Heirs: Episode 13

This episode steps it up on the humor front, which is a welcome turn because oh my god the mopey angst. Who has the patience for that? Not that angst has gone anywhere today, but at least it’s taking a bit of a backseat while characters step it up with confessions, decisions, and acts of teenage rebellion. Okay, maybe not all of those things are steps up in a traditional sense. But steps forward are nothing to sniff at, especially when they’re so few and far between.

Wow, Heirs took a huge jump in the ratings this week (Secret just ended), and took home a 20.9% rating. Pretty Man premiered with a lowish 6.3%, which is still better than the languishing Medical Top Team at 5.7% (which, believe it or not, is a big jump up from its 3.6% last week).


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After outing the truth of his birth to his would-be in-laws, Tan comes to Eun-sang emotionally drained. Without knowing what’s going on, she senses his turmoil and mirrors his tears.

Tan repeats her words from California when she’d offered to take his hand and run away when he’s in danger, and he asks if those words are still valid here in Korea. She shakes her head no. He looks further crushed at that, but then Eun-sang steps close to envelop him in a hug.

Rachel and her mother go home in a temper—it’s an insult to them, and an engagement is out of the question now. Still, Rachel’s mother decides to hold off on breaking the engagement formally for a while, because the two Kim brothers are about to launch into a stock-buying spree in a race to push each other out. That will drive up the price of the stock, and Mama wants a piece of that action. How coldly practical.

Rachel berates Young-do for sitting on this important piece of information, but to her surprise he tells her to keep this secret: “It’s not a request, it’s a warning.” Rachel is understandably confused to find him protecting Tan and asks why. He replies, “Because it’s the best thing I’ve done till now. And also the thing I did most to hurt Tan.”

Tan brings Eun-sang to Myung-soo’s workshop and fiddles with the lock, saying they can spend the night here. He asks where she spent the last few nights, and I don’t understand why Eun-sang just doesn’t tell him she crashed with Bo-na. What’s with all the withholding?

Instead, she asks why he was crying, and they dodge each other’s questions for a while (he jokes that his tears are from global warming endangering the penguins). Someone tugs at the door, but Tan assures her that they’re in no danger of discovery, because he changed the passcode. Ha. So Myung-soo bangs and yells for a while, then goes away.

Tan grumbles to see Young-do calling her again and answers the phone, calling himself her boyfriend and dismissing Young-do. Then he complains to see the photos from the class trip showing Young-do and Eun-sang together, which gets her eye-rolling at his nagging.

Eun-sang takes out her books to study (making another dig at Tan’s last-place ranking that nettles his pride) and he sits watching her back for a long while. Finally he settles down to sleep, and as she watches him sh murmurs, “Dream nice dreams.” Only to have him reply right away, “I already am. You’re there, in front of me.”

They leave the workshop in the morning and are barraged with flash photos, paparazzi-style. Ha, so Myung-soo camped there all night, half-wild with hunger and cold, and crows that his pride wouldn’t let him go before he got his money shot.

They end up riding together to school, and Myung-soo stubbornly refuses to delete his photos. Tan readily admits they’re dating and mentions the hugging last night, to Eun-sang’s chagrin and Myung-soo’s glee.

They walk onto campus side by side, and today he offers her his hand and prods, “Let’s try having courage.” She hesitantly takes his hand, apologizing for taking so long to do so, causing jaws to drop as they pass.

They’re stopped by Young-do, and as usual Young-do tries to stop Eun-sang from leaving while Tan orders her to walk away. Ugh. I have no problem with Tan trying to spare her the drama, but I cringe every time he talks to her like she’s a puppy to direct: “Walk straight ahead.”

Young-do expresses disappointment over Tan revealing his birth secret himself, because he was looking forward to being the one to drop that bomb. Tan says that it’s not too late for Young-do to spread the words and tells him to go ahead; he doesn’t intend to swoop in with damage control, either, and will take everything that comes his way.

Rachel corners Eun-sang in the broadcasting room and calls Tan there to have it out with them. She slaps Tan, sneers at him for being illegitimate, then tells him he should be the one clinging to her. Eun-sang takes issue with Rachel’s general bitchiness, but Rachel says condescendingly that a classless nouveau riche like her can’t understand how bloodline is equivalent to a crown in their class.

Tan states firmly that he doesn’t want Rachel, and she brings up his mother as a last resort/threat. She wonders why Madam Han would pose as Eun-sang’s mother to the PTA and insinuates that she’ll be digging into the story, but Tan tells her to keep her nose out of his mother’s business, as well as Eun-sang’s and his own.

Then he parks himself out of the girl’s bathroom, having seen Eun-sang go in and worrying that she’s crying. Bo-na protests when he shoos her away, calling herself Eun-sang’s savior for hosting her. Tan lights up in relief and gives her an unexpected high-five, and Bo-na freaks out and goes running to Chan-young. I love how she always makes everything about herself, in a cutely misguided way.

Eun-sang isn’t in a flood of tears (thank goodness), but worries for Tan’s sake. She asks if there’s really nothing she can do to protect him. There isn’t, but the question makes his day.

Ye-sol snipes at Bo-na to watch make sure Eun-sang doesn’t steal her boyfriend, and manages to get in a dig at everyone: at Eun-sang for being a man-stealer, at Chan-young for being a nobody’s son, and at Rachel for getting dumped by her fiancé. Ye-sol really is the worst type of mean girl, terrorizing the weak and sucking up to the strong, enjoying seeing people being torn down.

She looks nervous when Rachel overhears her comments but sticks to her bravado, sneering that Rachel’s family is heading for ruin. She all but calls Rachel’s mother a gold-digger, and that gets Rachel fired up. So I’m not even sympathetic when Rachel asks loudly, “What were you thinking when you hid the fact that your mother is a room salon madam?” The hallway of students immediately starts buzzing, while Rachel invites Bo-na to lunch together. Uh-oh. Lunch is never just about lunch in this school.

Thus Ye-sol finds herself facing the victim’s seat, fearful of sitting down and sealing her fate as new target. Rachel takes Young-do’s place as the menacing bully perfectly, but Bo-na looks uncomfortable and guilty, especially when Chan-young arrives and sees what’s going on. Bo-na says defensively that there’s a valid reason for this, but it’s a pretty lame-sounding excuse.

Tan arrives and sizes up the situation, then makes a show of grabbing a plate and taking that seat for himself. He plays obtuse as he pretends this is just a normal lunch, upsetting the social order and discomfiting everybody.

Then Young-do arrives and says Tan’s breaking the rules—to demonstrate what that seat means, he dumps a plate of curry on him. Tan replies that he’s the one who made the rules, and these things can be changed. He flings his dirty jacket in Young-do’s face and orders him to have it cleaned.

Eun-sang pulls Tan away, and Chan-young takes Bo-na aside. The crowd disperses and the two almost-siblings stew in their thwarted violence. Poor babies.

Eun-sang chides Tan for stirring up more antagonism with Young-do, which he argues was unavoidable given what was unfolding. At the same time, Chan-young tells Bo-na that she was stooping to Ye-sol’s level by retaliating, and that he’s disappointed in her. Bo-na argues that Ye-sol had denigrated him as a secretary’s son, but he says that if Bo-na was angered by that, it means she was ashamed (and therefore agreed), which is not logic that makes any sense to me. Bo-na gets offended right back and stomps off.

Tan returns home to a furious father and nervous mother and faces his punishment. Chairman Dad isn’t in a forgiving mood and kicks Tan out of the house, ordering him to turn in his phone, credit cards, even the coat off his back. Yeesh. Calling the engagement Tan’s insurance for a smooth life, Dad barks that he has no need for the idiot who’d throw that away.

Tan just complies without complaint, merely asking to take his school uniform—and paying Dad back for its price later. He says, “I know that Rachel was insurance for my life, but insurance shouldn’t become my life.”

Mom pleads with him not to go, wanting him to beg Dad to change his mind. But Tan walks out, and heads straight to Eun-sang’s cafe… where he asks her to pay his taxi fare. Haha.

Eun-sang thwacks him for taking a taxi when he’s broke, which is a totally valid complaint, and gives him a glass of water instead of a fancy beverage he can’t pay for. Tan says “I’ll pay you back later” with the nonchalance of somebody who’s never been poor, and I have to laugh at how he states that he’ll just work hard and make his own fortune, like it’s just a matter of deciding to do that.

Thinking to borrow funds, he calls together the gang—Chan-young, Hyo-shin, Bo-na, and Myung-soo—asks expectantly who will house him, feed him, or give him rides. LOL. Oh, princess. He’s met with a wall of silence and blank faces. But even then he turns down Hyo-shin’s offer to stay with him, because his mother is scary. Well yes, she is, but beggars can’t be choosers, no? Looks like somebody could stand to suffer a little more.

Hyo-shin’s scary mother lives up to her name by informing him of his admissions interview tomorrow, which he’d purposely skipped the last time. He’s stunned to learn she pulled strings to get him that interview—and a faked medical note. It’s enough to make him snap, and he breaks down, asking how far she’s going to go: “Do I have to die for it to end?”

Scary Mom turns to him with a stone face to say that making threats using himself no longer work on her: “I won’t allow you to give up on yourself.”

Madam Han comes to Eun-sang’s cafe looking for Tan, and chides her for being stubborn and not coming home herself. I guess all the parents just kick out their kids as threats, and it makes them look bad when the kids manage just fine on their own. Still, Madam Han seems to feel genuinely bad about it, and wants Eun-sang to come back for her own sake as much as it is to also set the example for Tan.

When Tan shows up, Madam Han urges him to go home with her so they can beg his father to relent. He’s feeling no such urgency and declines, and therefore Eun-sang decides that Madam Han has a point and agrees to return to the house. Tan gapes while his mother beams, and it’s really cute how Madam Han immediately switches sides to link arms with sensible Eun-sang.

Even so, Tan isn’t changing his mind and merely asks his mother to take care of his girlfriend.

He heads to hyung’s hotel room, and gets the door shut in his face. Aw. But then Won opens the door, perhaps feeling too sorry now that Tan doesn’t actually have anyplace to go. AW. This alone makes it all worth it.

Tan happily eats dinner while Won works, and there’s something about Tan’s uncertain hopefulness around his brother that emphasizes his youth. Won takes a call from Manager Yoon about the recent (secret) transfer of Jeguk stocks, and how they’re being moved to back Tan.

Tan freezes to hear that brief conversation and asks if this involves him. Won tosses a credit card at him and tells him to get his own room.

But to his surprise, Tan is denied a room by the clerk—he may be Jeguk royalty, but the hotel is Young-do’s domain. He has provided a sketch of Tan’s face as persona non grata and labeled it “KIM TAN kekeke.” And of course Tan’s first complaint is “Is this what I look like?”

Young-do pops by to gloat in his face and tells him he’ll have to go back to his hyung, the source of so much pain. But Tan realizes he likes that idea better and thanks Young-do for his help, which takes that smile off his face.

Tan ends up on his brother’s couch after all, and tries to strike up a conversation. Won pretends to sleep to avoid talking, but Tan muses aloud anyway, saying that he has so many things he wants to ask his brother.

Won drops him off at school in the morning, and Tan briefly tries pressing his luck by asking for a pick-up later before deciding against it. Ha. He sends hyung off with a cheery wave… and Won catches a glimpse of a familiar face walking toward the school: Hyun-joo, taking her new job as teacher here. Won has to stop himself from going after her.

Chairman Dad calls in Manager Yoon regarding the upcoming sale and transfer of stocks, ordering him to officially put in Tan’s name the shares that were bought under borrowed names. And if there is any indication of shareholders selling, he is to buy them at a higher price. Rachel’s mother is a key figure in this, because she holds such a large amount.

Last but not least, Chairman Dad orders him to make the study abroad preparations for Eun-sang, because merely sending her to Jeguk High didn’t have the intended effect of separating them.

At school, Eun-sang asks how Tan’s night was, knowing immediately that he’s lying about lightheartedly chatting with his brother. She urges him to come home and offers him some pastries, and he lurches forward to eat from the other end of the one in her mouth. He muses, “I’ve been thinking about it, and our progress has really been too slow.” IS WHAT I’M SAYIN’.

She blusters that they’re going fast enough, what with their rooftop kiss, and that makes him perk up: “Have we decided to go ahead and do that now?” Lol.

Hyo-shin ends up going to his admissions interview, though he’s far from compliant about it—he scoffs at the story that he collapsed before the last interview and states plainly that he never applied.

Madam Jung calls Tan in to rip into him for breaking the engagement, saying that Chairman Dad had to fight his own brothers and nephews to claim his spot, and that there are ongoing lawsuits with all of them. Yeesh. With Won only recently becoming president and Tan’s birth secret at risk of disclosure, he risks not only his place but is all but inviting more warfare.

Eun-sang’s boss informs her that the cafe will be closed to a private party for two hours, and who should walk in but Young-do, having resorted to this to get her attention. She refuses to join him, though, and studiously ignores him as she goes about her duties anyway, leaving him to sit around alone and bored.

Finally he pours out half his drink onto the floor to get her to react, which at least does the trick. Gah. Young-do is so the epitome of a spiteful cat, only with more destructive power. Don’t do it, don’t join him! Don’t reward bad behavior!

But she reluctantly takes a seat across him and demands to know what he wants from her. He replies, “For you to answer your own phone. For you to reply when I talk to you. For you to say hi when our eyes meet.” It’s a tragically simple list of desires. If only he hadn’t pissed away the right to ask those things by being such a royal ass, which is why Young-do’s such a sad character, being his own enemy and all.

Eun-sang acknowledges his feelings of her and apologizes for avoiding him, and says that there’s only one thing left for her to do: “Reject your feelings. I’m sorry.”

That’s a genuine blow to Young-do, who struggles to find the glib facade he uses as defensive shield. “I really got rejected,” he says. “Can I get revenge on you?” She says that it would be nice if he didn’t, “But if that’s your level then I’ll have to accept that as part and parcel of being the rejecter.”

But Young-do admits, “I can’t harass you anymore, because it hurts my heart.” Annnnd just as you think he’s turned around a bend, he adds, “So I’m going to torment everyone except for you.” Insert eyeroll here.

Young-do broods with his hurt feelings for a bit, and then heads to the broadcasting room to take over the PA system. Broadcasting to the whole school, he offers up an interesting story about Jeguk’s second son, and as he builds up curiosity, our main players realize what he’s about to do: Rachel’s eyes widen, Eun-sang races through the corridors, and Tan… just walks slow and surely, toward Young-do perhaps.

Young-do teases his audience with a lengthy intro and a quote: “Your enemy is not the one who faces you with knife in hand, but the one who hides his knife behind his back and stands at your side.” Uh, are you the enemy in this scenario, backstabbing former friend?

In any case, Young-do talks until Eun-sang bursts into the room and turns down the mic, and he adds after the fact, “Ah, the person I’ve been waiting for.” Is this another “Look at me” tactic?

She shoves him toward the door, but he grabs her arm and refuses to let go: “I’ll have to let go soon enough anyway, so I won’t let go now.” Then he shoves her against the door, just in time to lock the door before Tan can open it. The boys see each other through the window and it’s enough to get Tan beating on the door in a rage.

Young-do references the “everyone else” he intends to torment, “which includes Tan. And also myself.”


Oy, Young-do. He really needs to learn basic communication skills, which is ironic given how quippy and smooth-talking he can be. But yunno, sometimes the substance of what you say is a lot more important than the style with which you say it, which is also a lesson I think our dear writer could stand to learn.

It’s too bad that he’s a character who takes ten steps back with every step forward, because I feel like there’s such wasted potential for his character. I won’t say that he’s making zero progress, but it’s just so unsatisfying how he undoes any bit of progress he’s on the verge of making. I can relate to Eun-sang in this regard, where every time he says something mature I harbor hope that this is a turning point… and then he negates that with the very next thing.

I almost felt for him a few times today, and I no longer doubt that he is, in fact, able to feel human emotions. But was there ever a more stupidly sad character with such pointlessly nihilistic tendencies? You can’t even call him tragic because it’s not like Fate his screwed him over or that he is at the whims of stronger powers—he IS the stronger power, and yet he’s actively making himself a victim. Of himself. Yes, he has a terrible father, but that’s not an excuse to be a dick. He’s just screwing himself over in his need to act out at the world, and I have little patience for that. Even worse, little sympathy.

I got a few laughs out of Tan’s exile from home, and I sincerely hope it lasts a while. For one, the upstairs-downstairs stuff Chez Kim hasn’t been as exciting as it could’ve been, and for another, we could use a change of pace. But most of all, it gives the Kim bros a chance to spend some time together, however awkwardly, and it’s been such a crying shame that we haven’t had more scenes with them thus far.

Won is such a wasted character, in that there’s an inherent richness of conflict between the setup putting the two brothers at odds with each other, only we haven’t been given sufficient information to understand Won. Thus his extreme hostility toward his kid brother was beginning to be aggravating rather than sympathy-inducing. With Tan kicked out of the house, Won sort of has to step it up and play the part of the hyung in a way he shunned before.

As we’ve noted previously, Jeguk is being treated much more as a faux royalty setup rather than simply chaebols, because the obsession with bloodline purity and succession doesn’t really make sense in a strictly modern-business sense. I take it with a grain of salt because the monarchy/crown motif is clearly intended, but even so I don’t think it’s entirely successful because every episode I’m about to lose patience with all the sneering at bastardy and inheritance rights. Given that it isn’t an actual monarchy, who cares about bloodline when we’re talking stocks and cold hard cash? Speaking of which, I don’t really care about the stock wars on the horizon (hopefully those don’t take too much screentime because yawn), but if we can at least build some brotherly bridges before they kick in, maybe there’ll be hope for Jeguk after all.


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The EPIC romance of faith
The BADASS and AWESOMEST(I know that's not a word) romance of city hunter
The most ADORABLE CUTE romance of personal taste,
And even though I hated the drama to the core, the frustrating love story of BOF ,

This romance is meh

I could take bad acting, slow story, all this character backward developments, and everything if I just had my dose of a great love story.

This drama just makes me miss all of them so much ! :(


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Yeah, I don't think this'll go down as one of my quintessential Romance shows. Bof and Hana Yori do, but this one doesn't. Reply 1997 doesn't either, but it had other great quirks.


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Thanks for the recap Javabeans. I love it when you do it.
I think we share more similar thoughts that's why.

Haha I loved Hyun Joo telling her class off right from the get go. Can't wait for her and Hyo Shin to interact. Hyo shin is really interesting to me. As is Bo Na.

Young do is interesting, though sad. i wish motives were more explored in this show.

Funny episode though. I liked when Eun Sang told Tan to audition for Kpop star and he said he couldn't sing.


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Dramabeans, not JAVAbeans. Just saying...


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Nevermind that's the author. Carry on.


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Young-do is actually funny, true he is heartbroken and that's why he's like that.Kinda makes me feel for him. Tan n his brother's relationship i think is getting better. And rachel will always be an ass


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Best romantic scene in this drama ever, non of the Tan & Eun Sang sappy scenes, but actually non other than Young-do's scene with Eun sang
"i want you to answer your phone"
"talk to me when i'm talking to you"
"say hi when you see me"
that is ROMANCE for me.
my biggest problem in this drama is that i can't feel the romance between Tan & Eun-sang.
i find my self disagreeing with Javabeans, u see the writer didn't want the character or the feelings of Young-do to over shadow Tan's character and the Real romance of the dram (Tan & Eun-sang). Young-do's character is only an incentive to Tan's, to justify and motivate Tan's actions and scenes.
i'm with you though she shouldn't make him apealing one min. and repulsive the next. but all that wouldn't be a problem if the "Real Romance" of the drama isn't forced.
- did you notice in this episode it was Eun Sang who mentioned how beautiful Tan is (BIG change).
- and thank you for the awful song free episode.


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I loved what YD said to ES in the cafe. He looked so sincere. But ES didn't see it because he mistreated her in the beginning. If only YD was the lead in this drama!!


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And only if he wasn't so mean to her and others!


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if YD is the lead it will be BOF all over again.
beside as i said before the writer didn't wont to overshadow Tan's character.
i love LMH and i started watching this drama because of him being a v. good actor (not Hot or beautiful) though i don't see him being those two things at all in this drama.

any way i found that the actor who is playing Young-do's character is acting better than LMH (maybe because they r concentrating on "how beautiful he is".


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"“i want you to answer your phone”
“talk to me when i’m talking to you”
“say hi when you see me”
that is ROMANCE for me.:

I guess everyone defines romance differently. To me, one person DEMANDING that another party pay attention to him and spend time with him when that person has made it clear she doesn't like him is the antithesis of romance. I would call it harassment.


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you see he is just asking for the courtesy of an acquaintance, that is enough for him, though he is acting as if he is this tough person in front of every body.
he only try to force her when she rejects him, but keep in minde that he is not a nice guy and doesn't know how to be nice.


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Harrassment. Definitely. Unwanted advances.


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i agree with you, most of his dealings with her r harassment, but i was talking about that scene and those words.


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i'm so glad that this episode did not the LOVE IS THE MOMENT song.


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Seriously! I'll give money to a homeless people today just for that.


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HAHAHAHAHA! oh god I was relieved! this song is a nightmare! it's more scary than "Almost Paradise" :D


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Gah, I'm a little embarrassed to admit it since everyone hates it so much but I actually liked Almost Paradise a lot. That song made a lot of scenes better for me even when they were not that great. Now I want to listen to it again :D.


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LOL, you don't need to be embarrassed, I liked the OST of BOF way more than HEIRS even with "almost paradise" hearing it makes me laugh but "love is the moment" makes me mute or skip the scene!


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Really?? Lol I prefer Heirs' OST minus Love Is the Moment.


Almost Paradise and Love is the Moment are both terrible lol! Both are equally painful >_<


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Heirhead episode titles cont'd.

1 Dry Cleaning Only
2 Dreamcatcher
3 I ♥ California
4 Page 16
5 Wishbone
6 Parvenu (or New Money)
7 Pale Pink Angora
8 ‘Don’t Answer’
9 Mom Mother Mistress
10 Matching Shoes For Camp
11 Stocks Skyrocket
12 Open The Door
13 Kicked Out

I was pretty bored this episode.


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i think "Secrets" would be more suitable. and it suits this drama more than the other show which was great by the way.


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Even with all its flaws, this drama has a cracktastic aspect that can't be denied: May it be the dialogues (excellent in this episode), one of the side characters, or the situational comedy, or even the emotional scenes, or the fugly clothes here for comic relief. That's why people keep coming back even if they drag the show in the mud (reading the comments of people who don't watch the show & have no clue what they are talking about is a special treat). *Munches pop corn*.

The writer was good with her script/strategy: A High School drama can't win against a melo for the ratings & she knew it. Better a show starting slow & gaining some steam that one which starts with a bang and ends up in a diarrhea (MHIYD anyone?). Also, I firmly believe in the "sticking factor", designated term of Dramabeans: Let's come back in a year & see which drama between Secret & Heirs will still be in the collective consciousness. ;)

Basically, a drama should be anything but a boring show you have nothing to say about (MTT & its flat EEG). If Heirs was that superficial and shallow, we wouldn't have so many commentaries on all the websites. The dogs bark and the caravan moves on...

By the way, an extension of 2 episodes is already being negociated (KBS should have extended Secret, their loss). The last laugh and all that...


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Mystisith! Very true indeed. Had me first laugh out of all the posts. Sigh...so much angst...and I'm not talking about the drama.


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it might beoout of context,but are you on Soompi too??if yeah, love your comments there too..and a BIG like for this comment


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Yep. That's me: I use the same nick everywhere I go... Thanks for the "like", luv_KimRaeWon. ^^


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*Munches popcorn alongside you*

The angst is really weird, isn't it?

So focused and REALLY persistent...

It makes one wonder

*shakes head*

국정원 댓글쟁이도 아니고...


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Thanks for the post...I was cracking up laughing!


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What is MHIYD, MTT, and EEG? Not everyone knows the short acronym versions of dramas a lol. Just curious is all.


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it is HARD to give many characters a chance to stand out AND have continuity AND make it fun for us to witness.
from experience. so good luck, I could feel the effort today. it is like a hard game of tennis I supposed, so many balls you need to hit ...


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This show is kind of like Tetris I guess - you end up juggling so many lines that eventually you crash and burn.

One of the main problems with this show is that there are far too many characters (that has been said by many, several times before). None of them have time to get any real depth, so we end up not really caring much about any of them.

Secrets had only 4 main characters, IHYV had 2, but this one has close to 15 or 20.


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Why does so much of this drama revolve around ES?

She is pretty much a blah doormat of a character. No dreams, no ambition beyond "getting a job", not particularly smart, a total whiner and crybaby, no personality that I can see, and a total jellyfish rag doll with no money.

So aside from the fact that she is cute, why are all these people so interested in her?


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You know...I have the same freaking question! In a way this very issue of ES not being believable...come on, give us a reason why these boys are tripping over her. She and Min Ho does have not a good chemistry, she is not a good actress..they could have chosen somebody prettier and better in acting. Bottom line, the story is rubbish!


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What???? Park Shin Hye is an amazing actress! Calling someone not pretty is rather mean and makes you sound shallow(you said you wanted someone prettier just saying). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and comes from within. She is beautiful inside and out :) That's my opinion though.


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when did this show get so funny? like seriously. who knew that heirs could be so humorous (when KES isn't trying to drown us in PSH's tears, anyway.)

I'm increasingly worried about Hyo-shin and the chalk outline that prominently featured in that scene after he screams at his mom (which low-key freaked me out). I was really sad when Bo-na and Chan-young fought. I hope it won't last long.

I thought Young-do looked like a grumpy choding when he was laying his head on the table near the end lol. As much as I hated those last few minutes (really shit way to end an otherwise pretty good episode), I'm at least glad that Young-do didn't kiss her. Especially after he looked at Tan like that I was afraid that he might, and relieved that he didn't.


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This is a slightly better episode ...less angst and HEAVY DRAMA and INTRIGUE, somehow the writers loaded Heirs with freaking drama...it is depressing., it feels like it is written by an adolescent. No originality...sorry.


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After watching the Heirs...I watched Jang Guen Suk "Pretty Boy"....I loved it! The leading girl is a better actor . I think the only thing holding Heirs is Lee Min Ho and that's pretty bad. Tomorrow, I will watch Pretty Boy first and later watch The Heirs, nothing is really interesting with Heirs. The story is so predictable , I can't believe the hype of it being written by one of Korea's best, nothing that pulls you into the story. At times I feel I will watch it because I want to support and be loyal to Lee Min Ho, but surprisingly I am starting not to mind missing it.


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I just finished the first episode of Pretty Boy (Pretty Man, Bel Ami) and it was surprisingly good. I laughed more in the first 13 min of that than I have in 13 episodes of Heirs.

Of course the erotic chickens helped... :D


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Thanks for the info. After Secret ended, I'm watching MTT first before Heirs ( can you believe it? ) If Pretty Boy has a better story line, I'll re arrange the watch order.


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You don't HAVE to watch Heirs lol. If you feel that way about it, don't force yourself to watch it. You can still be a fan of Min Ho.


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Can someone clarify.......did the chairman transfer the shared to Kim Tan or not? The subtitles translated it as hold on the transfer of shares.


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I can't remember when is KT's birthday... He will have the stocks on his own name whe he is 18. In the meantime the shares "officially" belong to the Jeguk's secretary, CY's dad. Will the Chairman pressure him in one way or another? What will Sec decide to do then? My bet is on him giving the shares to Kim Won to avoid the implosion of Jeguk. This way he will prove his loyalty to Won and the all family.


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That part never made any sense to me. Why would you give a ton of shares to someone outside the family, even if only "temporarily"? If push came to shove, what is to prevent the secretary from just keeping them?


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Chairman is dying. Everyone thinks he is an ennemy for his sons but I see things differently. He is pulling a trust test on everyone to see where are the lines. He wants to secure his legacy. What could Secretary Yoon do with his shares since they are nominative? If he started to sell them around, that would be extremely noticeable & fishy in everyone's eyes. At the moment it's just some embarrassing pieces of paper for him. I don't even want to suppose that those shares could be based on dirty money... Migraine guaranteed.


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All of the actors are doing good in acting. But even though I am a big fan of Park Shin Hye, I am not really convinced in the Eun Sang-Kim Tan romance. I dont know why, maybe because the character they are portraying does not match in their apperance like Park Shin Hye. Park Shin Hye is good in portraying a bright, cheerful, cute and an aegyo-ish character and as we all know, Eun Sang is not that kind of person, so Park Shin Hye is not that suitable for Eun Sang. Same goes for Kim Tan. LMH is a good actor but Kim Tan barely show any strong affection towards the characters. Krystal and Minhyuk did a really good job, a part of me is wishing that the two of them should be the main role because they are sooooooo cute!!! and Woo Bin, I love Woo Bin!! I think the story could be better if he actually tried to change for Eun Sang but I hope that he will find his right girl that will truly love him.

The actors are good, it's just that their faces does not match well in the character they are portraying.


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seriously my only intrest in this drama is the relationship b/w Won and Tan, i mean what's the point of this hole drama. ???


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I'm trying to like Young Do, but he's such a smuck. Just like ES said, he's like a willful child and can't stand rejection. Won Bin is doing such a good job, but Young Do's a totally warped character and is an asinine person.

I thought it was funny about Young Do's drawing of Tan to ban him from staying at Young Do's hotel.


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all i gots to say is Choi Jin Hyuk and Woo Bin better get lead roles in dramas this year to make up for the horribleness that is Heirs.


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yeah unfortunately they are totally wasted! beside Im Joo Eun too!


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I just have to say! This drama is really great. Cause every scene is so intense. And i know that the rich-guy-who-falls-in-love-with-a-poor-girl-and-family/status-drama is kinda common already, still, their director is so awesome! He knows how to put a cliffhanger. He knows how to tease people using the ending. I noticed that he's always putting SHIN HYE(eunsang) and MIN HO(tan) or sometimes, WOOBIN(youngdo) in the end of each episode, and that's what makes it interesting. The cliffhangers. Whether its a happy or sad ending.

What makes it more interesting is the relationship of the KIM BROTHERS. Tan and Won. We all know that Won worked hard for everything too and he loves his brother but he just doesn't know how to express it. & also bcos their father is so goddamn crazy!

i just don't understand why the hell he doesnt want his kids to be happy. to treat them well. Ugh oh well, there's still more episode to go, so we can expect explanations. :)

THEY'RE ADORABLE! At first, i thought they won't match. cause i've seen all of lee min ho's dramas, and when i heard that he'll be playing a high schooler again, i thought, its gonna be awkward cos he's already 26. but when i heard the plot and watched the drama, well, i became addicted! WHY? Cause yea he is a high school student here, but still, he lived alone for a very long time too. He just wants a FAMILY. A family that will love and accept him. FOR PARK SHIN HYE, since we all know that her character is a poor girl working hard for her future and for her mother who cant speak, still, since she's (for me) the best korean actress i've ever watched, i love how she cries. how she can easily get her emotions on the go with just a snap of a finger. I mean, SERIOUSLY, who can cry like that right away? Right? That's why she's a great actress. Her, being Cha Eun Sang is amazing. I can feel her every emotions. When she cries here, I cry.
as well as for Lee Min Ho.

FOR KIM WOO BIN, well, i saw him in To the beautiful you, but i didn't liked him there. but here, well he portray his character so great as well. i can understand his character. why he's a bully and all. he grew up with a father who doesn't know how to be one cos he's too busy getting laid. right? then when he met eunsang, he started to care for someone again. but he got rejected.

Anyways, well, i love this drama! really!
i think there's more to the story. like:

- who is eun sang's father?
- is her sister coming back?
- what's really up with rachel? why can't she just be nice and confess her feelings with tan?

- are the rumors true? like:
- IS REALLY EUN SANG, hyo shin's long lost sister?
- IS EUNSANG's mother really can't speak?
- is rachel and chan young really are twins? (cos they're both really smart and their parents are lovers before)

I have so many questions!
I just hope they'll add 4 more episodes, so it's 24. so that they can clear things up. :)


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1. Yea man, who IS Eun Sang's father? Plot hole lol!
2. Plot Hole #2! I wished the writer would say something about the sister too.
3. I'm not sure why she won't confess her feelings for Tan. Maybe she's afraid of rejection since Tan has strong feelings for Eun Sang. She's also bratty, spoiled, and thinks she's superior. Maybe she thinks Tan won't give her the time of day to see how she really feels because of how he sees her currently. Kind of like a situation where you say "Is it too late?" It probably is.

To answer the rumors:

1. No
2. LOL! Definitely not. You don't even see that developed in the show.
3. Yes. If you've been watching the show, you'll know.
4. Twins?? They don't look alike come on lol! More like possible brother and sister non twins, however this is a plot hole in the show that wasn't clarified yet (and I don't think will).

After going rough your questions....does anyone think this show is like Swiss cheese? There's little plot holes I keep finding lol. What the heck?!


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Yikes!! For the rumors part I messed up lol. Get rid of number 1 and the rest follows your rumor questions. Sorry for the confusion lol.


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It seems to me as if Tan, Bo Na and Myung-Soo are the only ones who are acting like the kids that they should be. The rest all act like adults. I think they've lost sight of the fact that they are supposed to be 17 year olds.


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Loved that this episode was a little more breezy
My favs:
The paparazzi waiting for them in the cold
City hunter reference
Tan’s quip that he can’t sing..loved his expression there
KA: she started off as a shallow character but can’t help but love her for being an affectionate mom.

Please show,develop the HJ and Won plotline..want more of HJ in that pompous high school..hope she brings in some changes..don't seperate the OTP after bringing them together(one kdrama trope i don't like) and last but not the least, more of Hyo Shin; don’t kill him off please..

I know Tan seems a little possessive but I think we shouldn’t take everything seriously..i’m sure he wouldn’t hurt Eun Sang or impose on her if she doesn’t like him.. my husband is not in the least possessive and that is something I love about him, but I can cut drama characters some slack as long as they are not way out of line.. sure, shows shouldn’t send the wrong message out but reality and fantasy are two different words(with different meanings) for a good reason and we should be able to differentiate between them.
KWB is doing a good job, but I really think YD’s character needs redemption asap, as in NOW!


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Where and what is the City Hunter reference?


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"I have no problem with Tan trying to spare her the drama, but I cringe every time he talks to her like she’s a puppy to direct: “Walk straight ahead.”"

Thank you for pointing out the above because damn, it really does make me cringe, regardless of how charming he is! Another superb recap ladies, kudos. x


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Woohoooooo action is hot!

Chairman- good going, kick your son out in the cold coz he told the truth. Now planning to ship out ES? People are not your chess pieces ......

Won - good job taking care of baby bro. Don't know what you are planning with the shares and all but I think I will like it. P.S I wanted to touch your hair when you were sleeping XD

Myung Soo- paparazzi lol seriously?
Ye Sol: people in glass houses......you know the rest . Practice shutting up.

HS- guy, please get some help. You're too cute to die.
HS robot mom - More warmth from an iceberg, smh

Bo Na- you are smarter than this. Let baby bitch do her dirty work by herself. Hurry up and make up with CY too.

ES- ok step in the right direction. Rich sexy guy gets kicked out because he wants to be with you. Big hugs are what you do.... ( still time to practice for hot sweaty kisses later XD )

Tan - welp....coping better than I thought. Join forces with bro and stop evil Dad.

YD- she. doesn't. like. you. Get over it because you are not doing depressed well. I don't know if to feel disgusted or sorry for you. Maybe you will have more clarity after Tan kicks your ass.

Great episode, woot!


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Woooo..i find tan as a very controlling bf...I don't like either of the main leads...young do so violent and irritating..eun sang like a toy... Initially eun sang had sparks now it's all down the lane ...gaaah I m still watching this... Even my love for lee min ho doesn't help me like his character ...


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Does anyone know the song that played at the end just before and during the credits? Thanks


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Highlight of the episode: The SLAP! I need the wisdom of Marshall Erikson, everybody sing!:

What is this feeling
That's put you in your place?
A hot red burning on the side
Of your face.
You feel the blood rush to your cheek,
Tears start to fill your eyes.
Your lips are trembling but you can't speak
You're trying, oh you're trying not to cry.
Ya just got slapped
Across the face my friend.
Ya just got slapped
Yes that really just happened.
Well, everybody saw it, hah
Everybody laughed and clapped.
'Cause it was awesome.
The way that you just got slapped.

Aside from that ES should just study hard get a scolarship and loosse both of the guys. I would say the only guy she should be with is CY but he has BoNa who is my Queen and no way do I want to see her sidelined for someone so characterless as ES.

Anyway I can't root for the main couple. Tan is engageged to Rachel, and yet none of them feels even bad by publicly showing affection aka cheating on her, when according to the whole world Tan is with Rachel. Just because he told it to Rachel and her mom, it doesn't include others. If he wanted to pusue ES he should have first publicly break the engagement. And sideeying ES that she doesn't care about that. Does she want to be a mistress? Well then I don't feel sorry for you for all the bitchiness you get for tha.

KT entered into his superstalker, supercontrolling mode. Well I find his behaviour compeletly repulsive, not even a bit romantic. It is like he is Gollam and ES is his Precious...Maybe that is the answer everybody is searching for, why the guys actually fall for her? She is the One Ring.

YD stop. You need to find a psychologist. He/She will listen to you even if you don't burn down the school, and you can poor your heart out to him/herl.

HS: Don't ever think about suicide. I have such a bad feeling about him.

Won: He was pretty... It is such a waste to have so few screen with him.

Rachel: While I feel she go too far sometimes, but her anger uis justified. And while she take too far with YS, but she started it with badmouthing her mom. Anyway since Blair is among my all time favourite characters, I had so high hopes to Rachel that the writer won't just make her a typicak second lead.

BoNa: Queen.
CY: King. Quickly make up. You too are the true royals in this series.


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@ghanima -Thanks to you, I will now have the "Slap Song" running through my head for most of the day :).

I really have to go back and re-watch "Slapsgiving" one of these days.


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I so agree with you!


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"It's like he's Gollam and ES is his precious" LMFAO! Boy that was funny!


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"Tan happily eats dinner while Won works, and there’s something about Tan’s uncertain hopefulness around his brother that emphasizes his youth."

Because absolutely nothing else does.


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"Last but not least, Chairman Dad orders him to make the study abroad preparations for Eun-sang, because merely sending her to Jeguk High didn’t have the intended effect of separating them."

Evil Geniuses are so dumb. Pay ES's Omma enough so she can live in a nice area with a good public school and have enough to send ES to cram school after school is over. She'll never have enough time to see Tan and, added benefit, will be so grateful to Daddy Kim for making her as middle class, that she'll stay right there.


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@Javabeans: The bloodline is important even in countries that are currently republics if the family is old aristocracy. New aristocracies are being made the world over - they have to start somewhere - but they're all based on money and land just as they've always been. People with new money, i.e. new aristos, want to marry into old money, or, at least old aristo bloodlines, for the legitimacy they feel it gives them.

Yunno, there are aristo families in the UK who consider the Queen and the rest of the royal family as nouveau riche. So, yeah, for a certain group, bloodline means a lot.

Of course, in an ideal world, what should matter is a person's good character, but we're not in an ideal world.


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awww the stuff between tan and won warmed my heart. how much did i love that won drove tan to school?! when he could have easily given tan money to take a taxi, or made other arrangements? i don't believe for a moment that won was the only option tan had.

won is a wasted character, and choi jin-hyuk is wasted as an actor. as much as i love young-do/kim woo-bin onscreen, i'm sick to death of seeing two boys moon over a girl. there's a lot that hasn't been told about won's story... let's have some of that.


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Is it sad that the highlight of the episode for me is when Tan says "I used to hurt people with a spoon" to Myung Soo? That totally took me back to LMH's City Hunter days and got me all cracked up. I don't think I can actually follow this drama as whole, I've been living on recaps instead. I just cannot process what's the deal of every character in the drama. The writing just gets boring after a while.

Though I do like Bo-na and Chan-young's character as well as Madam Han and Mom. I swear those four just gets me every time when they share a scene. I just hope that the writer figure the drama's direction out soon, because, I really don't think I can find a way to actually like it yet. And I haven't even started on how wasted Won character is...


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Me too! I was wondering if someone else caught that.


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Does anyone else find Heirs hilarious.
The things these people find angst over make me laugh, I think Secret both ruined and saved Heirs for me. I might take some flak for this but I see some similar themes between the two for instance Min Huyk and Tan share similar stalking habits and their dads are basically the same person. Young-do, Rachel, they're nothing compared to Do-hoon and Se-yeon which to me makes them funny, side splittingly funny.
The biggest differences though lies in the heroines Eun Sang is a wet blanket and frankly I can't understand why Tan and Young-do are so interested in her, personally I'd be much more interested in Bo Na or Rachel, sure she's a bitch but at least she has a consistent personality. Yoo Jung on the other hand after getting out was awesome and even if she never stood up to chairman or his wife she was never intimidated by them not even when meeting the wife for the first time after pawning the ring.
So no instead of getting annoyed at all the meaningless angst I find it hilarious and that's how Secret saved Heirs for me by being a vastly superior drama in all aspects, except for Bo Na, Bo Na's awesome and as much as I loved it Secret could have used a Bo Na, probably more effectively.


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This episode should've been eons ago, not 13. However, it's better late than never and at least we've got some movements in this episode. I've concluded that Heirs should be watch just for the sole purpose of entertainment, nothing else. No plot nit-picking, no character dissection, no questioning why the male leads are abusive or who we're rooting for or what the purpose of this drama is, why Won only has a few lines, nada, none of that stuff because any concerns will ruin any entertainment value it has.


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How awesome would this show be if Eun-Sang didn't give a crap about what people think of her or how "inferior" people think she is because she is poor? Extremely awesome. Like, if this show was about her tearing all the social stigmas and superiority complexes of every single character down and stomping on them and then just doing her own thing and fighting for a good education because she wants to be awesome and become a doctor or something to give back to her mother all that her mother has had to do for her all her life... run-on sentence haha... I will stop... but OMG that show would be incredible. Just imagine her laughing in Rachel's face every time Rachel tries to fight/slap her. Just imagine her disengaging from every wrist-grab attempt or forced hug. I so wish this show was like that. But I think it is too much to hope for in dramaland... T_T Seriously though. All of the show's problems (at least the major ones) would be fixed if Eun-Sang was that awesome. At least the show would have a plot and a purpose, and we could all agree with why Tan and Young Do are attracted to her.


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Watch the next episode. Most of your wishes might come true.


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I was thinking of finally giving up but... maybe just one more episode xD


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@ Ashley, then she would be another Jan Di... but I have to give points to Jan Di, there's no way she would date a guy knowing he was engaged to another girl.


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This was such a good episode and, finally, some interaction between the Kim brothers. It feels like it's been ages since they were on the screen together. I do so love Tan when he's with Won. He seems like such a kid, when the rest of the time he's trying to be grown-up. I love it. I especially love how Won is just taking it all in stride now that baby bro is on the outs with Chairman Daddy. Maybe he understands the position Tan is in.

I am really glad that Tan was kicked out, for the simple reason that I was getting tired of him being bullied by his dad. I mean, he still is being bullied by him, but there is a certain remove from the action now that I like. Chairman Daddy is really just horrible, and part of me wants him to fail and perhaps loose his company to Won. That would be a nice reversal. If, in the bidding war, Won buys as much stock as he can, and uses it to become a majority holder in the company and kick Chairman Daddy out. That would be the best. But I doubt it will happen.

I like how Young-do is stepping up, but I'm not liking his methods. He really needs to grow up. But I do find him to be sympathetic, but he really is shooting himself in the foot every time he takes a step (or 10) back. So much wasted potential in a character that I like (he makes me laugh just as much as he makes me groan with aggravation at his childishness). I was surprised he told Rachel not to say anything about Tan's mother. I thought maybe he still cared for his friend after all, but maybe I was wrong? I do not understand the guy.

Rachel is just proving that she is no better than Young-do as a bully. What she did to Ye-sol (who's no Princess Charming either) was really hateful. I feel bad for Bo-na since she and Chan-young are really adorable together. Hopefully, he won't stay mad long.

I think Eun-sang did a good job of standing up for herself in this episode. I hope Chairman Daddy doesn't send her away. I'm glad that Madame Han let her go back to the house. Maybe she's warming up to her?

Thanks for the recap, JB!


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both are nuts about pure bloodlines, but i actually think rachel is worse cos she outed ye-sol's secret without any qualms; young do kept tan's (if only to torture him), but i think he actually recognised how devastating it would be to reveal tan's illegitimacy.

plus rachel had nothing much to gain from this except her pride, because she was all along the bigger power than yesol, while young do had everything to gain if he had toppled tan from up there to hell below


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Did anyone catch his 'City Hunter' reference? I thought that was really cute! "I used to beat people up with spoons" Tan really doesn't look like he could hurt a fly usually, or even that he would want to hurt the fly given a chance. :)


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Regarding discussions about the "City Hunter" meta reference:

On Page (1) of the Heirs Episode 11 Recap Thread:

Refer to Postings #3.1.32, #15 - #15.2, #29 - #29.1, and #34.2

On Page (2) of the Heirs Episode 11 Recap Thread:

Refer to Postings #51, #52, #71, and #81


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Sorry...I meant the Episode 13 Recap Threads!


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As much as I said before that I will endure to the end, I might have to eat my words now. I think I'll just wait til the series is over before I watch the next episodes (that is if I even remember to do so by then). I might check out Secret that everyone's been talking about, but right now I'm going back to Grimm. :D To all who are staying til the end, hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes. :)


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Secret is good. Enjoy!


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Javabeans: "I don’t think it’s entirely successful because every episode I’m about to lose patience with all the sneering at bastardy and inheritance rights."

I enjoy this drama for what it is basically eye candy and froth. I don't feel pulled in the way I have towards other dramas. By the same token, I do think the obsession about inheritance rights and bastardy isn't merely the writer's invention to create unmerited and additional tension and drama. In East Asian cultures such as Japan and Korea the family registry is all controlling and it's available for anyone to pull up. This is different from the US context where I could be the illegitimate daughter of Person X and no one would know about my parentage because it's not available in a publicly available government document. I know in Korea and Japan there are inheritance right laws which clearly provide for instance (I'm sorta making the numbers up) that legitimate children receive 1/4 while illegitimate children receive 1/8 of the total inheritance. This would explain why Tan's dad is buying up shares in his name to make up for the difference between Won and Tan. Even though Tan is listed as the son of the second wife on the registry if it becomes common knowledge that Tan is an illegitimate child than that would be grounds for a lawsuit when it comes to determining his percentage of the inheritance which would necessarily involve Jeguk shares.

wouldn't affect


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The law on the family register was changed I think in 2005, so now it is much harder to just arbitrarily add or remove people from it. But apparently a lot of writers are not aware of that. I have seen in a few recent dramas where the Guy In Charge just adds or removes people at will, and it just ain't so any more.


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By the way, who is Rachel to chant pure blood lines when she is the daughter of a divorcee. Isn't that just as bad as being born out of wedlock?


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No, she was born in wedlock.


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Who's her dad then? Where is he?


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When I stated above that Tan's dad is buying up shares to make up for the difference between Tan and Won, I should have also clarified that the reasoning behind this is that Tan's dad is anticipating a fight down the line when Tan's legitimacy will become an issue. If inheritance laws dictate that Tan should receive say X amount less than Won then Tan's dad can make up the difference while he's still alive "by purchasing insurance" for Tan in the form of an arranged marriage with Rachel, and the additional Jeguk shares which will eventually become hers, and secretly purchasing Jeguk shares now with the plan of transferring them to Tan's name later on.

Also take into account that inheritance laws recognize that a legal wife, such as the second wife, is owed a minimum percentage of the inheritance while a mistress would not be entitled to anything. So Dad's actions can be seen as an attempt to equalize the legal footing of Tan and Won and in securing Tan's future he is also taking indirectly providing for Tan's mother after he's gone.


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He could just gift Tan's mother shares. Or buy her property and set up a trust fund.


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This drama is a TOTAL mess. Never dropped a drama before, but I'm seriously gonna drop this. I just can't stand with the main character (KT-ES-YD) anymore; find my self "lol-ing", "eye-rolling" all the time, spit a "mehhh" or "pfftttt" at cheesy and not so romantic KT-ES scene.
Before , Im waiting for oppa's, hyunjo's,hyosin's scene gets bigger, but nope,,,their scene just so little. and oh, young do's scene (which i love) become too I'll mannerred. Young do yaaa....


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If the two main characters would just leave, the rest would become so much more interesting.


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That is my feeling - some of the side stories are a lot more interesting than the main one.


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And we don't get enough of them. Frankly, I'd like to know Rachel's story and how she's going to get out of marriage to Tan and away from the mother who is coming off more and more like a madam herself.

And how will Yesol turn, now that her secret's out? And what about Vomiting Sunbae, for whom I'm only a little sorry, since I keep comparing him to Kim Min-Ki of School 2013 and finding his own pressures lacking?

I'm also curious how what Ji-sook's game really is, since she looks confused to me.

I do not care about the concubine with the heart of gold (Ki Ae) or the mysteriously mute maid-mom, or the sister in LA or Dumbass Daddy Kim or even Won at this point, since he's hardly been developed, and since he hardly ever changes his expression.

Arrrgh, I'm still on this thread because I haven't watched Pretty Man yet!


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Finally we're getting somewhere. There is no more are we are we not, should we should we not. They finally came out as a couple which is a nice change of pace to all the relationships that are in this drama because nobody's relationship is set in stone, Even young-do I never know if he's 100% enemy with tan.
Another thing I was happy about was seeing tan with his brother. Even if it wasn't much it was more than just I hate you because you could take my place in the company. You can actually see that won actually cares to some extend for tan.
It was also nice to see won's girlfriend/ex-girlfriend/friend. I don't really know anyway I like her as a character and I was happy to see her again (it's better than seeing Rachael all the time)
I was also happy that ES actually decide to be with tan
and lastly I always thought Rachael was jealous because she really liked tan but when she found out the truth she went all : you're an illegitimate son blah blah blah.. so I don't know anymore what to think does she secretly like tan deep inside and is trying to hide it or was she just after power like her dear old mom?


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She might like Tan some. Actually, I think she does. When Tan told her some episodes ago that he wanted to break this engagement, she told him he was wrong if he didn't think that would hurt her.

And she takes being engaged seriously, unlike everyone else around, as does her mother who has been shown trying to mother Young Do as her own fiance's son.


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I feel like if ES ended up with young-do he would become violent. I feel like has a need to be in control. And it doesn't help that he said he wants to take revenge on her by annoying other people I mean you don't choose who you like and you don't choose to not like someone the revenge thing doesn't make sense


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I get why Eun Sang would not want to date Young Do, but can't she at least be friends with him? I don't think he's asking for much, just common courtesy, "answer the phone when I call, say hi to me when I say hi to you and acknowledge me when I talk to you".

I mean wouldn't you do that for the least of your acquaintances? It's not like he's asking her to date him or something? I think if she had agreed to be just friends he may not have been so hurt. But in her defense considering how he bullied people in the past and how mean he's been to her, she may not want to have anything to do with him.

In that case she really should stop passively agressively rewarding his bad behaviour. It doesn't help that ES only pays attention to Young Do when he's being bad, and since he wants her attention he does even worse and more shocking things like pour down his drink and so on. Would it have been so bad if she on her own had taken time to just sit down with him and have a conversation? I feel like he could really use a friend.

Also, she's way too passive with KT, the boy orders her around for heaven's sake. Takes your calls on your phones and treats you like a possession. I get that he likes you and everything, but Girl... you really need to put those boundaries up.

Here's to you growing more of a spine in later episodes. Cheers!


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When so many point out Tan's possessiveness and physical aggressiveness with ES, why would YD be the only one to get violent?

Tan can do horrible things with just a spoon, yunno.


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To me, this is what I did not like about the writer. She always put aggressive behaviour as a romance!. She did the same thing in Secret Garden. Her men always act in aggressive way toward the her women! I am not sure if there any woman - I am not of course - see that as a romance at all!!!


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I didn't really get the last scene, why was Tan suddenly so enraged? I mean, I get he would be annoyed that Young Do was messing with Eun Sang again, but did he need to be so dramatic about it? Didn't get it.


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That total over the top rage syndrome is a k-drama staple, not just here. How many times have you seen some guy get mad and then start trashing his office, house, or whatever. It's kind of like how they always shake the crap out of injured people - I guess so they can cause more spinal injuries.


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I guess it was because he fear for ES's safety and fuming anger at YD but honestly, it wasn't necessary - not a life or death situation. Then again, it's Kdramaland where everything becomes dramatic and everyone overly sensitive. I don't know how any same high school girl would like any boy that's like them (Tan and YD).


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@Windsun33 ah ah, that's true, I always cringe because of all the expensive stuff that gets broken :) but somehow this scene seemed so exaggerated to me, even by kdrama standards!
@Yoori: yes, definitely not a life-and-death situation! :)
how a high-school girl would fall for them? well, Young Do, I can understand, because he's the typical charismatic bad guy that some of us fall for... but Tan? he's supposed to be the good guy, and yet he's bad in an insidious way, so in the end he's both a bad good guy and a bad bad guy, if that makes sense... so I'm still trying to get it, but it might just all boil down to the looks.


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One other thing I don't get is why the director has to have multiple scenes of the same hug or kiss or shove into the pool - does he think we don't get it the first time? I understand that the scene is important but doing that for every intimate scene is serious overkill.


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That director must have ringing ears because of you, me and a lot of other people who are cursing at him... He is bad in so many levels, I don't even know where to start. *Sigh*.


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This is a complete convention of these types of dramas and the director can't really be blamed for doing it as well. Multiple angles on the same piece of action (someone posting here recently suggested they might try shooting one of these repeats from space), slo-mo shots, characters immediately replaying action that occurred like two minutes ago in their heads and so on. I'm finding this quite funny.


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Can someone pls tell me what song is playing in this episode when Eun Sang and Tan are in Myung Soo's studio? What is the song called and who is the singer?


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I like all the actors in this drama. So, then why don't I like this drama more? Am I the only one who feels this way?


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i just wanna say, tan is just as bad. He gets angry at young do any chance he gets.

eun sang needs to grow a stronger backbone like speaking up when she needs to for herself and for others too.


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I loved all the humor in this, smile at all the Won and Tan interactions and frowned at the Young Do and Eun Sang complication, because he's so pitiful. And eye rolled at the aftermath decisions of Young Do...what is the writer going to do with him?
At the end of this episode, I swear I could almost feel like he's going to commit suicide himself, like he's waging his life up for something. not good, esp coming from a person like Young Do.


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loved this ep!! so much cuteness!!!
Young do plz grow up!!


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They're both immature, but I really think it'd be better fit ES to be with YD. At least he knows how to work (even if he's been forces to do so). And arranged marriage or not KT chasing after ES while with YR was, in a weird way, cheating. He just caused more problems by diving in like that. I also really dislike how cheesy ES and KT are. They're character development annoys me. YD on the other hand, props to Woo Bin because he's quite good at making you feel for such a mean guy. I really enjoy what he's doing


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