You From Another Star: Episode 18

This episode really made my day: So sweet, so heart-twisting, and so full of random hilarity to take the edge off the pain. That’s a recipe for a fantastic episode. More than the one-off jokes, though, I love that the comedy in this show functions narratively as well as to provide laughs, providing character moments and building bonds even as we’re giggling like fools over ridiculous E.T. jokes. (Which, by the way, had me rolling.)


Kim Soo-hyun – “너의 집 앞” (In front of your house) from the drama’s OST. Although, when did he even find the time to go off and record a track? Yay live-shoot. [ Download ]

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On their overnight getaway, Song-yi frantically looks around for Min-joon, shouting his name and starting to panic. I’m guessing this is the moment he decides he isn’t leaving after all, and as he appears behind her, he tells her that he’ll stay. She throws herself into his arms in relief.

And then, we see Min-joon lying in the middle of an empty field, and his body starts to… disintegrate into particles? Fade out of being? Turn into light? OH NO.

It’s one of Min-joon’s visions that we’re seeing, and he reels at the sight while holding Song-yi. Ohhhhh crap. His visions have never failed him before, so this is NOT. GOOD. No, not good at all.

But he brushes aside Song-yi’s concerned reaction and suggests that they go somewhere else—a place with darkness, a roof, some walls, where they can be alone together. Ha, he’s reciting Yoon-jae’s all-men-are-wolves speech. Also, rawr. You’ll note that she is only too happy to oblige him.

Jae-kyung gets ambushed with a meeting featuring his ex-wife and the two investigators, set up by Hwi-kyung. The ex-wife (who has a name, but as Min-joo is awfully similar to Min-joon, I think we’ll do fine calling her ex-wife) glares at the man who kept her locked in a mental ward for seven years, but Jae-kyung feigns ignorance.

Wearing a blank face, he says that he thought she was abroad all these years, offering false concern over her mental instability. He tells his brother this must all be very shocking for him, then directs the investigators to talk to his lawyers.

Hwi-kyung isn’t about to let this go and follows his brother out, demanding a better response than his pretense of being clueless. Jae-kyung levels him with a furious glare and says he has nothing to do with anything, but his face betrays surprise when Hwi-kyung mentions their eldest brother as one of the people Jae-kyung has wronged.

Hwi-kyung says, “This was the last step before I gave up on you. I wanted to give the brother I liked and respected a chance to explain—I wanted to understand even if I had to force myself. But I’ll give up completely now on you.” Furthermore, he will no longer call Jae-kyung hyung, using instead dangshin—a purposely distant way to address him—to say, “You are not my brother now.”

At the vacation house, Song-yi and Min-joon enter the bedroom, and while sharing that bed isn’t a hardship for either one, they go through the motions of saying they ought to use separate rooms. Hilariously it’s Song-yi who keeps shooting down reasonable alternatives: For instance, Min-joon points out that there’s a second bedroom, and she says she can’t sleep in a cold room with a weak boiler. Min-joon offers to take that room, and she says that’s way too inconvenient, sighing, “We have no choice, given this tough fix.”

Min-joon mumbles that it’s not really a tough fix, but Song-yi overrides him to insist on sharing the room. She does instate a no-kissing rule, and he mutters, “I wasn’t going to anyway.” She notes pointedly that he’s blushing.

Song-yi puts his bluff to the test and lies down, patting the space next to her and snuggling up right away. She asks him to turn out the lights, saying that dating an alien has its perks, and Min-joon looks at the light intending to comply.

Only, it doesn’t work. Eeeek. He ends up turning it off the old-fashioned way, saying that he feels tired, then grumbles at her for being so forward. Song-yi just finds his crankypants grandpa ways adorable, as do we all.

Lawyer Jang arrives at Min-joon’s apartment wondering where he is, and sees the wilting plants inside. Min-joon watches Song-yi sleep and narrates for us that he’s realized that despite living for so long, it’s not actually the length of time that’s important so much as it’s the people you spend it with. So now, he will use up the rest of his days with Song-yi.

In the morning, Song-yi wakes up to find Min-joon smiling down at her and asks for a second go at his levitation powers, since she was too surprised to enjoy them the first time. Min-joon focuses his energies to oblige her, only to have them fail again, which admittedly I would be more worried about if it didn’t make me laugh so hard to watch Song-yi lie back expectantly asking, “Are you doing it?” To cover his embarrassment, Min-joon suggests that she weighs too much, and she retorts that he managed fine before.

Min-joon gathers his energy to give it one more try, and Song-yi sloooowly starts to lift into the air… but after a few inches, she flops back down onto bed. “Is that it?” she asks, disappointed. “You can’t do more?”

Min-joon says defensively that his powers are low because he just woke up. Song-yi pats him reassuringly, telling him not to let it get his, um, impotence get him too down.

Min-joon cooks breakfast for Song-yi, and she wraps her arms around him and asks if there’s anything she can do to help regain his powers. Reference to his failed prowess puts him on edge again and he barks that he did lift her, only to have Song-yi say, “But it was so short, and it looked so hard for you.” Dying laughing.

He makes another I was just tired excuse and Song-yi assures him there’s no need to get upset. Hee.

As they arrive in their building, Mom steps out and starts in on the scolding—Song-yi was out all night. Was she with him? Lawyer Jang steps into the hallway in time to hear Mom start in on Min-joon, then jumps in to defend his pal.

Mom huffs at Min-joon, “Are you going to marry Song-yi? Why no response? Did you go away together without having any of those intentions?”

She warns Lawyer Jang to keep his “son” in line, and Lawyer Jang retorts that Min-joon was an innocent young man who’d never dated a woman before (which makes Song-yi smile), then accuses Song-yi of being the fox to seduce him. Mom snaps at her daughter, “Did you seduce him?” Song-yi thinks it over, conceding that she did actually.

Min-joon speaks up to say it takes two to tango, and that he understands Mom for blaming him. It’s hilarious to hear Min-joon speaking in the utmost formal terms, as befits his old-fogey personality, and in her confusion at his antiquated vocabulary, Mom almost forgets to be upset.

Min-joon explains to Lawyer Jang of his decision to stay, and Lawyer Jang takes the philosophical approach, saying that everybody dies sometime. But when he asks about Min-joon’s physical condition, Min-joon decides not to share that his powers are failing, not wanting to worry him.

That night, Min-joon tests his powers and tries to summon a mug, which stays put where it is. “Is it too far away?” he wonders. So he sets it a little closer to help it along, then gives it a second try, which also fails. “Is it too heavy?” he asks… and replaces it with a paper cup. HA, and aw. At least he does manage to move that tiny paper cup, even if it’s really just a few inches.

Next, he tests his time-freezing skills and looks pleased when the clock pendulum freezes in place—and then starts swinging mere seconds later. This is getting really unnerving…

At least his hearing is still good, because he hears Song-yi calling his name from her bedroom. Bursting with aegyo playfulness, she says that she misses him already: “Can you teleport in front of me? Hmm?” As she’s wheedling to a seemingly empty room, her mother and brother poke their heads into the room and wonder if she’s lost her mind.

Min-joon texts that he’ll be right there, and prepares to teleport to her room. It doesn’t work, so he tries harder at attempt number two, which at least yields a successful exit… but he fumbles the dismount, landing himself in the middle of a busy crosswalk. He barely avoids getting hit by passing cars, then takes a call from Song-yi to say he won’t be able to make it.

Hwi-kyung comes home to an irate father, who delivers a mighty slap to his face for calling the authorities on Jae-kyung. Hwi-kyung says that his brother had locked up the ex-wife for seven years against her will, but Chairman Dad snaps that she was just a toy given to amuse Jae-kyung, and must have done something to deserve Jae-kyung’s actions. Wow. That’s… wow.

I give Hwi-kyung major props for standing with his convictions, and he says he had to do it to know what kind of person his brother was. But his father thinks differently, and orders him out of the house: “Jae-kyung is the only son I have.” Good riddance to this crazy family, I say.

By now Jae-kyung has called his attorney to his side, which stonewalls the investigation. The attorney presents hospital records outlining the ex-wife’s history of instability; they’re likely falsified, but there’s no proof of that. Detective Park has a psych evaluation from yesterday that declares the ex-wife perfectly sane, but Jae-kyung takes care to distance himself from the entire hospital issue, saying that he has nothing to do with it.

To that, Seok presents phone records of numerous calls made from the ex-wife at the mental hospital to Jae-kyung, but he says he assumed they were prank calls. So now the situation has hit a he-said-she-said standstill, and Seok requests a cross-examination. Jae-kyung agrees, but judging from his smirk, he and his attorney are confident they’ve got a way out of this.

Seok doesn’t disclose where the ex-wife is staying, though we see that she’s been taken to his home, where Se-mi and her mother wonder at the unusual guest. They both recognize the woman as Jae-kyung’s ex, and Se-mi accepts the explanation that they’re just helping to house the witness who’d been unjustly locked up.

Hwi-kyung heads to the river to brood, and in a flashback we meet his eldest brother (cameo by Yeon Woo-jin). Hyung gives his Hwi-kyung a pen-recorder as a graduation gift, encouraging him to use it as a diary like he does, and congratulates him with an affectionate hand- (and butt-)shake.

The next morning, Min-joon wakes up in bed and tests out his powers on the bedspread, feeling mightily relieved when the cover whisks away. He calls Song-yi to suggest breakfast together, wanting to show her more of his skills, only to have her say she’s out with a friend and hang up on him quickly.

That’s because she’s out trying on bridal gowns with Bok-ja, who wonders if she’s jumping the gun again. Song-yi says that he gave up having to go far away for her sake, so really, they’re on the same page. Bok-ja asks if he just gave in because she whined and cried and pouted about breaking up. Song-yi thinks back to all the times she asked him to stay, and sobers up a little at Bok-ja’s admonitions to wait to get the guy’s agreement before running off to try on bridal gowns.

Jumping the gun runs in the family, apparently, because Yoon-jae heads next door to offer Min-joon his approval, already working on the issue of persuading Mom into acceptance. Aw, his methods are adorably immature: “I think if I write a contract promising not to run away from senior year onward, it’ll work.”

Min-joon has to ask what exactly he’s trying to get approval for, and gapes to hear Yoon-jae’s response: “Your wedding.” LOL. Yoon-jae just asks that Min-joon make Song-yi happy for the rest of her life, since she’s gone through a lot, and declares, “I approve!” Min-joon mutters to himself, “And I wondered why Song-yi always talked without listening. You guys sure are similar…”

Declaring that there’s one more person Min-joon should meet, Yoon-jae leads him to make his acquaintance with Dad. They arrive just as a rich jerk pulls up in his car and orders Dad to park his car, which isn’t Dad’s job. The jerk threatens to have him fired, and just as Yoon-jae darts forward to step in, Min-joon uses his powers to make the car screech forward of its own accord—like a car possessed, it backs up and revs threateningly at the jerk owner.

Min-joon steps in and tells the guy, “If you have so little ability to park your own car, maybe you should rethink driving.” Booyah. The jerk starts to shoot off his mouth, but doesn’t get very far because his tires suddenly pop, all at once.

Over lunch, Dad recognizes Min-joon from their elevator encounter at the hospital. Dad acknowledges that he isn’t in the position to play the Dad role, but has only one question: Is Min-joon healthy? He’s relieved to hear Min-joon’s yes, because he’s learned that health is truly important—it’s what enables you to protect those you love.

Yoon-jae listens silently but attentively as Dad says, “I didn’t know that then. I lost my money and my honor fell to the ground, and I thought I wouldn’t be able to protect my people. I was foolish. I should have stayed with them anyway, and there’s no way I can make up for that lost time now. No matter what happens in life, if only you can stay with Song-yi, I will be grateful. What I couldn’t do, you do it.” Oof, talk about pressure. And all the while, Yoon-jae sits there trying not to be moved, though I’d say it’s a losing battle.

Min-joon has a few drinks with Dad, which means that on the walk home with Yoon-jae, he’s pretty tipsy. Seeing a phone booth, he exclaims, “We’re home already!” and shoves Yoon-jae in first. Seconds later they disappear from the booth and flop onto Song-yi’s couch, and Min-joon chuckles goofily to himself the whole time. I love drunk Min-joon so much.

Yoon-jae tries to make sense of this, just as Min-joon summons a bottle of water to his hand. As he tries to process the sight, Song-yi comes out to see Min-joon drunk and starts to drag him by the arm, grumbling at him for being out of touch all day.

Yoon-jae leaps up and orders noona to stop, because “Our Min-joonie hyung isn’t someone you can treat like that!” Aw, he gets protective and warns, “Don’t ask any more. I won’t answer.” Then he gathers up Min-joon into his arms and princess-carries him to a bed. (That is adorable. Did this actually heighten star-lover Yoon-jae’s hero worship even more?)

Some time later, Min-joon wakes up with a headache and realizes all the ways he’d outed himself to Yoon-jae. When Yoon-jae drops by, he starts to make an explanation, only to have Yoon-jae shush him and whisper, “I’ll keep your secret. I promise!”

Min-joon thanks him, and Yoon-jae asks for just one favor—and then extends his finger, E.T.-style. This episode is just cracking me up. Min-joon tries to protest that he’s not what Yoon-jae’s thinking, but Yoon-jae gives him the puppy dog eyes and whimper, and reluctantly Min-joon reaches out his finger to make the E.T. touch. THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING EVER.

Song-yi cooks for Min-joon and hovers expectantly while he tastes it. “Don’t cook soup again,” he says. Ha.

Song-yi is clearly angling for something, and she starts by mentioning her very high utilities, which drive up her living costs. Ha, is that how she’s going to try to sneak into the cohabitation argument? Min-joon asks if she needs money, and she tries again by saying that they’re neighbors who eat together often, so doesn’t this make their utilities a waste? He can see she’s working up to something but has no idea what, but she drops it rather than spell it out for him.

She cheers up right away when he suggest going to Namsan Tower for dinner, which was on her list of date ideas. She tells him to dress nice, and he heads out to buy a new suit, which is adorable.

Hwi-kyung drops by to talk to the ex-wife, and looks chastened to run into Se-mi, since he’s imposing on her. She waves it off, though, telling him not to worry.

The ex-wife admits that even while married to Jae-kyung, she always felt something was strange about him, as though he were hiding something. And then one day she found something she shouldn’t have—a voice pen in hyung’s room—and got scared. She realizes now that she should have gone to the police, but at least managed to take the pen without Jae-kyung ever knowing it existed.

So Hwi-kyung retrieves that pen from its longtime hiding place, claiming it from the pawn shop that the ex-wife took it to, and settles in for a harrowing listen.

The recording starts out with hyung relating his day, from buying Hwi-kyung a graduation gift to agreeing to go on a drive with Jae-kyung later. Then Hwi-kyung drops by with some juice, sent by Jae-kyung, and by the time Jae-kyung enters the room, hyung is gasping and woozy.

Jae-kyung gives him the same, cold speech he’d given Yura—that it’s not drunkenness he’s feeling but gradual paralysis. He admits openly that he’d long wanted hyung out of the picture, and that hyung will be discovered dead in his car tomorrow. Shudders.

Hwi-kyung listens to his brother begging for help, overcome with emotion.

Song-yi and Min-joon head out for their date, and he asks her to open the car trunk. She guesses a surprise is in order and looks expectantly… and then grimaces when she sees that he just wants her to hand her the mop inside so he can wipe the window. Hehe.

At the top of the tower, Song-yi fastens their couple lock to the fence with all the others, then hands him the key to throw away, symbolizing a forever bond. She exults, “Now I’ve got you.” Next is a romantic dinner, and Song-yi perks up when a waiter wheels in a huge bouquet of roses, expecting them to come to her. Min-joon looks on blankly as Song-yi watches the woman one table over get everything on her romantic wish list, including the diamond ring hidden in food.

Mood broken, she sits back in disappointment and tells Min-joon to hurry up so they can leave. On the drive home, he asks if she’s upset about anything, and she snaps that there isn’t. He starts to say something, but an important phone call interrupts and he drops her off at home. But he softens the blow by telling her to wait for him at his place. He promises to be back soon, saying he has something to tell her.

Song-yi settles in to wait, and finds his journal again. She reads as he describes meeting her, which starts out with descriptions of her obnoxiousness but transition to someone he can’t bear to leave. These are words we’ve all heard before in his interviews, and Song-yi smiles to think back to their earlier encounters… until she comes to the passage where he supposes that not returning home could lead to his death.

Realizing he lied to her when he said he could stay, Song-yi reels. She starts to sob, clutching the journal to herself.


Min-joon shops for his date outfit, and when asked by the saleswoman what the occasion is, he answers, “I’m proposing.”

This he follows up with ring shopping, and then a series of failed run-throughs at home as he tries to hit upon the right way to propose. Attempts range from calling her Song-yi-ya earnestly to tossing the ring over and saying carelessly, “Wear it.”

Then when he asked her to open the trunk, we see him suffer last-minute doubts and stop time just before she can see the loads of red balloons and the “I love you” poster loaded inside, awwww.

Last but not least, he toys with the ring box at dinner, thinking over the words from his rehearsed proposal: “I don’t know how long I can live by your side. So it may be that I shouldn’t say these words. But I’ll do my best to stay with you a long, long time. I don’t know how much that time will be, but I’ll do my best in loving you.”


Aieeee, lots of good stuff today. I was hoping against hope that we had all just assumed that Min-joon would get sick and die, and that maybe we’d all (including Min-joon) interpreted the signs incorrectly and that he wouldn’t die if he stayed. Maybe his alien powers would die and what remained (ostensibly his human body) would be able to start ticking along like a regular person. But that vision he had sort of puts the nail in the coffin of my hope, because damn if that isn’t a full-on death/disappearance/evaporation scenario we’re dealing with.

And while we could laugh at the comedic bent to his loss of powers today, that sense of humor sure as heck isn’t going to outlive Min-joon’s death. I was pretty uneasy even today, laughing at his amusingly deadpan reactions to his unreliable powers, because the deterioration seems to be amping up at a rate I’m really not comfortable with. Not that I’d be comfortable with him dying an unnaturally speedy death in any case, but we can’t even console ourselves with the idea that he could still have a few great years with Song-yi. In cancer drama terms, we’re talking more along the lines of 90 Days, Time to Love, not the interminably long deterioration process of Thousand Day Promise.

On the darker end of things, I love Hwi-kyung’s arc and how he’s dealing with the investigation’s discoveries. At first I thought the Yeon Woo-jin cameo was to portray Jae-kyung’s formerly warm relationship with Hwi-kyung, but seeing him as the trusting eldest brother hammered in what a loss that was for Hwi-kyung (yes, Yeon Woo-jin has played killers before, but I see his face and attribute to him immediate warmth and pathos).

The cop-prosecutor duo has always been a bit bumbling for me to care what they do, but Hwi-kyung (or Park Hae-jin, really) is really selling his character’s heartbreak and disillusionment, not only with his brother but also his father, who seems mad shady as well. (I do wonder if Dad is merely in fierce denial—hence his “she probably deserved it” reasoning—or if he’s been more complicit in Jae-kyung’s evils, aside from helping sweep them under the rug.)

That said, it’s pretty remarkable that an episode with that much foreboding was as full of heart-warming bonding and goofy comedy. The Yoon-jae hero worship has always tickled my fancy, but seeing him figure out that Min-joon was an alien, and then adore him even more? The E.T. moment killed me, especially considering how much pouting Yoon-jae had to do to get Min-joon to comply. Just the fact that he went along with the finger-touch despite clearly finding it mortifying made me love Min-joon even more. And yes, the sibling resemblance really is starting to shine through, isn’t it? I don’t know how Min-joon’s gonna get saved at this point, but now that we’ve got a bromance and a romance on the line, stakes just got higher. Make it happen, people!


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I really love how nonchalant Song Yi and Yoon Jae is about Do Min Joon being and alien! I love how the writer-nim and PDnim makes sure to have the Cheon sibling quirks similarities shine on these last episodes.

But my heart aches for our OTP. Please please dramagods, a good ending please. And by good, I'd be really satisfied with a scene from the typical DMJ/CSY household please. Like the Best Love ending! No OPEN ending or SAD ending please!


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I love it too, though that part is hard for me to wrap my head around

I was expecting, at the very least some shock or disbelief, but with Song-yi it's like "You're an alien.... could you turn off the lights honey?":D


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I laughed so hard at all the innuendo between SY and MJ. Then I cried along with HK when he discovered just how irredeemable death hyung was. Then I laughed some more at the bromance of MJ and YJ. KWB and LJS who, this is the greatest bromance of all-time. Then my heart went thunk with that epilogue. Show, please don't make MJ disappear, I think I'd prefer it if he just died, lesser of two evils and all.


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no nail in the coffin! well, if it were Estonia he´d be alive after death. no wait we don´t have zombies....yes we do. dead wake up and pay visits. not as ghosts as an astral body. but I think the writer is not cruel and can think of a suprise end in a way we dont expect


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My partner was asking if i was going to watch the episode last night. I told him that i can't bear to see what will happen to our Alien.

My heart pains when thinking about the sad ending. I was then wondering to myself... If Min Joon and Song Yi are really part of my life now? Why do i feel so much for them???

Oh well... thanks for a wonderful recap and all your comments.


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And i find Kim Soo Hyun's OST (In front of your house) is too sad...

I hope it does not end up like the song...


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Well the last few years, Yeon Woo-Jin has certainly been busy acting in the following Kdramas:

Arang & The Magistrate (2012)
When A Man Loves (2013)
You From Another Star (2014)

If someone had told me, I wouldn't have believed it! Who could have guessed??? The moment I saw Yeon Woo-Jin during an episode of You From Another Star, I immediately thought about the 2013 Kdrama When A Man Loves {aka Man in Love / When a Man Falls in Love / When a Man is in Love} with Song Seung Hun.

Each time Yeon Woo-Jin appeared on screen the first thing that popped in my mind was his character Lee Jae Hee. It's funny and hard to predict which mediocre and/or vexing kdrama (e.g. WAML) will likely be the one to instantly trigger your memories of certain characters and/or scenes.

Just for the record, Arang & The Magistrate is nowhere near qualifying as a mediocre or vexing Kdrama.


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Now that CSY knows DMJ is dying, I really hope, she will not be a noble idiot, pushing DMJ away, say No when DMJ propose her, act like she doesn't like him anymore, because she easily get bored, just like what she did to HOT and other boybands.

If its the case, I'll be really dissapointed. It will be just like every other drama. Next Episode please be good!!!!


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I hope Hwi Kyung isn't crying because he was the one that served the food to his eldest brother (even though it wasn't his fault that the food was spiked)...

poor Hwi-kyung. it seriously shows just how shrewd Jaekyung really is. (not that he hasn't already showed it to us before though). but this just struck me.


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Shooot, I just realized that Se-ri's mum is the same one from the answer me series. (where her and dad are basically Korean version of coach and mrs. coach a la Friday Night Lights) This means between her and CSJ's mom who was excellent in Rooftop Prince, Star has slightly dropped the ball on the mummy characters, so perhaps they should be zombies instead ;)


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and speaking of FNL, best of luck today Yuna! clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose... those CF's


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Too sweet...our couple is, as much as i'm loving it i am too afraid of what's coming >.< Do Min Joon-ssi please don't die...pretty please....
Aside from that, HK needs to stay away from the river and go contemplate else where safer, with more people around him (probably with the prosecutor and the cop, just don't go alone). I got really nervous when he visited that river twice, what if your evil hyung suddenly comes?! for my peace of mind please stop visiting the river for the next few eps okay!
And how CUTE is YJ <3 omoo...i wanna pinch him XD btw there's something Lee-Min-Ho-ish about this boy appearance .


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ah it is exactly what I thought! why the river! get away from there! I was so absurdly expecting the evil hyung to pop out. don´t go to the river!

one theory: blood transfusion somehow turns Min Joon into a humna or .... maybe thats somehow connected to hwi Kyung? I dunno


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I'll be happy with any/every resolution the writer throw at us that'll turn our alien to a human. Just as long as he doesn't leave nor die. I am one desperate viewer ;p


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Freaking looooove do min joon....please don't die........hello everyone..i'm a newbie and since city hunter i just read all of the comments and i love it....


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I was amazed that Dad got so over-the-top into denial mode. Poor Hui-Kyeong.


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Goodness, that ET scene is too damn hilarious. My sides still hurt from all the laughing I did.

And is it too late to switch ships? 'Cause the Min-joon and Yoon-jae pairing just about stole my heart this episode. Bromance FTW! ^^


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I certainly hope the ending here is not similar to Rooftop Prince where Park-Ha met the look-alike version of Prince Lee Gak because the one we fell in love with is Min Joon, the alien.


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The wife says she's got it all figured out ... the premonition of DMJ disapearing is really his alien parents retrieving him to give him a lecturing about falling in love with "local" girls ... he'll be back after he convinces them that his love for her is real. That or they'll fetch CSY to "interview" her for her worthiness to shack up with their son.


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I like the way she thinks!


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Thanks for the recap Javabeans!

Well, I have irrational faith that it will all turn out ok! Better than ok, we need this couple's happiness over here! We just got to see them together, so it has to last!

This is a rom-com (despite the shivers one gets while watching Jae Kyung's dead eyes, cunning smile and twisted plans), so it'll stick to a happy ending! I'm hoping/counting on that!

Pretty, pretty please, let this cutest couple have their bliss!

Hmm, aside from that, I guess in this narrative alien babies aren't possible, right? Just imagining Yoon-jae as an adoring, fascinated, drooling uncle as me smiling big time! This younger brother is awesome!


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Has anyone ever wondered what's Do Min Joon's real alien name? Just something random but I've always wondered, since he's had to change names with every new identity.

Also, what's up with jae kyung calling his ex wife "dang shin"? It's kinda creepy if you think about the fact that he's kept her locked up for 7 years...


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Good question, even a 007 has a real name. What is DMJ's real name i wonder too...


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When Dad explained his leaving 12? years ago as his lack of confidence from losing fame and money... do we know what dad worked as before? Just in case I missed it.

I love love how the boys 'arrived' home as though they just jumped on a trampoline and leaned back hehe.

I wonder if YJ thinks he's totally privvy to MJ's secret when he 'defiantly' told his sister that he's not going to say anything. Hahaha!

That part after SY found out that were going to Namsam Tower and told him to dress up... my subtitles had him remarking "Like I need to". Did he really say that? Sounds a little egoistic, suddenly! But still, awwww...

This episode is really quite heart-wrenching for HK though. (I can't believe voice pen is still at pawn shop after 7 damn years, btw.) When the brother's hand brushed past the pen (after JK revealed his intentions), do you think he meant to leave the recording on for someone to find it?

Things I really wanna know
- What was that awful thing that JK did in his childhood that got his mom feeling awkward around him?
- How old is MJ ins his planet years?
- Why were MJ and SY eating at Namsam with their coats on? Crew missed a continuity/logic check? I thought you would usually check in the coat upon arrival at the restaurant.
- Is it common in Korea, for ppl living in apartments with the key-code system, to share their codes with friends? Family, I understand. But how did Jang even get his code at the beginning? Since until very recently, MJ's superpowers were still strong and he probably wouldn't have felt like he needed someone to check on him. He was also very grouchy about privacy and not sharing food so...


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Re the dressing up to go to Namsam Tower, I can't remember exactly what the subs on the version I saw said, but I think it was along the lines of "Why would I need to do that?" which I interpreted as DMJ being his usual grandpa grumpy self about how big a deal Song Yi makes of everything. You know, where she gets super-happy and excited about things, and he's always like, Really, why are making such a fuss? When really he's just as excited as she is inside and is just putting up a crankypants front.


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ah okay, that would make more sense and be more in line with his personality!


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Having withdrawal symptoms since last week, and this episode doesn't help me one bit. I mean, it was another roller coaster ride again, watching it, but the epilogue is what really broke my heart, and while writing this comment, tears are still rolling from my eyes. Thanks DB for the song. Been in love with this boy's voice since Dream High. I like his tone.. very beautiful voice... so I'm not surprised that he will sing for another ost.
Some real people around me just don't understand why I'm being overly sensitive over a mere fiction. Truth is, my father passed away two months ago and all this talk about leaving and dying makes me feel like dying myself. Maybe that is why I am so touched by this drama even more... since I'm already in that mourning mood. But I really, really wish for a happy ending, since my reality is too depressing enough... Plus, do we need to have another 'little mermaid' here? I don't think so.


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I loved this episode so much. Many of the things I loved others have already mentioned, so I won't go over them. Except to say that the part where DMJ was rehearsing his proposal and tossed the ring box and said brusquely, "Yah, that's for you," made me burst out into peals of laughter. I watched that bit about a half dozen times and cackled like a fiend every time.

But I was left with a tremendous sense of foreboding, starting as soon as Min Joon told Song Yi at the end to wait because he'd be back soon. Because I've learned that in movies/TV shows, I'll come back soon. Wait for me (especially when it's emphasised the way it was in this episode) is often code Actually, you will never see me again; I am going to die and you will be sad forever. So I'm feeling a lot of apprehension and anxiety about the next episode; I hope that I am proved wrong.


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don't worry....you're wrong ;)


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Yup, I saw episode 19 a few ours after my initial comment, and breathed a sigh of relief.


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This episode had me giggling (ET, creation moment) and petrified (DMJ disappearing). I'm going through a whole spectrum of emotions. I'm afraid my family is going to think I'm loony.

I can't believe it is ending next week.

KSH and JJH chemistry is just amazing. They are so real.....TT^TT


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Well, I'm just holding out to the hope that Min Joon will not die, they will have their happily ever after. I mean, they've poked fun on all drama stereotypes and gone against the grain. Come on! Why actually die when that's what the whole dramaland is expecting? There's gotta be a twist and an element of surprise.

This drama so far, I keep saying, best episode ever! episode after episode. All the nuances, the little details like Song Yi's hidden smile when Lawyer Jang mentioned Min Joon never dated before was so cute; the one slipper flying off his foot into thin air when tried to teleport was hilarious; every scene is just awesome with the exception of creepy brother scenes.

I really don't think I've loved a drama this much!


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I am really too scared to watch the next episode. Hwi Kyung, please! please don´t be foolish keep away get the cops get Min joon don´t be killed.

effin evil chihuahua. you jerk. die.


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yess! and then Noooo! and then: is he bluffing? ah how to tell


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I loved this whole episode but two things made me p** the "impotency" jokes and the ET moment, song and all LOL big time (hubby thought I was loosing my mind)


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I loved this whole ep but 2 things made me p** one the "impotency" jokes and the ET moment ,song and all (hubby thought i was loosing my mind) LOL big time


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can we have Min Joon stay alive and with all his abilities? please.
cause better a korean than american alien (Superman)

now that I think, all the Superman parallels, Superman doesn´t die right.
ahh....oh hot damn but. no, not amnesia please. Louis Lane forgot did she not...oh no. dont go there. no Superman II ending please


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The scene between Min Joon and Yoon-Jae had me on the floor in giggles; it was one of the funniest and most genuine moment in my drama watching history.
That boy Yoon-Jae's expressions were priceless!

Someone gives that boy a bigger role next time; he is absolutely adorable!


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Oh yes! Hui-kyung continues to be fantastic. I love our main characters, but Hui-kyung really stole the show! And Yun Woo-jin was fantastic as the eldest brother. I still have a lot of love for him from Ojakgyo Brothers. I love both their characters! If only Jae-kyung weren't horrible; oh gosh it's a good thing Jae-kyung wasn't the youngest...


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And I forgot to say, but I loved the E.T. moment. I cracked up this episode! It was weird - I was laughing, but I was also scared as to what the sporadic nature of Min-joon's powers meant. Fingers crossed that this will somehow all work out.

Hwi-kyung is so awesome!


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MJ ❤️ YJ bromance ftw!!


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i don't understand about the E.T. moment that Minjoon and Yoonjae had.. what was that suppose to mean?


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Really cute and sweet couples drama..........


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Really sweet and cute.....


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Wish for more dramas..........
Do Min Joo and Seong Kyeong Si.......


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