Emergency Couple: Episode 7

In this episode, Jin-hee and Chun-soo continue to fight the good fight by saving the world–one patient at a time. On the other hand, Chang-min’s world starts to tilt on its axis; he starts to question his own self-view, and finally starts to see Jin-hee in a new light. Compared to the overt heroics of Jin-hee and Chun-soo, Chang-min’s self-discovery may be a quiet journey, but it is one that should have significant ripples in the futures of many of our players.


Sprawled on the floor after her fall, Jin-hee looks up, only to find everyone staring down at her. Chang-min makes a move to help her up, but Chun-soo beats him to it. When the bar manager starts to chew her out for the disruption, again it’s Chun-soo who takes him aside to smooth things over.

Facing a circle of inquiring stares, Jin-hee lies that the lead singer of the band is an acquaintance, someone who borrowed money and has yet to pay her back. It’s enough to deflect the attention off of her such that Chun-soo then turns to Ah-reum and Yong-gyu to ask why they’re here. Yong-gyu says they were just having a drink, but then Chang-min chimes in to ask why Chun-soo and Ji-hye are here together.

Ji-hye replies cheerfully, “Us? We’re on a date.” Yong-gyu, our resident gossip-monger, expresses surprise over the nature of their relationship while a defensive Chun-soo tells him to stop imagining things.

Ji-hye and Chun-soo take their leave, but not before Yong-gyu cheekily asks Chun-soo to pick up their tab. Jin-hee also gets up to leave, but Chang-min motions for her to stay with a whole lot of very unsubtle blinking and facial twitching that’s fooling no one.

Ji-hye drops Chun-soo off at the hospital and hands him a bag of his favorite snacks, saying that she knows he practically lives at the hospital and must be sick of cafeteria food. Grumpy-pants Chun-soo asks, “What are you doing these useless things for? You have that much spare time?”

Completely unfazed, Ji-hye teasingly asks him over for a home-cooked dinner, leading Chun-soo to sputter, “Do I look easy to you?” Ji-hye laughs and says casually, “Whenever you’re tired, you can sleep over. Anytime. Should I give you a spare key?” Indignant, Chun-soo grumps his good-bye, and I can’t help but think that he secretly enjoys Ji-hye’s teasing. The man doth protest too much, no?

Over another round of drinks, Ah-reum admits that she thought Chang-min was taking his revenge on her by sending Yong-gyu as a stand-in for their date. Processing this tidbit of information, Jin-hee gives Chang-min the hairy eyeball while Ah-reum continues to flirt with Chang-min.

Her flirting has little effect, because Chang-min suddenly notices that Jin-hee has scratches on the underside of her arm from the fall. Jin-hee turns her hand over to look, only to spill her glass of beer all over Chang-min.

He briefly chides her for her carelessness, only to flip back immediately to concern. He wraps a handkerchief around Jin-hee’s wrist, and fusses over her so much and with such familiarity, that Yong-gyu stares with suspicion while Ah-reum looks on with jealousy.

Jin-hee informs the bar manager that Jin-ae is her sister. Still annoyed with the concert’s disruption, he refuses to give Jin-hee any information about her. As Jin-hee gets ready to leave, Chang-min pulls her aside to ask if she’s all right.

When she assures him she is, Chang-min asks why she tendered her resignation, and that the tracheotomy patient’s death was not any fault of their own. Jin-hee notes that she has no say in the matter, but that Chang-min at least comes from a good family with connections. She unwraps the handkerchief despite Chang-min’s protests, and apologizes for disrupting his date. He mutters, “What date…”

Yong-gyu lays out his suspicions on Chang-min’s and Jin-hee’s relationship, as Ah-reum begins to look more distressed. She follows Jin-hee out, while Yong-gyu convinces Chang-min to stay for another round of drinks.

Outside, Ah-reum and Jin-hee wait for a cab. Noting that Jin-hee and Chang-min speak to each other in banmal, Ah-reum bluntly asks Jin-hee about her relationship with Chang-min outside of the hospital. Jin-hee counters by asking Ah-reum whether she’s interested in Chang-min.

“Yes,” replies Ah-reum unequivocally. Jin-hee assures Ah-reum that she has no reason to meet Chang-min outside of the hospital and waves for a cab, only to have the cab pass her by to pick up Ah-reum. Taxi ahjusshi, that’s just…cold, man.

With loads of empty beer bottles now on their table, Chang-min is obviously drunk and Yong-gyu admonishes him to stop drinking since they have to show up to work at 6 A.M. the next day.

Chang-min merely chugs more beer and confesses that Jin-hee performed the tracheotomy. “Yeah, Jin-hee did it all. She did it, while I couldn’t. I’m such a moron,” slurs Chang-min as he recalls how he lost his nerve during the tracheotomy.

Disgusted with himself, Chang-min continues, “Do you think that’s everything? When my mom was in that state, I couldn’t do anything! I didn’t know anything as a doctor! Jin-hee did everything. Do you know?”

Trying to console Chang-min, Yong-gyu helps him out to a taxi. Before he sends him off, Yong-gyu asks Chang-min to clear things up with Ah-reum so that he can plan his next move. I doubt anything is registering with Chang-min at this point.

Jin-hee’s phone rings, waking her up. Chang-min drunkenly mumbles, “Thank you for saving my mom.” It’s enough to startle Jin-hee into full alertness, and Chang-min mutters a final, “I’m sorry,” before hanging up.

The next morning at the hospital, Yong-gyu stands uncertainly in front of a cancer charity fundraising table where gifts of potted flowers are being given to cash donors. He can’t decide which pot of flowers he wants, and Chang-min drops in a donation and tells him to hurry along.

After waiting for Ah-reum to leave, Yong-gyu places the pot of flowers on her desk and carefully drapes a yellow ribbon on top.

A concerned Jin-hee asks Chang-min whether he ate a proper breakfast before coming to work. Chang-min shrugs it off, because what he really wants to know is why Jin-hee’s number was on his phone when he woke up this morning. He says, “It seems that we talked for less than a minute.”

In disbelief, Jin-hee asks sarcastically, “You don’t remember?” Genuinely baffled, Chang-min responds, “No. What did I say on the phone?” Jin-hee pauses to look around and snipes, “You said you loved me to death. You wanted to get back together but I asked you if you were crazy and hung up. Why?” Hahaha, good on you, girl.

Chun-soo is busy sending out emails in order to raise funds to cover the pending budget cut. The head of the ER interrupts, saying that the higher-ups are pushing for a speedy processing of Jin-hee’s dismissal.

As Chun-soo gets up to go meet with the hospital director himself, the head of the ER stops him, saying, “But what power do you have? It’s better that I meet with him…” Chun-soo interrupts, “Sir. You need to send tuition to your kids. Keep your head down until the kids graduate and come back home.” Yay! Was there ever any doubt that Chun-soo would go to bat for Jin-hee?

Chang-min struggles to communicate with an elderly patient who is hard of hearing. All of Chang-min’s questions are met with a very loud, “Of course I’ve eaten! Why do you keep asking me that?!” Jin-hee stops to help, inserting a stethoscope into the old man’s ears. Clever!

She speaks into the other end of the stethoscope, and the old man can now hear her asking where he is ill. In response, the old man stands up on the exam table and unzips his pants.

Thinking that grandpa is about to flash his junk, Jin-hee and Chang-min rear back in alarm, but no, grandpa is only showing them a diabetic sore on his thigh. Hehe. Jin-hee orders a round of tests, and Chang-min is left with the realization that Jin-hee is quite competent despite her imminent dismissal.

Jin-hee has another opportunity to shine when Ah-reum’s patient suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. Impressed by Jin-hee’s intelligent questions, Ji-hye asks her to assist in the procedure. Once the patient is stabilized, Ji-hye praises her on a job well done.

Later, Ah-reum admits to Chang-min that she felt envious about Jin-hee being singled out. Chang-min laughs, and abruptly asks Ah-reum why she became a doctor. Ah-reum replies that she spent most of her childhood sick, worrying her family, and that she resolved then that she would become a doctor. Chang-min muses that her motivation is quite different from “someone else’s.” Of course, he’s thinking of Jin-hee.

Glossing over his distraction, Ah-reum bluntly asks about his relationship with Jin-hee, causing Chang-min to choke on his soda. Ah-reum continues, “If nothing is going on between you and Jin-hee, do you want to go out with me?” Damn, she’s like a smiling homing missile locked on target.

Jin-hee checks in on Chang-min’s mom, who is sleeping. As she opens the door to leave, she spots Chang-min’s aunts coming down the hall towards the room. Panicking, she dives into the bathroom and shuts the door.

Cursing herself for being cornered, she can’t help but overhear the conversation between the three sisters. She hears Chang-min’s mom mention a “Jessica” as Chang-min’s co-worker and blind date and Jin-hee wonders who Jessica could be. Her stomach starts to growl and squeak, but Jin-hee ignores it when she hears Chang-min’s mom mention Jessica by her Korean name: Han Ah-reum.

As Chang-min’s mom then gloats about Jin-hee’s dismissal notice, Jin-hee lets out a fart that all three women hear. Ahem, toilet humor just never gets old. The three sisters all stare accusingly at each other, trying to suss out the guilty party.

Poor Jin-hee farts a second time, and each of the sisters denies culpability. Chang-min’s mom mouths to one of her sisters to check the bathroom, where Jin-hee is struggling mightily to NOT answer nature’s call. And I’m pretty sure nature is calling on line 2.

The sister finds the door locked, and all three women freak out that there must be someone in the bathroom. Grimacing, Jin-hee finally gives up and flings herself onto the toilet, and the grandiose music (you know, the music they play when the gates to heaven open) builds to a crescendo as she finally goes potty and looks skyward in bliss. Ahahaha, I’m dying over here.

The sound of the toilet flushing sends the three sisters into a fresh conniption, and when Jin-hee steps out, white gown over her head as if she were a ghost, the sisters shriek even louder. Unfortunately for Jin-hee, one of the sisters recognizes her; Jin-hee is forced to uncover her head, and after a quick “Hello,” and “Sorry,” she runs from the room in sheer mortification.

One of the senior residents, Dr. Kim, discovers Yong-gyu’s card to Ah-reum and promptly reads it. He’s mostly amused by Yong-gyu’s earnest cheesiness. The card concludes with the request that Ah-reum tie the yellow ribbon around the flower pot if she is ready to accept Yong-gyu’s heart. Naturally, Dr. Kim ties the ribbon and as he gets up, he unknowingly kicks the card underneath the desk.

Jin-hee gets a frantic phone call from her mom, demanding that she come home right away. And we soon see why her mom is so upset, because a young man with a baby is standing in her living room and greeting her as “Mother-in-law”. Ohmygod.

Jin-hee’s mom demands to know where Jin-ae is, and the young man, presumably Jin-ae’s husband, replies that he wouldn’t be here if he knew where Jin-ae was. He’s hilariously oblivious to the fact that a woman might need a moment or two, and maybe a bottle of whiskey, to digest that she might have instantaneously acquired a son-in-law and grandchild.

Swallowing his pride, Chang-min asks his uncle for help in preventing Jin-hee’s dismissal. He’s prepared to do anything in return, which prompts his uncle to ask him why he’s doing all this for a woman who cut off ties with him. Chang-min replies, “Because I was such a loser, I’ve been unable to do anything all this time. But I want to take care of this, no matter what it takes. At least I have a well-connected family.”

Yong-gyu seems more and more smitten with Ah-reum with each passing day. Summoning up courage, he peeks at her desk to check on the flower pot, and sure enough, the yellow ribbon is tied around the pot. He whoops and raises his arms in celebration, and the two married interns look at him as if he’s gone stark raving mad.

At home, Jin-hee stares at the baby in shock, while the baby’s father introduces himself as Kim Kwang-soo. Giving Kwang-soo the address of the bar where Jin-ae was last sighted, Jin-hee demands that he look for her in every bar, club, or hangout, and bring her home.

Kwang-soo explains that the baby is their 6-month-old son who bears the proud name of Kim Guk. They named the baby “Guk,” as in “soup,” on account of Jin-ae having eaten bucketloads of seaweed soup after the baby’s birth. *slaps forehead* Something to remember when we come to naming our firstborns. Come to Mommy, Potato Chip.

After receiving an emergency phone call informing her that her last patient Emma is sick again, Jin-hee rushes to make the house call. Emma is unresponsive and Jin-hee sees that she may be having a reaction to taking unlabeled pills. Emma’s husband again insists that they can’t go to the hospital because of money, and Jin-hee reassures him that they won’t.

Chun-soo is busy writing emails requesting funding when Jin-hee phones him. She asks him to come quickly to Emma’s house and his first reaction is disbelief, “You’re asking me to make a house call?” Jin-hee reminds him of Emma’s situation and asks him to bring naloxone, as she suspects that Emma may have overdosed on painkillers. Chun-soo yells, “How dare you order me to come or go?” Jin-hee tells him that she’ll text him the address, and apologizes.

Chun-soo returns to his email and manages to ignore Jin-hee’s text for a grand total of three seconds before his eyeballs start flickering over to his phone. Picking up his office phone, he orders up an emergency kit complete with a naloxone injection. Yeah! Somebody find a cape for our superhero! Ji-hye is exasperated that he’s really going to go, but not surprised.

Armed with his emergency kit and wearing a cape (did I mention I may be an unreliable narrator), Chun-soo arrives at Emma’s house. Working together, Chun-soo and Jin-hee bring Emma back to consciousness.

As they walk away from Emma’s house, Chun-soo rounds on Jin-hee, ready to scold her, but all he can verbalize is a cranky, “Big Rock! Ugh!” Undeterred, Jin-hee near-tackles him in a side-hug and smiles, saying, “Thank you for coming.” Chun-soo’s face softens for a few seconds…before he lets out a long-suffering sigh.

Sitting next to each other on the bus, Chun-soo falls asleep and his head flops onto Jin-hee’s shoulder. She smiles fondly, and thinks back on the evolution of her relationship with Chun-soo.

When Chun-soo’s head flops in the opposite direction, Jin-hee reaches over and gently places his head back onto her shoulder. Their present sweet moment proceeds uninterrupted, only because Jin-hee’s phone battery is out of juice.

Meanwhile, Chang-min tries to call her twice, with his calls going straight to voicemail.


Despite an inauspicious beginning, Jin-hee’s relationship with Chun-soo has evolved into one of mutual recognition and respect. When Jin-hee is at Emma’s house, she calls Chun-soo for help with reasonable certainty that Chun-soo will come. Chun-soo does not disappoint her or us. So far, he remains the doctor that only exists in dramas, the pure idealist who merely cloaks himself with a thin veneer of crankiness. But Jin-hee sees past Chun-soo’s crusty exterior, and Chun-soo, in turn, sees past Jin-hee’s insecurities. How can I not root for this couple, when their mutual understanding comes so easily? Is it not a universal human constant that every person wants to be seen and valued for who they are?

Until now, Chang-min’s greatest fault has been his lack of ability to recognize or value Jin-hee’s true self. His previous view of Jin-hee as someone who is “clumsy” or “ignorant” seemed to be mere parroting of his mother’s twisted perceptions. In this episode, Chang-min makes great strides in coming to realizations about the real Jin-hee, the person who probably always existed underneath the surface of emotional volatility and insecurity.

Perhaps more importantly, Chang-min’s revised view of Jin-hee has also affected his own self-view. Having lived his life as a prized only son and a star student, Chang-min seemingly has never doubted that the world is his oyster. Only now that he’s faced with the desire to right the injustice of Jin-hee’s dismissal does he realize that he himself has no power to do so. Further, he realizes that he never had the power to do much of anything for anyone. He sees that even now, the only power that he can wield is not his own, but the power of his family connections. So, swallowing his pride, he asks his uncle for a favor—it’s the first real sacrifice that he’s made for Jin-hee, and one big step towards becoming worthy of our heroine.

Power, or the lack of power, will undoubtedly play a role in Chun-soo’s story arc as well. As Chun-soo goes to see the hospital director about Jin-hee’s dismissal, the head of the ER reminds him, “But what power do you have?” Until now, our idealistic Chun-soo has been perfectly willing to toil in obscurity instead of expending any effort to climb the hospital management ladder. But now, like Chang-min, he wants to fight Jin-hee’s dismissal and realizes that he has little power to do so. What sacrifices might he make to obtain such power in the future?

This show has been hard to categorize in my head. With episode 7, I think it’s finally decided to put the “comedy” in romantic comedy. But who knows? After a few episodes of being a workplace drama, then a comedy, now potentially a family drama with Jin-ae’s storyline, I’m guessing that we’ll eventually end with the romance. I’m enjoying the wild ride so far, but Show, bring me the Good Stuff!


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Kim Kwang Soo... Kim Guk... More subtle nods to "Running Man"? :D

Loving these recaps. Loving this show. Keep up the great work!


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OK, I'm curious! Who's Kim Guk from Running Man?


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Kim Jong Kook aka Spartakooks aka Kookie aka Mr. Capable aka the Tiger aka the Commander is the sexiest, buffest, most terrifying running man member (he was an Idol in the 90s). So the chubby baby is a nod to tge big and muscular Kim Jong Kook. Running man's foil is the traitorous giraffe, Lee Kwang Soo. So Kwang Soo being the father of Kim Kook is hysterical.

I fully expect the dad to mention the baby likes Yoon Eun Hye movies at some point.


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Ahhh! Of courseee!! It finally clicked to me last night while I was watching Emergency Couple episode 8. It got me laughing out loud!!


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perhaps... Kim (jong) kuk? ;)


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As YSDT mentioned, Kim Guk could be a reference to Kim Jong Kook. Just as the baby was named after Soup, it's also been noted that the "kook" in KJK's name stands for Soup. Take, for example, this clip from "Family Outing" (around 1:23), in which Yoo Jae Suk refers to KJK as "Soup."



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What Chang-Min did for Jin-Hee was a big move!

And I loved the opening where Chang Min is saying that he never really knew Jin Hee.

Keeping my hopes up for the next episodesssss.


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Seriously, how much could he have known her when he didn't even recognize his former sister-in-law's name.


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Yeah, that surprised me. Did he just not care at all about her family?


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It would make a lot of sense too, because his family had literally 0 respect for Jin-Hee and her poor background.


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He seems to be totally self-centered, I don't see where he is much of a prize. And the poor girl that marries him will have to put up with his mother...


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Looking at his mother, I am reminded of the Churchill/Lady Astor exchange. The mum might say she would put poison in Jin Hee's tea if she remarried into the family, and Jin Hee better say she would drink it if she did, a la Churchill.


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He does know her, he just didn't recognize her I guess. It's been quite a few years, and we can tell than Jin Ae changed a lot, really, a lot during that period. And they were in a bar with big crowd.


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Thanks for the recap! I love this show. Cant hardly wait for ep 8.


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I can't choose between Jinhee-Changmin or Jinhee-Chunsoo. They have their own adorable moment~

I wish Changmin's mom isn't that annoying in the future. Please make her character better, poor Jinhee hft


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She's a big reason I don't want Jinhee back with Changmin, even if he improves as a person. Because I don't think she'll improve, ever.


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Well, his mom has several heart failure attack... so... there's a hope my friend... *evil-grin*


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Her weak heart gives me hope she'll find a quick death.


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That my friends would bring me much happiness and joy. hehehe... we all now she belongs 6 feet under if she doesn't change just saying


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Aaahaha OMO I didn't think of that alternative before but now I'm starting to hope thanks to you XD


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@TS Same here... people don't change overnight. And his mom is just too evil, I guess hundred years won't be enough for her to change. T_T


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I loved this episode so much! Baby Gook is adorable and, I don't care what the drama formula is, Jinhee *has* to marry Dr. Gook. He's totally her soulmate.

In the meantime, Changmin should marry Ah Reum instead. They seem to have more chemistry than Changmin and Jin Hee (Changmin seems to have been more caveman-like there than anything else). And Yonggyu & JiHye could have an adorable Dongsaeng-Noona relationship.


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I think Chang Min and Jin Hee have good chemistry. I don't see chemistry with him and Ah Reum, he is all awkward and jumpy when she starts to get personal with her. He is not like that with Jin Hee.


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THat's because he's already slept with Jin Hee. What's to be nervous about now?


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Re: Guk/Potato Chip
My second child should/would have been named Rosa Maria Burrito Fox.


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Steak Hoagie and Reuben Sandwich over here! :)


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I like how obscure the genre is. I like how different it feels from other dramas. It is kind of amazing in its own quirky way, like Jin Hee herself. I like how it is focused on the heroine of the show, and a really great one at that. (This season seems to have unique female leads, like YFAS)

I hope Chang Min shines, because so far even I am not able to not root for the devil and the big rock. I am hopeful that he'll develop pretty nicely because the writers are doing a great job with Jin Hee's characterization.

And I'm glad you guys caught up with the show. I'll look forward to your recaps after every episode now. Great job so far. :D



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Agreed! I know there were/have been(/still are?) a lot of complaints about how confused the genre seems, but I think that's what's really attracting me to this series. Really good stories rarely fall into easy categories like melodrama or comedy or romance, usually there's a generous mix of everything in there.

Love these recaps, and really enjoying your thoughts on this show!


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Exactly. My friend stopped watching at first episodes and asked me how the show goes so far and all I can say to her is that this drama is unique. I still can't grasp its antics sometimes but somehow I keep coming to watch. And after what happened in episode 7 I'm now totally hooked :D


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I like how obscure the genre is. I like how different it feels from other dramas.

Yes! This exactly!

This drama has steadily sucked me in, and I think it's because it doesn't feel story-driven, it feels character-driven. Like, obviously there's a story and it's going somewhere, and I'm paying attention to that, but I'm not that invested in how any of the story lines turn out; my real interest is in continuing to get to know the characters and seeing how they behave and relate and change and grow. This is the first kdrama that I've watched that has made me think that I'd like to see it as a multi-season show, like US prime time dramas.


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"I like how obscure the genre is. I like how different it feels from other dramas."

I don't see why the admins and everyone else are so adamant on categorizing it into one genre. this drama has little bit of everything and that makes it a bit more realistic. I like how it's different like that from the rest in K-dramaland.


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Oh yeah!! you guys are caught up on the episodes!!!!
I am enjoying this drama so much.

Our leading lady, who while at times an emotional basket-case, has inner strength that is so admirable that I just love her!

And her X has a soft gooey center that makes him adorable.

Dr. Cranky Pants is awesome too!


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And can I just add? That scene where Jin Hee was shocked by the baby. Hahaha. The look on that cute baby was soooo hilarious.


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Another great episode!

I just realized that for once, I would be totally ok with the romance not being front-and-center on this show, because the writers are doing such a spectacular job creating a three-dimensional character in Jin Hee. How refreshing to see a show center so fully on the growth of a nuanced female lead. She's kind and smart but not a candy, and she's got some big things to overcome in order to grow as a person. But she is growing, little by little, and that is a huge joy to watch. While I love Chun Soo, I would be ok with their relationship being a platonic mentor-mentee one as long as character development is not sacrificed for either. Similarly, I would be down with Chang Min developing a true respect for Jin Hee & them becoming just friends as well.


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When Chang Min drunkenly admits he hasn't done anything and he lost his nerve, I would like to believe he was talking about more than the patient he took credit for.
Personally, I think he's starting to reflect not only on his views of Jin Hee but his attitude during their marriage. So, I can say with security that "he didn't do anything" to save the marriage and "lost his nerve" -being the first to sign the divorce papers- while Jin Hee did all the hard work and put up with a nasty in law and a husband disappointing that "life wasn't his oyster."

But I don't want to put everything on Chang Min because Jin Hee was also built with insecurities about herself. How can you love someone when you don't love yourself?

Ultimately, I think Chang Min and Jin Hee would have been able to work their marriage NOW if they were still married, of course. Timing was another reason this couple failed. Now that Chang Min is starting to look at the world separated to his mother's views and Jin Hee is becoming stronger, they might have a change if they want to give it a try again.

That is if Dr. Gook has no romantic interest in Jin Hee (and viceversa). Damn, second male lead... why must you be so wonderful??


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A very nice episode..it is unpredictable on how the storyline forwarding.. I hope the continuing eps would still show more on medic-drama line as the love line is starting to developing..i love to see jihyo or jinhyuk kept doing something as they are a real doc..to make me believe that they done it means they acting is good especially fo jihyo... it must be hard on her to memorize all medical term as the jihyo we know is a MongJi...she did really well! hwaihting songjihyo!


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While it is gratifying for Chang-min to eat humble pie I do hope that he fulfills his potential becomes competent and develops genuine confidence. All with Jin-hee's support and encouragement of course.


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Along with everything else, the best Fart Joke since 'City Hall'!

Also, I noticed a lot of the secondary characters got a little definition over this episode and the last. Even the aunties have distinct roles to play.


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Thanks for the recap. I really like your humour :--)

Any chance to have a podcast with new minions???


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Me too! I like your humor too, Slappyunni! Did you change your name from Sunnydee, or are you guys taking turns?


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They're tag-teaming it.


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He briefly chides her for her carelessness, only to flip back immediately to concern.

My interpretation of this was quite different, actually. It seemed at first that he was getting irritated at Jin Hee for spilling her beer on him (which is how she understood it, and what the viewers would expect, considering how much of a jerk Chang Min has been), but it turned out that his "Ah, you should be more careful," wasn't about the beer in his lap at all, which he seemed to barely even notice or care about, it was about Jin Hee hurting herself. I saw it as a little moment (for me it was like the pivotal moment in the episode) that the writer used to show how Chang Min was changing - at first his behaviour seemed typically crappy, but then it turned out that it was coming from a totally different, and unexpectedly caring/selfless place.

Not sure that I'm explaining this clearly, but that was my interpretation of it. I thought it was one of the more moving moments in the episode.

Another moment I liked was the look of dismay on Chang Min's face when Dr. Gook swooped in and scooped Jin Hee up. I think it was more than simple jealousy; it seemed that it's also that he's finally trying to step up and treat Jin Hee with some care and respect, realizing how much he failed in that regard when they were married, and he feels upset and frustrated it seems like his efforts are being thwarted.

In general, I really really like the growth arcs that we are seeing for both Dr. Ohs. I still am not convinced that the conclusion should be for them to get back together (and considering how many episodes have already aired, I'm starting to wonder if that's even where the show is going). If they arrive at a comfortable and mutually respectful friendship, that would be good enough for me.


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CM and JH were married before, but why he didn't know or remember his ex-sister-in-law's name or/and maybe face? -.-"

oh btw, thanks Slappyunni for the recap~


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they were only married for one year.It's been six years since their divorce.

may be those blonde hair, piercing, and stuff weren't there six years ago. heck I don't have the same style as six years ago. things can become confusing sometimes.


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I think it's great the individual development if the characters but I will be so disappointed if she ends up with no one but character development. Like that most recent Jung Yonghwa drama whose title escapes me. I hate when drama writers do that!!


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@SlappyUnni How did you come up with your nom de plume?


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It reminds me of Smile, You!


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This episode highlights Jin Hee's doctor instincts. I really love the side hug. So adorable of Jin Hee and the soften look on Chun Soo also melts my heart. How adorable can he be. I hope that he'll get a lead in his next project.

On the other hand, the baby was soooo unexpected. I did not expect that as her sister was sooo carefree and the fact that she pawn her sister's ring to buy a guitar instead of baby formula/diapers for her child. Is she really that immature? Did she really abandon her child and the father of her baby? Or is that a plot to get some more money from her sister and mother? But I do like the Running Man's references. Kwang Soo and Kim Guk. Lol. I wonder if the Running Man casts are watching the drama and their thoughts on it. :D


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I wonder if Running Man will do an Emergency Couple episode?


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Thanks for the recap of Episode 7 Slappyunni!

Well done and keep up the awesome work. You make it look easy. :)


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I hope the show can attack the question of why Changmin and Jinhee got married in the first place or how much they actually loved each other to end up getting married or what made them get married.
This is still foggy and unclear to me but if it has been highlighted or anyone has any insight please do share.


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I think that's the background that everyone who watches the show is waiting for. As of Episode 7, it's still very much a mystery.


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I'm going with "hormones" for the nonce. It'll serve until we get more details. Johnny Cash and June Carter understood the problem . . .

"We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout,
We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson,
Look out Jackson town.

Well, go on down to Jackson; go ahead and wreck your health.
Go play your hand you big-talkin' man, make a big fool of yourself,
You're goin' to Jackson; go comb your hair!
Honey, I'm gonna snowball Jackson.
See if I care.

When I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and bow. (Hah!)
All them women gonna make me, teach 'em what they don't know how,
I'm goin' to Jackson, you turn-a loose-a my coat.
'Cos I'm goin' to Jackson.
"Goodbye," that's all she wrote.

But they'll laugh at you in Jackson, and I'll be dancin' on a Pony Keg.
They'll lead you 'round town like a scalded hound,
With your tail tucked between your legs,
You're goin' to Jackson, you big-talkin' man.
And I'll be waitin' in Jackson, behind my Jaypan Fan,

Well now, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper Sprout,
We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
I'm goin' to Jackson, and that's a fact.
Yeah, we're goin' to Jackson, ain't never comin' back.

Well, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout'
And we've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went..."


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thanks for the recap...i thought dramabeans would just ignore this drama, but thanks and good job...you caught up!!! :-)

i agree, CM could have been hinting deeper when he whined about his shortcomings...i am glad that this drama is developing the female character this early...i really hate it when the female lead gets all the hardwork and the heartache and still end up weak and dependent on the character of the male lead. i like JH's strong character and how she strives to get out of that crappy 'big rock' title. also, yeah right, CS' character might only exist in dramas but hey...can we just abuse that existence and make JH end up with him instead? (hehe...just thinking :-P)

just wanna comment on Ah Reum, she looks better when not in doctor's clothes, i mean it's not that she doesnt look like one...it's just her make up when she's playing intern, her face (though still pretty) freaks me out :-P...i hope they could do something with her make up. her smile could have been mesmerizing, but with her make up...all-pale with just the pink lipstick and her eyebrow almost not visible, she looks like an eyebrow-less clown when she smiles :-P (sorry for that). i mean, what is she trying to point out with that look? cant interns wear a bit of makeup? so pale and creepy!!

anyway...it's really a good drama...i was worried before on what to watch as i am really following YFAS, i found this drama and has kept me occupied on weekends since ep1. with YFAS ending, jihyo and the bunch will surely fill in the space.

...and...think ive said it already, im rooting for the devil chief and his big rock! been waiting the whole week for ep8 :-)


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I know what the phrase means, but I can't stop imagining a literal 'hairy eyeball' while reading this.
Then curiosity got the best of me and I actually google-imaged it. Worst decision ever.


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" Come to Mommy, Potato Chip."

HAHAHA! good one.


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Oh man I can't believe the sister is a mom. Not a very good one it seems. Feel so bad for Jin Hee cause depending on her sister growing up and being a responsible adult, she'll be mother-aunt for little Guk.


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Just when things got more interesting...we got the Olympics. Ah well...thanks for the fun recap <3
One more thing, i am too rooting for the Chief and his Big Rock (the ship is gonna sink i know) Fighting!


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Drunk Chang Min and baby Kim Guk are both equally cute <3


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I've been following this drama for quite some time now. But I'd like to comment on something not plot/drama related. It's Kyuhyun at the back of the bus!!! I mean it's my one true love <3
he was the first thing I noticed.


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LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ottoke, how did you know this? My Kyuhyun senses have failed me. But on a relative note, I'm starting to ship chief and Jin-Hee. Chang Min better do something before I commit suicide by jumping on this ship.


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It didn't bother me at all that Chang Min didn't recogonize Jin Ae on stage. He last saw her almost a decade ago, she would have been in or just out of high school, they would have had zip in common, and I doubt they would have liked each other much. She probably doesn't much resemble that girl he met only a few times eight or nine years ago, and he isn't one to be studying the faces of the band members on stage all that much, either.


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i enjoy reading your recap slappyunni.. :)
i literally LMAO during the farting toilet scene!! jin hee's face and the ahjummas freaking out is so DAMN FUNNY~ GAWD~
but i dont understand how come chang min cant even recognize jin hee's sister(jin ae)?? even jin hee can still recognize their ex-aunts??


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i love that Ji-Hye acting all flirty towards Chun Soo. and his irritated response. LOL. hilarious. go flirt him some more you fox!

agreed on Ah-reum makeup. creepy

oh and thank you so much for the recap ^_^


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I don't think the Jin Hee is the same person she was when she married CM, I think this is who she has evolved into over the past six years.

I was hoping that CM father would take the position at the hospital and the closeness that him and JH share would be her protection going forward, not just the hospital but also against CM mother.


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"Come to Mommy, Potato Chip."



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Thanks for the recap! You both are doing a great job! =)


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Thanks for the recap!
Love this show. It's nice to come home from work late on a Friday and have these guys to make me laugh and cry.

Jinhee is my new favorite character. It is amazing how clearly they have drawn her - smart and capable but who self confidence issues block her success. So true to life.

Luckily learned helplessness can be unlearned, and she is luckily meeting people who keep challenging her to be and do better.


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Thanks for the fun recaps!
I really love this drama!

At first I watched for song ji Hyo but I really like the main characters and the their self growth.


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