Heirs: Episode 8

This is kind of a bipolar episode. Or, maybe it’s just an episode that makes me bipolar, which I’m fully willing to believe is the more accurate conclusion. In any case, things are good for a while when both boys start to step up with some moments of honesty and Eun-sang asserts herself in little ways as the budding romance takes on a new dynamic. But then the love triangle becomes a literal tug-of-war, only with a human girl instead of a rope, and then Show and I have words.


Soran – “혹시 자리 비었나요? (Is This Seat Taken?)” [ Download ]

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Tan storms over to Eun-sang at work to confess that he likes her, and will be getting personally involved in all her business at school from now on. What, like you weren’t before?

She brushes it off like he’s got nothing better to do with his time, but he wants an answer from her, right now. She looks up at him, conflicted… and she’s saved by the bell when he gets a call from Dad.

He ignores it, and then a second later, Eun-sang gets a call from his mother. He barks at her not to answer, but she says while he might have the choice to ignore his parents’ calls, she doesn’t. “That’s the difference between you and me, and I think that’s my answer.”

He yanks her phone away and tells his mother to call back later because they’re having an important conversation, and hangs up. Pfft. And then he orders Eun-sang to like him back, which I guess is supposed to be swoony, but mostly sounds like he’s being a petulant child.

She’s finally had enough and starts to cry as she tells him to give back her phone, saying that it’s expensive to her, and she needs it to text with Mom and hear from her part-time employers.

And then suddenly mid-fight, Tan asks, “If I want to hold you right now, am I crazy?” He pulls her close for a hug.

Tan: “Don’t cry. And don’t say that you dislike me. Say that you’ll think about it. I’m asking you.” Well that’s certainly an improvement from the last version. Good job. Eun-sang lets herself cry on his shoulder for just a moment.

Once they get home, Madam Han greets Tan with a barrage of questions, and he gives the excuse that he went to go see Eun-sang to request that she keep her mouth shut about him hitting someone at school today. Madam Han’s ridiculous first question: “Is he richer than us?”

Tan is the one to point out that her question should be whom and not how much he’s worth, and trudges off to see the chairman for his impending lecture. Madam Han tries to pry the information out of Eun-sang, who keeps her mouth shut per their cover story. Madam Han adds the petty gripe that Eun-sang shouldn’t be seen with Tan outside of this house, because What would people think? Blerg.

Chairman Dad already knows about the incident and asks Tan why he hit Young-do at school. Tan just points out the absurdity of his sudden interest in his life when he’s done far worse, but back then Dad was always too busy to care.

Dad says that he has to be busy for the company to go ’round, and Tan notes sardonically that due to Dad’s astounding work ethic, he and hyung will be bequeathed more of Dad’s inheritance than his interest. Snap.

Dad’s final warning is to keep from complicating his mother’s job at school, to which Tan says pointedly that his mother is Dad’s mistress. My, my, did someone have his Sassy Wheaties today?

He comes out to find Eun-sang on her way out from speaking to his mother, and she asks with a long sigh for him to leave her alone in this house. He follows her anyway like a yappy puppy, insisting on apologizing for his mother or doing something to cheer her up.

Eun-sang doesn’t want to be caught daring to speak to the young master in the house, and asks him to leave again, but he points out that it’s his house. She decides she’ll go then, and he says pretty much anywhere you go in his house, it’s his house.

And then he adds, “Do you know how glad I am that you’re in my house?” It doesn’t work to get her to stay, and he sighs as she heads to her room. He plops down on his bed and stares at a book of poems called Almost As If We’re Living Together.

Eun-sang decides to set her alarm for even earlier the next morning, determined to avoid going to school together. She notices a post online (lol, he still hasn’t logged out as her, lying liar) of the book cover in his hand, with “living” changed to “sleeping.” It makes her smile.

She gets to school at the crack of dawn, but to her utter surprise, Tan is sitting on a bench waiting for her to arrive. He says he meant what he said yesterday about meddling in her business from now on, and pretends not to have heard the part where she told him not to do that. He’s satisfied for now to have seen her arrive, and pats her on the head before walking away.

Manager Yoon comes by Won’s hotel room in the morning to say that he has a breakfast invitation from Young-do’s dad, and though Won bristles that they’re hardly friends, Manager Yoon thinks it might be a good idea to take him up on the offer.

Won finds out at the office that there are complications with their latest hotel construction because of Zeus and offshore investor strings being pulled behind their backs, and decides to play hard-to-get with breakfast for now.

Madam Han struggles to get out of bed with a wine hangover, and Mom starts to write a snappy comeback (for her to stop drinking so damn much), only to realize mid-sentence that she maybe ought to rethink it.

Madam Han catches her trying to scratch out what she wrote and chases her around the room, leading to a bizarre slow-motion feather pillow fight, because why not. I’d swear these two moms couldn’t live without each other, not that they’d admit it.

Tan waits for Eun-sang in the hall outside the broadcast club, having heard that she’s meeting Hyo-shin to find out whether or not she made the cut. He offers to lobby for her since he’s friends with Hyo-shin. When she asks what kind of lobbying he’d do, he opens his jacket and suggests coyly that he can offer up his body. Ha.

Bo-na steps out from the room after having done her lunch broadcast, and Chan-young walks up with a drink, posing as a fan. Tan rolls his eyes at them, but Eun-sang sees Chan-young as her escape.

Tan sticks his arm out to block her path thinking he’s all smooth, but she just ducks right under it and runs off with Chan-young, leaving both Bo-na and Tan fuming impotently.

Bo-na turns her attention to Tan and asks if he’s camped out here because he still has feelings for her, and Tan laughs, playing into her delusion with a characteristic, “Do I?”

She sighs that she knew it, and declares that she’s very happy with Chan-young. He reminds her that she used to like him very much, and she chafes at the “very,” muttering that he obviously has good taste and all, but she’s taken.

He’s too amused now to turn back, and declares that he still likes her. (How is anyone going to take you seriously when you do this for fun?) Bo-na cries with utter sincerity that he needs to forget her and move on. Hahahahahaha.

Eun-sang tells Chan-young that she doesn’t know how her nouveau riche story went this far, but plans to out herself. He surprises her with the advice to just keep it under wraps for as long as possible and just graduate quietly, and adds that the bullying victim Joon-young is transferring today.

Eun-sang watches Joon-young’s sad march toward the school gates, regretting that she didn’t even get to say thank you. Bo-na’s friends walks up to introduce themselves to Eun-sang, and note Joon-young’s departure with the wish that he take all the charity cases with him.

Eun-sang ignores another call from Don’t Pick Up, which Young-do sees plainly because he’s breathing down her neck as he calls. Can we put a bell around your neck or something? Sheesh.

He gets faux-offended and pouty at his number being saved as Don’t Pick Up, and demands to see how she saved Tan’s name in her phone. She changes his to Young-do to get him off her back for now, and he tells her that her name is up on the announcement board.

She runs up worried that it’s for something bad, but finds the official notice for her acceptance into the broadcasting club. But the more curious thing is underneath: Eun-sang finds the note she left for Tan back in California. Wow he actually found that thing?

She asks him about it, and though he plays dumb, we see in flashback that he found it after all, peeking out under the massive pile-up of flyers. He complains that she wouldn’t return a simple request for a phone call, but bothered to write that note, and she asks why he wanted her to call.

He sighs that it took her this long to ask. He wanted to know where she was and when she was leaving, and “If you can’t not go. Don’t go. Stay with me. I miss you.” He asks if she’s still thinking about it—his confession, her answer—and she deflects and heads (in the wrong direction, ha) to class.

Watching the whole time is Rachel and a bemused Hyo-shin, who finds all this entertaining and playfully offers to hit Tan for her. She asks about the herbal supplements he’s taking, and he makes yet another joke about what studying for college entrance exams does to make you age rapidly.

Tan sees her and asks for a chat, and straight-up tells Rachel that he likes Eun-sang. She scoffs that he actually said the words, wondering if he wants permission, or for her to disappear.

She reminds him that unless he’s totally lost his mind, there’s no way he ends up happily ever after with a girl like Eun-sang, and he doesn’t disagree, but he’s also decided not to think anymore, and just do whatever he wants and deal with the consequences later.

Tan says he has enough mountains to climb without adding Rachel as one, and asks if they can’t go back. “We were friends once.”

Rachel grits her teeth and tells him he’s making the wrong choice, admitting in the end: “And if you thought I wouldn’t be hurt, you were wrong about that too.”

Manager Yoon checks in on Chairman Dad for another of his regular hospital check-ups, and continually eyes the mysterious envelope from the mystery person sitting on his nightstand. The chairman asks Manager Yoon about why he originally recommended Eun-sang’s mother as a housekeeper, and he recounts having met Eun-sang’s parents back when they used to run a pojangmacha and he was a regular.

He says that Eun-sang’s father was in the hospital for a long time before he passed away, and Mom is still steadily repaying that hospital debt. He asks now why the chairman sent Eun-sang to Jeguk High, thinking it an act of kindness.

Chairman Dad: “So that she hears it from at least a hundred mouths—the reason why she can’t be close to Tan.” Gah, I knew you were going to end up being nasty. Manager Yoon takes that barb to heart, so much so that when he runs into Rachel’s mom outside the high school, he tells her he was just reminded of why they broke up. He purposely answers a call from Hyun-joo just to raise her hackles.

Hyun-joo is busy downing an instant ramyun before her tutoring session, and Hyo-shin sees her on the street and tells her he’ll be late just to give her more time. That’s cute. At their lesson, he nags her not to eat badly and leans in so close he’s nearly kissing her, just to say he can smell her ramyun breath.

I love that he follows it up with: “You need to check my homework before we advance, right?” But the word for “advance” is the same for level of physical intimacy as it is for lesson plans. Everything he says to her is double-edged that way, but she’s found a way to pretend she doesn’t notice.

Young-do uses a judo match to request that the family portrait be cancelled (if he wins, of course), so Dad agrees and then proceeds to cheat his way to victory by choking his son to the mat, and then telling him that winning’s all that matters. Gee, what a sparkling example of humanity. I wonder why Young-do’s such an ass.

Though tellingly, the first thing he does after that blow to his ego is to show up unannounced at Eun-sang’s café. He catches her ignoring yet another of his calls and tells her he came, “because I was lonely.”

He says he dropped the lawsuit against Joon-young because he promised her he would, and then Tan shows up, which puts both boys on edge. Tan is annoyed enough that Young-do found Eun-sang here, but he’s surprised when Young-do names ALL of her part-time jobs, clearly having put all the pieces together on her real income bracket.

Young-do wonders how Tan knows so much about Eun-sang, and they go through a whole volley of witty retorts. Tan: “I’m always one step ahead of you.” Young-do: “Then you should watch your back.”

Tan laughs at the idea of using Eun-sang to get back at him, which just makes Young-do ask: “Are you two dating?” Tan: “Do we look good together? We look good together.” When he says it like a statement instead of a question, it gets under Young-do’s skin.

Tan warns him outright not to mess with Eun-sang, which has got to be a bad idea. He’s basically like, Challenge accepted, and tells Tan to take care of his knees. And just to drive daddy’s lesson home: “On my mat, there are no rules.”

Suddenly the ajusshi at the counter calls out to them to pick up their drinks, and says that Eun-sang already left and bought their smoothies. HA. Okay, that got a laugh out of me. This is what happens when you two are so busy waving your unmentionables around. The girl gets bored and goes home.

They come out with their twin smoothies for cold comfort, and Tan nearly busts a gut to see that Young-do got his bike towed for illegal tuning. He says this is what the law is for, not fake lawsuits. (Oh was Joon-young’s thing faked? I don’t even know if that’s better or worse.)

Won waits and waits for Hyun-joo to come home, and gets all possessive when he sees her arriving in someone else’s car. He storms up to peek inside the car, only to lock eyes with Manager Yoon, who’s dropping her off after consulting her about tutoring Chan-young.

They’re both flustered to recognize each other, and Hyun-joo worries that this means he’ll say something to Chairman Dad about them. Won is beyond caring at this point and tells her he’s moved out for good, so won’t she let him stay with her? From across the alley, someone snaps a photo of them.

Tan lingers in the kitchen, hoping to catch Eun-sang, and finally goes all the way to her door. He fidgets there for a while and still has his hand raised in the air to knock when she comes out.

At first Eun-sang jokes that his mother is coming, but then she really does come into the kitchen looking for Mom, so he pulls her into the dark pantry to hide. They’re pressed up against the shelf and once Madam Han passes, they feel each other’s presence keenly.

Tan doesn’t step away and leans in closer… and closer to kiss her… but sees that she’s practically wincing in anticipation and backs off. What the? What a tease.

They relocate to the wine cellar (she does her homework here to keep from waking Mom), and Tan goes into another jealous interrogation of why Young-do was there and what they talked about.

She says it was weird, but Young-do said he was lonely, and he really did seem lonely. Tan scoffs and asks how Young-do knows about every chicken, pizza, and juice place she works at, which she doesn’t know either. She doesn’t care though since she has no reason to be entangled with him.

But Tan sighs to realize it first: “You’re already entangled. I don’t think he’s messing with you for me to see anymore. He’s doing this because he wants to see you.”

At the same time, Young-do is asking himself the very same question, thinking about Eun-sang and then wondering why he keeps thinking about her.

He shows up to the family photo shoot the next day all dressed up, and Rachel berates herself for trusting him to break up the event. But just as the family gathers, one of Dad’s ex-girlfriends crashes the event.

She greets Young-do as if she hasn’t seen him since junior high, and he reminds her that he saw her in their elevator just last week. Ha. Okay, he’s terrible, but Dad is worse. Young-do makes a point of telling Dad that there are no rules and the only thing people will remember is that he won today.

Rachel has this awesome smirk on her face the whole time, and gives him credit for keeping up his end of the bargain. She asks what it is he wants, and he leans in close before telling her he wants Eun-sang’s customs form.

She wonders if there’s something really going on between them, and tells him that Tan confessed he likes Eun-sang. She half-jokingly wonders if he can’t do anything about that, and Young-do says she might not be able to give him what he wants in exchange. She tells him to succeed first before they talk about payment.

Tan gets the jump on Eun-sang at school, and she asks where he popped out from. Tan, hand to face: “A fairytale?” Pffft. She gets huffy about him following her here, but he pouts that she doesn’t let him talk to her at home (the phrase is “press words to you”).

She snaps, “Words aren’t the only thing you pressed!” She realizes her slip, but it’s too late. He grins like a fool, “Are we just openly talking about that now?” Hee. He complains that she still hasn’t bought him dinner, and she promises that she will once she gets her broadcasting scholarship.

She makes him wait five minutes before coming to lunch, but that gives Young-do the opportunity to grab her plate and escort her to his table, where he forces her to sit in Joon-young’s old seat. Yikes.

He says he just wants to eat with her, but he doesn’t make it a choice. Bo-na looks around for Chan-young or Tan, wondering why they aren’t around for a rescue. Or here’s a thought—why can’t she rescue herself?

She’s understandably afraid though, and asks Young-do what it means that she’s sitting here. He says it’s nothing special, since he just finds this seat comfortable. She tells him that she has nothing to with Tan if that’s his intent, but he says he’s got nothing to do with Tan either.

Tan walks in to find Young-do eating and Eun-sang quaking in fear across the table, unable to touch her food. He asks Young-do what he’s doing, and orders Eun-sang to get up, shouting at the top of his lungs, “I TOLD YOU TO GET UP!” Geeeezus, and you’re better how?

She finally gets up, at which Young-do darts up first to get in Tan’s face about his lack of manners. Tan says he made his date with her first and starts to lead her away by the wrist, when Young-do trips her to the ground. Dude, seriously?

Tan grabs his collar and tempers flare, and Eun-sang rushes to stop them, insisting she’s the one who fell. Young-do says (to either of them or both) his being nice lately must’ve lured them into a false sense of security. Well I wouldn’t call it security, but I did for one half-minute think you might have a feeling or two. Clearly I was insane.

Tan growls that he’s going to kill him, and Young-do claims his victory for making him kneel—just you know, making Eun-sang do it in his place. Eun-sang interrupts and pleads with Tan to take her out of here, so he finally lets go of Young-do’s shirt and leads her out.

Rachel watches all this and points out that he might’ve brought Eun-sang to her knees, but she left with her wrist in Tan’s hand. Young-do sighs that you have to give first before taking away, to make it really land. That’s… scary.

He adds a droll, “You trust oppa, right?” before snatching Eun-sang’s customs form out of her hand.

Outside, Eun-sang cries with her back to Tan, and he’s sweet about checking her for scrapes or bruises. But when Young-do calls her, he barks at her not to answer. She knows enough about Young-do now to know that avoiding his calls will make it worse, and picks up anyway.

Tan rails at her not to, and then rams her with a kiss to keep her from answering.


AUGH, this show. Was that supposed to be romantic? Because I thought the pantry moment was sweet (and obvious, sure) but totally wasted as an opportunity for a kiss, only to have it be followed up with THAT, which was the opposite of romantic, and annoyingly bossy. So you’re not going to kiss her when there are fluttery feelings, but you will when you’re trying to assert your dominance over the other guy? I get that the other guy is terrible, but that’s not an excuse. I don’t know, but I’ve had it up to *here* with these boys barking orders and yanking girls around by the wrist. How about she sits anywhere she damn well pleases at lunch, and you two can dance all you want by the salad bar?

I get that this intertwining conflict is supposed to make it like Tan is her knight in shining armor, but mostly I find myself agreeing with Eun-sang when she asks Tan to leave her alone. At this point, her life would be qualitatively better without him. Seriously. That lunch debacle tipped the scales for me. No boy is worth that crap. And though it’s understandable that Eun-sang is scared about being bullied, I find it extra annoying that for some reason in this universe, boys have to rescue her, as if it’s inconceivable that she’d stand up for herself. What happened to the girl who bought the boys a round of smoothies and left them to stroke their own egos without her? Sometimes I feel like she gets convenient lobotomies depending on what dynamic the boys are supposed to have, which is truly madly deeply lame. Can’t my heroine have a spine AND a boyfriend? Why’s it always gotta be one or the other?

There were moments in this episode when I saw a glimmer of hope, and—dare I say—was actually happy with where we were going, because Tan had confessed (politely), said he’d wait for her response (like a gentleman), and even Young-do showed some vulnerability (like a human) and a possible kernel of a heart muscle (fine, maybe it was just acid reflux). It was going well. And then there was shouting, and ordering around, and tripping, and using girls as pawns, and then I just kind of snapped. If Tan’s arc is that he’s supposed to have started in the same place as Young-do but end up a better man, I NEED HIM TO GET THERE FASTER. Because right now, he’s the same, just less diabolical and more apathetic. And fine, a little nicer, but dude, not enough by a long shot.

The thing is, when we’re not being violent teenage terrorists, I’m not that mad, and I even find Young-do to be layered and interesting. But the violent teenage terrorist thing is kind of like taking that nice layered cake you just decorated with a vulnerable confession and smooshing it with your designer shoes and doing a leprechaun dance on top of it. It’s ruined. And now I want you two to take your war elsewhere, and leave the poor frightened girl with a lobotomy out of it.


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I forgot to put this in my previous post, but my BIGGEST problem with Tan is that, he's freaking engaged. I mean, maybe I'm pushing it because this is fictional and it's of course, a drama, so maybe I shouldn't put realistic expectations as to how moral the characters should behave, but... I don't care if you were forced into an engagement with no feelings involved. If you're engaged to someone and you feel the need to pursue (and actively do it, which he has by that kiss) an emotional relationship with someone else, that's cheating in my books. I don't like Rachel, but it's pitiful and upsetting for me to see her get blown off like that, especially after she's verbalized that she did get hurt. I know that Tan maybe isn't at the stage to man up and break it to his Dad that he's not going to get married to her, but what he's doing is morally wrong and doesn't sit well with me (maybe I'm too old fashioned). And even from his viewpoint, it would only cause damage to Eun Sang and pin her as the girl that stole another guy's man at school, because it doesn't look like anybody at school is going to give her the benefit of the doubt, besides maybe Chan Young. Bah, maybe I'm being unrealistic.


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The engagement is a sticking point for me too, but I thought about it a little more, and this is my take on it.

In the earlier episodes, when Rachel asked KT why he agreed to the engagement, Tan replied that it was so that he wouldn't have to marry her later. At the time, I was really confused about it (still am to be honest), because that's exactly what an engagement is, right, an indication that you will eventually marry that person?

Now that we know Tan a little better, my theory is that he thought it was the lesser of two evils. Agree to the engagement now, buy time to figure a way out of the marriage later. This was pre CES, and he probably considered Rachel a friend then, and while clearly not feeling romantic about her, he probably thought there were worse people to be engaged to and sometimes, he even managed to dredge up enough ...manners? to be a somewhat decent fiance.

But now CES is in the picture, and KT's world is sort of spinning crazily on it's axis and now all his focus is on that. Not excusing his behaviour in any way, but at least it's not like he actually loved Rachel romantically and is now basically cheating on her. I don't think he views it as cheating, because he was never with her, never emotionally invested, as opposed to Rachel, who appears to have become so somewhere along the way, and for that, I do feel kind of bad for her.


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Yes, it is probably the not having to actually go thru with it by agreeing to it while they were so young. He expected nature to take it's course and it to die by attrition so to speak. She's a young attractive woman, he expects her to fall in love with someone else. Plus, he was also apathetic, he really did not care.

All that said, I actually find Kim Tan to be refreshingly upfront with Rachel. He's not bucked up for a confrontation with the 'rents over it yet, because he has not had to do so. But I think the minute he has too, unless he gets blackmailed somehow, he will just say, yeah, this marriage thing, not happening. Really an engagement at 15 is just ludicrous and I have no respect for Rachel for not doing her own thing too and expecting Kim Tan to buy into it as anything but politics. Look at her Mom as a role model for owning a political marriage; snogging the Lusty Daddy and then pitching a fit over her fiance's indiscretion. Really?


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Yeah, I agree with you about Rachel. I pity her. On Tan's first day at school He looked at her and Said that she didn't need to glare at him because everybody already knew they where engaged. But after saying that, He started to openly pursue ES, without any regard for R's feelings and The fact that He knew she was going to Be seen with disdain by The others.
He constantly desregards her and openly despises her, even though she isn't show to Be done anything bad to him. Hell, The poor girl was hugging him at The airport and He couldn't even pat her on The shoulder!
I'm not saying that she is a Saint. But he's known her for ages. Even though He does not like her romanticaly, couldn't He be at least respectful towards her?
ES, before you start dating this guy, you should see how he treats His fiance, because thats likely how he's gonna treat you once he's done with you.


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I totally agree. People say it's ok because he is honest with her but it's not enough in this situation. Just because she is playing bitchy second lead doesn't mean the hero can treat her so disrespectfully.

"He started to openly pursue ES, without any regard for R’s feelings and The fact that He knew she was going to Be seen with disdain by The others."

This is mostly what I thought more apalling about him. Forgetting his horrible behavior in Cali, at least, over there it was a secret.


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Thanks for the recap!

I have only watched about a third of this episode, as my friends were being QUITE unsympathetic about my desire to finish it before we went out for the night, and dragged me away to force me into costume. It MAY have had something to do with the fact that I was watching an unsubbed version, and they were skeptical about my insistence that I could understand what was being said by sheer will power and watching LMH's and PSH's expressions. Suffice to say, they didn't believe me, and wouldn't let me finish watching. Heartless of them, no?

With that said, I think things in this episode sort of went down the way I expected them to, and I'm even more eager to watch the whole thing (with subtitles this time, wouldn't want my secret power to run out! ;D ) Some initial thoughts about the episode and my take on the commentary I've seen going on the most below...

I wasn't a fan of KT's rushed 'love me-or-leave-me' demand of ES. I watched it again, and tried to think about it from every angle I could, and while I love that he got straight to the point and didn't beat around the bush and draw out how he really felt about her for 5 more episodes, I wasn't loving the demand thing. The fact that he's going to be a nosy-parker in all areas of her life also made me sigh a bit, in a mixture of exasperation and amusement. I get that you're doing that because you care about this girl, but could you phrase that more delicately, and also can you be more aware when your interfering causes her more problems? ( Case in point, the very next part, where you get her in trouble with your Mommy.)

I understand you're experiencing massive feels for the the first time, KT, but cut the girl some slack here. You're coming at her with all the force of a hurricane, and she doesn't even have an umbrella for protection. Think about it. She's under stress from the toxic school situation, having to lie about who she really is, having to deal with a demanding mistress of the house, juggling a ton of part time jobs (is it 3? Does she still do the dish washing thing? I've lost count) and now, on top of it all, you're making her deal with the fact that you LIKE her, like her, and perhaps even more terrifyingly, the fact that she-who-thinks-all-time-not spent-earning-money is wasted may like you back too.


Even I'M tired after all that, and I don't even have to contend with your dizzying amounts of prettiness while I'm at it. With that said, I wasn't surprised at all that her first response was to totally brush it all off. Hahaha, one of my own favorite avoidance tactics, guaranteed to work at least 80% of the time if you flee fast enough, but of course, KT isn't having any of that.

Again I suffered the conflicting reactions of wishing he could see he was causing CES distress, and liking that he's not going to let her just sweep it all under the rug. Of course, his next stunt with the phone sends her over the edge. I wish CES wouldn't CRY at every little thing, but I can see that at this point, she's just totally overwhelmed. To me, it seemed like he was telling her,showing her, (rather inelegantly I agree) that things she might secretly have wished for about him ARE possible, are in fact happening, and she's flipping out because she knows she shouldn't want those things (or him), and here he is, forcing her to confront those feelings.

( As a side note, does anyone have opinions about which site has the more accurate english subs? I ask because that scene where he pulls her to him, in one version, he said " If I want to hold/hug you right now am I crazy?" and in another, the subs said, " I'm going crazy because I want to hug/hold you." One is definitely more fluttery than the other..sooo yes. Thoughts?)

I agree with girlfriday that the second time around, the confession was much more swoonworthy. A++, KT, now just keep going with that, okay? :)

I liked his little goodnight wish to her at the end. What? I'm a softy! I can overlook, as girlfriday rightly noted, that he did indeed lie about logging out from her account, just this once, but I really hope he's not going to turn the creepy kind of privacy invader (although is there any other kind?), because he's toeing the borderline right now. I MAY be able to excuse him if the motivation behind it is right (keeping tabs on CES to make sure she's not hurt, keeping an ear on the ground for things that might harm her etc etc, or innocent messages like the above) but yeah, the minute it starts getting stalkerish, we have a problem.

Did anyone else catch her little smile when she saw that message? Earlier, I'd had my doubts about CES's feelings for KT, but I think I'm pretty much convinced that she likes him as well. The difference between the two is that she holds herself back a lot more than KT, and she is TRYING not to like him. Oh honey. That's like telling the sun to not come up, or the wardrobe department to lighten up on the fuchsia lipstick for God's sake. It's obvious to me that she, in spite of everything, already likes him, and watching her finally admit that to herself, and to HIM, is something Im really looking forward to!

The school scene was cute...and it shows that KT is starting to get how CES thinks. I lol'ed at her expression when she spotted him, and this is the scene that gives me hope that he won't be some sort of psycho stalker in school. He was there to confirm that she hadn't actually left although if she did, it would totally be your fault, you dummy. CES looks like she could probably cut off her own nose just to prove a point, or is capable of going to insane lengths to help others (and herself sometimes? Running away to America, anyone?) so it was nice to see that KT was uncertain enough of her feelings to want to be sure she was still going to show up. I also take it as evidence that he WON'T be a stalker. After confirming her presence, he doesn't hang around her, restraint that was refreshing to see, given his tendency to want to be around her all the time.

Anddddd...this is the part where I got dragged away. Ugh. I'll be back when I've watched the rest. I think I've reached a good balance with the show, in terms of objectivity and giving in to the feels of the sweeter parts. I'm hoping it lasts!


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I’m really enjoying this drama but I’ve realised something rather disturbing about the main characters in it. Kim Tan is really every bit as abusive as Young do. It’s just that his is a passive aggressive abuse, that is predatory and obsessive rather than violent.

To threaten ES with eviction and being forced to leave school unless she dates him, all the while knowing that in doing so, she is putting herself at such risk is beyond selfish, it’s downright cruel.

And he’s so open about invading her boundaries in every way, logging into her facebook and refusing to let her be alone in the house or at school. Yeah I know LMH is a hottie and everyone dreams about being his love interest, but imagine the same behaviour if it was by some ordinary or ugly looking guy… not so cute anymore, eh? And in fact downright creepy.

I do have to give it to the writer and to the actors, though because it’s still very fascinating to watch, but it’s not my idea of romance. Any woman whose been through anything like ES’s experience will tell you that it’s pretty horrible.

What the writer is doing really well, is tying KT’s behaviour into a family dynamic, because we see the same obsessive passive aggressive behaviour in Won.
Hyun Joo, is trying to escape him as best she can, and he is refusing to let her go. In fact I doubt he ever will let her go, so the chairman will have a fight on his hands.

For both brothers, it can’t be a coincidence that they’ve both fallen for warm, loving but socially inferior and utterly powerless girls who can’t get away from them no matter how hard they try.
I think that’s the key, both Tan and Won clearly need to have power and control over the women they love because of their rejection and abandonment issues.


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All the coments here always make me LOL..And that LOVE IS THE MOMENT..seriously..that song is TERRIBLE!


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I hope it's not going to be the Heirs versions of 'Almost Paradise'...lol. Seriously, I set my phone to wake me up with that song when I really want to be sure I get out of bed, just because I'm so motivated to get the pain to stop, hahaha.


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Ur taste is TERRIBLE!!
GO & sing sth 2 see what that will be!!!


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What's terrible about using a horrible song as motivation for waking up in the morning? Apologies if you enjoy Almost Paradise, but I just can't get on board with that song. Sorry.


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I mute the sound when it's playing (same for the Hong Ki song). First time I'm doing this for an OST... They manage to give us 2 crappy songs for a single drama: It's a record for me and I've watched tons of dramas. O.O


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if i had a 'like' button to this comment , i would've clicked the bejeezus out of it!
i cringe when it comes on. seriously. and the romantic in me curls up in a corner of my heart and screams silently at the atrociousness of it all.


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Ha ha ha you're awesome, what an accurate review you have there, these two boys should took their ridiculuos war elsewhere, and leave the poor frightened girl with a lobotomy out of it. Not that I'm disapointed with the show i'm watching it just for fun and my expectation aren't really high. But this characters can get really anoying sometimes the poor helpless girl (who has a better phone, shoes, clothes, etc, than any poor human being ever known), and those violent, bossy and arrogant boys who keep barking orders, not to mention their equally horrid parents ugh.


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I'm very tolerant with unrealistic kdrama plots and Lee Min Ho is so hot that usually I would be just watching and enjoying the eye candy...but this episode makes me think that they are giving a bad example to young girls, about what you should accept from a guy that says he likes you. I think it's too much violence and bossiness and no girl should accept these things even coming from LMH. The kiss was horrible (just a way to make you not answer your phone??!! in the middle of an argument, with all this bad atmosphere), I can't imagine a worst moment to give a first kiss to the person you like. And yet so many girls fangirling about it, I'm worried, haha!!
So far character development is a disaster, and the whole show has a whiff of sexism I can't stand, I'm starting to dislike it....I don't think LMH hotness will be enough to keep watching.


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I am really surprised by all the negative comments about the drama . Simpley , if you dont like , dont watch it .

To me , it is a great refreshing drama . I LOVE PSH and who doesnt . She acts really well . People wonder why she is scared ? because every thing is different there . She is scared about what will happan to her , will she be bullied , is she going to lose her scolar ? . In addition , she knows that no one will help.
LMH, whats wrong with you people what ever he does is simply great. He is extremely lonely . He only cares about his brother and now Eun Sang . He is showing his love in every possible cute way.

I live in Gaza Strip , where we usually have 12 hours of electristy a day . Still , I am waiting for Thursday and Fraiday egarly to watch the drama because it makes me feel great and change my mood .
Just enjoy wathing it , because I am going to in shaa Allah .


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Glad to hear that you are watching Heirs all the way from the Gaza Strip. Good for you. Are you Palestinian, Hasna? Happy to read your comment.


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Thanks alot for your comment. Yes , I am Palestinian .


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HASNA: if you read this comment, would you be my friend? Please contact me on my twitter @maysavitri or my facebook May Savitri. I really wanna have a friend from Gaza Strip. Thank you.


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I honestly find the show entertaining, but plot-wise it's going no where. At this moment, I don't actually see the message it's trying to convey anymore. I kinda understand many characters behavior and stuff because they are all teenagers after all. They are bound to be driven by hormone. For me personally, Young Do's behavior is understand if one thinks he is after all a 'teenager' or even Eun sung not being able to stand up for herself. I do believe these types of people exist... it's just the execution that makes it too unrealistic. I really wish from now we can move a bit forward and make the story go somewhere.


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The main leads are boring, the only one that shows some feelings is Tan, and his methods are so bad I'm not sure I would want to date him, even being a smoking hot guy.
There is much more cuteness in the BoNa/ChangYoung relationship and much more sexual tension in the way Hyo Shin approaches his tutor...first drama I'm more interested in side plots than in the main couple, haha!!


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Ya know I really want her with Young Do just cause I think he needs someone like her in his life more than Tan. I know that will never happen but I just can't help but feel that Young Do deserves an honest chance and the more asshole shit he pulls the more I root in his favor. Plus Tan is being way too pushy and naive that maybe he can do things and not worry about consequences but she can't. Her mom works at his home and she can be easily fired. Leaving them destitute.


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"The more asshole shit he pulls, the more I root in his favor."

I guess then, if he turns into an ax murderer, he'll REALLY be deserving of the girl...

There is nothing short of a personality transplant that will make me like Young Do. He has the capacity for unapologetic, and breathtaking cruelty. I mean seriously, the stunt he pulled emptying out Eun Sang's backpack and comparing its contents with those of a student of obvious privilege just floored me. He, perhaps out of everyone else present, most understood the implications of her being "found out". And yet he did it anyway. And the crap he pulled in the lunchroom further cemented my total disdain for his character (he tripped her on purpose? For real?!). If this is the way you treat someone whom you supposedly like, whom you've said you have an impulse to protect, I shudder to think what you'd do to a girl you hated.

There's nothing sexy about predatory behavior. He reminds me of nothing so much as a praying mantis (spooky eyes and all!), poised to lunge and devour without a moment's notice. I get that he was raised, social Darwin style, by an even bigger ass-wipe, but that doesn't write him a pass in my book. Yes, Dad is much worse---as in, if Young Do is a praying mantis, his father is a scorpion---but I just can't work up much sympathy for junior. I did enjoy though, the way be managed to beat his father in the end when it came time to take the dreaded "family photo". That young Sith has learned a thing or two from his Master. It was the first time I actually approved of something he did.


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I do like Javabean and Girl Friday's recapping of this drama and some of the comments. However I think most of the comments about the behavior of Kim Tan is a little severe. We must remember that he is rich, spoiled and only 18. Still not fully matured. That Kim Tan is whiny, petulant, riding rough shod over Eun Sang at times can be seen as typically high school kid behavior especially if he happens to be rich as well. There is still a lot of growing and maturing to be done. He is learning for sure but not there yet. I think the character is really believable. He can't get it right all the time. He is impulsive and just blurts out as he feels. He feels entitled at times. I think we should not be so harsh about his foibles. LMH is doing quite well as a high school kid.


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I love this show and can't get it out of my head. It has so much going on, on so many levels.

Dreams contrasting with reality are everywhere explicit and implicit, literal and figurative. Honesty coupled with vulnerability embodies both bravery and arrogance. In the microcosm high school setting everything clashes and the standard character tropes become slightly askew.

Dreams/Reality - The dream catcher is payment, reminder, and love letter. Eun-sang dreams of leaving Korea for a better life, believing her sister is living the dream. Tan lives his US life in a waking dream. Eun-sang and Tan's US relationship is like a dream, They return to face reality in terms of society, family, and each other. Eun-sang falls asleep in public and Tan and Young-do are drawn to her. Tan dreams of a lasting relationship with Eun-sang despite his position. He's happy Eun-sang is sleeping in his house but she's in a closet. Young-do sleeps in a hotel room, Won has no where to sleep, Madam Han sleeps as a mistress, and Dad sleeps in a hospital bed. The pillow scene between Mom and Madam Han is a dream sequence until the reality of chicken feathers hits.

Honesty/Truth/Vulnerability - Tan is honest to those that can hurt him the most, making himself vulnerable. He lays his heart bare to Won knowing there will be pain. He openly expresses feelings for Eun-sang, never lacking decisiveness as they grow. He's completely honest with Rachel. Eun-sang focuses on the truth of her position rather than the honesty of her feelings. She is vulnerable when falling asleep in public and she's stunned by Chan-young's advice to hide her status. Her scholarship to Empire, and even her phone, are precarious lifelines. Accepting and admitting that is humiliating but the loss would be devastating. Young-do is honest to everyone. He plays with words but not intent. Confusion arises in his treatment of Eun-sang because he's confused, and openly so. Madam Han lays herself bare to Mom both intentionally and by accident. Mom is almost honest with Madam Han about her drinking but reconsiders. Bo Na won't actively tell the truth about Eun-sang but she won't lie either. She also won't see the truth about Tan.

Characters - Tan has the trappings of the chaebol but he's a bit different. He doesn't fight his attraction to Eun-sang, doesn't initially deem her unworthy, doesn't deny or hide his feelings about her, his brother, or his parents. As a child he confided in Young-do not for his own sake but to make Young-do feel better.. His US life is a waste but he comes back to make a place for himself in the lives of the people he loves. Young-do is the redeemable bad boy and potential love interest to Eun-sang. But the reasons for his behavior, and his vulnerability, aren't yet enough. Part of the tension lies in the fact that he may not be redeemeded. Interestingly, Young-do and Won are both paths Tan could've taken. Eun-sang is the poor girl to Tan's chaebol. But she also has a best friend who, along with his girlfriend, is well above her social status. She's smart, tough, and vulnerable and has focused on her basic needs while dreaming of a better future. The irony is that Tan may be able to offer that but in a Madam Han kind of way. Chan-young and Bo Na are more than steadfast friend and comic relief. Chan-young is a welfare case at Empire yet fits in and dates well above his status. He confronts Young-do without fear or repercussions. Bo Na has dated the top and bottom rungs in Tan and Chang-young without fear of reprisal. They seem to have what the others don't.

Thanks, I feel better.


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your comment is impressive!! :)))
I REALLY enjoyed reading ur comment!!
U must be an observant person who catches up each nuance & delicacy in this drama!!!
Ur comment differs from others,it shows how clever & smart you are!!
After I have read ur comment,I was thinking 2 myself,wow I hadn't noticed that in the episodes!!
U made me wanna watch the episodes right from the beginning & also think long & hard about this drama!!

The screenwriter,KES,is A GENIUS!!!


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Flirty LMH is totally cute... love it when he teases Eunsang (at the cellar and at the bench before lunch). The epicness of "from a fairytale"... I was just floored.

I think he really has grown as an actor. Grudgingly... I think Krystal is doing great too with her quirky character.


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Oh yeah..the fairytale part almost made me choke! Wahahahaha....


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Ughh I got so annoyed at the lunch scene as well... and after Kim Tan obviously sees how shaken up she is by the whole ordeal but goes ahead and grabs/forces her into a kiss *slow claps it out* The logic in this one I swear....


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I agree that it's annoying how everywhere she goes, Tan always shows up a few seconds later. not cute, but annoying


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I liked the flashback on how Youngdo and Kim Tan's relationship turned sour! I think one misunderstanding was all they needed to turn from one another but I am looking forward to just one positive event to make them best buddies again
As for Eun Sang, I hope the plot for the love triangle gets better. Can't imagine what will happen once the whole school knows she is in social care group. Will Youngdo still be the big bully he is? or will he stop the whole stupid fiasco?


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I've just decided to de-lurk to say that I'm going to hate that "love is the moment"song with the passion of six fiery suns before this is all over.


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Omg lol what to do okay to be honest am very very very dis appointed about their moving girls round and round in school I can't be moved in school oh and lucky eun sang two guys serioulys omg stotally screaming out loud


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I've been watching this show solely because of LMH and he hasn't been too bad at it.
However, I am beginning to wonder whether 12 episodes are enough to have a decent story to emerge and a satisfying ending to this show.


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I thought that in the ending cafeteria scene, he was yelling at Young Do to stand up, not Eun Sang. I mean, wasn't he staring daggers at Young Do when he yelled that?


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I agree with you. Kim Tan was shouting at YD, showing his anger towards him, as he saw ES trembling in fear. It's also telling ES that it's okay to get up and not be afraid of YD. The kiss at the end is his way of stopping ES from yielding to YD, and his shocking way of saying 'Snap out of it(this fear of YD). I'm here for you. Don't be afraid.'


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Last comment was a reply to apple, #169.


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Thanks! Glad to know that I'm not the only one who interpreted the scene in that manner. I was wondering why everyone was hating on KT for yelling at ES.


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ok...so i didnt run to my computer to watch this after work on wednesday, i waited until today...

so it is not just me then? Good I was wondering if the show was doing the protagonist is the anti-hero bit?

I would find it oodles more interesting if we focus on the Tan and Won's relationship and how to overcome their father. In fact, lets do that with all the characters. It would make more sense with the show's title anyway.

Sigh...this is one of the instances i could forgive PSH fish lip kiss thing...Tan does not deserve an actual kiss for that at all. AT ALL.


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i adore your recaps! i think you manage to point out a lot of things that i feel like i miss until i go back and rewatch the episode so thank you for that :)

and i do think that tan is quite bossy and demanding in all his attempts to woo her but i also feel like he doesn't really have a choice. and he does respect her boundaries in most cases and he certainly never means her harm, unlike young do when he tripped her. also, CES seems to trust him more than anyone--i mean, she did ask him to bring her out of the cafeteria rather than anyone else.

also, this may just be a difference in interpretation, but in the beginning of the episode when he demands her to give him another answer, i don't really think he's demanding for her to give him a "yes". i think he wants a "yes" OR a straight up "no," which she hadn't actually given him. CES insists on telling him that she can't be with him because of their differences but i think tan wants to hear her say, "no," because she actually DOESN'T have feelings for him. except, it's kind of implied that she does have feelings for him, at least somewhat (?), so she can't straight up tell him "no".

<3 your recaps! can't wait for next week's :D


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hey! don't you think the music "love is the moment" reminds a lot of "almost paradise" in BOF? It sucks, you can't get rid of it and you hear it every two minutes. Seriously, i could bear watching this drama till the end, even with all the disapointment, but this music is seriously getting on my nerves!


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The most compelling character in the show is Young-do, borderline sociopath though he may be. So many questions! What's his deal? Why is he so angry? Where is his mother? Etc. etc. He may be the bad guy, but I'm happy when he's on screen because I know I won't be bored.
My other happy show moments are these goofball interactions between Madame Han and Eun-sang's mother. They crack me up.
The Gossip Girl parallels are clear. It's obvious that's the vibe they're going for. Which is strange, because I hated that show, yet I'm watching this one.


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Cant figure out why 2 guys are interested in Eun Sang- not much personality there. She cant answer a direct question & her acting ability is to open her eyes wide to go along with her continuous frown. I'm rooting for Do Young but show is too boring to wait & see if he becomes all that he can be.


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I am eating this shit up. I got excited for this show because I knew it was going to have all the dumb, ridiculous things that BOF did. There are a lot of little things I don't like (possessive males, asshole males, wishy washy-ish females, daddy issues, etc.) and I wish these little things would begin to disappear from all dramas. But there are a lot of little things that I love about this show (when Eun Sang is strong, a really great bad boy, the intertwining relationships, the healthy amount of mystery). Plus, I find Woo Bin uber sexy when he's being a bad boy so I tolerate (honestly, enjoy) when he's being a jerk.
I dont know, I guess I just like when dramas are so fucking nuts because then when those really great moments happen there's a lot more to it.


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Can Eun Sang and Bo Na just forget about guys and be lesbian lovers, it would make me so happy.


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The story plot is really old one and boring. Had the storyline been a little different, with such beautiful actors the drama would have been great.


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even Young-do showed some vulnerability (like a human) and a possible kernel of a heart muscle (fine, maybe it was just acid reflux)



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I hope you guys didn't choose to cover this one over Secret (I'm pretty sure you did due to sheer popularity) cause I'm watching both and WHOLY CRAP is Secret freakin awesome in comparison....but I won't get into the awesomeness of Secret haha....

As for Heirs, some dramas are made to convery a message to the audience, to leave the audience with something to think about, maybe a different outlook about their everyday lives or maybe to do a good deed...you know, something.....however, Heir's has made me realize that there are simply mindless shows that convery no message or meaning to the audience whatsoever and so....keeping this in mind, Heir's is highly ENTERTAINING...and that's pretty much all it is....

What baffles me is WHY all these amazing and budding actors/actresses voluntarily CHOSE to do this drama - I mean, c'mon! Were you all drugged at the same time, forced to sign with thumbprints and then threatened to high court if you didnt do it, cause I can't even begin to comprehend the reasoning behind such a mundane and plot-less drama....unless it was touted to be much more than just what it is....

I have a feeling the directors/writers really wanted this to be like Gossip Girl - you know, a glimpse into the life of the rich and famous teens who have mommy/daddy/hyung issues but fails extremely short....it's needs to be snazzier, more zippy...there is absolutely no movement in any of the characters here...


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Why don't you blame the writer for the bad characterizations and the perpeptuation of weak female protagonists in need of rescue? Because that's the real problem. I could totally see Eun Sang standing up to that bully if the script allows her to do so. And why is this kid allowed to bully others in such a prestigious high school? LOL Why then is this school better than a public school? It's ludicrous that there aren't an adult in this cafeteria. That Bo-Na girl is also an annoyingly inconsiderate, typical-bitchy-girl (although not at Rachel's level) who mistreats her boyfriend's FRIEND and I really don't see how the kid can date such a girl if she doesn't give a crap about his friend's well-being. This show has its fun, enjoyable moments, but when it goes to the scenes involving bullying, violence, and abuse towards women, it is just too much.


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omg. the extended preview got released! looks like high school romance drama is full on.




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i am silent reader here.. but love to read JB and GF's recap.

but i have to say this, i am waiting for KT's to progress as an adult and professional heir, rather watching him being student...


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All comments are hilarious... it makes HEIRS so widely picked up by viewers all over the world ( not to mention rating that matters only in Korea.) Am just expectant and give trust to the dramagods for the next half of 20's episodes.Enjoy the rides of Heirs... it's my cup of tea anyways, coz of LMH. :) :) :)


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THanks KDaddict for your very enlightening comments.... make me want to finish this drama....so I will know what will the ending be... will the story ends with LMH & PSH tying the knots??? or will the writer have a unconventional ending...........


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Not a great ending, but a good episode. Really interesting characters and character dynamics/relationships. But the show isn't giving much in way of backstory and we're left to feel our way a long on why these guys hate each other so much. I wish Chairman Dad wasn't an ass, but it's not unexpected.

Thanks for the recap, GF!


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I've been watching a few American crime dramas, and in some episodes, the behavior of the stalker/killer/suspect is very similar to Tan and Young Do (i.e. the girl says no, but they keep coming back), and such behavior is considered psychotic, creepy, and dangerous. I wonder why in Korean drama, similar behavior is considered romantic. Is it a cultural thing? An Asian thing? Like how Japanese porn is like 95% rape/noncon? Is typical Korean romance generally about bullying your way into a girl's heart?


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ok, so I couldn't read all of the comments-watched all 8 episodes that are out right now in one day- just had to scroll down and rant about one thing… WTF is up with that ridiculous song?! every time there is a wonderful moment between the two leads this cheesy bit plays and messes everything up. ok. I'm sorry. I had to let that out…


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I hate YD but I'm sorta feeling sorry for him- he can't get the girl and he knows it. In love with the way KT glares at ES! Its about to go dowwwnnnn! And Im loving every minute of it! except that "Love is the moment" or whatever song…..ugh.. yup i brought it up again…. :/


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" I find it extra annoying that for some reason in this universe, boys have to rescue her, as if it’s inconceivable that she’d stand up for herself. What happened to the girl who bought the boys a round of smoothies and left them to stroke their own egos without her?"

- precisely...why muz Eun-sang be the ever suffering Candy that gets pulled here there and everywhere. I'd rather have the noodle haired Mi-rae as the heroine. at least SHE shows some character.


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i love reading the comments. XD they're ALL FUNNY and does have a point; i dont really hate Heirs. i dont really love it either. i know that it has flaws and definitely there are annoying scenes and characters. but yeaaah, i tend to ignore them to enjoy the drama. :D come on people, you have to admit it, you guys maybe frustrated but you still watch it.


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KDaddict your post is great, so insightful! I will watch Heirs with a new mindset. You have made a good show even better to me.


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If she is so intelligent, I want her to solve her own problem by out smarting both of them, put both spoiled rotten children in their place, and graduate, go to college and take over their little empires using her brain!!! No weeping, scared, frightened, heroines please! Fighting!!!


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I think people are trying to get too much logic into why they like her. Do boys need anything else other than being pretty or a trait here and there to like a girl when they are 18? Most of us will have had a crush that way too. So there's really no argument there. I think it's totally believable. She's pretty and is a novelty. And they have both seen her in different scenarios. I have seen a lot of people say they have fallen in love for a lot less mind you.. The show remains entertaining because for all its flaws, we log in and watch. And then there's LMH and KWB who are doing wonders on the screen. Plus they have really long legs :O... This show is really funny too!
One more thing, people say Candy but I still don't get the meaning. Does it mean poor girl working 100 jobs? So far every KD even the hit ones run along that line.


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anyone know who sings that song.. its by a female.. its when ES is laying in bed and thinking about all the times she spent with KT.


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So far I don't see Eun Sang as stupid in any way. She's extremely aware of the danger she faces from both guys. Young do is exhibiting psycho behavior and she's rightfully scared. You can't go around acting like Jandi with a man like that. Tan is not pscho, but he's dangerous because he seriously underestimates how mean his family is-he knows they are, but he loves them and only sees a little. Eun Sang, to her credit, does see the situation clearly. So far she's not doing the idiot "Be nice to your mom, because she's your mom, doesn't matter how nasty she is, she's your mom," routine.


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I think the recap writer was a bit confused on some parts. When Kim Tan was in the cafeteria and yelled, "Get Up," "I said Get Up", he was looking directly at Young Do. Eun Sang got up to try and keep the peace.

Also, she is more courageous at the cafe and when she is working because she is in complete control of that environment. Jeguk High is an evironment where she is in the minority, she's new and she's poor. That is very intimidating for anyone, let alone someone who lives in the maid's room.

Also, the father putting Eun Sang into the same situation that he put Hyun Soo in with the brother is proof that 100 people telling them why they shouldn't be together is a failure. It's 10 years later and Won is still chasing after her. It's 20 years later and Esther and Secretary Yoon are sharing passionate kisses in hallways. The whole rich and poor can't be together means nothing when real love/attraction/chemistry is present. Now, third time is a charm and it's still a failure, because God help him, Tan cannot help how he feels about Eun Sang. Like he told Rachel, he's not going to think about it, he's just doing what his heart wants.

I love where this show is going. The dream motif is carefully woven around all of these characters, and I bet it will only get better!


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i'm with you concerning Eun-Sang, but she should be worried, moderately scared not shaken scared like that common, she is a working independent girl who faces a lot of scary situations in her work specially as a deliver girl.
as for the 3 love story, i think what Tan's father did and still is doing is not a complete fail. they all r standing at the same point, cannot let go and cannot go any further.


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I'm really late to the comments this week so I'll add these 1) There are still too many characters in this show. 2) Krystal is a much better actor than her sister and 3) Kim Mi Kyung is still funny as usual as 'chicken feather' Mom this week.


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any one knows what the English song played in background wgen young do went to the cafe


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This drama is moving along at a turtle's pace with no development whatsoever. Sigh, what wasted potential from such a good cast.


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