Heirs: Episode 8

This is kind of a bipolar episode. Or, maybe it’s just an episode that makes me bipolar, which I’m fully willing to believe is the more accurate conclusion. In any case, things are good for a while when both boys start to step up with some moments of honesty and Eun-sang asserts herself in little ways as the budding romance takes on a new dynamic. But then the love triangle becomes a literal tug-of-war, only with a human girl instead of a rope, and then Show and I have words.


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Tan storms over to Eun-sang at work to confess that he likes her, and will be getting personally involved in all her business at school from now on. What, like you weren’t before?

She brushes it off like he’s got nothing better to do with his time, but he wants an answer from her, right now. She looks up at him, conflicted… and she’s saved by the bell when he gets a call from Dad.

He ignores it, and then a second later, Eun-sang gets a call from his mother. He barks at her not to answer, but she says while he might have the choice to ignore his parents’ calls, she doesn’t. “That’s the difference between you and me, and I think that’s my answer.”

He yanks her phone away and tells his mother to call back later because they’re having an important conversation, and hangs up. Pfft. And then he orders Eun-sang to like him back, which I guess is supposed to be swoony, but mostly sounds like he’s being a petulant child.

She’s finally had enough and starts to cry as she tells him to give back her phone, saying that it’s expensive to her, and she needs it to text with Mom and hear from her part-time employers.

And then suddenly mid-fight, Tan asks, “If I want to hold you right now, am I crazy?” He pulls her close for a hug.

Tan: “Don’t cry. And don’t say that you dislike me. Say that you’ll think about it. I’m asking you.” Well that’s certainly an improvement from the last version. Good job. Eun-sang lets herself cry on his shoulder for just a moment.

Once they get home, Madam Han greets Tan with a barrage of questions, and he gives the excuse that he went to go see Eun-sang to request that she keep her mouth shut about him hitting someone at school today. Madam Han’s ridiculous first question: “Is he richer than us?”

Tan is the one to point out that her question should be whom and not how much he’s worth, and trudges off to see the chairman for his impending lecture. Madam Han tries to pry the information out of Eun-sang, who keeps her mouth shut per their cover story. Madam Han adds the petty gripe that Eun-sang shouldn’t be seen with Tan outside of this house, because What would people think? Blerg.

Chairman Dad already knows about the incident and asks Tan why he hit Young-do at school. Tan just points out the absurdity of his sudden interest in his life when he’s done far worse, but back then Dad was always too busy to care.

Dad says that he has to be busy for the company to go ’round, and Tan notes sardonically that due to Dad’s astounding work ethic, he and hyung will be bequeathed more of Dad’s inheritance than his interest. Snap.

Dad’s final warning is to keep from complicating his mother’s job at school, to which Tan says pointedly that his mother is Dad’s mistress. My, my, did someone have his Sassy Wheaties today?

He comes out to find Eun-sang on her way out from speaking to his mother, and she asks with a long sigh for him to leave her alone in this house. He follows her anyway like a yappy puppy, insisting on apologizing for his mother or doing something to cheer her up.

Eun-sang doesn’t want to be caught daring to speak to the young master in the house, and asks him to leave again, but he points out that it’s his house. She decides she’ll go then, and he says pretty much anywhere you go in his house, it’s his house.

And then he adds, “Do you know how glad I am that you’re in my house?” It doesn’t work to get her to stay, and he sighs as she heads to her room. He plops down on his bed and stares at a book of poems called Almost As If We’re Living Together.

Eun-sang decides to set her alarm for even earlier the next morning, determined to avoid going to school together. She notices a post online (lol, he still hasn’t logged out as her, lying liar) of the book cover in his hand, with “living” changed to “sleeping.” It makes her smile.

She gets to school at the crack of dawn, but to her utter surprise, Tan is sitting on a bench waiting for her to arrive. He says he meant what he said yesterday about meddling in her business from now on, and pretends not to have heard the part where she told him not to do that. He’s satisfied for now to have seen her arrive, and pats her on the head before walking away.

Manager Yoon comes by Won’s hotel room in the morning to say that he has a breakfast invitation from Young-do’s dad, and though Won bristles that they’re hardly friends, Manager Yoon thinks it might be a good idea to take him up on the offer.

Won finds out at the office that there are complications with their latest hotel construction because of Zeus and offshore investor strings being pulled behind their backs, and decides to play hard-to-get with breakfast for now.

Madam Han struggles to get out of bed with a wine hangover, and Mom starts to write a snappy comeback (for her to stop drinking so damn much), only to realize mid-sentence that she maybe ought to rethink it.

Madam Han catches her trying to scratch out what she wrote and chases her around the room, leading to a bizarre slow-motion feather pillow fight, because why not. I’d swear these two moms couldn’t live without each other, not that they’d admit it.

Tan waits for Eun-sang in the hall outside the broadcast club, having heard that she’s meeting Hyo-shin to find out whether or not she made the cut. He offers to lobby for her since he’s friends with Hyo-shin. When she asks what kind of lobbying he’d do, he opens his jacket and suggests coyly that he can offer up his body. Ha.

Bo-na steps out from the room after having done her lunch broadcast, and Chan-young walks up with a drink, posing as a fan. Tan rolls his eyes at them, but Eun-sang sees Chan-young as her escape.

Tan sticks his arm out to block her path thinking he’s all smooth, but she just ducks right under it and runs off with Chan-young, leaving both Bo-na and Tan fuming impotently.

Bo-na turns her attention to Tan and asks if he’s camped out here because he still has feelings for her, and Tan laughs, playing into her delusion with a characteristic, “Do I?”

She sighs that she knew it, and declares that she’s very happy with Chan-young. He reminds her that she used to like him very much, and she chafes at the “very,” muttering that he obviously has good taste and all, but she’s taken.

He’s too amused now to turn back, and declares that he still likes her. (How is anyone going to take you seriously when you do this for fun?) Bo-na cries with utter sincerity that he needs to forget her and move on. Hahahahahaha.

Eun-sang tells Chan-young that she doesn’t know how her nouveau riche story went this far, but plans to out herself. He surprises her with the advice to just keep it under wraps for as long as possible and just graduate quietly, and adds that the bullying victim Joon-young is transferring today.

Eun-sang watches Joon-young’s sad march toward the school gates, regretting that she didn’t even get to say thank you. Bo-na’s friends walks up to introduce themselves to Eun-sang, and note Joon-young’s departure with the wish that he take all the charity cases with him.

Eun-sang ignores another call from Don’t Pick Up, which Young-do sees plainly because he’s breathing down her neck as he calls. Can we put a bell around your neck or something? Sheesh.

He gets faux-offended and pouty at his number being saved as Don’t Pick Up, and demands to see how she saved Tan’s name in her phone. She changes his to Young-do to get him off her back for now, and he tells her that her name is up on the announcement board.

She runs up worried that it’s for something bad, but finds the official notice for her acceptance into the broadcasting club. But the more curious thing is underneath: Eun-sang finds the note she left for Tan back in California. Wow he actually found that thing?

She asks him about it, and though he plays dumb, we see in flashback that he found it after all, peeking out under the massive pile-up of flyers. He complains that she wouldn’t return a simple request for a phone call, but bothered to write that note, and she asks why he wanted her to call.

He sighs that it took her this long to ask. He wanted to know where she was and when she was leaving, and “If you can’t not go. Don’t go. Stay with me. I miss you.” He asks if she’s still thinking about it—his confession, her answer—and she deflects and heads (in the wrong direction, ha) to class.

Watching the whole time is Rachel and a bemused Hyo-shin, who finds all this entertaining and playfully offers to hit Tan for her. She asks about the herbal supplements he’s taking, and he makes yet another joke about what studying for college entrance exams does to make you age rapidly.

Tan sees her and asks for a chat, and straight-up tells Rachel that he likes Eun-sang. She scoffs that he actually said the words, wondering if he wants permission, or for her to disappear.

She reminds him that unless he’s totally lost his mind, there’s no way he ends up happily ever after with a girl like Eun-sang, and he doesn’t disagree, but he’s also decided not to think anymore, and just do whatever he wants and deal with the consequences later.

Tan says he has enough mountains to climb without adding Rachel as one, and asks if they can’t go back. “We were friends once.”

Rachel grits her teeth and tells him he’s making the wrong choice, admitting in the end: “And if you thought I wouldn’t be hurt, you were wrong about that too.”

Manager Yoon checks in on Chairman Dad for another of his regular hospital check-ups, and continually eyes the mysterious envelope from the mystery person sitting on his nightstand. The chairman asks Manager Yoon about why he originally recommended Eun-sang’s mother as a housekeeper, and he recounts having met Eun-sang’s parents back when they used to run a pojangmacha and he was a regular.

He says that Eun-sang’s father was in the hospital for a long time before he passed away, and Mom is still steadily repaying that hospital debt. He asks now why the chairman sent Eun-sang to Jeguk High, thinking it an act of kindness.

Chairman Dad: “So that she hears it from at least a hundred mouths—the reason why she can’t be close to Tan.” Gah, I knew you were going to end up being nasty. Manager Yoon takes that barb to heart, so much so that when he runs into Rachel’s mom outside the high school, he tells her he was just reminded of why they broke up. He purposely answers a call from Hyun-joo just to raise her hackles.

Hyun-joo is busy downing an instant ramyun before her tutoring session, and Hyo-shin sees her on the street and tells her he’ll be late just to give her more time. That’s cute. At their lesson, he nags her not to eat badly and leans in so close he’s nearly kissing her, just to say he can smell her ramyun breath.

I love that he follows it up with: “You need to check my homework before we advance, right?” But the word for “advance” is the same for level of physical intimacy as it is for lesson plans. Everything he says to her is double-edged that way, but she’s found a way to pretend she doesn’t notice.

Young-do uses a judo match to request that the family portrait be cancelled (if he wins, of course), so Dad agrees and then proceeds to cheat his way to victory by choking his son to the mat, and then telling him that winning’s all that matters. Gee, what a sparkling example of humanity. I wonder why Young-do’s such an ass.

Though tellingly, the first thing he does after that blow to his ego is to show up unannounced at Eun-sang’s café. He catches her ignoring yet another of his calls and tells her he came, “because I was lonely.”

He says he dropped the lawsuit against Joon-young because he promised her he would, and then Tan shows up, which puts both boys on edge. Tan is annoyed enough that Young-do found Eun-sang here, but he’s surprised when Young-do names ALL of her part-time jobs, clearly having put all the pieces together on her real income bracket.

Young-do wonders how Tan knows so much about Eun-sang, and they go through a whole volley of witty retorts. Tan: “I’m always one step ahead of you.” Young-do: “Then you should watch your back.”

Tan laughs at the idea of using Eun-sang to get back at him, which just makes Young-do ask: “Are you two dating?” Tan: “Do we look good together? We look good together.” When he says it like a statement instead of a question, it gets under Young-do’s skin.

Tan warns him outright not to mess with Eun-sang, which has got to be a bad idea. He’s basically like, Challenge accepted, and tells Tan to take care of his knees. And just to drive daddy’s lesson home: “On my mat, there are no rules.”

Suddenly the ajusshi at the counter calls out to them to pick up their drinks, and says that Eun-sang already left and bought their smoothies. HA. Okay, that got a laugh out of me. This is what happens when you two are so busy waving your unmentionables around. The girl gets bored and goes home.

They come out with their twin smoothies for cold comfort, and Tan nearly busts a gut to see that Young-do got his bike towed for illegal tuning. He says this is what the law is for, not fake lawsuits. (Oh was Joon-young’s thing faked? I don’t even know if that’s better or worse.)

Won waits and waits for Hyun-joo to come home, and gets all possessive when he sees her arriving in someone else’s car. He storms up to peek inside the car, only to lock eyes with Manager Yoon, who’s dropping her off after consulting her about tutoring Chan-young.

They’re both flustered to recognize each other, and Hyun-joo worries that this means he’ll say something to Chairman Dad about them. Won is beyond caring at this point and tells her he’s moved out for good, so won’t she let him stay with her? From across the alley, someone snaps a photo of them.

Tan lingers in the kitchen, hoping to catch Eun-sang, and finally goes all the way to her door. He fidgets there for a while and still has his hand raised in the air to knock when she comes out.

At first Eun-sang jokes that his mother is coming, but then she really does come into the kitchen looking for Mom, so he pulls her into the dark pantry to hide. They’re pressed up against the shelf and once Madam Han passes, they feel each other’s presence keenly.

Tan doesn’t step away and leans in closer… and closer to kiss her… but sees that she’s practically wincing in anticipation and backs off. What the? What a tease.

They relocate to the wine cellar (she does her homework here to keep from waking Mom), and Tan goes into another jealous interrogation of why Young-do was there and what they talked about.

She says it was weird, but Young-do said he was lonely, and he really did seem lonely. Tan scoffs and asks how Young-do knows about every chicken, pizza, and juice place she works at, which she doesn’t know either. She doesn’t care though since she has no reason to be entangled with him.

But Tan sighs to realize it first: “You’re already entangled. I don’t think he’s messing with you for me to see anymore. He’s doing this because he wants to see you.”

At the same time, Young-do is asking himself the very same question, thinking about Eun-sang and then wondering why he keeps thinking about her.

He shows up to the family photo shoot the next day all dressed up, and Rachel berates herself for trusting him to break up the event. But just as the family gathers, one of Dad’s ex-girlfriends crashes the event.

She greets Young-do as if she hasn’t seen him since junior high, and he reminds her that he saw her in their elevator just last week. Ha. Okay, he’s terrible, but Dad is worse. Young-do makes a point of telling Dad that there are no rules and the only thing people will remember is that he won today.

Rachel has this awesome smirk on her face the whole time, and gives him credit for keeping up his end of the bargain. She asks what it is he wants, and he leans in close before telling her he wants Eun-sang’s customs form.

She wonders if there’s something really going on between them, and tells him that Tan confessed he likes Eun-sang. She half-jokingly wonders if he can’t do anything about that, and Young-do says she might not be able to give him what he wants in exchange. She tells him to succeed first before they talk about payment.

Tan gets the jump on Eun-sang at school, and she asks where he popped out from. Tan, hand to face: “A fairytale?” Pffft. She gets huffy about him following her here, but he pouts that she doesn’t let him talk to her at home (the phrase is “press words to you”).

She snaps, “Words aren’t the only thing you pressed!” She realizes her slip, but it’s too late. He grins like a fool, “Are we just openly talking about that now?” Hee. He complains that she still hasn’t bought him dinner, and she promises that she will once she gets her broadcasting scholarship.

She makes him wait five minutes before coming to lunch, but that gives Young-do the opportunity to grab her plate and escort her to his table, where he forces her to sit in Joon-young’s old seat. Yikes.

He says he just wants to eat with her, but he doesn’t make it a choice. Bo-na looks around for Chan-young or Tan, wondering why they aren’t around for a rescue. Or here’s a thought—why can’t she rescue herself?

She’s understandably afraid though, and asks Young-do what it means that she’s sitting here. He says it’s nothing special, since he just finds this seat comfortable. She tells him that she has nothing to with Tan if that’s his intent, but he says he’s got nothing to do with Tan either.

Tan walks in to find Young-do eating and Eun-sang quaking in fear across the table, unable to touch her food. He asks Young-do what he’s doing, and orders Eun-sang to get up, shouting at the top of his lungs, “I TOLD YOU TO GET UP!” Geeeezus, and you’re better how?

She finally gets up, at which Young-do darts up first to get in Tan’s face about his lack of manners. Tan says he made his date with her first and starts to lead her away by the wrist, when Young-do trips her to the ground. Dude, seriously?

Tan grabs his collar and tempers flare, and Eun-sang rushes to stop them, insisting she’s the one who fell. Young-do says (to either of them or both) his being nice lately must’ve lured them into a false sense of security. Well I wouldn’t call it security, but I did for one half-minute think you might have a feeling or two. Clearly I was insane.

Tan growls that he’s going to kill him, and Young-do claims his victory for making him kneel—just you know, making Eun-sang do it in his place. Eun-sang interrupts and pleads with Tan to take her out of here, so he finally lets go of Young-do’s shirt and leads her out.

Rachel watches all this and points out that he might’ve brought Eun-sang to her knees, but she left with her wrist in Tan’s hand. Young-do sighs that you have to give first before taking away, to make it really land. That’s… scary.

He adds a droll, “You trust oppa, right?” before snatching Eun-sang’s customs form out of her hand.

Outside, Eun-sang cries with her back to Tan, and he’s sweet about checking her for scrapes or bruises. But when Young-do calls her, he barks at her not to answer. She knows enough about Young-do now to know that avoiding his calls will make it worse, and picks up anyway.

Tan rails at her not to, and then rams her with a kiss to keep her from answering.


AUGH, this show. Was that supposed to be romantic? Because I thought the pantry moment was sweet (and obvious, sure) but totally wasted as an opportunity for a kiss, only to have it be followed up with THAT, which was the opposite of romantic, and annoyingly bossy. So you’re not going to kiss her when there are fluttery feelings, but you will when you’re trying to assert your dominance over the other guy? I get that the other guy is terrible, but that’s not an excuse. I don’t know, but I’ve had it up to *here* with these boys barking orders and yanking girls around by the wrist. How about she sits anywhere she damn well pleases at lunch, and you two can dance all you want by the salad bar?

I get that this intertwining conflict is supposed to make it like Tan is her knight in shining armor, but mostly I find myself agreeing with Eun-sang when she asks Tan to leave her alone. At this point, her life would be qualitatively better without him. Seriously. That lunch debacle tipped the scales for me. No boy is worth that crap. And though it’s understandable that Eun-sang is scared about being bullied, I find it extra annoying that for some reason in this universe, boys have to rescue her, as if it’s inconceivable that she’d stand up for herself. What happened to the girl who bought the boys a round of smoothies and left them to stroke their own egos without her? Sometimes I feel like she gets convenient lobotomies depending on what dynamic the boys are supposed to have, which is truly madly deeply lame. Can’t my heroine have a spine AND a boyfriend? Why’s it always gotta be one or the other?

There were moments in this episode when I saw a glimmer of hope, and—dare I say—was actually happy with where we were going, because Tan had confessed (politely), said he’d wait for her response (like a gentleman), and even Young-do showed some vulnerability (like a human) and a possible kernel of a heart muscle (fine, maybe it was just acid reflux). It was going well. And then there was shouting, and ordering around, and tripping, and using girls as pawns, and then I just kind of snapped. If Tan’s arc is that he’s supposed to have started in the same place as Young-do but end up a better man, I NEED HIM TO GET THERE FASTER. Because right now, he’s the same, just less diabolical and more apathetic. And fine, a little nicer, but dude, not enough by a long shot.

The thing is, when we’re not being violent teenage terrorists, I’m not that mad, and I even find Young-do to be layered and interesting. But the violent teenage terrorist thing is kind of like taking that nice layered cake you just decorated with a vulnerable confession and smooshing it with your designer shoes and doing a leprechaun dance on top of it. It’s ruined. And now I want you two to take your war elsewhere, and leave the poor frightened girl with a lobotomy out of it.


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Thx for Quick recap.!!! :)


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Quick and Entertaining :). I don't watch the show but I love reading the recaps so thank you GF <3. Hope you are also watching Secret, it might cure that bipolar.


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The recap comments and posts are much better than the show. I am just happy that I am not recapping such a show.


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Agreed. The show doesn't provide classic lines from JB and GF. My favourite quote from today's recap (about Young-do): "I did for one half-minute think you might have a feeling or two. Clearly I was insane."


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I just spent the day on the set at Teajeon Christian International School watching them film. It took them almost an hour to complete 1 scene that will run for about 2 minutes. At least the actors are enjoying the shoot. At one point Kim Woo-bin laughed so hard he was on the floor in tears. They had to re-take that scene an extra few times because he couldn't calm down. Their lunch today was provided by a fan that flew in from Japan. It was awesome, I was able to join but sat at a different table. This is one of the best days of my life!!!


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@Rachelle - thank you for the set report! ( I actualy went 'awww' a little at the thought of Woobin laughing that hard, hopefully that means the scene was funny, ha)


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I have an open invitation to go watch the filming whenever it's scheduled. The show is having trouble completing all the scenes in the school they need each week in one day. They are trying to get permission to film during weekdays after school. That will be hard because there is always quite a few people at the school because of the dorm kids. I almost got recruited for the show. The actor they hired to play a foreign teacher did not make it on time so they asked if any of the TCIS teachers wanted the part. Unfortunately, I stepped away at that time and missed the chance. The teacher Ms. Kim got a photo with LMH as payment. They also recruited one of the secretary to play another teacher. She looked younger then some of the actors playing the students on the show. She just had to hand out fake test papers and post the test results on the bulletin board. I missed out on that because I didn't understand their Korean directions. Again, another photo with LMH as payment. LMH did not allow anyone else to take photos with him. KWB is much more friendly and easy going. They both took a lot of smoke breaks during the filming.


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I don't know if you will read this but I am curious about your comment. You said Kim Woo Bin is more friendly and easy going. Did he allow fans to take pictures with him?

Is LMH aloof or unfriendly then? You seem to imply that LMH is stand offish but he always gives the image of caring for his fans so who is LMH really? Friendly or snobbish?

Please reply if you read this. Thanks.


I wonder why LMH, of all the scripts he has been offered, chose this one.


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He probably thought Koreans would eat it up like they did BOF-clearly their tastes have been upgraded since then!

Btw I hate violence and I hate bullying even more-this drama really needs to move past that, we get it, next item pls?!


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While we are asking that. Someone needs to ask Choi Jin Hyuk and Kim Woo Bin the same question. These 2 with Lee Jong Suk were the breakout stars of 2013. LJS followed up with "I Can Hear Your Voice" which earned him more acclaim and cemented his "It" status. But, the other 2 got sucked into this crappy drama.

Why is CJH even in this drama, if he only gets 2 sulking scenes per episode. He could have followed up the buzz he earned from Gu Family Book, with a solid Second Lead role, instead he is playing a barely there, inexplicable character.

This drama infuriates. Why is Eun Sang always crying and Park Shin Hye must have a no passionate kiss clause in her contract or something. That kiss is one of the worst kisses, we have seen in a kdrama in a very long time. The shocked, stiff response, no kissing back, closed lips, what is this? 2007!

There are no likable characters, to help carry a boring plot, awful directing and poor execution (what is up with the constant blaring of Love is a Moment during emotional scenes that we can see coming from a mile away).


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To be fair, in 2007 there was Coffee Prince and those kisses *ahem* well, they sizzled.


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I second that!


I third that...


Yap, i'm agree. And yess, PSH not yet have passionate kiss till now, even her kissess with Yoon Si Yoon, but to be honest it just YSY whose kisses her with passionate


Momma LMH is good kisser she should take advantage :)


To be fair it was YEH who is the Queen of K-drama kiss scenes. She never fails to deliver. She was an exception to the rule for a while. Best part of Goong was the shock of a good kiss scene after seeing nothing but bad ones. She definitely knows how to kiss back.


Yes, how the kissing scenes in Coffee Prince sizzled!!!: ) ^^ you could feel the chemistry between the actors and the kiss in front of the painted wall was so hot!!! and I can't forget the lovely scenes of Secret Garden!!! I remember a beautiful kiss at a Christmas party and before that there is of course the "foam kiss" when Hyun Bin kisses Ha Ji Won on her creamy lips! <3 <3 so cute!!! and the mood was so right!!!
And you've got beautiful sizzling scenes in "Reply 1997"! the actors really kiss even Eun Ji kind of kisses him back!!! and this drama is pretty recent...So I thought we'd moved past "tight lips kisses full of angst" !!!

I'm so angry at Heirs because there was a beautiful moment, it was romantic with a perfect mood for a kiss...but no!!! he steps back!!! What a waste...pfff
I feel like I'm watching the kissing scenes of Master's Sun again...And to be fair with Master's Sun, even if they kiss at the end of one episode, and even if it's not "hot", at least the mood was kind of right, romantic and all!!! here, the mood is so wrong!!! it's like there's a neon sign saying "not now, wait till the end of the episode to see the kiss happening"
I don't understand why the screen writers and producer think it's a turn-on when the hero kisses the girl while he's mad and overly possessive about her!!! heh?
I'm also disappointed with Eun Sang's character. I had hopes that she could stand on her own, that she had some kind of resolve...but apparently, we still have a "candy" heroine who can't fight back! I want Gil Ra Im back (Secret Garden)!!


Pretty much summed up everything. Heirs is lame, why oh why did CJH even choose this craptastic show.Nothing happens ever, just some lame plotlines, with barely any plot. And don't even get me started on PSH, that girl ain't ever had a real kisisng scene, always wide-eyed like she saw a ghost.


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We see very limited expressions in PSH. She is either sad, crying, looking shock because one guy appears behind her, looking worried and frightened. She is suppose to be the hoerine of this drama. The heroine that will go against this social class conflicts. Survive and be happy.
But Eng Sang cannot delivery either. She is really better off in her normal school with her own peers and she does not have the courage to deal with the current environment. Kim Tan is right, either leave the school or find courage to like him and fight thos together. There is no point lying and be frightened each day just to survive. What a sad way to live life.



That sums up pretty much what I think about PSH's kissing eh trying- at-it-but-failing-at-it-miserably and shamefully! Man this is an actress that is over 20 and still acts like she is some innocent 13-year-old girl who only knows how to play this fragile, wide-eyed frightened deer with these sad tear-filled eyes. OMG, that's why I stopped watching her dramas. Just can't bear her stereotypical look that she plays in every freaggin drama. And it always has this blank but sad look. Cant describe it. Just can't buy it. LHM-Stop kissing. Just buy you a wood stick. Would get a better response.


I agree; there's a high possibility that there's a clause in her contract "no passionate kisses". I leave it at that. I will actually admire her if there is such clause in her contract.


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If there is such a clause I wish the PD would just pull the camera back, angle it on the male and leave the rest to our imagination. PSH's cringing, startled doe routine is as worn out as her crying one.


What kind of acting company would put such a pointless and limiting clause in a contract? Stop making excuses lmao.


Preach ladies.

After episode 1 (aka the great shaming of california, aka the engrish-pocalypse), I stopped watching an only read DB recaps. I keep up hope that things will eventually improve but.....man....it's bad. Why pick this script indeed LMH, CJH... why?

I continue to use my bedtime wishes to advocate for CITY HUNTER 2.

Most disturbing is why LMH, CJH and KWB chose a script that turns them into villains. Even LMH's "romantic" forcing himself into CES's path is creepy. That girl needs a whistle.

thanks again to javabeans and girlfriday for sticking with it (so we don't have to). there's a lollipop in heaven for you for this. AND thank goodness the fall is packed with other awesome dramas.


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OMG! I spit out my drink when I read this. I'm with you about this drama and the CH2. Great storyline and characters. It's too bad LMH allowed himself to be talked into doing this.


omg, I laughed so hard at your comment..I agree completely


Oh City Hunter!!! What a great show that was!!! and the screenwriting was so good with excellent cliffhangers which kept me on edge at the end of every episode!!! Well, Park Min Young wasn't very impressive as a bodyguard, when you see her hold a gun, you wonder why the heroine hasn't been shot before! lol but Lee Min Ho as City Hunter was amazing and so good-looking<3 really believable and impressive as City Hunter!!! the other characters were so interesting too...I love the relationships between City Hunter and his Mom and of course his "fathers"!! yeah, a very good story!
I'd love to see a City Hunter 2, and closer to the manga! ^^ maybe they could broadcast it on TvN!!! please, Lee Min Ho, you're too old to play -high school rich boy-. Kim Tan is an interesting character and I'm looking forward to seeing more of his relationship with his older brother- that's the reason why I continue watching this show- but you're too old for the part... and you've already played a similar character in Boys over Flowers and it was much better than this!!! I love Gu Jum Pyo!!


Note: the kiss is forced, i.e. done without any sign of consent or acceptance, verbal or non-verbal, from PSH's character. For a forced kiss, I'd say 'shocked, stiff response, no kissing back, closed lips' is exactly the right response.

Not that I'm happy with the drama for making Tan as much of an ass as this.


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I want city hunter 2 there story good kissing , I like LMH but going back as a kid even if he act cute and he is ,but hard to believe . ES I want little of jan di in her pls be strong , don't get why CYD like she didn't do any thing wow .


Ep 8 Steal don't know what KT did to be sent to the USA.
What happens between KT and CYD for all this hate


I agree, why would she be feeling passionate in that situation? I don't agree with hating the show and thinking that the actors made bad decisions to be in it, the show has it's problems but I don't think it's that awful. I think that they should just give us a few less people to hate and more to cheer for.


Oh give her a real, mutual kiss and she would have the same response. As seen in her past dramas.


So true!. My Lord of the Forest has fallen! My LMH has regressed to thumb-sucking banality, after his outstanding performance as a loyal, true warrior in Faith. One punch doesn't do it after the excellent action in City Hunter and Faith. I knew it would be difficult to manage this one, as I hated BOF, and can't stand the bitchy rich characters and psycho student characters, but this is even worse than imagined. LMH looks like he's sleep-walking, the cherry-red lips are disconcerting. (WHO is doing the makeup??) I had some hopes for some creeping intelligence in the plot after they brought in a line of current affairs, mentioning the BRIC, but no. Back to adolescence... Can't we have a little intelligent commentary on current affairs? Political intrigue? Life after High School? Reality Intersects? OMG Get a new Agent, Minho!


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I love jb & gf weekly/daily recaps!!! I decided long time ago, before this show premiered that I won't watch it! No no no! Boy was I right!!! All these A-List(poor CHJ!) don't mean their can upgrade the plot/story of their drama! No no no!
So after tuning in in one two episodes recaps on dramabeans I think my prediction that this show will be a sucker proved right! Love it when I'm right!
And for the comment from llama: ".. Park Shin Hye must have a no passionate kiss clause in her contract or something. That kiss is one of the worst kisses, we have seen in a kdrama in a very long time. The shocked, stiff response, no kissing back, closed lips, what is this? 2007!"
I SOOOOO TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!!! Her adult self must be a mentally 13 year-old insecure girl trapped in a woman's body! She is a good actress but lacks in some love department romance scenes ...A WHOLE LOT! POOR LMH! He is probably doing a lot of work..Hopefully not overtime..^^ Oppa is only reserved for MYSELF! MUhahahaha


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I don't agree with you. Although the drama is mediocre, Kim Woo Bin is benefiting from it. He definitely stands out here among all the young actors despite a cliché character. I didn't know him very well before watching The Heirs and I noticed his onscreen charisma (the fierce look, the atttitude - good facial expressions and body language) quite quickly. This guy has got talent and is clearly overshadowing the lead actor.

As for Choi Jin Jyuk, he hasn't proved yet to be a good actor. His nice "anime looks" did wonders for him in Gu Family Book but Lee Seung Gi's acting was far superior when the two were facing each other. It was especially a shame in the beginning of episode 16 when father and son talked to each other for the first time. In The Heirs, CJH is stiff and dull as always, showing no sign of improvement. And since this haircut is horrible on him, there is not much to expect from him so he's got the (little) screen time he deserves.


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I think PSH's contract also included mono-expression that put everyone off. In addition to crap kiss only policy.

And i agree with you on the song. It's seriously getting on my nerves...


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Agreed. On the big waste of CJH in this drama.

I was so looking forward to see him in this drama but… all i've seen is sulking, sulking, more sulking and occasional awkward speaking. Then more sulking. What's the point…

And I also agree that KWB's character is too awful. Why would this do any good to his career if he just keeps playing the same tough kid/bully/bad boy high school student in every drama?? And this level of bullying in the drama, even though it was acting, really does NOT impress. At all.


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but somehow i feel asthough.....if Jan-di from BOF had ended up with Kim Hyun Joo(sorry I dont remember the name)then this would hav been the story....but with obivious changes....its like....the writer was trying to take the story from that angle with added drama and more story plots?because....Kim Woo Bin(young-do)is obiviously Gu Jun Pyo without a bit of goodness shown


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I think you've got a point here; and by the way, a stronger Eung Sang would have looked too much like Jan Di.
Gun Jun Pyo was powerful, though controlled by his mother changed by his interaction with Jan Di, but in this drama, Kim Tan is weaker. It seems to me that Heirs is a kind of negative (as in photography) of Boys over Flowers.
About Eun Sang being alternatively strong and weak, I believe she gets weak in front Young Do because he's taking her on another battlefield which is the terrifying battlefield of love. I don't think her character is shake by a bully. I think it's shaken by what she sees behind the bully's mask... Just like she keeps talking about the phone when Kim Tam asks her for an acceptance of his feelings.


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I was thinking a long the same lines after the first few episodes. Now that we're a little further in, I think that still holds up, with a few minor adjustments to the characters.


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I swear to god, I know I seem to come here only to complain even though I watch the show. But seriously this is my rage drama.
The role in this drama makes LMH so totally different from City Hunter, Personal taste, BBF. In every single one of those dramas, he was equal parts epic, funny and handsome. In this he is the whiny boy who is equal parts cheesily (not in a good way) romantic, and petulant in exerting his male dominance.
It also seems like Eun-sang has no interest whatsover in Tan and he is basically in a different way than Young-do bullyig her into it.
PSH was even better than this in Heart strings where she was the girl who had a personality. Either that, or she hates Tan.
Why writer, why void each character as having no personality whatsover?


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Why I think each character is a caricature:
Rachel: mean girl who is in love with main guy
Young-do: hard exterior bully guy who falls in love with main girl
Kim Tan: Main guy (doesn't matter what he is, he is LMH)
Eun-sung: Main girl (doesn't matter what she is, she is poor, sad and guys are drawn to that)
Chan-young: nice, platonic friend

I don't remember the other characters names yet.
Bo na: Only surprisingly awesome character in the series.


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Want to add for Bo Na and Rachel: Wish they would add some variation to the way they deliver their lines. They sound like they are singing in the same key every single time. Or perhaps it's a case of being tone deaf?


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lol lol i was thinking the same thing. like the tone of their line delivery could seamlessly work for their past Highkick sitcom


Eun Sung's Mum is..... awesome :D


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So true! I love madam Han and eun sung's mom's scenes!


I agree I am starting to really like Bo Na! She is cute and sassy and full of herself in an adorable way.


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Yay Bo-na!!! She's awesome!!! She is the only one character that I like in the drama lol


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People who dislike this drama is so fun. I often find it odd and senseless that people still watch a drama they don't like. But after a while, after reading all the bad talks about Heirs and all, it's actually kinda funny. I imagine it as people who go to the movies, found out that it's lame, then go back watching it after having a fit.

It's like reading a book you thought you'll like then throwing it away angrily because it just doesn't make sense to you. After throwing a fit about it being so lame, you pick it up again and continue reading while cursing every page you're on.

I can't stop smiling. People who hate this drama is so fun. It's really cool to read your comments. Really dynamic.


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Actually, it is like eating a box of chocolates. You start eating and you get flavors that you hate. Some you swallow, others you spit out. But you keep eating the chocolates, hoping that along the way you get something good.

Honestly I just want to see if the writers can even come close to fixing this mess.


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Lol. If I can have a box of chocolate, I'd make sure that it is from a brand that makes good stuff. Eating something that'll just make me constipated is wasting money. Why waste time hoping that'll you'll get a good one when you're already thinking that you may not get any?


Very nice, Forrest--I mean Sue--I'm totally with you. Once in a while we get a gold-foil wrapped hazelnut truffle, which make up for the plain caramel ones.


Lol!!! exactly why I continue watching this!! to be fair, there are still one or two things that I really like about this show but many other things that infuriate me!! so it's really like eating a box of chocolates for me! I keep hoping I will get what I wished/ was looking forward to somewhere at the beginning! ...the themes , especially the rich families and their heirs- are interesting...


I think it the hope for something better is what makes everyone watch it. They feel bad for the cast and they really hope the story will do a turnaround soon. But by now if it has not, there is less hope. Just like Moon's drama, we hoped it will improve but it just could not pick itself up from the fall.


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LOL I know you might think I'm weird for continuing to watch this drama. I think I am weird. It's probably because I love these actors in their previous roles. So I hate what is coming out of this drama because they have acted awesomely in the past. I'm watching the thing for the actors not for the storyline. I go for Mi Rae's Choice for a story line lol


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Well it's mostly because the main cast are well known, especially LMH.

Actually, I think it's more like reading a book you thought it was interesting, but when you read the chapter's it turns out to be disappointing, however you still turn the page hoping it'll get better because it's too soon to judge.

I don't understand why it bothers you so much if people dislike or criticize Heirs, it's their opinion just like your comment is your own opinion.


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Kinda u are a very optimistic observer and good for you because it should be like that.. but i can't stand those for so long..could be am lacking patience.. i find them ignorant and lack of depth in their senses... these are all personalities in a drama why not enjoy heirs drama it is so much fun to different type cast.. and this nega people are haters to the max to the actor/actresses and questioning why they accept such plot or offers... what a hell!... who are they by the way! oh my gosh... what a nonsense kind of people.


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Haha I'm one of those people. I am just watching because i need to know what happens next lol. Curiosity wins.

And I guess even though I know the drama won't get any better, I like some of the characters in the drama and I'm just gonna focus on those "minor" story lines, like Lee Bo-na, she's hilarious and she's one of the reasons why I can still stand the drama..

But the main characters… No hope. At all.


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I think the difference he is suppose to be in hight school and city hunter he graduated from college


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I cannot agree more. He's not a bad actor, and he's got tremendous star power- yet a lot of his roles are cocky rich-boys with daddy problems. He's got gems like City Hunter and Faith, why can't he just steer away from that overdone chaebol stuff and try something more refreshing? Even if he has that "rich-boy" aura about him, I'm pretty sure he'd fare well in a completely different drama.


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Same here. I thought he was taking a more actor-worthy path after City Hunter.

But from his choice of this role, it seems that he's really concerned about ratings and keeping up with his idol status.


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I feel disappointed that Lee Min-ho chose this drama. All his previous dramas are so good. Even Faith, which is considered as his only flop drama, has more plot, interesting story and characters than Heirs.


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Cause he probably thought Kim Eun Sook, the hit maker writer, could actually write....I am so disappointed by the plot.


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yeah, her writing totally sucks right now...here's hoping she will get a bit of inspiration...wasting all that talent...


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Yeah, seriously. Her males leads are usually very memorable characters too. I'm not really surprised anyone signed on for this drama. Actually, I think PSH is the only one I wonder why she bothered. She didn't need the buzz and KES female characters are mostly bland and underused.


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that's what I thought too. KES prefers to highlight male leads in her dramas.


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It's not really surprising ES loses her spine and personality when the plot demands it Secret Garden was full of moments like that.


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Yep. If badass Key Lime loses her spine in it it's no wonder the poor schoolgirl does. SG was also full of dubious consent moments... so none of this is surprising to me.


Ooh, you're a renowned writer right? You must have a few hit dramas on your name. I'm so waiting to see how well your next drama plays. Good luck!


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LOL I love this kind of response. We do not have to write anything because that's her job. She has one job, to write an interesting enough drama, she did a dismal job. Why wouldn't we criticize it? Does she get a pass because she known? No. If you have a job, and you do it wrong, you'll be criticized, be it a writer, and architect or the President. That's life, deal with it.


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*she's renowned


Yeah, I know she's renowned. Otherwise, people won't write her name out here so much.

I don't think we understand each other. Well, that's life.


We do have our own interpretations of what is great or not. A person's beloved artwork can be seen as trash by other people.


LOL branwen, you don't have to act every person who says the drama didn't meat their expectation. It is not like one person is trolling saying the drama plot is bad, it is almost more than half of the commenters that are here. So chill, we are allowed to voice our opinions just as you are allowed to voice yours. You don't see any of the critics attacking a person who said they like the drama do you.

Don't get your panties in a bunch ma'am and have a nice day


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I now understand that we don't really understand each other. Hmm... I'll figure it out someday.


branwen, usually the worst movie critics are the people who work in the movie industry. There are exceptions of course but one thing is sure: you don't have to be a film director to be a very good film critic/analyst.
Directing a movie is one thing, writing a movie/drama is another, and writing film/drama reviews is a completely different job. So although I clearly understand why you're irritated by those comments on a personal note, your argument is not valid.


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my thought exactly.


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Dunno, but am glad he did not take a part in Secrets - I think those actors are doing great. I honestly don't think that LMH could do near as well.


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they are both different genre.. full stop... sigh


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maybe he wanted to play safe after Faith?


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Please all the complainers..JUST STOP! The show is great....I am not going to write it off this soon.
LMH is hot looking and can act..I am glad he chose this role because i've had enough of him trying to not show off as an arrogant and egoistic bullying male. This is refreshing even though I don't agree with the bullying at all. But I guess it is part of Korean school culture...correct me if I am wrong. I've seen bulling in a lot of dramas (Monstar, BOF, Playful kiss, Goong, Ma Boy....and I can go on. The rich kids always bullying the poor).
PSH should kiss better...i completely agree.
The show is not just eye candy. I am actually loving every one's screen presence....
I am sure the story will evolve! Love Heirs.


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Oh, let them be. It's kinda fun. It's nice that they're here even though they complain about the drama so much. And even JB and GF have qualms about Heirs. So I think it's not a problem at all.

We're all here to discuss the drama anyway, and this is the perfect place to do it. Everyone's doing their share, don't you think?


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I'm totally agree with you....*thumbs up*


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as far as i know he acceped far before the script..because the director and screen writer were famous and he wanted to work with the..and he was the very first actor picked (waaay before the others)for this project even the writer said she wants to design this drama and his character especialy for lee min ho..that's what i've heard..and i doubt we'll get to see him acting as a school boy anymore soo i enjoy this:D


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you're spot on darn right... LMH will never act as a school boy anymore, so am enjoying it while he still can :)


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I agree. She played a warrior, a secret/undercover and now, this!.



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To build his teenage fan base more!


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Exactly. He had a younger fanbase when he did BBF. With PT, CH and Faith, he catered more to older viewers. He was actually hesitant to play a teenager, but wanted to do a lighter, care-free character. And I guess he was relying on the writer's reputation as a hitmaker. Hopefully he makes it up and accepts that movie offer next year.


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Eight episodes already!


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Yeah. 8 episodes already... don't think they will ever graduate from high school lol...


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my favorite part

Yong Do: "don't accept what?.... my heart" you cheesy you!

don't like
Tan: "since I like you I have the right to invde your privacy." what!?


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also, agree with all the comments gf made about the kiss.

these are classic kdrama moves that I hate. I mean it's okay to invade someone's privacy because you like her? kiss her so she would listen to you? grrrr!

the thing with young do is that he doesn't justify his wrongdoings as means of goodwill. he comes straight at you.


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In real life if a guy does any of the things Young Do and Tan are doing to get the girl's attention, I say lawsuit!!

But there were so good parts in this episode too unlike ep 7 which was a waste of airing time :D


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Not just about classic movements dramas, but also LMH is famous for his kisses and this was really bland, pathetic.


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I don't think it's a 'classic' kdrama thing in this case because the way I see it, both Tan and his older brother invades the personal space of the girls they like. It's something they both learned or picked up somewhere...

I think the writer really understands how rich people act and think as norm versus how regular people act/think as norm. For the richies, it's normal for them to take what they want and push others to the side (like how Tan handles Rachel; how Tan's older brother treat Tan; even Young Do pushing his father to get the custom's card from Rachel).


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Tan's words? I wonder what the scriptwriter is thinking.


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To be honest, this has been one k-drama trope I've always struggled with -the aggressive guy who seems to force his attentions on the girl, complete with persistent calls, unannounced personal visits, and wrist grabbing. It really strikes me as a few steps away from stalking. Early Gu Jun-Pyo in Boys Over Flowers was a classic example.

Usually I just shrug it of and tell myself "cultural differences," but if I'm to be honest, I'm just doing it so I can enjoy the drama. But deep down it does bother me, and much as I'm enjoying "Heirs," I really didn't like it there either. With Young-Do it's sort of terrifying because he has the capacity to be physically violent, and to do God knows what else if he's enraged enough. But Tan was equally annoying. He lives in the same house as Eun-Sang and knows what she's going through; he should try being more sensitive and not be so pushy.

To those who complained about PSH's kisses, this wasn't a mutual kiss. Of course it's going to look forced. It was supposed to!

I agree I would like to see more opportunities for Eun-Sang to show spirit. I liked her telling off Tan about the differences between them when her mother called. Give him hell :)!


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Faye, I completely agree with you. I also find myself shrugging off these really annoying incidents of the male characters treating ES like she's an object, in order for me to keep enjoying the drama. Other than that aspect, I really like the series, but it makes it increasingly difficult to stay in the moment if Tan keeps acting like a douche.

As a feminist, it really bothers me that kdramas don't have strong female characters, so I find myself conflicted when I'm trying to enjoy them. I really like kdramas, and wish they would stop with all the wrist grabbing and forced kisses - what a turn off!! ugh!


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To those who complained about PSH’s kisses, this wasn’t a mutual kiss. Of course it’s going to look forced. It was supposed to!

And yet, watch people ignoring that fact all over these comments.

I might reconsider my current very low opinion of Tan for that kiss if he has the sense to realise he's done wrong right afterwards, but right now? NOPE.


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I wish plot wise, things would get going already! Nothing much is happening, and we're done with almost half of the show.

But hey, I get my Lee Min Ho eye candy, so all is good... For now.


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Hon, we were still in the introductory phase of the show, from next week on, things should start moving along... 20 episode k-dramas are like that.


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I've seen longer kdramas that have more plot movement than that. And from the previews, doesn't seem like there's gonna be a change in pace anytime soon.


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Wait you saw previews?? Where?

Well I've seen kdramas of 20 episodes that the story starts moving in episode 11, well I've seen 16 episode dramas that do the same.... So give it a chance, if not there are other dramas out there you can watch =)


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Regardless of which episode the story starts going in earnest, I'm still gonna watch it to the end. There's enough Lee Min Ho to keep me going, however bewildering the story gets lol. I wish they'd just do more with the material and the actors they have, spinning their wheels in the same spot will just bore the viewers, and I'd like for this drama to be successful. I'm not sure which lengthy dramas you've seen, but there are ones that were written tightly and had the gears going as early as episode 4 (city hunter, hong gil dong, all about eve, to name a few), so length is no excuse for slow plot. So I'd really like this to get going already, because frankly, there's not much in the dramascape to watch for now.

Also, previews are up on dramafever. Well, it was at the end of episode 8, so you can just fast forward to that bit.


Thanks for letting me know where the previews are.. Again those dramas you mentioned to me are the exception not the norm, the norm in kdrama world (and even if I've only been watching for 2 years I've seen more than 100-150 dramas) is that the actions stars moving later in the game, some dramas have some movement in the beginning but the real challenges come after episode... I can understand the frustration but think about it this way, the drama has SUCH a large cast, that some of the characters, who are bound to have interesting roles were not properly introduced until last week, were still learning about some of the connections this people have. So the pacing does not bother me at all. We shall see where this heads though.


Lol if you think slow pacing is the norm, I feel bad for you for the drama choices you've made. :| I've been watching kdramas for over a decade - with the budget and the fanfare and hype that Heirs has, I really do expect more, especially from Kim Eun Sook. But that's just me lol.

But hey, one thing we can agree upon is: ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME FOR SOME LEEMIN-ABS?!?!



Yes, time for some LEEMIN-ABS! it's so strange how the camera is always angled away from his abs, the most we ever get is his broad shoulders. Not that they aren't nice, but the shallow part of me that severely wants some eyecandy wants MOAR! It definitely is not for the lack of opportunities, since we have LMH changing clothes in the motel in US... Yet we have KWB's abs while he's changing out of his judo clothes. More LMH would just be the cherry on top of the icing! :)


Eye candy is all that I am watching this drama for. It doesnt make sense any more. And if I think long and hard about the plot, I get mad about the way the lead guys are treating Eun Sang. So I keep my brain safely tucked away before watching the show. Also, I dont know if anyone realized this, the dialogues kind of remind me of Secret Garden - the pace at which the actors deliver them is pretty fast. Thank god my korean has improved. However, I did have one thing to say to all those who abuse this drama - I think we hold KDramas to high exacting standards, come on people, has no one seen Gossip Girl here? I have seen much worse American shows, so let us allow the writer to enjoy her creative licence and hope and pray that our leads come around and Young Do realizes his pettiness.


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I started watching Heirs because I wanted to see how it would compare to Gossip Girl and when it sometimes becomes too much, I just try to draw parallels and amuse myself with that. I never expected Gossip Girl to be anything else than it was - a soap opera about teenagers for teenagers - so I never expected Oscar-worthy performances or scripts and if it got really too bad, I just simply didn't watch the episode. If people thing some stories here are contrived, they sure should check out the latest few seasons of Gossip Girl and to see what truly is contrived. But I've never thought of seeking a true revelation in either Gossip Girl or Heirs and have looked for high-quality material elsewhere. But GG and Heirs are merely for entertainment - if you don't enjoy it, just watch something else, there's plenty of other shows out there.

So I am glad that at least someone else has recognised this as well :D


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Exactly my point. I am not saying we shouldnt hold them to high standards because yes we should. Its just that there are different flavors out there and all dramas cannot be enjoyed by everyone. I knew what to expect when I began watching this show. I am okay with this show because it currently delivers what I wanted from it. I am also disappointed with this show precisely because of that - because it has actors of great potential but it is satisfied with being mediocre. But to condemn the show for not being of a higher stature is kinda stupid because I thought we all knew that this was going to be a very superficial drama with plenty of good looking rich kids. I was not expecting a School 2013 or Reply 1997 when I began watching this. But all these discussions and all this loving and hating is what I enjoy abt Kdramas, so I am fine with people being mad, I guess. Thanks for agreeing.


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To be fair, we can have good shows for teenagers too - there was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, way back in the day. Gossip Girl was just nice eye candy that used its teen audience as an excuse to make its characters so stupid, it was a wonder they remembered their own names (with the possible exceptions of Chuck and Blair, and even Blair got the I-want-princessdom lobotomy at one point).


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Oh yeah GG was in no way a good teenage show - there were far better ones like Wonder Years - that was my personal fav but better ones out there. But there was something sleazy and enthralling about GG that made it captivating and like I said a person who didnt like the show wouldnt watch it. It was a mediocre show with mediocre actors( atleast their acting ability on the show ) but somehow it was fun to watch if that show is right up ur alley. :)


I have to disagree about Gossip Girl. It was actually a very well written, tongue in cheek, show. It knew it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, unlike this steaming pile of crap. It was funny, sexy, sometimes over the top with the relationship switcheroos, but it never forgot that it was built on the premise of rich teenagers and their "problems" It was supposed to be somewhat ridiculous. I mean, that's the voice of Gossip Girl.....But Heirs....doesn't even come close to being as good as Gossip Girl. Nope.

Kim Woo Bin is the only remotely interesting character in this show. He is somewhat like Chuck, but perhaps a bit more cruel. If the show were around him, it would probably be much better, but perhaps too dark for Korean television.


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I love the overall feeling of this episode, but Young Do kills me, is there now redeeming quality in that character?? ANd that kiss.... WIll she ever kiss better on screen? Lord, I'm not asking for a graphic kiss but something that feels real, especially when you have Lee Min Ho (a good onscreen kisser) as you partner. Ahhh apart form everything else can't wait for next week's episode.



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Babs, Park can more than deliver in the kissing department. She was in a kdrama with Jang Seuk before doing "You're Beautiful" and their characters were romantically involved and they were kissing each others faces off mouth open and everything.

All you have to do is find the vids on youtube. I just wish they would allow her and Lee to kiss the way we know they can.


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An the kisses in that drama were horrible too... I'm sorry I don't know what version of you're Beautiful you watched but I have watches that drama 5 times, and the kisses were on point for him, not so for her... I love Park Shin Hye,I'm her fan and as such I recognize her flaws... Dont get me wrong I think the girl has a lot of potential, and chops, but she needs to step it up, and fast, because there are a lot of kdrama stars out there who are doing a much better job in the kissing department.

And nobody is stopping their kisses, actually this show is the network know for having good kissing it's SBS for goodness sakes, the kisses of this network (apart from those of tvn) are the one's i look forward to.


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Oh SBS kisses, from recent memory, the kisses in Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love were awesome. And that was a saeguk.
If PSH and LMH had even half the chemistry as the explosive hotness that Yoo Ah In and Kim Tae Hee shared, I would be in heaven right now.


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KTH is one who can perform kisses [go to youtube - IRIS, she and LBH had a ball with the lips definitely] eventhough her acting chops are mediocre. It used to be bad but now it's mediocre.


It's not a drama, I believe. It's an Etude CF, I forgot which one. But yeah, it was with Jang Geun Seuk :)


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I have not seen this. I've watched most of the youtube stuff they have of her...


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guess you are referring to Goong S. the guy that she kissed was her fav singer at that time if I am not wrong and that happen to be her 1st screen kiss.
After that, she was cold fish kissing all the way until yesterday's episode. Just hope that LMH will influence her a bit more.
Am still hopeful that it will happen since we still have 12 more episodes. PSH, the ball is in your hands now and it is totally up to you and up one notch and be a partner-in-crime with LMH in the kissing dept. Please SHOW.


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she was kissing se7en quite passionately. and yeah after that drama, she's more careful? but her reaction suits this setting bcause kim tan did do it all of a sudden.


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i hope she slaps him for that or something in the next episode.


That's part of PSH contract - no torrid kissing. Her manager of more that 10 years is very strict and everything is written in the contract. And that is an agreement between PSH's parents and her manager - stick by the rules.

Uhm Tae Woo stole a kiss from PSH when they did Cyrano. Next day, PSH's Dad visited the set - and mind he is a very tall man - taller than Kim Woo Bin and Lee Min Ho.


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Oh, I read a completely different story about Uhm Tae Woong. It's not really about the kiss but about him proposing marriage every now and then to PSH. And where the heck did you hear/read about any contract? If there really is, why is the kiss from Etude an exception? It's still the same manager and the same parents right?

Maybe I just don't get you... Ah, what the heck. You're free to say and write whatever you please. Carry on. :)


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Etude and now Flower Boy Next Door.

Let's be real, most k-ent kisses have the guy doing all the lip movement anyway, but she was actually looking responsive and into it in the final kiss in FBND, which was a HUGE step forward from the dead fish kissing of her previous dramas.


Talking about LMH kisses, I can feel the heat even when he just leaning forward. What is it about him - is it the yearning eyes, the semi-parted lips or the cheeks?

Sadly, the result with his co-stars are always the same - flat.


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Jajaja it's sad... but true... He had the most chemistry with the City Hunter girl and with the lead of Personal Taste... le sigh here's hoping for less cold fish and more hot kiss.


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LMH acted with PMY before and they had known each other for years and did another drama before City Hunter. They are like old pals.
Natural and beautiful Son Ye Jin is a seasoned kisser. Go watch her in April Snow, she was sensuous with Bae Yong Joon. That movie was tastefully done with more of an adult theme. you won't be disappointed for sure :)


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YES!!! Me too!!! That was actually the first time that I truly was yelling at my monitor "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" while crushing my pillow to my chest and feeling my heart thundering in my chest. Gah!!!!!! Only to be disappointed big-time. That was the perfect moment! Perfect! What the hell were they thinking? Blathering idiots!


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I agree with another poster who said her reaction was spot on because it was sorta a forced kiss.

As a fan of the show, I was disappointed in the kiss. I agree with the recapper that the kitchen kiss would have been better.

Overall, I still love the show. But I'm getting tired of PSH crying in every single scene. She cries when he tells her he likes her, she cries when she's bullied, she cries when she gets her uniform, she cries when the wind blows.

What happened to the girl who had a little fire in her? The girl who snatched Rachel's name tag?

I would like to see more of that girl. Her standing up a little more for herself. I would also like to see her interest in LMH. Cause it's starting to seem like he's harassing her.


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I have the same gripe about Eun Sang. It is frustrating to not see more spunk in her. However, before she went to Jeguk High School, she was in an environment she was comfortable in and felt she had nothing to lose by sticking up for herself. Now in this ultra-elite school, she really is a fish out of water and feels she wants to grab on to this chance to better her life (and her mother's). So it makes it harder for her to assert herself, for fear of being outed as Jeguk chairman's maid's daughter, and lose it all.


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Well I disagree with the way you see Eun Sang's character... Right now she can't be the strong girl she used to be, specially in front of the boys... it's a new environment and a place where she owes what she is doing to the rich people, which means she cannot answer back or be the real her... Until she moves out of Tan's house and she realizes why she was sent to the school she will not be her true self. But let's keep watching the drama and wait for it to show where it's headed.


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Babs, her Etude House CF with Jang Geun-seuk (and that one felt real all right, she was giving him the flirty eyes, leaning in, hands running all over each other - shame YAB kept her so nonresponsive during the kisses) and the final kiss in her most recent drama before Heirs - Flower Boy Next Door- prove she CAN kiss perfectly well when it's called for, but I don't think it's called for when she's playing a high school girl being subjected to a forced kiss. It's unfair to rip on her for this, imo.


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I think the best part of this drama is definitely the lighter-half of the storyline. I absolutely love every scene with Bona. Her character seems bratty and high maintenance in the beginning, but she's not in any way "evil" or annoying. I feel like she's the only character who is confident in who she is, and knows what she wants. I really loved that scene with Tan, Eunsang, Bona & Chanyoung. I find it so hilarious that Bona and Tan have a similar personality, and they're both so sure that the other still has feelings for them. Haha.

Another standout pairing in the drama I'd like to mention is Tan's mother and Eunsang's mother. That scene with the pillow exploding everywhere floored me. Super hilarious. Loved these two.


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I love the moms too. they really can't live without one another. so far, they seem to have the best chemistry in the drama.


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I vote for a sitcom or scetch show called Chmothers, where the rich and the poor, the vain and the greedy, the hard-working and helpless mothers exchanges are in the center. bored chaebol concubine, housewife, lover, ex-wife, maid and maids´daughter and the neighboring ajumma all going about their daily troubles and conspiracy theories. wouldn´t that be awesome?


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When does it start? :)


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Romance Town would be for you, perhaps?


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THAT TOO!!! luv Eun Sang's mum.


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Let's call it 'momance'. :)


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Yes. The lighter parts of the show carry the day for me too!And all the Woo Bin stares and LMH stares.

I know I may be the only one in the Dramabeans Universe that loves Woo Bin's character, but I find him absolutely fantastic. He makes me hate him so much in one moment, and then changes my mind completely in the next few moments with just one facial expression or punchline. I like it that I never know with Young-Do, he could be serious, he could be teasing, he could be in love or maybe not...Makes me wanna figure you out!

Eun Sung's mom and the concubine are so perfect together!!!Makes me sad to know what storms lay ahead for these two now that their children and interested in each other.

I generally like all the character in this show. They are well acted. My only qualms lie in Yoo Rael. That girl expresses no depth. Her face always looks the same. I wish someone like Seo Hyo Rim would have gotten that part, or even the girl who does Lee Bo Na, she is perfect.

Hopefully Woo Bin gets to kiss the girl just once. Even Ji Hoo got his chance.

Because I didn't come into this expecting narrative genius, I am quite happy. I get lots of pretty boys topped with LMH, Choi Jin Hyuk and Woo Bin. I couldn't be happier.


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Don't worry, you aren't the only one, KenyanKorean.
I love watching him because he is so different, does everything with a double meaning and hence, so unpredictable.

It's so funny that Young Do trusts her so much, in terms of his feelings. I wonder if he already knows why he keeps thinking about her? Please tell me you're a bright kid, Young Do.

Everyone may hate me for saying this but....why can't Young Do have a change at talking to her without anything interrupting him? I wanna see more vulnerable Young Do scenes!! =p

Rachel is actually hilarious coz she's a bitch every scene. There is so much anger in her, it's funny.

Bo Na is the best. Seriously. She's a total brat and it really must be nice, living her universe. Bahahaha XD


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lol...agreed:) I really wanted to see more young do/eun sang interaction so I was irked everytime kim tan broke them apart!
Dunno why but I'm really intrigued by young do and find him way more interesting than LMH at the moment...I guess I have caught second lead syndrome;)


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chance** not change....


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TOTALLY agree! the only reason I'm still watching this drama is because of Young-do.
While he pisses me off so much sometimes (and if i met him in real life, would punch his head), i still love his unpredictability and dangerous aura.

LMH's character right now isnt making me the happiest person alive, nor the female lead. Theres just not enough conflict between them, and when they kiss im not even sure how to feel. Like...i dont get butterflies, i just feel...odd. Kim Tan just seems like a bossy kid who gets everything, and i honestly just want to tell him to stfu sometimes. stop tossing around Eun sung.

but when Young-do steps on the scene you know FINALLY something interesting is gonna go down!
in some weird and twisted way I almost want young-do to end up with Eun Sung because at least we'll get to seem him peeling away his layers and revealing more vulnerability!

on another note...
Kim woo bin, you have my heart! <3 His acting is amazing.


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Oh I agree Young-do is the kind of character I love to hate. Woobin is doing a really good job. Every scene Young-do has he steals. I also love the two mom's together. I wish Hyoshin had more scenes.

I wasn't expecting much from this drama. Just teen fluff like BOF. The first two episodes were crap but now that they've established all the characters and started school I've loved it. I wish there was less wrist grabbing and shoving Eunsang around but other than that I'm fine with being a cotton candy not serious drama.


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Bo-na is really growing on me. She can be annoying but she's somehow very endearing as well.


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I sometimes think I watch this show more for the moms than for the kids. lol The two are like annoyed siblings, and it's so much fun to watch. When her mom starts writing those snarky notes it's easy to see where the daughter gets her (usually quick) spark from.


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Well, I find Bo Na almost a female version of the domineering and controlling male lead, who's always overeager to find out about their other half's interactions with the opposite sex and always keeping tabs on where their other half has gone, but not quite there, cos she's whiny and somehow Chan Young has a magical power to make her seem endearing, though logically if I were ever to meet her in real life, I would definitely find her bratty and spoilt.

It's funny how she's so delusional that she thinks Tan still carries a torch for her, it's like a parody of the stereotypical female heroine who always has two guys fighting over her. I think it's fair to say she still likes Tan to some extent, given how she is always so affected by even a mention of him.


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I don't get how YD falls for ESSAY. It's illogical. Even if he's lonely...is she the only girl before his eyes? Coz she's done nothing for him and has nothing in common with him either. There's no understanding between them.

And YD tripping a girl ain't gonna help you win her affections!!!

Thanks girlfriday!!!


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I disagree. He was amazed at her spine for standing up to Rachael, when she is the girl she is. It's definitely a quality he hopes to have, having lived through all the bullying from his father. Despite being a bully himself, YD is actually very insecure, as he never dares to challenge someone who has more power than him. Instead, he can only try to assert his power by taking it out on those born weaker than him. Eun Sang showed him something different. He never imagined that anyone can talk to Rachael like that. Eun Sang opened up new possibilities for him, and, for the first time in his life, he went against his dad in this episode.


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Ivana, i do think for the first time someone is talking sense about why there is bullying and why YD acts the way he does. True on the observation about him going against 'powers that be' that are constantly hovering above him.


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@ Ivana

Interesting, but I wonder what was going through his mind when he terrorised Eun Sang with a smile on his face, and she didn't really stand up to him, and looked at him fearfully, afraid that he's going to out her for being a charity case. Refer to all the canteen scenes before Tan shows up to rescue Eun Sang. Maybe he wanted to test her mettle, and too bad for him, Tan showed up and interrupted his testing of her courage. YD said he thought it was unfair that she had so many black knights turning up to save her.

In any case, I was really happy that he screwed up the family shoot magnificiently and gave his father a metaphorical third finger. Been wanting him to stand up to his bullying father!


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from what I can tell this same group has been going to school together their whole lives. They have pretty small social circle. That is why transfer students are such a big deal. So a pretty new girl at school is a going to stand out. Plus YD saw her several times before he knew she was connected to Tan.


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Despite all the flaws, I'm liking Heirs....as I have come to love some of the characters (if not all) like Kim Tan, Eun Sang, Bo Na and Chan Young..

and I'm totally invested in the central romance which makes me anticipate Heirs every week...

I just want Eun Sang to overcome her fears and inferiority complex...

Thanks for the recap :)


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I am liking it depsite the flaws, AND all that MARIMEKKO in the textiles LOL. are they sponsored by Marimekko? that is so funny. soon we might get some finnish actors in kdramas as well? haaa haaa.

I dont see much point in the mothers actions but they are fun to watch, like a scetch show. oh, can we have something like that? a scetch show with bickering chaebol - maid women?


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that was well said. you definitely deserve some brownie points.


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I think this the first episode that Lee-Min surpassed Bin (Young Do), I think he headed my advice and forget about his good looks and started concentrating on the character, this is also the first episode he did not mentioned his good looks did notice that.
The writer made sure everyone in the drama like Eun-Sang, but I think she doesn’t like her herself, she didn’t give her anything to work with except the unreasonable love from the top 2 males. I don’t like her character there is nothing unique or even compelling about her to drive all those male to “like” her that much, or even notice her. She doesn’t even reciprocate their affection, and only seems afraid of what it will cost her, which is reasonable. She is so normal and predictable even boring. Specially in the last scene, at least the other student stood up for himself, but she looked like a mouse even a chicken mouse.
Hyo Shin is character isn’t defined yet, we assume he is a good guy only because he is a friend of Tan, Young-Do was also a friend of him, so…, does he like Racheal or Hyun Joo or neither, we need more or nothing insinuated at all please we have too many of that already.
I like the relationship between Won and the secretary. But I found Won is acting more childish than Tan, he seems deep but so far he is just acting unreasonably and uncharacteristically childish.
The relationship between Rachel and Young-Do, the r already acting like a brother and sister, it was fun.


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Well, he did allude to his good looks in the bench scene before lunch...


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unless you speak or write korean, i doubt he's heeded any of our advice...


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I feel like I'm the only one who likes Bo Na's character. It's kinda a cutesy comic relief. Hopefully there's more of that. Makes watching heirs a bit more tolerable.


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I don't know where you got that idea.. every other comment on these recaps basically says that Bo-na is easily the best character in the show, lol


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i am NOT fond of bona, she's kind of annoying...


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I am! I buy her lines completely!


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I love Bo Na. She's the standout character in the show. I feel like if Rachael was a bit more neurotic like Bo Na, she'd be a more compelling character, too.


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She is now one of my favorites. She always makes me laugh. She sealed the deal in this episode in the lunch room scene when she looked worried for Eun Sang. It gave her more heart.


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It was so sweet of her to be concerned.


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I agree. I "like" that she is the comic relief (in that her bratty ways and her "own universe" are hilarious…reminiscent of the character Hillary from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"), but I am COMPLETELY digging the layer of concern that she actually has for other characters, as shown in the lunch room scene. She has my attention and my interest…some of the other characters are… not so enjoyable to watch.

CJH- your acting is spotless. You are the reason I am suffering through some of these episodes. Please dear writers, have a GOOD storyline for this man. Or, I will hate you FOREVER and ever. :/


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Crystal Jung who plays Bo Na speaks perfect English since she was born in San Francisco. I almost missed it but her 3 lines in English occurred at the 13:05 mark of Episode 6. Check it out, it was perfect American English, unlike the lines of the other actors. I think the English used in front the lockers in the other scenes were not so good, it made me feel that Empire High School isn't that good in academics after all. Perhaps the poor people could even play golf or tennis better too.


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If you want to enjoy this drama try not to use your brain it’ll be a big help… this drama doesn’t make sense at least to me LOL.. thanks for the recap :D


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True words my friend !

But I guess if it had been horrible fr
Start, we wouldn't be this disappointed !
It started hopefully not bad, and just took this turn.

Me personally like JB just wanted to fall in with lmh again. With yet another awesome character !

Now he is just being mediocre ! ?


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Thank you for the recap! Interesting episode. On one hand, I understand that KT wants ES to like him, because he does love her. I think he is desperate about it. On the other, I don't like how he is going about it. He harassed her about that, and that makes me feel that he doesn't respect her boundaries, or doesn't think she should have any. I don't agree with that.
I also feel that it is all about him, about how HE feels, but not about how she feels and what position that puts her in, which to me is selfish.

I liked the hug at the beginning of the ep., not how it happened. Why can't guys in Kdrama hug gently, instead of pushing (forcefully) the girl in their arms?

Won has something up his arse (pardon my language). Why does he get so angry (to KT, Sec. Yoon)?

Loved the scene between tutor and HS, I wanted him to kiss her (almost) but that would be a different show :-)

I also didn't like the forced kiss at the end. I was not impressed with it and wished their 1st kiss would have been different.


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I totally agree with this: "I also feel that it is all about him, about how HE feels, but not about how she feels and what position that puts her in, which to me is selfish"

I guess you can justify it as him being self-centered because of his lifestyle or on the other hand, to him desperately longing for love, or whatever but it still makes him a bit of an ass in my book.

While I don't dislike the main couple, I am not desperately rooting for them either. I'm not really that interested in them one way or the other but they are sometimes cute to watch. That makes me a little sad because usually at this point in a show I'm swooning for the main guy lead. Oh well, it is what it is.


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My comment is backed all the way at no60 so I thought I would reply to you instead. :) I have a slightly different view. If he just wanted to force a kiss, he would have done so at the closet. Instead he backed out although the moment was rife for it because I'm sure he wants both of them at the same page when it finally happens.

Personally I don’t think Tan was thinking of romance when he kissed ES. I think its borne more out of his frustration – not being able to protect ES from getting hurt, ES not accepting his confession yet which he thought (right or wrong) will help him shield her, maybe insecurity/feeling threatened of YD since YD might be interested in ES. He was angry and instead forced a kiss, which is not right, and I hope he regrets and repents later.This kiss would have been as unsatisying for him as it was for her (…and us!).

Tan is forthright with his feelings for ES, is sweet and thoughtful about it. He presses her for an answer (he's often assertive) but not to the point of forceful until the end of this episode. I feel that's an important distinction bec he's so much less of an ass than other k-drama heroes.. At least until this last scene.

I'm praying the pay-off is fantastic bec the closet scene was hot and should have been their first kiss. But even if it was, ES has yet to acknowledge to Tan that she cares, so if he kissed her then, it would still be a forced one (though in a better setting & circumstance).


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I think he kissed her because he couldn't think of away to make her not talk to Young Do. He can't throw the phone, because it's important to her. Still not right, but hormones and teenagers make for weird or non existent brain functions. Otherwise, I pretty much agree with everything you wrote.


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totally bought your explanation! :)


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Hello PlumWine,

You are actually right, and I am buying what you are saying, about the kiss. That makes sense. Thank you so much for helping me understand. I have actually rewatched that scene, and I do feel different about it now, though I am still not a fan of forced kisses in Kdramas. This one gets a pass, kind of.

@ Faye and @ PlumWine, and @ anyone who is usually interested in reading my thoughts and comments: these last couple of days got away from me, because of life related issues I had to take care of. However, I have pages full of notes about this week's episodes, and I hope that you will come back and check the comments, to see and read what I have to share. I have so much to say. I am actually liking this drama a lot, it is making me think. I am working this afternoon and evening, so I will probably be writing tonight (late at night, DB time). I do hope that you will come back, and check the comments throughout the weekend :-). Thank you!


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Hi Ivoire, where have you posted your full comments? I searched and couldn't find. Can you specify the comment num? I'll put my comments later in the episode 9. Bcz, I'm going to office,like RIGHT NOW!! Heeeeeeee.... Bye


that's a great lines coming from you.... i agree :)
and am totally with you... have more fun!


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Ahhhhh give him a break. His character is supposed to be 18, even if he doesn't look a bit close to that age. Despite saying that he'll stop respecting her boundaries from now on, he still knows where to draw the line, as exemplified by the closet scene, when he ALMOST kissed her. This is probably the first time he's truly in love, as his past relationship with Bo-Na seemed to be nothing more than a fling. I would expect anyone to stumble through their first true love, and I don't see him as selfish at all, when all he wants is to care for her and protect her.


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Heh. I think almost all of these characters have issues with boundaries.


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Hello Faye,
I agree with you, however that still doesn't make it right, does it? I left you a message in my response to PlumWine, please read it. I hope that you will come back to read my comments (for ep. 7 and 8) :-).


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This drama can be viewed on 2 different levels. At first glance, it seems to be just another teen drama w handsome superstars, fancy cars, luxury houses and foreign locales. But look carefully, there lurks something dark and gloomy, a bitter social truth under the glitzy veneer.

Heirs or Inheritors involves 2 generators, w the older one passing down wealth, as well as intangible items of great significance: values, beliefs, priorities, dreams, power, authority, moral defects, psychological damages and complexes. Even as teenagers, the new generation is poised to become just like their parents, for they've been groomed since birth to do so.

Using the school as a setting, the writer actually intelligently shows us what life is like in a society with a caste system. The school is but a microcosm of society at large. Inside, a pecking order is clearly established. Someone in the lowest caste (Yong Joon) has to be stepped on, bullied, and suffer quietly becos his father doesn't have a legal department at his disposal. A girl (CES) in that caste leads a precarious existence, and must exert all her might to keep her head above water.

Kim Tan is all glamorous and blessed on the outside, but is in truth a wounded character who longs for normal parental love that most children enjoy. His silence and withdrawal that we've seen so far is his way of maintaining the fragile peace in his household. He has everything, but doesn't have anything that truly matters to him. If his birth secret is officially known, his world can come tumbling down. He is living a lie. That must be a great pain to bear for one so young. As he says to Kim Won, "What can I do when my mere existence is an offense to you?"

He has all the expensive items that he desires, but after he meets CES, there is little that he can do for her, beyond hanging up that dream catch on the clothes line, or playing a song for her in the wine cellar. We are shown that he clearly feels the pain of his restrictions and the divide between them, when he lies in bed that sunny morning after seeing her napping beside the laundry line. If the pace is slow, it is slow for a reason, for a moment of reflection.

The mother figure is also a central theme. KT's biological mother is not his legal mother; she can't even be seen with him in public. Rachel's mother is a business woman who puts business before motherhood or womanhood. Chan Young has no mother; he is lucky to have a normal dad. Kim Won and Young Do are also motherless, but aren't as lucky in the Dad department. Kim Won desperately misses his mother, n wants to seek solace in a kind, gentle, humble girl. Young Do is intensely lonely and his life is a mess beside his cunning brute of a father. CES has a good mother who is mute. The writer makes her mute becos she is a symbol of that voiceless, powerless mass to which she belongs. That honest, hard-working woman is relegated to being a server w no identity, no respect, and no hope of escaping. Can she save her daughter from living a life like hers? Can her daughter save herself from a life of drudgery and servitude?

What draws Kim Tan and Young Do to CES? They are both rich and spoilt; they are both lonely and unhappy; they are both bullies, tho we haven't seen KT at his worst. YD says she makes him want to protect her. KT feels the same way. They must have sensed her unsinkable spirit, ability to persevere; KT notices that she is always laughing despite her troubles. YD wonders how she can fall asleep outside a convenience store. She is different from all the rich girls that they know, that's for sure. Like Kim Won's heartthrob, she is gentle, kind, sweet, non-threatening, and warm. It must be the first time that either one of them has seen a girl who has the potential to warm their hearts, so they are drawn to her like bees to honey.

How can our heirs escape their destiny, of loveless marriages used as Merger & Acquisition, of family feud for title and property inheritance, of cruelty to family members done for manipulation, cruelty to their fellowmen who are 'mere working-class', when the whole experience will only serve to dehumanize them, and make their lives cold and sterile? Or will they inevitably turn into carbon copies of their domineering big business bullying dads and moms? Some of them won't escape their Full Inheritance, we know that already. We hope some will. More than rooting for this teenage romance or that one, I root for more of them to escape the shackles of their inheritance, material and intangible, tho I suspect having a romance may go a long way in helping them shake off those shackles.

This drama would indeed be commonplace and slow if it is viewed only as a high school romance among rich kids. However, embedded therein is an implicit cautionary tale and brave social commentary for the highly hierarchical society that is Korea, for anyone who bothers to scratch beneath the surface.


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Oh, we understand the themes alright. There are better ways to make it work though.


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Agree with kit. there are better ways to execute and direct it. I think your summary makes a more compelling setting than the drama itself LMFAO


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I agree on KAddict though, we have our own story preferences that's why it may not be your liking. But for me, overall the drama plot and execution pleases me too. I love it as it is.


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Totally agree -- it's a good storyline on paper, they need to learn to make it work though...


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"There are better ways to make it work".
Just out of curiosity, and for the sake of discussion, may I ask what you all think would make it work better?

We all hate bullies. What if the bullying will come back to bite YD's ass? sth that he'll sorely regret, to no avail? YD's biggest fault so far is his bullying of Joon Yong for being working-class. CES sees him pelting JY with food in the cafeteria, throwing him against the lockers and on the floor, threatening to sue, n she is scared of him. Now YD is trying to get her to sit down w him, but she trembles in his presence, afraid of being exposed, being hazed, being trembled. YD therefore has zero chance of having normal interaction w her, much less getting her affection. He'll come to realize it and will hate himself for the bullying, even more than we do. He has never once felt love, be loved or to love. With CES, he'll feel it for the 1st time, and I'm willing to bet $5 that it'll change him, for the better.

YD isn't a sympathetic char, we don't have to like him (becos we like Kim Woo Bin, tho it is really Kim Woo Bin's excellent acting that makes YD stand out so vividly.) But we don't have to let him block our enjoyment of the show. He'll come to suffer, and much. I'm also willing to bet an additional $5 that some of us will in the end come to cry tears over his loneliness and ineffectual reaching out to CES to hear his heart.


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100% with you on the direction that Young Do's character will take.

I can already feel the heartbreak that is going to happen with him and Eun Sang. Whyyyyyy can't i think Kim Tan and Eun Sang looks good together... ;(


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I completely agree with your interpretation of the lunch scene. Young-do is lonely and wanted to have lunch with her. In the beginning he was no more forceful than Tan is with getting her to sit with him. However because she has witnessed him bullying Joon-young during lunch she is terrified of him. Even though Young-do's minion sits at another table to give them alone time she still expects to be bullied. He ruined his chances with Eun-sang and will spend the rest of the series compensating for what he has done.


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Meh, any drama with a Candy girl is a social commentary for the hierarchical society. This drama will be brave if Tan does not end up with ES because of their class differences. I'm not betting on that to happen.


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The writer might surprise you. The ending for Lovers in Paris (from the writer) was unexpected & generated debate. Personally, I thought the writer copped out. But my point is: she might pull a surprise as she's not always conventional.


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Hmm, I don't think so. There's too much at stake commercially for the drama for them to pull any such tricks. Whatever else may happen, you may be sure PSH will end up with LMH.


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@Eileen, When we are not being facetious, we'd likely say that 'any drama w a Candy girl is a fairytale/fantasy'. Mostly they don't have a 2nd layer, or a social commentary.

KT and ES are 18. Unless the drama time slips into 2023 or later, I don't see how they can be shown to 'end up' with whoever.

Still it'd be interesting to see how the writer deals w the ending: show their abidance to class and family pressures, or be Rebels w a Cause? If KT's father dies leaving the 2 brothers in charge of the corporation, they might be able to marry the girl they each want. Or else, it's difficult


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"Unless the drama time slips into 2023 or later, I don’t see how they can be shown to ‘end up’ with whoever."

Come on, you know what she meant. End up as in last episode, end of this drama, end up together when we as viewers leave them. And it probably won't happen.

If love conquers all the obstacles and the OTP ends up together by the end of the drama then I think the theory of the social commentary does not hold water. What is the point of making such a big deal with this social commentary when the ending is likely to be more fantasy than reality? Still, I am willing to wait and see. You may right but I'm not convinced at this point.

If dad has to die for that to happen it will feel as a cop out. The social caste system (in general, not only Korea) is much too complicated to be solved by removing one person in order to overcome class/social differences.


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*It probably won't happen that they do not end up together. I think they will.


There are times when we talk with somebody online, and we realize that either we use the English language differently, or we are just totally of diff wave-lengths. Those possibilities are not mutually exclusive. It is usually not fruitful to engage further as it's likely to lead to neither understanding nor enjoyment.
Have a nice weekend.


Thank you and same to you :).


Thanks for sharing your in depth analysis on one of the subject matters that Heirs AKA The Inheritors is attempting to subtley portray.

Kim Tan seems on track to follow in/retread his father footsteps with his current love relationship/triangle.

His engagement to Rachel Yoo is a business relationship...a Merger & Acquisition like with father's 2nd wife (Jung Ji-Sook).

His pursuit of Cha Eun-Sang, if successful will result in similar role as his biological mother's (Han Ki-Ae) status.

Rachel Yoo's engagement to Kim Tan is following the footsteps of her mother (Esther Lee) in terms of being engaged/marrying the most advantageous heir to maintain and secure more wealth (shares of stock, etc.)


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I don't agree that there is any social message here. If they really wanted to rail against such a rigid hierarchal society, then why do they have something about "talking formally", "talking down" and all the other built-in language grammar designed by some guy in a funny hat centuries ago to keep people in their place.


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@Windsun, The logic of your statement escapes me. The writer KES is IMO attempting to show us her take on Korea's caste system. How does Korea's having linguistic peculiarities negate the possibility or meaning of such an attempt?

"If THEY really wanted to rail against such a rigid hierarchal society, then why do THEY have ......"
Who is this "They"? What does it have to do w KES and this piece of writing???


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"They" is the writers and directors of the show.

The caste system in Korea comes up in nearly every drama involving a chaebol, so I don't see where that is a significant part of this show. And IMO they actually do a poor job of showing it, too over the top to be realistic. The actual hierarchal system is much more subtle, and more effective in "keeping slobs in their place".

As far as the linguistics, you have to dig into the history of how the language hierarchy developed, but that (along with the warped Confucianist ideas) is the subject of books, not a few sentences.


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"If they really want to want to rail against such a rigid hierarchical society, then why do they have something about "talking formally", "talking down" and all the other built in language grammar designed by some guy in a funny hat centuries ago to keep people in their place."

I guess you are referring to jondaemal and banmal in the Korean language. That is just built into the Korean language. If by "they" you are referring to the writers and directors of the show, then KES or whoever is writing or directing a drama can't all of a sudden have all their chars speak in "equal speech" with each other.
But then I feel that either your compliant is unfairly veering off topic, or the logic of it is not apparent to me, so I'll stop the exchange here.


Wow, that is really a great synopsis of this drama. I had the feeling there was a deeper meaning behind it, but could not put it to words so eloquently. Watching the parallel lines of the older and younger characters makes us hope that some will diverge from their plotted courses. Thanks.


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DITTO!!! I was blown away with that deeper meaning.


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I like this POV very much and I agree with it. Honestly, the problem is most probably in the editing, the directing, and the overall screenplay than over the writing and the acting.

It's dealing with a complex subject matter and I swear it needs a better, more thought-of screenplay.


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you truly digested this drama. I just watched and moved on.


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Thanks for this interesting take on the drama! You verbalized very well what many of us have been seeing, in bits and pieces, during the first eight episodes.

I really like your theory about Eun-Sang's Oma being mute as symbolism of her economic and social "muteness." I never thought of it like that, but it seems quite plausible.


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I also think a number of people are really missing the deeper contexts and symbolism of this show.

There's something different about this show. It's not exactly BOF and it's not exactly a serious drama. It's a different kind of mix. Something I haven't seen before in any of the Korean dramas I've watched.


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"Something I haven’t seen before in any of the Korean dramas I’ve watched."



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Thank you Thank you Kdaddict. Finally, someone that is seeing through the surface. I was beginning to question-
why so much negative surface criticism and then I remember the world I live in.

This almost reminds me of an allegory with the deeper
meaning and symbolism. Sadly, not to many want the depth of meaning-it takes to long-it's boring.

I'm with you. I'm rooting for the shackles to come off and the prisoners set free. What's funny is that the true prisoners don't even realize what their held captive to.
Thanks again kdaddict.


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I think you make it sound so much more interesting than it really is, makes me want to watch this show you describe. Unfortunately I can't find all that in Heirs.

The caste system does show in almost every drama that has a chaebol-candy OTP, we've seen it again and again and again and nothing is being done differently in Heirs.

The only difference in that Heirs expands this and makes all characters part of the issue but everything is just so over the top, so unrealistic. Every character is just a cartoon for me, at least so far. It would be an interesting discussion IF show bothered to make all characters real of course.

Again, we all got that show wants to talk about mommy issues, writer was as subtle as an elephant since ep 1. Problem is there is no real mom to connect with us. The business woman, the silly mistress, the sulky wife, the hard working mute. They are ALL shallow cartoon characters that we've seen countless times.

Major plot points that never make sense for me are also Tan's big secret and Won's crazy hate. I don't get how people would not know his mom, why they would care at all and why it's such a big issue for him.

I don't think this drama can be considered commonplace though, this sheer amount of craziness is not something most dramas can manage. :)


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Question is: Did I add or make anything up that wasn't there in the show? If not, then it's all there.

Guess it is like what KT's mother's friend said, and I paraphrase: Ppl see or hear what they do acc to who they are. When she tells parents at Jeguk High her husband sells water, they automatically assume he owns a mineral water company. We see what we want or willing to see. Open-mindedness and a little patience usually allow us to see a bit more.

But if you really want to see someone who interprets this drama's subtlety, not at all like an elephant, here is a random paragraph from Softy's Reading between the lines on Heirs (for Ep 6) from a week ago, on its ending when CES is napping outside the convenience store Again:

[When Young Do said “why do you always sleep in places like this – making me want to protect you,” I totally understood why she sighed so audibly. She realizes he has seen her sleep here before and she is still feeling intimidated by the fact that he knows about her part time job. What makes his words so meaningful is that it may be the most honest thing Young Do has said. Before when he didn’t know her, he did try to protect her from those loud kids all on his own volition. Back then, she was just a pretty girl so he took notice. Now she has his attention for more substantial reasons. She has a connection to Tan that he doesn’t know about. More importantly – there is something about watching her sleep like that being so vulnerable that gets to him. It is triggering a side of him that he didn’t know existed – a twinge of compassion. Here is a girl who had a long day at school then working at her part time job. Before she goes home, she rests her head for a few minutes to recover. Young Do knows that now so this time he doesn’t stay quiet and kicks her chair to get her attention so she can hear him loud and clear. He is used to bullying kids around that he knows very well -to the extent that he knows exactly what to say to push their buttons, but with Eun Sang it’s not so easy. She isn’t falling in line as easily as the other kids he threatened so that has him on the alert. Right now he thinks he wanted her number and for her to save his number for other reasons, but he isn’t seeing another possibility. A part of him is drawn to her and the more he gets to know her, it’s only going to get worse. I used to think he might use her as a pawn in his fight with Tan, but I think there is another danger. If Eun Sang shows him any ounce of sympathy and compassion, she just might end up taming this wild boy. That’s what scares me – the second that happens, I don’t know how he will react or own up to his feelings, but I bet falling in love is going to knock him down flatter than a punch.

The main problem is with these two guys. Tan and Young Do are at a time in their lives when they need a change – some sort of upheaval that will shake them up and rattle the foundation of complacency they’ve built up. As if she didn’t already have enough problems of her own, Eun Sang just happened to step into their lives now when both guys are realizing a solution to their loneliness could be love.]

I think it is lovely.


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Totally agree with this!!


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KDaddict, you didn't read my post correctly, I said writer was as subtle as an elephant, not you. What I meant was, obviously, there is no subtlety in the story itself. :) Which is of course my point of view and you will think differently.:)

Yes, I do think you add things that are not there frequently. For instance you see CES as "unsinkable spirit, ability to persevere;...she is always laughing despite her troubles" while lots of us see a wimpy, scared, pouty, crying girl who is mostly unable to defend herself or willing to try.

In general I don't think you add so much as you just embellish lots of very plain common things and make them sound much more complex and original than what they really are. Sorry if that seemed harsh but you did ask.

Also, it's kind of rude saying things like we see according to who we are just because we disagree about something. I'm sure you're aware of that. We are talking about a show, it's fun and games, no need to get personal, ok? :)


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Hello, Lixie! I really agree with what you said. I also fail to see all this deeper meaning on Heirs.
It reminds me of an episode that happened a while Back in my country. The composer of a famous song decided to take a test that used His song on one of The questions. The question asked to explain The meaning of The song. He answered it and when He saw The "right" answer it was completely different from what he had written. People thought they knew what The song was about, but they got it wrong. It wasn't an easy song to understand. However, with this series, Who is as subtle as an elefant, as you said before, if there is a deeper meaning... Well, I can't say that The Writer is doing a great job of letting us see that. At least to me and apparently to you too.


i agree w/u 100 percent beautifully stated...


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Well written summary, KDadict. Like your summary and I really love this drama...


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I have through several comments and yours is the first that marched by take on the show. I have written off romance as a medium to tell the deeper story that you so well describe. Kudos !!!!!!!!!


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how great you are in expounding the depth of the story.. hope those senseless/nega people will pick up your thoughts!
Wonderfully expounded with the catalyst of the heroines good acting in this drama. Still am on this drama as well as the lead actor/actress... It's one of a kind if the viewer will
just digest the beyond of the storyline... and i think there are only few out there.. but thanks heaven you are one sent to reveal the core values that all of us can learn..
have a great day for all kdrama fans :)


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Ok. Young do became just a tad more human. There is hope! ALAS Is it me.... but I have this gut feeling Young Do likes Rachel.... ><


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Ohhh!My friend thought so too!But it can't be. He likes Eun Sang...too? The age old dilemma, "Can you like two people at the same time?"

They'd make the meanest, brattiest children on the block those two!


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Nahh..maybe he's attracted to Eun Sang coz she fight back which is very rare to him. Plus..losing Eun Sang means losing to Kim Tan.

But his chemistry is more with Rachel..


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I'll have to look a little more carefully next time. I hope not, because I am on team Woo Bin + Eun Sang--I know it won't happen but I'll still dream away.


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Knew someone would catch on that.
Esp when YD said 'The next thing I want... you might not be able to give it'

Speaks volumes on what can or can-not be.

Coming from a previous episode when he said 'Ah, my sister is my style! That's how it is. Besides..... She is Tan's fiance which may fuel the hatred and jealousy of YD towards Tan.

Oh well! Let's see what Kim Eun Suk can do about this. Amongst all her previous dramas, this has to be the drama with the most side characters.. and probably, that's not her forte. Now, I salute them American Writers again :)


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Tan and Young-do should just get together and leave her alone. Their dick waving contest is beyond ridiculous at this point. It always amazes me a woman writes this kind of crap.


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Ugh, I think you've highlighted what annoys me the most about this drama (and also why I love Mirae's Choice). If a man was writing this, it would just be frustrating and disgusting. But for a woman to keep writing male characters who physical force themselves onto the woman, and use emotional manipulation countless of times and result it in the woman falling for him because of it .........


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+1 million


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I was thinking of Mirae's Choice. Seriously, it's a trip watching this drama after watching it. Both written by women, but couldn't be more different in how women are treated.


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Totally with you 100%!


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I agree with you comments. To think KES wrote this story is so weird, and unlike her.
I went in wanting more of KW and HJ, and all I get is like 3 seconds on screen time on each episode. Seriously mad...
KES is totally wasting the talents of Im Joo Eun and Choi Jin Hyuk.
And giving more screen time to Rachel's mother and Sec. Yoon, and Bona, and the rest of the idols is so ridiculous!


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You have a good point. It almost seems like the writer likes to see women treated like dirt.

This is a huge difference from Secret, where the girl is beating up the guy and dragging HIM around by the wrist.


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lol...I love your commentary...


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Thanks for the recaps!!

I honestly don't know if I like this show or if I just love the talented cast it has. I still feel like there are too many characters to juggle around. It's already episode 8 and there's been little to no progress of fleshing out any of them for me to invest too much emotion into anyone of them.

I find myself unable to dislike Young Do (mostly because I ADORE Kim Woo Bin), but I guess I would like to see other shades of him other than him being an ass all the time. It's no wonder Eun Sang never looks forward to his threatening presence.


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I can't dislike Kim Woo Bin. Period.

However, as a story, there is not enough about the characters to make me invested in any of them.


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LOL @ Park Shin Hye's face when Lee Min Ho kissed her XD


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*Palm on face*. Utter waste of 3 hours f filming. That is it! Did the production team used the wrong screen cap. Aiiiiissshhhh.....


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"I get that this intertwining conflict is supposed to make it like Tan is her knight in shining armor, but mostly I find myself agreeing with Eun-sang when she asks Tan to leave her alone. At this point, her life would be qualitatively better without him. Seriously."

FINALLY! Someone says exactly what I feel about Tan and Eun Sang. My goodness! This is the main reason why I am shipping Young Do and Eun Sang so hard because Tan, in his "good" guy facade, is trying to control Eun Sang in his own means. And while Young Do does the same, at least he's being blunt about it.

The part in the pantry was actually weird to me. I don't find it sweet at all. Tan looked like a creeper in that part trying to get a kiss while Eun Sang looks scared as shit. It looks like a girl about to get raped in a dark, narrow alley. Sorry if I ruined it for you, but I'm not sorry.

For some reasons I like that funny part with Tan and Bo Na. I actually think they should get back together. But then I'm confused because I like Bo Na and Chan Young too. However, I wonder if Tan could just give Rachel a chance? I mean, instead of throwing her around like that and bringing out the bitchiness in her, why can't Tan at least try to help her become a better person? Or is her just so selfish that he only thinks about his own? Oh yeah. He's an adorable, sweet, wounded guy who was banished in the US. Kinda unfair tho because he gets all these love from the viewers when in fact, he's also being unfair to everyone else in the show.

My favorite part was when Young Do was thinking about Eun Sang. I feel its sincerity and I think that's a strong gravity to actually make the viewers see how more worthy he is to get the girl.

Ah. This is The Heirs at its best! :>


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For me, that's a scary thought…to ship Eun Sang with Young Do. I like Woo Bin, but YD is certainly NOT the kind of person I wish anyone to be with. Perhaps this is telling of my age, but the "high" feeling of love never lasts long. Even if YD arcs into a person with some humanity (which I never get to see any glimpse on), he'll treat ES like he does to others--violently. Nobody deserves that, not even Rachel deserves this scary, intimidating, violent guy. YD is mentally sick, and so is his dad.


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Every person can be mentally sick at one point in their lives but they're eighteen, and I know for a fact that he's going to get better IF the writer allows it. It will entirely depend on her. However she crafts Young Do, I will still love his character because he has all the complications which makes the show interesting :)


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Actually even though I like Woo Bin and was liking the character in this show, I suddenly had a flash-back to a very similar bully in my high school. He did not use violence but he would say malicious and hurtful comments with no sense of humanity, and girls would just flock to him. I would think are those girls crazy, he's an asshole. And now I think Young-do is kinda a horrible character.


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As opposed to Tan who's being manipulative and the reason why people don't see that is because he's being cute and all too hero-y for Eun Sang.


@Zfih - I have to agree with you. Young-Do has a very strong sadistic and violent streak, and without major therapy, he shouldn't be with anyone. Those violent bad boys from high school that girls swoon over? Just turn into violent men. You know who believes the love of a good woman can reform men like that? Battered women. I'm not being sarcastic; I used to be involved with a local domestic abuse shelter, and so many of the women's stories were depressingly familiar. Many of them featured a Young-Do.

@JycMnrq -Many of us have called out Tan for his pushiness and seeming lack of disregard for Eun-Sang's personal space and needs over his want. But this is not a zero-sum game. Young-Do doesn't become better just because Tan has issues too.


I actually disagree with JB's point that KT was supposed to be ES' "knight in shining armor". One of the themes of this drama is that no one lives in a fairy tale regardless of their status on the social ladder. Everyone in this drama is far from perfect. Unlike BoF, the female lead doesn't try to stand up to every injustice she sees, because she also has to fear for her own safety. The male lead is hardly the perfect candidate to rescue the damsel in distress, because he's just a baby when it comes to experiences in love. With his family dynamic, I'll be more surprised if he's able to express his love and care in a perfectly swoon-worthy way on the get go.


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Agreed. That's also something that's different about this drama.

None of the characters are perfect. Unlike most K dramas, even both the lead male and female are far from perfect. I mean we see Young Do being evil, only to find out LMH has done much worse in the past.

I think all the complaints people have about this show are actually things the writer did on purpose. Which is why I like it so much.


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"I think all the complaints people have about this show are actually things the writer did on purpose. Which is why I like it so much."

Now that you've mentioned this, I am actually seeing Heirs in a slightly new way ;)


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I swear the actor who plays Young Do looks like a caricature. He is not good looking at all. He has the height and the abs. But the face is flat with uneven eyes. Probably a product of bad plastic surgery. He is not adorable at all. At least when Minho played Jun Pyo he was adorable even if he was bad. I think his good looks has a lot to do with it, especially his smile, it is priceless. That's why fans still watch this drama, even if the story is going nowhere. It is still Minho. We will watch till the end. I just hope, though, that the next time he chooses a drama, the character is his age. Also, he is very good with action/drama like City Hunter. That was the best he has done so far, although I also liked his character in Faith. Maybe, a suspense/action thriller would be nice. Let's just enjoy this while we can. I know it was his choice to do a light drama since he has done 2 consecutive action dramas which demanded a lot of training from him. One thing with him, though, his dramas get to be distributed in a lot of countries so even if it doesn't do well in the ratings game, they still get revenue from other sources. Re your dream that Eun Sang will end up with Young Do, sorry, it will be caught by the dream catcher, as it will be a nightmare. He is scary....


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"Tan, in his “good” guy facade, is trying to control Eun Sang in his own means. And while Young Do does the same, at least he’s being blunt about it."

I get that Woo-Bin has a lot of charisma and is a good actor. But honestly, this logic mystifies me. Because Young-Do is open about being an abusive, violent asshole, that makes him better?

Just to make it clear, I agree that Tan has been very inappropriate and inconsiderate toward Eun-Sang at times. And his almost-forced kiss was not right (although comparing it to a rape situation is a gross exaggeration). So this is not about a Young-Do versus Tan comparison.

But how can anyone root for Young-Do to get the girl when he has literally been physically violent? Not just toward random kids he bullies -he deliberately tripped Eun-Sang, twice! That may not sound like a big deal, but I tripped and fell this summer and spent months dealing with a broken ankle and a back injury.

Besides the very real physical threat he poses, he's an emotional and psychological bully. Forcing Eun-Sang to sit at the table with him . . .those veiled threats to "out" her financial status. Ugh. Just ugh.

I know drama is not real life, but it really bothers me when people talk about how they like Young-Do and think he would be good for Eun-Sang. He is abusive. No other word for it. And women who pair up with men like him end up physically and emotionally hurt.

I don't meant his as an attack against you; it's just bothered me seeing this kind of talk on more than one site. It concerns me that young girls are seeing this drama and thinking a guy like Young-Do can be "cured" by his alleged feelings for a girl.


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I do hate Young do. He really have issues he needs to work out. But i'm sure the role just shows how great an actor kim woo bin is, 3 high schooler, different feels, different approach. He made me love him so much in school 2013 and i loathe him here. Daebak. He will fall deeply fo eunsang and i think he will have to learn how to channel his feeling not in a terrible way


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I totally agree with you. Young Do always choose to hurt Eun Sang when things do not go his way. Or he threatens and manipulates her. I cannot see how any girl in such an abusive relationship with Young Do will end well.


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Thank you Faye for your remarks!

With some of our past favorite kdramas and a few of the kdramas currently airing, we are actually witnessing violence and abuse (emotional/physical/financial) against women.

This topic of discussion is relevant and should be brought to the forefront. It is harmful to be in a state of denial as if ignoring it means it's not happening.

Some Examples:
Secret Love (Jo Min-Hyuk choking Kang Yoo-Jung possibility of them ending up as an OTP)
Heirs (Choi Young-Do intentionally tripping Cha Eun-Sang)
Mi-Rae's Choice (Kim Shin throwing a cup of water in Mi-rae's face)
Gu Family Book (Park Moo-Sol against Park Chung-Jo and Yoon Seo-Hwa)
Gakistal AKA Bridal Mask (Lee Kang-To torturing before eventually marrying Mok Dan)
Secret Garden (Kim Joo-Won and Kil Ra-Im in the infamous bedroom scene from episode 13)

We are nearing the end of 2013, and it's hard to witness all of the denials when violence/abuse occurs and those quick to say it's okay to forget that the guy subjected the woman to some form of abuse before he fell in love with her.

Many have posted about how they are searching/seeking/questioning the overwhelming absence of feminism for 1st and 2nd female leads.

Messages matter particularly from television/movies to society and present/future generations!


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@August - re: your Gu Family Book example - could you clarify exactly what Park Mu-seol did to Chung-jo and Seo-hwa? Or did you mean Jo Gwan-woong? Because I was disgusted by the path the writer chose for Chung-jo- possibly the most interesting and layered character in that story, and a wonderful performance from Lee Yubi, but oh god it made me wince, as a feminist.

(I know JB and GF gave up on I Miss You after what was done to its heroine, but personally I think stories like Gu Family Book are far more damaging and a horrible message to viewers - rape written into a story only as an illustration of how evil a villain is, and then having the story of the rape survivor sidelined because she isn't the main lead? Only to end in her being left foreveralone and pining for a love she can't have, in a career that's her last-ditch effort to make the best of her terrible situation?

At least I Miss You acknowledged that a survivor of rape could move on with her life and find happiness and even love again - I can't believe an OTT melo manages to be more positive on that front than a comedy fusion sageuk. And for that alone, the writer of Gu would be forever on my shit list, even without the stupidity of the plot and ending.


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Thanks for the correction! I meant what Jo Gwan-Woong did to Park Chung-Jo and Yoon Seo-Hwa in Gu Family Book.

I am in agreement with you about the rape storylines in I Miss You (survivor of rape trying to move forward in life toward happiness) vs. Gu Family Book (illustration of how evil a villian is).


I guess my point here is that if you're going to be black or white, choose either one of them. Young Do chooses black so it's pretty clear to the viewers what he's like.


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I guess my point here is that if you’re going to be black or white, choose either one of them. Young Do chooses black so it’s pretty clear to the viewers what he’s like.


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Isn't the writer supposed to be a woman? I wonder why she likes to make girls be the rope in a tug-of-war. I mean I can only say…GF, word! Preach it! That girl is going to have her arm snapped pretty soon with all these yanking around. And what is it with men shouting and bossing her around? When you're not her dad, just shut up!!


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I agree there's a lot of yanking around but isn't that common in K dramas? I just put it off as a cultural thing.

Don't even get me started on the whole semantics of feminism and misogyny. I just tried to enjoy my K dramas and not get too deep into certain things...

I also think KT tries to control her (out of fear she might fall for YD) under the guise of protecting her.

But overall, it's obvious he does care about her and wants to keep her safe.

And I actually disagree with the others about the cafeteria scene when he madly yells for her to "get up". This is probably the only time that I agree with his aggressiveness.

She absolutely needed to get up during that scene. If not to stand up for herself, at least to walk away from the bullying.

KT had no other option in that scene. He couldn't just stand there and see the girl he loved get bullied. Plus if she remained sitting, she's pretty much sealing her fate that she would be bullied in that chair every day for the remainder of d school year.


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It's a slow pace but I'm with u all the way ;)


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Why is Youngdo falling for her? Just because he is lonely? I don't understand this development. They should've done more with this, like ES challenging him openly against bullying(like in BOF).


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It makes absolutely no sense why he is falling for her. Yes his life is void of love and warmth so if she had done one nice thing for him, it would have made sense. However, all we see is a girl who is shaking like a leaf in his presence, when he forces her to spend time with him. Yet, by some magic, he is falling lol


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Because it's a Korean drama and it would not be without someone to challenge the main lead for the girl! :D. If I were to justify it I would say that he started messing with her to f*ck up with Tan but now he's falling for real. Sigh. We also got a small explanation about his fascination with her when she stood up to Rachel. Still, I'm not buying it. I love Woo Bin and I don't hate YD but his relationship with ES seems like filler and forced to create conflict for the drama.


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Although i hated Jandi in BOF, but atleast she stood up against bullying that made her intriguing for Junpyo. Here this girl Eunsang is just.....


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because there'd be no story without it. and really, tan also fell for her while he was lonely, during his "exile" in California.


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for Asian drama, the plot like this will normally begin with second male lead try to get the girl because he wants to challenge with the male lead, even though the girl does nothing. Then after some times of following her around, keep and eyes on her, talking and teasing, he will fall for her for real.


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He first sees her in grumpy mode, when she's calling the cops on the harassing ajusshis/getting her convenience store drink without even looking at him. I'm guessing the fact that she's chippy enough to stand up to Rachel just adds to it. I don't mind the love triangle though it might even be fun if he wasn't scaring ES all the time, but I just feel like he and Rachel are better-matched.


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Today is Halloween.

Go trick-or-treating at Tan's house.

You will find The. Biggest. CANDY. Evar.



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omg i just died


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Bwahahaha.... ^^


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LOL! So funny!


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A+!!!!Oh Honey!


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That was the funniest comment I have seen for days :D


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LOL! Perfect! This is why I love this sight! :)


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Looooool. cracked me up...!!!!


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LMAO!!!You said it!


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I am dead of lols, omg.

Dead, buried, asshes scattered to the wind.


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The scene where Tan and Youngdo walked out of the cafe with the smoothies really reminded me of A Gentleman's Dignity even though they aren't exactly bffs atm. LOL


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Wow, you guys are fast!!! Thanks for the recap!


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My biggest worry for this drama is that we'll be thrust into that terrible BOF whirlpool of recycling the same damn problem again and again and again, each time more and more suffocating to watch. 8 episodes into the drama and I still don't know where we're going, family problem-wise and romance-wise. Grr. But there are the little parts of the drama that do make me laugh, like Youngdo getting his motorcycle towed away. Heh.


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Right. Still can't get over the fact that episode 5 and 6 ended with the same cliffhangers last week.

The good thing is it's only 20 episodes and there's just sooo many good characters, so I don't doubt the stories will get juicier in a hurry.

This show is starting up very slowly unlike most K-dramas that get right into the plot on episode #1.


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swear if this kind of stop and go drama will prolong i am sure they will have a long gap of ratings with secret....am not sure about the writer but as viewer the plot is getting and getting far away...and it's already at ep 8 they are almost at the half of the story if it's on 20 episode part ..and the actors are all good...writer push a bit because the glamour is slowly slipping away...
this is the reason i am a little bit hesitant watching this drama....okay a bit more chapter to bear...am still deciding...to continue stalk it or just read the blogs...


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I don't know how I feel about the rooftop kiss yet, because it seem from the pull away angle that both their mouths were moving. Oh and that closet scene was hot fire! That was a wasted kiss scene for sure, and a much better one.

I agree that I wish that they would stop pulling ES around though, it is giving me whiplash. Both guys make her do things all the time. Only difference is, she doesn't want to do them with YD, but I think deep down all the things she has done with Tan she wanted to do

I also don't think it is necessary to have a love triangle. I do not want to see any romantic scenes with YD and ES. I also don't think he needs her to change him. I also don't see anything that has happened in the show to make me believe that he has fallen for her. This is one of the biggest flaws in the show.

I think Tan yelled at her because he saw that she was visibly shaking, and it pained him. It made him angry to see her in that position. So when he told her to get up quietly and she didn't move out of fear, he yelled at her for her to snap out of it and get away. I get him in that moment.

Young Do is showing some emotion, however at the same time, he is the same demented person he has always been. Because now he wants to win her heart and beat Tan using dirty tricks. smh


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I agree !


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me too! :)


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Thank you!

The only time I fully agree with Tan's aggressiveness was that cafeteria scene.

It was understandable and he absolutely needed her to get up from the bullying. I felt his pain in that scene. That "GET UP" was necessary.


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Girlfriday, I feel you, totally.
And to think that just yesterday I said that Tan was cute. This episode He was creepy, stalkerish, pushy, annoying, needy, etc. His Brother is The same by The Way. I wish I had counted how many times this episode a guy demanded a terrified girl to explain something to him and I was thinking: just tell The bastard it's none of His business and WALK AWAY!
Oh, ES! How glad I was when you left those 2 idiots at The café! I thought: yeah, that's what I'm talking about girl! But you were just teasing me with your would-be awesomeness to hurt me later with you spinelessness.:(
Really, today The male characters on this show (except CY anb Hyo Shin) won The Jerk Oscar.
But you know what? This was The episode that really got to me, I was angry, I was glad, I was feeling something, and that is an improvement, to me, over past episodes when I didn't feel anything.


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I just thought of smth to add: I feel like ES is kidnapping victim Who is suffering Stockholm syndrome. The boys are her kidnappers and she fell in Love with one of them (KT). Of course he's not all bad, especially of compared with YD, but I hope Next episode He decides to stop The bossiness and to mind her feelings too.
Just one last thing: if YD likes ES because she walks around in her sleep, looks constantly terrified and avoids him, how are we supposed to buy this pairing?


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Based on recaps and comments, this sounds like a drama I should watch after it finishes its airing since things move slow and show feels breezy. Like its okay daddys girl. Which was no punch but very addictive.


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Part of my problem with this writer is her treatment of women and it was here in spades for this episode. I'm dizzy with Eun Sang's personality changes. Considering how much better the two mothers are written this surprises me. To me it feels like LMH is sleeping walking through this show. And KWB? I know Ed Westlake played Chuck Bass in the first season of Gossip Girl with no redeeming values, but there are only 20 episodes for this show and I wonder if there is time for the character to be redeemed.


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If you are seeking and enjoy "surprising moments" of feminism from female characters, then watch Mi-rae's Choice.


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If you want to see the Candy beat the crap out of the jerk, and drag him around by the wrist, watch Secret.


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When did this happen?


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After 8 episodes, basically nothing much has happened.


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This writer is sick. It amazes me that she is a woman. Why she keep writing male characters who are forceful, physical without consent? And then she will show us that female character is falling for it.


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Contrary to all the complaints about the drama
I kinda like what's happened in ep8
Kim tan is now more aggressive and stepped up his game. While I don't like that he had to kiss her to shut her up, well he did passively gave her a lot of time and honestly confessed his feelings. Any longer I would have been bored.
YD did wring some sympathy from me this ep. He's an ass but he does have A soft spot for ES. Tripping her was uncool but when it comes to pissing KT off I suppose it's no barriers for him. I'm intrigued by how mad he is at KT for being a illegimate child. I don't think it's that irrational considering how he hates his dad and his affairs. But then again, you have to be real buddies before you feel THAT betrayed. I wanna know more.
I agree that ES is the weak link. She's a poorly written character and simply just dims when put in the middle of 2 alpha dogs. I won't blame PSY it's a writing problem
Honestly, iI'm actually still liking show. There's potential in the character set ups. It's the execution that's slow but I can see it improving.
And also it's LMH that's making the difference. I don't know why he picked this out of everything else but show is making it because of him. He made a potential boring first lead to someone that is pretty endearing. He's trying his best to wring whatever chemistry with PSY. (Something teach that girl how to kiss my gawd! She's so awkward) and his eyes are on fire. It takes something to make a passive character into something (okay maybe pSY could have done more to ES then) LMH is a fine example of good acting. Adding layers to the writing? Doesn't hurt that he's eye candy too. I have to say superficially as it is, he is super good looking in this show. That alone can sell the show but it's a terrible wAste of his skills.


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That's it. I'm done with this crap.

I want to find the writer and choke her. That's right, she gives me murderous intents. I WANT TO STRANGLE HER!! grrrrraaah!

The only character I care about is Bo Na and mom.

And OMG, somebody teach PSH how to KISS PROPERLY dammit!


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"I want to find the writer and choke her. That’s right, she gives me murderous intents. I WANT TO STRANGLE HER!! grrrrraaah!"

Maybe that's why so many of you always end up disappointed with shows. You seem way to emotionally invested in these things.


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It's more about her treatment of women, it drives me crazy.


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Me too... You have to make the audience emotionally invested in the show for it to succeed, otherwise no one would bother to tune in. When your target audience is women, one can't help being annoyed when the author abuses them so. Poor PSH... Why does her character have to be so bipolar? I have not seen ep 8... if this tug of war thing I am hearing about continues I may have to wait for the whole series to come out and skip through to watch the non-weakling PSH scenes.


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yes the kiss properly thingy. No more cold fish kissing! do you hear us PSH??? Yoo hoo where are you? LOL :D


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I have to say I am also conflicted by my feelings on this epi. On one had I am liking some forward movement, and a lot of the interaction, and at the same time I'm like okay, I'm just saying no to the cowering female when a guy gets up in her personal space, or the girl as a chew toy thing.

That the guys actually took the drinks cracked me up.

Kang Haneul and the character of Hyo-shin are delightful. More.

Is Kim Won possessed by a troll?

Eun-sang really needs to meet Hyun-joo and see her future self. And then run screaming out of that house and high school.

The scene of Young-do on the couch contemplating how much of a sociopath he was...because hey, we all know it really was not about Eun-sang but about that why he doesn't think he wants to kill her...was pretty neat to look at with all the colors and shapes and patterns and there he is a study in black and white...very nice. I am liking the use of color in this episode.

I hope no teeth were broken in filming that...kiss. At least PSH was allowed to break the bug eye trope. Thank you writer, director, producer, drama god, whomever that allowed that one small step forward.

I can completely understand Eun-sang's fear of Do-young. That she's not punching him in the nads doesn't make us love her, but it's understandable. That table scene was most interesting in that Do-young, for once was oblivious. He did not get that she was absolutely terrified of him.

The pact between Kenickie and Rizzo to break up Danny and Sandy does not bode well.

The Mom's..so bizarrely funny.

I have more thoughts I will have to write up later.


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I love you!Can we be friends?

"Is Kim Won possessed by a troll?" Good question but I think this might be more or a dementor problem.

The table scene was sad...the bully just wanted a quiet happy lunch with his object of interest. Kinda like uncle scar before he almost ate Zazu...

The Young-Do sociopath contemplation really was encouraging. I mean seeing him reflecting on his inability to completely wipe her out really really moved me.


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I agree with both of you.

How about a troll dementor? I tried to turn him into a toad last night, but it didn't work. :)


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Dementor, lol. Scar! omg, good one too.

The look in YD's eyes, What? Why aren't you eating? He thinks just because he wasn't feeling like pulling of her fingernails at the moment, she should know that she's safe and enjoy his fabulous company!


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to all of you at #38, you are all hilarious. It is so fun to read all your thoughts, keep going ... :)


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Can I treat all of you ladies in this thread number to virtual cupcakes? You crack me up *and* make me want to cheer. Yay for women who realize that an emotionally and physically abusive sociopath navel-gazing about why he hasn't tormented someone even more than he's already doing does NOT = romance. Yeesh.


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CUPCAKES! I'm totally in.


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So agree with you about Kang Ha Neul and wanting more of him. He (and his character Hyo Shin) are charming the socks (and maybe some other clothing items) off me.


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Yeah, I could see how that could happen. :)


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Those who don't like the show , don't bother watching meanwhile the rest of us will be having fun XD

Ok so the acting and plot is not the most fantastic I have ever seen but the show is totally fun and I am enjoying it so far.

Good parts
-Tan and ES - love them, love the banter. Please kiss like proper teenagers,touching lips= failure. Do it like Rachel's mom and that lawyer guy (hot) XD
-Bo Na - girl you crazy, relax girl lol
-Ahjumma and Tan's mom- hilarious
-Rachel's mom and lawyer guy - show em how it's done
-CYD - good bad guy ( hate him tho )

Other thoughts...
-CYD- mean for no reason with daddy issues? Just jack off and get over your self. Tripping people? Dude....
-Guys always following CYD- Seriously? Get a life and a haircut while you're at it
-CYD dad- oh so you know judo or whatever, still a short mofo
-Rachel - bitch, move on . Shoe game is tight tho XD
-Tan's bro- sexy as hell but please get the stick out of your ass
-Tan's dad- you should have heard from a hundred mouths stop sleeping around !
-ES - next time a rich sexy guy who u like (stop pretending) is pushing up against you in a dark room with nobody around , flinching is not what you do. You have more episodes to redeem yourself ( wags finger) XD

Thanks for the recap! Do I like Heirs? Yup!!! XD


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Haha i agree, do it like Rachel's mom and Chan young's dad.


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LOL! Well said!


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Same! Well said!!


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And if you don't like their comments , just pass by and no need to read it , ok ? When a drama airs , viewers have right to watch or not and have right to comment bad or good . If it satisfy them , they will give good words and if not , they will bash them . So me too , firstly I 'm very eager to watch this show , but after many eps , I always sleepy and feel bored with nothing aims .
Besides , after reading some comments about Secret , I found that first , I don't like the cast but now really atracted me to Secret show . Wonder Ji Sung , and Bae So Bin . How manly he is and the result is rating of Secret is always highest every Wed_ Thursday . Perhaps, Heirs is a stepback of Lee Min Ho and all others , except Kang Min Hyuk and Krystal _new star film .


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"And if you don’t like their comments , just pass by and no need to read it , ok ?"

Now let's be honest, how can you tell if you don't like a comment unless you read it?


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Good point and sense of humour Momoi!

Can't wait till next week!


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Although I love Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye ( are two of my favorites ) I admit that this drama is not filled my expectations, the worst is that I do not blame her performance if the script is terrible , they are in a maze not lead to any leaks out after leak after leak sometimes I feel I'm seeing different scenes thrown randomly aimed at just fill in the chapter

For me Lee Min Ho at first conveyed the pain of being exiled Kim Tan and betrayed but now only see a man who regrets and sees a pretty girl an outlet for his terrible and monotonous life . On Park Shin Hye says what people say personally I think a great actress but the writer made ​​his character a girl without nuances or gray life in this world is only for existing, I think that the error of these two actors was swayed by the fame of the writer and not think that characters were going to face a shame if you ask me

It was disappointing because I like the action of LMH and PSH and eager to work together one day and showed me a drama to never forget , things did not go as I expected and if I blame my expecting much from this drama such once only had my bar high .


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Did anyone else find the scene with YD and MS amusing or was it just me? I found MS singing and dancing to ZE:A's 'Aftermath' rather comical... obvious but comical. All together now:

Jakku hayeomeopssi nunmuri na
Jakku hayeomeopssi seogeulpeojjeo
Neoreul ssaranghan dwi maeil
Jami ojiana
I jidokan huyujeung ttaemune nan


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I like the show though it's not as good as Marry Him if You Dare. I want to see more scenes with Won and the Teacher!!! I did not expect to like Bo Na but I do. She is acting like a mean girl but she is a sweet person and she really cares for her boyfriend!


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All the hype for this drama was for nothing.


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MAAAAAAAN totally agree! What is up with these two boys salivating over eun sang like they own her.

Almost every single scene when they're going nuts, I'm saying "If it were me, I'd say 'listen, you guys are f#$king crazy... I'm outta here." Their sweet fighting words with each other is also getting old... Let's see something happen... stop teasing it. You're either going to do something about it or you're not. It's been 4 episodes or so since you guys met, let's get the show on the road.

I think the most problem I have with this drama is the sheer amount of fragmentation. There are SO many characters, and each character gets their own snippet of screen time/storyline throughout the episode... so at the end of the day, nothing really happened.

I've been waiting for Eunsang to start doing the broadcasting since she applied for the job... it took I think 2 episodes (?) for her to get accepted?? I want to know what is this broadcasting job suppose to offer her. Why is this being teased??

ARGH! This show needs to be 2 hours long for me to actually feel like it's moving. !!! >:(


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You know what would be epic? If Eun-sang went to King Kim and said, hey, I am really grateful for the opportunity to go to your school, but you clingy son keeps hitting on me and his psycho former best friend is trying to decide to hit on me or kill me. So you know, it's been real, but I'm going to have to bounce.


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ahahahahaha, THIS.

In an alternate universe that would happen.


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That would actually be the coffee shop smoothie maneouevre on a GRAND scale, and it would absolutely rock.


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Favorite comment ever. That just cracked me up!


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THAT is hilarious. I WISH she would have said something like that. Good one.


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girlfriday I think you missed something vital and it surprises me that you did. You talked about the difference in eun Sung's personality in those scenes, but I feel it has to do with the environment. She doesn't mind dealing with him much it seems outside of school, but when she is at school it is much harder for her.

And Hyun Joo with Won or with Hyo-shin? Gah her and Won are cute (i like that scene with the car) but her and Hyo shin are super cute together as well.

The scene of them on the bench at school was really funny too. And I'm loving Bona more than I thought I would. Do agree the light moments are nicer, but that's true for everything.


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I think she is missing them because she isn't enjoying the show. Do you know what I mean? When you enjoy a show, you see the details. When a show becomes a chore, you only see it superficially. I understand her. Atleast she is non biased and basically dislikes the whole set up of the drama, so I can understand.


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Hmm that's true. I felt that way watching I Hear Your Voice.


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I have started calling Young Do Chuck Bass 2.0. There are too many similarities.


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omfg i keep saying this ALL THE TIME. haha. when he pulled that thing with the family photo i literally said to my friend "such a chuck bass moment right there" & she totally agreed. if only young do would hurry up with his redemption haha.


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And Rachel is Blair? I see that too...scheming together and everything


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even though many people have overall negative critiques for this drama, i still love it so much...probably /because/ it encompasses so many drama cliches. BUT at the same time i'm enjoying the fact that everyone is refreshingly upfront about their feelings.
the only thing that irritates me about this drama is the inconsistency of eun sang's character that you mentioned. i think i was blinded by PSH because i really love her so much. but i just cannot understand how a person can go from being so brazen - calling people out, standing her moral ground, etc - to being so cowardly - acting helpless, constantly crying, shaking in fear over someone who she once asked, "why should i be afraid of you?"
seriously?! she's the LEAD. shouldn't the development of her character be a priority above all others?! it's been annoying me for awhile but really came to a point for me in this episode, probably for the reason you mentioned. from the scene in the coffee shop to her being tormented by young do/rescued by tan...that was irritating.


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ugh THIS.

after the smoothie thing (which was hilarious and wonderful) I was hoping that after tan came over to the table at lunchto resume his dick-waving contest with young-do, eun-sang would slam her food on the table and walk away or something. but no... she just gets pulled into the fray and ends up in tears. I haaaate that the main female doesn't even get to have a consistent personality. sometimes she's sassy and bold, and sometimes she's just a pawn in the boys' chess game of male dominance.. but which type of person she is: a given scene depends solely on what kind of catalyst the two boys need.... I feel like I'm one of the few people who even still likes this drama, but I really reeeeally don't love this particular aspect of the writing.


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I agree with ya'll. i love this drama b/c of it's potential, and super charismatic acting. but the writing drives me up the wall. I get the feeling that kim eun sook (the writer) has a penchant for creating your stereotypical candy girl out of female leads. it makes all the wrist grabbing, forced hugging and kissing LESS HOT when then heroine doesn't have her own agency. it feels like she's a prop used for us to ogle at how manly and romantic kim tan and (in a twisted way) young do are. i would get so much more out of the wrist grabbing/aggressive moves if we saw that eun sang had her own voice, b/c then the wrist grabbing is better contextualized a sign of desperation, or exasperation. not just some "romantic move." IT'S SO FRUSTRATING. for example, in a drama like "My Name is Kim Sam Soon," that drama did a GREAT job of giving Kim Sam Soon agency, so that when our Sam Shik pulled those moves like forced dragging away or kissing, it was so much more electrifying and HOT. we knew it wasn't just a move that was being made .... to be made.


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So fast! Gumawo!
I cant believe the one love I keep going for Heirs now is Lee Bo Na, haha,


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As always, cool recap thanks 
I'm loving the pantry moment too... LMH and his charm ... ok, back to the epi 8. I think it's settle, i can never hate this epi, although please add more story for Won Oppa... That voice of him is a complete dream


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I love KT and ES scenes. I love how KT confessed his feelings to ES, especially how he missed her and wanted her to stay longer with him in LA. I think KT is expressing his love to ES in a respectable, but passionate way. He only becomes possessive when YD comes into the picture. If you were to say that KT is forcing ES and it's not cool. I disagree because if you call forcing, that would be YD and GJP style. KT passionately expresses how he feels and we know that ES does have feelings for KT too. If it wasn't for their backgrounds and if the setting was still back in LA, maybe their relationship would progress faster. I'm pretty sure ES would have fallen head over heels in love with KT. But, being back in Korea, the territory she's in is too dangerous that it holds her back from confessing her love. I think YD will blackmail ES to going out with him, but eventually YD will see that ES does love KT. I'm pretty sure we will see a lot of KT and ES glances from afar and their own silent tears wishing they could be with each other that will make YD give up on ES to be with KT. I'm getting ready to get my heart broken when this happens in the future episodes. I know it's gonna hurt so baddddddddd that I'm going to want to throw things at my computer. I will savor KT and ES scenes for now because I know they won't be able to be together for a while, later on. T_T


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I agree, I don't think KT is forcing her at all. Yes he is pushing her to confess what he already knows and that is that she likes him too. I also sense that he feels a sense of urgency because he knows she is calculating in her mind all the cons to why this relationship will not work, and he doesn't want her to dwell on that. I don't have a problem with him dragging her around, because she does the same to him. It is mutual grabbing.


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ha ha :D luv the mutual grabbing. that is so true to truth!!


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