Heirs: Episode 17

Everybody, meet Rock Bottom. Rock Bottom, everybody. He’ll be sticking around with us for the next hour, making sure Tan suffers appropriately for daring to dream the impossible dream, which is to say, a relationship with the girl he likes. Too bad Despot Dad has other things on the agenda, like tyranny and misery for all. Apparently once you wear that crown, you also have to give up all claims to humanity—happiness is for the plebes, don’tcha know?


Lee Min-ho – “Painful Love.” I’ll say. [ Download ]

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Chairman Dad outsmarts both his sons and puts them in their places with his stockholders’ vote maneuver, reminding them that he’s the one pulling the strings. Dance, monkeys, dance. While Won chafes to discover he was toyed with, Tan has bigger heartbreak waiting for him at his love nest, which is empty—Eun-sang is gone, just like Dad said.

He staggers home in a daze, while the song helpfully blares, “You’re crying again, you’re crying again, powerless, you send her away.” This is perhaps the most on-the-nose soundtrack ever.

He returns home and asks his father what he’s done with Eun-sang. Dad gives him the classic abuser line—This is all your fault, you made me do this—and warns him not to go looking for her, because he’ll really ruin her life then.

Chan-young worries about Eun-sang and asks whether his father knows anything. As it happens, Manager Yoon was tasked with facilitating her exile, though he can’t share much with his son. He just says that Eun-sang will call once she’s settled and that Chan-young can hear from her directly what happened.

Chairman Dad arranges for Eun-sang to be withdrawn from school, but none of the kids know that and wonder at her empty seat the next morning. Bo-na worries that Eun-sang hasn’t replied to her chat message, but balks about calling directly “because calling makes it seem like we’re friends.” Then she shoots a glare in Rachel’s direction and mutters, “Is she being harassed someplace where I don’t know?” Aw, there you go unconsciously playing Eun-sang’s protector again. Bo-na is a delightful ball of contradictory statements, and I love that about her.

Tan storms in and beelines for Chan-young to ask if he’s heard anything. Chan-young blames Tan for being the source of Eun-sang’s troubles, and then Young-do storms into class and beelines for Chan-young too. I don’t blame Chan-young for being annoyed with these two for causing trouble and then looking to him for help, and he leaves them to their frustration.

Determined to track her down, Tan asks Madam Jung to refrain from withdrawing Eun-sang from school. Young-do heads off on his own search, starting with the broadcasting club’s member records. Hyo-shin wonders at all the fuss, but agrees to help when Tan asks for help searching the flight records for departures abroad.

The Jeguk moms have a meeting, and Rachel’s mother receives barbed congratulations for her upcoming wedding—one mom drops the stinger that her fiancé’s Zeus Hotel is facing investigation. Hyo-shin’s mother (the prosecutor’s wife) says she knows nothing about this, but her smirk indicates that she’s lying.

Chan-young’s father gets promoted to vice president per his agreement with Won, so I guess we’ll call him VP Yoon now. Now he’s picked a side, and Won teasingly warns him not to two-time with his loyalties. They shake on it.

Tan combs through security footage for clues, while Hyo-shin works his connections and reports that Eun-sang wasn’t listed as leaving the country. Tan breathes a sigh of relief and calls Young-do right away to fill him in (cute), figuring two heads are better than one. It’s too bad those two heads are both at the bottom of the class, but I guess points for quantity.

Footage from the front gate shows Eun-sang loading a moving truck, and then turning to the camera to send up a wave at Tan, knowing he’d be watching. Sweet, or disturbing? Always the question with this romance.

Young-do lights up to hear Eun-sang is still in the country, then hatches a plan: He logs onto his hotel’s homepage and posts a message under Eun-sang’s name. He manages a few compliments toward himself, but mostly it’s a complaint against him. I’m not quite sure what the plan entails, but he calls it “setting a trap” so I suppose he’s trying to draw a response.

Tan collects car black box footage from his neighbors for more video clues, then goes to a cell phone store to reconnect Eun-sang’s old number. Upon logging in he links to her chat account, and finds a message from Young-do asking where she is: “I miss you. I’m just talking to a number that doesn’t exist.”

Tan calls Young-do from that phone, and I almost feel sorry for Young-do’s excitement at the incoming call from “Eun-sang.” He calls Tan’s plan smart but feels clever enough about his own… until he hears that his lawyer hasn’t been able to find any trace of Eun-sang.

Tan gets a clue when Eun-sang’s number receives an automated text acknowledging a credit card purchase. So he starts calling every store with that name, trying to find a matching payment, which takes him all night—imagine trying to call every 7-Eleven in range. After a night of dead ends, he gets a match and bolts up to head over immediately.

It’s only now that Chairman Dad hears that Eun-sang hadn’t left the country as planned, because Chan-young’s father had pulled a fast one on them. She was seen entering the departure gate, but VP Yoon must have made other arrangements, and now Chairman Dad receives the photo evidence that shows Eun-sang and Mom in some beachside town.

Mother and daughter put on brave faces as they settle into their new lives here, assuring each other that they’ll be fine. Eun-sang picks up a job at a bookstore and forces a cheerful expression, but the moment she’s alone she bursts into tears. (Man, there are so many long flashbacks in this episode. Struggled to fill airtime, did they?)

Tan races to Eun-sang’s town, first spotting the familiar “I heart California” shirt hanging from a clothesline. Then Eun-sang comes into view, and he reels with the force of both relief and… guilt, perhaps? Dread, fear, recrimination? Anyway, point being: Emotions are mixed, and he can’t bring himself to approach.

Thus while he follows Eun-sang to the beach where she sits alone, he keeps his distance. He takes one step toward her, but ultimately turns back.

Eun-sang receives a call from the police, because Young-do’s lawyer has finally gotten a lead on her whereabouts (thanks to her taking out a new cell phone contract). He heads right down to see her, and when she comes rushing into the police station, he’s so overwhelmed with feeling that he grabs her tight and says gratefully, “Thank you—for being safe, and for showing up.”

They take a walk on the beach, and Young-do keeps up a steady stream of chatter while she remains silent in her worry. She confesses that seeing him frightened her, because it’s proof of how easy it was to track her down. He teases about running away together, but as she’s not in the mood for teasing he just asks her not to tell him to stay away, and promises to come back again.

With that he heads back to Seoul, steeling himself to face his disgruntled father, who has to deal with the gossip stirred by his online post. Young-do informs his father that he wrote the message, and that Eun-sang is the girl he likes. His father scoffs at him stirring up all this trouble just to track down one girl, but Young-do admits, “If I couldn’t find her, it felt like I’d go crazy.”

Young-do is clearly still a bit afraid of his father’s reaction, but nonetheless he orders Dad to stay out of it, because where women troubles are concerned, Dad has no right to interfere. Amazingly, his father concedes that point without rancor. He declares that Young-do is still incapable of defeating him head-on, but he will take this to mean that Young-do has learned how to negotiate deals.

Young-do and Rachel find themselves dragged to another family dinner, and tonight Young-do’s father is in good spirits and toasts to the upcoming union. A phone call interrupts with bad news from Prosecutor Kim, and it’s obvious to all that it’s serious business despite Dad’s insistence that all is under control.

But Rachel’s mother surprises everybody by stating her intent to call the wedding off. She takes Rachel out and says that the hotel family isn’t going to crumble over the investigation, but neither does she see the need to suffer along with them. Rachel actually sighs in relief, not for the broken engagement but because Young-do won’t be ruined. It’s not the reaction her mother expected, but Rachel calls him a partner in suffering throughout this whole mésalliance ordeal.

Tan goes back to his empty apartment, and takes down the dreamcatcher. He’s finally accepted that he’ll have to let go, and goes to his brother and dully offers to do whatever hyung asks—give up his stocks, live in exile forever—if only he’ll help him in this:

Tan: “Save Eun-sang from Father, and from me. I ruined her. Because I liked her, she was driven to the edge of a cliff. Home, school, friends, even the future she dreamed of—I ruined it all. I did my best to stay with her, but why is this the only way to protect her? Why does leaving have to be a solution?”

Tan says this is Won’s chance to steal everything away from him, if only hyung can restore Eun-sang to her life from before. Tan intends to see her once more and then no more, so it’s with a sense of defeat that he returns to Eun-sang’s town.

She sees him standing across the way and reacts with alarm, telling him to leave because if he continues to track her down, she’ll have to keep running away.

Tan tells her that he’s sorry and promises to restore her life to how it was without him in it. She declines the offer, telling him that she’s fine here and doesn’t want to return. And when he asks whether he has been a source of trouble since the very start, she answers yes (since cruel lies are better for cutting off lingering ties).

Tan promises not to come back and apologizes one last time: “For asking you to hold out your hand, for asking you to have courage—I’m sorry. Goodbye, Cha Eun-sang.”

He leaves the umbrella in her hand and walks off into the rain, leaving her to break down into sobs behind him.

He returns home looking like a zombie and concedes defeat to his father. Dad wonders sneeringly at his foolish care for one girl, and Tan bursts out, “Because my heart hurts! Because I’m in pain and lonely! Because living sucks!”

Chairman Dad looks at him sharply. Is it too much to hope for a flicker of human sympathy there?

Tan shakes off his mother’s concern and locks himself in his room. She grows increasingly panicked at the sounds of destruction behind his doors and begs him to let her in, but he just screams and destroys.

He makes it to school the next day but doesn’t last very long; he stalks out just as Hyun-joo arrives to start class. He ignores her flatly, so she calls in Hyo-shin to ask about Tan’s recent issues, saying merely that he’s “someone’s” kid brother. Hyo-shin picks up on that immediately and guesses that she dated Won, and feels stung to realize how trivial he must’ve seemed by comparison.

Tan descends into a depressed funk—and worse, gradually escalating self-destructiveness. Won is called (away from a perfunctory date with the heiress his father is pushing him to marry) to the police station in response to Tan getting caught speeding without a driver’s license, and he chides that Tan is going about his rebellion in the wrong way. But Tan says he’s just living like his brother wants him to—because if he’s the reckless troublemaker, he can’t challenge Won’s place.

The adults may be inclined to dismiss Tan’s acting out as an adolescent tantrum, but we know it’s more like a nihilistic bender. So Won is taken aback to realize how far gone his brother is, and tries to talk to their father, which is like trying to reason with a brick wall with spikes. Dad, for instance, sniffs that Tan should’ve toughened up before crumbling, seeing this as proof of his weakness.

Won, however, sticks up for little bro and says that Dad doesn’t realize just how tough Tan was. He cites the eighteen years he spent ignoring Tan, and how Tan steadfastly kept coming to him anyway, stating his mind frankly. Won asks his father whether he doesn’t feel anything watching his son breaking down like this, and whether it wasn’t bad enough to have ruined Won’s relationship. I… think that presupposes a lot, like the chairman having emotions.

Rachel runs into Hyo-shin in the nurse’s office, and is just as discomfited this time as she was the last. He notes how flustered she is, which she denies, though she asks him to forget about “it” happening the other day. He agrees, but she’s still so uncomfortable that she yanks the curtains shut between them to avoid the awkwardness.

Tan’s behavior deteriorates even further with more fights, and at the Jeguk anniversary event, his battered appearance is the point of interest, drawing murmurs and speculation. Then late at night, Young-do walks by a nightclub entrance as Tan staggers out and gets into an altercation with a bystander. Pretty soon voices are raised and fists start swinging.

Young-do steps in to drag Tan away, and Tan starts swinging at him instead. Young-do returns the blow, telling Tan to get his act together, and the boys exchange blows out there in the street.

After going at it a bit, they fall down exhausted. Young-do exclaims that if Tan wants to see Eun-sang so badly, he should just go see her already. To which Tan says that he won’t be seeing her anymore.

Young-do looks at him in surprise, seeing a tear trickle down Tan’s face. And Tan tells him, “You take her.”


Ughhhhhhh. You just had to end on that note, didn’t you? “You take her”? Thanks for reminding us yet again that the girl is something to be passed back and forth between men, whose ownership is determined by the rich guy who decides her fate for her. There there, li’l lady, don’t you worry about a thing, let the mens tell you how to live your life.

Tan’s self-destructive breakdown was probably a necessary turn, so while this episode was a lot of misery with few fun beats to lighten the angst, I can see how we needed to show the fallout of him being crushed under Dad’s heel. That’s especially true if the story is going to go in the direction that I think it’s going to go in—that is to say, Dad changes his mind and backs the fuck off. Which on one hand is a valid way for this conflict to end, particularly if we’re going to look at it in real-world terms: Dad learning to grow and accept his sons’ feelings is the most efficient and clear-cut way for this conflict to resolve.

I can’t find much satisfaction in that as a dramatic resolution, however, because it’s such a weak way to wrap up a story that was already wafer-thin to begin with. The series has set up a huge power struggle all this while, with multiple players jockeying for dominance and ready to elbow each other out of their respective paths, and Tan has transitioned from an apathetic slacker to somebody with a will and a goal, desperate to move the heavens and the earth to fight for what he believes in. So I want to see the actual power plays amount to something, I want strategy and alliance and meaning—not just an omnipotent Dad playing puppeteer. Because what is the point of crushing him, then having God-Dad wave his hands and lift the problem away? That is a literal definition of a deus ex machina.

One silver lining in this episode of pain: It was super short. This was one of the emptiest episodes of Heirs thus far in terms of plot, and in addition to long silent scenes and musical montages, we had a ton of flashback sequences dropped in to take up airtime. I’m going to take this as a sign of hope: Because if they devoted a whole hour to breaking Tan’s spirit and still had to pad it with all that filler, then surely the next episode brings about a change. I mean, they can’t just fill three more episodes with pain and flashbacks, can they?

On second thought, don’t answer that.


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I understand people could get peeved on that last scene. And it's never legitimate to pass on people like that. However, I really think that scene shows how much KT and YD care for one another unlike any other episodes. They both acknowledged that the other is their friend. They actually care. They also trust that it's the best hand to place the girl they love in.

On another note, it's already amazing to have one tall, rich and handsome dude dying for you, how cool it is to have two of them? Although these two are hardly the smartest pea in the pod.


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Maybe you need to understand the various emotions teens have to overcome in order to be at your critical level... If they are to be unlucky in maturing well


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I don't jinks you understand what I was saying.


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Seriously a heartbreaking episode. I think the writer has done a great job on modeling these characters at previous 16 eps, but now they just keep being themselves and out of control...
Gotta make a change in next ep...


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i really cant wait for this drama to be over , i mean i adore kim woo bin but not even him can save this sinking ship for me . What surprises me is the ratings are actually really decent for such a boring show . There's not a single episode goes by where the female lead is not crying her eyes out . And all those rich people just wandering around crying and whining about love n freedom without actually doing something productive in their lives is the last thing i want to see to be honest

i need this drama to finish asap so that i can go marvel at the beauty that is kim soo hyun in his new drama ( crossing fingers that "you from another star" will be able to deliver )


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I am so glad tomorrow is episode 18 because then there are only two episodes left standing in-between me and Kim Soo Hyun. And Jeon Ji Hyun, I love that girl. Heirs cannot end soon enough. This was a long and trying drama.


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lol i stopped caring about this show since ep 6 or sumthing , i just occasionally read the recaps to see if woobin's character got anything going or not (since im a fan of the actor) n apparently now i feel sorry for woobin for having to endure this mess .

i really hope from the bottom of my heart that the writer of ksh's new drama will be awesome n consistent bcuz i know both ksh n jjh do not lack in the acting department


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I think part of the ratings rise is lack of competition. I think ES only cried 3x in this episode.


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The ship is sailing just fine to its destination!
Which is how teens manage their emotions!

The writer is doing a fine job portraying them through TALENTED ACTORS
Those actors can act! Out those emotions which to some 21 and beyond have quick
Y forgotten or does not have teenagers ever!!


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Hahaha it is the star-power of the show (read: Lee Min Ho) that makes the ratings high!

I'm on the same page on "You from Another Star". Can't wait! I hope Kim Soo Hyun will get a nice noona romance with Jeon Ji Hyun! They were my favourite couple in the movie "The Thieves" haha. Jeon Jy Hyun as a mean cat burglar was nice hahahaha.


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This drama has officially gone from bad to worse and I don't think we've seen the worst yet.

Kim Eun Sook-nim, did you ask your minions to write this?
Or maybe it was your minions who wrote your previous drama and you wrote this one yourself?


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I think this was the most depressing episode yet, and possibly the worst since the California farce.


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Maybe they will mess up the whole ending episode.

Considering how poorly written this drama is, I'm sorta hoping for another Fashion King-like ending to top it off.


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This Drama just peaked in the portray of teens emotions! Not fantasies


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I thought that ep was pretty great-i was happy to see KW showing some sympathy for Tan's feelings, and the whole thing with YD looking for ES was funny:)

One thing that annoyed me though was that long as section where Tan just followed ES around and watched her on the beach-that was a waste of time.But other than that I didn't mind the crying scenes and such-they were believable and I felt Tan's pain.

Anyways I saw some pictures on Weibo of the filming ep19 and there was a scene where everyone was at a ball or something (complete with red carpet), including ES and Tan-I wonder what that is? Seems like that a time jump from ep 19 is likely.


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Isn't this series over yet? When's that better new one going to replace it?


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At the rate this is dragging on they will be able to start the sequel 'Heirs: Turning 30' with the same cast and no extra make-up.


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ha Wasn't there an actual show called "Thirty-something"?


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You know, when a drama annoys me no end, and I feel compelled to go on message boards to write how much I can't wait for it to end, I take it as my most definitive cue to STOP WATCHING. It's actually pretty easy to do when no one's holding a gun to your head. Just sayin'...


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Then understand what teens emotional phases they have to go through. Not that it may feed your fantasies of romance in adults


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Thank you. I don't mean to be snarky, but I honestly cannot fathom comments like "I can't wait for this to be over." I say things like that about some of my more painful work meetings. But I get paid to go to those! This is a TV show. It's supposed to be fun. Why waste your limited free time watching it if you hate it that much?

But, based on the fact that there are one or two commenters who have openly stated they hate it but respond dozens of times in the thread (to co-sign on to any other negative post), I've come to the conclusion "Heirs" is just the show people love to hate.


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Watching this show with my 12 year old daughter makes it even stranger. We are both fangirling over KWB and mocking LMH's clothing. But I find myself saying, "Never date a guy who treats you like that" a LOT. Seriously, WHERE is this girl's backbone? She just nods and agrees when Tan tells her to stay where he tells her to stay and do what he says from now on?!

Where is the tough independent girl from the beginning of this show? She rears her head now and then, but completely rolls over for the guys in this drama. Seriously, she lets every man in this show treat her like crap. Tan, Young-Do, the dad, everybody.

And, if I were Tan, I'd be ticked at how easily she lies to him with a smile on her face even after he's told her not to. So, is this her concept of independence? Agree to whatever the guy says to keep the peace... and then do the opposite. Tan tells her to wait, so she leaves. YD tells her not to put him in the friend category, too late. Evil dad orders her to leave the country, but she pulls a fast one with the secretary/VP guy.

Finally, I just want to ask, "Will Park Shin Hye EVER learn how to kiss?" Even with LMH trying to up the energy, she looked like a frozen fish trying to hang on for dear life. *SMH* Kim Woo Bin makes this drama all worthwhile. Heirs clearly needs more KWB.


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I think you pretty much nailed the entire ES persona. Tell your daughter that if she turns out that spineless, you will not let her inherit your chaebol empire.


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Heirs clearly needed a new writer way back from ep 8 or 7 or somewhere there. They should have sacked her then and earned a well-deserved 1st place rating.


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What kind of clothing do you both wear????


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Everything needs more Woobie...


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You know that last moment when they were fighting, I could just about see a hint of bromance which finally felt real, and just she I got excited for that heart to heart on the suffocation they both live in, BAM there was that line !
Now I get, this is how it should have felt to hit my a speeding truck !

I never liked you heirs, but I stuck by you with a teeny bit care here and there, now you officially suck !


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awww, could bo-na be any cuter!? to think that i once opposed krystal's casting! i don't know how i'd feel about her when she's not being bo-na, but she is seriously cute when she is.

rachel + hyo-shin a possible pairing? i always liked their bond. certainly hyo-shin is one of the few whom rachel has a cordial relationship with. and hyo-shin would be the yin to rachel's yang; he's more mellow and introspective, while rachel is rachel.

i feel for lee min-ho—i should think he'd be rather frustrated by his character. i swear, all he's done this entire show is moon over a girl. at first, in the california scenes, it was sweet and the way he stared at her made me fluttery. now it all just feels incredibly stale, and those stares have lost their effect.

i don't know, maybe it's because these kids are all still in high school and everybody is treating them like grown-ups? what with fiances, fiancees, engagements, stocks, and everybody acting like the moment is NOW. tan's mom spoke sense last week, when she pointed out to the chairman that these were just high school kids, they weren't trying to get married or anything.

as for young-do, i still love his character, and for his sake, i want him to get the girl. i'm soft where his character is concerned because i think he NEEDS eun-sang more than tan does. compared to tan, he's so lacking in warmth and affection. tan has a biological mum who completely adores him, and a dad and brother, who despite their exteriors, do care about him in their own ways. young-do doesn't have anyone. yes, he's been a horrible person, but he's also had a crappy upbringing despite all the privilege and wealth, and he's still a teen. this is his maturation, hopefully.

thank you for this recap!


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How is it that "a horrible person" deserves to have someone sacrifice their own emotional and psychological well-being? I mean, Really? Someone's serious personality disorder (let's call it Horrible Person Syndrome) would probably be best addressed by a mental health professional, but because "they have no one", someone should sign on for misery in service to their loneliness? Having "no one" shouldn't entitle Young Do to Eun sang? I disagree. The ability to genuinely (and in a healthy manner) reciprocate her affections does. Fortunately for Young Do, I don't think he's actually a horrible person. There's hope for him yet. Doesn't mean I think he and ES would make a great couple, though.


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i never said young-do was entitled to eun-sang, or that eun-sang should sign up for a potential life of misery for young-do. what i meant was that i wished eun-sang COULD reciprocate young-do's feelings for her, not that she SHOULD. i thought that should have been clear to anyone reading.

although both boys have had crappy family lives, in my opinion young-do is the lonelier of the two, if by a margin. i really give credit to the actor, because i think he's doing a bang-up job of delivering a nuanced portrayal. we know young-do has his problems, but we've also seen his vulnerable, very human moments. eun-sang liking him back would make him genuinely happy, an emotion i doubt he's well acquainted with. you hate his actions, but not the person.

obviously this is all opinion. young-do is a breath of fresh air in this drama for me, especially compared to tan. i love lee min-ho, but kim woo-bin is out-charisma-ing him in this one.


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Three comments:

1. Lee Min ho's acting was...whoa...i got scared, frustated and depressed everytime i see him...

2. When Kim Tam was looking his girl...i couldnt think on any other song than "One way or another I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna get you, get you, get you, get you..." LMAOOOOOO it was disturbing and hilarious at the same time xD

3. I cannot believe i wait a lot for this episode FULL OF MEMORIES...FUCK...SBS SHOULD SLAP THE WRITER AND TELL KBS "YOU CAN HAVE HER"
But...oh...that would be too much the-heirs-script-shit right?



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No, you can keep her. Our rookie SW can write better than her.


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Oh well
Don't adults even say that when they are dumped or affairs are caught!
The feeling is realistic! For teens
But an educated adult it's politically incorrect!!
This writer is so true to the true emotions of teens! Happy or meltdowns


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I can predict something after watching this last episode (that was a good episode actually), probably is too soon but I think that this drama is the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE YEAR... sadly because the story had potential, but I just feel that this drama could never take off (if u know what I mean) it's almost over, and a lot of things happened in this story but at the same time nothing really happened, this was an unfocused, confusing, kind of messy, weak story. I think that what we are watching now should have happened before, I watched every episode wanting that the development of the story move on, but never happened, 'til now. :'(


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I wasn't as bothered by Tan's "you can have her" line as most people here, only because I acknowledge that in love, people tend to feel very possessive of the object of their affection. And I don't mean "possessive" as in the stalker/socio-path sense, but in the "he's my man/she's my woman" sense of the word; the monogamy/exclusivity sense that most people desire in a relationship. Tan was acknowledging that Young Do was his rival, given that both boys had been pursuing Eun Sang for virtually the entire drama. Both boys had wanted to possess an exclusive claim on that girl's heart, which is why the competition had been so fierce. It wasn't to wish to possess her the way you possess a physical object like a watch or a car. It was possess in the entirely pedestrian and age-old way people want to possess someone whom they've already given their own heart. Here, Tan, having realized that his love was a detriment to the woman he loved, was officially "stepping" aside so that his rival could pursue unimpeded. He knows that Young Do also loves Eun Sang with no small ardor, and it's also (I believe) a small nod to the history of their friendship. He's "entrusting" Eun Sang to this particular rival, because he's the only one who can be trust to understand the value of the woman he loves. It was perhaps awkwardly expressed by Western sentiments, especially if one's Feminist radar is turned up high, but I don't think KES meant anything outside the realm of the jealousy/possessiveness endemic to romantic love. Who among us is okay with "sharing" the person whom we've given our heart, soul, mind and strength? I' m not.


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i agree with you. also, there is always that unspoken rule that when one person is taken (or involved in a relationship with someone else), you don't go about trying to win her or him over or flirt with her/him. that is especially mortal sin among friends. it's territorial. and it's not just among boys. it's the same among girls. so that line "you take her" for me was just casually said --- maybe not very well thought of, hmmm, or just thinking out loud. it was just his way of surrendering the possessiveness. it's so much the same as how rachel repeatedly reminded ES that KT was hers. it's the same thought. it's the same intention.


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What would you say in the heat of anger n hurt if you found out some not so good news of your partner friend or spouse!!
And this is a teen expressing his emotions!
He can't be so rational!
The writer did an excellent perception as she scripts in that hurtful feelings of a teen!


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@Louizzzah -- yes. and on top of that --- drunk and beaten up and just not in his proper state of mind, body and soul.

i don't know...i don't personally let anyone treat me as their possession but that line doesn't upset me. it's just a line. it doesn't need too much analysis. at some level, there is a sense of ownership...just a sense of it...not a real "You-are-mine-and-you-jump-when-i-say-you-jump" kind of ownership.


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@valleydale - I'm still troubled by the line, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your take on it. Very thought-provoking and well-supported. I had a good discussion on this with my good Korean friend (who got me hooked on K-dramas in the first place), and we ended up agreeing that our cultural perspective probably plays a big role in how we reacted to the line.

As for the reason why I disliked it so much - it wasn't only the choice of words. To me, it didn't seem as if Tan was entrusting Eun-Sang to Young-Do. It seemed almost as if he couldn't stand her anymore, so he was disposing of her. "I'm done with her; you take my cast-off." I don't think he really feels that way deep down - it was definitely said from his pain and anger. But the hostility behind it did make me wince.


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Despite how thin the plot is and everything, I think I must appreciate LMH was alright when it comes to acting this episode. My dissatisfaction have always been about the plot and the characters. Not necessarily the acting. Some stood out and some did not. I think LMH was okay this episode.

I cared for him a tiny little bit. I am irked bccause I don't understand why this is the greatest love but if I try and forget the flimsiness of the premise and take this episode in isolation of two people in love, then it does tug at heart.

The problem I suppose is that we have spent many hours wondering about the romance that all this angst becomes dramap prop.


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And do they really have to play "Love is the moment" at the breakup scene considering how that song is now just comical...


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i do hate that song...

way, way, WAY overused.


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Every time I hear that song now I turn into a Gumiho.


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it makes me want to hit whoevers singing it, then whoevers on screen, then the director, then the writer, then all the rest of the cast and crew.


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I have stopped watching this drama since episode 11.

I only read Dramabeans last comments. If its worth watching, the I'll watch, but hmmmm.... decided not to watch again.

There's one that I'm watching, so so so funny. Its really hilarious.


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Well your decision not to watch didn't affect the ratings. They have continually risen. Thanks for deciding not to watch anymore. I suggest you take your comments to the drama you're watching now. I am sure they will appreciate your positive comments.


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do we need to explain to you again why the rating rises?



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Bravo (Y) My sentiments exactly


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This is the comments section. So, if Bridget wants to comment, that's her right. You may not like it, but there's no need to be rude to her for adding her thoughts.


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Other than the writer's sick scripting, the only thing I really enjoyed was Kim woo bin scenes and Lee min ho's acting...Oh this writer should really quit writing..really
And tan is such a horribly written character, If it was played by someone else other than minho, then I would have completed hated this writers version of a,"Romantic boy."

Like seriously...When would the idiocy stop of this women stop..
Is Kim Eun-sook retarded? What is sooo attractive about Dominating boys? and its really pathetic how she degrades her own gender like that.

But I will never bash the actors, for these pathetic characters, the only decent one is Choi Young do. He actually had character development throughout the whole drama, while all the others...not at all...
But despite that, I enjoy all of their performances, and they all play their roles very well. I respect them for working so hard, and heads up for minho for performing so great, while he currently has the flu.

Other than that this drama was a complete disappoint, and this is coming from what was a huge heirs fan.


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The writer is so brilliant in writing special details of what emotional highs n lows that most teenagers go thru!

Your fantasy n the realities of teens emotions are your points of frustration.


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REALLY happy I stopped watching the show and just read the recaps now.


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Ya I saw it in one Facebook, Park Shin Hye with high heels !!!


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Wow, I almost forgot that these people are just 18 years old! JFC so much angst.


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Bad daddy should just die. He makes wicked mother- in- laws look like saints.

KT last line.. Young Do should knock some sense into him.


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Is it too much to hope for Tan and Won to realize the answer to all their problems is to kill the father shalalala kill the father, sung to the tune of Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid. Sorry I'm tired, when I'm tired I get loopey, still think they should kill the father shalalala kill the father though.


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Tan is bringing on the wallow big time. What a performance! I'm talking about both character and actor here. Lee Min-ho's acting skills are stellar in this episode. He's doing a great job of portraying a guy who's determined to let everybody know just how much he is suffering. Getting soaked in the rain while wearing a white wool (I think) coat. Trashing his room. Dramatically offering to nobly leave the country. Speeding without a license and getting picked up by the cops. Looking just so forlorn at the general meeting of Jeguk shareholders that even the people in the cheap seats notice. Indulging in underaged drinking and picking fights outside bars. Passing the girl he supposedly loves off to his arch rival like she's a piece of meat. He's practically in the gutter in the last scene. Can begging for the Korean equivalent of quarters be far off?

How much time has passed since the noble renunciation anyway? A day? A week? And this guy is supposed to be a credible romantic lead? Once again it's all about me, me, me for Kim Tan. What a narcissist! Don't get me wrong. I'm really liking the character and Lee Min-ho's performance. And I still am enjoying Heirs a lot.


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I agree but I don't think it's all about him anymore. He's just acting out the way he can. The guy has noone capable to even look to. His bro nor his dad. I wish they had loosened up some of his relations. Even YD's dad is better sheesh. Why does Tan have to get the entire dysfunctional family problems?
Tan isn't horribly written, he's just there. YD was given development, that too rather abruptly. Welcome change though, got sick of his bullying and nonsensical blaming of Tan for his mommy issues. ES is well ES.
I hope neither LMH nor KWB pick such a script ever again. Waste of talent. That said, drama is still crack :P. I think LMH and KWB should be bros in their next drama. Hopefully someone recognized the chemistry they have onscreen :D.


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I feel the chemistry between Kim woo Bin and that guy from ZEA. I want them working together again.


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Thank you! Woo-bin and Hyung-sik, count me in.


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Doesn't Tan realize that Dad is the problem that will never go away until he is defeated? Wouldn't you think holding his mother in a house hostage for 18 years, hiding it from his precious shareholders, and passing off Tan as his wife's son is ample ammo to blackmail the dude??


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Poor Lee Min Ho. I feel for you man. It's a good thing you are LMH, otherwise, this so very badly written character would have been the death of you. I bet you're regretting it big-time. It's okay, I don't blame you for this fiasco one bit.


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I doubt it. Heir is getting great ratings in Korea and it sold for high prices to foreign countries and it is probably the most talked about and popular drama of the year. Despite its flaws it has a stellar cast and a huge fanbase and it definitely counts as a 'hit' in 2013 so I doubt anyone in the drama is regretting signing up for it.


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I don't think he is regretting signing up for this drama. The ratings are consistently getting higher and he has showcased his acting talent in the more recent episodes. He has grown so much as an actor. I just don't like his wardrobe but what the heck, he can wear a rag and still look good. He has one of the most beautiful faces, if not the most beautiful among the Korean actors. Take note, I used beautiful, not handsome. Just love the way he lights up the screen and he photographs.


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Ratings aside, from an artistic point of view, I think there is a lot to regret. The drama is badly written, the characters are not fleshed out. Artistically, I'd say that that is very unsatisfactory. Ratings are great but, if one were a serious actor, it's not all about the ratings.


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I wish his role as a chaebol high school student will be the last in KDrama. LMH deserves to get better role.


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Yeah, it's been talked about a lot, not only in Korea, but also in other Asian countries. Kim Tan fever is kinda hilarious in some places.

Not only that, it's been buzzing online domestically, as well as internationally. I'm talking about SNS like twitter, FB, Weibo, Baidu, Youku, etc...

The show might not have gotten a lot of love around here, but outside of Dramabeans bubble, it's actually doing super well.


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Haha yeah, there is A LOT of love going on in the soompi forum. I was so surprised considering the many negative opinions around here.


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is it the show or the actors getting all the buzz? Nearly all the comments I see on other sites never mention anything about the plot, just how hot XXX is.


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Because he is Lee Min Ho. I'm off to re-watch Faith. I need to see LMH without the eye-gouging duds.


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What I mean to say is, if it were not Min Ho headlining this drama, this drama would have died a natural death. LMH always acts well, except maybe he was a little stiff in PT. But I still love PT. Its the story that sucks.


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Didn't LMH say that the only reason he took on this role is because it's the last time he wanted/probably would be a high schooler. Plus I'm not sure if it's true or not but I heard KES wrote Kim Tan specifically for LMH. I think any actor would be very flattered if a well-known (not saying she's a great writer just well-known) writer does that for them.


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So funny. When Young Do did bad things earlier, they blamed his character/young do but when kim tan said "you can have her", they blamed KES.

I am one of the fans of LMH but Young Do got me in this drama. However, LMH did a good job on this episode. he should get an heavy drama after this.


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Naah they blame KES whenever stuff like this is done. Treating the girl like that. KT and YD were blamed a lot for their childish behaviour. It's basically how she started out developing their characters and stopped in the middle.and then abruptly started again.
I think Tan should run away along with his mom and get a gal in the USA. His moms should remarry too...


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It's true. LMH is much more suitable for a heavy role as he did in City Hunter. This drama requires the audience to find realism and justification for Kim Tan's which end up of cracking out our mind.


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Fitting ending for this is CYD and ES to be together. Less angst that way and YD has become human. His character has grown while the OTP has backpedalled and the rest have remained as they were.


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Watching The Heirs is like being trapped in Inception limbo. You keep waiting for a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure. But it doesn't matter because show will soon be over.


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I think you may have missed the train of thought of the writer here!
It's about emotional lives of high school teenagers!

A good percent of adults go thru them even later in life!


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This episode was so sad, I hated seeing Tan go through all that but I know it was necessary for the plot. I really can't stand the dad, I think he might be one of the most evil parents I have seen in a drama and there have been a bunch. That last line telling Young Do that he could have her, I don't think it was meant in the way you said, I think it was to show just how far gone Tan is.
He would never say that to Young Do normally but he is "never" going to see her again and he really believes it's over, so he tells him that he can have her and now Young Do has his chance.
I'm excited for tomorrow after that preview, I really want someone to make the Dad look like the friggin fool he is, I just wonder if he is a human at all because it doesn't seem that way and I really wanted to break stuff in my room with Tan haha.
I also want to add that I'm sad they didn't find some other love interest for Young Do, Chan Eun-Sang is never going to be with him its pretty obvious and now that he is likable I hate that he is going through this one sided love thing. Maybe they will pull a Playful Kiss and bring some random girl to end up with him (Like a white girl who speaks korean! XD)


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It is better if Tan says that he has to let her go rather than passing her to Yong Do. The script writer/s must properly write or else this drama will be just a comical anime. What a waste.


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Just watched the 18 prev. That fast? Everything was wrapped up in one episode after the chaos in episode 17? So what kind of another love struggle are we going to witness in episode 19 and then will wrap up in 20? Aagh. Seriously, thanks to the popularity of the cast, this show is still alive.

And for the writer? I love your Secret Garden but not this.


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Im just wondering, does this kind of stuff really happen in real life? I know that arrange marriage does exist to acquire a company or for business, but do filthy rich people really torment their kids by paying of or sending away their love ones, or even threaten them?

I dont think it exists in my country, tho the filthy rich ones are marrying their kids to one another.


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Reality - rich kids children don't mix with poor kids. they can be acquaintances, but not real friends. Chaebols will never ever marry maid's daughter, they will only have affairs with them until another one fancies them.

Reality - very rich parents do not torment their kids like in this drama. The children themselves will always choose rich kids too.

Cinderella dramas are always fantasies. Fiction.


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The whole plot line - what little real plot there is in this show - is a LONG ways from reality. But you can say that about most dramas.

Despite the trip to California, the mean rich kids, and all that - this is still just a standard Cinderella story, which has a 1 chance in a 1000 of ever actually happening, especially in Korea where class lines are more important.


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And as for arranged marriages to acquire businesses, that is a commonly used plot line in k-dramas, but in real life never happens. For one thing, who your kids marry has nothing to do with any business - that is what contracts are for. While some marriages might be set up with some business ties in mind between families, it is not that common anymore.

Try Googling "chaebol marriges" and this link http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2964187


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"Love is the moooooooment~~~ALMOST PAAAAAAARADISE!!!"


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"Almost Paradise" wasn't this overused though...and at least it was used where the scenes were really comical!
But "Love is the moment" is almost in every scene where they are staring at each other, it's supposed to be emotional but *cringing*


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The plot is very weak. I wish the writer comes up with more intelligence story line. And again, what a waste.


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I won't think, I won't expect anything, and I cry a lot.
Every scene Tan and Won together I cry, because I won't analyse why.


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Javabeans, thank you very much for your continued patience in recapping this drama even though I can detect your frustration with how it has turned out. Your faithful recapping definitely helps for people like me with so little time to watch the drama and/or have no patience for how pathetic the drama has turned out to be.

In fact, I also wish to applaud you for your patience and restraint in your recapping because I get the sense that you are refraining and restraining yourself from being more critical and scathing about this drama. Or am I wrong? ;)

Personally, after having read your recaps, I get the feeling that Heirs has so many parallels with and rehashes of Boys Over Flowers' plot, tropes and execution that made me wonder why Lee Min Ho chose to be in this drama.

Just from reading your excellent recaps, I get what Heirs is all about but I have to say that I am not surprised that it has turned out the way it has, knowing that the writer also wrote Secret Garden, a drama that I have never watched and never will because from reading your recaps about it alone was enough to turn me off how the writer has written the drama.

And it looks like my worst fears are realised with Heirs - it bears so much resemblance with the train-wreck of a drama that Secret Garden was for me.

And to think about all the young, promising talent wasted....and all the hype before its premiere...all hot air...



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Agree. I don't watch Heir since the Episode 10 because it is really a re-make or "renovated is a better word" Boys over Flowers.

I want to be entertained, and I am being entertained by the fans of Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye and their tantrums when they read anything negative (although most of these are really objective points from non-fans).


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Anna B, I applaud you for your patience in watching from ep 1 to 10 because I do not have your patience. ;)

I depended on the recaps here at DB and from the recaps alone, I decided its not worth my time watching the drama. ;)

And I cannot agree with you more about how rabid fans of LMH and PSH can be so defensive of any and all comment about their idols, even the ones that are objective and fair and nothing offensive.

It is similar to the reactions of Lee Seung-gi's rabid fans who will defend him to death should any less than favourable comment be made about him, even though, once again, the comments are objective and fair.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people can be do delusional to think that their idols can do no wrong and they will defend such mere mortals to death if necessary.

All I can say to such people is this : You may defend your idols to death, but do they even KNOW you exist, or even care that you defend them to death? These so-called idols are just mortal human beings, with their weaknesses and faults just like the rest of us. Putting them on a pedestal will only cause them more harm than good.

As the saying goes : The bigger they are, the harder they fall.



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".. am being entertained by the fans of Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye and their tantrums when they read anything negative.."

The rabid fans to me are more interesting than the show. I am well beyond being a teenager, but even at 15-19 I was never anything like some of them, and don't recall knowing anyone that was. It some ways it hearkens back to the groupies of some rock groups in the past. In a previous episode I commented that the "kiss to end all kisses" in fact sucked, and I thought I was going to be lynched or burned at the stake.


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I skip their kisses. Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye make me throw up in my mouth.


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Sadly, Anna B, many of us are actually fans. The drama is just such that some of us couldn't buy into it anymore. I made it as far as ep 14. Then Daddy Kim brought the bodyguards in, made his sons fight for 'it' and then humiliated his president son. I did not understand his rationale over why his sons needed to fight. I did not understand why he did that to Won. Who is going to take him seriously in business now that Daddy Kim showed the world that he is a pussy?

Yes, ep 15 was the beginning of the end for me. I'm still hoping...but with script changes at the eleventh hour? I'm still hoping though...that lightning will strike KES and she will be endowed some logical thinking.


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Oh sure, NOW he listens to what she says but when she spent the first entire half of the drama telling him to go away he didn't.


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I thought the same thing! The whole push and pull between KT and ES is really painful to watch. At this point, I'm only staying for the supporting cast.


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AWESOME!! Lee Min Ho has acted brilliantly! I am impressed! I feel bad for Tan. Tan 's dad is the baddest of all!! I really wanna know how things will be falling into places for Tan & Eun Sang!!
Tan's crying made me cry as well,
From this Kim Eun Sook's drama,what I will have etched in my mind about the male character,Tan,is someone who is hurt & lonely. Someone who doesn't do his actions half measures,as he says "there's no middle for me".
I will also remember how impressively Tan stands up for his mom!
Just 3 episodes left and I am sad!


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i saw the very high rating for the 17th episode and i thought...everyone really waited a long week to get to this point...so much anticipation, unanswered questions, wishing, hoping and praying...and then we got here and........well..we're here.

i didn't feel this episode very much after what seemed like a strong previous one. i get it. he is heart broken. he is in pain. i just didn't get why i had to see it for a long hour.

am hoping they have something really surprising coming for the last three episodes. it's time for resolutions but for Daddy to change his mind is as lame as killing Daddy just to quickly end the story. Anyway...there is still tomorrow...


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The high ratings are due at least in part to not having much competition in that time slot. Don't forget that while Secrets was still running, it beat Heirs every time.

I skipped a lot of ep17, going mostly by the recaps, but it seemed to me that there was a lot of filler shots, flashbacks, long shots of the beach etc., just to take up space.


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I really like how Rachel showed an ounce of decency today by saying that she's glad Youngdo is not going bankrupt. Happy to see both character development in Rachel and Won.
Also, I don't think any talent is wasted in this show or that anyone is regretting being in it because its so 'crap'. While this drama has many side characters and the drama does not allow all the side characters to have much of a storyline, Heir is doing really really well and I'm pretty sure that every actor/actress in it has received a massive boost in their career/popularity because of this show. I did not know many of the actors in it prior to watching and now I love them and will definitely check out their projects in the future.


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Because most of the side characters are more interesting than the mains, but none of them have really been developed. All they do is toss out occasional witty lines, then it is on to the next crying scene.


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I never found her any less decent than anyone else in this show. Except Myung soo, and let's face it, he's too dumb to be hard on anyone.


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Aww I feel so sad for Tan and wow LMH is doing such an amazing job with his character!! I don't personally like tan's character and I was even a bit disappointed when u first heard that LMH chose to portray another high school teenager but now I can see why he chose this drama. The essence of it literally hangs on his potrayal of Kim tan and even though the story is not so good it still feels like ur watching something special due to the fantastic acting. What I cannot belive is that other than the story, everything else about this show is entertaining. The actors are solid, the directing is great, the OST is insanely addictive and surprisingly all the characters, to me at least, seem quite realistic. They are dealing with real issues such as bullying, social status, teenage angst, first love and most importantly they are realizing that all the decisions they make come at a huge cost. So really, if the story was written better, this drama would've one of those rare and refreshing dramas that you would feel like watching again. Too bad that it's not going to happen anymore.
And no a side note I think they actually make LMH hedious clothes intentionally in order to generate more publicity. No publicity is bad publicity and the fact that there are even memes dedicated to his ugly sweaters means that the popularity of heirs only increases. Sort of reminds me of how this tactic became the basis of lady gaga's immense fame.


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therefore, Cha Eun Sang left school and will never graduate high school?

the chaebols sons will still be chairmen of the board, educated or not.

Cinderella plot. Still Boys over Flowers remake. Remember BoF, also Jandi ran away to seaside place to sell fish, Lee Min Ho also had accident while looking for Jandi, he was hospitalized, Jihu was constantly looking at Jandi - also in seaside...almost same plot, just minor changes.

Above is drama. Reality check. Chaebols will never marry maid's daughter. They will only have affairs with them - concubines or mistresses. Support with money, nice house and car in return for an affair. If they cheat their chaebol lover, abuses and violence follow. That's reality.


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I loved this episode. I felt for Kim Tan every step of the way. THe heartbreak was so real for me. I think for me, I've loved seeing the evolution of KT's character. He is the one character who is kind, mature and genuinely wanting more with his life. I think he allows himself to be vulnerable, as opposed to "weak," with ES. I like the he is immature but loving and foolish but strategic all while loving her. I applaud his efforts to maintain his love and it crushed me to see him so broken. I think Won summed it up perfectly - KT knocked on his door for 18 years even while Won hated him.

With that said, KT never gave up on Won in 18 years. I hope that now, Won doesn't give up on him. I get Won's character. I get the distrust and worry Won has lived through but he knows KT is kind-hearted. He doesn't want to believe it and then be manipulated otherwise... but he knows KT is kind. I need Won to stand up to their dad for both of them.

With that said, ES gets on my nerves. I felt her pain this episode but it bothers me that she never fought for KT the way he did for her. I almost felt like she didn't deserve to be sad (not true... but); she just never tried to protect their love the way KT did and even if she doesn't have money, I wished she fought for him instead of just succeeding to whatever dad said.

As always, I love YD. I was so surprised at him standing up to his father and his dad's response to telling him about the girl he likes. I love the struggle he has between caring for ES and KT while trying to act like he doesn't care. I'm glad he stepped up to care for KT when he needed it.

Bo Na... she's just cute.

I want Rachel and film boy (yes film boy because I forget his name) to be a couple. I ship them so hard.

Also, speaking of relationships. Rachel's mom! I've been waiting for her to ask for a divorce. I want her with CY's dad.... yesterday. I want people to be with the ones they love. Rachel's mom and CY's dad. Rachel and film boy. KY and ES. CY and BN. Won and teacher girl. YD and I.... there are so many people who could be happy if they allowed themselves to love. I want that.


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I am poor, how can I protect my love for Kim Tan? I am 18 years old with no achievement - not even high school. I am also not sure whether at 20, I will be history and another girl or man will come into our lives. In addition, if I force my way they will surely conclude that I am after their money.

As for Kim Tan, he still has his allowance and luxuries provided by his Dad. Will he abandon his life of luxury and live a very poor life like mine? Will he mop the floor of a restaurant, or a toilet? I don't think so.

Later on, he'll come back in my life. He'll marry someone else, and I will be his mistress - he will come once or twice a week. That will be my life.


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Good points all.


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I don't see where KT ever "fought" for ES. Yes, he ranted, raved, threw tantrums, got drunk a lot, got into fights a lot, but has been totally ineffective. He keeps doing stupid things without thinking, he orders her around like she is some rag doll that he owns. He has no education, knows nothing about the family business, etc.etc. etc.

So what, exactly, has KT done for ES that made her life better?


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Park Shin Hye "Heir of Lee Min Ho's passionate kisses"


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Lol. She used him and left him :P ... Man.. all said and done. I am just happy for an excuse to watch LMH. No matter what his role is, he's got "IT". I rewatch City Hunter ever few months. Please do more stuff like that.. LMH!!
Another good thing out of this show is I can now look forward to KWB as well.


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There is nothing unrealistic with the story lines!!!
Those older than 21 will look for deeper meanings n become a bit more critical.
From a 15-18 yo stance it is real and unexplainable at how they act n why they act in their maturing experiences.
So cheers to the writer for capturing those teenage mind sets and having the most famed n talented LMH N PSH LEAD THESE CONFLICTING AND REAL LOVE EXPERIENCES!

Side kick YD out acted his buying character and transformed faster into a considerate n caring 18 year old well!

As anyone with children or educators n have kid watched knows the swings of their moods and their struggles to make sense of their emotional world.

It is a very good storyline that needs to be told often in dramas or schools. So both adults and teens can revisit the various emotional lives teenagers have to go through! If not sooner in teen years than their emotional meltdowns comes later in adulthood!

Stop if you're over 21 and reflect on your emotional meltdowns.

Dad is no different from some of our dads. Rich or poor. Poor girls are fearful n less confident to share or speak out.

It really doesn't matter what clothes LMH WEARS! He is LMH and should risk funky styles as a teenager! He will be styling in anything anyway!
That is far more truthful than what we can say for some of us over 30's.

Yes LMH does not have to choose his styles carefully! Any garg or rags will be in style!

KWB REALLY STEPPED UP HIS ACTING SKILLS W CONFIDENCE BC LMH IS ACTING W HIM!!! Hope he can work with strong actors in the future to perfect him more in this business!

Actually LMH CAN light up screens of any script!


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You're in denial over an obviously bad script.


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lol, serious denial. I get the it seems like the end of the world just because the one you love left you. But seriously, one slap at the back of my head from my brother would have straighten me up. That's how fickle one's emotion is when you are young. lol


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LOL im also a teenager but i dont think teenagers normally behave like all the characters in heirs..
I mean i won't cry my ass off just because I broke up with a guy that I like after like what? 3 months knowing him?
not to offend you or sth, but there are way much better drama that depict teenagers life/love life more accurately, and heirs is certainly not one of them..

And yes I cant wait for kim soo hyun!!


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Yeah for more realistic high school plots try School 2013, Monstar, Shut Up Flower Boy Band or even Dream high. The relationships there were handled more realistically than this, Hell! Even BOF was handled more realistically than this sob fest.


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This show is all about "emotions" - it has no plot, no real story, just snippets patched together interspersed with crying scenes. And I never knew any teenagers that acted like these noble idiots.


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I hope not many of us voted Heirs as best drama in koreandrama.org poll

I believe that dramabeans readers are educated.

I wonder how it got so many votes.


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Come on. Even 'educated' people become mindless when they become a fan of something or someone. Look at all those fans of Twilight or 50 Shades or any other shows like LTM or SG. I don't believe it's just obsessed teenage fans that love those. I have a lot of 'educated' friends whose tastes in shows and books makes me question why I'm friends with them (I just chalk it up to them being weird). On the other hand, some 'educated' commenters here don't sound educated at all based on their endless bashing. Just saying.

Anyway, as to Heirs I don't believe anyone is saying it's the best drama this year. Unless they're really deluded (hey, some people think Mirae's Choice is the best they've seen this year --- seriously?). But it's not the worst drama this year either. It's just mediocre and pure KES goodness. Once you know her style (I really thought she'd changed this year), you'll either hate it, love it, or just accept it.


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If you don't think that fans are obsessing over "the best drama ever", go read the comments and reviews on the Drama Fever site.


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So? Let them obsess over it. It's not harming anyone else, right? Besides, going to DF or allkpop to read comments like that is a waste of time. Why bother really?


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Oh yeah, aren't you a little bit obsessed with this drama too?


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But Windsun is funny...


O-kay. The fake windsun was funny though.


LOL all over again. :D


I enjoyed watching AGD and Secret Garden but I don't feel "KES goodness" here. There are some witty and hilarious dialogues characteristic of her but the unreasonable behavior of the characters is too much for me.


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KES goodness ---> was being a little sarcastic


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Dear commentators! :) I hope you are having a happy commenting!!
I have a question! Is there any one who knows the name of the song which is played when "Eun Sang is hanging clothes & bringing her memories with Tan back 2 her min"??!
I wanna know the name of the song+singer!
Tnx!! :)


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Dear commentators! :) I hope you are having a happy commenting day!
I have a question! Is there any one who knows the name of the song which is played when "Eun Sang is hanging clothes & bringing her memories with Tan back 2 her min"??!
I wanna know the name of the song+singer!
Tnx!! :)


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After all these episodes I have finally perfected the art of focusing only on either Kim Tan or Young Do each time they happen to be in the same frame as Eun Sang. Learning to ignore how she looks each time she is in physical contact with these two men has made watching The Heir more bearable.

This might be one of the most painful episodes for LMH to act out... all the emotional struggle and self-destruction. Pure Pain.

KWB too is amazing at expressing himself (despite knowing that it's a one-sided love affair). That emotional hug upon finding Eun Sang at the Police station is priceless.


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Admittedly, I skipped the whole Tan's despairing parts and decided to enjoy side characters' interactions instead.

Hyoshin and Rachel. They should have been paired like 5 episodes ago. I want more of their screen time. Hyoshin still can't give up on his feelings for Hyunjoo (what's her name again? Won's ex.) Now he is left to wonder what the newly strange reaction from Rachel is. The hoobae who he's never seen her in a different light before. Aha! Your heart starts to shake a bit, right?

Young Do. Young Do. Young Do.
What should I say about this adorable character? He's becoming more and more selfless and worth to root for. He values his friendship with Tan. He's even concerned about him being lifeless. I'm glad that since YD letting his hair down it was a start of him turning into a mature schoolboy.

I'm all for YD's happiness!


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