Heirs: Episode 20 (Final)

The end is here. Not that it’s a surprise, but the Heirs finale doesn’t step outside its prescribed frame for even a second, so mostly what we get is an hour to wrap everything up neatly and send our characters on their way. Truthfully it wasn’t really a drama that had twenty episodes of story to sustain it in the first place, so I’m pleased that at least there are a few good character beats to leave on, if nothing else.

Heirs topped out at 25.6% ratings for its finale.


Cold Cherry – “성장통 (Growing Pains)” for the Heirs OST [ Download ]

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Tan and Young-do look out over the city from the rooftop, each lost in thought over his father. For once they both agree—that tonight the city is cold, and dark.

Tan has his legal guardianship changed to his brother Won, and then they prepare to show a united front to the shareholders in a meeting. But they wait and wait, and only two faithful managers show up in the end. The rest—including all of the chairman’s actual family members—are busy plotting their takeover led by Madam Jung.

Chan-young’s dad VP Yoon tells them they have lots of work ahead of them if they have to chase shares down, and whisks Tan abroad to start shaking hands and getting signatures. Tan understands he is to play the part of the dutiful son, and he wonders how his father lived an entire life doing this.

Eun-sang only hears about the chairman’s collapse the next day from Chan-young, and then finds a note that Tan left for her at home.

Young-do eats a tense dinner with his dad, wanting to know what’s going to happen. Dad is for once a little nice, and assures Young-do that even if he does end up going to prison, life will resume as normal for Young-do, who is to trust only their hotel VP.

Dad puts on a smile and says he’ll be out in no time, reminding Young-do not to shirk his dishwashing duties at the hotel. But the very next day Young-do watches as his father’s face gets splashed all over the television along with news of his indictment.

Dad’s team of lawyers tells Young-do not to worry, and to live his life like before. They do have one message from his father though: “There need to be rules. You can’t cheat.” What. Did Crazypants finally teach his son a good thing? Granted it’s through a lawyer so I find it highly suspect that he really said it, but I’ll take what I can get.

Young-do takes it to heart and goes to see Joon-young, the kid he bullied so horrendously. He finds him at his new school, and Joon-young immediately tenses up at the sight of him, asking if he’s here to torment him some more.

But Young-do says he’s here to apologize, and says he’s sorry—sincerely, contritely. It floors Joon-young, who admits he didn’t think Young-do knew how to do that (me neither), but he says with grim determination that he won’t ever accept his apology. Joon-young tells him that if he’s really sorry, he should live the rest of his life feeling guilty, and Young-do doesn’t argue, agreeing to do so.

Eun-sang sees news of Young-do’s dad on TV, and writes to Tan wondering what kind of misfortune it is to bear the kind of weight that includes seeing your loved ones on the evening news.

She continues to narrate as she says that being the first to arrive at school meant that she often witnessed the fake corpse-outline graffiti that was a staple at their school. But what surprised her was that it wasn’t just one person—sometimes it was Hyo-shin, or Rachel, or even Myung-soo. “And today… it was Young-do.”

She wonders if it was since discovering that the graffiti wasn’t someone but everyone that she stopped being able to hate the other kids at Jeguk High. She asks if there was ever a morning when Tan came to school with spray paint in hand.

Young-do braces himself before walking up to a café window. Inside is his mother, smiling at customers. He gazes at her for a moment, but when she turns to look in his direction, he bolts behind a wall to stay out of sight and starts to cry.

Eun-sang narrates: “Even if it’s too heavy, or too cruel, or too sad, I hope that the only thing you can do isn’t to get hurt.”

Won greets Tan and VP Yoon on their return, and even praises Tan for doing a good job. He suggests they move back into the house together to show people that they won’t leave it empty, so the two brothers finally end up under the same roof.

Won asks Tan to go see Young-do about receiving power of attorney for his father’s shares, and Tan asks in return for Won to continue with his development project with Zeus. He agrees to do keep his word on that score even with Young-do’s dad in prison.

Tan goes to see Eun-sang and sticks his arms out for a bear-hug, and they have a happy reunion.

He visits Young-do next, and apologizes for having to come to him for a business matter at a time like this. Young-do guesses that Madam Jung is trying to take over the company, and sighs, “Moms. Whether you have ’em or not, they’re trouble.” Ha.

Tan knows they’re not friends, but promises to repay him for the favor if he’ll stand on their side. Young-do tells Tan to repay him now, and asks that he forgive him for the stuff he said to his mom. Aw. I really like 12 Steps Young-do. So…can you be friends NOW?

He gets up to go downstairs for dishwashing duty, which surprises Tan. Young-do points out that right now washing dishes is the only thing he has the power to do.

VP Yoon goes to see Rachel’s mom, who made it clear to Madam Jung earlier that she hadn’t yet chosen which side to take. It really only takes a moment of connection between the two exes for her to take the boys’ side, and they exchange well wishes that seem genuine and not laced with bitterness for the first time ever.

Won meets with his maybe-fiancée next, and agrees to marry her for her vote. I wish I could say this episode weren’t as choppy as it sounds on paper, but things just happen one right after the other. At this point I’m glad we even met this girl before now.

Then it’s time for the stockholders vote to edge Chairman Dad out, and despite Madam Jung’s smugness, the brothers win majority vote in the end and protect Dad’s position. She tells Won not to rest on his laurels thinking the war is over, and says they’ll be doing this again in no time (meaning when the chairman dies once and for all).

But as soon as she says the words, VP Yoon gets the call that Chairman Dad is awake, and he’s going into surgery now. Guess you’ll have to wait a little longer for your war, lady.

The brothers wait outside the surgery ward with VP Yoon and Madam Han, who is beside herself with worry. They get word that surgery went well, and she bursts into tears. Tan chides her for crying over a man who kicked her out, but she obviously doesn’t care about that now, and even Won sees how broken up she is about Dad.

Young-do returns to his mother’s café, and this time he gets up the courage to walk through the door. Mom recognizes him instantly and he just starts to cry standing there in the doorway.

She wipes away his tears and hugs him close, saying that she’s sorry she didn’t wait longer, that she didn’t go to see him. He ekes out, “Mom, Mom…” like he’s trying out the word for the first time.

At school, Hyo-shin passes his books down to Eun-sang and thanks her for being a bright spot in an otherwise dreary high school career, and she notes that it sounds an awful lot like a farewell.

Rachel gets called into the office to give her opinion on her mother’s new line, and her mom asks if she wants to take a single girls’ trip somewhere warm for the winter. At least she’s trying to be a mom now.

Her main concern is that Rachel seems to be taking her sleeping pills, and Rachel says it’s just because she hasn’t been sleeping well. Mom sends her to the psychiatrist anyway to get her own diagnosis and prescription, just in case.

Rachel runs into Hyo-shin at the doctor’s office, and he surprises her by saying rather plainly that he’s a regular patient here. He floors her with even bigger news that he’s headed to the army, and she asks if he has a girl to wait for him. He doesn’t have an answer for that.

He tells her it’s a secret, but she must’ve told Tan anyway, because he comes running to the train station to send Hyo-shin off. I love that Tan is using banmal now, calling Hyo-shin by name (and also “crazy bastard” interchangeably).

He asks how Hyo-shin could just up and go to army without even graduating high school or letting anyone know, but Hyo-shin says it was all he could think of to buy some time and distance from his parents. He knows it’s nuts, but he seems happy about the decision. Tan hugs him, which is super cute because of how awkward it is, but Hyo-shin finally hugs him back and says he’ll return safely. Aw.

Eun-sang sees that Mom is making more bean powder, and wonders why she’s making so much. Mom hesitates to admit that half is to send to her sister, who called to let her know that she got a job.

Eun-sang demands unni’s number, and Mom worries that she’s just going to start another fight, but Eun-sang surprises her by saying she’ll just tell unni that they’re living well and wish her well too.

Mom asks if she really is happy, thinking that all she does is bring her daughters more pain. Eun-sang swears that being Mom’s daughter makes her happy, and hugs her with an “I love you.”

Chairman Dad wakes up after surgery and tells Madam Jung he’ll be filing for divorce. She isn’t the least bit troubled by it, declaring that if she can’t swallow Jeguk whole, she’ll at least take half in the divorce.

Tan brings Eun-sang by for a visit, and though Chairman Dad isn’t exactly warm and friendly, he doesn’t reject the books she brings him.

Tan takes his mom for a walk out in the world as promised, but she quickly decides that this carefree business is hard. Tan points out that it’s the high heels she’s wearing, but she refuses to dress down: “It was my dream to be Miss Korea. I can’t give up the heels.” Ha.

Chan-young and VP Yoon go on a father-son fishing trip like the adorable duo that they are, and then Won and Tan totally crash it, which is even cuter. Chan-young tries to teach Tan about the art of waiting for the fish, which Tan is of course way too impatient to even listen to.

VP Yoon tells Won that the trip is in honor of final exams being over, which reminds Won to ask how Tan did this time around. Tan beams as Chan-young tells them about his fiftieth-place score, and Won looks so proud… that is, until Chan-young’s dad gapes, “Is that good? I didn’t even know there WAS a fiftieth place at Jeguk High.” Haha.

Won scowls and asks how Chan-young placed, and VP Yoon oh-so-casually says he stopped checking long ago because Chan-young is always, so predictably in first place. Hee. They’re cute when they’re being petty about the kids.

Won is instantly back to sneering at Tan after having just been so pleased at fiftieth place, and Tan drags Chan-young away in a huff for being the cause of his grief. VP Yoon asks if Won has told Tan yet, and Won says the story will be in the news tomorrow.

It turns out to be his wedding announcement they’re talking about, as we see Hyun-joo read the story in the news. This is how you let her find out? What the hell, Won? She cries alone at the bus stop after seeing the story, knowing that this time it really is over.

She meets him and takes out the wishbone he gave her long ago and breaks it. Her side is longer so she gets the wish, and she swallows back her tears as she tells him, “My wish is to break up.”

She says she always knew that despite looking at each other from across the same table, they were always worlds apart. All he can do is repeat that he’s sorry over and over. She promised to wave at him as he rose higher, and does so now. She gives a wave: “Goodbye, Oppa,” and leaves him.

Tan greets him with a barrage of questions at home about the sudden wedding, but Won just says it’s the price of the crown he wears. He tells Tan that he’s thought about it, and he doesn’t have to go to the States anymore. But instead he has to stand behind hyung and learn the family business properly.

He makes it clear that this means there is no other future for him to dream of. Won admits it’ll be a little less lonely this way, though still, they both know it’s a lonely road.

Young-do returns to the bike shop and remembers seeing Eun-sang there. He finally takes out the band-aid she gave him and uses it to wrap the cut on his finger from washing dishes at the hotel, perhaps ready to let himself heal.

Chan-young sneaks a kiss with Bo-na, and Tan receives his journal in the mail from his old professor. It’s returned with a note asking what kind of crown he was trying to wear, whether money, fame, or love.

Tan begins to write again, and as he narrates, we see Won sitting at his father’s desk. “The owner of the study has changed. Hyung rose to the place he wanted to rise to. He became strong, but at night he cried. Was his place of exile perhaps the place he lived his whole life—this house?”

As Tan writes the words, Won sits in Dad’s chair and takes out the broken wishbone, breaking down in sobs at the price he paid to sit here.

Tan becomes a senior in high school (which just makes me laugh to realize they were just juniors all this time, holy cow) and Myung-soo greets him with a camera in his face as always, while Rachel walks past without a word.

Tan warns Chan-young to watch his back in first place because he has no middle ground, and Bo-na quips, “So you’re going for hundredth place again?” Ha.

Young-do approaches, and they walk past each other with no friendly words, but no fighting either. Tan narrates that nothing has really changed, and they have yet to properly learn reconciliation.

And then he sits next to Eun-sang, who asks what it was he wished for on his birthday. He says he wished for everyone he knew to be happy, and describes a fantasy that in ten years’ time, he’ll be throwing a big party at his house, and everyone will be there.

We see his fantasy future, where Bo-na and Chan-young and still together and busy working, Hyo-shin is a movie director and still flirting with Rachel who runs her mother’s company, and Young-do is taking over the big project that Won began with his father.

Dad and all the moms are happy and well, and then Tan goes upstairs to his room, where Eun-sang is waiting, and he gives her a kiss.

Back in reality, Eun-sang says it’s a nice fantasy, and Tan says that maybe it’ll come true someday.

Tan narrates: “At eighteen, we fell for each other, we loved, we cried, we ran, we knelt, and we turned our backs on each other countless times.”

A flashback sequence brings us to the present where they walk away hand in hand, and then we fade to some time in the future as they walk down the street the same way.

Eun-sang: “But despite that, at eighteen, we ran toward each other, held hands, and held each other with all our strength. We might stumble again, or kneel again. Despite that…”

Tan: “We go forward.”


The finale pretty much confirmed that this was a twenty-episode drama based on zero conflict and a vague notion of a story. We’ve been on this road for a while so it was no surprise, and in that respect the final episode delivered exactly what I expected—loose ends tied at warp speed, and everyone’s terrible parents suddenly being nice for no real reason other than we’re at Episode 20. I sort of wanted to ask about everyone’s lobotomies but then Dad really went and got his brain re-wired literally, so that kind of takes care of that on a meta level. I could’ve stood to see him suffer more, but he was, like most of the roadblocks in this drama, a device more than a person.

It wasn’t like I hated the drama with a fiery vengeance or anything, though I doubt it’s news that I didn’t love it. It’s just deflating when you get to the end and realize it was all empty, and the conflict that we thought was driving the entire series was basically all for nothing. Talk about a letdown. For a drama that talked of crowns and kingdoms, I still have no idea why Tan and Eun-sang had to do so much running away from each other when they were just going to defy their parents in the end and have Dad become a softy anyway, or when Tan was just going to make nice with his brother and have his cake and eat it too. What is the point? The final flashback sequence actually had the unintended side effect of making me remember just how much drama and angst there was, and for no real reason to boot. I would’ve forgotten, but thanks for the parting reminder, Show.

At least Won got a somewhat interesting ending, though it only made me wish he had been an equal star in this drama. The brothers’ relationship remained the most engaging part, and it’s really a terrible waste that it was sidelined as a bookend story rather than the meat and potatoes, which it should’ve been. I really liked that Won got the gloomier ending, and that it took him getting what he wanted all this time to fully feel the weight of what he had given up to get there. Had the brothers been the central conflict in the story, I might’ve actually cared. A lot, in fact. Oh well. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

As a drama universe, I did like peering in on the world of kids acting like adults, and sort of skipping their youth to go be groomed to run corporations. Only you can’t really skip that part, because then everything comes out sideways as we saw with the myriad of dysfunctional relationships that populated this world. I wish the drama had said something about it other than pointing it out though, because nothing changes. The world goes on and the rich stay rich, and the dysfunction just evolves. I suppose they’re meant to be growing pains like any other, but somehow I feel like we basically got told twenty times that first-world problems are hard too. Cry me a river.

I guess in the grand scheme of things I had a better time in Episodes 19 and 20 because everyone finally got to be happy or nice, so at least we end on an up-note, even if it hurts the head a little to ask too many questions like why or how. I wish I could say that the drama followed through on its most interesting ideas, or that the romance truly earned a happily ever after by walking through the fire and sacrificing everything for love. But mostly I think we just went through the motions. We sure went through a lot of hoops, but I never once felt the temperature rise.


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I demand a Won-Hyunjoo's spinoff!


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Heirs OST "Moment" – Changmin (2AM)

In your eyes, in your mind, love is being drawn
Even if we’re far apart, even if we’re hidden, love is you

I hope the yearning that the wind brings can tell
you of my heart

Love is the moment, the day, the moment you came
You filled up my eyes, you filled up my heart and I keep thinking of you
Love is the moment, the day, the moment you left
I can’t forget it, I keep thinking about it

Close your eyes, close your ears, I feel the love
Even if I can’t catch you, even if I can’t hug you, love
is you

I hope the longing that is hidden in the sunlight can
tell you my heart

Love is the moment, the day, the moment you came
You filled up my eyes, you filled up my heart and I
keep thinking of you
Love is the moment, the day, the moment you left
I can’t forget it, I keep thinking about it

Love is the moment, the day, the moment I let you go
My heart stopped, time stopped, it keeps hurting
Love is the moment, the day, the moment I left you
Love left too, it keeps hurting

In your eyes, in your mind, love is…


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Heirs OST “Love Is...”– Park Jang Hyun, Park Hyun Kyu

Love is feeling – the moment I first saw you – love is feeling
As if time had stopped, I was in love with you and I wanted you

Love is my pain – the more I love – Love is my pain
The world gets jealous and hurts someone like you

The person who makes me breathe, there’s only one person who is deeply engraved in my heart
The person who lives in my eyes, there’s only one person who I’ve hidden in my heart

You, the one person
I love you

My unforgettable love, my happy love
Love is love is love is love is feeling

Love is my heart – an unstoppable love – Love is my heart
Even a severe sadness can’t stop our love

The person who makes me breathe, there’s only one person who is deeply engraved in my heart
The person who lives in my eyes, there’s only one person who I’ve hidden in my heart

My precious person, the person who taught me love, it’s you
The person who is nailed inside my head, the person who lives in my memories, it’s you

You, the one person
I love you

My unforgettable love, my happy love
Love is love is love is love is feeling

Love is feeling


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Heirs OST "I’m Saying" (말이야) – Lee Hong Ki (of FT ISLAND)

Because I was surprised by the love that came to me secretly
Only the heart tingling memories have remained
Not knowing the tears welled up in your eyes and turning away from you — I regret it

I was young back then, I didn’t know back then so I hurt you
Now I know but it’s too late

I’m saying that I can only see you, I’m saying that I love you
I’m saying that I only see you even when I close my eyes
I’m saying that I only call out to you, I’m saying that I love you
I’m saying that I only call out to you even when my mouth is covered

Because I was hurting over a foolish love, I only gave you a selfish love
Not telling you that I love you and just watching over you — I regret it

Saying I’m sorry, saying I love you, you can’t hear it anymore
But now I am shouting out to you

I’m saying that I can only see you, I’m saying that I love you
I’m saying that I only see you even when I close my eyes
I’m saying that I only call out to you, I’m saying that I love you
I’m saying that I only call out to you even when my mouth is covered

A love that makes me crazy, a love that makes me want to die
Even with these severe scars, it can only be you

I’m saying that I only look for you, I’m saying that I love you
I’m saying that I only look for you even when you hide every time
I’m saying that I think of you, I’m saying that I love you
I’m saying that I only think of you till my heart grows numb

I’m saying that I only call out to you, I’m saying that I love you
I’m saying that I only call out to you even when my mouth is covered


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“The Heirs” Parody of Lee Min Ho and Kim Woo Bin’s “Forbidden Love”

"On various online community forums, two parody clips titled “What Happened to Two Heirs” and “What Happened to Two Heirs II” have been circulating. The parody draws a love line between Kim Tan (Lee Min Ho) and Choi Young Do (Kim Woo Bin) in what seems like a forbidden love-type story. The title seems to be referring to the past hit, “What Happened In Bali.”

The clips are excellently edited to have the actual lines from the drama fit the story of Kim Tan and Choi Young Do’s forbidden love! Lee Min Ho and Kim Woo Bin’s stellar facial acting pairs along with the beautifully sad music as well!"



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Was hesitant whether to watch it or not. Now reading the comments for the finale i think i can watch it some day but only to read the comments for episodes 1-19 because the comments seem much more fun than the series itself.


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It feels like this show went on forever and really did nothing or said nothing. I dropped it around episode 12 but I was still kinda keeping up with the recaps. I have to say I'm happy it's over because that means love from another star can finally start.
It's weird because I wasn't expecting to find something thought provoking or game changing in Heirs but I was expecting a guilty pleasure that I'd enjoy, not a boring whine and stare fest that kind of irritated me.
When the first stills came out and people were already pointing out Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye's lack of chemistry, I still kept my hopes up that it wouldn't be the case…but man, was I wrong. I've never seen such little chemistry between two young good looking actors…they just felt like repelling magnets, and them trying so hard to sell how much they REALLYLOVEEACHOTHERSOMUCHOMGISWEARLOOKATMECRY just made it worse because you could see the strain in their eyes…despite all the tears trying to tell you otherwise. I doubt LMH and PSH actively dislike each other or anything because at least that would make for some interesting energy, instead we get an incredibly boring pair that I found zero interest in. I feel bad saying that because I do think they are both pretty good actors and have liked them both a lot in other roles.
Young Do and Won were both interesting to me, Young Do more so…Won felt rather wasted. But again, this whole show was a wasted opportunity….I was so down with a Gossipgirlesque guilty pleasure kdrama that may not have been a quality show but still got you hooked ala BOF, Gossip Girl, or the OC. Boys Over Flowers was ridic but I ate up every minute of it. At least it wasn't pretending to be more than it was which I think is what Heirs tried to do and it just couldn't bear the weight (ha ha) of the importance it tried to give itself when it didn't even have anything of importance to say let alone anything to say at all.
Gossip Girl and OC both got pretty ridiculous in the last seasons, but the first seasons were so.good. I mean, I still rewatch those first few episodes when I'm sick and feel like staying in bed and doing nothing with my life. That just proves that you can make interesting conflict out of first world problems even if it is mostly self involved rich people backstabbing and hooking up with each other.
I do think Heirs as a concept had potential at one point, way before the story was developed into the mess that it was. It would have been fun to have Eun Sang and Tan meet, with Eun Sang then falling for Young Do and struggling with it or maybe having them just being good friends and hanging out all the time because they were fun to watch…giving Rachel more to do and having her be more likable and Blairesque, still bitchy but not as psycho….having Tan either be less of a controlling baby or just be acknowledged as the controlling baby that he is…having more Bo-Na and Chan Young who were indeed adorable...having the other side characters more fleshed out so that I actually cared or remembered their names
…blah who cares. As girlfriday said, woulda, shoulda, coulda….oh well. I'm just happy it's oooover and I won't ever have to think about Heirs again!
P.S They should have played "Royals" at some point...


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one of the most silly plot with easiest happy ending and no chemistry. This drama certainly made for young teens. I bet the director kept yelling to PSH during the last kiss scene,' do not squint! Be natural!!@


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Just wondering if Dramabeans will recap You From Another Star... I hope so, can't wait for that drama!


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The 10-Year-Later Party reminds me of "Titanic"movie.

Anyway I like the show (not really, really like it but like it)
And I feel very sorry for Kim Won. He's the one who suffers the most.

I love Kim Tan and Eun Sang even though there's not much of passionate. But it's (Asian) high school drama. It's suppose to be like that. Just like CY and Bo Na, they are happy just to be together, talking and playing around. (I mean there won't be so many 'love scene' like in American movie)


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All I want to say is, FINALLY! It's over. Now onto "You From Another Star". :)


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I will miss choi young do


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It's OVER! *yay* Followed the recaps here for YoungDo/Kim Woo Bin.

I hope this will be Lee MinHo's last role acting as a teenager.


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This is going to be one of those shows people look back and say "wow I can't believe I liked this show".


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Thank goodness I stopped watching early! Like at ep 4 :)


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Can I know what song when young do met his mother?


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I believe it's called Logical Love. It's in the second OST


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I haven't been able to watch this drama and is also not planning to watch it since the school thing makes me want to run away. But man, I just had to comment that Lee Min Ho looks soooo skinny lately!!! In the last picture, Park Shin Hye looks like she had more meat on than him. Yikes! It's probably their harsh live shooting schedule, but please take care of himself after cuz that's scary...


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After viewing all the comments on 'Heirs', are these from the non-Korean point of view? Still, how successful 'Heirs' be judging from the show's rating er..over 20% koreans viewers? Will 'Heirs' be awarded something for somewhere in the coming EOY2013 award? Like the best couple? or Best Kisser ( hee hee, just kidding) or the worst dressed??!!
N agreed that LMH should act in a more mature or dynamic role, PSH too try more serious/sci fi type. N oh, can LMH speak English properly...Would like to see leading role for KWB, CYS and others n yes, thumb up for Krystal, she's quite a charmer girl.


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It had a nice ending.


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as someone who liked eunsang and tan in the beginning of the series I was completely disinterested in their scenes this episode because all their conflict was resolved two episodes ago and any time spent on them was time NOT spent on wrapping up the other characters stories in a meaningful way. KES has ensemble cast stuff before in Gentlemen's Dignity so I have no idea why she screwed up so badly here.

poor hyo shin's story got shafted to side and I thought his resolution was the most head scratching wtf??? thrown in at the last minute resolution ever. his story was so interesting and we get him getting shipped off to the army???? how is that going to help his suicidal tendencies and his messed up relationship with his parents in any way?

wish there was more hyunjoo and won. I was heartbroken when they broke up and it felt like realistic ending but I wanted to see more of the aftermath especially from hyunjoo's side.....also whatever happened to the hyunjoo/hyoshin story did they just completely forget about that too?

I felt like youngdo's story was the definitely the most "complete" out of all the characters (including tan and eunsang's) I agree that they should have toned down his crazy a couple episodes earlier but I did like how they handled his redemption these past couple of episodes, especially the fact that he went out of his way to apologize to joonyoung and accepts the fact that he has to live the rest of his life knowing that he ruined someone's highschool years. I also thought that his relationship with his father was written with a surprising amount of nuance and complexity- from little moments this episode you can tell that his father does care about him but it is overshadowed by his violent behavior. The scene with Youngdo and his mom and his "umma" gutted me. Kim Woobin was really giving his A game and it really showed because his scenes were the only ones that resonated with me emotionally. My biggest gripe with his story arc is that he and eunsang didn't become friends....I really liked where there relationship was going and they kind of it ended it for the sake of being ~dramatic~ but why why why didn't eunsang just reach out to him afterwards? sigh. Kim Woobin has definitely convinced me that he is a phenomenal actor and needs to be a lead asap from his performance here

despite it's flaws I still thought Heirs was an entertaining guilty pleasure watch that had nuggets of goodness underneath all the obnoxious product placement, excessive staring and LOVE IS THE MOMENTTTT


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"despite it’s flaws I still thought Heirs was an entertaining guilty pleasure watch that had nuggets of goodness underneath all the obnoxious product placement, excessive staring and LOVE IS THE MOMENTTTT"

This quote - I am in total agreement with you. Great summation (much needed/succinct bullet points) because we already know that in the future people will invariably ask if Heirs is worth watching. Of course a battlefield of responses will ensue between the lovers/haters offering and standing behind their entrenched opinions.


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Wow. This finale was... good. And bad. Good because it tied up all the loose ends and Young-do finally got to see his mother and have a sweet reunion. And bad because everything else was predictable. The brothers winning over mom, Kim Tan getting his girl..... Well, maybe except Won and Hyun-joo's breakup. (I'm a sucker for romance, okay?) I mean, that showed us how Won prioritized things, but still, it broke both of their hearts. (And probably mine.)


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I love that song, so much.


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I miss Bo Na - Chan Young already ;;
Choi Young Do... aniya.. Kim Woo Bin, next time on your next project... I wish you got 'the girl' :] kkk


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on the contrary park shin hye got a very big leg xD


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I still feel quite up satisfying here. To me, Young Do was the most developed character but the conflict that was driving more than 50% of the show has never been resolved. ES send KT not talking to YD and can't even be friends how is that a change? Because they are not enemies anymore. Well, I didn't believe even one second that they were. YD and KT should properly reconcile and they should have gotten a cameo of Suzy or Hyuna (mentioned in earlier episode) as a transfer student of some sort.

Well, goodbye Heirs, you've been strangely addictive yet so empty.

P.S. I'm sure KT clothes are by haute designer but truly, no one would wear that ensemble in their right mind! Just wear a tux LMH you are super handsome without those plaids


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A'ight, let's move on.


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Dear GF and JB

Can you please discuss the acting delivered by the leads.

Thank you...


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15 episodes filled with angst, jealousy, hatred and all things negative. 5 episodes filled will most things positive. Would have LOVED to see the couple getting together earlier, brothers loving each other and the 2 friends forgiving each other. If only the drama played out this way..Most people prefer happy, tug at your heart kind of situations..
Anyways, good riddance. We can now move on to other dramas.


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Heirs, to be honest for me is a show that I love to hate because it's fun to hate and mock Heirs..
Reasons to hate:
1. Kim Tan's aggressive behaviour that supposed to be romantic. He stalks, bully, pushing, shoving, forcing skinship. Who on earth think it's romantic??
2. Fashion crimes/disasters. Especially Kim Tan's clothes. How about to raise a motion to kill the stylist/coordis?? The clothes should never ever make appearance again in this earth
3. Eun Sang's timid helpless character that cry in very episode. I love Park Shin Hye and I believe she is good actress but ES is like carricature and I don't know whether it's writer or acting fault or both
4. Lack of plot development when we all know where this drama should be headed to

Credit to character like Young Do, Bona, Chanyoung and because it feels like an obligation, I managed to finish this drama.


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This drama is stupid! I hate it.
I expected more from Lee Min Ho but this was a huge letdown.


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I need a happy ending for Kim Won, he's just one of the few charchters I cared about in this drama, despite not being a huge fan of the actor, I know the ending presented here is more logical for him and his ambitions, but this drama was never famous for its logic, so I'll just pretend the episode ended at the HAPPY fishing trip, where he's smiling, and griping about Tan's mark. Yes, I AM AT DENIAL LAND. LALALALALA


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So...as i watched the finale a few things came to mind...

1. A Big, BIG hurray to know that this is the LAST high school themed drama LMH and some of the others will do.

2. New title... "St-Heiring" because it they did it a lot and so did we as the drama was more eye-candy and fan service than drama. At points it really felt like it was constructed to be a "we-packed-in-so-many-hot-right-now-actors-fans-will-rewatch-this-just-because-even-in-years-to-come" drama. Vehicle for residuals?

3. KWB - first time watching you and you now have a fan.

4. LMH and CJH - sadly your best scenes (i.e. the scenes in which you were not wasted) were the crying scenes.

5. Bo Na and Eun Sang's mom were my favorite characters.

I won't miss nor the sound track it but I am glad to read that some of you liked it and came away with a lot.

LMH....congratulations on finally graduating high school!! Now please burn that uniform or I'll start to think you want to be Peter Pan for real.

Love is never having to hear that song ever again.


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waste of time


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Oy vey. The only thing this drama could be even more of a cliche is if they had Eun Sang's mom talking again.

But i will miss it. Especially Choi Young Do who I'm glad have his mommy again.


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And it wouldn't be bad if they're trying to set up a Won-Hyun Joo spinoff. I'd watch that one. And then they should have cameos from errrrrone :)


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I mean this in the most polite and non offensive way possible but this question has been plaguing me for a very long time. Why would you waste 20 hours watching something that you're going to hate? I mean, Javabeans and Girlfriday have to write summaries so that's understandable. And I know how people always bash on commenters who tell them to not watch the drama if you're going to hate it but personally I just quit watching dramas if they're terrible and stay away from it as far as possible. And yet so many people have watched all 20 episodes and come back saying they hated every minute of it.


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I agree.

But hey, those people already "wasted" 20 hours of their life watching the show. What's another half hour or so complaining about it? Heirs might not have been the best i terms of depth, but it was certainly entertaining. So many beautiful people all at once :)


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Pwahaha! I know! The story was horrible and I still don't understand why there were so many crying scenes but I loved watching it. Heirs made two months of my life enjoyble.


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I don't hate every minute of it. At first, I watched it for LMH and KWB. Then for KWB only. I was actually looking forward to Wed and Thu for the new episodes. But the show itself is a big letdown. It's entertaining and full of beautiful people but there's really no story. I know as much at the end of the 20th episode as after reading the show description for the very first time on dramabeans. I couldn't stop watching because of KWB. It is my first time ever not rooting for the main couple. I'm trying my best to explain why I wasted 25-30 hours on this show and I honestly do not find your question offensive. I've asked myself the very same question too. For example, I do not have any particular feeling for the leads but the drama itself was so much fun it pulled me right in even though I wasn't a big fan of either GHJ or SJS. Also, like another comment below, I had to rewatch City Hunter in order to tell myself that LMH is so cool. And I didn't feel this way with his other dramas (I didn't watch Faith). The writing of Kim Tan really damages LMH which is the most absurd thing given that the writer said that she had him in mind when she was writing this story. I can only wonder why - Was she trying to ruin him? And again, Secret Garden (unlike many people here) is one of my favorite Kdrama.


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My example above was Master's Sun.


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Faith was well worth my time. It had action, comedy, romance, suspense, intrigue, and heartache. I am glad that I was able to look past the limitations of the director/directing and still enjoy this Kdrama. The actors, casting, and storytelling really helped Faith overcome some of its shortcomings.

The drama’s plot and main characters tackled what FAITH requires:

1) Trust
2) Courage
3) Preparation
4) Confidence
5) Victory

From their initial meeting to their final moments together, Lee Min-Ho (as Choi Young) and Kim Hee-Sun (as Yoo Eun-Soo) did a remarkable job portraying their characters’s silent/subtle moments, facial expressions, and journey with each other.

I had a ball and loved watching Faith!


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thank you for your review! sad it's over, sad the show wasn't what it could have been. But did get introduced to one of my all time favourite drama characters- Young do, so it wasn't all bad!



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Thanks for introducing me to Woobin and Choi Jinhyuk. That's it, im gonna watch their other dramas now


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Is there a "Guide to Bo-Na" list somewhere so I can just flip through all 20 episodes watching Krystal act?


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We also need an international petition signed by millions of Park Shin Hye fans begging her to take no roles with crying scenes for at least two years.


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I'm sure some might even request adding kissing scenes to the petition.


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I was really impressed by all the training some of these actors go through for their roles. Six months of figure skating here, six weeks of military drill over there, a month on the streets with a police officer for a cop show, a year of martial arts for a saguek . . .


'Forty Year-Old Virgin' is not just an American movie, it is apparently the standard contract warranty for all Kdrama leading lades. Even if they've been married and given birth. Multiple times.


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Ok so I stopped watching this drama since ep 8 or 9 and just stuck with the recaps now that its over I'll go back and finish it up
As for the cast Lee Min Ho as Kim Tan I just don't know I didn't really like him in this role at the beginning yes I did somewhere along the way I didn't,Kim Tan to me deducted from Lee Min ho's star power,at some some point I had to watch City hunter again to remind myself how awesome LMH is,if heirs was my first LMH drama I'm sure I wouldn't love him so much and I must add that I hated his look all through this drama except for when he was in california
Kim Woo Bin:at first I didn't get the hype over this guy but as time went by I began to see how good he was as an actor though I'm not yet a huge fan but he really sold his character and I'll watch out more for him
Park Shin hye:I was never a PSH fan and still am not,gosh I disliked the CES character always crying and the kissing scenes were just horrible she looked like she was being jumped.I've come to realize that I like her not as a whole character but as a person or a cameo or in a CF
LeeBona,ChanYoung,MyungSoo,Hyunshik even rachel(tho I didn't like her at first) made this drama for me I just loved them
One question tho:is that really how the uppercrust rich korean society is?I'm really curious
Finally I'm going to miss the drama though cos this is the first korean drama I followed from the start to the end and followed its airing time news and all(I went in for LMH but followed through for the rest) and I'm going to miss 'IVOIRE's' numerous questions,'OWL's' episode titles and windsun,Faye and Dramaomma's comments
Till we meet again beannie's


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There was an awful lot of hype for this drama, and the writing didn't live up to it. Just a lot of fluff. I kept hoping for more, but found myself at the last episode thinking wtf? I was surprised at the future party sequence that the two leads were not married. I really thought when the camera panned to them in Tan's bedroom that we would see wedding rings and a baby bump.


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I stop watching from the 14th episodes

This drama is so predictable

In the end, I still can't have Choi Young Do and Eun Sang be together

Kim Tan, is just too sucks (pathetic lover, lame joke) except when he protects his mother and chooses love over money

also, other characters' development are just not good enough

and the drama is overrated/overpopulated. people just watch it for Lee Minho, Park Shin Hye and Won Bin (brilliant acting)

This (drama) could have be somewhat better =='

*sad .....


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Your comments have been shot on this whole time. The last four episodes I have looked forward to reading then so that I didn't actually have to watch the show to find out if things were continuing on as limply as they were. There was a moment halfway through when I realized that the psychopath (YD) was a way more compelling romantic lead ES... because he actually took action instead of sulking in a corner... and I said to myself " Right. Time to move on."


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i don't like the part where Won ends up alone!!

and whatever happened to hyo shin and rachel after 2years??


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Choi Jin Hyuk was practically not around in the first half. Such a waste and totally agree that they should have focused on the brothers...rather than the father vs sons bit....Makes me wonder, why Bo Na's family is OK with Chan Young and her dating! Her parents are normal? or rather abnormal in Kdrama land XD


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her family are probably more lenient on status thus she can date chan young happily
even her older brother is okay with it


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Why korean actress can't act like they are in love, is that something to be ashamed of, but that's just acting. I felt more chemistry between kim tan and his mother and other boys. I just cant see the so much called chemistry between YD and CES. If they want to make best couple goes to:
MS and YD
Ra and YD
KT and YD
KT and HS
KT and his moter
Bona and CY
I think kim tan has chemistry with everyone except ES. Poor him his love was one sided


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Good Grief. CJH winds up alone again! He NEVER gets the girl! Not in INR1, GFB and now, Heirs! He does the crying bit so beautifully though - broke my heart. It's been several hours since I watched the last episode and I'm still grieving. It's a pity that was the last episode, one can only hope his new heiress fiancee absconds on their wedding day - eloping with her old flame. Seriously, he winds up engaged to a woman he doesn't even LIKE. At least KT and Rachel were friends and liked each other!

Enough of this rant and on to another.... Was KT really surprised that Rachel gave him the cut direct? Seriously the girl really liked you and you broke her heart, she's now on sleeping pills, not only that but you're flaunting your relationship with ES everywhere and you expect her to be happy for you and still be your friend? Nice going.

Same issue with YD & KT. I don't see a reconciliation in their future as long as ES is with KT. Maybe that's the reason why they will always remain frenemies.

I'm glad YD found his mother, but she really needs a huge explanation for her absence all these years. I mean she couldn't even text, call or write a letter (even anonymous) and she was still in Seoul? What mother cuts off all contact like that with their underage child? I feel we needed to know a little more than "I'm sorry YD, I planned on coming back soon but I couldn't". Bittersweet reunion, that.

I'm glad YD is growing up and taking responsibility for his actions but it's realistic to expect his victim not to forgive him. He really did make that boys life hell.

One more rant... after all YD did for ES, I felt it was a huge shame that ES couldn't reach out to YD when his father got arrested and was on TV. She couldn't text, phone or visit him? Here's a guy who went out of his way to look for you when you ran away. I felt this was really unfair, but what can I say, they are teenagers after all...

So many sweet moments... Chan Young and Bo Na still going strong... they are my favorite couple by far and I loved how he sneaked in a kiss from his lady love. Chan Young and his dad on a fishing trip. Chan Young's dad and Rachel's Mom reminiscing over old times at an old haunt of theirs. Speaking of which, WHY can't they get back together? I don't see any obstacle to their romance. I mean CY's dad's a frigging VP, he's no slouch. Shouldn't that be enough for the status conscious Esther?

I didn't foresee HS going to the army, but it was a nice surprise.

All in all - the end of Heirs was way better than the middle or beginning. There was so much wasted potential for this show, but the eye candy somewhat made up for it and the ending left it on a high note.

My final verdict - Not a bad show - not the best by any means - but I can understand why it was addicting to many viewers. Maybe a 5 or a 6 out of 10?


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Good points - nice post!

You may want to refer to Post # by KDaddict in the Heirs Episode 16 Recap thread for the reason or hidden message behind the actions of Choi Young-Do's mother.


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'Are you park shin hye,if you so never act with kim woobin again'
LMAO!! Omg this is just priceless,I really don't see 'I <3 heirs' person is so worked up over the fact that not everyone liked the heirs


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A salam Alikm every one Oh Heirs is finally finished . I am going to miss it alot . The end was great for me . It is more like clousre to all characters . I cried alot on Won , I hoped that he will get a happy ending with the one he love. but at the end he choosed hid company rather than love. yet I felt really sad on him and may be that why he asked Tan to stay with him .
Young do had a clousre too. He started to be more as repected person and he got the courage to meet his mother after all these years .
Tan and E S will always look amazing and refreshing .
I am satisfied with the end 100 percent .

Thanks alot for all your recaps and efforts . You are amazing.


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WONDERFUL...Thank you for your recap and comment about the drama. I find your post is most fair-and balance. You criticize it base on what it is-not letting the handsomeness/cuteness or beauty of the characters to affect your judgement.
"Heirs" is a OK drama to me..still, it could have been a much better work!
The casts who all are eye-candies are the sole reason for the success of this drama.


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What place was EunSang?? They never told us! Haha, I almost thought that she would beat Chan Young or at least Rachel! :)


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