Kim Jae-wook quits Age of Feeling on heels of writer change

I have read this news a dozen times and I still don’t quite understand: Kim Jae-wook is suddenly quitting Age of Feeling, without much warning and for reasons that are couched in vague terms by producers. What we know for certain is that earlier this week, the production decided to replace the head writer, which means the first head writer left the show and a brand-new writer was brought onboard. Presumably the three other rookies on the team remained.

The crazy(-er) thing is that this news was released on Thursday, the 13th, which was the day that Age of Feeling broadcast Episode 10… and the notice posted by Kim Jae-wook’s management company explained that Episode 8 would be his last. So we didn’t even have time to understand that he was exiting the show before he exited it. What the? Who runs shows like this?

That official message said, “This decision for him to leave the show was arrived at with difficulty, as a result of an unavoidable circumstance.” That unavoidable circumstance was not identified with any detail, merely alluded to as a result of the new writer taking the story in a very different direction, a direction that purportedly works better with less Kim Jae-wook, or rather no Kim Jae-wook at all.

I’m behind on this drama so I checked in with our resident Age of Feeling recapper for her reaction, and after the initial expletives (“What. WHAT?! He didn’t leave a show where he had no speaking lines but he’s leaving this one? What’s really going on?”), HeadsNo2 had this to say: “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY CAN’T I GET A SHOW WITHOUT BACK-END PROBLEMS.” Okay, okay, and also this: “It just doesn’t make sense. Yeah, I wasn’t quite seeing the role he was going to play in the story but I really doubt that’s why they wrote him out. There are literally 30 other characters that they could trash without anyone noticing.”

Despite the behind-the-scenes hullaballoo, the show has actually been getting better ratings lately, so there’s that nugget of consolation. You From Another Star is still way out in front in first place, but Age of Feeling is steadily creeping up in second place; its latest episode drew an 11.4% rating. It’s not too late to hope that the show can bounce back, right?

Via E News 24, Review Star


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I watched ep. 9 and 10. this week and didn't see Kim Jae-wook and wondered where he was. This change makes me want to cuss, I feel it's a foreboding of things to come. I don't get the logic behind the writer switch - the drama is climbing up in ratings and developing fans - it's a little different fare from what's usually offered and that's what makes it so attractive.

Hope this doesn't go the same way as "Lie To Me" and other dramas where the writer switch tanked the drama.

Poor Heads! My sympathies. You're doing an awesome job recapping this drama and we really appreciate it.


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is it fair to say that i feel cheated? i was promised KJW..but now he "quits" the show? can someone, anyone explain to me, what really happen, or the gist of it....i'm so disappointed cuz i've been looking forward seeing him on the screen


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I just get the feeling that KBS is kinda inorganise and messed up, thats why they cant compete with SBS which has all the latest blockbusters.


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I was watching ep 9 when I read this news and immediately dropped this........Don't get me wrong! This is a good drama in every other way except for it's writing. It just couldn't make me care. And the male lead has a seriously weird voice.

I don't know what this vampire saeguk you guys are talking about, but I think he would be a perfect 'Chiaki' for korean adaptation of Nodame.


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AH! The vampire sangeuk! Please tell me Kim Jae-Wook left because he got a casting offer?!


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Errr.......both of those are us fangirls fantasies!
Don't get ur hopes high. That damn vampire saeguk would probably cast Kim soo hyun as lead.


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I am totally amazed by these events. In my country, actors, writers, directors, etc. never leave a show once they start production unless due to illness or death! I just don't understand why this happens so much in KDramas. I am watching only because of KHJ, but am amazed that a writer can leave in the middle of production, or be fired whatever the case may be. To me this is all unprofessional. Seems to me that the entertainment industry there needs more help and lessons in professionalism.


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What? I hope it is not another Princess Aurora.

I was so happy KJW was doing another drama only to get axed. So sad.

I hope he gets a new gig soon.
He would be great in The Scholar Who Walks in the Night.


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um. what?


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Ok. I accept this. Fine. FINE. But I swear to freakin' god, if he doesn't get a leading role ( and I mean THE lead role!) in a drama soon, then a part of me will have lost faith in all that is right with this world. Recently I rewatched Coffee Prince and the fact that he still to this day hasn't headlined his own drama KILLS me. I mean, there are actors who didn't even pop up until rather recently, who have headlined multiple drama's already (Sung Joon is a good example). What is wrong with the world?!


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I think it's because Sung Joon got lucky with landing a lead in the Flower Boy Band. He's also a bit weird, though. Like he'll land leads for cable dramas but on the big three he'll be a second lead...so it seems like only cable really sees his potential.

Maybe Kim Jae Wook should do cable! Again! But not as a ghost! Someone who talks! A Lot! Very much!


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Bummer **sigh**!!! :(

I am very fond of Kim Jae-Wook as an actor. He was one of the main reasons that I initially tuned in and decided to give Age of Feeling (aka Inspiring Generation) a chance. His scenes were notable and always added a breath of freshness in the midst of all the other characters.

Kim Jae-Wook deserves a lead role in a drama with great writing, characters, a tightly woven plot, production values, and a script that stands up to time!

R.I.P. Kim Soo-Ok


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I know I shouldn't be greedy but he was my favorite with SJR a second...I was waiting for KJW to be in a drama where he actually gets a girl...now he is written out or whatever all together?? There has to be something else going on because he was the character that was last with OK Ryeon (haven't seen this weeks episodes because I treat myself at the end of the week with the guy-candy), I want to see how they fill that hole. I'm mad but there are so many cute guys to choose from, I cannot say I will boycott it. KJW I think you are the best so please get a role where you aren't dead (Who Are You), where you aren't the second male lead who doesn't even get the girl when the main lead dies (Bad Guy), and have a decent job (Coffee Prince making waffles...I love you but it's time to have a real job Oppa). I can't wait to support you no matter what but I am waiting for you to get a role that showcases your talent.


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I thought my eyes was playing tricks on me...until I blinked, and it was still true :( What in the world????

...But I'm hoping that this'll mean Kim Jae-wook will finally get the lead role he so deserves! (Maybe he has eyes on that vampire manhwa adaptation??)

As for watching Age of Feeling after all this chaos...I'm hoping it won't suffer. Oh wait, who am I kidding?? Head writer, now a second lead...I don't know if they can recover from this. Maybe it'll go all makjang on us or something, ha...I honestly don't know how the story will shape up after this, it's a damn shame :(


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How about Kim Jae-wook for the new Vampire Segeuk drama ?
He looks Vampire enough to me. Honestly he would be a good Manly Vampire in my opinion.


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I think I'll check of it this show now and dependent on how it shapes up maybe resume when it's completed. God, I do hope KJW picks a winner next!


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The real drama of this drama is behind the scenes! Im not watching this drama rn but it just looks so unstable... Even when the ratings arent bad, I Hope this is the last weird thing they do for the sake of viewers. I really like him so i hope he finds another project soon and leave this real life drama behind...


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Maybe it's because the last time he was in a drama that suddenly changed their writer it went nuts. Aka Mary Stayed Out All night. Haha


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Time will tell if KJW has committed career suicide with his decision. I seriously doubt it. It is one thing to write a review of the films and performances of public figures such as actors and musicians, but quite another to malign their character such as maligning their professionalism or lack of. The law provides for the protection of individuals from defamation of character such as libel and slander and his agency and the network, KBS2, must testify to the fact that he has acted within the framework of the law to leave IG. KJW is a professional and I am certain his legal representatives would have taken the time to go over the details of his rights before allowing him to make his final decision. This may be accounted the reason for the delay in announcing his decision to leave the series for which he had ceased shooting as of episode 8.


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It must take courage to do what KJW has done - he must know there may be a backlash on his reputation, career and the possibility of being tried in a court of public opinion, what with the prevalence of social media where anyone can just about make a commentary on anybody else with impunity at times. I get that KJ can be sensitive about his fans' feelings, but I believe that the sooner his fans put this issue behind them - mysterious gossip-fodder as it is - and refrain from harping on it, the quicker KJ will be allowed to get on with the task of focusing on what's important, i.e., on his future projects; and now what his agency needs to do is get him into another role and drama post-haste. I believe strongly that he will recover from this trial and he will continue to be a success.


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There will always be those who relish in lighting up blogs and forums by spreading their madcap and juvenile points of view which cannot be validated by fact. KJW will be remembered for this episode for a while but the erudite will not define him by it. They will define him as a phenomenal artist that is necessary for the good of the entertainment industry.


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Aww Heads, I haven't watched the drama yet, just been reading your recap. So...my sympathies to you. Fighting! ♥


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Ok I have only watched episode 1and I'm starting to get really into this drama... then I found out about this....what? Changed writers, no kjw...this is soo upsetting. Not sure if I will continue. I hope this drama flops. This whole production will realize what they have done. For not giving kjw more lines is plain stupid and sending im out. Failing!!!!!


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This makes no sense whatsoever. I'm so far behind on this show, so I haven't even gotten to any of it yet, and I was looking forward to it and him. This is production BS and whoever this new writer is is an idiot. Really pissed of right now. I hope he takes on a new drama soon, where he's the lead!


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it's kim soo ok that i always wanted to see in this drama. i just really really hope and pray that his next project will rock.it's fine for me him being the 2nd male lead as long as he appears in many scenes and shows yet another side of himself by portraying the role.
gay patissier, cool waffle guy, grumpy rich guy, sad ghost, indie band member..and now if he really is cast for the vampire in the scholar who walks at night, my life would be perfect..


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Why is this web not uploading picture


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So sad this drama has been struggled. I'm afraid that we get ridiculous dull story at the half of series. They cutting budget for actors and setting too.


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I can't believe that they canned Kim Jae Wook of all people. He did so much to lighten up this rather heavy drama with his impeccable comic timing. My heart is broken.


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I only started watching this drama and although I love Kim Jae Wook, but he didn't play much of a role in this drama. I mean other than being Jung Taes potential love rival, he didn't have much going for him. So for me, it feels like everybody is getting stirred up because of who he is rather than the character itself.


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Well, I am glad that Soo-Ok character was gone. I hate men who covet the women of others.

THe other thing I hate is also the wrist/hand grabbing of women by Korean men. There were plenty of this in "What Happened in Bali", almost every episode. It is disgusting behaviour and if Korean men are like this in real life, then it should be condemned.

The producers should have no more wrist/hand grabbing and help to promote proper Korean men behaviour.


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