First action-packed teaser for Age of Feeling

Here’s our first peek at the new 1930s noir drama Age of Feeling, featuring lush costumes, period sets, and bare-fisted combat. The first teaser looks pretty good, and manages to deliver an action-packed epic feel. I’m really looking forward to the visual aspect of this show, because the art direction looks fantastic and atmospheric. Let’s hope the other pieces come together for some gritty noir fun.

The 24-episode drama stars Kim Hyun-joong (Playful Kiss) as a street fighter in 1930s Shanghai. I have to say, so far his transformation from pretty boy to down-and-dirty fighter looks great, though we’ll have to wait and see how his performance shakes out in the show itself. He’s got a first-love-turned-mortal-enemy in Im Soo-hyang (IRIS 2), who looks like a badass gangster from the look of the teaser. She asks a mystery man: “Will you raise your sword at me, or will you become my sword?” She loses her father because of the hero’s family and vows revenge, and has to war with her feelings to see her mission through.

Jin Se-yeon (Five Fingers) plays the other love interest, a club singer who grew up with the hero and sees how much he loves Im Soo-hyang’s character. She loves him from afar and forms a love triangle with Kim Jae-wook (Who Are You), a rival from the opposite side of the tracks with money and sophisticated tastes. (He joined the production later, so he has yet to make an appearance in the promo stills.) So far everything’s been pointing to the time period and the youth-melo-meets-noir feel without much detail on plot, but I’m willing to plunge in with hopes… you know… that there is one.

Age of Feeling follows Pretty Man on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and premieres January 15 on KBS.

Via TV Report


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Looking good. Thought I'd have to wait until Feb for this. Hope there's a nice plot too. I don't mind if the acting's weak as long as the writing and directing's balanced. I really hate watching a pretty drama but with an awful plot or a good story but has an awful PD.


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in a way I agree with you...

I bookworm that I do look for the the plot/story first. I really do hope it all comes together... in writing, directing and acting.
anyway as long as plot is awesome, even if direction is just okay with acting serviceacble I am all good...!

I've been burned by great actors yet having crazy plots/story. No matter how an actor is good if the drama has no direction I will leave and swear it off even if my biases star in it!!!


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yes, now days as you see in awards ceremony or netizen comments, likeable actors, actresses, the story and directing are the most important, not the stars power. Talent is not important anymore.


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Umm...so why am I hearing music from Pirates of the Caribbean?


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Because KBS likes to use Hollywood music in their teasers it seems. I recognized this from PoTC At World's End right away. I think the Gaksital trailer used the joker's theme from The Dark Knight or something like that.


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I thought the sound of applause at the end of the trailer was odd.
Otherwise, the sets and costuming look really plush.


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The applause came from the live audience, because this was aired during KBS Drama Awards.


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Although I am happy with the action but I am certainly pissed at the choice of actors especially Jin Se Yeon; the girl cannot act so why on earth do producers give her another strong role in a period drama?


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My theory is she has a really good agency...maybe same with shin se kyung?...God knows how she got some of her projects but she's riding high on the waves of stardom...


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Have to say looks awesome.


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Yes, it really REALLLY does. So although I am not a big fan of the actors (I only watch KHJ for the pretty), the look, mood, the feels... hooked me! I'll cross my fingers that this will be worth the watch. I so need one right now.


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Oh man, I can't wait to see if Kim Hyunjoong can at the very least avoid to embarrass himself from veterans like Kim Gabsoo and Choi Ilhwa.


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I have to say...doesn't look too shabby. Not too shabby at all. But still a head scratcher to if I'm going to tune in or not. Probably will.


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I was burned with Basketball but I believe that Kim Hyun-joong will pull this one off


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Don't say the B word ! LOL.


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Eiiie, let us watch with an open mind and look at the whole picture instead of its parts.

I'll watch it and let the story,the directing ,the setting, the acting sweep me back to the 1930's.

I'll remember that a lot of effort if not the money went into making this drama

I'm already congratulating everyone involved from what I can see. But as we all say the taste of the pudding comes in the eating. May the drama have a satisfying savor I want to eat some more.


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Funny how a period drama comes along and its the usual suspects and the same set to boot! Not that I mind, especially since most of the cast are renowned veterans. As for KHJ, we'll leave it to the gods ;)


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Yayayayay!!! KHJ is backkk with a bang!! ♥ Was so sad when city conquest got scrapped....really wanted to see him in an action drama ever since he worked on that body :P :P He looks great! No more pretty boy..cant wait!!! And the supporting cast especially the old actors are too good! I hope this drama will not disappoint! *fingers crossed*


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The preview seems to be saying "Look at our ensemble cast is awesome!" I couldn't tell from the voiceovers - did KHJ speak a line in it?


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No. He's the strong silent type.


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KHJ said the first line in the preview posted above, which means "Take a good look, from now on it's the real deal."


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The first line itself is KHJ's -_-


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Groan Jin Se Yeon. Groan at it being 24 episodes. Still on the fence whether to watch it or not...


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I kinda groaned less because it seems like she isn't on the receiving end of main guy's feelings...but it /is/ 24 episodes...and that can probably change. And probably will.

It would be pretty great if he was battling his first love while still loving her though. Much more interesting conflict to have that go on for 24 episodes, I think.


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I absolutely love the photos! If this sucks I'll make a slide show of the teaser stills and make up my own drama.


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I'm glad they got 2 awesome veteran actor's in there. One as his mentor and the other his enemy?
Good luck Kim Hyun-joong, hope this will be your year.


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even i'm not really like KHJ but the teaser looks good, n i think good story will cover weak acting as long the other cast is good, except for story with strong dominan lead


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Team Im Soo Hyang! :)


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Here are all 3 different versions of "Inspiring Generation" teaser:
① KBS youbute http://youtu.be/mzz3jQIPxsY
② during awards http://youtu.be/SwG26KU51x0
③ b4 and after awards http://youtu.be/ub5KxpUn9rQ

credit to @howlovelylala at twitter


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Ooh. Kim Gab Soo. And Cha Seung Won's powerful and cruel daddy in "City Hall". And other familiar faces in kdramas. \o/

The teaser and photography do seem promising but vierwers have previously been burned by some *cough*Basketball*cough* drama. Does this mean that Headsno2 will get to be our recapper for this show?


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oh.... i love the supporting cast(kim gab soo, kim sung oh, etc...) but jin se yeon is so uninteresting.


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Although i love having a cute chaebol prince (or two) around, I am a total sucker for working class poor guys. In these pics, KHJ has that eye of the tiger poor-boy bitterness that is making my heart swoon. Please, Lord, let him be good at acting in this.


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Another 2 versions of the trailer:



The trailer looks great, hopefully the plot is also good and the acting can at least be decent.
Looking forward to this!


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This looks fantastic, but that's only one side of it. Maybe their trying to keep the plot a secret because it's so epic...? Maybe? Is that too much to ask for? I can't believe this starts in two weeks. Time sure does fly. Can't wait for this to start!


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I think the awesome veteran actors in the drama probably pulled KHJ under their wing...I have hope

And it's probably bad but I'm already Team Im Soohyang...she pulled off the badass robot yet vulnerable assassin and went off into the sunset with her sister Kim So Yeon so fabulously that if she is a badass in THAT outfit I will have to be on her side


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Hero looks like he means business, as do the villainess and the male seconds. The love triangle looks like an afterthought and Jin Se-yeon thus far has the visual presence of a dental hygienist.


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i keep looking at the pics and teaser and just do not recognize the actor here as kim hyun joong!

it's so odd. who knew he had this in him. i like it!!

i hope this drama does well though. i don't know if i'll watch due to my commitment issues. it's sooo hard for me to commit to a drama over 16 episodes even when i love the actors in it. hopefully DBs or my fellow beanies will keep me updated on this one.


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I'm so glad Kim Jae Wook is back..the poor man had nothing to do in Who Are You.

Impressive veteran supporting actors.. if KHJ doesn't pull his character off Tsk..Tsk. He looks the part, but can he walk, the walk?

Looks interesting so I'll watch it.


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I'm excited to see KHJ play a dark character. I think in RL, KHJ has some darkness in his soul, if he can bring it to the screen, then perhaps he can do in this role what Doctor's Son did.


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I wish there was a longer clip of KHJ acting... I love love love him but my love doesn't blind me to his cringey acting in BOF and PK.

I guess I'll have to tune in to the first episode before deciding whether or not to watch the entire show.


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second that thought...


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Kim Jae Wook playing 2nd male lead and romantic rival AGAIN?! *whimper* This is so unfair. What is it? He didn't get any other offers and just wanted to start doing something right after his last work to keep his name out there or keep momentum??? ugh....

Imma straight up say that JW stole the show from Taec in Who Are You? The only time I felt any emotion watching that series was when he was in it. His natural, playful, & loving 'flashback' scenes had more romantic connection while Taec's character always felt so incomplete and immature to get the girl. JW's brooding silence was even filled with emotion that I *actually* cried at how his death felt like a nonsensical Greek tragedy. I felt so sorry for him.

After such hard work and great acting coming back from service, he deserves much more than another 2nd male lead playing side kick to none other than KHJ. I'm always rooting for KHJ to do well. He's driven and I think he can prove himself at some point if he can lay down his nervous shyness and solidarity. BUT.... JW proved to me already he's # 1 male lead material after his last work.....

On another note, those martial arts stills get me excited that not only will it be exciting and action packed BUT swoon worthy hottie after hottie exciting action packed scenes. =)


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be nice people. just look at all the pretty!!! i bet it's gonna be awesome. have faith


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I have a soft spot for the ML for some reason, but I can already tell he ends up with the candy girl from his youth and not the "foreigner". 24 episodes to get them together, really?

The 2nd male romantic lead's acting reputation...has him conveniently missing in the stills./trailer. Pass.


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I want to watch this for Kim Jae Wook but it seems kind of boring


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I really wish Kim Hyun Joong all the best just because most of the critics are against his acting (which is true). I really hope he ups it up in at least the same way Yoona was able to do at PM and I.


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Not sure if I will watch but I love the promos. The woman in the kimono looks so stunning. I feel like watching just see her. Hopefully she has a great story.


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This is THE DRAMA I am dying to see! I think it's going to be very good.


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the teaser looks good and smartly done. I think they purposely left any voice scenes out with Hyun Joong to allow the viewers to get the intensity of the supporting characters. I do hope this drama turns out good, especially with Jae Wook. As well I hope that Hyun Joong shows that he has improved and can be more than just a 1-dimensional actor.


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its been 3 years for Kim Hyun Joong since his last drama(Playful Kiss)
Knowing his personality(hard work,dedicated and very determined),I strongly believed that he will makes everyone surprised by his improvement.
besides,this role is totally the opposite from his 2 previous charecters.
I'm rooting for him, really want him to do great in this drama,makes all bad criticism for his acting go away,
he is just so nice as a person...all the the criticism he ever get is for his acting....

Kim Hyun Joong fighting !


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Kim Hyun Joong looks so diferent. he was such a pretty boy.


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please, stop making me want to watch this! chebal!!! ironically, the only drama I liked Hyun-joong in was Playful Kiss but now, I may have to watch this. ottoke.


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I think I'll love the visuals of this drama... HOPEFULLY IT LIVES UP TO ITS EXPECTATIONS.

Sigh. Kim jae wook. I hope this year is his year.. GIVE HIM LEAD ROLES FOR GODS SAKE.


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looks so great, really. and KHJ, ahh you look so damn hot, hope your acting will be as well. first srama i want to watch this year..


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I hope that KHJ's acting has improved.


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How about starting a pool on which episode sees the sweet girl singer love interest getting killed off to provide the hero with a revenge motive? I'm going with episode 16 at this point. I think she made it to the last or second to last episode of Gakistal.


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where's Song Jae Rim :(


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can't wait for Kim Hyun Joong's comeback:)


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Lol I love how everyone complains about Jin Seyeon getting another lead role when there's Kim Hyunjoong, who couldn't emote well at all, getting anticipations and 'hoping he would improve! yay!'.


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gets anticipated*


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The thing about KHJ is his rep is a misunderstanding. I think most don't really understand his personality, his determination, & his obsessions, although he's been around long enough for folks to it figure out.

Most folks coming over to Dramabeans are into the *S.Korean TV Drama Meta* They look at everything through that lens. KHJ is into the *Japanese Anime/Manga Meta* with a passion. Anyone pay attention to the fact that the ONLY dramas he has done come from the *Manga Meta*? The *Manga Meta* is particular, if you've ever paid attention. There are some that are dubbed & even caucasian Americans cannot STAND it because the voiceover English actors have no concept in how to deliver their lines. It's not very good unless you're watching it English subbed. The Japanese give every character a distinctive flair. With that in mind, it always baffled me as to *S.Korean Drama Meta* lovers expecting either 1. the manga story to change, or 2. KHJ to portray a cold quite reserved guy any other way than just that in either drama. With his passion for the *Manga Meta*, of course, he'd want to play it as straight as possible. I always appreciated that. In fact, I loved him so much in BOF that I wanted him to get the girl just like in the manga. The problem wasn't KHJ, if you believe that then you have to say that Min Ho sucks as an actor after Heirs. It's the *S.Korean Meta* writers trying to portray a different meta in their drama & not getting the proper *feel* that it should have had. Think Jung Yi & the rewriting of history in order to give a certain OTP. Even if the writers would try to do something different, I don't think KHJ has the heart to mess with the original manga as far as portraying his character.

Both BOF & Playful Kiss Mangas are available free online to read. Search it out. Read them, then make the determination that KHJ didn't try to do his best to play those characters the way they were intended. I also think that people have seen more of his real life personality, which is shy & nervous in an industry where that doesn't bode well. He'll be quiet & reserved to hide it & folks have mistaken that as being one in the same to his characters, thus he *must* be 1 dimensional. It cannot make a character more than what it is, or else it wouldn't be the story. I felt sorry for him because the Taiwanese version of Playful Kiss just really did all that could be done with that Manga. If you wanted a nicer more loving guy, you weren't gonna get it because that's just not who that character was from the start.


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I know I'm saying too much but I thought this would help to make my point even more:

"Rui is Tsukasa's best friend and Tsukushi's first romantic interest. He is generally quiet, distant, uninterested in people and is said to be autistic, but has a soft spot for his close friends and the model Shizuka Todou, for whom he has harbored feelings for since childhood. His character is a bit complex, and his feelings for Tsukushi are in a nearly constant state of flux varying from annoyance to love. Above all, he cares about her deeply."

SOOOOO.... The guy that KHJ was portraying in BOF was not only quiet distant & uninterested BUT *autistic*. ...so did KHJ really play that character horribly? I don't know. Knowing the manga, I didn't see any problem with his portrayal. Heck, Min Ho had curly hair because the manga character has curly hair. KHJ had long blonde hair because... you get the point. I thought Min Ho's hair looked awful in that series but that's who his character was so I got over it.


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I don't care if he's interested in dramas adapted from mangas. I loved the character he played in every version of BOF, but his acting was horrendous. I saw both Japanese and Korean ver. of it, why was I charmed by Rui yet not Jihoo when they were pretty much the same character? Because Oguri Shun won me over with his acting and KHJ didn't.

I like KHJ's personality a lot, I saw a lot of SS501 variety shows back then and 2-3 eps of Barefoot Friends and he was he was odd (in a good way), has a great sense of humour and at times he was quiet. But no, I am able to differentiate an actor's real life personality and an actor's acting very well. I saw Playful Kiss, and he just cannot emote and all of his lines were practically spoken in a monotone voice.

What I was trying to point out in my original comment was the double standards displayed in this community. An actress could be bad at acting yet continues to get lead roles but she will only receive comments like "Why is she still receiving roles?", "She needs to stop acting" but when it's a man, most comments are "I hope he improves..", "His acting sucks but he's hot so it's okay".


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I get your problem,
but you better look at most of Kim Hyun Joong's topics here first.

When it come to his related topics,ppl here always bashing him,
for example : he needs to stop acting, why he still receiving the lead roles,he doesn't improved ! (well,how can he improved since his last drama was 3 years ago and most of ppl her already judge him way before he start new drama...)
BUT recently(2-3 months?) ppl here seems to be more open-minded about him,maybe they just learned about his real personality by his variety shows and interviews, which I really appreciated,since I really love him as a person, love personality and attitude.
perhaps thats why I rooting for him to do well in everything so bad.

well, it took 4 years for ppl here to stop bashing everything about him......I guess you better look at the past first before saying that ppl here are bias toward him.


by the way, the way he was treated here in the past was much much worse than JSY get right now, to the point that I couldn't dare to re-read it again....becasue I will get pissed and tear-up.


I often wonder if it's a translation issue. I spent time at Utsunomiya Kita high school and speak a bit of Japanese. I don't speak Korean, except for what I've picked up from the K-dramas. ..and BTW.. my Korean drama love is only about 2 years old and I'm going back in time to see ones I missed. But I didn't start out with Korea. I actually came via Taiwan and It Started With A Kiss. I watched both seasons 3 times before I moved to Korean shows. Obviously, Playful Kiss wasn't anywhere near ISWAK. They put the ending on small YouTube teasers after the series ended. WTH was that? Again, I blame the writers. Over time, I've come to understand differences between cultures and meta-styles. Taiwanese tend to use the overlapping sound affects for comedy. Japanese are just... how do you describe it??? Gross??? hahaha...

I didn't find KHJ's acting bad in BOF or Playful Kiss compared to any of the others. Seeing Playful Kiss got me to want to watch BOF.. and then Secret Garden because I had seen the movie Ha Ji-Won in 100 Days With Mr. Arrogant and then I was hooked. So, I don't find KHJ's acting as bad as everyone else. I frankly, thank him for not being as bad as others say or else I may have given up on watching K-Dramas. I only watched because I was having ISWAK withdrawals and couldn't bear to re-watch it again. I wanted something fresh.


The teaser is fantastic! I'm hopefull


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the teaser gives me the feeling that the rest of the cast is swallowing KHJ whole. Hopefully it's not the case where supporting characters overshadowed the main guy. Maybe they will help him shine.


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Waaaait a min! The male lead is the blond guy from "boys over flowers"????? I would not have recognised him in a milion years.....

the teaser looks amaizing, btw


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I agree... wait a minute. Kim Hyun-joong was one of my favorite actors in boys over flowers.

Seriously, now I'm watching.
I was already on board because that guy is good looking; bloody scary face and all.

and anyone doing iaido definitely has my vote. I learned some iaido awhile ago. Think I was born in the wrong time.
a good looking man with a long sword. WOW (okay can't beat KWB or LJS or WB or rain)


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His character from BOF looked so.. feminine. He looks hoter here, all bloody and bruised


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I know its a complete turn around from Beak sueng Jo and JJH I mean I loved him in both of those bit these feels likes its going to be amazing on all levels im excited


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wait, I'll clarify; his character was fascinating to me. Not necessarily his acting.


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Oh god why Jin Se-yeon again ._. and she's so unlucky to have her co-stars grabbing away all the attention.

In Gaksital I was rooting for Han Chae-ah and obviously team Im Soo-hyang for this! She was so darn cool in Iris 2 i did not even give a damn about Lee Da-hae (so sorry!).


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