Heirs: Episode 10

It’s a less traumatic episode than the last few, which I guess isn’t saying a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. The frenemy war rages on, and the two suitors literally declare that they will be fighting over Eun-sang because they have nothing else to fight over. Gee, and they say romance is dead. I’m pretty sure that both boys actually like her, but I’m also sure that they hate each other more, which sort of clouds that teeny tiny thing called motivation.


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The love triangle has another three-way run-in, but this time it’s in Tan’s front yard and Young-do isn’t exactly pleased to see that Eun-sang is chummy enough with Tan to be making house calls. He wonders what their relationship is, and jokes that it only leaves one possibility: “You’re siblings.” Shh, we’re in a drama! Don’t make jokes about things like that.

Tan quickly covers it up like they had a date after school, and apologizes to Eun-sang for having to reschedule. Before Young-do can get a word in edgewise, he shoos her out the way she came.

Young-do asks if his fiancée knows about his afternoon play dates, and Tan says without reservation that he’s dating Eun-sang and Rachel knows about it. It’s technically not true, but it sends Young-do seething. Well, more than usual.

To top it off, Tan tells him he’s headed somewhere to get his revenge, and then marches right into Young-do’s hotel to see his dad. It’s a little sad to see how Young-do suddenly becomes a tiny child in front of his scary father, and whispers at Tan not to tell on him.

Too late. Tan’s here to return his earlier asshattery tit for tat, and apologizes to Dad for fighting with Young-do. And hitting him. Twice.

Tan gets nothing but the royal treatment from Young-do’s dad, who declares that he’s grown up well. Tan saunters out of the office with this evil smirk on his face, knowing he’s untouchable while Young-do is about to get ripped a new one.

Sure enough, as soon as the door closes behind Tan, Dad slaps Young-do across the face (for being beaten up, mind you—he’s being hit for losing said fight, not for fighting) and unbuckles his belt. Augh, Young-do is evil but I don’t know if I can watch that.

But he’s saved by the bell when a phone rings… from the bathroom. He opens the door to find Dad’s mistress hiding inside. He turns around to go and asks Dad bitterly, “Were you like this when Mom was around? Or… is it that one of those women became my mother?”

As he trudges down the hallway with tears in his eyes, a flashback reveals the two boys in junior high, having sneaked into a hotel room to play video games. They hide in the closet when they hear someone coming, and end up witnessing Dad’s philandering ways.

Tan is still there and he gets into the elevator with Young-do. He declares that family is off-limits now, because they both know what the backlash is—they’ve felt it before. If you’re so concerned and know how much it might hurt both of you, how’s about we just knock it off and hug it out? Too easy? Too rational?

Young-do sighs that if family is off-limits, that only leaves one thing to fight over: Eun-sang. God, it’s going to get worse than before? How is that even possible? Tan warns him not to go near her, which of course makes Young-do want to win even more.

Rachel’s mom comes by to see Young-do while he’s on hotel dishwashing duty, and she tries to fawn over his bruised face like a mom, but gets squarely rejected. She happens to cross paths with her fiancé’s mistress in the lobby, and the first thing she does is call Chang-young’s dad for an ego boost.

At home, Madam Han is sick with worry that Tan still isn’t home, and Mom sweetly massages her hands to make her feel better. Tan comes home and she asks why he’d out her to Young-do when he knows their whole cover could be blown.

Tan asks why they have to hide at all, and when he sees how panicked his mom is at being found out, he sighs and apologizes for everything. She runs off in tears.

He gives Eun-sang the all-clear to come home, which you technically could’ve done when you left with Young-do, but whatever. He waits in the service entry for her to come home and pulls her into the wine cellar, insisting that they have to match their stories about today’s run-in.

He says they’re dating now, fully intending to date for real so that the lie isn’t a lie. She wonders if he’s just plain stupid not to have heard all the things she’s said up until now, but he doesn’t disagree that he’s dumb: “I like it when you’re angry and I like it when you’re smiling. I’d say that’s dumb.” Well I guess we agree on something.

She stops mincing her words and outright calls him a sheltered spoiled brat. She decides fine, they’ll date, and he’ll break his engagement and get kicked out of his house, and then they’ll see if he still says he likes her. She knows she’ll be the one who’s hurt and alone at the end of that story, but fine, they’ll date.

He only fixates on the dating part, but she douses him with a cold splash of reality: “Did you not know? If your mother finds out that we’re dating, my mom and I are on the street. So will you stop mouthing off about your first-world problems, young master?”

He asks if his sincerity means nothing to her, and decides that she’s right about them not being suited for one another then. He knows all the reasons she’s rejecting him and wounding his pride, “But I showed courage for you, and you won’t do a single thing for me.”

His words finally start to sink in, but he tells her that he’ll stop pestering then if that’s what she wants: “I thought you were a beautiful dream, but you’re a bad dream, Cha Eun-sang.” As soon as he walks away, she starts to cry.

The next morning Tan’s car passes Eun-sang on the way to school, and his driver asks if they should pick her up. Tan answers with his usual rhetorical questions, asking if it’s okay for them to ride together, and this time he’s the one to pass her by.

Eun-sang gets greeted at school by some girls who apologize and invite her over for study dates, now that they know her mom is loaded. She chooses to reject their offer and keep her head down.

Young-do saunters into class and asks Rachel if she’s ever been invited over to Tan’s house. It’s clear that she hasn’t, and Young-do starts to recount the amazing bit of news he encountered yesterday, when Tan interrupts him.

They get hauled off to finish their extra detention cleaning duties that they shirked the last time, and Eun-sang watches them from her class. Chan-young asks about her mom and the PTA meeting, and Eun-sang just says vaguely that someone else went in her place. Chan-young notes that she’s keeping an awful lot of secrets from him lately.

He asks if she had a fight with Tan, and she says she’s in the middle of running away from him. She heads up to the roof for a break, and shuts her eyes as she thinks of the kiss. When she opens them, Tan is staring right back at her.

He’s standing on the roof of the building opposite hers, which is a nice beat—they’re in the same place but so very far apart. She’s the first to break the gaze and run off.

Young-do finds her in the library and asks about her faux mom, knowing that mom in designer duds and multiple minimum-wage jobs doesn’t add up. She doesn’t give him a straight answer and snaps back at him to leave her alone so she can study, and he smiles at her sass. So today we’re sassy, apparently.

It’s time for midterms, and everyone puts in their best effort except for Bo-na who mostly doodles Chan-young’s name, and Young-do, who just marks all As down his test sheet.

Results go up, and Chan-young is first in his class as always, while Rachel takes second. Tan is in the middle of giving Chan-young a hard time, when the entire group chortles to see his name… at the very bottom. Ha. You tried, and somehow got a lower score than Young-do?

Eun-sang walks up to check her score, but Tan jumps to block her path. He spits out her score and succeeds in keeping her from seeing his embarrassing last-place finish, though I don’t see how you’re going to keep her from seeing the public announcement every time she walks by.

The teacher lists a few names of students who aren’t going on the class trip, including Tan and Young-do. But Young-do pipes up to say that he’s found a reason to go now, staring right at Eun-sang.

Rachel pulls Tan aside to say that Mom is requesting a brunch, and she tells him he can date whomever he wants, since that has nothing to do with their engagement. I’m pretty sure I can’t tell if it’s worse that he’s kind of cheating on you, or worse that you’re fine with it.

Tan doesn’t quite agree that his love life is so unrelated to their engagement, but invokes the very same excuse when she asks about what it is that Young-do saw at his house yesterday.

Hyo-shin comes up and comments that Rachel is too good to be clinging to Tan, and she balks at the clinging part. But Hyo-shin sighs that he’s jealous she gets to cling—he didn’t even get to do that.

Manager Yoon gets in the hotel elevator to go see Won, and runs into that mystery man he saw delivering an envelope to Chairman Dad. He plays elevator tag with him until he catches him trying to be evasive, and then tells Won that the chairman knows about his relationship with Hyun-joo.

He asks Won what he’ll do, and Won knows his father well enough to expect the question: inherit Jeguk or choose one girl? Hyun-joo waits and waits outside for their date, and then Won finally texts: “I can’t come. Don’t wait for me.” Ouch, I guess that’s his answer.

Hyun-joo wonders aloud to herself, “Is today the day? We must’ve broken up today.” How sad to spend your whole relationship just wondering when that day will come. She fights her tears and gives up waiting, when Hyo-shin pulls up.

She chides him for running around when his exams are so soon, but he counters that she quit on him first. “You’re not my tutor anymore, so I’m not your student…” He reaches out to her face and plants a kiss on her forehead, and leaves as suddenly as he came.

Rachel and Tan have breakfast with their moms, and Rachel’s mom brings up Eun-sang’s name, having met her “mother” at the PTA meeting. Rachel says she’s good friends with Tan, and cuts the pleasant chitchat with the announcement that she’d like to break the engagement.

The moms go into damage control mode and send the kids off, and Tan asks what she’s trying to gain by doing this. She scoffs that he’ll find out just how their families will react, knowing full well that this won’t actually break their arranged marriage in the least. Tan says this won’t get him to date her, but Rachel counters that he won’t be able to date Eun-sang either.

He sighs that she’s worse than he ever imagined, and Rachel spits back, “What were you doing while my affection turned to hate?” Dayum.

And as if on cue, Tan’s phone rings with a call from Dad. Rachel says they’ll find out if he’s really willing to trade everything for Eun-sang. I know Rachel thinks she’ll win this way, but I feel like we ought to thank her for sending Tan over the edge, or at least kicking his complacent butt a little.

Dad asks Tan what he did to make Rachel want to break the engagement, and Tan says he doesn’t like her. Dad scoffs as if that is the most absurd reason not to marry someone, and wonders if Won was right about his little brother. Dad says he needs Rachel as insurance (as in company shares, if his legitimacy gets called into question, because he is in fact illegitimate).

Tan sighs that he doesn’t need that kind of insurance, and adds that this house really does become sadder when he’s in it.

Meanwhile, Eun-sang is being interrogated by Madam Han for dirt on Tan—did Young-do blab about his family tree at school, and if not, why did Rachel threaten to break the engagement?

Tan comes in and tells his mother to stop having Eun-sang spy on him, and refuses to go to camp even when Mom cries that she paid for the whole thing because of him.

Eun-sang follows him out to try and convince him to go to camp, and gets stalled at the staircase, unable to follow him up. He won’t stay put though, so she follows warily up the stairs, and then hesitates again in the hallway outside his room.

He’s waiting for her on the other side of the door, but she can’t bring herself to knock or cross the threshold, as if coming through that doorway means crossing some invisible social barrier. He won’t talk to her anywhere else though, so she gulps and steps foot inside.

Madam Han comes knocking, so he hides her behind the door and says he’s undressed. She asks what his father said, and he says matter-of-factly that Dad told him he needed Rachel as insurance because he’s the son of a concubine. It sends Mom reeling, and Eun-sang cringes behind him.

Once they’re in the clear, Eun-sang says he needs to go to camp when his mom obviously went to the PTA meeting and did all that because of him. But Tan points out that if he and Young-do both go, one of them won’t come back alive.

He stops her from leaving with the excuse that she might run into his mother, and when she goes to leave anyway, he threatens to call out to Mom. Augh, the manipulative threats dressed as romance in this drama, I swear.

He calls out and Eun-sang clamps a hand over his mouth. He asks her to stay for just a minute, but she says she can’t be here—his room and hers are in two different worlds. She says there are some thresholds she can’t cross, and his room is one of them.

She turns to go, and he backhugs her: “Wait just a little. I’ll make it so that you can cross all the thresholds in the world. I’m looking for a way.” He tells her to have a good time at camp, and that he’ll miss her while she’s gone.

Bo-na is busy preparing camp couple shoes for her and Chan-young, and in return asks him for lots of handholding, piggybacking, and hugging. He laughs that they’re all skinship requests, and says he shouldn’t have held back all this time. She’s hilariously shocked that he was holding back, and calls him a pervert. Ha.

Everyone minus Tan goes camping, and Young-do jumps at the chance to help Eun-sang pitch her tent. Myung-soo comes by snapping photos of everyone, and when he looks at the one of Eun-sang and Young-do, it triggers his memory.

He finally remembers that the first time he saw her was coming out of Tan’s house at the crack of dawn. Young-do’s eyebrow goes up (er, more up) at that, despite her attempts to deny it.

Tan hangs out with Hyo-shin at the deserted school, and talk turns to Hyo-shin’s mystery medical ailment. Tan clearly knows what’s really going on with him, and Hyo-shin even talks about “last year’s suicide attempt” while he went to see Tan in L.A. as if he’s talking about yesterday’s lunch.

He assures Tan that he’s being good about going to the hospital and taking his medicine now (adding that his mother counts his pills daily). Tan asks if anything’s changed at home, but Hyo-shin shakes his head, and says that he’s planning to do something big to upset the order.

Tan tells him that it can’t be anything to harm himself, and Hyo-shin assures him that he hates hospital food enough not to try suicide again.

At camp, they get spit into two teams for paintball. Great, let’s give them guns and an excuse to hunt each other. This should go swimmingly. Bo-na gets trigger-happy right away and pelts Rachel before the whistle even blows, earning her a round of applause from her teammates.

The kids all movie-parody their way through the game, and Chan-young takes a hit to protect Bo-na even though they’re on opposite sides. I love that these two are just off in their own world of romance topped with cheese.

Young-do fires a shot at Eun-sang’s feet and wonders if he ought to save her or not, and says he’ll let her go if she tells him why she came out of Tan’s house early in the morning.

He wonders what her deal is, and then hilariously asks if she was adopted, and Eun-sang uses the chance to fire a paintball right at his heart. Ha, okay that made me laugh.

Young-do continues to follow Eun-sang around (do you keep changing your jacket color to match hers on purpose?) and kicks at her table while she eats, and then declares to the whole group that Eun-sang volunteered to wash dishes.

He offers to help her, and then parks his butt in a chair the whole time, declaring that his mere presence ought to be a comfort. It’s like you don’t know the meaning of words. At least she rolls her eyes at him instead of crying.

Chan-young comes by to help and asks if this situation is Young-do’s doing, and Young-do in turn asks how long he’s been friends with Eun-sang, and if he knows she’s a charity case. Bo-na comes by a second later and he asks her the same thing, and she confirms it with the same reaction, wanting Young-do to keep his trap shut.

Young-do pouts that he’s the only one who didn’t know, and then when Myung-soo comes he’s about to ask him too, when Eun-sang cuts him off and pulls him aside to talk.

He points out that she’s only ever interested in him when he does bad things. There are so many things wrong with that I don’t even know where to begin. Is negative reinforcement the only language you understand?

He asks again what her relationship to Tan is, and she fires right back: “What does it matter what we are? What you going to do about it? Who are you? Just pester me like before. I’m not afraid of you anymore.” She marches away and he hangs his head.

She hesitates and then calls Tan, and runs into Rachel in the woods doing the exact same thing. Rachel snatches the phone out of her hand, sees that she’s calling Tan, and slaps her across the face. What the hell is wrong with all you people?

But Eun-sang just says since she got hit today, she’ll do as much as the slap is worth, and asks for her phone back so she can call Tan. That fires Rachel up even more and she winds up to slap her again, when Young-do shows up to grab her arm in mid-air to stop her. Of course this is happening.

And in true Young-do fashion, he tells Rachel that he hasn’t introduced Eun-sang yet: “From now on Cha Eun-sang is mine. Only I get to pester her.” *facepalm*

He takes her phone and drags Eun-sang away by the wrist. Because she’s freaking incapable of getting out of these situations until a man drags her out of them, naturally. *sporkeye*

Once they’re alone, Eun-sang agrees that this suits him better—it’s more his style to terrorize her. He tells her not to assume things, and declares that she hasn’t seen half of what he’s really like.

And then Tan appears around the corner, which only Young-do sees. He says he’ll start showing her right now, and grabs her in a hug as the boys stare each other down.


Okay, besides the fact that Young-do is impossible to root for romantically (because hello, restraining order), character-wise his stuff would land better if he were allowed to act on his feelings instead of always reacting to Tan in some new volatile way. What is the point of that cliffhanger, when she doesn’t care for him, and he’s doing it to mess with Tan? I mean, if he were a real mastermind, wouldn’t he win her over, yunno with actual romance, not threats and territorial backhanded rescues? I get that it’s possible that his feelings are real (hey, they say even fish feel pain), but until he starts showing it in some other way than the if-I-can’t-mess-with-her-no-one-can rescues, I’m pretty sure I won’t give a flying fish what he feels, no matter how sucky his life is (and yes, it’s pretty damn sucktastic, but still).

It’s not like it’s a surprise to me that this writer’s brand of romance doesn’t sit well with me. I lived through Secret Garden and A Gentleman’s Dignity, and I’ve resigned myself to the fact that we just disagree on some fundamental things. It’s not like it always ruins the entire drama, but we’ve hit the stretch in the story where everything builds to these moments that are written to be swooned at, but I can’t swoon at them because they make me want to call the cops and tear out all my hair.

I want to root for Tan, but his idea of giving a girl space is watching her on CCTV cameras and forcing skinship. I want to have sympathy for Young-do, but he thinks terrorizing a girl is a show of affection because negative attention is better than being lonely. And I really really want to get behind Eun-sang (especially when she puts on her sassy pants) but then she miraculously gets jelly-knees just in time for Tan or Young-do to swoop in and “save” her from the horrible [fill-in-the-blank-here], every time. She had some great moments in this episode where she finally didn’t hold back with Tan, and stood up to Young-do for herself. But somehow at the end of the day, she still ends up the pawn in their game.

How can I possibly root for my heroine to find love and cross all the socially divisive thresholds that unjustly separate her from her one true love… if I can’t even figure out why they’d be better off together? The story has convinced me that they live in different worlds, enough to be compared to royals and plebians, and enough to make their social crevasse a believable source of conflict. But it hasn’t convinced me of the other thing—that their love is worth all the wrist-bruising and pride-swallowing that it takes to get through the day around here. And until the show succeeds at doing that (or here’s a thought—we could stop yanking her around altogether!) it’ll continue to chug on ahead and leave my heart behind at the station.


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You're character here is so cowardly that I don't pity Cha Eun Sang. I actually would like to kick and slap CES because of her character. You started well in episode 1 and will probably end as the most forgettable character by the end of this drama. You know what, you should have taken Lee Bo Na's character or Rachel because their characters are well defined. While you as CES, was just put there without any defined characterization.

Choose dramas or movies like what you did in Don't Worry I'm a Ghost, or Miracle in Cell 7, YAB, even FBND... kissing can never ever compensate for a good script.

If you want to be remembered as a good actress and to stay longer in this industry - CHOOSE WISELY.


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I agree. Its not working for you sweetie. Yes, you delivered well but your character is also forgettable. Compared that with YAB, 4 years after people still remember Go Mi Nam.

The choice is actually yours - and for every choice there is a bad/good consequence.

To add, even popular and good-looking leading men cannot be a replacement for well written scripts.


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Okay Girlfriday and Dramabeans... You guys need to take this show for what it is... It's a show about teenagers. They're manipulative and childlike (no offense but we all know it's true). If they were in they're 30's and 40's then okay we want less of the threats, chest poundings, and manipulations but kids don't know how to get what they want, especially in this show because they're taught horrible morals. The Foil characters in this story are Krystal and Minhyuk's characters because Minhyuk has a secure family and although he doesn't come from much (in this damn rich kid society) he's happy and his dad loves him. His dad isn't pushing him to make BoNa love him even though her family's rich (Unlike Tan and Rachel). Krystal comes from a high class family and works for nothing and clings to her man (unlike Eunsang who pushes him away and works every day of her life).

Honestly the story you guy would probably have more interest in is Won's. If he were the main story I'm sure this show would have less complaints because he's old enough to know better and we'd have to wait for less developmental growth unlike our two babo male leads in this love triangle.


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Agree that it's a teenager/high school show. I mean if we think about it. Teenagers are more impulsive driven by homone and their actions are not meant to be understandable. I think they started out not wanting to be 'just another high school drama' by trying to make it more mature, deep, and whatsoever. But I think the direction of execution in itself doesn't stand well with the direction the plot or non-plot. We are already at ep. 10, but I don't feel hat anything is going forward at all.


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can the main love triangle rest?i want the other love triangle to progress. or the other love teams. hyo shin, give us the meat already.

and, i still love bona. kekeke


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Same here. I don't want to watch Kim Tan - Eun Sang - Young Do for the next three episodes.

I want Lee Bo Na - Minhyuk, the feisty Rachel, Eun Sang's mom, Kim Tan's mom etc... I'm tired of the 3 main leads because the story is routine for the past 6 episodes.


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yup, more of BoNa-CY and the other love triangle please.. HyoShin:fighting!!give it your best..


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Watched Hollywood episodes again today... i didn't think I'd say this... but I miss those time where Kim Tan and Eun Sang exchange friendly conversation. All they do now is cry... Anthony!! Please wake writer Kim up and save this drama!!
Surprisingly the rating is getting better.


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Yes, what would Anthony do? Lock up the writer in a psychology ward for treatment and get a new one! Read the script and make LOTS of changes before letting it go to the actors and tell the director to stop with the looooong stares!


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Just like so many, the second leads are better-off than the main leads.

- Park Shin Hye's role as Cha Eun Sang is so forgettable, nothing much in this kind of "spineless" character, its a see-saw - feisty, stupid, crying, spineless...etc...
- Lee Min Ho as Kim Tan, LMH seems to be disinterested in this drama. he seems not to try his best. His lipstick, foundation, necklace (why does he wear a necklace instead of a tie just like his other classmates?) are awkward + he looks like a senior high school student who never passed for 10 years thus the kids 10 years his junior are now his classmates


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Okay Girlfriday and Dramabeans... You guys need to take this show for what it is... It's a show about teenagers. It kinda showed that early on. They all have the ability to do these amazing things like speak multiple languages and have traveled to many countries, they check their stocks and get engaged at young ages but they're still just little kids. They're manipulative and childlike (we all know it's true). If they were in they're 30's and 40's then okay we want less of the threats, chest poundings, and manipulations but kids don't know how to get what they want, especially in this show because they're taught horrible morals. Eunsang's character is hot and cold but if 2 multimillionaires (or I should say billionaire) came at you they way these two do what would you do? Like YoungDo said early in the show "no matter what you're bellow us and you will be the one working for us because that's the natural order"( probably not his exact words) but it's true. These people could be in control of her future but at the same time she has her own pride.

Honestly the story you guy would probably have more interest in is Won's. If he were the main story I'm sure this show would have less complaints because he's old enough to know better and we'd have to wait less for developmental growth unlike our two babo male leads in this love triangle. He's also going through a similar situation as Tan.


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Yes, yes, and yes. They are kids, not adults. They fights, they get beat up physically and mentally by the adults. It is only midterm, how much character developments can happened? Why is everyone wants to rush thing?


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Oversimplifying much? that they are teenagers is not the issue here, its in the writing and execution ...I hardy think Girlfriday and Javabeans need a lecture on what constitutes teenagerhood haha


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Agree. Just a cursory glance at MONSTAR shows you just how well teenagers lives can be portrayed in a drama. I was fully invested that drama the whole way through. Wonderful script. Great characters. Great acting from the whole ensemble. KES should have sat in front of that one with notebook in hand, not to plagiarize mind you, but to make note of all the drama's general strengths and how Heirs might achieve the same.


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Add School 2013 to the list as another example for writer Kim Eun-Sook to learn from on how to write a drama about teenagers and adults with a cast of multiple characters and storylines.


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Lee MinHo does the best on screen kisses! If only PSH is not so stiff, would have been perfect!


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Its good that PSH doesn't reciprocate the kiss. Because, there is no script - its random. placed there because to drag the time.


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Hey has anyone else wondered what would happen if ES actually took YD's side? He has more to lose cuz the minute his father finds out , he'll make kimchi out of YD. And that's gonna be it.that father guy scares me. He's so dictator-ish.


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LOL@ kimchi out of him..love your sense of humor


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Ha! Squash kimchi! Yeah, daddy dearest is the scariest one here. I almost expect Young Do to finally flip him out the office window.


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I don't understand this writer, Kim Eun Sook. I want to meet her and have a little talk, but I don't speak Korean.


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Just take a nice heavy cast iron skillet.


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I'd really love it if they graduated and went off their separate ways only to meet again a few years back and the real rivalry begin... Like they're older, wiser and maybe some had turn totally different from who they were right now because of the experience... It's just that they look more like university students than just high schoolers (they are supposed to, aren't they?) LOL


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Maybe cus they all are/look quite old for high schoolers? I mean all the, you must make a decision, now! Eun Sang or your wealth! At this age is like, meaningless. I mean, it's not like he's gonna get married now. He still has to go to army. Urgh, the story and characters were so good. The set up, the parent's relationships. Sad to see the titanic sink really. Not like I'd jump ship to the medical drama. That one got boring once the operations started. I mean, I saw enough of that during Good Doctor.


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there are only 10 more episode left...and nothing has happened yet. i don't understand how this drama can be so bad.


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It's a wonder how so many things are happening and yet nothing really happens. This writer ah, I love her ideas from characters to plot to whatever. But for the sake of a show, a cliffhanger and cheap devices, she loses certain logic. And at times when more thought could have been given, she just does a slip shod job of patching an linking things together. She might have storie, characters and one liners that I fall in love with, but she doesn't follow through with the DETAILS


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I don't think the writer want us to root for YD but to show us that his kind of person actually exists. In most dramas second leads are mostly perfect and when they are not, they are two faced (nice to the girl but wicked to other people). YD is just being is wicked psychopathic self with no understanding of being nice. As for KT we knew he had a past of being a worse bully than YD but is trying to change. It would seem unrealistic if he changes completely without shades of his old self still there, besides what made him change in the first place, its perfectly normal that he's still aggressive. I don't think he was ever nice to people and is still in the process of changing and still has a lot to learn and learning does not happen overnight.


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Dunno if it's because i'm being biased, but i think CYD is the most complicated yet interesting character here. I know that he's soooooo irritating with those scary expressions and trash-like words, but hey...there's always a reason behind everything.

For me, KT is so boring to watch. He seems too powerless at home but acts very bossy and abusive (in phsylogical way) at school, and to ES too... I just can't stand his pull-and-grab-hand toward ES.

I used to like ES before, but now her character also gets boring. Plus, ES and KT have ZERO chemistry. It's 100% true.

So, maybe the writer can grant my wish to give CYD all that he wants? If in the end he can't have ES, i hope that he'll live happily with his runaway mother. I think that's fair enough. I can't let him get nothing. At least give him an honest smile, writer-nim...


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Are 18 year olds like this nowadays or is it just the rich ones are more perverse?

The psychological games and the fights portrayed in this show seem rather mature.


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I think that me be one of the scripts problems.


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I'm still obsessed with this show. I can't help myself. I think it is because I'm not over analyzing everything. Yes, ES's character is portrayed differently now than in the first episode where she was more spunky. As for Tan, he spent three years in the States goofing around, of course, he would be last in his class. YD is still the same as before, because nothing has happened on the show that
allows him to change, except slowly coming to a realization that he likes ES. Will he like her still when he finds out that she is a maid's daughter?


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does anyone think the writer is tending in this direction:
Won chooses power over love, forgoes Hyun Joo in exchange for inheritance and Tan does the opposite


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It's on my option list. Then he'll really hate his brother if they end up happily ever after and he's more miserable with his cold power and money that love cannot buy. Especially if Hyun Joo ends up happy with Hyo Shin.


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Could it be that Won chooses power over love, knowing full well that if he were to choose love first, Kim Tan will be forced into corporate servitude?


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Ep 10 is not as impressive as I anticipated. YD, the hug part is bad. I mean you are the epitome of hot sexy rebel, and here you are in EP 10 hugging ES as stiff as coconut trees :( Charisma is in you YD, but you'll have to spice it up a bit with steamy gesture. Hug her to burn KT not just to set him on fire...

I heart CY and BN cute to the cutest BFGF relationship. If this was CW production, they'll become Blair&Chuck for sure... Not Yoo Rachel, she's still too robotic. the girl needs to show more appeal in her fierce queen bee acting.

Dearest recap-tor thank you. Great awesome work, as always :)

Really hopping ep 11 & 12 turns out awesome and exciting


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The hot sexy rebel doesn't know how to hug oh poor he is not experienced with girl that's why


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Why does ES have to cry in every episode?!! It's soo annoying.


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I know right?


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was really horrified when YD's dad started taking off his belt. i was like NO, DRAMA, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS thank god it didn't go that way. But yes i must say this is THE part where the scriptwriter has really ruined KT's character for me. What YD did was wrong, but sorry, that in NO way justifies what KT did "in revenge". Also side-eyeing everyone else who is trying to justify KT's actions. This is parent abuse (the kind where the belt is used) we are talking about, and it's the worst kind of physical AND emotional pain for a child.

And i'm surprised most people liked the paint ball scenes. Those made me cringe. Like wow, drama, what we need is definitely more cheese to top this mess with.


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Because it made us laugh. Kids acting like kids and acting out other drama scenes. I want more cute so I can deal with the angst.


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Agreed. Lee min ho looks hotter when he plays bad boy roles.


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Moment of unintentional hilarity:
Young-do is so tall, his father actually had to *jump* up to hit him. That made me lol.


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I know! The only reason I did not LOL at that is because parental abuse really, really, makes me mad but I was like "dude, you can step on him right now". He looked so tiny next to YD. But I have seen the scars of emotional parental abuse and the everlasting fear of kids with parents like that and it made me very sad despite the hilarity.


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The recaps and the comments on dramabeans are the only avenue I get to see this drama. Since I dropped watching, some part of me keeps coming back to check on it, just hoping time and time again that this trainwreck of a drama finally picked up. But nope, guess I'm wrong again.


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Ok, I just take everything because it´s not my drama but honestly, it´s painful. Am I the only one who think the acting is so-so? Or maybe it´s actually brilliant because all those empty lines and no character development the actors of this drama have to deal with.
My suggestion is, stop talking and study more. Sadly, I´m little bit afraid watching you study would be as much fun. But I´m still watching just not sure why :-))


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Not saying that Young Do's action is justifiable, but I'm not surprised he turns out how he is... bullying people just for the sake of it. I think he just learns by example. His dad does it. He does it too...


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And I can't believe we are already in ep 10. It doesn't feel like anything has been going on so far story-wise!


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more of BoNa&CY please..I'm tired of the main leads and their draggy love triangle.


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writer would like to make the difference in the story, but it makes the artist confused. 3 main character becomes stiff and fingered touch director.
indeed the author is entitled to a difference, but you should not leave the impression failed due to lack of chemistry between KT and ES


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While the story has been slow, I like how the characters are reacting. YD's expressions and the humour is actually nice in this drama. LMH and KWB really know how to use their eyes and express. I am enjoying the drama and I don't think it really deserves all the flak it's getting. Heck I am still coming back for more. And we are all so used to the bad guy being reformed that in this drama where the hero is actually kinda complicated and is differently we don't know what to make of it. All I am saying is me likey.
Seriously, am I the only one here liking the humor in this drama??! I don't think Tan threatening to call his mom was manipulative outright... Every boy acts childish to this day that way. ES is actually on board and that's why she doesn't protest too much.. As for YD, I like how Tan sent the message loud and clear.. Don't bring the family into this... He was just as bad as him once and so snippets of his character come out without remorse and I like how its depicted.
I like YD's reactions to ES :D :D :D..
This drama is entertaining no doubt. It didn't claim to be a murder mystery or anything.. Teenage romances will always be just this..Enjoying Lmh while I can!!!


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I like this drama ,I like lee min ho , but it is ep 10 what else is there anther ten ep from fighting over ES or there is more I really hope there is more than ES going back and forth between KM and YD .


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there's something wrong with the character writing of the main leads when lots of people would rather watch CY and BN scenes together than the main leads love triangle


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She could've made her lie more convincing instead of just staring into space with her mouth open like what????

And why didn't she lock her phone when she saw Yoo Rachel coming over?

Why is she so helpless all the time omg it makes me so mad.

And can't they just move out of Kim Tan's house I mean they could just borrow some money or live in a shoebox apartment????

And just leave that bloody school, it's not doing her any good.

Oh lastly, is her sister dead or something????


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I have discovered a way to enjoy this show. I no longer look at it for the romance, but for the ruptured bromance. In MY drama world, this is is not a story about rich boy meets poor girl and then falls in love, instead it is a love story about a friendship gone awry. They say there is a thin line between love and hate. What I see in this story are two friends, who had so many things come between, (one of them literally an ocean) who long for what its missing in their lives. Like any good love story gone bad, due to circumstances, puberty, and pride, they are unable to express the longing they have for one another, only managing a tit for tat retaliation to express their loss. I was never invested in the romance, but I am sucked in by the bromance gone wrong. My desire is to see them fight one epic fight and then hug it out. Am I delusional? Yes? No? Or maybe I'm just missing Go Nam Soon and Park Heung Soo...


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I feel like this show try to differentiate the typical hero and second lead from all those high school comedy which always make hero the bad boy and second lead the super nice guy. In here, they switch role completely, which I kind of like the idea. I means finally the good guy get the girl in the end and the one who always bully heroine somehow ending alone (not that YD is tht bad but whatever his reaction to the girl in here is those typical hero we always seen).

I watched the episode first then come back here to read the comment at the end of recap everytime. It is the summary of the whole feeling. What is the point of the episode and how the shows go on. Thank you for your hard work.


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A blah episode. Let's fast forward them on an age where they can start drinking those wines in the wine cellar. This might move things faster.


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Rofl good one..


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I feel so sorry for ES, because honestly both guys pursuing her affections are major duchebags. It is really just a matter of opinion wether the maipulative, obsessive, possesive, controling, selfcentered, stalkerish KT, or the psychotic, aggressive, stalkersh, abusive, jerk YD is the worse in your eyes. In today episode KT managed to be on level of YD as far as who is worse goes, in my eyes he even topped him. In my eyes setting up anyone (even YD) to be beaten by their own parent is so horribly low that I absolutly have no excuse to that ever. Maybe it is the cultural difference, but parental abuse is far worse than school bullying. And I found KT's actions worse than anything YD done so far. And to those who sais it was revenge, it was more like YD thrown an egg at KT, and KT dumped a piano on YDs head as a payback.

Anyway ES is better off alone, I am shipping her with independence and a life withouth either of her "knights".

Another thing, about the hate Rachel gets. Honestly the girl despite she hates ES, still less of an asshole to her than either of the boys, despite their "love" for her (at least she ignores her majority of the time). Not to mention Rachels anger toward KT is compeletly justified. I hope she kicks him out.
The only boys I have a symphaty and root for, is Chan Young, and Hyo Shin. I actually kinda ship Hyo Shin with Rachel because he is the only one who was genuenly nice to her, and I like that he asked her wether he should beat up KT in an earlier episode. (please do!!), And I really liked how he said she looks pretty when she smiles, with a surprise. It really showed that Rachel hardly had a reason to smile, and must have been really sad in her whole life.
Anyway I am fed up how the boys "bitchiness" is sexy, while hers often justified (not towards ES, of course, but the boys mistreat her just as much) especially towards KT, is seen with no symphaty at all.

Anyway I have way more symphaty towards her than either to KT, or YD.

And Chan Young and BoNa are sweethearts, and deserve their own show. I would grab Hyo Shin, Rachel, Chan Youngs dad and Rachels moms as well. KT's and ES's mom are golden as well, but I don'T want to drag KT and ES into a possibly way better drama.
And I don'T really care for the tutor girl. I mean all we saw is her being really pretty and sad and all. I don't see much personality there. Hyo Shin and Rachel can bond about their way older crushes being each others secret lovers.


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Thank you for standing up for Rachel. I gave up doing that before, because I realized in people watching dramas always ship the main coup,e no matter who else, fiancee, wife, girlfriend, might get hurt. Cheating aooarently doesn't count if the main couple must get together.

As for Rachel to ES: to be honest, ES's entitled attitude - chan young, "poor me" etc - is just as bad as those of the rich kids around her. I want to slap her too. I can't imagine how bad it must be if she was the girl my fiancé wanted to date.

And an arranged marriage is still a marriage and an arranged engagement is still an engagement. The disrespect shown for the status of marriage and engagement in this show is awful.

Meanwhile, Woobie calls me back each week...


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While I do feel that Rachels attitude towards ES usually misplaced (like the hair pulling), but I felt like she had a right in slapping ES.
ES knows Rachel is KTs fiance. If she wants somthing with KT she should ask him to break off the engagement first, and not start dating, etc... until he is no longer Rachels fiance. I think people forget that KT and ES are actually cheating on Rachel, and they want Rachel to what? Smile and pat their back?
After all KT doesn't want to break off the engagement. What, he wants Rachel to be like his stepmother, ES be like his mom while he will be like his father whom he dislikes?
Well I am not feeling sorry for him. And I am enjoying every single bitchface Rachel is throwing at him. And ES at least should feel bad.


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IAWTC and the ones before about Rachel too. but the writing has been so bad that i gave up on these side characters getting any proper development.. *sighs*


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Good point.


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Our hero sucks. Emo rich kids like this just are so tedious. And this one in particular, whether he's looking pompous and judgey at others, or putting on a bitchface - which he fails at - is really off-putting. He's not even an anti-hero really: that's more Young-do.

In School 2013, Namsoon at least had good and bad sides and by this point in the series had shown his remorse for his gangster days and we could see his trying to get to a better place as a human being, even if it meant he was strangely passive.

But Tan is just yucky. It's just so clear why Won hates him so, Jeguk shares aside.


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This is my first post here but I’ll say it seems that many of you are being overly harsh on this show while I find it entertaining enough to keep myself and my fiancé curious to keep on watching it. This may be at least partially due to our inexperience with kdramas as Heirs is only the 7th kdrama we’ve watched. Sure, the characters have major family and relationship issues and character flaws but if they were perfect characters I bet this show would get dull fast.

I think KT was completely justified in what he did to provoke YD’s beating. Don’t forget this entire time YD has been provoking KT in school and using ES to anger him. And YD is the first to cross the line by going to his house and disrespecting his mother so he really got what was coming for him even if it results in YD getting slapped around a bit. KT already tried his best to avoid confrontation and did everything he could before he had to resort to playing the same dirty tricks as YD. I mean he already tried fighting him and it didn’t work. KT sent a message and it was heard loud and clear and that’s all he wanted to do.

As for wrist grabbing and forced kisses, it may be a Korean cultural thing. I know that when it happens on these shows, my fiancé who is Korean and has been in this country for only a year and a half will say “see, look at how aggressive Korean guys are” as if it is what should happen and completely normal in the process of getting girls to like you. Korean girls are supposedly more passive/less independent and will expect you to be aggressive or you will have zero chance with them.

I am looking forward to next week's episodes!!


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Why all rich hero have sad life and not happy when they have every thing and the poor girl is sad when she don't have any thing cry cry cry cry hug her don't hug her with him no with that kT YD NS will I stop watching the show I only read the recap steal I have a headache and I am lost god I went back to gossip girl to get some Sense , is there any hope for the this show .


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Because even though rich people have lots of material wealth, they often lack what really matters - love, acceptance and attention from their families and true friends and genuine romantic relationships, etc. That's not just fiction. It's quite common in real life too.


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What possessed these talented actors and actresses to sign up to this drama? Apart from Chan-young and Bo-na, their characters are so awful that I cannot understand what made them even consider taking these roles. I mean what is it with the male leads and their wrist-yanking, violent forced skinship and supposedly "romantic" confessions. I don't know about you guys but being bullied doesn't make me feel romantically courted. Also, Kim Eun-sook needs to refer back to City Hall and write dramas like that again where the female leads are awesome and do not sit around moping around about their sad lives. I swear Cha Eun-sang aspired to study aboard? How about you just tell those stupid boys to take their little feud elsewhere so that you can go off and focus on achieving that dream. Everybody in this drama just needs to seriously calm down and not make a big deal out of everything, it's only high school.


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God! The amount of abuse - both physical, emotional and verbal, manipulation and violence in this show sickens me. I'm having a hard time rooting for either of the boys because they are just so damned self centered and Eun Sang had better stop acting as a door mat. If Tan really loved her, he would put his needs above his own instead of threatening her whenever things don't go his way.

This show is getting worse and worse, I hope they do away with the manipulation and violence in later episodes. Ugh.


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I think this show put too much stock in people loving LMH and PSH regardless of what they do. I can't get behind Kim Tan at all. This isn't the 'bad boy but sweet to his love interest' I was expecting. He's just a spoiled asshole.

And as despicable as Young Do is, I find myself feeling for him in his vulnerable moments. I hate him 99% of the time, but the show is starting to develop him into a real human with real feelings, and I can appreciate that.

I'm interested in finding out what Hyo Shin's story is. Actually, at this point, I'm interested in everyone EXCEPT Kim Tan and Eun Sang.


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i want see more of chan young and lee bo na, they are the couple more cute in this drama.


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This episode made me very sad and I dont even know way. Maybe because I expected more scenes for ES and KT. I mean more lovely dovey scenes for both ot them . Unfortunately, there were only craying scenes which I understand in somehow.

I did not want the episode to end like that . It was really unpleasnt feeling .

I hope this drama is getting better .


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Yuck. Do they have to have her *literally* between the boys at every ep ending?


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My fall back position for dramas like these (where there are a lot of characters, and the male lead, second male lead, and female lead make me want to scream) is to laugh. I laughed a lot this episode. Some of it was genuine, like Bo-na and Chan-young. They were so cute. Until this episode I wasn't too sure about whether their relationship was one-sided, with Bo-na doing most of the liking, but now I'm convinced Chan-young does like her.

Other than their moments, the scene between Madame Han and Mom was good too. Also, I liked the Hyo-shin/Tan scene. Hyo-shin is still a big mystery to me, but now he's starting to make sense. He's depressed and unhappy at home, and he may be using Hyun-joo to get back at his parents or maybe just his dad. I like that Tan is worried about him. Now, if only he could transfer some of that worry to Eun-sang, I may like him more.

This show is so freaking frustrating! I still enjoy it. Mostly. But that enjoyment is dying with each passing episode. This writer! URGH! What is wrong with her? Must she demean her female characters with every drama she writes? She makes them strong, or independent, or sassy, but when it comes to men, they are pathetically incapable of standing up for themselves or asserting themselves into an equal footing with them. So aggravating. I liked A Gentleman's Dignity more for the bromance of the ahjusshis than anything else. Secret Garden sucked and I dropped it after 4 episodes. I'm only sticking with Heirs because there are so many young actors in it that I like and admire. Writer-ssi, don't make me regret my decision.

As for Young-do, I found him more sympathetic after that scene with his dad. If my dad ever treated me like that, I'd act out too, but nowhere the level that he is. I really really really want to see some character growth for him. For everyone actually. I thought we might have gotten a little at the camp, when Eun-sang left him with his hea hanging, but then he forcefully hugs her to goad Tan. I do not understand him. I want too, but he (and the writer, grrr) make it very difficult.

Anyway, thanks for the recap, GF!


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girlfriday, hear hear! you hit the nail on the head with the commentary.


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I'm going out on a limb here saying this, but this drama is utter crack! Its driving me nuts! As Ivoire mentioned, I don't know who I'm supposed to root for. I don't understand either character, I mean, I can't believe I'm saying this but, really, Lee Min-ho? Obsessive-stalking-Candy-girl disorder? I'm throwing my popcorn at the screen, and they were my good ones, so I guess that means something. All guys are pretty aggressive, especially our leads. And who are we rooting for again? The male lead, who? All I can see, are two pretty hot 9 year old's fighting over candy. And this was supposed to look like gossip girl, you say? Oh c'mon. The cringeworthy english from foreign-boy aside, I never actually laughed so hard. Sorry to sound like a hard-core critic but, really? But I'd still love LMH and KWB anyway. Lemme give you a tip, let the girl have her own mind! That aside, I'm here for the possible-yet-impossible romance that might bloom between Rachel and Young-do. Oh c'mon, I know I'm not the only one who's fantasizing . . . . . that. . . .


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Tan's dad is scary.He tells Tan that just because Tan doesn't like Rachel isn't a good reason not to marry her.Huh? It's the logical reason, but his father looks at his marriage as M &A and a way to legitimize Tan's status.He the one who had the mistress and caused this family strife.

I guess born on the wrong side of the bed is scandalous since Tan's biological mom is hidden away and Tan's mom is listed as the Jeguk High School director's.I'm confused. Isn't Tan in their Birth Registry?So being in the registry doesn't make you legitimate?


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both guys are becoming emotional abusers and its sickening to watch. whats with koreas fascination with men who emotional abuse the women they supposedly love? its not romantic its disgusting. young do is a few steps away from becoming a serial killer. and they are slowly killing tan for me because like dude if a girl tells you to back off, you back off. and good grief i hate how they are writing eun sang. its so hard watching her get man handled.


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