Heirs: Episode 19

Finale week means we’re wrapping up loose ends, and one nice side effect is that angst steps aside and lets cuteness and humor a moment in the spotlight. I won’t say it didn’t take forever and a day (or that everything makes the most sense, plotwise), but neither am I about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Jokes and smiles, come on in. We’ve all earned it, haven’t we?


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The Jeguk family arrives at Tan’s birthday party, and by family I mean the entire dysfunctional brood including Chairman Dad’s own siblings and nephews. There’s a lot of false concern for the chairman’s health and superficial smiling, which seems like par for the course for all these heirs.

Our high school cast is mostly present, and Bo-na lights up in surprise to see an unexpected face: “Oh my god, Oppa?” She goes off after a very spiffy-looking Lee Hyun-jin (cameo!) and Chan-young furrows his brow. It’s so cute how he gets pissy, particularly when Bo-na links arms with Oppa and brings him over for introductions.

Chan-young starts in on her right away and crossly tells her to drop the linked arms, only to find out that Oppa is her real oppa, as in brother. Heh. Immediately Chan-young adopts a contrite demeanor and speaks politely.

Won arrives to see that his parents are sitting with his would-be fiancée, which isn’t a welcome sight as he has no interest in marrying that heiress. He asks where her boyfriend went and she says that he’s too poor to bring to places like this, and when asked whether he has a girlfriend, Won freely admits it. Not-Quite-Fiancée smirks that their similarity is why they’ll get along well, which he flatly contradicts.

Now Tan makes his grand entrance with Eun-sang, and the paparazzi go nuts. With flashbulbs going off madly around them, Tan takes her hand and tells her it’s an honor to be here with her, and in they go with heads held high.

It’s a sight that immediately hardens the faces of Chairman Dad and Madam Jung, while even Won looks stunned at the ballsy move. I have to say this does make a really nice point, because Won and his heiress both have “commoner” honeys but it didn’t even occur to them to break convention—they’re dating in secret, even if they say there’s no shame involved—while Tan is all, Fuck ’em all. I do have to admire that message.

Tan and Eun-sang head straight for the parents, who have no choice but to shut up and look pleasant for the sake of the cameras. Tan thanks his father for the lovely party, and Eun-sang offers a polite greeting. Tan then greets his uncles and cousins, and introduces Eun-sang to them as well. The wall of reporters clamors for a statement, but Chairman Dad says they’ve gotten their photos and has them ushered out.

Dad wastes no time pulling the two kids aside so he can yell at them, but Tan stands firm. He states calmly that he isn’t afraid of his father, nor does he desire the things Dad wants him to have above Eun-sang, and therefore asks for Dad to give his approval. Perhaps the chairman finally sees that Tan isn’t going to budge, or perhaps he’s got other thoughts in mind, but he grudgingly tells Tan to go ahead and date the girl. He says it’s not an approval and believes that both kids will regret it later, saying, “Don’t ever think I lost to you. I’m just letting you off the hook.”

But he leaves it at that, and Tan breaks into a huge smile of relief, telling Eun-sang that all of Dad’s bluster was to preserve his pride, and that they’ve passed one great hurdle. I’m not so sure this is a victory, but that may be a fault of the writing because this scene is no different from all the other showdowns we’ve seen and doesn’t feel like it’s arrived at any sort of resolution.

Tan and Eun-sang accept it as good news, though, and he takes her up to Mom’s new apartment to visit her, since she wasn’t allowed to his birthday party. Tan presents her with a cake and a gift—a necklace with a key pendant—that brings tears to his mother’s eyes.

Adorably, Madam Han asks after Mom, and the next thing we know a fancy car pulls up to Mom’s neighborhood. Mom lights up to see her, and Madam Han gives her a great big hug. Madam Han chides Mom with leaving so abruptly and asks if she missed her. Aww, I love this relationship. They’re gonna be the best moms-in-law ever.

Tan drops by Young-do’s place to take care of some loose ends. Young-do sees what he’s driving at and suggests that they be neither sorry nor grateful to each other (particularly regarding each other’s mothers), in his characteristic if-we-don’t-talk-about-it-maybe-we-won’t-feel-it way (I never thought I’d say it, but avoidance does seem to be Young-do’s fatal flaw). But Tan says that while Young-do isn’t obligated to feel either way, he wants to tell him that he is both, and leaves it at that.

Young-do stops Tan’s exit to say that he knows his mother’s departure wasn’t Tan’s fault, but that he needed to hate him for it. Tan understands this and accepts it in his calm, composed way. Acknowledgment, not reconciliation.

Young-do sees a stack of photos of Tan and Eun-sang from the party, and Myung-soo tries too late to cover them up. Playing the part of supportive buddy, he shows Young-do the poster he made, which states that there are no Tans, Eun-sangs, or dogs allowed here. Young-do scoffs, “What crime has the dog committed?” Heh.

Over drinks, Mom cutely nags Madam Han for leaving the house when she has no skills with which to strike out on her own. Madam Han is feeling rather glum, owning that she is where she is because she wanted the home and life that belonged to another woman, and as a result she never was able to be a proper wife or mother.

Overcome with emotion, Madam Han steps out to sob on the beach. Mom quietly joins her, doing nothing but offering her silent support.

Tan and Eun-sang are surprised to arrive in the same cafe coincidentally, only to find that they’ve both been called by Won. The brothers want Eun-sang to move into that apartment, but she’s already decided to return to her old neighborhood with her mother.

Half-teasing and half-serious, she tells Tan that they could always break up and that would be mighty messy if she were living in a place he supplied, which leads to a round of bickering wherein they both ignore Won. She’s all, Sure we’re mad for each other NOW… and Tan’s all, We’re gonna be together forever!

Next, it’s time to win Mom’s approval for the relationship, and Tan kneels before her and asks for her to accept them. Mom takes a curiously long time to respond, and at that Madam Han bursts into the room (having eavesdropped, lol) and gets indignant at Mom’s hesitation. This leads to both women bragging about their kids being too good for the other, and Mom snappishly Eun-sang on curfew.

In the heated arguing that ensues, Mom raises a fist to hit Eun-sang in the arm, and Tan darts in front to take the hit instead, which makes all four freeze in surprise. So Eun-sang hisses at Tan to go with it and he drops to the ground, yelling in exaggerated pain, adding feebly, “But if she were to approve, I think I’d feel better.” HA.

Mom ain’t no fool, though, and hits Tan a second time, glaring. But they understand that she’s grudgingly onboard, and the kids thank her.

Eun-sang moves again, and to her surprise Tan is already there when she arrives. He’s prepared a surprise for her and leads her in with eyes covered, revealing a slideshow of sorts—it’s a compilation of videos featuring Eun-sang, cobbled together from handheld camera clips and, omg, his stalker security footage. Way to overtly romanticize the creepy.

He complains at her reaction, which isn’t nearly gooey enough for his liking. She reminds him that she prefers horror to romance, though she does sneak in a peck on the cheek. Not content with that, Tan mock-threatens more romance on her and ends up chasing her around the apartment.

At school, the mean girls are back to picking on the one who’s down, and today it’s Rachel. Armed with the gossip of her mother’s broken engagement, the girls snipe about people only tolerated her due to her connection with Tan. Leading the charge is Yi-sol, because nobody ever learns.

Young-do’s interference is enough to get them to skitter off, though, and he slings an arm around her and tells her to make it look like they’re on good terms. She tells him that his fear quotient is on the wane, but he’s okay with that and declares that he’ll continue being her oppa. I actually like that this duo never developed much romantic chemistry, because to me it’s somehow sweeter that they’ve got to this point of (grudging) mutual caring. They’d both rather die than admit it, but Rachel asks about his father’s company and is relieved to hear that things are okay for now.

As he walks down the corridor, Young-do sees Eun-sang heading toward him and she prepares to say something… but he just passes on by.

Bo-na tells Eun-sang that the midterm rankings are out, warning her with vague dire threats should Chan-young have lost his place due to worrying about Eun-sang too much.
if she made Chan-young’s grades drop.

When Eun-sang gets to the bulletin board, a crowd has already amassed—they’re being blocked by Tan, who is blocking the sheet from view, HA. When he sees Eun-sang, he rips the page from the board and runs off, and she exclaims, “Are you last place again?”

Eun-sang snatches the sheet from him and he grabs her wallet in turn. He admits that he hasn’t looked yet—he isn’t ready to know how he scored. But as it turns out, Chan-young took a photo of the whole list and has uploaded it, HAHA.

Tan cringes to himself in dread, but Eun-sang sees that he’s made it to 50th place and he immediately puffs up in pride. Like you weren’t just about to dig a hole and crawl into it. He declares that his life has finally found a middle ground… and then gets pissy when Eun-sang marvels at Young-do’s placement, having shot up to 27th.

Of course, when Tan asks what place she is, she just runs away. Lol.

Young-do dedicates himself to improving his judo as well, practicing up a storm and then going up against his father again. And finally, he manages to take him down for the first time, and his father concedes the defeat. He asks what Young-do wants as reward, and Young-do answers, “Mom.” Aw. Unfortunately this is something his father can’t give him, because he doesn’t know where she is either. A bit bitterly, Young-do says, “That’s fortunate.”

So it’s back to that snack shop he goes, staring at that familiar wall. Today, however, the ajumma notices his name tag and realizes that he’s the Young-do she was asked to pass along a message to. (Seriously, Heirs? HOW CONVENIENT.) She passes him a business card that a pretty woman left for her a while ago, which belongs to the owner of a cafe named Secret Garden. Geddit?

The broadcasting club is working with a couple other students from another school, and Bo-na enjoys the idea of getting to hang out with cute boys. She and Eun-sang head off to meet with them, while Hyo-shin chuckles as he texts their boyfriends, stirring the pot with glee.

So it is that the girls are mid-introductions when the boyfriends arrive glaring, asserting their places and sending the other boys away. The foursome get into a four-way bickering match over this, because of course Tan can’t scold Bo-na without Chan-young butting in, and then Eun-sang has to defend Tan, and then everybody’s just snapping at everybody else. Oh, jealousy.

Still, this is the kind of fighting Tan is happy to engage in, as he tells Eun-sang later, because this conflict is solely between them—it’s not driven by others. I can get behind that statement, that’s for sure. Then he gives Eun-sang a new wallet to replace her old one, in which he has placed a photo of himself, of course.

Chan-young’s father drops by an old haunt in a rundown-looking building, the kind of musty coffee shop that plays old records. To his surprise he finds Rachel’s mother there, and they sit down for a coffee together, exchanging a few pleasantries before she admits that she doesn’t really know how to be in love. She explains that Rachel cried over her broken engagement, having liked Tan but not knowing how to handle it, and it’s something Mom was never able to teach because she herself never knew how to do.

Wistfully, she says that it made her reflect on the way she’s lived, thinking she only wanted to chase riches, that she could live without Chan-young’s father.

Tan wants his mother to move out of the hotel room and into a nice apartment, but she declares that she’s through with fancy houses and the like. She wants to wander the world with her own two feet, and tells Tan to return home to Dad. Tan just says that she’s his father now.

It’s a sad affair in the empty Kim mansion, with Chairman Dad having chased off everybody close to him. He envisions a younger Won and Tan coming home from school, and stops himself from hugging childhood Tan, stopped by Won’s harsh stare. But it’s only a vision, and Dad realizes he’s all alone in this room—just as a wave of pain hits and he collapses.

The brothers and Madam Han rush to the hospital, where they are told that the chairman is in a coma from his brain hemorrhage, and unless he wakes, they can’t operate. Madam Jung, on the other hand, realizes that this is the moment she’s been waiting for, and moves into action. While Won is distracted, she calls a meeting with the chairman’s brothers and nephews to state her case—she has little faith in Won or Tan to run Jeguk, and she can’t entrust her husband’s hard work into their hands.

The uncles are of the same mind, and the carrot she dangles in their faces is a tempting one: If they will throw their weight behind her (and not Won or Tan), she can help regain the chance they had thought lost to them. After all, Chairman Dad did not create Jeguk, and whoever takes over can rewrite the story their way.

Thankfully Chan-young’s father is shrewd enough to realize this as well and warns Won and Tan of this likely development. They anticipate that Madam Jung will call a stockholders meeting to take over the chairman’s voting rights, which would essentially give all the power to her.

Young-do broods over his mother’s business card a while, but it’s his father who ends up presenting the more immediate concern. In response to the prosecutor’s investigation, a team of authorities barge in on the president’s office and raid his files, confiscating evidence. Young-do bursts into the room angrily and tries to stop them, but his father orders him to stand down and do nothing. In frustration, Young-do is taken out of the room while his father stands by.

Tan is keeping vigil at his father’s bedside that night when Madam Jung finally drops by, and the air is icy between them. She says cavalierly that there’s no hope of Dad’s recovery, while Tan insists that he will recover. He warns her not to think of taking control of his stocks, because he will have his legal guardianship transferred from her to Won.

Madam Jung just tells him to go ahead, smirking that he can learn life lessons the hard way. Welcome to the cold hard world, she says, which is full of ambition and stealing and being stolen from.

Won enters the room just as she leaves it, and advises little bro not let whatever she may have said upset him. It’s not for him to worry about, Won says.

He sends Tan home for the night, but instead of to the room, Tan heads up to the hotel roof to brood.

And what do you know, Young-do is there too, dealing with his own pain.

They lock eyes for a moment, then stand there looking off into the distance. Both close but far, side by side but lost.


Why do we finally get a hint of some interesting character development, only to have it happen literally with ONE hour to go? Happy and Wise Adviser Won should’ve put on his big bro pants earlier instead of pouting about some damn stocks, Young-do should have been allowed to confront his mother woes sooner, the Tan/Young-do grudging truce would have been amazing if we’d gotten to spend any time with it, and Madam Jung should have made her move eons ago.

Best of all, that means Chairman Dad would’ve had to get hit with a coma much earlier, and that could’ve spared us a lot of needless (and boring) pain. All drama long I was thinking that Dad was a lazy narrative device because he was just a blanket villain, when really it’s his absence that would have made for the interesting conflict. Having to sit through less of his sneering god complex would’ve just been the bonus to having a power scramble that would actually have been fun to watch, or at least compelling.

Instead, we got so much of that mopey teenage romance, and there just wasn’t enough there to actually sustain So Much Dramz. The “resolution” of both Mom and Chairman Dad’s approvals just highlighted how empty that whole storyline was, because basically they opposed the match, and then they changed their minds. Happiness button activated, and we move on just like that. What was the point of all that pain if this was the way to end it?

I suppose later is always better than never, so at least the wrap-up is giving us a few nice character moments to end on. I found the ending scene surprisingly affecting, especially with no Eun-sang between the boys to represent a prize to be won, and it gave the former friends a moment of connection over something real—shared pain, loss, fear at being eighteen and powerless despite feeling like they’re on the cusp of adulthood—instead of just, you know, liking the same girl. Oh, Heirs. I was all set to write you off as a drama that was never going to be anything but meaningless pretty fluff, but now I’ll have to actually sigh over what you could have been but chose not to be.


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Sigh, in other news, the main couple is leading by a wide margin in SBS Best Couple award as I have predicted. Is the chemistry here better be better than it is in IHYV because there's no way it's better than in MS.


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That sucks. The main couple is the biggest bore of main couples anywhere!


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53% compared to IHYV's 19% and MS' 10% -_-"

I don't usually partake in polls (and believe in them for that matter) but I am so tempted to participate in this one...


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I don't have the time or the interest to participate in online polls, since they don't really signify anything. But for what it's worth, they'd be my best pick. In IHYV, the lead couple completely squicked me out because of the age difference - it looked like a woman romancing her younger brother. A career woman and a high-school kid? Sorry, not romantic. I wanted her to end up with her colleague.

As for Master's Sun, we had Gong Hyo-Jin playing her Pasta character all over again - a simpering, weaker woman cozying up to an arrogant, powerful guy who wants nothing to do with her at first, but then her whining wins him over. Not romantic either, IMO.


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I am all for you having your personal opinions on what makes for chemistry but come on, as if LMH is playing that different a variant of what he did on BOF. If I were to follow your highly distilled logic, isn't he also playing a high-school rich brat who somehow or rather crazily falls in love with a poor girl who wants nothing to do with him at first but does everything in his power, including stalking, to make sure she returns his feelings back? (I don't find this romantic IMO but if the chemistry is believable, hey why not?)

Let's all try to be as objective as possibly can if you write as if you intend to, shall we? I agree with you that strong characterization (amongst other reasons) goes a long way in creating chemistry and I believe that all the characters listed above aren't perfectly written (or acted out for that matter) but hey, what's really the point of putting down another just to shoe-hole in a point or for the sake of argument? I really wouldn't blame you if you preferred the Heirs OTP, well just because.

PS - I agree that the societal difference in IHYV is kinda icky in a romantic sense and that I didn't care if the romance took place or not, but their chemistry did make it pretty believable. If it ever took place IRL, that is.


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I don't even understand what you're saying in the first two paragraphs, so I won't try to respond. But there's no need to be so sarcastic or defensive. I never said my opinions were gospel truth. They were just that -- my opinions, which I supported with my views. You can ignore them or not. But they were just as valid as your original post, which made it seem as if it was the craziest thing in the world that people would vote for the "Heirs" couple as having chemistry. Your line "because there’s no way it’s better than in MS," as if it's fact, is just silly. At least I don't pretend that my opinions are anything but.

Also, it's kind of hilarious that you accuse me of "putting down another," as if it's an affront to you, when what I expressed was an opinion about the shows, not you. And then you went on to post a sarcastic, personal post against me. Hypocritcal much? People here post all kinds of things about how much they hate "Heirs," and I never say anything to them - because people should be entitled to express their opinion about *fictional* characters without being attacked.

It's really a shame you felt the need to respond the way you did. Something that you and some others could really learn on this website -if you find yourself attacking actual posters because of opinions they expressed about *fictional* characters, you may need to re-evaluate how much enjoyment you're getting out of the drama viewing/discussion experience.


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When I say, put down another, I meant character, not me. Why should I feel like I'm being put down, lol? Your argument about not liking GHJ well, because she's playing the same character as she did in Pasta (of which I haven't watched), sounds as if you were ignoring the fact that LMH or PSH for that matter, aren't playing similar characters that they have.

And I really wasn't out to be sarcastic or defensive, but if you read it that way, I do apologize for that.


*are playing similar character that they already have


Oops, and I meant MS' chemistry, not GHJ*


Nowhere did I argue that GHJ playing the same character was the reason why I didn't see the chemistry. I just mentioned that as a side fact. The overall balance between her SJS's character seemed so off that I didn't see chemistry.

As for the rest of it - I believe the tone speaks for itself. As evidenced by "if you read it that way." But whatever.


Of all the couples in this show, I think they had the worst chemistry, but apparently voting for others in the cast is not an option.


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YEA. I'm actually surprised that they didn't include the B-CY couple since Heirs is an ensemble drama with a fair number of pairings (I guess they couldn't put ES-YD as an option since it never materialized). Unless SBS is worried that the secondary B-CY couple might actually get more votes than the main OTP? B-CY seems really popular pretty much everywhere I go.


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Even among some of the PSH/LMH fanatics, quite a few seem to like the B/CY OTP better. The voting page only seems to be available in Korean, but did not see any other options from Heirs but the main leads to vote for.


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Team Madam Jung here all the way. I feel after all she's put up with, she deserves the company as compensation.


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As much as I love Madam Han, I don't like that they are making Madam Jung a villain all of a sudden. Up until now she has been a somewhat decent character and with one hour left and 19 gone we learn that she has been plotting this master plan all along? Meh.

Madam Han did wrong (along with Chairman) and turned Madam's Jung live upside down. JS may be cold but there is no sign that she has been a downright bad person to Won or Tan. And she has the right to be a bitch to KA. She was the one that pushed her way into the house, displacing JS.


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I did not quite understand that overnight shift in Madam Jung - it is almost like someone told the writer "hey we need an evil villain for the last two episodes", so she came up with that. Maybe it is another one of those personality transplant things?


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I can hardly believe I'm saying this, but I actually had a spasm of sympathy for Douche Bag Dad as he was hobbling with his cane through the empty downstairs. The mistress whose presence, up until she left, he had always be able to take for granted, and both his cherished sons, were gone. When he recalled Kim Tan as a child calling his name with such love, and his own hesitancy to embrace him because of the older son, you could see that he might actually have been reviewing aspects of his life with a sense of regret. Yes, he's a complete idiot, but, even idiots with god complexes can be smacked upside the head with profound regret, and those moments are what make them human.

I'm wondering if it's possible the Chairman might have anticipated the possibility of a power garb by second wife, and hid something up his sleeve. Like stock in a dummy corporation that actually belongs to Kim Tan's mom, which might respresent an important voting block at a strategic board meeting...Heck, I don't know. Nobody ever accused me of having any form of business acumen. I can grasp at straws with the best of them though.


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That sounds like dramaland business acumen, so why not?


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I hoped some of the previous speculated spoilers could have came true (e.g. Eunsang's birth secret, Eunsang's mum actually being able to speak, Rachel's birth secret, etc etc) because that would've made the storyline more exciting than it is now. I still think that Hyoshin might commit suicide in the last ep but that should've happened earlier and we could've seen how his death impacted upon the other heirs.
I also hoped that they could've elaborated on some parts, such as Hyoshin's struggles at home, Ki Ae's life post Bad-daddy, the Won-Hyunjoo relationship, YoungDo's relationship with his mum... I really really wanted to see a time jump at the end of ep 16 because it would've been interesting to see the characters' lives years after.
I still loved this show and the OTP and am sad to see its ending. The romance is very sweet and love the character development of some of the characters. The story could've been heaps better, but the actors/actresses worked admirably with what they've got (C'mon Lee Minho and his crying!!), and given the success of the show within Korea and internationally, I don't think that any of the actors/actresses are actually 'wasted' as some suggested.


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"The story could’ve been heaps better, but the actors/actresses worked admirably with what they’ve got (C’mon Lee Minho and his crying!!)"

Up until Episode 12, I was casually invested and watching Heirs. Everything changed after Episode 12 aired. The gradual buildup and testing of the waters by Kim Tan (Lee Min-Ho), his reveal of the truth at dinner, and witnessing his breakdown/restrained crying was the exact moment that I became an Heirs one-percenter (1%).

Also, it was the moment Kim-Tan and Choi Young-Do truly balanced each other out as characters in Heirs.

Kim Tan's (Lee Min-Ho) hitting rock bottom, crying, falling to/down on his knees, and beating his chest in Episode 16 was heartrending as well.

I felt in those moments mentioned/described above - the OST "Love Is" really resignated and fit Heirs.


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Soooo.....we're really going to wrap everything up nicely, with laughs and smiles and buried hatchets, just like that? Everyone is going to have an epiphany and do a 180 in 2 episodes? I didn't think I could be any more disappointed in this show, but it really outdid itself last night. I'm really only watching for the individual actors, otherwise I would have dropped it a long time ago. I spent most of the hour doing other things, and didn't even bother to pause when I left the room.


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wow... such long comments. u guys are still analyzing this drama? i'm sooo over it. what a waste of good actors for such a lame plot... i hope to see these guys again in better dramas in the future.


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It's the way the rabid fan-guerrillas keep teasing us haters. For my part, I just keep picking at that scab...


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That's right. It's not our fault. If they would stop hating on us haters, then we would have nothing to respond to. :D


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I come to a conclusion for every successful drama you need cute actress who can act. if you also have cute male lead , it will be successful irrespective story or anything. Thats what happens to heirs. Fans of PSH , LMH made it a hit.

I also watched 8 episode of masters sun found it boring episode centric utter crap. gong jin act same way in every drama.

Heirs >>> Masters sun.

Actually i am not fan of either but i completed 19 of heirs and 8 of masters sun.

So heris win it even with bad direction and bad writing because we expected more from heris than masters sun.


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"but now I’ll have to actually sigh over what you could have been but chose not to be."

Every drama from this writer!


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I cried for Hee Nam and Tan's mother reunion. they are so close. I'm gonna miss this drama.

anyways, can someone tell me why the police investigated choi young do's father??? I don't think he's someone who will do crime :(


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It's implied that his father was being investigated because he cheated in business (either dealings or taxes). The writer has come full circle - refer back to an earlier Judo lesson/match with Choi Young-Do and his father. His father basically tells him that it is alright to cheat in order to win at all costs.


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This show! I mean, seriously, we spend 18 freaking episodes agenizing (sort of) on whether the kids will be together or not, and now that gets wrapped up pretty neatly. And then, Chairman Daddy is in a coma! What? Am I supposed to feel sorry for him? Part of me does (well, I just pity the poor man, because everyone left because of him, and he can't see that?) and part of me doesn't (because, let's face it, he brought it all on himself). Won finally is the big brother I always wanted him to be. Young-do gets some more development, the kind I wanted him to have all along. Madam Jung (who I've never liked) starts making her move. And the Jeguk relatives we've heard about finally make an appearance! Way to bring it all in the eleventh hour, Writer-nim! Seriously, this writer is terrible sometimes, and fantastic other times, but here? There was so much potential! What the hell was she doing the past ten+ weeks?

I have so many mixed feelings right now, and I haven't even finished the drama yet!

Thanks for the recap, JB!


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Anyone guess Eun Sang rank for her exam? I'm curious!


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I know I'm late to this but I just have to vent somewhere! This is the most disappointing drama I've watched to date, and this episode & the last the hardest to get through. I had hopes when it started but it just continued to go downhill. I started out liking the main couple when they were in California (minus all the English actors!), but when they got back to reality, it really fell apart for me character wise. I've lost all sympathy & respect for both of them, and find them both nauseating now. And I'm usually all for the Cinderella story, love conquers all, night in shining in armor drama, but KT was not a hero in any way. I don't even know where to start with him! His immature, irresponsible, wreckless, self destructive behavior, self pity, etc etc etc at losing Eun Sang, and then not losing her, over & over, were just over the top for me! Not to mention all the creepy stalking, disturbing possessive, controlling, jealous, violent rages, multiple "I'll kill you" threats to Young Do, immaturity, I mean seriously, this is someone I'm supposed to root for!? Oh and then after countless promises of "I won't see you again" and "don't see me again", and all threats of exile and punishment can all be resolved by bringing your girlfriend in a red dress to your birthday party, and suddenly all life's problems & conflicts are fixed? This really was an insult to our intelligence! I could go on & on, but in the end and through it all, Young Do was by far my favorite character, I totally got him & could see his inner conflicts from the beginnning despite how he went about it the wrong way, that was kind of the point. Seeing him make the 360 turn was the most rewarding thing from the whole drama, just wish it would have come a lot sooner so we could have enjoyed it longer. I actually felt something for his character, could feel his authentic pain & turmoil, and fell in love with his character & transformation. It was totally heartbreaking to see him lose the girl that changed his life & heart, especially when she never gave him a chance. He was someone I could get up & cheer & root for, KT I just lost all interest in, don't think his behavior is "cute" at all, and he's not half the man Young Do is imo! I will end my rant, it's just too upsetting!


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