Heirs: Episode 8

This is kind of a bipolar episode. Or, maybe it’s just an episode that makes me bipolar, which I’m fully willing to believe is the more accurate conclusion. In any case, things are good for a while when both boys start to step up with some moments of honesty and Eun-sang asserts herself in little ways as the budding romance takes on a new dynamic. But then the love triangle becomes a literal tug-of-war, only with a human girl instead of a rope, and then Show and I have words.


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Tan storms over to Eun-sang at work to confess that he likes her, and will be getting personally involved in all her business at school from now on. What, like you weren’t before?

She brushes it off like he’s got nothing better to do with his time, but he wants an answer from her, right now. She looks up at him, conflicted… and she’s saved by the bell when he gets a call from Dad.

He ignores it, and then a second later, Eun-sang gets a call from his mother. He barks at her not to answer, but she says while he might have the choice to ignore his parents’ calls, she doesn’t. “That’s the difference between you and me, and I think that’s my answer.”

He yanks her phone away and tells his mother to call back later because they’re having an important conversation, and hangs up. Pfft. And then he orders Eun-sang to like him back, which I guess is supposed to be swoony, but mostly sounds like he’s being a petulant child.

She’s finally had enough and starts to cry as she tells him to give back her phone, saying that it’s expensive to her, and she needs it to text with Mom and hear from her part-time employers.

And then suddenly mid-fight, Tan asks, “If I want to hold you right now, am I crazy?” He pulls her close for a hug.

Tan: “Don’t cry. And don’t say that you dislike me. Say that you’ll think about it. I’m asking you.” Well that’s certainly an improvement from the last version. Good job. Eun-sang lets herself cry on his shoulder for just a moment.

Once they get home, Madam Han greets Tan with a barrage of questions, and he gives the excuse that he went to go see Eun-sang to request that she keep her mouth shut about him hitting someone at school today. Madam Han’s ridiculous first question: “Is he richer than us?”

Tan is the one to point out that her question should be whom and not how much he’s worth, and trudges off to see the chairman for his impending lecture. Madam Han tries to pry the information out of Eun-sang, who keeps her mouth shut per their cover story. Madam Han adds the petty gripe that Eun-sang shouldn’t be seen with Tan outside of this house, because What would people think? Blerg.

Chairman Dad already knows about the incident and asks Tan why he hit Young-do at school. Tan just points out the absurdity of his sudden interest in his life when he’s done far worse, but back then Dad was always too busy to care.

Dad says that he has to be busy for the company to go ’round, and Tan notes sardonically that due to Dad’s astounding work ethic, he and hyung will be bequeathed more of Dad’s inheritance than his interest. Snap.

Dad’s final warning is to keep from complicating his mother’s job at school, to which Tan says pointedly that his mother is Dad’s mistress. My, my, did someone have his Sassy Wheaties today?

He comes out to find Eun-sang on her way out from speaking to his mother, and she asks with a long sigh for him to leave her alone in this house. He follows her anyway like a yappy puppy, insisting on apologizing for his mother or doing something to cheer her up.

Eun-sang doesn’t want to be caught daring to speak to the young master in the house, and asks him to leave again, but he points out that it’s his house. She decides she’ll go then, and he says pretty much anywhere you go in his house, it’s his house.

And then he adds, “Do you know how glad I am that you’re in my house?” It doesn’t work to get her to stay, and he sighs as she heads to her room. He plops down on his bed and stares at a book of poems called Almost As If We’re Living Together.

Eun-sang decides to set her alarm for even earlier the next morning, determined to avoid going to school together. She notices a post online (lol, he still hasn’t logged out as her, lying liar) of the book cover in his hand, with “living” changed to “sleeping.” It makes her smile.

She gets to school at the crack of dawn, but to her utter surprise, Tan is sitting on a bench waiting for her to arrive. He says he meant what he said yesterday about meddling in her business from now on, and pretends not to have heard the part where she told him not to do that. He’s satisfied for now to have seen her arrive, and pats her on the head before walking away.

Manager Yoon comes by Won’s hotel room in the morning to say that he has a breakfast invitation from Young-do’s dad, and though Won bristles that they’re hardly friends, Manager Yoon thinks it might be a good idea to take him up on the offer.

Won finds out at the office that there are complications with their latest hotel construction because of Zeus and offshore investor strings being pulled behind their backs, and decides to play hard-to-get with breakfast for now.

Madam Han struggles to get out of bed with a wine hangover, and Mom starts to write a snappy comeback (for her to stop drinking so damn much), only to realize mid-sentence that she maybe ought to rethink it.

Madam Han catches her trying to scratch out what she wrote and chases her around the room, leading to a bizarre slow-motion feather pillow fight, because why not. I’d swear these two moms couldn’t live without each other, not that they’d admit it.

Tan waits for Eun-sang in the hall outside the broadcast club, having heard that she’s meeting Hyo-shin to find out whether or not she made the cut. He offers to lobby for her since he’s friends with Hyo-shin. When she asks what kind of lobbying he’d do, he opens his jacket and suggests coyly that he can offer up his body. Ha.

Bo-na steps out from the room after having done her lunch broadcast, and Chan-young walks up with a drink, posing as a fan. Tan rolls his eyes at them, but Eun-sang sees Chan-young as her escape.

Tan sticks his arm out to block her path thinking he’s all smooth, but she just ducks right under it and runs off with Chan-young, leaving both Bo-na and Tan fuming impotently.

Bo-na turns her attention to Tan and asks if he’s camped out here because he still has feelings for her, and Tan laughs, playing into her delusion with a characteristic, “Do I?”

She sighs that she knew it, and declares that she’s very happy with Chan-young. He reminds her that she used to like him very much, and she chafes at the “very,” muttering that he obviously has good taste and all, but she’s taken.

He’s too amused now to turn back, and declares that he still likes her. (How is anyone going to take you seriously when you do this for fun?) Bo-na cries with utter sincerity that he needs to forget her and move on. Hahahahahaha.

Eun-sang tells Chan-young that she doesn’t know how her nouveau riche story went this far, but plans to out herself. He surprises her with the advice to just keep it under wraps for as long as possible and just graduate quietly, and adds that the bullying victim Joon-young is transferring today.

Eun-sang watches Joon-young’s sad march toward the school gates, regretting that she didn’t even get to say thank you. Bo-na’s friends walks up to introduce themselves to Eun-sang, and note Joon-young’s departure with the wish that he take all the charity cases with him.

Eun-sang ignores another call from Don’t Pick Up, which Young-do sees plainly because he’s breathing down her neck as he calls. Can we put a bell around your neck or something? Sheesh.

He gets faux-offended and pouty at his number being saved as Don’t Pick Up, and demands to see how she saved Tan’s name in her phone. She changes his to Young-do to get him off her back for now, and he tells her that her name is up on the announcement board.

She runs up worried that it’s for something bad, but finds the official notice for her acceptance into the broadcasting club. But the more curious thing is underneath: Eun-sang finds the note she left for Tan back in California. Wow he actually found that thing?

She asks him about it, and though he plays dumb, we see in flashback that he found it after all, peeking out under the massive pile-up of flyers. He complains that she wouldn’t return a simple request for a phone call, but bothered to write that note, and she asks why he wanted her to call.

He sighs that it took her this long to ask. He wanted to know where she was and when she was leaving, and “If you can’t not go. Don’t go. Stay with me. I miss you.” He asks if she’s still thinking about it—his confession, her answer—and she deflects and heads (in the wrong direction, ha) to class.

Watching the whole time is Rachel and a bemused Hyo-shin, who finds all this entertaining and playfully offers to hit Tan for her. She asks about the herbal supplements he’s taking, and he makes yet another joke about what studying for college entrance exams does to make you age rapidly.

Tan sees her and asks for a chat, and straight-up tells Rachel that he likes Eun-sang. She scoffs that he actually said the words, wondering if he wants permission, or for her to disappear.

She reminds him that unless he’s totally lost his mind, there’s no way he ends up happily ever after with a girl like Eun-sang, and he doesn’t disagree, but he’s also decided not to think anymore, and just do whatever he wants and deal with the consequences later.

Tan says he has enough mountains to climb without adding Rachel as one, and asks if they can’t go back. “We were friends once.”

Rachel grits her teeth and tells him he’s making the wrong choice, admitting in the end: “And if you thought I wouldn’t be hurt, you were wrong about that too.”

Manager Yoon checks in on Chairman Dad for another of his regular hospital check-ups, and continually eyes the mysterious envelope from the mystery person sitting on his nightstand. The chairman asks Manager Yoon about why he originally recommended Eun-sang’s mother as a housekeeper, and he recounts having met Eun-sang’s parents back when they used to run a pojangmacha and he was a regular.

He says that Eun-sang’s father was in the hospital for a long time before he passed away, and Mom is still steadily repaying that hospital debt. He asks now why the chairman sent Eun-sang to Jeguk High, thinking it an act of kindness.

Chairman Dad: “So that she hears it from at least a hundred mouths—the reason why she can’t be close to Tan.” Gah, I knew you were going to end up being nasty. Manager Yoon takes that barb to heart, so much so that when he runs into Rachel’s mom outside the high school, he tells her he was just reminded of why they broke up. He purposely answers a call from Hyun-joo just to raise her hackles.

Hyun-joo is busy downing an instant ramyun before her tutoring session, and Hyo-shin sees her on the street and tells her he’ll be late just to give her more time. That’s cute. At their lesson, he nags her not to eat badly and leans in so close he’s nearly kissing her, just to say he can smell her ramyun breath.

I love that he follows it up with: “You need to check my homework before we advance, right?” But the word for “advance” is the same for level of physical intimacy as it is for lesson plans. Everything he says to her is double-edged that way, but she’s found a way to pretend she doesn’t notice.

Young-do uses a judo match to request that the family portrait be cancelled (if he wins, of course), so Dad agrees and then proceeds to cheat his way to victory by choking his son to the mat, and then telling him that winning’s all that matters. Gee, what a sparkling example of humanity. I wonder why Young-do’s such an ass.

Though tellingly, the first thing he does after that blow to his ego is to show up unannounced at Eun-sang’s café. He catches her ignoring yet another of his calls and tells her he came, “because I was lonely.”

He says he dropped the lawsuit against Joon-young because he promised her he would, and then Tan shows up, which puts both boys on edge. Tan is annoyed enough that Young-do found Eun-sang here, but he’s surprised when Young-do names ALL of her part-time jobs, clearly having put all the pieces together on her real income bracket.

Young-do wonders how Tan knows so much about Eun-sang, and they go through a whole volley of witty retorts. Tan: “I’m always one step ahead of you.” Young-do: “Then you should watch your back.”

Tan laughs at the idea of using Eun-sang to get back at him, which just makes Young-do ask: “Are you two dating?” Tan: “Do we look good together? We look good together.” When he says it like a statement instead of a question, it gets under Young-do’s skin.

Tan warns him outright not to mess with Eun-sang, which has got to be a bad idea. He’s basically like, Challenge accepted, and tells Tan to take care of his knees. And just to drive daddy’s lesson home: “On my mat, there are no rules.”

Suddenly the ajusshi at the counter calls out to them to pick up their drinks, and says that Eun-sang already left and bought their smoothies. HA. Okay, that got a laugh out of me. This is what happens when you two are so busy waving your unmentionables around. The girl gets bored and goes home.

They come out with their twin smoothies for cold comfort, and Tan nearly busts a gut to see that Young-do got his bike towed for illegal tuning. He says this is what the law is for, not fake lawsuits. (Oh was Joon-young’s thing faked? I don’t even know if that’s better or worse.)

Won waits and waits for Hyun-joo to come home, and gets all possessive when he sees her arriving in someone else’s car. He storms up to peek inside the car, only to lock eyes with Manager Yoon, who’s dropping her off after consulting her about tutoring Chan-young.

They’re both flustered to recognize each other, and Hyun-joo worries that this means he’ll say something to Chairman Dad about them. Won is beyond caring at this point and tells her he’s moved out for good, so won’t she let him stay with her? From across the alley, someone snaps a photo of them.

Tan lingers in the kitchen, hoping to catch Eun-sang, and finally goes all the way to her door. He fidgets there for a while and still has his hand raised in the air to knock when she comes out.

At first Eun-sang jokes that his mother is coming, but then she really does come into the kitchen looking for Mom, so he pulls her into the dark pantry to hide. They’re pressed up against the shelf and once Madam Han passes, they feel each other’s presence keenly.

Tan doesn’t step away and leans in closer… and closer to kiss her… but sees that she’s practically wincing in anticipation and backs off. What the? What a tease.

They relocate to the wine cellar (she does her homework here to keep from waking Mom), and Tan goes into another jealous interrogation of why Young-do was there and what they talked about.

She says it was weird, but Young-do said he was lonely, and he really did seem lonely. Tan scoffs and asks how Young-do knows about every chicken, pizza, and juice place she works at, which she doesn’t know either. She doesn’t care though since she has no reason to be entangled with him.

But Tan sighs to realize it first: “You’re already entangled. I don’t think he’s messing with you for me to see anymore. He’s doing this because he wants to see you.”

At the same time, Young-do is asking himself the very same question, thinking about Eun-sang and then wondering why he keeps thinking about her.

He shows up to the family photo shoot the next day all dressed up, and Rachel berates herself for trusting him to break up the event. But just as the family gathers, one of Dad’s ex-girlfriends crashes the event.

She greets Young-do as if she hasn’t seen him since junior high, and he reminds her that he saw her in their elevator just last week. Ha. Okay, he’s terrible, but Dad is worse. Young-do makes a point of telling Dad that there are no rules and the only thing people will remember is that he won today.

Rachel has this awesome smirk on her face the whole time, and gives him credit for keeping up his end of the bargain. She asks what it is he wants, and he leans in close before telling her he wants Eun-sang’s customs form.

She wonders if there’s something really going on between them, and tells him that Tan confessed he likes Eun-sang. She half-jokingly wonders if he can’t do anything about that, and Young-do says she might not be able to give him what he wants in exchange. She tells him to succeed first before they talk about payment.

Tan gets the jump on Eun-sang at school, and she asks where he popped out from. Tan, hand to face: “A fairytale?” Pffft. She gets huffy about him following her here, but he pouts that she doesn’t let him talk to her at home (the phrase is “press words to you”).

She snaps, “Words aren’t the only thing you pressed!” She realizes her slip, but it’s too late. He grins like a fool, “Are we just openly talking about that now?” Hee. He complains that she still hasn’t bought him dinner, and she promises that she will once she gets her broadcasting scholarship.

She makes him wait five minutes before coming to lunch, but that gives Young-do the opportunity to grab her plate and escort her to his table, where he forces her to sit in Joon-young’s old seat. Yikes.

He says he just wants to eat with her, but he doesn’t make it a choice. Bo-na looks around for Chan-young or Tan, wondering why they aren’t around for a rescue. Or here’s a thought—why can’t she rescue herself?

She’s understandably afraid though, and asks Young-do what it means that she’s sitting here. He says it’s nothing special, since he just finds this seat comfortable. She tells him that she has nothing to with Tan if that’s his intent, but he says he’s got nothing to do with Tan either.

Tan walks in to find Young-do eating and Eun-sang quaking in fear across the table, unable to touch her food. He asks Young-do what he’s doing, and orders Eun-sang to get up, shouting at the top of his lungs, “I TOLD YOU TO GET UP!” Geeeezus, and you’re better how?

She finally gets up, at which Young-do darts up first to get in Tan’s face about his lack of manners. Tan says he made his date with her first and starts to lead her away by the wrist, when Young-do trips her to the ground. Dude, seriously?

Tan grabs his collar and tempers flare, and Eun-sang rushes to stop them, insisting she’s the one who fell. Young-do says (to either of them or both) his being nice lately must’ve lured them into a false sense of security. Well I wouldn’t call it security, but I did for one half-minute think you might have a feeling or two. Clearly I was insane.

Tan growls that he’s going to kill him, and Young-do claims his victory for making him kneel—just you know, making Eun-sang do it in his place. Eun-sang interrupts and pleads with Tan to take her out of here, so he finally lets go of Young-do’s shirt and leads her out.

Rachel watches all this and points out that he might’ve brought Eun-sang to her knees, but she left with her wrist in Tan’s hand. Young-do sighs that you have to give first before taking away, to make it really land. That’s… scary.

He adds a droll, “You trust oppa, right?” before snatching Eun-sang’s customs form out of her hand.

Outside, Eun-sang cries with her back to Tan, and he’s sweet about checking her for scrapes or bruises. But when Young-do calls her, he barks at her not to answer. She knows enough about Young-do now to know that avoiding his calls will make it worse, and picks up anyway.

Tan rails at her not to, and then rams her with a kiss to keep her from answering.


AUGH, this show. Was that supposed to be romantic? Because I thought the pantry moment was sweet (and obvious, sure) but totally wasted as an opportunity for a kiss, only to have it be followed up with THAT, which was the opposite of romantic, and annoyingly bossy. So you’re not going to kiss her when there are fluttery feelings, but you will when you’re trying to assert your dominance over the other guy? I get that the other guy is terrible, but that’s not an excuse. I don’t know, but I’ve had it up to *here* with these boys barking orders and yanking girls around by the wrist. How about she sits anywhere she damn well pleases at lunch, and you two can dance all you want by the salad bar?

I get that this intertwining conflict is supposed to make it like Tan is her knight in shining armor, but mostly I find myself agreeing with Eun-sang when she asks Tan to leave her alone. At this point, her life would be qualitatively better without him. Seriously. That lunch debacle tipped the scales for me. No boy is worth that crap. And though it’s understandable that Eun-sang is scared about being bullied, I find it extra annoying that for some reason in this universe, boys have to rescue her, as if it’s inconceivable that she’d stand up for herself. What happened to the girl who bought the boys a round of smoothies and left them to stroke their own egos without her? Sometimes I feel like she gets convenient lobotomies depending on what dynamic the boys are supposed to have, which is truly madly deeply lame. Can’t my heroine have a spine AND a boyfriend? Why’s it always gotta be one or the other?

There were moments in this episode when I saw a glimmer of hope, and—dare I say—was actually happy with where we were going, because Tan had confessed (politely), said he’d wait for her response (like a gentleman), and even Young-do showed some vulnerability (like a human) and a possible kernel of a heart muscle (fine, maybe it was just acid reflux). It was going well. And then there was shouting, and ordering around, and tripping, and using girls as pawns, and then I just kind of snapped. If Tan’s arc is that he’s supposed to have started in the same place as Young-do but end up a better man, I NEED HIM TO GET THERE FASTER. Because right now, he’s the same, just less diabolical and more apathetic. And fine, a little nicer, but dude, not enough by a long shot.

The thing is, when we’re not being violent teenage terrorists, I’m not that mad, and I even find Young-do to be layered and interesting. But the violent teenage terrorist thing is kind of like taking that nice layered cake you just decorated with a vulnerable confession and smooshing it with your designer shoes and doing a leprechaun dance on top of it. It’s ruined. And now I want you two to take your war elsewhere, and leave the poor frightened girl with a lobotomy out of it.


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I'm really liking Heirs so far. I love it despite it's flaws. I know I shouldn't, but I get really excited and happy to watch each episode. The episodes fly by. I really like the central pairing. Tan and Eun-sang have really great chemistry. I love the moments that they are together, especially when Tan teases Eun-sang.

After Young-do confessed that he was lonely...I was like..no, after everything you have done, you are a jerk, I will not like you. Then I started having conflicted feelings. Then he tripped Eun-sang, and I was like nope there it is...you are a jerk. Seriously...why does he have to be so cruel?

I think Hyo-shin is a really interesting character, and wished that we spent more time with him.

Rachel is a bit annoying. I understand that you like Tan, but it's time to move on. She knows that Tan does not have feelings for her, so why be in a miserable relationship?

I knew I couldn't trust the father. In the dramas that I've watched, he's always been mean.

I hope that Eun-sang finally stands up to Young-do. We know that she has a backbone. She needs to fight and believe in herself. She really needs to accept herself, and believe that your self worth is not determined by how rich you are. Sometimes she seems so self-defeated, believing that she will never amount to anything or not be able to get out of the position that she is in, which I'm sure everyone can relate to. However, at the same time, I hope that she is able to realize her self-worth. I also understand why she's so afraid to stand up to Young-do. She was literally quivering in fear sitting across from him. After seeing him bullying Joon-young, it's understandable. I just hope that one day she stands up to him, and it finally hits home. Hopefully, she will be the person to finally get through to him, and show us that she is not afraid to do so.

I can't believe we're on episode 8 already. This year has come out with some really good dramas!!! It's been a while since I've been so excited to watch series after series. I'm literally on edge week to week, waiting for the next episode to come out. Ahhh...the life of a drama fan.


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Finally, someone who doesn't nitpick.

I love how the episodes fly by too. And it has enough memorable moments that I don't mind rewatching the show thrice. One without subs, one with and one with my parents when it comes to my country. The last time I felt that way was Reply 1997 and that was last year. OMG. Been dry of dramas for too long. Even my mum feels that way.

I love how wry the writer is with the "press words against you" pun and the part where Bona swears only to apologise that real life language popped out. Like forth wall on the verge of breaking hahahah.


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Yay! Someone else who doesn't hate the drama! I think the drama is good! It has great dialogue, and there are a lot of funny beats to it.

I loved Reply 1997 as well!! I actually thought this year (after sooo many years), there was a great run of dramas, such as I Hear Your Voice, Two Weeks, Master's Sun...okay...I'm just going to stop there, haha.

Haha..yeah Bona is hilarious.


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Er.. The moms pillow fight seen was weird. V out-of-place. Are they already requiring footage fillers at this stage?

Btw is the aggressive wooing trope (forced kisses, wrist yanking etc) a reflection of chauvinistic Korean society? Women relegated to secondary status, as objects of male fantasy, women as property to be possessed, land to be conquered etc. Thus the lesser roles written for the heroines? Cuz see it so often in dramas, women as passive recipients of male aggressive attraction.


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Es grabs KT's wrist alot though.


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Hahaha! I get what you mean... though from my POV, I find it so refreshing that men can get this aggressive over what they want since I hardly find men who stand up for their convictions in this day and age.

About the moms, I think they're epic. I agree that they can't live without each other and it somehow makes a cute contrast/depiction of the eun-sang-kim tan cuteness. Hehe


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I think you hit on the reason why k-dramas are such a popular guilty pleasure for so many women across the globe. I've heard women talk about being attracted by the strength of the men in these shows. I can understand that, to an extent, in a world where traditional "masculinity" seems in decline. Although in real life, most of us would not want to be dragged around by the wrist :).


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But a woman is a human being who should not be something for a man to force his conviction on though. She's not there to validate his existence or his emotions.


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Hear, hear!

I feel like the only women who'd be attracted to this are people who 1) have never been subjected to this sort of domineering/controlling brand of masculinity, so they're too removed to see the ugly real world consequences of it, or 2) those who have (or have seen it modeled for them in their homes growing up) and have been warped by it and are the type that end up in battered women's shelters. When you encounter women like this, the traits they find attractive in men are always worryingly in that aggressive macho vein. It's like they don't recognize something as love if the man isn't controlling every aspect of their life and pushing them around; that's always seen as proof of his love for her, not psychosis.


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Where is the old ES? I only see her cry cry cry cry cry during the last 2 episodes

isn't she suppose to be strong girl? no?


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well a strong girl cries too...


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Anyone know what the real name of the poem that was being read over the loud speaker was? The english translation was interesting..


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I liked it too.


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thanks for the recap :] the little moments where Tan and Eun Sang are alone are cute,
BUT UGHHH the pacing for this drama is soooooo slow! AND FRUSTRATING! its already episode 8 and honestly there has been no development.
Totally agree on the hang grabbing thing, I honestly can say that is the worst thing about this show. It's soo archaic and totally degrading to the heroine. SHE NEEDS TO GROW A SPINE and STAND up for herself. I get it, you're poor and scared of the bully but seriously stand up for yourself!


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Despite the confession, the hug, the almost-kiss, and the kiss-kiss, I just don’t care about the main couple. I am only interested in Young Do and by extension, Eun Sang when she is interacting with Young Do. I don’t care about Tan and Won; I don’t care about Won and Hyun Joo; I don’t care about Tan’s mom and Eun Sang’s mom; I really don’t care about Chan Young’s dad and Rachel’s mom. I already thought Myung Soo was pointless, but then Ye Sol comes along and is even more pointless than Myung Soo. Chan Young and Bo Na are my favorite characters, but they apparently only exist to save our heroine, and now that Young Do is falling in love, she may not need saving anymore (well, maybe from Tan’s dad).

Yesterday, I was teeter-tottering off the Young Do ship when he acted like a psychopath, but today, I’m back onboard. That wink and biting his bottom lip (twice). Lee Min Ho wears the ugliest outfits, while Kim Woo Bin is always dressed so nice, like night and day. Why, Costume Designer? Young Do’s dad seriously has homicidal tendencies. Uh, foul. You know when a show has ran out of ideas when they flash back to scenes that happened two scenes ago, but I swear the feathers scene was just killing time. Both brothers like pressuring their women, don’t they? I wish Tan would stop pressuring Eun Sang for an answer, but Won asking Hyun Joo to stay over was just creepy. I cheered to see Eun Sang walking into school with a ponytail because I hate when guys tell girls how to dress.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Ditto :)


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Just a last thought
Star writers screw up sometimes
Remember BIG? Gawd this cannot be a BIG.
Nothing surpasses BIG. I had wtf moments 10x per episodes watching it and had the biggest WTF at the ending. I just couldn't belief that it couldn't redeem itself ep by ep
So heirs, be warned.


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Shh...that show doesn't exist.


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You made my day, hahaha


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Don't forget Fashion *beep* and the one where the married couple switched bodies (?). ( I refuse to watch the last ep of that since I heard how it ended.) Nope, not going to even think of those thoughts with Heirs.


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He tells Tan to take care of his knees? Because that doesn't sound dirty at all. I guess the hate sex is all Young Do has going on for him right now.

I cant stand how they keep on harassing her and she doesn't stand up for herself at all even though she's supposed to be 'strong', she just cries and cries and cries every single episode.


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The kissing..Aargh! Shouldn't the girl make a choice? If mean, if you like it, then reciprocate a little and if you don't like it, then kick him in the jewels or push him. What is this thing about letting his lips on you and then muted struggling? It is so uncomfortable to watch.

And PSH looked exactly like that in another kiss scene in another serial. Her expressions are so limited...

Just as I always felt, Tan is a bully just like Young Do..I don't like either of them.

I am sincerely hoping for a happy ending that does not involve the girl and the boy getting together. Because that is just not happy ending..



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Personally I don't think Tan was thinking of romance when he kissed ES. I think its borne more out of his frustration - not being able to protect ES from getting hurt, ES not accepting his confession yet which he thought (right or wrong) will help him shield her, maybe insecurity/feeling threatened of YD since YD might be interested in ES. Tan has proven he is sweet & romantic, and though he's been escalating towards a kiss, not pursuing that closet kiss shows he's willing to wait until ES is every bit as ready as him. Thus, this kiss would have been as unsatisying for him as it was for her (...and us!). My hope is that he realizes quickly the kiss was misplaced (even maybe apologize) and work towards rectifying it quickly. He is sweet and thoughtful and can certainly find a great way to redeem himself. I hope this is the route the writer chooses because it's consistent with how Tan is with ES.

The closet 'almost' kiss proved they can also have hot chemistry. So I hope they bring that can bring that kind of chemistry when their first, real romantic kiss happens (mutually wanted). I hope that happens in about 2 episodes after this and not by episode 20.

PSH is not known for good on-screen kisses. I hope she can rise to the occassion this time because LMH does hugs and kisses like no one else.


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That closet scene was almost set my computer on fire lol. They were really great in that scene. I will wait to see how they play out the kiss in the next episode before I go flying off the handle about it. I think people need to chill, but I also think people want anything to disparage the show.

I am still enjoying the show. I want more KT/ES scenes, more KT/KW scenes, more HS scenes with his tutor ( I want to see more HS scenes period, I like him on my screen), they were hot too, more BN and CY scenes (they don't even have to be together), I like the moms, so I am content with their screen time. Other than that, the other people can kick rocks tbh.


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"I think people need to chill, but I also think people want anything to disparage the show. "
Wow, that was closest to honesty... people should just take that little piece of advice of yours and surely, they can kick rocks for all I care!!! ha ha :D


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At this point, I don't want Eun Sang to end up with either boys. I want her to finish school, make a lot of money, build her own corporation, acquire the boys' companies. And say, "remember me suckers, sisters are doing it for themselves." In the last scene. She can then find herself a nice boyfriend if she wants one, but keep the money and the power regardless. Screw Candism.


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+ 100


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Perfect comment. Who needs the men and their dicking contest.


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Totally. She deserves to have a decent life with her mom. The boys are just screwing up her mind. As if she has time to fall in love!

KES should change the love line to KT and YD. Two less lonely people in the world if they get together.


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That would be epic.


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This, x1,000,000. Some additions, though: she should team up with Bo-na and Rachel. I bet they'd help her. Chan Young can be their secretary, and Hyo-shin would come along for a lark.

But seriously. It's crazy because the drama has all the trappings of a trendy, but is stuck twenty years ago with the female characters. WTF? Where is the Sam-soon writer when you need her?


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Love your additions! I too would like to see more like Sam-soon. One of my all time favorites! :)


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check check check... i want that kind of ending too...and Eun Sang will meet The Beautiful Man and this time around, a real real kiss...


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I would have Rachel and Eun Sang become frenemies who secretly plot to get both YD and KT expelled from the school and freeing R from her so called engagement. Then when they graduate go into business together.

There's a whole lot I would change about this drama if only I had the power.


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Hahahaha! Amen to that! I still imagine her sister returning a rich Beeyatch after marrying some random rich geek in the US. That way she's really Noveau rich and skkkrew all those societal asses.


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hahaha you guys can create a new brand of fairytales! My friend always laughs at kdramas being the pathetic hope of girls to belong to a fairytale. You guys can create something more like our normal daydreams. Which is making it big with your friends.

It's sad that korean media gives girls hope to marry rich boys rather than become rich themselves.


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Unlike a lot of other people, I'm still on board with this drama. I'm so excited to watch it every week! Not because it isn't flawed and kind of slow and a little bipolar-it is, it's just the tone and the overall anticipation of what could happen next that hooks me. Personally, I like all the characterizations and there are so many different directions for all the relationships to go.
That said, this episode is pushing my patience a little. Like girlfriday said, the end felt very pushy and manipulative and Tan came off borderline abusive. Not cool. I'm still trusting that this drama will not just skip over that, but will have consequences for Tan's attitude and get some growth for his character. But for that to happen, Eun Sang really needs to step up and confront him and YD both. Preferably soon. I really enjoy the idea of Tan as a sweet, brooding kid under his mean guy exterior and Eun Sang a girl who hates her lot in life and feels powerless and confused under her nice girl exterior. But the idea only goes so far before we need some actual development. I believe in you drama! Please!


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I'm with you. I look forward to this drama every week, warts and all, but this episode just about made my head explode. Both Kim Tan and Young-do were acting like abusive boyfriends, and it was kind of terrifying. Young-do might be irredeemable at this point, because there are some things a character just can't come back from, but it's not too late for Kim Tan. Go Drama, go!


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I keep reminding myself that these characters are teenagers...they are in high school...remember high school?? Was tough...and it got better. Hoping the next couple weeks prove that point.

This episode was definitely better then episode 7... But it's not by much.

In a way Im starting to miss the LA scenes, at least they were beautiful cinematically.

Last but not least, the kiss.. 3 hrs of shooting and that's the shot they went with? What in the...


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That's what I thought too: 3 hours for that? I wouldn't shout it from the rooftops...


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To be honest Tan is like a knight-in-distress and ES is a damsel-in-distress(unfortunately does not change) and YD is the troubled witch...


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that is hilarious :D my jaw is aching right this moment :D


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"No boy is worth that crap." Amen.


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I don't know dude. have you seen Lee Min Ho's face lately...? I'd say totally worth it!


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Am I the only one who kind of understands why ES has suddenly become so "cowardly"?
Young-do and basically anybody in that school has the power and money to destroy her life which was a problem she didn't have in the beginning of the show/when she was still at her old high school. Daddy Chairman certainly knew what he was doing when he sent ES to school...

There were certain moments where I found KT annoying but he's so desperately aching for affection in a lost little boy way that I just end up feeling bad for him because I feel like he has good intentions but horrible execution.


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Yes, her fear is understandable. Plus both Chan-young, the nerd punching bag boy, and Kim Tan have all told her to suck it up and try to fly as low as she can and take the education. She's witnessed YD's violence and cruelty. Not to mention, anything she does to piss of the rich people could get her Mom fired. This is a chance for her to get into a good university, and thus a future. Something she has never dreamed of. I'm not sure we can all relate to the world of this drama- living in such a caste system or under the pressure of a society where education, financial, and social status are so paramount and competitive.


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This is how Korea, Hong Kong and Japan in reality are. Edu, money and social status are very important. Parents line up overnight to sign their kids up to famous schools that have a few spots open. Most ppl in non Asian world would not understand.


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Yes. And it is difficult for us to look at her and not want to say stand up girl! And we also have to recall this is high school, and everything, every emotion, is a big huge deal. As an adult who understands that educational opportunity can change your life, I'm like suck it up for the next year and deal, it's not forever. On the other hand as an independent modern woman, I am like, that bs is totally not worth it, just go to another school and breathe.


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As a non Asian I sometimes have to remind myself that it is a different culture when I watch some of these dramas. Which may be why I find them interesting.

As a woman, it just kind of ticks me off. I know that if I had been born in a country or time where women had less freedom than I do, I would probably have been locked up to save my family from shame. I started at 4yrs old standing up to abusive situations.


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IKR. I'm asian, but I know how to stand up for my convictions. Though I get where Eun Sang is coming from, I still don't think it's logical.


I don't think it's less freedom for women. But in general since she saw and remembered that the law favours the rich and she can't afford to be bankrupt by fighting the rich, she has no choice. It's about whether you're strong or weak, rich or poor, with connections or without. Rather than whether you're a boy or girl. Even the communist head said this "women hold up half the sky."

I grew up in an Asian society and have had no problems speaking up. My parents used to be over protective but now they know that they can't force me to do anything I don't want. Of course, that comes with the trust that I can think for myself and take responsibility for my own choices. I also respect their opinions as a good Chinese daughter would. So it's all good.


Please find me one country in the world where money and social status aren't important.

But I do appreciate what you're saying re the unique aspects of the Asian educational system.


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Yes, I agree we were talking about have and have nots and competition for social status about money and education. Perhaps I introduced the sex thing into it and that really was not exactly my intent. My comment about being a modern independent woman was in context to that I had to take into consideration that I am an adult woman that fends for her self, not a scared teenager, stuck in between an offer she can't refuse and two guys that think they need a yardstick versus a ruler.


The part that I dont get is, why is she braver outside the school? If she is going to piss him off and he is going to make her life miserable he can find any excuse, outside or inside the school. Why can she gets away from him in the cafe and not in the school? Because he was distracted? she could run or something while they were fighting each other in the cafeteria. Plus, he already knows about her status, he can reveal it any time. Is that what she is afraid of? if he is going to do it, he is going to do it. She knows by now that nothing stops him.

If she is really afraid of what he could do, she would be afraid in any place, not just in the school. Well, I see it like that :)


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Maybe because she wants to be in that school? To finish with a good background, to get a good degree and get a better life... so in a way, anything that can jeopardize her being in the school is taboo, and that the school is a whole new territory :)


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I see your point on Eun-sang's cowardly-ness, but tell that to Makino Tsukushi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uf6qrzFcaU), who tried to keep her head down, stood up for her friend, got physically harassed by her entire school, and stood back up anyway. Same conflict as this drama, resolved in episode 1 so they could get on with better story elements. Makino would pat Eun-sang's shoulder in sympathy before stomping up to beat Young-do into whimpering submission. Consequently, she's a much more interesting character.

Eun-sang could have a really cool character arc, but they're throwing it away to have her be an accessory to the boys' story, which is a damn shame.

I think they were doing well with Kim Tan before he suddenly became abusive-boyfriend possessive in the last five minutes. I agree- that is execution rather than the character in the story's fault. Somebody needs to resolve this writer's issues with consent and female characters in general.


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Two very different characters in two different dramas written at very different times. I really do not want to draw comparisons to Hana Yori Dango in any of its incarnations because I think that enough people are obsessed with doing that despite the same thing could be said for at least half of Asian dramas. This one just gets a closer lens due to the LMH factor.

I could be wrong because I do not follow the original manga closely, but appears you are basing your comment on the japanese tv drama: Makino Tsukush never cared about the social status thing and while she was honoring her parents wish to go to the rich people school, she had some ambivalence about attending the school. She also did not care what anyone thought about her. Also, Makino standing up for her friend was only going to impact Makino at that point.

Eun-sang does care about social status and money and what people think of her. Also, with her mother working directly for the people that own the school, Eun-sang is well aware that causing any scene at school could effect her mothers employment.

All that said, shows not over, we don't know yet if Eun-sang is going to stand up or not.

Who do you suggest resolves the writers treatment of women? The tropes in Heirs are prevalent in Asian dramas. Change in media treatment of women and how men behave towards women in media reflects culture, and will have to happen over time. And it's her story to write and it's already a done deal; this show is happening the way it is happening. I am not defending the treatment, I am simply saying that no one is going to 'resolve the writer's issues issues with consent and female characters in general." We can watch or watch not.


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At this point, I'm completely shutting off my brain and just enjoying this drama for what it is. Pretty and superficial. Not really going to try and read into the deeper meaning because I honestly don't think I can squint that hard.


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I'm completely with you. Keeping on the pretty and superficial side, just wanted to mention LMH had a few good outfits recently - the striped tee and blue jeans under the dark blue coat with the red sneakers when he was calling YD when he was with ES outside the convenience store and the green coat over the dark teal sweater this episode. That was a great color combo! And no more fuzzy pink sweaters! Maybe the stylist needed cooler Fall weather to kick it into gear on the fashion front?


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I really wanted to mention the wardrobe change and even hopefully suggest that it symbolized some kind of change in Tan's mental state. Honestly the earlier outfits were just too ugly and weird... they must have had some kind of deeper meaning. Otherwise who in their right mind would have given them the OK?


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The ending scene where KT kissed ES wasn't meant to be passionate. It's like KT didn't want ES to keep feeding into the YD troll. If she keeps paying attention to it, it will only fuel the fire. That's why KT keeps telling her to stop it but she doesn't listen...making KT kiss her to stop. KT can't take away her phone or force it from her grips, so the only logical way is to kiss her so she'd forget about answering the phone. KT wants to keep her safe and he's trying to be the man to protect ES but I guess she doesn't believe in KT so she keeps doing what she thinks will help the situation. For once, please just listen to KT...ES, you're starting to annoy me because you don't listen to KT but you listen to YD. Listen to the person who cares for you, don't listen to the person who antagonizes you GIRL!!!!


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I'm with you. SPOT ON!!


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Let the wooing begin! The 2 bros, HD, Hyo Shin (unrequited love is sad, huhu): That's the part I prefer in the KES dramas, the FUN stuff. At ep 8, all I can say is: AT LAST!
The amount of manhandling doesn't shock me: It's what I'm used to in dramas, no more no less. What happened in Secret today was far worse, imo.
When the guys think with their second brain, it doesn't work that well... Much better when they use the good one: For example, YD crashing the photo session was gratifying. I'm almost sure he will end up with his partner in crime (what will he ask her to repay the debt? The bets are opened). YD is infatuated with ES at the moment cause she's a shelter in the storm & the toy of his ennemy but his soulmate is Rachel and they will be the rebound of each other.
I'm in the camp of those who are starting to find ES irritating with her passiveness. Bo Na, Rachel or even the loony mums (momance? lol) are more interesting female characters.
I really want to know more about the 2 bros: I suspect something really dark in their past.
By the way, this series feel strangely heavy despite the comic relief here and then.
PS: The editing is still bad (cutting a highlight to use it for 2 episodes=WTF) and the way that awful "love is the moment" song is used in romantic scenes makes me want to facepalm: Subtlety,what is it?


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HA. That was funny.

But I'm used to the highlights being used for 2 episodes. I just than God that the 2 episodes did not span 2 weeks.


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And now I want you two to take your war elsewhere, and leave the poor frightened girl with a lobotomy out of it.

almost peered myself from laughing so hard at this.


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Thanks for the recap girlfriday! I absolutely agree with you on these characters though, this whole 'my horse is bigger than your horse' between Young-Do and Kim-Tan is really thinning my nerves and so is Eun-Sang with suddenly losing her spine at the most important times.

My favorite scene throughout this whole episode wasn't even the kiss (which I feel conflicted about by the way) at the end but when Eun-Sang leaves both Young-Do and Kim-Tan to finish their pissing contest at the coffee shop; gives me a glimmer of hope that she'll act with more of a back bone around these guys during future episodes.


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Whoo! This episode has done it for me. I'm hooked!

With this episode, gone went the Boys over Flowers comparisons as it gave the drama, FINALLY, a texture of its own.

Yeah sure, the writing plot is using all the classic, cliche formulas but whatever, i dig the classics...

I enjoy the way the tensions are being played in this episode. I dig the Tan Vs. Young Do tension, which apparently goes as far up as the Jeguk vs. Zeus Corporation tension as well. I like that both boys seem to come from opposite ends--- a well-played Yin and Yang contrast, with the gray areas (gray areas such as Eun Sang) as their battlefields.

I'm not so sure I like that Eun Sang is playing so naive about what Young-Do likes in her... but I like that Young-Do likes her. I like that both boys are hungry for Eun Sang almost in the same way that they hunger for warmth--- Eun Sang represents being alive to them, and living and warmth is apparently so scarce for these inheritors.

However, I swear Rachel's character feels more like a rug under all their feet. She's simply collateral damage. Somebody give her character a bit more to live for. And hey, does she really like Tan? Or just like Tan and Young-Do, is she simply hungry for something that can make her feel more warm and alive? This is why I liked that brief moment she had with Hyung Soo--- I was somehow taken back to that Love Rain Drama---wasn't it this couple that got together in the end then? I liked them more than I liked the Hyung Soo-HJ angle. I just feel sad for Rachel, and I want her to be happy. That's all.

Idk. I like that Won absolutely misinterpreted HJ's relationship with the secretary... Hey, I like this Yoon-HJ angle. Haha. Bring it on.

And I absolutely loved how Secretary Yoon seems to relate so much to Eun Sang and HJ... He sees himself in them and I find that so heartwarming.

In the end though, seriously, what is up with all these social norms? I mean I get the Eun-Sang and Tan polarity, but the Yoon-Esther? Hey, they'd be a power couple if they got together. I see how Yoon is so smart and Esther so powerful, in my perspective them being together would be a threat in the business world. I'm sure the business world cares more for smart profitable choices than social ranks, so duh.

Anyway, I'v written too much. Haha. I can't wait to see more of the boys tugging, puhsing and shoving to get the flower. :D


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I had the same problems with this episode that GF did, but I agree with you on Yoon-Esther. She definitely needs to drop the abusive asshole already so they can take over everything.


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Agreed. After all, the world is globalized now. Power is power and it comes from how well the game is played.... I wanted to see this.

This drama has always felt like a mix between "What happened in Bali", "BOF", and the western "gossip girl". It sure has problems with originality, but I'm rather keen on taking it for the games people play for money, power, status, and apparently happiness... It could be depicted better in more ways than one, but story-wise, it's promising. I enjoyed once I learned to shut my eyes from the imperfections :)


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"I enjoyed once I learned to shut my eyes from the imperfections"

YES. This writer has been successful from a young age. Which is clearly because she gives good one liners, memorable scenes and overall plots. She doesn't think through certain details in plot advancement but I like that she has the attitude we all have: Just get there already!

With that in mind, I try to understand why she writes the way she does. Like when she rushes through certain parts or that the end of the episodes always has to have a cliffhanger so she falters there; whether in logic or flow of the story.

As for originality, it's sad to say that dramaland always plays with the same tropes/plots so I've learned to look more for the characters and the voice of the script writer. She tends to have characters that I fall in love with and her scripts always has a unique opinion that is hers. No matter what character she writes, she aims to make them understandable and lovable; which is good for any actor to work on.


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With most dramas, it's not so much what the story is, but how it's told. This one has a nice contemplative tone, but there are a lot of orbiting, wasted characters with unfulfilled potential. In that sense, this writer could learn a lot from Gossip Girl, although that one definitely has problems.

I am enjoying this one, but I could be enjoying it more, and the writing on the female characters leaves muuuch to be desired. Not to mention our suddenly abusive men.


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i like your comment.. thumbs up :) very appealing to me.
one of a kind...kudos!


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Does anyone know the background song during park shin hye sleep walking in ep 4


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okay, first off, i really do like park shin-hye here. it's the first time i've liked her as an actress since she was a child actor. i always liked HER, just never her dramas. but i've been really impressed with her in this. she seems to have improved a lot all around; acting, looks, etc.

but i don't really fancy her character, the way it's been written. what is it with kim eun-sook's female characters? i get that she's all for the cinderella story, where the guy is rich and dashing and thus dominant over the girl. but it does feel dated, overused, and overall frustrating at moments.

eun-sang is a pretty tough girl, but she turns into a jellyfish in front of tan and young-do. just like ha ji-won's stuntwoman character from secret garden (man, i could go ON about that). kim ha-neul's from gentleman's dignity wasn't a particularly tough or feminist character, but she did act like a teenage girl around men, when she was a thirties-something woman. and something they've ALL got in common is that they make shrieking sounds that are so affected and girly that they suggest more flirtiness than genuine indignation. i don't blame the acting, i think it's the way the characters were written. i see too much of a pattern across these dramas to think it's solely the acting.

that said... i'm entertained by this drama. i was entertained by secret garden, and gentleman's dignity. the dialogue is amazingly sharp and witty and fresh, and i laugh out loud a lot. but eun-sang's character is a bit of a disappointment...


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Yes. Yes to all of this.

Female characters don't have to be avenging angels to be good characters, but the meek scared type is definitely out-dated and not as fun to watch. Girlfriday put it well, which is that her character changes as the dynamic between the boys needs to- which is problematic on so many levels, and just the worst way to write any character. It just seems to happen to female characters more often, which sucks.


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this type of female character just seems to be a pattern in kim eun-sook's recent works... maybe post-2008. on air was in 2008 and the female characters there were quite strong, as i recall it.

she's created some compelling characters (young-do!), but she's not doing them justice! like crashbabe said, this drama is dying of lack of consistency.


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i agreee. ES character could have been written a little more stronger and kick ass. And still she would have let the 2 boys shine. its not necessary for the female lead to be such a boring shade..(and now im calling LMH a boy when in City Hunter, he was the SO the MAN.)


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Eun Sang doesn't have to kick ass...She just REALLY needs to be consistent, which is basically the thing that frustrates me the most.


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Definitely this. She doesn't have to be a strong, kick-ass character to be well-written, but consistently having a backbone is more interesting that consistently not having one.


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"I don’t know, but I’ve had it up to *here* with these boys barking orders and yanking girls around by the wrist. How about she sits anywhere she damn well pleases at lunch, and you two can dance all you want by the salad bar?"

You took the words right out of my mouth... stand up for yourself girl! Come on who doesn't like a knight in shining armor to sweep you off your feet, but grow a spine and here is a tip: a good knee never goes wrong ;) for "No boy is worth that crap". Even if they make your heart beat faster and are droll worthy!


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I don't hate this drama, but I don't love it either.
Not so good parts :

- As for PSH i dont understand why sometimes she speaks out her mind but sometimes she just cant defend herself.
- YD is just too mean for me to like him. I've seen the actor play in school2013 and he was kind of the bad boy/mean character but you could kind of understand him. I know he might look good but i just want to punch him. I dont care how many issues you have, you shouldnt be that mean. Normally i have a love/hate reliationship for the evil character but here i just cant.
-There are too many characters in this drama and some of them could be written out of the story.
- I dont understand why every week i watch this show but i feel like its not evolving. Week after week we're stuck in the same place. I mean if there are this many characters the least you could do is make the story go faster so we could get through every characters issues.
- tans brother really pisses me off. Like how old are you? You're suppose to be the oldest one but you act like a little kid whose scared of getting his lollipop stolen. It's obvious that tan doesn't want the power and compagny he just wants you to appreaciate him.

Good parts :
- I like the fact that tan has like an older soul. He doesnt lash out like other rich kids(yd or racheal) because of his parent/child issues. Hes really calm about everything. ( unfortunatly, it can come off a bit boring at times because it feels like he has nothing to fight for or no purpose in life.
-I love tans mother she tries to be all evil and scheming but it never works out well and actually becomes funny which is refreshing. I also like PSH's mother in the drama.
-bo na is really funny without being annoying
P.S. It annoyes me that i can't figure out if PSH likes likes tan or if she only considers him as a friend ( sort of)
P.S.S Sorry if i have any mistakes in my writting, it's because english is not my first language


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Sigh so conflicted about this drama... I am definitely going to keep watching it for the stars but the writing is making me cringe. Still hoping for a good turnaround before it ends or else its gonna be a long-12-episodes-left-ride.


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So, no one is actually liking the drama, but still keep watching it? Interesting >.<

I like the drama, i don't get bored. I hate the agresiveness, however i don't feel Tan being that way with Eun Sang, he likes her and he is young. You can't analyze their behaviour comparing it to the one in adults. I feel him dominating in a lovely way.

I'm loving this series , I love the main couple, their interaction and the way they talk to each other...I hope it gets better ratings soon :)


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For me, is not that I dont like the entire drama, but there are parts that I dont like.
I dont love it either but Im curious how is this going to develop.


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ES has a spine. She stood up for Chan Young before. But if she stood up for herself now at school, her charity case secret will be blown and will not be able to attend the school anymore. Chan Young even advised against her spilling the beans.

She just want to graduate quietly, get a better job and live a life better than now. ES and her mom have no home and a lot of debts to repay; mom has a disability and hard to find a stable job, and ES sister just ran away. That highschool cert makes a difference when she grads.


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Well, yeah, but at some point you have to stand up for your principles. She might get that diploma, but it would haunt her, and she would ultimately be less of a person. That inner turmoil should have lasted for about a third of an episode before Eun-sang said "Eff that shit, I do what I want!" and stood up to Young-do. See: episode 1 of Hana Yori Dango. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uf6qrzFcaU) To reiterate: that was episode ONE of that drama, during which Makino tries to keep her head, stands up for her friend, gets physically harassed by the entire school, and then stands back the fuck up anyway.

You can have that conflict of your own well-being vs. your principals, and it's great drama. At some point, sooner rather than later, the character has got to step up and evolve, or the conflict becomes boring story-wise, as well as resulting in a character that you no longer want to root for. For that reason, so far, Makino >>>>>> Eun-sang.

The issue is also that the bully-victim dynamic is too realistic here- Eun-sang should not be expected to stand up to Young-do because he is maliciously terrorizing her, whereas somehow in HYD (except for one scene) it made sense that Makino would stand up to her bullies. Now, not all girls have to be avenging angels to be good characters, but Eun-sang shows inklings of being strong before shrinking back in not just losing-your-nerve ways, but inconsistent badly-written character ways.

Anyway- sorry for the length. Thesis over.


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Amen. That's why when JanDi came out I was like WHATTT. MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT. Everything about BOF was good except the way Jandi was written/acted. I loved how Jandi's best friend actually got the guy that she liked.

But Eun Sang does stand up for herself with words rather than kicks and I find that refreshing. That a character has enough wits to survive. Honestly I like the idea of Eun Sang more than Makino because she fights with wit and confidence. Which is realistic rather than dramatic It's just that the writer failed to deliver that idea in the last 5 mins of the episode. Looking at it objectively, it was only the last five mins that ruined it probably cus the writer needed a cliffhanger. Notice that almost every episode so far has been ruined (in logic) by the need for a cliffhanger. So I decided to give the show a chance.


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I definitely agree with you that Eun-sang's way of fighting is potentially interesting, but consistency is king- that last few minutes of the episode actually negated character growth for all three of those people. Plus, there are other ways to do a cliffhanger- he hugs her reassuringly while Young-do looks on and fumes, or he is there to support her while she talks to Young-do on the phone. It seems like the writer took the lazy way out.

I think this drama is also ultimately hurt because they need to fill 20 episodes, when there just isn't that much material, so they keep circling.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still liking the show, but it's on notice for me.


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i dont know why lee min ho select this drama, its very boring.


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Sadly, im now only relying on your recaps. Wake me up when there are more scenes between Bo Na and Chan Young!


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Horrible kiss. That last kiss was so spoiled for me before , but I thought they were different circumstances.

I have not much to say, girlfriday´s comments are awesome, true and well written.
And this "Can’t my heroine have a spine AND a boyfriend?" All the writters should have this in the room where they write, because I have seen two kinds: girls with spine that lose it when they fall in love or girls with no spine. And I just hate that.
I really dont want to go there, to compare and all(and i dont even watch the drama, I read the manga) but I want a little bit of Makino (in the early stages of the manga) in Eun-sang. I get she is afraid, bullying its not a nice thing, but I want her to do something, at leats walked away, I dont know, something!

Thank you for the recap!


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This show is frustratingly boring and predictable. Ugh. Why is it not better!? I feel like I'm watching a drama from half a decade ago. All this alpha male blustering is corny as hell. Tan's behavior literally made me cringed in embarrassment. Maybe I'm getting too old and jaded, but I'm just not impressed with these kinds of juvenile tactics to get a girl's attention anymore. When the boys started issuing commands and ordering our heroine about, I just roll my eyes and fast forward. I'm kinda done with this drama. Eight hours is about as much as I can take of this.

Thanks, girls, for watching this drama so that I don't have to. You have my sympathy.


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this episode has alot of feels, esp during the pantry scene, LMH had me screaming and catching my breath bc it was so intimate.
and yes, this was also bipolar.
every time, EVERY TIME i begin to have a little hope for Young Do it crashes in the next scene.
IDK what his reason is and why Eun Sang when speaking to Young Do stands up to her self and with Rachel but when she's in a crowd with Young Do, it's like she's paralyzed. where's the Eun Sang who has the gut just scenes ago?


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For the hype, I expected something different. But man this show is so bland. BBF was memorable if not anything else. And this I think will not even achieve that and is going to fade from memory pretty quickly.

With that said. I do like the drama. But I expected to love it and fangirl over it and be fully invested in it. Alas. It's always lacking something.

Anywho getting to the story.

Okay. This is Kim Tan's story. His relationship with his brother, his relationship with ES, his relationship with YD... him. Him. Him. Alright. I'm totally fine with that. But does that mean the other characters aren't even a wee bit worth the effort? Seriously it's like no thought went into ES. AT ALL. Or at least it seems so that way up till this point. Can we please give her a spine? And YD. Let's not even go there. He makes me want to punch something. Tan good. YD bad. We GET it. URGH. Move ON !!!!

Bo Na. Pretty much the only character I like out right. And that's so sad because this drama is a waste of talent.

Le sigh.

I didn't mind this kiss as much GirlFriday though. It felt a bit like he wanted her to stop feeling so sad and scared and so acted on impulse.

The Kim Tan and ES scenes were adorable and light. I do like the OTP and ship them.

Rachel has so much potential. Use her.

I wish I liked this drama more. I really do.


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SERIOUSLY, amen, especially with Rachel and Bo-na, who I was not expecting to like at all. There are so many gorgeous and talented people here, and they are wasted. The Gossip Girl writers would have had a ball with this crew, but this lady has no idea what to do with this vast wealth of characters.

I felt every bit of GF's rage on that whole last sequence, unfortunately. (My rant's a bit further down). She was so traumatized that I thought a nice hug was more in order. The kiss is just selfish.

I'm with you on wanting to like it more though- there is so much potential! And I do enjoy it, but it's not letting me get emotionally invested, although God knows Lee Min-ho and even Kim Woo-bin are trying their asses off- some of the material is just crap.


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I think the main problem is that the lack of a strong plot-which is the writer's fault. We have too many characters to let them all shine. An awesome plot will allow the characters to mesh well. Isn't the bad kissing scene the fault of the writer too because that is how she wants the characters to be portrayed?
I will still tune in to see what happens, but Miraes Choice and Secret has a bigger pull of my heart.


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*slow clap* Preach it, sister! Eung-sang and Tan were getting cuter, and then suddenly it's HOLEEE SHIT when did everything become terrible? This writer has major issues with consent, doesn't she? That, or two personalities. DAMN.

It wouldn't be that bad if they didn't make Eun-sang seem like such a realistic victim. The whole "I was the one who tripped, let's get out of here" bit was about thiiiiis close to "it's my fault he hit me, I made him mad." *shudder* Where is my Tsukushi? Also, this cements it- Young-do is a straight-up abusive asshole, despite that earlier moment of vulnerability. But let's take it from the top with some random thoughts:

-Heeeee, Sassy Wheaties.

-Awww, I love Tan and Eun-sang's moms! They're hysterical. I hope they develop an actual friendship, down the line.

-Oh, heavens, Bo-na, never change, you are adorable. Who knew Krystal could play a likable character?

-Hey, maybe Papa Kim isn't that bad! Maybe he... uh. Well. Ooooookay, just a dick then, got it.

-Uhhhh, Young-do, your martial arts metaphors are kind of hilarious out of context.

-KIM ifyouhadamiddlenameIwouldsayithere TAN! Why are you provoking Choi Young-do? You are poking the rabid lone wolf with nothing left to lose. Why are you straight-up goading him into bothering Eun-sang? You are a lousy protector.

-Tan, Young-do is an asshole, not an idiot. Why wouldn't he see Eun-sang's value as a person, besides her tendency to be annoyingly paralyzed in certain situations?

-Re: the family picture: Well played, Young-do. Well. Played.

-Rachel doesn't read fairy tales, does she? You NEVER promise the suspicious old lady/wizened tiny man/fox/handsome rake whatever they want without finding out what it is first. Still, it's nice to see some Cruel Intentions teamwork up in this- let's get some Drama in this drama! *happily goes for popcorn*

-Five minutes later:*spews popcorn at screen* cancel, cancel, cancel! Gleefully evil step-sibling drama, not abused woman drama! Fucking damn-ass jerkfaces, just pee on her already. That was terrible. And talk about biggest dissonance between music and kiss mood in a long time- let her answer her damn phone, and console her with a hug or something, she is clearly traumatized.

This episode was going so well! Why the whiplash? Also, Eun-sang standing up to Young-do would make a great character arc where I wasn't expecting any development, but noooooo, we have to go with the damsel-in-distress thing. GAAAAH. Drama, I'm putting you on notice. Rehabilitate your abusive main boys and SHAPE. UP.


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Oh God that Background music. It's as bad as Paradise and I hated Paradise :X

It's like they made ES in such a way that she would have NO defining character trait. Some marketing stunt, I guess, about how anyone can imagine themselves as ES.

Bo Na <3 The girl is adorable. The only character whom I don't hate.

I see what you mean about the kiss. But I thought it was kindda in character thing for Tan to do. While it was certainly on the D*bag scale I hope that was a breaking point for him and he comes out of his I-Don't-give-A-rats-ass I'm-just-Lazy phase. At this point ANY sort of character development is fine with me.

On a completely different note, I think KWB and LMH have great chemistry :'D I want them to reconnect by the end of the series. :')


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I maintain that I like this show but I also maintain my ideas to make it better.

My favorite after some thought is the idea I had where they drop everyone except Bo-na, Eun-sang, Chan-young, Tan, Hyo-shin because I find myself curious about him, and Hyun-joo because I love Im Joo-eun. Then make the show a straight up comedy letting everyone else being the straight men to Bo-na and Tan's insanity.


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Roll Film!


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BIPOLAR. You nailed it with the recap comments, Girlfriday!

I like it in one scene then I don't like one scene..too much of man handling got to me too.. and I'm kinda disappointed with the Won/Tan angle...need more reasoning there...hopefully we get some.

On the other hand, I find Woo Bin's prettiness suddenly overshadowing MinHo's in the past 2 epis!.. :O Loving the smirks...;) but yeah not much love for YD...I think Woo Bin has so much potential..I hope the writer has something good in store for YD... I know we can't have him suddenly turn into a good guy..and plus it's a given he won't get the girl...but at least keep him interesting so that we can empathize at some point.

And I love Bo Na shes awesome. Period.

Rachel is only using YD to get even with Tan...I liked when she told Tan that he's being unreal...she is so much more mature than Tan.

I'm just wondering if Tan can retort back to his dad like that...why didn't he stand up for himself before getting engaged to Rachel?.. I hope he breaks the news to the grownups that he isn't interested in this relation.


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Won is more similar to tan than he wants to admit.


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Thanks for the recaps and commentary Girlfriday. You made me laugh, and I loved your ideas of what the boys should do.

If you get rid of the first and last 5 minutes of this episode, I really enjoyed it. I loved all the funny parts and facial expressions.

After reading everyone's comments, I've come to the conclusion that what most of us really are disliking/hating vehemently is the boys thinking a Eun Sang is toy to be fought over and her not walking away after putting them in her place.

My solution- Spiked electrified bracelets and shoes with golf spikes. I'm partial to the bracelets though. ;)


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a KISS. ALWAYS. make the girl shut up. hee

Now this is agony! Can't wait for the next epsiode. The tension is building up and I can't seem to catch up but can't get enough as well.

I like little madam and ajumma's interaction btw.


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Young-Do is beginning to grow on me because he's such a complex character. He's been absolutely ruthless and extremely difficult to like, but because of ES, his walls have begun to crumble. I am rooting for him to develop into a sweeter person, to triumph over his father, and to be a viable love interest for ES, which appears to be very possible. It'll see be very interesting to see what happens to his character.

I'm secretly cheering for Young-Do because this drama's characters seem swapped. I'm so used to dramas where the girl ends up with the difficult, incorrigible guy, while the sweet boy ends up getting passed over. I think Tan is TOO sweet. He follows ES around like a puppy, desperate for love and attention and even though I do hope they two end up together, his persistence can seem a little creepy at times. :)


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Dear girlfriday
I love you. For making every episode of Heirs worth reading.becuz when I watch it I pull out my hair. It seems so much more bearable and fun in your recaps.please keep up your good work.
Loads of love
Disappointed-partially bald-drama lover.


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omg dying.....


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Everything is good except the editing. There were some major flaws in the past few episodes but this was the worst. The pace of the show was a bit off because of the editing.


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I agree. I actually think the writing isn't half as bad as the directing and the editing. I mean I can see what the writer is trying to point out: the theme, the twisted characters, i get the darkness of it. I think the directing and the editing is what has it bad for this drama. I'm willing to bet that it might be a better experience to read this story from a book than to watch it as a drama.


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yea it was slip-shod. The writing tended to be slip-shod at times also (certain parts had potential to be better with more thought put into it) but the writer makes up for it with witty puns and a lot of other stuff. Overall it is a really good script. Perhaps if she had more time editing it, it would be a perfect script but it certainly does not disappoint.


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I'm so happy to see people actually dissecting this show apart because I'm frickin annoyed at the whole tug of war (literally) thing!

ALSO, I absolutely LOVEEEEE your recaps and reviews. Got me laughing at the acid reflux thing. Your writing is so frickin amazing.

Much love all the way from Singapore!



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much appreciate your time and dedication to the drama despite the frustration and flaw, you are still recapping. DOMO ARIGATO!


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I thought that pantry scene was better than the last part too! It was more romantic and genuine. Even the camera shots were really good! Sigh. It was a waste that they didn't put the kiss scene there.

And yeah, I don't like how they treat Eun Sang like a thing or a toy actually. Young Do is a total jerk and for some reasons, his past or background just won't justify his actions. I usually like the 2nd lead but I just have no affections towards Young Do.

I like Chan Young more than Tan and Young Do but I don't Want him With Eun Sang. Chan Young-Bona couple is so cute!

l love interactions between Mom and Madam. More than the other couples actually.

1 also like the small detail about Rachel smiling. I really think that she's nice. Can't wait to see a different side of her.

Thanks for the recaps, girlfriday!


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go to Cadence and you may be pleasantly surprised with her insights. worth a read!!


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Mom, Madam and Rachel. We're on the same page with that. Hehe


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I don't hate BOF. It was my first ever k-drama. And although I had to get used to pretty guys, cuz I love rugged men n all, I still fell in love with K-dramas. then I watched other dramas and realized why BOF was not the best. But first love is always special rt?
That doesn't mean this show can go about acting like my first love's doppelganger :@ . get a backbone , show. I mean a solid storyline.


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