him to move furniture, Chang-min manages to escape when the movers leave.

He sits in his car, and Jin-hee goes out and sits with him. She apologizes for the situation, knowing that her mother would have a fit if she saw Chang-min in the house, but he doesn’t seem upset. Then he silently reaches over and buckles her in and drives off while she protests.

Chun-soo walks Ji-hye home, and she asks if he was surprised that she had a child with another man while she was gone, and that she’s not married. He asks how she could have dated a man like that, and she laughingly says that she thought the guy was a good man at the time. She admits that she mostly wanted to get over him, and he says he feels like it’s his fault her life is this way.

Ji-hye insists that despite her daughter not having a father, she likes her life the way it is, but Chun-soo doesn’t believe her after how much she wanted to get married. She tells him, “But did I want to just marry anyone? I wanted to marry someone I really loved. And I wanted to have a baby.” She says she’s happy enough that they met again, and that Chun-soo is close enough to see often.

Chang-min has taken Jin-hee to his place and manages to get her in the door despite her protests. She asks why he’s doing this, and he explains that it’s because she’s injured and should rest, but there are too many people and too much stuff at her house. He says that sleeping on the couch and with her mom is too rough for a doctor who has to treat patients daily, and she asks sarcastically if he made her get hurt on purpose.

He says defensively that it was her purse with the chain that caused her injury, but she takes his words the wrong way and asks if he’s blaming her for it. Chang-min tries to explain but Jin-hee cuts in saying, “See? When we’re together, we just fight. And you want me to stay here until I get better?”

Jin-hee gets up to leave, saying that she only came because she was curious about his place anyway. Chang-min stops her and tells her to just think of him as a colleague, like she said. Again she tries to leave, and again he stops her: “You told me, staying with someone who’s sick is sometimes better than a doctor’s care.”

Jin-hee starts to leave a third time, saying she’s not hurt, but Chang-min pulls her into a backhug. “It hurts me. So just stay by my side. Please.”


I’m glad that we cleared up the whole “who is Ji-hye’s child’s father” question quickly, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s glad that my assumption that it was Chun-soo was wrong. I think that if it had been his child, it wouldn’t have been in her character to keep the knowledge from him, because she’s normally such a straight-shooter. I can keep my respect for Ji-hye as a character, now that we know it’s not Chun-soo’s child and that she came clean about the whole situation relatively quickly. Now I’m just curious to see how this child will factor into the story as we go on. I’m still not getting a feel as to where Ji-hye and Chun-soo are headed… whether they’re meant to be together, or only good friends. I think the show has set up their relationship as one with enough mutual respect as doctors and as people, I would be happy either way.

Last week I was happy about the headway Chang-min was making into realizing that he wants Jin-hee back, but this week I’m a bit more concerned. In a way, it’s difficult to watch Chang-min become so solicitous and caring of Jin-hee, because when he said that he was reminded of past times when she was hurt or sick and he took care of her, my first reaction was “yeah right, buddy.” I have a good feeling that he was not sweet and gentle and making sure she rested and ate, back when they were married; in fact quite the opposite, and if he’s remembering things differently, then that’s a problem.

As much as I’m enjoying watching Chang-min treating Jin-hee the way she deserves to be treated, I’m worried that if he’s still remembering only the good parts of their marriage (which he mentions again later) and not addressing the bad parts, he won’t learn anything. It’s all fine and good to want to do better this time, but unless he knows what caused him to dismiss and belittle her feelings and physical distress before, he runs the risk of slipping back into that behavior again.

Which is why I’m glad we have Jin-hee on the other side of the coin, who is certainly not forgetting the bad times any time soon. Her unwillingness to just easily follow Chang-min into Let’s-Get-Back-Together-Land will be what keeps him grounded and force him to really think about how he treated her when they were married. She’s softening, but still has her guard very much up, as evidenced by her reaction in Chang-min’s apartment when he mentioned it was her purse strap that injured her. Once again she jumped right into “oh, so you blame me for hurting myself?” She’s not anywhere near ready to forgive, or really even to think about forgiving.

But just like I worry about Chang-min’s over-optimism, I worry about Jin-hee’s over-pessimism… You can’t mend old wounds without being willing to be a little vulnerable again, and give the other person a chance. I don’t hold her innocent in their divorce, at all, but I do think a lot of her behaviors when they were married were her way of protecting herself from Chang-min’s anger and verbal barbs. She was defending herself, but she did it in a way that was also harmful to their marriage. She’s going to need to drop some of that defense and let Chang-min in, for him to have a chance at being a better partner this time around.

The show has a long way to go before I’m convinced that they can be a couple again and be successful this time. All the soft lighting, romantic music, and nostalgic longing glances in the world can’t cushion the fact that they are not even close to reconciling in any sort of permanent way. Chang-min needs to do some real soul-searching and admit that things were worse than he remembers, and address his part in that. Jin-hee needs to blunt some of her thorns and realize her part in their failed marriage too, and stop seeing everything Chang-min says and does as an attack, because if nothing else, he actually is making real effort. Really, I just want to sit them in a room with a relationship counselor for the next five weeks, but since that wouldn’t make a very good drama, I’ll settle for seeing some real growth in both of them before I’ll buy into any kind of Happy Ever After.

Still I can’t help but have high hopes for them as a couple, if only because my poor little shipper heart wants to see more moments like this, but in the present day. Can we have that happen? Please? ::backhug::


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I kept refreshing last night waiting for this recap. Totally love this show.


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Thanks for the recap and totally ageee with all you said.


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I agree this drama is only half way through and I am still not sure whether they could get back together and make it work second time around. But I have high hope writers would give us happy ending and make the OHOH couple reconcile since I started watch this drama because its light, funny and romantic. I don't want tragic ending or a cliffhanger.


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Unfortunately we didn't hear the entire story of how he proposed to her but I'm pretty sure it involves winter, tapping her on the shoulder and her slapping him cause she was startled. At least, that's what the translation said?

Oh man, that pillow fight scene was such a beautiful scene! THE FEELS. I also agree with you on how they should work on their over-optimism and the other's over-pessism.


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Despite of not knowing, I actually throughly enjoyed how the story was told through the non-verbal and the simple joys shown on their faces along with the music. I think it was so beautifully portrayed.


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You said it all. The reactions meant much more than propose itself. Seeing that they were enjoying the story, laughing and smiling was such a beautiful scene! I don't really care about the details, just their reactions have given me a heart warming feel <3.


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Totally agree with you -- that scene was really really lovely and cozy and heartwarming.


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Me too, this is also one of the scene that i love... the smiles of all of them were so natural that they were able to impart the feeling to the viewer.


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me three~ it's so beautiful..i can help but to smile also..but then at the last minute of it their smile seem to fade slowly when their eyes met and have like "but its all just the past now" kind of feel...


I loved this scene! And I agree, I didn't care that I didn't know what the details of the proposal were - I just loved everyone's reaction to the story and how they were so comfortable with one another.


Yesss. That scene was so lovely. Butterflies everywhere. :)


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I love this show!
I dont get boring even i read this episode more than once.. :D
i hope they'll be together and have a sweet life :)


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Yeah, I was also thinking that Jin-Hee was sidetracked in the last two episodes. While its sweet to watch Chang Min fall in love all over again.... it was too convenient.

Yes, Jin-Hee made him realize how better of a doctor he can be (by pounding & screaming at a dying patient!!). But it doesn't justify the sudden change in his character.

Not knowing what Jin-Hee is going through made it all seem one-sided and selfish ¯\_ ( ' ; ' ) _/¯


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I feel like we've skipped a few episodes. I still don't know he went from wanting her to quit the internship to kissing and treating her sweetly. They haven't dealt with their past issues at all.

Everything's too convenient – such lazy writing. The preview didn't help either. If I understood that correctly, now the broken clavicle will now be the reason for them to cohabit for a few days? I'm surely it'll result in some sweet scenes, but it's just utterly ridiculous.


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Sometimes kdramas set up some i interesting questions early on in the show but never follow through. Like when Jin Hee asked Chang Min early on in the show if he's ever given a real thought as to why their marriage didn't work.
I kinda also feel the disconnect from him blaming her for the lateness in his career (for that he should blame his mom for cutting him off or himself for giving up!) & the interest he's showing now. I do acknowledge that for AR he never showed real interest un her + i can see that he can be emotional & passionate as he once left everything for the woman he loved. He is also now seeing his own weakness as a doctor and Jin Hee's strength.

What i'm hoping to make it work is for us to follow both past & present relationship and see how they treat it different & REALIZE their flaws from back then.

About Jin Hee i got nothing to add more than what Lollipip said. Her character developed well, but she needs to stop taking everything Chang Min says as an offence. To do that they need to get to terms with their past.


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I am so with you on this one, his mother complains about JH, but in reality it was HER who set his career back by stopping support in paying for medical school. Good comments.


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It would be very hard to trust Jin-Hee again, after all I am sure he was just as sweet and loving 'before' they married as he is now and she knows where that lead to. From what I can pick up on what little they show of them before they married, she did the K-girl thing and just followed what he told her, as he would 'protect' her, thus getting married without the familes blessings.


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hahaha, i notice that they made a lot of rm references here!
i love it when jinhee vented her frustration to kwangsoo during the mover scene!


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like the house talk(jib??) ji hyo tone and expression is totally the same in RM when the guys tries to increase her heartbeat..lol


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what other RM references were there?


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I'm not convinced that Ji-hye is telling the truth about her daughter's father. A couple things stood out to me. 1) When she talked to her daughter on the phone she mentioned that her daughter is in Kindergarten, and in the US the child has to be at least five to enroll, which would make the age she gave Chun-soo wrong. 2) The description of her relationship to the child's father sounded very much like the character descriptions that were released before the drama started. I like her a lot so I'm hoping she is not lying, but I can't help but be a little hesitant to completely believe her.

I'm glad Yong-gyu found out how Ah-reum feels, hopefully now he can start getting over her. His tears were really sad to see. Ah-reum is weird, does she not remember that Chang-min already told her that he wasn't interested? Chang-min is at fault too, because he knows she still has ideas and hasn't shut it down completely. I don't like the way Ah-reum disrespectfully speaks to Jin-hee in private, seems two-faced.

I like the progress in Chang-min and Jin-hee's relationship and that Jin-hee is now open to the possibility while Chang-min is now openly acknowledging his feelings.

It's nice that Chang-min's father is trying to reach out to him and it was even nicer that his mom was completely absent from the episode.

At the end of the episode, I got the feeling that Jin-hee's required rest was to give Song Ji-hyo some time off to film the Australian Running Man episodes. I'll miss her, but it'll be nice to Chang-min get some focus.

In a way, it’s difficult to watch Chang-min become so solicitous and caring of Jin-hee, because when he said that he was reminded of past times when she was hurt or sick and he took care of her, my first reaction was “yeah right, buddy.” I have a good feeling that he was not sweet and gentle and making sure she rested and ate, back when they were married; in fact quite the opposite, and if he’s remembering things differently, then that’s a problem.

Hmmm, I disagree with this. It is not as if they got married and immediately started having problems. It was probably a more gradual shift. From the flashbacks we have seen they had a period of happiness before things turned sour. Also, Jin-hee didn't look as if Chang-min was wrong when he was remembering how he took care of her.


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Re Chang Min's caretaker role, I agree with you. I think that early in their marriage, he probably enjoyed playing the husbandly role and taking care of Jin Hee, but then as they moved past the honeymoon phase and things got tough job-wise, he grew to resent "having" to do that, even though it might have been a dynamic that he set in motion (in flashbacks Jin Hee seems very capable of taking care of herself, and of others too).


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He did seem to be so blissfully happy in the recent flashbacks, that it's not hard at all to see that at the beginning of the marriage he had not problem helping her when she needed it.


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Me too, I think Ji-hye is lying, and Chun-soo is the father of her child.


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no, I think that's why he asked about her daughter's age. Didn't they mention somewhere that she's been gone fore 6 years? her daughter is only 4.


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I don't really think Jin-hye is lying, to be honest, I'm more inclined to think sloppy research and writing. They throw us bits and pieces that don't make much sense and aren't explained properly.

Why is the daughter in the US at all? Apparently Jin-hye is a single mom, separated from the father of the child who wanted that child aborted. There's only one place where it would make sense for that child to be, which is with Jin-hye. If she isn't, we need an explanation.


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Isn't the little girl with her grandma in the States? Given the demands of Jin-Hye's job, and the apparent stigma associated with single motherhood in Korea, I can understand why she would have made the (difficult, I'm sure) choice to leave her daughter in grandma's care, at least for a while. It didn't strike me as unusual or as needing explanation at all, but perhaps that's because I'm from a culture where it's quite usual for kids to be raised by grandparents while single mothers pursue a career in another country.


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There's a grandma somewhere, but I don't think it's been made clear if the girl is with her. We've had calls from grandma (in an ep where it wasn't clear whether it JH had a child), but it's just not been explained.

No objection to her being raised by the grandma, but we are having to guess whether that is in fact the situation.


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I dunno, I think the calls from grandma were the explanation, in a "showing, not telling" kind of way. I feel like even though it hasn't been explicitly stated by anyone, it's been quite clearly indicated what the situation is. But maybe I'm reading too much between the lines?


I agree with you, it couldn't have been an easy decision, but it made sense to leave the child in the States with grandma (I'm assuming) rather than raising the child in Korea as a single mom.


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Yeah, she could be planning on bringing the child over once she's established herself in her surgical position. Every month that goes by makes it less likely some stick-up-his-a** prude will try to fire her as an unwed mother.


Yes, why indeed is the child not in Korea with her mother? Are Jin Hye's parents in the US? When my children were that age, it absolutely would have killed me to be so far away from them... Actually, the whole fact of Jin Hye being a single mom has me scratching my head. I don't at all understand how it serves the story arc, unless Chun Soo really is the father.


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I'm not 100%, I just have doubt that she was being truthful from the way she spoke about the child's father. From the character descriptions it sounds a lot like Chun-soo, except the abortion part.

Honestly I'm wondering why she is apart from her sick daughter at all. It would be one thing if this was the only job offered to her, but I think I remember her saying that some hospitals in the US wanted her, too. So I can't understand why she would take a job so far a away from her daughter.


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I also disagree in the motion that Chang Min has always been not sweet and gentle. Most marriages isn't made out of one note of unhappiness or happiness, but a mixture of both. It takes maturity to weigh both things in a marriage, and which one takes place more often, and which one matters more.


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"I’m not convinced that Ji-hye is telling the truth about her daughter’s father. A couple things stood out to me. 1) When she talked to her daughter on the phone she mentioned that her daughter is in Kindergarten, and in the US the child has to be at least five to enroll, which would make the age she gave Chun-soo wrong."

Yeah, that. I also noticed that the math doesn't add up. If the kid looks tiny due to a possible growth hormone problem, then it's easy to say she's almost four. The writing wouldn't be THAT sloppy in the same episode, would it? Kids are usually five when they begin kindergarten here in the states.


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Regarding child's age: that might be a translation thing. I taught English in Japan, and there anything before 1st grade was commonly described as 幼稚園 (youchien) which can be translated as Kindergarten OR Preschool. As Korean and Japanese have many similarities in vocab and schooling systems, I'd say it quite possible that Korea's similar, which would mean the child could be any age under 6.


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Some people do use the word for kindergarten to describe preschool, I've found that it's mostly older Koreans who use the same word for both, while my younger cousins will be more specific. But since the child is in the US and going to school here, I did assume she was being specific to how it is categorized here. I could be wrong though.


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Minor correction: In most states in the US, you don't have to be 5 years old to be in kindergarten. Most states allow 4 year olds depending on their birthdays and an assessment test. They label the grade level as "K-4" for 4 year olds. My aunt is a K-4 teacher.


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Not really a correction since it doesn't apply. I looked it up when my son was entering school, and I don't think any state will let in a child who is not five after Dec 31/Jan 1. I know in my county a child has to turn 5 by September to be admitted into school.

Since we are into Feb/March Ji-min should have already turned five to be registered into kindergarten for the current school year. Since her mom said she was four she is too young to be in kindergarten this year.


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Did you know that most private schools offer a K3 program as well? And a K4? Some schools call it Pre-K or K3. I know children who went to K3 & K4 recently. Of course, the parents must go for a meeting, child knowledge assessment test, etc to see if they are ready to enter. It varies from state to state.

For all we know, she could be putting her child in a private school since MOST dramas, the characters are either going to a prestigious or private school in the States. (That's just an opinion/assumption.)

Also, I do agree with you. I love the progress in the main couple's relationship!!!!! Can't wait for next ep!


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In my country, we have preschool for kids since very young. N1 is for kids turning 3 in that year, N2 is for kids turning 4 in that year, K1 and K2 are for kids turning 5 and 6 respectively in that year. So depending on what time of the year you are born, you could already been attending school just after your 2nd birthday! :p


Thanks lollypip for the recap.

I enjoyed this episode more than episode 10; I think I like the episodes where things aren't clearly black and white, but in shades of grey, because they leave more room for speculation and interpretation.

In a way I liked how Chang Min's character went in this episode, because it kind of made sense. We saw him wondering before if to make things work again with Jin Hee, he needed to try to go back to how things were at the start; and in this episode we see him trying to do that, and it is really quite sweet. But I still found myself feeling kind of sceptical about what he was doing, because his way of showing his love seemed to involve treating Jin Hee like a child who needs a big strong man to take care of her, instead of as a grown woman. I mean, he was feeding her, he was reminiscing about the time he had to help her wipe her bum, we saw him in the previews swaddling her in a blanket. Not to mention that he drove her away from her house without asking her or telling her where they were going - who does that?!

I was watching and thinking that his heart was in the right place, but that he has somewhat immature ideas about how to show someone that you love them. However, given the parents he has and the nature of their relationship, I can kind of understand why, so I actually feel sympathetic towards him even as I think he's going about things the wrong way. It's like he's trying so hard, but he just doesn't quite know the right things to do, poor darling.

It also made me think about their break-up and his reaction to Jin Hee's uselessness/helplessness. I mean, the Jin Hee we saw in the flashbacks seemed quite competent and on top of things; maybe the helpless/useless thing was a narrative that he kind of imposed on her, thinking it was cute, and eventually it backfired on both of them?

Anyway, I think that Chang Min, rather than trying to co back to how things were in their old relationship, should be trying to figure out how to make a fresh start in their new circumstances, having learned from what went wrong the first time, and taking into acount how they have both changed and grown. Otherwise, there's a real danger that any renewed relationship will just eventually fall into the same old patterns and will fail again. And I think Jin Hee, even though she is also feeling new sparks with Chang Min, is more realistic about this, as when she said at his apartment, "See, when we're together, we just fight."

Overall though, this is the episode that made me believe for the first time that a successful renewed double-Oh relationship is possible, because there are good memories and genuine feelings of affection between them, but it's a matter of them having learned from their past and making the effort to try again and to do things differently and better this time. I am hopeful that the remaining episodes will show this.

I really enjoyed Jin Ae and Kwang Soo's interactions in this episode. They are so cute together, and they have that dynamic of ease and familiarity that makes you think that they really just fit as a couple, like they were made for each other. I found Jin Ae looked really pretty in this episode (maybe because she was smiling a lot) and I am always amused by Kwang Soo's self-conscious politeness in certain situations (the deeps bows and his use of formal language). I really liked that actor in "I Hear Your Voice" and I'm glad to...


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Kwan Soo is such an adorable doofus!!


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see him in this drama too.

(Sorry my comment was so long - there's just something about this show that moves me to lengthy analysis! Just wanted to say also that I really enjoy reading other perspectives and opinions from other Beanies; the discussions in the comments really enrich my appreciation of the show and sometimes makes me think about it in new and interesting ways, so thanks everyone!)


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I hated the fact that they made her smile in sleep after Chang-min forced a kiss on her (very symbolic, and not in a good way).

And that Chang-min tells his father not to divorce his mother. If he thinks it's not his business, then he shouldn't say anything. If he thinks it's his business & believes that his parents should stay together, then I think he's as immature as ever. He needs to look at his mother with honesty and realise that she's a very toxic person – it's something he has to consider and deal with, because if he does end up back with JH, that's going to be crucial.

"who is certainly not forgetting the bad times any time soon"

I feel like she's starting to forget more than I think she should. She shouldn't have let Chang-min into her home, and she certainly shouldn't have gone too his house. Too much too soon.

Why does Jin-hye's daughter not live with her?


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I think it would be hard for Chang Min to look at his mom objectively, because he never really had a relationship with dad in the first place. Yes, his mom is horrible, but she's the only one who's been by his side all of his life, supporting him (in an over-bearing kind of a way). His dad has been pretty much absent (like we can take by how surprised he was that his dad invited him to go fishing).


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He's going to have to look at his mom though, because it will be impossible to have a relationship with Ji-hye without clearing up some of their issues that stemmed from his mother and his lack of acknowledging those issues and drawing a line in the past.

The mom doing a turn-around and declaring "Well, she's a doctor now, so fine" is just not going to cut it.


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Even if she doesn't fall in love with Chang-min again, I don't think it's healthy for Jin-hee to keep all those negative feelings. She still moments of doubt and weariness where he is concerned,, but imo, it's nice that she is remembering the good side of him too.


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That's absolutely true.

She needs to let it go.


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Glad they cleared things up, it's about time! But I seriously need to catchup...


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Was a little disappointed w Jinhee's interactions w Dr Gook this episode. He seems so ubrupt, overly so. Yeah yeah he's shy and all that, but the way he acts is very reminiscent of something from a shoujo anime. If his actions are supposed to blossom into something that will give us second-lead syndrome then I hope the writer has something else up his/her sleeve. Because I'm not buying it. And this is after I've been trying really really hard do so...


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I don't think he's actually interested in her (romantically). She certainly called his attention, but he only seems to declare interest when he's with Chang-min which makes me think he just saying that to annoy/tease/push Chang-min, not because he has actual feelings for JH.

Because everything else we see with Dr Gook seems to point to him still having lingering feelings for Jin-hee.


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I agree. When Dr. Gook told Chang Min that he likes Jin Hee, he was poking fun at Chang Min and I didn't buy it. He already knew Chang Min likes Jin Hee and honestly, it seems that he still has feelings for Ji Hye without fully realizing/accepting it. Seems to me that Dr. Gook sees Jin Hee as a hardworking, dedicated intern who reminded him when he was an intern and that probably waver his heart but not enough to pursue her romantically. Their relationship is nothing but a mentor-student relationship (And I've accepted that relationship. Goodbye Dr Gook-Jin Hee romantic ship.) as he cares for her deeply but only as colleagues.


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I am still on the Dr.Gook-JinHee ship! I feel Kwan-Min already had one chance and her ex-husband still has the same mother (I was so glad she wasn't in Episode 11). I am not convinced that Dr. Oh Kwan-Min has changed, his behavior is still very childish (jealous fits) and always wanted things his way (spoiled child). I like Kwan-Min's dad, he is really a cool guy. That actor has the best roles as a father in Lie To Me and Secret also.


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Oh Chang Min ?


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Chang-min needs to sort out what went wrong in their relationship first. I thought he would be a bit hesitant for a second try. He gave in too easily. I can feel how spontaneous his character is, but the fall-down patient part seemed like a halfhearted attempt to tide over his change of heart. He...broke his walls too soon but I am not able to place that in his character so far.

I'm beginning to see how Jin-hee was at fault in clear terms, so that keeps both the sides balance. Ad their past scenes are so cute! Although I'm not too fond of things getting out of character, keep the fluff coming!

I like Jin Ae's side of the family a lot. Both the parents are immature, but really sweet. And the reunion felt a lot like "what it would have been".

Glad, really glad, that Ji-Hye is a mom, but chief isn't the father. I am starting to like her character.

The fluff makes me restless for the next week. /sigh


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It was a moment of lightheartedness when Cnang min, Jin hee and her wild sister and husband ate together around the table, Well, until the movers arrived, that is. And mom. I agree with your sentiments LollyPip, that Chang min has to work through what went wrong (or even closer to home - what behaviors caused things to go wrong) as a way to make the future he is beginning to hope for with Jin hee look different and better. Funny, but in one of the earlier episodes he warned her to 'Stay out of my future."

I did like the walk and talk between Ji Jye and Chun soo, which filled us in a bit on their past. Chun soo is a man of few words (he says the one word "What?" to just about every situation, funny), but his qiute concern for both Ji Hye and JIn hee show character.

thankfully, Chang min's mother wasn't anywhere to be seen in this episode. Let's leave it that way. So noisy.


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I laughed so hard when Jin-hee's mom ordered Chang-min, who was disguised as one of the movers, to move a table and Chang-min goes "Yes!" in a really high-pitched voice LOL.

Thanks for the recap, LollyPip! (:

I'm loving all the sweet moments between Jin-hee and Chang-min but still, I think they're progressing a little too fast (or rather, Chang-min is). Like you said, Chang-min is kind of only focusing on the good memories while Jin-hee is the exact opposite, thinking mostly of the fights and arguments they've had in the past. Regardless, I really hope they face their problems soon so they can become a couple because they are so cute together. :)

But putting aside all that... Gook and Ji-min are so adorable!!!! I just want to hug them both ^_^


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Normally, the stolen kiss in kdramas is highly offensive. However, I didn't find this stolen kiss so bad, mostly because it's given by her former spouse. It wasn't a lustful stolen kiss, but a tender, adoring gesture. He didn't violate a chaste maiden who had never been kissed; they two used to share a marriage bed.

And I, too, loved the siblings and "brothers-in-law" enjoying dinner and drinks together. I hadn't recognized Jin-ae until this episode as the same actress who was in School 2013 and who also had a small part in Heirs. That blonde hair with pink streaks is quite the hairdo!

As for Chang-min's mom, I do think she's dished out a lot of her own feelings of inadequacy on Jin-hee in the past. She is the only one in her family who isn't a doctor and is always feeling inferior to her siblings because of it. When Chang-min married somebody who wasn't a doctor, she completely ostracized the person she should have been able to relate to the most! Too bad pushy mom didn't go back to medical school and stay way too busy to meddle in Chang-min's life.


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Thank God for the recap.I've been refreshing all day. thanks


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Jin hee looks so cute with that bob!

Anyway, cute episode, but I agree that Changmin's attitude seemed to shift rather fast, given how detestable he was in the beginning and how loving he is now. Maybe jealously was the trigger though.

I still kind of ship her with Chief Gook, but this episode kind of pulled that shipping apart.

I swear I thought Ji-hye had a son. I heard her say "how is he" earlier. Maybe I heard wrong. Her and Chief Gook's relationship is explained more now too.


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I find that Choi Jin Hyuk's smiles are so adorable <3 Ever since last episode and his snickering of stealing the jacket, his smile is just so cute looking.


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One of the things that always fascinates me about many K-dramas is the seeming lack of boundaries between parents and their grown children (children who are sometimes in their forties!). Is it really true that in S.Korea, parents have the power to dictate the conditions of their grown children's personal lives---where they live, whom they date, etc.?

Changmin's mother seemed to have played a tremendous roll in their break-up. She really was incredibly abusive toward Jin Hee the entire time they were married, and Changmin didn't seem inclined to defend or protect his wife at all. Unless that dynamic can be corrected, I don't think a renewal of their relationship has an ice berg's chance in hell.


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the parents aproval to marry is real and not just a kdrama thing.


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The lack of boundaries is only slightly exaggerated imo. Every Korean parent I know, including my own, is very involved their children's lives and their decisions. Some of the children rebel slightly, but I only know one out of hundreds of Korean children who just ignored their parent's wishes and cut ties to make all their own choices.


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Holy cow. It's like having your very own robots. How does the children feel? Is it obligated to follow the decisions of the parents?


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Actually, this parent approval thing is also like a mandatory in my country, and probably in many Asian countries as well. It's just our culture, I suppose...


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I feel like this is why I can relate to Korean dramas and culture.


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Valley, I so agree with you about CM's mother. If he doesn't shut her down somehow they will never be able to go forward in their relationship. After all, JH is stable and doing well for herself, why in the hell would she allow that toxic nightmare back into her life. I love CJH, but there is no way I would want a MIL like her. *Shudders* Just no way. She worked too hard to get where she is, so the writers need to do something convincing to make me believe a reconciliation is possible between them.


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I enjoyed the episode.. loved the pillow fight.. However I need them to start looking at what went wrong in the relationship, so they can learn from the mistakes.. Jin-ae & Kwang-soo are so cute together.. The back hug scene made me squee.. Can't wait for the next episode..


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Yes- Chang Min is being overly possessive and controlling- but aren't many Kdrama leading men? I.e. Heirs, BOF, Goong, even that recent drama with Jung Yonghwa - cant think of the name or Pretty Man. It's usually the secondary lead male that is mature and understanding...

And yes I think he was nice at first- and then his mom influenced him. And that Mom!!! Ah Reum doesn't worry that he doesn't like her bc she sees Mom as being in control.

He gradually is maturing. Asking Uncle for help. Realizing his inadequacy. He will improve. It's only half way through. I'm sure lots of bad things will happen still. Hoping for a happy ending.


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I really like the recaps for these, although I seem unable to watch. Love your insights Lollypip.


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I so love this show. I love the OhOh couple as well as the shimGook couple. I am already married for 23yrs already and yes, i would still love to be treated the way chang min treated jin hee now., while trying to win her back. I think remembering the sweet memories are a good way to rekindle a romance. Bad memories should be buried, but wrong doings should be corrected... love is forgiving... forgiving is forgetting the wrong doings... i love to see strange couple getting back together not because of circumstances but because they love each other. No relationship is perfect, mine is not either


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Loved your comments May, I agree with you. I have been married 25 years ago and forgiveness and not holding grudges is key in staying married. Though I have to admit I do miss some of the sweet times we had early on in our marriage. But you are right, no marriage is perfect, and I hope they get back together because they love each other. Also I hope they grow a bit more and learn to listen better.


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I really want a happy ending for Doctor Chun-Soo and Jin-Hye, even more than one for the main couple. I do think they have a more grounded and mature view of life.


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I agree... if love is still there, they should get back together. I hope the writer thinks the same as ours...


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Ji-hye and Chun-soo had great scenes in this episode. I really enjoyed both their perspectives. His being that even though they broke up, he isn't going to pretend and is going to remember their good times. Her's being that even if they aren't together, she is happy to see him. ♥


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Snow White and Sleeping Beauty was awoken and saved by love's true kiss AND while they were dead sleeping so I don't have a problem with him giving her a kiss while she was asleep. I am watching and enjoying this show without adding real life too it.


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As long as there's no tongue. Then it's invasive.


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I am officially addicted to EmergencyCouple, the OhOhCouple.... OhChangMin, i love your character... a man and yet a child... well everybody has an inner child within...


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I’m Still Waiting a Lee Kwang Soo’s Cameo In This Drama, Maybe As Patient, That Would Be Very Funny.


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ji hye's daughter...SO CUTE <3 <3 <3
I paused to look at her and couldn't stop smiling at the picture...well done, God well done!


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Love. This show.I ship kind hee with doctor hook but Chang min cute it just he need to change.thanks for recap.


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I have this fear that this show is gonna disappoint. I feel that already at episode 11 there should of been a little bit more happening on the personal fronts and not so much the relationship fronts cause the former has to come first for the latter to matter and make sense. Well at least to me. Not that I don't mind CM falling hard for JH all over again because it's started this beginning of thought for him its just he's not having the crucial thoughts to make any difference in a new romantic attempt seem worth having. All he's thinking about is the Honeymoon phase of his relationship. All good because we see that they did work well together and that it wasn't all bad. I'm just waiting for him to think about why their relationship failed and why he keeps failing. Jin Hee said something along those lines I believe in either episode 2 or 3. Sadly there was no follow up which bugs the hell outta me.

Thanks for the recap!!!


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i can't remember the time when i'm so obsessed with a kdrama like this~ watching it over and over again, read the recaps and try to interpret the meaning with other commenters like this..its so much fun!! :D

anyhow, another great episode of EC~ particularly bcuz of the absence of the mother in law..yeah!!

i think chang min is gradually changing..i mean when he try to save the patient like that, he admits that he never felt that way before towards other patients..totally the opposite,whereas jin hee always put her patient first..i think jin hee will play an important role in chang min's growth later on...(bcus i don't think he can do soul searching on his own) he needed a smack at the back of his head and she can provide that...we still have another 9 episodes to go..so lets see


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I just can't help thinking that the way Jin Hee hid Chang Min in the mover uniform is such an Ace-y move!


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well, she is the ACE!!!


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I was getting running man vibes as well!


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I actually felt this is the worst episode so far and I hope it will be the last. It was boring and bland. I actually stopped midway. I just couldn't go on. It was hard for me to all of sudden believe Chang Min is head over heels for Jin Hee and he's doing everything (even childish things) to keep her. I want to see character growth in Chang Min before he starts falling in love with Jin Hee. Chang Min, you're adorable but I am still not rooting for you. I hope the writer will do a better job. Feel like they've been slacking off.


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You're good! Recap hit the nail on the head.....


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One vote from me too, dear lollypip


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annyong everyone!... i really love this drama, Hopefully Chang Min and Jin Hee will get back together. Looking at them, Im 100% sure they have still feelings for each other. but im scared about this Chief Dr. who also like Jin Hee..


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I like that Chang Min is falling for Jin Hee like a bolt of lightening, but I really want Jin Hee with Chun-soo. I love how he is protective, gruffy, and decisive with her...him smiling while she gulped down the soup - precious. Plus he sees her and he does not have the mother- from- the- black- lagoon. Chun-soo's personality is such that he would not allow his mother or family to snub his wife. He wanted to kick Chang Min's mother out of the hospital after that slap, while Chang Min was just embarrassed. I am sadden because I also think that Ji-hye is lying - she was describing Chun-soo when she was talking about her baby's daddy. That story lines make me pause for a min, but I am still routing for Jin Hee and Chun-soo. FIGHTING!!!


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I am with you 100%. Chang-Min has had his chance, it is now Dr. Gook's shot at a remarkable woman, Oh Jin-Hee. I am rooting for Oh Jin-Hee, I want her to get a good man, a competent doctor and they could go on a volunteer mission somewhere to help the poor people. Enough of Chang-Min's mother-in-law and rich-powerful doctor family.


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I thought their issues were already addressed in the stairwell (early episodes)? Jin Hee lets her emotions get the better of her, spiraling her downwards and doesn't think straight; Chang Min couldn't stand hardship and started behaving in an elitist manner, looking down on her, blaming her for his predicament. Divorce does result from "mere" communication and financial breakdown no?

Being a doctor has helped Jin Hee become less emotional (see esophagus patient vs baby Guk, how she has become more steady, calm and collected). Chang Min is innately not elitist (fell in love with ordinary Jin Hee, refused uncle's help with studies in US & subsequent internship), and he is financially stable now. They even share the same profession, so I'm bought over that round 2 will work out.

EXCEPT that pesky mum. But she's an outcast in her own doctor family. Her sisters mentioned in the VIP ward that Jin Hee used to be 2nd class but is now "like" one of them, so they might have some respect for a fellow doctor? Uncle appears decent and fair. Chang Min disobeyed mum once, he can totally do it again. As for Ah Reum, once her cabinet minister dad finds out Chang Min is a divorcee, end of discussion.

Ji Hye lied. There was an episode where she has been meaning to tell Chief something, but decided not to. I think she held back because she could tell Chief's budding interest in Jin Hee and she's cool about it. If child is not Chief's, why hold back, back then?

I think Chief is no better husband/ boyfriend material than Chang Min (for Chief Jin Hee shippers). He broke off with Ji Hye because Ji Hye wanted to get married and he doesn't. Duh! He practically lives in the hospital and is well and truely married to his profession. Good doctor but very poor choice as a partner. Ji Hye and Jin Hee both deserve better. :)


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Thank you, I happen to agree with you that the Chief, the way he is now, is not good husband material. The woman who married him would have to visit him at work to ever spend time with him. He is too involved in the hospital and his patients to ever be there for a family. I think Ji Hye will end up getting through to him in the end.


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I'm so into this drama, that...

"Chang-min tells the story (which we don’t hear) and his immersion in the memory seems to pull Jin-hee out of her grouchy mood. Soon they’re all laughing and enjoying themselves."

i was crying in mix emotion... Happy to reminisce the past and sad because it was a past... (...sobbing...)


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Why am I so excited when watching the scene where Ji-hye helps Jin-hee put on a brace for her broken clavicle. The vibe...hmm
I cant blame Jinhee with her over-pesimmism, with the mother in law like that and all negative comments she must received as divorce woman, sigh, But Changmin really sweet (and here come my bipolar)


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It's really sad, as I watched the flashbacks.

Younger Jin Hee seemed just as capable and empathetic a person as who she is now as an intern. But during their marriage, she was a completely different person.

What turned her into a basket case? What really happened? Though I can understand that familial and financial stress can create such an effect so as to experience a physical breakdown like hers with her balding, difficulty in breathing and chest pains coupled with paranoia. However, for it to happen so quickly within a year? Must have been exceptionally difficult or maybe they were just too immature and young.

Younger Chang Min definitely dismissed her sensitivity, couldn't understand it and thought it a nuisance and burden after awhile. On top of that, being a mommy's boy and from a rich family, he couldn't get use to striving so hard and having to bow down to people, he's ego really must have had took quite a beating. So, he couldn't provide her with the emotional support that she wanted. In turn, she didn't have the strength to support him too.

I really like them as a couple but whether it's truly viable remains to be seen. Chang Min really has to step up his game and prove that this time around he can appreciate and love her better, stand up for her and stay on her side. Whereas for Jin Hee, all she needs to accept is that she's worthy and good enough. Her sensitive/empathetic nature is a gift. Don't give your power away, girl.


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Aaahh! Loved the last line with backhug): Stay by my side.

Question: Did I miss something? I know Chang-min's uncle helped Jin-hee with the whole possibility of dismissal thing, but did they say that he also helped her get the internship at the hospital?


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I just want Chun-soo and Jin-Hee be togother at the end. More realistic to me. Since I've came thru the let's-go-back-together-again-land, it would not be the same again. N-E-V-E-R. Especially whenever the mom-in-law were still hanging around his son's neck.


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Honestly I only started watching this because I a big fan of Song Ji Hyo in RM and I've always wanted to see her do romcom. I find the first 9 episode cute and ok but thats it. It was not until ep 10-11 where I really got into the drama like I get butterflies when Changmin and Jinhee have some skinship and cute moments. Now I can't even wait for Friday, and have probably watch ep10-11 more than 10 times now.


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I want episode 12,really loving this drama


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I think there was another shout out to running man. Song ji hyo hates talking about where her home is on running man, and had the same expression in this episode when he asked :P


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